#mpreg bakugou
redpandaramblings · 2 years
Katsukis pregnancy mood swings consisting of weird ass food combos and extreme possessiveness cuz the last time he thought things were going good his alpha went and got engaged to someone else, yes I headcanon
Oh, for sure. Very very possessive Katsuki. If possible he’d want y/n at bare minimum in the same building as him at all times. He’d be somewhat mortified because pregnancy would turn him into a cryer. Cute baby clothes? Cry. Bad dream where y/n left him again? Cry. News channel does a positive feature on him and the pregnancy? Cry. A teenage omega fan tells him how he’s his role model and how he’s so glad that Bakugou is showing how men can be fully omega and still tough strong heroes? Ugly happy blubbering for HOURS.
The cravings absolutely would be insane. Though can’t decide if it would be all the spiciest food, or suddenly hating all the spice.
He would absolutely suffer from “super smelling” though. (It sucks ASS. Most hated pregnancy symptom.)
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animeheadcannonsblog · 7 months
Omega Malewife bakugo! X alpha reader!
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💥Pure house wife and he loves it
💥He never expected after graduation you would propose to him within the span of 5 years
💥And in that 5 years you became the number one hero Giving bakugo the luxury of retiring at 24
💥He didn’t want to obviously but he knew all you wanted to do was take care of I’m and raise a family together
💥Since then he just takes care of you and the house
💥“I’m home..” yn said as they walked in the door
💥You hear footsteps around the corner coming to you and you see bakugo in an apron with a spoon in his hand
💥“Don’t I’m home me! You’re an hour late dinner is cold and I’m not reheating it either damn it!”
💥All yn could do is smile and went to hug him
💥Later that year bakugo gave birth to a little girl
💥Bakugo is mommy
💥And your daddy
💥“Say bye bye daddy!”
💥Bakugo says with his 2 year old daughter on his hip
💥“Bye bye daddy” she waves happily
💥“Bye bye (haven’t thought of her name lol)!”
💥You kiss the top of her head and then go kiss bakugo on the lips
💥“I should be home around 8 if not 9:30 if all my paperwork is done-
💥“Promise me you’ll come home safe..ok?”
💥“Of course my love I promise
💥“No I mean it..no dumb stunts..like the ones you and izuku pull all the damn time...”
💥“Baby I promise”
💥You give him one last kiss before leaving
💥Later he sees you and izuku risking your lives going back into a collapsing building
💥Bakugo gives you and ear full when you get home
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ilitiaforever · 1 month
And today I draw more pages of the Bakugo x Kirishima commission, there will be 11 beautiful scenes. Complete in my patreon https://patreon.com/ilitia
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tyrialsofficial · 5 months
Mpreg Bakugou
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Katsuki Bakugou (Kacchan) Mpreg The baby is not even born yet,but it's already a fighter
well....a kicker at least
I've been having trouble with his name cus sometimes i see it as "Bakugou" but sometimes it's "Bakugo" so feel free to enlighten me
my twitter:THE ONE.......AND ONLY. 🎈✨🎉🎊TYRIAAALL✨🎉🎇🎈💋 (@Tyrialsofficial) / X (twitter.com)
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sistamajor · 10 months
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just take the fucking test, Deku
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somesprucetrees · 9 months
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Taking a moment to share my omega!Bakugou gif from way back. He’s getting fat so he can get bred full of healthy pups 😌
You’d think Kirishima would be the one to go pup-crazy, but in fact, it’s Bakugou.
alpha!Kirishima x omega!Bakugou
Omegaverse, breeding kink, weight gain, lots of sex, Bakugou getting pudgy and pupped, eventual mpreg
Male omegas have a harder time getting pregnant than female omegas, or even female betas. Fuck, even female alphas have a better shot at it than him. But Bakugou wants a family with pups. Viscerally wants dumb fat little babies waddling around his house, growing up big and strong and loved. God their pups… they don’t even exist yet but he’s already protective as fuck over them. They should be here with them.
Having a higher body fat percentage is one of the many traits correlated to male omegas successfully conceiving and carrying pups to term. And Bakugou is lean and mean. Plus, he has always had short, intense heats for an omega his age, a trait that works against him on the fertility front.
Kirishima accepts him no matter what, pups or no. Because of course he fuckin’ does. So Bakugou sets up their appointments. Their numbers are ok-ish. They come up with a plan. But what it boils down to is this:
Bakugou has gotta get some fat on him.
