#mountain home awning windows
chrislopezportfolio · 2 years
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Denver Music Room Living Room
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sphylor · 6 months
idk weird rambly raindrop stuff that probably only makes sense to me beneath the cut (or on ao3) i am so so tired
Dew didn’t hear the voice that called him at first. He didn’t know how he had managed to ignore it once he noticed it. It was as gentle as the sound of rain, softly tapping against his brain, letting him know it was there when he was ready to listen. It felt familiar, comforting even. But still, he was apprehensive. He wondered if he was prepared enough to walk out into the rain. Should he find the welly boots Mountain had given to him after he was summoned? He hadn’t had much reason to use them before. He used to walk outside barefoot in the summer downpours, trailing muddy footprints back through the abbey when the clouds cleared and always being met with Sister Imperator holding a mop and a stern look. Or maybe he needed to wear a raincoat. Dew thought he saw one in Aether’s closet one time and he was sure the quintessence ghoul wouldn’t mind him borrowing it. Then again, he had never needed a raincoat before either. The feel of raindrops against his bare skin was his favourite feeling. Used to be his favourite feeling, at least… What if it didn’t feel the same now? 
Dew was… well he wasn’t scared, of course, but his confidence withered when he looked out of his window and saw the storm clouds gathering on the horizon. When the first rumble of thunder sounded through the air, the dread inside of him rumbled back in response. Like it was laughing at him. Something else bubbled up in his chest in response to this mockery. Anger. Or maybe determination. Probably both, Dewdrop decided as he wrenched open his closet doors and reached to the back for the blue welly boots. They fit his feet well, though they rubbed his heels a bit at the back as he walked to Aether’s room. 
“Dew? Satanas, you’re out of your room!” Aether leapt up from his bed when the fire ghoul entered. “How are you feeling? Wait, what are you doi-” Dew had grabbed the raincoat and left the room before Aether had even had a chance to finish what he was saying. He felt bad for ignoring his packmate but the voice in his head was growing more persistent, a gentle drizzle quickly turning into a downpour. He needed to do this now.
He sped down the halls, putting the raincoat on haphazardly along the way. He passed the common room where some of the recently summoned ghouls were watching a movie, but he knew the owner of the voice was not in there. Dew heard the thunder again and opened the door to the outside in time to see a bolt of lightning arch across the sky. The hairs on his arms raised and he felt a chill down his spine. 
By this point the voice was pooling like water in the gaps of his mind, promising to make its home there and make him whole. Now he would admit that he was scared. Scared that the voice would become so strong that he would find himself submerged in it. That he would lose himself entirely in its siren song. He stared out at the rain. He watched as it poured from the supposed heavens, pelting the earth below. He hesitated for a moment, before toeing off the welly boots and leaving them by the door. He went to go out again but decided to leave the coat behind too. Finally, he stepped outside.
His bare feet splashed in the puddles gathering on the patio. Dew didn’t remember the rainwater feeling so cold. Tentatively stepping out from under the awning, he felt the first drops of rain on his bare skin and almost wept. It felt different but it wasn’t bad. As the water ran over the freshly healed wounds on his arms from where his fins had been, it soothed the persistent ache he didn’t even know he had been feeling there. His legs shook as he took more steps but soon enough he found he was walking, and then running down the hill. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was looking for. He couldn’t see anyone else but he knew the person whose voice was now singing in his head was out there somewhere.
But of course he had to fuck it up like usual. His footing slipped on the wet grass and he fell face first to the floor. A thicker clump of grass saved his face from hitting the mud but the same couldn’t be said for the rest of his body. He lay there for a moment, the air knocked out of his lungs, and he cried. He cried for everything that he had lost, no, everything that had been taken from him. Everyone who had been taken from him. He sobbed and he screamed as the rain bore down on him. He hoped it would just wash him away. But of course he wasn’t that lucky. 
As he screamed, the voice in his head reached a deafening volume, demanding to be heard above everything else. And as Dew focused on the siren song, on the sound of the raindrops hitting the earth, he felt his own voice die down. He felt the erratic rise and fall of his chest even out and slow down and an odd calmness washed over him as he felt his thoughts get washed away. Not completely, just moved to a safe place for another time.
He lay there feeling numb for a while. Not exactly as distraught as before but also not particularly happy, either. He was content to just exist in the moment, though. The rain felt nice against his back, he thought as he breathed in the familiar smell of wet grass and petrichor. The thunder rumbled overhead but it no longer felt like a threat anymore. Maybe it was a question? Asking him if he was okay, probably. Dewdrop laughed at the question. He didn’t know the answer. With every rumble of thunder the question repeated in his mind.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
”Are you okay?”
The voice in his head ceased as its owner spoke aloud. Dew wept in relief as two cold hands helped lift him to his feet. He had found him.
“Hey, shh, it's okay. I’m here. I’ve got you.” the ghoul pulled him in closer as Dew’s sobs picked up again. “I’ll never let you go.” Dew didn’t say anything. He fisted his hands into the front of the ghoul’s jacket, clinging on as tightly as possible. He had his water back. His Rain.
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austinbutlerslovers · 8 months
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Major Gale Fantasy 4
Lake House Lessons
Label Mature 18+
Gale is going to be stationed away from you indefinitely, not knowing when he’ll return as the war efforts increase. He takes you to his inherited lake house and trains you to use a firearm to ensure you can protect yourself while he is away. Seeing how powerful you look wielding his weapon …gun kink insues.
Established relationship married
1940 domestic plot heavy kinky ending
Gun fetish•stimulation with object •gunk kink•penetration with object• non complete masturbation• p in v• hips pinned •triple orgasm fem• creampie •aftercare
Inspo: ‘Depravity’ by 🫠 @lindszeppelin (Austin as Elvis hard smut gun kink)
Spelling errors grammatical mistakes repeatwords starts
~*Lake House Lessons*~
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Gale had an important military briefing and was informed he would be restationed in 2 weeks as the war efforts increased. He wasn’t informed of how long he’d be stationed or when he would return.
On his drive home as he prepared to tell you the news he decided right then to treat you on a romantic getaway to spend his last days with you.
He wanted to take you to his inherited lake house. As he arrived home he held you by your arms and told you he would be re stationed with an indefinite date of return. He hugged you close as you slumped into him.
He loved you so much his heart ached as you choked back a sob. You wanted to stay strong and proud of him for serving his country. He cupped your face in his hands wiping your tears away telling you to pack a bag for the weekend that he planned a get away for you two, it brought a weak smile back to your face he was always so thoughtful.
He packed the car with your suitcases and opened your door for you joining you sitting inside and starting the engine to begin the long drive to the lake house.
You head through town into the country side, the hills begin forming into larger mountains covered with forests. The weather changing from over cast to heavy cloud coverage with gray low fog rolling over the tree lines. Gale told you to pack warmly and you pull the collar of your coat tighter around your face as the temperature drops inside the car.
He reaches over and squeezes your thigh gently “I can’t wait to show this place.” He says eyes flashing in excitement. You place your hand on his “You’ve never taken me here before Gale what is it like?” You feel his enthusiasm.
“You’re gonna love it, everything is rustic and quiet in the woods. The lake house was a never ending hobby of renovations for my parents since I was a boy they built it from the ground up. I would visit summers and swim in the lake I remember helping my Pa saw some of the beams.”
You watch his eyes light up reminiscing bringing a smile to your face as he continues
“I kept the legacy going upgrading it, the kitchen was the last thing being constructed by the grounds keeper the last few months. It’s been uninhabited a few years now, but I planned to take you here as soon as I received the letter it was complete. When the letter arrived last week I knew…” his voice trails off losing his excitement reality filtering back in.
You take his hand and hold it tight, your eyes dart out the window holding in your tears, you know he’s leaving and just wants to spend his last days doing something special with you before he goes, so you lock up your emotions to let him enjoy his time.
You leave the main road onto a private one winding up into a darker wooded forest he clicks on the hood lights. You peer up through the windshield the sky is almost completely covered by the branches of enormous pine trees blocking out the sun.
Your eyes look back to the road ending there is a clearing and a large awning that reads “Cleven Lake House.” Gale parks the car at the entrance and exits.
He walks in font of the headlights in his fur collar leather bomber jacket and pulls the gate open that is closing the road.
He gets back in the car driving you onto the property through a grass clearing on a dirt path leading to a large wooden cabin with an enormous lake valley behind it in the distance.
“Oh wow it is lovely.” You say immediately entranced by the infinite size of the lake and the valley of mountain surrounding it. He parks the car in front of the house and steps out coming around to get your door.
As you exit and stand you close your eyes immediately inhaling the fresh crisp mountain air with the strong scent of pine needles and soft hints of forest florals.
You step to Gale reaching into his bomber jacket around his warm torso hugging him to say thank you in the colder mountain climate he reciprocates by petting your head lovingly. This is exactly where you need to be, completely alone with him in such a beautiful isolated location.
After your embrace he grabs the suitcases from the trunk slamming it closed and heading with you up the steps to the porch. He sets the suitcases down and retrieves the keys from his pocket unlocking the front door.
You enter the lake house and are greeted with the strong smell of cedar. It is an open floor plan with a kitchen and hall on your left and a large stone fireplace and living room on your right. All the furniture is covered with drop cloths there are plastic tarps covering the kitchen from the recent construction. Two large windows and a door adorn the back wall over looking the fog covered lake. You walk through the space like a moth to a flame stopping just shy of the glass to experience the view.
Gale resets the suitcases inside and locks the front door. As he walks up behind you holding you around your waist pressing soft kisses against your ear he whispers “Do you like it sweetheart?“ His deep voice so soothing . You love it when he holds you close and whispers like this . “Yes I love it” you answer reaching up to hold the nape of his neck comforting him.
You two gaze at the view for a moment longer until he squeezes your waist, you release him with a quick kiss to go unpack. He puts away the food and supplies you brought in the kitchen, removing all the tarps and covers settling in for the after noon.
You head to the master bedroom upstairs, there is a hallway landing at the top with a cupboard . As you push open the heavy oak bedroom door it is much darker inside.
Light creeps in through a sliver in the closed curtained window overlooking the lake. A stripped queen bed with a large wooden head board is flanked by two nightstands and lamps on your left.
A large empty bookshelf is against the opposite wall with are two reading chairs and a side table. There is also a second door inside the bedroom.
You push it open to see where it leads and discover a bathroom inside. There is a large two person claw foot tub under a large mountain view window. The setting is beautiful.
You return to the bedroom and pull open the curtains revealing the large lake view, it’s breathtaking seeing the water from a higher vantage point. You can down the mountain valley lake for miles.
You get to work finding the linens in the cupboard at the top of the stairs and make the bed. You prop up the last pillow to make it look inviting and comfortable.
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When you head back downstairs Gale has already started the living room fire. Both of you never removed your coats due to the house being such a cold temperature until now.
He sits on the couch staring at a mahogany wooden box on the table in front of him. The fireplace roars to life brightening the room. He’s fixated on the wooden case as you approach, finally looking up to you he begins to speak.
“You know I’m leaving…and that this time it’s different, I don’t know when I’m coming back…I need to know for certain you can protect yourself while I’m away.” He says solemnly, your eyes look from his down to the mahogany box with the realization his pistol is incased inside.
Your heart jumps a bit. You’ve seen him strapped with it before on military occasions but you’ve always had trouble bridging the gap that your sweet gentle husband was indeed trained to be a cold calculated killer and that he wants to train you to be the same if necessary. It was all going to your head, you try to remain calm and join him on the couch awaiting his instructions.
He places his hands on the lid of the box in front of you and hinges it open. You peer inside at the gun rested in its indent of satin. It’s very ornate and not what you were expecting at all. The gun metal is black with a shimmering mother of pearl inlay on the handle.
Your hands are frozen at your sides. Gale picks one up and places it to touch the handle smiling at you warmly trying to soothe your apprehension. Your heart is thumping wildly in your chest, you don’t want to make any mistakes. ”It’s unloaded but still be careful “ he says to reassure you. It drops your anxiety a bit.
You trace your fingers down the mother of pearl plate “Did you chose this?” you ask never having seen such an elegant detail on a gun. “Yes as a Major I can choose the accents on my weapons” he says staring at it fondly.
“I want to take you to practice with it out here on the shore bank.” He looks in your eyes making sure you agree and you nod. He pries the gun out of the case and stands taking you with him. You watch the weight of the gun in his hand as he carries it low by his hip. You’re not sure if it’s frightening or arousing or that you feel completely safe with him, maybe a mix of all three.
You head out the back door across the porch down the steps to the shore line. Your heart racing all the while in the chill of the air never having even touched a firearm before today and now he wants you to shoot one.
He stands at the bank and motions for you to move to his side “The hot cartridge will eject out after I fire” he says getting into position. It dawns on you that he’s going to shoot it out over the lake.
It’s almost evening and the chill in the air is getting colder. He takes a clip out of his jacket pocket and loads the bottom of the pistol with a distinct sharp
“I’m going to shoot a live round” he explains clicking off the safety. You wait as he lines up a target across the lake. You watch his secure stance the way he braces his arms tilting his head before he takes a shot the loud “ bang” cracks through the silence echoing making you jump and cover your ears.
He looks back to check on you and smirks seeing you covering your ears with your eyes closed. He forgot his caliber of gun must be very loud for you. The mood lightens after the initial shock you smile at him embarrassed for being so startled.
“C’mere” he smiles as he gestures switching his gun in hand aimed out at the lake, he opens his arms taking you in holding you close to him. His chest against your back, he brings his face close to yours resting his chin on your shoulder, he gently nudges your feet apart with his boot widening your stance with his he finally places your hand on the gun with his.
“Never put your finger on this trigger unless you have a target and plan to fire.” He speaks softly in your ear.
“Look out at the lake and choose a target” he instructs you decide to shoot a few meters away into the water to see where the bullet will hit.
“Once you’ve got your target aim the gun using the view finder to be precise.” He says pointing at the tip of the barrel. You take a deep breath looking down the ridge and see the divots of the finder and aim.
He places his hand under your elbow bracing it “Tense these arms it will recoil if you don’t brace, I want you to be safe” he says reassuringly. Your blood begins coursing through your veins as you realize how powerful firing a weapon is. He releases the gun to your hands it dips as you hold the full weight making you realign with your target. He steps back placing his large hands on your shoulders to steady you.
“It’s loaded and the safety is off you can fire now” he says. He patiently waits and watches your movements standing directly behind you.
After all of his instruction you slip your finger into the trigger and squeeze, the loud “bang” breaks the silence. The powerful gun recoils against your palm sending a shock wave through your hand into your braced arms. The bullet whizzes piercing a splash through the lake.
A smile spreads across your face that you can’t contain. You feel so powerful and confident firing your first shot. He places his hand over your forearms guiding them down making you lower your weapon.
You look back to him over your shoulder for his approval and he grasps your jaw pulling you into a kiss. He continues kissing you deeper wanting more, even with the gun still in your hands aimed at the floor. He breaks the kiss so aroused by what he witnessed and how much he wants you, his cock begins to swell.
“I want you to do it again but this time I’m not going to help you” he says releasing you and taking a few steps back to watch.
You turn and steady your stance picking a target on the lake. You raise your weapon with your arms braced in front for the recoil. You tilt your head to the side narrowing your target down with the finder. You squeeze the trigger the loud bang rips through the silence echoing across the lake as the bullet pierces a splash into the surface again.
You lower Gales weapon satisfied and look back to see his reaction. He's staring in awe at you, fixed gaze pupils dilated, his lips parting as his breaths increase. You trail your eyes from his face down his body and see the prevalent outline of his hard cock in his military pants. Your face changes to a flirtatious grin realizing he’s aroused by you with his weapon. “Mmm Major you must really like watching me play with your gun” you tease trailing your finger down the barrel giving him a show.
He palms himself biting his lower lip realizing he needs to calm down and react normally. He collects his gun from you. “Come with me” he says looking at the sun starting to lower behind the mountains. He takes your cold hand getting you both back inside where it’s warm. You smile to yourself knowing his new sexual obsession watching you use his weapon.
He places a cloth on the living room table in front of the fireplace making the loud clink sound of wood on metal sound as he places his heavy gun on top. It’s nice and cozy now in the lake house you remove your jackets and sit together.
He shows you how to release and reload the cartridge, click on and off safety. So confident and direct with his actions like the weapon is a piece of him and it’s all muscle memory. It fascinates you that he’s so resolute with such a dangerous object.
You copy his technique at a much slower pace unloading and reloading the gun clicking the safety on and off the feeling foreign, the gun heavy and rigid in your dainty hands.
He stares at you while you work imparting knowledge as he caresses your shoulder. “Never shoot unless you can see your target and always aim at center mass for the greatest chance of inflicting injury” You nod in agreement secretly hoping never to do this.
Satisfied he releases the cartridge clip and shows you how to clean the weapon through the barrel wiping it down. “Always assume a gun is loaded” he says staring at you with intent, you nod and both place the pistol back in its case.
Once the gun is sealed inside the mahogany he carts both his hand behind your neck pulling you in to a deep passionate kiss. You are getting lost in his kisses the heavier they get, it’s such an intimate moment in front of the fire as the sun sets behind the lake.
