jung-koook · 2 years
Hey. Happy new year! This gif you made,
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Can I request just the salute? Pretty please 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Have a good day and God Bless 😘
salute? I'm sorry I dont know what you mean :/ and thank you. i hope you too!
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Hello there. I saw your post about how people who analyse Jikook being in each other's rooms are unhinged. He he hee! 🤭 I see where you're maybe coming from because sometimes the so-called proof is bullshit or barely there and you have to squint to see it. And other times it's plain speculation. But I just wanna point out that the New Jersey live (pic here as a reminder)
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only needed to be analysed because of Jimin's cough. He had this persistent cough that is later heard very clearly even after Taekook are supposed to be the only ones in the room. 👇🏽
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So I'm not sending this ask because I was offended; infact, I don't disagree. Sometimes Jikookers can go too far. But can u really blame people for hearing a familiar cough in the bg and wanting to confirm their suspicions?
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At the very least its intriguing and its human nature to just wanna know.... of course its okay that u don't care. But I just wanted to say that its not all the time that people who analyse are talking out of their ass 😁
It still makes zero sense to me because whoever is "hiding" is putting in an unusual amount of effort to remain unseen when the rational thing to do is to leave and come back when the live is over. Even casually ending a live together raises less suspicion. What's the point of being secretive?
Supposing they were dating or were intimate with each other during that time, the act of trying to be secretive during a live (and knowing how eagle-eyed Kpop fans historically tend to be), it heavily implies irresponsibility on their part or the assumption that ARMY wouldn't be smart enough to sense something's amiss.
For me, this narrative is an insult to their ability to be professional and knowing when to exercise caution, which is why I have no patience for it.
Amusingly enough to me, analyzers who have to zoom in, slow clips down, isolate audio for the sole purpose of trying to prove something that benefits their agenda remind me a lot of how anti-Taennies moved when they kept trying to disprove the leaked photos. It’s two sides of the same coin.
For clarity's sake, I don't have an issue with people who are trying to draw sensible conclusions of oddities. To cite the example of Jimin coughing, I could understand someone thinking, "Doesn't that sound like Jimin coughing? That could be him," rather than "Doesn't that sound like Jimin coughing? Let me prove all the ways that it is him!" Some people find entertainment in it–and to each their own–but I don’t.
Interestingly, in the Vlive you shared, no one has to do detective work to notice that there were moments of awkward tension between them that you could cut with a knife, and made even weirder because the understood context doesn’t fit the nature of that tension. That feeling is compounded when that tension is stymied as soon as Jin enters the room, even though both he and Jimin were the root cause of Jungkook's poutiness, and something's not adding up. This alone can imply certain things that should satisfy most Jkkrs (e.g., they’re tiptoeing around something that clearly doesn’t apply to Jin), and trying to prove they’re staying in the same room becomes a moot point and ranks exceedingly low on my list of arbitrary Reasons Why Jikook Give Me Heart Attacks.
To conclude, I obviously have an opinion on these deep analyses that really go to all sorts of lengths to prove a ship, but I recognize this and prefer to avoid them. If you or anyone else enjoys partaking in that kind of content, more power to you! At the end of the day, I don’t care about that side of the fandom and will “stay in my lane,” but if you ask me about it, I’ll point blank tell you I find it weird. 
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fishy-strawberries · 18 days
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I just watched Mr & Mrs Smith for the first time and I loved it, so naturally I couldn’t rest until I made an Ilsalanna version of the poster 👀
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scumpatrol · 8 months
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Occupation: Porter (formerly) Terrorist
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These hobbits are the chaos and energy we need more in the world.
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himbosuplex · 7 months
Clip Studio Paint informed me I spent 42 minutes on this stupid joke image making fun of myself
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jeremiahslaugh · 10 months
*Jervis created a group*
*Jervis added Jerome, Jeremiah, Jonathan, Victor, Bridgit and Oswald to the group*
*Jervis changed the group name into "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???!!!"*
Jervis: Jerome, Jeremiah? What in the world is going on?
Victor: Yeah me too...
Bridgit: I'm kinda worried.
Oswald: Guys, Jerome is going after Jim and the whole GCPD.
Jonathan: WHAT? ALONE?!
Jervis: Why?!
*Jim enters the group through a link*
Jim: Jerome! Stay away from the GCPD!
*Jerome kicks Jim out of the group*
Victor: Okay, Jerome...what the fuck is going on?!
Oswald: WHAT?!
Bridgit: EXCUSE ME?!
Jervis: Oh my fucking god💔
Jerome: I really don't care anymore...
