#moxiety headcanons
bastard-aziraphale · 1 year
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they're in love, your honor.......... not neccesarily from the college AU but not NOT from the college au. i just love moxiety. and they love each other <3
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Sanders sides ships as childhood memories, Parker edition
I’ve seen two posts where this was done, ( @solarsparkss and @dehumanizing-daydream go check ‘em out) I decided to give it a shot bc why not? Seems fun.
Prinxiety: the times when I wouldn’t eat one of my favorite deserts out of spite and stubborness.
Logicality: me thinking that frost was snow and my mother always saying it wasn’t
Demus: pranking my aunt alongside my father and putting fake spiders and scorpions in her drawers (ik it’s weird) 
Logince: trying to prove my grandmother wrong by saying that the directions left and right were switched in my native language (meaning that left was right and right was left in said native language)
Moxiety: making D.I.Y. Christmas ornaments and a Christmas tree made out of sticks with my mother because my cat was a menace and tore down the last xmas tree we had
Royality: making weird scenarios in my head like dreaming of being a mermaid AND a pony at the same time
Analogical: watching bats fly in the summer sky, featuring my mom and thinking of cool stuff
Rociet: my grandmother saying, “You are really special, you know that?” and me responding with “Well, if everyone said it too, I guess there’s some truth to that” with a cocky smile.
Lociet: my parents always knowing when I was lying because when I lie I smile, so much I couldn’t hide anything
Anxciet: Getting scared of a storm because a thunderbolt was too close and my grandpa laughing at my attempt at getting closer to the storm
Mociet: Pranking my mother by saying that a pigeon flew in the bathroom and took a shit, even though that wasn’t shit it was shaving cream I accidentaly dropped.
Intrulogical: saying that the bathroom floor of one of my mother’s friends was so ugly that my mom wouldn’t accept that
LAMP: McDonalds birthday parties. that’s it
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loganslowdown4 · 5 months
Extras & Headcanons January - April 2024
sanders sides + text posts part 8
Janus is Ares (PJO)
sanders sides + text posts part 9
sanders sides + text posts part 10
sanders sides + text posts part 11
Patton’s 10th Birthday Post
Blonde Thomas
The Virgil/Virgil Village, Los Angeles/Virgil Ontario
Thomas & Joan’s Beanie (Marco) Snapchat (old)
Gainesville Rep on Season 1 The Good Place
Prinxiety Meme
Dark Sides/Barbie Meme
Accidental Renaissance Update January 2024
My Reaction to IQ Vol 3
Carrots For The Show (IQ Vol 3)
Shake Your Brain (Logan)
Another Logince Moment 😍
Roman’s Birthday 2021 w/ Logan
Love This (These) Nerd(s) (All 6)
Little Foot/Logan + Crofters Meme
Hello Kitty Sides Valentines
Sides as Roses
sanders sides + text posts part 12
Inner monologue Twitter post
sanders sides + text posts part 13
Spot The Difference (Janus & Virgil Hissing Quote IQ Vol 3)
Janus/Loch Ness Monster in Amazon Women on the Moon comparison
sanders sides + text posts part 14
Reminiscing ’Wipe It Down’
sanders sides + text posts part 15
sanders sides + text posts part 16
Kiss every bug Patton meme
sanders sides + text posts part 17
3rd Anniversary to Return of The Jam: I find the biggest crofters jar I’ve EVER SEEN
Janus/Lars Comparison
Incorrect Quote Bloop
Sanders sides + text posts part 18
Bluey: Mum School/Sanders Sides
The Sanders Sides Fun Run Dream
Patton Singing Forget About The Boy from Thoroughly Modern Millie
Because I Was One Of Them John Mulaney Meme
Roman/Grover Comparison
Twins Fighting Styles Headcanon
Updated Photo Series Chart March/24
Mr Lovenstein/Why Do We Get Out Of Bed In The Morning
Catra/Scorpia & Moxiety
Things Roman Would Wear (Lately)
Princess Scorpia Is Literally Patton
Catra Is Literally Virgil
You First Paramore/Janus
Succession OOC
Every Ep of SaSi (Giving Advice Ed)
Joker/Janus Same Vibes
Frodo Meme/Watching SaSi
If Logan Was A Cat
Easter Thomas
Flowers + Thomas Sanders
Garfield Sides (April Fools Day 2024/Orange Side Reveal)
I Made You Food (Logince)
Lehrer connections (crack theory)
Asides Idea: Drag Race in their Skirts
Thomas Said The Sides Were His Babies
sanders sides + text posts part 19
Lee & Mary Lee’s 5th Anniversary
Patton Would Wear These
sanders sides + text posts part 20
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aroprincey · 1 year
im gonna be real for a second i have such mixed feelings about moxiety
moxiety is the ship that got me into shipping (and the fandom in general i think?) and i was so into it but. then over time i started liking it less and less and now it lowkey makes me uncomfortable (but i can tolerate it in a fic if it’s not the focus)
idk why exactly i cant put it into words i just. meh
i prefer them as father and son it makes more sense to me, even if that’s like. the most common “headcanon” (can’t think of the word)
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s1mpletech · 3 years
Everyone's making frog pattons hcs that are ansty
Hear me out
His blush is green
And he thinks it's stupid and hffmkhdsckoywsgf
... Listen if any moceit fic writers are taking suggestions-
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northlight14 · 3 years
My sander sides head cannons that no one asked for!!