He is enamored he taught his woman how to protect herself until he returns, just incase anything should happen. He softly breaks the kiss he rubs his thumb gently across your jaw. A smile spreads across his face. “I have a gift for you”
He stands and goes to the kitchen reaching on top of the refrigerator to retrieve it. He returns and sits next to you holding a minor scale mahogany case that he hands over. “This is for you“ he says placing it in your hands. You hinge it open on your lap and see the same gun as his but smaller.
He moves closer and puts his arm around you sensing that you like it. “It’s a 9 millimeter not as big and loud as mine which is a .45, but this one is ideal for personal protection I’ll show you how.” He repeats the same steps as before showing you how to use the smaller gun then having you demonstrate for him.
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Once the lesson is over you pick up the weapon and stand aiming it at the fire place mock firing the trigger remembering the techniques he taught you.
He palms himself as he stares up at the wood beams of the ceiling trying to distract himself. He keeps getting so hard seeing you with firearms. Unable to stand another minute he decides he needs to know what you look like naked holding his pistol. The vision burning in his mind ever since he held you as you fired your first shot.
He stands from the couch stepping behind you placing one hand around your torso hugging you close to him placing his right hand on your forearms making you lower your weapon.
He slips his hand on top of yours both of you gripping the gun handle. It’s so alluring to him he nuzzles his nose against your neck before he presses his lips on your skin. He kisses up to your ear as he whispers"I want to try something new with you tonight, but I need you to trust me completely” You turn your head slightly, already piqued. You smile already guessing what his request will be but nod for him to continue.
“Ever since I saw you wielding my weapon I can’t get it out of my mind to see you naked with it” He says caressing your naval with his left hand, cock growing harder against you that he finally said it. “Can we do that tonight?” His words are so soft in your ear as he asks honestly.
You turn to face him gun in hand, he eyes you warily as you bring your arms to place around his neck. You rest the pistol between his shoulder blades his cock twitches against your leg feeling the hard metal hit against his back. You love seeing the shock on his face and how much it’s arousing him you plant a soft kiss on his lips looking into his eyes.
He’s slightly terrified because you are such a novice handling a firearm but also sexually aroused because he feels a little powerless against you with it.
You smile coyly, gently running the gun barrel slowly between his shoulder blades making him sweat. “Honey don’t play like that with weapons ” he whispers but his cock is now solid pressing into your thigh. You giggle mischievously “Or what? You say tapping the gun hard several times against his spine. He winces as it clinks against him on each hit.
He squeezes your waist to control you showing he’s stronger. Lowering his gaze through his brows he asks you nicely “Put your gun away please” he says gently. He sees the glint of danger in your eyes he already knows you are getting power hungry, it’s exhilarating for you but he wants to get off with what he has in mind.
You form your lips in a mock pout “You’re not going let me have any fun are you” you say smiling as you release him and put the gun back in its box snapping it shut.
A grin spreads across his face never having imagined having a gun fetish and now you’ve even given him permission to explore it. He can barely contain his anticipation. He takes your mahogany case returning it back on top of the refrigerator. He retrieves his gun case from the living room table and grabs your hand almost pulling you to the bedroom with how excited he is.
He pushes open the large oak door, it is dark in the master bedroom, only the view of the lake glinting moonlight on its surface dimly lights the space. He goes to the bed side lamps and clicks them on.
“Get undressed for me” he asks and goes to sit in the chair across from the foot of the bed placing his mahogany gun case on the table as he waits.
You remove all of your clothing standing in front of him bare, the lamps behind you creating a glowing silhouette. His eyes wander your naked form his body jumping in arousal that he hasn’t full-filled his urges with you today. He crooks his finger motioning for you to stand in front of him.
As you do he pries open the box picking up the gun by its barrel and offering the handle to you. You take it feeling the cold heavy weight of it in your hand again. He sits back in his chair just in complete admiration of you, so vulnerable yet so powerful at the same time. “Touch your self with it” he says placing his hand on his cock to edge himself as you do.
You touch the side of the top of the gun against your navel it’s so cold and metallic, you trail it up your body. You make eye contact with him as you drag the side of the barrel across your nipples making them harder.
You hear him groan as he tries to contain himself, you smile watching him squeeze his cock through his pants struggling not to get off on seeing you like this.
You extend your arm aiming the gun at his left knee and he freezes. His eyes lock with yours. “Honey don…” before he starts you cut him off
“Take off your clothes Gale” you tell him with a cocky smile.
He stands up eyeing you sternly you keep the gun firmly aimed at him while he unbuttons and removes his shirt revealing his muscular chest and abs, his biceps flinching as he tosses his shirt to the floor.
He’s angry and it makes you even more excited you never see him lose him temper. You smile and bite you lip loving being in charge motioning with the gun for him to take off more. He is absolutely livid yet so aroused he can’t decide what to do with you.
Hes certain the clip empty until you make a ‘click’ removing the safety and his eyes grow wide. “Shit!…” he says cursing for the first time undressing faster his pants and boxers and socks adding to the pile on the floor.
Once he’s fully naked you can’t help but stare at his impressive cock he’s so hard for you the tip is deep red begging to be drained. You don’t know why but you want to scare him even more taking a few steps closer.
Before you can even think he’s on you with expert precision, forcefully slipping his arm around yours prying the gun from your grip, taking your back and disarming you while trapping you to his chest.
His forearm is pressing hard against your throat as you struggle against him unable to move or freely breathe, your passion igniting being pulled against his naked body so abruptly not realizing he’s so strong, his hard cock set between the backs of your thighs.
It’s the single most erotic thing you’ve ever seen him do sending a chill through your body. “What are you doing hm?” He says angrily breathing against you ear arousing you even more. “You never aim a gun at someone like that” he chastises you as you try to stay focused too excited by him overpowering you, wanting him to do more.
You reach his arm that he has held up and away from you with the firearm. He pulls his arm back farther gripping your neck tighter as you struggle to breathe, his eyes staring at you wildly in concern as you reach for the gun until he hears you weakly say. “Touch me with it please” and his eyes soften. He loosens his press on your throat checking the gun pulling it back, you hear the metal slide tap closed confirming it’s empty.
You catch your breath just as he takes hold of you again realizing it’s exciting to you. He presses his forearm into your throat in a way that gets you seeing stars,and releases it right before you pass out. He brings the gun down pressing the side of the cold metal barrel against your soft hot clitoris.
“AAHHH” You cry out struggling against him as he holds you tighter. Your legs squirm as he runs the barrel up and down through your folds covering it in your wetness making you involuntarily clench against nothing. You loose all your resolve from the hard stimulation shocking you into arousal as you begin whining for him.
“Look at you getting your slick all over my gun” he breathes in your ear. “What got in to you hm? You thought Id like that little trick you pulled back there?… I’ll show you what I like“ he says seductively. He was going to go easy on you tonight but now he’s going all the way.
He pulls your shoulder turning you out of his grasp, you look into his eyes as he places his left palm on your chest his right hand still carrying the pistol as he pushes you back until you are on the bed making your way to the middle.
When he climbs onto you and settles between your legs with his gun in hand you have a feeling he wants to put it inside of you, instead he clicks the safety on and places it up and away. He leans his face over yours diving in and kissing you.
Your lips part tongues slipping into each others mouths, he’s so passionate and soft with you after his aggression it has you trembling as your lips overlap with his. Your hands reach up to the nape of his neck fingers gripping his hair, you need him inside of you.
You are already grinding your pelvis against him trying to relieve the tension, he senses your need and stealthily brings the gun back down pressing the hard coldness of the barrel against your inner thigh making your body jump as you gasp on his lips.
He keeps kissing you as he drags the barrel to your pelvis and slips it up and down through your folds a second time he’s going to make you enjoy it depriving you of any other stimulation.
The angular rigid shape of the gun is pressing so hard into your soft inner flesh you cant help but grind your hips up and down against it and use it relieve the sexual tension. You whine into his mouth trying to resist the urge.
He lifts to watch your every reaction his blue eyes piercing into yours as he smiles with enjoyment seeing you endure your mental breaking point actually gaining pleasure as he rubs the gun through your wet folds. It warms to your skin as he keeps going causing a pleasurable sensation that you know is so wrong but you give in trusting him completely.
He looks down to his hand and playfully taps the pistol between your legs making you flinch and whimper on each hit until you are accustomed to the feel.
He begins planting kisses from your neck down your chest his tongue darting out licking circles on your nipples before sucking one at a time into his mouth you begin leaking arousal between your legs panting for him, he knows you need his cock.
Instead he guides his hand pointing the gun between your legs planning to insert it there making him so hard he stops himself aiming it back to the bed. “How far can I go?” He asks permission his breaths increasing rapidly from arousal. He trails hot kisses back up your neck soothing both of your rising nerves knowing what he’s asking you to do for him.
He’s barely touched you only continuously edging you with the pistol making your body ache with need working you into his desire.
His face is directly over yours as he lowers his abs and chest down on top of you his hard cock touching between your legs against your heat. The weight of his body on yours and having his cock so close to your entrance drives you sexually insane for him.
He kisses a sweet spot on your neck and sucks it making you see stars your core is throbbing needing to be filled, all your shame flies out the window with the words “Please put it inside of me right know”
He pulls his face back from kissing your neck looking at you confirming what he heard, “Please Gale the pistol first then your cock”’ you beg him and his cock twitches between your legs as you slide yourself against it panting, the tension inside becoming to much for you to bear.
You see something click in his eyes unlocking a fetish that he wanted he presses his full lips with yours kissing and sucking one then the other before parting them with his tongue tasting your mouth. Your lips are cherry red from the stimulation.
He tilts the pistol aiming it between your parted legs and circles the barrel around your entrance until your legs are writhing in pleasure and he slowly pushes the hard barrel inside of your soft entrance. You moan loudly into his mouth and he seals it in with a kiss.
Your breath catches in your throat as your hands grasp his strong chiseled biceps stunned and tensing around the cold hardness as it spreads you open.
You cry out adjusting to the foreign feeling as he plants more kisses on your face then peeks down to see. He gently guides the barrel all the way in watching your body envelop it to the trigger. “You’re doing so good for me honey” he says locking eyes with you again, his plush lips already panting against your face.
He’s loving every second and wants to see more, he sits back on his heels with your legs apart for him. He holds the pistol inside of you eyeing the mother of pearl handle in his grasp as he slips the heavy barrel in and out of you when you begin to shiver he pushes it all the way and holds it there. He takes his other hand and begins pumping his throbbing cock from the sight.
He moans loudly, his breaths quicken with his strokes he wants to cum so badly but stops himself abruptly, panting heavily above you. “I need to be inside of you“ he says full of desperation. “Please take me” he begs you wanting the feeling your tight wetness instead of his hand. You nod yes and smile, you want his warm cock too.
He carefully slides his pistol all the way back out of your body. Your core pulsing as he removes the barrel covered in your slick making you whimper as you clench inside. “Holy shit…you sexed my gun” he says above a whisper.
He stares at the barrel glistening from your silky arousal imprinted in his mind forever. A shudder runs though his body realizing he's taking it to war with him. He places it back to the top of the mattress and looks at your folds warm and wet for him.
Hes so high from his fetish being fulfilled that giving you multiple orgasms is all that’s on his mind. He wants to give you as many as he can, his eyes wandering lustfully over your perfect naked body.
He thumbs your clit in circles making your back arch from the bed and positions himself between your legs holding his body up with his arms as he touches his cock head to your entrance. He looks into your eyes slowly pushing the tip in refilling you.
“Ohhh You’re so Hard!” you moan as he sinks in and your walls grip him tightly. He pauses as he stretches you letting you adjust before he goes deeper making you wetter.
He’s looking down at you enraptured .“I can’t believe …you did that for me” he exhales gently sliding his cock all the way in, He presses his hips forward until you feel his tip pulsing against your cervix.
He pulls half way out and strongly smacks back into you repeatedly giving you everything you desire. “Please don’t stop “ you beg him hands clasping his broad shoulders feeling like your core will snap at any moment.
He holds one hand around your waist thumb caressing your navel as he sits back on his heels holding your other leg against him he leans back, riding his cock into you and using your waist for leverage to guide back and forth on his length.
He increase his speed thrusting harder, his hips begin pounding between your legs. You cup your breasts as they jolt against you from his powerful hits. He works his lower back so forcefully it makes you cry out triggering your climax.
He squeezes your thighs and thrusts into your clenching walls as you take him “I want you to cum for me” he says pivoting his hips up making you feel every pleasurable thrust of his cock hitting so deep against your cervix it overtakes all your senses. You moan out yes repeatedly feeling your body tingle from the surge of pleasure as the tightness snaps releasing the first orgasm in your core.
Your breaths are shuddering as he slips both hands on your hips holding them for leverage and gyrates his cock into you. It’s so powerful it makes your brain go void hands falling to the sheets gripping them as this new angle triggers your second climax and he has you wildly moaning “I’m going to fall apart“ you gasp feeling your self physically implode into the second orgasm. Your head tips back as your walls squeeze his cock so overwhelmed with pleasure you can feel the rush coursing through your entire body.
You are trembling in after shock as he continues his thrusts. He wraps your legs higher on his hips one at a time, a new angle to trigger your third orgasm. Your vision is going blurry almost foggy white. You feebly try to push him off the feeling so good but so intense at the same time
He leans down pressing his chest on yours working his hip hard making his cock touch the deepest part inside of you.
You cry out desperately and clutch onto his shoulders staring into each others eyes as your legs squeeze tighter around him at your breaking point “Gale please I…I..can’t orgasm again please” you beg him between his continuous hard thrusts. “ Give me one more “ he says over the wet slapping sounds of his cock pounding into you from your first two orgasms.
Your moans are so weak from sexual overstimulation and you feel the sudden peak in your core as an all consuming force takes over. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you clench on im feeling the most intense orgasm crash through your entire body making you cum warm liquid around his cock.
You try to push your hips up to get him out of you, the feeling so overwhelming as your walls flutter on his cock shocking your body with so much intensity all the energy completely drains from your core and you collapse in a heap on the bed in euphoria.
He rests his full weight on you holding you down to release his cum. He moans deeply against you feeling how drenched you are between your legs. You feel his cock pulsing triggering his orgasm.
He’s wetly pounding into you, his body tensing, his face and neck flushing red as the veins begin pulsing hard on his throat. He presses himself deep inside of you and his abs clenched as his cock releases thick silky ropes of ejaculate into your core. You both cry out in pleasure and you cling to him as he rests on top of you burying his face in your neck groaning so loudly near your ear it rattles your brain. He works his hips draining his cock completely into you on his final thrusts.
He stops all his movements exhausted breathing heavily against your neck his chest expanding against yours. You reach up and caress down his neck soothing him.
He kisses your ear and shifts his weight up once he’s relaxed. He presses your hips down using them as leverage to pull out and you both moan as his cock head slips out.
He pulls you to lay on his chest he reaching his hand to to caress your chin “Are you alright?” He asks tilting your head up to look at him.
You smile dreamily “Yes I feel fine” you say. He plants kisses on your forehead showing his appreciation of how strong your are. An idea forms in his mind as he pushes your sweaty hair back from your face.
“I’m going to run us a bath ” he says carefully slipping his arm from under you and replacing it with a pillow he knows he’s mentally and physically exhausted you. He squeezes your hip gently as he leaves the bed.
You hear him filling the bear claw bath tub. Your body is weary your eyes are heavy but you force yourself to stay awake sitting up in bed.
Gale returns when the bath water is filled. He sits on the edge of the bed just watching you sit curled up hugging your knees, your head resting on top of them he reaches and caresses your exposed back the sheet only covering your knees in the front. He looks so good naked you peek at his muscular thighs giggling as you see his large cock resting between his legs.
“What is it?” He asks looking down and back up at you with a mischievous smirk. He grabs your foot under the sheet making you squeal “Tell me what you’re giggling about over there, you giggling seeing my cock you must be giddy from all that I did to you” He says and you bury your face in your knees hiding in embarrassment.
You feel the sheet sliding off of you as he tugs it down to reveal you naked. “Let me see yours” he growls playfully “Gale No!” you say laughing grabbing back as much of the sheet as you can. He completely strips the sheet off of you and scoops you up in his arms.
He carries you to the bathtub setting you down and giving you his hand guiding you in. You submerge in the water which rises all the way to your chest, he climbs in the tub behind you water slapping around as he settles you between his legs and holds your back to his chest.
You sit together and listen to the sounds of the night enjoying each other in the romantic moment . The owls are hooting and the crickets are chirping with the lapping of the small waves against the lake shore just outside.
You rest your head back against Gales chest as he pets your hair. He tilts his head back against the tub the excitement rising in his chest smiling as he think about how he sexed you with his gun, it’s a moment he’ll cherish forever.
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theostrophywife · 2 years
little wolf.
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masterlist (azriel x reader x eris) author's note: apologies for the repost, but apparently the text wasn't showing up for some people in the original post. warning: smut under the cut. summary: the worst part about being a wolf was going into heat. luckily, not one, but two alphas—azriel and eris are more than willing to satisfy your insatiable needs.
By far, the worst thing about being a wolf was the heat.
Ever since you turned, you were gifted with predatory strength and lethal speed, but it came with a price. Once a month, you were forced to endure the most excruciating pain while you fought off the urge to mate. It was a terrible ordeal—your skin always felt too hot, your core too slick, and your body too racked with sexual desire to adhere to any semblance of common sense. Despite your efforts, you could only do so much with your own fingers and toys to find relief.
