#Mantra to get rid of unwanted person
chiefnooniensingh · 1 year
Let go, be vulnerable
Summary: Sparring fic for Jim and La'an.
A/N: For the sake of ease, we're going to ignore the bomb Kirk dropped in 2x09.
Rating: T
La’an had a way of making life very difficult for herself.
And it’s not like the universe didn’t conspire against her to already make her life difficult. But then she’d run into a problem of a more...personal nature, she would self-sabotage, and wind up with a whole new host of problems.
Case in point: falling for a certain Lieutenant right after losing an alternate timeline version of him.
‘Love was best kept at a distance’ had been her mantra since she’d lost her whole family on that breeding planet. She was not ready to allow it closer.
James Kirk, however, seemed to be everywhere now. For someone not assigned to the Enterprise, the man appeared in the Transporter Room more than was usual. Sometimes, when she went to find some food in the mess hall, he'd be sitting at the bar with his brother, or Uhura, or someone else, laughing and sharing a drink. Once, she'd even gone up to one of the Jeffries Tubes to fix a broken conduit only to find him fixing it. She broke the record of climbing out of Jeffries Tube 6 that day.
A more paranoid person would assume he was following her around.
A less paranoid person would assume he was just there for his brother and new-found friends.
Which meant La’an bounced between those two sides of her constantly, unsure what to think, and annoyed that she even cared. This Kirk wasn't her James. She should be able to separate her feelings. It's what she'd done most of her life, separating feelings from reality to survive. The way this man had slid his way behind that wall of hers irritated her to no end.
So, when she’d seen him in the mess hall again, La’an headed to the training hall, her mind a swirling, chaotic mess, and her body coursing with restless energy. If she couldn’t get rid of that energy in the way she actually wanted, she could at least try to take it out on a punching bag. The bag was hard, and the pain distracted her well enough. That is, of course, until a voice rudely interrupted her blissful moment of not thinking.
“La’an Noonien-Singh,” James Tiberius Kirk said, startling her out of her reverie. Eyes wide, she whirled around, ready to defend herself against unwanted person or persons. He wasn’t exactly unwanted but seeing him didn’t exactly fill her with joy. She kept her distance for a reason. He was leaning against the wall next to the door, hands folded across his chest as he regarded her. He pushed off from the wall when their eyes met, pointing at her with something akin to mirth in his eyes. “You have been avoiding me.”
“I have not,” she said, breathing hard, painfully aware of the drops of sweat trailing down the side of her face.  This was not the way she wanted to have a conversation with him. She wished he would stop moving closer.
“Yes, you have,” Kirk said, unzipping the jacket he’d been wearing and tossing it aside. It left him in just his tank top, and that pissed La’an off even more. The man had no decency. “So, if you are not going to have a drink with me, you can at least spar with me.” He picked up some gloves, put them on and took position across from her. Sighing, she crossed her arms, cocking her head at him. “What?” he asked, a smirk playing around his stupid mouth in response to her open-mouthed silence.
“We’re not going to…” La’an started, but then shut her mouth promptly. Every single excuse that crossed her mind seemed feeble to her, and none of them explained why she couldn’t be in close proximity to him. She groaned, then raised her hands, widening her stance. “Fine, then. But I won’t be responsible for any injuries.”
Kirk raised his hands with a smile. “I promise I won’t complain.”
La’an nodded, steeling her nerves, and focusing her energy into her body, getting ready for a fight. She looked him up and down, scanning his posture for weak spots. He seemed to be doing the same, and for a moment they circled each other, like predators stalking their prey. His smile was gone, his eyes singularly focused on her, sizing her up. In the end, it was his patience that snapped first. He lurched forward, his fist flying at her face wildly, but with precision, and La’an stepped backwards to avoid it, immediately spinning around, getting inside his defence, and landing a punch square in his jaw. He grunted, bringing his hand up to his face, and looking at her with a grin. “Impressive.”
La’an smirked sardonically. “Never underestimate me, Lieutenant.”
Kirk pursed his lips, rubbing his jaw once before returning to his fighting position. “Duly noted.” His gaze refocused; any trace of mirth gone. He was paying attention now, and La’an knew he might actually prove a worthy opponent.
He lunged at her again, this time going for her side with a punch that she blocked, but it hadn’t been his intended target. As she slapped his fist away, his other hand shot out to grab her outstretched arm, his fingers wrapping securely around her wrist. He twisted, forcing her to turn her back to him to not dislocate her shoulder, and she gasped. She sank to one knee immediately, her shoulder stretching painfully, but the move caught him off guard. She kicked her leg backwards, catching his ankle. Grunting in pain, he released her wrist as he fell to the floor. La’an spun around and lashed out with a sharp left hook, which sent him sprawling to the mat. He lay there for a moment, catching his breath, and briefly, La’an was convinced he’d give up. But then she heard him laugh. “Damn, Lieutenant,” he said, as he sat up and wiped a bit of blood from his bottom lip. “Quite a left hook you’ve got there.”
“I survived against the Gorn,” she said smoothly while he regained his footing. “Four separate times.” She inspected the way he rose to his feet and settled himself back in a fighting stance. He was tilting slightly to the left, not putting all his weight on the ankle she’d kicked out from under him. She smirked at him, and his eyes lit up. It made him more handsome, and La’an’s stomach lurched in response. Which was annoying. Smoothing her face into a perfect mask to hide her feelings, she went for his neck, trying to get her arm around his throat. He evaded her attack smoothly, dropping low to aim a jab at her sternum. La’an jumped out of the way, grabbing his wrist, and turning his arm on his back. He hissed, but pulled his arm free through the pain, spinning away from her. They reset their positions across from each other. Her shoulder was still aching, but he was now rolling his shoulder and his ankle, trying to fight the pain. Kirk grinned wildly, as if there was nothing more he’d rather do than get his ass handed to him by her. “Something amusing, Lieutenant?” she said, flexing her fingers. There was something happening inside of her, a warmth spreading from the pit of her stomach to the tips of her toes and the crown of her head. It took her a while to understand the feeling, but as he looked back up at her with his ridiculous grin she realized; she was enjoying herself. Sparring with him was fun, because he gave as good as he got, didn’t hold back on her nor was he afraid of her.
Kirk raised a single shoulder but didn’t answer before lashing out at her again. A long series of jabs and punches followed, which they both mostly blocked. Kirk fought furiously, energetically, despite his injured ankle and shoulder. La’an felt herself being driven backwards, and she was so busy with blocking him, that she forgot to mind her surroundings. La’an gasped when her back hit a wall, against which he crowded her immediately. She tried a punch, but he was too close, and he was able to grab her wrist and swiftly pulled it up to pin it against the wall. Her other hand came up to push him away, but he did the same with that hand. Which found La’an in a very uncomfortable position with her arms raised above her head, him towering over her, crowding her space. They were both breathing hard, and La’an stared up at him. He was looking down at her, his grin gone, his eyes wide as their faces were mere inches from each other. La’an couldn’t think, for a moment convinced he was going to kiss her, or that she would. But then he grinned again. “Yield,” he said, his voice soft and breathy. La’an saw his eyes flick from her lips back to her eyes. And La’an knew what she had to do.
She leaned forward, almost closing the distance between them, and Kirk’s eyes widened even more. “Jim…” she whispered, enjoying the way he stopped breathing for a moment…
And then she hooked her leg around his, pulling his bad leg from under him, causing him to stumble backwards, letting go of her wrists in surprise. She stepped in, put her foot on his knee, pushed off hard, and pushed him over with a knee to his chest. He hit the mat hard, slamming the air from his lungs, and La’an landed on top of him with her knee pressed against his chest, her fist raised very close to his face. La’an grinned at him when he blinked up at her in surprise. “Yield, Lieutenant,” she said, as breathless as he had been.
His eyes were trained on her face, he was barely blinking as he took in his predicament. La’an ignored the way his body moved beneath her with every breath he took. For a few seconds, he tried to get out of her grip, but it quickly proved useless, and he smiled. “You win, Lieutenant,” he said with a wink, and he relaxed, defeated. La’an removed her knee from his chest, but before she could move off him, he grabbed her arms to keep her where she was. Her legs landed on either side of his hips, and his hands moved from her arms to her hips, where they stayed and seemed to burn holes in her clothes. La’an was staring down at him, momentarily forgetting that he was injured and that she should probably take him to Sickbay. He was panting, grinning wildly up at her, looking for all the world as if he was very comfortable pinned beneath her. La’an’s breathing was laboured as well, but she was sure the physical exertion had little to do with it. She became acutely aware of his body beneath her, and his…interesting physical reaction to her being on top of him. She gasped softly. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, to distract him and her from what was happening, but she didn’t get the chance. Quick as lightning, Kirk suddenly reached up to put his hand in her neck and pull her down to him. Before she had time to protest, his mouth crashed against hers in a hungry kiss. La’an gasped against him, but her body immediately responded. She pressed closer, her hands landing on the mat beside Kirk’s head. The kiss was hungry, fuelled by the residual adrenaline of their sparring. After months of figuring herself out, of understanding what feelings were left over from the deleted timeline, and what feelings were fully settled in the present, with this Jim Kirk, a new feeling washed over La’an now: hunger. The kind of hunger that food wouldn’t be able to sate.
Kirk’s hands began trailing their way up from her hips, up her sides, all the way to cup her face, and La’an nearly melted with how gentle he was being, even when the evidence of his own hunger was very apparent between her legs. Suddenly, he bucked his hips up, throwing off her balance, and he took advantage of that to roll her over, pinning her on the mat beneath him. She let out an embarrassing whine when he broke their kiss, but it turned into a soft moan when he started focussing his attention to her neck.
This was insane, she thought. They’d barely talked, hardly knew each other, and they were going at it like people possessed. “So, you go from trying to get me to have a drink with you, to this?” La’an said, her voice barely audible as he kept trailing kisses down the side of her neck, causing goosebumps to erupt in his wake. She ran her hands through his hair, which was annoyingly soft.
He chuckled against her skin, and La’an’s entire body flushed with heat. “I know. This is insane, but I just…can’t…stop…” He worked his way back up and claimed her mouth again, his hand moving up to run his fingers through her hair.
La’an had never felt so turned on in her life; her body was constantly bombarded with new feelings and sensations, the heat from his body and attention flooding her every sense and nerve-endings. She wasn��t sure what she needed, but she knew she needed it fast. Which is why she let out an uncharacteristically impatient whine when her communicator beeped. “Lieutenant Noonien-Singh, report to the Bridge,”came Una’s voice.
Kirk managed to tear himself away from her, pushing himself up to look into her eyes, breathing hard. “You need to go,” he said, his voice raspy.
La’an nodded. Neither made to get up. “You’d need to get off me first.”
Kirk blinked, breaking their eye contact and shaking his head as if to clear it. “Right, of course.” He moved off her and got to his feet, extending his hand to her and pulling her up. He pulled harder than strictly necessary, and she bumped into his chest as she was yanked to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her waist, capturing her mouth in one more searing kiss. “Have that drink with me tonight, Lieutenant,” Jim said, breathlessly, as he pulled back. La’an stared up at him for moment, wondering if this was actually happening. Things like this didn’t happen to regular people. This happened in novels and movies, not real life. And yet, here Jim was, looking at her with a longing in his eyes that she could only imagine was mirrored in her own.
So, leaning into the moment, La’an reached up to brush her fingers against his cheek. His eyes closed momentarily. A small smile flashed across his face. La’an felt a rush of power go through her. “I get off at 20:00 hours.” She saw a salacious grin appear on his face and she slapped her hand over his mouth, stopping the cheeky comment he was about to make. “Don’t be late, Lieutenant.”
Then she stepped out of his arms, turning around and leaving him looking a bit dumbstruck. Then he grinned. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, just as La’an exited the training hall.
La’an grinned, too.
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lesless · 1 year
My friend felt overwhelmed by getting things cleaned up so here’s some tips for cleaning & organization for people who are not organized:
Do the biggest job first, you’ll feel accomplished & all the rest will feel easier after that.
Take a break & have a snack. Time it so you don’t get stuck when you stop.
If you have an overwhelming mess, start by breaking the problem into small piles. Then, you can tackle each of the piles more easily. Piles are categories: clean laundry, dirty laundry, trash, papers, electronics, etc.
If the entire home feels like a wreck, start in the bedroom, then do the kitchen. It’s important to have a place to rest & fuel to get things done.
Work top down. After handling piles, I always dust, clean mirrors, wipe surfaces, then handle the floors. This will prevent you from having to redo work!
Keep a “get rid of” bag somewhere out of the way. I have a bag behind my bedroom door which typically stays open, when you come across something that is ill-fitting, not your style, or simply unwanted & in the way, toss it in the bag. This prevents unwanted items from recirculating with minimal effort. Drop it off to donate when it’s full.
Everything should have a home. It’s a lot easier to tidy when you know where things live. If I use it regularly, it’s on the counter or in a top shelf, easy to access & put away. Items used less often can be stored in cabinets or harder to access drawers.
Always go through your closet when you have a lot of laundry to do. Anything in need of wash is something you wear! Then you can evaluate the hanging items with less work.