Being a little heavier (“fluffier” as Kiri puts it) will also lengthen out his heats from 3 to maybe 5 days. It’ll also protect against the worst of the weight loss that comes with male omegas being sick for the first 3 months.
He’s done all the research. They’ve met with a nutritionist and 3 doctors. They’ve come up with a plan. Kirishima is still in the “we shouldn’t push it” and “if it happens, it happens” camp because parenthood means putting hero work on hiatus. It’s something they’re both hesitant to do. Plus, Bakugou’s body will undergo a lot of stress; he’ll be forever changed. But Bakugou reminds him of every scar and villain fight that changed him, that changed them both. This isn’t that different. This a battle he wants to win.
So, they get down to it.
Kirishima goes on rut suppressants while they both focus on softening up Bakugou. It’s…painfully slow going at first. He’s powerful and strong, got the metabolism of a damn freight train. But gains are made. The inches and the pounds slowly start to stick to his muscular frame. Every gain feels like a cause for celebration! But it’s a lot of eating…
The plan is 40 pounds. And honestly, it’s not that much. It’s insurance. But once he finally (finally!) hits the 15 pound mark, it’s like a switch gets flipped. Not only does Bakugou’s appetite increase, but his metabolism finally starts to slow. And then the inches really start to show! Bakugou’s so damn proud of himself. Before he realizes it, he’s got 30 pounds of jiggling, soft flesh on his middle that wasn’t there a few months ago. It’s so… unlike the rest of him. Sure, his ass rounded out a bit, and his arms softened a little. But the belly he’s sporting now looks like mochi.
And it’s driving both him and his alpha wild. Why? Well, not only is it super fun to touch, to grab, to shake and pat, but it represents Bakugou’s growing fertility. He feels good like this. Plus, his alpha is so easy to tease. He can laze around, just rubbing and jiggling his belly, and suddenly a couple hundred calories worth of snacks just magically appears. It’s hard for Kiri to hide how much he loves what this is doing to Bakugou’s body. He can’t keep his hands off his omega’s perfect, softening belly. He’s gonna put pups there someday. And Bakugou can’t keep his hands off his belly either. The jiggle is just really nice, ok? When he’s pupped, it’s not gonna be all soft and comfy, and he knows that. But for now, it’s easier to imagine what being knocked up is gonna be like.
Bakugou’s first heat with the extra weight is insane. Kiri’s still on the suppressants as a pregnancy prevention; any pregnancy before Bakugou’s body is ready may not make it. They’d rather not risk it. But damn does Bakugou miss his alpha’s knot. Without his rut, Kiri can just barely keep up with his absolutely frantic, mess of an omega. He’s begging for more! Another round, another snack, more of everything.
The fact that Bakugou is an omega is public knowledge. And male omega’s gaining weight can only mean one thing. All around them, he’s suddenly doted on wherever he goes. By fans, his parents, their friends, random shop owners, everyone. Which, frankly, he hates because he only wants Kiri to spoil him. But how can he push away all the amazing treats? Those extra calories are necessary to get his body ready! So he takes what he’s offered, eating thousands of calories a day and getting softer.
40 pounds comes and goes. Kiri goes off his suppressants, and Bakugou has gained a respectable 55 pounds when Kiri goes into rut. Of course his omega responds and his heat starts the next day. Almost perfect coordination! They’re the best at this baby-making thing! It’s the most intense cycle they’ve ever shared, and Bakugou is certain he’s thoroughly bred by the end. He spent most of his heat face down in their bed being ravaged, spending more time being split open on Kiri’s cock than not. And his body handles it for 5 whole days.
The first cycle doesn’t bring any pups. But they’re not discouraged. It’s to be expected! It takes a couple of cycles even for couples with the highest chances!
What isn’t expected is that Bakugou’s weight continues to climb. And climb.
If you want more, lemme know!