*Jerome left the group*
Jonathan: No.
Victor: Shit...poor Jerome..
Oswald: Poor Bruce too...
Jervis: We should help him.
Bridgit: Yeah.. let's close this group..
*Victor left the group*
*Oswald left the group*
*Jervis left the group*
*Jonathan left the group*
*Bridgit left the group*
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cryptidvoidwritings · 5 months
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We’re back with another movie from two decades ago! This time we’re trading in our pink clothes and burn books for bullets and burn notices as we rewatch Mr. and Mrs. Smith! Dallas and Cassie don’t remember much about it, so it’s basically a first time watching video. Did Angelina Jolie’s dominatrix outfit jog our memories? Is anyone looking forward to the new Mr. and Mrs. Smith show as much as Dallas is? And why on Earth would this movie have Angela Bassett in it but not credit her? Join us on our rewatch and find out! You can also find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!
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oreolesbian · 2 years
high chance i get to be in the same room as elijah wood, sean astin, billy boyd, and dominic monaghan in less than two weeks and i’m freaking out 🤪🥹
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Morning/Noon/Afternoon 🖐🏽
I'm curious to know how you figure the Jikook dynamic has shifted recently? Please and ty
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A bunch of you seem to be really interested in this, and it's taking a while because I do have to form my thoughts carefully. I'm in the middle of discussions with a couple of followers and would like to gather their thoughts as well because, believe it or not, there are others who have been far more articulate than I am on the topic.
To approach this issue requires a bit of sensitivity, I think, because I think a lot of Jkkrs (in my experience) tend to be sensitive about thoughts that don't fully sit in this narrative of "Jikook are totally the same/they're dating!"
What I have to say about their dynamic isn't negative, per se, but I think growth is a huge theme behind my feelings about how Jikook are now.
My words should never be interpreted as the gospel because it's not, and I will never know them intimately, but what I do have to say on the matter might be a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people just because it doesn't follow the narrative that most Jkkrs seem to have in their heads.
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todayontumblr · 9 months
Monday, December 18.
History was made on this day, twenty years ago. The last installment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Return of the King, was released in cinemas. It grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide, making it the second highest-grossing film of all time. It won all eleven Oscars for which it was nominated, including Best Picture (the first fantasy to do so), at the 76th Academy Awards. The sequel to 2002's The Two Towers, and the completion of the story started by The Fellowship of the Ring, it was a cinematic landmark and a pop culture behemoth. Like its two predecessors, the film was widely acclaimed by critics and loved by audiences across the globe. But they were, all of them, deceived—for another film was made.
In 2004, Dominic Monaghan, the actor alias used by renowned German film critic Hans Jensen, interviewed the trilogy's star, Elijah Wood. In these nine bracing minutes of footage, Mr. Jensen probed his interviewee on the matters of the day: losing time within yourself, kicking balls, dolphins, and the wearing of wigs. It makes for quite remarkable viewing almost two decades later.
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iluvzaddies · 1 year
imma need some tommy shelby w equestrian!reader omg like anything
(i’m a sucker for this man)
pairing: thomas shelby x equestrian!reader
warnings: none, just tommy fanboying over reader
summary: you are the first woman to ever join and win a horse-racing competition. thomas shelby, who loves horses, deeply admires you and your skills. you meet him in a pub called the garrison and there, you witness his admiration.
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“well, i’ll be… win after win. victory after victory. all in different places. proud to say this woman’s a birmingham resident.” arthur shelby said as he held up a newspaper, a cigar in his mouth.
“i’m guessing it’s about that (y/n) (l/n) girl, eh?” polly gray or aunt poll as the shelbys liked to call her, asked as she downed a glass of whiskey. “she’s become quite the hot topic.”
“oh, she’s hot, alright.” john shelby smirked, fiddling with the cigarette in between his two fingers. “still a turn on despite wearing fucking trousers all the damn time.”
“john.” thomas shelby warned, not wanting to hear sexual remarks about you, especially from his own brother.
thomas admired you. how could he not? you were the one who raced his beloved horse, monaghan boy, and brought victory to his name.
he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet you yet. unfortunately. he wondered when you would be done with your little world tour and back in birmingham.
but lo and behold, you stood there at the entrance of the pub, wearing a loose blouse and a pair of trousers as you always do.
“what can i get for you?” grace, the new irish barmaid, noticed your presence and asked.
“you choose. i’m fine with anything.”
“you look worn out.” grace pointed out.
you did look worn out, like you hadn’t had a wink of sleep in ages, but you were beautiful nonetheless. actually, more beautiful than thomas imagined. he stared at you, mouth slightly agape, captivated by the mere sight of you.
