#mrunal thakur age
rampldgifs · 8 months
click the source for 459 gifs of MRUNAL THAKUR in HI NANNA(2024). she is north indian, do not cast her as south indian. do not use in celebrity rps. please note that i do not approve of the 5+/- age rule. these were made from scratch and more will be added at my leisure, so please don’t edit, repost or claim as your own or i will eat you. tag me if you’re posting edited gif icons for public use. consider reblogging to spread poc options if useful. enjoy !
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zeherili-ankhein · 3 months
Bestie pls explain the plot of Kalki 2898 AD to me I'm dying to know 😭😭
Ok soooo.... Also sorry if this is too long cuz I'm getting as much as details I can possibly remember. Chhote se chhota detail.. and also I'll try to be as neutral as possible but don't mind if some of my own judgements starts to face...
Also I watched the hindi dub so if I quote any dialogues they'll be hindi...
To start with,
At first we're shown Uttara, then the Mahabharat scenes (which I had actually missed cuz I entered the hall just in time to see Krishna entering the screen...) of (face less) Krishna cornering A.B's Ashwatthama and cursing him... Then telling to wait for Kalki to come.
There's this dystopia/post apocalyptic kinda setting and the only remaining city is Kashi. And in Kashi, there's this high society thing called Complex. That's like the only building with everything good in it, because they basically take everything and put in there, and baki sab bahar gareebi mein ji rha hai.
On the first scene we're introduced to this young *boy* and *boy*'s brother traveling with some other people from their village to settle in Kashi, and a young girl was really ill and her most probably big brother or father starts asking for some water as she starts coughing very badly. And this old sus looking man, offers some because no one else did (might be because they didn't even have water with them...)
So now young *boy* and *boy*'s curious brother (who's a lil piece of shit I tell you in advance) ask sus grandpa what he's doing there, and they have a small conversation where *boy* says “yeah Kashi the last remaining city” and grandpa says “na Kashi the first ever city”. Then gramps asks *boy* 'if they are brother and sister?' to which *boy* gets offended and just goes of with usual 'dikhta nahi hai kya' and stuff... To which grandpa just nods and looks outside the vehicle (which looks like a literal cage) and says “hum sab ka paap dhote dhote sukh gayi kya maa...”
Next scene they have arrived in Kashi.
And some... I'd call them thugs typa people, who 'unofficially' work for the complex because if you hand over the bounty(s) and/or women that are “fertile” you will be rewarded units and if you have collected an amount of units you can go and stay at the Complex which in this world, given the situations is nothing less than reaching heavens...
So now this thugs are separating the males and the females without telling the newcomers why they are doing that... And they starts to use some device which they hold against everyone's lower abdomen area and if it goes red they're male thus the thugs leave them alone. But if it's green it means they are female and they are taken.
The young ill girl from earlier was kind of hidden by her gaurdian, but when they put that device near her and started to pull her to take her with them and gaurdian guy basically starts begging them to not take her.
The leader thug explains why they want to take the women as it will give them a lot of units. So now lil shit brother says he'll give them a girl and starts to piont where *boy* was standing, and it's revealed the boy was actually a girl named Raya, who was just under the guise of being a boy.
Now a fight breaks out between sus grandpa and thugs where it is further revealed grandpa is one of the “rebels” who are the only ones to know where Shambhala is and stay there, waiting for Kalki.
In this fight some of the other rebels also join in and we see another woman (Mrunal Thakur) hiding who nearly got caught by the thugs. Grandpa saves her and kind of temporarily hides under the tunnels, where we see get to see the “rebels”.
They bring out the hologram call device to make grandpa communicate with another party of “rebels” consisting of an grumpy middle aged man Veeran, an equally grumpy guy (whose name I forgot) and a sunshine girl Kyra. Who tells grandpa that Mariem is waiting for him and connects the call with this lady called Mariem, who's in Shambhala. They give Raya a gemstone to keep.
Grandpa and her were conversing about grandpa returning to Shambala, when the thugs again attack them and capture him and Mrunal.
They are showed infront of this general kinda guy (Saswata Chatterjee) I forgot his name... Who basically tells grandpa to either give Mrunal to him or reveal where's Shambhala. Grandpa refuses but gets pressurized, but even Mrunal tells grandpa to not tell general guy anything saying she doesn't want her child to be born in such a shitty world. So General guy kills both Mrunal and Grandpa infront of everyone.
And spots the other rebels who had manages to run away earlier and sends the thugs and his own men after them.
One of the rebels gets cornered by the thug leader and his paltan because he now has a large sum of bounty on his head.
Where we are introduced to this A.I vehicle called Bujji who basically claims that rebel guy for herself and her master, a bounty hunter who works for non sides. For whom she kinda does a big ahh intro, only for that guy to be a complete lazy idiot. Now Bhairava (Prabhas' character) after a lot of cliche not gonna fight serious-fight serious drama later manages to make the thugs go away... Atleast for now.
Bhairava becomes kind of a hero for the rebel guy, who starts innocently wow-ing over him and asks him to join the rebels.
Bhairava refuses and tells he's trying to get inside the Compound for a very long time and is collecting the units, and will hand over rebel guy (but he doesn't and just keeps him handcuffed to where he stays on rent)
Now scene changes and we are shown the insides of the Complex and the women that are held captive over there.
Experiments are done on them to see who could get pregnant. Those who gets are given good food and facilities to stay, but they do not let the babies get born. Because they are basically getting the womens pregnant to keep the embryo for atleast 100 days and then they will extract it in a form of a “Serum” for the main boss Supreme Yaskin (which is just Kali)
But nobody is able to survive more than 3 months so whenever they try to extract the “Serum” at the maximum days (which is still less than 100) everyone just dies..
Now, the “unfertile” women who couldn't get pregnant, maybe because of some failed experiments or so... Are kept as kind of slaves who don't get nice food and just helps around the pregnant womens...
And we get to know one of them (Deepika's character) from up close. She helps one of the pregnant ladies, who warns her that being pregnant over there is not a nice experience...
(call me a failure every time I say the word pregnant...)
