#movie sonamy
kaylatoonz · 2 months
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Sonamy duet💙💖🌹🎶
If Sonic and Tails can have a dance battle sibling bonding moment in the second movie, Sonic and Amy can have a silly romantic karaoke duet moment. I know the idea is silly and unlikely, but a girl can dream.😔😭
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lazorbeanz · 5 months
Guys imagine if Amy ever makes her debut in the SCU…and movie!sonamy DOES become a thing…it’d be hilarious if when they first meet, Sonic is the one who instantly falls for her and then Careless Whisper begins to play in the background lmao
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phasesgurl · 3 months
U know how I want Amy to be introduced in the SCU?
in the same movie they introduce Rouge, and Cream.
And if a Stobotnik kiss isn't in the thrid movie throw one of those in there
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girlofprey7 · 1 year
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toonmania-arts · 2 months
Excuse me you're standing in the way 💙🩷
Movie Sonamy animation
i wanted to make this cause the audio was cute and i would love amy to be in the upcoming movie
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palepaintersweets · 1 year
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I drew this Movie Sonamy moment. Love at first sight.
I hope Amy will appear in the third movie.
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e-vay · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! It’s time to show off your costumes!
Who has the best costume? You tell me!
All are welcome at E-vay’s Halloween Bash 2023! You can draw yourself, your OC, or whomever you want on the blank photo backdrop! Just make sure to tag me so I can see 🎃
P.S. I firmly believe Sonic will agree to any costume that involves bandanas/scarves/ascots
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adorbsyai · 5 months
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essycogany · 28 days
Small Things Can Make Big Differences 🩷
Hi, Fans Of Amy Rose!
This is my opinion and we don’t know what could happen between now and Sonic Movie 3. Anyone can disagree. I’m 100% fine with that and this isn’t going to tarnish my enjoyment of the film at all, but I’ve got to get this off my chest. I’d love to see Amy Rose in Sonic Movie 3 and would be disappointed if she wasn’t in it. Yeah, she’d probably not have a HUGE role or time to develop as much. I get it, but at the same time, I personally don’t think we should shy away from characters having small arcs.
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Tails had one in Sonic Movie 2 and I wouldn’t say the movie would’ve been better without him. I don’t think we should have to justify a main character like Amy who’s existed before KNUCKLES (and debatably Tails) being in a movie about her own franchise. We shouldn’t have to wait a whole year for it either. Stuff takes time sure, but other movies with Pokémon, the Avengers, Mario, My Little Pony G4, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and many others did it and did it well for the most part. Most of these have tons of characters that they wasn’t afraid to show in one movie. Characters with smaller roles still impacted the movies and in a memorable way too. We shouldn’t be so timid in bringing Sonic characters in Sonic movies. They’re just as marketable as these other franchises. The successes of the Sonic trilogies proved that.
Without Amy or other characters it doesn’t feel as full as it could be. Not saying we should’ve got all of them from the get go but a little more would be nice.
I’m saying this respectfully but that doesn’t make sense especially if we have enough time to flesh out the human core characters/side characters who aren’t even part of the main franchise and not the ones most audiences came to see in the first place. I’m neutral and understand both critiques and defenses so you can decide where to go to on that.
Back to before, you don’t need long drawn out character development in order to be written well. Tails turned out fine despite his small role. Heck, Amy’s roles in the GAMES were usually small but not less impactful because of it. Amy practically helped save the entire world with her “small roles” and one for an emotional and impactful moment with Shadow. Even small things can make big differences and that’s one lesson you can learn from Amy.
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Amy’s interactions with Gamma in SA1 impacted the robot to the point of him sacrificing himself to free a Bird he needed to stay alive.
Amy believed in Sonic when the whole world (or Silver) was against him in Sonic 06.
Amy showed kindness to Sonic as the Werehog and gave her closest friend encouragement. She still loved him regardless of how he looked.
There’s more examples, but these are the most well known. Do you notice how most of them were small actions or small moments of development in small roles. And still managed to make Amy a wonderful character while impacting the stories?
I’ll also just show this too.
Also, don’t worry about her stealing time from Shadow. The film’s called Sonic Movie 3 not Shadow The Hedgehog. He can share the spotlight. Knuckles did in SM2. There’s no excuse in my opinion.
The movie doesn’t have to have Amy and wouldn’t be worse without her, but I think we shouldn’t overlook her importance to the franchise even if what she does is small. Or feel bad for being more aware of what little we get in these movies. It’s okay to admit certain flaws. Nothing’s perfect and not above criticism as long as we’re respectful about it. And for the kiddies who would like to see a cartoony animal girl character for the first time in these films, Amy would be a fantastic way to start.
Amy debuting in Sonic 3 and interacting with the boys would be a lovely way of establishing that close connection between the core four of the franchise. They’d literally have the definition of love at their sides. Again, small changes can make big differences. That’s all I have to say. Now I’m going to continue to be excited for the 3rd Sonic movie.
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prxnce07 · 3 months
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ruddypk14 · 5 months
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Love at first sight?👀💖🦔💙
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kaylatoonz · 4 months
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I think it would be neat if summoning weapons was an inherited ability all hedgehogs have with them being able to summon their own special weapon from their bloodline.
Amy teaches Sonic how to summon his weapon while having a bit of fun.
