#mr. l kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 4 months
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stimboard for : paper luigi (paper mario) with paper, origami, nature, and tech stims
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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dollarstore-kins · 6 months
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Pokemon team for Mr. L for our very own Mod Shade!!
-Mod ET
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hazyaltcare · 11 months
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Neopronouns for a Luigi/Mr. L (Super Paper Mario) kin.
Mod Vintage (Rn)
Hello, my pronouns are:
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reareaotaku · 5 months
No Fun Babysitting
Summary: Greg's mother gets him and Manny a babysitter, because Rodrick is 'too busy' with Band practice, and she wants a reliable sitter while her and Frank go out. Though, Rodrick's plans change when he finds out who the babysitter is. Pairings: Rodrick x Fem! Reader [Since my Rodrick posts always tend to do well, here's another you Rodrick lovers!] God this probably so dumb lol. So sorry if it's bad lol
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"A babysitter?" Greg looked at his mother like she was crazy. He was 13, he didn't need a babysitter! Maybe Manny, but certainly not him. "Why do I need a babysitter?"
His mother, Susan, finishes drying off a plate, before turning towards him, "Well, Rodrick," She gestures to Rodrick who was sitting at the dining room table eating a bowl of cereal, "has a gig and I need someone reliable to watch you and Manny while me and your father are out."
"Doesn't Gramma usually watch Manny?" Rodrick asked, since they had never offered to pay HIM to watch the kids.
"She's busy."
"Why can't I watch Manny?"
Susan laughs, causing Greg to frown and roll his eyes.
"Oh, Greg. You have not shown me you are responsible enough to care for a goldfish, much less your little brother. Besides, she's supposed to be really good, her name is Y/n."
Rodrick almost spit out his food when he heard the name of Y/n and he was very quick to clarify, "Y/n? Like Y/n L/n, Y/n?"
Susan hums, before rubbing her chin and nodding, "Yes I believe so."
"She's going to be here?"
"Why do you care?" Greg quick asked, suspicious.
"I don't," Rodrick quickly justifies, trying to cover up his previous excitement. He quickly gets up and heads to his room, completely forgetting about the food.
Susan and Greg watched as he left, while the latter grew suspicious.
"Thank you so much for coming at such late notice," Susan hands you Manny, who wiggled in her grasp.
"It's really no problem, Mrs. Heffley. I hope you and your husband have a good night out."
"Me, too," She jokes, before shaking her head, "Our numbers are on the fridge and if we don't answer, there's the number of the restaurant...."
You nod your head, listening as she goes on and on about safety and such. When she finally left, you waved her off before carrying Manny into the living room. "So, what do you like to do, Manny?"
Before he could answer, Rodrick quickly rushes in, his guitar hanging off his back. He was covered in sweat and his hair was dismayed/a mess. He pushes his hand through his hair, before looking at you in feigned confusion.
"Oh, Y/n right? I didn't know you were going to be here."
"What are you talking about? Mom sai-"
Rodrick quickly got his shoe and threw it at Greg, hitting him smack in the face. He [Rodrick] pushes inbetween you and Manny, leaning on his hand, "Hey."
"Hi?" You looked past him, towards Manny, who was pushing on Rodrick's back.
"What.. uh, brings you around?"
"Um... What do you mean?"
He turns to face forward , leaning back on his hands, "Uh, you know, ummm...." He clicks his tongue, before looking back at you, "You like music, right?"
"Everyone likes music."
"Right!" He stands up pointing to you, Manny finally looking relieved that Rodrick had moved from his spot.
Manny gets down from the seat and pulls out a puzzle from under the table. You watch him closely as Rodrick still continues to talk.
"I'm in a band, you should come listen."
"Uhuh... Band?" You now looked at him when registering his words.
"Oh, yeah. We're called the Loaded Diaper [Löded Diper]."
"Loaded Diaper?"
"When you hear them, you'll understand the name," Greg jokes, before hiding under the table when seeing Rodrick's glare.
You look at Greg, before humming and nodding, "I see. Ummm... What kind of music do you guys play?"
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense... Um... Maybe I can come some time."
"Yeah, you should. Just let me know when you're free."
"Yeah, will do."
He walks away from the living room and out the front door, but not before fist bumping, thrilled to have a 'date' kind of.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hi darling sister wife! I have a request for a bookworm!reader who always has her nose in a book and has a huge crush on Eddie, but thinks he doesn’t even know she’s alive. And maybe they run into each other somewhere in town and he’s like “oh hey y/n!” and she’s dumbfounded lol
Love youuuuu - @corroded-hellfire
Anything for you, bb 💚
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Warnings: none, all fluff <3
WC: 3.8 k
There’s a lump in your throat as you approach the wooden door marked “DETENTION” in scolding letters. You’ve never been in trouble before, always keeping your head down and doing the right thing. 
But that was before you’d started reading The Handmaid’s Tale. You’d picked up the novel in the school library that morning, curious to see what all of the fuss was about. It was so gripping, so eerie, so chilling, that you didn’t want to put it down. And so you didn’t—you read it in the halls when walking between classes, during lunch as your friends talked about their prom dresses, even faking cramps during PE so you could sit on the bleachers and continue devouring Margaret Atwood’s words. None of that posed any issues. 
You were nearly finished with the entire book by the time last period rolled around. Mrs. Click was droning on and on about the Enlightenment and its influence on European culture. It wasn’t anything the textbook didn’t already explain. How bad would it be to quickly read the final chapter in an incredible book while she yammered about a continent you didn’t even live on?
As you soon discovered, it would be pretty bad. Mrs. Click marched over to you as you tried to hunch down inconspicuously. She plucked the book from your hands and frowned. “Tell me, Ms. Y/L/N,” she’d snapped, never breaking eye contact with you, “what makes you so special that you can select your own reading material during my class?”
You could only shake your head, heat rising in your cheeks. “‘M sorry, Mrs. Click,” you mumble. Other students snicker around you, and you hear someone whisper, “what a nerd.”
“Well,” your teacher starts, placing The Handmaid’s Tale on her already-cluttered desk, “maybe you can come up with a better answer after detention this afternoon.” You nodded dumbly, too humiliated to protest the punishment. 
The worst part? She never even gave you back the book. 
Fingers trembling, you push the door open and take a seat all the way in the back. You’re the only one there; maybe you can avoid any further embarrassment if it stays that way. You take out your math textbook and start on the first problem, barely able to concentrate. Detention. It shouldn’t be such a big deal, but you hate getting in trouble. Hate having people mad at you, even if that person is your uppity history teacher. It’s why you’re such a goody two-shoes, a people pleaser; you just want everything to be peaceful. 
“Honey, I’m home!” a familiar voice calls out. Your head snaps up to see Eddie Munson burst through the doorway. There’s a loose cigarette tucked behind his ear, almost completely covered by his mess of curly hair. His grin widens as he spots you. “Hey, Y/N! What brings you to my home away from home?”
Your mouth goes dry. Eddie Munson knows who you are? The handsome, charismatic, sometimes scary-seeming metalhead knows your name? You clear your throat when you realize he’s staring at you expectantly, waiting for a response. “Oh, um, nothing. Jus’ something stupid,” you manage, picking at your fingernails anxiously. 
“Yeah, well, I’m the king of doing stupid things, so, lay it on me.” He sits on top of the desk in front of you, leaning his forearms on his thighs. 
The blush creeps back up through your body. “I got busted in Click’s class for reading.”
Eddie furrows his brows in confusion. “Reading what?” he questions. “Like, a nudie magazine or somethin’? That happened to me once, and Click was pissed. Never did get that magazine back either. What a shame.” He tuts gently at the memory. 
“God, no!” You shake your head. “It was a book I was reading for fun. And not that kind of fun,” you add pointedly. “It was, um, The Handmaid’s Tale? The novel by Margaret Atwood?” It comes out as a question, and you could smack yourself for your timid disposition. “It’s about a group of women—the handmaids—who are essentially forced to be these birthing machines for their owners. Their entire worth is based on making healthy babies. And if they try to escape, the men of Gilead will hurt them.” Shut up, you scold yourself silently. He didn’t ask you for a damn book report. 
But Eddie looks intrigued. “Well, that’s no Playboy, but it sounds really good. I’ll have to read it when you’re done.”
“That might not be for awhile,” you reply somberly. “Much like your Playboy, my book has been confiscated, unlikely to ever be returned.”
Eddie smacks his palms on his knees, startling you, but he pays this no mind. “I’ll be right back,” he says. “If Higgins comes in, tell him I had to take a leak.” And with that, he’s out the door. 
What is going on? You thrum your fingers against the desk, considering your circumstances. You’re in detention with Eddie Munson, having a conversation about The Handmaid’s Tale. Never in your wildest dreams did you think this would happen. 
Eddie returns triumphantly. “Ta-da!” he exclaims, holding up the novel in his left hand. He places it on your desk and smiles. “Now you can finish it.”
“My hero,” you put your hand over your heart and grin back at him. Butterflies flutter in your stomach. “Like the Robin Hood of books.”
“Robin Hood, huh?” he smirks, sliding into the chair next to yours, “I’ll take it. Better nickname than ‘The Freak,’ anyway.”
You frown, averting your gaze as you say softly, “I never called you that. And I never thought you were a freak, either.”
“‘Course not,” Eddie chuckles, nudging you with his shoulder. “‘Cause you’re a freak, too.” He laughs harder when you scoff. “C’mon, Y/N. Who else gets detention for reading?”
“Fair enough,” you concede. “Why are you here?”
“Besides this basically being my permanent residency? Um, I got caught cutting class? Or smoking in the bathroom? Or maybe it was because I flipped off Jason Carver in the cafeteria? I can’t remember what this one was, honestly. They all just kinda…blur together.” He waves his hand nonchalantly. 
“One more question,” you start. “How do you, um, how do you know my name?” You took all honors and Advanced Placement classes, and Eddie…well, he certainly did not. 
He gives you an astonished look. “You really don’t remember?” He continues when you shake your head bashfully. “You interviewed Corroded Coffin for the school newspaper last year! I invited you to come to the Hideout and see us in action, but you never showed.”
“Oh, yeah.” It comes back to you now. You’d been all dressed and ready to go, but your mom went ballistic at the thought of you in a dive bar. “I tried, but my parents are really strict.”
“So then don’t tell them!” Eddie says simply. “Just say you’re going to the library or something.”
“At 10 pm?” you raise your eyebrows. “If this is your idea of being clever, it’s no wonder you keep failing senior year!”
His jaw drops at your teasing. “And here I thought you were nice. Y’know what?” He scrunches up his face and eyes your desk. “I’m takin’ my book back!” And with that, he swipes it and clutches it to his chest. 
“Eddie!” you shriek, giggling as you grab at the paperback, only to have him jerk away in response. “Stop!”
“Hmm…nope!” Eddie shakes his head, unruly curls brushing his cheeks. “This is a lot more fun for me.” He stands up and holds the book above his head. 
You jump up a few times to try and snatch it back, to no avail. As a last resort, you jut out your lower lip in a pout. “Please?”
He uses his free hand to tap his finger on his chin. “What’s the magic phrase?” 
“Fine, I’ll help you out,” he sighs, feigning exasperation. “It’s ‘Eddie Munson is the smartest, most handsome man in the world.’”
You begrudgingly repeat the sentence, grumbling it under your breath. But Eddie still doesn’t hand over the book. “I said it!” you groan. “You gotta give it back!”
“Oh, did I forget to mention part two?” There’s a mischievous glint in his deep brown eyes. “Now you have to say, ‘And because I heartlessly ditched his concert last year, I will make it up to him by letting him take me out tonight.”
“Me?” You can’t hide the shock in your voice. “Are you joking?” Why would Eddie Munson want to take a shy little bookworm out? He probably had outgoing, boisterous girls fawning all over him at his shows. Girls who didn’t care whether or not they got mommy and daddy’s permission to go to a bar. 
“‘M dead serious, sweetheart.” Eddie gives you a soft smile. “Don’t say anything, because it’ll totally ruin my reputation as Hawkins’ evil cult leader, but I also love to read.” He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a tattered copy of The Hobbit. “This one is my absolute favorite. I re-read it, like, once a month.”