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squidiebabyart · 2 years
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Kacchan’s fish family
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meereslichtart · 9 months
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serasarahhhh · 2 months
Author: Maxine Pairings: BakuDeku Rating: R Chapters: 14/? Notes: Accidental quirk shenanigans result in an unplanned pregnancy. Post-canon, no a/b/o dynamics. Summary: It's not that Katsuki didn't want kids. He figured he'd have them one day, probably. That he and Izuku would adopt or maybe figure something else out. This is NOT how it was supposed to go. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 14 “OI!” Katsuki barks at the rest of the room, even though most of its occupants are already staring at him with arched eyebrows. He swallows as everyone else turns their attention toward him, trying not to fidget in place or do anything that would make him fall. He’s not exactly at his usual level of coordination these days. “Real quick. Uh. I know I was kind of a last-minute addition to the staff roster and maybe some of you are wondering what the hell I’m doing here.” “Recovering from a thing!” Present Mic shouts, and then gives him a double thumbs up when Katsuki scowls. At his side, Vlad King starts snickering. “No – goddammit.” Katsuki huffs. “Look, I’ve been off field work for a few weeks and was getting sick of hanging around my agency not doing shit.” He tips his head in Tsuyu’s direction. “Froppy here was nice enough to suggest letting me double up with her and somehow we got Principal Nezu onboard. Probably just taking pity on me, but whatever. I’m gonna be even more of a pain for you people to deal with than I was in school because…” Katsuki cuts both hands in toward his stomach, more or less framing the bulging curve there. “I’m pregnant. Got hit with a Quirk. Shit happened. It’s Deku’s.” He puffs out a breath and jerks forward into a slight bow. “Thanks in advance for putting up with me, I guess.” “Young Bakugou, please get down,” All Might hisses out in an overly frantic tone, and this time Katsuki does as told. He even accepts the hand the older man holds out to assist him. “See, now that explains it,” a gruff voice says. Katsuki looks up to find Hound Dog stroking the bottom of his muzzle in a thoughtful sort of way. Most of the rest of the room seems completely unphased – likely a byproduct of having years under their belts as both pro heroes and teachers who’ve mentored hundreds of students with all manner of Quirks. They’ve all seen some shit, Katsuki realizes, and the bit of tension that had locked up his shoulders abruptly drains away. This probably isn’t even close to the weirdest thing any of them have dealt with. “Explains what?” Katsuki asks, somewhat warily. Hound Dog shrugs. “Your smell.” “…What?” “You smell pregnant. It was throwing me off.” “WHAT?!” “Maaaan, you’ve gotta share things like that!” Present Mic yells over at Houng Dog. “Spill the tea, share the juice, give me the gossip! How many times do I gotta tell you?!” “Way too early,” Aizawa grumbles again. He pulls open a drawer of a nearby desk and whips out a yellow sleeping bag that’s seen far better days. “Somebody wake me up when the opening ceremony starts.” “Shouta, did you know?” Present Mic demands, spinning toward him before Aizawa can fully disappear beneath the desk. “Shouta! HEY. Did you know??” “Oh man, I’m so glad I signed on this year,” Tokage utters in awe. She looks a little too gleeful, honestly. “This is great.” Tsuyu nods in agreement. “I wonder if it’s always this eventful.” “What the fuck does he mean, I smell pregnant,” Katsuki asks, scandalized. “Is that a fucking thing? Do I stink??” “It’s just his Quirk, Bakugou.” Tsuyu gives him a reassuring pat on the arm. “He probably picked up on the hormonal changes. Don’t worry about it. Want to go over the plans for our first classes?” Alright, well that’s gross and terrible to know. Continue reading at AO3. Through chapter 14 now posted!
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cassiebakugou · 11 months
TW: mpreg(since they have a kid and it’s not adopted)
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Omg izukus face in the final panel 🥹😭🧡💚@zaiban2989
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9r7g5h · 7 months
Should Have Been Obvious
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: T
Genre: Humor
Summary: "How the actual fuck did I raise such a stupid brat?"
Even as the side of Katsuki's lip curled, he couldn't necessarily argue with his mother. He wanted to, he really, really did, but in this one case he had to concede that she was maybe, just slightly, kind of right.
It should have been obvious.
Words: 2,433
"How the actual fuck did I raise such a stupid brat?"
Even as the side of Katsuki's lip curled, he couldn't necessarily argue with his mother. He wanted to, he really, really did, but in this one case he had to concede that she was maybe, just slightly, kind of right. Partly because she hadn't been the first to say it - their friends, their former teachers, the others at their agency; hell, even Recovery Girl had broken her retirement and self imposed month long temporary isolation in Florida to give him a call and chew him out when she had heard the news. The doctors so far had been nicer about the whole thing, if with an air of judgment about them, reassuring him that, while rare, it could, in fact, happen. There'd been studies, tv shows, social experiments - they weren't the only ones this had happened to, though perhaps they were one of the most famous. That had only made him feel slightly better, because really, the other reason he didn't snap back at his mother was that, thinking about it, all of the signs had, if fact, been there.
