#mr ayato i think about you every day
teyvathandymenclub · 2 months
Bring Your Child to Work Day
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Characters: Neuvillette, Itto, Cyno, Ayato
TW: None
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It has been two days since you fell sick not being able to leave your bed. Your husband was always really caring, but his loving personality shined especially on days like this. You have never been more thankful for him being by your side. Neuvillette even took time off from work which happened only once when your daughter was born.
But being such an important figure in Fontaine comes with responsibilities that he could not ignore, so he had to leave for a few hours.
“Honey, what are you doing?” You almost laughed when you saw him packing your daughter's backpack.
“Packing for our business trip.” Neuvillette smiled at you happily, seeing you feeling a little bit better. 
“I am fine, she can stay with me.”
“No. And I am not going to discuss that any further.” Neuvillette hugged you tightly and left with the little girl in one hand and her backpack in the other.
After arriving at Palais Mermonia, the little girl started shuffling too much so Neuvillette put her down. She immediately straightened her dress and stuck her chin up just like her daddy always does after entering the building. Neuvillete went straight towards his office not realizing his daughter mirroring his majestic walk, filling the hallway with loud taps right behind him as she tried to keep up with him. 
Everyone almost melted at the sight of the little girl, but no one dared to speak to or touch the child of the Judex.
Neuvillette settled behind his desk and gave his daughter all the supplies to keep her occupied for some time. She took out all of her crayons and started to draw. Neuvillette almost tapped himself on the shoulder for amazing management of the situation until he realized that he was blessed with a drawing of a weirdly mixed pony and snake on one of the contracts that he just signed. When he took it away from her, she grabbed another. 
“No baby, these are daddy´s papers, these are yours.”
He had to wrestle her for the papers for a moment until he gave up and put her down from his desk.
“That is my chair. I want to sit in the big chair.” The little girl protested.
“No, that is my chair, but I will let you sit there when I finish…”
“Daddy splash, splash!!” She interrupted him.
“No, Daddy can not, he would make a mess in his office my dear...” 
But before he could finish his sentence, the little girl summoned her power out of nowhere as she started running around and made a huge puddle in every corner of his office. 
Neuvillette jumped up from his seat and started to chase her. He even almost slipped once before he finally caught her and carried her out of his office under his arm like a bag of potatoes.
“I did not know that my daughter is such a devilish little dragon.” He mumbled as he was looking for a melusine. 
“I know I have never made this kind of request, but can you entertain her for a few minutes? I would not ask you if it would not be an emergency.” He said, almost ashamed. 
“Absolutely! However long you need.” One of the melusines smiled, excited from such an unexpected task.
After quickly finishing work in peace, Neuvillette packed the pink backpack thinking about not bringing it again, and left to look for his daughter. It took him a while until he heard her giggle in one of the administrative rooms. The little girl was surrounded by at least four melusines playing games unknown to Neuvillette. 
“I do not know how to thank you.” He said full of gratitude.
“Do not mention it Mr. Neuvillette. We were glad to help!” Melusines said almost in unison and waved goodbye as he picked her up into his arms.
“I think we deserve a little treat after a long work day.” He smiled at his daughter in the streets of Fontaine. 
“Yes! Yes! Ice cream!” She jumped. “And for Mommy too!”
“Absolutely! We can not forget to pick medicine for her and her favorite treat to cheer her up.” Neuvillette smiled.
“Balloons!!!” The little girl screamed and ran away.
Neuvillette ran after her while he thought about whether or not shops sell leashes for little dragons.
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That morning you woke up with someone standing right next to your side of the bed.
“Itto? What is going on?!” You asked confused.
“I have decided that today is the day when I am going to introduce our son to my gang.” Itto smiled brightly with a baby carrier strapped to his body.
“Your gang? You do not have a gang anymore.”
“But we stayed friends and still call ourselves a gang, Mrs. Smart.” Itto rolled his eyes.
“I know, I am just teasing you.” You pulled him down to you to kiss him. “I think it is a good idea, but you need to be careful. Can you promise me that?”
“Absolutely? You do not know me? I am the most…” Itto stopped himself after he saw your raised brows. “Do not worry, wifey. Love you. Bye!”
Itto suddenly disappeared, leaving you confused when you heard your son coo in his crib. After a few minutes, the door on your home opened with Itto´s head peeking into your bedroom.
“Did you forget something?” You asked, not making it easy for him.
“Yeeeah, about that… Have I left our son here? Or should I look elsewhere?”
“Itto? Are you joking??” You looked at the baby in the crib.
“Of course! Of course, I am joking.” Itto reached for his son and strapped him into the baby carrier. “Bye-bye.” Itto waved at you with little Oni´s hand in his and left.
Once he met with his gang he could not stop bragging how strong and amazing his son is. Just like his father, obviously. 
After they finished lunch, Itto dragged them into the woods on a mission to find a big beetle that he could train for his son.
“But Boss! He can't even walk yet.” Argued one of the boys.
“He can start any day now, I need to be prepared. It is not easy to train a new champion. You need to start early!” Itto shut him down.
After a few hours of unsuccessful searching for the biggest and mightiest beetle, the gang left for lunch number two. And also the baby boy smelled because he needed a clean diaper.
As Itto left the restaurant with a full belly and the baby with a freshly changed diaper, he heard the sound of some kind of rock music in the distance.
“Boys! There is a concert that we are missing! We need to check it out!”
When they finally arrived, Itto frowned, realizing that he could not take a baby to the concert with such loud music. 
“Boss! Where are you going?”
“I will be right back!” Itto ran away, holding his son's ears.
And he truly came back in a few minutes with a sleeping baby in the carrier and big noise-canceling headphones on his little head.
Not long after it was time for dinner, the whole gang visited the local market with freshly cooked food. The place was crowded, but it was worth it to stay there for all the delicious meals they offered there.
“Oh, sorry big guy, I am leaving crumbles all over your head.” Itto looked down and realized that the carrier was empty. “In the name of the lavender melon, no!” Itto screamed.
He immediately gathered everyone from the gang to look for his son. Itto was never afraid of anything. Except beans. And his wife. And if she finds out that he lost little Oni, there would be no Oni left after she is done with him.
In the meantime, Kuki looked after the baby, because she saw Itto had been occupied with ordering food. When she saw all the boys running around the market like headless chickens, she realized that someone had forgotten that the baby was with her. After letting them marinate in fear she finally took mercy on them and brought the baby back to the big Oni.
“Kuki! Where did you find him?!” Itto kissed his son´s face. “You just saved my life Shinobu!” He reached out to her to do the same, but she immediately stopped him.
“Just say thank you, Boss.” She smiled.
“Thank you! And…” Itto lowered his voice. “Do not tell my wife. She would have me sleep on the couch. No cuddles for me for the rest of the month. Can you imagine?”
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You were never into the idea of Cyno training your daughter. But he kept begging you and you knew that he would not put your child in any danger, so today, with a heavy heart, you finally let them go. 
“But only for a moment, before work. Ok?” You looked at him with worry.
Cyno could not contain his excitement as he sat down with his girl on his forearm and left your house with a bright smile. He was toying with the idea of going behind your back, but he quickly brushed it. He respected and loved you too much to do something like that.
Now, after waiting for so long Cyno was on his way with the child holding him around the neck. With a bag full of water and snacks on his back, he reached his favorite spot where he used to train by himself when he was just a kid.
“Here we are!” Cyno smiled at his girl. “Now Daddy is going to put you down and we can fight a little. What do you think?”
“You are going to lose!” The little girl, barely school age, said with a confident smirk.
“Why do you sound just like your mommy?” Cyno chuckled.
He knew his daughter had the soul of a fighter, just like her parents, but she still surprised him. Every stance, every move… She quickly adapted and Cyno´s heart was full when he saw her reaching for his polearm.
“One day it will be all yours. Mine gift only for you. But not today, ok?”
A silent cry was her answer and Cyno knew it was time to go.
“Someone is a little cranky. How about we head back to the village.” He said to himself and packed the stuff that he brought.
With a tired child positioned on his forearm with small hands wrapped around his neck again, Cyno headed back to civilization. Now and then he stopped to show her beautiful flowers that were typical for this part of the world and explained them to her. With each stop, the little girl was less and less interested in the fauna that her father was showing her.
“That is ok.” He mumbled. “We have the whole life ahead of us to teach you everything I know.” Cyno smiled proud of being able to share his wisdom with his own blood.
When they finally reached the village, Cyno settled in his office after he tucked his daughter on the small sofa in the next room. After dealing with the most important tasks of the day, you surprised him with lunch and a plan to take your daughter home with you.
“A meal for our child. Take it as an exchange type of business.” You laughed.
“But she was supposed to be with me the whole day,” Cyno argued with an upset look all over his face.
“You are about to head out. You thought that I would let you take her to visit criminals?” You raised your brow.
“I would not… You shelter her too much.”
“So do you. Just in a different way.” 
You kissed him and with a smile, you left with your sleeping child in your arms.
Cyno wanted to argue that he did not know what you meant by that, but he knew all too well. Since he held her for the first time, he could not stop imagining the day when he would no longer be there to protect her. If there is only one thing that he would be able to accomplish in his life, it would be to teach his daughter to protect herself like he protects both of you.
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Ayato always took pride in his family. First, his sister. Then he met you. When you blessed him with your yes, he hardly could have imagined to be even happier than he already was. Proud husband of the most beautiful and intelligent woman he ever met. But then your son was born. His world, his heart expanded and there was not a moment when he would not talk about the two of you. Everything crushed when he visited you in the garden as he came back home after his work travels. As he reached for you to kiss you, your son tried to push him away. 
Ayato froze.
“Oh, do not mind him.” You smiled. “You have been gone a little too long this time and maybe he just needs to get used to you being around again.” You tried to reassure him as you hugged him tightly.
Ayato smiled at you and got down on his knee to hug his son. You knew it was not a good idea, but did not interfere. As expected, the boy pushed him and ran away. 
“I got used to it, but he is too small to accept the concept of someone traveling for days without him. Give him time.” You comforted your husband.
“You are right, my dear.” Ayato hugged you around your waist. “As always.” He smiled.
“Maybe you can show him what you do, hm?” 
“You mean… Like to take him to work with me? What a strange idea.”
“Trust me.” You silenced him with a kiss.
The next morning, Ayato was already prepared to start his day before dawn when he remembered your proposal. When he opened the door to his son's bedroom, he found him deep in the sleep. Since that moment, Ayato felt like he had done everything wrong. He woke his son and tried to make him dress up for the day.
“Shhh, we do not want to wake up your mommy.” Ayato tried to calm the boy politely.
After exhausting fighting in the bedroom, it was finally time for the real fight. Ayato did not want to miss his daily morning sword training.
“I have got something for you.” Ayato handed his son a beautifully packed box. 
When the boy smiled, Ayato felt a deep relief. Until the boy opened the box where he found a perfectly crafted wooden sword from the highest quality wood ever found. Ayato expected to see his son´s face to light up as yours always does when he brings you gifts from his travels. But the boy looked at him with disappointment written all over his face. He never showed any interest in the art of swords, but Ayato kept telling himself that it was just a matter of time. 
Ayato tried to train for an hour that felt like an eternity, but his son did not want to cooperate. All he got was a huge bruise on his shin after the boy swung his new sword with the power of a grown man.
Your husband tried to keep his composure in front of you during breakfast and your questions about his weird walk were not answered. You knew all too well what happened because the screams of your son were probably heard by the whole island so you checked on them. 
“We will be in my office if you need anything.” Ayato kissed you and picked up the boy.
“Are you sure?” You smiled knowing just by looking at your husband how tired he was.
“Yes, my dear. Have some faith in me.” 
You wanted to, but knowing your son´s hyperactivity and Ayato´s need for peace and order… It was like a clash of titans and you wanted to help. Then you realize it is time for Ayato to step up as a father. To show your son the right example of a good man. So you stayed away. Even after hours of listening to constant running around the office, tearing sound of the papers, knocking down decorations… Until you heard the last knock. The doors of Ayato's office suddenly opened. When he saw you, he did not say a thing. He did not need to. His clothes were drenched from ink. Ayato disappeared for a moment so you peeked into his office and found it in complete disarray. Your boy was sitting there playing with an empty bottle of ink so you started picking up all the loose papers.
“Leave it. Please.” Ayato said out of nowhere. “I will take care of it later. Now is time for a little walk.”
Dressed in clean clothes he reached for his son and left. Your heart almost sank. It was not funny anymore and all you could do was to hope that their relationship would get better as soon as possible.
Ayato felt completely lost. How is it possible that he could make a deal even with the worst diplomats that this world has and he is not able to find a common ground with his own son?
