#mostly headcanons for the saiyans
age736 · 6 months
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it makes sense for saiyans to be so human-looking. as a bipedal primate mammalian species, alot of human traits was of course, inevitable. yet they still have distinct enough features compared to humans that they are noticeably different- to not mention the obvious taxonomy that would influence these changes. it's very possible that both humans and saiyans had a common biological ancestor, but split due to numerous factors on their individual planets that lead to saiyans being classified as monkeys and so powerful in the scale of the universe, while humans classified as great apes and so weak in comparison to the scale of the universe. of course just simple taxonomy isn't the only thing that's all different about them.
speaking on their environmental factors, saiyans had to evolve to compensate for the harshness of both planets sadala and vegeta- they had to adapt to the gravity that was considered ten times more dense then galaxy standard gravity. their bodies grew massively in strength- with their muscle tissue and the bones in their skeletal structure growing stronger and denser, which not only made them stronger, but also far more durable then most other races in the universe. they even developed a small regenerative healing factor, as the constantly combative and aggressive nature of the saiyan species required for their bodies to be capable of taking more damage, and to in turn, adapt their bodies to that damages- which lead to the biological enigma that is the zenkai boost.
speaking more on saiyan's durable physiology, saiyans also grew to develop a wider, stockier ribcage- those bones being especially strengthened and dense compared to the rest of the skeletal structure- which leads to a saiyan's unusually wide and heavily built bodies. what these ribs are for is not just increased protection of the torso, but to also protect a saiyan's two hearts. both hearts are in the same area in the upper left of the torso. with the greater heart doing most of the work in pumping oxygen and blood through the body, while the lesser heart is much smaller and connected near the bottom end of the greater heart where it, for the most part, applies the same function to a lesser extent and leeches nutrients and recycles a small amount of waste product that the greater heart produces- which in turn assists in a saiyan's much greater amounts of stamina than other species. another function is serves, is a temporary back-up heart. should a saiyan's heart be punctured, stop working, etc- the second heart will fire up in rapid production, continuing the pumping of blood and oxygen in the brain and body without even a moment of lag in between, though of course to a lesser extent. should a saiyan be given time to recover from this grievance injury, there is potential for the greater heart to repair itself to a degree, though in most cases, the saiyan will die due to blood loss or cardiac failure from the lesser heart not capable of keeping up with the body's functions.
saiyans also sport one of their most distinct monkey-esque qualities- their tails. the tail is essential to the saiyan body plan. it applies extra balance to their heavy frames, acts as an extra limb for either leisure or combat, and provides the gateway into the oozaru transformation as well as true mastery over the super saiyan. the tail is almost fully autonomous, as it is connected to the body through the somatic nervous system, which impacts reflexes. the tail is the limb that has the most nerves in the saiyan body, which leads to it being so sensitive and when untrained, will drastically shut down many other nerve endings within the body once grabbed. yet once the tail is trained, the sensitive nerves become gradually more hardy and durable- no longer leading to paralysis upon being grabbed. the tail will also reflexively maneuver and dodge out of the way of attacks aimed specifically for it, making it quite difficult to cut off and cripple the saiyan.
saiyans also have many other distinct monkey-like attributes. such as massive upper and lower canine teeth, usually around 3 inches in length on the average saiyan, with loose cheek pouches in their mouths to sheath into upon closing. their jaws produce a bite force of around 5500 PSI, much stronger than most species and can easily tear through flesh and bone. their stomachs are strongly acidic with an effective digestive system that allows for the consumption of skin, hair, hooves, horns and bones. this all combined shows that saiyans are adapted for a heavily protein-based diet, yet saiyans are strictly omnivorous and will happily consume fruit and vegetative foods as well. these adaptations impact them greatly when they need to survive on worlds outside of their own- preying upon the local flora, fauna.... and civilized population.
like many other monkey species as well, saiyans have prehensile feet. able to grip, throw and punch with them just as well as they are with their hands. though in most cases, they primarily went unused- as most saiyans wore shoes to protect against the rocky, heated ground and sand from their desert planet.
finally, saiyans gained a very specific evolutionary trait that was gained from their primarily combative life style and hostile environment- slowed aging. saiyan children remain rather small and compact through early childhood well into adolescents- at this time is where the saiyan will eat the most they can and have their body build up as much strength as possible. then on the precipice of young adulthood, the saiyan will drastically grow in both height and strength- on average to about six feet in length. from there they will remain that height and physical appearance for a majority of their lifespan for the next six or seven decades. this is so that the saiyan remains in peak fighting condition for a long period of their lives. though around the ages of 50, a saiyan will begin to have a slow and steady change in their physical appearance in that their hair will slowly change from black to brown in color. this phenomenon is called "browning", and is a signal that the body has begun preparation and adjustment for the final cycle of saiyan life- rapid aging. after a life time of consuming and burning massive amounts of bodily energy, injuries, and scars- at around the ages of 70-80, the saiyan's body drastically lowers its production rate. the second heart stops its functions completely, the fat and nutrients in both bones and muscles have begun to be repurposed for slow energy maintenance in the body, and the brownish-black hair on top of the saiyans hair begins to rapidly grey and turn white over the next few months and years. the saiyan will be unable to even turn super saiyan, as it will apply too much strain on the body- and their power will rapidly decrease downwards until it stabilizes averaging monumentally lower than it was in their prime. it is rare for a saiyan to ever reach this stage in life, as saiyans tend to often die in battl, and those saiyans that do manage to reach this stage are celebrated and revered as legendary warriors of their species, or social pariahs that are shunned for their cowardice for their last few decades.