It probably would’ve been easier if you let an alpha mount you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to ask the two males that you would’ve trusted to take care of you. Choosing between Azriel and Eris was too daunting and you didn’t want to add another reason for them to fight. Cauldron knew that they loathed one another without you getting in between them, so you opted to endure the pain alone. 
Running through the snow capped mountains of Illyria, you savor the cold bite of the rushing wind through your thick fur as you glide up the steep slope with nothing but the howling wind as your companion. The killer instinct was ingrained into your very being, fueling you as you ran wild and free through the frozen tundra. You came to a halt before the High Lord’s secluded cabin—home for the next few days while you ride out your heat. 
Shifting back into your High Fae form, you shake the snow from your dark hair and bound up the wooden steps. The crackle of the hearth greets you as soon as you open the door, but it’s his scent that hits you full force and overwhelms your senses with night chilled mist and cedar. The aroma was impossible to ignore, awakening a desire within you that fills the entire cabin with the fragrance of your arousal. 
You freeze underneath the wooden awning as the familiar tall, muscled form of the Illyrian warrior came into view. The craving ignites in your core like a lit match, colliding with the rising panic in your chest. Azriel wasn’t supposed to be here. 
With the peak of your heat fast approaching, the presence of any male was enough to cloud your senses with lust and desire, much more an alpha like Azriel. Since your first heat, you prided yourself in your ability to control your hormones. You’ve always been a lone wolf, belonging to neither pack nor alpha, but you were powerful enough that no other werewolf attempted to make you bend to the breeding customs of your kind. 
Though you enjoyed playing by your own rules, one disadvantage of not having a pack meant that you had to take care of yourself while riddled with a nearly insatiable sex drive that you barely curbed with the techniques you’ve been taught as a young wolf. 
But all of that carefully crafted knowledge flies out the window the second that Azriel steps out of the shadows.
You’ve always been attracted to the shadowsinger. With his impressive physique and devastatingly handsome face, Azriel was easily the prettiest out of his brothers and you often wondered what he was hiding beneath those dark leathers and that aloof smile. Beyond a few flirtatious comments, you mostly kept the attraction to yourself, but there was no plausible way that you could control yourself now. 
“Little wolf,” Azriel greets, reaching for your hand as he pulls you into the living room. His voice sounds like a melody in your ears—cool, dark, and seductive much like the shadows thrumming through his lithe stature.
The scent of your arousal made him dizzy with desire, the alpha instinct kicking in almost instantaneously. It was then that you pick up on the scent of a second alpha, the strong mixture of crackling embers and pine wafting up to you as the heir of the Autumn Court smirks at you from the sofa. The fox-like grin paired with his high cheekbones, upturned nose, and heavily freckled ivory skin makes you shudder. Russett locks frame his beautiful face as he leans forward, the golden rings adorning his fingers reflecting the flames raging in the hearth behind him as he grips the velvet armrest. 
“Nice of you to finally join us, sweetheart.”
“What are you two doing here?” you ask quietly, barely restraining yourself from jumping the two males. 
“Rhys told us you were sick,” Azriel states, cradling your face in his scarred hands. “Eris and I came to take care of you.”
The sensation of his hands on either side of your face makes your core churn. Your body reacts out of its own accord, eyes fluttering close as Azriel’s delicious scent makes your skin crawl. Your body feels overheated and every sensation threatens to send you into overdrive. You inhale sharply, digging your protruding claws into the palm of your hand.
Eris groans when he scents the arousal wafting off of you in waves. “She’s not sick,” he declares in a low, husky voice. “But she does need our help.”
Azriel furrows his brow, examining your flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. “You’re not ill at all, are you angel?” 
The shadowsinger snakes his arm around your waist possessively, sweeping your dark hair behind your shoulder as he grazes his lips along the crook of your neck. Azriel inhales deeply, hazel eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head as he takes in the delicious scent of your desire. Your arousal nearly brings him to his knees.
“You’re in heat.” 
The heir to the Autumn Court rises from his seat, sidling up behind you and burying his face in your hair. “Fuck, is this the reason Rhysand grants you leave once a month?” Eris nuzzles his nose against your cheek and it’s almost too much to bear. Your claws break through skin and the red haired male draws your bleeding hand up to his mouth and sucks away the blood. 
The sight of him licking away the hot, sticky liquid from your fingers awakens pure, unadulterated lust within you. “I can taste it on you, sweetheart.” Eris lifts your wrist as your claws retract, offering your hand to Azriel. “See for yourself, shadowsinger.”
Azriel delicately places your pointer and middle finger into his mouth, tipping his head back when the sweet taste of your blood fills his mouth. His cock strains at the front of his pants, begging to be released so he can mount you. He had no idea how you had the strength to resist that innate need to breed, to have an alpha knot you so you can find relief. 
You whimper as Azriel protectively pulls you into his chest. “Have you been enduring your heat alone this whole time, little wolf?”
You nod shyly while the two males sandwich you between their solid forms. With Azriel wrapping you into a tight embrace as Eris grips your hips from behind, you felt like you were going to explode. 
The Autumn Court alpha rolls his hips into your backside, eliciting a desperate whine out of you. “Why didn’t you just ask for help?” 
“I - I didn’t want to bother either one of you.” 
Eris strokes your hair with surprising gentleness. “You could never bother us, sweetheart.” He tilts your chin up and the fire burning within his amber gaze makes you shiver. “Don’t you know we’d do anything for you?”
“But you hate each other.” 
Azriel kisses just below your jaw and you sigh, so touch starved that the small gesture was enough to send your body into overdrive. “Eris and I may have our differences, but neither one of us has ever faltered in our shared affections for you. We’re willing to put our issues aside if it means making you happy.”
Eris hums in agreement as he grazes his lips along the shell of your ear. “Would you like that, baby? Two alphas sharing you? Can you handle Azriel and I worshiping every inch of your body like you deserve?”
You shudder at the thought, already imagining two sets of hands and mouths all over you. “Yes, I want you both.”
“Then use us, angel,” Azriel murmurs, placing your arms around his neck. “We’re at your service.”
Shadows twist through your limbs, cooling your overheated skin as you surge forward and hungrily kiss Azriel. There’s instant relief once your lips meet and the shadowsinger groans with satisfaction as he cradles your face in his hands. Behind you, Eris makes quick work of your thin dress, sliding the fabric over your shoulders while he places open mouthed kisses onto your skin. 
The warmth of his mouth sends a tingle of pleasure straight to your sex and both males groan at the shift in the scent of your already overwhelming arousal. Your fingers twine through the Autumn lordling’s hair as you shift to taste him. While kissing Azriel felt like the cool and seductive night, Eris’ lips held the warmth and heat of a crackling hearth. They were opposites in every way, but both fit like puzzle pieces against you. 
“As enticing it is to take you right here, I think we’d be more comfortable upstairs.” Eris states, glancing over at Azriel. “Shall we take this to the bedroom, shadowsinger?”
The Illyrian male gives him a brief nod before shadows wreath around you. A few moments later, the three of you are tumbling into one of the empty bedchambers on the second floor. Eris holds out his hand with a wicked grin while Azriel guides you by the hips. 
The Autumn lordling gracefully slides into the large four poster bed, grinning while you watch Azriel crawl towards you with a purely predatory smirk. The two males clamber on either side of you, their mouths and hands itching to taste, touch, nip, and suck every inch of you. 
“Tell us what you want, angel.” Azriel murmurs, dragging his lips across yours as your eyes flutter close. 
“Touch me. Kiss me. Fuck me,” you say with a whine. “Do whatever you want, but please do it quickly. It hurts so badly.” 
“We know, sweetheart,” Eris says as he unties the laces from the back of your corset. “Don’t worry, Azriel and I will take good care of you. Just lie back and relax.”
Azriel hums in agreement and helps the redhaired male slide the dress off of you in one quick motion. He slips out of his dark leathers, unveiling the planes of his smooth, muscled body. Golden brown skin ripples underneath your fingertips while the shadowsinger reaches over your shoulder to undo the ties of Eris’ billowing shirt. He chuckles as your eyes widen, shrugging out of the top and making quick work of his dark trousers next. 
With the three of you naked and pressing against one another, the skin to skin sensation fills you with excruciating need. Azriel slips his tongue between your parted lips, groaning as he ruts his hips into you, pressing his notable erection against the inside of your thigh. Eris kneads the soft tissue of your ass, hiking your leg over Azriel’s hips before he pushes his cock into you slowly. 
You moan into Azriel’s mouth as Eris fills you, fingers gripping the redhaired male’s tresses behind you as he thrusts in and out of your slick pussy. Being filled alleviates the pain of your heat and even more so when Azriel’s lips circle around your nipples, devouring your sensitive peaks with devotion. The cold whisps of his shadows find your aching clit and swirls over the bundle of nerves with expert precision. 
A flash of heat snakes through your chin, turning you over to Eris. Amber eyes fixate on you, a fire burning within them as his mouth finds yours. The Autumn male tastes of cinnamon and honeyed wine, and your body coils with the signal of an oncoming orgasm as he continues to fuck the need right out of you. 
Scarred fingers replace Azriel’s inky shadows as he fervently circles your clit, bringing you to the precipice of your first orgasm of the night. 
“I just want to knot this pretty little pussy of yours, sweetheart.” Eris exhales sharply, thrusting deeper into you while his words make your thighs clench together with need.
“Do it, Eris. I’m yours to claim,” you caress his face with one hand, intertwining your other through Azriel’s fingers. “I belong to both of you. You’re my alphas.” 
“Fuck,” Eris grunts sharply as his knot locks inside of you, twining your bodies together as he continues to unravel you with his cock. 
The Autumn Lord is reeling from the sensation of filling you, satisfying the innate need to mate and breed that overcame his entire being the second he caught whiff of your scent. Even without his alpha senses, Eris had dreamed of this since the moment he met you. He just didn’t think he’d have to share with the shadowsinger. 
Still, Eris is determined to make the best of it. 
“Do you know why they say that Autumn Court males fuck like they have fire in their veins, little wolf?” Eris asks with a smirk as he holds your gaze. You shake your head as he holds your hips still, rocking ever so slowly, barely sliding his tip in while you buck to have his cock sheathed in you again. He chuckles at your eagerness. “I guess I’ll just have to show you.”
As Eris slams his hips into yours, heat spreads over your exposed skin. Fire skitters along your limbs, leaving warm kisses along your nipples and clit while pushing you over the edge. 
You whine with pleasure and the depraved sound washes over Azriel, awakening his jealous streak as he shoves his fingers through your parted lips. You gag on his digits, sucking harshly as he hisses at the feeling of your wet mouth covering his scarred skin. The shadowsinger watches as you suck on his fingers, lathering them with your spit while he pumps them in and out of your mouth. He hits the back of your throat and you let out a strangled groan that travels straight to the sensitive tip of his cock. If you felt this good on his fingers, he couldn’t even imagine the pleasure of your pretty little mouth wrapped around his cock.
“So close, Eris. Feels so fucking good. Don’t stop.” 
The Autumn heir grips your waist as he relentlessly pounds into you, snarling all the while. “Cum for your alpha, sweetheart. I want to feel that tight little cunt clench around my cock.”
With a final push, you cum with Eris stuffed inside your pussy and Azriel in your mouth, nearly crying with relief as you ride out the pleasure. The ironclad grip you have on the lordling as you come down from the high spurs him on to squirt his seed into you, filling your pussy with the hot liquid as you both climax together. The relief it brings you is fleeting and momentary before you’re aching to be stuffed once again. 
“Azriel, please,” you whine, reaching for the shadowsinger. “I want to gag on your cock.”
That’s all it takes for the Illyrian male to push your head into his lap, fisting your hair into his hands while you crawl on your hands and knees. Behind you, Eris admires his work, stuffing his cum back into your gaping hole before burying himself between your legs. His kitten licks makes you lurch forward, gripping the tops of Azriel’s thighs while you lick the bead of precum glistening on his tip. 
The spymaster’s wings loom over you, unfurling behind his strong back like a dark god as the red and gold membrane obscures the only source of light from the room. 
“Showing off now, are we shadowsinger?“ Eris asks with a smirk. 
“You’ve had your fun, lordling. Now it’s my turn to pleasure our little wolf.” 
Eris chuckles with amusement before burying his tongue in your cunt. You moan, gripping the base of Azriel’s cock while you take all of him into your mouth. The shadowsinger’s wings flare behind him in a show of dominance, giving him the appearance of some dark deity whose sole purpose was to seduce innocent, unsuspecting maidens. While you were neither one of those things, Azriel was succeeding in seducing you. 
His thumb flickers over your lips, cradling your chin in his hand while you suck and swirl him in your tongue. Tears collect at the corner of your eyes and Azriel swipes at them, chuckling softly as you gag on his length. 
“So eager to take all of me, angel. The sounds you’re making are absolutely filthy,” Azriel says with a growl as he bucks his hips into your mouth. “Little wolf is cockdrunk for her alpha, isn’t she?”
Your response is a garbled mess, echoing through the back of your throat and onto Azriel’s cock as he continues to fuck your mouth. The slickness between your thighs has you dripping all over Eris’ face, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he continues to lap you up, grazing his teeth against your clit ever so gently as your legs quiver underneath you. 
The shadowsinger gathers your hair in one hand, holding you in place while he moans your name into the night, thrusting into your mouth with fervor. Azriel spurts his hot seed into you and the salty liquid settles in the back of your throat as you eagerly lap up every drop. 
“My filthy little slut. I love watching you swallow,” Azriel groans as he pumps his length between his scarred fingers. “Now come here and let your alpha take care of you.”
You whimper as Azriel and Eris flip positions. The red haired male settles behind you, pulling you into his lap as the shadowsinger looms over you with a smirk. Azriel yanks you by the ankles, shadows twisting through your limbs as he pins you underneath him.
He strokes his thumb over your bottom lip before devouring you, his tongue pushing past the seam of your lips as he tastes the remnants of himself on you. Azriel’s fingers stroke the hollow of your throat before he tilts your head back. 
“Open up, angel.” 
You obey his command, watching as he puckers his lips. Azriel spits into your open mouth and for a second you could do nothing but stare at him in astonishment. The act was purely possessive, making you clench your thighs together as your core throbs with need. You swallow, licking your lips and staring up at the shadowsinger through your dark lashes. 
Azriel tips his head back in laughter and the sound was low, dark, and dangerous. As though you’ve passed some unspoken test. 
“You like that, don’t you? Being degraded and claimed by your alpha?” 
“Yes,” you breathe. “Gods, yes. Claim me. Mark me. Use me. I just need to feel you inside me, Az.”
The instinct to mount you becomes too strong for Azriel to fight and he parts your legs roughly, settling between your thighs as he pumps himself at your entrance. Your mouth waters at the sight of his considerable length and Eris braces you against his chest as Azriel pushes inside of you. 
Dark wings shadow over you as Azriel fills you up to the hilt. The red and golden membrane casts a faint glow behind his back as his hips meet yours. You gasp at his sheer size as your walls contract to make room for him. Your eyes flutter close, but Azriel traces the tears streaming down your cheeks and wills you to look at him. 
“Open your eyes, little wolf. I want you to watch my cock sliding in and out of you. Claiming you. Breeding you. ” Azriel’s words awaken your inner wolf. For an omega like you, the utterly possessive drives you wild. In that moment, your will bends to Azriel’s. He’d single handedly made you do what no other alpha could—submit. For Azriel, for Eris, you’d obey. 
As if sensing your thoughts, Eris sucks harshly at your flesh and spreads your legs even wider. “I believe the shadowsinger gave you a command, sweetheart.” The future High Lord turns your chin towards Azriel once more. “Watch.”
You whimper, directing your gaze at Azriel’s hard length disappearing between your folds. The sight was erotic and it only heightened the experience for everyone involved. Eris tweaks your nipples, whispering praises in your ear while he watches the shadowsinger’s cock practically impaling your petite form.
“Knot me, Azriel. Please.” The plea sounds whiny and desperate, but you didn’t care. You would’ve gotten on your knees to have this alpha claim you as his. 
Azriel swears as you claw at his back, dragging your nails down his golden brown skin. The cramps in your stomach have long subsided and you felt nothing but pleasure as the shadowsinger mounts you, thrusting at a punishing pace. His knot settles inside of you, locking the two of you in place while you groan with pleasure. It feels good, better than you could’ve ever imagined to have not one but two alphas claim you. 
Eris turns your chin and kisses you roughly as his warm fingers travel down your torso. Fire skitters over your skin and shadows meet flame as they circle your nipples and clit, overstimulating your already sensitive sex. You whine into Eris’ mouth, fisting his russet hair in your hands while you bite down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. 
“Such a needy little pup,” Eris states in amusement. “Do you need your mouth stuffed too, pretty pet?”
You nod your head in response and Azriel gives you a devilish grin before flipping you over. Perched on your elbows and knees, he grips your waist and sheathes himself in your wetness again, nearly cumming from the way your pussy hugged his cock. The shadowsinger fucks into you from behind while you kneel before Eris.