As he walked down the lane full of Sakuras that he used to walk by with you by his side when he was still courting you, lost in his thoughts, the boy started shouting.
“Mommy, mommy!” 
Ayato turned over to look for you, but they were alone. “Mommy is home. She is not here.”
“Mommy, mommy, mommy!” The little boy kept shouting while reaching for something.
Ayato looked up and realized that all the boy wants are the flowers blooming on the trees. So he reached up to pick a few and handed them to the little one. The boy instantly got quiet and looked almost… content.
“Mommy. Yes, little man. You are right.” Ayato smiled. 
How could he possibly forget? On one of your walks, he picked a Sakura flower and put it in your hair. Since then, you always wear some once in a while to remind you of your beginnings.
“Let us go back and bring Mommy your gift. Ok?”
When they finally reached the borders of your home, the little boy started running towards the gardens. He spotted you immediately in your usual place and with a loud mumbling of random words he gifted you a beautiful bouquet of pink flowers.
“Wau! What a beautiful gift.” You kissed your proud son on his head as a thank you. “Did you pick them all by yourself?”
“No!” A loud shout filled the peaceful garden. “Daddy! Daddy, help!” The little boy shouted as he ran to Ayato and hugged him tightly around his leg.
“Oh? What a good daddy!” You smiled and looked at your husband. You would swear that you spotted tears in his eyes. 
Ayato was looking at you, unable to look away. No matter how hard his day was, he knew he would not want it any other way. Then he looked down at his son still hugging his leg and realized that he is going to be tall like him. He could not know it for sure, but he just knew. Tall just like him, with the hair of his beautiful mother and eyes in a perfect blend of both of you.
As he sat down next to you with your son in his lap, all he could think about was how thankful he was for being made to slow down and appreciate your work for your family. He always admired you for being a perfect wife and mother. But after this day, he was thankful even more and promised to take at least one day off to be with both of you.
Ayato that night held you and kissed you with so much care and love just like the day you gave him your son. He forgot for a moment that family will always be the most important thing. And he will never forget again.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS LOST EDEN WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD ”Coffin Decoration ~ Out of the Counsel of Three comes the Greatest Fashion Sense”
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Original title: 棺桶★デコレーション~三人寄れば最強のセンス!?~
Source: Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takashi Kondou & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: This CD added three days to my lifespan with how absolutely ADORABLE Subaru is. ;w; I love it when he gets super excited about coffins and such, haha. That being said, Ayato and Yuma were hilarious in this CD as well. I loved how they all work together in the end to make what is probably the strangest coffin in all of human and Vampire history. xD 
Ayato: …Goddamnit, Reiji. Can he just stop complainin’ ‘bout every single damn thing? I’m not the only one whose room is a mess! It’s my room so it can be as messy as I want it to be, right? …Huh?
Ayato suddenly comes to a halt.
Ayato: Is that…?
Subaru: …
Ayato approaches Subaru. 
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Whatcha doin’ over here? …It doesn’t happen every day that Mr. Shut-In leaves his room. 
Subaru: Shut up!! It’s none of your fuckin’ business, is it!? I’m busy right now so leave me alone!
Ayato: Busy? All you’re doin’ is lookin’ inside some store. …Ah? 
Ayato: What’s this? 
Subaru: Can’t you tell? It’s a customizable coffin. 
Ayato: Oh. Now that you mention it, it does have these weird decorations on it. …Oh! Are those different kinds of sweets and candy on top? Interestin’! 
Subaru: You like that overly cutesy one? The one on the far right is obviously the coolest!
Ayato: Hah? The one with the black wings? …Also could they have fit on any more skulls? It’s way too much.
Yuma approaches them.
Yuma: …Aah? If it isn’t the Loudmouth and the Shut-In. What brings ya two here? 
Ayato: Subaru wants to decorate his coffin, apparently. 
Yuma: Decorate? Is that the sorta thing you’re into mate? 
Subaru: I’m not…!! I never said I’d actually do it, did I!?
Ayato: But you’ve been lookin’ at this even way before I came here, right? I bet you actually want to give it a try.
Subaru: …!! W-Well…
Yuma: Heeh…Well, check it out! It says that right now, ya can put on as many ornaments as ya can fit on there!
Subaru: …
Ayato: If you’re too scared to go inside by yourself, I can come with you? I’ll even help you pick out some stuff! I’ll sniff out the real cool stuff!
Subaru: …I can only see this endin’ badly. 
Yuma: In that case, I’ll tag along too! Let’s make a coffin that would turn anyone into a shut-in. (1)
Subaru: You guys are makin’ fun of me, aren’t you? Besides, aren’t you outside for a reason as well!? 
Yuma: Yeah. I’m on my way to buy stuff for tonight’s dinner. But I still have plenty time, so it should be fine. 
Ayato: I only left the house to escape from Reiji’s ramblin’. …Come on, let’s go inside already. 
Subaru: …Hey!
Ayato: You grab his other arm, Yuma. 
Yuma: Gotcha. 
Subaru: …! Ugh…!
Ayato: Don’t worry. You’ll be cryin’ tears of joy by the end.
Yuma: Exactly. Leave it to us!
They drag Subaru inside the store. 
Subaru: As if…!! Why do I have to do this with you two fuckers anyway…!? I can already tell you’re goin’ to turn it into some kind of weird shit…!! …So stop pulling me…!!
Ayato: Oh…They’ve got so many decorations to choose from. Wow.
Subaru: Aren’t their coffins a lil’ too big as well? This is pretty much twice the size of my current one. 
Yuma: You’ve got a point. This doesn’t look like it’s meant for one person. 
Ayato: What are you sayin’? Not only does it give you more space to work with, but it’ll obviously be more comfortable to sleep in as well!
Yuma: Is that how it works? 
Subaru: Che…I can’t keep up with you idiots any longer. I’m goin’ home. 
Ayato: That kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? …Let me see…Oh! What do you think ‘bout this one? 
Yuma: Ah! Why a huge cross out of all things!? Ya really think this guy will like that?
Ayato: Ah…? I guess you’re right, it’s kinda creepy. Oi, Subaru. Let’s go for somethin’ else after aーー
Subaru: Not bad…
Ayato & Yuma: Haah…!? 
Subaru: I should probably put this one on the lid. Also…It’d look even better by adding a pair of bat wings. …Wait, no! The dragon wings are kind of temptin’ too…
Yuma: No way…That’s the sort of thing he likes? What’s wrong with your lil’ brother’s taste!?
Ayato: Don’t ask me!!
Subaru: Oi, you guys should bring me some decorations too. If they’re good, I’ll even use them. 
Ayato: That arrogant tone pisses me off, but seems like he finally got in the mood. …Let’s do this. I’ll put on some weird shit and turn it into the lamest coffin ever seen. Hehe…
Yuma: I mean, I guess this is a decent way to kill some time, so count me in.
Subaru: What are you two whisperin’ ‘bout? 
Ayato: Nothin’! I’ll go fetch somethin’ that’ll blow you out of your socks, so just you wait!
Yuma: You just stick to bein’ your usually loner self and have fun decoratin’ ‘kay? 
Subaru: …Okay. This should do for the lid. 
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Check this one out…!!
Subaru: Ah? What? Also, what took you so damn long!? I’m pretty much done except for the sidーー …Wait, that’s…
*Dun dun*
Ayato: It’s a mini-sized takoyaki grill! If you put this on your coffin, you’ll be able to enjoy takoyaki all while livin’ the loner life! Isn’t that amazing!? 
Subaru: Hard pass! Besides, if I start grillin’ takoyaki inside my coffin, I won’t be able to sleep from the stench afterwards, will I? 
Ayato: Haah? But it’s the best smell in the world…? You really don’t get it. 
Subaru: I’m pretty sure you’re the only person in this world who feels that way. 
Ayato: Fine then. Guess I’ll have to make do with this one instead…
*Rustle rustle* 
Subaru: …Please don’t tell me that round thing is a takoyaki. 
Ayato: Huh? Are you really that stupid? What else does it look like to you? Well, it’s only a decoration and not the real thing though. 
Subaru: But why!? You’re the only person who’d be happy havin’ that thing on their coffin!
Ayato: You already rejected the takoyaki grill so at least let me have this? You’re really provin’ the point that the youngest child is always the most selfish one. 
Yuma walks up to them. 
Yuma: Are ya’ll havin’ an argument again? Ya never grow tired of that, do ya?
Subaru: We’re not! It’s just Ayato’s who’s tryin’ to put stupid shit on my coffin!
Ayato: Ah…? Maybe you should stop shootin’ down all of my suggestions!
Yuma: Oh come on, lay it off. You’re causin’ issues for the store. …Anyway, I brought some stuff with me. 
Ayato: Let me see…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Carrots, peppers, eggplant and cabbage…These are all vegetables, aren’t they?
Yuma: Gotta get those greens in. Works wonders for yer health. 
Subaru: No but…Those are not somethin’ you’d put on a coffin, right?
Yuma: Nah, don’t worry. They’re all just incredibly well-made replicas. 
Ayato: Heeh, these as well? After seeing the takoyaki from earlier as well, I have to say that they really upped their replica game. 
Subaru: That’s not the issue…!! What I’m tryin’ to say is that these don’t fit the aesthetic at all!
Yuma: Hah…? You are in no position to judge, are you!? The fuck did you do to this coffin? 
Ayato: Geh…! Now that you mention it, Subaru’s creation is…on a whole different level. 
Yuma: Skulls and crows…Ah? And are those thorny vines and snakes running across? 
Ayato: And can we also mention the really creepy face in the middle? Is that a monster of some sort?
Subaru: Take a proper look! It’s a devil! Can’t you see its horns? 
Ayato: Do devils have horns?
Yuma: Beats me. …Or rather, why would a Vampire put that on their coffin? 
Subaru: I just thought the design looked cool, that’s all. 
Ayato: Then these spider web-like patterns were done on purpose too? 
Subaru: Obviously. 
Yuma: I don’t get it. 
Ayato: I don’t even want to understand. 
Yuma: Guess I have no other choice but to fix it up for ya a lil’...
*Rustle rustle* 
Subaru: Oi! Don’t be changin’ the composition without my permission!
Yuma: Oh come on, just watch. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: First you put this here…and then…
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: …There we go! The carrots add a nice touch, don’t ya think?
Ayato: Heeh…You had the crows hold carrots with their feet, huh? 
Subaru: I mean…I guess it doesn’t look half bad…
Ayato: …Oh!
Ayato: I just had a genius idea as well…! If I put the takoyaki inside this lizard’s mouth…
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: Ah! I kind of like it!
Subaru: Say, don’t you think the eggplant would fit well with the color palette as well? 
Ayato: It’s purple after all! Why don’t you try wrapping one of those chains around it?
*Cling cling* 
Subaru: …Not bad. 
Ayato: Let’s add a basketball while we’re at it as well. See? It looks good with a crown of thorns placed on top of it.
Yuma: In that case…The cabbage should go inside the skull, right?
Subaru: No, wait. Tomatoes would work way better. 
Yuma: I’d say we go for cherry tomatoes then. It’d look way better if we stuff a bunch of them inside. 
Subaru: Yuma, you…You’re a genius!
Ayato: Oi, Subaru. We need somethin’ big which really stands out. 
Subaru: Ah, now that you mention it…I saw a spider ornament with really long legs earlier. It didn’t click with me earlier, but it might actually improve the overall design! I’ll go get it!
Ayato: Yeah! We’ll decorate some of the other empty spaces while you’re gone. 
Yuma: Hurry up, ‘kay?
Subaru: Kuh…Don’t mess it up!
Subaru runs off.
Subaru: …It’s perfect!
Ayato: Yeah! We created a true masterpiece!
Yuma: We didn’t skimp on the details after all. 
Subaru: I was kind of worried for a sec…But I never thought the end result would be this good!
Ayato: That’s all thanks to my help. 
Yuma: What are ya sayin’? I’m the one who did such a great job with the composition. 
Subaru: Hah…? We were able to achieve this result because I did the lid first.
Ayato: Excuse me!? 
Subaru: Got a problem, huh!? 
Yuma: For the millionth time, don’t start fightin’ inside the store! …Anyway, don’t we need to square up now?
Subaru: Ah, right…
Ayato: I hope you’re not gonna tell us you don’t have any money.
Subaru: Hah? Of course I do!
Subaru walks to the counter. 
Yuma: Anyway, how much does one of these cost? 
Ayato: Hah? Didn’t you say that there’s an all-you-can-fit deal? You must have seen the price then, no? 
Yuma: Nah, I didn’t pay attention to that.
Subaru: (muffled) ーー Haah!? Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me!? 
Ayato: …!? What’s that guy’s problem? Why is he shoutin’ out of nowhere? 