“I should’ve known you were a nerd,” you muse, looking up at him through your lashes innocently. “Honestly, the whole Dungeons & Dragons thing should’ve given it away.”
Eddie gently bops you on the head with his book. “So, whaddya say to that date?” He’s trying to sound confident, but you catch him nervously playing with the rings that adorn his fingers. 
“I’d love to,” you answer honestly, heart fluttering as he takes your hand in his. 
“Great! Let’s go!” He tugs you out of your seat, but you shift your weight so you sink back down. He looks at you, puzzled. 
“We can’t just leave!” you gesture to the detention room. “I don’t wanna get in more trouble.” The last thing you need is another round of Click-induced humiliation. 
“Why not?” Eddie asks. “No one comes in here. I usually just use this time to work on my lyrics, even though I’m supposed to think about what I’ve done.” He lowers his voice an octave and wiggles his fingers at the last part, making you giggle. 
“You’re a bad influence, Eddie Munson,” you say, but you oblige. You tip-toe behind him, keeping a watchful eye out for straggling teachers or—God forbid—Principal Higgins. Eddie doesn’t let go of your hand until you reach his van, opening the passenger side door with a quick bow. 
“Ladies first,” he grins, shuffling to the driver’s side and starting the car. It backfires at first, startling you, but he gets the engine to turn over on the second try. “Sorry, my Jaguar is in the shop.”
“Of course,” you reply in a posh accent. “They just don’t make cars the way they used to.” You lean over to turn the radio dial, spinning past Eddie’s favorite station and straight for your own. Stevie Nicks’s voice wafts from the speakers as a Fleetwood Mac song plays. 
“You’re really lucky you’re cute,” he tells you, flashing his signature smirk, “or I’d be totally pissed that you changed Ozzy for this.” If he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t think that you could do anything to anger him. You watch as his strong hand grips the gearshift, throwing the van in reverse. He reaches behind your seat as he backs up, tongue poking out in concentration. 
You can’t stop the smile that blossoms on your face at the compliment. Eddie Munson thinks I’m cute. The thought buzzes through your body like a hyperactive bumblebee. You try to push it away, mumbling, “Where are we going?”
“D’you trust me?” He threads his fingers through yours, and you feel yourself heat up despite the coolness of his metal rings. 
“Not in the slightest,” you tease him again, offering your sweetest smile. “After all, the last time you did something nice for me, it ended with you holding my book hostage. Which you still have, by the way.” 
Eddie squeezes your hand affectionately. “Fair enough.” But he doesn’t give you any further information, just sings along with the radio despite his initial protests. It’s melodic and relaxing, and you find yourself staring at the way his soft lips move as he recites the lyrics and uses his forefinger to keep the tempo against the steering wheel. “Okay, y’caught me.” He breathes out a small laugh. “I kinda like their stuff. I mean, I wouldn’t spend money for their concerts, but I don’t mind it if there’s nothing else on. Or if a pretty girl wants to listen to them.” This time, he notices the way you hide behind your hair at his words. “C’mon now; don’t get all shy just because someone called you ‘pretty.’”
But he’s not someone; he’s Eddie. He’s the guy you’ve had a crush on for far too long, and he stole your book back from Mrs. Click, asked you on a date, snuck you out of detention, held your hand, and complimented you repeatedly—all within the span of thirty minutes. 
“I was really upset earlier about getting detention,” you confess, steering the conversation away from your timidness and relentless crush on Eddie. “But you cheered me up and, um, that meant a lot to me.”
“Glad I could be of service,” he says, tipping an invisible hat. “But take it from me—detention isn’t the end of the world. Especially since you rarely ever get it.”
“Never,” you correct him. 
“I’ve never gotten detention. Until today.” You feel childish admitting it. Senior year of high school and this is the only time you broke the rules—and in such a geeky way, too. 
“Well, it was an honor to witness you pop your detention cherry.” The phrasing makes you burst out with laughter, and you clap your free hand over your mouth. “Don’t do that,” he says softly, letting go of the hand he’s holding to nudge the one that’s pressed to your lips. “You have a nice laugh.” He pulls into a parking lot, finding the nearest spot before killing the engine. 
“No way,” you whisper, gazing at the building. You’d figured he would take you out for pizza or s movie, but this is even better. “Eddie, did you bring me to a bookstore?” 
He nods proudly. “This one has a little café inside, if you want a coffee or something.” He takes your hand again as you both stride towards the shop. “Pick out a book—it’s on me. Paperback, hardcover—whatever you want.”
“Hardcover? You really know how to spoil a girl, Munson.” Your tone is joking, but there’s truth to it. You normally only splurge for hardcover books when you have a gift card. You peruse the aisles, trying to quickly scan the spines for something that catches your eye. It wouldn’t be out of character for you to spend hours searching for the perfect book, but you didn’t want to drag Eddie along on a boring date. 
“Let me grab us something to drink,” Eddie says as you start towards the ‘thrillers’ section. “How do you take your coffee?” You give him your order and promise to meet him by the café in a few minutes. “No rush,” he assures you, and he kisses your cheek quickly before ducking away and heading for the barista. 
There’s a whole display dedicated to Stephen King, and you check out the offerings before settling on Firestarter. You’ve been meaning to read it, and now is the perfect chance to snatch it up. Before you go to the café, you wander over to the fantasy section. If Eddie likes Lord of the Rings, you’re sure to find another book he’ll enjoy here. Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire stands out; it’s dark and gothic and seems perfect for him. Pulling off the shelf, you make a stop at the cash register before joining him at the café. At a quick glance, you can see he’s chatting with the barista, so you sneakily pay for your gift to him, promising the cashier that you’ll be back to pay for Firestarter. He doesn’t seem too worried, and you flounce over to your date with a wide smile. 
Eddie’s sitting at a table for two. There’s a steaming cup of coffee in front of each place setting, with a slice of chocolate cake and two plastic forks in the center. “Figured we could use something sweet,” he says nonchalantly, as though he didn’t just have a small panic attack trying to decide between flavors. His brows furrow when he notices the bag in your hand. “Hey, I said I was treating you to a book!” he whines. 
“Don’t worry, I have my choice right here,” you tell him, flashing the paperback. “This is from me to you.” 
He takes the bag curiously, sticking his hand in without looking. The tip of his tongue brushes against his upper lip, much like it did in the van, as he dramatically rifles through, conveniently ignoring the fact that there’s only one item in there. After a solid ten seconds of that, he fishes out the book. 
“Have you read it? Like, do you already own it? Because I can return it right there,” you blabber, motioning to where the bored cashier is twiddling his thumbs, “if you don’t want it. And you can pick out something else.”
“Hey, hey,” Eddie says softly, cupping your chin with his left hand. “I love it, okay? I haven’t read it yet, but I want to.” He plops down on the chair as you slide into yours, relieved. “In fact, maybe I’ll read it right now.” He opens to the first page, and you giggle as his eyes scan the words. “Oh, I’m being rude, aren’t I?” He fakes innocence, making you laugh harder. “My apologies. I’ll read aloud so you can listen.” He starts speaking in his deep, dramatic Dungeon Master voice. Although he’s trying to be silly, there’s something comforting about having him read to you. You almost don’t want him to stop, sipping from your mug and drinking in the sound of him. 
He slams the book shut and gently places it back in the bag. “So, besides read and piss off Click, what do you like to do for fun?” he asks, digging his fork into the cake slice and taking a bite. “Holy shit, this is delicious.”
You take another swallow of coffee. There’s still a hint of bitterness to it, just the way you like it. “I write for the school newspaper. Mostly just reporting on school events, student council budget reports…” 
“And entertainment?” Eddie finishes. 
“Writing the entertainment section? Isn’t that why you interviewed us last year?” he adds, pushing the cake towards you as an invitation. You oblige, answering his question before eating. 
“Oh,” you mumble, keeping your gaze trained on the confection. “I don’t normally do that, but I asked Nancy if I could cover it that week.”
“Oh?” He’s intrigued, and you’re grateful for the mouthful of cake when he follows up with, “And why is that?”
You chew carefully, probably more times than necessary while you consider your response. Fuck it; we’re already on a date. “Kinda had a crush on their lead guitarist-slash-vocalist,” you say shyly, “and I always wanted to talk to him but couldn’t work up the courage to do it, like, normally.”
Eddie crosses his arms and leans back, smiling proudly. “So you hid behind the guise of your work to flirt with me?” He lets out a soft whistle. “And here I thought you had journalistic integrity.” He puts his hand over yours once again, rubbing his thumb over it rhythmically. “S’okay, because I totally have a crush on this reporter.”
“Fred Benson?” you joke. 
Pouting, Eddie pulls the slice of cake directly in front of him. “Y’know what? You’ve lost your dessert privileges for being such a mean date.” To emphasize his point, he takes a giant bite while glaring at you. Chocolate frosting smears on his lips. “Do I have something on my face?” he asks when he catches you staring at his mouth. 
“Actually, yes.” You start to lean over with a paper napkin in hand, but decide against it, bringing your lips to his. He tastes like sugar from the cake, burnt caramel from the coffee, and clove from his cigarettes, and your stomach flip-flops when he brings his hand to your cheek and deepens the kiss. “Mmm, my favorite,” you manage when you break away. 
“What? Me or the chocolate?” Eddie asks, eyes blown wide just from a simple kiss. 
You smile, biting your lower lip. “Right now? The cake, because you still haven’t given me back the book you stole in detention.”
He throws his head back and sighs. “But if I don’t hold your book hostage, how can I secure that second date?”
You brush a lock of hair out of his face. “What if I told you that you already have?” He looks genuinely astonished, so you elaborate. “Eddie, this is the best date I’ve ever had. I can’t think of the last time I was this happy.”
The handsome metalhead reaches into his worn backpack and takes out the book. “You probably already figured this out, but flattery works with me, so…” 
You grab it victoriously. “Thank you,” you chirp, stowing it away before he can take it back. Eddie grins at you, just enjoying being in your company. 
“I kinda have a little confession of my own,” he says quietly. You pinch your eyebrows together in confusion. “I, um, I didn’t have detention today.” 
“Then why—” 
“Saw you sitting there alone, and I wanted to talk to you. I keep lookin’ for you in the cafeteria so I can ask you to eat with us, but I never see you.” 
You clear your throat. “Yeah, I-I like to eat in the library. It’s quieter there.” And you don’t have to deal with Jason Carver and his posse picking on you, but you withhold that information. 
Eddie looks at you inquisitively. “I thought you couldn’t eat in the library.” He raises his brows. “You little rebel. Sneaking food in the library, reading for fun during class…” He trails off and chuckles. “You’re always welcome at our table. I’d really like it if you sat with us, actually.” 
“Okay,” you agree easily. “I’d really like that, too.” You kiss him again and again, stopping only to indulge in coffee or cake. 
Maybe getting detention isn’t so bad, after all. 
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
When Eyes Meet- Kagami Taiga
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Aomine - Kise - Murasakibara - Kuroko - Akashi - Midorima A/N: I never actually wrote an x-reader one shot with Kagami before, so I decided to do his entry in the mini series next. The soulmate concept belongs to ElfQuest
Ever since the dawn of humanity, we were born with two names. One we use in our everyday life, and the other is the name of our soul. This is a very special name, an intimate one. It was only to be shared with family or friends as close as kin. It was a private piece of you. But as long as people remember having two names, they can also recall a certain phenomenon that would expose ones soulname to another. This phenomenon, was Recognition. It occured without a pattern or rule to it. There were people who had known one another for years until it happened, but it could also be upon meeting the very person. All one knew, was they locked eyes with one another, and they knew. This was what society would come to refer to as, 'the moment you knew you had found your soulmate'. You hadn't Recognized yet, thankfully. Yes, thankfully, because you preferred to finish high school and get your life together before Mr Right would waltz into your life. You were a goal oriented young lady, even if you said so yourself. Studious and hard working as you are, your friend group consisted solely out of bookworms such as yourself. You were waiting for one as we speak. You expected him to pop out of nowhere, after all, he always did. But, today wasn't like usual, as you spotted the fiery red hair trailing towards you. 'Kuroko brought Kagami along again, huh? What did he flunk this time?' The thought brought a small, amused smile to your face, because as dumb as he was Kagami was always nice and pleasant company. It was rare to meet a guy who was so respectful and relaxed around girls at your age, as everyone else except for the rare soul such as your mutual friend Kuroko seemed to be set ablaze with teenage hormones. With Kuroko, it seemed a given considering his personality, but Kagami was such a typical teenage boy in every other area, that his calm around the opposite sex felt much more surprising to you. You greeted them as they appeared in front of you. "Hello, l/n-san." Kuroko greeted. "Hey l/n-san," came Kagami's more casual greeting. "Shall we go to the library?"