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ap-kinda-lit · 5 months
Saiyan headcanons
Saiyans love hot baths. The kind of temperatures they best enjoy would be boiling to most people but to them is a perfect sauna.
They often take very personal trophies from their victories, like heads, limbs, or skin.
When a Saiyan is banished/exiled, they have their tails cut off as a mark of shame.
Some traditional Saiyan dishes do include bugs.
Before the Cold Empire’s conquest, Saiyan architecture was similar to that of the Aztecs/Mayans and India. You can also see it in the style of their artwork.
They also didn’t use armor much as they didn’t consider it necessary, but when they did the armor they wore included leather, metals, and furs. Common Saiyan armor was styled like the Vikings, while the armor used by the elite were more like the Mongolians.
Like in a lot of species, female Saiyans are not only just as strong as their male counterparts but can even be more dangerous. Females are more agile, methodical, strategic, and better at stealth. Like lionesses, they are capable of both attacking and defending. While female Saiyans are the primary caretakers of children and homesteads, this is because they are seen as reliable and highly capable at leading and protecting. If an army tried to attack a Saiyan camp because it was only wives and mothers, it would be the worst mistake.
Most Saiyans do not know what a “husband/wife” or “boyfriend/girlfriend” is or even what marriage means. They have mates and while there is courting involved it still basically goes if two people like each other a certain way they hook up, move in, and, more often than not, produce children. That’s it. Plain and simple. There are no certain terms, ceremonies, or pageantry.
Surprisingly, Saiyans are normally very loyal partners. They are monogamous and they more often than not mate for life.
A lot of Saiyans actually care about their children and can be super protective of them. As in, think of a mama bear or papa lion on PCP. Don’t mess with their kids.
They also carry them on their bodies, mostly their backs, not much different from how regular monkeys and apes do with their babies.
And when they’re not carried, Saiyan children hold on to their parent’s tail, kind of like with elephants.
Traditional Saiyan music kind of sounds like rock music and their dancing is the same as mosh pitting.
Yes, they hiss like cats. Why wouldn’t they?
Their battle cries sound like gorilla grunts and monkey howls and they bang on their chests like them.
Saiyans are fairly casual about nudity. They have mixed bath-houses and don’t have much problem with walking around naked before or after a bath or being injured. They even consider fighting nude and act of bravery and strength.
Saiyans have a very high tolerance for narcotics and alcohol. It takes quite a bit to make them intoxicated. Which is why their alcohol is extremely strong to the point it could give a man alcohol poisoning in little to no time.
While they prefer meat, they’re omnivores above all. They can eat just about anything. I mean anything. They have super strong stomachs that can store/digest anything. Like sharks, they’ll eat the most unusual things from time to time. If you cut open a Saiyan’s belly, you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff you would find in there, like a lost and found.
A Saiyan’s way of showing affection to their SO or relatives normally includes sharing food, bringing them presents from their hunts and other adventures, and grooming (namely picking out debris or whatnot from their hair). With their mates, they tend to bite (think of like with cats).
Speaking of which, Saiyans are very fierce in the bedroom as they are in the battlefield. Because of this, along with their brute strength and expansive energy, physical intimacy with a Saiyan can be tantamount to wrestling a bear or lion. You will most likely die or at least be seriously injured.
Saiyans have matches that are a lot like flyting, or rap battles. Essentially, they roast each other in rhythmic style. In Saiyan matches, expect some mother/father jokes and unflattering references to Frieza or King Cold.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Dating Goku Headcanons | Goku x Reader |
author's note: i just love me some son goku!!!
pairing: goku x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, light nsfw mentions but nothing explicit
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when you met goku, you were just out grocery shopping like any other tuesday
he wasn't even actually shopping there, he was just mooching off all of the free sample tables
they asked him to leave just as you were checking out, and so you ended up striking conversation with him in the parking lot, as his physique didn't imply he was starving, yet he was eating like he was
and as you walk away to your car with your groceries, you wonder just how you got finessed into cooking dinner for him that night
ever since he got a taste of your cooking, Goku was absolutely hooked on you
the key to a Saiyan's heart truly is through his stomach
Goku isn't the most romantic guy, and he can be a little clueless at first, but he's a swift learner and soon figures out your cues
his hugs are warm and strong, and he's always happy to give them
a good listener, and sometimes actually gives very good advice
loves, loves, loves kissing
Goku has, on more than one occasion, gotten so excited to kiss you that he's cut you off mid-sentence with a big ole smoochy smooch
and by the time he's done, you never remember what you were talking about
he doesn't know if he prefers to give or receive kisses, as both are so amazing to him
also very much loves to have sex
Goku can go as often as you want; he will literally never tire out before you
unsurprisingly, he's a generous lover too
goku loves to nap just as much as he loves to train, so getting quality time can be a bit of a struggle if you aren't in the mood for a nap
he won't get mad if you wake him up so you can do something together, but it's ideal to have a big sandwich at the ready so he won't pout about being woken up
Goku will literally wear that same damn gi every day if you don't organize outfits for him, so you end up playing dress up a lot
he's a very stunning model, and nine times out of ten you end up tearing the clothes right back off of him
Goku is literally the perfect boyfriend for when you have a sudden urge to rearrange all of the furniture
he's more than happy to move everything for you, even sometimes offering his own ideas or desires for where certain things should go
he's also perfect for dusting the ceiling fans and corners, since he's not only tall, but can fly
he's also got the most adorable sneeze
is always happy to see you, whether it's been an hour or a day or a week
he's a bit like a golden retriever puppy, if you really think about it
his joy upon seeing your face is increased tenfold after a day spent in the hyperbolic time chamber, as it's been a whole year for him!