Yuma: Should we go take a look? 
Ayato and Yuma walk up to him.
Ayato: Oi, what’s up?
Yuma: Did ya forget yer wallet? 
Subaru: I didn’t! But look at the damn total!
Yuma: The price? …Ahー It’s surprisingly…expensive, huh? 
Subaru: I don’t have nearly enough money on me. 
Yuma: I’ve only got some small change as well. …I mean, there’s the money Ruki gave me to buy food butーー If I use that, my head will be on the choppin’ block…
Ayato: Oh geez, guess I have no other choice. I can easily pay this mu…
Ayato: Hm…?
Subaru: Ayato…
Ayato: Now that you mention it, I didn’t bring my wallet with me. 
Yuma: First ya talk all big and now this!? 
Subaru: Or rather…If my pocket money isn’t nearly enough, I doubt addin’ yours to it will make much of a different. 
Ayato: Ahーah. We put so much time and effort into it as well. 
Yuma: We should have probably checked the price tag first.
Subaru: Haah…My coffin…I’ve decided! I’ll start a part-time job at this store and one day that coffin shall be mine!
Yuma: Haah!? What are ya sayin’...!? 
Ayato: It’s not worth goin’ that for, is it? 
Subaru: Right! You two should come work here with me as well. I’ll go have a word with the manager, so stay right here, ‘kay!?
Subaru runs off.
Ayato & Yuma: Haahーー!?
 ーー THE END ーー
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pink-tonic · 4 months
Watch Your Back, Kana🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, and implied torture
Text message labels:
Bold - Ayato
Red text - Info
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I've been thinking about what I'm going to do to Mr. Kana. My thoughts are filled with brutal imagery about what I can do to him. But I can't get caught up in these thoughts. I need to make a plan first to make them become reality.
As I change into my school uniform, I think about what to do and when to do it. Today is Wednesday, the middle of the week. I should start it today, but that means I need to rush my planning stage.
What to do?
Kidnapping seems to be a viable option. But how do I kidnap someone? I've never done it before...
Maybe Info can help me on this one?
I take out my phone and send Info a message.
I need your help.
What might it be this time?
How do I kidnap someone?
You're taking risks this time?
Anything to get rid of him.
I do have a guide that can be useful.
Tell me.
It's going to cost you.
I have enough.
Just give me the guide.
Look through the application and you'll find it.
Good luck.
I let out a sigh, and I start to look through the application that Info implemented on my phone. I've used it before in order to get cigarettes and other items that I wouldn't be able to get. But I haven't used it much for eliminations.
I look through the eliminations that are presented to me, and I eventually find the guide to kidnapping.
But along with the kidnapping eliminations, there are others that involve the yakuza and brainwashing.
Maybe Info is more sick than I thought.
I pay for the guide with my Info Points, and the guide on how to kidnap my rival is revealed to me.
I look at the pink screen and take note of all the things I need to do, and check off all the things that I have already done.
First, I have to get a tranquilizer. It can be found in the cabinets in the infirmary. I wonder why the nurse's office would have tranquilizers? Doesn't matter either way since I'm going to benefit from it.
But getting the tranquilizers is such a tedious process. Info recommends that I poison someone's food, so the nurse can open up the cabinet. Or I can sacrifice some Info Points in order to get the tranquilizers.
I'll just use some of my points for this.
Next, I need to have a high level of understanding in Biology. I guess it's in order for me to know where to inject them without hurting them. Luckily, I've been attending class almost every day, so I do know where to insert an injection.
I also need to get a syringe, but it doesn't seem that Info has that. So this time I have to get my hands dirty. I'll just sneak into the infirmary and snatch it.
Info then recommends that I build up my relationship with the target so they can follow me, but I have another way in order to get Mr. Kana to follow me.
I'll use what he loves against him.
When I make it to school, the first thing I do is order the tranquilizers from Info. I rush to the back of the school, so no one else gets them before me. I eventually see the box laying on the ground, and I pick it up and put it in my pocket.
Now, I have to wait.
The next step is to get the syringe from the nurse's office. The nurse leaves the office for a few minutes in order to get his lunch. I can use that time to my advantage and take the syringe, but I do have to look out for the student council.
Lunch time comes, and it's time to set the next part of my plan into motion. I go to the first floor, and I wait by one of the doors of the nurse's office. I decide to go on my phone so I don't look suspicious to anybody.
Eventually, I hear the door to the nurse's office open, and I look to see Mr. Kana leaving and walking down the hallway.
Once he is far away, I look around the hallway, and I see a few students, but they're distracted with their own things.
So I take the opportunity.
I open the door slightly and slip inside of the office. I walk to Mr. Kana's desk and I open up one of the drawers. Inside of the drawer, I see dozens of sealed syringes. I quickly take two, and I slip out of the room.
As I leave the room, I'm met with someone I didn't want to see.
A student council member stands in front of me.
Her eyes are closed, and she's smiling, but I know she can see me, and the smile plastered on her face is anything but welcoming.
"What are you doing?" She asks in a soft voice.
"I just wanted to see if the nurse was there. I wanted to talk to him," I respond too quickly for my own liking.
"Hmmmm... alright! He should come back soon, so just wait around for him," she seems skeptical at first about my reasoning, but she eventually buys it and leaves.
When I watch her leave, I can't help but hope that she doesn't discuss this interaction with anyone else.
The final bell rings, and it's time to get the last part of my plan into motion. I go down to the first floor, and I wait for everyone to leave. Some students go home, others go to their clubs, and the rest start doing their cleanup duty. But eventually, nobody is in the hallway anymore.
I go over to the door to the nurse's office, and I slide it open. I walk inside, and Mr. Kana is at his desk. When he hears me close the door, he looks up and smiles at me.
"Oh! Hi, Aishi. What brings you here? Are you feeling better than yesterday?" He asks me as he looks at me, trying to see if I'm still sick or not.
I shake my head, "No, nothing has happened to me. I came to report something to you."
"What is it?" He asks as worry starts to set in.
"It's (Y/N). While in the gym, he twisted his ankle. He can't walk, so he told me to tell you," I lie to the nurse hoping to trick him.
He quickly gets up from his chair and walks over to me, "Show me the way, Aishi!"
I give him a smile, "Of course, Mr. Kana."
I walk out of the nurse's office and quickly make my way over to the gym. I end up taking a route that would make people less likely to see us. I bypass the students who are cleaning and even the Sports Club. We eventually make it into the gymnasium, and Mr. Kana walks inside with me.
"Where is he?" He questions as he looks around the gymnasium and sees no sign of (Y/N).
"Over here! We were in the middle of putting the equipment away, so he is in the storage area," I point towards the storage room, where all the equipment is kept.
Mr. Kana quickly walks over towards it and opens the door. He looks around the room and doesn't see (Y/N).
"Where is he...Ah!"
I stand behind Mr. Kana, but before he can turn around, I push him inside of the storage room. He falls to the ground and quickly turns himself around to look at me.
"What are you doing, Aishi?!" Mr. Kana raises his voice at me, and that pisses me off.
I harshly place my foot on his chest and press down hard. He lets out a gasp, and I smirk at his reaction.
"I lied," I admit, and I let out a small laugh, "(Y/N) wasn't here in the first place. I don't even think he showed up at all today, for that matter."
Before I continue talking, Mr. Kana cuts me off, "What are you talking about? Why are you doing this?"
"Shut up!"
I press harder on his chest, and he flinches. "I did this because you can't seem to take your eyes off of him! I think you should go after people who are closer to your age, don't you think?"
"Okay, okay... just please let me go... I won't tell anyone about this," Mr. Kana pleads to me, hoping that I'll show him mercy.
But I won't.
I didn't do all this just for me to walk away. I believe he should suffer consequences for his actions.
I take my foot off his chest, and I quickly crouch down to his level. My feet are placed beside his hips, and our faces are mere inches away from each other.
"I would do that... but you see, I didn't do all of this for nothing."
I quickly cover his mouth with my hand, and his arms shoot up from his sides, and his hands grip my hand. His eyes are wide and filled with fear once he sees the syringe in my hand.
"Don't struggle now. I don't want to hurt you!"
My nails start to dig into the flesh of his cheek, and his consistent struggling is preventing me from inserting the needle.
I should've attacked him when he was least suspecting it. Now I have to deal with the consequences.
I eventually have enough of his struggling and I slam his head against the floor of the gymnasium. This causes him to halt his actions, and I take the opportunity to insert the needle into his neck.
His eyes widen at the feeling of the needle going underneath his skin. I then inject him with the liquid, and once the syringe is empty, the drug starts to take effect.
His eyes become droopy, his arms fall to his sides, and his head lulls to the side. I can see that he is forcing himself to fight the drug, but it's useless. It's already in his bloodstream, and there is nothing he can do anymore.
I stand over him, and within five minutes, he is fast asleep. I smirk at his sleeping form, and I quickly go to put him in the case.
The case is mostly black with a few white details. The case is used to store sports equipment, but for this time, I'll use it to store a person.
Once the case is firmly closed, I start to move it. I first go to pick it up, and it's heavy. But I force myself to walk outside with it. Dragging it behind me won't do me any good.
I look around me, and I notice no one is near. I quickly start to make my way to the front of the school.
I quickly slip out of the campus, and I start to make my way back home with the case in hand.
I open the front door of my house, and I place the case down in front of me. I catch my breath since I ran back home. I knew running back home would cause people to look at me oddly, but I'm sure that I looked like I was running late for something.
And that reminds me... I have work.
I'll tell them that I'm going to come in late. I don't want to call out sick again since I already did that last time.
I pull out my phone and I call my boss. The phone rings, but he eventually answers.
"Aishi, where are you?" My boss asks.
"I'm going to come in a few minutes late, I'm sorry..."
"It's okay. Just come in as fast as possible, okay?"
I don't have time to answer before he hangs up.
With that taken care of, now I have to take care of Mr. Kana. I don't want to leave him inside of the case since there is only enough oxygen for a few hours, so I want to get him out fast.
I go over to the bookcase, and I start to push it to the side. I struggle more than I usually do since most of my energy is gone.
But within a minute or two, a door is now visible. The door to my basement is hidden, and only my family knows it exists.
I never understood why the basement door was behind the bookcase, but I think I get it now, and I'm thankful for it.
I grab the case, and I push it over to the door. I open the door wide, so I have enough room to walk in. I pick up the case, and I start to walk down the steps to the basement. I watch my step carefully, and I eventually make it to the bottom. I place the case down, and I feel around for the chain thar connects to the lightbulb. The lights flicker on, and the room is now lit up with a yellow hue.
My basement is a mess from me consistently looking through all of the boxes. I kick a few boxes to the side.
I look around the room and I find a wooden chair. I place the chair in the middle of the room. I then go looking for anything that I could use as restraints. I end up finding some rope. It's sturdy, and I'm sure Kana won't be able to break out of it.
I drop the rope next to the chair, and I go over to the case. I open it up, and inside I see Mr. Kana still asleep.
I gently grab him out of the case, and I then harshly place him on the wooden chair. I roughly place his arms on the wooden armrests, and I tie his arms to the chair. I then grab his ankles together, and I start tying them together as well. Lastly, I get a piece of rope, and I tie his waist against the chair. I check all of my knots, and once I'm satisfied with my work, I turn off the lights and leave.
My shift ends at around the same time, and there is nothing to take note of today. It's just the same old routine.
I go back home, but this time, I'm filled with a new sense of joy. I have someone waiting for me at home. I'm sure he is awake by now. I can't wait to see the look on his face.
I quickly move the bookcase, and I open the door to the basement. I slowly walk down the staircase, but with each step, the wooden stairs squeak.
This catches the attention of Kana, and he calls out to the darkness.
"Hello! Is anybody there?" He asks with hope. Hoping that someone has come to take him back home.
I make it down safely, and I feel around for the chain to turn the lights on. I grab a hold of the chain, and I pull on it. The old light bulb flickers on.
Kana squints his eyes, and his eyes go wide once he sees me.
"Aishi... I can't believe that you did this..."
"I only did it because you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself, nurse."
I move closer to him, and Kana tries his best to move back, but it's hopeless for him.
"Please... please don't do this..," his voice sounds different now. Instead of it being calm, his voice is weak and soft.
"Do what?" I ask him, wondering if he knows what is going to come next.
He pauses for a second and then makes eye contact with me for the first time since I've come down here.
"I don't want you to hurt me.... please..."
Kana pleads with me. But I didn't come this far for a little begging to change what I'm going to do to him.
I walk away from him, and I go over to a box that I set to the side. When I first found this box, I found it to be interesting. I originally wondered why my parents would have something like this, but yet again, I'm here grateful to have it.