It should have been obvious.
But, really, Izuku being sick at 3 am almost every single day for two months had been easy to write off. The damn nerd was constantly getting cheap crap from convenience stores for snacks on his way home from patrols, no matter how much Katsuki tried to protest. So they had both just laughed (or, rather, Katsuki had laughed, Izuku had bemoaned) it off as his stomach finally taking its revenge now that he was in his mid-20s.
The back and chest pain? Well, they were both heroes - things were constantly getting tweaked and twisted and hit, and even when they had desk duty, Izuku never sat properly. He was always hunched over his laptop, muttering under his breath instead of keeping track of his HDMI cables so he could use the nice, comfortable chairs and large monitors the agency had gotten them.
Being tired? The nerd never slept. End of story, he was always tired, and so was Katsuki, depending on whether or not Izuku had kept him awake as well. Sometimes a happy tired, if he'd gotten his dick wet at least, but more often then not a frustrated tired, his lovely, wonderful husband and mate keeping him awake half the night because they just had to talk about the new quirk theory he'd come up with. A talk that couldn't wait until their, you know, shared patrol the next day, or shared lunch hour, or dinner, where they lived together.
Crying easily? Izuku had already been flooding the city on a daily basis because a child knew his name, and if someone insulted one of their friends (especially him), they had exactly three seconds to find somewhere to hide and pray before he tried to rip them a new asshole for shits and giggles. Moodswings had always been part of Izuku, and nothing new to their lives.
Neither of them had thought much about Izuku's missed heat; he'd always been irregular, ever since he'd gotten One for All, going from the standard one every three months to sometimes six months in between a heat, or sometimes only two. Their mating and medications had helped, for the most part, but a missed one was nothing to worry about. For sure nothing to call home or run to a doctor about, but instead just a scheduled off long weekend to take advantage of.
Though, perhaps his reluctance to take apart the elaborate nest he'd established in the living room should have sent up some flags. Katsuki was glad for the small bite scar on his hand now, and the fact that the nest was still there, left alone after Izuku had made it very clear it was staying. They'd need it, even if it was ugly as fuck and in the worst place possible. It smelled like them, sure, but he still hated the fact that they owned an Icy Hot blanket, and for some reason Izuku had put that bastard's merch right where it was most visible wherever you went in the apartment.
Sure, the weird food had been weird, but none of it had been too too strange. Katsuki had gagged the first time he'd seen Izuku eat pork rinds and m&ms ("It's just like chocolate covered bacon, Kacchan!"), and more than once Katsuki had wondered why and how he'd let himself get bullied out of his own house to try and find melon pudding in the middle of the night, but again, not too weird. Or, rather, neither of them had really just thought about it.
Damn it, Denki was rubbing off on him too much. He really was a dumbass.
To be fair, in their defense, there had been some pretty obvious things that hadn't been there as well. Izuku's scent had barely changed, the slightest extra sweetness of milk barely there under the lighting and mint. He'd barely put on any extra weight, his increased appetite quickly burned off by the amount of exercise they did each day. They were both already horny fucks, so any increase in that area hadn’t been that noticeable.
It hadn't been until earlier that day that they'd begun to suspect something was maybe, just maybe, wrong. Izuku had woken up complaining of a weird pressure in his lower stomach, strange cramps that he couldn't just walk off. Katsuki had suggested he take the day off, go to the doctor, but Izuku had been insistent on doing his shift first. They had a short, early day, so they could always swing by whichever hospital was closest to them when they clocked out.
"I'm fine, Kacchan," Izuku had said, his smile tight even as he rubbed at his lower back, hissing as another cramp hit him. "It's probably just some stomach thing from all the weird things I've been eating."
He'd wanted to push, but deciding it was better to not argue and just keep a close eye on him, Katsuki had just nodded and gotten ready for the day.