he'll scoop you into those even stronger arms, kissing you and nuzzling you and talking a thousand miles a minute about this, that and the third
you and Goku don't fight often, but it's not an impossibility
sometimes Goku's naïveté can be frustrating, mostly when it comes to his rigorous training schedule
you see him every day, but it doesn't always feel like you're getting much time with him since you have to do the majority of the house chores and work full time
Goku doesn't argue much, and will usually just let you get your frustrations out before responding
you don't see his war face often, as you're not a fighter and never do see the battlefield
but when he's genuinely upset at you, you're pretty sure he makes the same face as he would to his enemies
being on the side of Goku's cold shoulder or disappointment is the worst feeling you've ever known, and you find yourself incredibly lucky that it's not only rare, but fleeting when it does happen
Goku sees so much of the good in anything and he'd never let a small mistake hold him back from the happiness you make him feel
loves to tell you how much he loves you, and thanks you often for all that you do for him
Goku is honest to a fault, and will tell you if an outfit or color looks bad on you
and while he's always down for a fight, his demeanor is less happy-go-lucky and more i-will-fuck-you-up whenever you get hit on by another man
jealous Goku is not a nice man, but good lord he's the best lover you've ever had
Goku has practically turned your home into an animal rescue with how many stray kittens and injured birds he finds in need of help
after he brought home a whole litter of kittens and their feral mother and begged you to let them stay for a while with those damned puppy dog eyes, you decided that the ASPCA should put him in their advertisements
Being with Goku has made traveling immensely easier and you go on vacations more often than you typically would, thanks to instant transmission and his ability to fly being able to nix your travel costs to a near zero
sometimes he'll pull out the old nimbus cloud and take you for a ride, letting you get a good look at the stars and all of their constellations
Goku is beautiful in the moonlight, and the spark in his kisses while underneath it feels stronger than normal
you've never felt this much happiness before meeting Goku, and each day is somehow better than the last
Goku isn't perfect, but he's everything you need and more
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helloiamadrawer · 1 month
Hello my friend; I wanted to see if you could do a headcanon or story on Android 17 x Saiyan!Reader who's also Goku's daughter and who is also a black!reader? (You can make it both SFW and NSFW!!)🤗👌🏾❤️‍🔥
Android 17 x Black! Saiyan who is Goku's Daughter
a/n: Hi @lelewright1234 unfortunately I can't do nsfw ( I may do that on a later event but not this one sorry!) but I will make it fluffy and romantic for ya!
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Ok it may seem stereotypical but 17 listens to Kendrick Lamar as he cruises through the park with you in his dune buggy, making sure everything is okay and the animals are safe and you ofc
You always admired his love for animals, as you had a liking towards them as well, so whenever you got the chance to patrol, he would ask if you would like to come along if you werent busy
As you are a Saiyan, you and 17 train to maintain your power (cause Goku is mostly NOT present cause he is out training with his rival friend Vegeta) or just for plain fun
and per chance sometimes you two place silly bets on whoever loses 🤭
Cause you prefer defending yourself sometimes and who knows if you end up alone and someone tries to run up on you, the usual defense methods
You asked him once if you could dread or braid his hair and he was totally cool with it as he had no idea what you were going to do but it turned out pretty cool! (Tbh, android 17 in dreads is like a new cool style he would rock it!)
showering you in kisses just out of nowhere really hehe
Your laugh almost sounds just like your father's and 17 just finds it so cute like its his magnum opus of happiness
Sci fi movie nights
Hear me out: Arcade dates because he knows every game and would beat you at all of them (he'd let you win at least one tho and he basically won all the prizes for you such a sweetheart 🥰)
Sugar Daddy 17? 😳😳🤔 just a thought..
You tried teachimg him a bit of gen z lingo but the only word that looks good on him is 💫s l a y💫 you laughed so hard when he tried to put it in a sentence when you were cooking something one day and he goes, "Wow, that smells so slay babe." next thing he sees is you half bent over laughing and 17 is just confused "Omg, you are such a card 17! But nice try though honey, we'll have to brush up more on that."
Did i forget that Bulma once let him rent one of her super dope yachts to 17? Yk, after the TOP and stuff? Yeah he did it again for yall's second year anniversary of being together;a cruise date! complete with flowers, a nice candlelit dinner with a amazing view of the sunset descending over the sea, it was beautiful and romantic at the same time. You couldn't help but think to yourself 'How did i get so lucky?'
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a/n: annd...thats about it! Hope you liked it!
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tuesdayinthedas · 6 months
I personally headcanon Saiyans to be hairless, except on their head and occasionally facial hair. How about you?
Hmmmmmm Im honestly torn on this and I guess it depends on the mood I’m in hahaha
The case for hairless :
Just based on canon and what Vegeta has made comments about it on the past. With Saiyans not having to worry about hair growth (also I have this vanity head canon about Vegeta based on some posts I have come across on tumblr and from what Ive seen in the manga and the anime) I feel he’d shave anyway. I like how the half Saiyan/Human kids change hairstyles and really emphasised that the monkee bois are stuck with the hair they have haha. You have probably noticed I mostly draw them with out extra hair because I either am trying to draw in canon style or I forget 😅
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The case for hairy:
I do love love hair on people and drawing hair on characters, and like Saiyans are Monkeys. And i just love the thought that they are furry to some extent? This is also why I am bias on loving the ss4 design, give me furry men with tails please!