“been rough for the past couple of months.” you sighed. “traveling, competing, attending social events. haven’t gotten much sleep.”
“i see.” grace nodded, pouring whiskey into a glass and handing it to you.
thomas couldn’t believe it.
you were here.
in the garrison.
in the flesh.
“well, aren’t you gonna talk to her?” aunt poll raised her brow at thomas, who couldn’t get his eyes off you.
“if you aren’t then i will.” john volunteered.
thomas quickly snapped out of his daze, whipping his head to john. “no.” he pushed his seat back and stood up.
“i never thought i’d see the day tommy boy falls in love.” arthur chuckled.
“i thought he was in love with the new barmaid.” john scoffed, taking a long drag from his cigarette. he was upset that his older brother wouldn’t allow him to talk to you let alone talk about you.
“apparently not.” aunt poll shook her head as thomas eagerly made his way towards you.
“how much for the drink?” you questioned.
“it’s–“ grace was cut off by a deep voice, belonging to the one and only thomas shelby.
“–it’s on the house, ms (l/n).”
“mr shelby.” you shot him a look of surprise. you had forgotten the shelbys practically owned the place.
“leave us be, grace.” he ordered the barmaid and she followed, resuming back to her duties and leaving you two alone.
“here. take a seat.” he pulled out a chair.
you did as told and he pulled out another chair, sitting across from you.
you took a sip out of your glass. “you’ve some fine whiskey, mr shelby.” then looked around the dimly lit pub. “nice looking place as well.”
“please, call me thomas.”
“okay… thomas. call me (y/n) then.” it felt weird to call him by his actual name. you had only just met and he already wanted to be on a first name basis.
“so, what brings you here, (y/n)?”
“felt a little homesick.” you shrugged.
“no, i mean, in the garrison.”
“oh, it’s been a while since i drank. i wanted a drink, so i went to the nearest pub. why?”
“nothing. just curious.”
“is that all you have to say to me, mr sh– thomas?”
“do you enjoy racing horses?”
you hesitated. “the fame can be overwhelming. i love racing horses, it’s my passion, it’s what i do… but i want to be away from people… just for a little while.”
“fame can be overwhelming, yes. i know a thing or two about that feeling. only difference is i’m not famous for being a horse jockey, i’m famous for being a gangster.” he joked. the thomas shelby, the man who always had a straight face, made a joke.
you let out a laugh. a sincere one.
god, your laughter sounded like music to his ears.
“i can’t believe i’m having a decent conversation with one.”
“we gangsters are capable of having decent conversations only with the ones who deserve it.”
you let out another laugh. “goodness. if that’s the case, i’m glad you approve of me.”
“you raced my horse, after all.” he reminded.
“monaghan boy.“ you remembered the beautiful, black horse that you were assigned to race. the horse that led you to fame. “he’s a good boy.”
“aye, that he is.” he agreed.
“you know, thomas, you’re not half-bad.”
he found himself gleaming, enjoying every bit of the conversation, whilst the two shelby siblings and their aunt watched the scene unfold from afar.
you took another sip of the whiskey, humming at the taste, while thomas lit up a cigarette.
then, came silence.
none of you spoke a word, but you enjoyed each other’s company. it was evident in the way you looked at each other. you looked at each other as if you were the only people in the room.
“i’d like to take you somewhere tomorrow.” he suddenly said, breaking the silence.
“oh.” you perked up. “where?”
“the stables. let’s race, you and i. no audience. it’ll be just the two of us.” he proposed.
“is that a date?” when he didn’t deny it, you couldn’t fight off the smile that was making its way to your lips. “you’re rather bold, aren’t you, thomas?”
“what’s your answer?”
“i’ll have to check my schedule first…” you trailed off, but then you decided, why not? it sounded like a good offer. “you know what. fuck it. sure.”
thomas grinned at your rebellious behavior.
“what do you think about two in the afternoon?”
“fine with me.”
uncharacteristically, thomas’ heart fluttered. it had never done that before. it was an odd sensation yet it felt good at the same time.
you informed him your address, so he knew where to pick you up. “need me to write it down or you got it?”
“i got it.” he reassured.
you finished your drink and got up. “it was lovely talking to you. thank you for the drink.” you began walking towards the exit, but before stepping outside, you turned to look at him and uttered. “see you at my doorstep tomorrow, thomas.”
“see you tomorrow, (y/n).”
