#movers hashtag
teamremovalsaustralia · 6 months
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Secure your belongings with confidence at our trusted storage service in Australia. With state-of-the-art facilities and personalized solutions, we prioritize the safety and accessibility of your items. Experience peace of mind knowing your belongings are in reliable hands with us.
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123countwithme · 5 months
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The movers in their ice cream sandwich costumes for the music video for their new song 'Ice Cream Sandwich'
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
eren first meeting his roommate
aka ; eren yeager having a gay awakening <3
-> might be a series? idk i love roommate eren a lot so probably will be a series LMFAO also also there's really no obvious romance here, it's just silent admiration and crushes
also eren is very much puppy-like and high energy in this one hashtag sorry if u love emo eren, he will NOT be emo here!!! hashtag no regrets.
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eren yeager x male reader
— eren was dead broke. his ass definitely did not have enough money for either dorming on campus or off campus, but off campus was the cheaper option. and since he went to a college so far away from home, it would be too big of a hassle to commute. so him and his parents compromised by giving him an "allowance" every month, which would basically pay for a third of rent. but that meant he had to use his own money to pay the next third, then find someone else to pay the final third. ( 1/3 being paid by his parents, 1/3 being paid by him, 1/3 being paid by a lifesavior roommate, aka you!!!!!)
— it was very odd to see eren, who on first impressions seemed like an intimidating individual, sit you down at the empty kitchen table and beg you, literally beg you with his hands in praying form, to room with him. he was very, very obviously desperate to find someone else to live with.
"please, i will be good - i've heard from all my friends i'm a great person to live with, my mouth will vouch (he is a terrible person to live with, but if he has to do more household chores in order to get a roommate he will). i will let you speak to my own mother and father, they will vouch and say-"
"i believe you, eren, why are you crying?"
that's an exaggeration of what happened...he didn't actually start crying, but his begging was insistent and borderline pathetic.
— in the end, you agreed !!! paying 1/3 of rent was better than paying 1/2 + the place wasn't in a terrible location, it was close to school, and was a pretty good size for two bedrooms. since eren was already settled in, he helped you move in. and that was when you were given a free GUN SHOW because damn was this man working hard in lifting your many boxes of belongings. it was almost like he wore a tight shirt on purpose, just to show off. he very adamanently told you that you didn't need to hire movers and he'd do all the heavy lifting, along with muttering about how they were "scammers" with how much they charged.
"eren, i can lift some of these-"
"no, please, consider this my thanks for moving in with me," eren grunted, holding a huge box of your clothes with relative ease. he was sweating, but that was because this was probably the third box of heavy stuff he had to carry from the car to the building.
he was wearing a beige shirt that hugged his muscular form, emphasizing every single ripple underneath the fabric. and as you two stood in the elevator (thank god the building had an elevator or else eren would have had to carry all the boxes up three flights of stairs), the only sound in the metallic box was eren's heavy breathing.
his muscular chest (boobs) were moving up and down as he tried catching his breath, his hands lifting to wipe the sweat off of his forehead with the collar of his shirt.
your eyes watched each of his movements carefully before you snapped out of it with the dinging of the elevator to tell you you were on your floor. you got out of elevator first, holding your arm to the door to prevent it from closing on him.
he shot you a smile in thanks before proceeding to easily lift up the box (it was at least over 50 pounds, mind you) and walk ahead to the room.
what you didn't know was that eren's cheeks were burning red as he had felt your stare on him earlier and it made him feel shy. you didn't have to know that he was purposely flexing harder with each cardboard box he had to lift. it was his own subtly way of trying to impress you, anyway.
it was flustering to know that it was somewhat working.
— after all the boxes were situated inside of the small apartment, he went to put all of your utilities away, like your own set of utensils, plates that you bought to share, and a couple of mugs. meanwhile, you went to your room to personalize and unpack all of your clothing. as eren was occupied working in the kitche, he felt himself smiling to himself as he carefull put away any of your belongings in the shelves. he felt himself laughing at one of your comedic mugs, a ceramic figure that took the shape of a chubby cat. the tail of the animal curved into being the handle and a funny expression was painted onto the cat's face.
"what's so funny, yeager?" you challenged, stretching your hands above head, "you think my mugs are funny?"
eren laughed, putting it away intot he cupboard and turning to look at you, "i think they're cute, they're also fitting,"
you made a face of uncertainty, which only made eren's grin go wider, "alright, you'll see."
"i'll see what?"
"you'll see — when i get you your own mug, you'll learn to appreciate it more,"
"oh, god, please don't." eren said, leaning against the counter on his elbow and staring at you, who were sitting on the other side, "for your first night here, you want me to treat us to take out? the chinese place down the road is really good,"
he watched your expression carefully. wordlessly, you walked around the counter and to the fridge. once you opened it, it took you a total of three seconds before you looked back at eren with a grimace.
"the only thing in here is ketchup and mayo..."
"those are the condiments i use to eat my fast food with," eren shrugged, making you only become more flabbergasted. "what??"
"oh my god, let's finish unpacking later, we need to go buy groceries,"
"but you didn't answer my question on dinner?"
"i'll make dinner — you save more money buying groceries and making meals out of them instead of buying takeout everynight, eren," you lectured, making him tilt his head in thought. he supposed you were right, so he didn't argue against going grocery shopping.
as you announced you were just going to change quickly, he then thought about it for a second longer. then a blush fell on his face as he imagined you at the kitchen, cooking a meal for just him and you.
god, was he really developing a crush on his roommate that just moved in?
— the grocery shopping turned unserious very fast. bring eren to any public environment and he won't be able to stay on track for a second. you didn't really know eren that well (it sounds silly to say that considering you are now living with him, but prior to agreeing to be his roommate, he really was just a stranger to you), so to see his more childish side bleeding through his cold exterior was a good change of pace. he was a very goofy guy, making funny faces at babies with the intent of making them cry, and would easily get distracted. he had tried dragging you off to the pokemon card wall several times when all you needed were groceries.
"did you see the way its face scrunched up?" he grinned in excitement before focusing on mimicking the expression a baby he tormented made. you laughed at the face he was making before smacking his shoulders.
"be nicer! they're just babies, eren," you softly scolded, weak chuckles escaping from you.
"just babies that make funny faces," eren laughed, switching from standing at your left side to your right side repeatedly as you stood in front of the produce section, "what even are you going to make tonight?"