Bins are your friend, but use with caution! If you’re not the kind of person who wants to fold underwear or socks, or neatly line up stuffed animals, a bin is a great solution. Bins are not great solutions for things like electronics or paperwork, that’s where it gets dangerous. A poorly implemented bin is just a future problem waiting to happen.
Keep things off the floor. Stuff on the floor just makes it harder to clean & tends to be overlooked more easily. Plus, tripping hazard.
If you have trouble staying on top of laundry, get a bin with a lid. When the lid doesn’t close it’s time to do laundry. Also, you can put clothes away while watching a show, makes it less painful.
Make it easy on yourself! You don’t need to suffer through cleaning if you don’t have to. If you’re short get a duster with a long handle, if your sinks & tubs are a pain to clean spring for a magic eraser, if you have a surface that’s textured & a pain to wipe down regularly slap some laminated contact paper on that bitch, if you have knickknacks that get dusty & make you want to avoid cleaning them you can put them in a shadow box (I got mine from goodwill for $7 so I could display my lightbulb collection without going mad). I don’t like touching wet food on dishes, so I got a scrubber with a long handle. Think of what you hate cleaning & ways to make that easier.
If you can, reset even a little before bed. It feels good to wake up to dishes in the sink instead of spread around the house if I was too tired to wash them the night before. I’m more inclined to wash them if they’re already gathered vs making it a two step process.
Dedicate a weekday to tidy. I usually don’t want to tidy on the weekend, so I do a general clean (throw in laundry, dust, sweep, flip laundry, mop/vacuum, put away laundry) on Thursdays.
Be nice to yourself! A lot of friends who are dealing with a mess are unnecessarily mean to themselves about it. The mantra is, “a little is better than none at all” you got this!
Hope this helps!!
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Vashikaran for Destroy my Enemy
Vashikaran is actually a pure method which is use to solve the problems of the people. Vashikaran for destroy my enemy is such supernatural power that can remove your from your life. Today people have feeling of revenge in their mind. Finances, love, business are some of the fields in which people face problems and make their enemies. Feeling of jealous and hatred always harm the people. If a person does have same feeling for someone they cannot remain happy in their life. But if a person does take the help of vashikaran they can protect them from evil eyes. Vashikaran will help them to get rid from their enemies. Vashikaran is pure form of the magic that should be use with good intentions.
How Vashikaran Protect You From Enemies?
Vashikaran is the old solution which is practiced till now because of its effective results. With the help of vashikaran, you can control the mind of the enemy and make him do whatever you want. Mostly the vashikaran mantras are used in the case of enemies because the enemy can do anything to you in the jealousy maybe even death. That is why it is necessary to opt the powerful vashikaran mantras to protect yourself from enemies. The specialty of this mantras is that your enemy will not be aware that the mantras are chanted upon him/her. Vashikaran mantras help you in the following cases:
· Vashikaran mantras will help you to protect your family and loved ones from the problems.
· It will help to control your enemy completely and make sure that he/she will not create disturbance again in your life.
· If you are facing any problem while achieving success in your career or any loss in business then vashikaran will help you to settle down your enemies.
· It will also help you to protect oneself from unknown enemies.
Vashikaran is the best service in the whole astrology field that provides you with instant results. But make sure to use these mantras under the guidance of an astrologer. Take the help of Astrologer to get the best vashikaran mantras for your problem.
For more info : - https://www.onlinesolutionguruji.com/powerful-mantra-to-get-rid-of-enemies.html
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shai-manahan · 3 years
raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly
with Wesley please? 🥺 💕
I didn't think this would get so long lmao
Some parts would probably be confusing (I'm not sure), because this would be set after the entirety of the story, but I do hope you'll enjoy reading!
Wesley - 43. raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly
Memory is such a funny thing.
How many years has it been again? It's not really a question you still have to ask--you've always counted the days in your head--but it astounds you that after all this time, after the past few years of gambling with life and death, of all the suffering, one night inside this dining room is what it takes for the warmth to come. It's not the kind of warmth that can provide your body the respite it needs from a harsh cold night, nor the kind that once provided shelter and comfort to its occupants. That one's gone. Gone with the whirlwind that once ran through these people's lives.
In truth, Wesley's old house has never felt colder. Musty. Dry. All that remains is the worn interior full of dust and rats, the once magnificent decors starting to fall apart. A ghost of the past.
But those little glimpses of memories that go through your mind...
You were never one for poetics, but you'd dare say they were tailored around you like a blanket, bringing life unto the forsaken place. Protecting you from the unwanted ones.
"Won't you take a seat?" Wesley's words pierce through the silence as their right hand grips your left with little hesitation. Normally, you would have lashed out at the sudden touch, at the sudden invasion, but you're learning to rein it in. At least when the two of you are alone.
"I'm fine here."
"Are you?" You can hear the doubt growing in their voice. "If you were standing in front of anywhere other than a clogged window, I might have believed that."
"Maybe I am admiring the clogged window."
"No." Their fingers slowly trail up your arm, and your skin prickles at the contact. There's nothing seductive with the way they're doing it. Only softness. Concern. "Talk to me."
You heave an exasperated sigh. Right. Talk. That's something you were supposed to do now. You did promise you were going to be better at it. Or at least try to. "He taught me to avoid looking around me... you know, if I'm not sure what I'd see."
"You know who."
"Ah." They clicked their tongue. They never liked him. Nobody did. "Didn't he also tell you to kill people you don't trust?"
"He survived it," you snap. "He's been dealing with it far longer but he survived it."
"At what cost?" They step in front of you, their utterly frustrated face blocking your sight. "He's been doing that because he thinks he's better off alone. But you're...you're not alone. You have people around you. You have me."
You look away.
"Hey, come on." Wesley's hold lowers to your hand again. Their grip is tight, desperate. Yet there's comfort within it that calms the tension building up inside you. "You haven't been like this for a while. What happened?"
No one else would ever understand. Remember that.
"This place happened," you say before you get the temptation to deflect again. To lie. "I know you said you needed to check out some parts of the house, but if I look around and see something that's not..." You clear your throat. "There are too many good memories here. I want them to stay that way."
They won't understand.
His words reverberate in your head like a mantra, and you begin to think it was not a senseless reminder. That even with all the things you've gone through, even with all the years you spent with Wesley chasing after the truth, they would never understand. Because you're different.
They won't understand.
"It's all right." You turn to them at their words, wondering if you'd heard them right. Before you could confirm, however, they raise your hand and begin rubbing it with both of their own. With such care. With such affection. Then they lean forward, the intensity in their hazel eyes growing as they speak. "It's all over now. We have time. You'll adapt to it in your own way, and I'll be there to help. I'll stay. We'll figure it out together. No matter what."
"I'm not-"
"Shh." Wesley brings your raised hand against their lips, kissing it softly. "Like I said, we have time."
You're not sure if it was the conviction in their gaze, or the hope that manifests inside you to get rid of an ever-growing problem, or the urge to just look at anything else, but you turn around. You turn around and let yourself marvel at the sight of the entire room, bracing for the images and the shadows that don't belong there.
There's none. There's only the remnants of your past--the memories you made with the person beside you.
Memories of awkwardly eating a scheduled dinner with the family, the only child of the household throwing you a knowing smile even though you had never met before; memories of you two planning mischiefs--that would eventually turn into a calling--whenever their parents weren't around; Memories of a promise, of affection, of reconciled betrayals. Of love.
So many.
"Are you okay? Is there..."
"I'm fine." It's not a lie this time, though heat still rises to your cheeks at a sudden realization. They kissed your hand. Wesley kissed your hand. You shouldn't be surprised--you are dating now, after all--but you still are. They can be dumbfoundingly hesitant most of the time, but at moments like this, at very random moments like this, they end up casually doing similar gestures out of the blue, as if it's something they do everyday.
"I'm fine."
You're not. Not with your heart hammering loudly in your chest. But that's the problem they don't have to hear about. Not yet.
There's still some rummaging around to do.
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betelgeuse-1988 · 3 years
pale blue eyes: obi-wan/reader
hey so i fell in love with ewan mcgregor recently and proceeded to watch all of the prequels and started the clone wars. how dangerous! probably more obi-wan content in the near future. sorry if this isn't canon compliant...i don't know enough about star wars and i'm so sorry!! give me tips if you have any
obi-wan is also probably totally ooc and i’ve definitely disregarded the jedi code (bc screw the code!) but...i don’t care...obi-wan is too beautiful for that lmao. if anyone can handle a little temptation from the darkside and still be a good jedi, it’s obi
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tags: smut, fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort, grief/mourning (mention of death), master/padawan dynamic (sorta), possessive sex/behavior, rough sex, marking (hickies), smoking, implied age difference, porn with feelings (and maybe plot), dirty talk
There was something oh so terrifying about being a Padawan. Of course, it was all you had ever known, but realizing that there would be a day when no one would be there to hold your hand as you traversed the daily experiences of being a Jedi was overwhelmingly terrifying. But, what was even more terrifying was the thought alone of losing your Master.
Actually losing her before you’d finished your training could only be described as unquantifiable.
Obi-Wan broke the news to you soon after reporting to the council after the mission on some outer-rim planet went wrong and led to several Jedi being killed. He spared you the details as you broke down in front of him, apologizing immediately for letting your emotions get the best of you. You tried your best to keep everything in, especially in front of one of the best Jedi Masters. Obi-Wan looked down the hallway before slowly walking you back into your quarters. He sat you down on your small bed, taking a seat next to you.
“I know how you feel right now, as I too lost my Master. But, you must remember your Master has returned to the Force. She has become something better and will always be with you. It will be difficult, but as time passes the intensity of your emotions will fade.”
You looked up into his blue eyes, the truth behind them reinforcing what you sensed in the Force. His statements were genuine, facts that had been seen in countless other Jedi who had experienced what you did; but, his eyes (and the Force) held a sadness that seemed as if it was too big and too fragile to even consider touching. Having heard some pieces of what had happened to Master Kenobi and his Padawan, it seemed as if he never had enough time to grieve. He never had time to consider what loss meant and how to deal with it. The words he spoke seemed to be monotonous, as if they were a mantra he thought to himself often. An attempt to rid himself of emotions that council members told him that he would be drawn to the darkside because of them.
“And yet,” you said, pausing to control your breathing, a few tears escaping your eyes now and then. “Those emotions will never go away, huh?”
Obi-Wan broke your gaze, sighing and rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m...I’m sorry, I’m not helping, am I?” He let out a sad chuckle before looking back at you. “It’s just...I know too well how you feel. And yet, I cannot bring myself to tell you that you must rid yourself of these emotions because they will lead you astray. I so wish that one person would have allowed me to feel, just for one moment.”
You take his hand into yours, unable to bring yourself to look him in the eyes. “You’ve helped me more than you know, Master Kenobi. And I only hope that you are able to take your own advice, too.”
“I will try, young one.”
After this moment, you found yourself drawn to Obi-Wan in the late hours of the night. Master Windu took over the last few weeks of your training before your trials. When you were not training or sleeping and Obi-Wan was not training his Padawan, you were together. This often caused you both to spend late nights in one of your quarters (most often his, as they were bigger). At first there was nothing sexual or even romantic about these meetings. They allowed you both to explore your grief and help each other control emotions most Jedi would consider distracting or unwanted. It was nice to feel safe in your emotions.
At least, until your emotions became romantic feelings for Obi-Wan.
This realization hit you like a podracer a few weeks after you became a Jedi. You had been given a mission to protect a queen from an outer-rim planet visiting Naboo for a week. The distance alone is not what caused you to realize these feelings. Obi-Wan and his Padawan had been sent on small missions in the past few weeks, causing you to go days without seeing him. Sure, you missed him, but training for your trials could fill the void he left. But, now, being away and nearly bored out of your mind in your down time was horrible. You felt a constant sense of longing and desire that you could only trace back to Master Kenobi. Your thoughts would drift back to late nights you spent with the sweet man who could comfort you with only a smile. Thoughts of running your hands through his auburn hair as you begged him to keep growing it out, especially with the beard. Watching his eyes flutter closed as you gave him a massage through his undershirt. He lets out little groans and moans, telling you to push harder in certain spots. Holding his large, calloused hand in yours as you cuddle close together on his bed. It wasn’t until the final day of your assignment that these thoughts turned sexual.
You laid in bed, too excited over going back to Coruscant and having a few days off. A half-dreaming vision formed in your mind of Obi-Wan laying in his bed. The image became clearer and you realized that his sleeping pants were pushed down slightly, his hand grasping his cock tightly. A moan slipped past his lips, the words he choked out indecipherable as he thrusted harshly into his fist. You attempt to will away this vision but it’s stuck--almost engraved--in your mind, drifting in and out like a boat rocking back and forth on waves. His thrusts seemed desperate, as if he had been attempting to reach his climax long before you created this vision. He moans again, this time it is clearer and louder than before: your name. It slips past his lips smoothly as he finally tenses slightly, forcing his hips upwards. Cum shot out of his cock as his thrusts stuttered to a stop and his hand took over. Some particularly thick shots hit his lower stomach, covering the hair above his cock. The rest flooded slowly over the tip and down onto his hand. He groaned all through his climax, panting once he had finished completely. Your mind often drifted back to these images as you fell in and out of sleep throughout the night.