The Autumn Court heir prods his tip between your silky lips and you oblige without protest, taking all of him in the back of your throat as Azriel continues to pound into you. You moan around Eris’ length and the vibration makes the future High Lord buck against your mouth. 
“That’s right, sweetheart. Take all of me,” Eris pumps into your mouth, triggering your gag reflex as you slobber all over him. He chuckles as your spit coats his length. “You’re an absolute mess, so eager to gag on my cock. You just love getting throat fucked by your alpha, don’t you?” 
You hum in approval just as Azriel fists your hair in his hands before slamming into you over and over again, making you arch your back as you cry out in pleasure. Eris shakes underneath you and you could tell that he was on the verge of cumming by the way he’s moaning your name. 
You pump his length into your mouth from base to shaft and it sends him over the edge as he spurts hot liquid into the back of your throat. You lick your lips, swallowing every drop as Eris proudly kisses your temple. 
He swipes at the corner of your mouth, licking the residue from his fingers while he grins. “Good girl.”
Not to be outdone, Azriel growls and yanks you to face him. The shadowsinger pins you underneath his slick body and hikes your leg over his shoulder, allowing him to angle himself deeper. You sink your teeth into his neck and he growls in response. 
“Gods, Az. Right there. Don’t stop. Fuck—“ You’re cut off as Azriel kisses you, tongue and teeth clashing as he coaxes you through your orgasm. 
The temper of the future High Lord gets the best of him as he elbows Azriel. The shadowsinger grunts and flashes Eris a look that holds nothing but lethal promise. 
“What the hell are you doing?” 
Eris merely shrugs, his amber gaze settling on you as a grin tugs at his lips. “I have a proposal.” 
Azriel frowns, barely restraining himself from choking the life out of the arrogant male for interrupting your release. “This better be good.”
“Oh, it is,” Eris states while cupping your ass. He kneads the soft skin while trailing a path to your puckering hole, teasing a finger along the tight entrance as you bite your lip in response. “Since we’re already sharing, how do you feel about utilizing your other entrance?”
Your face heats as Eris chuckles. “Greedy little pet. You just want us stuffing both of your holes, don’t you? You won’t be satisfied until cum is leaking out of your pretty little cunt and tight ass.” 
“Yes, gods yes. I want that.”
Azriel is intrigued now. He may loathe the male beside him with every fiber of his being, but he could’ve kissed him for suggesting the idea. The shadowsinger could tell how much it turned you on and that wasn’t the only thing he noticed from your erratic breathing and heavy lidded stare. Your gaze kept shifting to the small space separating him and Eris as if you were imagining one of them closing the distance. 
The shadowsinger strokes your cheek. “That’s not the only thing you want, is it angel?” A shadow curls through your wrists as Azriel flashes his teeth at you. “Eris is right to call you greedy. I can practically read the filthy thoughts running through that beautiful mind of yours by the way you keep looking at us.”
Eris cocks his head, his interest peaking as you swallow thickly. Azriel’s smile is purely predatory. “It’s not enough for us to pleasure you. You want us pleasuring each other, too.” 
The images that Azriel’s words conjure make you clench around his cock. The shadowsinger’s eyes widen before he throws his head back in amused laughter. “Looks like I have my answer.” His golden eyes land on the male next to him and the simmering desire within Azriel’s gaze makes you shiver in anticipation. “What do you say, lordling? Should we give her what she wants?” 
“I’m game if you are, shadowsinger.” 
And gods, gods you’re convinced that you’ve died and gone to heaven as Azriel smirks and pulls out of you. You can’t even bring yourself to whine in response to his absence because the sight unfolding before your eyes was too erotic to comperehend. 
With a teasing grin, Azriel closes the gap between them. You watch with bated breath as the two males kiss, feeling the slickness between your legs gushing onto the sheets as you reach for your alphas. Fire and shadow twine through your limbs, keeping you in place. 
“You wanted this, angel.” Azriel states as his lips ghost over Eris’ collarbone. “Look, but don’t touch. Not until your alphas give you permission.” 
The Autumn Court male winks at you before trailing a path down Azriel’s rock solid abs with his wet mouth, licking and tasting every inch of the shadowsinger’s golden brown skin as you’d done moments ago. He grips Azriel’s length in his hands, stopping briefly to lick his palm and groan. 
“I can taste you on him, pet,” Eris says with a chuckle. “Your juices are all over Azriel’s cock.” 
“Please,” you plead. “Let me touch you.” 
The redhaired males grins. “Perhaps after I make the shadowsinger cum.” Fire snakes through your naked torso—a clear warning not to try anything until then. “If you’re a good girl, we’ll fuck you until you’re dripping with both of your alpha’s cum. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To be bred and mounted like the filthy little whore you are.”
You nod in agreement. Azriel flicks your nipple with his thumb, making you whimper. “Is our needy little pup desperate to be touched? You’re thinking of all the ways my fingers can give you relief, aren’t you? Don’t worry, filthy girl. I intend on fulfilling your deepest, darkest fantasies. If and only if you behave.” The shadowsinger teases with a bemused smirk. “Rest assured that your patience will be rewarded.”
With that, Eris begins pumping Azriel’s thick length with his right hand. The shadowsinger’s guttural moans rattle your bones and the way his wings flutter as he throws his head back makes you throb with need. It’s not long before Azriel’s shaking. With his chest heaving and his balls tightening, he could feel himself about to cum, but he didn’t want to do so unless he was inside of you. Eris seems to sense this and his flames release you from your restraints as he yanks you backwards. 
Azriel wastes no time in plunging inside your pussy while Eris sheathes himself in your ass. You’re on your hands and knees, claws emerging as you grip the sheets. The two males rail you from behind, drawing out both pain and pleasure, the latter of which racks through your body in waves until you’re a sobbing mess. 
You could feel the orgasm building—the third or fourth of the night. Honestly, it was hard to keep track as Azriel grips your waist and pounds into you. Eris is just as relentless as he gathers your hair into a ponytail, tugging you backwards as he continues fucking your tight hole.
Azriel kisses the base of your spine as the cold reprieve of his shadows snake through your naked form. “Cockhungry little slut. You’re taking us so well. You love this, don’t you? Letting Eris and I use and abuse you?” He rams himself inside of you and you cry out in pleasure. “You’re getting off on it. My innocent little angel. Absolutely ruined by her alphas.”
Eris matches his tempo, his pants filling the room as you writhe on the bed. “Come on, sweetheart. You’ve got another one in you.” He lightly tugs at your hair, forcing you to look at both males slamming into you from behind. “Cum for your alphas.”
The high hits you all at once and your walls constrict around Azriel’s length. The shadowsinger curses under his breath at the way you hug around his cock. You cum hard and fast—the pleasure taking over every never ending as you coat him with your arousal. Azriel and Eris both shoot their hot, sticky seed in your holes, filling you up to the brim as your limp body falls slack against the sheets. 
You must’ve blacked out because when you open your eyes again, you’re cradled in Azriel’s arms as Eris cleans you up with a damp cloth. You wince as he swipes at your sensitive sex and Azriel instantly curls his wings around you protectively. The Autumn Lord rolls his eyes and chuckles.
“You Illyrians have a flair for the dramatic, don’t you?” Eris teases as he tosses the cloth to the side. He knew you’d be needing it again soon given that your heat would make your sex drive nearly insatiable until week’s end. 
Azriel tucks a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “Be careful. Our little wolf is sensitive.”
“Ours,” Eris repeats. “Never thought I’d be sharing anything with you, shadowsinger.”
The shadowsinger smirks in response. “You didn’t seem to mind when my cock was in your hand.”
A feline smirk. “Don’t get too cocky now, Azriel. I’d do anything to please our little wolf, including fucking you too if that’s what she desires.”
Azriel smirks. “Be careful what you wish for.”
“You’d truly do that?” you ask in amazement, nearly dizzy with desire at the thought of the two males tangled up in one other. 
“We’d do anything for you, angel.” 
Eris winks. “And if you’re still standing by the end of the week, you can tell us which alpha fucks you best. Winner gets to make you cum as many times as you can handle while the loser watches. You’d like that wouldn’t you, sweetheart?” 
You swallow thickly, nodding while Eris chuckles. The fox-like grin on the Autumn Court heir’s freckled face makes your core churn, but Azriel snags at your attention as he kisses your wrist. 
“May the best male win, Eris.” 
Eris leans back against the pillows with a relaxed smirk. “I’m sure I will, shadowsinger.”
“You two are unbelievable,” you say with a small smile, secretly pleased that you awaken this competitive streak between your alphas. “But I appreciate you helping me through my heat.” 
“Any time, sweetheart,” Eris says with a fond smile. “Now get some rest, we have the whole week cut out for us.” 
Azriel pulls you into his chest as Eris snakes his arms through your waist. “We’re going to have so much fun with you, little wolf. This is only just the beginning.”
Your heart soars, excited for whatever else the two alphas had in store for you. Sandwiched between Azriel and Eris, you sigh in contentment before drifting off into sleep. 
Never in your life did you think that you’d be this grateful for your heat.
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taglist: @viradeity @moony-thoughts @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @demirunner @swansworth @searchingford @nessianxgwynriel @azriels-angels @brekkershadowsinger @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog
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ravendruid · 1 year
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 22
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. I'm so sorry it took me over a month to update. I got extremely busy and overwhelmed in September. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be posted because I have a few projects that I'm working on at the moment. But keep an eye open for updates. Cozy up, it's loooooong. Summary: Keyleth's date with Kashaw ends abruptly when a mysterious woman calls him. Luckily for Keyleth, an unexpected savior comes to her rescue from the torrential rain.
The cold and slightly damp autumn wind blew against Keyleth’s face and slithered down the lapel of her jacket and inside her turtleneck, making her shiver. She assumed her father’s jacket was warm enough to handle Emon’s fall weather since it did wonders for her back home, but something about the crisp air of the city made her rethink her options. If this is what it felt like, only one month into fall, the months leading up to winter were about to become unbearable soon. There was something about the ocean breeze that seeped deeper into her bones than the mountain cold. Maybe it was because Zephrah was conveniently tucked between two large mountain ranges, protected from the stronger winds and chill, while Emon’s arms were wide open to receive the sea-salted air. 
Thankfully for Keyleth, the dark green awning of the coffee shop became visible just as she turned a corner. The sight of it and the promise of a warm coffee made her smile and quicken her step as she wrapped her brown jacket further around herself. This was not her usual locally owned coffee shop, the one she spent hours in, studying with Percy and the girls, but a franchise chain that Keyleth didn’t care much about. Due to Keyleth’s town being isolated, big franchises like this coffee company didn’t usually bother to open up shop. Because of that, she grew fond of locally and family-owned businesses and preferred those to the big corporations whose wages were barely enough for their employees to survive. The interior was sleek and modern, in wood and glossy black tones, with some green accents that people learned to associate with the brand. 
Keyleth cringed at the loud noise of people chatting, the machines steaming and pouring drinks, and just at the overall racket of the environment. Her stomach dipped as she looked around, seeking Kashaw among the crowd. She finally spotted him at a table not far from the large window that overlooked the main street, hunched over a paper cup of coffee and his phone. Keyleth sighed and took a tentative step toward the wooden countertop, where a female employee with shock-blue hair and the look of someone who was dead inside greeted her with a very fake smile and cheerful voice. Keyleth stumbled a little on her words, halfway looking at the immense chalk-like menu behind the counter as she perused her options. The woman at the counter stared at her, never breaking that annoying fake smile, but her nails tapped impatiently on the counter, making Keyleth’s anxiety worse. When she finally realized they didn’t have any of her favorite drinks, she merely asked for a regular latte. Keyleth didn’t have to wait long for the drink. She had barely finished paying for it when her name was called, and the same white and green paper cup as Kashaw’s was placed on the counter next to the register. She picked it up, glancing a smile at the barista who, by now, was already scrambling to prepare the next order. Keyleth shrugged and walked to the table where Kash was still buried in his phone. She cleared her throat as she got within hearing distance, and only then did the man look up to greet her.
“Hey,” Kashaw said, setting his phone down on the table and smiling at Keyleth.
“Sorry I’m late,” Keyleth wasn’t late. She had arrived five minutes before the scheduled time, but she still felt like apologizing for making him wait. 
“No worries,” Kash waved his hand. “Take a seat.”
Keyleth nodded, set her cup on the table, and peeled off her jacket, draping it over her lap as she sat on the wooden chair on the other side of Kash, who was now sipping on his coffee. From the way his head tilted back, Keyleth figured his coffee cup was practically empty. She asked if he had been waiting for long, but Kash shook his head at her. Yet she didn’t feel relieved. Keyleth finally brought the plastic lid of her cup to her lips, tasting her coffee. It was too sweet, and she quickly regretted not asking for plain black coffee. 
“Not up to your liking?” Kash chuckled. He must have seen the look of offense on her face as she set down the cup. 
“It’s fine,” She lied. Why was she lying? It’s not like Kash made the coffee himself. 
Keyleth started rotating her cup in her hands, head bowed in silence as she analyzed her nails. It had been a while since she had them done. Maybe she should treat herself to a manicure to celebrate the end of the midterms. Perhaps Vex and Pike would like to join her and make it a girls’ day thing, although she had a feeling if they extended the invitation to the boys, they wouldn’t say no—perhaps Grog would—since they all seemed to take good care about their appearance. The awkward silence that settled between Keyleth and Kash was interrupted by a low snort as Keyleth pictured Grog at a nail salon, his large frame trying to fit into the small lounge chairs as he got his feet and hands taken care of. On second thought, maybe Grog would also like the pampering. He has lived with Pike since they were children, after all. She has got to have done some makeovers on him growing up.
“What’s so funny?” Kash finally asked with a cocked smile. 
“Oh? Nothing,” Keyleth offered, sipping on her coffee. “Did you get rain on the way here?” She saw the still-damp umbrella hanging from the back of Kash’s chair. 
“Uhm? Yeah, I did,” He answered, peering over his shoulder and back at her. 
“It seems like I got lucky then. I only realized I’d forgotten my umbrella by the time I was in the elevator. Thankfully, it stopped raining when I got to the atrium, so I was able to get here without getting drenched.”
Kash hummed in response with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. They looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to ask until Keyleth finally settled on starting with the basics.
“So, what do you do? Do you only work for Gilmore as a barman?”
“No. I’m in community college studying business management. Gilmore’s is just a part-time job to pay for tuition. I also work at a tattoo shop, but the money wasn’t enough,” Kash explained. 
Keyleth sipped her coffee again and said, “That sounds cool.”
“It’s okay. It’s whatever. It’s actually pretty boring sometimes.”
The conversation moved on from school without Kash asking Keyleth what she was studying. In fact, he didn’t ask her many questions at all. Keyleth led the conversation, asking him about what he liked to do in his free time, to which Kash told her he loved playing soccer.
“Do you play regularly?” Keyleth asked. She wasn’t really interested in sports, but she was trying to be nice, and asking Kash about what he was passionate about seemed like a nice thing to do.
“No. I wanted to try out for the college team, but their schedule conflicted with my classes and work.” He answered with a shrug. 
Keyleth nodded and took another sip of her latte, which did not get better the more she drank. She figured she could change the subject when Kash didn’t develop further, this time picking questions about his likes. Kashaw told Keyleth about being a huge music fan and how he had been playing guitar since he was younger, going as far as having a band in high school. Keyleth thought she finally found common ground with the man, deciding to ask him further questions about his musical interests and about his band, which he had no problem answering. However, much to her disappointment, Kash didn’t seem to care enough to ask her about her music interests, or even if she heard of the bands he mentioned (which she did, one of them was actually her favorite, but he wouldn’t know that because he didn’t ask and didn’t let her speak). 
The conversation flowed decently from thereon, with Kash talking the entire time. Keyleth felt her anxiety and insecurity grow with every sip of her coffee, which didn’t take long for her to finish, thanks to Kash not allowing her to say anything other than a couple of questions related to whatever he had been talking about at the moment, and not asking Keyleth any questions about herself. An hour later, when Keyleth’s eyes were glazed on the empty cup she kept rotating in her hands, Kash’s phone started vibrating on the table, interrupting his monologue about the time he and his friends decided to explore an abandoned house that other people claimed was haunted. On the screen was a picture of a woman with vibrant red and white hair and a menacing look. Keyleth didn’t have time to see the name before Kash picked up the phone and answered the call, but her curiosity had been peaked by whoever this mystery woman was who made Kash forget all manners.
“Hey Z. What’s up?” Kash answered, not paying Keyleth any mind. She squirmed on her chair and looked around. A couple was chatting and holding hands across their table not far from the window. Keyleth felt some jealousy in seeing them. One of the women was leaning with her elbow on the table, watching and hearing her partner talk with so much attention and care. It must be nice to have someone who wants to hear everything about one’s day or what they have to say. Keyleth spared a glance at Kashaw, whose phone was glued to his ear. From it, she could hear a woman’s voice, although she couldn’t discern what she was saying.
“I was just grabbing coffee. I’ll be there soon, Z,” Kash told the woman on the line. Keyleth’s stomach turned as she realized he hadn’t mentioned her or that he was on a date. Did he not consider this a date, then? Had Keyleth been putting the cart ahead of the oxen?
