#movie review finding dory
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I have seen many bad films, but only a few have made me THIS ANGRY! The Story The Story is about Dory suddenly remembering her family. The Story is just a mess. No only do they get their biology facts WRONG, They even get simple PHYSICS wrong! The original manuscript of the first film had flashbacks, but the creator decided to cut them out because "if your story has flashbacks, your doing something wrong". If that's the case, why is this film FULL of them!? Seriously, there are too many flashbacks! It gets annoying and makes the story too predictable! The Story itself is one you heard 100s of times before! And it's done poorly! It has a LOT of filler and even KIDS will get bored by it! Also, the disability jokes and how the topic was handle was so bad, they went straight into cringe territory! Seriously! Are you saying that disabled people are there to be made fun of? The Characters You know the Characters you remember? Like that turtle and the "tank gang"?. Well, they are just pointless cameos now! They do NOTHING to surge the plot and are just there for the sake of being there! The new characters are also the most one dimensional characters I have seen. The only memorable(?) character was the octopus, but even he is overall dull! You know how the previous film had a vendetta against fish owners? Well this film has a vendetta against sea life sanctuaries. But the arguments and portrayal of them is weak and clearly propaganda! Hey, if I wanted to see a sealife centre scandal, with concrete evidence and clear love for helping animals in need, I would watch Blackfish! I have been to a couple of sealife sanctuaries myself, and the care they give them is amazing! They are just so passionate about helping animals, while this film wants all the fish to be left out to die! No point saving endangered species! It's better for them to be out in the ocean, even though losing them will effect the ecosystem drastically! Do you see WHY I'm ANGRY? The Animation/Special Effects The Animation still looks like it was made in 2003, in fact, some of the old characters look WORSE! Remember that squid girl at Nemo's school? Well, she looks like a skull with barely any skin over it! It looks friggin SCARY! Final Thoughts Pixar is now a sellout! They are just pumping out sequels to get a quick buck! There is NO effort in these films nowadays! This film is the WORST Pixar sequel I have seen! Yes, it's even worse than Cars 2! I am NOT kidding! Take my advice and SKIP this one! The Story 0.5/5 The Characters 0.5/5 The Animation/Special Effects 1.5/5 Overall 1/5
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neovallense · 2 years
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copperbadge · 6 months
hi sam! do you have any recommendations for good sources of info for someone who'd like to learn more about cons and con artists? Any format is fine, books, podcasts, youtube, whatever, i'm just having a hard time finding a good source that really digs into and examines the actual techniques and 'mechanics' so to speak.
It is a little bit tough because of course most scammers are also self-embroidering liars :D And my education was very patchwork. For specifically cons and con artists (outside of art crime, which generally doesn't touch the con world directly) I'd advise starting with "Titanic Thompson: The Man Who Bet On Everything" by Kevin Cook, which is a biography of one of the early 20th century's most preeminent con men; it's a good tale but it also demonstrates the general life trajectory of con men, which can be pretty grim. Most cons end up in prison, and even those that don't or that get out tend to die poor and alone, because they can't stop scamming.
The Mark Inside by Amy Reading is one that I don't remember vividly but I did write a review of here, and I think it's another good starting place. (All the links following are to reviews I did.) If you've ever watched The Sting, which is a movie about con artists and also kind of a good primer, it's based on The Professional Thief by Edwin Sutherland, which is an anthropology of professional crime in the early 20th century. While technically it was written less by him than by an anonymous contact of his in the criminal underworld, that doesn't mean it's accurate per se; we only have that writer's word that any of it is true, so again, read skeptically.
I'd have to look up which piece it was because there's been a lot about her, but if you give Doris Payne a google she's another great example of a fascinating person who is just a giant liar. She paints a very vivid picture of her own career, but if you read about her later years you do realize that she's still conning everyone (she attempts to swindle at least one journalist working with her) and has nothing to show for her career, which may be a pack of lies to begin with. A lot of her stories have been fact checked and found wanting. I'd read up on the life of Victor Lustig as well; he's most famously known as the man who fraudulently sold the Eiffel Tower (twice) but I don't have a good biography offhand.
In your reading you will probably run across Han Van Meegeren, who forged Vermeers and ripped off the art world with them, then was tried for colluding with Nazis because he sold Nazis many "Vermeers" -- he had to paint a Vermeer while in prison to prove he'd forged the ones he sold the Nazis. This is a charming story but until very recently it was not widely noted that Van Meegeren was ABSOLUTELY A BIG NAZI HIMSELF. I was suckered by the story for years and I know most people were, so if you encounter media about him that does not include this fact, and you're interested in his story, look for newer scholarship.
There's a tangentially related book, "Where The Money Was" by Willie Sutton and Edward Linn, that is the semi-autobiography of a bank robber and it's very fun and funny, so despite not being directly about crime, I'd recommend that one.