(Some of these I’ve made posts about in the past but I’m still including them here)
The Orange sides and Janus hate each other
Roman and Janus have ‘their show’ they binge together. One is not allowed to watch it without the other (this became angsty after POF very quickly😅)
Remus found Virgil one day and just claimed him as a dark side
Janus has a best side award in his room that he gave to himself because ✨self care✨
Janus was the most repressed when Thomas figured out he’s gay
Virgils eyeshadow look was inspired by L from death note
The dark sides have their own made up language that only they know and understand. Sometimes when they’re fighting, they’ll slip into that language and all the light sides hear is angry gibberish
Remus will platonically flirt with the other sides
The light sides (or at least roman and Logan) have a bet going as to why Virgil left the dark sides
Virgil and Patton like to play older video games together
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Protecting (Spider Virgil Headcanons)
Virgil likes to web up areas since the vibrations in the web let’s him know what’s going on around the place, although he respects if a side takes it down.
When a side is upset or being mean to themselves, he’ll add extra webs around their rooms as an attempt to make them feel safer and protected. At first none of them really understand what it means and think it’s just Virgil feeling territorial or something.
After a while though, they start to realise and collect the webs he leaves around the entrances to their rooms the night before he takes them down (cause he likes to keep things tidy and clean). The aim is to keep them so Virgil knows they appreciate his efforts.
Their plan backfires, Virgil thinking they don’t like it. It scares him to think he was just annoying them the whole time but when he leaves his room the next day at Patton’s call for breakfast, he discovers webs strung up, half sticking to the walls and some clumping up. It’s messy but the sentiment is there. Needless to say they group hug, followed by Virgil trying to teach them how to properly web things up, not quite remembering that they can’t create webs themsves until Logan reminds him.
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Look, Virgil Sanders is a protector.
He *will* throw hands to defend his friends
He loves to hold his partners, because if they're in his arms he knows they're safe
And if you're afraid, he'll stand between you and whatever is coming
(and then panic when the adrenaline wears off...)
Sorry, I don't make the rules
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stratosfearful · 4 years
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Roman and Patton do Virgil’s makeup for a change. 
Bonus: you’ll never guess who was in charge of which side.
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friendship is virgil’s burden. 
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Moxiety (romantic or platonic) fluff
Virgil won’t ever admit it, but he gets cuddly when he is sick.
He tends to spend days he is sick alone in his room, cuddling his pillow and blanket because he doesn’t want to admit that he is weak. He doesn’t want anyone to see that when he is sick he just wants a hug even though he knows the only thing that will lead to is more people getting sick.
So he suffers alone.
That is until Patton catches wind that Virgil is sick and insists to take care of him.
Patton brings Virgil soups and water and tons of blankets and comfort items, however when Virgil wakes up groggy from a fever induced nightmare and cuddles into Patton, refusing to let go of him, Patton’s heart melts.
Patton starts to catch onto the fact that Virgil secretly wants cuddles when he is sick and tired, so he starts to watch out for the signs. He looks out for when Virgil nuzzles into his scrunched up pillow, grabs a blanket and holds it between his arms as they watch movies, grabbing his weighted blanket, ect. When Patton notices, he offers Virgil his arm and holds him close.
Virgil never has to go through a sick day alone after that.
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hteragram-x · 4 years
About Logan’s NOT-birthday
Okay, quick question... so what kind of bullshit logic (heh) are we going to use from now on in Sanders Sides Human AUs to justify Logan technically not having birthday?
--- --- ---
Has he lost his birthday certificate at one point (Remus ate it or something) and therefore he has no written proof of ever being born at a certain time? That seems like something he would treat as a valid reason to avoid the emotionally charged social gathering.
Maybe his friends celebrate his birthday on a wrong day, because they’ve made a mistake once and decided to stick with that? One day Roman and Patton just stormed into his room with cake and wishes and Logan’s like: “Wh-what? My birthday is six months from now” and Roman’s says: “...Oops! Too bad. We celebrate today”. So when Logan has his birthday parties they’re never on the correct date and he reminds people about it all the time?
Does Logan (along with Virgil and Janus probably) agree that birthdays are a made-up social construct that only makes people eat unhealthy to die younger and spend unreasonable amount of money to feed capitalism? So when he says “It’s not my birthday”, he means that he avoids celebrating it for ideaological reasons?
Was his born in the middle of the night and it’s just a terrible, terrible joke that his dad, Patton, repeats every year... Logan doesn’t have a birthday since he celebrates birthnight? His other dad, Virgil, is going along with the joke just because he likes the idea of his son being a creature of the night.
Is he some kind of timeless crature that lived longer that the rest of the characters in the story and he ever looked for or even had any documents with even the year of his birth? (not exactly Human AU, but still something outside of canon)
He was born on February 29th and therefore his birthday is on the right day only once in four years. He makes sure that everyone remembers.
Does he have some kind of angsty, sad story from his childhood that made him avoid treating that day as anything special and the story shows us how his partners or friends try to make him open up a little and celebrate?
Janus convinces him to relax a little, go on a date, and eat their favourite dinner with desert even if it’s a little too much sugar. Remus or Roman pull him away from his work so he can spend some time with them instead of overworking himself to forget. At the end he slowly changes his mind, because the new, happy memories have taken the place of the sad ones from years ago.
He still jokes about not having birthday. But now it’s actually humorous and not a way of deflecting to avoid the topic :’)
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cats-pyjamas · 3 years
I'd like to think Virgil likes cuddles after he's had a nightmare. I'm partial to Prinxiety but same head cannon works for any Virgil ship.