Getting back to Coruscant was a welcome return home. After your report to the council, you saw Obi-Wan and Anakin waiting for you outside of the chambers. You found it difficult, at first, to hold Obi-Wan’s gaze as he greeted you.
“Hello, Master Kenobi. What are you doing here?”
“I heard you got back. If you’d like, Anakin and I would like to take you to Dex’s,” he says simply, a wide smile on his face. Anakin gave you a toothy grin, excited to gorge himself on greasy diner food.”How was your mission, young one?”
You smiled widely, slightly forgetting about the waking-dream that had been plaguing your mind. “Sounds like a great idea. I can tell you all about my mission over dinner, then, I suppose?” Obi-Wan nodded in response, a smile (albeit smaller) on his face mirroring yours and Anakin’s.
After dinner at Dex’s, Obi-Wan dismissed Anakin to his chambers (though, Obi would confide in you that he knew for a fact his was talking to his fellow Padawans late into the night, to which you would chastise him for doing the same thing with you) and invited you to his own to meditate. The walk there was quiet, yet comfortable. But, as you reached his quarters, you saw the bed that was ingrained into your visions from the night before. The panic and embarrassment ran through you, piling heavy in your stomach and causing you to stop in your tracks at his doorway. Obi-Wan took off his boots quickly and made his way to the large window at the opposite side of the room.
“You can come all the way in, y’know?” Obi-Wan said once he realized you had not followed, his tone light and playful. He was teasing you, like he always did, always a flirt. And yet, tonight, it made you nervous. You took slow steps towards him after taking your boots off by the door, meeting him at the window he liked to meditate at. “Are you okay? No witty comeback for your favorite Jedi?” He moved to cup your face but you turned away, noticing it was the hand he had so elegantly wrapped around his cock in your vision.
You looked back at him and shook your head, your eyes becoming watery out of embarrassment and fear. You knew you needed to talk to him before this got any worse. “C-can I talk to you about something?” He nodded, his face becoming serious, and sat down on the plush cushions he used to begin meditating. He patted on one next to him and you sat after taking off your cloak. You two sat almost too close, knees touching. You could almost smell him and could almost feel the calming warmth radiating off of him. “I...During my missions I was plagued by visions, Master Kenobi.”
He frowned slightly at what you said, worried about the potential dangers of visions Jedi see. “You do not need to use my title in my quarters, young one,” he said, calmly, so as not to scare you or make you feel he was reprimanding you. “But you can tell me anything. What were in these visions, young one?”
You sighed, attempting to muster the strength in admitting what you saw. Obi-Wan could sense your struggle and reached out to touch your knee gently. You placed your hand over his and squeezed gently, closing your eyes to center yourself. The minute you opened your mouth, the word-vomit flowed fast. “They were of you. They began as nice and comforting. Domestic moments. Like holding your hand or cuddling. I could see myself doing that with any friend. But...last night, it was sexual. I, uhm, watched you...pleasure yourself. Y-you moaned my name. Maker, I feel like I’ve used you, I am so sorry, Master Kenobi.”
“This happened last night?” he asked, blushing slightly under your curious gaze. You nodded slowly, unsure of where he was going with this. “Then I don’t think you were making these visions up, darling.”
Your jaw dropped, with Obi-Wan only smirking back at you. “W-what do you mean?”
“I think you saw me, somehow. I saw some of those visions you described earlier in the week, too. Perhaps we are connected, young one.” He looked at you processing what he just said and smiled. “I like you, a lot. I admire your work as a Jedi and I am so proud to see how much you have grown since I first talked to you that night your master died.” He moved the hand that was resting in his lap to cup your cheek. “I believe I have fallen for you. I am sorry that you had to see me in such an inappropriate state, however. I would understand if you didn’t want to be with me.”
“No! I mean, I do. I want to be with you. I never imagined that you would ever want to be with someone like me.” You smiled brightly, giddy about this change in your relationship with Obi-Wan. “And, if I may say, you looked quite beautiful last night. I am honored that you thought of me just as I have thought of you. Although, you have a much different imagination than I do.” The man in front of you blushed and chuckled brightly, almost proud of what he had done.
The hand on your knee tentatively moved further up your thigh. “Perhaps I can spark your imagination?”
You shifted to be on your knees, placing your hands on his thighs. You leaned close to him, almost brushing your lips against his. You were able to feel the tickle of his beard on your face as you whispered out, “Perhaps I can fulfill yours?” You pressed your lips against his as he shoves his hands through your hair, tugging on it slightly. Even as he moaned, you tasted the strawberry milkshake you shared with him at Dex’s. But, as you kissed him deeper, tongues exploring each other’s mouths, you tasted tabac, causing your mind to wander. You never thought of Obi-Wan indulging in the toxic substance, but you can’t bring yourself to be surprised. Images of Obi-Wan shirtless, just-fucked and sweaty, his hair a mess, flooded your mind. A cigarra hung from his mouth, barely hanging on to it as he took puffs from it.
A nasty habit Obi’s voice rings through your mind, almost embarrassed, I can’t seem to kick it, young one. I hope you aren’t angry.
You pulled away and cupped his face. Not wanting to ruin the tender moment of vulnerability, you kissed him lightly and projected your thoughts to him, I could not be mad at you. I find it shamefully attractive, but if you are ready to quit, I know you can.
He smiled into the kiss as you pulled away to begin stripping. “Allow me to help you,” he said, moving to push your robes off your shoulders as you took off the belt around your waist. You shrugged the robes off of you completely and threw them to the side, followed by your undershirt. Obi-Wan moved to help you take your pants off, but you stopped him.
“Allow me to help you, Master Kenobi?” he blushed and leaned back, copying your actions by starting with his belt. You help to shrug off his outer robes followed by his undershirt. You admire his chest, speckled with freckles. You pushed him down lightly, his back hitting his carpeted floor lightly. “You are truly beautiful, Master.” You kissed his chest lightly, kneeling at his side and helping him to shove his pants and undergarments off. Even though you had seen his member the night before, it was different in person and being able to see it uncovered by his hand. Semi-hard, all you could think was that it would look even more beautiful in the moonlight and neon lights streaming from the window. You flicked your hand, flipping the light switch by the door.
“I was going to ask if you liked what you saw, young one, but it seems I was wrong,” Obi-Wan hummed.
You smirked, taking his cock in your hands. “Oh, I do, but I am one for aesthetics and I would prefer to be fucked under the moonlight.” You jerk him off slightly, getting him hard. As your movements become a tad more difficult, you hold your hand up to the man’s mouth. “Spit, please.” He looked at you with a raised brow but spits. You rubbed it up and down his cock, making your movements much smoother. You squeezed lightly around his cock and he began to thrust lightly under your touch. You moved to lean down and use your mouth on his cock, but Obi-Wan stopped you.
“Let me get you ready so I can fuck you under the moonlight, just like you want, my young one.”
He moved you down to lay on the floor, pushing one of his cushions underneath your head. After helping you out of your remaining clothes, he shoved the other pillow under your hips, angling them upwards. He then kissed down your chest, as if attempting to kiss away the moonlight with how fervently he pressed his lips to your skin. Yet, as you pushed his hair back to get a clear view of his serene face, you thought he may be trying to pin down the moonlight to your skin. The way his gaze locked with yours showed how intensely he cared about this moment. His kisses acted as an attempt to encapsulate you in the light, an attempt to preserve this moment forever. You were not just another nightly escapade (not that either of you had many of those, both unknowingly too caught up in being smitten by the other). Rather, in this moment, Obi-Wan was declaring he was going to make love to you with each and every kiss pressed to your skin. The final kiss he pressed to your skin was your clit. Once this was finished, he began fingering you, stretching you with two fingers immediately and suckling on your clit. You gasped and moaned under his touch, fingers diving into his hair.
I want to make you mine, young one. After we began talking I wished I had fought with the council more to train you instead for the remainder of your time as a Padawan. Perhaps we could have been here sooner.
“Master Kenobi,” you moaned aloud. Not being able to form words verbally, you responded with the Force. How I began to wish the same. I suppose, then, I was always yours?
He pulled off of you, but added a third finger to his thrusts, smiling up at you brightly. “Yes. And I suppose I was always yours, then, too?”
“Yes,” you moaned out, high pitched, almost squeaking. You hummed and tried again, regardless of if Obi heard you the first time, “Yes, Master, you’re mine.” Obi-Wan’s smile somehow grew, but he quickly went back to working on you with his mouth. However, this time, he leaned more on his arm that he’s using to finger you. That way, his other hand was free to jerk himself off. You only noticed when he moaned against your clit lightly. “Master Kenobi, are you--”
Yes, he sent you, almost strained as if he was speaking, I think I could cum just by eating you out, I wouldn’t even need to touch myself.
“I wouldn’t want that,” you said, pushing his head lightly, “so why don’t you fuck me instead?”
He pulled his head up and smiled, “Anything for you, my darling.” He stood up, pulling you to join him, and guided you toward the bed, stopping by his drawers to grab a condom. Laying down on the bed, you watched him roll the condom over his cock and climb onto the bed with you. He kneeled between your legs, pulling up your leg to rest it on his hip. He used his other hand to grip your hip and pulled you towards him. You gasped, both at the sudden movement and his member pushing into your pussy slowly. “Such a good girl, taking me so perfectly. You can take me all, right, my young one?” You nodded your head fiercely, unable to form a coherent thought as he continued to thrust in and out of you, each thrust going deeper than the last.
Once he settled into you completely, your hands fisted his bedsheets roughly. “So full, you fill me up so nice, Master Kenobi.” You shifted your hips against him, attempting to get him to thrust into you. His grip on your hip dissipated as he moved to push down on them. You moved your hand over his, pushing down on it lightly while also gripping his hand.
“Is there something you need from your Master, young Jedi?” Your grip on his hand tightened as you nodded. “What do you need? You can use your words.” You blushed as you attempted to quantify what you wanted him to do. You attempted to shift your hips as the position became uncomfortable from being held for so long without moving. “Please, princess. I want to give you what you want, but I will not move until you tell me.”
“I want you...I…” you trailed off, becoming embarrassed for what you were trying to ask. You threw your head to the side and thought to him, I want you to mark me. I don’t care if it hurts. I want to know, as long as the bruises last, that I am yours. I want to hold on to this moment.
“Is that all, young one?” You nodded in response, trying not to embarrass yourself more than you felt you had. “There is nothing to be embarrassed over, sweet girl. I want to please you, and the only way I can do that is if I know what you want. Never be embarrassed when asking for what you want.”
You smiled as his hand moved back to your hip, his grip stronger than before. Timidly, you add on, “Can you also move, Obi-Wan? I...I need it.” He silently responded by squeezing your hip and thrusting into you. He quickly picked up speed, however, thrusting into you desperately. Obi-Wan shifts, dropping the leg he held at his hip to be able to lean over you. Moaning at the new angle, you wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping him close. Your fingers delved into his hair, tugging at it as he thrust into you just right. Obi-Wan moaned at that, flicking his hips faster in response.
“Where do you want me to mark you, hm? Maybe a place above your robes so all the other Jedi Masters will see and know you’re mine?” You tensed slightly under him, even as your pussy clenched. “No, darling? I didn’t mean to worry you. I will make sure no one can see.” Obi-Was pressed light kisses to your collarbone, as he had before, but quickly began to suck on your collarbone and lined it with love bites.
Too overwhelmed with the pleasure, you think to Obi-Wan, Perhaps another time, you can make them more visible. Let everyone know I am yours and yours alone.
He only hummed in response as he busied himself with bruising your skin. You shoved a hand between the two of you, rubbing your clit in small circles.
Am I not good enough for you, young one?
You stopped your movements and began to stammer out an excuse.
I am only teasing, darling. I want you to cum on my cock. And, you’re making it much easier for me to achieve that goal.
You both continued like this, attempting to reach your climaxes by pulling on Obi’s hair, him suckling on your skin to leave marks, and you circling your clit. Eventually, your legs tensed and you lifted your hips up towards him. You gasped, the inner walls of your pussy fluttering around his cock. “Obi-Wan, I’m cumming,” you exclaimed, moaning even more as you flung your head back against the pillows.
“Let go, love. Cum for me, show me you’re mine.”
Your hips stuttered against his, legs tensing and shaking on either side of the Jedi Master. He pulled up and off of you, shifting back onto his knees. He thrust through your orgasm, attempting to reach his own. He moved his hands again to grip your hips tightly, bringing you against him roughly. Obi-Wan moaned as he thrust into you as fast as he could, wanting to cum so badly. “Cum for me, Master. I can sense how desperate you are, n’ I wanna know I made you cum. You came inside your young Jedi’s cunt, all for her. Only for her.” His hips began to stutter irregularly against you as he came, moaning your name just as he did the night before. Obi-Wan eventually stalled against you, collapsing slightly. “After that show, you can put your full weight on me. You deserve it, and I don’t want you to pull out just yet,” You said, rubbing his head gently..
