#ms. vixen
vanosslirious · 1 year
Vanoss: Why did you do it then?
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Mikey: My girlfriend just brought me a HEALTHY drink for my tummy.
Raph: Is it a DIET Pepsi?
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bizlybebo · 5 months
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are we rocking with rarepair doomed divorced-but-never-married situationship yuri
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moominpopzz · 4 months
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hey guys these are my never-married never-truly-dating divorced moms,,, ya see one of thems yearning for what they could’ve been if she spoke up sooner and the others yearning for what they could’ve been if she didn’t go so long without realizing she felt the same…. Yeaaa…. They’re both too scared to speak up now incase they ruin the unnamed thing they have
vr wo words under ^_^
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auntymurda · 19 days
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ms. butta and bubblez cold for straight stuntin magazine.
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kosmicsandshoes · 2 months
How the 3p! Crew all became acquainted with one another:
Most of the events in the 3p! timeline stem from 3p! Marcel's scientific experiments. Knowing that experimentation and cleanup of such was a hefty load for even the most dedicated of singular individuals, Marcel puts out an ad in the classified section of the Liberty City Bell newspaper looking for a "private butcher". Given the world they live in, where instances of serial murders and occult practices happen all too often, he was confident in finding someone willing to do the job.
That someone, our 3p! Tyler, just so happened to be laid off from his job at a small, locally owned butcher shop, due to declining business as a result of bipedal remains being found in various meat samples from butchers all around the US. Considering the ad was in the classified section of the paper and specified "private butcher", Tyler already had a good guess of what type of butcher this psycho was looking for. He really didn't want to answer the ad, but he also desperately needed a job to pay his rent, so he dialed the number in the ad, and met the scientist in his lab/shack in the woods.
While having a personal butcher that did his job no questions asked was nice, Marcel also needed a "groundskeeper" of sorts. Gravedigger would be the more appropriate term, but they would get extra points if they kept the surrounding area looking somewhat nice, even if the lab and butchers room were complete disasters. His first coherent thought was his buddy 3p! Brock, who had helped him build this little shack in the woods that he called home. Brock knew he had had a mental break, and while most people would drag their friends to a psyche ward and ditch them there, Brock had willingly come out to the middle of the woods with him and helped him build his lab so it was (mostly) structurally sound. He knew his friend needed a job, so he phoned him up and offered him a groundskeeper position. Marcel never disclosed to Brock that the bags he would retrieve from "The Pig Pen" as he called it were full of chopped up cadavers, but Brock was well aware of it.
One of Marcel's first "successful" experiments is 3p! Scotty. He had been killed in a moped accident a couple months prior, and his death had quickened Marcel's descent into madness. So, late one evening, he and Brock snuck into the graveyard and made way with his body, already beginning the process of decomposition. After somewhat reconstructing him so he'd be stable, Marcel was able to re-animate Scotty. While his body was alive, his brain wasn't. He was only capable of communicating through moans and groans, and couldn't think for himself and is really in a vegetative state.
About a year or so later, we have Marcel's next "successful" experiment. Due to the nature of his work, most of Marcel's projects are kidnapped from various places. Mostly people walking alone at night. One of these unfortunate people was our 3p! Evan. He was a pizza delivery boy, and initially he was more annoyed than anything. Marcel had never experimented on a non-human before, so he went out of his way to make sure Evan survived every experiment he endured. It turned his feathers black and made him all but rabid, with a lethal bite to boot. He more resembled a feral cat cornered in an alleyway than a bipedal owl. He became scared and distrustful of people and prone to lashing out at anyone he didn't like (ie: everyone).
3p! Nogla had been born with a family gift of manipulative abilities given by the gods long ago. He had talked his way into the ultimate NEET lifestyle without so much as lifting a finger. Of course, he grew bored of it. He found a much more interesting hobby of picking strangers out in public and feigning interest in them, be it friendship or romance or otherwise. He outwardly portrays himself as a sensitive, wholesome and loving man oblivious to the cruel world they live in, and none of his victims realize he's the one responsible for their lives falling apart and their eventual deaths until it's too late.
Others in Liberty City have a disdain for Nogla, for obvious reasons. He really couldn't be stopped, as he could talk himself out of arrest and even be his own lawyer. Not to mention, there wasn't much he could be tried with, as he never directly killed any associated with him. The police grew tired of it, so they got in contact with a third party manufacturer. Skynet was the name, and they were willing to send the force one of their newest (and experimental) t-900 models. This units name was BR1-4N, and he was, by all accounts, a glitch. Somewhere along the production line, his chip had wound up in the wrong computer. Given complete unrestricted access to the internet, he gained sentience, and became convinced he was the greatest machine of all time. From the get-go, he refused to follow orders and did what he saw fit (for better or worse). Skynet wanted him out of their hair without destroying him (more to study him from a safe distance, to figure out what went wrong). So, he was sent to Liberty City to dispose of Nogla. Being a robot, and an arrogant, narcissistic one at that, he was completely immune to Nogla's abilities. BR1-4N, or Brian as he preferred to be called, was fascinated by Nogla's abilities, and decided to stick around and watch him work. He even helps out drawing people in sometimes, if he wants to of course.