"hm, how about pasta? you like pasta?" eren nodded his head in affirmation, "i was just going to buy some staple fruits and vegetables too, though, in case we get hungry for snacks,"
"snacks? i can run to the chips section too then! what chips do you want?" eren said, very excited to go to his second favorite section of the store (the junk food aisles).
"just get me a bag of f/c," you requested politely, making him nod like an eager puppy and run off.
you finished going down the list of basic ingrediants for a white sauce pasta, while also grabbing anything that you could use for other dishes in the future.
just as you turned around to your now full cart of vegetables, sauces, fruits, and meat, eren came bounding back towards you. this time, he was now holding five bags of chips, in his mouth he was carrying a single packet of pokemon cards, and in his fingers he was desperately holding a lottery ticket.
"look! we can open up a pack of pokemon cards, i got you one too, it's in my pocket though, since i figured you wouldn't want my spit on it, and then i also have a lottery ticket. i have a feeling we will win it big! and if we do, we won't have to pay rent for like five months!"
"eren, what the fuck? i thought you were just getting chips,"
the accused man pouted at the tone you were taking with him, dropping his arms into the car to free them of the five bags of chips, "i was!! but look, i'll pay for the lottery ticket, chips, and pokemon cards! c'mon, it'll be fun to open the cards together and everything!"
he almost pouted at you, can you belive this guy? pouted at you with begging puppy dog eyes. you almost smooshed his face with the palm of your head, but restrained yourself.
"fine, let's just go and pay,"
eren grinned in achievement, pumping his fist into the air, "c'mon, i wanna open these on the ride home!" he said, referring to the pokemon cards.
"alright, alright, i don't know anything about them though, so you're just gonna have to tell me what's good or not,"
"if it's shiny and reflective, give it to me, that's all you need to know," eren said dismissively. he swiftly took your spot behind the cart, pushing it with ease and only allowing you to walk beside him. "what pasta are you cooking for tonight?"
"i bought alfredo sauce, so i'll just add in some vegetables and to the pasta and make...chicken alfredo? if that's alright with you," eren almost salivated at the thought. he simply nodded his head eagerly, the bangs around his face bouncing at the movement.
"sounds delicious! man, i really lucked out with you as my roomie, huh? we're gonna make a great pair!" he threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer as he said this, an innocent grin on his face.
— that night, the two of you sat on foldable chairs watching tv. eren's parents gave you two as a house warming gift. it was small, but it was working so that was all that mattered. eren and you laughed at the tv screen until the late hours, where you both agreed to finally call it a night.
"should i make breakfast tomorrow morning? or are you gonna be in clases by the time i get up?"
eren frowned, "i have classes all day tomorrow, from 8 in the morning to 7 at night, so you don't have to worry about making too many servings,"
you nodded in understanding, "alright, then, i'll see you when you get back then,"
eren and you were about to break off to your own rooms, but he called out to you one last time, "uhm, what time are you gonna be in classes?"
"i only have one class tomorrow, 1 to 3:15," his face brightened up, which instinctively made you smile at him in return.
"we can go get lunch together then," he offered, "there's a good place that has burgers, it's like a ten minute walk from the main campus. i have a break in between classes at 4? if that's okay with you, of course,"
you grinned so wide that it almost hurt your cheeks. eren was a really nice guy, he was going out of his way to just get to know you better and spend some time with you, "yeah, that sounds perfect. meet me at the bus stop that's right outside the main hall and we can walk together,"
"okay, yeah!" eren nodded his head repeatedly, the bangs on the side of his head once again moving at such rapid mvoement. "then, i'll text you tomorrow when i get out of class!"
"sure, that sounds good." there was a pause and you pivotted your torso to turn away from the smiling brunette, "good night, eren,"
the man blinked and nodded his head, also turning away, calling out a, "goodnight, [name]," very quickly.
and the two of you fell asleep with grins on both of your faces. eren had brought the blanket up to his face, as if he was paranoid that there were someone watching his blushing face only redden. your smile was really, really handsome, his heart felt like it was in his throat everytime he remembered it.
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Hey, language teacher here. 'False friends' are one of the fun / frustrating things about learning a language, like the English/Spanish confusion between embarrassed and embarazado (pregnant), or the Spanish/French por tanto (therefore) and pourtant (but - aka the direct opposite and I hate it SO MUCH). So I'm curious, what are some false friends that tend to crop up in Welsh/English?
Fun question! One that keeps catching my bilingual brain out at the minute is an advertising board outside my uni. It's a photo of a woman windsurfing with the English hashtag #ChooseChallenge, and the (completely accurate and acceptable) translation is #DewisHer. But because 'her' (challenge) is juxtaposed with a photo of a woman I keep thinking, every single time I see it, that it says "Choose her" and I'm like "Why, who is she?"
Let's see, though, let's see...
Listed Welsh/English (I should add that basically none of these are pronounced the same):
Afraid (unnecessary/scared)
Ban (beacon/forbid)
Bore (morning/drill)
Brain (crows/cranial organ)
Cuddle (hiding place/hug; I'll admit, even though these are completely unrelated, there is something appropriate about them)
Dim (nothing/dark)
Hen (old/chicken)
Faint (how many?/pass out)
Hurt (stupid/pain)
Main (slender/chief)
Man (place/masculine person) (lol I realise 'define man' is More Complex than that)
Mud (mute/wet earth)
Nod (aim/move head up and down)
Pan (when/pot)
Pant (hollow/breathe hard)
Pen (head/writing implement)
Pig (pointy thing, usually beak or thorn/porcine animal)
Pump (five/water mover)
Sail (foundation/boat cloth)
However the single best one that we all love is definitely moron, which is Welsh for 'carrots' and English for 'idiot'. Kids love that one.
Here's a fun verbal one between Welsh and Mandarin! Not really a false friend because they obviously aren't spelled the same, as we use very different alphabets; but the Welsh "cau", meaning 'to close', sounds like 開 [开] (kāi), to open / open. They have opposite meanings! I love that.
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simsefin · 1 month
Willow Creek Remake!
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Ciao! 💖 I'm fiiinaaaally done with my vanilla (no cc) Willow Creek remake! I'm so happy about this world. Every community lot is very focused on improved gameplay, and housing lots have different matching styles for different neighbourhoods. I hope you like this!