Now general guy comes and kind of yells on some of the scientists saying 'The Supreme' has called him that day to update on the ‘Project K’'s “Serum” but as we know nobody was/is able to survive the entire time period, and the highest days are by far is just 80. That's the woman Deepika's character was helping.
So they starts doing the extraction process on her and she dies...
NOW, we get to know that Deepika's character – SUM 80 is actually pregnant... That also for MORE THAT 5 MONTHS! which is ofcourse beyond anyone have survived till now... Indicating that child in the womb is ofcourse special... And we understand that's Kalki. But she's just hiding it well under her long black clothes...
On the meantime we're introduced to another character named 'Professor' Bani, who's like the right hand man of Yaskin. He takes general guy and scientist dude (who wanted to meet Yaskin himself to clear his doubts about ‘Project K’ himself.. because not even general guy knows wtf is ‘Project K’) to where Yaskin is.
Yaskin is in some kind of globe type place with water on the floor and he's just dangling in the air doing something like meditation and stuff..
Basically what happens is scientist was kind of a good guy and gets killed by Yaskin because he tried to attack him..
Now back to SUM 80, another one of the girls snitch on her after knowing she's pregnant, to a guard who had previously threatened to assault SUM 80...
And the scientists take her extract the “Serum” but only one drop was extracted when we get to know that snitch girl – Lily is actually a rebel undercover who now destroyed the wires to save pregnant SUM 80, cuz it was just too brutal for her.
So Lily sacrifices her life and makes an way to let SUM 80 escape.. she had also called for that previous rebel party let by grumpy Veeran to take SUM 80 away from there..
But there was a fire before the main escape so, somehow mysteriously SUM 80 escapes the fire but the guards trying to catch her become crisps..
Veeran and his team takes in a scared SUM 80 in their ship to take her to Shambhala, as instructed by Mariem. Because everyone (Shambhala peoples and rebels) kinda knows now that that's Kalki in her womb.
ALSO now SUM 80 has the biggest bounty on her head... So yeah ofcourse Bhairava and the other thugs are gonna try to catch her (seperately ofcourse..)
*I didn't tell this before because it wasn't really important but Bhairava tried to break in the Complex with his friend Roxie (Disha Patani's character who's in love with Bhairava) who works there. But he was thrown away so now he wants to get inside even more...
Kyra becomes super excited and starts to chatter with SUM 80, who she kindly gives a name Sumati (sounding like SUM 80) after knowing she never had a name..
We get to know Kyra and that other grumpy guy are engaged and are planning to get married once they get back to Shambhala..
But right then, they are attacked by the thugs with who while fighting unfortunately Kyra dies... And like dies in the way they can't even retrieve her body back... cuz she falls down the ship and they can't stop at anything..
And when they are again trying to run, another person gets introduced...
So remember Raya? While she was being chased by the Complex gaurds earlier, she runs a little outside Kashi. But before she could get caught she falls and hides inside a temple. There when the guards tried to find and take her, a big guy suddenly gets somewhat like awakened and takes the gemstone from Raya and puts it on his forehead.
And then Ashwatthama basically beats the shit out of everyone and saves Raya, with whom he has communication problems and language gap of over 6000 years...
Back to rebels and Sumati, when Bhairava tried to kidnap her. That was the moment ‘Ashwa uncle’ as Raya calls him, comes and both of them had a big 1 on 1 fight moment... Ofcourse after Ashwatthama beats up the gaurds and thugs.. to protect Sumati. (Because that's his purpose now as Krishna told him after cursing him back then)
This is Bhairava vs an 8 feet tall 6000 something year old guy who has fought in Mahabharat ka yudh...
But surprisingly Bhairava gave a nice challenge, he lost though..
The weapon we see Ashwatthama fighting with is somewhat a – tall similar to his height – danda.
*Another scene we see, is of that Bani guy with some fellow gaurds discovering an Dhanush in the middle of nowhere, which neither any human nor machine was able to touch... So he somehow takes with him to his office (we're never shown how)*
Now leaving behind, a defeated Bhairava, Kyra and her memories along with the young couple's dream of a future together... Veeran, Sumati, Raya and Ashwatthama reaches Shambhala.
Where Mariem welcomes them and tells Sumati that they have been waiting for her – Maa – for so so long... A person tries to protest that Sumati cannot be Maa. But at that exact moment we see it raining after A VERY long period of time.
*simultaneously in Kashi, Bhairava while fighting some thugs (after he was forever banned from the Compound because thug leaders blammed him for Sumati's escape..) catches one of the old mandir's Rath's paiya structure that was falling down because of thunder striking it. While an old man who have a Kaal Bhairav murti with him... Says some dialogue about him remember the murti with him was Kaal Bhairav the protector of Kashi..*
So now everyone accepted that Sumati is Maa, and takes care of her and tells her how her child is supposed to save the world.. she at first gets scared but after Ashwatthama explains everything she listens and stays hidden inside a BIG tree with him...
Now we get to know that Danda is actually Karna's Vijaya Dhanush (idk man I think I made a mistake with the time and scenes but whatever)
*We're basically over her shown another flashback of Raya asking Ashwa uncle if he was the strongest warrior in Kurukshetra... And him saying “Karna was the strongest” *
With a flashback of Arjun (Vijay Deverakonda) basically dishing Karna (in an arrogant way nontheless) and Krishna saying to reconsider his words as Karna was better.... And he was only winning because he has Rath given by Agnidev, Pavan putra Hanuman on his flag and all...
(I personally found that very illogical and very wrong and have been yelling about that since... Even on Tumblr)
So now we go back to Bhairava, who we get to know made a deal would bring back both Sumati and Ashwatthama, as he was the only one who was able to fight him, in exchange of getting inside the Compound.
He spends all his unit repairing his vehicle and A.I Bujji (which was crumpled by Ashwatthama) and tricking that rebel fanguy he had captured into believing he's finally siding with the rebels and to take him to Shambhala..
But once inside Shambhala, Bhairava basically beats up everybody and tries to reach Sumati again, resulting in another fight between Ashwatthama and him.
Here, that general guy is called upon by Bani and informed of the Dhanush they have found. Bani tells him that how that Dhanush was made by Srishtikarta Bhrahmadev himself and given to Arjun. He tells how nobody was able to touch the Gandiva.
