#most powerful mantra to get rid of enemies
talonabraxas · 5 months
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Powerful Maa Durga Mantras – For Protection – In Sanskrit
Most Powerful Maa Durga Mantras
Durga Mantra
“Sarva Mangala Mangalye Sive Sarvartha Sadhike
Saranye Trayambike Gauri Narayani Namostute”
In Sanskrit:
सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
Meaning : ‘She is the most auspicious one and the one who bestows auspiciousness upon all of the world. She is pure and holy. She protects those who surrender to her and is also called the Mother of the three worlds and is Gauri, daughter of mountain king. We bow down to Mother Durga again and again. We worship her.’
Benefit : This mantra is recited almost during all celebrations, rituals and events. Regular chanting can give wisdom and strength combined with a prosperous life.
Devi Stuti
“Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shanti rupena sangsthita
Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shakti rupena sangsthita
Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, matri rupena sangsthita
Yaa devi sarva bhuteshu, buddhi rupena sangsthita
Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namo namaha’‘
In Sanskrit:
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता ।
या देवी सर्वभुतेषु बुद्धिरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
‘The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal mother
The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
Oh Goddess (Devi) who resides everywhere in all living beings as intelligence and beauty,
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again.’
Benefit : This universal Durga Mantra blesses one with power, prosperity and positive energy. It helps build inner power and allows him to develop healthy, loving relationships. Chanting of this Mantra blocks negative thoughts and banish ignorance.
Durga Dhyan Mantra – Durga Mantra for Meditation
In Sanskrit:
ॐ जटा जूट समायुक्तमर्धेंन्दु कृत लक्षणाम |
लोचनत्रय संयुक्तां पद्मेन्दुसद्यशाननाम ||
Benefit : this mantra is done before chanting other Durga Mantras. It helps one to achieve better concentration in his work and in anything he does. If a student lacks concentration while studying, this mantra will help him a lot.
Durga Shatru Shanti Mantra (For destruction of enemies)
In Sanskrit:
रिपव: संक्षयम् यान्ति कल्याणम चोपपद्यते |
नन्दते च कुलम पुंसाम माहात्म्यम मम श्रृणुयान्मम ||
Benefit : This powerful Durga Mantra provides one protection against one’s enemies. If he chants this Mantra he will get rid of enemies and from the people who are jealous of him. This Mantra also helps in achieving welfare and bliss in one’s life. If this Mantra is chanted regularly, it will help with one’s well-being.
Durga Sarv Baadha Mukti Mantra (For Removal of all Obstacles)
Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah |
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om ||
In Sanskrit:
ॐ सर्वाबाधा विनिर्मुक्तो, धन धान्यः सुतान्वितः।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशयः ॐ ।।
Benefit : This Mantra provides one with relief from any kind of problem and misery in his life. It helps one in earning lots of money, and creating wealth & prosperity.
Durga Duh Swapna Nivaaran Mantra (Mantra for protection from bad dreams and omens)
In Sanskrit:
शान्तिकर्मणि सर्वत्र तथा दु:स्वप्नदर्शने |
ग्रहपीडासु चोग्रासु माहात्म्यं श्रृणुयान्मम ||
Benefit : This Durga Mantra helps to achieve peace in every difficult stage of one’s life. If one often suffer from nightmares, chanting this Mantra will help him get relief from them. Soon he will be free from every kind of negative, fearful dream & thought.
Chanting this Durga Mantra will help one in neutralizing and minimizing the negative effect of every ‘grah’ (planetary movement) which can bring negative energy in to his life.
Durga Ashaant Shishu Shanti Pradaayak Mantra (Mantra for calming restless and fearful baby)
In Sanskrit:
बालग्रहभिभूतानां बालानां शांतिकारकं |
सङ्घातभेदे च नृणाम मैत्रीकरणमुतमम ||
Benefit : If one’s child is suffering from spectral problems and is haunted by negative souls, then he should chant this Durga Mantra. Durga Devi will lay her mercy on his child. She will help to eliminate any negative energy that is disturbing one’s child.
Shakti Mantra
In Sanskrit:
शरणागत दीनार्तपरित्राण परायणे। सर्वस्यातिहरे देवि नारायण नमोस्तुते।।
सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वेशक्तिसमन्विते । भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ।।रोगनशेषानपहंसि तुष्टा। रुष्टा तु कामान् सकलानभीष्टान्।।
त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां। त्वमाश्रिता हृयश्रयतां प्रयान्ति।।
सर्वाबाधा प्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि। एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्दैरिविनाशनम्।।
सर्वाबाधा विर्निर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसुतान्वित:। मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशय:।।
जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी । दुर्गा शिवा क्षमा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते ।।
Meaning : ‘You who are perpetually endeavouring to protect the weak and the poor and remove their misery. Oh Narayani, I pray to you.
Oh Goddess Durga, please protect us from all kinds of fear. Oh omnipotent Durga, I pray to you.
Oh Goddess, when you are pleased, remove all ailments and when you are angry, destroy everything that a person desires for. However, those who come to you for sanctuary never have to confront any casastrophy. Instead, such people secure enough merit to provide shelter to others.
Whoever listens to the story of the Goddess during the great Puja that is organised in the winters succeeds in overcoming all obstacles and is blessed wealth and progeny.
Oh Goddess, bless me with good fortune, good health, good looks, success and fame. Oh Vaishnavi, you are the very basis for the world. You have mesmerized the World. When you are pleased with some one you ensure his salvation from the cycle of life and death.
Oh Goddess, you who are known by the names of Mangala, Kali, Bhadra Kali, Kapalinee, Durge, Kshama, Shivaa, Dhatri, Swahaa, Swadha, I pray to you.’
Benefit : Durga Maa protects her devotee from all the evils & mishappenings and stays in his favour in every aspect of life.
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Thus, it is said that the mantras are a method to connect to one’s innerself. Chanting of the Durga mantras continuously affects the chanter and the listener both symbolically. The effectiveness of these mantras is said to depend on the mental discipline involved and its correct recitation. These are words with great power, and have the potential to help solve one’s issues and relax his mind. Mantras to Goddess Durga are famous in Hinduism and are very effective for creating positive change in one’s life.However, the mantras are most effective when recited in the following ways as mentioned below.
Ways to Chant Durga Mantras
Before invoking Goddess Durga, one should take a bath early in the morning and wear clean clothes.
Then, the idol or photo of deity should be placed on a clean platform where one wants to worship Her.
The deity should be worshipped with Roli (red colored powdered or red sandal), Flowers, Balepatra and Kumkum (vermillion).
Goddess Durga is, hence, a multi-dimensional Goddess, with many personas, many names, and many facets and through all her forms, She is the embodiment of sacrifice, purity, knowledge, salvation, truth and self-realization.
So, by chanting the healing Durga mantras daily, all the mental, physical and economic problems of our life would be eliminated and Goddess Durga would protect us against all types of harm with compassion.
Goddess Durga by Talon Abraxas
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scalamore · 1 year
[thoughts] Tory/Lari - On Rupert becoming Emperor
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I could have sworn I made a post about it, but guess not. I find it interesting that both Tory and Lari tell Rupert that he'll become Emperor, but he attributes the credit (for lack of better word) to Lari. Objectively, Tory did most of the work in ensuring Rupert becomes Emperor, as she was created for this purpose. Eva had trained him from an early age to be good at politics, alchemy, and general knowledge, as well as training him how to read other people/get them to do what he wants, and of course, feeding him poison so he could be resistant to it. After she died, Tory took over in making sure he stays on track on their mission. Rupert continued his studies and obtaining his own power/wealth, while she acted as a spy/assassin to get rid of his enemies in the background.
The thing is, while Tory always reminds him to stay focused for the sake of the mission, to become Emperor, and how she's doing all the dirty work for his sake, the tone used is that she's spurring him on to become Emperor out of his guilt for being the reason why she was turned into an alchemic doll in the first place. It's what his mother wanted, so of course he's going to fulfill those wishes, esp since she DIED for his sake to become Emperor. (Vol 5 + Ch 88) It's more of an expectation that he WILL become Emperor.
Rupert knows that his plans are perfect, that he WILL become Emperor or he'll die trying - When he shows some weakness in front of Tory, she simply tells him that pain is necessary in pursuit of becoming Emperor (omitted in the novel version of Ch 84). Actually I think the phase "life is all about pain" was omitted from the manhwa? In any case, Rupert mentioned it a few times, and lari learns that Tory is the one who taught him that phrase - and for the first part of the story, Rupert had used that as sort of a mantra to keep him going. Over the course of the story, we see how hard he worked to achieve this goal. Tory, Louis, and Fassbender are his underlings/tools, they offer him not emotional support. He's been utterly alone for most of this - we see how tired and fatigued he is from the whole ordeal (his eye bags!!). He never complained in S1, but as we see him getting closer to Lari and opening up, he, just like any other person, has a lot of weakness: overworked, anxious, and stressed. He always has moments of self-doubt that he'll die at any time, that he'll fail, he won't accomplish anything. That's why he uses the lopium to help him calm down and sleep - otherwise, insomnia plagues him + wakes up from nightmares about the Emperor/Eva. There were times when he just couldn't sleep - like in chapter 60, where he would go outside for fresh air, and he would find Lari doing the same. While neither went into details of the cause of their inability to sleep, the two felt comfort in each other's presence - the idea that both are miserable and lonely, but at least they were less lonely. Vol 5 goes into detail in Rupert's POV that there were many times when he couldn't sleep, and somehow Lari would find him, trotting up with a lantern in hand, and ask if he was doing ok, if he felt sick and if he needed help. Despite having worries of her own and couldn't sleep, he still very much appreciated how she worried for him during those moments.