The Napoleon Of Crime by Ben MacIntyre is a biography of the man who Moriarty was purportedly based on; it's sort of related rather than direct, but I recall enjoying it and there's a fascinating example of the VERY rare times when art heists are for a specific piece rather than for a specific goal.
There's a podcast called Scam Goddess that I found...enjoyable and informative, but also not very well-researched. In particular some of the earlier episodes are really poorly fact-checked. That said, she reads out letters from people writing in to discuss their scams and she talks about a lot of famous scam stories, so as long as you listen with the knowledge that she's neither a researcher nor an expert you should be okay.
Provenance by Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo is what I'll close with, because it's about the interplay between art crime and con artistry, but it's also a strong argument for not valorizing cons; it's a documentation of how a couple of criminals out for nothing more than a quick buck really fucked up the entire system by which we authenticate art, and did insane levels of damage to genuine art scholarship. This isn't a little guy punching up against millionaire art collectors or fat cat museums, the way the narrative is often framed; art crime like this, involving forged or altered provenances, really harms art historians and the study of art.
I think the study of confidence crime and art crime is absolutely fascinating. There's a lot to learn about social engineering and society itself. But I think if I can impart to you one piece of wisdom, it's that con men are never, ever out for anyone but themselves and have no qualms or hesitations about hurting you to get what they want. The romance of con artistry often fools journalists and sophisticated researchers as well, so it's very easy to get swept up in it, but you should approach the entire genre with the attitude that everything you read has a 75% chance of being a charming work of total fiction.
On that note -- you may enjoy the short stories of O. Henry, some of which are about confidence men; I can't recommend specific titles but his fiction is very enjoyable generally, at least in my opinion.
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Here we are... Best Animated Feature noms...
My predictions were 4-out-of-5...
The one I got wrong was TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM, which to be fair, I did say in my previous post that that one was the wild card out of my predictions. Despite the high praise and tons of nominations TMNT:MM got elsewhere, in addition to a single win, I guess those who were nominating it for the Oscar just didn't think the oozy gross-out turtle action-superhero movie cut it.
Instead, we have ELEMENTAL, so Disney Pictures gets at least one slot this year. The last time they were shut out entirely was for the features of 2011, the year they released the critical dud CARS 2 and the completely dumped WINNIE THE POOH. I was pretty sure that this year, they also wouldn't make it. ELEMENTAL's critical reception was fine at best, nowhere near the acclaim MUTANT MAYHEM got. WISH was both a critical and commercial dud, so that had no chance, only ELEMENTAL did... Maybe the Academy just didn't feel like pulling a 2018 and nominating two superhero action animated movies. Maybe they decided to have just one IP-based movie in the race, and opted for an original story. (As NIMONA and ROBOT DREAMS are based on pre-existing source material, BOY AND THE HERON references a novel that plays a part in its story.) Maybe something else about it wasn't all to their liking. Maybe Disney is just that powerful that they got themselves a slot.
I still think this is a strong line-up, and again, it speaks to how robust this year was for features both mainstream and independent.
And I will admit, even though I wasn't in love with the movie, ELEMENTAL getting into the race is very nice, I feel. Director Peter Sohn's first Pixar feature, THE GOOD DINOSAUR, was both a box office flop and didn't get a nominated for the Oscar (it shared the year with sister Pixar movie INSIDE OUT). It was also a film that he inherited after its original director got removed from it. ELEMENTAL was his personal project from the ground-up, and after a rough opening and all the press jeering that it was going to be this big flopperooni, it had excellent legs at the box office... and now... It has a Best Animated Feature nom. Talk about staying power! Maybe Pete Docter should think twice about that statement he made back in the summer, about trying to go back to Pixar's "roots" in trying to figure out what audiences supposedly want from this studio.
Anyways, Pixar usually gets a nom every year. For 2022's animated features, TURNING RED was in the running. 2021, LUCA. 2020, SOUL, which won for that year. Last time Pixar didn't get a nom at all was for 2016, their sole feature that year was FINDING DORY. Got good reviews and made beaucoup bucks, but it shared a year with Disney Animation's ZOOTOPIA and MOANA, two heavy hitters which ended up getting the noms. So, outside of FINDING DORY, MONSTERS UNIVERSITY, and CARS 2, Pixar usually never misses a nom whenever they release a single movie in a calendar year.