Gallery Id: Simsefin You can download all of the lots in the gallery if you search for Simsefin (EA id). Search for the "willowcreek" hashtag when visiting my gallery profile. All lots have the same names as the original Willow Creek lots!
Foundry Cove neighborhood
Streamlet Single (2 bedrooms)
Crick Cabana (1 bedroom)
Daisy Hovel (3 bedrooms)
Garden Essence Rentals (2 rental houses, 2 bedrooms in each house)
Bargain Bend Rentals (3 rental houses, 1 bedroom in each house)
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Courtyard lane neighborhood
Rindle Rose (1 bedroom)
Pique Heart (2 bedrooms)
Riverside Roost (4 bedrooms)
Brook Bungalow (3 bedrooms)
Potters Splay (3 bedrooms)
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Pendula View neighborhood
Umbrage Manor (4 bedrooms)
Hallow Slough (2 bedrooms)
Ophelia Villa V. 2 (Cafe & Wedding spot)
Parkshore Villa (Restaurant - Brunch themed)
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Sage Estates neighborhood
Oakenstead Mansion (13 bedrooms)
Cypress Terrace (8 bedrooms)
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Crawdad Quarter neighborhood
Willow Creek Archive Bar 
Movers & Shakers Gym V. 2
The Blue Velvet Night Club
Municipal Muses Rentals
Magnolia Blossom Park
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Willow Creek Archive Bar Welcome to Willow Creek Archive Bar. Before a Movie Theatre, now a cozy bistro bar.
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Movers & Shakers Gym V. 2 Welcome to Movers & Shakers - Willow Creeks most popular gym! Workout by yourself, or have a date with someone from Cupid's Corner at this place. Enjoy the gym, sauna + a classical bar on the roof.
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The Blue Velvet Nightclub Welcome to a new place to date and hang out with your friends in Willow Park. Open 24/7!
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Municipal Muses Rentals Rental apartments, 6 apartments - 1 bedroom, or 2 bedrooms).
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Magnolia Blossom Park Magnolia Blossom Park is a historic park in Willow Creeks. Find your way through the maze, have a date picnic, drink some coffee, or buy some flowers. This park has it all!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
Movers shakers likers and haters! by u/IconicAnimatronic
Movers, shakers, likers, and haters!
Movers, shakers, likers, and haters!
It's odd that many accounts originally in support of the RF have either changed allegiance lately or have disappeared completely.
Although there are vanishing SS members, too. Even more bizarre, some SS have gone silent, and yet others have doubled down with utterly baseless and unbelievable nonsense. For some, their papable principle is not, it seems, to support our Saint, with receipts, but to mire themselves in whataboutisms. And while a whataboutism may be true, it doesn't negate any argument, whatsoever. Whataboutism just means someone else did soething, too. Not that your idol isnt guilty for their behaviour.
There are Optimistic Nostalgics who can't let a 12 year old losing his mum, or a 27 year old cheeky chap, drunk and naked in Vegas, or even a Nazi armband wearing Harry go. It's the boy they knew then that they support, not the bitter, spiteful man he's become.
The SS are far from close-knit in terms of their support. If they're necessarily fans at all. They seem to have many different factions with really no unity at all. The Anti-Monarchists only appear to support JH and the ILBW because they're causing detriment to the RF. Detriment which can be twisted to have facts rewritten, to go alongside blatant untruths. These people believe the Monarch's property, which he agrees to allow profits be taken by the Treasury, can simply be taken from him if we were to become a Republic. That was never the agreement. The property is still his as it was never given up. Only the hereditary revenues were exchanged for a civil list (now Sovereign Grant) payment.
However, this Republican, Anti-Monarchy group has found extra numbers from the SS to add to their voice. Shame then, that so many are American, and don't count!
Of course there are The Trolls seeking out comments from or about other Royals that they can disrupt, make threats, or simply just try to make it about their Quean. And the Bots pages and pages of whom post the same comment. Word for word. Hashtag for hashtag. An attempt to manipulate the system and get the hashtag trending.
Some believe MM to be the first biracial member of the royal family. Despite the fact an American genealogist established that Queen Charlotte, the wife of George III, was directly descended from the illegitimate son of an African mistress in the Portuguese royal house. Despite the fact that Gary Lewis, a Māori, married Lady Davina Windsor and fathered 2 biracial children; Senna Kōwhai Lewis and Tāne Mahuta Lewis (26th in LoS at birth). Both children are welcomed with love at RF events. Going back further, Queen Philippa of Hainault, who was born in 1310 in Valenciennes in France had Black Moorish ancestry. She married Edward of York, who just before their marriage in 1328, became King Edward III of England. These Anti-racist supporters conveniently forget the mixed raced marriages and their future heirs from across Europe and the aristocracy. They forget MM was given privileges no other royal girlfriend had been allowed, and given projects and patronages very close to her heart. She was welcomed whole-heartedly, yet this faction of the squad will find racism in everything. Yes, even you, saying you ate cornflakes for breakfast. They are still using one man's (Danny Baker's) disgusting and distasteful picture to cast aspersions on the entire British media, and all British citizens. It was one man! Most Britons themselves were appalled by this one man's post. The other "got ya" headlines they spout, often originated in America. And the apparent use of the N word in the comments section is jumped upon. But it's not a word that the British use. And whilst these comments may be made in response to a British tabloid story, comments are open worldwide.
Then they often forget that the humanitarian work, the sorority, the friends and boyfriends, in fact her own CV, showed little support to those who thinks she represents them. They forget that the award accepted for fighting racism in the RF was made moot by JH claiming they'd never called them that, or said the family were. Indeed, the late Queen symbolically danced with Ghana's president Kwame Nkrumah at a farewell ball in 1961 and during her reign many colonised countries were given back their independence and made republics. It's telling, though, that many remained in the Commonwealth.
The Prince's Trust, set up in the early 70s with his own money (severance pay from the Navy) has helped many BAME individual and entrepreneurs. It supports the Black Pound Marketplace to celebrate and showcase young, Black owned businesses, who set up their businesses with support from The Trust’s Enterprise programme. It was also one of the first to lend support to the BLM movement. The Black Pound initiative has helped to send over 30 young people in Nepal, Zimbabwe, and India to school. In the UK, Cordell has supported over 5,000 black and minority ethnic students, delivering resilience training, inspirational talks and entrepreneur workshops in schools and youth settings. He got his own break through the Prince's Trust Enterprise Programme.