Tory may have first mentioned it in chapter 45, and especially after rescuing her from Duke Ventibolt's mansion and after becoming crown prince, he NEEDs Lari's existence now. Even if Lari is in denial about how much she cares for him and tries to convince herself she doesn't - she actually does. Now more than ever, Lari openly shows him her concern for him, worries if he's doing well, if he's eating well, if he's eating enough, if he's taking care of himself properly if he's getting rest, if he should get MORE rest etc. She genuinely does care for him.
As he says in Ch 97, he shows his weakness and vulnerability in front of Lari - he's never been like this in front of Tory - and tells her that he's endured this whole time. He's been enduring everything - being a powerless princess, the abuse, the physical and mental trauma, the fear of failure, the emptiness, the loneliness - but now he reached his goal, what else is there? what left is there to endure? what will he do next? is life going to be him putting up with everything from now on? will it ever get better? has nothing actually changed?
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Even in his moments of insecurity and feeling lost, Lari always gives him reassurance that "He WILL become Emperor" with a smile of encouragement (Ch 60, 68) He doesn't quite understand why she's that confident and such certainty, but she's pretty convincing - the novel version of Ch 97 goes into detail that Rupert made it sound like he was able to become Emperor because she convinced him that he would become one inevitably. I find this interesting because Tory and Lari essentially say the same thing to him - that he will become Emperor, but with Tory, he has a sense of obligation and guilt, that the expectation is on him to become Emperor, that he needs to become Emperor or die trying, that "life is all about pain". (Expectation) Meanwhile, with Lari, she cares about his well-being, and his happiness. She may not be able to help him with tangible things as much as Tory, but she helps out much more in the sense that she offers him intangible things like emotional support - and that's what Rupert truly needs: someone who cares for him, and offers him reassurance, comfort, and warmth to live another day, that all his preparations weren't in vain, that he WILL succeed, that there's hope for happiness and a better future. (Encouragement)
With such encouragement like that, and a strong desire to protect her as well - the source of his happiness and light - of course, he'll do everything he can to become Emperor. Because now that she's around him, if he dies, so will she. (Ch 78) And the drive to protect is powerful indeed. That's why he gives Lari so much credit for her involvement in helping him become Emperor.
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theastrotree · 9 months
Powerful Black Magic Maran Mantra to Kill Enemy
Are you having any kind of problem in your happy and successful life because of your enemies? Is there someone who is causing problems in your family and life? When you are having any kind of trouble do to someone, you must be looking for the best way to get rid of him. Most of the people are having different kinds of enemies in life and they are looking for the best way to get rid of them. Now,…
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What are the rules for wearing 2 Mukhi Rudraksha?
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Introduction One Mukhi Rudraksha is a highly revered and sought after bead in Hinduism. It is believed to have numerous benefits and is said to bring immense good luck to the wearer. However, it is important to note that not everyone can wear One Mukhi Rudraksha. According to Hindu mythology, One Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Lord Shiva and is considered to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha beads. It is said to bring peace, prosperity, and good health to the wearer. However, it is recommended that only those who have a strong spiritual inclination should wear this bead. It is believed that the One Mukhi Rudraksha can only be worn by those who have a pure heart, a clear mind, and a strong desire to attain enlightenment. It is said that the bead has the power to enhance one's spiritual growth and can help one to overcome the obstacles that come in the way of their spiritual journey. It is also important to note that One Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn only after consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer or a spiritual expert. They can guide you on the right way to wear the bead, the right time to wear it, and the right mantra to chant while wearing it. How powerful is 1 Mukhi Rudraksha? One Mukhi Rudraksha is considered to be one of the most powerful and auspicious beads in Hinduism. It is believed to have immense spiritual and healing powers and is associated with Lord Shiva. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha: 1. Spiritual growth: One Mukhi Rudraksha is said to enhance one's spiritual growth and help the wearer to attain enlightenment. It is believed to activate the Sahasrara Chakra, which is the highest chakra in the human body and is associated with spiritual awakening. 2. Good luck and fortune: One Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to bring good luck, fortune, and prosperity to the wearer. It is said to remove obstacles and hurdles from one's path and help in achieving success in life. 3. Healing properties: One Mukhi Rudraksha is said to have healing properties and is believed to cure diseases related to the eyes, ears, nose, and head. It is also believed to improve mental clarity and memory power. 4. Stress relief: One Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and is said to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also believed to promote inner peace and harmony. 5. Protection: One Mukhi Rudraksha is said to protect the wearer from negative energies and evil forces. It is believed to create a protective shield around the wearer and keep them safe from harm. Who all can wear Ek Mukhi Rudraksha? According to astrological facts, anyone can wear Ek Mukhi Rudraksha regardless of their gender, age, or profession. However, it is recommended that one consults with an astrologer before wearing it, as it is considered to be a very powerful bead with strong energies. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is usually made of seeds of a tree that grows in the mountains of India. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is usually made of seeds of a tree that grows in the mountains of India. It is not known exactly where this tree grows or what it looks like, but it has been found to be very powerful. The name "Ek Mukhi" means "one-seed" and refers to how each bead is made up of one seed instead of many seeds strung together as some other types are. The word "rudraksha" comes from two words: rudra (meaning "a type of deity") and aksha ("eye"). In India, people believe that wearing Ek Mukhi Rudrakshas will bring good luck and protect them from evil spirits or curses--and maybe even help them get rid of their enemies! The best time to wear Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is during autumn and winter. The best time to wear Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is during autumn and winter. This is because during these seasons, the sun is at its weakest. In summer, it's at its strongest, so you may not want to wear a lot of Ek Mukhi Rudrakshas then. And in wintertime (when it's cold), it's not as bright as it is during spring or summertime when everything blooms! If you want to be in touch with your inner self, then this is the right time to purchase Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. If you want to be in touch with your inner self, then this is the right time to purchase Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. This powerful rudraksha helps in getting connected with your inner self. It also helps in overcoming fear and other problems related to heart diseases. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn by people who are suffering from diseases of the heart like high blood pressure, cardiac problems, coronary artery disease etc., as it has been found that wearing this type of Rudraksha reduces stress levels and strengthens one's immunity system by providing protection against infectious diseases such as colds or flu viruses This unique rudraksha helps one get connected with their own inner self You can use it to overcome fear, and it is also believed to help in overcoming diseases of the heart. The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha helps one get connected with their own inner self, thus making them feel safe and secure. Instagram Gallery 5401 752 1960 359 2529 618 8230 888 3584 437 9154 112 5285 351 6157 625 6401 527 8313 101 6547 604 6213 536 3324 428 7085 774 9519 992 5432 991 1118 436 9720 899 Recent Posts - What to know before wearing a Garnet stone? - What is Blue Sapphire? Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Rudraksha For you - Natural Kaju Shape 1 Mukhi Rudraksha 4.084 Grams from Nepal I.G.L Lab Certified ₹2,500.00 ₹1,100.00 - Natural Round Shape 1 Mukhi Rudraksha 1.952 Grams from Nepal I.G.L Lab Certified ₹25,000.00 ₹11,000.00 - Natural Round Shape 1 Mukhi Rudraksha 1.928 Grams from Nepal I.G.L Lab Certified ₹25,000.00 ₹11,000.00 Contact Us Conclusion One Mukhi Rudraksha is a powerful bead that can bring immense benefits to the wearer. However, it should be worn only by those who have a strong spiritual inclination and have a pure heart and mind. It is always recommended to consult with an expert before wearing this bead. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, the belief in the power of One Mukhi Rudraksha has been passed down through generations and is still widely followed in Hinduism. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is a unique rudraksha that has been used for centuries by people from all over the world. It helps one get connected with their inner self and helps them overcome fear, anxiety and stress. If you want to wear this special rudraksha then make sure that it is made of seeds from a tree that grows in the mountains of India during autumn or winter months because only then will its benefits be at their best level FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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askganesha · 2 years
The Kala Bhairava Homam & It’s All out Benefits
Kala Bhairava Homam is an auspicious right to appease Lord Kala Bhairava, one of the fiercest manifestations of Lord Shiva, associated with destruction. There are Astanga Bhairavas who control 8 directions of the apparent world. Kala Bhairava is the supreme one and the ruler of the universal time.  
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Benefits of Homam and Mantra
In the scriptures there are detailed descriptions of Kala Bhairava Homam or fire offerings to the Lord. According to Hindu scriptures, Homam is the most auspicious spiritual way on earth to get connected with the divine beings. Kal Bhairava Homam is a great remedial service to receive the blessings of Kala Bhairava.
The Meaning of the name Kala Bhairava
The name ‘Kala Bhairava’ is derived from Veeru meaning Ferocious. Bhairava means the The Supreme Power who dispels fears and saves His devotees from greed, lust, foes and rage. These are all enemies of humankind as they all put hurdles before the mundane people who aspire for the blessings of God. There is also another meaning Bha or Va means ‘creation’, ‘Ra’ means nurturing and again ‘Va’ or ‘Bha’ means Destruction or total annihilation. So Bhairava is that deity who creates 3 stages of life- creation, nurturing and destruction.
What is Homam?