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*bites this furry bastard*
So honestly I head canon both options and its mostly based on what Im trying to tell/communicate at the time to benefit my narrative 😂😂
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amelheth · 9 months
Frieza's Analysis #0. New series.
I wanted to start a new blog series aside from the Zamasu' glog, but, this time with more of an analytic approach. Here i wanted to analyse Frieza and his species in general, how they function and etc.
I will base it off mainline dragon ball series, including Cooler and potentially Kuriza. Xenoverse npcs or cacs wont be included into this deepdive.
I refuse to call this race arcosians, nor i will call their homeworld Arcos, even if i do call it such within RP, due to my rp friends doing so.
Arcosians are a completely different race, introduced in Z before Frieza Force concept appeared in manga. It was simply a race thar supplied saiyans with tech in exchange for planets. Moreso partners, like Heeters are to Frieza, rather than superiors.
These are Arcosians.
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They have nothing to do with Frieza's race. Frieza Force simply replaced them as narrative supportive force.
So. I will rather keep calling them frost demons, as Cell calls them in Xenoverse, or icejins, another fan name that has no misconception as arcosians do.
My apology to Arcos enjoyers. It is not same race.
First blog post will be about Frieza' evolutions and why they look as they do, before i deepdive into homeworld analysis based off anatomy.
P.s: All said in next episodes of this series will be mostly headcanons, based on mainline series. Mostly theoretic.
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torterragarden · 18 days
For the character thingy... Vegeta!
Here we go lol
First impression: He looks like a very angry troll doll
Impression now: Believe it or not I actually like Vegeta lol. Fandom's preferential treatment of him at the expense of other characters has me feeling petty a lot of the time when it comes to him but like, I do think he's a good character! He's dynamic and funny and interesting! But the way people talk about him sometimes. I feel like we are talking about completely different characters, like the things I think are interesting about Vegeta are not what other people liked about him, but the things those people liked about him are not who he is at all they made it all up. I've never felt so "I'm the only one who understands this extremely popular character" about a character I only ever kind of liked. So to compensate for this I need to bully him relentlessly and without mercy it's just how I cope sorry. But we're cool I swear
Favorite moment: See I could bully him here and pick one of the many times he talked shit just to get his ass handed to him but I will instead be nicer and pick his final words to Goku on Namek. Which now that I type it out doesn't sound very nice hhdsajkgdsj but I mean it was actually a really emotional moment it was a good moment just. well sorry about the dying Vegeta
Idea for a story: I could do with him being in less stories tbh sorry SORRY I am incapable of not bullying him
Unpopular opinion: Where to start lol. Actually I have a big one that I don't know if I've ever talked about before here. I don't agree that he should be the one to kill Frieza. People are wrong about Vegeta and Frieza's dynamic in general but that's kind of a different subject and the point is everything that was compelling about Frieza and Vegeta ended when Frieza died the first time. He was killed by a Saiyan prince, technically! So revenge has been dealt, it's done! Vegeta and Frieza still hate each other sure, but now whenever they meet they mostly just hurl petty insults at each, there's nothing really interesting going on there anymore. Goku on the other hand still has a compelling dynamic with Frieza because Frieza was literally made to be his foil and his nemesis. So enough about Vegeta already lmao
Favorite relationship: Probably Bulma! I don't think they're as romantic as people make them out to be but their relationship is definitely interesting to think about and Vegeta loves her in his very Vegeta way
Favorite headcanon: Can't think of one right now
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Headcanons about if the boys got their tails back
- Goku- would swing it around like when he was a kid, likely would incorporate it into his fighting style instead of tucking it as a belt
-Vegeta- would instantly go back to tucking it as a belt, over time would leave it untucked and use it to taunt his enemies, keeps it tucked when not in combat as a fashion statement and a sign of Saiyan pride
-Gohan- wouldn't know what to do with it, would likely try to hide it when he could so he didn't scare people, would use it for agility and balance in combact instead of offence
-Broly- would leave it out all the time and not know any better, is completely immobile when it's grabbed, most often hidden under his fur, it's green fur 💚
Headcanons for if the saiyan kids had tails
-Goten- would not know how to control himself, basically a puppy with that thing
-Trunks (future)- would keep it neatly tucked, it's purple fur like his hair, isn't able to stay awake when grabbed u til after his first visit to the past
-Trunks (young)- also purple tail!!!, Would walk around like his dad, sometimes tucked sometimes taunting, but isn't able to resist yet and still drops sometimes when it's grabbed
-Bula- little blue tail!!!! Still at the age where she's floating around with it, but surprisingly she never faints when it's grabbed...
-Pan- uses it a lot like Goku and Gohan, mostly for movement and defence in combat, still working on resisting fainting but it's getting better training with Gohan
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midnight-snailor · 8 months
Ig for those curious, here are the weapons I think each dbz character ive drawn currently would use in the splatoon au thing I drew
Krak on splat roller/splattershot (mainly rollers) He went through using alot of weapons before deciding on the krak on roller. He used to be very indecisive on what he wanted to use.
Splat dualies (or any dualies in general, prefers using the enperry dualies) he likes being really aggressive, and using dualies help him achieve that. Depending on what he feels like doing, he will use different dualies. He hardly ever uses the dualie squelchers though.
Doesn't participate in turf wars as often anymore, but he often uses Luna blaster. He often did matches with goku as a duo, and would pick a weapon that would be good support for goku's. He also occasionally uses nzap. Plays more salmon run.
Chichi- also doesn't participate very much, but she was a good splatana wiper player. Plays any splatana. She used to be a competitive player, though played less and less after marrying goku. She still plays turf wars occasionally, more often when goku, or her children do.