You giggled as you corrected Kagami's homework, Kuroko had went off to get you guys something to drink after sitting in the library for nearly two hours. Kagami's cheeks were a flaming red. "Is it honestly that bad?" He grumbled with a disappointed face. You looked up at him. "You have a lot of spelling mistakes, but I honestly think its kinda adorable." He looked at you surprised, his face a little red. "Is that so?" You hummed in response before you shyly looked back into your textbook, you hadn't meant for your compliment to make him blush and you didn't knew why it made you so happy on the inside. But Kagami kept looking at you, and his intent gaze forced you to make eye contact once more. "Something wrong?" "Eh well, I…" Kagami stumbled nervously and it made your heart halt. "After the Winter Cup and exams are over, would you like going on a date before I go back to the US?" "You're asking me out nearly 4 months in advance?" You asked, frowning. "Well, if things work out it could distract me, and these upcoming months are so important. I seriously want to graduate you know? But I really would like to go out with you at least once before I go back to the US!" Kagami babbled a bit and his anxiety yet level headed thinking came to you as the most delightful of surprises. You smiled and just as you thought Kagami was a guy worth taking a chance on as unlike everyone else he clearly had his priorities straight, it happened. "Iyam?" You asked with our mouth hanging open. "Irhn? He asked, more as a confirmation of the soul shattering event. He couldn't believe his luck, this was pretty much a guarantee that you wouldn't lose interest once he left the country, which had been his biggest worry upon the idea of asking you out. Neither of you noticed Kuroko creeping closer. "From the looks of it, she can't say no to your plans of a long distance relationship." You heard Kuroko's voice and saw him drinking his vanilla milkshake with a smirk. You all laughed, and accepted your own milkshake with a moony grin to match Kagami's.
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
Obsession {2} (t.z)
a/n: ofc i had to post this on his birthday. im extremely sorry for this. i hope this lived up to the exception and hype of the first one.
warnings: blood, injury, sad
Part 1
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An obsession is an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind, a fixation to a troubling extent. Ever since meeting her, Trevor had been infatuated. He was caught up in the craze of love and he never wanted to let it go. It becomes dangerous when an obsession becomes known to the world.
“Mr. Zegras we need you to come with us.”
“No. I. No.” His heart raced a million miles an hour as panic and fear set in. His breathing began to rapidly increase, taking in more air than he needed at one time. His legs felt weak, nearly failing him as he tried to process just what was happening.
This wasn’t happening. No. It couldn’t. He loved her. He could never do anything to harm her. Impossible.
But nothing’s impossible.
“Please. How is she?” Jamie inquired of the doctor. He watched as the officers struggled to grab a hold of his friend. He was mesmerized at the thought that Trevor could have done something. It never crossed his mind that his friend could do something like this. Obsessed people do crazy things all the time though.
“I can’t disclose anything about Miss Y/L/N unless you're next of kin or anything like that -” The doctor was going on.
“I’m her cousin.” Jamie blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Shit. Maybe he should have said brother. It was a tricky situation he was trying to navigate. He just knew she needed someone with her since her superstar hockey player lover was currently being taken away. “The rest of her family is on the other side of the country. I’m the closest thing she has right now.”
The doctor nodded and beckoned him to follow him back to see Y/N. The medical professional told him of obvious injuries, a badly broken nose, a major facial laceration and a concussion. Jamie was told of the amount of blood pooling underneath the skin of her stomach. They were still waiting on a couple of tests to figure out the best plan of action on how to deal with it.
“Jamie? Where’s Trev?” Y/N’s eyes went wide when he approached her. She looked confused as to why her boyfriend’s best friend was there and not her boyfriend. He could tell he might not be exactly wanted at that moment. But he was the one she was going to have to settle for right now.
“He’s a bit busy right Y/N/N. How are you feeling?” A stupid question to ask. Jamie knew how she probably felt. He probably shouldn’t tell her what was going on. The revelation would do more harm than good.
“Where is he? I want him. I need to talk to him.” She pleaded, starting to get a bit worked up when things seemed to not be going her way. Jamie felt bad. He didn’t like seeing her this way. It wasn’t like her.
“They’ve taken him in for questioning. They think he may have had a hand in your attack.” The words came out like vomit. He couldn’t stop. Stupid.
“Trevor. No. He didn’t do anything. No.” Y/N coughed. Red sticky liquid erupted from her body again as monitors went crazy and Jamie was removed from the room. This wasn’t good.
Once Trevor was brought into a secluded room. He was questioned on everything that had to do with his and Y/N’s relationship, if there were any kind of fights lately, and things like that. He was asked about his profession and things that could potentially set him off on the ice.
“What happened to your hand?” The man nodded to the red mark that ran along on Trevor’s knuckle.
Trevor didn’t respond. He recalled the incident from a couple of days ago. It wasn’t anything major. Something hit his hand. The thing broke and left him with a mark on his hand. End of story.
“I’m going to give you one last chance to confess to what you did.”
Trevor was exhausted, tired and his head was killing him. He just wanted to be with her. He had no idea how to get out of this horrible situation and it seemed to only be getting worse by the minute.
“I didn’t do anything. Please. I didn’t.” Trevor couldn’t make eye contact anymore. He felt so defeated. The only thing he was possibly at fault for was introducing her to this crazy hockey world. Maybe if he had chosen to keep quiet about his relationship with Y/N this whole thing could have been avoided. The two of them could be wrapped up in each other’s arms sitting on that god awful green couch that Y/N had insisted on getting.
“Trevor, we both know that’s not true. Your car was tagged near where the attack took place. That can’t be a coincidence?” The man in front of Trevor was cut off by another stuffy looking man entering the room. He couldn’t make out what they were saying to each other since the second detective held up a folder to hide what he was saying. It must have been something big by the way the man interrogating him looked over at him.
“Y/N Y/l/N is dead.”
“No no no no.” Trevor’s hands bunched in his hair unable to comprehend what he was being told. No. Trevor wasn’t listening when the officer told him about the surgery and how there was too much blood.  He started shaking his head as the tears started to roll down his face.
“There was obscure video evidence found of the attack from a building in the area. We can clearly see it isn’t you. You are free to go. I’m very sorry.”
No no no. This couldn’t be happening. Not to her. He loved her. She couldn’t be gone just like that. No. She was just here. Her heart was beating the last time he saw her. Now her body was turning as cold as the ice he skated on.
Maybe he was guilty.
Y/N was his obsession. And he showed her to the world.
I hope you guys like this! Please do let me know how much you hate me for this. Please I beg you, drop it in an ask or down below! Or if you guys have any other thoughts, comments, or complaints.
Tagging those who asked for part 2: @starsandhughes @nolanmoylee @goldenbrokenheart @equallyshaw @strangetoadroadbat @jackhughes-86 @northernvibxs @instantplaiddream @angzls @futurenhlwife @inlovewnjdevs
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toffeechad · 1 year
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ My new pinned!░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
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【Fictive indicators!!】
ꕥ = Major kin!
ᰔᩚ = Semi-major kin!
✬ = Partial kin!
My system's fictionkins/fictives:
Puffball (BFDI) ꕥ (my main fictive!)
Fries (BFDI) ꕥ
Eraser (BFDI) ✬
Pen (BFDI) ꕥ
Golf Ball (BFDI)
Tennis Ball (BFDI) ꕥ
Leafy (BFDI) ꕥ
Firey (BFDI) ꕥ
Winner (BFDI) ꕥ
Flower (BFDI) ꕥ
Dora (BFDI) ᰔᩚ
Hatsune Miku (VOCALOID) ꕥ
Stella (Angry Birds) ᰔᩚ
Bloody Bunny (Bloody Bunny) ✬
Mumu (Bloody Bunny) ✬
Dark Rabbit (Bloody Bunny) ✬
Rainbow Dash (MLP) ꕥ
Pyro (TF2) ✬
Dave (DFAC/FNF) ꕥ
Bambi (FNF) ᰔᩚ
Tristan (DFAC2/FNF) ✬
Bandu (FNF) ᰔᩚ
Bendu (FNF) ✬
Ringi (FNF) ᰔᩚ
Bambom (FNF) ✬
Marjia (Muse Dash) ✬
Buro (Muse Dash) ᰔᩚ
Sorbet Shark Cookie (Cookie Run) ꕥ
Timekeeper Cookie (Cookie Run) ᰔᩚ
Lychee Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run) ✬
Fettuccine Cookie (Cookie Run) ✬
Peni Parker (Spiderverse) ꕥ
Crimson (Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race) ✬
Gardevoir (Pokémon) ✬
Lightbulb (Inanimate Insanity) ꕥ
Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity) ᰔᩚ
Paintbrush (Inanimate Insanity) ᰔᩚ
Bot (Inanimate Insanity) ꕥ (3rd major fictive!)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) ᰔᩚ
Boboiboy (Boboiboy) ᰔᩚ
Yaya (Boboiboy) ᰔᩚ
Gebura (Lobotomy Corporation) ✬
Strawberry Cream Cookie (Cookie Run) ✬
Kotoko Utsugi (Danganronpa) ꕥ
Babs (Chicken Run) ✬
Shaun (Shaun The Sheep) ꕥ
Speakerwoman (Skibidi Toilet) ᰔᩚ
Mr Strong (The Mr Men Show) ᰔᩚ (2nd major fictive!)
Tweak (Octonauts) ᰔᩚ (4th major fictive!)
Ami (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi) ᰔᩚ
Bubble (BFDI) ᰔᩚ
Mr Nervous (The Mr Men Show) ᰔᩚ (5th major fictive!)
Little Miss Daredevil (The Mr Men Show) ꕥ
Little Miss Sunshine (The Mr Men Show) ᰔᩚ
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This is my ref sheet!
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Main alias: Toffee
Other alias: Lana (my actual name)
I'm Aromantic, so uh I'm not interested to be in a romantic relationship
My f/o's Mr Tickle from the Mr Men and Little Miss franchise! (Specifically, he's my childhood crush.)
Erm yeah I have spidersonas as well
The Object Spiders of Earth-2763 OLD REF SHEET >>
Clymene Moth
Honeycomb Spider
Green Lynx Spider
I also made a few BFB AUs too!
If you're wondering what does my persona look like, feel free to click here!
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ List of my awesome besties!! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
◍ Cooki_Alt
◍ Exsio Picore
◍ NovaAzurite
◍ Moonsprout-sys
◍ MochaBlogger
◍ Trashbins_Stuff
◍ artismeyou-12
◍ vaap0r_wave
◍ B0nb0n
◍ wowwzaaxei
◍ heartsfortwotpot
◍ Branimator
◍ slimebottlesilly
◍ the-random-creechur
DNI if you're hella problematic especially for: NSFW, Proship, Israel supporters, UNTITLED BLOGS, fetish, MAP, Sigmas, L*licons, Ableists, P*dos, etc!
Interests: Mr. Men & Little Miss, BFDI, II, Bloody Bunny, MLP, Cookie Run, FNF, Octonauts, Muse Dash, TF2, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mobile Legends, Super Mario, Pokemon, Roblox, Angry Birds, Spiderverse, Vocaloid, Total Drama, The Amazing Digital Circus, South Park, Chicken Run, Mobile Legends, Lobotomy Corporation, Skibidi Toilet and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi.
68 notes · View notes
wascallywabbit1938 · 7 months
This is my pinned post! PLEASE read through it so you know what you're getting yourself into LuL
- I'm an artist! All of my mangy little doodles are tagged with '#bugsyboy1938 art' so if you're interested check it out every now and then!