“I always had a feeling you’d be insatiable,” Obi-Wan chuckled. He leaned his full weight on top of you. It was surprisingly comforting, especially after his rough grip and bruising kisses. He snuggled into your neck, pressing sloppy kisses against it, as your hands settled at his waist. “I can only hope to completely satiate you, one day, I suppose.”
“You did perfectly fine, Obi-Wan. For now.” He finally pulled off of you, forcing you to come to his refresher with him to clean up. When you finally laid back down in his bed, both of you naked and comfortable in each other’s arms, you were too tired to do anything more than hum in content. Just as you were trailing off to sleep, a warm thought entered your brain.
I love you, young one. Never forget that.
You responded quickly, though you assumed the sleepiness that would have been present in your voice was also present in your thoughts.
I love you, too, Obi.
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What is Improper Waste Disposal?
Improper waste disposal is the disposal of waste in a way that has negative consequences for the environment. Examples include littering,hazardous waste that is dumped into the ground,and not recycling items that should be recycled.
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Waste Disposal
Waste disposal as a “unit for getting rid of and destroying or storing used, damaged or other unwanted industrial, agricultural or domestic products and substances.” It also entails proper discard or discharge of the material waste in accordance with the local environmental regulatory framework. Because waste disposal involves a myriad of processes such as collection, transportation, dumping, recycling, or sewage treatment among other waste product monitoring and regulation measures, there are lots of problems associated with waste disposal.
Be it used plastic bag, broken glass, obsolete cell phone, or used battery cells, they are all used products that require appropriate disposal to limit their harm to the environment. Waste disposal is therefore a systematic action for managing waste from its origin to its final disposal. It includes incineration/burning, burial at landfill sites or discharge at sea/lake/river, and recycling.
Here are the common waste disposal problems and their solutions.
Various Waste Disposal Problems
Production of too much waste
Most of the waste is toxic
Landfills are a problem as well
Regulations are based on vested interests
Reliance of dying technologies to reduce and recycle waste
Some of the technologies marked as “green” are not true in actual sense
Waste Disposal Solutions
Eco-responsibility – “Reduce, Re-use, Recycle”
Effective waste disposal and management
Control and monitoring of land filling and fly-tipping activities
Waste Diversion Plans
Improvements of thermal waste treatment
Polluter pays principle and eco-product responsibility
Various Waste Disposal Problems
Production of too much waste
One of the major waste disposal problems is attributed to the generation of too much waste. America alone is responsible for the producing of about 220 million tons of waste annually. In 2007 for instance, it’s recorded that Americans generated nearly 260 million tons of municipal solid waste. This is about 2.1 kg per person each day. The point is; if these are only figures in America, let’s try to imagine the amount of waste produced by the rest of the population across the globe.
According to the World Bank report, the average global municipal solid waste (MSW) generation per person on daily basis is about 1.2 kg and the figure is expected to rise up to 1.5 kg by 2025. It therefore means that every state and local authority suffer the problem of effective waste disposal due to the generation of too much waste. The problem is that the present era is driven by a throw-away consumerism with companies and producers striving to maximize profits by producing one-time use products without prioritizing on reuse, recycling or the use of environmentally friendly materials.
Regulations are based on vested interests
Since waste disposal and management has become a profit making venture, those who advocate for safe, quality and proper management of waste disposal are outmatched by industries in the business. Large enterprises in the waste disposal business dictate all aspects of the market from operating landfills, sewer systems and incinerators to recycling facilities. The corporations simply aim at making profits regardless of the waste reduction requirements or the resultant destructive environment impacts.
Reliance of dying technologies to reduce and recycle waste
Waste disposal and management facilities as well as state resources have continued to rely on myopic and quickie solutions instead of developing effective recycling and waste reduction programs. Consequently, it has created continued reliance on the use of outdated technologies to deal with waste disposal. The problem is that most states are reluctant and less creative towards advancing novel technologies for reducing the toxicity and volume of waste or enhancing recycling, especially solid waste.
Some of the technologies marked as “green” are not true in actual sense
Recycling technologies such as plasma arc, gasification, and pyrolysis are often marked as “green” but the truth of the matter is that they are not 100% green. These recycling technologies burn up waste with little or no oxygen and for this reason; it doesn’t differentiate them from the traditional incinerators which produce energy from burning waste.
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See also  Causes, Effects and Solution of Depletion of Natural Resources
As much as burning waste to produce energy is considered green because it does not involve the use fossil fuel, it still releases toxic materials into the environment. Also like the traditional waste incineration systems, these technologies emit toxic ash into the atmosphere that can potentially harm people’s health and the environment. Therefore, the technologies simply divert concentration from the development of cleaner recycling and waste reduction technologies.
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Waste Disposal Solutions
Eco-responsibility – “Reduce, Re-use, Recycle”
Eco-responsibility pertains to the three Rs mantra of Re-use, Reduce, and Recycle. Local communities, authorities and states need to put more efforts towards the education of waste management. Essentially, the slogan can help reduce the levels of unsustainable waste that prove problematic in various environments across the globe. With the implementation and consistent practice of the three Rs, communities and local authorities as well as states will not only be able to manage waste but also move in the direction of achieving zero waste.
Effective waste disposal and management
An effective strategy for municipal waste disposal and management can offer improved solutions for the various problems associated with waste materials. It ensures there is gradual improvement of new and cost-effective facilities which aim to encourage higher environmental protection standards. An effective management strategy will also see to it that landfills are purposefully located to ease waste collection, transfer, and monitoring or recycling. This can be achieved through the implementation of waste disposal plan which must include proper monitoring and regulation of municipal solid and food waste, livestock waste, sewage sludge, clinical waste, and construction waste.
Waste Diversion Plans
A multifaceted approach on waste transfer and diversion in terms of more hygienic and efficient waste disposal management can offer tremendous solution to waste problems. To address most of the waste problems, especially landfills and sewer material, the local authorities and state waste management facilities need to formulate waste diversion plans, with an objective of making certain that there is convenient and proper waste disposal at landfills and waste transfer facilities. Measures such as mandating equipment standards and rerouting of refuse collection/transfer can enhance the environmental performance of waste disposal operations.
Eco-product responsibility policy, on the other hand, is a tool for waste reduction, recovery and recycling. It is achieved by requiring producers, wholesalers, importers and retailers to share responsibility for the collection, treatment, disposal and recycling of used products with an aim of cutting back and steering clear of the environmental impacts caused by such products. All these measures must have a view to reduce wastage and encourage re-use and recycling.
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dietkensa01 · 3 years
The Large Picture of Long lasting Fat Decline
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   Most persons who examine my content and e-textbooks know me as a science male who likes to quotation scientific studies and apply study to daily troubles such as bodyweight decline, bodybuilding, and other wellness/conditioning associated subjects. Nonetheless, from time to time you have to step again from the science and appear at the major photo to help convey men and women back again into target, so they can see the forest for the trees, so to converse. For most people studying this post, finding an productive diet plan that will work most of the time should appear to be as sophisticated as nuclear physics. It truly is not, but there are a bewildering selection of decisions for eating plans out there. Substantial extra fat or no unwanted fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Very low protein or superior protein? To make issues worse, there are a million versions and combinations to the previously mentioned diet eventualities to insert to the confusion. It looks limitless and brings about a lot of men and women to toss up their palms in disappointment and give up. In this short article I will endeavor to change all that. There are some standard guidelines, procedures of thumb, and means of viewing a eating plan software that will let you to come to a decision, when and for all, if it is the correct diet program for you. You may well not usually like what I have to say, and you really should be less than no illusions this is an additional fast fix, "reduce a hundred lbs. in 20 days," information of some type. Nevertheless, if you are ill and drained of currently being baffled, exhausted of getting the excess weight off only to put it again on, and worn out of wanting to know how to acquire the very first techniques to choosing the suitable diet program for you that will consequence in long lasting fat loss, then this is the write-up that could change your life... Does your eating plan go "The Check"? What is the variety one particular reason eating plans fall short prolonged time period over all else? The range one cause is...drum roll...a deficiency of extensive term compliance. The quantities will not lie the huge majority of individuals who get rid of weight will get back it - and usually exceed what they missing. You realized that currently failed to you? However, what are you doing to avoid it? Here is a different truth check out: virtually any diet program you decide which follows the primary thought of "burning" far more calories then you eat - the properly accepted "calories in energy out" mantra - will trigger you to eliminate body weight. To some diploma, they all operate: Atkins-type, no carb eating plans, reduced extra fat substantial carb meal plans, all way of fad weight loss plans - it simply does not make a difference in the shorter time period. If you liked this article and you would like to acquire more info relating to mctオイル太った nicely visit our web page. If your aim is to reduce some body weight quickly, then decide 1 and observe it. I warranty you will drop some excess weight. Reports typically find any of the business fat loss diets will get around the exact same volume of body weight off after six months to a year. For example, a latest analyze identified the Atkins' Eating plan, Slender-Fast prepare, Bodyweight Watchers Pure Factors plan, and Rosemary Conley's Eat Yourself Slim diet regime, ended up all equally powerful. (1) Other reports comparing other preferred diet programs have arrive to essentially the similar conclusions. For example, a analyze that in comparison the Atkins diet plan, the Ornish diet regime, Pounds Watchers, and The Zone Diet program, uncovered them to be essentially the exact in their capability to get fat off just after 1 year. (2) Recall what I explained about the variety a single motive diet programs are unsuccessful, which is a absence of compliance. The lead researcher of this current review said: "Our trial discovered that adherence level alternatively than diet program style was the primary predictor of weight loss"(three) Translated, it can be not which diet regime they chose for every se, but their potential to essentially stick to a diet plan that predicted their body weight decline achievement. I can just see the hands likely up now, "but Will, some diet plans will have to be improved than other people, proper?" Are some diet plans better then other people? Unquestionably. Some eating plans are much healthier then some others, some diets are superior at preserving lean entire body mass, some diet plans are far better at suppressing hunger - there are quite a few variances involving weight loss plans. Nevertheless, whilst most of the preferred weight loss plans will operate for using fat off, what is abundantly crystal clear is that adhering to the diet is the most significant part for keeping the excess weight off extensive phrase. What is a food plan? A diet plan is a quick phrase method to drop fat. Extensive expression fat loss is the result of an alteration in life style. We are concerned with lifetime extensive bodyweight management, not brief repair bodyweight decline here. I don't like the phrase eating plan, as it signifies a shorter time period attempt to get rid of body weight vs. a improve in way of living. Want to lose a bunch of body weight rapidly? Heck, I will give you the information on how to do that in this article and now for no demand. For the up coming 90 to one hundred twenty days take in 12 scrambled egg whites, 1 whole grapefruit, and a gallon of drinking water two times a a day. You will lose a lot of excess weight. Will it be healthy? Nope. Will the pounds remain off once you are finished with this diet regime and are then pressured to go back again to your "standard" way of taking in? Not a prospect. Will the weight you drop appear from fat or will it be muscle, drinking water, bone, and (with any luck ,!) some fats? The issue getting, there are several diet programs out there that are perfectly able of receiving weight off you, but when taking into consideration any taking in approach built to shed bodyweight, you should check with yourself:  
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homeremediestips · 4 years
Finding Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure
Discovering that you've got significant hypertension isn't the conclude of the globe. Frequently, you are going to go about trying to find all-natural remedies for top blood pressure level and sooner or later end up getting dozens of posts that chant the same mantra: extra Actual physical exercising, stay away from salt, Do not eat fatty foods, take in fruits, drink non Body fat milk, and so on. Belief me, it receives perplexing and overwhelming occasionally. Ultimately, you'll find that there's no person magical remedy that should get rid of all your woes. There is not any solitary product which can remove a long time and decades of Bodily neglect. To remedy the affliction that your body is in, you will need to undo a few of the matters that you've got done over time. You should do your research and uncover all-natural solutions in assisting decreasing your blood pressure. Getting answers to home remedies for high blood pressure level Normally are way more beneficial, as opposed to risky drugs with unwelcome Unwanted side effects plus the high price of prescription prescription drugs. It's a subject of changing many of the habits that you just started given that the start of one's aware lifetime. It's not that tough giving you have the correct know-how that will allow you to make an smart final decision. Most individuals just Do not know how to proceed in order that they Visit the Medical doctor. This is certainly what we a programed to do. It is only looks purely natural. Such as you, I like scrumptious and tasty food items as well. For ten years, I have been having at a number of the greatest places to eat available. I specially like People creamy and tacky casseroles and pasta which includes four types of tomato sauces. At your home, I can fry a rooster that might place any fastfood chain's fried hen in existence to disgrace. Then one day I woke up feeling very dizzy. I did what came By natural means. I went on the Health practitioner. He explained to me I'd superior hypertension. He explained to me some of the choices I had accessible and when he informed me the feasible Uncomfortable side effects of having prescribed medicines I made a decision to do my very own exploration and find out what other available choices I'd. The medical professional advised me that I've been residing an unnatural existence. I scratched my head and asked him what he meant. He then said which i experienced to 2 possibilities. Adjust many of the things that I did for the last 10 years and take in nutritious. It can be surprising to hear These words. He further included that, "An excessive amount Sodium Chloride is unnatural, halt getting foods that have plenty of it. Those barbecued steaks are usually not worthwhile, they've got an excessive amount of saturated fat." The detail is, the ideal normal cures for high hypertension shouldn't be as well complicated. Just give thought to what you have been performing for the final ten years and change them." Just by switching many of the foods you consume can significantly help your blood pressure level.