Yamcha- local tentabrella user, 5 starred v tentabrella though is still figuring out how exactly to use it. He often changes weapons now bc he wants to find a cooler weapon to main.
Bulma- Ink brush player, prefers nouveau over v ink brush. She occasionally uses other brushes and took interest in learning splatanas.
Gohan- Heavy splating deco user. He sometimes plays rollers, but loves using splatlings alot more. Will play any he feels like, but the heavy deco is his favorite.
Trunks- 52 gal user. He uses any of the gal weapons, but occasionally uses dapple dualies if he feels like it.
Goten- splat roller user. He uses any rollers, but also is pretty good with squiffer. His goal is often to be as irritating as possible.
Tien- Splat charger user. He uses any charger, but prefers the regular splat charger.
Bardock- carbon roller deco user. His play style and quick and aggressive, and he often goes for front line weapons when he feels like doing something different. Often plays ranked/anarchy.
Gine- Undercover brella user. She often swaps between v undercover and undercover sorella brella. She'll use any other brella if she feels like it, and also occasionally uses e-liter. She also often plays ranked/anarchy.
King vegeta- Splat dualies user. He'll use any dualies, but prefers v splat dualies.
Raditz- Dynamo roller user. I just think this weapon would fit him. He's fond of heavy hitting weapons, though is still learning how to use them properly. Often swaps between the dynamos.
Turles- octobrush user. He's also grown pretty fond of using the painbrushes, often swapping between them. He's one of those toxic players that taunt after every kill and just mess with people in general. He's also a sore loser. Don't be like him kids
Frieza doesn't play in turf wars. If he DID though he'd use splatana stamper.
Broly(dbs) - heavy splatling user. He'll use any splatling, but heavy is the one he loves using the most. He's still new to turf wars, often playing anarchy with goku and vegeta as they show him the ropes.
Paragus- dualie squelchers user. He found teaching Broly to be frustrating. He was good at fighting and was strong, but he never really took to using the dualies like he had hoped. Man really wanted his son to like his main weapon
Mostly based off of my own headcanons n all that, there'll be more as I think of them but this post is already long enough. If you have questions about the au, feel free to ask!
Idk about the story yet, it's not gonna be 100% a reflection of dbz canon, cause all of it cannot be replicated into splatoon, not every aspect of dbz or dbs will be incorporated either, that'd be alot lmao
I'll also be deviating from splatoon canon n all that as well, just a little tho ^^
Sorry for the word vomit
Already working on what saiyans are, yeah they're octos, but with a twist
Or sumn, still figuring it out.
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more headcanon about Frieza(4)
more headcanon about Frieza: He still a teenage,underage. Don't care about gender , you can use what pronouns you want tot use, but mostly he use male pronouns because of most of the universe is patriarchal society. virgin, don't know very much about sex, will be shy even you are talking about kisses only. Not a Sadist,He do no torture people for fun, just do it for work or benfit him. tail is very sensitive, sensitive than his other people in race and his family.
Frieza don't hurt, kill, or torture someone for fun, he do it because it will benefit him,He just doing his work. He really hate Saiyan or he feel anxiety about them, but if Beerus didn't called him to blow up Planet Vegeta , he mostly won't do it even he really feel not safe with them because they still have use for him. Frieza always being neurotic about anything about Saiyan. Frieza is very skeptical about Saiyan but no to other. Frieza always want to find some reason about what his doing is logical and rational.
Moral Can't control Frieza but responsibility can.
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moondane-lovers · 6 months
Since I'm super curious:
Guldo for the ask game!
-What made me like them
Honestly, it just sort of happened. The characters I end up being drawn to are pretty random, especially when there are others that are considered a "better choice" (same thing happened with spandam) and his funny personality and his vibes just... I couldn't help it. I have a pattern of liking characters that only appear shortly too, and I mean. He's just. Great.
-My favorite thing about them
I could say a bunch of things, like his absolutely adorable physical form, his vibes, but for me, it's how impressive he actually is. He's played as a quick villain that gets taken down with only a short struggle, but to the average person as well as saiyan or freiza force soldier, he's TERRIFYING. He's part of the ginyu force for a reason, and he's got incredibly cool powers. His potential is just... so ignored.
-Nicknames we have for each other
Guldo mostly calls my S/I by their name, but sometimes go with things like "paint face" since they're a full time traditional artist. They occasionally call him green, but also mainly stick with names, aside from also calling him a "walking nuke" due to his strength.
-A headcanon of our relationship/friendship
We do a lot of outdoorsy stuff together. He trains a lot and it’s definitely more intense than what I can handle, but we go on long hikes in the woods, crazy walks through uncharted areas and so on. Our little secret hobby that he enjoys a lot is going into abandoned places. Earth is still so new to him, so having an experience where I get excited over all the things we find helps him learn, plus, free stuff!
-My favorite image of them
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I have a few buuuut
-Anything else!
I’ve selfshipped with him for a few years now, and even started making a selfship blog before but got too scared and embarrassed.
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risingsouls · 6 months
Hc+ themselves //for Vegeta, Nabs, and Raditz
Words and Headcanons || Open!
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[Vegeta definitely has a mixed view of himself. While he will usually exude haughtiness and almost impenetrable confidence on the outside, inside there is far more turbulent views of himself entrenched in his view of himself as the Saiyan prince, what was expected of him in that role and ingrained into his upbringing, as well as his own failures over the years, actual or perceived. These days, he doesn't have a solid vision of who he is. What he stands for or what he wants outside of a vague "I want to get stronger", even though the WHY is fuzzy anymore, is nearly nonexistent. In his mind, he just exists.]