Most of Paramount's Oscar noms in animation were for DreamWorks movies they released circa 2006-2012, which are all now Universal movies since Comcast owns all of DreamWorks Animation outright. Funnily enough, the inaugural Best Animated Feature nominations included Paramount's JIMMY NEUTRON: BOY GENIUS, which was up against eventual winner SHREK, and MONSTERS, INC. Paramount then began distributing DreamWorks movies in 2006, and scored nominations with KUNG FU PANDA, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, KUNG FU PANDA 2, and PUSS IN BOOTS. For a non-DreamWorks nom, there was RANGO, which won for Best Animated Feature of 2011... Ever since then? Only one movie, ANOMALISA. The films they released from 2015 to now just never made it: SHERLOCK GNOMES, WONDER PARK, SPONGEBOB 3, RUMBLE, etc. MUTANT MAYHEM really had a good shot at getting in... Maybe TRANSFORMERS: ONE surprises later this year, I don't know. Paramount's animation history post-80s is so weird...
Anyways, congrats to everyone. I'm personally rooting for either BOY AND THE HERON, or NIMONA.
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capableism · 2 years
Marlin & Dory’s friendship goals
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Inclusion is a generic moral lesson found in many children's movies. Finding  Nemo's plot relies on Dory and Marlin learning to get along so they can find  Nemo. Nemo learns through his own adventure how to trust in his own abilities.  "Most writers tend to focus more on a relationship grounded in commonality  than one that is not…Despite their differences, Marlin and Dory have a very  close relationship. Firm believers in inclusiveness would argue that Dory and  Marlin's relationship translates to the wider realms of society." (Draman, 2)
Showing two characters cultivating a relationship from shared experiences and needs is healthy. Relationships that last are about more than commonalities. Draman expresses that Finding Nemo director "Andrew Stanton clearly  illustrates the belief of inclusivity through a fictional world when enabling Nemo to make significant contributions to society." (Draman, 3)
 In my opinion, writing disabled characters who participate in the "fictional society" is the bare minimum and maybe progressive for its time, but nothing to praise.  
Stanton has stated his inspiration came from family. I find Finding Nemo's family dynamics very realistic. Praising a plot for writing circumstances where  characters who are different are included is how things should be in a children's  film. Finding Nemo presents relatable themes of friendship, family, and change. 
The "resistance" of Marlin to accept Dory mimics real hesitations some people have about disability.
Marlin thinks short-term memory loss is fiction.
 And goes as far as to say, "there's something wrong with you." 
This thought wouldn't  belong in a perfectly inclusive society. Fictional stories are relatable because  they have connections to reality. Portraying Marlin as having assumptions about Nemo and Dory mirrors real cultural expectations. This realism is what makes Finding Nemo such a compelling story.
Draman, Alexa. "Swimming for Inclusion." The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research 17 (2016): -. Web. <https://Csherpub.sjfc.edu/ur/vol17/iss1/3>
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disadinosaur · 2 years
So... Jujutsu Kaisen
I'm currently listening to random playlists on youtube and if that isn't a great start idk what is. (note the sarcasm) Grammarly is shouting at me and I'm ready to play with fire.
Jujutsu Kaisen is mid.
I don't hate the anime or manga, mind you. I actually really liked it in the beginning! But- then I started reading the manga because I am nothing if not impatient when I find something new that catches my attention and... Well it didn't meet expectations. What I was expecting wasn't what I got. Which isn't usually a bad thing; in this case sadly I couldn't help but feel let down.
SPOILERS AHEAD!!! I complain about the manga randomly so if you haven't read do not continue through this post!! <----------------------
My youtube playlist would never lie to me, okay? My late night vibe ain't vibing with Jujutsu Kaisen which I will affectionately name actionanimeangst#94 or A3#94. It starts out great. Concept: Interesting. Protagonist: Pink hair boyo gives you fuzzie flower reaction.
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There is this man who almost everyone either says "owuga owuga" or >:P. Either "Daddy Gojo-sensei!!" or "daddy gojo-sensei~~~~~~." Which fair valid, have a nice day. The mans funny and has nice eyes I'll give him that. But it makes me kinda feel that those were the main selling points? Weak, boring, missed opportunities, sadge.
The idea of curses is creative enough in this day and age where everything you thought or created has probably already been created before or similar enough to something else that it gets criticized ruthlessly.
Protag gets possessed by eating a crusty beet-looking finger with amazing nails after centuries which is not fair as my nails just break. Slay I guess. We got some cursed energy that powers up people giving them abilities to fight these negative nancys. Apparently, you can't defeat curses without cursed energy which is then proven to be FALSE when we are introduced to emo hitman- which settle down guys. I can already hear it; he fights with cursed weapons meaning he uses cursed energy >>>:((((
Simply hush, not only is that a huge plot hole in my eyes it is irrelevant because my point still stands that he himself doesn't have cursed energy and yet is able to go toe to toe with 28-year-old Casper the morally grey man child aka giga chad of all sorcerers (why is that so hard to spell.)
Protag has to have the Vingt des doigts de la main meal while Sasuke-look alike's dilf just exudes Saitama vibes and KOs the art class color wheel god. I see how it is. At least he has respawn mechanics and in round 2 he teaches the man how to create secondary colors. Too bad emo kid's middle school OC is physically allergic to the visible spectrum and combat logs only to reappear later in front of his son on a totally missed out "Luke I am your father" scene. He needs to keep his K/D ratio and decided it was a good idea to change careers from a hired gun to a kebab cook.