❥ ask / @stardustlv
yes, this !! so much this !! even with platonic moxiety/platonic analogical i think this would just be the cutest thing. I imagine he’d probably like having his hair touched and he’d like to be sort of wrapped up in the other person’s arms and in lots of blankets so he feels safe ;-; also this dynamic with prinxiety would be *chef’s kiss* since I imagine roman kind of views himself as a ‘protector’ and would want to fix whatever was making him upset and I just...love them so much thank u for this
oh!! also!! virgil having like a comfort blanket/stuffed animal etc that he can touch to help ground and soothe him after nightmares and stuff ? ;;;
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saibug1022 · 4 years
The Sides and Physical Affection
So I heard @coconut-cluster was feeling bad, so here, headcanons of how the Sides would be physically affectionate with their boyfriend(s)
Roman unsurprisingly tends to go for the dramatic, open stuff
Dips, twirls, carrying his bf(s) etc.
But he ALWAYS seems to have an arm wrapped around them
In the kitchen making food?
Roman WILL wrap his arms around them from behind
Standing around?
Arm around their shoulders
On the couch?
They don't remember it happening but suddenly Roman has them completely wrapped in his arms
And of course there are ALL THE HUGS
He loves to give hugs.
Every. Single. Opportunity.
There will be hugs.
But he loves RECEIVING hugs just as much, he may cry.
Oh also:
He absolutely LIVES for that shit.
It's like the secret weapon to shutting him up or calming him down
If his bf touches their head to his he just shuts down completely, but like in a good way
Logan isnt AS affectionate as Roman, he tends to show it in slightly smaller ways.
His favorite thing is holding hands or even BETTER when they just kinda hook their pinky fingers together
That gets to him every time
It's so casual and isn't obstructing but still sweet
But when he's frazzled or stressed literally all they have to do is hug him and he just kinda....melts
Like if he's pacing around tearing his hair out just hug him from behind and all the tension bleeds out of him as he leans into them and just kinda breathes
When he's frazzled but in a good way, like his bf has a good idea, or solves something that's been stressing him he WILL steal their face for a second
By that I mean he will gently but still abruptly seize their face in his hands and kiss their forehead or temple
Then he's gone
They didn't have time to process but he's already gone doing his Logan thing
In conclusion: Local baby boy is Stressed and needs Love
If you thought Roman was all about hugs man you are not ready for Patton and cuddles
You know those dogs where if you sit on the ground for literally like 2 seconds they are immediately in your lap?
Patton is that dog.
Nowhere is safe
If his bf sits down anywhere, the couch, a bed, a chair, a floor, the counter, the stairs ANYWHERE
Suddenly they'll have an armful of Patton that they don't remember getting but they do remember a set of puppy eyes which probably lead to this
It'ss too late now they can't move because YOU CAN'T JUST DISTURB THE PAT
That's definitely illegal
Sometimes if he isn't feeling too hot he won't even do the puppy eyes thing heel just kinda flop on top of them
They'll just be chilling on the couch and Patton will walk up to them, face completely blank, look at them, and then just fall on top of them
If this happens they immediately stop whatever they were doing and cuddle the Pat because the Pat is Sad
Moving on for cuddles for two seconds (can you tell I'm touch starved) Patton also loves casual kisses.
Like kisses on the mouth are great and all, he loves those too
But he loves the casual intimacy of cheek kisses, forehead kisses, nose kisses, even corner of the mouth
It makes him feel all gooey inside
In summary: Someone get this boy a weighted blanket
*Clears throat*
*Turns on megaphone*
*Deep inhale*
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
I know, not exactly original but I love it and will talk about it
Yes he purrs
He hates it and will try to stop but all his bf has to do is lightly scratch his scalp and he's a complete purring mess
He nudges their hand with his head and everything
He hates it
(No he doesn't)
Basically he likes anything that is present enough to help ground him but isn't overwhelming.
Hugs are AWESOME if he knows they're coming
Hand holding?
You better fucking believe it
Sometimes his boyfriend will legit just grab his bicep and he literally spaces out for a good minute
In summary: I am once again projecting onto Virgil
Did you think I wasn't gonna do the Dark Sides?
Okay so, Deceit
Most people are sort of a spectrum right?
Deceit is not at all, it all depends on his mood and there's no way of knowing for sure what kind of mood he's in at the moment
One minute he's not doing any more then pressing his leg against his bf's
Next, with no warning, he's pinning them to a wall and full-on making out with them
It's completely unpredictable and definitely thrilling for his bf(s)
His scales are particularly sensitive though
Stroke them, even lightly, and he straight-up keens
It's a beautiful sight and his bf will agree
This is both because his scales are sensitive and because he's actually pretty damn self-conscious of them and he loves to be shown that they can be beautiful
Also the whole mood thing, that applies to GIVING affection
Receiving it is a whole nother story
Literally any form or amount of physical affection and he is complete putty in his bf's hands it's kind of ridiculous
In conclusion: Deceit isn't fooling anybody
Remus, unless he know it will legitimately make them uncomfortable because he's considerate goddamn it, will not hesitate on the more 'inappropriate' stuff
The sexual stuff basically
To state it plainly: he will grab his boyfriend's d*** in public
He'll slap their butt, purposely manipulate the things he knows turns them on, make out with them on the couch
He has no restraint
Again unless his bf is truly uncomfortable with it because he may be a rat bastard man but Consent is Consent end of fucking story
So we've got him in public, what about in private?
Well in private, or in quiet moments, he is, how do you say, SOFT
All of the soft touches, he absolutely craves them and his bf(s) will happily deliver
Fucking forehead touches
Cheek kisses
Basically all the soft shit that's already been covered?