I take out the tools from the box, and I walk back over to Kana. His eyes widen wider than ever before.
"Now... which one would you like me to use first?" I ask him as I present the sharp tools in front of him.
Tears start to slide down his cheeks. Now, realizing the gravity of the situation he is in.
"I said pick."
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nyxicnymph · 2 years
Febru-rarepair-y day four: idols/dancers: Ayalou
"...Three, four! One, two, three, four! And rest. Good job today, Nilou," an older man said, turning off the music that had been playing through the soundproof studio.
Nilou curtsied. "Thank you, Mr. Zubayr."
"Remember, the filming starts on Monday. I trust you have already met Ms. Ayaka?"
Nilou shook her head. "We're planning to meet tonight, but every other time, one or the both of us has gotten called away before we could meet. So please, please don't call me tonight!" Nilou practically begged.
Zubayr chuckled. "If I had known you were having these troubles I wouldn't have called you in those times. I will do my utmost best to not call you in tonight, then. Here's hoping you and Ayaka have a good rapport for the video."
Hours later, Nilou was picking at the lace on the waist of her dress in nervousness. She was a little early, but she'd rather be early than late.
Ayaka Kamisato had shot to stardom as part of a brother/sister idol duo, only for Ayato Kamisato to quit being an idol himself in favor of starting his own company, which then took Ayaka and a few other artists under it's name. Kamisato Arts had quickly become a well known name in the entertainment industry, and even older and more established companies were finding themselves competing for stars.
Nilou, in comparison, was just a dancer who'd accidentally stumbled into some YouTube fame when her videos went viral. Zubayr Theater Arts company had extended a contract to her and she had taken it. And found herself working directly with an heir to the company.
A car pulled up by the restaurant, catching Nilou's eyes as it did so. The white car with pale blue decal designs seemed familiar, but it wasn't until the door opened and a passenger stepped out that Nilou recognized it.
The Kamisato Arts official vehicle. And the passenger? Ayaka Kamisato herself.
Nilou quickly summoned a waiter over as Ayaka entered the restaurant and approached the table. The waiter appeared just as Ayaka sat down.
The two young women gave the waiter their orders before turning to each other.
"Kamisato Ayaka. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Nilou."
Nilou felt lightheaded as she responded breathlessly, "The same to you."
Ayaka's eyes were stunning through a screen, but in person they were even more so, like layers of crystals, ice, and water, watching Nilou's every move.
But as Nilou took in Ayaka's appearance, Ayaka shifted in her seat and looked away, pink tinting her cheeks. Nilou gasped.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stare!" She apologized, desperately trying to recover a situation that she was sure she had botched. "I just, wasn't expecting you to be so pretty!"
Ayaka's cheeks turned from pink to red. "Oh, my, no I wasn't-" she cleared her throat before continuing, "I'm simply a little shy, and you look splendid in person, not that you don't over video, and oh bother, I've botched it." Ayaka buried her face in her hands with a distressed sigh. From behind her hands, she muttered, "You're very pretty, too."
Nilou sat, slightly stunned for a minute, until she started giggling. Startled, Ayaka looked up from her hands and raised a confused eyebrow.
"So, you're telling me, we both think we've botched the whole thing?" She continued to giggle for a minute before catching her breath and collecting herself with a sigh. "Well, now that we've broken the ice with some compliments, maybe we can talk about the project?"
Ayaka started giggling too. "Sure!"
The two young women spent the evening talking about many different things, not just their collab, and when they left the restaurant together, Ayaka paused and rummaged through her purse. She handed Nilou a card after scribbling on the back of it. 
"What's this?" Nilou asked, unable to read what was written in the dim lighting.
"It's… my number. I enjoyed talking with you, Nilou. I would very much like to do it again." 
The Kamisato Arts car pulled up then, and Ayaka waved as she stepped inside.
Nilou waved back, the card still in her hand. As she watched the car pull away, a part of her already missed Ayaka's company.
When she got home, she read the "text me <3" on Ayaka's card, and blushed. And then immediately followed her instructions.
"The chemistry you two have is incredible! I can't believe you two have only known each other since Friday!" The director of the music video said, completely in shock. "It's like I can literally see sparks shooting across the screen!"
Ayaka giggled as she looked at Nilou on the other side of the director. Nilou looked back and waved a little bit, feeling a little shy now that they were in person again.
"Maybe we should do more videos together, Nilou! We could release a whole video album!" Ayaka said, coming around and clasping Nilou's hands in her own. "How does that sound?"
Nilou blushed, but gently laced her fingers between Ayaka's. "That sounds lovely, if you're sure that's what you want."
Ayaka nodded, beaming brightly. "Absolutely."
Several years later, Nilou Kamisato reminisced on her first collab dreamily. The camera panned over to her wife, Ayaka, sitting on the seat next to her, smiling with her cheek in her free hand, as Nilou was currently occupying the other with her own.
The interviewer cleared his throat, bringing Nilou out of her reverie.
"So, I assume that means the collab album wasn't planned from the beginning, but that you two built it together as you grew closer?"
Ayaka nodded. "And I do believe it was the best decision I ever made." 
The crowd cooed as Nilou leaned in and pressed a kiss to her wife's cheek. The interviewer wrapped up their segment, and the two young women stepped offstage past a small male idol group. Ayaka seemed to know a few of them, waving at them fondly, before turning her attention to her wife.
"Again. I do believe that collab album was the best decision I ever made."
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Imagine tho... Ayato seeing that you're not in a great way, and telling you to come lay down beside him as he works, your head in his lap so one of his hands can gently massage your head and play idly with your hair, while cooing softly down at you every now and then to make sure you're still present, or humming softly if he sees you're dozing off. Thoma will probably come in at some point, and chances are Ayato will ask him to fetch a light blanket, and drinks and light snacks for you so you can stay at his side all day, just comforted in his presence and touch 😭
i think this would last for maybe a couple of hours before he started to fuck with me, but they would be a VERY NICE couple of hours. i want him..... hhh. mr ayato i will be very quiet and warm you dont even need to think about me ;_;
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zhongrin · 2 years
tbh I'm not sure if rambling/ranting abt characters you enjoy is allowed in this blog but man I still think abt how I got Kazuha on my NA/America acc last year
Like every time I see him on my acc and fanart of him w/ the other boys I am always, ALWAYS reminded of how he decided "oh lol I'm coming home at like the second 10 pull with your primos :)"
And honestly it was during his debut so i cannot tell you the feeling I had when I see that golden light just BARRELING and the ugly yell I let out because I??? Got my ronin boy???? Against 50/50???
I swear I'm not delusional but God I want to rant sm abt him because it was also during the first archipelago event and he hasn't left my team since then ;v; I genuinely owe him a LOT for helping my now (sort of) built team and every day I just go "damn, I wouldn't be having an easier time traveling without you on my party"
I don't know man, I may sound extremely delusional ranting abt my favorite anemo boy that has so much trauma on his shoulders that he's resolved during the events + story quests but he's so precious, it makes my heart soar. I would rant more of what I want to do to him (all sfw of course, I'm too embarrassed to rant abt NSFW online ahisbsidjd), but this could take ages and I don't wanna swamp your inbox ;v;
Anyway, rant over, I just want to talk abt my first encounter with Kazu and how he decides that day of all days to come home despite me not being extremely close to pity (and hasn't left my party since)
(p.s: I really love your blog and your works!! I have so much saved and liked because I love rereading it on my off time— you were an inspo on my own writing blog that's based on a different fandom and I love your interactions w/ other people jajsbsjsb /pos /gen. I don't usually come and send an ask because I'm scared of coming across as too forward or even as too creepy ;v;
also, it's because as much as I like checking other people's works like Ansy's, yours just has a special place in my heart and I love rereading your fics when I found them. I am biased on Kazu and Xiao but the way you write others has me clutching my chest like "gods I'm going to love them and I don't like the thought of it but ough—" wwwwww
Also, as an additional note, I did migrate from Ansy's which was the Ayato one...? because I saw one of the posts w/ you and decided to hop in wwwww, anyways side tangent here over ty for reading my full confession /exag)
— 🌸🍒
it's VERY MUCH ALLOWED!!! tell me all about your faves!! tell me about your f/os if you have them!! tell me about the mundane things you and your f/o does!!! literally go ham, bc rex lapis knows i am gushing every day every second 24/7 about zhongli (and al haitham, but mostly zhongli) so ofc yall get the same privilege lol
hsldkjflsdf lucky!! i had to spend some $ on kazuha on his second rerun(?) i believe, because i was not yet into genshin when he came out! he's SO good at both combat and exploration, i totally agree. makes it SO much easier to gather the drops too!!
mr./ms./mx. cherryblossom nonnie, i would like to let you know that you're always welcome to drop a whole-ass essay (both sfw or n.sfw) on your beloved anemo boy if you want to. i might not always reply to it immediately but i promise you i will eventually. you wouldn't swamp my inbox or anything, it's fine!! i never feel pressured to answer asks and i know my followers don't expect me to do so immediately!!
ps. i'm literally gonna cry /pos that's??? so sweet??? i'm super glad you're having fun reading my silly writings and the interactions with my friends <3 definitely not creepy at all! i love receiving asks and talking with people!!
SO YOU'RE THE SAME PERSON AAAA i actually considered asking you bc i saw you on ansy's blog and i went 👀 could it be??? but i decided not to just in case bc i don't want to confuse people if it turns out my hunch was wrong lol BUT ANYWAY WELCOME!!! i hope you'll enjoy your stay here... mayhaps we can secretly fangirl over ansy's amazing works hehehehe
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yuenieve · 2 years
a friendly exchange [k.ayato]
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feat. single dad! kamisato ayato, elementary school teacher! female reader.
content warning: modern!au, smut with plot lol, more plot than smut tbh, rich CEO ayato, elementary school teacher reader, dilf/teacher, corruption kink, he’s a tease lmao, dacryphilia(?), doggy, unprotected sex, breeding kink, mating press, bulge kink, pet names (angel, love, darling, girl, precious), he says mommy once, praise(?), he’s kinda a mean dom in the end, fem!reader.
word count: too many to count.
notes: i finished this at 4 am rip sorry for any mistakes lol
nsfw content under the cut!
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There wasn’t a pair of ears who haven’t heard of the name Kamisato Ayato. Everyone and their neighbor’s dog have heard some mention of the blue-haired business man. As head of the nation’s leading corporation, Kamisato Ayato was quite the figurative icon.
Figurative more than icon. Because although the well-known CEO has had his name plastered on every nook and cranny of the city, he rarely made a public appearance.
Despite his fame and recognition, you only knew 2 things about him:
1) He is a wealthy and important man. His business, Kamisato Enterprise, oversees many—if not all—work fields in the country, including education. Heck, half his daily income could cover your yearly salary.
2) His son is your student.
Kamisato Akihiko was an intelligent and reserved 1st grader in your class. What he lacked in boisterous banter, he made up in chivalrous charm. You often caught him nose buried in a hardcover book, instead of being with the bustling children on the playground during recess.
Akihiko was a model child, you knew that.
But why were you so nervous to meet his father on parent-teacher day?
Maybe it’s because you knew nothing about his personal life, or because you’ve never seen the mysterious man. Your colleagues at the front office told you his wife showed up for all school events related to Akihiko, but never him. However, by some stroke of luck, Ayato himself RSVP’d for the parent-teacher meeting today.
Swallowing down a nervous gulp, you stood by your classroom door and called out Akihiko’s name. You walked back to your desk, arranging the stack of papers for the nth time.
You heard a knock, “Excuse me?”
His voice was handsomely husky, you noted. Turning around, you came face to face with what you would have assumed to be a relic of a Greek god.
His tall stature and broad shoulders had your eyes wandering. His defined arms looked so incredibly attractive despite being hidden under his suit jacket. He ran a hand through his lilac locks and smiled politely.
“Mr Kamisato…welcome,” You greeted, finally meeting his eyes.
Get a grip, he’s a married man!! I shouldn’t have thought of that, please forgive me…
“Thank you for having me, miss L/n.”
You exchanged the friendly smile and gestured towards one of the desks, “Please, have a seat.”
He sat down and took his expensive black gloves off, you mentally cursed yourself for finding the action effortlessly enticing. You cleared your throat and handed him the papers.
“Akihiko is a wonderful student, these are his assignments and tests.” Ayato went through them and nodded along,
“He’s performing exceptionally well, as you can see. Some of our head teachers are even recommending he skip a few grades.”
Ayato hummed and held his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, “I see…but what do you think?”
“Huh?” You stuttered, not expecting the question.
“What those head teachers say do not concern me. You are Akihiko’s teacher, so you know him best. What do you think? Should he skip a few grades?”