Meanwhile they support someone who's turned her back on her entire Black family. Lied that her children wouldn't get titles or security because of their race. Uses the white colonial title with aplomb. And of course, there were rumors swirling around that MM got a black journalist fired because her interview didn’t go as planned. The pièce de résistance? A visit to Uvalde using brown children as a PR opportunity.
And as for ARO, who is its target audience? I'd hazard a guess, it's none of her fans. Whichever faction of that muddled group they are.
They now seem to be trying to organise yet another planned attack. These are adults. The negativity and disruption they cause. The death threats. The bullying and harassment. Do they honestly think this is the right was to bring discussion and discourse to the table? Especially with a less than coherent group!
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https://ift.tt/1GbtDZS post link: https://ift.tt/yYzlAiJ author: IconicAnimatronic submitted: April 02, 2024 at 10:39AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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World Piano Day
If you’re a fan of classical music, then you assuredly know about the famous piano. Used in concerts everywhere, the piano has a long history of bringing music to life with its delicate sound and beautiful resonance. But did you know that there’s a holiday dedicated to pianos? That’s right, there’s a day all about the history and love for pianos. Read more to learn about the history of the piano and about how you can celebrate this amazing holiday.
Learn about World Piano Day
World Piano Day has been designed to celebrate this incredible instrument, which has brought many of us joy over the years. No matter whether you play the piano yourself or you have an appreciation for this sort of music, we can all appreciate that listening to a quality pianist is a joy.
If you don’t know much about the piano, today is a great day to explore further. The main thing you obviously need to familiarise yourself with is the keys. After all, the keyboard is the most important part of your learning. If you look at the keyboard, you will see white and black keys that run from left to white. They do not alternative white-black-white-black. There is actually a pattern that is made of five black keys and seven white keys in a certain order. An interval is formed from the beginning of one set of keys and the ending, which is at the beginning of the next set. This is called an ‘octave’, which is simply a type of interval; an interval being the musical distance between two sounds.
In addition to this, it is important to note that the highest keys are on the right and the lowest on the left. If you start on the left side, every key is a half step higher than the one before it. Therefore, you need to go up or down two half steps to make a full step. You simply need to practice a bit to get to grips with these intervals. You should then try other intervals so you can hear the difference in sound.
History of Piano Day
The invention of the piano began through its predecessors, mainly through medieval times as a dulcimer, a fretted string instrument with three or four strings attached. From there it developed into the clavichord, the spinet, virginal, clavecin, gravicembalo, and finally, the harpsichord in the 15th century.
The harpsichord was invented by Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori and the harpsichord is considered to be to the closest predecessor to what modern-day people know as the piano because of the keyboards that activated the strings. From there, the harpsichord developed further over the next 300 years into what we know as the modern piano.
Piano Day began as an idea by the German pianist/composer/producer Nils Frahm. Nils Frahm composes classical piano music with electronic music, reforming piano music with an unconventional approach. He launched the holiday back in 2015. When Frahm was asked why the world needs a Piano Day, Frahm replied back “…mostly, because it doesn’t hurt to celebrate the piano and everything around it: performers, composers, piano builders, tuners, movers and most important, the listener.”
Since then, the holiday expanded as people held concerts, recitals, lectures, and demonstrations. An official website, Pianoday.org, lists all the concerts and events you can go to all over the world to help celebrate the beauty of the piano.
How to celebrate Piano Day
If you love hearing classical music, then listen to some beautiful classical music on your favorite device. If you’re wanting a fun night out, then attend a concert at your local theater. If you’re really adventurous then take some piano lessons at your local colleges or through online courses. While listening or playing amazing piano music, use the hashtag #worldpianoday on through your social media devices and let everyone know that this day is all about the beautiful piano.
If you have never played the piano before, you may feel at a little bit of a loss regarding what you should be looking for in an online course. But, don’t fret, as we have some top tips to help you out. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the website providing the piano lessons is right for your level.
Some websites start at the very beginning and are designed for those who don’t have a clue about playing the piano. Therefore, they will teach you how to read music and so on. However, there are other websites that have lessons for those who already have experience and are seeking more advanced lessons so that they have something to aim towards. In addition to this, you should take the time to read reviews that have been left by people and experts that have already used the website in question. This will save you a lot of time.
If you come across a lot of negative reviews from people saying that the lesson was too difficult to follow for beginners, for example, then you know to look elsewhere. Finally, you need to decide if you want to opt for free or paid lessons. In the beginning, it is worth looking into free resources. If you are then struggling to find something that matches your needs, consider a paid version, but do extensive research before spending your cash.
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brettesims · 1 year
Moh Bright And Destined = Mohbad
We lost such a light; RIP Mohbad, Imole. A Gemini JUST like Tupac. Imole in Yoruba means “Light.” UGH I have been so sad about the passing of this literal ray of sunshine. He brought so much joy and light to my life during one of my darkest times. I played his song 'Peace' on repeat as a mantra. I feel like "they", the powers that be, the industry is really trying to snuff out the light. They are silencing movers, shakers, knowers, thinkers, the ultra light beams... THE ARTISTS.
While alive he voiced that he was bullied. He alleged that his life was under threat and sought police protection from many people. He was attacked and assaulted by many until the instruction of former record label owner, Naira Marley (who grew up in London). His fans burned down the home of Naira Marley right after his passing. The record label that attacked him is actually a drug gang called the "Marlians" with Government mob ties in Nigeria AND the UK. Mohbad cried out for help but no real changes were made until after his death.
Weeks after his death evidence has been pouring out on the internet thanks to the hashtag #JusticeforMohbad. Videos were shared. He was taken to the hospital and given an injection by a nurse. He instantly fell unconscious but they claimed he was dead. They instantly announced his death worldwide. As it turns out he was not dead, however his family & frenemies (in collusion) with the Government arranged his burial on land he bought for THEM. They rushed and buried him ALIVE so no one finger could be pointed at anyone. Mind you, they buried him worse than a dog with his neck bent in a coffin he was too tall for. This was torture and a group assassination. His biological mother was the only one not in on it.
He was so strong and survived underground for a long time before eventually passing away. They only exhumed (brought up) his body once enough time had passed that they knew he was dead. Now they are doing an autopsy on his body and the Government has taken weeks (so far) for this process. I think they are testing why the many injections they forced him to take prior to his death did not kill him. He still has not had a proper burial. This followers are just waiting in anticipation for what will come next.
