#mother atsushi
aidendh · 2 years
MCD/BSD Clawien! Atsushi P1
Re-Revamp of my RAU! Atsushi
I'm adding more RAU's to the AU as well
Zane! Akutagawa
Laurence! Bartender OC
Garroth! Fitzgerald's son OC
KP! Lucy
The Memories differ from person to person and can remember at different points
Akutagawa gradually remembers the more he encounters Atsushi
Though Atsushi doesn't recognize his Soul at first
The deaths happened during/after the War on Phoenix Drop
Laurence is a bartender, he looks like his old orange hair ver
They all often attend Laurence's Bar at some point
Akutagawa is Clawien's Zane, a clone that has to channal outside magic, he uses both Dark and Light
...Dazai's enbandonment would hit harder bc of Claw's Amniesa
Atsushi gets kidnapped by Aku differently
He TP's to Aku when they are both off of work because he believes he won't come after him then
(The Kyoka bait didn't work bc he tped away and put a barrier on Kyouka to block the tracker)
Lucy's familiar Soul gives Atsushi a strong motive for the Guild arc
That kid willing gets himself kidnapped
Though, Lucy uses a magic blocking barrier to drive him to bordem
Zane/Aku are the Dark/Light magic one, basically the same one I used for Rogue's Devil Persona
(Unposted until all arcana are filled)
So hevilly religious and mage based
The parallels with Fyodor are uncanny
Atsushi sometimes talks to a random light source when he needs advice
Reference to one of KP's OCs that used Light magic
Atsushi always had his memories, but his amniesa balances it out
In the PL world the Language is based on the MC enchanting table, basically that worlds English
I like the idea of Laurence's once yelling at Dazai to pay his tab in it
Atsushi will have his Juice with a sippy straw
The Bar is OC based and not from BSD
Atsushi's yellow highlight/tiger eyes are pink
Akutagawa has freckles and sky blue eyes
Joint Ability name for the Incarnates
The Rise of Phoenix Drop* Inventory & source of the Reincarnations
A spell preformed by KP to let those that perished to live on, draining her of her magic causing her to incarnate into Lucy
Atsushi has one of Zane's old Cross (White/Black) pearl bracelet(from his inventory),
he shows it to Akutagawa during the Ship Fight while in agonizing pain from Aku using his scar/weak point
Atsushi's Aura would be Blue with Orange specks
Atsushi will eventually unlock his wings, from an extremely hard fight alongside Akutagawa
Outfit upgrades for each Season
After season 1, Akutagawa will start unconsciously wearing face masks
Atsushi believes that he will only be hunted by Akutagawa when they are on the job, that is what got him kidnapped
To Kunikida's dismay and Dazai's pleasure, Atsushi still often forgets stuff
During the Movie Dead Apple, Atsushi's Amnesia will go with his Ability
Because of All Men are Equal, Fukuzawa can feel a multitude of Souls/Abilities within Atsushi's 'The Rise of Phoenix Drop'
Atsushi's merged Ability is 'The Moonlit Beast'
When he becomes one with them in Dead Apple
Atsushi is given a hoodie by Junichiro after constantly stealing his
Akutagawa first summons Zane's bladed staff during the Fitzgerald fight
Akutagawa has a scar on his neck because he was executed
Zane went ballistic when Clawien fell in the War, he was mistaken for the original Zane and executed
Atsushi is often used as a shield against mental Abilities
He wears his tie backwards and is often pulled back by it
He guessed Dazai's past job after multiple tries
Atsushi and Akutagawa both can't swim and will grab onto the nearest object or person to them
Atsushi often curls up to get comfy or feel safe
Atsushi has a big butterfly shaped scare covering his back
His back is really sensitive
He was shot out of the sky and stabbed in his wing blades
Atsushi has empathy and can sense people's Souls
He had trouble learning Kanji
When plauged by nightmares Atsushi will be in a bad mood until he gets a good nights sleep
He is passive aggressive when someone pisses him off
Atsushu is very clingy and touchy, he also loves play fights
[Continued in P2]
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
Wait a fucking second. The first thing Akutagawa told Atsushi was “that is the fate you must bear, Jinko: you bring calamity upon those around you simply by living”. And in their last interaction, Akutagawa died so that Atsushi could live. Atsushi living literally brought the death of those around him. Oh my God.
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
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Doppo Kunikida, single mother of like, 10
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degenerateshinji · 11 months
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make me feel like i am breathing, feel like i am human
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
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happy mothers day kunikida 💐💕
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the reference image 😔
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leodehurlvant · 7 months
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Fukuzawa deserves to cuddle his cat son imo (side note: do you think tiggers would enjoy ear scratch ?)
tried a new coloring method and I’m so happy how it turned out
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bonus: cat therapy with aku
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sskk-manifesto · 5 months
Me for the whole episode:
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Me for the 15 seconds of sskk interaction at the end:
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cemetery14 · 5 months
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raddestrose · 22 days
So, turns out that WAS the end of me,
I am no longer the same person I was merely twenty minutes ago m, but a shell of that person
And im going to do my darnedest to read erha sometime today and make it worse
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antiquecolor · 11 months
So, I have been a little bit of a mess about Atsushi's death. The news was posted as I was going to bed and then I couldn't sleep because I kept crying.