Back onto what I was saying, Protag possessed- and BOOM cursed energy acquired time to fight fire with fire which is what the plot basically is especially when you learn Dori-bro ain't exactly all that human and it related to curse-human people like what you would see on those pairings if they had kids posts. So like he's only like half a regular guy?? Or what?? Maybe I missed that part when I was speed-running the manga... hmmm...
Suskuna comes into the picture and apparently, that was one of his 20, count it, 20 fingers that apparently are spread across Japan because although he's the king of curses he never actually left the country to pursue his dreams of world domination because his parents wanted him to become a lawyer.
Protag, Side farming tools, and daddy Young Yoda person acquired!! Now have some cool fights and get slowly introduced to the plot that will become irrelevant after season 1 of the anime because Blindfold and pronouns gets trapped and everything goes to s c h i s t.
Blooming bromance relationship with misunderstood movie review ends, angst and dubstep ensue with many fights afterward that lead to n o t h i n g b u t f i l l e r.
But that's a little harsh, isn't it? There is some character development and new techniques learned. There are cute moments and since everyone wields literal cursed energy it's not really a big surprise when the story is also cursed at some points.
We get backstories, more elements added, new characters replacing old characters as well as Attack on Titan flashbacks (no I will never watch that show to completion because it kept killing all my favorite characters and I don't need any more of that.)
And the anime has some really well-animated scenes that are just to die for and ruin older animes for me ;-; As an artist, sometimes an amazing art style and good animation are what draws me in. That makes me very picky when it comes to manga and anime in general so I miss out on a lot. And unpopular opinion... I like the anime's art style better than the manga's which is actually rare.
If that didn't make much sense, which it shouldn't since I'm just letting my fingers type without thinking much about it, basically here's a summary that should be more... coherent.
Basically, what I expected to be the whole plot of the show isn't actually the plot because there is a greater overarching one! Which I didn't even bat an eye at in the beginning because not all stories are what they seem in the beginning. The characters weren't all black and white but actually very unstable in the brain which is always fun and they actually had personalities (even though some are basic the story makes it feel more natural or gives a reason to them instead of leaving them as is. You aren't meant to completely understand them because you simply aren't them. They aren't like us.) Which leads to a natural disconnect for most people.
I loved the different use of weapons! Nobara using a hammer and nails is so cool to me because it's so subtly eccentric to me. Out there in a completely different sense than literal curses. The main characters play off each other well and open many opportunities for ships to blossom. (No we will not mention more because that is a fire I am not willing to play with rn.)
The story has so much potential and I am sticking with it to see where it goes cuz I won't give up on it. But. And its a major but. Sometimes less is more. I believe for now until my mind is changed that some things were forcibly rushed causing a subtle domino effect to take place for me. The story itself feels rushed. Unnaturally so that I got whiplash from reading the manga which you can read at your own pace. There are choices that I would have delayed or changed completely. Characters I felt were either unnecessary or didn't live up to their full potential.
But please note that this is just my first impression of the series. I've read almost all the manga chapters that are currently out rn and nothing else. I haven't read any side bits or notes from the author or anything like that. I'm probably missing information that would change my opinion in the future, but that's exactly why I'm sticking with it. It might get better, I might start to understand more choices the author made. Mostly I watch anime and read manga for the worlds and not the main story. You could do so much with a world full of curses and world build to your heart's content with the excuse that it's just an au. Really stories are just what you make of them. The author doesn't choose how you perceive it. You do. And I choose to perceive an exciting world to dip my toes into and funny characters to mess with.
So for now, my opinion is that Jujutsu Kaisen isn't reaching its full potential thus leading it to be mid. But its not my creation and all I can do is be along for the ride :)
Anyways enough of that. This totally didn't take me like 2 hours to write pshhh what are you talking about? Now that that's out of my system and I've finished praising and critiquing A3#94 (no, I did not forget)
How would people react if I just... made an au on how I would have handled the story and characters? Its fine~ Its just an Au :). I might make the au, might not. Sounds like a lot of work and who knows if I'll attract some unwanted attention :/
Grammarly is furious with me but also telling me my tone is informative, assertive, optimistic, formal, and informal. At least it isn't the Duolingo owl :). With that thought, I'll probably revisit this in a different post in which I might give my updated opinion. For now though I leave you with one final message.
If you actually read through all of that you either have endless patience or run purely off of spite which fair valid, have a nice day.
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cookejuul45 · 1 month
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Quickie Reviews
The Taste of Things
Dodin Bouffant and his lover Eugenie's lives are surrounded by the art of cooking. They are in love, but she refuses to marry him, so he decides to cook a meal for her to change her mind. 
