#fellowship of friendship
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We can always count on Dominic monaghan for premium hobbit content
Our handsome hobbits looking so 😍
Elijah's shorts are ❤️ 😍
I wonder what is going on here 🤔
Who is the tallest hobbit 🥰😊
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whiteladyofithilien · 9 months
I think one of the great things about the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit as well is the fact that while historically the most moving relationships in a narrative are usually romantic or familial. The Lord of the Rings is one long treatise in praise of friendship. The nearest relatives in the Fellowship are cousins. The parent-child relationships and the variation of uncle-wards that is Theoden and his sister's children are fraught with dysfunction. If we set aside the periphery relationships like Sam and the Gaffer and Beregond and Bergil there is upheaval in all the parent child relationships.
But friendship now that is wholesome and exemplified in all the races. For men there is Eomer and Boromir and their bonds with Aragorn. Hobbits of course speak for themselves throughout the whole trilogy and the Hobbit. There is mourning for lack of connection between Mirkwood and Lorien for the elves. A yearning for renewed friendship. And of course the standout friendship of them all for its unlikeliness if for no other reason. Legolas and Gimli. A friendship so fast and secure that Legolas cannot consider leaving Middle Earth for his rightful place in the west without bringing Gimli with him. A dwarf. The race that was not meant to be made and certainly no dwarf has ever been even near the undying lands and Legolas knows this.
The fact that friendship can be just as eternal as a marriage vow or the bonds of blood is something that doesn't get a lot of coverage in literature and yet it permeates the life of all the heroes in The Lord of the Rings. From Aragorn to Samwise
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blackknight-100 · 3 months
Rereading LOTR because I finally got a paperback copy, and I forgot just how loyal and adorable Sam is. Look at this 🥺🥺
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
One of the best parts of Fellowship of the Ring is finding out about Aragorn and Bilbo’s friendship. Like I’ve seen people talk about how they collaborated on the song together, but I have yet to see people talk about this:
“[Bilbo] turned to Strider. ‘Where have you been, my friend? Why weren’t you at the feast? The Lady Arwen was there.’”
Bilbo Baggins, The Fellowship of the Ring pg. 261
Like. Bilbo was definitely one of Aragorn/Arwen’s chief shippers and no one can change my mind about that.
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renfriscreyden · 11 months
the thing about samfrodo is that on the one hand it's such an important example of intimate male friendship that's loving and tender but on the other hand: those hobbits are kind of gay
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lacunases · 2 months
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Lord of the Rings- as ponies!! bc i am lowkey getting hyper fixated on My Little Pony (gen4/fim), and I AM hyper fixated on Lord of the Rings,,,, (mostly the Hobbit tho, so, yknow, watch out, probably more to come)
Gandalf is an alicorn- his wings are under his cloak (fact few know/care about). Very powerful
Frodo is a unicorn- very weak and limited magic though (levitation of smaller objects, little light- not much more, and it takes embarrassingly much focus and energy), because he grew up in the peaceful shire and deemed other things more important(he can easily write with a pen with his horn though!!)- he is part of the hobbit subspecies, hence the bigger hooves and extra fur near them :3
(same for Sam, Merry and Pippin, minus the unicorn part)
Aragorn “evolves” into an alicorn once he is crowned
Legolas is an alicorn, though not strong- the time of the elves (tall and slender) is nearing its end
Gimli is a super strong dwarf pony<3
Boromir is an earth pony :3
i was thinking that 25% (maybe less lmao) of Men get to be pegasi, but the people of Rohan are MAINLY pegasi- since horses can’t be their speciality anymore, rip
This was the result of me wanting to practice sketching ponies and also have fun😌 So it’s not a masterpiece lmao
I am far from happy with the Hobbits’ cutie marks but😭 ain’t that just the way😔
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Here’s the solo jpegs<3
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glitterghost · 4 months
In The Fellowship of the Ring, when Merry says:
"You can trust us to stick with you through thick and thin--to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours--closer than you keep it yourself. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo."
I f e l t that.
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(Painting by John C. Traynor)
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"In the Celtic tradition, there is a beautiful understanding of love and friendship. One of the fascinating ideas here is the idea of soul-love; the old Gaelic term for this is anam cara. Anam is the Gaelic word for soul and cara is the word for friend. So anam cara in the Celtic world was the "soul friend."
In everyone's life, there is a great need for an anam cara, a soul friend. In this love, you are understood as you are without mask or pretension. The superficial and functional lies and half-truths of social acquaintance fall away, you can be as you really are. Love allows understanding to dawn, and understanding is precious. Where you are understood, you are at home.
The anam cara experience opens a friendship that is not wounded or limited by separation or distance. Such friendship can remain alive even when the friends live far away from each other. Because they have broken through the barriers of persona and egoism to the soul level, the unity of their souls is not easily severed. When the soul is awakened, physical space is transfigured. Even across the distance, two friends can stay attuned to each other and continue to sense the flow of each other's lives. With your anam cara you awaken the eternal."