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From martinblencowie Instagram
Elijah is holding sam funko 😚
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mrs-monaghan · 15 days
claiming ot7 and loving all members, isn’t the same as being able to see someone’s faults, and V has many many faults. They all do, they are human.
There are many questionable behaviours as you’ve just pointed out Shaz. He is shady af and salty over something, I’d say jealousy honestly.
hes Petty and vindictive and for some reason finds it appropriate to woo the cult over and over. That’s a fact not a lie. It’s like clockwork normally. He did it around Muse and AYS release and it just results in hate on his so called best friend.
and I’m sorry other anon but calling nearly 30 year old men soulmates is beyond infantile.
Army need to give it up. Their relationship is still strong but it’s definitely not the same and that is normal. Not only does V have Wooga but he also has Miss Jennie, this changes things and it’s normal. I assume he invited himself to jeju bc he was going through something atp, but he still was distant and went off with Wooga. He knew he was 3rd wheeling. Dude has no self awareness or appropriate boundaries.
Jimin has a really good and fostered relationship with Hobi, Jin, Yoongi and Joon, but I can tell you from things he’s said he and V have not really been keeping tabs on each other in chapter 2 save for a few outings, and that’s also fine. People grow apart but remain friends, it’s normal. They are not soulmates, and not even bff atp. Hobi is Jimins bff.
👆🏾 💯
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
The Head of the Snake ~ Tommy Shelby x wife (Angst)
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[Masterlist] [Taglist]
Summary: Tommy returns exhausted from a BUF event in the middle of the night, and all he wants is peace. But he finds anything but
Note: Written for @raincoffeeandfandoms and her 2.5k Celebration. For it I chose night and even tried to put a spin on your "Black and White" theme. I hope you enjoy!
All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Wordcount: 1577 words
As soon as he heard the front door slam shut behind him, Tommy pressed the palms of his hands over his eyes and took a deep, shaky breath. 
He was home. 
It was over, at least for tonight.  By now all the downstairs fires had died down, and only the lamps on the stairs remained. 
From the corridor came Frances. 
“Didn’t I tell you there was no need to wait up?”, he asked, his voice uncommonly soft.
Even though she had gone against his instructions, Thomas Shelby was beyond glad to see a familiar, friendly face. “It was no trouble, Mr. Shelby.”, she assured him as she slipped the thick tailored coat from his tense shoulders. 
Every inch of his body hurt, and that was saying nothing of his mind, and on nights like these the stairs seemed endless. 
“Mrs Shelby is still up as well, Sir.”, she told him, just as he reached the halfway point, under the portrait of Monaghan Boy. 
Once upon a time, when the world was both smaller and simpler, that horse and it’s success had meant everything to him, and the money they had made with him, his victories, and finally losses, had paved the way for the rise of Shelby Company ltd. 
And the road that led him here. Right here. To tonight. 
Often, he wondered where he had gone wrong. If there had been a split in the road he had not taken, a corner he hadn’t turned, a bridge he hadn’t considered crossing, or if he had crossed one too many, leapt too high, ventured to far. 
Monaghan Boy did not have the answer, and he wouldn’t dare ask Frances the question and so he rallied himself once more and leaned his weight on the banister on the way up. 
Never had he felt so old before. 
When he looked down the corridor he could see the doors to the children’s rooms already shut. 
Of course. They were fast asleep, as they should, and although he felt a burning tightness in his chest that only the sight of his children could ease. 
He needed a reminder what he was doing all this for, not just against, needed to hear the soft sounds of their breaths, feel the smoothness of their cheeks, and the softness of their hair. 
But it was too late for that, he would only ever wake them. 
So he turned the other way and approached his bedchamber. 
To his surprise, Frances hadn’t been wrong. His wife was still up, still waiting for him. 
She was sitting on the windowsill, in her white nightgown and robe that seemed ever paler compared to the pitch black night sky. The only speck of colour, it seemed, was the glow of her cigarette. 
“I’m home.”, he announced, as if she could somehow have missed the arrival of his car on the driveway below, or the sound of the door opening and closing in his wake. 
The only response was the crackling of the cigarette’s paper being burned with another inhale. 
So it would be another one of these nights, Tommy thought bitterly, but he didn’t have the fight in him and so he only began to undress as quickly and efficiently as he could, placing first his jacket, then his vest over the back of his dressing table chair. 
Every single movement, no matter how small, reminded him of the exhaustion he felt body and soul, the kind no sleep - only peace could solve. 
He tore his cufflinks out of his shirt, their clattering on the shiny wood making his head throb so much he barely missed the sound of her voice. 
“We didn’t wait up for you tonight.”
