#mother steve šŸ˜©
rockaesthetic Ā· 1 year
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whoahoney Ā· 2 years
Not the Babysitter Pt 2
Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
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A/N: Part 2 of my abandoned Steve Harrington fic! This is actually the fic that got me back into writing last year before I tripped and fell down the massive rabbit hole that is Eddie Munson! Still love me some Stevie boy. šŸ˜©šŸ¤
part 1 can be found here
Summary: Reader and Sara are back to rent another video from Steve, will he shoot his shot?
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
Steve waited for the following week to come; her rental expiring Monday evening. When Monday morning came, he made sure he had nothing to do in case she came the same time as last week.
And he was right.
Around 9:30, the bell jingled and Steve could hear the hushed conversation between the toddler and mama, who looked just as breathtaking as the first time he saw her.
ā€œNanaā€™s house??ā€ Y/n asked the child holding her hand. ā€œYeah!ā€ Sara smiled devilishly.
ā€œWeā€™re gonna have to call Nana first but I imagine we can make it happen.ā€ Y/n said as she picked Sara up to put her on hip. That was when she met Steveā€™s eyes, and it almost knocked his socks off.
He felt absolutely ridiculous. His heart thudded in his chest and he worried she could see his chest throb with adoration.
ā€œSo, how was it?ā€ He asked expectantly.
ā€œThe Care Bears never disappoint, what can I say?ā€ She grinned and placed Sara on the counter like last time. ā€œHello, Sara.ā€ He greeted with a smile, which Sara matched bashfully.
ā€œHello.ā€ She responded softly before turning back to her mothers shoulder, the action tugging at his heartstrings. ā€œHow was your week?ā€ Steve asked, now looking to Y/n who couldnā€™t help but feel all warm inside that he acknowledged her daughter.
ā€œItā€™s been busy, but I canā€™t complain.ā€œ She shrugged.
ā€œā€”Mommy, down.ā€ Sara kicked her feet. Y/n bit her lip and looked around the store for customers and then how far she would wander and what she would grabā€”
ā€œShe canā€™t hurt anything in here, really. Nothing customers donā€™t already.ā€ He assured her.
ā€œOkay, donā€™t go far, okay?ā€ She helped her off the counter and watched her wander to the kids section.
ā€œOkay.ā€ Sara called without turning back.
Steve smiled, ā€œAnd how was Saraā€™s week?ā€ He nodded towards the curly haired girl, his eyes showing genuine interest in the way he looked into her mothers eyes.
Y/n about melted on the spot. ā€œShe had a good week! Watched Care Bears about 37 times.ā€ They giggled. ā€œWent to the park, painted some rocksā€”ā€œ his smiled widened in wonder, ā€œā€”Added tons to our collection, actually.ā€ She chuckled, looking at her fingers nervously.
ā€œDo you have a lot?ā€ He asked.
Y/n nodded, ā€œMhm. Some of them are raw cuts weā€™ve picked up on our travels, or some polished ones you can get at the store.ā€ He nodded, again, waiting for her to keep talking, waiting to ask her about ā€˜their travelsā€™
ā€œAnd you?ā€
ā€œMe? Oh, I donā€™t have any rocks.ā€
ā€œNo, silly, your week! How was your week?ā€ She giggled at his blushing cheeks.
He tsked at himself, averting his eyes to regain his composure. ā€œOh, Iā€™m just living the dream, you know? Renting movies and sorting tapes is kinda my passion.ā€ He said leaning forward and propping his elbows on the counter. Y/n chuckled at his joke, his heart soaring at the sound. He couldnā€™t wait to tell Robin he made her laugh.
ā€œWhatever pays the rent, right?ā€ She shrugged. He nodded, for once setting down the embarrassment he felt surrounding his occupation, and wondered when he could ask what hers was.
Y/n dug around in her purse for the video case and then handed it over to Steve. As he accepted it, he realized again why they were here in the first place. He thanked her and marked it on time in the system. ā€œIs there anything I can help you find today?ā€ He asked, returning to his position at the counter in front of her.
Y/n pursed her lips and sighed, ā€œI could use Dirty Dancing if you have it.ā€
Steve smiled, ā€œLemme see if itā€™s here.ā€ He strolled over to the romance section, leaving her at the desk to watch him walk away in his favorite jeans, which were now her favorite too. He ducked behind a display to scan the shelves and saw the empty place Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey belonged.
ā€œNot there.ā€ He sighed, coming back around the counter and typing away before letting the monitor load. Y/n flashed a patient smile that reminded him of the nagging guilt tucked away in his chest.
An elephant in the room he wasnā€™t sure if she saw too.
ā€œBy the way, Iā€™m sorryā€¦ for assuming the other day, I really shouldā€™ve known she was yours,ā€ Steve shrugged and ran a nervous hand through his hair, meeting her eyes again with a half hearted smile.
ā€œIt was dumb of me, andā€”ā€œ
ā€œIt wasnā€™t dumb, Steve. Everyone does it. Iā€™m either her sister or babysitter, donā€™t sweat it.ā€ Y/n shrugged, which made Steve feel a lot better. She craned her neck to spy her daughter in a near aisle, sitting down with three movies in front of her. Before Y/n took a step to get her, Steve spoke, ā€œOh, cā€™mon, I shouldā€™ve thought sister before babysitter, I mean, she looks just like you, sheā€™s gorgeous.ā€ He said without hesitation, glancing over at Sara with a chuckle as she began haphazardly stacking the videos from the bottom shelf as high as she could.
Y/nā€™s blush burned brightly at the compliment, her incredulous smile making his heart pound in his chest, ā€œBut uh, Iā€™d still really like to take you out sometime, if youā€™re free of any other kind of, uh, committed relationshipā€¦ā€ Steve stammered, which Y/n thought was adorable.
ā€œIs that your way of asking if Iā€™m single?ā€ She asked with a sweet smile, cradling her chin in her hands. Steveā€™s face flushed pink at her direct approach. He nodded, wiping a hand over his face to ground himself. ā€œYes, thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m doing.ā€
ā€œI am very single, yes..ā€ she smiled, his heart soaring at the sight.
Finally, things are going his way.
ā€œbut..ā€ Steveā€™s heart stopped beating for a second before she spoke again. She noticed how his smile faltered, quick to explain herself, ā€œNo, no, no, Iā€™d love to go out with you, really, I just donā€™t have a sitter too often, and I wouldnā€™t be able toā€¦ go out like other girls can.. I wouldnā€™t want to disappoint either of us, you know?ā€ She said, placing a hand on top of his on the counter reassuringly.
Steveā€™s heart jump-started at the touch, immediately finding a solution to her problem, ā€œI wouldnā€™t ever expect you to be able to go out with me like ā€˜other girls canā€™, and I love that.ā€ He shrugged, Y/n shooting him a look of confusion in response.
ā€œI want something bigger than what the girls around here want from me.ā€ He sighed, sharing a knowing look with her, ā€œI know youā€™re not gonna bullshit me, you know?ā€ He could feel the oncoming rambles about to bubble out of him but he didnā€™t care, ā€œNot to mention you obviously have your priorities in order, youā€™re caring, and responsibleā€”and-and straightforward! Thatā€™s exactly what I want. And another thingā€”ā€œ He leaned slightly closer for emphasis, ā€œIā€™d be more than happy to take the both of you out to dinner, any time.ā€ His eye contact unwavering from hers.
ā€œReally?ā€ She whispered. Steve wasted no time before he nodded just as gently, ā€œYes! Thereā€™s so many fun things we could take her to do around here, yā€™know? The parks beautiful, we could have a lunch there sometime! Or to the pumpkin patch in theā€¦ fall.ā€ He cringed at his forward thinking.
Regardless, she smiled, her eyes shiny with speckled stars inside that he placed there with his sweet words and wishes. She nodded in response, placing her hand over his.
ā€œThereā€™s a really good ice cream store opening soon, too.ā€ He shrugged and covered her hand with his other. ā€œBut for now, we could grab milkshakes at the diner. Maybe watch a movie some evening? Soon.ā€
Y/n all but melted at his words that dripped with sincerity. She sighed with a smile and nodded after a moment, a soft ā€œOkay.ā€ shocking Steve to his core. ā€œReally?ā€ He asked as if heā€™d imagined it.
ā€œYes, really.ā€ Y/n blushed as the computer screen finished loading the inventory. Steve scrolled down, searching the list until he found Dirty Dancing, which was due back today.
ā€œJust say when.ā€ She said with quiet eagerness watching her daughter saunter over with a movie while Steve looked to her mother with adoration hidden behind his eyes. ā€œI have good news and bad news,ā€ He informed her with pursed lips as he came to lean on the counter again. Y/n sat the tape on the counter with a quirk of the brow.
ā€œThe good news, is that I am free for you guys any night this week after 6, but the bad newsā€”ā€ He leaned forward on the counter, ā€œis that Dirty Dancing will not be back until tonight. If they show up on time.ā€
Y/n nodded slightly disappointed, but understanding until Steve came up with yet another solution. ā€œBut! Iā€™d be happy to grab it for you as soon as it comes in.ā€ He offered.
Her smile returned to her face at his words. ā€œYou really donā€™t have to do that, Steve, I can always come back.ā€ She countered.
ā€œI want to, really. It also gives me another excuse to see you outside of work.ā€
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and dug through her purse for a pen and paper, Steveā€™s heart racing. She settled on a grocery receipt, ripping off a few inches to write on.
ā€œThis is my number,ā€ She jotted down, ā€œā€”give me a call later? After 7:30 should be good, and, uh, maybe we can figure out when we can watch that movie.ā€ She slid the paper over to him, his index finger pulling it the rest of the way to him. He held it tightly, absolutely stoked at his accomplishment.
ā€œIā€”I would love that.ā€ He said sincerely, stifling his disbelieving chuckles, remembering he needed to check out Saraā€™s next movie, the Labyrinth.