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Vashikaran Specialist In Mumbai
Vashikaran Specialist In Mumbai
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bornfromstarsswag · 5 years
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“It takes a strong heart to love, but it takes even stronger one to continue to love after it’s been hurt.”
au; Eliott falls in love with Lucas, who likes to have fun with him, but Eliott is sure he doesn’t love him back. He tries to back out from the “fuck buddies” thing they have between them, but that doesn’t end the way he imagined.
[please have in mind that english is not my first language]
"It was good," were his first words after the mind-blowing sex him and Lucas ha Lucas used only chuckle as an answer.
They were lying in his bed, music blasting through his closed-door from Idriss' party, naked bodies tangled beneath his blanket, Lucas satisfied face almost glowing in the soft light coming from his lamp. Eliott was watching him, watching his long eyelashes flutter and one eyelash falling down on his cheek, Eliott almost reaches his hand to touch his cheek, to get rid of it. He immediately had to stop himself, even when he wanted nothing but that. For his fingers to touch the soft skin of Lucas' cheeks. Stop .
"It was okay. Just as it always is," Lucas replies, not really paying attention to him, possibly thinking of a way to get out without things getting awkward. Eliott only had one thought in his mind, and it was just that mere memory of his hand stroking Lucas' hips just a few minutes ago, Lucas not paying attention, too busy with his own pleasure overwhelming him. He thought about it often. Touching Lucas in a non-sexual way.
Touching his cheeks when he was simply overwhelmed with everything and nothing at the same time, to soothe himself. Their lips meeting in a soft kiss that did not lead to sex. Simple pecks when they part their ways. Gently caressing his naked skin after making love. Softly stroking his back while they kiss.
The thing was..he couldn't. No, after sex, he couldn't touch Lucas. It was like a mantra Lucas always repeated to him. A soft reminder that Lucas is not his. That this boy, lying naked in his bed, looking just as gorgeous as a person can look, was never meant to be his. No matter how many times he draws Lucas as his. No matter how much he longs for him. For Lucas to at least touch him after having sex, at least to show he had any worth in his eyes. To touch his shoulder, to even look at him in a different way...it was an almost impossible wish. Lucas referred to him only as his 'fuck buddy', to remind him he will never be his.
Eliott always gets sad when he thinks about how little Lucas thinks of him. No, Lucas could never like him. He is only attracted to him, to his body and his mouth kissing his body, making him come, screaming from pleasure Eliott gives him without a doubt. Eliott would give him anything. Anything in the world he ever wanted would be his, he only had to ask. That was how much Eliott loved him. He would move mountains for him, only to receive the love he was feeling. It didn't even have to be strong love, Lucas didn't have to fall in love with him, he only wished Lucas saw him at least a little bit different. To be a little more than a hot body he could fuck whenever he wanted, without obligations.
Lucas always asks only for one thing. "Touch me," he whispers, of course not longing for his touch out of love, only lust playing part in his pleas. Eliott obligates, of course, he does. He loves this boy too much for him to ever be able to say no to him, to deny him anything. Eliott longs for his love. To be loved by Lucas, to be looked at the same way he feels, looking into the deep ocean eyes and find love in them, swimming in it, overwhelmed with feeling loved. Only it will never happen. No matter how hard he wishes for it. No matter his longing, his pleas, his despair for it. Lucas won't love him.
it is only good, that little annoying voice whispers to him, you are insane. why would he love you, when he can have you without having to show one emotion? without faking love to you? he has you wrapped around his finger and he does not have to do anything at all.
He was too occupied with torturing himself with his thoughts to notice the awkwardness growing in the room. Why didn't Lucas leave yet? he asks himself, his naive self getting excited, because maybe...maybe, maybe, maybe...
"We should get dressed, no?" all his hopes have faded away with these words. No, please don't go, little voice in his whispers, now a little more desperate than usual, please stay for a bit longer.
"Yeah, of course. Here," he reaches out to the floor for Lucas' t-shirt. When he finds it he throws it at him. He was already feeling weird. Differently, than he was feeling before the sex. A little more broken than he was yesterday. A little more desperate. His longing for Lucas to love him just the way he was were stronger. He felt like crying. Like breaking down, collapsing on the floor with tears, with soft pleas for Lucas to stay. Of course, he won't. He never does. He is lucky, he has everything he needs. Eliott doesn't have anything.
Eliott always feels extremely unwanted after the sex with Lucas. Unloved. He feels like he won't be ever loved again. Maybe he will be. But not by Lucas. Never by Lucas.
He doesn't even register when he started to dress. Only now he notices his body being covered by his clothes he was dressed in the party. Lucas was also dressed by now, reaching for the doorknob. He turns around to look at Eliott with an awkward smile. Eliott appreciates it, even though Lucas was only being polite.
"You coming?" why do you ask? why must you ask? you don't need me there, he wants to say, but deep down he knows he won't, so he only nods. Lucas nods back, awkwardly, waiting for him to pass through him.
"Give - give me a minute, or two," he notices himself say, without actually meaning to, but he is glad his mind works faster than he thought. His voice shaking a little, which made Lucas frown. just go, he pleads, please don't make this harder. leave.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone? Sofiane? Idriss?" why is he so kind? he asks himself again, feeling himself falling deeper and deeper in love. he doesn't love you, he reminds himself, he has to before he does something stupid. Something reckless. Something he will regret. i know, he whispers to himself, feeling like crying again, which made him feel like a fool, god, i know. He feels childish. oh god, so what? you fell in love with someone who didn't. that happens. you aren't dying.
"No," he replies, "it's okay, really. You can go now, I have to do some stupid essay anyways."
Lucas chuckles at that and Eliott's heart swells. he doesn't love you, the panicked voice reminds him in his head, Eliott quickly backs off again. "Will you be able to focus? The music is really loud."
"I never minded loud noises," he meant it seriously, but obviously Lucas thought he was being flirty again. He dryly laughed, saying 'so funny' sarcastically, but Eliott never meant to say this against Lucas being loud in bed.
He finds himself not being able to be flirty and teasing as much as he used to be, he felt too sad to tease Lucas. He was so afraid he would say something wrong that would make Lucas back away, making him lose the only part of Lucas he selfishly can take. It was not fair for Lucas. Wasn't it taken as taking advantage of him? no, it isn't, he wants it too. he does. you're being dramatic.
Too many thoughts passed through his mind, he was slowly breaking inside. He knew it would burst when Lucas leaves. Why didn't he do it till now? Why was he taking so long with that pretended caring about him? God, it was too overwhelming for Eliott, it was hard keeping it together when the only thing he wanted to do was cry and break down in silence. he doesn't care about you! he doesn't love you! he doesn't, he doesn't, he doesn't!
"Lucas, you can go now. I'll probably also be there in five minutes. Don't worry," he isn't worried. he doesn't care. why would he care? god, why did you say that? he probably feels weirded out, he doesn't know what to say now. good job.
"Okay," Lucas says quietly, leaving his doorstep and closing the door after himself. see?
Eliott finds himself feeling down much more often than before the time he and Lucas started this thing. He knows it isn't his fault, he can't control it after all, but his surroundings and situation he ends up being in have a little influence on it. And being in unrequited love is having a big influence and control in his episodes.
He should end this with Lucas, for both of their sakes. He only can't find himself to do so, because he doesn't want to lose Lucas. He doesn't really have him, he knows that, but there's only one way to keep at least one part of Lucas for himself. To soothe his love in the lusty nights they spend together.
He doesn't even notice the first tear rolling down his cheek. But he registers the many more following after, bringing choking sobs and painful aching in his chest as a company. Lucas, his heart whispers, only if he could stay. He could, of course, he could. he just doesn't want to.
He doesn't notice his door being open. He only notices Sofiane's head peaking in, looking for him. Sofiane! he wants to scream after his friend, suddenly feeling so glad Sofiane was here. He needed to know someone cared about him. He needed to hear it, after all those reminders of that one person he needs to be loved by not caring.
Sofiane's eyes finally catch him, but when he sees him his face fell a little. oh god, look how terrible of a friend you are! you only make your friends sad.
He slowly closed the door behind himself and sat next to him on his bed. "It's probably useless to ask you if you are okay, no?" he says with a dry chuckle, only he wasn't joking at all. "You know, you made Lucas worried. I saw him coming out of your room and he immediately looked for me or Idriss."
"He wasn't worried," he corrects him, "why would he be worried? He doesn't care."
"Do you think he would look for us if he didn't?" Sofiane asks softly, his hand reaching out to caress his shoulder, to soothe him.
Eliott's eyes are filled with tears again, everything is too much again, and he doesn't want to talk about it, he doesn't want to think about, he doesn't even want to exist anymore. Talking is too much, breathing is too much, hell, existing is too much.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore," he says after a while, Sofiane sighs.
"Okay. But...Listen. I think you should either end things for good, well, end whatever that's between you two...because it's doing more harm than good. If it does good for anyone who does this. Why don't you just confess to him? I'm sure everything will be easier for both of you," Eliott can't believe Sofiane actually thinks that. But there is something about the tone he says it, makes it sound so easy, when no, it's not easy at all, because yeah, there is this teeny-tiny detail - Eliott fucking loves him.
"Easier? Yeah, easier for him to end everything and leave me completely. Or what exactly did you have on your mind? That I would grow any worth in his eyes? Sofiane, what world do you even live in? Nothing will be easier. I'm a burden even sometimes to my parents, how would Lucas feel with me? He would leave sooner or later anyway, but this wouldn't happen anyways. Maybe only in my wildest dreams. Sofiane, Lucas doesn't like me. He doesn't even want me, he doesn't care about me, I'm literally nothing for him. Why would he care? If I ever confess to him, I'll only get my heart broken more than it already is," he almost chokes on his own sobs in the halfway of his speech, so he hides his face in his hands, "I don't think you heard me the first time, so let me repeat myself - I don't want to talk about it."
"Okay," Sofiane says guilty, his fingers softly caress his shoulder again, "I'm sorry for pushing."
Eliott feels disgusted with himself even more than he already had.
He knew the episode was coming when he was lying in his bed in early Monday morning, feeling so useless, even the thought of waking up was exhausting to him. Everything became exhausting, and it wasn't even the worst part of the episode behind him.
His thoughts were the ones making him feel this exhausted. When his body was unable to move, his mind took its place and wandered million miles away, questioning his existention and making him feel even worse. Why was he here? Why was he here if he had no purpose to anything? Why was he still here?
He has thought about suicide before. It hadn't mattered to him that much now, but back then he would think it was the only way out. The only way to escape his own thoughts, his cruel mind and cruel voice in his head, whispering to him that he didn't matter to anyone. Sofiane and Idriss would quickly get used to the fact he wasn't there, his parents will too, hell, they probably got used to him always being a hundred miles away from them with his thoughts, never really listening to them. They told him Lucille was so good for him, and yet they broke up. They told him to take his medicine, yet he did anything but that.
Lucas- Lucas. God, that boy probably didn't know what his last name was. That boy didn't care about anything involved with Eliott, most probably the only thing he cared about was that he had a hot body to fuck. If...If Eliott wasn't there, he probably wouldn't notice.
No, he will. He would only say 'What a shame' and find someone much better, it wasn't that hard to honestly.
When he heard his phone getting a notification, he wanted to ignore it. It was too exhausting to turn around and lean out of bed anyway.
But in the end he did it anyway, turning around so slowly as if his body was made of lead, his limbs feeling like jello and he huffed a breath out of annoyance.
He was surprised to see it was from Lucas. They saw each other two days ago, whenever he wanted to hook up he would text him at Thursday night, he never got a text from him on Monday, literally two days after seeing him.
Eliott opened the message, feeling confused, refusing to let the hope spread up.
from Lucas: hey, you ok?
Eliott shook his head, killing every hope that tried to enter his mind. It still didn't mean anything. It was kind of awkward on Saturday, it was in his nature to make sure everyone is okay around him. It had nothing to do with Eliott, not really.
He felt so angry all of sudden. Why must it be like this? Why did he have to get into this and fall in love? Was it really falling in love? Wasn't he just being obsessive?
Why did Lucas had to be so cruel? Why couldn't he at least try to pretend he cares? At least try to not look so oblivious with how Eliott literally meant nothing to him?
Eliott was tired. He had enough of feeling that sorrow aching inside his chest, making his eyes teary. At first, he wanted to type a quick no, but he decided to be difficult. Yeah, be as difficult as you can.
to Lucas : as if you care now.