BUCK-TICK's music came into my life 21 years ago, and Atsushi has been one of the greatest and most consistent sources of comfort to me. Thinking about it, his voice and songs have been here in almost every major event so far in my life. He really changed my life, as I am sure he changed many other people's, simply by existing and sharing himself with the world. I cried when I finally saw BUCK-TICK in person during a trip to Japan in 2018, by myself in a seat so far back that they almost looked like ants on the stage. I was a little glad to be so hidden because nobody would see it.
Atsushi always sang about love and death, and I knew somewhere in my heart this wouldn't be forever. His lyrics, his voice... His charisma and somehow feminine beauty. Although we have 36 years worth of music, I also mourn for what we could have had still, because he showed no signs of stopping.
Thank you for everything, Atsushi. It was a pleasure being alive at the same time as you. I'll cherish these memories forever.
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marahuyomae · 6 months
His Mother's Prodigy: A Decision of Moral Justice: The Bitter Cost of Doing What is Right.
The road to redemption can be a difficult and treacherous one, and for Osamu, a former member of the notorious Yokohama mafia, it's no exception. Despite his best efforts to live an honest life, a part of his past still haunts him, and he struggles to reconcile with the man he once was.
But when Osamu meets an innocent young lad in need of rescue, he finds himself in the position of helping someone who reminds him of the person who originally introduced him to a life of crime. Even as the prospect of doing good weighs heavily on his heart, he grapples with the difficult decision of choosing to do what is right, while navigating the demons of his past.
Alternate title: Dazai gets peer pressured (More likely that it is work pressure)
Osamu Dazai is a peculiar yet idle individual with exaggerated pride in his abilities. Despite his attempts to act elusive, Dazai's demeanor revealed him to be transparent to anyone with similar cognitive capabilities. As much as he might look like a very great of a man, he was simply a Narcissus with a head, the beauty he was but with burdening intelligence instead. Despite his impressive physical attributes, People may have admired his unique gestures and enigmatic demeanor. Still, his carefree attitude and youthful exuberance seemed ill-suited for his role as a detective. In truth, he might have found more fulfillment in pursuing a career as an actor, model, or performer, with his distinctive appearance likely drawing attention.
But enough of describing such a portrait of the significance of something similar to another Dorian Gray- the more we talk about him, the more he would feel like a balloon soaring too high. Let's go back and retrace our steps to what he is currently doing, lazing on the Armed Detective Agency's couch as he hums the tune of a very concerning choice of song.
Osamu's colleague/partner was seated in the farthest corner of the office, grumbling about wasted time. The two had a significant workload, yet they risked further delays if Osamu's laziness continued to interfere. 
Kunikida's eyes drifted toward Osamu's relaxed state, accompanied by a heavy sigh. "Please show a bit of consideration and pay attention to the President's instructions now. As Atsushi has made clear, the work we need to accomplish has been piling up due to your lack of cooperation," the taller man stated, indicating the albino who had begun bemoaning the consequences of Osamu's self-centeredness.
Dazai is humming the lyrics to a rather morbid suicide song. He rolls his eyes, annoyed and bored with the lecture but remains silent, not wanting any sort of confrontation. He looks over at Atsushi, who has finished his complaints, and he sighs. “I know, I know... I'm just so tired! Plus, these files are so boring... Do I have to work with these files? It's so unfair!” Dazai says, sarcastically.
Kunikida gazes at Atsushi, watching him finally stand up in apparent annoyance at Osamu's response. "If you are feeling ill today, it is only acceptable for us to carry on without you, but you should have informed us sooner if you were feeling overstimulated," the taller man mutters, to which Atsushi nods in agreement.
"Indeed, Kunikida-san is correct. If you felt unsteady or overwhelmed, it would have been acceptable for you to stay home and relax, as we are quite capable of fulfilling our obligations on our own," Atsushi supplements their senior's statements, offering assurances.
Osamu's reaction to their tolerance made his heart stop and his stomach churn, overwhelmed by the realization that he had repeatedly exploited their empathy for his benefit, resulting in their kindness feeling like a waste. He was ashamed of himself for continually utilizing his mental condition as an excuse to avoid work, while feeling powerless due to his inability to proceed with his tasks, despite his desires. This left him feeling nauseous and disheartened.
Dazai looks shocked as if his mind is in a spiral of thought. He wasn't expecting such an understanding reply and was taken off guard. He feels ashamed for exploiting his mental condition all this time. ‘They haven't given up on me yet... I can't just betray their kind demeanor like this..’ he thinks to himself.