Her voice was soft, calm, without any trace of emotion, only the slight rasp due to the cigarette and the lat ehour. 
“Well I didn’t ask you to.”
Tommy knew he would be late. He was nearly always late. 
“We wouldn’t have done if you did.”, she replied, just as cooly as she had spoken previously. 
Now that caught his attention. 
His arm resting on the back of the chair, he turned to look at her, seeing only a quarter of her face in the reflection of the window. 
It was as if she couldn’t even look at him, as if merely meeting his gaze would stain her. 
“So you really did it?”, she asked, tapping the ash away. 
“By ‘it’ you mean following the plan I agreed on with Churchill, then yes. I did it.”, he spat. 
He never should have told her, never would have told her if he hadn’t hoped that doing so would make her help him. 
He never expected her to turn her back on him and his cause, not after everything, not after Polly, but she had made no attempt to hide it then, nor did it now as she scoffed and shook her head. 
“I remember everyone telling me again and again about how much you are like a horse, but Tommy, you really are a horse.”
“What?”, he asked. 
“You are a horse.”
With that, she snuffed out her cigarette and got up, her open robe flapping behind her from the swiftness of her movement as she grabbed his face between two hands. 
“Like a racehorse with the blinkers on only you put them there yourself.”
Her fingers found his temples, limiting his eyesight to replicate the blinkers. 
“Racing ahead, blindly, stupidly, unable to see the truth of the realisation.”
He moved his head to rid himself of her touch, so warm, so smooth, but right now he could barely stomach her presence. 
“They put the blinkers on so that the horse doesn’t startle and injure itself and others.”, he scoffed, turning his back on her. 
“And why does the horse startle, Tommy?”, she asked calmly. “Because it’s not made to race. It’s forced to.”
He glared at her, his lips parted and his icy blue eyes piercing. 
“No one forces me to do anything.”, he snarled. 
It was too late and he was too tired for this. He just wanted to close his eyes and not think, not hear, not sense. 
“So you’re doing this because you want to?”
Tommy knows she is asking about Mosley. About the BUF and about the event he had attended tonight, where he had introduced the man. 
“I do it because it allows me to get close to him, to gain his trust and gather insight so Churchill can bring them down.”
She snorted once more and shook her head. 
“Take your fuckling blinkers off, Tommy.”,  she snarled. “Take them off and see what you are doing.”
“The right fucking thing for once!”, he spat right back at her. 
“No, you’re not!”
Her voice was dangerously low, and she showed not the slightest sign of folding as Tommy stepped closer to her. 
Of all people, he needed her to understand, to believe him. How many times had he tried to explain it to her and every single time she had refused to believe him. 
Why was she being so fucking difficult?
“Love-”, he tried once more. 
“No!”, she commanded. “No, Tommy. Think, for once about what you’re doing. Not what you or Churchill or anyone are planning to do, or going to do, but what you are actually doing.”
His law muscles tightened as he stared at her, this woman who had loved him fiercely and consistently, even when he had proved himself unworthy of it time and time again. 
She had been with him, had supported and shielded him in her own way, protected him from his family, from his nightmares and on some nights even from himself. 
And when he looked at her with this fierce determination in her eyes, a sharp terrifying fear took hold inside him, but he had no time to either reassure himself or ask, as she continued - relentless, just like the rest of them. 
“You are out there, on a stage with him, with them. You just gave him something money can’t buy. Legitimacy in this city, the city you call yours.”
“It’s all part of-”
“The plan. I know.”, she said, waving it off before he could even begin. “But what if you do manage to bring down Mosley, or even all of the BUF? They will still have thousands of member and sympathisers, and thousands in this city alone, thanks to you.”
Tommy felt his blood run cold. 
“Little boys are running around all over Birmingham, playing Peaky Blinders with caps and knives just like their big hero Tommy Shelby. And now their big hero Tommy Shelby is standing shoulder to shoulder with fascists that tell people to throw rocks at their neighbours for all sorts of reasons. Tell me, Tommy, what will the little boys do? What will their fathers do who are employed by the thousands in your factories and docs and companies?”
He inhaled sharply, but that wasn’t deemed a suitable reply and so she shook her head and turned. 
“I’m sleeping in the nursery tonight.”, she said, reaching for her blanket. 
That made rage bubble up inside him. She was his wife, she was supposed to support him, not stab him in the back. 
“You kill a snake by cutting off it’s head!”, he told her harshly just as she was at the door. 
She turned slowly, glaring at him. 
“And what good will that do if its venom is already spread?"
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and as always I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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