The Taste of Things is a delicious feast as we follow two master cooks perfecting and bonding over their shared passion. It is a simple film that dives into the simple pleasures of life through the art of cooking. Every scene evolving cooking is mouthwatering and soothing. The first 40 minutes of the film have very little dialogue as we watch our characters prepare a multi-course feast that lasts an entire day. Then as the film transitions into this love story, it is simple and sweet as it shows how far a simple jester can go. And the chemistry between Benoit Magimel and Juliette Binoche is beautiful to watch. However, the film is a little long for my taste and it does drag in the latter half of the film. With that stated, The Taste of Things is a beautiful film that does not deserve to be dragged through the mud because it was picked over Anatomy of a Fall. 
My Rating: B
Perfect Days
Hirayama seems utterly content with his simple life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine, he enjoys his passion for music and books. And he loves the trees.
Perfect Days unfolds as a minimalist film, immersing viewers in the intriguing world of a man who finds contentment in life's simple pleasures. Following Hirayama through his meticulously structured week, the film reveals the ebb and flow of his daily experiences. Despite facing challenges, he remains undeterred, and steadfast in his commitment to savoring each moment. Dialogue takes a back seat, allowing the film to convey its themes and character nuances through subtle gestures and the daily cadence of life. Koji Yakusho delivers a remarkably subtle yet powerful performance, skillfully portraying the beauty of simplicity and the profound impact of solitary moments.
While caring for her dying brother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who protests one of the most landmark medical cases of all time. 
Suncoast was so close to greatness, but its underdeveloped and shallow story holds it back. When the narrative was focused on the conflict between Doris (Nico Parker) and her mother (Laura Linney), was when the film was at its strongest. It was a heartbreaking family drama about the inevitability of death and how it can tear a family apart, especially when one is taken too soon. Then when the inevitable emotional finally comes, it is heartbreaking to watch and Nico Parker delivers a harrowing performance as she grieves for her loved ones. However, when the film focuses on the coming-of-age elements and explores why Doris wants to get out of her family, is where the film stumbles. Doris’s new friend group feels incredibly shallow as they are all portrayed as the most stereotypical fake friend group you can imagine. Then when exploring themes of grief and faith with Woody Harrelson’s character, the themes that his character is set up to explore are never really explored. Overall, Suncoast was so close to greatness, that it just needed a little more polishing.
My Rating: B-
Drive-Away Dolls
Two friends take a spontaneous trip to Tallahassee Florida, but things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals along the way. 
The basic story of Drive-Away Dolls has the potential to be a fun rom-com. But, its poor execution feels like a film student's first film. It’s poorly made as the direction is all over the place and the editing is jarring.  Furthermore, the movie is not even funny as every joke just made me cringe terribly. This quality is a bit unacceptable given that this is directed and written by Ethan Coen. However, the film’s biggest crime is that I could not stand Margaret Qualley’s character. I found her character to be annoying and incredibly inconsiderate of others. She cheats on her girlfriend and pressures another friend into having hook-up s*x. Her lack of caring and awareness was infuriating, to say the least. However, I did enjoy the performance from Geraldine Viswanathan who kept some of my sanity through this somewhat trainwreck of a movie. Overall, I just expected more from a Coen Brother. 
My Rating: C
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noisyearthquakeninja · 4 months
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bigmanrob92-blog · 5 months
Finding Dory review (Collab With Big D's Entertainment Rankings & Reviews)
What did you think about the movie Finding Dory?
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o-the-mts · 9 months
50 Years, 50 Movies (2016): Ma vie de Courgette
I will turn 50 in November of this year, so my project for 2023 will be to watch and review one movie from each year of my life.  The only qualification is that it has to be a movie I’ve not reviewed previously.  2016 Top Grossing Movies of 2016: Captain America: Civil War Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Finding Dory Zootopia The Jungle Book Best Picture Oscar Nominees and Winners of…
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MARIO Mumbojumbo
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I haven't seen THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE yet...
That's because life-stuff usually gets in my way, namely... Work... I work at a movie theater, I case you didn't know. SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE is free for me to see starting tomorrow, but there are other movies currently playing that I have on my list as well, such as DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES, A THOUSAND AND ONE, and possibly JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4... If I can do all my homework on the latter, meaning watching CHAPTER 2 and PARABELLUM before the thing leaves theaters.
Anyways, it looks like the movie broke some records!
For a non-Marvel movie (or non-Disney for that matter) released after the outbreak in March 2020, the largest 3-day with an estimated $146m. On the not-Marvel but-still-counting-Disney part, this beat out AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER, and for everyone else? Beat TOP GUN: MAVERICK, JOHN WICK: CHAPTER FOUR, THE BATMAN, JURASSIC WORLD DOMINION... It even beat most of the Marvels for that matter, only falling short of MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS and WAKANDA FOREVER, and beating out THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER, QUANTUMANIA, BLACK WIDOW, and all the not-sequel movies like SHANG-CHI and ETERNALS.