You leaned back against your desk and contemplated the matter. Albeit the little boy truly was clever, you felt hesitant about the decision.
“In all honesty, Mr Kamisato…I don’t think he should,” you answered.
Ayato gave you a knowing look to go on.
“I don’t mean to say your son is incapable of undergoing a higher level workload, but…he’s still a child. The beginning years of elementary school are not meant for academic woes. Akihiko should spend these years exploring his interests, making friends and having fun. He should…be a kid.”
The corner of Ayato’s lips tugged upwards and he nodded, “I wholly agree with you.”
You smiled and turned around to fetch the attendance sheet. Unbeknownst to you, Ayato was gazing at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
“If you could just sign here, and if you have any further questions about your son’s performance, I am more than happy to oblige.” You told him.
He sighed and signed the paper, “No, that’s all.” He paused to look into your eyes, “I’m happy you’re Akihiko’s teacher.”
You shyly looked down and smiled as you received the papers back from him.
“I—uhh wasn’t expecting you here, Mr Kamisato. I’ve been told your wife comes to all school events.”
He arched a brow in confusion, “Wife?”
You blinked, “Y-yeah, I believe her name was Kamisato Ayaka…?”
“Ah,” the realization dawned on him, “I think you’ve misunderstood; that’s my sister.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry—!“
“No, no, it’s quite alright.” He assured with a gentle smile. “I don’t have a wife.”
“My ex wife left when Akihiko was 3.”
You opened your mouth then closed it, unsure of what to respond with. Ayato noticed your predicament and simply waved his hands dismissively, “It’s fine, it happened a long time ago. I’m sure she’s more than fine with my ex business partner now.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You murmured, sympathetically.
Ayato stared at you. Despite discussing the misfortunate matter at hand, he seemed to focus on you alone. You looked absolutely iridescent in his eyes, he couldn’t help but take a fleeting glance at your lips.
He shook his head and peered at the clock, “My apologies, but I must be going now.”
You nodded as he rose from his seat, “Of course, thank you for coming today.”
He put his gloves back on and extended his hand out, “It was a pleasure meeting you, miss L/n.”
“Likewise, Mr Kamisato.”
He gave you a soft smile before departing from the classroom. Once he was gone, you sighed and walked back to your desk. You stared at his name on the sheet, your mind wandering.
3) He is very handsome.
“Excuse me, miss L/n?”
You peeked down from your desk and spotted Akihiko standing with a bouquet of flowers clearly too big for his 6-year-old hands to carry.
You quickly ushered him to come around the desk and held onto the flower arrangement for him, “What’s this, Akihiko?”
“My dad told me to give it to you, it’s for Mother’s Day.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks and you feigned a cough to hide your flustered face.
“Th-that’s so kind of you two, thank you very much, Akihiko.” You patted the boy’s hair and smiled.
Just then, the last bell rang and the erupt sound of children filled the hallways.
You looked down at Akihiko, “You should be heading out now, I’ll see you on Monday. Please thank your father for the flowers.”
He nodded and began to make his way out the classroom, before abruptly stopping by the door.
You tilted your head, “What’s the matter?”
He slowly turned around, his eyes downcast on his shoes. “Miss L/n? Can you do something for me?”
“Of course, Akihiko. What is it?”
He bashfully played with the hem of his shirt, “Well, my dad always says you’re like a mother to me. He says teachers are our second parents.”
You made a sound of amusement, “Your father is correct.”
“If he is, then…can you participate with me in today’s Mother’s Day card contest?”
Your lips parted, that was the last thing you were expecting him to ask. You felt touched to be in this position, and it warmed your heart to know Akihiko felt comfortable enough with you to ask.
“I’d love to help you make a Mother’s Day card.”
Ayato had been standing by the school entrance for what felt like half an hour now. Usually, he’d send one of his assistants to pick Akihiko up. But since his schedule spontaneously cleared up for the day, he decided to come himself.
Checking his watch for the hundredth time that afternoon, Ayato decided to go inside and assess the situation. The hallways were scarce until he saw children accompanied by their parents in the courtyard.
He saw dozens of tables and chairs folded out, occupied by little kids and mainly their mothers. The scattered piles of paper and other arts and crafts supplies on the ground was enough to tell him what was going on.
Eventually, he spotted his son with you at one of the tables. He made his way over, a smile crossing his face at the sight of both your joyful expressions.
Before Ayato knew it, he felt the force of his son’s hug. His short arms trying to go around his father’s hips. You smiled at the display, admiring the little family.
“Someone forgot to come back to the car,” Ayato teased, picking his son up easily and holding him against his shoulder.
“Sorry, dad. I asked miss L/n to be my mom for the contest!” Akihiko said. You felt your face heat up at the given title, but Ayato found your reaction adorable.
Ah, he really wanted to ruin you.
“I see. Well, I’m happy you asked her. She makes quite the mom, don’t you agree?” At this point, Ayato was purposely saying it to fluster you.
“Akihiko, I think they’re starting now. You can go over there,” you mentioned, diverting the topic.
Ayato lowered Akihiko down, letting him run towards the center with the other kids.
“Thank you for the flowers, by the way.” You brought up, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Ayato smiled, “You’re most welcome, miss L/n.”
He started clapping as they began to announce the winners of the card contest. But your gaze remained on him, did he always have that pretty mole? It was so close to his lips…if only you could…
“Hm?” He turned to you.
“Y/n. You can call me Y/n,” you said.
His smile only grew wider, having to bite down on his lip to contain himself. “In that case, you may call me Ayato.”
You hummed, repeating it, “Ayato…”
“Ayato!! Fuck—!!”
You can’t recall exactly how you ended up with your ass in the air and your face pressed against Ayato’s bed.
After a couple weeks spent chatting during pick up duty, and consequently, after exchanging numbers, Ayato and you grew closer. Until tonight, where he had invited you over for dinner.
One thing lead to another, the same way he lead you to his bedroom, and now you found yourself whining his name as you writhed against the sheets.
“Well isn’t this a surprise? I didn’t expect you to have such a dirty mouth.” He remarked, slamming into your tight cunt even harder.
You moaned loudly, you were grateful that Akihiko was away at his aunt’s house for the weekend.
“Ayato…please…” You squirmed, pathetically. He pulled out and you keened at the sudden empty feeling.
He flipped you over so that you were laying on your back and he could have a good look at your pretty, tear-stricken face. His hands were placed on either side of your head, his strong arms supporting his weight.
“Please what? I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.” He said, leaning in closer. His breath tickled your skin as he left feather light kisses on your chest.
“Please…fuck me,” you whined.
He chuckled, “Aren’t I fucking you right now, angel? Are you saying I’m doing a bad job?”
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him down against you. You felt his tip nudging against your folds and you whimpered at the slight friction.
“Please, breed me. ‘Want you inside, wanna feel it inside.”
His dick throbbed at your words. If he had no self control, he would have ruined you right this second. He won’t deny, he was hoping you’d say that, hoping you felt the same way he did.
He raised himself up, “Is that it, angel? You want me to knock you up?”
You nodded, feverishly. He smirked and slowly lowered his head to your pussy. He placed a long, wet kiss against your clit, making you buck your hips up sporadically.
He chuckled again, pulling away. “Don’t worry, love,” he said, finally pushing himself in you, “I’ll make you a mommy.”
Your hands instinctively reached out to his shoulders, grabbing onto them to steady yourself as he bottomed out.
Slowly, he began pumping himself in and out of your sloppy cunt. Your past round making it easier for him to slip between your folds.
The sound of skin slapping skin began to fill the room, his thrusts growing harsher and faster. He took one of your hands that were hooked on his shoulder and held onto it as he leaned down.
“Do you feel that?” He whispered, deeply into your ear, guiding your hand towards the noticeable bulge in your abdomen. “Do you feel me inside you?”
“Ayato,” you cried out, he felt you tighten around his length.
“Oh? Does my naughty girl enjoy these lewd things?” He smiled and hoisted your legs up to rest on his shoulders, allowing him to reach even deeper within you.
“Ah! Ayato, r-right there!” You moaned, feeling the knot inside your stomach begin to form.
He practically folded you in half by now, his pelvis hitting your clit with every rut of his hips. He groaned, “You feel so good, precious.”
“A-ayato, ‘m close!!”
His hand met your clit and he started to rub it fervently, “Cum for me, cum all over my cock. Don’t you want to give Akihiko a sibling?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you continued to babble nonsensically, feeling your sweet high approaching.
By the way Ayato’s thrusts were getting sloppier and out of rhythm, you could tell he was close too. The sound of his choked grunts also pushed you further off the edge.
With a cry of his name, your climax finally crashed as you came all over him. A white ring of your slick painted on the base of his cock.
Ayato threw his head back, panting heavily, “I’m—fuck—‘gonna cum.”
You were prepared to feel his warm seed fill your pussy up, but instead, he pulled out and stroked his length once, twice and came all over your stomach.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, you were clearly unsatisfied. You whined and squirmed beneath him, “Ayato, why’d you—“
He held your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up to face him.
“You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?”
You sniffled and he wiped your stray tears away. He repositioned himself at your entrance, steadily rocking his hips again, making you hiss from how sensitive you were.
“If you want me to fill you up, you’ll have to work a lot harder than that, darling.”
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written by yuenieve.
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i23kazu · 2 years
I DO THE COOKING (i do the cleaning.)
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warnings – none.  characters – zhongli, xiao, ayato, kazuha, thoma, childe, kaeya, diluc x gn!reader.  genre – romantic fluff.  a/n – malewives. enjoy | please reblog!! it rly helps a starter blog like me ><
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[zhongli. | 钟离]
zhongli enjoys making you tea late at night. he starts his preparation as you take your time to wind down, taking his pick from a wide selection — perhaps a light, sweet jasmine should suffice for tonight, he thinks. zhongli also enjoys taking his time to clean. whilst his workplace desk may not be an accurate portrayal of his cleaning, your man is usually the one doing the cleaning in the household. cleaning is a purifiying ritual to him — for he knows that he is in control; and out with the old, in with the new. with every sweep comes a new space ready.   
[xiao. | 魈]
xiao likes to cook for you. between his duties of being a yaksha and protecting his home nation of liyue, xiao enjoys flipping through the messily-scrawled notes that smiley yanxiao had shoved into his hands before he left the inn. the yaksha takes pride in his almond tofu, setting the dish down and watching your face light up. as the years go by and the two of you adjust to living together, communal dinners become a norm, with the two of you cooking side by side. xiao doesn’t clean often, but he takes care to do the laundry because he knows that you absolutely despise doing it. 
[k. ayato. | 神里綾人]
the head of the kamisato clan is not one to claim the kitchen — as much as he’d like to be someone efficient with pots and pans, this man could.. burn water�� but nevermind. dinnertimes usually consist of you cooking and him cleaning. (you’re thankful, though. cooking takes a lot out of you and honestly, you can’t imagine cooking for two AND cleaning up.) i’d like to think that ayato is more than happy to assist you with the cleaning as well. the man can literally mop, sweep, dance to dancing queen, and twirl you in his arms at the same time. ayato can be preeetty helpful around the house. 
[k. kazuha | 楓原万葉]
kazuha is actually not too bad at cooking. he’s travelled to liyue a lot with beidou, and so, xiangling and him met and they hit it off right away. he was more than happy to share inazuman cuisine with her and in turn, she taught him different liyuean dishes that quickly turned into the alcor’s favourites. he loves making you dinner, and the dishes on the table are typically a mix of inazuman comfort foods and more extravagant liyuean cuisine. on a good day (pepper him with enough kisses), he may just do the dishes for you too. ;)  
mr fixer is definitely multi-talented — and both cooking and cleaning is right up his alley. thoma is able to cook a wide range of dishes because of his closeness to the kamisato clan head; meetings with foreign diplomats allow him to practice cooking dishes from wherever they’re from. his favourite dish to cook for you is a classic sweet madame, a favourite comfort food from his hometown of mondstadt. nothing much to say about his cleaning skills, for his title of housekeeper speaks for itself. he loves dancing with you in the living room as the two of you clean. 
since childe has many siblings, he grew up taking care of the household as well. he learnt to cook simple dishes for his siblings, and when they demanded more variety (childe loved them to the point of spoiling…), the ginger started to incorporate more foreign flavours, and he definitely brought it over to your relationship. he absolutely enjoys cooking you dishes from snezhnaya, especially hearty soups and salads. just like ayato, childe is a really good multitasker. years of carrying his siblings on his hip while cooking and cleaning have made it easy for him to talk/give you kisses/hug/dance while cooking and cleaning. more kisses for you :-) <3
kaeya hates cooking. he can barely scrape together a kebab, much less a roasted chicken... but if you're free, work alongside him and you just might save your dinner. kaeya enjoys sneaky kisses though, often tapping his cheek for another kiss right after the other. his favourite dishes to make are his usual kebabs (takes less than half an hour) or a satisfying salad (takes ten minutes to put together, or zero if you buy it from good hunter and put it on a plate). kaeya does the cleaning around the house well though, if he has enough time. put him in a maid dress watch him sweep and dust and twirl you around the living room, and suddenly, cleaning isn't so boring anymore.
diluc actually really enjoys cooking. being the owner of dawn winery means that there are many meetings with foreign investors, most of whom would bring over foods from their homelands in order to win over his favour. some dishes stuck with him more than others, and soon, he was searching for recipes in lisa’s library. he sees food as ways connecting to people — knowing that it brings smiles and content conversations, he always enjoys cooking for you. diluc may not like cleaning, but he sees it as a necessity. he understands that a clean space means a clear mind, and clutter is a distraction to his efficiency. it doesn’t help that he’s always having people over too. but in the end, he really only does it for you. he knows you love clean spaces.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @infinn-toru @ladyadii @soulsanta
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hamayumis · 2 years
oh no, make my heart grow just a little bit fonder
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i didn’t even know that i would get that drunk (in love), leave me alone. or, them as academic rivals to lovers.
ft. heizou, ayato & kazuha x gn!reader // note. rbs & feedback appreciated!