Homam is a fire ritual. Another name of it is homa or havan or yagya or yajana. In homam, the divine presence of the Supreme Lord is invoked following specific procedures. Various materials are sacrificed into fire, along with sacred chanting of mantras. It is believed that the sacrifices reach the specific gods invoked.
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Why Kala Bhairava Homam
Kala Bhairava has the power to tame universal time. He dissolves all delusions, anxieties, fears and negativities of mind. Lord Kala Bhairava makes one fearless. He increases total detachment and offers liberation.
Kala Bhairava Homam is very auspicious and expedites spiritual progress and liberation. According to scriptures, Lord Kala Bhairava comes into fire and receives the prayers of the spiritual aspirants. The Lord is being worshipped through internal fire of the spiritual aspirant and accepts the mantras via that fire of Homam. It is regarded that the internal fire is weaker than the external fire hence it is beneficial to worship the Lord Kal Bhairava burning an external fire. The practice strengthens the internal fire of the aspirant too.
Description of Kala Bhairava Homam
Kala Bhairava Homam is performed by well versed priests. Appropriate mantras and hymns are recited to energize the ritual and increase its efficacy. Ashtami is considered auspicious tithi to perform this Homam. Performing a Kala Bhairava Homam can help one overcome various obstacles that block the success and accomplish expected goals efficiently.
The ritual is performed based on the birth star of the aspirant.
Benefits of Kala Bhairava Homam
As per scriptures, performing of Kala Bhairava Homam can offer the blessings of the Lord in such ways:
Enhancing time management skills
Safeguarding against odd events
Infusion of positive energy
Paving the way to success
Improving financial status
Overcoming debts
Getting rid of negative karmas
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lovespellstip · 2 years
Spell Casters Free of Charge For Wicca Ritual Guidance Step By Step
What Are Spell Casters Free of Charge?
Spell casters free of charge is the place where everyone's problems end. This is a type of group where the world's most famous and powerful Free spell casters gather through the Internet. All of them are always present at your service online or offline.
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What Are Spell Casters Free of Charge For?
Any person who are facing trouble in their life, they can WhatsApp or Call them from anywhere at any time. The only goal of their life is to solve the problems happening in the lives of people, which they do through their powerful spell rituals.
If there is any sorrow in your life, like Love Problem, Money problem, Family problem, Marriage problem, Voodoo problem, Divorce problem or Dark spells problem etc. So you must contact Free spell casters online once. Their mantras are so powerful that you will start feeling the difference as soon as you use them.
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Free love spell casters online have very powerful spells through which they can solve any of your problems in just a few minutes. If you are facing any kind of love problem in life. Whether there is lack of love between husband wife or boyfriend girlfriend or there is no lover in your life and you want to attract your crush. So you contact Spell casters free of charge. They give you some love rituals and also a step by step guide on how you can get the most out of it.
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Yes definitely, spells have enough power to control mind or body of any person. You can control any person for a short time or for a long time and make that person do the work you want.
Spell that control the mind and body are used when you want to make your desired person fall in love with you or marry with them. Apart from this, you can also use it when you want to make someone your slave. Another use of this can also be used by anyone to get rid of their enemies.
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What are some astrological remedies to keep enemies at Bay? || +91 86991 22359
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Vashikaran for Destroy my Enemy
Vashikaran is actually a pure method which is use to solve the problems of the people. Vashikaran for destroy my enemy is such supernatural power that can remove your from your life. Today people have feeling of revenge in their mind. Finances, love, business are some of the fields in which people face problems and make their enemies. Feeling of jealous and hatred always harm the people. If a person does have same feeling for someone they cannot remain happy in their life. But if a person does take the help of vashikaran they can protect them from evil eyes. Vashikaran will help them to get rid from their enemies. Vashikaran is pure form of the magic that should be use with good intentions.
How Vashikaran Protect You From Enemies?
Vashikaran is the old solution which is practiced till now because of its effective results. With the help of vashikaran, you can control the mind of the enemy and make him do whatever you want. Mostly the vashikaran mantras are used in the case of enemies because the enemy can do anything to you in the jealousy maybe even death. That is why it is necessary to opt the powerful vashikaran mantras to protect yourself from enemies. The specialty of this mantras is that your enemy will not be aware that the mantras are chanted upon him/her. Vashikaran mantras help you in the following cases:
· Vashikaran mantras will help you to protect your family and loved ones from the problems.
· It will help to control your enemy completely and make sure that he/she will not create disturbance again in your life.
· If you are facing any problem while achieving success in your career or any loss in business then vashikaran will help you to settle down your enemies.
· It will also help you to protect oneself from unknown enemies.
Vashikaran is the best service in the whole astrology field that provides you with instant results. But make sure to use these mantras under the guidance of an astrologer. Take the help of Astrologer to get the best vashikaran mantras for your problem.
For more info : - https://www.onlinesolutionguruji.com/powerful-mantra-to-get-rid-of-enemies.html
0 notes
On Mr. Mxyzptlk
This guy should be one of Superman's most serious threats, but he's typically just used as a nuisance. Feels like a real waste of potential here considering what he brings to the table.
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Anonymous asked:
What makes Mister Mxyzptlk so fun?
Well let's start off with what works about Mxy currently. Mxy is one of Superman's oldest Rogues, created by Siegel and Shuster themselves. Superman doesn't have many foes who flat out lap him in the power department, but Mxy is one of those few. What use is Superman's physical power against a reality warper who can bend the cosmos to his will with a snap of the fingers? He's an enemy who can't be outpunched or outpowered, he has to be tricked, which means Superman needs to use his brains to win. Simply put he's a good Rogue for when you want to show that Superman doesn't solve everything by "punching harder" as detractors claim. The Fifth Dimension is also an interesting concept, a realm of imagination means it can be whatever you want it to be. A land of color and whimsical inhabitants, or a land of horror that breaks the mind of anyone who is unlucky enough to be brought there. In the right hands the Fifth Dimension can be one of the most fascinating and entertaining concepts within the DCU.
Often I've talked about the motivations and goals of many Superman Rogues being weak. Mxy however has a motivation and goal that actually is unique amongst the Superman Rogues: He just wants to fuck with Superman. That's it, not money, not power, not conquest, not pursuit of higher ideals, not even mere destruction. All he wants is to break Superman, to beat him in a spectacular fashion so that everyone will know what a chump Superman is. You know who else has that kind of relationship with their main hero? The Joker. Really amazed me that seemingly no one has made the connection between the two, given they have a very high profile story with both of them in it (Emperor Joker), and DC has explicitly marketed a few of Superman's villains as "Superman's Joker" in the past. Folks Superman's already got one, one who also has a famous story written in the 1980s by Alan Moore that made him a darker and more serious threat!
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Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow? shows the impact he can make when Mxy decides to stop fucking around and get serious. He's an absolutely terrifying threat that elevates the competence and threat level of the entire Rogues Gallery, and who forces Pre-Crisis Superman to resort to lethal force to defeat him. Mxy was the guy who broke Superman, broke him so bad he hung up the cape and retired. Writers still seemingly viewing him as the lame Silver Age hanger-on they can't get rid of even after that story baffles me. Alan Moore wrote him as a serious threat to Superman, why can't you guys obsess over THAT the way everyone obsesses over The Killing Joke?
As an ongoing threat, Mxy is perfect as he is. Part of him wants to obliterate Superman but the other part has so much fun matching wits with Supes that he wants the fighting to go on forever. A World Without Superman would be too boring for him, so he's torn between the desire to win and fear of whether victory would rob him of his source of entertainment. Being more powerful than Superman but incredibly petty makes him a good foil for Clark as well. While Superman is wholly on board with the "Great Power" mantra, Mxy has all the power in the world but doesn't give a damn about anyone besides himself. Without the moral compass instilled by the Kents, Superman could've easily ended up becoming something similar. An entity who feels no responsibility or compassion for "lesser" beings and only exploits them for his own amusement and pleasure.
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So what doesn't work? Well for starters using Mxy only to do continuity cleanup or Silver Age retro stories is a huge mistake. There's so much potential with this character that I just don't think writers are seeing. Telling stories where Mxy causes some minor mischief that Superman undoes by tricking him into saying his name backwards is fine occasionally. I don't want Mxy to always have to be the serious threat Joker has to where NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME every time he shows up. Flip side of that is that I DO want stories where Mxy is portrayed as being legitimately terrifying and dangerous. When you're dealing with an entity who can erase your kid, your wife, everyone and everything in your life, even you from existence on a whim, that's pretty damn scary.
Otherwise the big gripe I have is that I don't like the way he looks. For an imp from another dimension he just looks kind of boring. Superman has way too many bald villains (I was amused to see Bendis of all people poke fun at that fact). Granted Moore had that pay off in a great way with WHTTMOT but that's still his default look and I am just not impressed with it. Doesn't look cool enough or differentiate him enough to be a bald guy in a suit, especially when you have the perfect reason in-universe to redesign him: the way he looks in our dimension isn't at all what he really looks like. Think it's time to redesign him for a while, let's give Mxy a makeover.