The response came only a few minutes after, the last one Eliott read before he left his phone on his bed, falling asleep, not caring what else Lucas had to say.
He felt his phone vibrate with notifications, but this time he didn't answer, didn't even look at them. He simply fell asleep. The safest alternative to escape
from Lucas: what?? eliott, what do you mean? please call me.
He was up when Idriss and Sofiane came back home, but he still pretended to be asleep, just because. He didn't feel like talking, he knew that they won't make him talk, but he still didn't want them to know he wasn't asleep anymore.
Maybe they won't make so much noise if they thought he was asleep. Eliott wanted peace more than anything, appreciating peaceful moments now more than he usually does.
He heard his door slowly cracking open, not knowing who came inside - it only might be either Sofiane or Idriss, they check on him here and there when he has an episode, to his own surprise it never really bothered him. It was nice knowing someone cares and is not obsessive about it. Not mothering him, not making themselves an expert for what's best for Eliott, not making themselves their own therapist for him.
The door closed after a few seconds, either of his best friends noticing him not moving, from which they probably dedicated he was still asleep.
After a while, Eliott noticed the apartment being too quiet for both Idriss or Sofiane. Not even television was on. Did something happen?
Time passed, it could be minutes, it also could be hours - but Eliott heard footsteps. Voices. Idriss talking.
"Yeah, I suggest you to come, like, whenever but now. Lemme tell you it's really not a good time for a talk," who was he talking to? He doubted he would say something like this to Sofiane.
"But - he texted me...really weird stuff. I need to talk to him," oh no, what has he done? Why is Lucas here? Did he take his message too personally? why would he do that?
"It wouldn't do any good right now," he thanked gods for Sofiane and Idriss. Without them, he would've probably said some ugly things to Lucas and regret it all later.
"I don't know what did I do to - to...to make him say something like that. Did - did I...huh. Did he say something to you guys? Like, if I hurt him or anything like that? " Eliott found weird how from the numbness he felt guilt creeping into him all of sudden. Fuck, why did Lucas act like this? He is so confusing. Eliott was getting lost.
"No," Sofiane lies immediately. He doesn't do that a lot, only when it's necessary, which yeah, it was necessary right now. It wasn't his story to tell anyways, Eliott was glad he understood it.
"But, hey. He - he gets like this sometimes. It isn't your fault. He just...he doesn't feel good right now. But I strongly suggest you to actually talk to him when he gets better. No, I'm close to begging you to do exactly that. You haven't heard it from me..but he hasn't been this down since..since some really fucked up things happened. No, no fucked up, that's kinda too much I think..." Idriss wasn't as understanding as Sofiane, or as it seemed. But Eliott wasn't mad. He knew why did he do it. He was concerned and worried and saw this as an opportunity to get Eliott out of his misery, or something like that. Eliott understood.
But he knew what did this mean.
He is going to end things between them. No, not Lucas, him. He is going to grow some balls and just do it himself, say to Lucas how being fuck buddies is never going to work, and no, neither friends with benefits will. he'll say 'someone will always catch feelings', but no, this wasn't a time for him to confess that he already did either.
He got so lost in his own thoughts he didn't hear Lucas leaving or when did their conversation stop. But both of these things probably happened, if the silence was anything to go by. Neither of his best friends said anything, they just kept the silence.
The silence was kinda getting on his nerves.
A week passed by unnoticed. It didn't feel like a whole week to him. It simply felt like minutes turning into hours, too soon he dares to say. But even when he didn't want it, life went on the week he hadn't felt like existing. Sofiane went to university, Idriss went to his work, both of them trying to get him to eat something, but also both of them knowing better. He could get really stubborn sometimes, getting him to eat was close to impossible in those days.
It usually takes a week, sometimes two, but he always gets better. Getting better now seemed like a universe, million miles away from him. But, also, he had to admit it was more bearable, so now he has no excuses to not go to school, he had to get up at some point. University was nothing like high school. He either was there or they will mercilessly kick him out of the program. And he wasn't present for a whole week, so he had to go now. He loved that school and fought hard to get in. He is going to that fucking school even when he is going to feel like shit. He isn't going to lose his whole future, he is not.
So, he woke up, his body aching because of all the inactivity he kept for the whole week. Went straight to the bathroom, to get rid of his awful morning breath hadn't bothered with breakfast and went straight to school. It was probably a mistake.
He was glad college wasn't like high school. No one cared about him not turning up in it for a week and then suddenly bursting in like nothing happened. No stolen glances at him. No surprised faces of his classmates. No curious looks. No nothing. Simply, he was glad.
And neither did professors, thank god. None of them cared about one of the fifty people in their class, it was only his own responsibility.
He expected the day to go especially slow, now not even being mad about that, because he was not ready to text Lucas. To ask him if he was free today. Him answering yeah. where do you want to meet? and obviously expecting them to hook up. He probably won't think that Eliott will end things between them, well, if that what is between them can even be considered a thing.
He certainly didn't expect the day to go with a speed of a light, almost as if the first lesson replaces itself with the last one. As if the universe was himself making fun of him. you have to do it now, he tells himself, and for the first time, he actually listens.
to Lucas : hey are you free today?
from Lucas: not until five wanna meet up?
Eliott slowly inhales, realizing just how shaky his breath was.
to Lucas: yeah. meet you at the coffee shop at six you know which one
from Lucas: ?? why there?
He knew Lucas so well if the knowledge of his reactions was anything to go by. But really, it was so obvious, if Eliott texted, Lucas automatically thought they are going to hook up. Once he made a mere mistake to text him, simply to ask how his biology exam went and Lucas only answered with '?? lol why are u asking? why do you care?' And Eliott was not going to admit how hurt he felt, so since then he didn't text Lucas once to ask what's up.
And now it was no different, so he decided to be straight with him, as stupid as it sounded. His fingers were shaking and his heart was pounding loudly in his chest as if it tried to beat its way from there.
to Lucas: because we need to talk
from Lucas: woah now i'm scared, hah
He didn't answer to that, simply put his phone back into his pocket and walked his way back to his apartment. The walk was not long, considering how close his school was.
The time is so weird. That was the first thought that flew his mind when he laid down on his bed, not feeling like eating anything for lunch again.
But really, it was true.
When he felt good, it goes so fast and never lasts, happiness feeling like a mere memory to him in the moment. Time really does fly, especially when you feel so good, nothing can hurt you, and you feel like flying.
But when he feels sad it goes slow, almost making him feel like it will never go away. Like he will never be happy again as if he was not worthy of any lasting happiness. He always had a thing for things he could never have. Now it was no different. He does everything, everything to make himself worthy of Lucas' love. He would give him anything, he would if he could.
Now he has understood it. No matter how much he tries, he will never be able to give Lucas anything he wanted, anything he deserved. Something like a normal relationship - he will never have that with Eliott. With his mental illness, it was not possible. What else was he supposed to thing when all of his relationships went to hell? Who else could he blame?
Still, Lucas had to like him first to have a relationship with him. He doesn't. And that was the main problem. The thing that broke his heart so many times. The thought that made him feel like crying himself to sleep or started the emotional numbness he felt.
But only if you love him, really love him, you'll let him go. And you will.
The three hours passed away like a wind, feeling like only a couple of minutes. When he looked at his phone and saw that it indeed was 16:48, he realized that it was time to go, if he didn't want to be late.
The thing was that the meeting won't be long. Fifteen minutes, half an hour tops. He will feel numb, he won't feel the sorrow right in the moment, no.
It will come slowly in his way home, in the late-night hour when he will be lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling, only there and then realizing what he has done. And it will be irreparable. Impossible to undo. He will never have Lucas back.
And it will be good like that.
It was 16:58 when he arrived at the coffee shop, the one he and Lucas met. He didn't want to be reminded of that moment, but he still was.
He instantly went inside and sat at the corner where Lucas will be able to see him. He was aware he will have to wait for Lucas. It could be ten minutes, it could be fifteen, hell, it could even be half an hour. It was Lucas' thing, being late constantly. It irritated Eliott at the moment. He wanted this to be over already, it was so useless to wait. He already decided for both of them, knowing Lucas would get tired of him at some point in the future, so why wait?
He was right, but at least it was eleven minutes, not half an hour. It was not fair for him to look so beautiful. With his wild hair, sticking into every direction, tired smile and the blue jacket he secretly loved. Fuck, he knew he was screwed. It will be so hard.
"Well, hello," he smiles as he sits down, "What did you want to talk about? I really hope it's not a way of yours to get it on in the bathroom because I really don't feel like it."
Oh, sweet Lucas. He was so naïve. "No, it's not. It really, really is not," he sighs and that was what made Lucas serious, suddenly. And maybe a little confused.
"Okay, so..what is it, do you need something?" fuck, why was that the first thing that flew Lucas' mind when he wanted to talk? God, what did he seriously think of Eliott?
"I do," he said, completely changing the tone, "I need the thing, that's between us, to be over."
Lucas fucking chuckled at him and rolled his eyes, softly kicking him under the table. "Hey, no need to take that personally. You haven't been yourself in weeks, that's why I asked that."
"I didn't take it personally. That's the thing I wanted to talk about. I wanted to tell you it's over," Lucas looked like he was waiting for Eliott to tell him it was a joke. Eliott only had no intention to do so.
"Okay, there is no way you're being serious right now," he exhales and shifts in his seat.
"But I am, Lucas."
"Fine! Tell me why," Lucas looked him straight in the eye and now Eliott was the one shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He didn't want to confess to Lucas, he didn't want him to know he was in love with him then, he certainly didn't want him to know now.
"There is no reason why -"
"There obviously fucking is," Lucas was pissed off, fuck. Why? Why did it matter so much to him?
"Only there really fucking isn't. Maybe I got tired of being fuck buddies, so I'm calling it off."
"You didn't seem so sure of it when you were fucking me last weekend," he crosses his arms, his ocean eyes looking bigger than usually, not in a weird way, but in a way he felt like he could drown in them and fuck, why was he turning everything against him? He's literally doing them both a favor.
"You were the one wanting to fuck. Don't fucking turn this against me, Lucas, and start respecting that I don't want to do this anymore," Eliott returns the furious tone and Lucas looked like he was on the verge of crying. Was he trying to make Eliott feel guilty? Or was he seriously hurt?
"But why? Why? What have I done wrong? It's - It feels like it's my fault," his voice was shaking and Eliott was already reconsidering if everything was seriously a good idea, when no, he knew it wasn't, but at this point, he had no choice.
"But it wasn't, Lucas," Eliott sighs and shakily inhales, "it-god, it's not about you. Have you thought about that? That things aren't always your fault. This one, right now, is my fault. And this is the way I'm taking responsibility for that. You haven't done anything wrong, not really."
"What happened?" he asks instantly and Eliott wished so much he would just let it go. He stayed quiet and Lucas sighed, "Can't you just tell me that fucking reason?"
"Fuck," he whispers to himself and frowns at Lucas, because god, he was acting like a complete asshole,"why do you have to push? Maybe you can reconsider things before you make people tell you something, because yeah, maybe there is a reason why they don't want you to know."
Lucas looked at him, betrayal taking over his entire face.
"So there is no way it isn't something I did, you wouldn't be acting like this otherwise," he huffs and Eliott pleaded him to just shut up so many times in his mind.
"It isn't! How many times do I have to tell you before you actually believe me?" his palms were sweaty and he was shaking from how furious he felt. Lucas made him feel like he was in an empty space, where he was not able to breathe properly and he felt so anxious.
"Then tell me!" after this, Eliott completely loses it, no longer caring what he had to lose.
"I'm fucking in love with you, okay?" Lucas looked like his whole world stopped turning. But in no good way. Actually in any way, but in a good one. Fuck, Eliott felt like crying.
"Is that what you wanted to know so much you pushed so hard? You fucking made me feel like I have no choice, but to tell you when otherwise I fucking wouldn't, I would've left it be and you will live your life happily without knowing."
"Eliott...Eliott I-"
"Don't. Don't do this. I fucking know, okay. Don't do anything at this point. Just leave me alone. Leave," he hid his face in his hands, pushing them so hard against his eyes so he won't cry.
He heard Lucas getting up from his seat and suddenly he didn't want to cry.
Fuck, this is so messy.
It's over. Over. He lost Lucas. He never had him in a first place, he knew that, but now it felt like he completely lost him, messed everything up.
And it hurts. God, it hurts, even though he knew it would and tried to prepare himself to it, but nothing could prepare him to what it actually felt like. That feeling when you lose a person you care about.
He sat in there for another hour and even though he felt like shit the time went so fast.
Everything hurt.
a big thank you belongs to sweet who helped me a lot! thank you, thank you♥♥♥ also i literally know nothing about bipolar disorder and episodes in it, so please let me know if I wrote something incorrectly about it! i hope you enjoyed, even though it’s super angsty, also i’m probably going to make a second part, because i’m all in for happy endings!
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devnine · 6 years
How to Make a Spell
Magic is accomplished with spells: procedures using various methods to manipulate energy in order to accomplish a goal. Spells can be short and simple, long and complex, or anywhere in between-and can be very personal! I always relate magic to music: there are certain formulas and rules and facets that will always be present and will always be true, and should be followed and not violated to get the desired results; on the other hand, you can also add your own flavor to it, do whatever genre you want, even make your own brand-new one! It’s an art as much as a science.