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shikanoin heizou [ 鹿しか野の院いん平へい蔵ぞう ]
the top students of the class, always fighting for the number one spot. you'll never forget the grin on his face when your eyes land on your name on the entrance exam scores, right below his. from that day onward, you're known as the rivals of class 4-a. study dates ... studying in the library, heated stares during exams, fuming at the other's sly smirk afterwards. heizou sometimes tries to distract your during certain study sessions, poking your nose with his pencil. “you’re so dreamy, y/n ...” he says. you scoff. “you must be joking. that’s not going to distract me..” but you get the feeling that heizou isn’t joking at all. (your mind changes when he throws rolled up paper balls at you during class.) you secretly doodle him in your notes to get you motivated, arrows pointing angry faces to his twin moles. much to your chagrin, you exchange notes by accident, and it's not long before mr detective finds out about your secret affections. with the teasing he puts you through, you almost forget the part where he's kissing you behind a book in the empty classroom after school. you can take back the number one spot, sure, but heizou's heart? never ♡
kamisato ayato [ 神里綾人 ]
the class presidential candidates with an unfriendly rivalry. ayato has won almost every single class election with you as his rival, and this year, you're determined to beat him. you amp up your campaign, even going as far as bribing his own sister and best friend to be your managers. you ruin his boba stand by replacing all the normal toppings with the peculiar things ayato himself likes. ayato sabotages your campaign posters in return, replacing "y/n for class president" with "y/n for ayato's vice president". now everyone’s excited at the thought that the two biggest contenders are finally teaming up after years of banter and sore losing. you're furious once it's discovered, and yet a tiny voice whispers, "would it be so bad after all?" you've been close with ayato since elementary, and you don't miss the way your traitorous heart flutters whenever he shoots a glance your way. but you regret everything when he changes your nickname in his contacts to “my vp:)” (seriously, why did you still even have him on there?) ultimately, you both get disqualified for tampering with either one's opposing party, but the student body thinks that it would be a better idea to vote the both of you as best couple instead.
kaedehara kazuha [ 楓原かえではら万葉かずは ]
the annoying pretty boy on the debate team (and his opponent who always falls for his charms). kaedehara kazuha always finds a way to best you with flowery words, and you hate it. you're determined to beat him before the school year ends, but you can't help but swoon a little whenever words come out of his mouth. you start to avoid him on all your other debates, opting to go against other students instead. when others ask, you say you're tired of losing. but in truth, you're practicing and honing your skills for the day that you will wipe the calm smile off of kazuha's face. but there's not a single day where your mind isn’t clouded by kazuha. and when the day finally comes, you accidentally blurt out a confession instead of a speech. "i hate the way you smile when you greet me in the hall. i hate the way that you’re so stupidly pretty. i hate the way you stand before me and pull the words out of my mouth, even if yours are more flowery than mine could ever be. i hate the way that i think i might love you but i'd rather deny it instead, but i can't help but think if you'd feel ... the same way ..." your voice trails off as you realize what you're saying. your hands try to clamp over your mouth, but kazuha has (un)fortunately heard it all - and so has the entire assembly. you're about to strangle whoever flipped your script, but next second, kazuha walks over and plants his lips on yours.
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© hamayumis 2022 all rights reserved. do not claim or repost any of my works.  
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yintsukareta · 2 years
Headcanons ft. Genshin Men
note: i don't have any ideas but i'm motivated to write a fic so I made a headcanon
Cuddle Headcanons (+ other stuff) ft. Childe, Ayato, Zhongli, Thoma, Venti, Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo & Kazuha
will not cuddle much in public
actually thats a lie he will cuddle a lot in public
"(name) is mine"
will make sure you feel loved
he won't mind having to spend a day sick with you
he loves you so much, take care of him for me
if he has a stressful meeting, expect him to cuddle you A LOT afterwards
his brain is like: (name) = stress relief
when you're stressed
cuddles are going to be very frequent for you if you're with him
in his workspace
you cant tell me he doesnt cuddle you a lot in his workspace
not in public tho, unless some guy is tryna hit on you
"my my, are you trying to hit on my (name)? well, better luck next time"
mmmm lots of kisses too in cuddles
cuddles in bed too
if you see he's stressed
its the least you can do
ayato cuddles r very very reassuring
so he will do it when u feel sad
"its alright (name). let it out"
puts his silly coat around you
find his boba stash while u have it on
very busy but will always find time to cuddle you
i dont think he cuddles much
at least i think
will cuddle you in bed, i'll tell you that
and when you're sad
i think he would give kisses more than cuddles
yeah he probably would i dont have much to say about zhongli
mr golden retriever
cuddles you when hes done with work
same amount of cuddles as childe
lets be real he is very affectionate
sorry not just very, SUPER affectionate
god love him
when ur sad
"what's wrong (name)?"
rubs patterns into ur back as he cuddles you
if you're not comfy with physical affection, will give you gifts
handmade gifts
by him of course
loves u very much, and will care about ur comfort
"is this okay?"
always asks if its okay to cuddle
we love thoma
cuddles you TIGHTLY
you have to tell him you're suffocating or else you'll die /hj
he just loves you very much
will cuddle you TIGHTER when drunk
he just feels like someone who does tight cuddles
i mean most likely
cuddles you everywhere
if you're busy and you have to do something
he hugs you from behind
and then just follows you like that
actually is that even following
hes just clinging onto you
if you're shorter than him
expect that hes going to slow u down when ur working/moving
if ur taller
will def try to do that more often
you have to tell him to not if you're uncomfy
or else, like the tight cuddles
he will literally continue
he needs u, ur his emotional support
and also his life support
he cant do anything without cuddling you at least once a day
cuddles in bed
cuddles at his desk
cuddles in the tavern
those r one of the three places i think he will cuddle you at
when hes busy he'll make it up to you afterwards
oh god
tipsy kaeya cuddles
hes probably one of those types to move a lot in bed
he cuddles with you every night in bed
if he falls off the bed, you are too
wakes up on the floor with you in his arms
dont tell me he doesnt do it in public too
just not when hes doing his knightly duties
theres only one place he will cuddle you in
and thats in bed
sleepy cuddles <33333
he wont even do it in private
stubborn man
u have to whine and complain to him for cuddles
will give in
he cant resist ur cute face <3
never in public tho
he cant show anyone his vulnerable side
u have to wait until his shift is over until he will fulfill ur wish of cuddles
kisses a lot like zhongli tho
also gives u gifts
if u cant stand alcohol then he gives u grape juice
actually i dont think he even gives u alcohol
yeah he def will never give you alcohol no matter what
if u want it then u have to buy it /j
no but if you want free alcohol just pass by angels share and ask for it
he'll give it to you for free
at his camp in dragonspine
dont tell me he doesnt cuddle you there
especially when ur cold
hes a busy man so u might not get a lot of cuddles
will try to make up for it
gives u his coat if ur cold and hes busy
draws you a lot
and sometimes he does it unconsciously
u cant tell me he doesnt sketch u on accident
at the crux
very comforting man
will make poems for u while cuddling
probably hums a song too
if you get seasick easily
hes ready
has buckets/bags(???) for ur vomit
medicine for dizziness
rubs ur back when ur seasick
or at least dizzy
when sad he will cuddle you a lot
he has one of the most comforting cuddles in all of teyvat
dont tell me wrong
"i will comfort you in my hands. until you are strong enough to stand"
idk man but hes making up small haikus on the spot to try to make u feel better
gives u some advice for ur trouble
Do NOT repost my work without permission.
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honeykaes · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐀𝐔: 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐈
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warning: mention of alcohol, mention of cheating
minors do not interact
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𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫!𝐈𝐭𝐭𝐨
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐈𝐭𝐭𝐨: I am not that bad at gambling!! People are just cheating! Especially that Ayato guy! He was coming up with cards out of thin air! ..Okay maybe I’ve lost every game I played but it’s because they are cheating! Honest!!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢: I really appreciate Mr. Zhongli! Man really gave me a chance to clean up my act! I usually am his personal bodyguard but recently I’ve been told to watch over (Y/n). He seems to really fancy them, but I can’t exactly blame them heh…
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨: I knew Ayato in Japan, he was crazy famous. We were actually childhood friends, no need to brag or anything. He was always good with hiding his true intentions and stuff. You know how many snacks I had stolen away from me because of his tricks!!!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞: It’s a pretty easy place to watch. Some people get a bit loud at night is all. I just remind them to relax while having fun and everything is good again! Why stop the good vibes unless it’s risking someone’s safety!! I’m not a cop after all!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚: I do some freelance with Kaeya too! He’s a pretty chill dude. Still…there’s a lot underneath there I don’t get. He’s a lot more emotional than he lets on. Oh well, as long as he gives me my paycheck!!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 (𝐘/𝐧): Yooo!!! They are a hoot and a holler! So like I’m a funny guy, you know obviously, and they always laugh at my jokes whenever I’m watching them!! On my free day I actually ended up winning a Pikachu plushie and guess who I gave it to? They absolutely loved it too!! Who’s the man? Of course, that’s me, heh!
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𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨: I was actually Mr. Zhongli’s predecessor back when we worked together in China. I defended him a lot…during a specific situation and decided to follow him when he moved. It was interesting, getting used to a new country and learning the language. I’m honestly still trying to get used to this city.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐎𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐥: He was a money-hunger and very vain person even when he worked at Liyue. How Mr. Zhongli tolerated him, was beyond me. That man stole millions of yuen from us, resulting in an audit by the government. It was a surprise to all discover what was happening when it hit the news. Mr. Zhongli dealt with all the criticism and defamation himself and worked hard to clear his name. That man is long beyond bars hopefully rotting in there until he’s bones.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠: So you heard of her? Yes, that was Mr. Zhongli’s former wife. She passed away a few years ago. I suspect the stress of that situation helped accelerate her condition. Mr. Zhongli wasn’t the same after that. I’m happy he is beginning to cheer up with (Y/n) though.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 (𝐘/𝐧): Them. I feel like they’re much more aware of what they are doing than they let on. They’re always trying to get a reaction from me and are always surprised when I act as a result. Careful around them though. You wouldn’t want to be seduced, now would you?
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢: That…idiot. We are friends for some reason. He’s always trying to hug me though. Ugh, that guy doesn’t understand boundaries.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠: I enjoy playing on my Switch when I’m waiting for Zhongli to come down so I may drive him across town. I usually play Animal Crossing and Pokémon. Just don’t tell that one brute though. He’s a bit…addicted to that game.
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𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨: I won many tournaments during my days of playing poker. I still participate every now and then. I’m surprised you even heard of me! Did itto say something to you? He usually enjoys gossiping about.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨: 𝐈𝐈: Cheating? Never. I just read people very easily. All you have to do is understand a person’s body language to see what they are thinking about. From there, playing is fairly easy. Only losers complain about me cheating. I mean the nerve!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞: I’m one of their moneymakers. Not many people can win when I’m the dealer. Many high-rollers specifically choose me if they are feeling particularly drunk or wanting higher stakes. I just smile and do my job. Easy money.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞: Ah, yes him. He gives me the impression of a brat who always gets what they want. Time and time again when I tried reaching out to (Y/n), he quickly swifted them away. It’s irritating. Just who does he think he is?