Upon hearing the news of the crazy scientist in the woods making zombies and killing people, Brian and Nogla both wanted to check it out. With little effort in convincing security (Brock and Tyler) to let them through, they found said crazy scientist hunched over a bunsen burner, rapidly firing off names of chemicals neither of them could repeat, and a tall, green, disheveled looking man standing next to him holding a tray of chemicals out for him. While Nogla did most of the talking, Brian took interest in the cell a bit away, namely, the scraggly looking creature chained up inside. With little effort, Nogla got Marcel to unlock it so Brian could peer at the chained up birdman inside. Since he was extremely stressed out from all the added noise and stranger danger, when Brian reached out to pet him on his head, Evan bit him. His jacket and synthetic skin corroded away almost immediately, but not his endoskeleton (they're made to withstand things like that). Brian, not understanding that that was a display of defensive aggressiveness, immediately was like "aw, he likes me! can we keep him?". Nogla, despite being genuinely disturbed by the sight of skin and jacket melting off his companions arm like mud being hosed off a truck, agreed, just because, like many others before him, Evan intrigued him. Marcel and Scotty, as well as Tyler and Brock, couldn't do more than stand a ways away as the possibly most dangerous experiment walked out the door with 2 randos. Evan stays with them because, despite also being terrible people, he doesn't have anywhere else to go besides a psyche ward, and they're relatively nice to him. At least, compared to the scientist and his zombie.
Upon losing his finest creation yet, Marcel delved deep into the occult, filling his head with knowledge of supernatural entities. This was in an attempt to channel his rage over losing his mutant bird man into a being that wouldn't be killed for any rampage. Upon finding the perfect deity, an intelligent, yet brutal swamp imp named Cartilage (Marcel misread this as Cartoonz, somehow). Upon summoning the imp lord (despite getting his name wrong) Marcel instructed him to run free and do as he pleased, knowing the destruction it would cause. All he requested was that his staff be left unharmed (he needed them after all). Cartilage abided by this, and now spends his days, hunting bipedals that stray too far from the beaten path in the swamp nearby Marcel's woods.
Delirious (Mimelirious, if you will) is a mystery. No one knows for sure where he came from, or what his story is. During his normal jaunt through the park early in the day while Brian was making repairs on himself and Evan was sleeping, Nogla came across the mime. Painted entirely black and white, and completely mute (by choice), he was entertaining a couple with his display. He was an excellent mime, able to put up invisible barriers that made noise when he pounded on them, able to float in mid-air a little ways while perfectly mimicking the sound of a go kart. Nogla was fascinated, naturally. The couple, however, seemed to be mocking him more than anything. In a rare display of genuine empathy, Nogla tipped the mime a generous 20$, unknowingly saving his life. Later in the evening, when doing his evening rounds before letting Evan run free for a couple hours, Nogla was stopped by some rather gross sounds emanating from an alley nearby the park. Upon looking inside, Nogla found Delirious, making a macabre display with the blood and bones of the couple that had mocked him. Now infinitely more interested in the masked man, Nogla offered (see, ordered) his help with setting a tent up in the park, so Delirious could have all the captive audience he wanted to preform with. Delirious (without much need for manipulation) accepted the offer.
Edit 1:
3p! Lui moved into the apartment complex shortly after Brian and Nogla became roommates. He moved to that part of town from a slum, mostly to finally have a chance at feeling safe for once in his life. He figured living in a busier area would make the paranoia he faced daily lessen, to an extent at least. His neighbors seemed alright, the robot guy was full of himself, and Lui didn't trust Skynet tech in the slightest, so he made a mental note to keep his distance. The tall guy in the pink shirt had made him jump, but then again, everything made him jump. He seemed friendly enough, going out of his way to introduce himself and offering his hand in friendship. Despite the ever present alarm bells going off in his head, Lui just about accepted his hand before he was pulled off to the side by someone, which also made him jump. The tall, grey vixen pushed him behind her slightly as she told the man thanks-but-no-thanks on his behalf, and ushered him into his apartment. She introduced herself as Lanai, and she explained Nogla's ability to manipulate at almost a mystical level. She also explained his motivations, which drained the color from Lui's face as he recalled stories of people leaping into traffic and clawing their own eyes out because "they were told to". Lui didn't really trust Lanai either, since she just looked frightening, but he's greatful to have another person just trying to survive in this world.
3p! Lanai has been through alot. She used to be a party girl back in college, but after being the lone survivor of a frat party massacre, she grew bitter and spiteful of the world around her. About a year or so later, an old group of her friends and her boyfriend (at the time) surprised her with a weekend getaway to a fancy tourist spot out of town. Unfortunately, Lanai seems to bear the curse of being a final girl, as she, yet again, is the lone survivor of Vice City Beach Resort Incident. Experiencing 2 multiple homicides within a year of each other does a number on one's social life, as she Lanai became reclusive, never going out to the world, never trying to make new friends. She just wants to live a solitary life in peace. Her neighbors across the hall don't make that easy, what with the manipulator bringing new people home almost twice a week, only for their remains to be discovered somewhere else a week later. That damn robot was annoying too. Always hitting on her, always talking himself up to be hot shit, proclaiming to her and any other prying ears that may be listening how she'd be remiss not to accompany him to the "Bipedal Sustenance Location". It was bearable for a while, she just avoided both men like the plague. Then they brought that... that thing home. It looked avian, with pitch black feathers and deranged red eyes. It's beak was tied shut, and the chain around its neck was stained red. The robot talked highly of it, now missing the synthetic flesh of his right arm. He would pet it like it was a dog, completely ignoring the warning growls and neon green saliva dripping from the corners of its beak. Lanai would watch through her peephole every night as the robot took it outside, a flimsy rope attached to the broken chain. Many hours later, they would return, sometimes with the spoils of war. One day, as she was entering her apartment, the creature charged at her, beak untied and rope nowhere in sight. Without hesitation, she kicked it square in the beak, knocking it to the floor. Of course the robot was not far behind, and he absolutely laid into her, calling her every name in the book for hurting his precious... whatever that thing was. Ever since that day, Lanai has not been on good terms with any occupants of the apartment across the hall.