ā€œOoh, I like this one.ā€ Steve said to Sara, who grinned until he could hardly see her eyes and hid behind her moms legs. He rang up the purchase and fought the urge to pay for it himself as she handed him the $3.25.
He bagged it up and slid it over to her with a smile. ā€œHave a good day, ladies.ā€
ā€œI do it!ā€ Sara insisted, grabbing for the bag. Y/n obliged her and looped her arm through the handles, dangling like a shoulder bag on the small child.
ā€œYou too, Steve.ā€ She smiled and shook her head in sheer disbelief as she collected her daughters hand and made her way to the door.
ā€œYouā€™ll be hearing from me later.ā€ He called after her.
She giggled and looked over her shoulder as Sara pulled her hand towards the door. ā€œIā€™m looking forward to it.ā€ She said.
ā€œ7:30!ā€ He reminded after her as she pulled open the door to leave. ā€œ7:30.ā€ She nodded and confirmed before the bell jingled behind her.
Steveā€™s eyes followed them to their car until they were safely inside and out of the parking lot. After that, Steve sank down to the floor behind the counter, holding the paper to his chest; feeling like a love struck fool in high school again.
The feeling worried him, made him uneasy, yet so excited and warm and dizzy. His chest heaved as he checked his watch to calculate the hours between now and 7:30 tonight.
ā€œFuck!ā€ His head fell back with a disappointed thud.
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
Steveā€™s day went by remarkably slow until Robin showed up for her shift after school. As soon as she opened the door, ready to inform him of a fight that broke out at lunch, Steve leapt over the counter to meet her at the door.
ā€œROBIN!ā€ He shouted as he grabbed her shoulders. ā€œWhat?! What??ā€ She asked, looking for the fire.
ā€œLook what I got today.ā€ He said smugly, a proud smile hung on his face. Robin moved to the counter, Steve following intently.
When she looked up to see the paper resting between Steveā€™s fingers, her jaw dropped. ā€œIs thatā€”?ā€ Steve couldnā€™t help but explain before she was able to finish, ā€œHer phone number, thatā€™s right, I have it. She gave it to me, I didnā€™t even have to ask, technically. She asked me to call her! Tonight!ā€ He said anxiously pacing in front of her as she shrugged on her vest.
ā€œI canā€™t believe she actually gave you her number.ā€ Robin shook her head at the sliver of paper, fully convinced heā€™d blown it from the way heā€™d explained the first encounter.
ā€œYeah, me either. Sheā€™s incredible.ā€ He shook his head at the thought of her.
ā€œYou donā€™t even know her yet!ā€ Robin chided with a laugh. ā€œI donā€™t have to know all about her to know sheā€™s incredible. Youā€™ll understand when you meet her someday.ā€ He waved her off.
ā€œI hope you make it that far.ā€ Robin patted him on the back affectionately.
And for once, Steve really thought he would.
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
When 6:00 came, Steve dropped everything to strip off his vest as fast as he possibly could and tossed it to Robin, who stood behind the counter checking out customers.
ā€œGood luck!ā€ Robin called to him as he pushed through the door and waving his thanks behind him.
Steve treated himself to some KFC because today felt like his day. Every song that played on the drive home made him think of her and Sara.
He buried the worry. The fear of attachment, of rejection. He didnā€™t wanna feel that kinda pain again, but he was willing to risk it because the girl made him feel differentā€”wonderfully different.
ā”€ā”€ā”€ ļ½„ ļ½”ļ¾Ÿā˜†: *.ā˜½ .* :ā˜†ļ¾Ÿ. ā”€ā”€ā”€
It was 7:25.
Steve was showered, fed, and waiting on his bed. He sat with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out in front of him, next to the phone; his arms crossed over his bare chest.
Steve sighed deeply, deciding the quiet was too much. He crossed his room to the stereo, pressing play on his Cars tape and adjusting the volume.
He shook his shoulders out the way he would loosen them before a basketball game, and grabbed his small orange basketball to flop down with on top of his bed.
He threw the ball into the small hoop hanging from his closet with ease, realizing now that he didnā€™t want to get back up to retrieve it.
He groaned at the agony of trying to pass more time, then checked his watch again.
ā€œHoly shit!ā€ Steve panicked. His eyes searched for the slip of paper, realizing he didnā€™t have it with him the entire time he was home.
Steve dashed to the bathroom, searching for his pants before realizing heā€™d been responsible and put them down in the laundry room.
Finally he spotted the familiar Leviā€™s label and shoved his hands in the pockets. ā€œAha!!ā€ He proclaimed as he unfolded the beautiful slip of paper.
Steve ran back upstairs and down the hall to dive onto his bed and dial her number.
He checked his watch as he pressed the phone to his ear; waiting for the call to go through, when he realized it was now 7:35.
His eyes shot open as her voice answered on the other end. ā€œHello?ā€ She sounded as sweet as she did in person. ā€œHey! Itā€™s Steve,ā€ He said into the mouth piece, holding the phone with two hands like itā€™d slip away if he didnā€™t pay attention.
ā€œOh, hi, Steve! I was hoping it was you.ā€ An audible smile in her voice.
He chuckled and tried to contain himself, ā€œIā€™m uh, sorry Iā€™m a little late, I was looking for my pants.ā€ He said before smacking his palm against his forehead as she laughed.
ā€œYour pants? Well, did you find them?ā€ She asked amusedly. Steve relaxed and let himself laugh with her. ā€œYeah, I did, I-I was actually trying to find your phone number in them so I could call you on time.ā€ He confessed.
ā€œWell, I think youā€™re plenty on time. Donā€™t worry, you didnā€™t keep me waiting long, I just now got sat down with my dinner. Itā€™sā€¦ been an evening, you could say.ā€ She said with a bitter chuckle at the end.
ā€œOh? How so?ā€ He asked, curious to hear about her day. ā€œYou donā€™t wanna hear about all that mess, really. Just toddler things. Screaming, potty training, vegetables, you know, the works.ā€ She joked.
Steve smiled, his cheeks hurting at this point but not caring. ā€œIā€™d be happy to hear about anything you wanna tell me. Besides, you mean to tell me my girl Sara has a mean-streak? I donā€™t buy it.ā€ He said with a smirk.
Y/n scoffed, ā€œOh, boy, you have no idea. Theyā€™re little monsters, I tell you. The girl refuses to eat anything that isnā€™t macaroni or chicken. Broccoli? Forget about it.ā€ She leaned against the wall of her kitchen, sat up on the end of her kitchen counter and twirling the phone cord in her fingers.
Steve loved listening to her, he could for hours and actually find everything interesting. So he did.
She told him about their daily routine; what it takes to get Sara ready to go of a morning, what itā€™s like when itā€™s just the two of them and what itā€™s like when she has to work. He found it all fascinating.
The tiny bowls of breakfast, the hair braids, the pink backpacks filled with emergency clothes in case of an accident at daycare, tantrums over forgotten sippy cups sounded more endearing than he knew they were supposed to.
It just was.
All of it.
ā€œSo, she does a preschool program at the daycare? What all can she do?ā€ He asked.
ā€œI mean, they do a lot of arts and crafts, but that does a lot more for their development than most would think. And she can tell you every color and almost count to 10 on her own.ā€ She mentioned. Steve smiled at her pride for her daughter.
ā€œEven if sheā€™s a monster sometimes, it sounds like youā€™re raising a pretty great girl there.ā€ He complimented which made Y/n swoon against the wall.
ā€œYouā€™re real sweet, Steve.ā€ She said again.
ā€œSo Iā€™ve heard,ā€ He joked. ā€œSo I have to ask,ā€ he started. Y/nā€™s ears perked at the change in topic. ā€œHave you given my dinner invitation any thought?ā€ He hoped.
Y/n smiled at his persistence. ā€œI have, actually. And we were wondering if tomorrow evening was good for you?ā€
As if heā€™d have to think. ā€œTomorrow sounds fantastic.ā€
Part 3
Taglist lovelies šŸ’–
@weasleylovers @cutiecusp @frostandflamesfanfic @realsuper-dark @hermadroyalhiney @flowersownme @imagineme2you @moonys-star @daydreaming-mood @just-a-lost-princess @the-fairy-anon @loving-and-dreaming
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babyjakes Ā· 2 years
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怈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 怉
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event | kinktober 2022
prompt | finger sucking
pairing | dark!stepdad!steve rogers x reader
warnings | mean!dark!stepdad!steve, non/dubcon, ddlg vibes (steve refers to himself as daddy), forced orgasm
word count | 286
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an | this oneā€™s for my sweet friend @junipermuses! you wrote stepdad!steve once and now i canā€™t stop thinking about him šŸ¤¤ i made him a little mean too, just as a treat šŸ«¶
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mean!stepdad!steve fucks your sweet little pussy every chance he gets, even in the middle of the night when your mom (his wife) is sleeping in the next room over šŸ˜³ heā€™s got you sprawled out on your back against your pretty pink princess bedding (which of course he got you, he just thinks itā€™s so cute) and heā€™s pounding into you as he stuffs your mouth full of his fingers to give you something to suck on and muffle your whimpers and moans šŸ¤¤ ā€œgotta be quiet, sweetheart. wouldnā€™t want your mother to hear, now would we? sheā€™d be so disappointed to find out what a filthy little slut her daughter is in bedā€” fucking her own stepfather, how naughtyā€ you were always hesitant towards his advances and tried to keep him from committing such heinous acts against you but heā€™s just so big and strong and thereā€™s nothing you can do when he forces himself on you and takes whatā€™s his šŸ˜” heā€™s pounding you hard, not caring about the tiny squeaks of pain youā€™re letting out against his fingers as your drool drips down your chin. ā€œthatā€™s it, baby. take your daddyā€™s cockā€ heā€™s only turned on more when you start to cry šŸ˜© ā€œfucking look at you, so pathetic. drooling all over daddyā€™s fingers, whatā€™s wrong, baby? donā€™t you like it when daddy fucks this little baby pussy?ā€ he reaches down to rub your clit and you only sob harder, he knows heā€™s gonna make you cum. ā€œcā€™mon, give it to me, slut. squeeze daddyā€™s dickā€” there you go,ā€ he shoves his fingers further down your throat as you clench around him šŸ˜­ ā€œsee? knew you fucking love this, filthy fucking whoreā€ šŸ˜ŒšŸ«¶
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piratefishmama Ā· 8 months
Okay, yes Eddie doesn't groom his wings as an act of rebellion but because I have to turn everything into angst, I present you:
He also just doesn't know how. And eventually it gets to the point where he is so stressed out that he's molting like crazy and trying to groom his poor wings because they itch and lowkey ache and he can't figure it out and he's freaking out and then Steve walks in on him curled up in his little nest and crying, wings shaking and feathers shivering with each sob and Steve asks what's happened and Eddie can barely get out that he can't take care of himself and his senses are so overwhelmed and Steve helps him groom himself šŸ˜©šŸ˜©
Oh yeah Eddie absolutely doesn't know how to properly groom his feathers! Wayne doesn't have them, and the knowledge is usually passed down by the winged parent.