General guy refused to believe in the theory of Kalki is coming but Bani insists... With proves like Ashwatthama, the rain and all.
Back at Shambhala, before anything can settle... General had already found the place and attacked resulting in a full blown fight between both parties, where he kills Mariem.
While everyone is busy fighting eachother Bhairava and Ashwatthama were still going at eachother but now with Sumati almost caught Ashwatthama is forced to save her. Which doesn't really go well, as Bhairava continues being a little bitch and keeps on attacking Ashwatthama...
At a point of time, when Sumati was about to fall down from a bridge, Bhairava finally lends an hand and pulls her up.
And we are shown another scene of the Vijaya Dhanush now danda going to Bhairava's hand and him defending Ashwatthama who was on a verge of attack, and saying something like “aane mein der to nahi huya na Acharya putra?” with another flashback of Mahabharat with same to same dialogue against Arjun-Krishna and a fallen on the ground Ashwatthama..
(I actually forgot how exactly these entire scene played out... Forgive me)
Then Bhairava basically kills the general by throwing Vijaya Dhanush so hard on him it impaled him and made him fall down from his flying vehicle..
But just then he's back to being Bhairava, out of his Karna fever and again forcefully takes Sumati with him on his own Vehicle and leaves Shambhala burning behind as Sumati keeps begging him not to take her to the Complex.
All while an helpless Ashwatthama stands there starring and Raya comes from behind to join him...
Now as the last scene (not post credit because it's shown before post credit) we see Bani giving Yaskin that one drop of “Serum” they were able to extract from Sumati's womb and him injecting that in himself and becoming more strong... Kyuki pehle wo thoda bohot Voldemort jaisa dikh rha tha.. ab ganja Thanos lag rha hai
And him picking up... Gandiva... Yeah... Gandiva...
Lo I explained it hehe also sorry if it is not clearly explained
“films are harder to explain as it is easier to understand” — my mass media teacher telling us to write an essay
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fatedghosts · 1 month
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[ MRUNAL THAKUR, 33, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ] Welcome to Antioch, RESHIKA NIVANT DIVEKAR! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for 33 YEARS and are known to be LOYAL yet GULLIBLE. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re involved in CLASS OF 2008  as SURVIVOR, but most know you for your work as a REALTOR at PRIME REALTY. ]
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Character Name: Reshika Nivant Divekar  Nickname(s): Only reserved for super close peeps ^-^ Face Claim:  Mrunal Thakur  Birthday:  October 10th 1988 Place of birth: Antioch, Oregon  Sexuality: Lesbian  Zodiac: Libra�� MBTI: ENFJ Moral Alignment: neutral good Occupation: Realtor- the best realtor in town.  Place of work: Prime Realty Subplot affiliation: Survivor, Class of 2008  3 positive traits:  Loyal, Jovial, Chatty    3 negative traits: Gullible , Impressionable, Defensive  Languages: English, French and Hindi  Love language: Acts of Service - she is a giver and likes to show it anyway that she can.  
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Childhood and Upbringing 
Reshika Nivant Divekar was born 10th October 1988, into a world that was steeped in intellectual pursuits of her parents. Raised in Antioch, Oregon, Reshika's life was steeped in history, culture and academic brillance thanks to her parents, both of who were renowned archaeologists who were renown in the academic community. More often than not, their discoveries led them working across the country, leaving Reshika in the care of nannies, babysitters and the occasional family friends. 
From an early age, Reshika was taught the importance of propriety and decorum. Her parents, though often physically distant, instilled in her a sense of dury and responsibility. She was reminded, that even in their absence, she was not just a child but representive of the Divkar name. Whether it be in the company of her caretakers of the occasional visit from her parents' academic colleagues, Reshika know how to present herself with the expectation on her shoulders. 
Education was at the heart of Reshika's upbringing. Her parents, despire their busy scheduels, ensured that she had access to the best tutors and educational resources. The world of academia became her sancutary, a places where she could connect with her parents' work and feel closer to them despite their frequent absences. She found solace in her studies, keeping herself to herself. The quiet child who had her head in the books with constant curioisty. Reshika was content with her santuary in the pages. 
Having spent most her childhood surrounded with adults, Reshika had to navigate the oh so fun teenage years. She often found herself at odds with her peers. This left her feeling somewhat out of place as the social dynamics of school proved to be a world apart from the intellectual circles she as so use this. 
Despite all of this, Reshika knew that she had to name a name for herself. Making friends was no easy task for the quiet and socially awkward teen unless she played to her strenghts. Reshika used what she knew best: her intellect. It wasn't long before she established herslf as the go-to person for group projects, often taking on the entire workload herself. It was her way of providind that she could be a valuable member of any team, even if it meant that she would work alone. Others would like her right?
Slowly but surely her straegery paid off. She found herself gladly sleeping into more popular crowd - not through her charisma or athletic prowess, but through the quiet and consistent support that she offered. Becoming known to help others to succeed, though not by offering to tutor. instead, she was the one writing papers and completing asignements for those who needed their grades. It was the easiest way for her to make friends, earning her invitations to social events, or setting up social events- all in in all giving her the chance to break into a wider social scene. 
The more she spent with the social circle helped shed away ther awkwardness making her more outgoing and sociable. Even though she was very much a follower, she would do anything for anybody and anyone if it was her powers. Ask her to jump, she will happily ask you, how high and at what speed or distance was needed. Reshika is always happy to oblige.  
Class of 2008. 
Studying French was part of her elective. It was fun. Partly to be an easy grade to help out her friends and make sure they would past. It was suppose to be fun with a trip included, the first time she would leave her little hometown. 
It was tragic what happened right? All the death and lost. Not much else to be said here. She was there and they were there. They all knew what had happened. Aka let's plot out what happened. During her time, she was a follower, easily swayed, easily influence even if the regret is eating her up alive. 
Post Class of 2008. 
She doesn't talk about. She was told not to talk about it. Even though she really wants to talk about. Everything is fine. All of it fine, right?
Staying is Antioch
After the incident, and finally out of the woods of it all, Reshika made the choice that surprised both herself and those around: she chose to stay in Antioch, the small town where she spent her life. Her parents were taken aback by her choice, as they had envisaged her path to be something grander, something that would reflect the academic pathway they laid for her. 