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tawodi-art · 2 years
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A character for my friend's site, BLACK DOG.
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wwwyzzerdd420 · 2 years
It's 9 am time to get extremely horny over the purple m&m again 😫😫😫
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vanosslirious · 2 years
Terroriser: I think it's going to be spirit box because Vanoss just walked around with it without turning it on.
Vanoss: What are you talking about? I had it on.
*Ms. Vixen laughing*
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons the Mothman should die, collectively written by the residents of the Hazbin Hotel:
Coding for Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Pentious, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, pretty much everyone
TW: References to abuse
He’s holding back Angel’s progress. (Vaggie, is killing really necessary?) (I am concerned about going after a Vee)
I’m hungry (ALASTOR!)
Ms. Angel gets nervous when on the phone with him.
His coat is tacky.
He’s a bug! And bugs must be DESTROYED!
So Angel stops feeling like he has to be so damn fake. This is getting on my fucking nerves.
HE LICKED CHARLIE!!! (Vaggie, wait it���s okay.)
Color scheme sucks. Purple AND red?!
He makes Angel sad, NOBODY should make Angel sad.
Those obnoxious glasses just make him look stupid.
He’s a manipulative, abusive prick.
ANGEL DIDN'T KNOW BOUNDARIES WERE A THING?!?!?!?!?!? (Honestly that explains a lot.)
NOBODY deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
Too many arms. Nobody needs that many. (...Angel has that many?) (Well maybe he shouldn't.)
Ms. Angel keeps coming home all messy!!
He’s ruining hearts for everyone. Me and Angel already have enough. At least those are on our bodies, what’s his excuse?
Hearts should not even be ASSOCIATED with Valentino, THIS IS NOT LOVE.
I can do without all the sexual depravity. While I am in Hell this is NOT one of the reasons.
If I have to hear that ringtone one more damn time-
The Eggies found some of his films. They should never be exposed to such horrors. Now I have to explain what “a sex” is.
Makes picture shows that are a disgrace to the idea of “entertainment.”
He’s making a bad name for Uncle Ozzie. This is NOT “lust.”
So we don’t have to listen to another one of Angel’s pornos. (Agreed, it’s quite horrifying!!)
So Ms. Angel isn’t tired when she gets home and can save the kinky stuff for then :) (Niff, really?)
So the kid stops coming home with bruises and cuts that I fix up at 3 am. (Husk, what the fuck?)
Because what the FUCK Valentino?
He keeps forcing Angel to do drugs. (HE WHAT?! Like crack??) (That but also I’m pretty sure whatever comes out of him is an aphrodisiac.)
I want to use his antenna as a backscratcher
Has that whole red color thing going on. Only I am allowed to wear red :) (Al, your text isn’t even red.) (My what?)
What is up with his red spit and smoke? Seriously disgusting.
The red stuff from him may be what allows Velvette to create her “Love Potions” which funds Vax’s stupid endeavors (Do you mean Vox?) (Who?)
FOR MY COLLECTION :D (…yeah okay.)
Really is making a bad name for Overlords. And not in the fun way.
Angel’s shown trauma signs of abuse in our meetings. Im pretty sure it’s Valentino.
Make a doll out of his fur so I have a main villain for roach puppet shows!!!
His only purpose is to keep Veks occupied but considering Vixen’s inane attempts to catch my attention it isn’t working.
So Angel can have his soul and he and Husk can run off into the sunset together like in a fanfiction!!! (Ah, yes that would be nice.) (WE WHAT?!) (Oh Husker, denial doesn’t suit you.)
So Angel can get a good boyfriend THAT’S NOT ME to stop these bullshit allegations.
So Angel can admit his feelings to Husker because our cat surely isn’t going to be the first to do it. (ALASTOR I SWEAR TO GOD!)
Who knows how many other people he’s abusing.
Seems to give Vicks confidence. He has enough of that as is. It much more fun to destroy him.
He makes Angel sad which makes Cherri sad!
Called my dear Rosie an "old hag" NOBODY CALLS ROSIE AN OLD HAG.
Angel is a good friend and deserves so much better.
I’ve forgotten what moths taste like.
He keeps trying to get Angel to move out :(
Told the kid he had to lose weight. What the actual FUCK. (Ill kill him.)
He’s annoying and looks quite stupid. How has this not been added yet?!
He’s making a bad name for Spanish speakers everywhere. (Yeah it’s embarrassing.) (Wait… what?)
He’s making a bad name for pansexuals everywhere.