His mother passed away too early for him to really learn from her, cause wing care is pretty specific to the types of wing you have, the oils and tools needed to care for raptor wings would be different to the stuff you'd need for say, Swan or mallard wings, so while he does have the instinct to groom them, he doesn't... really know how.
So it could absolutely get really bad if he doesn't eventually get help with it!
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ihatepeanutss Ā· 9 months
steve harrington x byers!reader
warning: r is sick. Itā€™s enough to be a love! šŸ˜©. diseases, isnā€™t it? readerā€™s nickname is cherry bcs i like cherries
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you took care of Dustin when his throat was swollen for a week and a half, when no one wanted to approach him and they left him at home isolated.
you healed Maxā€™s wounds when he fell off his skateboard and sold most of his shaves, in addition to kissing his scars.
you took care of your brothers, Jonathan and Will, you fell asleep for more than two days to help Jonathan and his photographs, you helped Will with his campaigns and drawings, also with him, you took his hand and helped her in many things.
and when did your brother get lost? You also took care of your mother and it was your priority.
you did exactly the same with the adults, you took care of Robin when he had a stomach ache, you took care of Nancy when she had a problem sleeping and you stayed by her side until she managed to fall asleep, you helped Eddie when he thought there was no one for him and to be able to finish high school, you were with steve when he felt bad.
you constantly took care of everyone, that was your job.
tonight was the night when the basement of the vehicles with wheels was the main place, Nancy and Mike were the hosts, they all had pizzas in their hands, drinks, sweets and different sandwiches, steve and Robin arrived together with drinks and certain sweets.
the place felt incomplete for some reason, not only did steve feel it that way, but Robin and Eddie had also felt it.
ā€œi took the ghost hunters to be able to use Mr. Parksā€™ benefitā€ robin spoke while extending the movie to Nancy and took it to put it on the old television that had happened here
ā€œit must be jonathan , iā€™m going to open,ā€ nancy spoke when she left the basement to go up and end up arriving with only two of the three byers
no one asked about you but if they noticed your absence, no one asked a question until Eddie realized your absence.
ā€œjonathan, will cherry be late?ā€ eddie asked while taking one of the cans from the table.
jonathan denied ā€œshe wonā€™t come tonight,ā€ he reported, ā€œmom didnā€™t let her leave the house, she hasnā€™t left her room in daysā€
ā€œbecause sheā€™s sick,ā€ will continued talking with a full mouth, ā€œshe got sick last week and hasnā€™t stopped-ā€œ
max let out a sigh and looked at will ā€œbut yesterday he helped me with a model for school and honestly she looks really sleepy i suggested that she could sleep but she didnā€™t want to do it soā€¦.ā€
ā€œthat makes her sicker, she forget to wear a jacket and she came back worse than yesterdayā€ will watched steve stir in his seat, his hand was biting for getting up from his place, taking his car and going to your house just to be able to see if you were okay.
his hand stung him for exactly twenty minutes, it was his limit before he stopped and said that he would go to the bathroom, spoiler, he never went to the bathroom, took his jacket, his keys and went to his car, a small trip to the supermarket and on the way to the byers house.
joyce smiled when she saw steveā€™s car park in front of her house, looked at hopper and let out a laugh ā€œi told youā€ he replied before opening the door ā€œsteve, did anything happen?ā€
ā€œcherryā€¦, will said she was sick and... it makes sense because she didnā€™t go to the store yesterday and-ā€œ steve was nervous
ā€œsheā€™s in her room, hopper had to bribe her to give her a pill and she fell asleep. sheā€™s woven some hard days and this has probably been the worstā€ Joyce pointed to your room at the end of the house and saw the paper bag in steveā€™s arms. ā€œdo you need help?ā€
ā€œno, i only brought some of her favorite things,ā€ he said, putting the bag on the table, ā€œice cream , cookies, I brought her favorite coffee and her candyā€
joyce smiled and gave way to the fridge where they kept the things that had to be stored, with the bag full of sweet and salty things.
he knocked on your door but he still entered seeing your whole room made a mess, usually it wasnā€™t like that, your clothes on the floor and shoes scattered on the floor, he looked at your bed and you were there, made a ball forming a lump.
he thought about closing your window but thought that fresh air was enough to keep your breathing with fresh air and avoid fever. He began to accommodate and pick up some of the things that were in your room.
ā€œsteve?ā€ you murmured between opening your eyes, he was arranging your room, two of your books in his hands, your CDs and your pink stockings ā€œwhat are you doing here?ā€
ā€œyou didnā€™t show up yesterday on our date and neither did you today in the basement of the wheelers and- hey, hey, go back to bedā€ he make went back to bed when you started murmuring apologies and opening your sheets but he couldnā€™t help but touch it was hot skin ā€œiā€™ll be back, stay seatedā€ he ordered before walking to your mother and hopper
ā€œhey, Iā€™m sorry to bother you, i was just coming to ask if they had a thermometer?ā€ steve asked making joyce get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen to give him a thermometer
ā€œis everything okay?ā€ hopper looked up at the television making steve deny ā€œdo you need anything?ā€
ā€œiā€™ll take her temperature and see if she has a fever or a feverā€ steve started looking for a bottle of water in the fridge and observed Joyce ā€œiā€™ll go see herā€
you had a fever, 39 and a half to be exact worrying about steve who took off his sweater and stayed in a queen t-shirt and began to take care of you.
ā€œyouā€™re going to get sickā€ you murmured looking at steve sitting on your bed letting out a laugh ā€œyou should be in the basement of the wheelersā€
steve denied before approaching you and kissing your cheek ā€œiā€™m here with you, letā€™s see what we have hereā€ he commented softly before taking the paper bag ā€œin addition to food, i found this book and this magazine, boxed chips that you hate so much, gummies, chocolate, although now we no longer need it because ill go get the ice creamā€ steve commented looking at your red cheeks
ā€œdid you also bring ice cream?, god heā€™s a angelā€ you murmured as he left your room nodding, you looked at your neat dresser, your makeup was comfortable and your hairbrushes on your dresser next to your perfumes. when came back with a pot and two spoons you smiled
ā€œaccording to Robin, the ice cream and the icy things lower your feverā€ Steve extended your spoon and opened the mint ice cream, the favorite of the two ā€œyou should have told me earlier when i called you but as Jonathan said you were sleepingā€
ā€œi know but I didnā€™t want to bother anyoneā€ you replied by raising your shoulders, your head hurt a little but you were hungry ā€œhonestly i donā€™t know what happenedā€
ā€œyou collapsed, you had been bad last week and then you focused more on giving priority to Max, him and the others that you didnā€™t completely healā€ steve scolded you by making you lower your eyes ā€œyou donā€™t have to take care of everyone, you know?ā€
you nodded ā€œbut everyone needs someoneā€ you answered ā€œmax is alone, eddie is alone, dustin is-ā€œ
ā€œdustin has his mother, lucas has his parents, the others have us, you are not the only one who has to carry responsibilitiesā€ steve interrupted you ā€œthe thin line between you entering a mental or physical collapse was really thinā€
he approached you and kissed your cheek, curled you up and started playing with your hair, you felt safe, cared for, loved, loved and really cared for, it was a strange feeling but you could get used to it.
when they finished eating the vast majority of ice cream, you let out a sigh and steve began to move around your room, taking a towel, a pair of new pajamas and extended it to you.
ā€œgo take a showerā€ he smiled at you helping you get out of bed slowly ā€œiā€™ll be here waiting for you when you get back, take all the time you needā€
steve didnā€™t take long to get to work laying your bed and changing them to your favorite cotton sheets, using the soft duvet and fixing the pillows for your comfort, he called your room from the phone to your favorite pizzeria, Joyce told him that she would go out to dinner with hopper and that it would take a little longer than usual but there were no problems.
when you returned to your room with your new pajamas feeling fresh but still horny you saw your room even cleaner, your bed groomed and smelling of cherries, your heart was in your throat and there was a ball on your chest. did you feel like you feel cared for by someone?
you were very independent, you grew up being independent and taking care of others, you thought you did an excellent job taking care of yourself but it seemed that you had never felt the power to be wrapped and pampered... not since you turned 13.
steve looked at you from your door before showing up with your motherā€™s dryer and sitting on your bed to start drying your hair gently and with love, steve made you feel safe and loved.
ā€œcome hereā€ steve whispered as you approached him after having eaten two pieces of pizza, you curled up close to his chest and the detoured your body starting to caress your hair gently ā€œitā€™s good to ask for help sometimesā€ he murmured to you again
ā€œyou take care of everyone but tell me, who takes care of you?ā€ steve let out a sigh and you got closer to him, their relationship was a strange development but you were sure of something, steve would never deny you and neither would you deny him.