- I also have OC's! Posts that feature them are tagged with '#fatass n jackass', check 'em out too!
- I like to swear a lot to drive my points further or to be funnier, so if you're sensitive to strong language i suggest you think about if you really wanna follow me
- I'm a minor, so 18+ accounts aren't wanted here (wait another two years, bucko LuL)
- I do not discriminate! Everyone's welcome here (except of course the laundry list of "ists" and "phobes")! Proshippers, and l*licons can go choke on a chicken bone for all i care just don't interact with me
- I may go through your whole profile and like most of your posts if i like the stuff you post, it's all pure impulse LuL
- I have slight depression and anxiety so please be patient with me! It will do me a very good :)
- I use hyperbole and like to exaggerate things a lot so don't take the things i say too seriously (unless i go out of my way to tell you that i'm being serious, of course)
- PLEASE avoid being vague around me! Just say what you wanna say, t'ain't that hard to be precise!
- I am from (and still live in) Serbia and our time-zone is indeed screwy, so if you're from somewhere that isn't Europe and you're wondering why i haven't responded to one of your DMs that's because i'm probably tucked in bed and blowing snot bubbles
(What I'll Probably Talk About Here The Most)
- Ed, Edd n' Eddy (mostly about the Kanker Sisters)
- SpongeBob SquarePants (there is not a single season i outright dislike)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (mostly the 2003 4Kids show)
- The Pink Panther (mostly the original DePatie-Freleng shorts)
- Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry and sometimes other 1940's/50's cartoon shorts
- Oggy & The Cockroaches
- Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butt-Head and sometimes other cartoons from the 1990's
- Garfield comics (and anything relating to the Garfield franchise, really LuL)
- SuperMarioLogan (yes the YouTuber, sorry LuL :þ)
- Platform fighters such as Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, Rivals of Aether, Super Smash Flash 2, and of course, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up
- And last but not least, Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure. Truly a classic :)
(These Characters Mean A Lot To Me)
- Lee, May Kanker (Ed, Edd n' Eddy)
- SpongeBob SquarePants, Mr. Eugene Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo Splinterson (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003))
- Oggy, Jack (Oggy and the Cockroaches)
- Nina Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
- Discord: bugsbunny1938
- Twitter: @Wabbit_Guy
- Instagram: @wacky_wabbit_man
- DeviantArt: BugsyBoy1938
Hope y'all have a swell time hearing me ramble on about dumb shite!
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Bend Til We Break - Chapter 17
previous chapters
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[Quinn’s POV]
I called Y/n to tell her to just come home and that I’d leave and didn’t get an answer. I roll my eyes thinking of the past couple months and how she was just playing with my heart. I shake my head then clean the mess made on the table beside the couch where she was laying. I walk over and put the dishes in the sink and the garbage inside the garbage, then grab my keys and head down to my car. 
7:06pm flashes across the screen of my phone when I pull it out to call again. The line rings once before telling me the number I was calling was no longer in service. She fucking blocked me I think to myself and throw my car in drive. As I’m leaving the lot, my phone starts to ring. I don’t recognize the number so I let it ring. 
I come up to a stop light and the cops have us detouring around the street I usually take to go home. I follow the directions trying to look up the road to see what is going on but there is a bend in the road. I continue driving home and my phone rings again, it’s the same number. I press accept on my steering wheel instead of letter it ring this time. “Hello?” I say into the phone
“Hello, Is this Quintin Hughes?”
“Yes, it is”
“This is Pamela from Vancouver General. Are you in close proximity to the hospital Mr.Hughes?” the voice on the other side of the phone says
“Yes, what is going on?”
“The mother of your children was rushed in tonight, we will need some consent forms signed” Immediately I turn down a street and weave in and around traffic fast. 
“I-is she okay?” I ask 
“More information will be available for you when you arrive to the hospital” she says
I hang up and quickly make my way to the hospital. When I arrive I quickly leave my car and run into the hospital. I go to the ER and go straight to the front desk. 
“Hi, I’m Quinn Hughes. My girlfriend was rushed here tonight, uh- Y/f/n Y/l/n” I say and the women types some stuff into the computer. 
“One second Mr. Hughes” she says and leave the front area. A lady in scrubs comes out opening the door as the woman I was just talking to takes a seat back at the front desk. 
“Come with me” the woman in scrubs says. I follow her down the hallway and into an elevator, “I’m bringing you to Dr. Leland’s office, he will explain your girlfriend and children’s condition”.
“What happened?” I ask
“Ms.Y/l/n crossed the solid and was his by another car head on” she says
“Oh my god” 
The elevator door opens and I follow her to an office. As I sit a man walks into the room almost in a rush
“Hello Mr. Hughes, I’m Dr. Leland. I am the Doctor that will perform the surgery on your children if you decide upon this” he says while extending his hand out, and I stand and shake it. 
“How bad is it?” I ask
“Y/n is still in surgery right now with significant injuries. The twins miraculously could survive” 
“I need permission from the father to operate to remove the children. Seeing as you are not the next of kin, you cannot speak on Y/n’s behalf. Thankfully her mother had agreed to do whatever to keep them alive through the phone. I have to warn you, this surgery could cause major complications for the mother”
“It’s too early, isn’t it?” I ask
“As Y/n is 38 weeks, the babies would not be born premature. But every forced labour has risks for everyone.
“So they all could-” I start but the lump in my stomach grows bigger, “they all could die?” I ask
“If you need a minute that is fine but I will need to know before they finish with her, I need to be in there as soon as they close up”
“Okay, I just need 5 minutes” I say pulling my phone out, 
“I’ll come in before I need to leave to operate” the doctors says leaving with the nurse as I click on my mother’s contact. It rings a few times before she answers: “Hey Quinney” she says through the phone, 
“Mom?” i say my voice breaking
“What is it honey?” 
“It’s Y/n, she got in an accident” 
“Oh no Quinn, What happened?” she asks. I tell her everything I know and the decision I have to make.
“And her mother said to go ahead with the surgery? What happens if there isn't surgery?” she asks me
“I don’t know I didn’t ask”
“Well what do you feel is the right thing to do?” She asks
“I can’t lose her” Is all I could say
“I can’t tell you want to do Quinn, but I am on the next flight out of here”
We say our goodbyes and I open the door asking if I could speak to him again, he nods and enters back into the office. 
“So what if I choose no surgery?” 
“Mr.Hughes when I said it was a miracle they could survive, I meant could. Once born they will be in this hospital for a very, very long time. Y/n might not be able to hold them for at least a month”
“So, we could lose them both?”
“Potentially, Or one. It’s hard to tell right now”
“What are the chances of-”
“Quinn, we will do our very best to keep her breathing” he says and I let the tears fall as he looks at the clock, “I will need to scrub in now if you choose to go ahead”
“Okay, just don’t let her die” I say and the doctor gives me a sad nod before leaving the room and down the hall accompanied by 3 other nurses. The other nurse tells me to follow her to the waiting room and gives me some papers to sign. 
I look at the time 9:38pm.
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
Me, making fun of my friend for putting Mr. Loverman on all of his kin playlists:
Also me, a hypocrite, listening to my kin playlists: sniffles I’m m-mister loverman and I miss my l-lover, man- sobs
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m4nd0l0r · 2 years
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More Five Hargreeves Headcanons (That are very much Canon to me)
Description: This are all definitely real! PROOF: I am Five Hargreeves’ Emergency Axe that he talks to rather than Delores (100% REAL!!!)
Author’s note: ah yes.. five x reader headcanons along with my most fav headcanon of all time: transmasc five 💪💪 im battling writer’s block again this is so slay of me (no it’s not) (this month was so trash and this is my compensation for me being M.I.A. SKKSKS) (anyway if you don’t like the idea of five being transmasc… respectfully scroll and don’t say anything pls!! no negativity here!!) (and we know the drill- five is aged up to whatever any of you are comfy w!!) (also tysm for 175 followers??? holy shit??? i appreciate it sm wtf 😭😭🫶)
Five Taglist: @ells-graveyard @noahspector @aelinismyqueen @fivelegance @ne0boss @twauna00 @placidpluto @eichenhouseproperty @heartsforsuyin @ghostlywavelengths @ghostlycherryblossomwonderland @seconds-not-decades @coolcatlover4 @emotionally-unstabel @peachy-wolfhard @its-lokilocked @raven-fandomtrash @theilliterateskankula @magicstrange @venusrambles @whereintheworldisspencerreid @honeycombdumbass @kazuive @oscarisaacsleftballsack @zenithinthebin @peachteeaaa @rchaoz @wickedmystery @wordsandnerds @umbrellatte @666abby6666 @iameddiemunsonshair @starlightinhumanform @vennythearsonist @trashmouthsahra @crinklypink @halfumbrella @wifeofcamillamacaulay (if you want to be removed/added, pls tell me via pm!!)
Disclaimer: I am not transmasc myself, I’m girlflux so I merely took my own experience trying to identify myself for the last 2-3 years, if I did something wrong with my headcanons, pls message me privately and I will be sure to add/change/remove anything that can considered to be harmful for actual trans men, this is all just for fun and I hope to not offend anyone— I merely want to share headcanons of Five that I love!!
he hates those matted fluffy socks (he’s so me fr), the texture grosses him to the point he would try to trash it (ps. klaus took it from him)
five LOVES comforters, he just tucks himself in and just. sleeps so quietly you’d think he’s dead but he just. does not snore. (you’ve tried to worriedly wake him up once… all you got was an annoyed groan and a painful smack to the lips—)
he hugs himself in his sleep if he doesn’t have blankets (unless you’re in the picture, he’ll definitely just CLING on you) it started when he was in the apocalypse, sleeping by a wrecked mattress store with no blankets, he dusts off the dirty mattress, not bothered to find any pillows or etc, so he just tries to sleep through the cold night with his own warmth, too tired from the chaos… not ready for the days laid out for him
he seems like a cat person, but he actually not so secretly wants a dog (specifically a herder dog for a farm), its in his bucket list for retirement, he wants to play with the pup and have someone by his side after his family fell further apart (s3 ending), then he can go on peacefully knowing he wasn’t rlly that alone, at least fulfilling one want of his
^ however if he could get a cat, he would get a sphynx cat… reason? he wants to match suits and sweaters with the cat (his excuse to you is that he doesn’t want the cat to get lonely being the only one wearing the ugly sweater.. and the sweater is just a plain blue turtleneck.. not even your typical xmas atrocity….)
as a kid, he had a teddy bear named mr pennycrumb, which prompted him to decide to name his soon-to-be pet mr pennycrumb in the future
my boy kins “a lots gonna change” by weyes blood, especially the first stanza, give it a listen and you’ll see.. y o u ‘ l l s e e (though disclaimer, the singer sings the song in 1st pov and uses feminine descriptors… but for the sake of five, just switch it out in your head w masculine coded words)
now- with his identity, as a kid, what awakened him to discover that he truly feels more like a guy is when he saw addam’s family— let me explain myself: he resonated with gomez- as even though gomez is considered “weird” he’s still a perfect husband/gentlemen, his charisma and charm could leave some in pure awe- and all five could think the first time he watched the movie was “i want to be this guy” rather than “i’d want to marry this guy”
with gomez and morticia’s dynamic from the movie, he will definitely incorporate their relationship on how he wants to treat his own s/o, like how he acted with delores, he was all in love and sappy, speaking italian just for her, he definitely took inspo from gomez with all of that, i just know it!!!