What I'd Do With Mxyzptlk
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Right so first off I want to take some influence from his son Vyndktvx when it comes to Mxy's design. Make him look more outwardly demonic, he is after all a demon from another dimension (that's what a 5-D imp IS, is it not?). Give him attributes like Vyn's multiple faces or arms to make him stand out more in a group shot of the Rogues, features like that go a long way to helping people remember him. Give him hair (a receding hairline is fine), horns, red skin, the whole works. In terms of Mxy's voice, I'd like someone to write him as if he were played by Michael J. Anderson doing a take on his Twin Peaks role (The Man From Another Place). Can't stop thinking about how that distorted voice that character had was achieved by
the actors recite their lines into a recorder, which then plays them backwards to the actors. The then learn this gibberish by heart and recite it again. For the aired series, this recording is then again played backwards
Talking backwards? Now tell me that doesn't sound like the perfect way to capture Mxy of all characters voice. Not sure anyone but Lynch could get anyone on board for that but I would sure love to see a VA try one day. In any event, Mxy shouldn't sound so human, he should sound weird and off, a creepy little monster who unsettles you with the way he talks due to it sounding so inhuman. When it comes to the actual plots I'd do or like to see done with him, I'll just quote the Superman 2000 pitch:
A Loki-ish prankster who uses people's lives as his game pieces. Mxy employs his awesome, five-dimensional reality-warping powers to trap Superman in dangerous, unreal scenarios... a high-stakes upgrade of the Elseworlds concept. No longer content to make buildings sprout wings, Mxy warps the facts of Superman's life in a sustained effort to test and break the Man of Steel's spirit (because the imp's fifth-dimensional intellect rightly understands that Superman's pure soul is his true power). Sometimes aware that he's been thrust into warped histories and sometimes not, Superman can only win these games by rising above the Mxyworlds' temptations to be less virtuous, less positive, less dedicated, less effective than we know he can be. Superman's own inner strength is the key to making Mxy disappear.
God that sounds like an amazing take on Mxy. Feel very confident that Mark Millar was the one who came up with that take, he did something similar with Mxy in Superman Adventures, and his Loki plotline in Ultimates 2 was basically exactly this. Loki changed reality so it looked like Thor was a lunatic instead of a Norse god, and it was only by staying true to himself that Thor was able to beat Loki. Imagine if Superman got a story like that with Mxy? Technically I suppose Superman Reborn was sort of a take on that, but being so mired in fixing continuity really prevents that from being a satisfying story in and of itself. At least that was the case for me anyway.
Way to write Mxy is to do an approach on Morrison's "super sanity" Joker: There's times where Mxy is a harmless prankster who is just here to cause mischief, there's times where he's a serious threat who really is poised to hurt people, and there's times where he's outright malevolent and terrifying, out to corrupt and destroy everything Superman cherishes. Last scenario threatens to repeat the events of WHTTMOT, and Clark has to push himself to his limit to find another way besides killing Mxy to beat him, because Mxy will engineer the end of all existence just to get Superman to break. Would love to see him as the mastermind who gathers all of Clark's Rogues together and makes another attempt at beating Superman by throwing everyone at him. Been too long since we've seen Superman "run the gauntlet" through all of his Rogues at once over the course of an arc, that would be a cool story to do with Mxy, something equivalent to his role in WHTTMOT and Riddler/Hush's role in Batman: Hush.
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Final request, do more with the Fifth Dimension. Waid had a fun story where Superman travels there to troll Mxy the way Mxy always screws with him. Morrison and Snyder portrayed it as a whimsical place of fairy tales. Adding on to that I'd say it can be warm and comforting or cold and terrifying, reflecting the attitude of Mxy and his fellow imps. Perhaps Mxy forces Superman to aid him in order to prevent one of the more malevolent denizens of that realm from conquering it. Or the imps are so entertained by Mxy and Supes battles they want to imprison him there so he can duel Mxy forever. Or the realm is dying and the two have to figure out a way to save it lest everyone lost their ability to imagine. Make it a place that's literally limited only by imagination and you'll have a setting you can return to again and again.
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Mxy is a very awesome character who just needs more love to really show why he's endured as a popular Superman Rogue. I'm not sure if he fits into the current Superman books plans (perhaps Waid will want to use him in his upcoming projects), but I hope that someone out there has a big story to tell that is focused on him. Really want people to see that he's not just a silly nuisance for Superman to swat, but something that can be downright terrifying and entertaining depending on the circumstance.
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educationtimesblog · 4 years
Ms. Aanam Verma  | Head of Department | Asst. Professor Biological Sciences  |  CPSM College of Education | Gurugram
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Most people get upset simply because they don't know what to do when they experience anger in their daily life. Sometimes aggressive behaviour may get their needs met in the short-term, but there are long term consequences. Your words might cause lasting damage to the relationship or even lead to its demise. So here by, I will like to share some simple tips how to tackle the ghost of ANGER.
When calm, express the anger
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As soon as your thoughts are clear, express your frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational way. You must state your concern and needs in a direct and clear way, without hurting others or trying to control them.
Physical Activities
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Physical activity like yoga, stretching, aerobic exercises reduces stress which is the cause root of your anger. Neck rolls and Shoulder rolls are good examples of nonstrenuous yoga like movements, which controls your body and harness your emotions. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or do some enjoyable physical activities like cycling, hit a few golf ball, playing your favourite  game.
Relaxation Exercises
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There are many relaxation exercises but the key is to find the one that works best for you. Breathing exercises and Progressive muscle relaxation are two common strategies for reducing tension. Your breathing becomes shallower and speeds up as you grow angry. Reverse that trend  by taking slow, deep breath from your nose and exhaling out of your mouth for several moments. In Progressive muscle relaxation, try to tense and relax slowly your different muscle groups in your body, one at a time, along with slow deliberate breathe. Eg. Closing tightly & relaxing your fist along with breathe in & out respectively. You can use kids small smiley ball too. Stress balls are also available in the market. Relaxation exercises take practice. At first, you might feel as they are not effective, but with practice, they will.
Warning signs
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Be alert & aware of the emerging signs of anger like fast heart beat, red & hot face, clenching of fist, unable to think properly etc., so that you can take control and prevent it to reach the boiling point. 
 Identify Triggers
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Take stock of things that trigger your anger like traffic jams, sarcastic comments, messy room, work not at time etc. You must structure your day differently and prevent the triggers to take place. 
Be aware of your feelings
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Think critically what real emotions are lurking beneath your anger. Sometimes anger act as a mask to protect you from more painful emotions like embarrassment or disappointment. Acknowledging underlying right emotion can help you to get the root cause of problem. For an example, if someone cancels a plan on which you were so excited, chances are you rush in anger but underlying emotion is disappointment, so you can explain your feelings of disappointment instead of making the scene. Be honest with your feelings, then only you can resolve the issue. Responding in anger just push people away.
 Keep your mouth shut 
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When you are provoked, you may speak rubbish, which will worse the situation rather than any positive result. So, in an argument tightly close your lips as they are pasted. This will help you to take time to collect your thoughts and respond in a mature way.
Repeat a mantra
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                                                          When your temper flares, repeat a mantra or calming word or phrase, that will help you to calm down and refocus. Repeat that word again and again to yourself when you are upset. ‘Relax’, ‘take it easy’, ‘you will be o.k’ or ‘everything will be fine’ are good examples.
Picture a stop sign
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 The universal symbol to stop can help you calm down when you are angry. It’s a quick way to help you visualise the need to halt yourself, your actions and walk away from the moment. You can put any symbol on your back of your hand which will remind you to STOP & control your anger.
Find a creative channel
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You can turn your anger into a tangible production. Consider digital creativity, painting, writing poetry or journal when you feel upset. What you can't say,  perhaps you can write. Jot down what you are feeling and how you want to respond. Processing it through the written words can help you calm down and reassess the events, increases understanding and more possible solutions. Emotions are powerful muscles for creative individuals. Use yours to reduce anger.
Practice Imagination
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                                                                                                                       Just step into a close room, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a relaxing scene. Focus on the details of the imaginary scene. Colour of shedding leaves.... movement of water….brightness of the rising sun etc. This practice can give you calmness, peace, serenity and of course strength.
Keep a calm down kit
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Make collection of objects which helps to engage all your senses. When you can see, hear, smell and touch the calming things you can change your emotional state. So, prepare a calm down kit which may include scented hand lotion, an image  of serene landscape or any relaxing scene, Audio- Video spiritual passage or quotes, a few pieces of your favourite candy. Just include all those things that you know will help you to remain calm. You can create a Portable calm down kit  that you can take anywhere. For example, calming music  and images, guided meditation or instructions for breathing exercises etc. to be stored in a special folder on your smartphone. Keep your bag loaded with hand lotion, perfumed wipes & candies.
Change the focus
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The best way to calm down is to change the focus immediately on something else. It’s better to distract yourself with an activity. Do something that requires your focus and makes more challenging for negative thoughts to creep in. For an Example, organising the wardrobe, deep cleaning the kitchen, weeding the garden, sign a petition, write a note to an official etc. Pour your energy and emotions into something thats healthy and productive which keeps your mind occupied and won’t able to ruminate on the things upsetting you. 
Listen Music
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Let the music carry you away from your frustrated feelings. Put on your earbuds, move to the park or drive the car and listen your favourite music, humming & bopping your anger away.
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Feeling angry, countdown up to 10. If your anger touching the peak, start slow backward count. By the time you count, your heart rate becomes slow, and your anger subsides slowly. 
Sharing with a friend
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Instead of whirling in the episodes that made you angry, you must have a long talk with a friend who is trustful, understands you and your all perspectives and also help you to get rid of the problem. 
Write a letter or Email
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Write a letter or email expressing all the events, even minute emotions which made you angry. After that, delete it. This will help you to release the suppressed emotions and make you at ease. 
Rehearse your response
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Rehearse what & how you are going to say when the same type problem approaches you. This rehearsal period  gives you chance to role play all the  solutions coming to your mind.