For an animated feature? This is the third biggest 3-day opening weekend gross ever, behind tech-demo remake THE LION KING (which opened w/ $191m) and INCREDIBLES 2 ($182m), and it sits above FROZEN II, which took in $130m. It is also locked to gross over a billion worldwide, the first time an animated feature will achieve that since... FROZEN II. MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU came very close this past summer, but SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE is totally getting there. It might even... Have a shot at being in the Top 10 highest earning animated movies of all time. More on that here:
Currently, the Top 10 is...
THE LION KING (2019) - $1,657m
FROZEN II - $1,450m
FROZEN - $1,280m
INCREDIBLES 2 - $1,243m
MINIONS - $1,159m
TOY STORY 4 - $1,073m
TOY STORY 3 - $1,067m
DESPICABLE ME 3 - $1,034m
FINDING DORY - $1,028m
ZOOTOPIA - $1,023m
All billion dollar behemoths. The 11th biggest missed the billion, that's DESPICABLE ME 2 with $970m, followed by THE LION KING with $968m, a gross made up of its three theatrical releases (1994 - where it took in approximately $760m - gargantuan numbers for back then, the 2002 IMAX-only re-issue, and the 2011 3D re-release).
And this is yet another biggie for Illumination, the reliable hit-makers they are. Four massive DESPICABLE ME/MINIONS movies, THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS, and now this.
It's also the biggest international animated movie opening, period... Over $370m from a multitude of markets, excluding Japan... This is interesting to me because, previous heavies didn't open everywhere on the same weekend. For example, INCREDIBLES 2 - with its massive $182m opening in North America, only added some coin worldwide... Because it wasn't out everywhere yet. A lot of animated movies get very staggered international rollouts, thus their worldwide opening weekend grosses are rarely massive.
I imagine the legs will be pretty solid too, because this is really the only PG-rated family film until THE LITTLE MERMAID releases at the end of May. Much like how Universal's PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH had virtually all of January, February, and March to itself...
So, yes, I think $350m domestically is a lock, as is $1b all around the world in total. It'd have to really dissatisfy audiences in order to score a bad multiplier. And judging by what I'm seeing at work? Audiences DIG it, big time.
Oh yeah, about those "negative" reviews...
Two things can be true, I feel... Critics are people, and their voice very much matters. (They certainly "mattered" when they gushed over PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, now didn't they?) Criticism should be more than just a letter grade or a simple "yes or no" answer, it should be a conversation. Film as a medium, of all kinds - from live-action to animation - is communication, artists using a means of communicating something with an audience... Good critics are very much aware of that, and many of them went into SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE hoping to get something out of it. This isn't an us vs. them "this is for the fans!" case... They aren't these snooty pompous stiffs with caviar and wine who dislike fun or nerdy niche properties (please explain the over-80% scores for Marvel Cinematic Universe movies on Rotten Tomatoes), in fact I'm friends with some of these people.
This all being said...
Some people online also put way too much stock into critics' opinions and the grades they give movies, to the detriment of their *own* personal feelings on the movies in question. An insecurity, almost... Like, those paid professionals... Are they right? Is this movie I love *bad*?? Do I have no taste? Am I just some simpleton?
Clear your head of that. What the movies means to you, and your reasoning for it... Is more than enough. Critics aren't secretly judging you for finding merit in THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE, or something like that.
I'm just tired, grilled at every movie becoming this nonsensical "war". Whether it's for political reasons, or silly perceived rivalries between the studios (Disney/Pixar vs. Universal/Illumination/DreamWorks, Marvel vs. DC, etc.), or "fans" vs. "critics", it's all so bothersome to me. It also isn't sports, ya know. Each movie of this caliber is a big group effort, and decisions are made during production, decisions the filmmakers thought were the right ones at the right time... Like, no one can know for sure, to paraphrase William Goldman, what's going to work or what isn't... And the public response to that is very much of an ever-changing mood, zeitgeist, what-have-you.
So... Yes, I'm happy to see an animated movie making big bucks, even if a Mario movie being a blockbuster was a given. And the prospect of other animated video game-inspired movies getting off the ground... Like, we only have this movie and the two ANGRY BIRDS MOVIES if you think about it, plus that RATCHET & CLANK movie that came and went back in 2016. (And how!) I know there are other titles too, like the mo-capped FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRITS WITHIN and the 1986 anime Mario movie, the SONIC movies and DETECTIVE PIKACHU are hybrids, but you know what I mean... If MARIO's success gives me not only other animated Nintendo movies, somehow, but something like a SPYRO THE DRAGON movie or something with CRASH BANDICOOT, I'd be quite grateful! Of course, Hollywood might learn all the wrong lessons from it, too.