After another moment of silence where Keyleth focused her eyes on her hands to avoid looking at Kash, he ended the conversation with, “Okay, I’ll get you coffee. I’ll see you soon.” Keyleth finally lifted her gaze to him, offering a timid smile that Kash didn’t see because he was still staring at his phone, texting someone. After sending whatever message was more important than acknowledging Keyleth’s presence, he finally lifted his gaze with a slight look of surprise as if he had forgotten all about Keyleth.
“I’m sorry, I have to go,” He said, getting up from his chair and grabbing his umbrella. Before Keyleth could open her mouth to answer, he continued, “It was nice hanging out with you, Keyleth. Text me if you want to hang out again!” Kash didn’t wait for a reply. He strolled quickly to the counter to order a coffee before Keyleth had time to process, and by the time she finally replied, “Likewise,” Kash was already out the door.
Keyleth stared at her empty cup. The annoyance it had brought her earlier was now completely forgotten in the back of her mind. In fact, her mind felt empty, and her senses unfocused. The noise of chatter and espresso machines was suddenly gone, as were the people who occupied the tables around her. Keyleth stared at the emptiness, hands still on her lap, not thinking about anything. It was not a good silence. It was a silence she tried to escape. A silence that preceded a panic attack. Only when a clap of thunder roared outside did Keyleth realize she had been staring ahead. The cacophony of sounds rushed back so hard that she felt an overwhelming need to run away somewhere quiet and isolated. But, as Keyleth turned her head out the window, she saw the pouring rain outside and knew she was utterly screwed without an umbrella. 
“Fuck,” Keyleth swore between her teeth. She grabbed her phone, willing her hands to stop shaking, and opened the apartment’s group chat. She wrote something, then deleted it and typed again. She couldn’t find the right words. What was she supposed to say? ‘My date left me hanging in a really loud coffee shop, and I don’t have an umbrella to return home. Please, someone, come save me before I start panicking’? No. They would surely make fun of her—especially Scanlan, who had teased her endlessly the previous night at the bar once he found Kash flirting with Keyleth. She deleted what she typed and wrote instead, ‘I forgot my umbrella, and it’s raining. Can anyone bring me one? I’ll buy you a coffee”.
Keyleth barely had time to lock her phone when she received a text from Vax asking her where she was. Once she recovered from the initial shock, she texted him her location, to which Vax replied, “I’ll be there in five minutes. No coffee needed”. Keyleth’s shock still locked her on the chair as she stared at the message for longer than she intended. Although Vax had claimed he didn’t need a coffee, Keyleth paid him no mind and ordered a black coffee as payment for him and waited for Vax outside, underneath the green awning. 
Vax kept true to his word—as Keyleth knew he would—showing up five minutes after sending the text and not a minute later. Although Keyleth was expecting him, she was still taken aback by the sight of her slender friend—or roommate?—approaching her in a hurried step, with his hair up in a ponytail and wearing a very different attire than what she had seen him earlier. In fact, Keyleth was so stunned that she didn’t hear Vax say hi to her because all she could pay attention to was his lilac button-up shirt and a vibrant purple umbrella with golden dots. 
“Keyleth, hello?” Vax was still standing under the umbrella, just out of reach of the awning where she had been waiting for him. Only when Vax waved right in front of Keyleth’s eyes did she realize she hadn’t said anything. 
“I didn’t know you owned colored clothes,” She blabbered. Oh no. That’s not—I didn’t even say hi. Keyleth’s cheeks reddened once she noticed. However, from the chuckle Vax let out, he didn’t seem to mind. 
“It’s Gilmore’s. He lent it to me,” He answered. 
Oh. Gilmore’s, Keyleth thought. “Oh, that’s—okay,” She said.
“I heard you needed a way home.” Vax cocked his head in amusement.
“Yeah, I forgot my umbrella,” Keyleth replied bashfully. 
Vax’s gaze moved down from Keyleth’s face to her free hand, where she was indeed missing an umbrella. He then saw the coffee on her other hand, and the corners of his mouth curled upwards. When he returned his attention back to her face, he did so very slowly, looking at Keyleth, wrapped around the jacket that was at least one size too large on her, the soft make-up she had done, and the braid that fell past her shoulder landing with a dark red elastic above her breast pocket. Keyleth swallowed hard at his piercing gaze, feeling a familiar pull in her navel. It had been a while since Vax had looked at her—actually looked—and she realized she missed it. He never made her feel uncomfortable when he did it and never felt disrespectful towards her, unlike other men. Maybe that was why Keyleth’s cheeks grew even warmer as Vax’s lips curled up, almost in approval at what he saw. 
“I–I got you a coffee, like I promised.” Keyleth finally handed him the warm cup. Vax shook his head, saying, “I told you you didn’t have to,” but he still took it from her and sipped it carefully. 
“Sorry if it’s not that good. They—” Keyleth looked above her shoulder to the interior of the shop and then back at Vax with a grimace, “—don’t have a huge selection of coffees for such a famous franchise.”
“Yeah, I prefer the coffee shop on campus.” Keyleth nodded, agreeing with him. “Shall we, my lady?” Vax offered his arm. Keyleth took it, wrapping her arm around his, and stepped under his umbrella. He positioned it so she was fully covered, even if that meant he was slightly exposed. As they started walking home, Keyleth couldn’t help but wonder what this date would have been like if it had happened with Vax. He would have waited for her, ordered his coffee with her, and asked her so many questions about herself. Vax always took an interest in her and what she was interested in. He was always patient and showed curiosity in her opinions. And not to mention, Vax drank every word Keyleth said as if he needed it like water to survive. Vax would have probably pulled her chair or opened the door for Keyleth and wouldn’t have ever left her in the middle of the date to bring another woman coffee. No. Especially that.
Keyleth was so buried in her own thoughts she didn’t realize the awkward silence that had settled, only disturbed by the thick rain pattering on the umbrella, until Vax spoke to her in an uncertain but curious tone, “How was your date?” 
Keyleth opened her mouth to answer but realized she had never told him she was going on a date. In fact, her exact words were, ‘I’m going to meet a friend for coffee.’ So, how did he know about it? A bulb lit up in her head. Vex had told her brother, of course.
“I think it was okay,” Keyleth finally said.
“You think?” Vax looked at Keyleth over the rim of the plastic lid of his cup, confused. 
Keyleth shrugged and replied, “Yeah. I have never been on a date before. I don’t have any terms of comparison.”
“I wouldn’t either. I’ve never been on a date.”
“Are you kidding?” Keyleth asked, stopping on the sidewalk and pulling Vax’s arm with her. 
Vax shrugged and offered a sympathetic smile. “Is it that shocking?” He asked. Of course, it was. He had to know that, right? 
“A little,” Keyleth replied bashfully.
Keyleth blushed and looked for somewhere to hide, but they were still stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. 
“I—” She stammered. Someone walked past Vax and her, giving them an annoyed side-eye, to which Vax replied with a scowl. However, the message was clear, so he moved Keyleth to the side, under a balcony. It took Keyleth all the courage she had to say it, and when she finally spoke, she didn’t dare look at Vax, opting to stare at their shoes, “You’re good-looking. I would assume you’ve been on tons of dates.”
Vax’ildan choked, and his spine stiffened. Keyleth felt it from how his arm tensed around hers. She finally dared to peek at him and saw a timid smile on a very, very scarlet face. When his eyes found Keyleth’s, she swallowed hard. He had pushed her against the cream-colored wall of the apartment building when he had moved them and was standing close enough to where they were both fully covered by the umbrella. His coffee cup was inches from Keyleth’s hand around his arm, warming her cold fingers. She could practically hear his heart beating fast in his chest and wondered if he, too, could listen to hers.
“T–thank you, Kiki,” He said bashfully. 
Kiki. Her eyes widened at the term of affection. She hadn’t heard it in so long. Keyleth missed hearing Vax call her by the nickname. She forgot how he said it with such sweetness and love. Love. 
“So, how come you’ve never been on a date?” She found the courage inside her to take her eyes away from his just so the flame that had lit up within her would ease. 
“I’ve never been in a serious relationship before,” Vax explained. Keyleth cocked her head, daring to look at him again—a mistake. That was a mistake. She quickly averted her gaze before her legs gave out on her. “I’ve had hook-ups and one-night stands with people but never a long-lasting relationship,” Vax finished with a shrug.
“I can’t blame you. Relationships are complicated,” Keyleth mumbled, now looking at Vax’s calloused hands holding the umbrella between them. His black nail polish was flaky and lacking in a lot of places. Keyleth wondered if he did his nails and make-up or if Vex’ahlia had a hand in it. She had never seen Vax without his signature eyeliner, so seeing him without it was weird. He must have been in a rush to go get her. But he mentioned his shirt was from Gilmore, so maybe he had gone to the barman after their meeting by the elevator that morning. ‘I’ve had hook-ups and one-night stands,’ the words echoed in Keyleth’s mind. She couldn’t help but wonder if Gilmore had been one of those hook-ups or one-night stands.
“Yeah, they can be,” Vax agreed with her.
“One day you think you’ve found someone you trust, and that might be ‘the one’—” Keyleth looked up at Vax, rolling her eyes at the expression, “—but then something happens, and they are gone.”
Vax gave Keyleth an apologetic smile, lowered the hand holding his coffee to brush his fingers against hers, and said softly, “Keyleth, all relationships have highs and lows, regardless if romantic or platonic. There are moments of suffering and fighting, but if it is a strong relationship and a relationship that is meant to be, then it’ll work out.”
“Sometimes things that are out of your control happen, and you end up suffering. Like your partner dies, and you’re left with a five-year-old kid that you now have to raise on your own, not really knowing how,” Keyleth’s eyes filled with tears. She had never spoken about this feeling out loud to anyone, not even dared to dwell on it for too long. With one hand still around Vax’s arm and his fingers affectionately brushing her other hand, Keyleth allowed her tears to fall down her cheek as Vax gave her a look of recognition and compassion.
“I’m sure they loved each other very much,” Vax whispered, pulling in closer to Keyleth. He stopped brushing his fingers against her hand and shifted around to unwrap his arm from hers. Keyleth looked at him, confused for a moment, but then he wrapped both arms around her waist, pulling her closer so her head rested against his chest.
“They did, but I don’t remember it,” Keyleth’s voice was slightly muffled by Vax’s shirt. It felt warm and comfortable, and she missed being held like this—especially by him. Although his familiar scent still lingered on his hair and body, the smell of lavender and patchouli from his shirt overwhelmed her. Keyleth considered not pulling away for a moment, not while his arms surrounded her with such softness and his breath puffed against her temple. But she was starting to get a headache from the scent, so she straightened up, looking at Vax in the eyes. Even without eyeliner, they were still mesmerizing and sharp. Keyleth didn’t step away from him or remove his hands from her waist. That was his step to take since he had been the one to take the initiative to hold her. Instead, Keyleth stood there, watching him intently, and continued, “All I know are the tales my dad told me growing up. They’re not my memories, so sometimes they don’t feel real.”
“I know how you feel,” Vax let go of her but didn’t step back either. His eyes shone with fear as if he was scared he had overstepped his boundaries with Keyleth. “It was real, though. Was it not? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here today. You wouldn’t have been born if your parents didn’t love each other.”
He was right. Keyleth knew that, but she still shrugged in silence. She looked above his shoulder, her eyes tracking the rain that fell just outside their cocoon of safety. Keyleth forgot how safe Vax made her feel. Even if they were in the middle of the street where anyone could hear their conversation, Vax made her feel like they were alone, in a bubble of silence. 
“I don’t know what a happy relationship is either. My parents never got married,”
Keyleth turned her eyes back to his and saw sadness mixed with anger. “Oh?”
“It’s a really long story,” Vax explained. Keyleth waited, but when he didn’t add on, she didn’t push any farther. She nodded and wrapped her arm with his again. 
“Let’s head back,” She whispered with a soft smile. Vax nodded and followed her. 
“Was the date that bad?” He asked a few minutes later.
Keyleth snorted and gave him a look as if to say, ‘You have no idea.’ With her attention focused on not tripping or stepping on a puddle, Keyleth finally told Vax all about the date with Kashaw: how he didn’t seem interested in her at all, how he only talked about himself, never asking questions about her. 
“He didn’t even say I looked good,” Keyleth all but groaned, moving her free hand to point at herself and gesturing it up and down her body. 
“What? That guy is an asshole,” Vax grunted. Keyleth felt anger radiate from his body.
“Yeah. He kind of is.”
“Are you going on another date with him?” Vax asked, avoiding looking at her by sipping on what was left of his coffee. Keyleth smiled at the blush on his cheeks.
“He told me to text him if I wanted to,” She narrowed her eyes in anticipation of Vax’s reaction. 
“Are you going to?” He asked, nervously biting his lower lip. Either Vax noticed she was looking at him and was ignoring her on purpose, or he was too embarrassed to acknowledge her because instead of looking at her, he threw back the rest of his drink. 
“Probably not.”
Keyleth felt it before he spoke, the slight flame of hope that lit up in him. She smiled, looking ahead at the approaching campus gates. “Do you think he will text you for another date?”
“I doubt it. It’s not like it was a romantic date or anything.”
Vax stopped in his tracks just under the metal archway that said University of Emon. Keyleth stopped and turned to him, surprised to see him smile. “It wasn’t?” He asked with a gleam in his eyes.
“Of course not, Vax. I barely know him. I just met him at the bar last night, and at first, I thought he was trying to be nice. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to know him better as a friend.”
“Oh,” Vax said before he turned back onto the paved road that led into the campus residential area. He swerved to one side of the path, dragging Keyleth with a soft yelp so he could throw away his empty cup into a trashcan. “Well, that’s—” He started but trailed off, not finishing the sentence. Keyleth chuckled and closed the distance between them, patting his hand affectionately on her arm. 
They didn’t speak for the rest of the short walk that took them to arrive at Greyskull Keep. However, just as Vax closed his umbrella and they walked through the atrium doors—welcomed by a warm wave from the central heating—he turned to Keyleth with a flirting look and said, “For what is worth it, I think you look really pretty, especially with those boots. They look amazing on you,” He winked. 
Keyleth blushed and mumbled a thank you. She wanted to bury herself in her jacket and not see his face or that darn look he was giving her. “They’re Vex’s.”
Vax cocked his head, not surprised because he probably could tell Keyleth didn’t own that kind of shoes, but in expectation of further explanation. Keyleth shrugged and said, “She told me not to wear my yellow sneakers. I don’t know what’s wrong with them.”
“There is absolutely nothing wrong with your yellow sneakers, Kiki,” Vax said, offended that his sister had expressed that to her. “I love them.”
Keyleth chuckled and bumped her shoulder against his. “Well, at least one of the twins has good taste,” She joked. Vax joined her laughter as they reached the elevators. Keyleth stopped before he did and looked at Vax, still laughing lightheartedly. It was a rare sound, without a doubt, one she had only heard enough times to count on one hand’s fingers. Because of that rarity, Keyleth absorbed every second of it, like a plant absorbs sunlight. 
“Do you want to know something funny?” Vax asked her once the elevator doors closed behind them. Keyleth nodded, leaning against a wall as Vax leaned against the opposite, their feet meeting in the middle, boot to boot. “I completely forgot I had set up with my sister to do Trinket’s monthly bath today, and you won’t believe who she asked to help her instead.”
Vax gave Keyleth a knowing look, wiggling his eyebrows before he spoke, “Percy.”
“No way,” She said, surprised. “He went to help Vex?” Vax nodded in response, and Keyleth snorted, “He totally has a crush on her.”
“Oh, yeah. I know that.” Vax said nonchalantly. 
“Wait, how do you know? Did he tell you?” Keyleth asked, pushing away from the wall and standing closer to Vax as the elevator approached their floor.
“Yep. Percy told me last night. We had a… heart-to-heart conversation about feelings,” Vax replied, stepping away as soon as the doors opened.
A ‘heart-to-heart conversation about feelings’? What does that even mean? Keyleth scowled at Vax’s back so intensively she forgot to exit the elevator. Thankfully for her, Vax noticed and pulled her out just before the doors closed, and she got taken to another floor.
“That motherfucker,” Keyleth cursed, taking her arm from Vax’s hand with a scowl that was not directed at him but at her other best friend. “He didn’t tell me he told you.”
Vax laughed and started heading out for their apartment door, but Keyleth grabbed his arm and dragged him onto the door that led to the stairwell. “Has he told Vex yet?” She asked him, closing the door behind her. They were so close to each other again that she could practically feel his body radiating heat.
“No, because he doesn’t think she feels the same way,” Vax lowered his head, but Keyleth couldn’t tell why.
“Vex totally has a crush on him.”
“Do you think so?” Vax looked at her, worried.
“She could have asked anyone. Why didn’t she ask Grog?” Keyleth arched an eyebrow.
“Maybe he was at the—” Vax started to say, but Keyleth interrupted him, “Please. Grog is the most logical person to help give Trinket a bath. Vex would have thought about him first if it truly was for help. Besides, Grog loves Trinket. I’m sure he would easily skip the gym to help Vex if she asked him. Have you seen how those two snuggle on the couch all the time?”
“I guess you’re right,” Vax mumbled. Keyleth noticed his cheeks were growing redder with each word that she spoke.