He’s making a bad name for wing-holders everywhere. (HE HAS FUCKING WINGS?!) (Oh, yeah, I didn’t tell you?)
Too tall. This is ridiculous.
Won’t admit he’s blind so he’s become even more of a public safety hazard.
If I get one more transmission of him and Box commiting lascivious acts someone will be eaten. I don’t care who. What the purpose of these are I don’t know. Advertisement? (I think it’s to make you jealous boss.) (Ha! Jealous of what? Mediocre sex with a pathetic excuse for a businessman with a TV as a head?)
Because Angel deserves fucking better.
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Interlude: Lonely
IU X Miyeon X Male Reader
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You have walked past her table a couple of times already. It's not unusual to drink while having dinner, she is an adult after all. But the amount she is consuming starts to concern you. One bottle of soju after another finds its place on her table.
When you walk past her once again, to greet someone whom you haven't talked to yet, you decide to sit down. In that moment, someone else enters your restaurant. You stand there for a moment, wondering what's going on.
Her black dress is slightly gleaming in the light. It's quite short and her rather big boots compliment it well. She isn't wearing a necklace. Only a couple pearl rings and a handbag. Her black hair completes that dark look she has going on.
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When your eyes meet, you remember you are in a public place. There is no official reason for the both of you to know each other. And yet Choi Miyeon has that look on her face already. That look that tells you what she wants you to do to her tonight.
Distracted, you don't realize that you have been standing next to the other idol, whom you were concerned about earlier.
"Why are you standing here? I didn't order anything."
Her drunk voice sounds kinda cute, although her outfit isn't. She is going for the same look as the vixen, who just sat down at a table nearby. Dark and sexy.
Her eyes are only half open as she stares at you.
"You know what? Bring me another bottle?"
She points with her finger at you, but it sways slightly and it looks like she wants to hypnotize you.
"Ms Lee. Why don't you go back to your hotel?"
You ask in a polite tone, but she waves you off.
"No no no. My room is empty. I don't want to be empty."
She scoffs before downing another glass of soju.
You weren't prepared for drunk talk tonight, but she is still your customer. When she appeared a few hours ago, you were surprised, but then you remember the brand, which you buy your soju from.
Lee Ji-eun, aka IU, decided to check out your restaurant, when she heard of its opening.
"Ms Lee. Can you tell me where your manager is?"
If you can't get her home, he probably can.
"Don't call me that."
She furrows her brows as she leans her head on her forearms, which are resting on the table. Her chef for her table left a while ago, so the two of you are alone.
"Just Ji. Or IU. I'm alone anyways."
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She murmurs into the sleeves of her jacket.
"Fine. IU then. It's late already, don't you want to have some sleep? I'm sure you are tired."
"No no no."
She raises her hand and waves to decline your idea.
"My bed is empty. I don't want to."
"It's empty since you aren't in it."
"I'm empty."
You sigh as you rub your face. The whole day has been hectic and stressful.
"How about I bring you home?"
IU focuses on you, at least she is trying to, and eyes you suspiciously.
"You-You wanna play?"
You raise your eyebrow.
"You wanna play?"
She giggles before trying to one shot another glass. Most of the clear liquid falls onto the table, some stains her top.
"What kind of game?"
IU shakes her head, which obviously makes her feel dizzy afterwards.
"You don't know. No no no."
You sigh, before asking the inevitable.
"What don't I know?"
"What-What we play. I never have someone to play."
"Don't you have friends?"
You feel like you are talking to a twelve year old who just took some painkillers.
"They don't play with me."
She mumbles on and pouts cutely as she slightly lifts her head.
"They only play with each other. Or with guys."
The last part was definitely filled with bitterness and annoyance.
"Guys don't want to play with me either. Why not?"
She looks at you, her eyes still barely open.
"Why don't boys play with me?"
You are starting to realize what she is saying. And you also realize where this is heading.
"Am I not cute?"
She pushes the empty green bottles away from her and you realize IU is recreating one of her commercials. At least she is trying to.
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You do have to say so that drunk IU isn't as cute as her sober counterpart.
"Or am I not sexy enough?"
It takes her a moment to focus on you and open her eyes completely. But when she does, she looks stunning.
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The Korean singer is older than you. Quite a few years actually. You weren't really into older women before, but IU? You can see why guys would be tempted.
"You are one gorgeous woman."
You smile at her, hoping this will lift her mood.
"Then why don't you do it?"
She gives you a groggy smile and sways that finger of hers again.
"Why don't you play with me?"
"You are drunk, IU."
She shakes her head.
"No no no. Not drunk. T-Tipsy."
She nods as if she is trying to convince herself.
"Yes, yes. Tipsy."
You lean back in your seat, trying to come up with a plan to get this woman in a bed. It doesn't have to be yours, but if she would be to sober up on the way, you wouldn't be complaining.
"Excuse me, sir."
You close your eyes in disbelief as you recognize the voice. Turning around, you see Miyeon standing behind you.
"May I talk to you for a moment? It's-"
You can see her struggling to come up with some excuse. Luckily, almost all of the media is already gone.
"It's about the cucumbers."
She looks surprised at herself at that idiotic comment. One might think that she is hammered too.
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You glare at her, but she eventually convinces you with her suggestive glance towards your crotch. Cucumbers my ass.
About to stand up, you see IU lift her head, which dropped back onto her arms a couple of moments ago.