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[While Nabooru's inward and outward view of herself as strong and confident, well-meaning and rebellious, is usually pretty solid, if she lets her thoughts run without any kind of checks for too long, old self-hatred resurfaces and sinks its talons deep in her psyche. Most of the time, it's the old view she held of herself as a monster for the things she was forced to do under Frieza's rule. All to protect the deal her people made with him, who he killed anyway. For that reason, even if she knows there was nothing she could do, she feels like a failure since she could not stop him. She was not strong enough to, even if she knew what he would do.]
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[On the other hand, these days, Raditz has a much better view of himself than he did growing up. Mostly because he's no longer under the thumbs of Nappa, Vegeta, or Frieza who constantly reminded him that he was "lesser" than them. Though he still works with Nappa, their work doesn't revolve around power, and outside of playful prodding, Nappa has chilled out quite a bit on Earth himself. It's allowed him to better see that he is very capable in many ways--even in power and strength when he wants to be since he and Nappa do train with Nabooru and, occasionally, Vegeta--and he's not just the "runt" being dragged along simply because there are only three Saiyans left. Plus, having reconnected positively with Bardock, Gine, and, to some degree, Goku and his family (even if it's a little strained) has helped him, too.]
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flingmetothemoon · 6 months
Hello again, do you have any cute Sonikal Headcanon’s?
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Oh hi there! Are you the same Anon who asked about the first kiss? I already appreciate your cute asks! As for your cute Sonikal headcanons, well I have come up with alot of them throughout the years so lemme see what I can do…
~~~~~~~Cute Sonikal headcanons~~~~~~~~
-Here's my possible explanation to the question that has always remained a mystery to me ever since I heard it: Even though she never once introduced herself to him, how did Sonic know Tikal's name? Shortly after Tikal's sacrifice and the birth of Angel Island. The echidna temple was rebuilt to serve as a shrine dedicated to the incident told by witnessing survivors (Makes sense because the temple is inspired by the famous Mayan temple of Tikal). During his early adventure days after meeting Knuckles, Sonic first explored the abandoned Mystic Ruins and heard about the story of a tragedy that fell upon the ancient echidna clan due to the warmongering chief's selfishness and greed and how his daughter sealed herself and the monster in the Master Emerald to stop the destruction.
-Using his ability to channel the M.E.'s power to show people/objects held in the emerald, Knuckles shows Sonic the echidna girl. (Chaos isn't seen because Tikal trapped him in her blue water ring to secure extra escape prevention) Despite essentially being fridged, Tikal actually isn't frozen or disempowered. (She mostly just sleeps when there's nothing else to do) She can still channel the M.E.'s power, transport people/objects and communicate to people And even told Sonic not to rescue her because she fears the destruction that could occur again if she and Chaos were to be set free without plan B.This makes Sonic sad and he often thinks about her even if he doesn't admit it to Tails and Amy. He can't imagine how much Tikal had to sacrifice to stop Chaos from destroying the rest of the world – her freedom, her old friends and family, her opportunity to enjoy life without watching her home turn into a war zone just so everyone else can enjoy those privileges. Not only does she remind him of someone he vaguely remembers in the past, but he also knew what it was like to be confined into stasis for a long period of time due to a tragedy, except she had to go through this ALOT longer. He wants to save her so badly. 😢
-Sonic’s most challenging yet rewarding battle after SA1 is Perfect Chaos. There's not a whole lot to be afraid of when he's basically an invincible Super Saiyan who can easily beat Eggbutt’s robots on a regular basis, but what makes Chaos a unique rival to Sonic before Shadow is the fact that not only is he literally a body of one of his weaknesses: Water, (The fact he is powerful enough to trap him in water and drown him if he can sure as heck doesn't help) but he initially viewed him as another one of those baddies of the week he'll simply kick the butt of as usual, but Tikal, the girl Sonic wanted to help out the most, showed him Chaos was actually that once kind, gentle monster from that historical incident she had to suffer to tame. It was pretty scary for Sonic to tame a literal water God with a whole flood around him, but boy it  was worth it! Now he can rest reassured that Tikal and the calmed down water creature found peace again and can start a new happier life. Now he just makes sure she gets the comfort and new friends and adventures she might need to heal from her trauma at any opportunity he gets.
-Sonic is one of the few modern friends of hers Tikal trusts the most to have a listening ear when she wants comfort when she feels down from her memories of her old life and family she lost so the pain and sorrow inside her wouldn't consume the qualities that made her lovable amongst her former people: Love, joy, kindness & hope. Ever since that day, Sonic was the light to her gloomy darkness. Thanks to him, Tikal doesn’t have to fridge herself or Chaos for another 5000+ years until another madman comes and uses Chaos as a weapon of destruction, she can now have a chance to live a more happier, peaceful life, make herself a new home, make new friends, have new adventures, have more freedom and even be a new hero alongside her light. Tikal is anointed as the new chieftain of her new friends one day much to her surprise and dismay because she now associates a chieftain with her father, who used his position of power to harm others. But Sonic and his other friends reassures her that she'll be a fine chieftain and use her position of power to do good instead of bad, to help those in need and advocate for peace and harmony.
-Even when away from each other, Sonic and Tikal still find ways to communicate with each other from long distances due to their interesting telepathy ability and their creative ways of communicating to the emeralds, particularly when they are relaxing at the end of the day and they don't have anything else to do or anyone else to talk to. Due to their connection to the emeralds’ energy, they can also feel each other's energy when touching each other and feeling a certain emotion. When one is stressed and another is calm and touches the stressed one, the calm, positive energy transmits into the stressed one, and they also calm down. Sonic (Even though he doesn't want to admit it due to him not normally being a physical touchy kind of person) and Tikal likes to hug and hold hands for a reason.