Give it to him
Give him all of it
Literally someone rubs their nose against his and he will fall in love with them on the spot
In conclusion: Rat Man is secretly soft but it was never actually a secret
Over all ending notes: Tag this as R*mR*m and your kneecaps become my breakfast
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beepmeowz · 3 years
Get ready for fluff mother fuckers
Sometimes Virgil stays over, and whenever he does, Patton makes spaghetti because it's one of the few things Roman and Virgil mutually like
Roman and Virgil sleep in the same bed as well
The first time Virgil came over, Roman was four years old and Virgil was eleven, so it took a bit longer to get to know eachother due to the eight year difference
When Roman and Patton were told about Virgil's shitty mom, roman cried (because he was five at the time) and couldnt even fathom the idea of not having a loving parent
They all slept in the same bed that night
Sometimes Remus comes over and they all play make - believe
Logan babysits Roman sometimes
On the way back from Patton's house, Logan bumped into Virgil, who then proceeded to question him about the reason he was at Patton's house
Patton had to step in
Sometimes when Logan comes over he stays overnight and cuddles with Roman
When he and Virgil started dating, he joined in too, and it became Virgil's way of getting used to touching someone who wasn't family
Speaking of which
Roman is a solid inch taller then Virgil
So when Virgil flinched on the bus while he was dropping Roman off at his friends house for a slumber party (Roman was six and Virgil was fourteen) Roman assumed someone was picking on Virgil and started hugging him and huffing so he would look scary
"what are you doing?"
"someone is picking on you, so I'm trying to look scary!"
"oh uh- ok"
And they just stayed that way until they got to Romans friends house
I hope you liked it! Ill start writing the next one in a short bit.
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
Give Up, Give In, Check The Grin You’re In Love
Word Count: 5254 Relationships: Endgame LAMP, with focuses on each pairing Description: One lazy Saturday morning, Virgil's tired and not thinking straight(not that he ever is) and does something on instinct that sets the gears in motion for what could possibly be happily ever after for our four boys. (Spoiler Alert: It's Lots Of Kisses and It Absolutely Is Happily Ever After) Loosely a Prequel to "Can't Deny It, Who You Are Is How You're Feeling" but can absolutely be read as a standalone. Started as a bunch of prompts from a prompt list. AO3 Thank you @rosesisupposes​ for betaing this fluffy monster and also being my hype person and keeping me somewhat sane. You’re the bestestestest.
Saturday mornings were Patton's favorite. Everyone was home, there was a strict order that nothing needed to happen before 11, and it was the one day Logan wouldn't put up a fuss about sugary donuts instead of a "balanced breakfast." Patton still woke up early, as a force of habit, but he could curl up on the couch with a blanket cocoon and a strawberry frosted donut and watch cartoons until the others made their way downstairs.
 Logan came down first, making a beeline for the coffee machine, and Patton hid a smirk behind his blanket when Logan attempted to be sneaky about his excitement while grabbing a jam filled donut. He settled into an armchair in the corner with his laptop, and the two stayed in companionable silence.
 Roman stumbled out of his room next, not even remotely put together yet without his usual latte, and he was still staring blearily at the espresso machine dripping into his mug when Virgil came out and went straight for the couch and laid down with his head on Patton's lap and fell back asleep.
 The peace wasn't designed to last, though, as much as Patton wanted to stay combing his fingers through his friend's hair forever. Once Roman had had his coffee and retreated to his room to get ready for the day, he returned to the living room, sitting crosslegged under the coffee table and setting up his knitting. His laughter at the show was soon echoing through the room and it made Virgil start to stir, groaning and stretching as he sat up. 
 Patton cheerfully handed him the other strawberry frosted donut he'd saved just for this moment, "Morning Virge! Welcome to the land of the living!"
 "Mm thanks, mornin' Pat," Virge said as he took the donut, then leaned in and pressed a kiss to Patton's lips, and Patton could practically feel the way everything around him seemed to freeze.
Roman had halted mid-stitch and Logan was trying to look like he hadn't seen anything but was definitely flickering his eyes between them and his laptop. Patton just smiled and patted Virgil's cheek, then went back to watching his show, not wanting to make a big deal of it, but he could tell the other two were extremely tense. Virgil was still sleepy, and Patton didn't want to freak him out before he was really awake.
 Everyone could tell the second it hit Virgil. It was about an hour later, donuts long gone, Logan having moved on to his sudoku book, Roman halfway through what looked like a magnificent shawl, and the show changed into whatever Disney movie was on at the time when Virgil suddenly sat straight up from where he'd been leaning on Patton's shoulder, "Did I...?"
 Patton giggled a bit and nodded, the other two looking in other directions in a way that was anything but subtle, "Yeah, honey. You did." Virgil went bright red, then grabbed a throw pillow to bury his face in and screech. He then carefully lowered it, peeking over the top at Patton, "Well, um, you didn't run away screaming, huh?"
 "I did not," Patton said, grinning, then reached up to tug at the pillow, "And if you put that silly thing down we can definitely talk about why I didn't run away screaming, hmm?"
 "I'm going to my room," Logan announced stiffly, then practically sprinted away, leaving his laptop behind. Roman nodded, eyes shining in a way Patton did not like at all and gathered his yarn up, following quickly, and well, Patton would have to worry about that later he supposed. Virgil lowered the pillow slowly, looking like he would rather be anywhere else, "So. That happened." 
 "It did. And I don't know about you, but I liked it," Patton told him, taking his hand, "I like you." 
 "Me too," Virgil told him, and it seemed like the floodgates had opened, "It just felt... right. Was comfortable. I wanted to for a long time before this, wanted-" He trailed off, going white as a sheet. 
 Patton watched him carefully, then recognized something in his look and squeezed his hand, "Wanted what honey?" 
 "Wanted to kiss all of you," he admitted quietly, and Patton smiled again.
 "Well this is not how I planned to go about this," Patton started, and Virgil winced, which made Patton quickly squeeze his hand again, "Nono honey, you didn't do anything wrong. I want you to know - you are absolutely enough for me, ok? And I like you, not as a part of a whole but as a whole person yourself. But I think we have some common interests here. And maybe, just maybe, we can make those mutual hopes something real."