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 (𝐘/𝐧): Contrary to popular belief, I actually fell for them first; not Mr. Zhongli. Shyly trying to play me for their first time, they clearly had no idea what they were doing. I hope my lessons have been ingrained in their head though. They seem like they’re playing better after all. Perhaps I should up the stakes…Oh! Excuse me for rambling, please, you needn't worry about it.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚: Thoma and I are fairly close. It’s cute seeing him follow and take care of (Y/n). Perhaps when I finally seduce them and whisk them away back to Tokyo, I can bring Thoma along as our houseworker. He is very good at cleaning after all.
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𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞: Fatui? That bastard opened his mouth when he shouldn’t have, didn’t he? Just forget it. It doesn’t concern you at all why I’m working here.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐈: Of course, I hate my job. I’m dealing with such annoying people. People complain they didn’t have enough towels in their room, or how the pool is closed when it’s still winter. People don’t have common sense nowadays.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 (𝐘/𝐧): I don’t understand why they have so many people wrapped around their finger. I refuse though. Two can play at that game and I plan on being the victory. The others can watch as I win this exchange. …You don’t understand? Well that’s not my problem now is it.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞: Was always hoping for my downfall. I had no idea he had dealings here of all places. I just want to move on from the Fatui, but he’s always poking and prodding at the situation! He truly acts like his namesake!!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢: I got hired after leaving the Tsarista. Apparently, he heard of my work and wanted me to join. I don’t understand his reasoning, but I don’t mind him. His puppy-dog eyes towards (Y/n) is the only thing truly annoying about him.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜: Yes, Dottore was the one that met with him a few years ago. That ended in a disaster. ..Oh, so you heard of the situation with his father too? Did you know Kaeya purposefully fucked his finance at the time too? Haha…I sort of feel bad for the cuck!
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clemmywrites · 2 years
windblume ode
(Day 25 of @yelans‘ spring serenades event! I really wanted to do this day specifically because it was the closest available day to my birthday, btw my birthday is the same as ayato’s wah, and also because it was this day last year when I pulled venti for the first time! So I thought, I had to do it! Anyways, enjoy! I was sleepy when I wrote most of this, so I hope it all makes sense c:)
The air in Mondstadt was always clear and nice on your skin, but there was something about the Windblume Season that made it feel more relaxing. Yet, almost, happier. A few leaves from trees nearby have flown into the wind and threaten to tickle your face, but you would welcome the feeling. 
All in all, the atmosphere is colorful. 
And well, you couldn’t blame it all on the bright green balloons and Flora’s beautiful flower arrangements, that was for sure. 
“Y/N!” A flash of green entered your line of vision and you quickly recognized it, though you certainly heard him first. “Pleasure to see your cute face in the city today!”
Your face flushed, must be the colorful atmosphere, you tried to tell yourself, but well, your cheeks almost seemed to warm a little more every time you ran into Venti. Especially times like now, his city was prospering and his smile never looked brighter. 
“I wouldn’t miss the festival, everyone has been really excited for it, I wanted to see what it was all about,” you exhale, a puff of air that mixed with the lovely breeze that accompanied it. 
“Well, I for one, am really glad! You missed last year’s,right? Want me to show you around?” His smile was cheeky, you couldn’t help the lingering thought that he had something up his sleeve, yet you didn’t in a million years want to miss this for the world. 
“I can’t believe you remembered.” A smile lights up your features before you can stop it. “Where are we headed, Mr. Best Bard of Mondstadt?”
His giggle resounds into the wind and he offers his hand cheekily. You take it without hesitation. 
Your hand stays in hsi throughout the day, save for when you’d skipped ahead and begged him to teach you the trick to the archery game. Which of course, earned you a laugh and then a few quips before he finally helped you. 
In a kaleidoscope of games and judgemental gazes from the cityfolk, it brought you to sunset. The region was dipped in blazing oranges and yellows, it was gorgeous. The day brought you to the edge of Starsnatch Cliff, a view you never would have dreamed would be so beautiful. You sat beside Venti when he pulled out his lyre unexpectedly. 
“Don’t you usually charge for a song..?” Your question is hesitant and feels thick on your tongue, but you can’t help but ask, you happened to be low on mora after paying for lunch earlier. 
“Charge? Not this time, but your concern is much appreciated!” His fingers glide across his lyre slowly and rhythmically. His music was much different than that of the bards in the city. The tunes you’d usually hear in the tavern were repeated over and over, almost to the point where you might think you could play it yourself. 
But Venti’s were different.
His music was always new and refreshing, every note drifting into the wind and making you want to take on the day, a clear story weaving itself before your eyes everytime. It was glorious. 
And yet, he wanted to play one for you. 
And play one, he did.
The notes surrounded you almost like that of a blanket, this tune was very soft and comforting, much like the evening sky softening into night. And eve when the stars came out to greet you, Venti still played. A yawn tugged at your lips and yet, you still listened, wide awake, wonder etched into your features.
“So, how was it?”
You were silent, your gaze locked on his, nearly in a daze. Was this the power of a bard, you were mesmerized. 
“Oh, right,” You giggle lightly, nervously placing your head on his shoulder. “It was lovely, could I trouble you for another?”
He shook his head, “No trouble at all!”
And so, eve when your eyes glide shut and the moon rises, he played another song.
What he hadn’t told you, is that your presence, you yourself, were the sole reason he wanted to keep playing.
But, that could wait until later.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Animate Tokuten Drama CD “I’m the Strongest! ~Subaru VS Yuma VS Ayato~“
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Original title: 最強はオレだ! ~スバルVSユーマ時々アヤト~」
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Animate Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takashi Kondou & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Even though I have listened to this CD at least five times by now, it still remains hilarious. Definitely one of my favorites although I realize that I’m biased because of Subaru and Yuma. I also really enjoy the dynamic of Ayato with either one of them as well. He’s an A+ troll in this one and I live for it, haha. It also reminded me of the one sub-scenario in VC where Subaru and Yuma try to decide who is stronger by arm-wrestling, but it ends with a draw when the two of them break the table in the process. I guess Yuma has the physical advantage but Subaru is a pureblood Vampire so he has the edge there, balancing things out in the end. 
Yuma: …Fuckin’ shithead of a Teacher! Goin’ on forever with their stupid preachin’...!
Subaru: Exactly. And the fact I was in there gettin’ scolded alongside you is what pisses me off the most. 
Yuma: Aah!? That’s my line! ーー Haah…If Ruki finds out I got scolded by a teacher…
Subaru: Heh. Must be rough havin’ a ‘dad’ keepin’ you in check. I’m glad I don’t have to worry ‘bout that in my family. 
Yuma: Nah, you’ve got one of those too, don’t ya? Ya know, Mr. ‘Smarty Glasses’. 
Subaru: You’re talkin’ ‘bout Reiji? I mean, it’s definitely annoyin’ how he’ll always find somethin’ to complain ‘bout. 
Ayato runs into them. 
Ayato: …Hm? Now this is a duo you don’t see every day. What are you guys up to over there? 
Subaru: Che…Ayato, huh? 
Yuma: Why, ya ask? Can’t ya read? Look. 
Ayato: Hm? …’Student counselor’...? Pfft! Lame! Both of you got called in? What did you do this time? 
Subaru: Oi! Don’t make it sound like I’m a regular at this place! Haah…It wasn’t a big deal, really. 
Yuma: …Ah? Not a big deal, you say? Fuck off! ーー Oi, Ayato! You’re this dude’s big bro, aren’t ya? Then make sure to teach him some proper manners! Tell him that you’re not supposed to go ‘round kickin’ rocks into someone else’s garden!
Ayato: Haah…? The fuck…? 
Yuma: This fucker had the nerve to kick a rock right into the vegetable garden I had been secretly growin’ behind the school building!
Subaru: How many times do I have to tell you that’s not what happened!? Your stupid vegetable garden just happened to be right where the rock landed, that’s all! I had no idea it was even there after all. 
Yuma: I mean, I made sure to kick it into the opposite direction before it could hit the garden, but then it ended up breakin’ the glass of the principal’s office. 
Ayato: And that’s why you got called in? Somethin’ along the lines of ‘let’s not fight and try to get along?’ …Lame! Hahaha…
Subaru: Shut up!
Ayato: By the way, which one of you is stronger? 
Subaru: …!? What are you askin’ all of a sudden? 
Yuma: Which one of us is stronger? No point in askin’ that, is there? It’s obviously none other than myself!
Subaru: Aah!? Look who’s talkin’! I’m obviously the stronger one!
Yuma: Nah, it’s me.
Subaru: Are you deaf!? It’s me!
Ayato: Ahーah. We won’t get anywhere like this. How about Yours Truly decides which one of you is stronger? 
Yuma: Bring it on! But don’t ya dare show bias towards this Shut-in ‘cause he’s yer brother. 
Subaru: Who are you callin’ a Shut-in!? 
Ayato: Yeah, no worries. You really think I’d stand up for this guy? 
Yuma: True that.
Subaru: Tsk…You said you’ll decide, but how are you gonna do that? Should we fight or somethin’? 
Yuma: I won’t lose in a battle of fists. 
Ayato: Geez, you guys don’t get it at all. That’s not what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. We’re goin’ to determine your strength in various categories. 
Subaru: …!? It kind of pisses me off to hear Ayato say somethin’ intelligent for once…
Yuma: Yeah, gotta agree with ya there…
Ayato: Well, I guess that just shows the difference between us. Anyway, I’m gonna present a couple of ideas to you two. …First up is physique! What’s your height and weight? 
Subaru: My height is 178 cm and my weight is…67 kg.
Yuma: Wait, your height is 178 cm!? Hah! Midget!
Subaru: Midget!? …How tall are you then, huh!? 
Yuma: Me? My height is 190 cm. And I weigh 70 kg. 
Ayato: Eh!? Subaru…You’re a whole 12 cm shorter than this dude! Wow…Talk about lame!
Subaru: One sec…You’re 174 cm tall, aren’t you? You’re even shorter than I am!
Ayato: My stats don’t matter right now. …Well then, I guess Yuma wins this category. 
Yuma: How’s that? 
Subaru: …!! No, strength is defined solely by one’s physique. 
Yuma: Sounds like someone’s a sore loser.
Ayato: Anyway, we’re gonna test which one of you has the stronger mind next. 
Yuma: How are ya gonna determine that? 
Ayato: Good question. …How about this? Let’s say the two of you did somethin’ wrong. 
Subaru: Sure. 
Yuma: And? 
Ayato: Reiji or Ruki will be on your case when they find out, right? 
Subaru: …
Yuma: …
Ayato: Tell me how you’d react to them. 
Subaru: Ignore him. 
Yuma: Apologize. 
Ayato: Ahー Subaru gets this one. 
Yuma: Nah, that doesn’t make any sense! You’d ignore him, the fuck!? 
Subaru: You really think I’m gonna bother listenin’ to that guy’s lecture? Your route of apologizin’ is out of the question. 
Ayato: Yeah! I agree as well. There’s nobody in our family who actually takes Reiji’s scoldings seriously. 
Yuma: …I feel for the dude. 
Ayato: So? How come you’d choose to apologize? 
Yuma: Ya guys just don’t understand how terrifyin’ Ruki can be! …Aah, I’m gettin’ the shivers just from rememberin’...
Subaru: The fuck happened…?
Ayato: Anyway, Subaru wins this round. 
Yuma: Yeah, yeah, let him have the win. 
Subaru: Che…Why are you soundin’ so confident? Don’t be cryin’ ‘bout it later!
Ayato: Next…You’ll be pitted against each other based on how you wear your school uniform!
Yuma: How we wear our uniform? I don’t see how that’s related to determining our strength? 
Ayato: Nah, that’s not true. I mean, take a look at Subaru’s uniform!
Subaru: Hah…? 
Ayato: The fabric is all ripped up and he’s got some chains hangin’ from it as well. 
Subaru: Oi! Don’t make it sound like I’m the one who ripped it to shreds! It was handed to me in this state!
Yuma: I mean, I guess it looks ‘strong’ in more than one way. Hahaha....
Subaru: Don’t you dare laugh, Yuma!!
Ayato: On the other hand we’ve got Yuma’s uniform…
Yuma: Mine hasn’t been customized all that much. Ruki wouldn’t let me live it down if I added too many accessories to it. 
Subaru: Still, you’ve got quite a few buttons of your shirt open, don’t you? You need to button it all the way up. 
Yuma: Shut up, it’s just fine like this. I can barely breathe when it’s closed to the top. 
Ayato: Hmー 
Subaru: I really don’t see how this’ll tell anythin’ ‘bout our strength. Let’s just not. 
Ayato: I’m decidin’ the winner right now so shut up!
Yuma: You’re actually makin’ a choice? 
Ayato: I’ve made my decision. 