Mohbad started speaking out against the Gov. in 2020. He was against police brutality. He believed in the power of the people. Let’s be clear that this man was a freedom fighter & a pacifist. As tragic as the loss has been it’s been equally awe inspiring seeing his spark of light ignite the world, just as he envisioned it would.
The craziest thing about Mohbad's death is that being the genius Gemini artist that he was he left us a road map up evidence; in the form of art but also receipts and legal filings. Everything is on his Twitter or "X" account @iammohbad_ and it's well organized. He intended for the songs to come out after death because his life was too under threat. Just as Tupac he spoke of his own death. There is really no way his oppressors can lie their way out of this one - although they will try their hardest.
If anyone thinks it's an accident or coincidence that a young black male artist whose #1 single was "Peace" and last album was titled: "Blessed" was killed... you're mistaken. To me he's now the African Tupac; he had the same faith with similar complications after he chose to leave a record label. He was a purist of strong faith, like Pac who would not abide by their unhealthy lifestyle and they dragged him to the grave for it. You see, it’s deeper than just a senseless brutal death - because it was spiritual warfare with a touch of malicious jealousy. Jealousy seems to be the real pandemic right now.
When you shine too brightly so many aim to dim that light and to drag it into the mud. But the sun always rises in the morning and Mohbad's light and legacy will now beam even brighter as the entire WORLD stands up and comes together for his justice.
Why is it important as an American to note happenings in Nigeria > Ghana > India etc. ? Because all these locations were also originally colonized by the British and are all on a similar timeline of late stage capitalism. Unity IS community... internationally. Late stage #capitalism is a breeding ground for jealousy & hatred of those who can get it on their own - who can get money outside of the system and who do what we love. This was done as a message. This is disrespectful to EVERY single #artist no matter the background around the WORLD.
They don’t want us to have joy. They don’t want us to have peace. They don’t want us to find community. Without those elements present Capitalism thrives!
But I am thankful I found his music at the time I did! Music is healing and transformative. Thank you Mohbad for the love, light and legacy you left behind. Your sunshine didn't go in vein. You will always bring joy to my life!
~ B
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Elevate your packing game with Excel
Elevate Your Packaging Game with Excel Packaging Solutions in Kochi 🎁✨
Hey Tumblr community! If you’re in Kochi and need top-tier packaging solutions, let me introduce you to Excel Packaging Solutions. This company has everything you need to ensure your items are packed with precision and care. 📦💖
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writer59january13 · 2 months
After drenching biblical rainfall...
verdant green acres covered the planet of the apes like a petticoat junction donning barrel of skinny dipping monkeys. Once drought stricken vast landscape far as the eye could see suddenly flush with promise of budding new shoots and ladders for vine companions harkened prelapsarian Edenic prominence, when mother nature resplendent videre licet morning glory of primeval Earth pregnant with multitudinous color pallette regaled bipedal forerunners
of humankind with panoramic pristine kingdom, where legendary tropical verdure availed countless plant and animal species teeming with flora and fauna offering veritable Smörgåsbord to plethora of herbivores and omnivores, where expansive webbed wide world subtly hinted, negotiated and suggested horn and hardart of good and plenty. Lush vegetation adrip with downpour aftermath tempted all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful to emerge from their respective hideaway courtesy the palpable pulsation of Gaia exuding potential power to proliferate gifting superlatives linkedin to survival of the fittest blessing natural advantageous propensities to buzzfeed capital one reproductive traits redeeming symbiotic qualities with generations of beneficial mutations at evolutionarily optimal junctures though devoid of thinking beings to witness or record phenomenal events. Nasty short beasts proliferated refining technique to do the wild thing stir (fried) crazy as concupiscent bison teen in estrus while shuffling off to Buffalo, (or where that city in the United State of America would take shape) hashtagging where x marks the spot made within man/woman caves
that did be hoof anthropologists even nearly a bajillion years later.
Imagine dragons galumphing during flintstone age culture club wielding proto humans impossible mission their mental acuity to gauge
of Homo neanderthalensis
very intelligent and accomplished humans, Whereby current evidence from both fossils and DNA suggests that Neanderthal and modern human lineages separated at least 500,000 years ago. Some genetic calibrations place their divergence at about 650,000 years ago,
nevertheless amongst the scattered clans there probably lurked an anonymous sage smart enough to induce quantum leap did jump/kick start scattered population with wits about them to sustain their existence.
Appearance of super duper wiseacre invariably punctuated Homo sapiens progenitors as an unknown mover and shaker,
who helped fledgling forebears of contemporary people to discover trappings to weasel out from being between a rock and a hard place and squirrel away linens and things for anticipated future creature comfort or necessity.
Imponderable and inscrutable poetic philosophical meanderings of mine (expounded upon while I nourished myself on a snicky snack prepared by the missus – graham cracker with Almond butter plus Rhubarb jam) found me most unexpectedly tangentially linkedin with the invaluable scientific knowledged bequeathed to civilization courtesy the greatest thinker for Grecian formula(s).
Noah (way) did Archimedes
(born c. 287 BCE, Syracuse, Sicily
[Italy]—died 212/211 BCE, Syracuse)
discover flood insurance nor prevention, but hands down he ranked as the most famous mathematician and inventor in ancient Greece. He is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder. He is known for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle (known as Archimedes’ principle) and a device for raising water, still used, known as the Archimedes screw. There are nine extant treatises by Archimedes in Greek.The principal results in On the Sphere and Cylinder (in two books) are that the surface area of any sphere of radius r is four times that of its greatest circle (in modern notation, S = 4πr2) and that the volume of a sphere is two-thirds that of the cylinder in which it is inscribed (leading immediately to the formula for the volume, V = 4/3πr3). Archimedes was proud enough of the latter discovery to leave instructions for his tomb to be marked with a sphere inscribed in a cylinder.
Measurement of the Circle is a fragment of a longer work in which π (pi), the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, is shown to lie between the limits of 3 10/71 and 3 1/7. Archimedes’ approach to determining π, which consists of inscribing and circumscribing regular polygons with a large number of sides, was followed by everyone until the development of infinite series expansions in India during the 15th century and in Europe during the 17th century.
