#ms muffet
t3ddysramblings · 2 years
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what a romantic couple/sar
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Ms Muffet had just finished eating her day's sixth bowl of curds and whey and was squeezing in a quick set of shoulder raises when the call came in.
"Muffet, this is Tuffet Base, reporting an urgent SOS." The voice on the radio wobbled like one of those aspic meat jellies that was popular in the 70s. Personally, Muffet had never cared for them: not enough macros.
"Repeat, this is an urgent SOS.” The voice continued. “Come in, Muffet!"
Muffet set down the weights, wiped sweat from her brow and swallowed one more bite of delicious sour protein mush. She picked up the radio.
"Muffet, receiving. Please provide your security phrase and emergency code. Over."
"Phrase as follows: I love to churn my own butter, but it sure does make my wrist ache. Over.”
“Have you tried finger stretches? They’re a good, low-intensity way to build wrist strength. Over.”
“It’s no good. The butter is simply too thick. Over.”
Muffet’s jaw tensed. This phrase meant the distress call was serious. As serious as a heart attack in a country without nationalised healthcare.
“Phrase confirmed. And the emergency code?” Muffet thought for a second before adding. “P.s. finger stretches really are a great starting exercise for wrist strength. Over.”
“Advice appreciated, Muffet, someday we’ll all be as swole as you, gods willing.” For a moment, the wobble in his voice stilled. “Code is 8-Ball. Over.”
Muffet’s face went grim.
“You can’t tell because we’re on the radio, but fyi, my face just went super grim. Over.”
“Understandable, Muffet. I know you have a history with these things. Can you help us? I don’t mean to pressure you, but if we don’t get help I’m afraid it’s all over. Uh, over.”
Muffet took a deep breath and gently squeezed a stress toy in the shape of a bottle of milk with googly eyes. The stress toy exploded into scraps of foam at even the gentlest force from Muffet’s iron grip. Muffet pulled an identical stress toy from a crate and destroyed that one too.
“I’ll be right over. Uh, over.”
“Thank the gods for you, Muffet.”
- - -
As the Muffet-copter wheeled around over Tuffet Base, Ms Muffet surveyed the damage. Smoke was trailing up from the outer turrets and there was the faint sound of screams, audible even over the heavy whup-whup of chopper’s rotors.
And there were *things* crawling crawling over the base’s walls and swarming towards the central compound.
“Put him in a holding pattern, Gerald.” Muffet called to her footsman in the pilot’s seat.
Gerald - whose piloting was as expert as his meal-planning - did as instructed.
As the helicopter swooped lower and began to hover steadily around the base, Muffet quickly donned a harness and attached a rappel line. Then she jumped and fell like a majestic lemming towards the ground.
The line splayed out behind her to slow her descent, but she still landed with a thump (and in perfect superhero pose) ahead of the advancing swarm. Muffet straightened up and squared up to the largest spider who led the charge.
She was trembling, but even she couldn’t tell you if it was from fear or anger.
“Listen up, you octoped fuckos and silk-shitting creepos.” She called out with all the thundering force of a ripshit diaphragm. "I came here to kick ass and eat curds and whey. And guess what, I’m all out of curds."
"Not even you will stop us, Muffet.” The spiders chittered in unison back at her. “We have dwelled in lonely darkness for too long, it is time once more for us to build a community in the light. All will join us or will flee in terror."
“Oh buddy, weren’t you listening? You think you’re gonna come out on top, but…” Muffet put on a pair of sunglasses, “...there’s just no whey.”
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islandoforder · 2 years
murph really committing to gerard being sure it’s goldilocks and not ms muffet is so fucking funny
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hauntedtotem · 2 years
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@pyrohawx 's Puss in Boots OC Ms Eliza Muffet!
+ bonus chibi jack x muffet doodle
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thespoonisvictory · 2 years
strong disagree on takes that are saying that the intrepid heroes just disliked rapunzel because her design was offputting or because of her social mannerisms. 2 of the first things we learn about rapunzel are that:
1. a nat20 insight check doesn’t reveal any of her inner thoughts and feelings, just gives them the knowledge that she is an incredibly fake person who could be hiding anything. usually, a check that high means brennan gives you the whole story, meaning she was incredibly good at hiding
2. her hair is snaking throughout the entire castle, and can be used to watch them at any turn
those two things to me are the differentiator for why they were frightened of rapunzel, because she was learning everything about them while they could learn nothing about her
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anamdreams69 · 8 months
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underswap doodles bleeehh :^PP !!!
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atlaslovesedm · 3 days
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Aaaaand here they are!
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My Alphyne fanchildren, and...
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An AU of Muffet.
And some doodles while I was drawing them:
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ft. alphyne
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butternubsart · 2 years
A Ms.Muffet redraw!