 Virgil blinked at him, stunned, for a few long moments, then broke out in a smile so bright Patton felt like he needed sunglasses, "You get it. Oh my god, you understand, I was so worried I fucked it all up. That-that you would think I was being greedy." 
 "Not at all. We've all been through so much together, and all love each other so much. And that won't change, alright, even if just you and I, or three of us, or all four of us work out. But I think we need to check up on our other roommates, hmm, before we start jumping too far?" Patton asked, and Virgil nodded and leaned in to kiss him again, this time fully cognizant of what he was doing.
 Patton cupped his cheek and pulled him in closer, lips parting a bit on a gasp, and Virgil brought his hands up to cling to Patton's shoulders, and, well, it it was a few more minutes before either of them could pull away from each other, and only then it was with a mission in mind - They had to make sure their roommates knew they loved them no matter what. And that they didn't need to run away.
 ⁂(Gang, Let’s Split Up)⁂
 Patton and Virgil eventually calmed themselves down enough to sit next to each other and discuss what the next steps actually were. They mutually agreed they should probably split up, and also that Virgil had the best chance of getting through to Logan and Patton a good shot at Roman. They parted with one more kiss, unable to help themselves, and a whispered I like you a lot before heading off in their separate directions, Patton with a cup of hot chocolate and Virgil with Logan's laptop. Patton knocked in a specific sequence he and Roman had come up with long ago. Four short knocks, then a pause and another two, morse code for "Hi." Roman opened the door slightly, not letting Patton in like he normally would, and Patton felt a piece of his heart chip right off, "Hey Pat, I'm fine." 
 "Ro, you have to know that starting a conversation with 'I'm fine' means you're really, really not," Patton chided, wedging his foot in the door, "Please let me in? I have sugar and hugs!"
 Roman sighed heavily but opened the door. Good, he wasn't going to be too stubborn about it then. Patton held the mug up, keeping his smile plastered on, "It's the good hot chocolate, with whole milk and marshmallows." Roman took the cup with a wry smile and stood to the side to let Patton in the room, where he promptly sat down on the edge of the bed and bounced a bit to get comfortable,
 "I really am fine Pat. Happy for you. Knew you and angst-lord had a thing for each other forever. I just need to get used to it," Roman said, settling in next to Patton and taking a sip of the drink, probably in an attempt to hide the grimace that took over as he said it.
 "Sure we have," Patton chirped, and Roman's grimace intensified, "But you wanna tell me why you have to 'get used' to anything? Do we make you uncomfortable?"
 "No!" Roman burst out, then shut his mouth with a click and a sheepish frown, "Uh, I mean, no you don't have to worry about me being freaked out, or anything like that, it's my own issues I must get over." 
 "What issues are those?" Patton pressed, scooching a little closer, "Maybe I can help?"
 Roman sighed, swirling his mug and making the marshmallows spin around the top, "I don't think you can really help, not with this Pat. I'm not gonna rain on your happiness." 
 "Try me," Patton pushed again, and inched even closer, so their knees were touching, and Roman looked down at them with a creased brow.
 "I don't know!" Roman spat like a curse, then scowled down at his drink, "I just - I saw you and Virgil and you looked so happy and I knew I should be happy for you two but I just couldn't."
 "And why is that?" Patton asked gently, taking the mug from Roman and leaving it on the side table next to him. Roman just continued to frown, not meeting his eyes, so Patton put one warm hand on his cheek to turn his face towards him, "Is it because you wanted it too?"
 Roman blinked at him, stock still like he'd been frozen solid and eyes wide in alarm, and Patton gave him a gentle smile, "Cuz if so, the feeling is mutual." He leaned in, slow as water dripping down an icicle, but Roman didn't move, so he pressed his lips against his still prominent pout, just lightly, still giving him a chance to pull back if he wanted to.
 Roman stayed frozen for a bit, but he sunk into it shortly, frown fading as his lips molded to Patton's. Patton made a little noise, right in the back of his throat, and Roman jumped back like he'd been burned, hissing out, "What about Virgil?" 
 Patton tried to blink away the haziness from the kiss, "Ro, Virgil knows, that's what I meant by 'it's mutual'. We love each other, but we love you and Logan too." 
 "All of us?" Roman breathed, barely more than mouthing the words, then again, louder, "All of us? We can- That's - that can happen?"
 Patton giggled a bit, still a little dazed, and nodded excitedly, mirroring Roman's, "Yeah! All of us, together. I mean, if that's what you want? I'm sure Virgil will understand if you wanted it to be just me and you, and me and him..." 
 "No!" Roman cried out again, "No, I, uh, I definitely want both of you. And, uh, and Logan too. I just- I didn't know that was an option, oh my god, how did I miss this?"
 Patton scooched closer again now that he knew Roman was on board, "It's ok, honey, we all missed it I think. I didn't even think of it til Virgil accidentally mentioned being attracted to you two too." 
 Roman leaned in closer too, eyes alight, "He did? Really?" 
 "Mmhmm," Patton hummed, bringing his hand back up to Roman's cheek with a little bit of mischief in his eyes, "And I told him that I felt the same way." 
 "Did you now?" Roman crooned back, a bit of a tease in his voice as he fed off Patton's energy, "And I assume you rushed right up here to tell me? Didn't take your time or anything?" 
 "Weeeellll," Patton teased back, "I could lie and say that, but I'd much rather show you what we were doing. You know, while we wait for Virgil to finish talking to Logan." And with that he leaned back in, and this time Roman met him in the middle, and this time when Patton keened, Roman most certainly did not pull away.