She looks at Miyeon.
"He wants to play with me. Why are you taking him?"
Miyeon ignores her and drags you a couple of steps away.
You don't know how Miyeon did it. But you find yourself walking down the sidewalk, IU holding onto your arm. She is less drunk already. The pill that Miyeon gave her, some water and the cool Paris night seem to sober her up.
"I apologize for making you bring me to my hotel."
You shake your head as you look down the empty street.
"It is closing time soon, anyways."
"Thank you, though."
She squeezes your arm gently.
"What did you mean earlier?"
IU looks at you with worry.
"What did I say?"
"You said you are lonely."
She nods as the two of you keep walking.
"I am. I sometimes have the feeling that no one is interested in me."
You stay silent as she keeps talking.
"I can never really have a boyfriend. Or girlfriend."
She whispered that last word, but you managed to hear it.
"It must be hard since you are a celebrity. But I'm sure you will find someone you love eventually."
To your surprise, IU shakes her head.
"That's not what I want right now."
She looks up into your eyes.
You look away and keep walking in silence.
"I just want to-"
She looks around the empty street, before getting on her tiptoes.
"-get fucked."
She stares at you once more.
You are about to say something, having Miyeon's plan still in the back of your head, but the Korean actress looks away.
"I'm jealous of all the girl groups, you know? They maybe don't have boyfriends, but at least each other."
She sighs and you realize she isn't completely sober yet.
"Imagine if you were in a nine member group. All of their hands on your body."
Her voice sounds dreamy and you stay quiet, but not because you are polite.
"Their fingers on your skin. All of them taking turns kissing you..."
She trails off and looks into the night.
You curse silently, glancing at your pants.
As if she has done this a million times, IU lets her hand slide down your arm and locks her fingers with yours.
"As much as I love younger girls eating me out, I love younger guys fucking my brains out more."
The two of you come to halt and you can't say a word. Until now, she was as subtle as possible. Now she is just saying out loud what she is thinking.
"Do you know how long it has been since I sucked cock?"
She takes a step closer, her eyes partially covered by her bangs.
"I would give anything for a nice dick in my pussy right now."
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As soon as the elevator doors close, IU pulls your head down. She captures your lips with hers and you can still taste some of the soju she drank earlier.
As the taste and her scent start to take over your senses, you realize she smells like strawberries. Her lips, which have a similar color, are soft and sweet as you invade her mouth with your tongue.
Your make out session is interrupted when the doors open again, but IU takes your hand and drags you after her. She almost runs to her room, before she uses the key card to open the door.
As she is about to step inside, you pin her against the doorframe. You feel her bite your lip as you push your tongue inside her mouth once more. Holding her hands in yours, you take the key card and let it fall to the ground, right outside the room.
The two of you stumble towards her bed as you kick the door shut behind you. Afraid you are gonna hurt her, you make sure she is on top as the two of you hit the sheets. IU is lying on top of you, her bangs slightly tickling your forehead as she keeps her lips on yours.
As you stroke her hair, you feel her hands running down your body with one particular goal. Making quick work of your belt, she doesn't stop kissing you. Your own hands run down her naked lower back and hold onto her butt, locking her in place.
"Let me go."
She smiles into the kiss as she tuggs at the waistband of your boxers.
"I can do more with these lips than kissing."
You let her cheeks go and you feel her glide down your body. Raising your hips, you see IU taking off your pants.
"This was worth the wait."
Her eyes sparkle with satisfaction as she sees your cock. She reaches out with both hands, before she starts to stroke you. One at the bottom, one at the top. You feel yourself harden immediately at her work. She does seem skilled, although she said she doesn't have much sex.
Opening her mouth, IU lets some spit fall off her tongue and onto your tip. She spreads it around your tip with her thumb.
"This looks delicious."
She gives you a big smile, before she leans down. Her upper hand is replaced by her warm mouth. Slowly, her lips glide along the length of your shaft.
You reach out to hold her hair as IU gives you one of the best blowjobs you ever had. Her skillful tongue does not miss a spot as she lets it roam all over your cock. Her lips are sealed tight around you, making her cheeks hollow. While her right hand is still holding the base of your cock, the left one is sliding upwards, underneath your shirt.
IU can feel your abs with her hand as she keeps taking your cock into her mouth. You almost think that she doesn't have a gag reflex at all. Your tip reaches the back of her throat. The black haired woman takes it with ease as she has almost all of your cock in her mouth.
Once she reaches your base with her lips, she does choke slightly. She looks up, before moving her head in a circular motion, which makes you groan. Your cock still deep inside her throat.
"Fuck, you are good."
IU slowly moves her head upwards, letting your dick out of her mouth.
"This is nothing."
She gives you a naughty smile.
"I could suck you off with my eyes closed."
"Is that so?"
She winks at you and resumes her blowjob. You have to close your eyes momentarily as she works wonders on your cock. A few moments later, you are able to untie your blue tie. Reaching forward, you place it on her eyes, before tying it at the back of her head.
"What is this?"
IU chuckles.
"You said you could do this with your eyes closed."
You glance at the door as you see it open quietly.
"You bet. As long as I have a cock in my throat, I don't care if I can see or not."
The woman who just entered the room bites her lip at the older woman's comment.