ā€œi take care of myself,ā€ you answered softly and he denied.
ā€œnow iā€™ll take care of you, honey,ā€ he murmured, kissing your forehead gently before seeing you fall asleep.
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bookishtheaterlover7 Ā· 5 months
X-Men '97 Season 1 Episode 7...
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HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIT!!! I don't even know what was real anymore!
And I knew those boots are Rogue's šŸ˜ worth the cameo to see my Captain, StevešŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ but, clearly he's got some growing up to do, because he's far from the Steve that will end up making Civil War...
Genosha's aftermath... Emma's Secondary mutation... Jean being able to see and feel everyone's final thoughts...
Seeing Rogue grapple with grief, and how she's going through it all, made me actually cry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.
Not to mention Kurt being a good brother šŸ˜© please šŸ„ŗ
Cable finally revealing who he really is to Scott and Jean... And how he can't stand Jean being in his head, because she looks like his mother šŸ’”
I'mma go focus on homework, because Marvel isn't going to pay for my therapy.
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eddywoww Ā· 1 year
confident Steve/young inexperienced Eddie reminds me of that one episode of How I Met Your Mother where Barnie has mind-blowing sex with a cougar and she just goes "meh C+" and he is DISTRAUGHT and spends the rest of the episode trying to impress her in bed and she is So Unfazed lmao
Gjfjfjdjd thereā€™s something like that in here that Iā€™m gonna write soon šŸ˜©
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biteofcherry Ā· 9 months
As a new year gift, here a thot:
You are in love with a British man, coming from a old monry family even if his company is suffering right now, you don't want his money. He's sweet, caring and perfect but the business is going downhill real fast and things are getting desperate, he even losses his home.
So, begrudgingly, your bf move to US for assistance from his estranged and illegitimate brother, Steve Rogers. Who was the product of an affair but his mother was left pregnant and destitute as bf's father decided to 'work' on his marriage. He rose in the ranks of the society my himself but he's known to do shady businesses to keep his power. He's known to be a ruthless entrepreneur and even more ruthless lover. He agrees to help your bf out of pure vindication.
But one stormy night. He overhears your bf talking to a police officer about unravelling his dirty business. His jaw ticks , furry flashing in his eyes as he decides: he wants you for helping that idiot. He would have to see his most priced possess be owned and loved by the person he hates the most. And that would be his punishment.
Why don't these ideas manifest into writing šŸ˜©? Plus tell me your face claim for that British bf.
Who cares about the British loser? I get Steve!!!
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Destroy my shitty ex-boyfriend and wife me up šŸ„°
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- chapter 3 -
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A/N: Hi!! Hereā€™s the next chapter! I really hope youā€™ll like it:) ill probably be busy for the next few weeks because of my upcoming exams šŸ˜© but thankfully the next chapter is also ready to post!
Pairing: student!Steve Rogers x Tutor!reader
Warnings: mentioned divorce between Steveā€™s parents, not Joseph Rogers friendly heā€™s a dick in this one, mentioned previous Rumlow x Reader, alcohol
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For the next few days Steve couldnā€™t stop thinking about what happened between you two. You put your beautiful lips on him and it made him crazy. Since then he couldnā€™t stop thinking or talking about it. So once again Bucky was listening to his rambling. ā€œHave you texted her after that?ā€, Bucky asked, sipping at his coffee, watching as Steve nodded and sighed. ā€œYeah, I did. Yesterday, and she said we should forget about what happened-or at least not talk about it. And that it wonā€™t happen againā€, Steve looked down at his phone, feeling how his chest tightened for a moment.
He still didnā€™t know why you did it, but he definitely enjoyed it. It just confused him. A lot.
ā€œSteve maybeā€¦maybe you should try to move on?ā€, Bucky said softer than usual and Steve definitely felt his throat tighten. He didnā€™t want to let go. At least just for the next few weeks. If you still wouldnā€™t want him after his birthday, then heā€™d stop pinning after you. Only a few weeks and then heā€™ll hopefully be your boyfriend. ā€œLetā€™s go, break ends in a few minutes and we shouldnā€™t be late for biologyā€, he said, pulling Bucky with him.
After school he drove home, also dropping Bucky off since they lived only a few minutes from each other. ā€œHi momā€, he greeted his mom in the kitchen, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled softly at her son, always greeting her the same way. It was really sweet. She was incredibly happy to have a son like him. ā€œHow was school?ā€, itā€™s the usual question, followed by the usual answer about how boring it was.
He helped her prepare something to eat, before sitting together down at the table. Just the two of them, but it was better that day after the messy divorce his parents had. ā€œWhat do you want to do for your birthday? Itā€™s only two weeksā€, Steve didnā€™t need to think about it too long, already planning something. ā€œIā€™d like dinner-just you, me andā€¦Y/Nā€, he said smiling, his cheeks blushing slightly. ā€œIsnā€™t this your tutor your father found for you?ā€ Steve nodded, swallowing hard, knowing this could be a slightly uncomfortable conversation.
ā€œYes, Dad asked to help me a few months ago. Sheā€™s really good at explaining but sheā€™s also a great friend. I really like her-maybe we could invite her, you could meet her-ā€, he started rambling, as he felt blush creeping onto his cheeks, painting him scarlet. ā€œNot that weā€™re a couple or anything-itā€™s just that-ā€œ ā€œyou like that girl?ā€, his mother asked.
He didnā€™t know it was possible to blush even harder, but he managed.
ā€œShe-sheā€™s very nice. And really prettyā€¦and also really smart-like, really smart. I think sheā€™s doing her master's in mathematics? Or-or, well at least something with mathā€, while he explained, Sarah put her fork down and leaned a bit back in her seat. ā€œHow old is she? You didn't mention that sheā€™s in college beforeā€¦and master, then sheā€™s probably around 23?ā€ His moms guessing made him wince slightly, since she didnā€™t sound very pleased with that. ā€œSheā€™sā€¦25, turning 26 this year-but age isnā€™t the point-ā€œ ā€œSteve sheā€™s 8 years older, how does that not matter? You know I want you to be happy, but why would you choose a woman thatā€™s nearly a decade older than you? Are you sure sheā€™s having good intentions-ā€œ ā€œMom, weā€™re really not together. She said the same thing-that sheā€™s too oldā€
His mother nodded, picking up her fork again and continued eating for a moment. ā€œIf you want to invite her I donā€™t mind, but I think your father will want to join us, so you should also tell him sheā€™d be hereā€, Steve nodded at Sarahā€™s words, his lips twitching to a smile.
A few days later he was once again at his fathers place, waiting in his room till you arrived. ā€œHello Steveā€, you greet him entering the room. Smiling Steve stepped closer to you, pulling you in a hug. It surprised you pretty much, but your arms wrapped around him automatically and you could feel how he put more weight on you. ā€œWhere did this come from, Steve?ā€ You laughed against his chest, brushing your hands over his back. He sighed into your hair.
Slowly he let go of you, looking down at you with an uneasy expression. ā€œIs it about last week? Iā€™m sorry, I shouldnā€™t have done that. I donā€™t know what came over meā€, you said quietly, but Steve shook his head, even though it definitely was about last week. ā€œItā€™s not like I mind-definitely enjoyed it, you know?ā€, he grinned, while his face turned the usual rosy shade. Somehow even you couldnā€™t stop yourself from grinning. This boy was creeping into your heart and you couldnā€™t even stop him from doing so.
He took a deep and nervous breath.
ā€œIā€™d like to invite you to dinner-not a date but a dinner with my parents, on my birthday. Itā€™s in two weeks. Iā€™m turning eighteenā€, Steve took one of your hands in his, slowly interlocking his fingers with yours, your gaze immediately dropping to your hands. He was hopeful, his voice slightly trembling nervously even though he tried to hide it.
For a moment fell silent between you, while you let go of his hand, making him visibly gulp. ā€œItā€™s your birthday, of course Iā€™ll come. As your friend.ā€ You didnā€™t know who you had to remind more about the actual relationship that was between you two. Just friendship. Nothing more. It couldnā€™t be more. ā€œAnd now come on, we still have some work to do.ā€
You noticed how he sat much closer to you, his knee always bumping into your leg, hands curiously and unsure resting on your thighs. The worst part about it is how much you enjoyed it. The gentle touches, the soft smilesā€¦
You were really falling for him, huh?
ā€œYouā€™re much better, Steve. Iā€™m really proud of you for how far you cameā€, you said, noticing he hadnā€™t had a single mistake in his last calculations. A quiet and happy giggle escaped Steve's lips. A giggle. This boy really made it hard for you not to fall any more for him. With this sun kissed cheeks and sparkling eyes. He was truly a beauty.
Fuck, stop thinking about him like that.
Packing up your stuff you felt his gaze on you, which was something that happened quite often. He was always looking at you, not saying anything, just looking. And if you had to be honest you liked it. It made you feel pretty and even a bit flustered. You canā€™t remember when you felt flustered because of a man.
ā€œSee you next week, Stevieā€, with that you looked over your shoulder one last time, before leaving and going straight to your place. On the way you called Natasha, asking her if she could come over in the evening.
After buying some tequila, juice and snacks you made your way home and Nat came by only an hour later, not giving you much time to do anything besides taking a quick shower. She let herself in, with a key you still didn't know where she had it from, but got used to it pretty quickly. At least you didnā€™t have to interrupt preparing the tequila-sunrises, something you two always loved drinking. But also telling her something was wrong.