He should have pushed. Throughout the day it was clear how much the cramps had been bothering Izuku, citizens giving him strange, almost panicked looks each time he stopped and pressed his hand to his stomach or his back, biting back whatever noise of pain threatened to break free. Some had even given Katsuki angry, disapproving looks, though when he had just shrugged and rubbed Izuku's back until he insisted he was fine enough for them to continue, that seemed enough for people to drop it. At least until the alerts went off for the robbery.
He wasn't even sure now what the name of the place was, whether it was a bank or some kind of store, just that one of the villains had some kind of x-ray quirk to let them figure out where the best goods to take were, while the other could pull apart the metal and bricks to fill their bags. He and Deku had been the first on the scene, making enough of an entrance that, without turning off the weird eye thing the woman had been doing, both villains had turned towards them, more than ready to fight.
Only for Creepy Eyes to take one look at Izuku and throw her hands up, hitting her partner on the way so she would do the same.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You need to be in a hospital, not running around being a hero for one fucking day. We’re thieves, we’re not getting involved in this shit and possibly hurting one of you.” Her voice had been panicked, each blink causing her eyes to flicker between black and green as she lowered herself to the ground. “And you,” the snarl had taken Katsuki off guard, he’d admit - plenty of villains had growled at him before, but never with this kind of tone - “what kind of alpha are you? I know he’s the number one hero and all the shit, but really? You really care that little about him that you didn’t take him to the hospital already? Fucking shitty mate is what you are.”
Katsuki had bristled at the accusation, words he technically understood but that all together meant shit. Not that he had had time to do anything: his face dark, Izuku had taken a few steps forward, power crackling through his limbs, mouth open to speak-
Only to freeze as another one of those cramps rippled through him, this time accompanied by wetness that had stained the back of his pants, soaking through and dripping down his legs onto the dusty floor.
The next few hours had been blurry, Katsuki had to admit. Bird Brain flying in on his wave of darkness to take over for them while they waited for the ambulance; the ride as the EMTs helped Izuku out of his hero costume, asking him questions Katsuki fired off the answers to, because he knew Izuku more than well enough to respond even as his husband gritted his teeth against the strange pain, scent sharp and stressed and scared; the hospital trying to pull him to the side so he could fill out forms (he might or might not have tried to bite someone) until someone with brains had told them to do it later, this was happening now.
The room, the doctors, too many voices and not enough answers as he tried to keep Izuku calm. Calm and breathing and following the few instructions one of the smiling nurses had come by his head to give him (smiling, so that had to mean he wasn’t dying, something Katsuki had latched onto), ignoring his own pained hand as Izuku squeezed it between the waves. Waves that part of Katsuki had realized were more than some stomach bug, but he’d been proven an idiot, a complete dumbass, because it hadn’t been until the end, when Izuku had been screaming and crying and accidentally kicked someone in the face that it had gone quiet, that it had ended and whatever had been going on was over, that a small, whimpering newborn had been placed on Izuku’s chest that he’d actually realized what it all meant.
“Fucking hell,” he’d breathed, eyes wide and slightly faint as he’d watched Izuku carefully push back the dark hair on their head. Watched as, exhausted and out of it, Izuku had nuzzled the infant before trying to find a nurse, frowning as his tired gaze had fallen on Katsuki himself.
“They gave me a baby, Kacchan,” Izuku had slurred, eyes drooping, barely awake. “We’re heroes - we need to find her parents.”
“Give her here, nerd,” Katsuki had said, though it had taken a long few moments and some gentle swipes of his wrists over Izuku’s to get him to actually let go of her. “Go to sleep; I got her.”
And that was still how he was now, two hours after his daughter’s birth. He’d called his mom, given her the bare jist of it - she’d grabbed Inko on her way over, his dad out of the country for some business meeting, his green-haired mother-in-law quietly fawning over her still sleeping son. The doctor had given him something, after hearing the whole story, to help with healing and keep him calm when he woke up, though he’d sleep for a bit longer. Mitsuki sat next to him, looking between her phone and granddaughter, eyes bright even as she berated him and fielded calls. Stupid villain had leaked everything to the media the first chance she’d gotten, and Katsuki was glad he had someone to deal with the fallout of their stupidity for them.
He sure as fuck couldn’t. Besides calling the old hag, he’d barely been able to take his eyes off of her. She was so small, could fit in his arms so easily, his daughter. Perfectly healthy, if a bit small and a little bit early, nothing to be concerned about, according to the doctor that had almost had to pry her from his hands to give her her first checkover. A miracle, in Katsuki’s mind, considering there’d been nothing that he knew they should have been doing; none of the vitamins, none of the classes, none of the special exercises or appointments or anything that those shitty lifetime movies always made such a big deal out of.