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marquisegallery · 2 years
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Alright, last round of reposting old all here as a backup! All from roughly 2019/2020. I had some other stuff as well, but I’m either planning to redraw them at some point in the future anyways, or otherwise I’ll just, not repost them for now. :P
Anyways! This is all pairing stuff, ha ha. First is a Maddy and Match comic I made a looong time ago and apparently never reposted here? Well it’s here now. Second is my half of an old art trade with @bearballing! The other half of that trade is here. :D
The last two were also art trades with a DeviantArt buddy who has been MIA for uh, quite a while actually. Haven’t been able to reach him anywhere else, so all I can do now is hope he’s doing alright. His gallery will sometimes show up as deleted, and other times as still being viewable and not-deleted, so uh, yeah...
All of these I still think are worth at least reposting here, even if I probably won’t include them on the new InkBlot (mostly because it would be too many things to submit if I tried to do everything from my DeviantArt gallery...)
So yeah! This is probably about ti for making sure that my old art is getting backed up here. :>
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paging-possum · 1 year
I know we joke about the gay person English teacher bond but can we talk about how gay science teachers are. I’ve had at least 4 gay science teachers over the years and they were my favorite people ever and this in no way shape or form has influenced what kinds of characters I’m drawn to (lie)
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t3ddysramblings · 2 years
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Slowly figuring out my own universe
for now have my current favourite evil couple
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stellocchia · 1 month
The fact that, oftentimes, even when the Sanses involved in all the Multiverse stuff still have living brothers they're supposedly attached to, those brothers still become irrelevant to their story has always saddened me a bit.
Especially because the Papyruses have the potential to be just as interesting as their brothers.
Like, imagine being Horrortale Paps and your brother gets taken away. Your brother who is the only one holding the little community you live in together. Your brother who is the one making sure that, despite the food scarcity, you still got something in your plate every day.
You worry endlessly about him. You spend days hoping he's still alive, holding fiercely onto that hope that has always defined you. And nobody else believes it. Sans had been starving himself for years, he was bound to drop dead at some point, they say. They all knew it would happen, and they didn't know how to comfort Papyrus when he still refused to believe it.
Papyrus learns to be a leader in his brother's absence. He learns to take charge, become more assertive, and stand up to Undyne. And yet, through it all, he still has the strength to remain kind. He still follows his passion for puzzles. He still cooks any chance he gets. His brother isn't there to act as a buffer between him and the world, so he has to adapt, but adapting doesn't mean giving up everything that is at his core.
And then, one day, Sans comes back. And he has some friends with him. He goes by Horror now, and he's got a bunch of new traumas to deal with. And his friends do too. Killer, Cross, Dust, they're all huddled together, hesitant to approach. Killer's putting on a front, he's all sharp edges and deceiving smiles, Cross is being all formal, he's walking on eggshells constantly, as if Papyrus would hurt him if he dared to step over a line that isn't even there, and Dust doesn't say a word. He doesn't even look at Papyrus.
Papyrus welcomes them all to his home. Horror seems uneasy at first. Papyrus is fine after all. He survived and he and Snowdin are both thriving as much as they can. For a bit, their chat is awkward and stilted, but, eventually, Horror asks: "You don't need me here anymore, do ya bro?". And Papyrus, who never gave up hope and never changed any more than he needed reassures him: "I don't need you, but I would like it if you stayed. I would like to know you're safe" and he's as loud as he's ever been, as bright and positive and, well, Horror can't say no to his little brother.
Cross, Killer, and Dust can also stay as often as they want. His brother has a big heart and he won't care about their bloody pasts. And, yeah, Killer and Cross will probably go back and forth between the Epic Sanses and Horrortale, but at least they have some stability now. At least they know that there is someone out there in the Multiverse who won't look at their scars, their high level, and their EXP and immediately think they're the scum of the Earth, and that's... well, that's nice.
On the other hand, imagine being Underswap Papyrus, and your brother was never taken from you, he chose to leave. And everyone assumes it must have been your fault. Perhaps you were too protective, and that's why. Perhaps you didn't support him enough. Perhaps you didn't get along. Perhaps you were straight-up abusive. The rumors abound both out in the Multiverse and in your own home because Blue didn't go quietly. He doesn't do quiet.
He said goodbye to all his friends while parading around with two literal gods and then he vanished into a golden portal. He dismissed all of your concerns and almost resented you for them. Because he's not weak he's not stupid and he can take care of himself. And you agree with all of those points, he's the coolest after all, but also you know nothing about the Multiverse and there are gods out there, so you can't know if being the coolest is gonna be enough to keep him safe.