ā€œSo whatā€™s up? What happened that you needed to buy the bigger bottleā€, Natasha grabbed the tequila bottle and looked back at you. You were probably blushing the same deep red as Steve always did. ā€œIā€™m just so stupid, Natasha. Always getting myself intoā€¦. somethingā€¦always some kind of trouble. I really donā€™t know what-ā€œ ā€œIs it still about Steve?ā€ ā€œI think Iā€™m in love with himā€, you didnā€™t even mean to say it. It just slipped.
Even Natasha didnā€™t know what to say-and she always knew what to say. She was never speechless.
You grabbed the drinks you just made, walking to the couch. ā€œHe invited me to his birthday thoā€, you tried to say something, probably making it even worse. Natasha followed you, drinking a big sip after sitting down with you. You waited for any kind of answer, your chest feeling tight and uncomfortable.
ā€œYou deserve some love, you know? He may be a bit younger, but this shouldnā€™t affect your relationship too much. Especially not after his birthdayā€, she tried reassuring you, gently bumping her elbow into your side. It even made you laugh quietly, since you were ticklish and sensitive there.
You sipped at your drink, before finally looking back to Natasha. ā€œI donā€™t think Iā€™m ready for a relationship, Natā€¦.ā€, you whispered, feeling your eyes burn just by the thought about your last boyfriend, fiancĆ© even. Natasha recognised the pain in your eyes, having cheered you up after the awful breakup.
She put her arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. ā€œRumlow was a dick and everything he did wasnā€™t your fault. You deserve someoneā€¦good. From what you told me Steve is good. Heā€™s a good and sweet guyā€, she stroked over your hair, making you sign into her shoulder. ā€œBut heā€™s inexp-ā€œ ā€œyouā€™ll get there. Just teach him and talk to him about everything. You two just need to talk.ā€
The rest of the evening was spent watching your comfort movies and drinking, leaving you with an awful hangover in the morning, while Natasha prepared breakfast for you, not even having a little headache.
The next two weeks passed quickly. The day of Steveā€™s birthday dinner came and you looked at yourself in the mirror a last time. You looked good. Since it was his birthday you decided to dress up, put on some makeup and also some pretty heels. Itā€™s not like you needed to impress him butā€¦but you still wanted him to like you. Smoothing down the last crease in your dress you put on your jacket and left your apartment. You decided to take the subway, since he lived only a few stations away.
You felt nervous, knowing youā€™d met his mother in a few minutes. Thankfully you knew his dad, since he was your boss, but it still didnā€™t make you any less anxious.
What if they don't like you? What if youā€™d do something stupid? What if you trip over their carpet and totally embarrass yourself? Maybe they donā€™t have a carpet.
You shook your head over yourself, knowing exactly your overthinking wouldnā€™t help you in any way.
Talking up the porch, you felt your hands starting to sweat, the gift you were holding nearly slipping out of your hands. After you rang the doorbell it took Steve less than a minute before he opened the door. Your breath hitched seeing him.
He wasā€¦also dressed up. Normally you saw him on the weekends, sleepy, in hoodies and with messy hair but today he was completely different. He wore a black button down, the first two buttons leaving open. His hair was neatly slicked back and it seemed like he was wearing dress pants, perfectly ironed. He looked so much older like that. So much closer to your age than his.
For a moment you looked at each other silently, before someone else appeared behind him. A blond woman, with identical features to his own, just more feminine. His mother. You felt yourself blushing, finally remembering to move and pulling Steve in a hug. ā€œHappy birthday Stevie, thank you for inviting meā€, you whispered in his ear, before kissing his cheeks gently. When you tried to pull away from him, he just grabbed you a bit tighter, burying his nose against your throat. Wow, you smelled so sweet. So so good. He could get drunk on you.
Over his shoulder you could see his mother smiling at you, making you smile back at her. She seemed friendly, even though you could recognise the overprotective mother gaze, watching you like a hawk.
Finally Steve let go of you and you gave him your gift. ā€œI noticed youā€™re always doodling and sketching on your notebooks and homework soā€¦yeah, I hope you like itā€, you said shyly. Youā€™ve never liked giving gifts, never being sure about what would make someone happy, but you hoped Steve would-
ā€œOh wow, but thats-this was expensive. I know it was, donā€™t even deny itā€, he mumbled, taking out the sketchbook and a pencil case. They definitely were expensive, but you knew these were good to sketch. The price didnā€™t matter seeing how bright his smile was, when he opened the first page where you had drawn something yourself. Just a cake with eighteen candles and a big ā€˜happy birthdayā€™ over it. It wasnā€™t as good as Steveā€™s drawing, but not bad. Thankfully sketching was also one of your small hobbies.
Once again Steve pulled you against his chest, holding you tightly. ā€œThank you, I love itā€, he mumbled, before slowly letting you go. You felt blood rush to your cheeks, while looking back at his mother and stepping closer to her. ā€œIā€™m Y/N, pleasure to meet youā€, while you held out your hand for her to shake, you noticed how much you were shaking.
The woman smiled at you, taking your hand and pulling you in a quick hug. ā€œYou can call me Sarah, itā€™s nice to meet you. Steve told me a lot about you.ā€ And even though you couldnā€™t see Steve you knew he was giving his mom a look and probably turning crimson.
ā€œI brought yhm-a wine, I hope thatā€™s okay, I just didnā€™t want to come empty handedā€, you said, giving it to Sarah, which surprised her. But you could tell it was in a good way.
Okay, goodā€¦It looked like she liked you. At least a bit.
After that you sat down at the table, but there was still one plate and you assumed it was for Steveā€™s father. This only made you even more nervous. You had no idea how it would be to spend a dinner with your boss, being here as Steveā€™sā€¦what? friend? Technically butā€¦it wasn't really just that, was it? You felt like it was more, especially when he gently put his hand on your thigh feeling it shaking all the time.
ā€œSo tell me, youā€™re in college right?ā€, Sarah asked, starting a conversation. ā€œYes, I am. Itā€™s my last year but Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™ll do after-at first I thought about teaching but Iā€™m not sure about that anymore-ā€, you didnā€™t even think about how your words sounded, but the looks the Rogers gave you, made you think about your words choice. Have you accidentally said something different? ā€œWas I really this bad of a student for you to change career paths?ā€, asked the birthday boy, making you finally understand.
A quiet laugh escaped your lips. ā€œOh Iā€™m so sorry, Steve, no of course not. You were amazing-there are probably less students so attentive like you than Iā€™d like, but itā€™s not that. I just-I havenā€™t found my path yetā€, you explained, putting your hand on his arm, squeezing gently. While looking at each other you didnā€™t notice how Sarah smiled secretly at the two of you, knowing something you two probably didnā€™t know yet.
Just as Steve opened his mouth to say something the doorbell rang again, making Steve leave the room to let his father in.
You hadnā€™t even noticed you were still smiling, before your gaze finally fell to Sarah. A warmth spread in your chest at her knowing smirk. ā€œYouā€™d like some wine?ā€, she asked you and you nodded silently.
She poured some of the wine for you and her, before putting the wine bottle into the fridge. Meanwhile Steve came back with his father close behind him. You quickly stood up, shaking his hand to greet him. ā€œHello, Mr Rogersā€, you smiled friendly, but he didnā€™t return it. Okay, weird. You actually thought heā€™d be the one liking you more.
When you all were sitting and had your food, Sarah took her wine glass and smiled at you. You understood and grabbed your own, raising it slightly, before taking a sip and putting it back aside. Of course Steve noticed you and his mother having wine. Why couldnā€™t he have any? ā€œMom, why canā€™t I have some wine too?ā€
She raised her eyebrows at his comment. ā€œBecause youā€™re not 21ā€, his cheeks turned slightly rosy, but he didnā€™t give up. ā€œBut itā€™s my birthday and weā€™re home. Just one glass, please mom.ā€ She shook her head and for some reason Steve looked back at you. You immediately felt all eyes on you.
ā€œWhy are you looking at me?ā€ ā€œCan I have a sip-ā€œ ā€œno, youā€™ve heard your mom. No wine for you till you're 21-ā€ He scoffed Slightly. ā€œIf we were in Europe Iā€™d be able to drink already-ā€ ā€œbut weā€™re not in Europe.ā€ For some reason your bickering made Sarah laugh quietly, breaking the argument about whether Steve should get wine.
In the end he just got orange juice.
You spent the meal with light conversation, mostly talking to Sarah and Steve. Joseph only talked to Steve, even avoiding looking at you. It made you feel unwelcome. Like an intruder in their home.
ā€œSteve, could you go and grab my briefcase from my carā€, said Joseph after everyone ate a slice of cake. Steve seemed confused, Sarah as well, but either way Steve did leave the room, looking once again back at you. For some reason you felt like your mouth went dry all of a sudden. Your heart started pounding. An uneasy feeling spreads in your chest.
And you were right.
As soon as the door closed behind Steve Joseph looked at you with a stern cold gaze. ā€œSo, what is you want from Steve? Surely youā€™re not with him for his maturity, since youā€™re ten years older-ā€œ ouch on that one, itā€™s only seven, not ten, thank you very much. ā€œ-why are you even here?ā€ You felt tears burn in your eyes. And you cried rarely.
ā€œSteve invited me-as a friend. Weā€™re friends, thatā€™s all-ā€ Joseph scoffed, shaking his head. ā€œDo you think Iā€™m stupid, girl? If heā€™d be inviting his friends heā€™d have invited Bicky or whatever heā€™s calledā€, said the man angrily. Sarah hit his arm. ā€œFirst off-donā€™t speak to her that way, do you understand me? Or you can leave. And second, itā€™s Bucky. His name is Bucky.ā€
He still seemed not wanting to stop. "Bicky, bucky, whatever, not even he was invited by Steve, but you? YOU? His damn tutor? Maybe youā€™re not even teaching him math, huh? I shouldnā€™t have hired you either as my assistant or his tutor, youā€™re probably just sleeping-" Before you could react Sarah slapped him across the face. (Thankfully, because otherwise youā€™d have done it yourself.) She was as furious as you were hurt. She may not like the age gap between you and Steve, but seeing how happy Steve was with you was enough to let her overlook it. Steveā€™s happiness was all that mattered and she could tell you had romantic feelings for her son.