That in mind, I’m going to go over some tips and pointers to make your own spells!
=General Rules=
Magic is accomplished best with the Five Cornerstones. Those being Energy, Focus, Will, Intent, and Visualization. Combine these together in every spell for the best results. (For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/175508445286/the-cornerstones-of-magic)
Use protection circles. Protection circles are boundaries of energy, barriers, that keep foreign energy out. Generally, you should always do magic in one in order to keep anything you don’t want out of your spell. (For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/174483396471/protection-circle-methods)
Cleanse everything. Before performing any spell, it’s almost always a good idea to cleanse everything you’re going to use to get rid of energy accumulated on it; this will keep unwanted energy from messing with what you’re trying to do.(For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/176266388086/cleansing-methods)
So, now that that’s all covered, let’s move on!
=How to Start=
So, you have an idea of what you’re doing; you know how to charge things, you know basic procedures, and you’re ready to do some magic. But the question is: what do you do?
Before anything, you should have a clear goal in mind for your spell. Do you want to protect yourself? If so, from what? Do you need extra insurance when travelling? Maybe you want to ace that job interview, or help bring positivity into your life.
Whatever you do, remember that magic is not miracle-working. It can only help. Don’t expect to be able to conjure a car or cure your disease; it might help you get a new car if you put effort towards it, it might be able to help relieve pain from that disease, but it’s not going to solve everything. And under no circumstances should it be used as a replacement for medical treatment. 
Those statements made, let’s say you’ve figured out what you want to do with your spell. Awesome! That’s honestly a difficult step, sometimes, especially when you’re just starting out. Now, I’ll go into specific methods that will help you piece together exactly how you want to accomplish it.
=Energetic Materials=
Crystals, wood, and stones: the three materials you’ll see brought up and used most in magic. This is because they’re what I term energetic materials; this means that they’re good at conducting and holding spiritual energy. Everything holds at least some, but energetic materials are the best at it. If you need energy, look no further!
There are different properties to different materials; amethysts are different from clear quartz, and both are different from wood, and they’re all different than granite. Research and experiment, and pick the best type of material(s) for the job.
A Note About Blood: There’s a lot of controversy surrounding blood and its properties. Essentially, all it does is add tons of extra energy into a spell; draw a rune with it, coat a candle or crystal with it, whatever works. It will, however, also bind the spell to whoever the blood comes from, meaning it’s technically traceable back to that person. So, do be cautious.
=Runes and Sigils=
These are terms you’ll see mentioned a lot, but what exactly are they? 
Simply put, sigils are like little packets of intent powered by energy; that intent can be released via additional energy input, such as fire, which sends out the spell to do its thing. It’s a very creative process, and I recommend looking into it, especially for beginners. Very simple, and very effective!
Runes, on the other hand, are like stable, permanent sigils; no matter what, they will always have a very powerful intention to them. All you have to do is draw or engrave them, charge them, and then do whatever you want with their power; clean, easy, and very potent! Runes can be placed or engraved wherever you want, and they’ll simply do what they’re made to do without further input. For instance, if you hang up a rune for protection over a door frame, it’ll help ward off any spiritual stuff trying to come through it. I find that Elder Futhark and Witches’ Runes work best.
A personal favorite of mine is the use of elements! I encourage you to look for yourself, but I’m sure you know the classical four: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. They each do their own thing, and they add extra potency and direct intention to a spell, so you might want to include them if you feel like it’s appropriate to you and/or the spell.
Many spells you’ll see will use incantations or chants, phrases and mantras which are designed to help with the spell. While they don’t have power in and of themselves, they do focus the mind on the task at hand and what exactly you want to do with the energy you’re using; if you feel like you need an incantation for your spell, make one that suits you, make one you like and connect with. Anything you like! I personally don’t even use them, though, so it’s all up to you what you want to do with them.
If music or just sound in general is your kind of thing, then you might want to incorporate it! It’s an energy all its own, and it can both set the mood and add a little something to your spell-or even be the entirety of it! The most prevalent use of it is in bell cleansing, something I encourage you to look up. (It’s my personal favorite method of cleansing.)
Another thing to consider, if you like, is calling on spirits and/or deities to help you and grant you some of their power. I term this “prayer,” but I realize that might be sensitive to some, so call it whatever you like; just remember: it isn’t worship, it’s just asking a non-physical entity to give you their help. If you want to worship something, by all means! But you don’t have to to call on them and see if they answer (if you want).
Alchemy, herbology, potion-making-whatever you want to call it, it’s the practice of using natural materials to create magical substances and concoctions. Plants of all kinds have their properties, so research, test, be objective, and have fun! 
A Note About Flavor: It might not be appetizing to make some potions, and that’s okay. Not every mixture is going to taste good; that doesn’t make it less effective.
Enchanting. You always hear in fairy tales about how witches go around enchanting brooms and apples, always hear in MMO games about how an item is enchanted with this or that-but what is an enchantment in real life?
Essentially, enchanting an item is giving it instructions, giving it a purpose. Programming it, you could say. For instance, I’ve personally enchanted a crystal to protect me by filling it with energy (so that it can accomplish the task) and “instructing” it to put a barrier around me that destroys energy attempting to come through. Enchanting is diverse and creative, and has several different methods. The method I’ll recommend, though, is magiforming, a post on which can be found here: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/174620939906/a-primer-on-magiforming
A Note About Loose Spells: Spells which aren’t bound to an object by a method of enchanting, which I call “loose” spells, don’t last forever unless you recast them about every week.
Now that I’ve covered various parts and methods of spellcrafting, let’s take a look at what happens afterwards.
=What Should I Do Now?=
If you’ve just completed the spell, I recommend cleansing everything you’ve used again. (Except items that are supposed to have energy still in and on them, like anything you’ve enchanted.) After that, just clean up, rest, and wait for the spell to take effect!
=How Do I Know it Worked?=
Observation. Wait, watch, see what happens. Look for inexplicable coincidences, strange occurrences, etc. Be objective; don’t let your expectations or hopes cloud you from the reality of what’s actually happening. If there’s simply no other good explanation for why the thing you wanted to happen did, and it’s repeatable, then chances are it worked just fine.
=What if it Backfires?=
Chances are it won’t. You’d have to really screw up somehow, or cast something that runs up against protection that hurts you in return. Don’t be scared of magic; just be calm, be focused, have your goals firmly in mind, and there’s nothing at all to be worried about. Remember: magic at its core is just manipulating energy to achieve a goal.
And that’s everything! (That I can think of, anyway.) Good luck, happy spellcasting, and let me know if there are any questions!
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bedlamgames · 6 years
Q&A #93
Next update is very close to being done, so time to get back on the answering questions horse. Plan is to also do these as twitlongers for those that no longer want to deal with tumblr. 
Anonymous said: The good news is that for explicit content posted in the past, tumblr seems to be willing to let it stay (if my reading of their announcement is correct) -- you may be able to keep this blog as an archive, but wherever you choose to move I'd gladly follow. (I'm already pledged for a dollar on Patreon so that shouldn't be a problem.)
Actually, belay my last message, creating your own website might not be a bad idea. I know that SilverBardGames has their own website and that's like my other indie game developer (with explicit content) that I follow. Word of mouth might still work to spread the good word.
That’s the plan. I do definitely need to sort out a website though sometime. If this experience has shown me anything it’s that relying on a single resource is a baaaad idea. 
justanothorguy1 said: Where are you going to post you new download links for you games?
Will still post them here, the patreon, TFGames, and the Collective. Will also post them going forward on the twitter. 
rafaelivri said: 1. Somehow my slaver that I recruit started with cum lust+++. Is this even intentional (that they can have it from the very beginning)? 2. Any way to get rid of it? 
Worked out what was causing that and it should be fixed in the update. 
Anonymous said: I'm not sure if this a bug but recently I've been getting a lot of slaves and slavers whose descriptions say that they're barely taller than a goblin.
Maybe a weird run of RNG? Not heard that from anyone else yet so one to keep an eye on I think. 
Anonymous said: was wondering if theres a walkthough for no haven somewhere? i played a bunch of it and interested to figure out what i missed
There is a wiki which you can find a link to on the No Haven page here. Not something under my control though so no idea if there’s a walkthrough out there. 
Anonymous said: watch as your posts get flagged anyway tho *shrug*
Been over a month and no flagged posts so worked out how to handle that apparently :D
Anonymous said: I don't think your link in the latest blogpost is supposed to lead to some tony mo and his videogame loveletters on patreon.
Oops missed a character in the copy/paste. Thanks for the spot. 
Anonymous said: i had a idea for a no heaven maybe some content where your bed warmer slave takes control of you in bed if there dominate and your secretly submissive. and if the there a dominator or hypono they start taking more control of your over time secretly controlling you and camp form behind close door.
That’s been on the books for awhile where certain slaves will be very dangerous to have as a bedwarmer. For a start those mantras coming in the next update just might end up being used on you in future updates. 
joyfullyunadulteratedruins said: Is the Hypnopics thread gone? That's the only way I can download No Haven now, and the download link here is still on version 0.821
Looks to be still there to me?
Anonymous said: [no haven 0.832] imgur a/d4SJMAC is it intentional that a fel person doesn't want to get corrupted?
[no haven 0.832] imgur /a/J0ooMqC the love being desecrated drone until entirely embedded sounds to me like the check doesn't have to be done anymore, but I keep having to do it.
Yeah for some reason they may not always think that you have their best interests at heart :)
That other one is a temporary bodge of their thoughts to overwhelm their resistance. In future though there will be more permanent alterations possible like with slaves in the next update. 
Anonymous said: Could we, in the future, have a fourth-wall option to discard a slave or slaver? No reward given, just a simple deletion. It's happened to me a few times where assignments that involve specific slaves - such as the lamia in Dance the Night Away or the drow males in the Deep Mtns quest - bug out at the turn in and leave behind a slave you cannot get rid of. Also been numerous times where I've gotten an abysmal roll on a slaver and had to wait for a guaranteed disaster quest to get rid of them.
Previous anon here who was asking for the fourth-wall purge. Yes, I am aware that there's a quest to remove unwanted slavers. However, since you can't reliably force it to pop, its usefulness is inconsistent at best. Also, it gives a payout and only works on slavers - the purge I'm asking for would be more universal and give nothing. Just a convenient deletion to improve gameplay. The accompanying picture could be a screaming stickman being sucked into a black hole.
I’d prefer to fix bugs rather than do workarounds if possible. Been down that path before and it only complicate things badly. 
The reason why there’s no outright dismiss a slaver is that from the beginning on of the challenges I wanted was some of your own slavers so just booting them would lose a lot of fun possibilities. 
Saying that I do want to do more with morale/reputation so that slavers have a chance to get fed up enough that you can drive them away. I’m also planning a new assignment which will be a risk free depending on choices way to dump unwanted slaves without need for chancing the Whore Makers.  
Anonymous said: Hi! Thank you for for that great game! Some questions about the future: 1) Will we have any mechanics with C:Devices and C:Enchantment in the near future? 2) Any plans to expand the list of slave trainings with anal/vaginal tranings or something else?
Thank you!
Maybe not near, near future, but certainly sooner rather than later as both I want to have as encampment roles. Next update also has some of the groundwork for enchanting. 
Yes absolutely more training is coming including bimbo training in the next update. 
nh-maikochan said: Bug report: Had a slaver level up and had the option for the aspect "Friends in High Places", however, when I clicked on -View Choices-, it instead gave me the entry for "A Friend in Every Port", however the text for that made reference to Scouting the Deep Mountains instead of the Dreadsea Coast. "Aspect: A Friend in Every Port - Requires Friendly and two Scout the Deep Mountains Success or Crits, awards an additional two assignments on Scout the Deep Mountains Success or Crit results."
So just had an interesting bug. I took a slave to auction, my camp leader going along on the assignment, got a critical result, and while the assignment said that the slave was sold, she ended up coming back with me. Some factors that may have had an effect: Had gotten word that bimbo slaves were in demand, and the slave was indeed a bimbo and my leader has Inquisitor, which activated giving me an assignment.
First one I’ve sorted for the update. 
Other was that slave bimboborn? Cause I think that might be causing issues with selling. 
Anonymous said: Hi! What do you think about oppotunity not only gain new perks when slaver lvl up, but to remove existing ones, such as Unruly or Reserved for example? Thank you!
My current plan is to use hypnotic to tackle those unwanted mental traits. Certainly not a bad idea though. 
Decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pull in questions from other sources to give as much info as possible out in one place at one time. So going forward I’m also going to be including some of the questions asked elsewhere along with including the answers I made. 