There was something almost brighter about Reshika, as if a light within her had sparked up. A brighter smile, a kinder tone of someone who did not take life forgranted. She dound a way to appreciate the simple joys of life. This inspired her to to do something. She obtained her Realtor licence and dedicated herself to their perfect home, Making “home” being the most important place of all.  
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Disclaimer: When writing connections, I like to write based on chemistry, sometimes the unexpected connections becoming something rich and beautiful. I am a sucker for all the angst and tension. Give me all the enriched friendships, complexed and strained, people who fight and don't get along. Excited to plot with you ^-^.
Class of 2008 Connections :
The One Who Convinced her it was a good idea.  Something manipulative in nature, a swaying her so it was easier. Or the one who makes her swear that she won't tell anyone about it even though it is something that is eating her up alive.  [OPEN] 
The One Who Checks in After  they both know what they did. Who else can you talk about it with.  No one about it apart from those who were their. Could be something that that is an unexpected friendship. Drinking buddies or something alike.  [OPEN]
The One that does not trust her. She is a goodie-goodie why wold she not break and mention something. You know that something is off with her, she is brighter and happier, all for a means that she is going to crack soon. This could start of as a false friendship, seems caring with underline motives to keep tabs on her along with others. Could be something like love-bombing to keep her hush-hush or we can just make it pure angst and arguments that they always have. Let someone case the a shadow over the sunshine girl. [OPEN] 
NEED A PLACE TO STAY.  Wanna move to somewhere that fits your vibes. Staying for a little while in town as many seem to come and go, not to worry just give Rishika a call and she can hook you up with the best place that you would want .  [OPEN TO MULTIPLE] 
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scfeerah · 5 months
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♛ → DORNE present(s) SAFEERAH JORDAYNE, the RULING LADY of THE TOR. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought NO ONE would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the THIRTY year old FEMALE who was LIVELY & IDEALISTIC before they saw the first of the flames, is now BLUNT & IMPATIENT after seeing the last. they’re often associated with the sound of bells attached to dancing feet, the feeling of relief from bathing in cool water on a hot day, the strong smell of hibiscus and the sound of gentle waves colliding with the shore. (mrunal thakur) pinterest / playlist
safeerah was born as the second child and first daughter of lord shahid and lady afreen jordayne. while she was a happy child, carefree and lively, she also went through periods of discontent and restlessness. it somewhat ceased the moment she fell in love with dancing. while having been taught dance at an early age, she found it more a chore than anything. she had no interest in learning the exact steps or the right movements. she found it too slow and boring. then she was introduced to kathak by one of the teachers in the tor and she fell in love with it. she loved the stories the dance told, the music, how fast it was and the bells wrapped around her ankles. safeerah channelled the restlessness she felt into her dancing.
her days were filled with laughter, dancing, and studying stories she could turn into music and dance. throughout her teenage years, safeerah developed a special kind of water dance that she named geele pair (inspired by the dancing in this and this). it was a style inherently her own. she acquired a reputation for never standing still. for most of her life, it was said that she lacked the inner peace that her brother seemed to possess. it was through meditation that she found a way to calm herself, to find that elusive peace that she sought.
while visiting ghost hill, an incident occurred one night after too much wine had been consumed. she had been performing a dance and went go outside for a breath of air to cool down, but when she returned inside she found her little sister dishevelled and hurt. safeerah eventually got her sister to confess what had happened. she had been assaulted by a drunk lord toland. however, there were no witnesses to the crime. she did not dare to say anything while in the keep of the tolands, unsure of what lord aditya toland might do, but she demanded their servants pack their things and they left ghost hill the very next morning. after returning to the tor, safeerah immediately told rashid what had happened. she wanted justice for their little sister. when her brother declared he wanted a trial by combat, she was satisfied but impatient to see lord toland pay for his crimes.
the trial was postponed due to the death of prince mors which was then followed by rashid's trip to volantis. safeerah sent her little sister to myr to get away from everything until the trial. the youngest jordayne is currently staying with a noble family in myr whose daughter house jordayne hosted years ago and whom safeerah personally taught to dance. she left the tor in the hands of rashid's wife and went to stay with the daynes while her siblings were in essos. she was with them when she received word from princess myriam about rashid's death. saf was in sunspear when his body arrived from volantis. she accompanied him on his last journey to the tor and finally to the sept of the four doors. she has been far more quiet and serious since the passing of her brother.
she is very concerned with equality and peace. she lives by the saying 'we are all made of the same clay' which is a saying that is the pillar of house jordayne's beliefs. safeerah is very adamant that she will continue with this philosophy.
saf believes that the tor should be ruled the way rashid would have done so. whenever an official decision has to be made, she often asks herself what rashid would have done in any given situation. this means that she has trouble finding her own voice to guide her.
despite preaching forgiveness and mercy, she finds it nearly impossible to forgive anyone who had a hand in the death of her brother. she feels the same towards the tolands for the assault her sister suffered. while she wants to forgive and let it no longer burden her soul, she finds that she cannot. safeerah feels like a fraud because despite how hard she tries then she cannot forgive with her heart. 
saf meditates a lot to try to let go of the anger she feels for all house jordayne has suffered. her preferred form of meditation is to lay on her back and float in one of the waterpools in the tor. 
she believes wisdom is the best trait a person can possess even if she does not believe herself wise yet. safeerah believes that she is still too unforgiving and far too impatient to be considered wise but wisdom is her ideal.
for a long time, she rejected her given name when she was younger, going as far as to ignore people if they called her safeerah instead of saf. but after the death of her father then she embraced the name again as that was the name he and her mother chose for her. she is still called saf as a nickname by friends and family.
safeerah always dresses in bold colours. she prefers a mix of colours and will rarely stick to one. if she does stick to one colour, it is usually green to honour house jordayne.
when safeerah was a little girl who did not truly understand the cycle of samsara, she used to say that she wished to reincarnate as a dolphin in the next life so she could swim carefree through the seas. to this day, she often goes down to the shore to soak her feet in the sea and calm down ― and she still smiles every time she spots the fin of a dolphin out on the horizon.
she has become more religious since the death of rashid, and she believes that he has escaped the cycle of samara and achieved mutki. whereas before she would go to the sept of the four doors whenever she had time, now she prioritises going every week. safeerah has also asked the septon to directly send her monthly reports on what is needed at the sept in regards to food and security.