~ John O'Donohue
(Ian Sanders)
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lairesta · 4 months
And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?’ said Galadriel, turning to Gimli.
‘None, Lady,’ answered Gimli. ‘It is enough for me to have seen the Lady of the Galadhrim, and to have heard her gentle words.’
‘Hear all ye Elves!’ she cried to those about her. ‘Let none say again that Dwarves are grasping and ungracious! Yet surely, Gimli son of Glóin, you desire something that I could give? Name it, I bid you! You shall not be the only guest without a gift.’
‘There is nothing, Lady Galadriel,’ said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. ‘Nothing, unless it might be — unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to name my desire.’
The Elves stirred and murmured with astonishment, and Celeborn gazed at the Dwarf in wonder, but the Lady smiled. ‘It is said that the skill of the Dwarves is in their hands rather than in their tongues,’ she said; ‘yet that is not true of Gimli. For none have ever made to me a request so bold and yet so courteous. And how shall I refuse, since I commanded him to speak? But tell me, what would you do with such a gift?’
‘Treasure it, Lady,’ he answered, ‘in memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if I ever return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be a heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days.’
Then the Lady unbraided one of her long tresses, and cut off three golden hairs, and laid them in Gimli’s hand.
-- J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring --
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infjpaladin · 1 year
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ritiridel · 2 months
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Four Hobbits ♥︎
( I made this collage, hope you like it 😌)
It’s good to see, that they still friends after all these years.
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Four photos of 4 silly hobbits . One stays still all poised and smiled up , the rest are obviously trouble makers . Can you spot the differences ? 😍I can
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realtacuardach · 1 year
Lord of the Rings Headcanon:
Each member of the Fellowship is the most likely to sacrifice themselves for the Good of the Quest.
They are also the least likely to let any of the others sacrifice themselves for the Good of the Quest.
I imagine this stance intensified even further after losing Gandalf and Boromir’s death. The Quest matters, but so do the lives of their friends.
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nimbusnight28174 · 9 months
At the end of the journey
@lotr20 | day 6 | Triumph | Hope | Healing
read on ao3
The reign of Sauron the abhorred had come to an end, and the days of peace where upon them at last. Many had been lost, but through their triumph they would be for ever honoured and remembered by the free peoples of Middle-Earth, in every laugh and every stone rebuilt for their hope and their bravery as they fought against the shadow.
Frodo, the bravest of them all, and the loyal Sam who had followed him into the darkest places of the world, had prevailed; and even as all hope seemed lost, they lived to see it healed. The fellowship was gathered again, for all but one, but together with his brother they kept his memory alive. Boromir had been a good man, who had wanted nothing more than to see his family and friends and people safe, and his memory would not be forgotten.
Though victory was theirs, it had been hard won, and it weighed heavy on them all, for they had lost so many and also themselves, for no one walks out of a war unscathed. Legolas had heard the gulls call during the Battle of Pelennor, and would have to sail West, and though he did not want to worry his friends, he would sometimes seem so very far away. But he had told Aragorn that he would stay to see his reign to an end, and when his friend died after many peaceful years, Legolas was there by his side, and Gimli too
The hobbits, who had seen little of the world outside of the Shire before the journey and been sheltered from its darkness, had changed most of all. For though Merry and Pippin were still quick to laughter and mischief, they had also grown serious, and Sam had become anxious to keep his friends in sight.
There was a shadow over Frodo, and he was distant even as he talked and smiled with his friends. Elrond had confided in Gandalf that he did not know if he could be healed, here in Middle-Earth; and the wizard had closed his eyes and despaired for the young hobbit he had once known, so excited for tales of adventure and fireworks.
But for all of this, days of joy now lay ahead of them; and though the hobbits were eager to get back home after everything that had happened, and to see what had become of the Shire, they stayed to help with the rebuilding and to see their friend crowned King.
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lightthewaybackhome · 9 months
You can trust us to stick to your through thick and thin – to the bitter end... But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo.
The Fellowship of the Ring
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bongosinferno · 9 months
LOTR is entourage but with Hobbits. You have a DYNAMIC crew of 4 (the titular entourage of Entourage), featuring a leader who drives the group forward and is the center of the plot (Frodo/Vinny CHASE) who has an intense & engaging deep psychosexual relation to his closest friend (Samwise/E), and two people who are connected to the group but never speak with the leader (Merry & Pipin / Turtle and Drama).
In both works they embark from their small hamlet (Hobbiton/Queens) on a grand quest to a great city (Rivendell/Hollywood). When they finally reach it their real quest begins (the destruction of the one ring/Vinny's big Hollywood career). Frodo/Vincent CHASE both have intense mentor mentee relationships with wise elder mentors (Gandalf/Ari) who persuades them into debauchery and their respective quests.
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