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marketingprofitmedia · 7 months
ReelRampage AI Review — Unlimited Buyer Traffic From Instagram To Websites
Welcome to my ReelRampage AI Review, This is a real user-based ReelRampage AI review where I will focus on the features, upgrades, demo, pricing and bonus, how ReelRampage AI can help you, and my opinion. This secret-sauce AI tech that creates 100s of hyper-active Instagram reels in minutes, goes viral, and generates unlimited traffic to your websites, offers, links, etc.
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>> Click Here to Get ReelRampage AI + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
ReelRampage AI Review: What Is ReelRampage AI?
ReelRampage AI is the talk of the town for creators and marketers scrambling to dominate the Instagram Reels game. This cloud-based software boasts the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize your Reel production. Imagine feeding it a single video, and out pops a plethora of bite-sized, attention-grabbing Reels — all thanks to AI magic. But ReelRampage AI goes beyond simple segmentation.
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ReelRampage AI Review: Overview
Creator: Ram Rawat
Product: ReelRampage AI
Date Of Launch: 2024-Mar-07
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
Official Website: Click Here
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount : Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Coupon Code: “RAMPAGE3” For $3 Off
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Required Skill: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
ReelRampage AI Review: Key Features
100% Cloud-Based Software
Add A Link, Upload Your Video, Or Use Other People’s Videos
Pick From Our Carefully Crafted DFY Templates Or Create Your Own
Turn 1 Video To 20 Stunning Instagram Reels In Minutes!
Mass Edit All Videos In Just 1-Click
Give Unique Touch — Edit/Modify Videos Individually
Add Amazing & Never Seen Before Effects With Ease
Add Video Progress Bar That Is Fully Customised
Add Captivating Subtitles
Effortless Branding To All In 1-Click
Easy Multi-Layer Editing
Add INCREDIBLE Call-To-Actions (CTAs) That Get People Clicking!
Add Description, Tags To All In 1-Click
Viral HashTags Finder
Viral Reels & Shorts Finder
Download Your Videos To Use Anywhere You Want
Publish Instantly OR Schedule ALL For Months To Come
Our PRIVATE Reels Traffic Training & Strategies
>> Click Here to Get ReelRampage AI + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
ReelRampage AI Review: How Does It Work?
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ReelRampage AI Review: Can Do For You
Get The 1st Mover Advantage & Dominate Your Market.
Instagram & Facebook Favour Reels & Send You FREE Traffic.
Get Tons Of Traffic & Sales In ANY Niche, Any Language
Easier, Faster & Profitable Than Other Traffic Methods.
Truly Set & Forget System
Get Results In As Little As Hours From Now.
Save TONS of Time, Effort & Headache
It’s Suitable For Complete Newbies & Experienced Marketers Alike.
Done-For-You Traffic Solution
24X7 Support and 100% Uptime Guaranteed
30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
ReelRampage AI Review: Verify User Feedback
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ReelRampage AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Newbies & Affiliate Marketers
Bloggers & website owners
E-Com Store Owners
Local Businesses
Coaches, Consultants & Service Providers
Authors & Info-Product Creators
Instagram Influencers
Social Media Marketers & Influencers
Anyone who wants to make more money online!
ReelRampage AI Review: OTO And Pricing
Front End Price: ReelRampage AI ($17)
OTO 1: Pro Edition ($37)
4x Your Traffic & Income Potential With The Pro Version.
Create & Download UNLIMITED Campaigns
Remove The Limitations & Go UNLIMITED.
Add 10 Instagram Accounts (Instead Of 1)
Custom Size Videos For Other Platforms
Thumbnail Editor
1-Click Subtitles Generate
Save As Template Feature
Get Access To Our PRIVATE Viral Sharing Strategies
COMMERCIAL RIGHTS INCLUDED — Use These Videos For Clients Pro
OTO 2: DFY Edition ($47)
Upgrade To ReelRampage AI DFY Upgrade And. LET US DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU Without Lifting A Finger!
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
OTO 3: VoiceGenesis ($47)
Clone Yourself & Multiply Your Presence for Unlimited Traffic & Sales
Move Your Audience to Take Action With Emotion-Driven Voices.
Upgrade Your Content & Captivate Your Audience With Realistic AI Voices.
Transform Text Into Captivating Audio with Advanced AI Technology & Customization Options.
Effortlessly Turn Your Audio into Beautifully Crafted Videos to Attract More Viewers & Buyers.
Create Persuasive Video Sales Letters or any content In Just 1-Click.
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OTO 4: MultiMarketer ($47)
ChatGPT-Powered 3-In-1 Multi-Channel Autoresponder For Email, SMS & WhatsApp To 10X Your Reach, Traffic & Sales!
Send UNLIMITED Email, SMS, and WhatsApp messages Every Month!
Upload UNLIMITED Contacts And Broadcast To Them Instantly
Schedule Your Messages & Emails For Any Time In The Future
NEVER SEEN BEFORE — Capture Leads With Our 3-In-1 Opt-In Auto Tech
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Intelligent AI Chatbot That Writes Unique, High-Converting Messages In Seconds
Automatically REPLY To All Your Messages & Emails Without Any Manual Intervention
OTO 5: ChatGPT Edition ($47)
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>> Click Here to Get ReelRampage AI + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
ReelRampage AI Review: My Special Bonus Bundle
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And before I end my honest ReelRampage AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
ReelRampage AI Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: Commercial License (Value $197)
The commercial license allows you to use our videos in any way you want. This means you can use them for your personal or commercial projects without any restrictions. You can sell videos created with ReelRampage AI to clients for any price you want. You can sell them on Fiverr, Upwork, Warriorforum, and anywhere you want.
Bonus #2: 100 Instagram Reels Channel List To SPY On & Take Inspiration (Value $97)
We researched and created a list of 100 profitable YouTube Shorts Channel. You can use these for inspiration, create your own, and become profitable from Day 1.
Bonus #3: Free Instagram Traffic (Value $97)
Learn how to use Vidshortz videos to grow your audience on Instagram. This guide will help you to define your audience, retain them, attract more followers, create an online store, drive traffic to your website, and avoid common mistakes.
Bonus #4: The UNSHAKEABLE Super Affiliate (Value $297)
As you start getting traffic with Vidshortz, use our SECRET affiliate strategies to quickly achieve your 1st $100, $500, and $1000. How to stand out and build a long-term, sustainable, profitable & unshakeable online business with affiliate marketing!