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Okay okay I know you probably watched the movie AGES ago but omg. Sita ramam. I cannot
I watched it yesterday and I cannot stop thinking about it ?? Afreen ?? Ram ?? Noorjahan ???
Everything was so pretty everyone was so pretty and it was so sad and I was bawling my eyes out. Also ugh vishnu like ok bro you had a family I get it but :(((( ram :((((
And his letter to sita. Chills. Literal chills.
Anyway idk who else wouldve watched the movie so I'm here don't mind me just crying on a monday morning T-T
You came to the right place, or probably the wrong place cz i can't shut up about this shit
Fun trivia, I saw the first look when it came out, and the music was quite different from the one in the interval and they were still figuring out the poster, the butterflies and stuff
It was a shot of ram on the stones in the flowing pond of the mountains and cut to, he was looking into the train (it didn't strike as the train scene at first, the frame where he peeps from outside to see sita reading his letters on her berth and he smiles, yeah that scene)
And then flash the title
I was (and still am, unabashedly) on a dq high so obviously i checked it out and fell in love
And then, it was afreen's character intro/promo kind of thing where afreen is praying and then she's throwing daaru through windows (car windows as we saw later)
The moment I see Hanu Raghavapudi and Vishal Chandrasekhar (from Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha, ok watch it i love that movie it hits so right!) and DQ (from Mahanati and Bangalore Days and OKK like bhoooof) AND MRUNAL THAKUR (from Love, Soniya) and Rashmika IN ASSOCIATION WITH DUTT PRODUCTIONS like....
feed me.
And I liked the vibe the movie went for in the ending, it's bittersweet, sort of like that one Twilight Zone episode where one grows old for the other and all. I like that they left it at a tragedy cz that's how such stories usually end but that doesn't mean they didn't happen.
Ram is my sweet sweet bway who took the correct doses of respect women juice and sita desperately needs a therapist (much like myself) and a stress ball to stop all the clumsiness (much like myself lmao)
The mahanati references, the KGVPG references, and all the director cameos... Yeah they made my day. Vishnu is unapologetically the useless scared kinda prisoner and I respect Sumanth for taking that kind of role tbh, and i wished we'd seen more of Bhumika but eh she deserves her own movies too so imma imagine
Also, RAM AND SITA WITH KIDSSSS! Like, we know the outcome of their story and that's why it's so sad to see them be so cute with kids and get soul married and want kids but never getting the time to live the life they wanted waahhhhhh stap
The music..... Um.... Well i can tell you that each song comes off as a copy of old illayaraja/op naiyyar songs but that's ok cz this year needed such music. The lyrics have me in a chokehold and ram's eyes too
And my favorite scene of all, THE SCENE
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Ugh kill me why don't you!
They're on different sides of emotions about this and he's been so supportive and loving towards her but she can't lie to him anymore but she wants to live this lie bcz it's so beautiful and before she breaks it she just wants someone to be there for one last time AAAAAAAAH
In conclusion, Ram is my smolbean, Sita is me and someone can be Afreen so that i can play ninnati theepi and cry for a legitimate reason finally
(also, Rohini in vintage spectacles literally reminds me of my grandma)
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rocknews · 6 months
Imtiaz Ali's Emotional Journey at Amar Singh Chamkila Premiere
Imtiaz Ali, the acclaimed filmmaker, found himself overwhelmed at the premiere of "Amar Singh Chamkila" on Monday night. Despite being the creator of the film, Imtiaz was initially unable to find a seat in the packed auditorium of PVR, which was bursting at the seams with nearly 400 eager viewers. The star-studded event, attended by luminaries such as Shabana Azmi, Mrunal Thakur, and Diljit Dosanjh, marked a poignant moment for Imtiaz.
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As the lights dimmed and the film began, Imtiaz eventually found a spot and immersed himself in the story alongside the audience. The premiere, hosted by Netflix in collaboration with MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, became a testament to the enduring legacy of Amar Singh Chamkila, Punjab's original rockstar.
Following the screening, Imtiaz took to the stage, visibly moved by the experience. Reflecting on the film, he remarked, "We have just made the film, but they have lived the life." Imtiaz's sentiments echoed the sentiment of the film, which chronicles the extraordinary journey of Amar Singh Chamkila from poverty to stardom, tragically cut short at the age of 27.
Imtiaz's emotional connection to the film was palpable as he shared his thoughts on Chamkila's enduring popularity. "Chamkila is the roof breaker artiste, and this film had to be houseful. It is owing to him," Imtiaz expressed. He attributed the overwhelming turnout to the indomitable spirit of Chamkila, whose music continues to resonate with audiences even today.
In a rare moment of introspection, Imtiaz marveled at the phenomenon of Chamkila's "hit spirit," which draws people in and fills venues to capacity. As he basked in the success of the premiere, Imtiaz Ali paid homage to the timeless legacy of Amar Singh Chamkila, whose music transcends generations and continues to inspire artists and audiences alike.
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ptaknews45 · 10 months
New Hindi Movies Relase in November 2023 , Tiger 3 , pippa
New Hindi Movies 2023
For the most recent information on new Hindi Movies , film, visit this page to find out which Bollywood films were released this week. This covers the newest Hindi films that are accessible in theaters and on well-known OTT services like Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, and Amazon Prime Video, among others.
You can also use this page to search for your favorite actors and find out which films they will be appearing in next. You can find release dates, trailers, song lyrics, reviews, and more for the newest films.
Tiger 3
The film is positioned to make a lasting impression on Indian cinema and cement Salman Khan’s position as a megastar, all while laying the groundwork for an engaging cinematic experience. Await the highly anticipated release of “Tiger 3” and get ready for an incredible cinematic experience.