While he had no energy to perform tasks at the moment, Osamu was able to push aside his negative emotions and force himself to get up and join his colleagues in their shared obligations. Dazai gets up and pulls out a file, he opens it and begins reading. He's silent and surprisingly attentive. He takes notes and appears very focused. He still feels shame for the recent events, but he's working through his guilt to be of assistance.
Kunikida and Atsushi both gaze at Osamu with gratitude, occasionally offering gentle gestures of support such as patting his shoulder or providing refreshments to assist him in his tasks. In addition, Kunikida expresses concern by repeating the question, "Are you sure you can manage? We do not wish to make you feel worse or fatigued?" He proceeds to jot down notes in his notebook to monitor Osamu's condition for the next 40 minutes.
While his mind still lingers on the previous events, he's determined to stay focused on his current task. Even though he was tired, he was getting work done. He replies to Kunikida, "No worries. I'm fine!" while taking a swig of coffee. He resumes work, making it obvious that he's trying his best to get his job done.
Kunikida nods as he briefly scrutinizes his notes again. "My apologies, I left out a significant piece of information. We are scheduled to investigate the Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal this afternoon due to reports of suspicious activity from nearby residents.", he informs, taking a break to re-evaluate their schedule. Kunikida seems concerned about the amount of effort Osamu may be capable of mustering after an earlier crisis, not wanting to overtax his partner who has special needs. "I do understand if you are not feeling up to the task. Let's ask the President to allow you to depart early if that's what you prefer.", he offers, expressing accommodation to Osamu's situation.
‘Special needs... Huh..’ Dazai thinks to himself, not wanting to be perceived as someone with issues. He's determined to make it seem like he's perfectly normal. "Nonsense! I can do the job. Just a little tiring, nothing more. I'll be able to keep up just fine." Dazai says, taking on a reassuring tone.
Despite Osamu's attempts to downplay his condition, Kunikida is aware that his partner has particular requirements and chooses not to push him to his limits. Therefore, he opts to permit Osamu's participation while reminding him to wrap up as many duties as possible before handing the necessary files over to Tanizaki to ease the burden. "That seems reasonable. Finish up your tasks and entrust the necessary paperwork to Tanizaki if necessary...", Kunikida grants while maintaining mindfulness of Osamu's welfare.
Dazai nods and returns to his work, finishing up his current tasks within the allotted timeframe. As he finished up, he gathered the necessary files and handed them over to Tanizaki. It was then when the fatigue finally set in on him, his head starting to whirl and his vision blurring. He tries to focus, but his fatigue and exhaustion make it difficult to concentrate.
Kunikida, upon sighting Dazai's state, looks back one more time and queries, "Are you certain you have the stamina to join us? Avoid overextending yourself."
Dazai sighs. It is obvious that he is not feeling his best, but he continues to put on a front. He responds to Kunikida's concerns, "I'll be fine. It's just a little fatigue. I've dealt with worse." Dazai's breathing grows heavy and his head begins to spin. This was his limit.
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(Your rizz is a rizz-training order)
Kunikida was acutely aware of Dazai's limitations and knew that his partner often spoke about what he could not accomplish. He understood Dazai well enough to recognize when he was brushing off work and knew that Dazai needed rest. During such moments, Kunikida would only sigh at Dazai's stubbornness and strive to reach a compromise, "Come along then, but do keep in mind that there's three of us, don't take all the work for yourself when we get there."
Dazai knows that Kunikida is wise in his behavior and habits, and he's rather persistent in keeping him from pushing himself too hard. He feels that he is just being stubborn, and perhaps his partner is right. Still, he doesn't wish to appear like a liability by leaving the rest of the work to his partners. Thus, he tries to maintain his composure as the three arrive at the Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal.
At the Terminal, Kunikida takes the lead in conducting the investigation, surveying the surroundings and questioning nearby residents. Osamu is quieter than usual, taking sporadic notes and remaining aloof. Kunikida takes a few minutes to assess the situation, taking note of the fact that Dazai is not feeling well, before making a decision. He decides to let Dazai rest, asking Atsushi to accompany him instead. “I think it’s best if Dazai sits this one out. Let’s not tax him and have him rest. Atsushi, you can come with us instead.” Kunikida offers while checking in on his partner. The trio of detectives arrived at the Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal later in the evening. The terminal was located on an artificial island in Tokyo Bay and featured an iconic architectural design of suspension bridges. It was a bustling terminal with commuters rushing to catch their flights or ships.
The three detectives began their investigation while maintaining a distance from one another. Kunikida and Atsushi were searching the area while Dazai took notes on the environment. Overall, the investigation goes smoothly and without issue, with Osamu completing his duties and maintaining his composure despite his fatigue. Kunikida and Atsushi's support and understanding of Dazai's situation make it possible for him to continue his work despite his limitations.
After completing their examination of the area, Dazai felt strangely unsettled. He looked around, trying to understand why so many civilians would complain about what seemed like nothing out of the ordinary. He reviewed his written notes, taking in the fragrant aromas of vanilla, anise, benzaldehyde, and almonds wafting off the pages. Despite the lack of obvious signs of suspicious activity, Dazai couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.