“She also invited Percy to study with her all the time this week. She’s totally smitten by him.” Keyleth smiled mischievously. Vax merely nodded, looking everywhere but at her. Keyleth tried to search his gaze, but he still avoided her until she asked what was wrong.
“Your hands are freezing.”
“What?” Keyleth looked down. She hadn’t noticed that she was still holding Vax’s hands from when she dragged him into the small area. Her cheeks flared up as red as his, and she took her hands away as if she had burned herself. “Shit, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Vax whispered, looking at her from underneath his eyelashes. Keyleth gulped. “Kiki, I—”
“Thank you, Vax,” Keyleth stopped him. She had a feeling she knew what he was about to say, but she wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. “For coming to save me from the rain.”
“Of course,” Vax shook his head. “I wasn’t going to let you return home in the rain.”
Keyleth smiled and stepped away, opening the door and gesturing into the hallway. Vax nodded and followed her, making the short trek to their apartment door in silence. Only when he put the key in the lock did Keyleth speak, with a fake air of importance, “You’re my knight in shining armor, Vax’ildan.”
Vax chuckled and bowed slightly at her, waving a hand toward the dimly lit apartment, “You’re welcome Your Highness.”
Keyleth snorted and walked in, looking over her shoulder to say, “I’m not a princess.”
“Maybe not in this universe. Maybe you were one in an alternate universe,” Vax winked and closed the door behind him.
“Only if you were my personal guard. Sir Vax’ildan.” 
They both laughed as they went through the motions of getting rid of shoes, jacket, and umbrella. Keyleth held the brown coat draped over one arm, stretched the other above her head, and brought it down, only to rotate both shoulders, attempting to relieve any tension on her shoulders. 
“Where did you get that jacket?” Vax asked, nodding at it.
“I stole it from my dad.” When Vax laughed at the answer, Keyleth retorted, “What’s wrong with it? Don’t make me take back what I said earlier about at least one of the twins having good taste,” Keyleth scowled at him playfully. 
Vax raised his hands defensively, saying, “I was just thinking that maybe that’s what scared Kashaw.”
“Why? Is it that ugly?” Keyleth brought the brown jacket up to inspect it, but when she didn’t find anything unpleasant about it, she scowled at Vax again as if daring him to say so about her father’s jacket.
“No. It’s not. But it might have given off a vibe that it’s a boyfriend’s jacket. Maybe Kashaw thought you had a boyfriend.”
“He didn’t seem to care about it and didn’t ask, anyway.” Keyleth pouted. Something crossed Vax’s eyes. Something that made Keyleth take back her pout and turn her back to, walking him towards the hallway. He followed her, his piercing gaze almost digging a hole between her shoulder blades. Once they reached the door to her room, Vax leaned against its door jam and asked, “What are you going to do now?”
“Maybe stud—”
“Kiki,” He admonished her. Keyleth jumped slightly. Who would have known that the nickname he usually filled with love and care could also be firm and threatening? “We literally just finished exams. Give. Yourself. A. Break.” He punctuated each word with a step closer to her, ending up with his feet against hers and flicking Keyleth’s nose. She almost considered looking offended at him, but then she saw the glimmer and the crinkle of a smile in his eyes and lost it (and the only thing stopping her from pulling him into a kiss was her fast heartbeat and the focus she had to redirect from her brain to her legs to keep herself from falling into a mess, or maybe the fact that they weren’t at that stage...yet).
Oh. Oh, no. Keyleth realized it a minute too late. Vax was already pulling away from her and opening his bedroom door when something clicked in her mind.
“Are you okay?” Vax asked, noticing she hadn’t replied. Keyleth gulped and nodded. Her eyes were still wide in shock at her realization. She shook her head, forcing herself to file that thought away for later, and said, “Yeah. Sorry.”
“No studying?”
“No. I think I’m going to call my dad. It has been a while since we talked.”
Vax nodded, “That’s a great idea. I… I really liked talking to you today. It has been a while since we did that.” Vax admitted bashfully.
“Yeah… it has,” Keyleth looked at her hand on the doorknob. An awkward silence started to settle between the two like a snowflake about to hit the pavement, but Keyleth stopped it before it could land, “I’m gonna go call my dad now. Bye, Vax.”
“Bye,” He replied as Keyleth walked into her room.
The door closed, and Keyleth was left with the gray clouds beyond the window, casting a gloomy light in the bedroom. A tear slid down her cheek when she realized, with a broken heart, exactly how much she missed talking with Vax, how comfortable and safe she felt with him, and how easy it was to say what was on her heart to him. They still had a long path ahead, but this felt like the first stitch to mending her broken heart. A stitch of golden thread, like the lines of fate from the fairytales her mother used to read to her. Keyleth still had that nagging realization from moments ago in the back of her mind, but one step at a time. First, to repair their friendship, and then… then she could think about whatever came after.
Without further thought, Keyleth wiped her tears with the sleeve of her shirt and grabbed her phone, dialing her father’s number. The calling beep sounded three times before a click, and Korrin’s voice said, ‘Hello?’ on the other side.
Keyleth smiled warmly at her father’s voice and readied herself for what was about to come, “Hey, Dad. You won’t believe what happened today.”
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Eddie's Education: Chapter 4
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Minors DNI
As Eddie's van trundled through the heavy curtains of rain, he'd run out of things to say, so he was fidgeting instead, heart ready to thump out of his chest.
He didn't like the dark, the rain, the thunder storms; not after the crimson lightening and deafening thunder claps of the upside down, not after trekking through the cold endless nights of terrain like sinewy tar pits as his wounds stung with every step, always running on adrenaline and fight or flight, desperately seeking an exit. It was still hard to believe that it was all real, but if he ever doubted it, he could see and feel the scars to remind himself. Actually, he used to enjoy the night time most of all, and watching thunderstorms under the awning with his Uncle Wayne, swigging coffee from one of their many collected mugs and shootin' the shit until well after sunset, but those were more innocent days. Now just the vermilion wash of a stoplight gave him shivers, reminding him of that red-flashing sky.
Of course, his heart was also thumping from nerves, worried about his tutor; someone he was hoping to consider his friend (though he wouldn't dare get his hopes up for more). She was so quiet sitting there beside him, an expression of defeat drawn over her dark almond-shaped eyes like a curtain. She seemed so soft and so small, balled up in the passenger seat with her head against the window. He was dying to hold her.
As he pulled up to the spot outside her building and cut the engine, he heard sniffing and hiccuping just barely beneath the slashing din of the storm, and turned to see her sobbing.
“Oh...hey hey hey!” he prattled, suddenly forgetting his fears. He twisted in his seat to face her and fished his bandanna from his pocket, handing it to her.
“Thank you. I'm so sorry, Eddie. I'm being a baby,” she gasped out, rubbing her eyes with the soft cotton. “Thanks for the lift. I'll see you Thursday.”
“Hey!” He said holding her arm gently. “I'm not gonna let you go off to cry your eyes out alone, sweetheart. You've listened to me enough. Talk to me.”
“I shouldn't. I'm already on thin ice.”
“Leia, look at me. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Get it off your chest.”
Looking into his guileless brown eyes, she knew he meant it to the core. “I just...I've worked so hard to get my Master's, to be a good teacher and...and be taken seriously and it's just never enough. I've jumped all the hurdles in record time...tried to live up an insane standard, even though all my life no one had much faith in me. I get talked down to like a child. I'm up to my eyeballs in student debt,” she looked around and shrugged “and I don't have anything or anyone here in the ass end of nowhere...no offense,” she quickly added, worried that Eddie might take her comment personally.
“Nah, don't be sorry. You're right. This place is a shithole.”
She let out a little bark of laughter at that, wet eyes meeting his.
“I just feel so alone. The way people look at me here, like I'm an alien...just because I don't have a last name they recognize, or because I don't give a fuck about the local teams making the play-offs...”
“Or because you'd rather sit home reading Tolkien than going to the games,” Eddie added.
She knit her dark brows together in confusion. “How did you know I like Tolkien?”
He turned beet red. “Oh...Uh...I saw The Silmarillion on Book Mountain the first day.”
She laughed again, and it dislodged a few more tears, about to drip from her chin, onto her clothes. Without thinking, Eddie reached over to catch them, stroking them off her chin as he cradled her cheek. His eyes went wide with panic as he thought, oh fuck...oh fuck...that was weird, Eddie. That was a weird thing to do. You shouldn't have done that. Even as he thought this, he realized, to his horror that his hand wasn't moving from her face. In fact, she had closed her eyes, relaxed, her thick black lashes glossed with tears, lips and cheeks rosy from sobbing. He felt a little guilty thinking that she looked so pretty when she cried, that her skin felt so soft, and her lips looked so delicious, like a ripe wet apple. Her shoulders slumped in relief, leaning into his touch.
This feels so good...so right, Leia thought; the way the callouses on his fingers grazed gently over her jaw in little soothing strokes, as if he was terrified to hurt her with his rough hand. The cool smooth metal of his rings calmed her flushed skin. Then her heart sank as she thought, but it isn't right. It isn't right to lean on him. I'm the teacher, he's the student. I would be abusing my power.
“Sorry!” they yelped to each other simultaneously after being lost in the moment, as if they both touched a hot stove.
“It's just there was a little...” Eddie stammered.
“It's okay, Eddie. Thank you,” she said, smiling as she reassuringly patted his forearm, which was now bare without his jacket. With a start, she remembered that she was still wearing it and said “Oh...here you go,” passing it back to him.
“You sure, sweetheart? It's still coming down out there.”
“It's fine...it's fine. I'm like two steps from the door. Thank you Eddie, for listening...for everything.”
“No problem...it's nothing,” he said with a little dismissive wave. “Anytime, seriously...oh here,” he said grabbing a scrap of receipt and a pen from the littered dashboard and scribbling his phone number”.
“Eddie...I can't...”
“Seriously, call me. You shouldn't be alone in this town. There are other weirdos like us if you know where to look. Hawkins is your home now. It should feel like one.”
She nodded, tucking the little slip in her backpack, then looking him in the eye. “Goodnight, Eddie.”
He let out a breath he didn't realized he'd been holding as he said, “Goodnight, Miss Vespero.”
She giggled at that, and in a flash she was out the door, and in the lobby of her building, waving to him. He waved back, giving her a big silly grin which would be plastered to his face the rest of the evening, and most of the next day.
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trompeloeilsl · 3 months
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Must-Have Features for Your Sprinter Weekender Van
Embarking on the journey of van life with a Sprinter Weekender is an exciting prospect, and selecting the right features can make all the difference in creating a comfortable and functional home on wheels. Whether you’re a weekend explorer or a full-time nomad, here are must-have features to consider for your Sprinter Weekender van conversion:
Kitchenette or Galley: A functional kitchenette with a cooktop, sink, and storage is essential for preparing meals on the road. Compact and well-designed kitchen spaces optimize the van’s interior while providing the convenience of home-cooked meals during your travels.
Comfortable Sleeping Area: Prioritize a comfortable and space-efficient sleeping area. Options range from fold-out beds to platform beds with storage underneath. Ensuring a good night’s sleep is crucial for enjoying your adventures to the fullest.
Solar Power System: Embrace sustainable van life with a solar power system. Solar panels on the roof can harness energy to power lights, appliances, and devices, allowing you to minimize reliance on traditional power sources and enjoy extended off-grid adventures.
Insulation and Climate Control: Effective insulation is vital for maintaining a comfortable interior temperature. Invest in quality insulation to regulate heat and cold, and consider climate control options like a vent fan or air conditioning for optimal comfort in varying weather conditions.
Bathroom Facilities: While not a necessity for everyone, a built-in bathroom or portable toilet can enhance convenience during long journeys. Space-efficient designs ensure that even a compact Sprinter Weekender can accommodate basic bathroom facilities.
Ample Storage Solutions: Maximize space efficiency with well-thought-out storage solutions. From overhead cabinets to under-bed storage and sliding drawers, thoughtful storage design keeps belongings organized and easily accessible throughout your travels.
Swivel Seats: Swivel seats in the front cabin create a versatile and comfortable living area. This feature enhances the functionality of the van, providing additional seating for socializing and creating a multifunctional space.
Reliable Heating System: Ensure year-round comfort with a reliable heating system. Whether it’s a diesel heater or a propane furnace, having a heating solution is essential for staying warm during chilly nights in different climates.
Connectivity and Entertainment: Stay connected on the road with reliable internet options, allowing you to work remotely or stay in touch with loved ones. Additionally, consider entertainment features like a sound system or a multimedia setup to enhance your van life experience.
Exterior Awning: Extend your living space outdoors with an exterior awning. This feature provides shade on sunny days and shelter during light rain, allowing you to fully enjoy the natural surroundings without compromising comfort.
All-Terrain Tires and Suspension Upgrades: For those seeking off-road adventures, investing in all-terrain tires and suspension upgrades is crucial. These enhancements improve traction and handling, ensuring your Sprinter Weekender is ready for diverse and challenging terrains.
Rear Garage Space: A rear garage or gear storage area accommodates outdoor equipment, bikes, and other adventure gear. This dedicated space keeps your living area clutter-free while providing easy access to essentials for your outdoor activities.
Integrated Awning Windows: Integrated awning windows offer ventilation and natural light while keeping out rain. These windows contribute to a well-ventilated and inviting interior, enhancing the overall comfort of your Sprinter Weekender.
By carefully considering these must-have features, you can transform your Sprinter Weekender into a well-equipped and personalized haven on wheels. Whether you’re chasing sunsets on the coast or exploring rugged mountain trails, these features will elevate your van life experience and make every journey a memorable adventure.
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diamondcertified · 1 year
Expert Tips for Choosing a Window Replacement Service   
Whether they’re in a home or an office, windows play a large factor in the overall look of your finished space. As such, installing replacement windows is a major renovation project that can enhance your property’s overall appearance. 
With so many available options, it can be challenging to know where to start and how to choose a reliable window insulation service. To help you make an informed decision, consider these expert tips for choosing the best window awnings technician near you. 
Research different types of windows. 
Before looking for a window screen replacement service, get familiarized with the various types of windows that are available on the market. Research the pros and cons of each type and decide which works best for you.  A few common styles include casement windows, bay windows, double-hung windows and picture windows. 
Next, consider the room orientation,  climate and style of your space. This will simplify things and enable you to communicate your needs and preferences to potential window installation technicians. 
Ask for references. 
One of the best ways to understand the workmanship, professionalism and customer service of a company is to ask for references from the window pane replacement service and call them to ask about their experiences. Don’t forget to read online testimonials. 
Check for licensing and insurance.
Before you make a decision to hire a window screen repair technician, it's crucial to ensure they’re properly licensed and insured. This will ensure they take responsibility if any damages or accidents occur during the velux skylights installation process. 
Try to get quotes from multiple companies.
Once you have a list of all the potential window seal repair services, try to get quotes from each of them. Make sure each quote contains detailed information about expenses, labor, the price of the repair depending upon the damage and additional services (if any). A reminder: The cheapest quote may not always be the best option. Consider the company’s reputation, the quality of the work and the materials being used. 
Always look for an experienced and professional  team.
An experienced professional will have the knowledge and expertise to perform the window installation and replacement work so it lasts for decades.
Consider warranty and after-sales service.
A trustworthy technician should be available to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have after the window  insulation process. Ask about the length of the warranty and what it covers. 
Moving on, let’s quickly review some of the pointers for choosing new windows for window replacement. 
Select a vinyl window frame instead of wood for a low-maintenance window. Consider a window with woodgrain laminate over vinyl if wood windows are your preference. 
Think about features of your home like  lighting fixtures and cabinet hardware. Look for windows that can match those features, such as oil-rubbed bronze, brass or brushed nickel. 
Choose a tilt-in window if you want to easily clean the glass from the inside of your home.
Choose windows made by manufacturers that offer warranties that cover the insulating glass units of the window, including the frame and sash.
 Consider ordering windows with laminated safety glass if you live around active children. Two panes of glass are glued to a durable plastic interlayer. If a window is hit by a stray ball, the glass will shatter but broken pieces will remain adhered to the interlayer, preventing glass fallout inside the home.
If you want to reduce the  noise of traffic, railroads and overhead planes, laminated or impact-resistant glass is the best choice.
 Not every  window requires a grid. For a window overlooking a mountain or a lake, forego the grid to preserve the view. 
To choose the right  window repair technician and get the most value for your money, consider implementing the professional tips mentioned in this article. 
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shuttersdecastro · 1 year
Passionately Bringing Shutters2You
Professional, friendly, and relentlessly committed to excellence — the driving forces behind Shutters2You.
Since 2012, we have proudly supplied and installed premium quality shutters, blinds, rollers, awnings and curtains to you — the proud home and business owners of Sydney.
From the Central Coast to Wollongong, the South Coast to the Blue Mountains — Shutters2You is your local and can-do, door and window furnishing specialist.
The Shutters2You Story When Shutters2You was established over a decade ago.
For years, I worked as a dedicated carpenter and builder — having the pleasure of working in the amazing homes of Sydney. Being a small yet crucial part in transforming, enhancing, and improving these much-loved properties gave me a tremendous amount of pride, satisfaction, and joy.
But there was a singular aspect that annoyed me.
Other, apparently ‘expert,’ tradespersons would arrive to fit and install the curtains, shutters, and blinds. I was repeatedly unpleasantly surprised by the prevalence of low-quality materials, lack of installation accuracy, and significantly sub-par workmanship.