I want to see all the animated movies succeed this year. 2022 was a slight bummer because it genuinely sucks to see such hard work and effort get undermined by circumstances beyond the filmmakers' control. We still had successes of course, like THE BAD GUYS, DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS, PUSS IN BOOTS 2, and especially MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU. THE SEA BEAST and PINOCCHIO pulled in lots of viewers on Netflix. But we had some real valleys, too. Like, I felt Disney Animation's STRANGE WORLD last autumn was really dealt a bad hand, and Pixar's LIGHTYEAR I wanted to see succeed (just a rough year, theaters-wise, for Disney's animation under former CEO Bob Chapek). PAWS OF FURY: THE LEGEND OF HANK (haven't seen, apparently it was merely okay?) was a pick-up for Paramount, formerly a more independent venture, but that too technically lost money. To say nothing of other stuff happening in animation: Netflix cancelled stuff left and right, Warner Bros. Discovery's many misdeeds, whole shows disappearing into the ether for eternity because "tax write-offs"... So, yes, I want to see the movies succeed so that the studios can keep doing this stuff.
Meaning, I am rooting for all of it: This movie, ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE, ELEMENTAL, RUBY GILLMAN, MUTANT MAYHEM, TROLLS BAND TOGETHER, WISH, MIGRATION, FIXED, UNDER THE BOARDWALK (when's that getting a release date?), etc. etc. Disney Animation, Pixar, DreamWorks, Illumination, Sony, Paramount, yes indeed.
After the quietly-released THE AMAZING MAURICE and all the work PUSS IN BOOTS 2 had to do during the winter, 2023's animation crop is finally off to a huge start.
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ainsleysblogg · 9 months
Movie review!!! — Finding Nemo
The Movie Finding Nemo is one if my all time FAVORITES from Disney (and just all movies in general). The movie has so many different parts and when watching the movie you feel so many different emotions like sadness, anxiety, anger, and most of all happiness. I personally love when movies allow me to feel multiple different emotions rather than just a couple because I feel like it help me to better connect to the characters and it pulls me into the movie more. Marlin, Nemo, and Dory make the perfect group and I just love them together. As well as the turtles Crush and Squirt that they meet along their way to find Nemo who are literally so cute and funny. On a scale of 1-10 i would rate this movie a 10!!!
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posted: 8/31 at 10:45pm
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Movie Review | White Slaves of Chinatown (Mawra, 1964)
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This is the first of the Olga movies, and offers the same things as the others. Namely, a nice looking lady being mean to other nice looking ladies. But not just regular mean. Hot mean, mostly through bondage and things of that nature. Anyway, before any of you start hooting and hollering, I should specify that this movie is spicy enough for you to have to sign in to watch it in YouTube but not so spicy that it can’t be on YouTube altogether. There are on the rougher end of the spectrum of ‘60s sexploitation, although aside from a bit involving fingers, none of the torture here should leave you terribly frazzled, unless you find Bettie Page pinups to be traumatizing. As the main (and mean) nice looking lady you have Audrey Campbell, and as the other nice looking ladies, you have a group of actresses who look to be in some of director Joseph P. Mawra’s other movies. I recognized Gigi Darlene, best known for her movies with Doris Wishman.
What distinguishes this one from the others can be inferred from the title, but while it leans into stereotypes of Chinatown being a sinister and seedy place, it’s much less hideously racist than you’d expect from the title. Also you get to see Gigi Darlene in a cheongsam, so there are pluses to the angle the movie takes. I understand all of these movies were shot at least in part in Chinatown, but from my memory, this is the only one set there diegetically. The other distinguishing element is a heavier emphasis on the perils of drugs. Not just opium and heroin, but the devil’s lettuce. The wacky tobacky. Mari-hoo-wana. Horrifying stuff.
Anyway, as with the other movies, this one is quite enjoyable thanks to Campbell in the lead role. There are limitations to her performance thanks to the heavy use of narration (which apparently was used to piece a story together after the fact as the movie was shot without one nailed down, and weighs this down a bit more heavily than the subsequent entries), but Campbell, aside from being strikingly beautiful, has a certain poise that helps add a touch of elegance to her dominatrix-type role. And like with the others, this has a good amount of style for throwaway product made pretty quickly and cheaply. It’s probably true that some of that is from being shot on film, a quality which makes disposable movies of yesteryear better looking than the disposable movies of today, but there is some beautiful chiaroscuro lighting, and Mawra knows how to capture the distinct presence of his different cast members in visually striking ways. Apparently he was learning how to make movies on the go and using them to experiment, and the results definitely show.
Anyway, if you wanna learn more about Mawra’s career, the Rialto Report as always has a great interview with the man.