-Tikal didn't really get to explore the world outside of her home place in her life. So for their dates, Sonic takes her to explore a new fun adventure and try new things, whether it's beautiful scenery or a new cuisine. Tikal has a high spice tolerance and loves chili peppers, not only does she like chili dogs as much as Sonic does, maybe it's not spicy enough to her and she often tries to make it spicier by using spices and/or hot sauce. Both her and Sonic often have fun eating spicy food together and watching their less spice tolerant friends suffering. 😂 And they also like to hang out at beaches and the sunflower field of course. They also like to spend a quiet peaceful day together hanging out at a chao garden and parenting the chao as if they're their children. And although Sonic doesn’t want to swim for obvious reasons, he doesn’t mind joining in a pool where Tikal is swimming in long as he simply sits on a stair step where he can still feel a body of water on half of his body while knowing he can easily get out if he starts getting uncomfortable. He surprisingly finds pure peace and serenity when he just chills that way.
-Tikal also sometimes joins Sonic in defending small, helpless critters from Eggman. She despises that guy ever since he fueled her closest friend's anger and used him as a weapon of destruction. Just imagine how she would feel about him when she learns he also takes small, helpless, innocent critters and uses them as machine batteries and pollutes the environment around them. She would not kill him, but she will wreck his replaceable machine's good with her gymnastic warrior moves and her newfounded spiritual powers she can get creative with. Forming orbs with her hands? Fling them as bombs. Wanna create a spiritual border to trap Eggman to keep him from causing trouble? Call this girl. Summoning lightning? Causing stunning earthquakes with a slam of a palm?  Hydrokinesis? Shovel claw whenever Knuckles isn't using it? She got it. Mix that with Sonic’s speed, boosts, spindashes strong enough to create underground tunnels, his super form and whirlwind forming and you sure get one heck of a power couple that gives even Superman and Wonder Woman a run for their money. Whirlwind + Water = Waterspout
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-It took a while for these two to decide to get married due to their own things to do and their own issues to work on. But when Tikal finally uses her position as the new chieftain to propose to Sonic with a golden ring, they come up with a very creative wedding ceremony idea that fits for both of their personalities. Both are a bit introverted, but also like to spend time with their friends and make them feel included in the happy memories, But they're also worried about how Amy would react to Sonic marrying someone who is not her. So for their wedding day, they hosted a “fancy party" and put on a dress and tuxedo respectively, but didn't make them look too obviously like wedding gowns. They had fun food and dancing as usual, but Sonic and Tikal sneaked their vows and the kiss the bride ritual when everyone else isn't looking and then he'll bridal-carry her and run into the night to their honeymoon. Their interactions after their marriage aren’t even that different from their normal interactions. Yes, there’s a few kisses and cuddles here and there (They prefer to kiss and cuddle in isolated areas where it's more intimate for them), but they mostly just keep doing what they’ve been doing.
Welp, that’s all I can think of without letting you wait for my answer for much longer. I hope you enjoy reading my headcanons. Cya next time!
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dragonballwish · 1 year
hi do you have Krillin relationship headcanons? canon or otherwise? 👀👀👀👀
I will be honest with you, anon. I don't often think on it these days. HOWEVER!!!! for you, I have,,,, formulated a response i think mostly encapsulates my feelings on the matter.
Krillin is, by far, the most lovable character of all of dragon ball. objectively, even. He is cute, nice, and very self-sacrificing. Every one of his friends has probably seen this trait and agreed that krillin is worth protecting and loving. etc etc.
That being said!!!!! i think krillin inserts veeerry nicely with very many ships, most being non-canon, obvi. The only krillin ships i actively ship are k18, a lil sprinkle of gokrill, and some latenight thoughts of bulkrill (?) bulma and krillin. whatever their shipname is.
that being said, krillin is one of those characters that when i see crackships and such with him its more like a pleasant surprise because he's usually overlooked. i think he deserves some crackship au fics and fanarts sometimes....
anyways. getting into it. here are some thoughts i have... and some ship stuff.
Krillin's love languages are probably acts of service and physical touch. When he receives an act of service, he is so deeply touched to the bottom of his heart that he probably cant help but feel a little indebted, no matter how that gift or service was intended.
on that note, he is just genuinely kind, so he will give out services out of the kindness of his heart. when others see that genuine kindness, that is what pulls them in.
he is not immune to bickering and playing and fighting. teasing back and forth is in his nature, no matter if he ends up the butt of a joke LMAO. i don't think he really minds.
goku is someone he met as a young teen and they bonded after a brief rivalry while studying under the same master, and they became quick best friends after experiencing the same hardships in their training. this is literally the setup to every #1 shounen m/m ship I've seen. literally. rivals to best friends to lovers is IT for everyone ever. i think people should take a gander at og db and really get a wholesome view of the trope. because krillin and goku both have so much kindness to go around its just them bouncing off encouragement and some dumbassery back and forth.
bulma is another early teens friend, and they have truly been on many adventures together. I think the filler in namek saga kinda turned me off from it a bit, but without all of that, i really just think about how they were able to spend so much time together in an enclosed space and not kill each other? i think some married couples cant do that. they would make a good duo in that sense for sure.
it helps that they have a VERY established dynamic of bulma taking the lead and krillin following and helping, and taking action where necessary. they have a long history together and know when to defer to the other, yahknow?