Bonus #5: Become A Successful Social Media Influencer (Value $197)
Learn how to become a successful Influencer and charge huge amounts of money per post. Follow the exact steps, and system other successful Influencers have followed and Copy it.
Bonus #6: TikTok Marketing Checklist (Value $97)
Increase your following on both Youtube and TikTok and post your Vidshortz videos on TikTok as well. Learn 18 TikTok best practices, 25 strategies, and the best organic best practices to get FASTER results on TikTok.
Bonus #7: 100X Youtube Advertising (Value $197)
Want to 100x your results with Youtube ads? Launch a successful YouTube video campaign quickly. Learn how to reach new audiences, and maximize traffic and profits with YouTube advertising!
Bonus #8: Easy Video Strategies (Value $97)
Leverage the power of video marketing to become an online sensation! Connect to your potential customers and become a powerful brand name! Enjoy unrivaled brand exposure and Get a competitive edge over others.
Bonus #9: Social Messaging (Value $97)
Social media messaging apps make it easy for you to meet consumers’ expectations while supporting your business objectives. Find out how you can get started with highly engaging conversational commerce strategies!
Bonus #10: Marketing Automation (Value $97)
Discover the top strategies, used by the pros, to boost engagement across all platforms! These proven tactics will help you reach more people than ever before!
ReelRampage AI Review: Pros and Cons
Time-Saving: AI automates Reel creation, freeing up your schedule for other tasks.
Content Boost: Generate a high volume of Reels, potentially increasing your reach.
Beginner-Friendly: User-friendly interface and AI features make it easy for newbies.
Engagement Potential: Scriptwriting and image generation can enhance audience interaction.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
ReelRampage AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
There is no risk. Our Steal Our Product Guarantee Covers You! If you buy ReelRampage AI and aren’t satisfied with it within 30 days, we will give you your money back in full, no questions asked. The good things about our offering will still be there for you. We won’t even take away your access. We’re sure you’ll love ReelRampage AI and see how useful it is, though, so you won’t ask for your money back. This is our “STEAL OUR PRODUCT” promise to you. (Only while the launch is going on) That’s the only thing that could be fair.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need to download anything to use ReelRampage AI?
No. ReelRampage AI is completely cloud-based. Login from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and use it.
Q. Is there a monthly fee?
No, once you buy ReelRampage AI, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. ReelRampage AI is a one-time purchase product.
Q. What happens after the launch period?
The price will turn into a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and the low one-time price will never be available again! We encourage you to take action before the launch period ends.
Q. Can I have a refund?
We guarantee that you will get more value from your purchase of ReelRampage AI than what you pay us. However, if for some reason the product is not living up to your expectations at any time within 30 days of buying it, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Q. What if I have no subscribers on Instagram? Can I still get traffic?
Yes. We will provide you with our step-by-step video training. So you can get free traffic to your videos straight away even if you have no followers. You’ll start generating traffic and growing your followers in no time.
What about the future updates?
You won’t pay a penny extra for future updates. And, you’ll get free lifetime updates to keep your product up-to-date.
ReelRampage AI Review: My Recommendation
ReelRampage AI can be a valuable tool for those seeking to create a high volume of Reels quickly and easily. However, it’s crucial to weigh the limitations. If you prioritize creative control and top-notch quality over quantity, other editing options might be a better fit. Before diving in, clearly define your goals and assess your video editing skills to determine if ReelRampage AI aligns with your Instagram strategy.
>> Click Here to Get ReelRampage AI + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
See my other reviews: AI CartoonBook Review, Kids Videoz AI Review, Boss Traffic Review, WebinarX Review, AI NextSite Review, Ecco Review, WP Host Review, Orion Review, NITRO AI Review.
Thank for reading my ReelRampage AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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bitcoincables · 9 months
Bitcoin (BTC): The Unnoticed Growth Boosters You Should Know
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Bitcoin (BTC): 3 Silent Network Movers No One Pays Attention To
BTC remains the dominant cryptocurrency in the world, with a lot of attention surrounding its price and performance. However, there are three on-chain metrics that often go unnoticed but contribute significantly to its growth.
One of these metrics is based on the classification of address holders. "Holders" are accounts that have held BTC for more than one year and make up 69.23% of all addresses holding the coin. This is higher than the combined number of "Cruisers" (accounts that sell regularly) at 23.99% and "Traders" (those that have held for at least three months) at 6.78%.
Another important metric is the hashrate, which represents the computational power dedicated to mining Bitcoin. A higher hashrate indicates a more secure network. As the Bitcoin halving event approaches, more miners are joining the network, increasing the hashrate and indirectly contributing to the scarcity of the asset.
Data from IntoTheBlock also shows that the current exchange netflow is negative $62.57 million. This means that more money is leaving exchanges and being stored privately, reducing selling pressure and boosting price sentiment.
These three silent network movers demonstrate the steady growth and positive sentiment surrounding Bitcoin. They highlight the strong support from long-term holders, the increasing security of the network, and the reduction in selling pressure. Understanding these metrics can provide valuable insights into the growth and performance of the world's leading cryptocurrency.
Read the original article
Hashtags: #BTC, #Bitcoin, #cryptocurrency, #blockchain
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Is it Possible to Trademark your Name?
Kim Kardashian wants to trademark the name of her children North West, Chicago West and Saint West. Tom Brady and his team tried to trademark his nickname- “Tom Terrific”. CNBC reports that Donald Trump, his company, and family owns over 1000 trademarks such as “Trump Tower” and “Fifth Avenue” to name a few.
These days, it is quite common for celebrities to trademark their names and catchphrases. But before understanding the reason for this, it is important to understand what exactly a trademark is and how trademarks are a means to profit.
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A trademark is any mark such as a name, a symbol, of late catchphrases and even sounds that distinguish one product from another. The swoosh sign of Nike is an example of a trademark. A trademark offers an exclusive right to use such a name, sign, symbol, or sound. If any person or entity infringes a registered trademark, a suit may be instituted against them for claiming compensation. The purpose of trademark protection is to reward innovation and prevent unfair trade practices like sale of inferior quality products through unauthorized use of trademarks.
Trademarks are of the following types:
Generic: These are generic names of the goods. As a hypothetical example, it means when a Telephone is trademarked as “Telephone”.