Papyrus was never social. He got along with his brother, Ms. Muffet, and the man behind the door. That's his entire circle of friends. And now one of them is gone, and many more people than before have turned hostile. Because Blue is a nice person, he's nice to everyone, he's outgoing and social, of course, he wouldn't just leave his brother unless he did something to deserve that! Especially when everyone knows that Papyrus' HOPE is so low and that he's been struggling with depression for a long time. Blue wouldn't just leave.
Except he did.
Except he left.
Except he's not there anymore, because the Star Sanses could offer him glory and fame, and the love of thousands of AUs, and Papyrus could give him none of that. The only thing he could offer was his support for Blue's dreams and his unconditional love. And it was obvious to both of them that those two things could never be enough.
Papyrus doesn't change, because he was always well-rounded enough to make it by himself, just like his brother was. They were two whole people who never completed one another.
If they meet again, it won't be a sweet reunion like for the Horrortale brothers. It will be in the Omega Timeline if their AU ever gets destroyed. And they will be strangers making awkward small talk that will never develop into anything more than that, because neither of them wants the other to stay.
However, perhaps there in the Omega Timeline Papyrus can find a nice ending to his story. There are people there who are rejects just as much as he is. Who have wild rumors spread about them that are more or less founded than those about him. Other people who lost everything and are trying to find themselves with some help.
And maybe one day he can meet other Papyruses who dealt with being left behind, willingly or not. Horrortale Paps certainly wouldn't mind acquiring a lanky brother too
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islandoforder · 2 years
battle of the snotty girlchild voices… in the blue corner, brennan lee mulligan, and somewhat appropriately, in the red corner we have emily axford
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hauntedtotem · 1 year
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Jack Horner x Miss muffet art dump for @pyrohawx
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
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Please read before continuing, thank you!
My name is Lunar, and I'd perfer you don't call me any nicknames unless we're friends/interactive moots! (Also note for my family here: You guys are cool!)
I am Lunarian, my pronouns are Lua/Luan/Luar!
I do not welcome Proship or Comship!
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I am an Age Regressor and a Pet Regressor!
I am a Therian!
I am Neptunic, Aego/ace, and Qoui/Demi-Romantic!
With that out of the way, salutations! I'm mainly in the UTMV Fandom as of now!
My other blogs! (Currently focusing on @v-lustale!)
@axolotl-agere (Post/Ask blog!)
@littlestlustsans (RP/Ask blog!)
@baby-blue-pearl (RP/Ask blog!)
@littlegeniusdonnie (RP/Ask blog!)
@little-prince-hunter (RP/Ask blog!)
@littlelunarislavender (Reblog/Post blog!)
Roleplay blogs!:
@lustsansisnonbinary (RP/Ask/AU blog!)
@the-axolotl-skellie (RP/skelesona/AU blog!)
@lunarslustsans (Ask/AU blog/RP blog!)
@sleepyslenderthem (Inactive/Abandoned)
@thelunarsystemshares (Reblogs!)
@v-lustale (Ask blog!)
@lunarsystemaus (Shared AU blog, inactive) @lusterrortale (Ask/AU blog!)
@lustsansfans (Shared/Reblog blog!)
@facadetalesans (alt account, Lost the password, inactive)
@facadesans (WIP/AU blog!)
@venting-with-lunar (Vent blog!)
The agere discord server! ^^
Moot appreciation post!
And here! My sona!!
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Moot ≠ Friend. If I consider you a friend, I will ask of you consider me a friend. Or vis versa. While I enjoy all my moots, I don't use the word 'friend' lightly, and require a bond with someone before I consider them a friend. So please if you want to be friends, ask!
Moot ≠ DM me whenever. I do not like getting DMs randomly. You can ask for DMs, and that's fine. And if we've DM'd before, or you're a friend/online family, you can DM me whenever! (I've legit unfollowed people for being too pushy w/ DMs, don't test me please!)
Friend ≠ Online Family. Please please please PLEASE do not tell me I'm part of your online family, it feels like a relationship (/p) is being forced on me!! The ONLY people I consider family are: Inka, and her partners Italic and Juno. (<- I haven't talked much to Juno though sadly.) And My twin, my brother Argos, Rick, (He's my best friend to me.) Casey, and my platonic spouse Aph.
Talking about NSFW: That is, an EXTREMELY private and sometimes triggering topic to me. ONLY with my very very close friends would I ever be comfortable talking about that. Do NOT make sexual jokes towards me, that's a good way to get blocked. /nm/srs
Also, I am highly uncomfortable being called a lesbian!! Please refrain from doing such!!
Girly pop, dudette, gurl/girly, lady, miss, mrs, ms—Feminine terms are off the table. Please don't use them on me!
Tagging: Tag games take a ton of mental energy for me!! While it's VERY appreciated and welcome to tag me in things, please don't be hurt if I don't reply back!!
Tone tags appreciated!!
Try to TW stuff before showing me/sending asks if it's triggering! 👍
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