I knew there had to be a better way.
So, I founded Shutters2You. Unwaveringly committed to excellence, it focuses on the pinnacle of customer service — delivering friendly advice, no-nonsense quotations, the ultimate in window-covering products, and a clean, precise install.
Over 10 years later, my once sole trader enterprise has matured into a proud team of shutters, curtain, and blind fitters and specialists — each member ceaselessly devoted to providing the zenith of service.
Where once we were the new-kids-on-the-block, we’re now the benchmark to which others aspire.
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hakesbros · 2 years
East Mesa, Las Cruces, Nm Actual Estate & Homes For Sale
Blessed by a favorable local weather with 350 sunny days per year, the residents hardly keep at home for a very lengthy time. When the working week ends, the locals normally head to the banks of Rio Grande to have some exciting experience. Hikers just love the Organ Mountains, boasting of breathtaking surroundings at each other step. Then they would probably seize some scrumptious meals to eat and flock to the Zuhl Museum or the Branigan Cultural Center, to tickle their artwork fancy. Numerous festivals and exciting occasions held all 12 months long, just like the Renaissance Arts Fair, Cowboy Days or the Border Book Festival be part of the residents of the city of every age and life-style.
There are 613 lively homes for sale in East Mesa, Las Cruces, NM. Some of the most popular neighborhoods close to East Mesa, Las Cruces, NM are North Hills, West Valley, Valley Creek North, Kohlberg, High Range. The Trails at Metro options fantastically designed open, versatile plans for a wide range of life. Our bright, open-concept homes are surrounded by a variety of amenities that embrace world-class golf, group parks, and provoking views.
Nestled among the serene pecan farmland of the north valley, Rancho del Gallo is a neighborhood of single-family homes on massive ranch-style homesites. Choose from a wide selection of ½-acre homesites and increase your horizons at Rancho del Gallo. In true Las Cruces type, the latest part of Parkhill Estates is heat and friendly, offering a carefree home environment with a captivating neighborhood park. This neighborhood offers easy access to eating places, schools, employment, and a selection of outside recreational opportunities.
Recreation, amenities and a friendly demeanor transfer Las Cruces to the top of the listing for potential home buyers. Find plenty to maintain boredom at bay with the interactive New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum. Hike the trails and birdwatch at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park. The Museum of Nature and Science and the Railroad Museum are two extra fascinating spots.
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The dealer providing these knowledge believes them to be appropriate, however advises interested events to substantiate them earlier than relying on them in a buy order decision. Copyright © 2023 The Greater El Paso Association of REALTORS®, MLS Inc. The information regarding actual estate for sale on this website is available in part from the Internet Data trade ("IDX") program of the Las Cruces Association of REALTORS®. Real estate listings held by brokerage companies other than , are indicated by detailed information about them such as the name of the itemizing firms.
You can view our full record of home builders in Las Cruces, NM here. Hakes Brothers has been constructing new homes in Las Cruces for over 15 years and has established its status as a premier home builder with local roots. Our team is dedicated to building lovely new homes in sought-after areas, incorporating innovative designs and exceptional options that showcase a real attention to detail. With a concentrate on both craftsmanship and value, our distinctive new homes for sale in Las Cruces, NM, present the amenities of a custom-built home at a fraction of the worth. Live along the sting of the Chihuahuan Desert in the heat metropolis of Las Cruces, New Mexico. This desert oasis provides the perfect backdrop for a model new home.
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cdwindowss · 2 years
What Companies Offer Great Vinyl Window Replacement in Sonoma?
The best manufacturers of vinyl window replacement in Sonoma offer affordability, durability, and aesthetics. Vinyl windows are increasingly popular because of their many benefits. In Sonoma, more homeowners opt for these maintenance-free windows when they choose to have their old windows replaced.
Top Manufacturers of Vinyl Window Replacement in Sonoma Vinyl windows are now the go-to affordable option for many homeowners in Sonoma. Even though they are affordable, they are still stylish. This is especially true if you choose California Deluxe Windows to make them. The company creates sleek, premium-quality windows that can transform your home’s look to new heights.
The Benefits of CDW California Deluxe Windows has become the leader in providing quality windows and doors. It’s a direct manufacturer of premium vinyl custom windows. As the manufacturer of its products, CDW can guarantee you get energy-efficient windows and doors. The products will be installed in your Sonoma home in a matter of weeks, instead of months. Before opting for its windows, you can visit its state-of-the-art facility to learn more about its products, how they are crafted and the latest technologies being used.
Wide Selection of Windows Its vinyl window options are heat-reflective. In that case, they don’t fade or warp. They also don’t cause energy loss. All window options are eco-friendly with Energy Star certification. It has a specialized coating and insulating gas to block harmful UV rays. This is the reason homeowners who chose CDW as their window manufacturer are enjoying great savings. The low-E coating guarantees your home will stay cool during summer while warm in the colder months.
How to Pick the Right Windows for Your Sonoma Home? CDW offers different vinyl windows. They are versatile as they fit many shapes. Here are some of the styles you can find from this window manufacturer:
Bay windows. They use multiple flat windows assembled into an angled frame. This type of style creates a shelf and provides a beautiful accent to boost curb appeal.
Awning windows. They swing open to the outside. The design can push rainwater away from your home. Thus, they are easier to clean.
Casement windows. They swing out to the side to open. Casement windows are typically made of solid glass and they often have a minimalist design.
Custom windows. You may also choose to customize your windows. That is, you may want to order a window that looks like a sailboat or something that represents the spirit of a mountain.
Warranties of the Windows Vinyl windows can last for a longer period. CDW offers lifetime warranties for white and almond vinyl extrusions. For colour or laminated vinyl extrusions, they are covered for 10 years. But the insulated glass has a lifetime guarantee. This is unique for CDW. The warranties are transferable to new homeowners after inspection. Furthermore, the company will install the windows so you don’t have to hire a handyman to do it for you.
To schedule an in-home consultation to get to know more about vinyl window replacement in Sonoma, please call us here: (866) 460-5444.
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rev-pirate · 3 years
the house symbolism?
I talk about the house in the affectionately dubbed peer pressure manifesto but i do feel like it deserves a post of its own.
When Ranboo came to the commune he built a shack tucked away in a mountain and said it would “probably remain a shack, honestly.” Because it was about being as small and unobtrusive as possible, taking up little space, taking up little attention. Ranboo walked on eggshells every day, scared out of his wits. He didnt want to be evicted, he didnt want to give techno reason to evict him because yeah Phil invited him to live there but was Techno okay with that??? (What Ranboo will never know is that Techno was the one who told Phil to invite him). So he panicked about taking a stack of dirt from techno’s chests to fill in the creeper holes he was also scared would upset Techno. He traded with the villagers then panicked about doing so without explicit permission, leaving behind all the emeralds from the trades in a chest in the basement. He lived out of this tiny shack that was more like an awning with a fence around it that one day had a basement installed in a panic attack. He did not call this shack a home. Just a temporary place to live. He was Sure that it would be temporary, that at any moment the shoe would drop and Techno would kick him out. Why build a house if you’d one day be forced to leave? When questioned about this or just thinking aloud to himself he’d say that “walls feel like a commitment, like permanence.” Why add walls when your stay is sure to be temporary?
But that changed one morning. When Techno spotted the ender eyes in his chest and felt the guilt of having them after the Calerencio incident weighing on him. He glanced out his window at his neighbor and knew he Had to give them back. So he picked up the eyes and trotted across the lawn. Ranboo was confused about why Techno had them to begin with and found it strange but took it for what it was: an olive branch. An apology. An acknowledgment that things had begun to change between them as their friendship grew and that things would continue to be different from the way they were when the clarencio incident took place. As Ranboo offered Techno some cookies, Techno took in the sight of the shack and told him to add walls. Ranboo waffled through saying the same thing he had before: “walls feel like a commitment, like permanence.” Techno asked him if he was sure.
Ranboo added walls two days later.
And this is HUGE. Imagine how hearing that from Techno must have felt for Ranboo! What a relief. What an assurance. Even if Techno had No Idea. To hear from him that he Should Add Walls when for Ranboo Those Walls Meant So Much. Those walls were always about Techno, so of course Techno was the only one who could convince him to build them. It was a symbol of this understanding that Techno was never going to hurt him, that Techno was never going to be the one to make him leave, that Techno Wanted Him To Stay. Techno wanted him to add walls, to make his stay permanent. And that was all it took to get Ranboo to start to unwind. To relax a little bit. To stop treading on as many eggshells. He adds walls to his shack and calls it a home.
And from there the development continued! Because while the shack now had walls it was still small and tucked away. Ranboo gains another woodland mansion map and acknowledges that he does not think Techno trusts him yet so he wants to invite him to come again like last time because he Wants To Make An Effort To Change That. He wants Techno to trust him. And the next time he sees Techno he excitedly shows him his upgraded shack and newly installed walls and Techno gives his approval. They then go on their Excellent Adventure and things change between them forever
It’s after this that Ranboo builds his house as we know it today. That three story stone brick home, loud and proud. No longer afraid of being intrusive. No longer afraid of being unwanted. No longer afraid of being kicked out. This House is here to Stay, and so is he. This house means Permanence.
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puff-poff · 3 years
The Culture of the Demon World
One part of The Promised Neverland that I always wanted to learn more about was the demons and their culture. Demons are a whole new race with their own language, religions, traditions, food, and history, and I want to learn more about their society. So, I decided to do a bit of research on a few specific aspects of the demon world. After writing everything down and connecting the pieces while trying to remain true to canon, I finally have something clear enough to share with you all.
Without further ado, I present to you my analysis of demon culture.
Part One: Clothing Just like in real life, the clothing demons wear depends on their social status and wealth. The middle and lower-class demons wear loose, flowing clothes with wide collars and sleeves. They most likely do this just in case they aren’t able to eat human meat and maintain their form; baggy clothes won’t tear if the demons start to degenerate. This is why the wealthy demons wear tighter clothing. Tight-fitting outfits show that you can afford plenty of human meat and that you aren’t worried about degenerating.
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Many demons, both poor and rich, wear long, layered clothing, but it’s hard to tell if this is a societal standard or a byproduct of cold weather. Almost all of the demons we see are wearing long-sleeved tops and ankle-length bottoms, as well as a jacket, shawl, cape, or scarf. However, the feet and hands are almost always uncovered.
A major part of demon clothing is, of course, their masks. This extra page explains the styles and functionality of the Goldy Pond demon’s masks:
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Like the rest of their clothing, wealth plays a part in demon’s masks as well. Detailed masks with large horns, like Luce’s, are worn by rich demons who want to flaunt their wealth, while lower-class demons wear simple, paneled masks with short horns. Demons who want a more functional mask might choose one without horns so they don’t get in their way. The aristocrat demons also have a unifying feature between their territory’s masks to differentiate themselves from the leaders of other territories. Whether or not your mask shows your mouth appears to be a personal preference since Legravalima, Mujika, Sonju, Awla, and Mawla all have uncovered mouths despite the character’s drastic differences.
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Another detail I would like to point out is the material of the masks. Most demon masks are likely made of a material similar to clay, but there are a few demons with special masks that appear to be made out of something else. Nous and Nouma, for example, have athletic masks coated with shiny material that’s probably similar to polyester. However, it was Legravalima and Sonju’s masks that interested me the most. Legravalima’s mask is smooth, glossy, and seemingly made out of metal. A metallic mask is likely a sign of royal status and immense wealth. This explains why Sonju had a metallic mask as a child, and why he doesn’t have one now. When he was a prince, Sonju wore a shiny mask with a design similar to Legravalima’s. After running away with Mujika, he grew out of his mask and now wears a clay one of the same design.
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This might just be the art style of the series changing over time, but I also find it interesting that Sonju’s mask suddenly becomes glossy in chapter 156 during the battle at the royal capital. It’s his first time stepping foot in the palace since he ran away, and it’s as if his mask is suggesting that returning to the palace has given Sonju his royal status back.
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Part Two: Architecture In many ways, the architecture in the demon world reminds me of places like the Sant Francesc Church in Spain and Royal Ontario Museum in Canada. As time goes on, old buildings are expanded and improved with modern additions to accommodate the changing world. This can be seen in the paradise hideout, where a newer building was constructed next to the original settlement.
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The old, traditional demon buildings are made of clay and other types of stones. They don’t appear to have many windows, and the few windows they do have are holes without window panes. Many of the older buildings were carved out of mountains or trees, or at least rest atop a mountain with steps carved into the side. This traditional style of demon architecture is similar to old Pueblo architecture and adobe homes.
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The newer demon architecture likely came into style sometime before Goldy Pond was built, seeing as Goldy Pond has buildings similar to those in modern demon villages. It resembles the European Tudor style with its grid window panes, timber frames, and sloped roofs. The walls were probably made using the wattle and daub technique and painted white or cream. Some of the buildings have stone foundations, but unlike the old style of architecture, the stones are laid like bricks. Buildings made using the new style of architecture also have shutters, awnings, and Juliet balconies.
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This picture of the royal capital’s streets perfectly shows the mixing of the old and new architectural styles:
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Here, you can see the original clay buildings with the balconies, awnings, and wooden frames of the new style added on. The buildings in the foreground have open windows while the ones further back have grid panes. One of the structures on the right is built in the style of the older demon homes, but it uses modern stone bricks and balconies. This blend of architecture helps show the development of the demon society through the years.
Part Three: Food Human meat is the most important food in demon culture since it’s what keeps the majority of demons from degenerating. I won’t be talking a lot about the farms and human meat in this post since it’s already been explored by the manga and people smarter than me. If you want to read more about demons and human meat, I recommend this post by the-silliest-idiot and this translation of the fanbook, particularly the Q&A sections.
As explained in the manga, the appearance of demons changes depending on the type of meat they eat. The aristocrat demons eat human meat, Parvus eats monkey meat, and the demon horse Sonju rides eats horse meat. As explained in the fanbook, humanoid demons will lose their human appearance if they don’t eat human meat, but monkey demons like Parvus can retain their appearance for a while. To keep themselves from degenerating or changing forms, humanoid demons don’t eat a lot of meat other than the human meat from the farms. When the demons do eat other meats, they eat bugs, fish, and birds, probably because those animals are difficult to change into.
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While it’s unclear if demons eat the plants in the forest, we know that there are plenty of edible berries, nuts, fungi, and other plants that the human escapees eat during their travels. Demons also have a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts that they grow and harvest. In just these two panels, we can see that the demons have their own versions of pears, hazelnuts, pineapples, kiwi, and mangos (the mangos seem to be popular in the royal capital).
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All demons, regardless of wealth or social status, appear to have equal access to all food except human meat. Lower-class demons get low-quality meat, but the same berries and nuts being sold at street markets are present in the Tifari offering.
Part Four: Language Unfortunately, I’m not smart enough to decode the old demon language. In the words of the fanbook, “Sugita created demon god's name, but every other text from the demon language that appeared afterward was Posuka's creation.” The language was made up by Posuka, and I’m not sure if there’s enough dialogue to translate a full alphabet. The old demon language looks like a combination of Japanese and Enochian, but that’s all I can gather from it. It’s also unclear if the language has a written form. 
However, the old demon language isn’t used anymore. The language died out for two major reasons; a general lack of knowledge and to separate language from the old faith. The aristocratic demons know the language well enough, but we don’t see many commoner demons speaking it. The modern demon society writes in English, as shown by the signs at Goldy Pond, and it’s likely that they also speak English despite the story being written in Japanese. There's also a chance that the demons speak Old English since the promise was forged during medieval times. If this is true, then the aristocrats and heads of the farms could have a more modern accent because they often talk to people from the human world.
Part Five: The Arts Sadly, we don't know much about art in the demon world. The promise was made around the 11th century, so art in the demon world is likely reflective of that time. I can only assume they have their own literature, art movements, and music, but it's mostly speculation. One thing I noticed is that the demon world has a lot of embroideries, whether it be on the edges of a cape or banners inside the palace. This fits with my theory of medieval Europe-inspired art and languages. During medieval times, top layer garments such as coats and cloaks were commonly embroidered along the hemline and cuffs. This kind of embroidered clothing is worn by many demons throughout the series.
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Banners, tapestries, and flags were also commonly created by artists during medieval times. Lines of flags are seen throughout the demon world, and a few buildings in the capital have banners hanging outside. The palace has a few banners of its own, though they're fancier than the ones in the capital streets.
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Damask fabric is another example of demon artistry being influenced by medieval Europe. Damask is a reversible fabric created by weaving. The royal demons seem to have jumped on the damask train before the promise was sealed because it can be found in many places throughout the palace. Most notably, Legravalima's dress is partially made of damask, though the silhouette is very different from that of a medieval damask evening gown. Damask was commonly used to make curtains as well, like the ones draped around the Tifari offering.
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We don’t know much about literature in the demon world. The books we see were written in the human world and sent to the farms, but surely the demons have their own books and stories. Seeing as the rest of the arts in the demon world were inspired by medieval Europe, I can only assume that their books, fables, and plays are as well. Much of medieval literature was based on religion and chivalry. There were also many fables and myths derived from old stories and religious texts. Demon children probably read many stories about the Evil Blooded, the runaway prince, and heroic knights who protect the demons from harm. There likely are many stories written in the old demon language as well. Similar to Latin and Old English in the Middle Ages, the old demon language was probably the main written language until the 11th century, when the demons began using English as a primary language.