Tiger 3 movie : Release Date, Songs, Cast
Release Date 12 November 2023
Language Hindi
Dubbed In Tamil, Telugu
Genre Action, Crime, Romance
Duration 2h 33min
Cast Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, Revathy
Director Maneesh Sharma
Writer Shridhar Raghavan, Aditya Chopra
Cinematography Sahil Bhardwaj, Anay Goswami
Music Pritam Chakraborty
Producer Aditya Chopra
Production Yash Raj Films
Click here to watch tiger 3 trailer
The movie is based on the life of Captain Balram Singh Mehta, who served in the Indian 45 Cavalry Regiment during the 1971 India-Pakistan War and fought on the eastern front alongside his siblings. Pippa is based on actual events that took place in 1971 during the Battle of Garibpur.
In the Mehta household, where war hero Ram and his younger brother Balram fight through emotional struggles as they get ready for the Eastern front, the screenplay strikes a balance between family drama. The film is set in three distinct sectors: intelligence, undercover operations, and tank warfare. Menon is a master at capturing the camaraderie and dynamics of soldiers on the battlefield.
Pippa movie : Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Release Date 10 November , 2023
Language Hindi
Genre Action, Drama, History
Duration 2h 19min
Cast Ishann Khattar, Mrunal Thakur, Priyanshu Painyuli, Inaamulhaq, Waris Ahmed Zaidi, Leysan Karimova, Soni Razdan, Chandrachoor Raj, Neeraj Pardeep Purohit, Amit Ghosh, Vaibhav Gohil. Anuj Singh Duhan, Abhinav Bhattacharjeemore…
Director Raja Menon
Writer Raja Menon, Tanmay Mohan, Ravinder Randhawa
Cinematography Priya Seth
Music A.R. Rahman
Producer Siddharth Roy Kapur, Ronnie Screwvala
Production RSVP, Roy Kapur Films
Certificate 16+ age
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cinemapremi · 11 months
Rashmika Mandanna AI Deepfake Video Controversy: Mrunal Thakur Expresses Frustration
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In recent days, actress Rashmika Mandanna has found herself at the center of a storm of controversy surrounding AI deepfake videos. The cyber-cell has been called upon to investigate these videos, and Rashmika Mandanna herself has reacted strongly to the situation. What's intriguing is that fellow actress Mrunal Thakur has also stepped up in support of Rashmika. Mrunal took to social media to share her thoughts on this issue, shedding light on the growing concern over AI deepfake technology in the entertainment industry. Unveiling the Threat: Rashmika Mandanna’s Deepfake Video Sparks Urgent Calls for Legal Action Exclusive! Randeep Hooda and Lin Lai Laishram to tie the knot in November
The Deepfake Video That Ignited the Fire
Recently, a video went viral on social media, spreading like wildfire. In the video, a woman dressed in a black revealing dress appeared to be Rashmika Mandanna, but in reality, it was digital creator Jara Patel. Amitabh Bachchan broke the silence surrounding the video and expressed his support for Rashmika.
Rashmika Mandanna's Appeal to the Cyber Cell
Following the legal actions taken by Amitabh Bachchan, Rashmika Mandanna reached out to the cyber cell for help. She explained the dangerous implications of AI deepfake technology and the threat it poses to individuals in the public eye. Mrunal Thakur, in a show of solidarity, also weighed in on the matter.
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Mrunal Thakur Stands by Rashmika Mandanna
Mrunal Thakur took to her Instagram story to express her support for Rashmika Mandanna and voiced her frustration over individuals who engage in such malicious activities. She emphasized that those who resort to such tactics lack empathy and moral compass. Mrunal praised Rashmika for speaking out on this issue, highlighting that the problem of deepfake videos is not new, but it often goes unaddressed. Mrunal Thakur further elaborated, stating that edited videos like these are becoming increasingly prevalent. She emphasized the need for society to address the issue seriously, especially when it comes to the well-being of public figures. She urged people not to remain silent and stressed that the time has come to speak out and take action against this growing menace.
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Rashmika Mandanna's Upcoming Projects
Rashmika Mandanna is set to appear in two upcoming films, 'The Girlfriend' and 'Animal.' The announcement for 'The Girlfriend' was made a few days ago, while 'Animal' is gearing up for its release. 'Animal' is scheduled to hit theaters on December 1, 2023. In this movie, Rashmika will share the screen with actor Ranbir Kapoor. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy8lWTnIZ-1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
The Rashmika Mandanna AI deepfake video controversy serves as a reminder of the challenges public figures face in the digital age. It underscores the importance of addressing the issues of privacy, consent, and misinformation in the era of AI deepfake technology. Mrunal Thakur's support for Rashmika Mandanna is a commendable example of how individuals in the entertainment industry can come together to combat this growing issue.
1. What are deepfake videos?
Deepfake videos are manipulated or altered videos created using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to superimpose one person's face onto another person's body, making it appear as though the person in the video is someone else.
2. Why did Rashmika Mandanna seek help from the cyber cell?
Rashmika Mandanna sought help from the cyber cell to investigate and address the issue of AI deepfake videos, which can be harmful and damaging to her reputation and privacy.
3. How did Amitabh Bachchan get involved in the controversy?
Amitabh Bachchan got involved by breaking the silence surrounding the deepfake video and expressing his support for Rashmika Mandanna.
4. What are the potential risks associated with AI deepfake videos?
AI deepfake videos can be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading false information, defaming individuals, or creating explicit content without consent, which can have serious legal and ethical consequences.
5. What is the significance of Mrunal Thakur's support for Rashmika Mandanna?
Mrunal Thakur's support highlights the need for solidarity among individuals in the entertainment industry and the importance of addressing the issue of deepfake videos that affect public figures. Also checkout: Read the full article
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starfriday · 1 year
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*Avnish Barjatya directed Dono starring Rajveer Deol and Paloma gets a grand premiere in Mumbai*
Rajveer Deol and Paloma’s debut film Dono directed by Avnish Barjatya has been released. While the initial reviews of the film point at the love story being a great one, Rajshri Productions chose to keep a grand premiere for the industry to showcase the new-age romance its third-generation director brings. The great event was held in quite the vintage style, with the classic red carpet entries and glamour. While many from the industry were there to show their support, some prominent names include Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Suniel Shetty, Mrunal Thakur, Richa Chadha, Ali Fazal, Neena Gupta, Vikrant Massey, Chunky Pandey, Boman Irani, Saiee Manjrekar, Anupam Kher, Shakti Kapoor, Meezan Jaffri, Pranutan Bahl, and others.