ā€œYou'll apologize to this sweet woman or leave this house now, Joseph.ā€ Her voice was calm, but you felt the rage behind it. Joseph seemed to get angrier, too. ā€œYou canā€™t throw me out of my house-ā€œ ā€œItā€™s not your house anymore. Now get your cheating ass out of my house and donā€™t even try to call Steve, telling him shit about-ā€œ, when they heard the door open their argument immediately quieted down, but you still felt awful. Humiliated by Steveā€™s father accusing you ofā€¦being a whore? A gold digger? You really didnā€™t know what exactly his problem was.
You stood up, grabbing your purse, not looking at Joseph or Steve, just at Sarah, knowing sheā€™d understand. ā€œItā€™s late, I have to work in the morning and should go. It was lovely to meet you, Sarah. I hope to see you some other timeā€, you said friendly, your voice shaky and Steve definitely noticed how different your demand was from how you usually acted.
Sarah nodded with a sad secret smile on her lips, knowing the real reason. Before you put your coat on, Steve gently took your hand. ā€œIā€™ll drive you, come on. Itā€™s dark. You shouldnā€™t be alone on the streetsā€, thatā€™s one of the reasons why he wants to drive you, but the other one was to ask you what happened here while he was goneā€¦and also ask you on a real date.
ā€œSteve you donā€™t have to, itā€™s okay-ā€œ, you started, but he only shook his head, taking his car keys and throwing his jacket on. ā€œItā€™s fine, Iā€™d feel better that way-knowing youā€™re safeā€, his words made your heart swell. Steve was a good guy, Natasha was right with that one.
On the way home you stayed mostly quiet, even though Steve tried to ask you what happened, but you lied once again telling him itā€™s because of your early work. You could tell Steve wasnā€™t believing any of it, but still stopped asking.
He walked you to your apartment door, not wanting for the evening to end. Before today youā€™ve never spent so much time together and he enjoyed every second of it. A soft laugh escaped your lips at the way Steve was standing behind you, while you opened your apartment door-definitely not needing his supervision anymore. ā€œSteve, I think Iā€™m safe nowā€, you smiled at him, making the young man blush. He shrugged, looking at you from under his eyelashes. ā€œMaybe I want to spend some more time with you? If youā€™d likeā€¦ā€, he whispered quietly.
You thought about it for a moment, before grabbing his hand and pulling him with you into your apartment, where the first thing you did was take off your shoes. ā€œWhat would you like to do, Stevie?ā€, the nickname affected him immediately, his face turning a sweet shade of red. ā€œM-maybe watch a movie? I donā€™t know-Iā€™ve never been on a real date-ā€œ ā€œis this a date?ā€
You didnā€™t mean to sound rude, but Steve seemed to take it that way, immediately stepping away from you. ā€œI-no-not if you donā€™t want to-Iā€™m sorry for assuming-ā€ ā€œno, no, Iā€™m sorry Steve. Itā€™s okay. Iā€™m just surprised but-yeah, I like for it to be a dateā€, you whispered thinking back to what Natasha had said. You deserved love. Some happinessā€¦
And even if Steve wasnā€™t a partner you thought youā€™d end up with, youā€™d love to try.
Thatā€™s how you found yourself on the couch in Steveā€™s arms, while a movie was playing but neither of you paid attention to it, being busy with talking. Him always caressing your side and arms with his fingers, so carefully it even tickled sometimes. You couldnā€™t tell if the tingle on your skin was from the tickling or just from him being so close to you.
ā€œNow that Iā€™m 18, we could be in a relationshipā€¦go on real datesā€¦ā€, he whispered in your hair after a while. For a moment you couldnā€™t bring yourself to speak, scared of what the right answer would be.
But the right answer was what your heart was telling you and not your head. At least this time.
You slowly lifted your head, meeting his gaze. ā€œIā€™d love to do that, Steveā€, you whispered back, sitting up and carefully sliding onto his lap, making sure he was comfortable with you doing so. His hands found your hips, pulling you a bit closer against his chest. You noticed how he scanned your face for any reactions, but since you liked it, he only found a smile.
Leaning down you put your lips softly against his, making him gasp quietly, but he immediately returned the kiss enthusiastically-maybe even a bit too enthusiastic. Once again it reminded you of the difference between your experiences and his. Or more the lack of them.
And yet somehow you really liked the sloppy and unskilled movements of his lips, getting more used to it with every second you were kissing him. You liked how he tried to mimic your lips, his kissing slowly becoming better. The kiss was gentle and slow, making your whole body tremble. You donā€™t remember the last time you kissed someone just for the purpose of kissing. It was just a kiss, soft and innocent, not even using tongue. Why this felt like the best kiss you ever had you couldnā€™t tell.
Steveā€™s hands found its way to your waist, pulling you closer against him, till you were flushed against him. Hesitantly he licked over your bottom lip, wanting to deepen the kiss. You opened your mouth, letting your tongue faintly slide against his, before exploring his mouth. This time he definitely felt even more uncertain what to do, just letting you dominate the kiss, till he started returning it as hotly as you.
Grinding faintly against him, you felt his hard length pressing against his pants, against your throbbing cunt. Only two pieces of clothing between your sexes.
Panting you broke off the kiss, needing some air, but you still stayed close, leaning your forehead against his. Steve was breathing heavily, unknowingly grinding his hard cock against your crotch. You grabbed his hands, pushing them slowly to your thighs, before letting them slide under your dress to your ass. ā€œIf you want we can continue in the bedroom, Stevie, but we need to talk about some things firstā€, you whispered, kissing his jaw.
ā€œYeah-letā€™s-yes pleaseā€, he whispered. Surprisingly he pulled you a bit closer against him and stood up with you-fuck, you hadnā€™t expected him to be so strong, but you liked it. You told him where to go, the bedroom door being kicked shut by Steve, while he placed you on the bed.
Chapter 4
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Donā€™t worry, youā€™ll get your smut in the next one and itā€™s gonna be a lotšŸ‘€
Thank you for reading!! I really hope you liked it, please let me know! Leave some feedback and reblog!ā¤ļø
Questions, thoughts or wanna talk? -> inbox!
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rockaesthetic Ā· 1 year
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Mother Steve šŸ˜©
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evansbby Ā· 1 year
naur coz why doni feel like mean!ari is way meaner than poyt-steve coz atleast poyt!steve was quick about breaking it off with sharon and being a simp all abput being girlfriend-boyfren and mega never share! with mean!ari and baby i feel like at this point hes totally playing her. he prolly still in that steve era thats like ya she'll stay a sidechick coz shes wayyy below my league but everyone will know shes mines and im fucking her. until naive baby is well and truly heartbroken one day when sharon flashes her ring around campus. didnt mean shit to ari but its a fucking ring ofcourse its a big deal! and coz shes a good girl shes like NO HES A BIG MEAN LIAR! HES GONNA MARRY HER IM NEVER GONNA BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! I HATE HIM! (but actually no shes just big sad :(.) and then obv her dad was a serial cheater but they kept the toxic marriage together for 'their children' and thats why she grows up super naive and trusting of ari. but maybe a weeks ago her brother or mother confesses coz the dads off on a cheating binge again and thats why they had to cancel their weekly dinners for the 3rd time :( omg i feel sad now.
so anyways because of that shes like fuck i will never get in the way of a couple especially engaged or married couple and i shudve never gotten with ari! and when ari corners her shes like
"I'm quitting you!"
he like "Huh?"
"No more, Ari! I am NOT a home wrecker! I wont do that! I hate that."
And hes just cooing at her and shes melting and suddenly she starts quiet crying, clinging to him and she whispers "Please stop Ari. I love you but I hate that you make me hate myself. "
And hes stunned.
"If you keep lying, I'll believe you. Because I want you so badly, Ari... I always want to just be near you, even if you can't kiss me but you always, always do... you always hurt me. I'm quitting you, Ari, because I am not Sharon. And I want to be. Not the one you use, not the sidechick."
ugh SHUT UP! i wanna hug her.
and Aris at a loss and for the first time ever she manages to slip away. shes not on campus the next few days, not trace of her. she back at her familys house with her mother and they have a normal few days. the unspoken miserable commiserationof both being the one cheated on and cheated with. they knit together at sunset and make special teas at dawn. her mother says that the beach is good for the soul so on the last day they go to the beach together and they play tic tac toe in the sand.
when the mum drops her back off at campus its errily quiet, theyre staring at her but she has the hood of her jacket up and shes just shuffling her way back to her dorm. red jacket, splitting the crowds like little red riding hood in the forest.
turns out ari turned the whole canpus upside down and so did sharon in her anger. but guess who changed the lock on her dorm room? left a note saying you know where to find me. and when she shows up she'll be the last one standing if she ever tried to leave again coz ari would leave no one else for her to run to.
Omg bestie šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© first of all, yes youā€™re kinda right! At least poyt!Steve made omega his public girlfriend after likeā€¦ two days. He also promptly dumped Sharon (via text, but he still dumped her loool). So in that sense, heā€™s better than wg!Ari. But wg!Ari isnā€™t as cruel or plain fucked up as poyt!Steve (or is he šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” hehe)
And omg bestie not you writing a whole saga!!! I love it!!! All the angst! Reader playing tic tac toe on the beach with her mom šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ AND THE CONFRONTATION WITH ARI AHHHHHHHH
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soliscital Ā· 4 months
tag game!
thank you @novastellaris for the tag!
Were you named after anyone? I was named after my grandmother, but I don't use my birthname. Sol is the one I go by and I chose it because of our solar system's sun! :]
When was the last time you cried? Four days ago or so?