"Hey, are you doing okay? You seem a little off." Kunikida inquired, breaking his silence as he examined their surroundings.
"I don't know... It's hard to put my finger on it, but there's something off-putting about this place." Dazai replied, visibly unnerved as he scribbled notes and scrutinized his written observations.
After walking in circles and intently studying every single syllable and word, Dazai came to a potential conclusion. Although the air was rife with a strong scent of iron, he considered the possibility of the pipes being the source. The reason why people would complain about rusty pipes despite the recent replacements and approvals could be attributed to either Phantosmia or an infection in the nasal passages caused by the heat and humidity lately. However, since the Terminal is not a closed space with the potential for suffocation due to heat, he wondered what could cause these complaints.
"So, what you're suggesting is that the smell of metal is coming from a leak in the pipework?" Kunikida inquiries, his face still bearing traces of concern.
"While that might explain the metallic scent, I find it hard to believe that the leaks are solely responsible for the complaints. After all, we're dealing with civilians, and they wouldn't simply cry foul over an unpleasant odor. There must be some deeper issue at hand," Dazai replies, still scribbling down his observations as he speaks.
"As we just pointed out, a damaged pipe isn't the source of the metallic scent. In addition, there's a sickeningly sweet, rotten fruit-like smell that mingles with it," Atsushi speaks with an exasperated sigh, his keen sense of smell being hindered by the strange odor in the air.
"You raise a good point. If damaged pipes were to blame, we would have likely come across the same issue in other locations by now. It appears to be an isolated issue," Dazai responds, crossing off some of the previous hypotheses as they attempt to narrow down the source of the peculiar scent.
With a fresh piece of data delivered by his companions, Dahzai's investigation shifted to other areas frequently frequented outside the terminal. The aroma intensified, becoming increasingly pungent and disgusting, and he felt a sharp stinging in his nasal passages as if the air was irritating his sinus cavity. He scanned his surroundings as sweat poured from his brow, the scent reminding him of his youth with the Port Mafia. The stench was almost too familiar as if it were a signature perfume he had worn for years.
His mind drifted back to his time with the Port Mafia, where the same intense odor lingered in the air. Uncomfortable with the familiar scent, he brought his stride to an abrupt stop, his eyes wandering to a particular location. His heart started to hammer in his chest, and his breathing became shallow as he slowly approached what seemed like a small storage shed in the distance.
With urgency in his voice, Dazai called, "Atsushi! Kunikida! I've discovered the source! Hang back for now!" He instructed, motioning for Atsushi to restrain Kunikida from advancing, heeding his command to stay at a safe distance.
Kunikida's expression shifted to one of slight anxiety as he noticed Dazai's sudden change in disposition. He promptly heeded his companion's instructions, halting with Atsushi while keeping a watchful eye.
"Are you sure this is a wise move?" Kunikida muttered, evidently concerned.
Dazai failed to acknowledge his colleague's query as his full attention was focused on the small storage shed door before them. He cautiously examined the entrance and proceeded to turn the knob, making sure to be mindful of any potential hazards.
The knob's surface was slick with perspiration as his mind raced, terrified of the imminent revelation he was about to uncover. The terrible aroma was too familiar and made him feel queasy, urging him to turn away and avoid the danger that was sure to come. However, despite the growing dread, he took a deep breath and turned the knob quickly, allowing the horrid fragrance to seep out like an explosion. The smell was overwhelming, inducing a near-gag sensation as he forced himself to keep his lunch down. His nose crinkled, and the taste of the delectable dishes prepared by Kunikida for their lunch break soured on his tongue. Clenching his fingers to his nose, he prepared to confront the source of the horrendous scent.
A wave of nausea engulfed Dazai again as the putrid scent assaulted him, almost causing him to lose his balance. His body's natural defense mechanisms kicked in, and he began to drench in perspiration, his abdomen threatening to expel all prior meals. He was cognizant of the source behind the smell and anticipated what would await him as he opened the tiny storage room's door. Despite his mind desperately attempting to force him to run from the confined area, he trudged forth, summoning all the courage he could muster.
His trembling fingers searched carefully along the perimeter, straining to locate the light switch until he felt his fingers brush against a small metal lever. With a light flick, a dim light flickered and buzzed above his head, illuminating the tiny room containing a gruesome sight. Dazai stood motionless in the space for what felt like an eternity as the lightbulbs sizzled and crackled, his hearing filled with their echoes. His stomach turned at the sight before him, his throat almost closing upon itself to keep his vomit down. The unfortunate girl lay lifelessly on a chair, her clothing stained with dried blood that had long turned brown, as though death itself kissed her already and would greet her in the afterlife if he did not intervene.