in a relationship with you, he would also try to know everything you like, your fixations, hobbies- he appreciates your intellect with your interests, always making sure to listen as you ramble on as your own eyes twinkling with pure interest and he only smiles softly, smitten by the sight of your love for this, how knowledgeable you are, even if its a ‘stupid’ interest or just something so niche others wouldn’t understand, he would try to fully comprehend it- as if it were one of his equations, he would study it just so he can talk to you about it, and see the excitement that radiates out of you when you realize he’s actually interested in knowing, that it wasn’t just a lie to keep you talking as they did something else- no, you notice it- his genuine interest that you see when he talks about his own theories peeks out so clearly, even if he tries to not let it out
if you speak other languages, he will try so hard in learning them just so he can somewhat impress you (for fellow filipinos however…. he cannot pronounce manananggal for the life of me…. you once had him try to say it but it ended up taking half an hour full of his tongue twisting from both his accent and the amount of “n” sounds w the word.. so basically he almost chucked a translator book to the wall— so uh… take that headcanon and r u n)
with his type (romantically), i think he doesn’t have one honestly— its more on the idea that he cherishes anyone who would care for him and vice versa, for example, he finds his siblings ‘annoying’ from their actions, personalities, likes, goals, ideologies and etc, but he still cares for them becos they’re important to him, with you, he could care less if you were rough, brash, shy, not so outgoing as others or something ‘normal’ society wouldn’t appreciate, he isn’t normal either— he’s a guy with a bloody background and superhuman powers, why would he care that much? if anything he would only appreciate you, even if you’re the polar opposite or almost carbon copy of him, if he truly cares about you, he accepts everything about you, just like how he accepts how his family is just dysfunctional as he is
in the topic of relationships and sexuality— i also think that he’s in the aroace spectrum- specifically demiromantic and aceflux (for those who don’t know- demiromantic means that he feels romantic attraction once he develops a strong emotion connection) (as for aceflux, its when someone sometimes feel sexual attraction, but in other times they don’t feel attracted that way, its fluid; changes even)
^ with that said- though its a well-known headcanon, i think he discovered it when he feels uncomfortable with the handler’s flirtatiousness, knowing it was fake— he likes sincerity that are peeking through the mask— not just soft smooth words that sway everyone else, he wants to feel truly loved, especially with everything he’s experienced atp
and now for cough cough scenario headcanons… drum roll please……
five successfully going back to 2019 with ONE (giant) mishap: he’s back in his 13 yr old bod, pre-transitioned AND… he was technically closeted too so.. oh brother….. at least…… he was a late bloomer as a kid so he’s pretty okay that he doesn’t need a binder again.. yet.
HOWEVER, he definitely stole school boy shorts from the other boys’ childhood closets cos his old closet only has uniform w the skirts
he also mentioned that he refers himself as a boy to the rest of the umbrellas so bluntly his family just goes with the flow (they’ve witnessed far more bizarre things atp, they don’t dare try to question this cranky little shit)
five being so ANNOYED with his higher pitched voice again cos he hasn’t took testosterone yet at 13 (he took it once he was in the commission as part of ‘extra’ stuff in his insurance (cough the privilege of being the handler’s favorite cough))
he always— painfully itches himself every time, his fingers scratching his own skin as if he’s trying to get out of his own body, because he doesn’t feel right— he feels like he’s found himself in the different room; it felt wrong to him
with the body change in s1, when handler said he’d give him a better body, she definitely tries to poke him the fact that its a cis male body as a manipulation tactic cos she she knows about his gender dysphoria :”(
speaking of gender dysphoria, it makes his annoyance for being back at his 13 yr old even more prominent cos frankly, he feels like he’s not himself again, especially after finally being so euphoric fully transitioning and all- he has do it all over again, including the insecurities
cough scenario time 🕺(im very lazy to write pls bear w me SKSK)
: younger you (either stealing from your parent who’s a doctor specializing w gender reassignment or from a literal clinic).. just stealing testosterone pills from the cupboard trying to give it to pre-transitioned five— and five is just touched- almost tempted to actually take it, but he doesn’t take it- instead he blips, then puts it back but he still appreciates the thought :((
the euphoria of him wearing his first binder, his first suit, being finally referred as sir and he/him for the first time— right after- when he gets to look at the mirror, he feels so manly, and for once- he felt right in place, not as if he were a missing piece in the wrong puzzle
you referring him as your boyfriend, or husband even, he won’t admit it, but it puts the most giant smile in his face, and his ears go red just from it, not just he feels so honored, but its also cos he feels so validated by you, someone he cares about so much that he swears he could kiss you right then and there <33 (he doesn’t, but in closed doors, he slipped a little peck or two) (i just love this man sm i cant)
285 notes · View notes
The Science of Getting Lost
TIMING: Early May LOCATION: The Mines PARTIES: Jasper (@eatdearth and Gael (@lithium-argon-wo-l-f SUMMARY: Just a normal, scientific investigation involving a geologist (Jasper) and a chemist (Gael). They definitely don’t get separated in the mines. CONTENT WARNINGS: Family Death (Brief mention)
Well, Gael managed to put his name on the list in time for this “expedition” team to make a trip over to the mines to do some investigatory research regarding the strange goings-on in and around the area. There was supposed to be a team of five, including himself and Mr. Langston. Samples were to be taken and what could be tested on the site would’ve been, with the rest of the results being a job for the labs back at the UMWR.  …At least, that’s what he was expecting as he arrived at the scene of where everyone was supposed to meet up and he found that he was alone. He glanced around the area briefly, holding up a wrist to his nose as though that would stop the sulfuric stench from entering it. His other hand pulled up the information he’d saved to his phone, eyes quickly glancing to the clock in the upper right-hand corner. This was the right time, this was the right place… and it was also the first time Gael had been part of the expedition. Perhaps there was a common consensus that they ran fashionably late? Or worse: they canceled and no one bothered to let him know. He wondered if that was the case and, messenger back with equipment still hung carefully over his shoulder, he now checked his phone for an email he might’ve missed. He was so focused on trying to find that email that he didn’t realize that his head tilted sharply as he heard movement coming from behind him. ----
Jasper yawned as he wrapped his hands tightly around the straps of his massive backpack. He was making his way to their scheduled meeting place, once again alone, though he was unbothered. His teaching assistant, Yvonne Jung, the daughter and only child of his mentor who implicitly leveraged Jasper’s many owed favors to get his daughter the position, was not available today. 
She shouldn’t even be available any day, to be honest, considering she wasn’t a fan of this field and was just being forced into the study by her controlling father. Typical Asian family dynamic. Though Jasper, who was half-Asian, wouldn’t know, considering his own spellcasting kin was murdered by his late uncle, unbeknownst to him. 
What was ‘beknownst’ to him, aside from the fact that that wasn’t even a word to begin with, was that he was going to have to do all this again on his own. He had no faith the other members of the ‘expedition’ team would even show up, as they were all a bunch of lazy, disrespectful, uninterested, cool in an anti-authority kind of way, and definitely busy pseudo researchers that just wanted to get their name included on the credits should this whole gamble actually amount to anything, which no one except Jasper even had faith in. Or maybe there was someone else as bored and as socially un-busy as him. “Hello? Who are you?” ----
He wasn’t sure how long it was before Gael heard another human’s voice and he whipped around on the spot so quickly that the messenger bag swung to hit his other hip with flair. “Oh hi!” He replied, the relief that he wasn’t actually going to be alone in this himself evident in his tone. Before him stood a man, taller than him and with amazing facial hair. His dark eyes danced over the stranger as his hands messed the strap of his bag to adjust it back to his shoulder properly.
“I’m Gael Córdova, the chemistry professor,” He introduced, holding out his hand once they were done with the strap and taking a few confident steps towards the other man, who presumed was… well, one of the members of the awaited expedition. “I wasn’t sure if I was super early or late but I was starting to get worried that I’d been set up.” He scoffed. “Oh, er… If you aren’t with the university then sorry but– it’s still nice to see someone else here.” ----
When the stranger turned around, Jasper immediately recognized him. He’s seen him around the Chemistry Department of the University once or twice when he had to pay them a visit to remind his usual contact over there that he still needed help on something or another. These chemistry professors can be forgetful, probably because of work and stuff. At least what Jasper thought. If he wasn’t so oblivious, he’d realize his usual contact didn’t really like working with him. Probably all those rock-related dad jokes. 
“Ah, yes, you’re from the Chem Dept,” he said, matter-of-factly, as if that shortcut of a term caught on with anyone else when it didn’t. Jasper took his hand and vigorously shook it with both of his, excited to work with someone new. He was a lonely man, and it was even lonelier down there, so this was a great deal for him. “Yeah, I’m just about to set up,” he heaved a sigh as he carefully placed his backpack on the floor. “Jasper, Jasper Langston, from the, d’oh, Geology Department. It’s just the two of us, I think. You good with that?” ----
Oh, it was Jasper from Geo. It seemed obvious now that Gael took a longer look at the man. The enthusiastic shake of his hand didn’t go by the professor unnoticed, though, and he offered a smile with a nod. “Honestly I’m just glad I’m not by myself again.” He remembered having gone up to the general area before, returning with nothing but a splitting headache and zero answers. “I don’t mean to make assumptions but at this point, I’m sort of guessing that maybe you and I are the two scientists who actually, y’know, want to see what’s going on around here.”
Gael removed a small, rolled up picnic blanket from a clip around his belt and he turned away from the geologist to open it up, sighing as he did so. “I don’t have, like, a professional tarp; I kind of figured that we’d have a team that came with supplies.” He admitted. “At least I have a cute little blanket so we can pretend that we’re professionals.” He set the blanket down and placed his messenger back on one of the corners. “I’ve been up here once but care to let me in on what this place is?” He glanced up at Jasper expectantly, his dark eyes curious. ----
“You and me both,” Jasper chuckled at that before taking out a handheld device that was much wider than a phone. He started pointing it at the walls, at the ceiling, at anything he could of the mines basically, but it just beeped casually without really any urgency. He turned to Gael with a shrug. “Yeah, maybe,” he heaved a sigh, clearly disheartened at that fact. “My teaching assistant just has something important to do today, but I can’t speak for our peers.”
Jasper could always count on Yvonne, his teaching assistant, so he always cut her some slack. For someone who wasn’t interested in this field, who’d rather be doing something else, she carried her weight, and sometimes even his as well. With the rest of their peers, well, he wasn’t popular enough to warrant some respect, so it was always like this for him. Still, the science was worth it, so who cares about all that social junk, right? Jasper does. 
“We usually do, but as you can see, it’s just me at the moment. We’re actually just doing a quick rescan of the mines today, but I do have our usual equipment in a truck outside if you want to help me bring them in? Definitely a lot of weird stuff going on down here,” and as Jasper said that, his device suddenly died on him. “Hmm, fluff.” ----
Oh, they were going inside. Perhaps Gael should’ve, y’know, asked before starting to set anything up. Well, it’s not like he thought they were in danger of getting robbed or anything so he left his things where they were and he found himself looking at the device that Jasper was holding - a frequency scanner? Did it read mineral deposits in the rock?
Gael wished he had something like that that could read the air. He tried before, he could remember trying before but for some reason, all his samples returned corrupted or sometimes, not at all. It was almost as though something was sabotaging his results. Then again, that was an insane thought and Gael wasn’t insane (though the stench in the air didn’t help the budding headache he could feel in his temples again).
While he was ruminating in these brief thoughts, Jasper said some sort of soft curse and Gael glanced from the direction the geologist pointed the truck to be in back to his temporary companion. “Uh oh, your thing died?” He asked. “...Sorry, I didn’t answer your question. Yeah! Yeah, I can help bring the stuff in. How far in did you want to go?” He asked. “You got batteries for that in your pack? . . . What even is it?” He didn’t mean to sound like he was ignorant but curiosity often won out at the end of the day in his brain. ----
The device was, unfortunately, old as fudge. Jasper had gotten it as a hand me down from his mentor, Professor Jung, before the old man left for greener pastures. What were greener pastures for a geology professor? Jasper may never know. He doesn’t see himself following in his mentor’s footsteps. Well, with regard to retiring or leaving the university any time soon at least. Jasper needs the university. He needs the social experience more than anyone will ever know. It might be the only thing saving him from throwing himself down the mines full time. 
“Yeah, well,” Jasper heaved a sigh, shaking his head. It was routine by now, the device breaking down. If Jasper actually paid any attention to the damned thing, he would’ve realized it mostly does that inside the mines. But no, Jasper had already zeroed in on the fact that it was aged, ancient, and might be due for replacement by a newer generation device. Right under his nose, really. “It does that a lot. Batteries are new, so it’s probably just its age catching up to it. Department really needs to invest in new stuff.”