Rajveer, Paloma, and Avnish’s debut film is getting some great initial reviews. Even many from the industry lauded their performances, while many said that Rajveer looked charming, they even shared how Paloma looked very natural on screen. Avnish’s direction has been well-appreciated, many actors shared that he has put the story together so well, that it stirs emotions quite brilliantly.
Rajshri, in its 76-year-old legacy, has been a production house of debutants, launching fresh talent in all streams of film with pride. For its 59th Film Production, titled Dono, Rajshri is in association with Jio Studios. Directed By - Avnish S. Barjatya and produced by Kamal Kumar Barjatya, Late Rajkumar Barjatya, and Ajit Kumar Barjatya. Creative Production is led by Sooraj R. Barjatya. Dono, a tale of two strangers, and one destination is in cinemas now
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Badshah: The Story of India's Hit-Maker
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badshah Badshah is one of the most popular Indian singers, known for his catchy beats and relatable lyrics. He has become a household name with chart-topping hits like "DJ Waley Babu," "Mercy," and "Paagal." In this article, we'll take a closer look at Badshah's journey to success, his music career, and the impact he's had on the Indian music industry. Early Life and Career Beginnings: Born as Aditya Prateek Singh Sisodia, Badshah grew up in a Punjabi family in Delhi. He had a passion for music from a young age and started performing at local events and parties. Badshah's first break came in 2006 when he joined the group Mafia Mundeer, founded by Yo Yo Honey Singh. He then went on to collaborate with various other artists before making his solo debut in 2012 with the song "Kar Gayi Chull." Rise to Fame: Badshah's breakthrough came with the song "DJ Waley Babu" in 2015, which became a massive hit and gained him nationwide recognition. He went on to release several other hits and established himself as one of the leading artists in the Indian music industry. Badshah's unique style of blending traditional Indian music with modern beats has earned him a massive fan following. Discography: Badshah's discography boasts of numerous chart-topping songs, including "Saturday Saturday," "Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai," "The Humma Song," "Tareefan," and many more. He has also worked on several Bollywood movie soundtracks, including "Kala Chashma" and "Genda Phool." Badshah's music videos have amassed billions of views on YouTube, making him one of the most-watched artists in India. Social Media Presence: Badshah's popularity is not limited to his music alone. He has a massive social media following, with over 19 million followers on Instagram alone. He keeps his fans engaged with behind-the-scenes glimpses of his music videos, live performances, and personal life. Badshah is also known for his charitable work and has donated to various causes, including COVID-19 relief efforts. Controversies: Badshah has faced his fair share of controversies. In 2020, he was accused of buying fake views for his music video "Paagal." However, he denied the allegations, and the controversy eventually died down. Badshah has also faced criticism for objectifying women in some of his songs, and for promoting alcohol and tobacco in his music. Impact on Indian Music: Badshah has had a massive impact on the Indian music industry, introducing a new sound that blends traditional Indian music with modern beats. He has paved the way for other artists to experiment with different genres and styles, and his music has become a cultural phenomenon. Badshah has also helped bring Indian music to the global stage, with collaborations with international artists like Major Lazer and Sean Paul. Badshah and Mrunal Thakur Badshah's music has become a part of the Indian music landscape, and he continues to push the boundaries of what's possible with his unique sound. He has become a role model for aspiring artists and has left a lasting impact on the Indian music industry. Badshah's success story is a testament to the power of passion and hard work in achieving one's dreams. Read the full article
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experiencewala · 2 years
Mrunal Thakur {Bio, Age, Career, Height & Measurement , Images } More
Mrunal Thakur {Bio, Age, Career, Height & Measurement , Images } More
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sareideas · 3 years
ओह नो! मृणाल ठाकुर हुईं कोरोना पॉजिटिव, जर्सी एक्ट्रेस ने पोस्ट लिखकर कही ये बात - sarenews 2022
ओह नो! मृणाल ठाकुर हुईं कोरोना पॉजिटिव, जर्सी एक्ट्रेस ने पोस्ट लिखकर कही ये बात – sarenews 2022
Mrunal Thakur Covid Positive: बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस मृणाल ठाकुर (Mrunal Thakur) को कोरोना हो गया है. जर्सी फिल्म की एक्ट्रेस मृणाल ने खुद इंस्टाग्राम पर पोस्ट शेयर कर कोविड पॉजिटिव (Covid 19 Positive) होने की जानकारी दी है. मृणाल ठाकुर ने पोस्ट में लिखा कि उन्हें हल्के लक्षण हैं और उन्होंने खुद को आईसोलेट कर लिया है. मृणाल से पहले नोरा फतेही (Nora Fatehi), अर्जुन कपूर (Arjun Kapoor), अंशुला कपूर…
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newsresults · 4 years
Mrunal Thakur to turn showstopper for LFW season-fluid edition finale
Mrunal Thakur to turn showstopper for LFW season-fluid edition finale
By: PTI | Mumbai | October 13, 2020 3:50:40 pm
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To be telecast on October 25 at LFW’s first ever digital edition, the gala draws inspiration from the beauty brand’s theme ‘Spotlight’. (Photo: @mrunalofficial2016/ Instagram)
Actor Mrunal Thakur is set to bring down the curtain at the Lakme Fashion Week’s (LFW) upcoming first season-fluid…
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cinemapremi · 11 months
Rashmika Mandanna AI Deepfake Video Controversy: Mrunal Thakur Expresses Frustration
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In recent days, actress Rashmika Mandanna has found herself at the center of a storm of controversy surrounding AI deepfake videos. The cyber-cell has been called upon to investigate these videos, and Rashmika Mandanna herself has reacted strongly to the situation. What's intriguing is that fellow actress Mrunal Thakur has also stepped up in support of Rashmika. Mrunal took to social media to share her thoughts on this issue, shedding light on the growing concern over AI deepfake technology in the entertainment industry.