The memory of his life in the Port Mafia flashed before Dazai's eyes, his mind drowning in a sea of anger and resentment. The stench was sickening, the taste of regret and shame welled in his mouth, his stomach threatening to betray him at any instant. It was all too familiar, and he knew he had to act fast. Moving to the body, he approached it cautiously and evaluated it for further wounds. The girl's lifeless eyes met his own, and he couldn't help but feel like her spirit was calling out to him for help, to save her from whatever horror she faced before it was too late. The weight of the world's pain and suffering seemed to rest on his shoulders, the guilt becoming too much to bear.
A wave of relief washed over Dazai as his index finger brushed over the girl's neck, his hand finally sensing a slight beat - a pulse - that was almost too quiet to be true. However, the gentle vibration was evident, instilling a sliver of hope in his chest. The relief of knowing the girl was still alive and had a fighting chance helped calm his racing mind and steady the shaking in his legs. He could finally breathe again, his anxiety easing as he realized his presence might still make a difference.
With an almost inaudible murmur, Dazai confirmed that the girl was alive, his voice barely carrying beyond his lips. Despite the relief coursing through his veins, he struggled to keep his composure and remain grounded, trying hard not to let his emotions overcome him.
"Her heart is beating... she's alive, she's alive," Dazai whispered to himself, his voice quavering with concern. He carefully shifted the blouse that had concealed the girl's injury, examining the spot. He prayed silently in his mind, "Oh please, let her be alright. Let her injuries not be severe..."
Dazai's blood pumped so fast in his chest, that it felt like a macabre rhythm that threatened to break his sanity. He stood abruptly when his eyes caught sight of a yellow scab, an infection, a physical representation of his fears and a stark reminder that time was of the essence. With the girl's small form cradled in his arms, he bolted to safety at top speed, the weight of her body reminding him of her fragility and vulnerability. He felt his legs burn, and sweat beaded on his forehead as he ran, each step feeling like it might be his last. Every second counted, and he could only pray that his efforts were not in vain.
Dazai dashed out of the storage shed, his mind and senses becoming more focused with each step he took in carrying the girl to safety. It was a race against the clock and he knew that every second counted. As he exited the shed, he could hear the sounds of the other detectives calling for him. His heart began to race even faster as he approached the detectives' locations.
"What is it, Dazai-san?" Atsushi's voice called for him as he saw his mentor running towards them, the unconscious body in his arms.
With an almost disbelieving look, Kunikida turns towards Dazai and sees the unconscious girl.
"Dazai... you found her?" Kunikida knew they would find something, but it wasn't in his expectation to find a half-dead body.
Dazai's voice gains strength as he sets the girl down and gives a thorough assessment. "She's alive. Faint pulse, but there's breath too. She must have been stuck in here for hours, but the miracle is that she survived all this time."
Kunikida's gaze lingers on her for a few more seconds, his eyes assessing her condition and the gravity of her wounds. "This is nothing short of miraculous... if she can make it, she's the luckiest girl in the whole world."
Dazai never believed in miracles, but he hoped that Kunikida was right. 
While Dazai's past was checkered with acts of violence, his mindset evolved. With age came a certain degree of perspective, a recognition that life was precious and that even his worst enemies did not necessarily deserve death. So when he looked at the innocent girl, who wore frills and a dress that should have been white, his mind was devoid of any murderous intent. He wished for a miracle, for her to live and not suffer any further harm.
Dazai and Kunikida remained focused on the girl, carefully watching as her breathing and heart rate slowly showed signs of improvement. Kunikida continued to inspect the girl's condition, noting the lack of response and the pale color of her skin.
"We need to get her to the hospital immediately. She may need medical attention if she's been exposed to any toxins," Kunikida said, his expression turning serious.
Dazai, meanwhile, continued to monitor the girl's breathing and lungs, making sure she was still able to get air into her system.
"We should call for medical help," Atsushi suggested, clearly trying to be of assistance and contribute to the situation.
As the group of detectives considered their options, their minds seemed to be racing with questions and concerns for the unconscious girl. They all knew the urgency of the situation and were determined to do whatever was necessary to help her.
Dazai suddenly spoke up, with a determined expression on his face. His hands shook slightly, but the conviction in his voice was undeniable. "Call the fastest company vehicle, we need Yosano-sensei. This is a matter of utmost urgency, and we must keep it a secret for now," he ordered, his gaze fixed on Kunikida. The man nodded, then hastily exited the terminal with a phone in hand. Atsushi quickly followed, eager to help Dazai carry the girl. They knew that this situation required the immediate attention of their most trusted physician, and they were determined to do whatever was necessary to ensure the girl received the best care possible.
As the trio swiftly exits the terminal, they prepare to carefully lift the girl out of the building and place her in the waiting Company vehicle. Since Company vehicles can be ordered for many reasons, the one with the quickest response time is requested.
"Atsushi, you make sure her head is safe. I'll take care of her legs," Dazai instructs, getting ready to transport the unconscious girl out of the terminal and into the waiting car. He's being extra cautious to ensure that she's not further injured during the transportation process.