Practice empathy
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Fit in other persons shoes and see the situation from their angle. When you narrate a story according to their perspective, you may gain a new understanding and can overpower your anger. Think like a scientist, not a lawyer
Feel the anger but avoid action
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In anger person loses judgement and problem solving skills which makes him rigid & blunt. Ambrose Bierce rightly said “speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret”. Anger drives us to aggress , confront,  take revenge and retaliate. It’s better to go to bed  angry, before sending angry email  keep it for few days, just walk away when fight arises.
Self reflection
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Some person are proud of their anger. Even they achieved nothing, they experience a warm inner glow of self satisfaction .They believe they have accomplished something tough, powerful and righteous. But that's not.  One must see or hear himself in anger once in life. Tennis great  Roger Federer  who was a racket smashing brat in his junior years, was watching himself throwing tantrums on TV that put him off of it throughout the life. 
Take care of yourself 
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Factors like alcohol, pain, fatigue, stress, sickness, unmet drives like hunger, thirst, lust, etc. act as a fuel to anger. Reduce these variables as much as possible. Take proper sleep, make routine timetable, take some time off, streamline your week, delegate, relax, and have nutrition rich diet. 
Stick with ”I”statements
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Criticizm or blame game will always  increase tension. So, use ‘I’ statements while presenting the problem. Keep in mind to be specific and warm. Example say ‘I don’t feel good when you leave the table without keeping the plate in sink’ instead of saying ‘you never help in housework.
Take short breaks
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Give self short breaks during stressful or overloaded days. A few moments of quiet time will help you feel better, focused and prepare you to handle what’s ahead without getting irritated or angry.
Work on solutions
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Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Always remind yourself that anger won’t fix anything and might only make it worse.  
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Learn to Forgive. If your anger overpower your positive side, you find yourself dipped in bitter & poisonous fluid. But by forgiving someone who made you upset will make both of you to learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship. If it finds hard to forgive the person who has done wrong to you then imagine to forgive him. This way your anger slip away.
Evaluation of anger
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Analyse  whether your anger is a friend or an enemy. If you see your right is being violated, you are suffering an unhealthy situation or emotionally abusive toxic relationship, then your anger can do justice. Here, you can change the situation rather than changing your emotional state. Anger gives you the strenghth & courage to take a stand and make the right  change. Another case, if your anger is enemy, it will destroy your healthy relationships and make you upset. So, evaluate your anger is positive or negative for you.
Humor, the best medicine
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Lightening the situation can diffuse the tension. Humor can give you insight that what’s making you angry or having any unrealistic expectations. Avoid sarcastic comments, it only hurt the feelings and also make situation worse. Diffuse your anger by looking for ways to laugh, whether playing with your kids, watching  stand - up, or comedy movie. 
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End of the day, always be thankful to life, what positive things it has given you, even under hard situations. Just ignore the negative part and enrich more with gratitude for right things in your life. Anger will get no attention & will try to eliminate automatically from your life.
Know when to seek help
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Learning to control anger is a big challenge. Seek help or consult a psychologist if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do more harmful things you regret. 
Aanam Verma
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purgatoryapotheca · 5 years
He is also known as the Goetic Demon “BAEL”
History of Beelzebub
Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were the first three angels to fall. He tempts men with pride and is opposed by St. Francis of Assisi
Beelzebub was also known as Achor by the Cyreneans, which probably meant ‘Lord of the High House’, referring to the Canaanite chief god ‘Baal the prince’. This title could only properly apply to Solomon in his temple, so the Jews changed the name to Beelzebub which translates as ‘Lord of Flies’, possibly because of his supposedly role as creator and controller of the flies in the Philistine city of Ekron.
One of the oldest and most famous demonic figures, Beelzebub also had command over disease — flies congregate around the corpses of the dead, and spread disease from the dead to the living — and his role is to tempt men with pride. He was called the prince of devils by the Pharisees.
According to the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, Jesus gave Beelzebub dominion over Hell in gratitude for helping remove Adam and other pre-Christian, unbaptized ‘saints in prison’ and bringing them to Heaven, over Satan’s objections. In those early days, Satan outranked Beelzebub. By the sixteenth century, however, demonologist Johann Wierus was listing Beelzebub as supreme chieftain of Hell, with Satan below him.
According to demonology’s lore, when Satan first rebelled, he recruited several very powerful seraphim, Beelzebub among them, to fight at his side. Once he took up his new residence in Hell, Beelzebub learned to tempt men with pride. When summoned by witches or sorcerers, he appeared in the form of a fly, because “Lord of the Flies” was his nom de guerre, as it were. He’d acquired it by visiting a plague of flies upon the harvest of Canaan, or, perhaps, simply because flies were once believed to be generated in the flesh of decaying corpses. Another tale suggests that God created every creature, except the fly — which was made by the Devil.
Those who are close to Beelzebub know he is Enlil. This is from him personally. Enlil was the original “Bel” which later evolved into “Baal.” “Baal” means “Lord,” “Master” “Baal the Prince.” Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix “Baal” all over the Middle East.
Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the “beginning of time” here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan’s half-brother. Along with his brother Ea/Satan and Astaroth, he wound up in the grimoires as one of the Crowned princes of Hell and was labeled as “evil,” as were our other Pagan Gods.
“Baal Zebub, the Healing God of Ekron, later became one word–Beelzebub–which came to represent evil and idolatry in the New Testament of the Bible.”
-Excerpt taken from- “Syria” by Coleman South, 1995
Satan and Beelzebub
Beelzebub is best known as the God of the Philistines, He ruled over the city of Ekron. He is second in command to Satan. The Ancient Philistines worshiped Him under the name “Baalzebub.” Beelzebub is “Lord over all that Flies”. Wherever he was worshipped, he was known as God of the weather and meteorology. He also controlled the airways when the Nephilim came to Earth. His name was perverted by the Hebrews to mean “Lord of the Flies.”
Beelzebub takes care of in-fighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this. He can be very strict as Satan does not approve of dedicated Satanists cursing each other.
He appears as a giant fly if you summon him.
Beelzebub appears several times in the New Testament, but only once in the Old Testament, and never in apocalyptic literature.
Beelzebub is the Patron of all of the Orient, Martial Arts and Asian Culture. He was Prince of the Seraphim and He has a raspy voice
Beelzebub/Enlil is the God of storms, atmospheric conditions, the wind, the rain and the element of air. He is also the God of Entomancy. Entomancy is a method of divination by interpreting the behavior of insects. Beelzebub is also a Master of Astrology and the Zodiac.
The name Beelzebub is sometimes associated with the Canaanite god Baal.
His ziggurat of Nippur was called, “Fi-irn-bar-sag.” He is the God who hurls his thunderbolts and lightning against the enemies of Satan. [More than one Christian church has met with disaster on occasion]. He is considered to be a gracious life-giving and life-sustaining God, taking care of his people, the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven and the fishes of the sea. “Enlil [Beelzebub] is both a God of war and God of peace; a destroyer and protector, defender, restorer, upbuilder; inimical, hostile and most gracious.” [6]
Draw a pentagram.
Put the black candles around the points and the red candle in the middle.
Take a piece of string and tie all three together and say: I invite you, Oh prince.
When you feel his presence, throw the limestone at the red candle. [5]
Invocation of Beelzebub
This would be used when Opening the Nine Locks of the Abyss
Beelzebub, I invoke thee.
Beelzebub, I summon thee.
Beelzebub, I conjure thee.
Come forth, Beelzebub, and manifest thyself
Within this body, this temple which I have prepared.
Come forth, Beelzebub, and manifest thyself.
Come forth, Beelzebub, and manifest thyself.
(Drink from chalice then say:)
The fourth lock is open. [1]
First print out a copy of this magick square:
Then get yourself rather drunk on alcohol, because evil spirits work better on people that are rather intoxicated. Then wait until midnight… during a full moon would be even better.
Play some Christian Death music in the background.  Turn off the lights, light a candle and some incense.  Get rid of any
crosses, bibles or other Christian symbols from the room.
Spend 5 minutes meditating on the square.  Notice what the words say both backwards and forwards.
Then take the symbol, and draw some blood from your finger.
Then place the droplet of blood on the square and while doing so repeat the following 6 times.
Do this ritual several times.  Then give yourself some time. You probably won’t see an immediate change.  It can happen immediately, or it might take up to a year.
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Demonic Dark Lord … Lord (King) Beelzebub (Night Demon)
(This information comes from our Priestess’s seeking council with him) 
Direction: North 
Planet: Jupiter 
Metal: Titanium 
Element: Earth
Color: Muted Dark Red, Black, Grey, Silvers and Blues
Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh, Oud
Rank : King, Dark Lord, Imperial Royal Demon Commander
Species: Lowborn Demon
Realm: Noble and Lowborn Realms of the Outer Spiritual World
Attributes: Strong warrior and one who has a curious mind, one who is wise and brilliant he knows much and has much to reveal.  He also has powerful casting abilities when it comes to death curses and death magicks.