I imagine that Anglo Saxon, Byzantine, and Norman (ha get it) art heavily inspired art in the demon world. The palace is likely covered in tapestries and murals depicting historic events. Metal and tilework were probably once a major part of demon artistry, but the practices died out over time. Instead, many demon artists practice painting and embroidery. Pieces of art in the demon world would be very vibrant and colorful, especially the works displayed in the palace.
When it comes to music in the demon world, there isn’t much to go off of. We know that the farms have access to instruments and sheet music because of Leslie and Nat. Barbara also sings a Japanese children’s song in chapter 113. Unfortunately, we don’t get much information about music in the demon world outside of the farms. I assume that demons primarily play string instruments and piano because of their long fingers. They also have more fingers than humans, meaning they can make a variety of chords that humans can’t. More fingers also allow demons to add more strings to their instruments. Even though it’s possible that demons have their own special instruments, we know that they also have human instruments like cellos, trumpets, and pianos.
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Conclusion: There’s a lot more I wish I could talk about (mainly the elements of culture), but I’m stopping for now so this doesn’t get any longer. Feel free to correct me or add on anything I missed. If you made it this far, thank you for reading this incredibly long analysis of demon culture and I hope you have a great day.
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Cat Got Your Tongue
Chapter One
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Master List /  Series Master List
A/N: This series is set in the same world as Bare In The Woods (a one-shot were-bear Henry Cavill story). This series will be cross posted between Tumblr and AO3. As Tumblr has no way of preventing minors from reading the smutty bits (and there will be smutty bits) those chapters will only be available on AO3.
My archive work is available to Register Users Only. This means Yes, You Must Have An Account with Archive to read my work. If you'd like more information on how to acquire your Free archive account, please see this post. All you need is an email address to sign up. That's it. Just do it people.
Read on AO3 here!
Summary: The community of Salvation holds many secrets, not the least of which is the diversity of were-folk who call it home. Ember Porosha is one resident for who Salvation isn't just the town's name but her saving grace. After outrunning her past, she's resigned herself to playing surrogate to everyone else's children and never having her own. A mate was not in her future, and she was learning to live with that. Until he walked through the door of The Last Book and Brew.
Thomas Loki Hiddleston wasn't going to be in town long. Here for the naming of Henry and his wife's baby girl and presentation to the weres of Salvation, he planned only to stay a few days. A small town like this could never offer him the outlet he needed for his cat's dark desires, nor could he hide what he was for long. His nature would eventually need an outlet and Salvation held nothing for him. Or so he thought. One wiff of Ember's unique scent and he knew he'd found a long thought lost to him future.
But when she doesn't fall at his feet, and proves more stubborn than a mule, can he resit taking her in hand long enough to win her heart? Or will the bond between true mates not be enough to tame this wild hellcat.
Series warnings: Were-Creatures, Cats, Bears, Smut, Shameless Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Dom/sub, Blood, Blood Kink, this one could (will) get kinky
When the sleek black car drove through town, Ember gave it only a passing glance. It was odd, sure, but anyone who drove a Jag was so far out of her league they were playing on a different ball diamond altogether. The car screamed money, something she cared little about.
Sure she needed it, everyone did, but Ember was content with what she had, and in this sleepy town cradled lovingly between the mountains, she didn't need much. She had her sweet yellow cottage, her bookstore, and a community of friends when she desired company. And now, with the snow falling thick on the ground, she would have another singular pleasure. 
Ember's little snow leopard heart leapt at the thought of running through the high passes and sliding down the long slopes, her wide paws keeping her above the snowpack instead of sinking in while her thick coat kept out the cold. It had been too long since she'd last played in her were form, and was looking forward to going out to the ranger station in a few days to visit with Henry, his wife, and their little cub. 
The sweet baby girl already had Henry wrapped firmly around her finger, and Ember couldn't help but laugh at the goofy smile that perpetually graced his face when he looked at his family. 
If a pang of jealousy jabbed her heart, Ember didn't let it show. She'd resigned herself to a lonely life a long time ago. 
The bell over the door of her little shop gave a merry jingle, and she placed the last of the new James Patterson novels on the shelf before dusting off her hands and stepping out from behind the bookshelves to smile at Lorraine, the town's most gossipy raven.
If she was fluttering into The Last Book and Brew, then Ember was about to hear an earful.
Tom swept into the charming inn and forced himself to smile at the woman behind the desk. He'd spent a miserable six hours on the road, driven through a blizzard, and killed his cellphone when he'd dropped it in an icy puddle two hours prior as he'd filled the car with petrol. But there was no alternate way to get to Salvation, buried deep in the mountains, except to drive. 
And Salvation was where he needed to be. 
His old friend, Henry, was celebrating the birth of his first cub, and Tom dropped everything to come and see the little darling Henry was blessed with. And to meet the woman who'd tamed the giant bear after all this time. Sadly, he'd been unable to attend their wedding, but he refused to miss the welcoming of a new were into the community, whether he belonged to the Salvation clan or not.
That didn't mean he wouldn't give Hen the gears for choosing to live in some backwater nowhere even if it was beautiful here. 
Still, Tom preferred the city for its indulgences and entertainments. No, he couldn't fall on all fours and run through the concrete jungle he called home, but he'd long come to terms with his destiny. It wasn't as if there was a panther out there waiting to run under the moonlight with him. 
He was going to be a lone cat, a bachelor. He'd resigned himself to it, for no matter what anyone said, no one - were or human - had ever submitted wholly to his dark desires and chosen to stay in his possession afterward. They were all far too soft for his liking, ending in no more than a one-and-done.
At least, he could stalk the clubs and play with those unaware of his darkest needs and wants in the city. Tom was not a Dom to be denied, and those who gave in to the allure of his pretty face soon learned all about the devil underneath his Gucci suit.
"Hello, darling," he purred to the desk clerk. "Thomas Loki Hiddleston, checking in. I believe I have a reservation."
She blushed to the roots of her hair, sputtered, and nodded. "Of-of course, sir. If-if you'll sign a few things and put your card on file, I can get you situated on your back- In your room!" she corrected, staring at her hands. 
Tom couldn't hide his smile, but he swallowed his laughter. It was always the same. The sweet little birds flocked to him, but they had no idea a predator was stalking them.
He went through the incidentals, signed her documents, collected his key and listened intently when she told him about the room, breakfast, the restaurant, spa, and pool. His ears perked up at the last. He did enjoy a refreshing swim. 
"And if you fancy something other than regular coffee or black tea, there is The Last Book and Brew just down the street. Ember makes the best scones and tea."
"Does she now?" he murmured, eyeing Irene - her name on a little plaque pinned to her chest - as she handed him back his credit card. "Perhaps I'll check in on it. A cuppa does sound delightful." The drive had been long, and tea might be just the pick-up he needed before calling round to Henry's. 
He nodded to Irene and headed for the stairs instead of the elevator. Three floors were nothing for his long legs, the exertion minimal, as he hiked to the third floor and down to the end where he fit the old-fashioned key into the antique lock and pushed open the door. 
Tom was pleasantly surprised to find a mixture of well-kept antiques and modern furnishings decorating the space. While the bed and mattress were new and covered with clean, white duvet and sheets, the dresser - upon which sat a television - was a heavy mahogany buffet with curved Queen Anne legs. The bathroom was a revolution of modern plumbing though a cast iron tub stood on clawed feet beside a glass shower big enough for two. Gilt framed mirrors hung above dual vanities into which water poured from brushed gold fixtures. 
It was all very romantic with its old-world charm though the inn was showing its age. Wallpaper lifted at the edges, millwork was chipped and rubbed in places, and a few of the lovely old tiles on the floor in the bathroom were cracked. But with the likely age of the building, it wasn't so surprising. If the gorgeous stone building weren't at minimum a century, he would eat his scarf. 
She could be an absolute beauty with effort and enough money. Yes, he would be comfortable here for a time. The Salvation Inn would suit him.
Tom made his way to the windows that looked out on Salvation's main street. The road was a mess of dirty snow, sanded and salted for ease of travel, but the thick white flakes floating down turned the quaint replica gas street lights into white-topped monuments of winter. Storefronts glowed with welcoming light, still running their Autumn displays, creeping toward American Thanksgiving. The commercialization of Christmas had yet to appear, giving everything a cheerful, colourful cast he found pleasing to his senses. 
Cars moved without hurry, mimicking the people coming and going about their business. Everyone was bundled up, but no one seemed to mind the cold and the snow. To be expected, he supposed. They lived in the mountains where snow fell early and lasted late. 
As his gaze traversed the lane, his attention landed on The Last Book and Brew and caused him to tilt his head, intrigued. Unlike the other traditional storefronts with their brick faces and colourful awnings, gold filigree writing on wooden signs, the little bookstore had a distinctly different feel to it. 
The door, window frames, and brickwork that accented the front of the building were painted a shiny, deep black. There was no awning but three stunning lanterns hung above the windows on wrought iron arms, beautifully curved like the elegant lines of a woman's body. A sign in the same black iron hung perpendicular to the door. Shaped like a shield or some family crest, the words The Last Book and Brew glowed crimson outlined in gold, while a raven of the same black iron sat guard, casting judgement on all who entered. Red velvet mounded in the windows, lovingly cradling the displayed books like sacrificial offerings. 
Someone knew what they were doing, for that was the sexiest storefront Tom had ever seen.
Utterly enchanted and desperate to see if the interior matched the exterior, he left his leather valise unpacked on the bed, pocketed his key, and headed for the door.
Irene looked up as he passed her, but Tom paid the clerk little mind. He was on a mission, a hunt now, needing to discover the answer to the mystery of just who this Ember of Last Book and Brew was that she could create with such aplomb a store so alluring. 
There was no wind when he trotted down the inn's exterior stairs and out into the snowfall. Traffic was light, so he crossed mid-street, avoiding puddles and snowbanks in an attempt to keep the Italian leather of his shoes dry while large flakes of falling snow collected in his dark ginger locks. He reached the door and admired the ornate handle before opening the door into another world. 
Tom stepped inside and stared in amazement. He'd never thought a bookstore could be moody, but this one certainly was. The floors were highly polished ebony wood that led into dark railings which spiralled past the sunken first-floor cafe up a short flight of stairs toward the bookstore beyond. 
He admired the cobblestone floor in the cafe, again shiny with polish, sealed he suspected to make cleanup easier. Upon them sat a virtual Mad Hatter's Tea Party of chairs, all shapes and sizes separated by wrought iron tables topped with glass. And though the chairs were unique in shape, they matched for colour, upholstered as they were in the blood-red and black brocade that turned them into a sexy indulgence he prayed were as comfortable as they looked. 
And hung above it all, like a lady's magnificent fascinator, was a chandelier worthy of the name. Clearly electric, it appeared to drip ropes of black jewels and crystals as long as his palm, lit by three dozen candles that flickered with faux flames. It was spectacular.
Beyond, the cafe counter, like a walnut dream, appeared to be a repurposed and rehabbed saloon bar where elegant scrollwork on a pristine chalkboard announced the daily specials. He could see the cakes and pastries in their glass case, and while his stomach rumbled to remind him of the last meal he'd eaten, Tom was too enthralled with the decadence of the store to allow himself to be led by his nose when a small sign at the foot of the stairs requested no food past that point. 
Another small sign asked him to wipe his feet, which he did without thought, before heading up the short but wide curved stairwell to the second floor into the fantasy world of someone's most magnificent mind. 
He felt guided by the hand of a fae as he wound his way through ebony bookcases over hardwood floors, beneath more hanging lanterns and delicate chandeliers. The soft white of all the lights allowed him to read titles and leaf through pages without feeling as if the overhead lights would eventually dry out his eyes or buzz their annoyance through his brain. Every so often, he came upon stands of lightly scented candles, or soaps, or lotions made with all-natural products and tingling with the lightest touch of were-magic, causing Tom to look at the store with deeper senses. 
The corners and cardinal points of the space had crystal wards, he realized, and the soft pulse of benevolent magic left him at ease. Whoever this Ember was, she bid all who came to her sanctuary welcome. 
Even more intrigued than before, Tom found his way toward the counter where voices spoke in hushed tones, intent on finding the owner and congratulating her on the sensual, slightly erotic nature of her store. It left him breathless in a way that was hard for him to come by, and yet even as it pulled at his dark, seductive nature, he knew a family could come into such a place and find it magical, like falling into the rabbit hole of a dark Alice fantasy.
"That's nice, Lorraine, but I don't think Henry would approve of you gossiping about his friend."
Tom stopped in his tracks. Warm brandy and velvet bled over his senses, stroking straight through him to the soul of his cat. The panther purred and preened, wanting the owner of that voice to pet him and whisper words of seduction in his ear. 
"Poppycock! Some big-city fella isn't going to care if we mountain folk talk about him."
Ugh, raven. He'd know that grating tone anywhere.
"Besides, he's some fancy lawyer or something," the raven, Lorraine, continued. "I'm sure he's used to people talking about him."
"It is still impolite."
Tom shivered, eyes half-lidding. He had to roll his head, stretching his neck to keep from sprouting fur. What he wouldn't give for one night with the owner of that voice. 
Never one to hide in the face of scrutiny, Tom glided out from behind the bookshelf and smiled at the two women. "Actually, I run hotels."
The raven eeped and jumped, spinning to face him. She was older than he'd suspected, her dark hair thoroughly saturated with grey though her eyes remained clear brown orbs. The other, oh, the other, he could not help but stare.
Her face was the kind that would make angels weep with sharp, classic features, high cheekbones and a pointed chin like a sweet little fox. Her big eyes widened in surprise, showing off the shocking green, so pale and light they were almost neon when the light caught them. The heavy fall of thick curls that slipped from her shoulder left his mouth dry with the desire to sink his fingers into the mass that started black at the root and faded into tones of silver and dark grey, hinting at patterns like small rosettes. 
A sleek, lithe body lovingly caressed by a sweater of raspberry wool and leggings of black knit glided out from behind the cash desk, her steps silent in small silver ballet flats. "Mr. Hiddleston?"
"Indeed," he purred, accepting her hand when she offered it. He captured it between both of his rather than shaking it as presented and held it lightly. "Thomas Loki Hiddleston, at your service, love. My friends call me Tom."
"Ember Porosha. Welcome to Salvation and The Last Book and Brew." She tilted her head, causing all that lovely hair to slide to the opposite shoulder. "Henry speaks highly of you."
"Mm," he chuckled, adjusting his grip to lightly press his thumb into the palm of her hand as he brought her knuckles to his lips. "Brags, does he?"
"Terribly," she agreed with a smile.
Tom smirked and pressed his lips to her skin. He inhaled and went rigid. That scent, the sweet smell of pine and snow somehow laced with the delicate notes of summer dreams, drowned him, flooding his lungs until he was sure he would never be able to breathe again without breathing in Ember's delectable fragrance. 
She tried to retrieve her hand. Tom growled, low and deep, more a purr than a reprimand, and opened eyes he knew would glow green with his cat. 
"Well, hello, pet," he smiled. "It seems I was wrong." He wasn't destined to be alone after all.
Sharp claws latched into his hands. "I've no desire to start anything with you, true mate or not."
He dropped her hands and brought his to his mouth to catch the blood seeping from the minor wounds. "We will see about that."
She hissed at him. 
Tom threw his head back and laughed before gliding into her personal space and threading his fingers into her hair. "Spit all you like, little kitten. I always get what I want."
"I think it's time you left, Mr. Hiddleston," Ember growled, her hand on his chest to keep him at bay. 
"Tea first," he smirked. "I'm gagging for a cuppa. Haven't had a decent one all day!" He stroked the silvery strands before letting them fall through his fingers. "Is your coat just as soft, Kitten?"
She glared daggers at him. "Leave."
He chuckled but stepped back, practically able to see her tail flick in anger. "Until later then, Ember."
He turned on his heels and sauntered away, leaving her seething behind him. How dare he. How dare he! How dare he assume such liberties when they'd only just met. When it was clear he was only passing through and would leave nothing but devastation in his wake.
"How dare he!" she hissed and stormed toward the back of the store to her office to calm down, forgetting Lorraine was still there.
Ember didn't slam the door, knowing he was still in the store, and she'd be damned before she gave him that much power over her. She would not be brought to heel like some… some… Kitten!
She growled a low sound and clenched her fists, determined to get control of herself and that snow leopard rolling like a damn hussy inside her.
She'd smelt him the moment he'd stepped beyond the books—dark spice and leather, mandarin and rosewood, with notes of cinnamon and vanilla. Ember's mouth watered with the desire to taste his skin and see if he tasted as good as he smelled.
"No," she said firmly. Her cat scoffed. "He won't stay here. He's a big city panther, and we will never go back." She was determined to live alone, be alone because she was safer that way.
Salvation was, well, their salvation. When she was most desperate for a new start and a place to hide from her past, Salvation was there with open arms, and an established were community.
Her cat settled down with the reminder and left her alone to pick up the phone.
Ember dialed the number by heart and waited for them to answer. "Hey, Henry, it's Ember. About tonight. Something has come up… I'm… not going to make it."
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