Jasper tried to downplay his disappointment with a chuckle, but dead air followed that right after. He lost himself in thoughts of why the department rarely listens to him, rarely caters to their own needs, rarely invests in useful stuff for them as well. Do they hate him? Or do they just not care about the field in and of itself? “Anyway, yeah, I’ve got the drills, hammers, and bags in the truck. They’re in a hard shell case. You know how to use a drill, right?” ----
So there was an old machine that scanned the rocks that routinely broke down, a bunch of drills, hammers, and bags in a truck when there were two people to carry it around, and… a crew of people who just decided not to show up to an excursion.
Gael wasn’t going to say that this was a bummer but it was kind of a bummer.
Part of him seemed to deflate and Jasper’s none-too-subtle disappointment in trying to pass off the fact that they gave him old, outdated tech only helped in making him wonder if it would be less of a waste of time to just… try this another day. However, Gael wasn’t a quitter and he put his hands in his pockets, adjusting his position so that he could start moving wherever he was told to go. On the other hand, though… “Iiiii do not,” He replied with an unusual amount of confidence for essentially admitting that he didn’t know how to do something. “But I can carry stuff sometimes. I can be your muscle and I’ll leave the geology tech up to you,” He offered.
“Or we could… do this another time?” He suggested after a pause. “Or, like… if you’re familiar enough with the interior, you could just show me around at what you guys might’ve found so far.” He was spitballing at this point; while Gael had a deep well of patience for people, and he certainly felt sympathy for Jasper seemingly being the main one who was interested in actually trying to figure out what was going on around there, he had considerably less patience for situations he acknowledged were out of his control. The smell wasn’t helping at all. ----
“Ah,” Jasper stated plainly. He didn’t even expect anyone else to come today, so why would he expect the only guy who did show up would know how to use a drill? To be fair, to him, though, it wasn’t just a drill. Certainly not a normal drill ordinary people regularly used in their households. It was more of a compounded drill, a specialized one, that geologists and miners used outside, in places like this, not inside households. That would be too much. “It’s all right. Yeah, maybe just carry the stuff and…”
Jasper heaved another sigh. There were two of them. Just two of them. It would have been challenging with just him alone but another person didn’t make much of a difference. Then again, him and Yvonne just did fine on their own sometimes, though carrying around heavy equipment, into and out of the mines, wasn’t something they did on their own. Maybe this guy was right. He stared at Gael with a raised eyebrow. Should he be calling him sir or something? Jasper should really socialize with the Chem Department, even though the last time he tried, he got brushed off by that cutie in a lab coat. What was her name again? Something that started with a letter A?
“Yeah, sure,” Jasper gave him a nod before leading him further in. The tunnels, he was very familiar with. At least the ones closer to the surface, the ones that didn’t have those miners that chased him off. Corporations are always a dick, he realized at a young age, which was why he supported local businesses instead of hoity-toity franchises. Screw Starbucks. This town has Sharma Tea and Bread Cemetery and a million other coffee places that taste better. “We should be close around that bend. Careful not to stray far from me, though. Unless you’ve been here before?” ----
To Gael’s relief and after what seemed like a bit of internal debate with Jasper, the latter agreed to his suggestion to give him a tour. The chemistry professor gave a small nod to the other man before starting to follow him in where they were abruptly greeted with darkness, even with the lights that offered shallow light… and the smell. The air was thick in the mouth of the mine entrance and only seemed to get thicker as they progressed and Gael felt his brow knit, placing a hand to his nose in as subtle a gesture as he could.
“Boy, it’s… pungent down here,” He remarked, trying to be light in his delivery but it was feathered with a subtle urge to gag. He kept his keen eyes on the geology professor, however, and when asked if he was familiar, Gael shook his head. “Unfortunately not. I moved here a few months ago but I was still getting my bearings.” Though that seemed like a flitting thought in his head as he grunted under his breath. Stick close to Jasper, don’t stray too far. Don’t listen to the sudden urge to scratch at your brain, digging into it and pulling out the feeling of sinking your teeth into a stranger’s arm.
Not Jasper’s arm. No one’s arm, what was he talking about? He opened his eyes, not realizing that he’d closed them and though something made it so that he could see better than complete blindness, he somehow lost sight of the geologist. “...Jasper?” He asked dumbly. ----
Jasper nodded fervently as he led Gael deeper and deeper into the mines. Or at least to where they had made their last progress. The geologist had gone much deeper than the rest of their team, though he would never advise the same to anyone else. Something about the mines, some things inside the mines, were not friendly. Jasper may not have encountered much of those unfriendly things, but just going off the vibes, the mines were not a place you wanted to hurl yourself into with just a phone. The flashlight’s useful, for a bit, but eventually, you’ll lose your signal. Or worse.
“Yes, well, there are certain chemical reactions that could very well be responsible for those smells,” Jasper explained in his professor’s voice, using a bunch of words that held no deep meaning for him, all while he continued to stare straight forward, never looking back behind him. Why would he? He knew the mines like the back of his hand. At least the parts where their team had explored. He knew where they were supposed to go. The other guy was also a professor, so he was also smart. That meant he would follow his advice and not stray far from him. He would not get lost. “...so rest assured, we’re pretty safe down here.”
Jasper then started talking about how the mines were a geological marvel, how certain things followed the rules that they were all accustomed to, the rules of the earth that they’ve studied over the years, the only rules that they’ve ever known, and how other things did not. There was enthusiasm in his voice, the same enthusiasm he’d have when talking about the Fast and the Furious franchise, the same enthusiasm a Marvel ‘fan’ would have when talking about the Disney Plus shows (that wasn’t She-Hulk twerking-related, even though if Deadpool did that, they’d all figuratively bust a nut, as his rival and student Jeremy would often say; maybe even literally, who knows?) 
But that enthusiasm was soon replaced with concern when Jasper looked behind him, his wide smile turning into a frown, eyes widening into confusion and horror, and found the chemistry professor was nowhere to be found. “Gael? Professor Cordova?” Oh, dear. Not again. ----
“Professor Langston?” Gael’s voice rang out and he only called every once in awhile, falling silent and trying desperately to hear any indication of where he was in relation to the geologist; sound normally carried so why did he feel like he was being smothered in deafening quiet? While normally he would’ve stayed rational and calm - indeed, when it wasn’t around ‘those instances’, he held value in his ability to rationalize things calmly and logically - he was having immense difficulties as he wandered in the winding tunnels of the mine. Where he was now had no more light, and not even his vision ‘gifted’ to him by his brain injury could decipher details anymore.
And the stench.
Maybe… This was Jasper’s idea of a joke. Maybe he was fed up with not being taken seriously by the board or their team so he decided to punch down to Gael, the one newer and less experienced than he was. The chemist had no idea where he was going, he didn’t know his way around, he didn’t know how to escape, he didn’t know anything. He didn’t even know that as he walked, craning his neck to hear and calling for the geology professor, the foul odor that permeated the rock and dirt inside the dark tunnels crawled around inside him, fuelling this unjustified rage, dropping him to his knees and starting to shred through his clothes.
Skin covered itself in fur, gasps of pain turned into twisted snarling, teeth fell out. Claws. A tail. Ears. Snout. Not quite wolf but not quite man. Neither. Both. Pain. Exhaling a hot breath through long canines, Gael widened his amber eyes and let out a small, but still pitched howl. THAT echoed through the caves. ----
Jasper was a mood, swinging between indifference and professional concern. On one hand, Professor Cordova was a grown man. He could find his way out of the mines…right? Sure, Jasper’s already lost one person to the mines, but that was years ago, and she was just a kid. He was, too. Professor Cordova was a different story. He was an adult. Surely, someone with that big brain could escape the tunnels with relative ease. Right?
On the other? The mines have their fair share of missing persons. Jasper had gathered as much from his own unprofessional investigation, haphazard interviews of miners he had conducted without their knowledge and sometimes using a fake name, nothing of which could ever hold up in court with zero physical evidence, just some drunken blue collar worker rambling about the Steves and Joes that were never seen again, ramblings that an expensive team of attorneys can so easily squish. 
Jasper heaved a sigh, shaking his head. Professor Cordova wasn’t a Steve or a Joe, but if he goes missing, it’s Jasper’s ass on the line when he returns to the university. Unless of course no one knew Professor Cordova’s schedule? Maybe he had a drinking habit? Maybe Jasper can just feign ignorance and pin his possible disappearance on— “What the fuck was that?” Jasper gulped, his hand pressed hard on the side of the mines. He had never heard anything like it before, certainly not in there. As he pressed the rest of his body against the cold hard rocky surface of the closest wall, he felt his heart race fast. Faster than it had ever in recent memory. “Shit. What if it— No! Professor Cordova!”
Against his smarter instincts, Jasper ran to where he had heard the howl, fearing that his companion was the cause of all that howling. A stray wolf having jumped a chemistry professor? It would be the first time he’d witness such a thing! Unbeknownst to him, he would be witnessing a different thing for the first time. ---- Still in the dark but now equipped with more proficient tools, Gael held his head up and attempted to sniff the air, feeling the fur on his hackles stand on end as all he seemed to smell was the disgusting rot. A low growl rumbling at the bottom of his throat, he reached up and felt the ceiling close to his head and while he was content to walk on his hind legs, he needed to be more careful in these narrow tunnels. He dropped to all fours quietly and he started stalking forward when he suddenly stopped, turning his head sharply as he heard a noise coming from a different direction. He wasn’t alone in these dark tunnels. Not even sure why HE was where he was, Gael decided to go in the direction of the new noise but didn’t have to travel far when he stopped short, hearing rapidly-approaching footfalls and his bright amber eyes fell upon a silhouette. A human. Unable to contain his excitement, his tail started wagging wildly and he bared his teeth, his lips seeming to form a wide, doglike smile as a noise that sounded like an unholy mixture of a human laugh and a yelp ripped from his throat.
From the corner of his eye, Jasper caught a glimpse of a vague form that stood like a human would. He immediately thought it was Gael, which he wasn’t exactly wrong about. Just not the Gael he knew, apparently, though it wouldn’t be apparent until he was close enough to realize what creature truly waited for him.  ----
“Ah, there you are,” Jasper shook his head, still oblivious to the horrifying truth as he made his way toward its actual form, still some steps from actually laying eyes on its shadow’s owner. “Didn’t I tell you to stay close, Professor… Cordova?”
And there it was. The stark realization that Professor Cordova was not where Jasper thought he was. His immediate thought, now that he was staring at the abomination with wide, terrified eyes, was that Gael was somewhere else, somewhere safer than where the geology professor stood. As the creature glared at him, Jasper gulped. What the actual fuck was it even? A dog? A wolf? A hellhound? Probably that last one since the fucking mines must be connected to hell or some shit.
“Nope,” Jasper squealed before turning around, running away from the predator as it half-laughed and half-howled at him. At least he thought that was a laugh and a howl. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”
One minute, the shadow was there and the next it was gone but Gael knew better. He could sense it, give it some time to run - the wolf enjoyed the chase, proud of himself for being able to catch things like birds and squirrels. They ran, tried to fly. This was similar yet different. He lowered himself onto all fours and rather lazily trotted after the shadow, trying to get more of a scent even though it was difficult with the stench of something else permeating the area, seeping through the walls.
The wolf didn’t actually start pursuing the shadow until he turned the corner where his amber eyes saw something illuminated faintly in the murk of the dark. It seemed to be… light dancing on the shadow. Confusing as it was since there didn’t seem to be any light for it to bounce off of, the wolf dropped to a creep, his body coiling with potential energy before he sprang forward into a bound. He easily caught up to the figure with a loud growl.
With a forward-reaching leap, his arms out in front of him, the wolf’s beetle-black claws snagged on something and the two of them were sent crashing to the ground. Wasting no time, the wolf snapped his jaws, catching what he perceived to be skin between his long canines and he proceeded to shake his head, pulling at it with everything he had like a dog playing tug of war with a toy. ----
Jasper ran as fast as he could, though that wasn’t saying much, considering he was no athlete. As he huffed and he puffed his way away from the monstrous wolf-like creature that was most definitely going to eat him, he wondered how the hell could it have gotten inside the mines. He’d been going there on his own, sometimes even with company, and he’d never come across such a thing. Was it lost? Did someone, or something, leave it there? Or was this whole thing connected to the weird happenings all over town?