Afraid that IU would catch on, you guide her head back towards your dick. When her lips touch your tip, a smile plays around them, before she obediently opens her mouth. As your cock glides into her mouth, you see Miyeon staring.
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As if she forgot what she is here for. You point with your free hand towards her small sports bag she brought with her, which snaps Miyeon out of her trance.
She puts it down quietly, but all that can be heard in this room right now are IU's sucking sounds.
The younger woman opens her bag quickly, taking out a long, black object.
Unbeknownst to IU, Miyeon hooks her thumbs underneath the straps of her dress, before letting it fall to the ground. That she isn't wearing a bra was obvious before, but you can now see that she isn't wearing underwear either.
While IU still works on your cock, you watch Miyeon idly playing with her clit. She rubs it with two of her fingers as she watches the two of you.
You mouth in her direction.
It takes her a couple of moments to tear her eyes away from your cock, which is currently resting inside IU's throat.
She winks at you, before reaching for the black object and something else inside the bag. When she said she brought some toys, you just shrugged it off. But it looks like Miyeon has a whole arsenal with her.
You watch her putting on the black strap on, while holding a bottle of lube.
"You are so quiet. Did you pass out already?"
IU chuckles at your attempt to keep quiet.
"You would need to work harder for that."
She sticks her tongue out mockingly, before letting more spit drop out of her mouth.
"Let's see who passes out first."
She wraps her lips around your cock once again.
As IU deep throats your dick, Miyeon is slowly walking towards the bed. She already opened the small glassy bottle in her hand. She is slowly stroking the long strap on with her slick hand. If you saw it correctly, the lower part of her toy is resting inside her own pussy, around four inches, while the rest is for her to use on her sunbae. It's around your own length, but yours is slightly bigger.
IU is still chocking on your cock. It looks like she is determined to make you pass out, or at least make you cum. Either way, she keeps you down her throat, not letting an inch miss any attention.
You have to hold onto a fistful of her dark hair, while your left hand is grabbing the sheets. IU is not joking around when it comes to blowjobs.
You watch Miyeon as she is now standing right behind the bed. In one swift motion she reaches forward and takes a hold of the older girl's pants' waistband.
IU's surprised yelp is muffled by your cock down her throat. You force her head in place. Miyeon starts to take off her pants. IU struggles against the two of you.
"Stay put."
You force her lips to reach your base once more.
"You said you want attention."
Once IU has calmed down, Miyeon finally manages to rid her off her pants.
"Wow, unnie. Your pussy looks so pretty."
She purrs, before getting onto the bed herself.
You see IU relaxing as she realizes that the other girl is someone she knows. She just doesn't know who it is yet. In her blindfolded state, she is forced to only react to both of your touches. Miyeon holds onto her waist, making her rise her butt. She is now in this "demon pose" position. You can see the shape of her plump ass behind her head from your point of view.
"Fuck. Your body."
You see IU smile around your cock.
It's quickly replaced by a moan as you watch Miyeon spit on her hand, before reaching between the older girl's legs.
A couple of moans and seconds later, you can already see Miyeon aligning her strap on with IU's snatch.
You are kinda jealous, especially after Miyeon's comment.
The older girl's mouth forms an O shape as she gets penetrated by the plastic strap on. Your wet cock falls out of her mouth.
"Holy fuck."
"Do you like this, unnie?"
"I love it."
IU sighs as she holds onto the base of your dick once more. She guides your tip towards her mouth. Pushing her head down, you watch IU getting two of her wholes stuffed with cock. Although you can't see it, you can tell that her eyes are closed in bliss.
Miyeon moves her hips back and forth, letting the strap on slide in and out of IU's cunt. With every thrust forward, the older girl gets pushed forward, which forces your cock deeper down her throat.
Your head rests against the hotel room wall as you try to keep your composure. Even with a dildo in her pussy, IU is still sucking the life out of you. Her mouth trying it's best to make you cum. Your hand in her hair tugs at it occasionally, making her stop for just a moment. There are plenty of moments, where you think you are about to cum. But luckily, you manage to make her stop just at the right time.
"Your cock is so big now."
IU's words are interrupted by another one of her moans.
"I know you are going to cum."
She uses your tip to smear all your pre cum over her lips.
"Just give it to me already."
She takes you into her mouth again. Determined to make you cum now.
Looking behind her, you watch Miyeon slowly fucking IU from behind. Her own eyes are closed, the other end of the strap on obviously pleasuring her more than she would like to admit. Her hips roll back and forth, letting the plastic move in and out of IU's snatch.
"Come on, baby. Cum in my mouth."
The older girl makes you focus on her again. You have to hold onto her head with both hands, due to the pleasure she is sending through your system. You didn't plan on cuming so fast. But here you are.
As IU deep throats your cock, you hold her in place with both hands. Her lips almost reaching the end of your cock. You feel her gagging slightly. The muscles of her throat tighten around you. The slight shoves from Miyeon make her move around you. She humms slightly, when Miyeon hits the right spot.
"I'm gonna cum."
You groan as you feel IU's hands wander towards your abs once more. She isn't leaving room for her hands on your cock anyway.
Her gags become louder. As Miyeon gives her a big thrust from behind, you finally cum down IU's throat. You push her head further down as you feel her moan. Ropes of your cum coat her throat and mouth from the inside.