Do you have kids? Not human ones! But I'm a plant mother to several! And a cat mom too. :3
What sports have you played/do you play? I used to play basketball when I was younger, I also tried football out but it didn't stick with me! And I also won a dodgeball championship at summer camp once. šŸ˜­
Do you use sarcasm? Only with people I know well!
First thing you notice about people? Clothes, then facial features and body language!
What is your eye color? Dark brown, a friend once called it the default character color and that I looked like Minecraft Steve and I haven't been the same ever since. šŸ˜©
Scary movies or happy endings? Both!
Any talents? I don't really believe in talent but personal effort. The closest to that I'd say is drawing! :D
Where were you born? Athens, Greece!
What are your hobbies? Drawing, animating, gaming, listening to music and occasionally playing/singing, gardening, cooking, and many more I can't remember from the top of my head!
Do you have any pets? Yes! I've got a cat and her name is Ahsoka. :3
How tall are you? 5'2"/~159cm
Favorite subject in school? Art I suppose!
Dream job? My dream job is not having a dream job hahah, I want to do everything <3 Though if I had to choose how to make money I'd probably go for selling art or making videogames!
Tagging: @erevoid @artekai @overloadedorama @odnyrion @witchedcorpse and anyone who'd wanna do this! No pressure to actually do it though! <333 :3
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stay-gold-bitch Ā· 2 years
Can you have a headcanon about the caring Gangs moms talking about and loving their sons?
Iā€™m pretty sure I got this right.
Also I wrote these at an eye appointment šŸ˜©
Caring! Mothers of the gang headcanons
ā€¢lmao sheā€™s fuckin dead
ā€¢But no, Mrs.Curtis loved her sons so much
ā€¢She was so damn proud of Darry because of how smart he is
ā€¢Also when your son is HELLA HAWT AND GETS ALL THE BITCHES, how can you not be like ā€œyep thatā€™s my boy!ā€
ā€¢Oh and PonyBoy, I mean my dude was a fuckin track star, how fun
ā€¢We hate his hoe of a mother
ā€¢I mean like, would she be??Ā šŸ’€
ā€¢Heā€™s a badass? Would she be proud of that tho??
ā€¢ā€Oh yes my sonā€™s an absolute car genius!ā€
ā€¢Steve seems like the kind of guy who would be fawned over by old ladies at bingo night, so thereā€™s that
ā€¢I mean, I bet heā€™d make a great dad honestly
ā€¢So if he has a kid his momā€™s gonna ADORE the little shit
ā€¢His mom seems like sheā€™d be proud of him even if he is kind of a dope
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stevethehairington Ā· 1 year
1, 2, 3, 8, and of course... 11 for the ST ask game ā™”
ahh blakeeee!!! ty for sending so many!!! šŸ’•šŸ’•
(also omg i was almost entirely finished answering all of these and then i fAT FINGERED MY KEYBOARD and it deleted everything šŸ˜© i tried my best to rewrite them as best as i could but damn. rip to anything that slipped through the cracks)
1. Favorite character and your favorite outfit of theirs?
ooh okay i think i have to go with steve harrington as my favorite character, because as much as i love eddie, steve has been IT for me since the beginning. steve has taken me on a whole journey, i have been right there with him since the beginning. i am ride or die for that bitch!! lkdfjsl.
and as for favorite outfit, ohhhh man that's tough. he's got a LOT of good ones!! but. if i had to choose one, it would probably be that cute little bubble vest fit he wears at the end of s3 when he and robin are bring their resume in to family video. it's just so cute and he looks so good in it, and also his hair with it is Thee Perfect Length for me, like i love steve with his hair long enough that it starts to curl at the ends. the whole Look is just too good.
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(this one!! i couldn't find any good photos so this gif will have to do)
2. Favorite season of Stranger Things and your favorite scene in it?
this is another hard question because my answer totally depends on what exactly is meant by favorite lmao. like, if favorite means which season is the one that i love most and has captivated me the most then the answer would be season 1, because that one is just next level!! like, the vibes, the relationships, the mystery, the conflicts, the discoveries!! it's all so good and s1 does a FANTASTC job of setting up the whole show!! but then if we're looking at favorite as meaning which one did you have the most fun watching and enjoyed a lot then my answer would be season 3, because that season is just SO fun!! it's so vibrant and bright and it truly encapsulates summer so well!! not to mention it gives us scoops troop my BELOVED, and we see more of the relationship between steve and dustin my beloveds, AND there's more erica!! AND this season gives us ROBIN!!! AND ROBIN AND STEVE!!! so!!!! its a huge win and its a great season for those reasons!!
3. Favorite scene in the entire series?
i think this is probably going to be SUCH an obvious answer because it's probably the one everyone and their mother gives, but, i HAVE to go with robin's coming out scene. like, it's just one of the best coming out scenes i've ever seen. and that is ENTIRELY because of maya hawke. like god, her expressions throughout that whole scene? as steve describes the girl he likes and it becomes strikingly clear that he's talking about robin and robin is sitting there like how do i break it to him. god her face is just. SO REAL. and then when she says "steve" in that tiny whisper of a voice, and her eyelashes sort of flutter like she's trying not to cry and she gives him that LOOK. MY GOD ITS GOLDEN ITS SO FUCKING GOOD. im tearing up rn just thinking about it. and then steves reaction too!! his little oh, and the way he just immediately starts making fun of robin's taste in girls, just steadfastly accepting her and not making it into something huge and scary. just treating her like shes robin and not anybody or anything different. the way robin feels SO much relief and joy and safety there. god its just such a beautiful scene and so powerful too and i just love it so so much.
(i do HAVE to give a shoutout to the running up that hill scene at the end of dear billy because NO scene has EVER given me chills the way that one did. the way max's grief has been drowning her and the complete turning point this scene was for that. like this was the first moment that she chose to not let that grief win. she fought it and she fought it hard and she pulled herself out. she had help, of course, the memories of her friends, the ones she loves, but it was ultimately HER that saved herself in that scene. and godddd its SO powerful and its SO well done and just the way they used that son is INCREDIBLE and also sadie's acting in that scene is just PHENOMENAL, and then when it ends and max is in lucas' arm with dustin and steve surrounding her too and the soft instrumental version of running up that hill plays as the screen goes black. C H I L L S!!!!!!)
8. Favorite weapon/power?
another super basic answer probably but what can i say? my favorite weapon is 100% the nail bat. i mean, who wouldn't want a wicked baseball bat full of nails to swing at monsters?? i mean come on that is so badass. but ALSO i love that the bat has a little bit of all of the original monster hunting trio in it? like it's nancy's baseball bat, but jonathan is the one that put the nails in it and it was meant to be his weapon, but then steve claimed it as his own and used it and bam now it's his. i just love that symbolism!!!
11. Your opinion on Tommy Hagan?
HAHA I LOVE THAT YOU ASKED ME THIS ONE FKDDSFLKD (also the "of course" sdkfjdslf i am THAT transparent huh šŸ˜‚)
nah but i fucking LOVE tommy hagan. he's just one of those characters that isn't necessarily given a firm backstory or anything, but there is juuuuuuust enough personality that it is SO easy to build your own backstory and mold it and him into something you want it to be ā€” and boy oh BOY have i done that with tommy myself lmao.
but yeah it's like ā€” the tommy we see, sure, he's an asshole, and yes, he says and does some really shitty things, BUT i don't think anything he's said and done has reached that level where it's like totally and completely irredeemable, yknow? like he's not so far gone that he can't turn himself around (hello!! steve did!! and sure, maybe steve is a kinder, nicer person at his core, but if he can do it, so can tommy, especially given that tommy idolized steve so much.)
there's just something to me that is so fascinating about taking a very simple one dimensional character and giving him layers. giving him three dimensions. putting him in scenarios and giving him motivations that explain WHY he is the way he is and HOW he got there and WHO influenced that? filling in those gaps makes him a MUCH richer character and in turn makes his interactions with the other characters SOOO much more interesting and layered.
like, i love to think that tommy is the middle child in a large family of all girls. he's got two older sisters and two younger sisters. i oscillate between liking to think that his parents are still together but overwhelmed with work and the girls and other responsibilities, or that theyre divorced so tommys grown up with a single mother in charge. either way, tommy ends up sort of forgotten, just a bit. there's not enough attention for him, which is why when STEVE gives him attention for the very first time, when he CHOOSES tommy for the first time, tommy is stuck on him for life.
their friendship grows and so do they and steve stays this constant through it all, and that means so much to tommy. i think that once girls start to show an interest in steve and once steve starts to show an interest back, tommy gets jealous, because that means that steves full attention isn't on him anymore. (and whether you look at it through a 'tommy has a crush on steve' lens or not it still applies either way ((though as im sure you're all aware i DO look at it through that lens LOL))).
carol joins their group, and either steve nudges tommy towards her or tommy nudges himself towards her because, well, if steves gonna get himself a girlfriend, so is tommy because he's not getting left behind. and he loves carol, he does, but also it's a lot more complicated than that (see the beginning of my latest fic, keep me on a rope, for more on The Complicated Relationship of Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins because ohohoho boy do i have THOUGTS on that).
and then nancy wheeler happens and steve gets his heart broken AND his world rocked AND the biggest thump on his head of his life and suddenly he's not tommys best friend anymore. he's not even his friend. and that fucking HURTS tommy. because look at that? even STEVE left in the end. and so tommy lashes out. he gets meaner. he latches onto billy hargrove, but he doesn't give a shit about tommy. he puts up that protective shell so he can't get hurt again, and that means never letting anyone in again. that means settling for what he has, who he has. that means stewing in these hurt feelings and this awful grudge and the hatred for years and years untilā€”
somewhere down the line (way waaaaaay down the line) tommy gets tired of it. he gets sick of being bitter and lonely and miserable. and he finally gets HIS thump on the head. he does some digging deeeeeeeep into himself and he does a lot of self reflection and he realizes that fuck. he's been an asshole. he's been a jerk. he's been a total dick. he's hurt people he loved, people who didn't deserve it. he's pushed them away. he's isolated himself. he's turned into this shell of what he could have been.
and so he starts to work on himself. starts to make amends.
or he doesn't. that's a possibility too. he can get stuck in his ways and he can live out a bitter lonely miserable life too!
but that's the thing about tommys character ā€” he can be and do and say whatever you want!!!! and THAT is why i love him so much.