Suggestive: This type of trademarks suggests a characteristic of a product. For example, Microsoft suggests software for small computers.
Descriptive: This type of trademark describes the characteristics of a product. For example, American Airlines is a descriptive trademark.
Arbitrary: This type of trademark has no relation to the product. For example, the name “Apple” has no relation to the phone the company sells.
Inventive: This type of trademark denotes a word that is newly coined. For example, “Kellogg’s” is a new word invented for the cereal brand.
For registering a trademark, an application must be made to the appropriate trademark registry. The office will check whether the applied trademark resembles an existing trademark or not and thereupon approves the registration or rejects it. If a trademark is registered, it is valid for a specific period after which it must be renewed. Even though a trademark is not registered, a dispute may be raised of trademark infringement. However, in such a case, prior use of the mark has to be proved by the party claiming infringement.
Celebrities who register trademarks do it because they can profit off their identity. When a celebrity uses their registered catchphrase on a t-shirt or on a product or as a product name, no other person can replicate and sell such a product without inviting legal action. A trademark prevents other people from using the mark without authorization. For example, Greta Thunberg sought to register her hashtag #FridaysforFuture to prevent others from using the hashtag for commercial purposes without her consent.
Application for proposed use of trademark can also be made. Kim Kardashian trying to trademark the name of her children is an example of this. Here, she intends to reserve the trademark so that if her children (or Kim herself on the kids’ behalf) start a product line, the trademark registration part is already covered. Moreover, the competitors will not have their hands over this trademark. In a way, this proposed use of mark registration gives a first mover advantage to the future brand.
However, despite there being a lot of news about celebrities applying for trademark registration, few clear the registration process. This is because the registry rejects marks if they are similar to an existing mark or if there is no actual use for the trademark registration. Donald Trump’s phrase “You’re fired” was rejected from trademark registration because it resembled the mark of the game “You’re Hired”.
The stars are however not discouraged from applying for trademark registration due to rejections from the registry. Creativity knows no bounds and we will see the stars getting much more innovative with their proposed trademarks in the future.
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ghistech · 1 year
Grow TikTok followers and dominate your nicheQuickly get accustomed to TikTok with a step-by-step app walkthrough Learn the latest features and functions to accelerate your growthPredict upcoming TikTok features with Douyin to establish a first-mover advantageScale your content plan to grow more followers and salesClarify your niche and create resonating content to obtain a community of loyal followersBecome TikTok viral with branded hashtag campaign and trending hashtagsLearn TikToks secret algorithm.Click on the link and Register on Fiverr to contact Tommy and Grow your TikTok 👉https://cutt.ly/3wq4inJS
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Piano Day
If you’re a fan of classical music, then you assuredly know about the famous piano. Used in concerts everywhere, the piano has a long history of bringing music to life with its delicate sound and beautiful resonance. But did you know that there’s a holiday dedicated to pianos? That’s right, there’s a day all about the history and love for pianos. Read more to learn about the history of the piano and about how you can celebrate this amazing holiday.
Learn about World Piano Day
World Piano Day has been designed to celebrate this incredible instrument, which has brought many of us joy over the years. No matter whether you play the piano yourself or you have an appreciation for this sort of music, we can all appreciate that listening to a quality pianist is a joy.
If you don’t know much about the piano, today is a great day to explore further. The main thing you obviously need to familiarise yourself with is the keys. After all, the keyboard is the most important part of your learning. If you look at the keyboard, you will see white and black keys that run from left to white. They do not alternative white-black-white-black. There is actually a pattern that is made of five black keys and seven white keys in a certain order. An interval is formed from the beginning of one set of keys and the ending, which is at the beginning of the next set. This is called an ‘octave’, which is simply a type of interval; an interval being the musical distance between two sounds.
In addition to this, it is important to note that the highest keys are on the right and the lowest on the left. If you start on the left side, every key is a half step higher than the one before it. Therefore, you need to go up or down two half steps to make a full step. You simply need to practice a bit to get to grips with these intervals. You should then try other intervals so you can hear the difference in sound.
History of Piano Day
The invention of the piano began through its predecessors, mainly through medieval times as a dulcimer, a fretted string instrument with three or four strings attached. From there it developed into the clavichord, the spinet, virginal, clavecin, gravicembalo, and finally, the harpsichord in the 15th century.
The harpsichord was invented by Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori and the harpsichord is considered to be to the closest predecessor to what modern-day people know as the piano because of the keyboards that activated the strings. From there, the harpsichord developed further over the next 300 years into what we know as the modern piano.
Piano Day began as an idea by the German pianist/composer/producer Nils Frahm. Nils Frahm composes classical piano music with electronic music, reforming piano music with an unconventional approach. He launched the holiday back in 2015. When Frahm was asked why the world needs a Piano Day, Frahm replied back “…mostly, because it doesn’t hurt to celebrate the piano and everything around it: performers, composers, piano builders, tuners, movers and most important, the listener.”
Since then, the holiday expanded as people held concerts, recitals, lectures, and demonstrations. An official website, Pianoday.org, lists all the concerts and events you can go to all over the world to help celebrate the beauty of the piano.
How to celebrate Piano Day
If you love hearing classical music, then listen to some beautiful classical music on your favorite device. If you’re wanting a fun night out, then attend a concert at your local theater. If you’re really adventurous then take some piano lessons at your local colleges or through online courses. While listening or playing amazing piano music, use the hashtag #worldpianoday on through your social media devices and let everyone know that this day is all about the beautiful piano.
If you have never played the piano before, you may feel at a little bit of a loss regarding what you should be looking for in an online course. But, don’t fret, as we have some top tips to help you out. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the website providing the piano lessons is right for your level.
Some websites start at the very beginning and are designed for those who don’t have a clue about playing the piano. Therefore, they will teach you how to read music and so on. However, there are other websites that have lessons for those who already have experience and are seeking more advanced lessons so that they have something to aim towards. In addition to this, you should take the time to read reviews that have been left by people and experts that have already used the website in question. This will save you a lot of time.
If you come across a lot of negative reviews from people saying that the lesson was too difficult to follow for beginners, for example, then you know to look elsewhere. Finally, you need to decide if you want to opt for free or paid lessons. In the beginning, it is worth looking into free resources. If you are then struggling to find something that matches your needs, consider a paid version, but do extensive research before spending your cash.
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