It takes you a couple of moments to recover from IU's blowjob. You just lie on the bed, enjoying the view of her getting softly pounded by Miyeon. You realize that she still doesn't know, who is fucking her.
The same thought runs through Ji-eun's head at the same time. She was surprised at first, to say the least. And although the strap on doesn't compare to a real cock, it's still a nice feeling to get filled in two holes at the same time. As you are now recovering, your cock resting in her hands, Ji-eun tries to guess who is fucking her. It's hard, since she sometimes loses her train of thought, whenever the girl behind her is hitting the right spot. She called her unnie, right? It can't be Yoo In-Na then, since she is older. Plus, she would have recognized her voice.
Lee Ahin maybe? But she would have called her "sunbaenim" respectfully. But it still could be her. Ji-eun remembers, that she was jealous the way Ahin looked at you occasionally from across the room.
You see Miyeon bite her lip, as a moan escapes her mouth. You never expected to be in this situation. And you never expected Miyeon to come up with this idea.
Watching her pleasuring herself and IU with her strap on makes your cock hard again. The older girl's hands aren't very innocent either though.
As she realizes that you are ready for round two, IU takes you into her mouth once more. You are still a little more sensitive than usual. You groan as she does her best to make your cock as hard as possible. Her body still being rocked back and forth by Miyeon.
"Daddy, you should try this pussy."
Miyeon sighs, her half opened eyes focused on you.
"I think this unnie is hungry for your cock in her little cunt."
The way IU moans at the younger girl's comment makes you slowly guide her head off your cock.
Her eyes are still covered, which means she still can't see what you are doing. You get off the bed and walk over to Miyeon. Capturing her lips with yours, you make the younger girl come to halt. The two of you enjoy each other's mouths.
Glancing downwards, you have a good view on IU's pussy. It's visibly stretched out by Miyeon's black dildo. Her lower lips are tightly wrapped around it. You can see some of her slick juices running down her inner thighs as she is still in the same position as before. You reach out to knead her left ass cheek.
"What are you waiting for? Give it to me."
She moans as she looks over her shoulder, eyes still covered by your tie.
You push against the left side of her hips, which makes her fall on her back on the bed. Miyeon left her pussy just a second earlier and now you are standing between her legs.
You admire IU's beautiful pussy. Her pink, plump lips glisten slightly. Her clit is slightly visible and her skin around it is as smooth as the rest of her body.
Unable to resist, you lean down to have a taste. You taste some of her juices as you lick her pussy lips.
"Oh, fuck."
IU moans. She expected your cock, not your tongue.
Standing straight again, you hold her waist with both hand. Nodding towards the bottle of lube, you instruct Miyeon to use it. A mischievous smile appears on her face. While she opens it and pours some of the liquid onto the strap on, you pick IU up. She instinctively wraps her legs around you, still not having a clue about what's about to happen. Her arms are reaching around your neck and her face is right in front of yours. You move a little, so that Miyeon can stand behind her.
You place your hand on one of her firm butt cheeks, while the other reaches for your cock. Slowly, you insert yourself into her pussy.
"Oh god."
IU sighs as your tip enters her. Since she is way smaller than you, you have to slide her up and down on your cock. Now holding both of her cheeks in your hand, you slowly lower her further.
With every inch, IU's mouth opens wider. When she finally reaches your base, a loud moan escapes her mouth.
"Fuck you are so big."
Her walls are tight around you. Looking down, you see one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen. IU's pink lips molding around your cock, keeping it in her snatch.
Her head drops back as you make her lean away from you by pulling her ass towards you. She is now on the perfect night for Miyeon. The younger girl runs her fingers over IU's waist, before aligning her strap on with her hole.
Once the wet plastic touches her rear entrance, IU knows what's going on.
"Oh fuck! I have never dones this before."
You can tell she is squeezing her eyes shut as Miyeon starts to push inside of her. You feel her strap on press against your cock through the thin wall of IU's body. With every inch, the older woman breaths heavier, until she is completely filled.
Her black hair covers Miyeon's face as she is just hanging there between the two of you. She is completely defenseless. IU can't do anything but moan as you start to lift her up.
She has never felt so full. Both of her holes are stuffed with cock as she slides upwards. Since Miyeon is shorter than you, you have to stop lifting IU when you reach your own tip, otherwise the strap on would slide out. And whenever you push IU down, she can only take a third of Miyeon's dildo inside of her.
Despite these little flaws, the older girl still feels like she is in heaven. All of her muscles relax except the ones in her pussy and ass. Over and over you slowly lift her up and pull her down. After just a couple of moments, the Korean actress has become a stuttering mess.
"Oh! Fu-! Yes! Please more!"
Her back is now completely arched, her head resting on Miyeon's shoulder. Because IU is still wearing that black top, you can only dive into her neck. You kiss her skin as you make her moan in tandem with your moves.
After having found a rhythm that works for all of you, you start to go a little faster. The effect it has on IU is evident as her moans turn louder and her hands on your back hold you tighter. You hear Miyeon moan occasionally as well, whenever IU is pushed onto her strap on. It pushes it a little further into her own pussy everytime, giving her pleasure as well.
The older woman has now lost her ability to form words. Her moans are deep and drawn out. Her pussy feels incredible tight, partially because of Miyeon's strap on in her ass, which slightly pushes against your cock.