As the car pulls up and comes to a stop, the trio quickly gets in and settles in for the ride. Kunikida sits up front, while Atsushi and Dazai huddle in the back with the unconscious girl lying across their laps. The tension of the situation hung heavy in the air, with a tense silence enveloping the inside of the car. However, amid all the chaos, they all found a sense of relief in knowing that she was now in capable hands and that they were doing all they could to ensure her survival.
At this moment, Dazai appears to be somewhat relieved that they are on their way to the detective agency, where Yosano-sensei, with her extensive experience and expertise, should be able to handle the situation appropriately.
"Yosano-sensei has the most experience in the field, so she's our best bet to handle this situation," Dazai says as they ride to the agency.
In response to his statement, Kunikida nods in agreement and mutters, "I agree. At least now we have someone we can trust to take care of her medical needs."
The trio's ride to the agency remains quiet, with none of them feeling like it's the right time to talk about anything. Kunikida quietly stares at his notebook, occasionally peering over to check on the girl behind him. Atsushi, on the other hand, continually glances out of the window, afraid to even look at the girl lying on his lap. Dazai, meanwhile, continues to observe the young girl's condition. As he wipes away perspiration and dirt from her face, he feels a strange connection and attachment to her innocence. As Dazai tends to the unconscious girl, he's acutely aware of the delicate and vulnerable state she's in. He takes the time to clean away the sweat and dirt from her face and gazes at her youthful features. Despite never having seen her before, he feels a strong sense of protectiveness over her, almost as if she's his child.
"We'll do everything in our power to ensure she gets the medical care she needs... she will survive," he whispers to himself, still recovering from the shock of the situation.
As Dazai looks upon the unconscious girl, he is overcome by a strange feeling of familiarity. She seems to resemble a hazy memory from his childhood, and he can't quite place why. As he continues to stare at her pale face, a sense of unease grows within him. He doesn't understand why he feels a connection to this stranger. Dazai's thoughts are consumed by the strange sense of familiarity he feels towards the unconscious girl lying in his arms. As he stares at her face, a feeling of unease and confusion washes over him. It's as if he's seen the girl before, but he can't quite place where or when. The longer he gazes at her, the more intense the feeling becomes. His entire mind is lost in this state of perplexion and uncertainty.
As Dazai looks down at the face of the unconscious girl, a fleeting vision of a mischievous doctor flashes through his mind. The doctor, the leader of the Port Mafia, was someone he had once seen as his equal. The memory brings a bitter smile to his face, as thoughts of the hurt he had suffered at the hands of Mori Ougai flood back to him. It was an event that had forever changed their relationship.
Dazai can't help but find a sense of irony in the fact that such an innocent-looking girl could bear a striking resemblance to his former boss. The more he stares at her, the more it seems that she might be a physical manifestation of everything that had gone wrong between him and Mori. The memory of his old partner brings up a mix of emotions within him, and he can't help but wonder if he will ever be able to let go of the past.
As Dazai gazes down at the unconscious girl, the memories of his past with Mori Ougai begin to flood his mind. He can't help but feel a sense of guilt over how their relationship ended, even though he knows it was for the best. As he continues to study her features, he's struck by the uncanny resemblance she bears to his former boss and mentor. Was she somehow linked to the past that he so desperately wanted to leave behind? Could she be a physical manifestation of everything that had gone wrong between them? He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to let go of the past, but the memories refused to leave him.
As they reach the entrance, Atsushi quickly gets out of the vehicle and tries to remove the unconscious girl. He's met with Dazai's hand on the girl's body, though, and the older man refuses to let go. Atsushi is left puzzled as to why Dazai would prevent him from seeking medical assistance for the girl. "Dazai-san... the girl's infection...?"
"What infection?" Dazai snaps, still gripping the girl's body tightly. He's suddenly unsure if he wants to save her after all. It's an ugly thought, but one he can't shake.
Atsushi is left puzzled by Dazai's refusal to let go of the unconscious girl. Despite her dire infection, Dazai remains unmoved. He doesn't seem at all concerned about her wellbeing and instead, holds onto her as though his life depended on it. Atsushi's gaze turns towards Dazai, hoping to find some sort of rational explanation for his behavior.
"Dazai-san, is there something wrong? Why won't you let her go?" Atsushi asks, trying to gain a better understanding of the situation.
The trance Dazai finds himself in quickly fades as the reality of what he's doing sets in. The girl lying unconscious before him bears a striking resemblance to his former mentor and boss, the leader of the Port Mafia. Despite knowing that letting her live would be the morally correct choice, the thought of her resembling someone who had once caused him so much pain is overwhelming.
He knows that Atsushi won't understand his reasoning, but he tries to explain anyway. However, his words come out in a rush of emotions, making it difficult for his students to follow. With a heavy heart, Dazai reluctantly loosens his grip, allowing Atsushi to take the girl to get medical attention.