Demonic Mantra:
Demonic Hymn:
Beelzebuth (Beelzebub) Demonic Enn – “Adey vocar avage Beelzebuth (Beelzebub)”
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Adey vocar avage Beelzebuth
Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Aries
March 21st-25th *[March 21-30]
Tarot Card: 2 of Rods [From Azazel]
Candle color: Black
Plant: Fern
Planet: Sun [From Azazel]
Metal: Iron *[Gold]
Element of Fire
Rank: King
Bael is a Day Demon and rules over 66 legions of spirits. [6]
By Black Witch Coven
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troybeecham · 4 years
Fr. Troy Beecham
Sermon, Proper 27 A, 2020
Matthew 25:1-13 (NRSV)
“Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, all of them became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Look! Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those bridesmaids got up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise replied, ‘No! there will not be enough for you and for us; you had better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy it, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went with him into the wedding banquet; and the door was shut. Later the other bridesmaids came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’ But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I do not know you.’ Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”
A few weeks ago, we read the Parable of the Wedding Banquet. That parable uses difficult language about judgement and the coming of the Kingdom of God, and who would or would not be part of it. The message of Jesus in the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins is exactly the same. The truth is that there is a dividing line, there are those who will not be part of the Kingdom of God. For many of his contemporaries, this language sounded appropriate, and some took pleasure in hearing about the just punishment of the wrong-doers, their religious or political enemies. They heard their own prejudices affirmed: all the “bad” people, the “wrong type of people” will be getting their just punishments. I am seeing the same expressions in current political language that the losing side will suffer disenfranchisement now that a new executive team are in power. We today are equally happy when we hear how our enemies are going to “get what’s coming to them”. I am also seeing its conjoined twin: profound sadness and loss, as if any human was going to bring about the Kingdom of God. Both are symptomatic of having our hearts set on hopes based on the powers of this world and our ability to exert power over it.
Last Sunday in the lesson about the coin, we saw how those who used religion to ally themselves with political power did so under the false belief that those with power would give them preferential treatment. We never seem to change. We also saw how those with political power sought to cynically co-opt religion to sanctify their power. Again, we never seem to change. Those two sides were allied against Jesus and his preaching the coming of the Kingdom of God, in which all human power is dissolved into the will of God, because it took human power, their power, out of the equation. We least like to hear that we are unable to save ourselves. The truth is that we turn against each other and devour each other trying to purge the world of all the wrong people who are keeping paradise at bay. “If we can only get rid of them, and give power to the right people, we can create paradise!” is the perennial lie, the original lie from the Garden. Yet it remains the mantra of the human will to power, which is the opposite of giving ourselves over to the will of God in Faith.
I am sadly seeing an unseemly number of religious leaders doing the same right now in America. The unbridled use of messianic language when referring to the presumptive new executives in American federal government, the projection of messianic expectations, the expressions of spiritual fulfillment now that particular candidates have been elected, as if that were equal to the coming promises of the Kingdom of God, is a sad commentary on just how far religion has become aligned with the power of empire. Most disturbingly, I saw someone today compare their elation over the election results with the elation of the Easter Vigil, when Christians gather to proclaim that Christ is Risen from the dead! How can we have so profoundly confused earthly, human power with the Kingdom of God? How is it possible to so utterly replace the Gospel with political ideology? I am aghast that any Christian clergy, or any Christian, could engage in such sacralization of the secular and secularization of the sacred. Such confusion of the sacred is astonishing. This is not the Gospel of Jesus. This is not the sacred mission entrusted to us.
I am also seeing the hypocritical, cynical use of religious language, hymnody, and imagery by holders of political office, of imperial power, and it is equally disturbing, and only surpassed by how deeply religious leaders and people of faith are applauding this play acting which is ultimately intended to replace faith in God with faith in human power to achieve God’s reign without God.”Now that we are in office, we will make America a paradise for all!” You cannot say that America should be ashamed of its history and its use of Christianity as an arm of genocidal colonialism and then celebrate the use of Christian religious language, music, and symbolism as you rejoice in the victory of your new leader.
How have we believed such a lie? Only God is God, and only God will bring about his Kingdom. In the end, this is the question: in whom are you placing your hope? Do you believe a human is going to make the world a better place through political power? Who owns your fealty, your trust? In whom are you placing your faith?
We are all subject to the powers of this world for now, and held captive by human greed and desire for the power to rule over others. The world is hard, and life is difficult. We want someone to make it all better. But life is hard only for this age, only for now. God promises that the age of the world in which we now live, which we must endure with faith, hope, and love, and strive to bring some part of the kingdom of God into being through the Holy Spirit, will come to an end, when God creates a new heaven and earth, a conjoined reality in which there is no evil, suffering, or wickedness. We will finally be free from the spiritual powers of darkness and from our own desires to be gods with the power of life and death over each other in our hands.
The real question for disciples of Jesus is, have we allowed the Holy Spirit to enter into our lives to transform us? Have we welcomed the Son, our Savior Jesus, into our souls so that we might be born again and clothed in the robes of his righteousness? Have we forsworn the powers of this world as having any power to save us? Have we dropped everything to await the Day of the Lord, staying awake during the long night and tending the light of the Faith, ready to follow when God calls for the end of time and the Day of Judgement? Or are we still clothed in the rags of our own busyness, our own righteousness, following the flags of earthly messiahs and filled with the prejudices, hatreds, and loves of this world? Are we still endowing human power with the nature of the sacred? Are we using religion to give sacred veneer to the empire? All of this is empty, void, filled with the powers of this world, and it will perish. What will you be left with, then? There will come a day when we must all stand before the judgment of God. Are you carrying the light of the Gospel, are you prepared to walk in the darkness able to discern the Way, or have you exchanged the Gospel for something that gives no light at all?
In case we have forgotten the source of our hope and the one to whom we owe all our hope and faith, I pray this will help get our hearts reoriented to Lord.
This is our Faith:
We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Let the Light of the Faith guide us on the Way.
O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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yanderemommabean · 5 years
Yandere Dark Brotherhood idea part 3 - anon submission
Since my rubbish seems to actually be appealing, might as well regale you all with some more :). Maybe someone will find it inspiring. Enjoy part 3 with Veezara and Gabriella.
  Veezara – The Dark Brotherhood is all this argonian has known since he first hatched. His whole purpose is killing, serving Astrid and serving the Sanctuary. The DB becomes an equally indispensable and vital purpose to his own life in time.
  First thing with Veezara is that this guy is lonely. Lonely with a capital L. He’s the last Shadowscale, the last of an extinct order and is acutely aware of it. He even admits that serving the Falkreath Sanctuary is the only thing that gives him purpose in the world. Before the DB showed up, his social circle was a grand total of six people. Six people who were at high risk of walking out the door one day and disappearing forever. 
His loneliness is made more painfully obvious by how joyful he is in welcoming his new sister/brother. If Astrid deemed them worthy to join, then as far as Veezara’s concerned that’s the end of it. They’ve proven themselves, they’re family and he is determined that they know they have a useful, reliable brother in him. That’s how it starts.
Quickly he begins growing attached. It’s nothing for anyone to be concerned about. The DB has proven their mettle; the argonian had no concerns about them being able to handle the Muiri contract, only basked in their triumph and Astrid’s obvious pride in them. They’re clearly a part of the Sanctuary now. So what if he is getting a bit attached? It’s only natural with what a tightly knit group they are. It’s only when Veezara’s sharing his truthful feeling of conflict about the clash between how Astrid runs the Sanctuary and the Old Ways, that these feeling may be different to the ones he shares for the rest of the Family.
It comes to a head after the DB is discovered to be the Listener. Veezara’s as shocked as any of them. But mostly horrified. It puts him in a terribly precarious position. There is no way Astrid would not see this as a direct threat to her power in the Sanctuary. The position of Listener supersedes all save the Night Mother and Sithis, something Astrid will not tolerate. Yet surely, she wouldn’t do something rash? The DB has proven to be nothing but loyal to them and their Family. It’s not as if they asked to be chosen and it doesn’t truly have to change anything. Astrid led and they followed, and they stuck together above all. He made sure to remind the DB of that when asked of his opinion and did the same with Astrid behind the scenes.
He had no idea what it would all lead to. The contract to kill and Emperor. Veezara is exalted and ready to keel over from apprehension. When the contract to kill the Emperor’s cousin, during her celebratory speech, at her wedding was first put to the DB, he nearly had an aneurism right then and there. It was almost as high profile a murder, with a massive security presence and everyone present would be out for blood. It was an honour and a suicide mission given that they were planning the assassination and escape themselves, he didn’t care if they were sneaky enough to be one with the shadows and lift someone’s clothing of without them noticing, it was too dangerous. 
Trips over himself volunteering to cover their escape from Solitude when Astrid asks for volunteers. Hearing reports and second-hand accounts of their kills is one thing, seeing them in action is another. Immense pride for his breathtakingly skilled sibling flows with the new rush of adrenaline that washes over him as the crowd realise what has happened. Keeping them safe is his mantra when he’s slashing out at the crowd, trying to hold them off as best he can. As long as the make it back to the Sanctuary. 
It’s a gruelling task but the argonian perseveres before making his own escape to meet up with them at the Sanctuary. Veezara will see the DB at the Sanctuary of course, they have to be there. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if they’re not. In those few moments after Vici’s corpse hit the ground and the crowd began baying for blood, he stood back to back with them and knew that there was nowhere he’d rather be at that moment, and he needed them to survive this, to be there when he opened up the Black Door, because they were Family, and he needed them and he lov-… the Septim drops at last.
His heart rate doesn’t drop down again, until after the overpowering relief hits, when he sees them back at the Sanctuary, their Family tending to their own business while Astrid and Gabriella assign the DB with their new task. It’s everything he’s ever wanted. What he’ll stop at nothing to preserve.