 ⁂(Across the House)⁂
 Virgil headed up to Logan's room on the third floor, and he didn't have to knock because his door was wide open and he was scribbling furiously in a notebook. "Hey L, you, uh, forgot this? When you ran away?" Virgil greeted, never one to pull his punches, and put his laptop down on the desk before leaning against it, "What was that about, by the way?" 
 Logan huffed, but his ears turned red, "I simply wanted to provide you and Patton with some privacy in which to allow the flow of honest communication. I am told that is important in budding relationships."
 "Cool, cool, yeah we had a good talk," Virgil stated, watching Logan carefully, noting the way his fist tightened on his pen and his jaw clenched. "Talked about me, and him, and us, and you-" Logan's head shot up and Virgil arched one brow casually, "Something wrong?" 
 "Why would I come up in a conversation regarding your relationship with Patton?" Logan demanded, unable to keep the tremor out of his voice, and Virgil smirked a bit, then crossed his legs and drummed his fingers against the desktop. Jackpot.
 "You're smart. Guess," Virgil told him, aimlessly flipping through a book next to him, "Why would we talk about you, in the terms of our relationship, and then I would come up here, alone, to talk to you." 
 "Well I would assume Patton would go to talk to Roman-" Logan cut himself off, and Virgil could practically see the wheels turning, "Hmm. Interesting." 
 Virgil grinned at him, then nudged his ankle with his foot, "Catching up?" 
 "Yes quite. You're here to warn me against pursuing Patton," Logan said with a decisive nod and Virgil's face fell immediately. 
 "What? No, Logan, I'm here for the opposite reason," Virgil told him, dropping his confident persona, "Logan, I came up here because we both love you and Roman too."
 Logan shook his head briskly, “No. No that can not possibly be true.” Virgil felt the distinct urge to shake him, “Patton I understand, he is brightness and cookies in the oven and comfort even on the worst of days. Roman, I understand, he is poetry and music and watching a movie for the hundredth time but never feeling like it gets old. You, I understand, you are mysteries and late nights and the adrenaline rush of a spirited debate about things that do not truly matter. I have nothing to offer in terms of romance, and I am aware of -“ 
 Virgil couldn’t take it anymore. He straddled Logan’s chair, careful to make sure he did not put his full weight on his knees, and threaded his fingers into his hair, bringing his face close until his mouth was a hairs breadth away, “How can you say all that and not think you’re romantic Logan? God, Lo, you’re the most romantic person I know, including Princey. When I told you I couldn’t muster the attention span to read anymore, you made me a library of audiobooks that I quite possibly will never get through, and I loved every single one. Patton may be comfort, and Roman may be adventure, and I may be excitement, but you are the lighthouse in the bay which keeps us all on the right path.”
 Logan latched his fingers onto the sleep shirt Virgil was still wearing, because it was Saturday Morning still and that meant PJs until such time as a situation necessitated Real Clothes, and latched onto Virgil’s mouth with an almost desperate abandon, and Virgil’s hands tightened in Logan’s curls, and both their lips parted at the same time on a shared breath that mingled between them. Logan pressed up even further, nipped at Virgil’s lip, and Virgil couldn’t have stopped the strangled noise that crawled out of his throat if he wanted to. “Well, Patton, I think it’s pretty safe to assume we don’t need to help Virgil with convincing Mr. Perry,” an amused voice came from behind them, and Logan and Virgil reluctantly separated, trying to catch their breaths while still tangled together. 
 Patton’s voice was equally amused, “I think you may be right Ro. How bout we all head back downstairs to talk?”
 ⁂ (Switcheroo) ⁂
 Virgil smiled at Logan, then turned to Patton and winked, "I'll take Princey downstairs first. You talk to our resident genius, k? He's feelin' like he's less romantic than the rest of us, and I have a feeling you've got something to say about that." 
 Patton grinned back, and pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek as he passed, teasing lightly, "Be nice to Roman," before he went over to sit on the edge of Logan's bed just the same way he had with Roman, "Wanna talk about it?"
 "No need, Virgil rather, erm, thoroughly, let me know that there was a place for me should I want it," Logan stated, and shoved his glasses up his nose, a nervous habit Patton had picked up on over their 3 years living together. 
 "K, but do you?" Patton asked genuinely, and Logan tilted his head curiously. 
 "Do I what?" 
 "Do you want it?" Patton clarified and Logan came up short, blinking at him with nothing short of incredulity.
 Logan took a deep breath like he was about to start a spiel, then closed his mouth like he had the wind pulled out of his sails. He moved over to the bed and grasped Patton's hand like a lifeline, "If you think that I would rather be anywhere than with you all, then I have something to apologize for."
 Patton laughed a bit, though there was a nervous tinge to it, and crossed one of his legs over Logan's, "That so?" 
 "Very much so. I would need you to cite every occurrence which led you to believe this to be true so I could rectify it immediately," Logan told him, in an attempt to add some levity to the weight of the atmosphere between them.
 Patton hooked their ankles together and leaned in, brushing their noses together lightly, his voice clearly holding his laughter back, "And how would you do that, Mr. Perry." 
 Logan rubbed his nose against Patton's in return, then pressed a kiss to where his nose just was, "Well, Mr. Hart, I would start by improving upon my life's mission to put a smile on your face every single day."
 "That'd be pretty easy, Lolo," Patton teased, brushing a hand up Logan's arm and making him shiver, "Since you can make my day better just be being there." He punctuated his declaration with a brush of his lips over one cheek, "Just by being you," the other cheek now, "And you can make it even better if you agree to be our boyfriend." He finally pressed a kiss to Logan's lips, just a peck really, and Logan flushed brighter than he ever thought was possible.