"I...." Dazai tries to get a handle on his sudden change in emotions. The realization of the girl's resemblance to his former mentor and boss is overwhelming, and he finds himself unable to explain his actions to his student. With a heavy heart and remorseful look on his face, he reluctantly loosens his touch on the girl, allowing Atsushi to take her away for medical care. Dazai can only watch helplessly as the girl leaves his care for the first time, wishing they could've found some other solution.
The panic immediately sets in as everyone rushes to the girl's side. Yosano begins her assessment of the girl's condition, quickly diagnosing her with acute sepsis. The girl is rushed to the infirmary, where she is placed on one of the hospital beds. The pure white sheets contrast her ghostly appearance, further exacerbating her condition from the lack of blood flow and difficulty breathing.
The girl's condition is dire, but the doctor is doing everything she can to save her life and keep her alive.
Thou Shalt Not Die
君 死 給 勿
As the doctor spoke, a stunning and graceful display unfolded before her. A flock of butterflies took flight around her poised form, their wing beats filling the air with a beautiful melody. The doctor's eyes were determined as if she were the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, who shone a blessing upon those below her. With fiery resolve, she sought to save the young life before her.
The multitude of butterflies descended upon the wounded child, their proboscises delicately drawing nourishment from the injured flesh, akin to maggots in the process of decay. The butterflies persistently fed on the child's tissue, subsequently regurgitating it, contributing to the restoration and healing of the wound, ultimately returning it to its original form.
The delicate melody of the butterfly's wings resonates in the air, their graceful fluttering filling the environment with a harmonious melody. The doctor's eyes are determined, showing her resolve to save the life of the young child before her. The multitude of butterflies gracefully swirl around the child, their proboscis gently extracting nourishment from the injury, akin to maggots in the process of decay. The butterflies relentlessly feed on the tissue, eventually regurgitating it to aid in the restoration and healing of the wound.
They all watched as the child regained consciousness. Her expression quickly becomes one of relief as she sees the girl breathing comfortably. The doctor's lips curl up into a small smile at the healthy color returning to the child's face. Despite the girl still being disorientated, Yosano attempts to alleviate her confusion.
"It's alright, dear. You're safe here. No one will hurt you. Just take a deep breath and calm down..." The doctor, in a comforting and soothing manner, speaks to the child who has just awoken. 
The young girl's breathing becomes more and more stable as the doctor speaks to her in a comforting, soothing manner. Her expression shifts into one of relief, with a healthy color returning to her face, alleviating her confusion and disorientation. The doctor assures her that she is safe, and no one will harm her. The child takes a deep breath, taking the doctor's advice, and begins to calm down.
As the child slowly gains her bearings, she queries with a soft and barely audible voice, "Wha-what...? Where am I...?”
"Shh... Shhhh... Shhh... It's okay, honey, you're safe. Please, don't panic!" Yosano gently speaks to the child, using her most reassuringly sweet voice. She leans in closer to her and whispers.
"We're at the Armed Detective Agency. I'm Doctor Yosano. Remember, don't try to talk too much. It'll hurt your throat, okay? Take some deep breaths." The doctor gently rubs the child's back and guides her to engage in a series of slow, controlled breaths. As they slowly inhale and exhale, the doctor offers instructions, urging the child to remain calm and focus on her breathing.
The child, still trembling but gradually calming down, takes the opportunity to observe her surroundings. As she looks around, she studies the people in the room, taking note of the doctor who is instructing her. With her keen aubergine eyes, the young one turns her attention back to the doctor and poses her inquiry, "Was it acute sepsis?” she paused as she caught her breath, “I was on rounds to check on patients, but I accidentally left one of them unattended for a period. They were so incensed that they stabbed me with a scalpel out of spite. I didn't realize it at first, but soon after, I realized my mistake and the consequences I'd face. I didn't bother to tend to my wound, thinking it wasn't a big deal, but it turned out to be an infection..."
Dazai's eyes follow the conversation between the doctor and the girl. He notices that the doctor manages to keep the girl calm and relaxed, despite the serious condition she was previously in. As the doctor explains the cause of the infection, he realizes the circumstances that led to the injury.
Yosano instructed the brunet and albino to vacate her vicinity so that she could continue with the young girl’s care. At this point, Yosano realized that the child was a medical student- although they looked too young to perform hospital rounds. However, the incident gave her reason to pause and ponder her attitude and approach to her patients. She had to do better in the future, she realized, because if she didn't, she may end up causing more harm than good.
Dazai remains silent as he watches the interaction between the young girl and Dr. Yosano, taking note of how the doctor deals with the patient. Though he is happy to see that the girl is receiving proper medical care, he also notices the doctor's slight hesitation and pondering, which makes him curious. He wonders what the doctor is thinking and whether she is considering an adjustment to her practice as a result of the incident. Yosano shoos Dazai away, having noticed that he didn't fully leave her vicinity despite her instructions. Dazai, curious about what the doctor is thinking, lingers behind for just a little longer before finally heeding her orders, moving a reasonable distance away.