They were dumbasses, as his mother so loved to remind him every few minutes as she replied to calls and texts and coordinated with PR, but even so they’d made the best kid.
Immediately he was at Izuku’s side; he knew he was purring, brushing his cheek over and over against Izuku’s as he held their baby in his arms, scenting him excessively as Izuku just looked at him in tired confusion, but Katsuki couldn’t bring himself to stop. He’d had two whole extra hours to process this shit, and fuck, sure, brats had always been a “When we get to them” kind of thing, but she was here and perfect and he was happy.
“So it wasn’t a dream.” His voice tired and awed, Izuku just reached out for the baby, their baby, and brushed his wrist over her, scenting her, smiling as she squirmed at the sensation. “Kacchan, we have a baby. We didn’t even know I was pregnant and now we have a daughter.” He was tearing up, taking the offered tissues from Inko as Katsuki just sat there and let him process, nuzzling him while holding their child tight between them. “What are we going to tell everyone?”
“Don’t worry about that, ‘Zuku,” Katsuki quickly said, shooting Mitsuki a look they both understood. He didn’t need to know about the media circus show, about how Momo had created a key to their apartment and their friends were already swarming their home with baby shit, that the world was talking and speculating and wondering about how they’d gotten into this predicament in the first place (since a hero almost giving birth on the field was a new one). “Right now you need to rest, and we need to figure out what we’re calling this cute little brat.”
“Don’t call your kid a brat, you stupid brat. How I raised such a dumbass, I’ll never know.”
Katsuki wanted to argue, but really, she was right. He was a dumbass - a lucky as fuck, happy dumbass, and at least now he knew what to look for next time.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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redpandaramblings · 2 years
Would Katsuki like to be doted on during his pregnancy? I have a feeling that he would, especially if it’s his mate doing it. Would rather die than let someone else console him because he saw a teeny baby onesie, but if it’s his mate he’s snuggling up to them and letting himself go lol.
Also I’m so sorry you got into an accident, I hope you’re alright ❤️ I love your works
I think it’s a thing that grows on him. (And in him.) 🥁 *rimshot*
But seriously, it took him a little bit to get comfortable with being doted on in general, so absolutely takes him a bit to get used to being spoiled for being pregnant. At first I could see him being extremely defensive. “I am Katsuki Bakugou, a pro hero. I don’t need someone else getting me hard candy/ginger ale because the smell of my own agency makes me queasy now.”
Agree that he’d have the easiest time letting reader take care of him and letting him experience pregnancy authentically. But honestly? I could absolutely see this as the time that Denki and Bakugou mend things 100%. Because Denki would have had 2-3 pups at this point. (He and Shinso waste 0 time. They have an oops baby Denki’s first heat they’re together.). Denki would have the unique position of being the only one who gets it entirely. The male pregnant pro hero omega stress. Even reader doesn’t 100% understand all the specifics like Denki would. Denki would be able to push some self care at Bakugou and talk some sense into him about how he has two tons of hormones coursing through his already temperamental system, of course the tiny baby booties are enough to make him tear up right now. It’s natural.
The rest of the pack would also get away with doting just a little once Bakugou makes a little more peace with himself. Cuddle privileges would mostly be reserved for Reader and kiddo 1, though.
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littlediangelo7 · 1 year
I just thinking about the daily family krbk routine<3
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When Bakugou had birth Katsura he just spend his pregnancy vacations at home and later go to job like a Pro-hero, and Kiri is at home with the baby<3
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ilitiaforever · 3 months
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tyrialsofficial · 6 months
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Katsuki Bakugo (kacchan) Mpreg
(This is only 1 of the 3 pictures that i posted)
Full picture on my twitter/pixiv !
Twitter:THE ONE.......AND ONLY. 🎈✨🎉🎊TYRIAAALL✨🎉🎇🎈💋
Pixiv:malepregnancy, mpreg, mpreg / 妊夫 (mpreg) 7 - pixiv
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sistamajor · 10 months
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She's gorgeous, Midoriya. Uncle Todoroki was called as hero's Deku emergency contact, meanwhile the husband is lying on the floor, useless.
#0 - #1 - #2
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