 "You don't have to convince me," Logan breathed, and his grip tightened on the sheets beneath him. 
 Patton chuckled again, curling one finger through Logan's hair as cooed, "You sure? Cuz I can definitely do more convincing," and pressed another soft kiss to Logan's lips. 
 Logan swallowed thickly, "You are a minx, Patton Hart. We told the others we would be downstairs."
 Patton straightened up and grabbed onto Logan's hand, "You're right, you're right. Can't go getting distracted just cuz you're so darn cute I can't take it." 
 "Patton," Logan whined, but he still followed the tug on his arm to the door, "You can't just say things like that, especially when you are infinitely more adorable than I am." 
 "You sure you don't mean.. " Patton grinned like the cat that got the canary. 
 Logan's eyes narrowed in warning, "Don't you dare Patton."
 "Infinitesimally," Patton darted out the way as Logan made a grab for his vulnerable sides with a playful growl, laughing brightly, "Ok ok! I take it back! I'm sorry."
 "I'm sure you are," Logan sighed, then when Patton relaxed, pinched at his hip to make him yelp and giggle, letting out a bit of a laugh of his own because the sound just couldn't help but be mirrored, "That's what you get, you brat." 
 "Your brat," Patton singsonged, then took Logan's hand again, "C'mon we have two more boyfriends to find, yeah?"
 ⁂ (Spongebob Announcer Voice - Meanwhile) ⁂
 Virgil was still a bit unsteady on his feet as he and Roman headed for the stairs. Roman went down first, and when Virgil slipped a bit on a step with a little bit of a gasp he spun quickly and grabbed onto his waist to hold him upright before he could fall, and suddenly they were face to face. Now, normally, Roman was about an inch taller, but with the difference in steps, Virgil had two inches on him and Roman ended up having to look up through his lashes just to make eye contact, "Ok, Princey, that's just not fair."
 Roman gave him a salacious grin, then pulled an exaggerated simpering face with pouty lips and batting eyelashes, "What, that the nerd knocked you so off kilter that you can't even walk straight and needed a knight in shining armor to save you from your imminent doom?"
 Virgil flushed brightly, shoving at Roman's shoulder, "Ugh you're such an ass, it's like two steps from the bottom, even I know the worst risk was a bruised tailbone. I can't believe I like you."
 "You don't just like me, according to Patton," Roman teased, and his hands moved so he was wrapping his arms around his waist rather than just holding on, "You really like me, maybe even love me."
 Virgil switched tactics quickly, a cocky grin spreading across his face as he draped his own arms over Roman's shoulders, "And what if I do, huh? What're you gonna do about it, being the self-described Prince of Romance and all?"
 Roman's eyes went wide and dark but Virgil only had a moment to be proud of himself for being able to catch all three of the men he adored off guard today before Roman was surging up to press their lips together with a hunger that spoke more about the duration of longing between them than words ever could.
 Virgil lost himself in it a moment before his mind immediately tried to compare it to the other kisses he'd had today. Patton kissed like he had all the time in the world and if he could spend it all kissing you he absolutely would. Logan kissed like he could find all the answers to the universe in your lips if he just kept trying. Roman - Roman was no less languid, but no less passionate, and the combination gave Virgil the feeling like he'd been asleep for years without realizing it, only to be woken up by the spark Roman lit up inside of him. He felt complete.
 They didn't separate, not really. No, Virgil leaned down to grab at Roman's thighs and hike them up around his waist, and Roman switched to holding onto Virgil's shoulders without missing a beat, like they'd been doing this dance for years rather than minutes. And Virgil really should have known he and Roman would just be easy - they were fire and ice, they balanced each other, and coming together felt as natural as rainfall. Virgil sat on the same spot on the couch where this all started, and Roman adjusted in his lap all without breaking from their kiss. There were only two things in the world which could make them resurface, and they didn't come downstairs for five more minutes, looking rumpled and flushed themselves.
 Roman finally unlatched from Virgil's shirt and grinned down at him, "That 'Romance' enough for you, Virgie?" and Virgil shoved him off his lap onto the couch as he cackled at the dumbstruck look on his face.
 Virgil turned playfully pleading eyes towards Logan and Patton, "You gotta save me. He's insufferable."
 "Roman are you being mean to Virgil?" Patton asked, a bit of Dad Voice leaking in, and Virgil's "Yes!" warred with Roman's laugh-strangled "No" in answer. 
 Virgil crossed his arms and sunk into the couch and grumbled, "He's teasing me, Pat."
 Surprisingly Logan was the one to detach from Patton and head over to the two on the couch with a thoughtful hum, "That so? What for?"
 "Because he was mocking me for being a Romantic and I showed him what that really meant and he got a little flustered," Roman told him easily, "It's not teasing if it's true."
 "I just so happened to give him one of the best kisses of his short life," he continued, and Virgil snorted.
 "Ok now you're just bragging, you ass," Virgil whined, though notably he did not say anything to the contrary, and Logan raised one brow before turning to Roman.
 "Interesting," he said plainly, then swiftly dropped to the seat next to Roman and pulled him in by the neck to press their lips together, and Roman's hands flailed at his sides wildly in surprise before he finally settled them at his sides.
 Logan pulled back after a few seconds and gave the same hum again as Roman blinked blearily at him, "I'd rank it around a 6 out of 10." 
 Roman gaped at him, making a sound of complete outrage, starting to bluster about how it "wasn't a fair trial" and "you caught me by surprise!" and Logan could only hold his serious face for about 30 seconds before the shit-eating grin revealed itself and both Patton and Virgil broke out laughing. Roman threw his arms up, "I take everything back! I don't want to date any of you, you're all rude."