Out of stubbornness and curiosity, he hid behind the door to listen to their conversation, "So, you're a medical student?" Yosano asks with a smile. "And you're right about the sepsis." She adds.
The doctor watches the girl's movements with interest. She is observant, intelligent, and articulate, unlike most people her age. Even after undergoing such a traumatic injury, she is still able to speak eloquently and ask perceptive questions. She makes a mental note that this young female has potential.
Dazai remains hidden behind the door, listening to the conversation between the doctor and the young girl. He's curious to see how it plays out, and he takes note of the different traits and characteristics that the girl possesses despite her circumstances.
The child listens intently to the doctor's observation, slowly nodding her head to show her acknowledgment. Upon hearing the doctor's comment, her small form seems to swell with a sense of pride. With a soft voice, she responds, "Yes, that's correct. I'm a third-year medical student at Tokyo Medical School's college-prep course. Despite my young age, I'm proud to say that I have maintained high grades throughout my academic career."
Despite the lighthearted amusement on Yosano's face, the doctor takes a moment to ponder the intriguing piece of information that the child had inadvertently revealed. She notes with interest that the young one mentioned the Tokyo Medical School college-prep course instead of the present-day name of the university, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo. This revelation led Yosano to wonder if the child had arrived from the past, possibly 20 years ago or more, or if there was some other explanation for her statement.
Dazai remains hidden behind the door, listening to the conversation between the girl and Dr. Yosano, his curiosity peaking as the doctor ponders the revelation.
Dazai takes note of the doctor's reaction as she ponders the revelation that the girl may be from the past or at least 20 years ago. The notion intrigues him, and he wonders if there might be more to her than what meets the eye.
The doctor and the girl's conversation continues, with the doctor gradually shifting into a casual tone, teasing the young girl. Soon, the two begin bantering like they are familiar with each other, which catches the curiosity of Dazai who is still hidden behind the door and can't see the situation.
Dazai decides it's best to leave the doctor and young girl alone, realizing that the conversation has taken light and friendly direction, and they don't need any more interruptions.
He leaves the room, stepping outside to have a smoke, needing a moment to himself to clear his head to relieve some of the stress of the situation. He plans to take a break before facing the questions and concerns that Atsushi and the other detectives have for him.
 As Dazai puffed on his cigarette, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. Even though the girl resembled the leader of the Port Mafia, he had chosen to act according to his sense of right and wrong. It was a small victory in an otherwise difficult situation. He looked up at the sky, his thoughts turning to the friend he had lost.
He wished that Odasaku could somehow see that he had done the right thing.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
sskk thought of the day please :>?
(also love your ask button, took me a second lol)
Okay in my mind, I've always headcanoned that sskk would keep their relationship secret like, forever– it's just that their love is something they want to keep completely untouched by opposite sides and bloody feuds. Akutagawa is particularly strict on this: in his case, there's also the added fear of retalations against the people he cares about since he's the most famous and hated pm member.
However that opens for the very funny scenario of: Atsushi and Akutagawa have just started dating, and Akutagawa is all smitten and lovesick and wants to be around Atsushi as often as possible and hug him and kiss him, but every time they're in pubblic together and someone they know comes around he absolutely PANICS: one second he's giggling and kissing Atsushi's cheek, and the second after he cuts Atsushi's leg and starts furiously hitting and insulting him in order to demonstrate that he hates him and how much they can't stand each other. They got to the point where Akutagawa was basically cutting or piercing a different bodypart of Atsushi every day, which got everyone in Yokohama wondering what happened to make the Port Mafia Hellhound so extraordinarily bloodthirsty, where the reality is that he's just in love. Each time Akutagawa follows up with a wave of texts to Atsushi in the lines of:
I'm so fucking sorry for what I did I swear I didn't mean to. I mean I didn't mean to cut off your whole leg. Sincerely, your legs come off super easily. That's beyond the point though I'm so sorry. Do you hate me again now
To which Atsushi is just “😅 It's okay they grow back”– half patient, half exasperated, half simply knowing that's just how his boyfriend is (anxious and insecure and impulsive) and that he loves him for how he is, including his leg-cutting side.
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aceoflames · 1 year
Imagine Chuuya getting a bunch of gifts on Mother's Day. Akutagawa, Gin, Q, Higuchi, and even Tachihara (who probably got Jouno something too, that two-timer!) all get him something. Maybe even Atsushi decides to. He's confused at first but then just accepts it because he knows they mean well, but Dazai is D Y I N G laughing at him for it
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iamthemess · 5 months
Sometimes I think about the fact that the headmaster actually cared very deeply for Atsushi.
He cared so much that he needed Atsushi to hate him so he wouldn't hate himself, but in the end, Atsushi never really hated the head master.
He did not have nice memories of the orphanage, but he never showed any hatred for the headmaster and even cried at his death.
Dazai even mentioned how much Atsushi also cared for the headmaster and how, despite everything, he was a father figure for Atsushi.
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gaysamurai · 5 months
embryo is such a good song..
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