When Cicero snaps and moves to bury his knives in Astrid’s body, sheer instinct has Veezara throwing himself in their path to protect the matron of his Sanctuary. The heart warming concern from her and his siblings is only beaten by the elation that fills him, when his favourite brother/sister walks in from their successful mission and is immediately sparing no time to be at his side. 
The idea of sending them after Cicero leaves him with a sickly fearful feeling barely numbed by Babette’s tonic. He bears with it. The idea that Arnbjorn will be there to protect them in his stead, when it should be Veezara, gives him some measure of peace. 
Though it was Astrid’s order that was given and, rightfully, being followed, a foolish, sentimental part of the Argonian he thought he’d rid himself of, can’t help but imagine that they’re doing it for him. That they’re running across the wilds, hunting down the traitorous quarry for Veezara. That perhaps they too felt something similar in Solitude to him and this was a non-verbal confession of sorts. 
It could hardly be considered an overreaction that he nearly puts his sword through Arnbjorn’s face when he shows up, alone and wounded, leaving their brother/sister alone to hunt the wily, dangerous, traitor in said enemy’s own territory. Veezara nearly stabs him twice for that. Fortunately, the DB’s arrival prevents him from breaking any of the Tenets he still respects. 
Veezara still has the utmost faith in Astrid and her leadership no matter how erratic she’s been lately, and in the skills of his brother/sister, he knows they will succeed in their final task in killing the Emperor. Astrid says she’s ensured their escape, so they will. They’ll come home, everyone will celebrate and Veezara will finally have them both acknowledge what has been growing between them because it can’t be in his head, they haveto feel it too, before ensuring that no harm will come to them ever again. Astrid will still lead the Family, the DB can listen for and dispatch them on contracts while staying in the Sanctuary where they belong and Veezara will be there to protect them. 
A future worthy of celebration. 
   Gabriella – for this Dark Elf mage, being part of the Brotherhood is not a desperate attempt to belong somewhere or an outfit that appreciates a good killer. For her, it is a sacred calling. A noble occupation to serve the Dread Father and be a part of the cycle of death. Her approach to her feelings is much the same, a fated inevitability that must be embraced.
Gabriella is pleased to meet a new initiate to the Sanctuary. Their numbers are too slight as it is, and with their reliance on hearsay to get contracts and their abandonment of the old ways, any positive addition is a welcome one in her eyes. She is cordial and welcoming but keeps to her own quiet existence in the Sanctuary, keeping to herself for the most part, practising her alchemy and enchanting, occasionally conversing with her brothers and sisters. It does warm her heart somewhat whenever her new brother/sister takes time to seek her out and ask after life or advice. They have a energy about them, something significant if unnameable. Gabriella may not have Olava’s sight but she knows someone marked for great destiny when she sees them and she can’t help but let her eyes follow them through their shared home, call a greeting whenever they pass her by, and just be so aware of their very presence around her.
The dunmer takes notice of Astrid’s fondness for them and notes how determined she is to test the breadth and depth of their capabilities with just their first contract and she can’t help but feel the slightest bit wary of her sister and leader. 
Astrid’s attention was a dangerous and fickle thing after all and Gabriella wished for her new sister/brother to reach their fullest potential and know that they had a reliable ally in her. She warns them as such when they come to her for advice and it pleases her immensely when they repay her, confiding in her about Astrid’s renewed paranoia in believing that the Keeper and a member of their Family was conspiring against her leadership. 
She had welcomed the arrival of the Night Mother and her Keeper to their Sanctuary. The Unholy Matron was the physical representative of the Brotherhood and she deserved their reverence and unwavering support. The Keeper is a sacred position in their organisation and the holder of it was equally deserving of their respect, whatever their personal opinions about him. While many of their Family disappoint her in their reactions to the presence of the Night Mother, she is pleased to note that, despite how recent their membership is, the DB pays proper deference to the Unholy Matron and welcomes the Keeper to their home. Less pleasing is the too intense interest the jester takes in them in return.
The depth of her anger when she realises that Astrid was using their new sibling to find something to fuel her suspicions, surprises her. Before she can do anything to possibly intervene, the demented Keeper is shrieking and dancing in delight, Astrid is holing herself up in her chambers looking more panicked and angrier than the dunmer had seen in a long time, and her brother/sister is out the door with a new set of contracts from Nazir. It’s not long before the news spreads like wildfire throughout the Sanctuary. The silence has been broken. A Listener. Finally, the Night Mother chooses to speak and it’s to the DB. Gabriella finds a wry sort of humour in realising that Astrid’s constant suspicion was finally justified, as was her own sense of destiny that followed their sister/brother. Sithis was the Dark Brotherhood, the Night Mother conveyed the will of Sithis to the Listener and the Listener was to be the mortal leader who guided the Dark Brotherhood and saw her will done. Before Astrid was a leader in a time when they were leaderless, eschewed the tenets because there was no way of truly enforcing them and but now they had a rightful leader. A Listener to hear the Unholy Matron and see her will done. And it’s Astrid’s own little protégé.
The humour quickly fades when Gabriella realises how much danger this puts them in. The Listener is supposed to listen for the contracts and hand them out to the rest of the Brotherhood to fulfil. They are far too precious to be risked and yet that is exactly what’s happening now. They should be the rightful leader but there isn’t a sing chance that Astrid would step down of her own accord and there are too many in the Sanctuary who would support her if she chose to make a stand. And finally, the idea that Astrid is right to be afraid, that there is someone in their Family whose power she should fear and what Astrid usually does to things that make her afraid. Gabriella know instantly what she must do, The Listener must be protected and the contract the Night Mother spoke to them must be answered. 
The dunmer helps the others coax Astrid out of her paranoia, remind her that the DB has been nothing but loyal to her and that they might as well hear this contract that the Night Mother has chosen for them. Gabriella watches over the Listener, reminds them to keep on their guard and waits eagerly for news of the contract. It was well worth the effort. The contract to kill the Emperor would give the Dark Brotherhood a towering reputation of dread and terror they hadn’t seen in centuries. No longer would they be common mercenaries and it would be through the efforts of the Listener. When she tells the DB of when she scouted ahead the wedding reception and left a little something for a long ranged kill, she didn’t mention that the bow in question had been a valuable acquisition from a former contract. That the dunmer had slaved for hours over an arcane enchanter, using hard to find Grand Soul Gems to imbue it with as much power as she could. How hard her heart beat at the thought of her Listener lining up the shot and using Gabriella’s gift to kill the first target that would lead to the resurrection of the Dark Brotherhood. How warm she felt at the idea of them keeping it afterwards, thinking of her each time they held it. 
Gabriella takes special care when coordinating the next part of the contract; killing and incriminating Gaius Maro. Partially to keep an eye on Astrid who wasn’t hiding her dissatisfaction with the situation well enough for Gabriella’s sharp eyes. She wanted to trust her sister, truly she did, but she doesn’t. Mostly however, she wants this contract to be one truly worthy of their Listener. She slyly adds in a token to give to Olava as the bonus, hoping that not only they would find use in it but that they would share their knowledge of the future with her and that she would occupy a crucial part of it. 
Her joy at their triumphant return is marred at Cicero’s betrayal. And as far as she’s concerned it is a betrayal regardless of the circumstances, to have wounded a Brother in pursuit of a Sister. Yet no amount of justifications alleviates her shame. She may not have directly taken part, but she didn’t stop any members of the Family from mocking the Keeper or disrespecting the Old Ways and not to mention Astrid’s disrespect of the Night Mother, that shocked even Gabriella with its audacity. And now they were disobeying the tenets once more in the worst possible way; assigning their Listener to murder a dark brother who had acted in defence of the Unholy Matron. She doesn’t worry after them when they are sent after Arnbjorn and Cicero, they are favoured by the Dread Father, they will succeed and be forgiven of the consequences; the rest of the Family is expected to know better and be better. 
Gabriella knows then that she must choose her side. Live heretically with Astrid remaining leader or follow the Listener, repent for her misdeeds and truly serve Sithis as she once did. When the time comes for their Listener to have the honour of the grandest assassination of the era, she knows it’s a sign. Gabriella will serve and guide the Listener, wholly, to whatever end and protect them at all costs. Being at their side will restore her favour in the Void and perhaps earn something from the Listener that only they can provide.
  Gabriella was a tough one, not sure if I got it across well enough. Only Cicero, Nazir and Lucien Lachnace to go. Hope you’ve enjoyed :)
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lovespellstips · 4 years
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My toughest 8 months!
I don’t know how to start, I guess I never thought I’d make a post like this at all but here I am. I’d want the world to know this and to know that we all have our battles, we fight these battles, we get wounded but eventually these battles come to an end. These wounds are what affect our mental health! And here are a few of mine that I’ve endured in the last 8 months.