(plus, as i said it is just SOOOO fascinating to explore his relationship with steve and with carol because BOTH are SOOOO complicated and SOOOO layered and there is just SO much going on in that little brain and body of his that even HE can't sort through it all.)
stranger things ask game
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trashmouth-richie Ā· 2 years
Honey, Iā€™m Home Pt. 5!!
Ignoring him as he shields himself with your loofah and his arm. <- our absolute menacešŸ–¤
ā€œwhy did you even answer my ad in the paper? All we do is fight because you fucking hate me.ā€ WAKE TF UP, TOOTY.šŸ˜©
Fuck Chad for looking in her direction and speaking to her at all.
Okay, this chapter really got to me. Iā€™ve experienced the attacks and Iā€™ve been in a situation when I was near someone I didnā€™t want to be and had the panic set in. It absolutely sucks but you wrote it exactly as it happens. (Sorry if you also experience this type of shitšŸ’—) The way Eddie was able to keep his cool (even thought he absolutely panicked) and make her feel safe. šŸ„ŗ Steve & Robin also coming to the rescue. And he immediately felt bad for not sticking around. (MY BELOVED IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.)šŸ˜© I hope he understands the lash out in the bathroom was PTSD driven and not her actually believing he would ever do that.
ā€œSweetheart, as long as Iā€™m here, being the thorn in your side, pain in the ass, good looking mother fucker that I amā€” you donā€™t ever have to be scared again.ā€ *sobs and swoons*
Immaculate as always. šŸ–¤ Pretty sure I saw the next part will have so much fluff and I canā€™t freaking wait!! And want all the love and fluff for them from here on out. They deserve it. šŸ„²šŸ’—šŸ« 
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šŸ„° I love you so much my darlingā€” your reviews are always so sweet šŸ„² I love the homemade memes šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤§
I think Eddie understands better than anyoneā€” his past will be revealed a little later in it will all make sense.
Chad is the evil spawn of satan and i want him dead.
Iā€™m working on volume 6 now and itā€™s surprisingly taking longer to write than I thought. šŸ˜­
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luveline Ā· 2 years
hi jade my darling!!! i was so excited to read your tangled au!!! if you donā€™t mind, hereā€™s some of my thoughts on it!! sorry itā€™s a bit long </3
okay first of all your writing!!! every time you try writing something new you just nail it!! i know youā€™re incredibly talented but also i canā€™t imagine how hard youā€™ve worked on it and iā€™m beyond proud of you!!!
Steve doesn't suppose you'd been expecting such a feeble intruder. He'd feel a strike against his dignity if it hadn't worked ā€” you slow in the centre of the room, your breath coming in quick pants as the iron pan in your grip shakes.Ā 
Youā€™re scared.
Youā€™re beautiful
His storytelling voice is clear. Admittedly much too dramatic and yet you eat it up like a child devours spun sugar.
i love how steveā€™s first impression of her acknowledges her naivety ā€“ how scared she was, how easily she falls for his dramatics and believes him ā€“ but also how lovely she is, not only in her beauty but kind enough to offer a place for a total stranger
There's a golden tinge to everything at this time that leaves no inch of his person unscathed; his eyes glow with it, his irises a melting brown that reminds you of rare, thick honey.Ā 
also her first impression of him being so beautifully described!! like heā€™s so golden and so new!! she canā€™t help but stare!!
"You're young, aren't you? You can't be more than twenty summers."
i thought that was so cute cause Iā€™ve never seen anyone using summers as a way to describe someoneā€™s age!! we use that a lot around here, although we say ā€œspringsā€ instead!!
You turn your face from him in case he can tell how flustered you are. Two complements in one day is unprecedented. Your heart bump-bump-bumps.Ā 
bump-bump-bumps. ahskakd!!!!!! šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©
ā€œDonā€™t be mad,ā€ he says.
ā€œYouā€™re a criminal,ā€ you say angrily.Ā 
ā€œNobodyā€™s perfect.ā€
heā€™s so effortlessly funny i love him
Itā€™s impossible to relax with him here. Youā€™re worried heā€™s going to slit your throat while you sleep. Youā€™re doubly worried heā€™ll see your unattractive resting face. Warped priorities aside, you canā€™t make yourself sleep.Ā 
like!!! sheā€™s so scared of him and ofc she is cause heā€™s a total stranger and heā€™s under her bed but heā€™s something NEW and heā€™s HANDSOME and oh my god!!!!
It's a very sweet dress on an otherwise sweet looking girl, if you ignore the formidable twist of your brow.Ā 
Fine, he'll bite. Your frown is sweet too.Ā 
FINE. YOUR FROWN IS SWEET TOO. youā€™re insane.
He winces at the reminder of your cruel mother. He feels cruel himself, suddenly, for scaring you on purpose as your mother likely does, for being another member of the opposition in your life. All you want is to see the Princess' lanterns, so much so you've hidden under your bed and painted their colours painstakingly onto each slat of supporting wood. A hidden wish, and one you'd deigned to share with him. He starts to think, Maybe I should just take her. How much could it possibly cost me?Ā 
But Steve's from nothing. He was born from nothing, he grew up with nothing. He is, in the grand scheme of the universe and its many, many stars, nothing. Another orphaned boy destined to waste his life stealing coppers from coin purses and sleeping in doorways.Ā 
The sooner he gets that tiara, the better. No more sleeping outside. No more staring up at the wine dark sky and wondering if any of those blistering stars can hear him.Ā 
If they can, they aren't listening.Ā 
baby. that whole part was SO FREAKIN GOOD. i donā€™t even know what to say. steve feeling guilty for acting cruel and immediately associating himself with her mother?? steveā€™s SO observant. I know itā€™s kind of obvious for us how cruel her mother is but i donā€™t think itā€™s something any of the characters would be able to pick up easily, specially cause she herself doesnā€™t see it and never talks about her mother in that way. but steveā€™s so attentive (like paying attention to her trembling hands holding a frying pan in a first glance!!) and he reads her so easily.
the ā€œbut Steveā€™s from nothing. He was born from nothing, he grew up with nothing. He is, in the grand scheme of the universe and its many, many stars, nothing.ā€ and ā€œIf they can, they arenā€™t listeningā€ bits BROKE ME.
another thing that completely broke me was the way her momā€™s soft touches, warm water and literally every ounce of affection is directed to her hair :(
He feels the tension like fog over the kingdom waters in summer, when the heat is tangible and the nights are short. You look so soft in your clothes. Outside of them, Steve can only imagine.Ā 
You look like one of the women from his storybook. A water nymph. A siren. The room is warm with steam, and his cheeks, hot to begin with, emanate enough heat to warm your tub again as he makes the comparison. Your looks alone might draw him to drowning.Ā 
omg these descriptions??? tension like a fog over the kingdom waters in summer!! your looks some might draw him to drowning. okay poet. that was so beautiful!!
Everything you know about men has come from Mother or books. Mother claims them to be evil in their entirety. Of the few books you have, and fewer that talk of men beyond the factual, none have ever mentioned why their legs look like that, and why it will make you feel like you've swallowed something much too hot.Ā 
that was actually so cute šŸ˜­ none have ever mentioned why their legs look like that šŸ˜­
You blink hurriedly and face Steve, hoping this will dispel the quick-welling tears clouding your vision. It doesn't work: blinking canā€™t erase years of pent up worry.
You shrink into yourself as he averts his gaze, knowing what he's thinking. How useless you are.Ā 
itā€™s so sad to see how big of an influence her mother has on the way she sees herself :( itā€™s also so real though :(
jade my darling. i honestly think this is your best work. it was SO SO SO GOOD. your writing is spectacular and so immersive!! and i just know youā€™re gonna nail the next part!! i think magical realism suits your writing cause itā€™s always so poetic and lovely that it feels magical, even when youā€™re writing about day to day life casualties. youā€™re so talented and youā€™re my favourite writer (but im a bit biased cause youā€™re also my favourite person in the entire world). canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next from you! but also take your time and take care of yourself!! love you jade baby!!!! šŸ’Œ - lu
Lu <3 your commentaries and thoughts after writing a fic is the best part for me seriously, seeing what you thought is always so special and fun, and this time is no exception!
I feel a little like we live our lives in this electronic age (yikes) on autopilot, and when itā€™s just you and steve alone, thereā€™s a lot of space for noticing one another and the world around you! Steve is def super vigilant in this one of people and how they use their emotion, like Flynn in the film and how he uses rapunzels emotions against her (unsuccessfully) to try and get her to go home! Iā€™m glad he felt funny too because thatā€™s a flynn trait AND of course a steve trait through and through.
I knew straight away that I wanted to really focus on stars because I think that misconception in the movie is so cute, and Steveā€™s orphan back story, and his looking to the stars for answers! this fic was originally called little star, because I want the reader to be his star by the time weā€™re finished so Iā€™m gonna drag these metaphors into the dirt until everybodyā€™s sick of me! Thank you very much for reading as always and for compiling all of this I know it takes time and it really is such a dream for me, I get to sit here and fangirl at all of the things you picked up on! Itā€™s a pleasure to know you put something into a fic and that the person reading picked it out and had feelings about it like I did, though of course it doesnā€™t surprise me because you always seem to pick up on those really intricate bits I put in for myself šŸ„ŗ youā€™re a wonder and an amazing friend and your thoughts are a gift seriously <3<3
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