 Logan gave a little laugh and Roman's bravado deflated as he couldn't help but smile back, but he still had a bit of a spark to him, a glint to his eye, "Not the best, hmm? Wanna take that to the bank?"
 "I hardly expect banks to take kisses as currency, Roman," Logan said, eyeing him suspiciously.
 Virgil chuckled, recognizing the look of Princey in Challenge Mode from earlier, "Not what he means, Lo." 
Roman swooped back in, this time bracing himself with one arm wrapped over the back of the couch and one cupping Logan's cheek so softly Logan could barely feel it unless he were to lean into the touch himself. Roman kissed him softly, sensually, parting with a small pass of his teeth over Logan's bottom lip and a barely there brush of lips that left Logan wanting more. They both turned when they heard a small noise, and saw Virgil wrapped up in Patton's arms with Patton's reddened face pressed into his neck and his own lips parted on what must have been the whimper they'd heard. Patton picked his head up in the silence and his bright smile was enough to cut through the tension, "So I think it's safe to say we're all pretty compatible, hmm?" and the other three broke into light laughter that echoed through the rest of the house.
 ⁂ (An indeterminate amount of time later aka epilogue) ⁂
 Patton just needed to fix this one last hem, and he would be done, he promised himself, but honestly, with the hem done, the weights needed to be sewn on, and with the weights sewn on, the skirt needed to be spin tested and…
 "Pat? Honey? It's Saturday afternoon and you've been in here all day," Roman chided, then leaned back against the desk in the room they'd set aside as Patton's home studio.
 Patton looked up at Roman and squinted, "That can't possibly be right."
 "Yeah, Pattycakes, it's Saturday," Virgil told him gently as he entered, wrapping his arms around Patton's waist.
 Logan chimed in as he finally entered last, and Patton was feeling a little like he was being ganged up on, "I am positive you you'll get it done. Saturday is our day though. We only get you for one a week."
 "I just need to-" Patton started, only to be interrupted by a kiss to his cheek by Roman. He blinked, then tried again, "Need to-" Nope, this time Virgil, just behind his ear. "To-" Logan, coming in with a peck to the lips, then another, and this one deeper, and- "Guys, I'm feeling a bit ambushed here. I need to get this done."
 "No you don't, you need to have it done by Tuesday. You have plenty of time. You're giving Logan a run for his money on the perfectionism front," Virgil explained, running a gentle hand up and down Patton's side.
 Patton shivered, leaning into him almost on habit, already knowing he'd lost, but putting up a bit of a fight was half the fun, "Come on fellas..."
 "Nope, you're taking a break," Roman insisted, taking the skirt from Patton's hands gently, "We positively insist."
 Logan made significant eye contact with Virgil over Patton's head and in a moment Patton was passed from Virgil's arms to be wrapped up into Logan's, where he got another soft but alluring kiss, "We will not hesitate to convince you we are the better option than fabric and pin pricks, my dear."
 Patton giggled a bit, patting Logan's chest since his shoulder was a bit of a stretch, "That so? What'll y'all do?"
 Logan lifted Patton easily, and Patton wrapped his arms around Logan's neck, "First of all, we would exploit the fact that you enjoy being carried." 
 Patton laughed again, a little bit brighter, "That so? What next?"
 "We'd bring you down the hall," Virgil told him as he guided the pair through the doorway, "And show you the UPDF."
 "UPDF?" Patton asked curiously, then was unceremoniously dumped into a stack of pillows that nearly swallowed him whole.
 "Ultimate Patton Distraction Fortress, constructed to improve upon a thus-far-ineffective-at-distraction Living Room," Roman declared, then fell back into the pillows next to him with a distinctive thump.
 Patton rolled over at Roman's gentle prodding to curl into his chest, looking up at him through his lashes, "And what does this UPDF contain that makes it more effective?"
 "Oh simple really, Part 1) Logan has lifted his sugar-for-dinner ban as we informed him it is not technically dinner if it's Linner because someone forgot to eat lunch," Roman informed him, gesturing to the coffee table where a stack of chocolate chip waffles lay waiting.
 "Part 2, you've already so cleverly discovered, is the optimal cuddling arrangement of pillows and blankets," Logan continued as he wedged himself in along Roman's side and began brushing his fingers through Patton's hair, which he immediately and predictably melted into.
 "Part 3," Virgil added with a thump of his own, curling into Roman's other side and leaning in close to peck Patton's nose, "And what we think may be the key, is all the kisses you can possibly take."
 Patton swallowed thickly, and his eyes darkened even as they shone more brightly. "Y'all think you're up for as many kisses as I can take? Cuz that is... a lot of kisses...." he whispered as he leaned into Virgil, one hand holding on tight to Roman's shirt and the other grasping behind him for Logan's hand. "We could be here a long time," he grinned, lips brushing Virgil's as he spoke, "Possibly all night."
 "Oh what a tragedy," Logan attempted to deadpan, but his voice had that breathy quality to it, and that made Roman's voice hitch as he went, "Yep, sure, totally cool with that." And, well....
 The waffles needed to be warmed up, and by the time they got to the list of movies Roman had queued up they were all asleep before the end credits rolled.
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starstruck-xavier · 4 years
naturally affectionate virgil-
like, logan takes him stargazing and he points out all the constellations and the mythologies behind them and just lets virgil play with his hair while he talks
mayb roman makes him laugh or calls him a funny nickname and virgil’s stifling his laughter but he buries his face in the crook of roman’s neck to hide the fact that he’s smiling
or perhaps patton and virgil just hug each other or squeeze each other’s hands in passing moments and just bask in each other’s affection because it takes both their worries away
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