well,, k18 is canon and it gives us a pretty solid amount of information about their dynamic as a couple that i really like. 18 fell in love with krillin's kindness, and krillin opened his heart to a former enemy and gave them a home and a place to belong. genuinely you cant tell me this isn't the best canon ship in dragon ball. i wont believe it and i wont trust any of your opinions if you don't think they're objectively the best least toxic family unit.
one of my silly little headcanons is that they actually had a lot of trouble conceiving, so they cherish little marron like she is the whole world. because she is, as all parents should, but when you spend years trying for a baby and finally get some fruit,,, idk its a little different.
honorable mention: yamcha
that moment in the saiyan saga, when yamcha lies down his life because krillin has already died previously... that is so huge to me.
thank you for asking, anon! sorry for this long, drawn out, rambly..... etc! answer. i hope you enjoy at least some of it LOLLL
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Umm currently having a Vox and Velvette obsession do you have any headcanons for them hehe
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((Mostly for Vox, buuuuuut some for Velvette too.
Chronologically and physically the youngest of the Vees. Though physically not by much, she's still within the 30's-40's age range like they are
Was unsurprisingly a fashion influencer in life. However she unfortunately started out as one of those child influencers her parents vicariously live through/make money off of.
Eventually killed her parents to finally escape them. To this day no one in the living realm caught on that she murdered them.
Died about 2015 when an obsessive fan sent her a trap package in retaliation for getting a boyfriend. Yes, really.
Gained a big following rather quickly on Hell's social media, catching Vox's attention.
After Vox pulled her into the Vees, she's the one that brought eyes to the boys' bigger projects, and often does photography and costuming for them.
Aside from the obvious knives, Velvette also wields a selfie stick. And man can she do damage with it.
Velvette cooks as a hobby, primarily baking. Sometimes posts food aesthetic pictures. The only people she cooks for are those she's fond of. Sort of a love language for her. She stopped cooking for Valentino, however, after an incident where online he insulted the cookies she made for him. Now he can only get a taste of her food by either persuading Vox to share, or otherwise stealing the food off him. Girl holds grudges.
Chronologically the oldest of the Vees, though physically a little older than Velvette and a little younger than Valentino.
Born and raised Catholic, though admittedly didn't have the attention span for Sunday School. He was essentially agnostic until he died.
Grew up reading comics, watching TV, and in general fucking around with any electronics in the house he could find rather than playing outside. He was neglected by his parents growing up and didn't really have any friends so yeah.
Always wanted to be in the film industry. He wanted to act in and make films. Unfortunately he only got as far as commercials and infomercials before he died. He was a pretty good salesman, though, so it suited him just fine. He got progressively more and more unethical in trying to sell the products and services he was advertising. Shaped up to be a real corporate shill.
Also. Drugs. So much drugs. He's just better at hiding this habit than most people.
Died in a studio accident where a light fixture fell on his head. Yes. Really.
Goes without saying Vox isn't his real name. But it wasn't his first Hell alias either.
Not only did he start out with the old boxy tv for a head, but he couldn't communicate vocally at first. You know silent films where after the talent "says" their lines, it cuts to a frame where we have to read the dialogue? Yeah he started out having to do that.
Now more machine than man, he works differently from other sinners. Rather than respawning when he dies, he needs to be repaired to come back. Even when he's been torn to pieces, all you can do is gather him up and put him back together. The only thing setting him apart from broken machines is that he does bleed when he's been hurt.
Aside from the ability to bleed, there are other occasions where his machine body functions like it's organic. Like if he's injecting something, he can treat his wires like veins.
Theoretically, he doesn't need to eat, but he does get hunger pangs if he doesn't, and eating does provide more power for his batteries.
I could go on and on about his anatomy and his relationship with it tbh but for now the most important one; he has a tail. Very Hellborn like but a cord with a plug at the end. It's how he charges, or stays powered on when he doesn't have battery. He just hides it under his clothes and wound around his waist [like a Saiyan] because he's gotten tired of some assholes tearing it off or fucking up the prongs. Why did I give him a tail? Because I saw someone edit him with one and now I want it to be canon fite me.
Made his start in Hell as an inventor and repairman. That's when he first met Alastor. Just dumped some broken equipment on him asking him to fix it. One time became semi regularly. After a little bit of that, Vox was taken under his wing.
Yes, thanks to Alastor, he has eaten "human" flesh. [Only in quotes cuz technically no one in Hell is human anymore.] He doesn't exactly hate it, like he wouldn't refuse it if it was cooked for him, but he doesn't seek it out either.
Alastor's cooking is also the reason why his white ass can handle spicy food-
Vox looked up to Alastor back then. The relationship was far from healthy, however.
By the time they split, Vox was an Overlord in his own right
Met Valentino a few years after the split. This relationship is also unhealthy but good luck getting Vox to realize that.
Essentially provides the platforms for the other Vees, and often time helps with video editing and sometimes get involved directly with the filming. Val learned all his film tricks from Vox.
Custom made the Vees' phones and set up Valentino's online accounts. With some bombass security.
And that's about it for now. Hope you like-))
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itsseannotshawnart · 7 months
And now a Dragon Ball headcanon. Bulla's middle name is Eshallote because that is the name Vegeta wanted to originally name his daughter but of course Bulma jumped in and named her Bulla. But she gave Vegeta a compromise so her middle name is her Saiyan name. And since middle names are very uncommon except to mostly the rich and elite in Japan, this checks out since Bulla is not only part of the richest family on earth, but Saiyan royalty.
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