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dragon-creates · 29 days
Sega please you have the opportunity to do the coolest thing ever
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Og pic here
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phasesgurl · 2 months
So a while back I ran a poll about movie sonamy, asking if people thought Sonic would have a crush on Amy for a change, but I realized I forgot one option, so I’m doing it again
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tacorerooster · 8 months
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If Amy doesn’t appear in the 3rd Sonic Movie, these line are gonna ring extra hollow. Makes it more of a very late April Fools joke on Amy fans.
You had her finally be playable in a mainline game after 17 years with Sonic Frontiers, her finally getting to be Playable in the Classic games, then be part of the main cast in Sonic Superstars. Making it seem like Sega finally see her as important as Tails and Knuckles, the whole year of Amy, only for it to get overshadowed multiple times. She gets a Stand Alone idw comic that’s 1 issue. Fang the hunter a obscure side character, gets a whole 4 part mini series, which Amy isn’t even in. Amy gets a game about her birthday, with arguably the best writing for a Sonic game. Shadow gets a whole ass rerelease with a full ass DLC just for him with his name in the title.
And people just don’t seem to care about Amy if she is in the movie or not. I’ve seen more people asking about Rouge at this point.
It’s just so weird feeling to do this whole push for her then go nowhere with it.
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(another repost of a 2022 post because i miss Amy in the trailer...)
Amy Rose movie Theory time
Ok let's start the theory with why would Amy end up in earth in the first place and how? Well in this theory of mine it will be for similar reasons as Tails and knuckles, few points to remember:
1. The chaos emeralds were conveniently spread out in space by Sonic himself and he and shadow conveniently will need it.
2. Lately the most recent version of Amy in both modern and Classic (that is the perfect version), Amy is someone ready to be a hero and take action and I inspired this theory thanks to this panel over here👇👇👇
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You will my girl, you will absolutely prove your are a worthy warrior ( words probably said by Knuckles)
3. Unlike Tails who used his gadgets to know about sonic and about knuckles and how trace him to find him and unlike knuckles who always knew about him and hired people to find him... How would Amy know about sonic in the first place and how will she know how to find him? Are we forgetting something canon that Amy is skilled at besides swinging a hammer?👇👇👇
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The fortune cards should be used in the movie your honor, literally Amy knows how to use magic with them cause she always nails it!
Know let's mix all the ingredients, i chose to write this as a prologue back story through Amy's pov:
Hi, nice to meet you my name is Amy Rose😊 and I'm on an important mission to help save a different planet! Isn't it exciting?🤩 Oh yeah you're probably wondering how I ended carrying this mission and how i know where I'm going jeje 🤭cof cof well it's all thanks to this girls over here:- Amy's hands starts shining surrounded by some kind of pink electric light and a deck of cards shows up out of nowhere- impressed? 😏Jiji this are fortune cards and I have mastered the ability to read them and they always tell me things i need to know, oh and these aren't the only thing I can summon, take a look at this: -Amy extended her arm straight with her palm open and again her hand is surrounded by pink electric light, this time the light grows bigger forming a shape and in a blink she is holding a giant hammer- cool isn't it? Your head won't get away uncracked if you fight me fellas😤 😏 I can crack mountains
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oh you also wonder where did I get all this stuff? Ok I'll tell you, bring the flashback:
Some years ago i was a little girl who ended up all on her own, i used to help in a food place but I wanted to do more than that and I craved to prove my independence and strength! Cause I was seen as a weak lonely nobody little girl so... I started to do boxing 🥊🥊 and trained to be more athletic but it wasn't enough, i love boxing but I don't actually like to fight using my fists... and one day finishing my training next to a nice valley i found something... There were some kind of ruins hidden and I felt something calling me under some rocks and there were them... I found a bag with a full thick deck of cards surrounded with a shiny aura and I was so hypnotized with them, i remembered some tales and legends about some mysterious powers that came from the energy of chaos and I wondered if there were items with chaos powers too... As I was checking one by one the cards i stopped when I saw one with a big beautiful hammer image on it and I realized that what I was lacking for was a personal weapon and then... How do I describe this... Well the card started to shine and there was some pink electricity and there was an explotion boom 💥🤯 and them poof the hammer of the picture fell on my hands!!! 😶 And I felt connected to it like with the cards and few years of training latter here I am! See? I was a bit more Little back them i guess it grew up with me or maybe Is because I'm stronger 💪💪 Anyway I'm on this mission because... It happened again! I found a chaos item! A lot more powerful than my cards! It was an chaos emerald! I learnt about them thank to the cards knowledge because like I said they always tell me what I need to know and in fact when I tripped with the emerald while training the cards reacted to it and gave me my mission:
"A foreign whole planet is in grave danger, a future legendary hedgehog hero needs the emerald to save that world so you must give it to him"
And that's what I'm doing! Traveling between worlds until I find that hedgehog hero! And I hope he lets me help save that world! I'm so exited to finally have a chance to prove myself!!!😖😤
Next post will be my theory about with who will be living Amy Rose at the end of the movie
He is a hedgehog like me... I wonder how he looks... He must be handsome! 🤔😍I hope I can recognize who he is... I don't want to give the emerald to the wrong person and make a fool of myself... Enough Amy! Be more confident 😣😣 ok ok I'm fine, let's do this! 💪😤 Is going to be fine! Uff I can already feel the upcoming danger... How curious... I feel like someone is following me? (🦇) I have to protect the emerald! Let's go! I'll see you later! Hope you liked my story! 😘😘
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