From TFGames: I'm a little confused as to biomancy and hypnotism and changing other characters. The odds seem to really not like being "in the field" but I can't figure out where else to be? Also, I can't seem to figure out what hypnotic triggers actually do when you put them on a slaver. Is there a way to alter someone's personality via hypnotism or domination? In terms of customization and exporting... is it just the char-gen where you can export a character? Is there a way to say, see a slave get captured, manipulate or change them via training and influence, turn them into a slaver and then export that character and see what happens on their career? Alternatively, is there a way to change the names of the slaves you capture and slavers you recruit? For say, immersion purposes >.> Or generate and specify your own "number two" ?
Hypnotic triggers on slavers currently are used for respect checks which are when a slaver doesn't want to do something like go whore themselves out, where a slutty outfit, or be corrupted and you need to persuade them. Using the triggers is a lot more effective than some of the other options. In the next update triggers will also be used on slaves to help with their training and unlock new bonuses. In future those slave mantras will be able to be used on anyone including yourself, and I'm also planning extra usage to deal with annoying traits like reserved and unhinged. Currently it's just the main character. I'd like to do more, but given I also want to move away from rags I'm not planning to do anything with it for now. There is an option to nickname under help and options. I don't think it's ideal though in the current implementation and it needs another look sometime.
From TFGames: Is there any get mind controlled content besides the "dreams" ascociated with Lacey's toy?
Being possessed is the main one which is a rare outcome from corruption which then has a bunch of follow up text at end of day, during respect checks, and leadership challenges. The Quick as You Like mini-adventure if you go on it assignment has MC content, especially if you 'win' the race. There's the hidden cults when you go into town where you can lose control. There also might be some assignments that have a bit of MC action if you go on them. If you're submissive there's also mind control content in the story line assignment to unlock the hidden area and slave auctions.
From the Patreon: A suggestion to add more interplay with your slavers in NH - in the "Talk" menu add a topic called "ask for rumours" where you can ask your slavers if they have any leads/tips. Depending on certain factors they could offer you a tip-off for a mission (type & quality determined by slavers type and your relation with them), to be added to your list, in exchange for gold/supplies/days off/sexual favours. Could also lead into leadership challenges if you rely too much on a slaver. Slavers could also have an x% chance of approaching you for a chat each day and ask you for things and you could choose what to charge them (no charge leads to a relation increase, refusing outright leads to a decrease). Would be a way of getting slavers to wear things/do things that they otherwise wouldn't and vice-versa. Looking forward to the update.
That's a really neat idea. Added it to my to do list.
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mossytreeelf-blog · 7 years
Witchy A-Z Glossary.
I apologize for how inactive I have been and how I have been slacking off on the witchy posts for a few weeks, but here’s a lil something for you. I got all of these definitions from Google Dictionary and Wikipedia so these are the actual given meanings for the words/terms, not just my interpretation.
Acolyte : a person assisting in a ritual, service or procession.
Adder stone : a type of stone, usually glassy, with a naturally occurring hole through it. They are believed to have magical powers such as protection against eye diseases or evil charms, preventing nightmares, curing whooping cough, the ability to see through fairy or witch disguises and traps if looked at through the middle of the stone, and recovery from snakebite. According to popular conception, a true adder stone will float in water.
Adept : very skilled or proficient at witchcraft.
Alchemy : the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir.
Altar : a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making offerings to a deity or ancestors.
Amulet : an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.
Animism : the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.
Anoint : smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a ritual or ceremony.
Arcana : either of the two groups of cards in a tarot pack: the twenty-two trumps (the major arcana ) and the fifty-six suit cards (the minor arcana ).
Arcane : understood by few; mysterious or secret.
Astral Plane :a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental, and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions.
Astral Projection : a willful out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.
Aura : An aura or Human energy field is, according to New Age beliefs, a colored emanation said to enclose a human body or any animal or object.
Balefire : An outdoor fire used in witches' sabbats and rituals.
Banish : Get rid of something unwanted.
Besom : used to cleanse and purify a space which will be used for ritual.
Black Magic : traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes.
Chakras : any center of subtle body believed to be psychic-energy centers in the esoteric traditions of Indian religions.
Cone of Power : The cone of power is a method of raising energy in ritual magic.
Daemon : benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and deities, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature, or the deities themselves.
Demon : a supernatural and often malevolent being.
Elementals : an elemental is any magical entity who embodies/personifies a force of nature and therefore possess the powers exclusive to the elemental's own unique element.
Evocation : the act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, god or other supernatural agent.
Familiar : supernatural entities that would assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic.
Grey Magic : magic that is not performed for specifically beneficial reasons, but is also not focused towards completely hostile practices.
Grimoire : a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination, and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, and demons. In many cases, the books themselves are believed to be imbued with magical powers.
Hymn :  a type of song, specifically written for the purpose of adoration or prayer, and typically addressed to a deity or deities
Incantation : a charm or spell created using words. An incantation may take place during a ritual, either a hymn or prayer, and may invoke or praise a deity. In magic, occultism, shamanism, and witchcraft it is used with the intention of casting a spell on an object or a person.
Mantra : a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit believed by practitioners to have psychological and spiritual powers.
Shamanism :  involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.
Sunwise : considered the “prosperous course”, turning from east to west in the direction of the sun.(Clockwise)
Widdershins : a term meaning to go counter-clockwise, to go anti-clockwise, or to go lefthandwise, or to walk around an object by always keeping it on the left.
This took me really long and I am sorry I didn’t get a lot in here. If there are any definitions you want me to add then give me a heads - up so I can add them in for you.
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sandeshblogger · 4 years
8 smooth ways to teach the art of living via casting off the hurricane of mind from the mind
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‘mind’ is a vehicle that takes you on a global excursion from home .. takes you everywhere ..
all and sundry's issues go with the flow .. from time to time it's miles sad and from time to time it is happy ..
Angel and satan, the 2 inhabitants of the mind, on occasion deliver us stunning ideology and on occasion horrific ideology.
The thoughts does not get worn-out .. it maintains flying ..
The work of the thoughts is going on day and night time .. so much that once in a while we get bored .. the mind does no longer allow us to sit down nevertheless even at the same time as running ..
Then how many haidos is this mind carrying even as being empty .. ?? A large hole is fashioned in all those thoughts.
And we sink deeper and deeper into that pit.
from time to time these thoughts become like a big elephant .. and we stock its burden for years ..
from time to time i wonder why all that is sitting to your wrist .. ??
All thoughts, excellent or horrific, must be eliminated from the thoughts .. allow's get a calm thoughts ..
essentially, if the mind does not recognize what peace is, how can it's calm .. ??
mind and feelings run rampant within the thoughts .. and the top will become bhuga ..
we strive to entertain the mind for that but it is vain.
due to the fact we don't know the artwork of calming the thoughts, the artwork of dwelling via removing the hurricane of mind from the mind.
So there is no attempt in that path .. in the long run we give up .. and Alia begins the recurring as Bhogasi ..
however friends, it isn't very hard to get peace of thoughts.
All you have to do is get it.
nowadays we are able to discover ways to free the mind from all traps thru these suggestions.
1. Forgiveness and forgetting the beyond:
the mantra 'Forgive and forget about' could be very critical buddies .. do  .. ??
now and again we forget about an incident .. but when we do not forget it, we also do not forget the offender in the back of it .. we don't forget the heartache that passed off to us .. the thoughts is restless once more .. !!!
how many days do you need to live with this burden .. ??
Samarth has stated, It occurs all of a sudden. ”
you have to learn how to forgive before you forget what happened. Now, of route, you may not discover this realistic. however now let's see how to forgive
If we can forgive, we are able to forget the entirety.
after which the sour reminiscences of the beyond that get up inside the thoughts, the feeling of revenge will depart by using itself.
And yes sorry, learn how to do no longer only to others but additionally to yourself .. we also make errors .. harm a person ..
It remains within the thoughts for the relaxation of one's existence .. even though we repent, there may be still a unhappiness inside the thoughts ..
there is a gilt that haunts you for the relaxation of your life. Forgive yourself for that.
The errors of the past or the mistakes of others are constantly piercing our minds. it is appropriate no longer to permit the sort of past to occur in our gift as nicely.
great memories ought to usually be kept in thoughts .. sweet purple reminiscences will convey quite a few peace to the mind ..
In an in advance article in Manache Talks, it turned into written as 'overlook and Forgive'. Many human beings's comments and messages on it had been such that if the wrongdoers were forgiven, they might be unfastened to make further mistakes.
So forgiving them and letting them pass is the incorrect manner !! How can this give you peace of thoughts?
it truly is right, friends, however if the mistakes are small, it's far continually better to understand the wrongdoers and live away from them.
but if the errors were made on a massive and unjust stage, then it's far as much as you to leave the ones errors to the law.
2. workout, dance and meditate:
exercise and meditation are the panacea for plenty problems.
Dancing is likewise a tremendous manner to relax your mind .. if you love to bop, you may forget all of the issues and come to be very glad ..
Do you already know .. ?? There are a few strain factors for your frame which can relieve you from many troubles. apprehend its technique too.
Acupressure is a completely effective remedy for lots physical illnesses and mental imbalances.
a few research have shown that if the stress points are pressed with the right pressure, the pressure to your mind is lightened.
we can quickly carry you an editorial and a video on this topic.
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3.  Smile lots, speak and ease the strain:
Laughter is a psychic. you could have heard it referred to as 'Laughter is the first-rate remedy'.
It is easy to get peace of mind with laughter therapy.
sit down within the organisation of giggling loved ones or pals and permit the mind get the nippiness of laughter.
Comedy serials, watch movies .. even kid's movies come up with a variety of joy .. preserve the typhoon of mind far from your thoughts ..
And make sure to share your thoughts together with your special buddy or associate.
if you proportion the entirety in your mind, you'll understand how to reduce the stress to your mind .. but you need to practice it often ..4. Do things for yourself, not for anyone else:
Throughout the ages we live for others. He does many things for others by killing his mind.
If someone is good because of our patience or sacrifice, we consider it a blessing. This is the goal of all good people.
But while doing all this, how can you forget yourself .. ?? Just as we have duties towards others, so do we have duties towards ourselves.
And if you don't complete it, it makes the house sad .. and that's what keeps you going ..
So live for yourself .. Don't look back while doing anything for yourself, for your own happiness ..
Wake up to a comfortable life .. the mind will automatically be happy ..
4. Do things for your self, now not for everybody else:
at some stage in the ages we live for others. He does many stuff for others by using killing his mind.
If a person is right due to our patience or sacrifice, we remember it a blessing. this is the purpose of all suitable human beings.
but whilst doing all this, how will you neglect yourself .. ?? simply as we have duties toward others, so will we have duties closer to ourselves.
And if you don't entire it, it makes the house unhappy .. and that is what keeps you going ..
So live for your self .. do not look returned while doing something for yourself, on your personal happiness ..
wake up to a comfortable existence .. the thoughts will routinely be satisfied ..
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5 wreck each unfortunate items or grandchildren:
Vicious relationships in no way let you hold your stability .. unwanted relationships preserve you locked in a cage of misery for all time ..
And irrespective of how an awful lot it hurts the thoughts .. If there may be such a poisonous relationship in our life, most effective the mind of it maintain blending in our head .. so much so that we overlook to stay ..
consequently, it's far better to hold this sort of courting away .. eliminate the individual that is bothering you mentally ..
better a terrible horse than no horse at all.
If household items associated with the same individual are bothering you, throw them out of the house too .. a few antique things, a few bad recollections are also now not suitable within the house ..
dispose of grandchildren and matters that give you sour recollections. instead, boom your friendship with those who make your thoughts happy.
6. Embrace dreams, pursue hobbies that delight the mind:
The best way to get rid of bad thoughts is to channelize your mind .. revise your dreams ..
Turn the direction of the thoughts of the mind in that direction .. When you follow the path of dreams, your free time will be rewarded in learning the skills required for it, cultivating the hobbies required for it .. and the storm of thoughts will not get entry in the mind ..
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7. Reduce engagement:
Act according to the law of working and leaving .. Don't get involved in anything or man ..
If life is involved in something, expectations increase and if they are not fulfilled, then the mind gets injured due to disappointment .. The mind falls back into the pit of sorrow ..
So don't get involved in anything .. If you have to get involved, get involved in good deeds and thoughts .. Spirituality also says this .. Do your deeds and give up expectations .. This is a great way to get peace of mind, even if it is a little difficult .. !!
‘Reduce engagement’ does not even mean going down the path of asceticism. But when the time comes, you should always be able to be detached.
8. Embrace gratitude and understand the opposite:
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If someone has helped you, if someone has done good to you, you should be grateful to such a person, to such thoughts .. If you need someone, you should help the needy ..
If someone close to you is behaving inappropriately for some reason, what could be better than to understand them .. ??
If we continue to behave badly without realizing that there is a reason behind the strange behavior of others, then we are also in trouble.
Instead, try putting yourself in front of the situation. The sharpness of the crisis will be understood .. !!
Giving gratitude and helping are two things that satisfy the mind.
All these tips will definitely help you to get rid of the heavy elephant of thoughts.
There are other things you can do as well .. Living with positive people and thinking positive will also help you a lot to get rid of bad thoughts ..
It is not important to be perfect every time .. The important thing is to keep the mind calm and happy .. !!
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