He made one single mistake of looking back, trying to see if he was clear, if by some miracle his pursuer decided he wasn’t worth the jog, but the next thing Jasper knew, he was down on the ground, wincing in pain as his body collided with the hard ground of the tunnel. “Fuck…me,” he groaned, as he heard a faint ringing in his ear. “This is like that car thing all over again…except no pretty girls…” It took him a few seconds, wasted time he didn’t really afford, before he realized the predator was inches from his flesh, toying with his recently acquired hoodie, a gift for himself by himself just because he was feeling it, that had the word ‘SNACC’ emblazoned in unnecessarily huge font smack-dab in the middle of it. How appropriate.
Jasper grimaced as he tried to delicately free himself from semi-captivity. The creature did not seem to be sinking its teeth into his flesh with rabid urgency. Instead, it seemed to be under the mistaken impression that the hoodie was part of his flesh. He wasn’t quite sure if it was a race thing, which his non-concussed brain wouldn’t have even thought of, but he struggled and fought as discreetly as he could until finally, by some miracle or divine intervention, he managed to set himself free. 
Jasper fell on the ground on all fours. He took a moment to see if the predator realized what had happened but he dared not look back. Not again. Not this time. That fucked him over the first time. “Ah, fuck it,” he just bolted out of there, huffing and puffing his way away from the big bad wolf thing. “If I survive this, I’m going to work on my cardio…” ----
His fangs were still embedded in the flesh, tasteless though it was and in a mighty motion, Gael threw his head back, stripping the layer from clean off his prey.
Literally. He wasn’t expecting it to come apart so easily and he fell backwards with a yelp, the skin he pulled off landing gently on top of him for a moment as he began flailing wildly as the thing he wanted so badly was suddenly wrapping around him. This wasn’t in the plan, he didn’t know what was going on all of a sudden. He flopped onto his stomach, using a clawed hand to pull the skin from where it’d covered part of his back. The sound of fabric ripping could be heard down the dark hall by the time the wolf realized that what he’d gotten caught in his jaws was not, in fact, anything tasty or worth his time, he growled and abruptly abandoned the not-skin after sticking his nose into it. No blood, no flesh, no meat.
To make matters worse, the wolf turned his gaze up and forwards but he saw nothing in front of him, nothing but what seemed to be an infinite dark tunnel. He looked behind him and was met with the same vision. He lifted his nose and tried to catch a scent but all he got was that infernal stench, the one that riled him up and caused him to snarl to himself as he lost his prey. With a huff, he started to whine quietly, feeling pain in his stomach that seemed to start there and stretched itself to his extremities. His tail twitched, his hind legs cracked as he moved them and as he pinned his ears, feeling pain starting to wash over him like a rising tide, he snatched up the not-skin and buried his nose in it to catch a scent.
He lost the prey but maybe the prey knew the way out. And the wolf would be sure to find it before he went back to sleep.
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wayward-dreamer · 2 years
Reluctant Renegade - Chapter 2
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
Word count: 2,791
Summary: After the night that saw his transformation into a vampire, resulting in the death of his wife, Dean spends his lifetime seeking revenge on the one that turned him. Reluctantly living outside the law because of what he is, he finds his niche as a bounty hunter, hired by families looking for someone, anyone to avenge the deaths of their loved ones. He doesn’t play by the rules, finding justice for the victims by any means necessary.
But as dead bodies rack up and catch the attention of a young, naive but by-the-book detective, she won’t stop until she finds out who's responsible for them. Dean knows he has to convince her of his innocence, but can he do that while maintaining his secret? And when the alpha that sired him finds him first, can he keep Y/N safe?
Warnings: Angst, attack, blood, tears, more angst.
A/N: Inspired by the song Blood Like Lemonade by Morcheeba. Beta’d by my love @evergreencowboy. Big thanks to @writercole for being one of my cheerleaders on this since the idea came to me. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed the prologue and I hope you continue to, happy reading! :)
Series Masterlist | Series is complete on Patreon!
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Y/N slouched back in her chair; her lip pulled in between her teeth as her eyes scanned over all the papers spread across her desk. The dull power of the lamp on the table was the only source of light in her corner of the precinct. She squinted as she read over files and reports, leaning forward as she clicked the mouse once more, the video on her computer screen playing. Her eyes flicked between all the images of the security footage from the alley, frowning as she tried to find a clear shot of the shadowy figure that attacked and killed the three guys.
A part of her didn’t feel bad for them, especially after viewing them running after some poor, innocent girl, but it was her duty to find out who this sick person was that quite possibly drained these guys of their blood. She knew it wasn’t possible, but the examiner’s report told her otherwise. Even with that fact, she couldn’t believe it. She had always been a logical person, a believer of facts rather than a dreamer of fantasies, so she had to find out what happened.
“Detective Y/L/N?”
Y/N glanced away from the computer, clicking the mouse to pause the video once more. She held out her hand as the officer stepped forward, handing her a document. She didn’t take notice of him walking away, too focused on the task at hand as she flipped through the pages.
“Fuck,” she breathed, cupping a hand over her brow, “I knew it.”
One of the men, Jake Edwards, the name she had asked the officer to look up, was linked to a coroner’s report on one of the previous victims, Jessica Hart. She had her suspicions once she saw his name, and they had just been confirmed. She felt the bile churn in her stomach as she read through the report, everything that he had done to the girl. The emotional side of her, which didn’t often come out during a case, was starting to take over. She pushed her hands through her hair, a long sigh weighted by the situation leaving her.
Her eyes averted to the small clock on her desk, seeing that it was just after 8pm. Taking one last sip of her now lukewarm coffee, she stood up quickly, her chair rolling away and hitting the other desk behind it. In meticulous gestures she picked up her blazer and swiftly put it on, grabbed her badge and placed it in the inner pocket, before checking her high ponytail.
It wasn’t too late to make a quick trip to Jessica’s mother, who was listed as the next of kin and Y/N had a feeling Mrs. Hart would have the answers she needed.
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“Do you know the places he frequents?”
Dean glared down at the photo in his hand as he spoke, briefly glancing up at Mr. Wilson sitting in the armchair in front of him. He laid the picture down on the coffee table, ingraining the face of the man staring back at him into his mind. Mr. Wilson had contacted Dean that morning, needing his help much like Mrs. Hart had. The only difference was his daughter had died several months prior, and he hadn’t received any help. The man in the photo, Caleb Newman, had hurt her for hours, or so it seemed from Mr. Wilson’s words, before he took her life. Caleb was in the wind and the cops had given up, but the man in front of him clearly hadn’t. In fact, he wasn’t going to be satisfied until Caleb was found and was brought to justice, no matter the method of it.
“There’s a bar on Pine Street he goes to pretty often,” Mr. Wilson replied, his voice rasping as he wiped a stray tear. “I followed him there once, thinking I could… but-”
“I understand, Mr. Wilson,” Dean added, quickly standing up from the couch, his black coat falling into place as he stepped forward, his hand outstretched. “I’ll take care of it.”
Mr. Wilson shook it in a firm grip, a small nod of approval as he stared at Dean. “Thank you.”
Dean took his leave, shutting the door to the house behind him and taking out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. He lit it as he took the porch steps down to the path and made his way to his car, blowing out a puff of smoke as he got in. The engine rumbled as he turned it on, the tires screeching as he pulled away from the curb, speeding down the road.
In the time it took for Mr. Wilson to give him the whole picture, he had decided that Caleb wasn’t going to make it past tonight. If he was at the bar, he would count himself lucky. And if he wasn’t, then he’d ask around until he found the man.
The sooner his pathetic existence was over the better.
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Y/N’s knuckles rapped obnoxiously against the wooden door, her modest heel tapping repeatedly on the porch as she waited. By the time traffic cleared and she made it to the suburbs, it was quite late. She knew she wouldn’t be a welcomed sight at 9 o’clock at night but she needed her suspicions either confirmed or denied so that she could continue working on the case after the appropriate outcome.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked as the door swung open.
“Mrs. Hart?” Y/N raised an eyebrow but took out her badge once the woman nodded, “I’m Detective Y/N Y/L/N, Seattle PD. Can I ask you a few questions in regard to your daughter’s death?”
“The-the case is closed, I don’t see why-” Mrs. Hart started but stopped as she saw the firm look on Y/N’s face.
“Ma’am, her assailant Jake Edwards was found dead, exsanguinated, two nights ago,” Y/N stated.
Mrs. Hart frowned. “Exsanguinated?”
“Drained of his blood,” Y/N replied, firmly. “He along with two other male victims.”
“Detective, I can’t exactly feel awful about it,” Mrs. Hart said, glaring at her. “If you were in my position, you’d feel the same way.”
Y/N let that sink in. There was truth to it, she couldn’t deny that, but she had to do her job, too. “I’m not expecting you to, ma’am. I’m just here to ask you what you know. Do you think there’s any of Jessica’s friends that could be involved?”
“No,” Mrs. Hart replied, far too quickly for Y/N to feel confident about her declaration. “They’re upset, completely distraught… but they wouldn’t do something like that.”
“And you have absolutely no idea of who could’ve done this?” Y/N questioned, her eyebrows furrowed as kept eye contact with the woman in front of her.
“No,” Mrs. Hart whispered.
Y/N’s eyes roamed over the features of her face, down to her hands and the way she was standing. She had always had the ability to read people and in that moment she could tell that Mrs. Hart wasn’t being entirely truthful.
“Were you involved in any way, Mrs. Hart?”
“No,” she replied, meekly.
Y/N wasn’t convinced, but there wasn’t much more she could do at that point. She would have to take another approach tomorrow. “Alright. Thank you for your time, ma’am.”
As she walked back to her car, she couldn’t get what Mrs. Hart had said out of her mind. If you were in my position, you’d feel the same way. As much as it affected her to know what happened to Jessica and the other girls all these men had no doubt harmed, she had to separate her personal feelings in order to continue doing her job. As much as the rage simmered under the surface of her skin at what those men did, there was a bigger, even sicker freak out there. Bodies drained of blood. It wasn’t possible. Had the victims been found out in the forest, maybe she would have believed it, but not when they were found in the heart of the city.
Nothing was adding up. None of it made sense, but she had to keep going. She had to find out what was going on.
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Dean leaned against the wall in the alley across the street from the bar, covered by the darkness of night. He watched intently, his eyes focused on the front widow facing the street, blowing out a puff of smoke as he pulled the cigarette away from his lips. With the face of the man he needed to find imprinted on his memory, it was easy to spot him through the glass, sitting at the bar as he nursed his third beer. He had been standing and observing since Caleb had arrived at the bar, taking a seat instantly at the bar top and barely moving an inch. He didn’t need to try and hear what was going on, because Caleb didn’t say a word to anyone apart from ordering his first beer, the second and third ordered with a simple gesture of his hand.
Caleb may have situated himself in one spot, but Dean could see his eyes wander as women walked past, his heart rate increasing and sweat collecting against his brow. He watched as Caleb finished his drink, dropped a few bills on the surface and left, just as a brunette woman stepped out the door. Dropping his cigarette on the ground, Dean stepped out into the streetlight streaming against the ground, keeping his steps light as he crossed the street. Caleb followed the woman, keeping a fair distance from her, but Dean stayed as close to him as possible. He heard the women’s heels click against the sidewalk, gaining speed just the same as her heartbeat raced.
Dean’s stride picked up pace, just as he sensed Caleb’s blood rushing through his body. As he reached within an inch of him, his hand outstretched, he suddenly stopped. Caleb was gone. He saw the girl running down the street, turning the corner and out of sight but there was no sign of him. He heard feet dragging against gravel, a struggle, choking coming from the alley two feet away, causing him to rush over. His eyes widened in shock as he saw a dark figure hunched over, the smell of blood reaching his senses.
The figure had Caleb by his jacket as he struggled for breath, a gargled choke leaving him. The scent of his blood was thick, unrelenting, until the figure dropped his lifeless body to the ground. Dean watched as the figure turned and stepped into the stream of light, a wicked smirk on his face. Dean’s eyes narrowed as he stood across from him, flashes of past interactions passing through his mind.