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ronniepaul2 · 2 years
Top 5 Wedding Films
The Wedding Singer -
Love it! You can't beat a drunk, surly and thoroughly dejected front man when it comes to the wedding band. Usually the bastion of the squeeze box, the weekend DJ, or in this case the "Cover Band". Adam Sandler is note perfect in this romantic comedy. Special mention must go to Billy Idol and of course the outstanding 80's sound track. If you've not seen this one, then why bother getting married at all?
The Wedding Crashers -
Another comedy one here, this time Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn bring their superb on screen chemistry and innate natural comedy to the screen. These two are just the sort of folks you DO want turning up at your wedding, as they seem to bring the funny with them where ever they go! Isla Fisher is a revelation as the slightly deranged, sex craved nimpho. Fun for the whole family, well maybe not old Aunty Doris! But as the great Billy Connelly once said "They've not only said it, they've done it as well".
Four Weddings and a Funeral -
Ahhhh, does anymore need to be said about this one? Launched the career of floppy haired English professional posh type Hugh Grant and made everyone feel all wedding films warm and fuzzy by the end of it. Funny and touching in equal measure, it's a real classic. Apart from that "Is it raining, I hadn't noticed" line, it's a cracking piece of comic writing and holds up as well today as did in 1994! Crikey 1994! Can you believe that!
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers -
HAHA, MEN STEAL WOMEN AND HOLD THEM CAPTIVE, WHIST SINGING TO THEM! You can just imagine them pitching that idea eh? Couldn't get away with that these days, that's for sure! Not only has it got songs and laughs and big colourful set pieces, it all ends happily ever after. Just like all marriages do in real life. Wonderful!
Kill Bill 1 & 2 -
What? It's got a wedding in it. In fact the wedding is where all the action takes place. So, it's not the most romantic of outcomes but I think you'll find it falls squarely into the "wedding" category. So come have a look at Uma strutting her stuff, all you have to do is sit back and count the bodies!
Till the next time, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, ahhhhhhh
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Up to the minute (when we can be arsed to update) news on the world of moviefilms.
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petnews2day · 2 years
'Lightyear' review: Chris Evans goes to infinity, but not beyond, as Buzz Lightyear in a likable Toy Story' offshoot
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/small-pets/lightyear-review-chris-evans-goes-to-infinity-but-not-beyond-as-buzz-lightyear-in-a-likable-toy-story-offshoot/
'Lightyear' review: Chris Evans goes to infinity, but not beyond, as Buzz Lightyear in a likable Toy Story' offshoot
Having hung up his shield, Chris Evans turns out to be the perfect choice to voice this version of Buzz Lightyear, a space ranger introduced on a perilous mission with his partner Alisha Hawthorne (Uzo Aduba) and a wide-eyed rookie who has red-shirted “Star Trek” crewman written all over him.
The mission goes awry, leaving Buzz and company stranded on this forbidding planet. Committed to make right what went wrong, Buzz embarks on his own quest to secure their escape, though the consequences of that are both unexpected and, in the execution of them, oddly sweet and touching.
Directed by Angus MacLane (“Finding Dory”), who shares script credit with Jason Headley, “Lightyear’s” secrets really shouldn’t be disgorged to maximize the viewing experience, but suffice it to say that the film name-checks plenty of things made popular by “Toy Story” lore, from “To infinity, and beyond!” to the villainous Zurg. There’s also a small group of upstart, unorthodox recruits, with Keke Palmer and Taika Waititi (the latter playing a character he seems to have done about seven times before) among the vocal contributors.
Although the action should entertain kids with its space-faring visuals, the bigger concepts in “Lightyear” — the ones that have elevated Pixar through the years — are thought-provoking, if perhaps not of the quality that has elevated the animation studio’s work to another level. They don’t rival something like “Up,” whose lessons come to mind, and the most consistently pleasing addition might be among the silliest: A robot cat named Sox who behaves like a household pet, yet also proves extremely useful in a pinch.
“Lightyear” also organically features an LGBTQ character, worth mentioning because of the discussion of a same-sex kiss in connection with the controversy around Disney’s response to Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill, and the studio’s subsequent skirmish with state officials. It’s a small element of the movie that shouldn’t be an issue, which, alas, probably won’t prevent bad-faith actors from seeking to make it one.
Given the source material and the hugely popular quartet of “Toy Story” movies (the most recent unwrapped in 2019) it was a no-brainer to premiere “Lightyear” theatrically, although quality-wise, it’s certainly no better than recent Pixar/Disney animated titles, “Soul” and more recently “Turning Red,” which bypassed theaters and went directly to Disney+.
Whether “Lightyear” lights up the box office, Disney+ will become its eventual home, and this genial Pixar production seems destined to enjoy a long shelf-life there, right next to all the other “Toys.”
“Lightyear” premieres June 17 in US theaters. It’s rated PG.
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