Subaru: Who is it? Who’s stronger? 
Ayato: Yours Truly!
Subaru: …
Yuma: …Hah? 
Subaru & Yuma: Haaah!? 
Ayato: Lookin’ at both of your get-ups made me realize, you see…Both of you look hella lame. 
Subaru: Fuck off! It was never ‘bout clothes in the first place, was it!? 
Yuma: And what do ya mean ‘lame’, haah!? 
Ayato: My uniform is the coolest of the bunch, in other words, I take this round!
Yuma: Hah! This is one fucked up competition!
Ayato: Well then, this is the final round. Right now it’s a draw with each of us havin’ one point after all. 
Subaru: Why are you participatin’ as well…? 
Ayato: For starters, check this out…!
Subaru: Wha…!? This is…!? 
Yuma: A picture of…the Sow!? 
Ayato: Heh! What do you think? 
Yuma: How did you…? 
Ayato: I stole it from a certain someone. 
Subaru: W-What are you…goin’ to do with this picture…? 
Ayato: It’s easy. I want you guys to confess your love towards the Chichinashi in this picture. 
Yuma: Aah!? It’s kinda creepy to do that when it’s just us three dudes ‘round, don’t you think? Why not just actually bring her here instead? 
Subaru: Yeah! Exactly! Where is she right now? 
Yuma: She’s probably in her classroom, no? I’ll go call her real quick. 
Ayato: Ah, you can’t do that. 
Yuma: And why not!? 
Ayato: She’ll end up findin’ out where I got this picture. 
Yuma: Ah? The fuck? 
Subaru: Find out…? Ayato, where did you get this picture? It’s not from Laito? 
Ayato: Idiot. Who knows what kind of pictures that guy would pull out. I took this one…directly from her own room. If she finds out I’m usin’ it for this, it’ll only complicate things even further.
Yuma: Ahー I guess it can’t be helped then…
Subaru: ‘It can’t be helped’...!? Don’t you think there’s other things we should point out here!? 
Ayato: Anyway, we’re gonna settle things with this round. Whoever takes the win can have this picture. 
Yuma: For real…!? 
Subaru: …!!
Ayato: What do you say? I bet you’re feelin’ a little more up for it now, huh? 
Subaru: W-Who…would even want such an ugly photo!? Hah!
Yuma: ‘Kay. I guess Subaru’s droppin’ out of the competition then. 
Subaru: Wha…!? I-I bet you don’t want this picture either, do you!? 
Yuma: Nah, I want it. I was just lookin’ for somethin’ I could pin to the face of my scarecrow. 
Ayato: Fuck off! Don’t be usin’ the picture which took me blood, sweat and tears to obtain for somethin’ like that! I’ll keep it in that case!
Subaru: H-Hold up…! You were never part of this competition in the first place, were you!? So I guess I have no other choice…but to take it instead. 
Ayato: What’s that? You really can’t be honest with yourself, can you, Subaru? If you want it that badly, then just honestly say so. 
Subaru: …!? I don’t really…
Yuma: Then why bother participatin’...? 
Subaru: Che…Shut up!! I’m in, end of the story!
Ayato: ‘Kay! Now you’re talkin’! You can go first then, Subaru. 
Subaru: Ah!? Me!? 
Yuma: Exactly. You seem rarin’ to go, so I’ll let ya go first.
Subaru: N-No…I…
Ayato: Here you go. Give it your best shot while lookin’ at the picture. 
Subaru: Umh…Well…
Yuma: Oi, hurry up! We haven’t got all day!
Subaru: …Ugh…Ahー You know…Well…You’re alwaysーー 
Ayato: Oh! Is that Chichinashi walkin’ over there? 
Subaru: Wah!? T-This is…It’s not what you think…!!
Subaru quickly rips up the picture. 
Ayato: Haha, just kiddin’...!
Subaru: …Hah!? 
Ayato: The fuck…Subaru, you lil’ shit! Why did you rip the picture apart!? 
Subaru: N-Not my fault! Maybe if you didn’t say that stupid shit!
Yuma: Oi…What are we gonna do ‘bout this? I’m pretty sure even the Sow will get mad if she finds out ‘bout this? 
Ayato: Not my problem! Subaru’s the one who shred it to pieces!
Subaru: But you’re the one brought it out, right!?
Yuma: Ah, shut up! You’re the one at fault here, Subaru. This means I’m the winner, right? 
Subaru: Hell no! We should have never tried to determine strength through this kind of shitty competition anyway!
Yuma: Heck yeah. A man’s true strength is defined by how he performs in battle after all. 
Yuma cracks his knuckles. 
Subaru: Fine by me. …You’re on!
Yuma: Take this!! 
Ayato: Ahーahー I can’t believe they’ve started fightin’ in the middle of the hallway like that. Not my problem! …So, who was stronger in the end? 
Yuma: Hah! That’s all you’ve got!?
Subaru: Shut up!!
Ayato: Haah…In the end, the strongest guy has to be Yours Truly! Well then, guess I’ll dip before one of the teachers gets here. 
Ayato walks away.
ーー THE END ーー
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800 followers event: Character interaction 2.0
I'm bringing the Character interaction event back for a while to celebrate the 800 followers milestone. I had a lot of fun doing this the last time, and I felt bad for not hosting a writing related event, so let's do this instead. It's also a good way to celebrate while also giving me the time to work on the requests in my inbox.
The event has ended.
Now, without further ado, here are the guidelines for the event:
You can send asks to all playable characters (+Dainsleif & Scaramouche). Please adress them directly in your asks, so that I know exactly which character you want to reply to you.
SFW only. Slightly suggestive stuff is fine but no explicit NSFW.
Both platonic and romantic interactions are fine. If you want, you can specify (in brackets, for example). For characters like Klee, Diona, Qiqi or Sayu, I'll only answer platonic asks.
If you want to send a continuation to a previous ask of yours, you can do that. However, please don't overdo it (like, 3 or more continuations).
Every interaction will be linked under the cut once the event has ended. A link to this post will also be added to my regular masterlist "Specials and events".
List of interactions
helping him with one of his experiments
asking him to teach you how to paint
Klee spilling the secret that you like each other
asking her out for dinner
both of you being overworked
sleepily asking him for cuddles
telling him you love him
teasing him about his looks with wet hair
him realizing he forgot your birthday (+ Pt.2)
telling him you can't spar with him (+ Pt.2 + Pt.3)
telling him you're a half demon
confessing to him
taking a break together
coming to him after cutting yourself while cooking
asking her to take a walk with you
asking him to guess what you're thinking (+ Pt.2)
hiding him from Sara (+ Pt.2)
Hu Tao
comforting her when she's feeling down
running into his arms (+ continuation)
asking him for a hug
telling him you love him
asking him for cuddles after a bad day
asking him to spend a few more minutes with you before work
remembering after getting your vision back (+ Pt.2)
gifting him a maple leaf as a bookmark
joining him on the Alchor for one trip
asking to sleep on his lap (+ continuation)
your anniversary
him cheering you up (+ Pt.2)
reacting to your anemia (+ Pt.2)
(siblings) asking when you will return to Inazuma
telling him you love him
asking him to take a walk with you
bringing her fireworks from Sumeru
kissing her cheek
giving her a potion book as a gift
telling her that she's your home
asking her to kiss her in public
reading her a poem you wrote for her
finding her lost in the wild (+ Pt.2)
hurting yourself while training to help her
asking him for cuddles (+ continuation)
asking him about his favorite person (+ continuation)
challenging him to a duel
him reacting to you taking his hat
stopping him from killing someone who bumped into you
telling him to take a break
bringing him flowers from Mondstadt (+ continuation)
asking him to marry you (+ Pt.2 + Pt.3)
stopping him from kissing you when he's drunk
bringing him almond tofu
bringing him medicine & being concerned for his health
rambling about your husband (him) while you're drunk
making a flower crown for him
marriage anniversary
asking him to let you pamper him
mutual crush + arranged marriage (+ Pt.2)
asking her to join you for lunch
bringing him flowers (+ continuation)
asking him to hold you
reader who hasn't slept since the day before (+ continuation)
bringing him incense sticks as a gift
asking him to keep an eye on Xiao during the events in the Chasm
insisting you're the big spoon tonight
Happy Moonchase, Mr. Zhongli (Yaksha!reader)
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sakuraoora · 2 years
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Ayato VS Sara lawyer AU!
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Characters included: Lawyer!Ayato, Lawyer!Sara, Kazuha is the criminal in this case, Raiden Shogun/Ei is the judge, Random Journalist. Tomo is mentioned throughout, and Yanfei and Kuki Shinobu are in the extras.
Warnings: Nothing but ✨crackhead energy✨ and mentions of tomo being dead
Notes: I'm channeling every bit of my very minimal knowledge that I got from mock trail into this rn.... also NO SHIPS!!
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First court hearing for Kazuha. 10:00 A.M.
“Your Honor, rebellion is a… harsh word. My client pleads crackhead energy, or in other words, pleads not guilty.”
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Outside the courthouse, 13:00 P.M.
“Why are you such a firm believer that Kazuha is not guilty, Mr. Kamisato?”
“Well, we support the fact that every individual should have a right to have their own belief. Mr. Kaedehara Kazuha is a perfectly good example of this. Why would someone who just wished the best for their friend get sentenced to jail? Why would someone get a bounty on their head because they want to make the land they live in better?”
“Thank you Mr. Kamisato, for your statement.”
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Kazuha’s second court hearing. 9:30 A.M.
“Objection, Your Honor, this is hearsay. Mr. Kaedehara Kazuha doesn’t know what’s actually happening, and he doesn’t know what his dead friend or the Raiden Shogun looked like or felt at that moment.”
“Exception, Your Honor. Both present sense impression and excited utterance apply in this scenario. In that moment, Mr. Kaedehara Kazuha was overwhelmed with the emotions of grief and sadness because of his friend, Tomo’s death.”
“Objection overruled,” The judge, the Raiden Shogun herself, but wait, it was actually Raiden Ei, said. “Go on.”
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EXTRA! Before the court hearings.
“DAMN IT!” Sara cursed. “How can I revise my offense with this affidavit…” She eyed the defense across the room, and Kazuha spotted her, giving her a wink. “And that stupid samurai that we’re trying to convict isn’t helping… at all…” She grumbled, while crossing out and rewriting parts of her script.
“Yanfei!” Ayato called from across the room. “We need to focus on how he didn’t do anything wrong… just… grabbed a dead vision and ran. He technically didn’t break any laws, riiight?”
Yanfei sighed. “I’m not really sure how things work here in Inazuma, Ayato! If you only gave me another day to completely read all the laws, I would be able to help more, but I only read the relevant laws!!”
“The relevant laws SHOULD BE ENOUGH!!!” Kuki argued. “I’ve bailed Itto out of jail enough to know that. Honestly, how the hell did you get convicted for rebellion, Kazuha?”
“I just joined the resistance to make Inazuma better! Is there anything wrong with trying to make your hometown better??” Kazuha said, exasperated.
“So you’re saying, you joined a rebellion. But before that, you stole a dead vision from your dead friend and because you stole that vision, you have a bounty of 100 million mora on your head? For taking a dead vision?” Yanfei asked.
“Well, yes, if you’re thinking about it that way!” Kazuha chirped.
“You know, this is worse than when I have to get Itto out of jail. So much worse.”
“Don’t worry guys,” Ayato interjected. “I got this.”
"I got this," he said. "Leave it to me," he said. Proceeds to literally call Kazuha a crackhead in the middle of the court hearing.
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p-antomime · 2 years
AWWWW kiki, i think tumblr has been eating up my asks these past few days 😭😭 they're so homophobic ... anyways, i got ayato hehe 😁😁 and grinding for his artifacts is hell cuz they keep on giving me xiao artifacts 😑 .. and i have some major brainrots with him .... do u wanna hear it ? ALSO my uni ended.... finally, tho we're in the completing phase but yeah it's over now 🤗 how are you kiki? - 🍥
I WANNA HEAR EVERYTHINGGG you have to say about mr big enormous huge juicy cock ayato, this man got me by the neck these days, gave me a good spit in the mouth and told me he'd be my main bitch and steal the place for itto&kaeya 🙄🙄 as always, genshin is such a pain in my ass because... yeah ok they gave me ayato but lmao every single time i open that app to enjoy a little bit of this good delicious man everything seems to be wrong and genshin stop playing as it should like, c'mon, mihoyo leave me aloneeeeeeeeee
but, anyways, besides all this, I'm pretty good ! last week my classes at uni for real started! cuz like, for the past two (?) months, we had classes in person practically only in Mondays and Thursdays fr, but now we've all the days of the week (and i kinda missed the feeling of going there all days
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