Miles reached up, swiping his thumb across his stained lips, chuckling darkly. “Conrad sends his regards.”
With those as his parting words, he left, the gust of air brushing against Dean’s face. He didn’t move, knowing he wouldn’t get what he had needed for years, tonight. If Miles was here, then Conrad obviously was too, and as much as he wanted to go after them, it wasn’t smart. He had gotten carried away in the past trying to find them and had come close to death several times because of his reckless need to get revenge for Carmen. If he was going to kill Conrad, Miles and Leo this time, he had to be calculated. He had to move fast, because them being in Seattle wasn’t good for him.
They had already ruined his life once, and he couldn’t let them do it again.
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Y/N yawned as she stepped out of the car, unlocking it and walking across the street. Her stomach rumbled as she made her way down the sidewalk, knowing exactly where she was headed, stopping in front of the pizza shop that was always open late. Her mouth salivated at the aroma coming from the open door, her empty stomach continuing to growl as she remembered her last meal was at noon. She waited for two other people to walk out before she held the door, ready to step in, but stopped suddenly. Frantic footsteps reached her ears, causing her to turn back towards the sidewalk. Her eyes widened as she saw a woman running towards her, her instincts kicking as she approached the brunette.
“Miss, miss… I’m a detective with the Seattle PD, what’s going on?” she asked, stopping her with her hand on the woman’s shoulder as she pulled out her badge.
“I-There was some-someone following me,” the woman stuttered, her breathing erratic.
“What did he look like? Did you get a good look at him?”
“I just saw his tan jacket, short hair, that’s it,” the woman replied, shrugging.
“Okay, I need you to stay here, by the shop so they can see you, I’ll be back,” Y/N instructed, making sure she stood close to the shop front.
The woman nodded before Y/N stalked away, her hand on her gun in the holster around her hip. Her eyes scanned the street as she pushed past people, searching for the only descriptors she had of the man. She growled in frustration as she made it down the sidewalk with no sign of him. A clattering sound from the nearby alleyway caught her attention, causing her to pull out her gun as she walked slowly through the darkness. She turned the flashlight on her phone on, holding it up and resting her gun over her arm. A tall figure stood in the middle of the alley, her eyes widening as she saw it standing over the man she was looking for. Tan jacket, short hair… with blood covering his neck.
“Seattle PD, hands in the air,” she ordered, her voice clear and firm.
Dean’s jaw clenched as his eyes shut tightly. This wasn’t good. He did as the woman behind him had said, raising his hands up beside his head. He listened as she stepped closer, her heels scraping against the ground as she changed her stance, her heartbeat steady.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” he stated, turning his head slightly to try to get a glimpse of her.
“Eyes forward,” she warned, sternly as she glared up at him.
Dean stared into the darkness ahead of him, his mind reeling as he thought what to do, how fast to move without her suspecting anything and without the chance of getting shot. Yes, he’d heal but depending on where, it would be slow.
Y/N slinked closer to him, cursing herself for leaving handcuffs in the car but she’d have to manage somehow. He was significantly bigger than her but she had dealt with worse in the past. Her shoes clacked against the gravel as she stepped up to him, pressing her arm against his back as she moved her gun down beside her. She reached up and grabbed his wrist, frowning as she felt his skin against her fingertips. Colder than normal. As she tried to take the other, a loud, crashing sound came from the other end of the alley, causing her gasp as her heart thumped rapidly against her ribcage. She breathed heavily as a blast of wind whipped against her face, blinking in shock as she realized the tall man was gone.
“What?” she whispered, turning around in confusion, her eyes glancing to every part of the alley that had some form of light. It was only her and the dead body.
Y/N gulped as she stared down at the body, holding her phone over him to get a better look at his neck. There was a bite mark on him just like the other victims, same placement and teeth punctures. She moved the light down his torso, seeing no bullet wound which was unlike the other bodies. Turning off her flash, she closed her eyes and pressed her fingers into her forehead, feeling a migraine coming on as her stomach continued to rumble. She had to call it in, and she knew it would still be a long night once they returned to the precinct.
She had always thought logically when it came to her job, but what just happened made her see that there was nothing logical about any of this. Body after body, all with the same bite marks, a man who just vanished right in front of her… her career had been short so far, but she had never been this confounded by anything before.
For the first time since the day she became a detective, Y/N wasn’t sure what the next step was.
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If you’re crossed out, I couldn’t tag you! Join my taglist! :)
Forevers: @evergreencowboy // @makeadealwithdean // @writercole // @flamencodiva // @that-one-gay-girl // @440mxs-wife // @lassie-bird // @defenderrosetyler // @lunarmoon8 // @foxyjwls007 // @weepingwillowphoenix // @sexyvixen7 // @prettyboyswow // @babypink224221 // @vicmc624 // @redbarn1995 // @stoneyggirl // @stoneyggirl2 // @katelyn--renee //  
Supernatural: @creatively-analytical // @winchest09 // @deanwanddamons // @jensengirl83 // @watermelonlipstick // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @deans-baby-momma // @idreamofdeanie // @krazykelly // @emoryhemsworth // @tatted-trina6 // @whiskey-infused-dreams // @chaoticpersonasploural // @unfortunate-brat // @smellingofpoetry // @kyjey // @snowlovespie // @hobby27 // @stixnstripesworld // @pixie88 // @kazsrm67 // @wickedinspirations // @dean-winchester-lover99 // @desimarie12 // @mariaenchanted // @spnwoman //
Dean/Jensen: @whatareyousearchingfordean // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @perpetualabsurdity // @siospins2 // @roonyxx // @pink-sparkly-witch // @supernatural-love14 // @michellethetvaddict // @akshi8278 // @deanswaywardgirl // @verytoadpapersoul // @waynes-multiverse // @teresa-67 // @sexysirius // @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel // @candy-coated-misery0731 // @love-jackles // @lessons-of-red // @globetrotter28 // @that-sarcastic-writer​ //
RR: @maliburenee​
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adolescenceknight · 2 years
bonjour! my name is knight/lyney and this is my selfship blog!
this blog is proship-safe and anti-harassment, antis please do not interact :3
you can hear more about me, my f/o's, and my self inserts on my rentry + neocities, but under the cut is my sharing status and tags for everyone! i'm fine with sharing anyone if we're already moots/i follow first :)
Spouses (✅ = ok with sharing, ❌ = no sharing)
Bashful Parka Blue (Project DIVA) - #💙 - ❌
Bashful Parka Yellow (Project DIVA) - #💛 - ❌
School Outfit L "Mustard" (Project DIVA) - #🤎 - ✅
King (Death Should Not Have Taken Thee!) - #❤️ - ❌
Gunner (Party x Party) - #💚 - ❌
Rin "Sensou" (Okochama Sensou) - #❣️ - ❌
Kagamine Rin Act One "Cassie" (VOCALOID) - #🍊 - ✅
Captain Hook (Portrait of Pirate F) - #🗡 - ❌
Eden (Degrees of Lewdity) - #🪓 - ❌
Arven (Pokemon) - #🎋 - ✅
Sister Mercy (Sister's mercY) - #☕️ - ✅
Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche (Evillious Chronicles) - #🪞 - ✅
Tricker (Project DIVA) - #💫 - ✅
Lynette (Genshin Impact) - #🪄 - ❌
Freminet (Genshin Impact) - #⚙️ - ❌
Wriothesley (Genshin Impact) - #🐺 - ✅
Partners (all ok sharing)
Dreaming Panda (Project DIVA) - #💕
Polar Bear in Love (Project DIVA) - #🐻‍❄️
Len "Villainous" (Villainous Self-Riser) - #🖤
School Outfit R "Yolk" (Project DIVA) - #🧡
Receiver (Project DIVA) - #🎮
Transmitter (Project DIVA) - #🤍
Bard (Party x Party) - #🪕
Rin "Gothic" (Gothic and Loneliness) - #🥀
Len "Loupe" (The Detective Loupe - Man of 256 Faces) - #🔍
Len "Spice" (Spice!) - #❤️‍🔥
Fictional Origin Coder (Dreamy Vocal) - #💽
Brave Butterfly (Project DIVA) - #💜
Cash (Club=Majesty) - #💸
Miku "Ohedo" (Ohedo Julianight) - #💎
Ni-no-Sakura Butterfly (Project DIVA) - #🦋
Mr. Grizz (Splatoon) - #🐻
Railroad Conductor Silver Vermilion (Project DIVA) - #🚂
Adolescent Prince (OC) - #🔱
Diamond Dust (Project DIVA) - #💠
Ice Fog (Project DIVA) - #❄️
Holy Lancer (Project DIVA) - #⚠️
Captain Grand Voyage "Crabku" (Snow Miku 2022) - #🦀
Aladdin (SINoALICE) - #💵
Melancholy (Project DIVA) - #🩷
Dark Prince "Arle" (Project Mirai) - #⛓
Starmine (Project DIVA) - #⭐️
Victor Grantz (Identity V) - #✉️
Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) - #☂️
Husk (Hazbin Hotel) - #♠️
W. D. Gaster (Undertale) - #🕳️
Akito Shinonome (Project SEKAI) - #🥞
Razak (OC) - #♟️
Karchess (Samurott gijinka) - #🌊
Orion (OC) - #🌌
Buriki (OC) - #🍜
Strawberry (OC) - #🍓
Metronice (Clefairy gijinka) - #🎆
Familial F/O's (all ok sharing)
Snow Princess "Hokkaido" (Snow Miku 2019) - #🧊
Miku "Ranran" (Racing Miku 2020) - #🏎️
Rosseland (Genshin Impact) - #🐈‍⬛
Cesar (Genshin Impact) - #🃏
Self Inserts (✅ = ok with sharing, ❌ = no sharing)
(sharing applies to kinning as well as interacting with me while shipping with them!)
Adolescence Knight (Project DIVA) - #🗝 - ❌
Lyney (Genshin Impact) - #🎩 - ❌
Hero (Death Should Not Have Taken Thee!) - #⚔️ - ❌
Len "War" (Okochama Sensou) - #🔷 - ❌
Kagamine Len Act One "Victor" (VOCALOID) - #��� - ❌
Rin "Bell" (Portrait of Pirate F) - #🌸 - ✅
White Edge (Project DIVA) - #⚡️ - ✅
Niigo Len (Project SEKAI) - #🩶 - ❌
Len "Kagome" (Against the World) - #🩸 - ✅
Len "OTN" (Gigantic OTN) - #🌟 - ✅
Ni-no-Sakura Senbu (Project DIVA) - #⛩ - ✅
KAITO (Ohedo Julianight) - #🎼 - ✅
Allen Avadonia (Evillious Chronicles) - #⚜️ - ❌
Rin "Mokushiroku" (The Apocalypse 13th) - #🌷 - ✅
Patissier Gretel (Project DIVA) - #🌼 - ✅
Patissier Hansel (Project DIVA) - #🍏 - ✅
Splash Star (Project DIVA) - #🐬 - ✅
Pajama Party Len (Project DIVA) - #🌙 - ✅
Crane Priestess (Snow Miku 2018) - #🧹 - ✅
Stylish Energy L (Project DIVA) - #✏️ - ✅
Bad Boy (Project DIVA) - #❤️‍🩹 - ✅
Lightning Stone (Project DIVA) - #🔧 - ✅
Rin/Len "Alice/NY" (Alice in N.Y.) - #✂️ - ✅
Vampire (Vampire's pathoS) - #🫗 - ✅
Scissors (Project DIVA) - #🪲 - ✅
Teto "Okashi" (Okashi no Ie) - #🎂 - ✅
White Rabbit (Alice in Musicland) - #🕰 - ✅
Pure Butterfly (Project DIVA) - #🩰 - ✅
Radical Star (Project DIVA) - #✨ - ✅
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hazyaltcare · 11 months
wah! hellos! could i get a neopronoun set for a paper luigi/mr l (super paper mario) kin? tysm! ^^
Hello, and yes you can! It's been posted here. Thank you for your request and your patience! :D
Mod Vintage (Rn)
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