The Deepfake Video That Ignited the Fire
Recently, a video went viral on social media, spreading like wildfire. In the video, a woman dressed in a black revealing dress appeared to be Rashmika Mandanna, but in reality, it was digital creator Jara Patel. Amitabh Bachchan broke the silence surrounding the video and expressed his support for Rashmika.
Rashmika Mandanna's Appeal to the Cyber Cell
Following the legal actions taken by Amitabh Bachchan, Rashmika Mandanna reached out to the cyber cell for help. She explained the dangerous implications of AI deepfake technology and the threat it poses to individuals in the public eye. Mrunal Thakur, in a show of solidarity, also weighed in on the matter.
Mrunal Thakur Stands by Rashmika Mandanna
Mrunal Thakur took to her Instagram story to express her support for Rashmika Mandanna and voiced her frustration over individuals who engage in such malicious activities. She emphasized that those who resort to such tactics lack empathy and moral compass. Mrunal praised Rashmika for speaking out on this issue, highlighting that the problem of deepfake videos is not new, but it often goes unaddressed. Mrunal Thakur further elaborated, stating that edited videos like these are becoming increasingly prevalent. She emphasized the need for society to address the issue seriously, especially when it comes to the well-being of public figures. She urged people not to remain silent and stressed that the time has come to speak out and take action against this growing menace.
Rashmika Mandanna's Upcoming Projects
https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy8lWTnIZ-1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Rashmika Mandanna is set to appear in two upcoming films, 'The Girlfriend' and 'Animal.' The announcement for 'The Girlfriend' was made a few days ago, while 'Animal' is gearing up for its release. 'Animal' is scheduled to hit theaters on December 1, 2023. In this movie, Rashmika will share the screen with actor Ranbir Kapoor.
The Rashmika Mandanna AI deepfake video controversy serves as a reminder of the challenges public figures face in the digital age. It underscores the importance of addressing the issues of privacy, consent, and misinformation in the era of AI deepfake technology. Mrunal Thakur's support for Rashmika Mandanna is a commendable example of how individuals in the entertainment industry can come together to combat this growing issue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are deepfake videos?
Deepfake videos are manipulated or altered videos created using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to superimpose one person's face onto another person's body, making it appear as though the person in the video is someone else.
2. Why did Rashmika Mandanna seek help from the cyber cell?
Rashmika Mandanna sought help from the cyber cell to investigate and address the issue of AI deepfake videos, which can be harmful and damaging to her reputation and privacy.
3. How did Amitabh Bachchan get involved in the controversy?
Amitabh Bachchan got involved by breaking the silence surrounding the deepfake video and expressing his support for Rashmika Mandanna.
4. What are the potential risks associated with AI deepfake videos?
AI deepfake videos can be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading false information, defaming individuals, or creating explicit content without consent, which can have serious legal and ethical consequences.
5. What is the significance of Mrunal Thakur's support for Rashmika Mandanna?
Mrunal Thakur's support highlights the need for solidarity among individuals in the entertainment industry and the importance of addressing the issue of deepfake videos that affect public figures. Also checkout: Read the full article
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newsoholic24x7 · 3 years
Mrunal Thakur, Movies, Age, Husband, Biography
Mrunal Thakur, Movies, Age, Husband, Biography
Mrunal Thakur born 1 August 1992 is an Indian actress who appears in Hindi and Marathi movies. Her first drama which was launched on television was Love Sonia (2018), for which she received critical acclaim. In 2019, Thakur acted in the movie called as Super 30 and the action thriller Batla House, both movies received many awards and success. In 2021, she has featured in the sports dramas Toofaan…
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loadinginbox915 · 3 years
Kumkum Bhagya Apne Tv
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Watch Online Kumkum Bhagya Apne Tv
Zee Tv Kumkum Bhagya Apne Tv
Kumkum Bhagya Episode Full Episode
Kumkum Bhagya Apne Tv
Kumkum Bhagya Today's Episode Full
Kumkum Bhagya Online is a Zee-TV Serial. We bring you the latest News & Discussions regarding your favorite show. Join the debate & let us know. We only provide News & Info for the Serials.Enjoy all the latest Hindi Serials & Hindi Dramas Online. Kumkum Bhagya is a tale about the life of Sarla Arora (Supriya Shukla), a Punjabi female authority. She dealt with a marriage corridor and plans to see her girls, Bulbul (Mrunal Thakur) and Pragya (Sriti Jha) who are completely different. Kumkum Bhagya Zee Tv Serial Review Interesting Elements On Apne Tv. Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates Read Written Episodes. Zee TV Hindi Serial Kumkum Bhagya latest episodes Written Updates are available. New episodes of Kumkum Bhagya air every Monday to Friday. In This video-Zee TV All Shows Fans Good News Kumkum Bhagya, Kurbaan Hua, Tujhse Hai Raabta, Kundali Bhagya Ummid karte hai Aapko yah video pasand aaega.Dost.
Zee TV is one of India’s longest running television channel. It is known for airing different type of content than its competitors. The channel airs in over 100 countries with its content being liked even in non-Indian populated countries. The channels is more famous among mid-age group who like modern family dramas. Zee has many other channels which broadcast content in different languages. Zee TV only broadcast Hindi content.
All time hit serial on Zee TV is Pavitra Rishta by Balaji Telefilms. It ran for several years despite being changes in main leads and having multiple leaps.
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Recent hits on the channel are Kumkum Bhagya, another Balaji Telefilms serial. Kumkum Bhagya is a story of brining an ordinary girl in a rockstar’s life. The serial’s success made Zee TV to introduce a new type of serials on Indian television – spin-off. Kumkum Bhagya’s spin off is Kundali Bhagya – a story of two sisters who live strugging lives. Kundali Bhagya quickly became popular and it even beat Kumkum Bhagya in terms of television ratings.
Zee Tv Kumkum Bhagya Apne Tv
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Kumkum Bhagya Episode Full Episode
Zee TV also introduced popular and successful reality shows like Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, Dance India Dance. Both these reality shows already have had more than ten seasons.
Kumkum Bhagya Apne Tv
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Zee TV airs Zee Cine Awards every year which reward Bollywood actors and workers for their hard work. The awards are one of the popular awards on Indian Television.
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