I was a student at Leeds University, graduated in July 2018 but only just found out that my dad, who’s never had any experience in running a travel agency decides to buy one here in the United Arab Emirates. He’s got a guide, who’s the manager. Now this manager is a very peculiar man, a full blown racist, homophobe, an absolutely arrogant and patronising man of the highest order. Very manipulative and also I suspect he was a pedophile as well but that’s just my suspicion at this point. Since my dad was new here, he decided to listen to this man who would make out Dubai as one of the hardest places to live in. He’d make standard procedures sound really arduous or tough. He’d scare my dad into letting him (the manager) do all the work while assuring my dad that he’s got it. While in Leeds, I would often tell my dad to see what’s he’s upto, alas he never listened. My dad sold most of his property/lands that we owned back in our country to actually help us with the move to the UAE. My dad would pay this man a ridiculous salary to just sit on his arse and shout at him. At this point we’re using our reserves because the business is down in the gutters. Told my dad to please let this man go and let’s dosomething else. Was shat at and ignored while I could see our reserves thinning out. It came to a point when we couldn’t pay the salaries of our employees and parents had to head back home and sell our house! We paid the salaries and all but now it was time! We had to get rid of this company. I found out that this man had forced my dad to bestow upon him this Power of Attorney. This was a complete authority and this manager could do anything under my dads name! I had to get that cancelled! Got that done, got the full ire of that man who shouted at me. I made dad terminate that man and here if you terminate someone, you’ve got to pay their 3 months salaries but if they resign, you’re not liable to. I could’ve asked him to resign had I known but alas. Fast forward and we had nearly exhausted our reserves. So much so we weren’t sure if we’d eat on certain days. Finally we found a buyer for the company and let it go.
Now this was a point when I told my parents that we’ve got money, let’s not invest it straightway into something we’re not sure of! But again listening to me is akin to listening to a baby cry, it’s annoying. They did the exact opposite of what I told them and kept on telling. They bought a dead restaurant from that money.
3 months later, we’re trying to get rid of that restaurant. My dads left the country and basically deserted us so as the restaurants dead, I had to sell my mums jewellery with her to pay its rent. I had to ask my friends like request them to lend me money. It felt VERY VERY beggar like. I got turned down, some didn’t respond, some that did said we’ll only lend you if no one did but some lent me straight away! I feel absolutely horrendous. Then I had these arguments with mum about how to go about this and we came to the conclusion that they (my mum and my siblings) need to move back. Once we get money from the restaurant, we can use it back home instead if living in the UAE. Now I’ve been offered a job here which starts in June so I could support them a bit but when mum asked me to give most of my salary to her, I said No! I need to also live my life and manage my expenses and if I did what she asked, I’ll be left with absolute peanuts. I’ll be a teacher in June and it’s a sure as Hell a stressful job!
Now we’re in the process of trying to find a buyer for the resto, the mistake of buying it still hurts me. I had a massive argument with mum about how to deal with things. She just keeps repeating stuff that we’ve agreed on and that can be mental tension and strsss causing. I told her that and she started hitting me with her shoe and asked me to leave the house. I said alright. For the first time in 8 months I felt a relief. I felt as if these problems wouldn’t be mine anymore. I used to be a happy go lucky lad in Leeds, would love life and enjoy the little things and it felt like a window. Yet she stopped me and said “will you leave yer ma like this?” To which I replied no (and a sudden feeling of being sucked back in depression rushed in instantly).
My brother hates me because of my thoughts that they should move back if they’re to not be in the streets. My dad has brushed aside these struggles by calling me a pussy. He sweared at me on WhatsApp. Actually, he was sending mum old pictures of them and saying he misses the good old days knowing full well it’s him who caused all this and then deserted us and then when mum started to sob uncontrollably, I told him to stop sending those. He sweared at me then.
Fast forward. We’re still trying to sell this restaurant that’s been a bone that’s stuck in our throats. We can’t really sell it because potential buyers ask loads of questions, loads of inquiries and inquisitive questions, something we should’ve done as well and our answers are dismal. We can’t really market this restaurant because it’s got no sales, a VERY high rent and a crap location.
We’re running out of reserves because I can’t drive and we take public transport to get there.
There had been times I felt like ending it. It’s been too much. I have fought for them everywhere, advocated their cause and still get shit on. But then my mates and my gf just remind me of why it’s important to stay healthy and that this will be over someday/time. I’ve decided to stay hydrated, exercise and go off social media. Social media was a massive source of anxiety. Seeing your friends enjoy life while you fight for your family’s survival hurts and made me envious and bitter. I really need out but hopefully will get there. At times I want to cry really loudly at the card fate’s dealt me. But here I am.
Life is what we make of it, we’re stronger and can overcome anything. These past few days I came up with this mantra that I recite everyday and it makes me feel a lot good and positive when I head out to try sorting the mess I’m in. It goes like this:
I have no enemies, only friends
I hate no one, I hold my tongue
I judge no one and I don’t get judged
I don’t hurt anyone, neither get hurt
I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m educated
Hope things will turn out for the best soon and things will be alright.
I’m happy, I’m healthy and I’m educated
Syed Ali Sabtain
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nmshrimali-blog · 5 years
One 1 Mukhi Rudraksha
                                             Pandit NM Shrimali
                                      One 1 Mukhi Rudraksha
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One 1 Mukhi Rudraksha available in best quality in india on pandit nm shrimali website. The symbol of Lord Rudraksha is considered to be a Mukhi Rudraksha, and this 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is the planet of Saturn, therefore the sun is obtained for the auspicious fruit and the sun’s compatibility. Lord Shiva made Rudraksha as a tear from his eyes for the welfare of all the people, because Lord Shiva is the god of welfare, hence the first tear from his eyes has started causing a face Rudraksha, hence one of the most important and well-known Rudraksha Is considered. A Makhi is believed to be the nature of Lord Shiva and in the welfare of this universe, one face Rudraksh comes first. There are two types of rash grains found on this earth. A round shape is in shape and the other is in the shape of cashews but it is considered as a real face and welfare Rudraksha, which is the goal of Nepal.
Religious history of a Rudraksha face
According to the theology, it is believed that a face Rudraksh is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. By holding this, all the troubles and troubles of a person get rid of life. Along with this, a face Rudraksha fills the darkness of life and fill the light bulb in it. Not only this, wearing this Rudraksha gives salvation like sins like the killing of Brahma and the person gets up from the trap of Maya.            
In the 57th chapter of Padma Purana, in the 38-39th stanza, the importance of a Rudraksh face is said, "A face Rudraksha is the form of Lord Shiva which destroys all sins. Therefore, by holding it, the person gets Paradise and salvation. Hey Kartikeya! A face would be able to hold Rudraksh to be the same person who can be found to be religiously credible, Shiva's grace and Kailash mountain ".
Benefits of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Lord Shiva resides in a face Rudraksha. By holding this, the man receives the blessings of Lord Shankar. Only by wearing a face Rudraksh, by getting rid of serious sins, by keeping the mind calm, the person becomes entangled in the presence of Brahma knowledge. The high BP in the body begins to be controlled gradually, and BP remains calm only with less medicines. In all Rudrakshs, a face Rudraksh has been given the best place. By keeping this, the conspiracy of enemies can be avoided and this Rudraksha is also helpful in attaining Bhakti, liberation, technique and wealth Lakshmi.
Health Benefits of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha
The use of a face Rudraksha is sharp for the eyes. Get rid of many ailments such as a headache, heart disease, eye defects, abdominal disorders. Rudraksha is beneficial for eliminating nerve disease, diarrhoea-related diseases. 1 Mukhi Rudraksha
The appearance of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha
A face Rudraksha is also made in a spherical form and cashew dana form. It is rare to get rounded rudraksha. A white Rudraksha is considered to be very good.
If you are lacking in confidence or you are tired of speaking on stage or are afraid to present in front of 10 people, then you should worship one Mukhera Rudraksha in place of worship and worship Shiva ji. As well as gradually start merging with people, stand alone in front of the mirror and give your speech on top of any topic and join the debate competition. By doing this, you will be blessed with Shiva and self-confidence will also increase.
Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra
However, the mantra of wearing a face Rudraksh is " ॐ ह्रीं नमः" but any Rudraksha can be taken from Shiva's Panchakrity Seed Mantra " ॐ ह्रीं नमः". After holding this Rudraksha, its influence increases manifold with the constant increase in the five Mala of " ॐ ह्रीं नमः".
One mukhi rudraksha is a rare beads which is coming from Nepal(Himalaya is a holi mountain of Lord Shiva) this beads has a utmost power due to Lord Shiva workship,because Lord Shiva workship On Himalaya,One face gol dana rudraksha is rare source from there which has a utmost power. The One Mukhi (Faces) Rudraksha blesses wearer with creativity , communication skills and inner meditation.This is a very fine quality 100% Natural Ek Mukhi Holi Rudraksha Bead From Nepal brought to you exclusively by panditnmshrimali.com. The term Rudraksha (Rudra i.e. Shiva + aksha i.e. eye) literally stands for the eyes of Lord Shiva or Rudra implying thereby that it was pleasant to the eyes of Lord Shiva, and hence so named in His honour.One Mukhi bestows happiness and revival from the miseries arising from loss of wealth. Prosperity or richness, luck, fortunes grow wherever it is venerated in House or put on in the body in the form of necklace. All forms of ill-effects related to wealth are dispelled. It boosts the concentration and will power of the wearer. According to Vedas it prevents diseases of head such as stroke, paralysis, etc Ek mukhi (Eka mukhi / One Face Round Rudraksha) is nature's most unique creation. Its to be noted that Ek mukhi will have in most cases only one seed But it has been recently noticed that 2,3,4,5 mukhi rudraksha also contains sometimes a single seed. This is a very genuine and common situation. See, nature doesn’t have any specific set of rules so you have to have an open mind. These are natural beads which can grow any way as shiva/almighty desires sometimes. Nobody has a control over it. So its not necessary that ek mukhi gol dana / rounds shape 1 mukhi contains one seed and compartment only. It may contain more than 1 seed sometimes and may have multiple compartments also.
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mccallhewitt12-blog · 5 years
What Does asmr Mean?
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