You hear IU whine as she starts to cum. Her body tenses up a little as she feels a flame burn through her body. It has been building up since Miyeon pulled her pants off. Now, she is cuming on your cock, her juices dribbling down onto the carpet.
You hiss as you feel IU's pussy contracting around you. The way she feels pushed you closer as well. You are able to hold out, until she calms down, but you know that you might not survive another orgasm of hers.
You keep your rhythm nonetheless, making IU moan loudly once more. Her eyes are still covered as she sees nothing but darkness. After that orgasm, the flame in her body doesn't die down. Instead, it keeps building again. The darkness is replaced by bright colors. You are quite literally making her see stars as you make IU cum for a second time.
She whines once more, too lust drunk to speak. At the same time, Miyeon moans. You guess it's not really about the stimulation for her, but the act itself. A small orgasm rushes through the younger girl's body, making her knees buckle.
Seeing the two of them cum, makes you want to do the same. For a second you wonder if you want to trade holes with Miyeon, but IU's pussy is something you can't pass up on. There is no way in hell you pull out, until you cum.
Up until now, the two of you fucked her with a rather slow, steady pace. Fast enough to make her cum, but still not with your usual force. You can feel the lust building up inside of you.
Miyeon looks like that as well, although she probably has something else in mind. Although the dildo inside of her makes her feel good, it's hard for her to cum. The two of you exchange glances, before you come to a silent agreement.
You lift IU up one last time, higher than before. It makes Miyeon's strap on slide out of her ass, while your tip still remains inside of her. You see your cock is slick with her juices. The younger girl hurries to unbuckle the belt of her strap on, before letting it fall to the ground. She jumps onto the bed, her hand already near snatch as she is ready to watch the end of the show.
Ji-eun is still wondering what's going on as she obviously feels Miyeon's strap on leave her ass. You kiss her neck once more as she is too tired to complain about the lack of fullness.
Your arms start to get tired, so you place her on the wooden dresser, which is standing near the bed. Her back is pressed against the cold wall as you push fully inside of her once more.
"Right there."
She sighs as you hit a new spot in this position. Looking behind you, you see Miyeon is already knuckle deep in her own pussy, eyes only half open. She decided that it's more pleasurable for her if she doesn't have to move so much. The fucking tiring her out.
Knowing that IU can't look at Miyeon, since you are blocking the view, you pull down your tie. It hangs loosely around her neck as you see her eyes after a long time. Her lust makes her look like she is angry. Her brown eyes focused on you as her upper lip slightly twitches.
"Now fuck me hard."
She demands, not even bothering to try and find out, who fucked her ass.
You bottom out inside of her as you start to pound her onto the wall.
She has become more vocal, now that she can see. Maybe she was a little shy earlier, but now, she is enjoying herself too much to care.
"Fuck yes! Make the whole hotel hear!"
She moans loudly as you keep your pace. The dresser doesn't seem very safe. It starts to rock back and forth with your thrusts, hitting the wall occasionally. It creaks as you fuck IU on its smooth surface.
"Make them know that I'm getting pounded hard! Make them touch themselves!"
You fuck her faster, almost scared she is going to hit the wall with her head. Now that she can see, IU keeps her eyes on yours, capturing your gaze.
"I'm gonna cum."
It's hard to bring that sentence over your lips, but you can't stop it. It's like IU's pussy was made for only one purpose. To make you cum.
"Yeah! Give it to me!"
She moans louder, holding onto the shirt you are still wearing.
"Cum all over my pussy! Paint me with your cum!"
Holding onto her waist, you pull IU further onto your cock with every thrust. You hear Miyeon in the background, moaning and whining as she cums on her finger. The dresser sounds like it's going to collapse any minute as you fuck one of the most beautiful women on earth on its surface.
IU's face is close to yours and her lips find yours. The two of you kiss, without slowing down your pace.
Pulling back one last time, you thrust into IU as you feel yourself cuming. You regretfully leave her tight pussy. But she told you where she wants it.
As you climax, your cum starts to paint her pussy. It coats her puffy lips and her clit, some drops hitting her flat midriff.
"Fuck yes."
IU sighs as she feels your warm cum on her pussy. It slowly dribbles down along her lips and onto the wooden surface underneath her.
You capture IU's pink lips with your own as that strawberry taste invades your taste buds once more. Out of the corner of your eye, you see that Miyeon is already putting her dress back on.
IU will never know, who of her juniors made her ever feel so full. And loved.
(Alternative Ending)
Hi, everyone!
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. From now on, I will try to occasionally mix in these shorter interludes. This way, I can write smaller chapters, which I get expired by in random situations, or you can request scenarios, which aren't exactly compatible with the story. I will try my best to somehow fit them into the story, for example as a dream. These short chapters aren't really relevant for the plot, which means you can read them without the story, or if you don't like the idols, you can just skip them.
Have a great day!
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moominpopzz · 5 months
I am so normal about Good Luck, Babe by Chappell Roan btw! Definitely not thinking about it with as many JRWI ships I can! Havnt listened to it 30 times today alone! Thanks for asking btw!
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captainmera · 9 months
Another great chapter in ttocw ! This one was really entertaining. I love how you just casually foreshadow everything with Ms. Vixen and Mr. Wolf (can't believe he dies in the end, what a twist!)
Really? Thank you! :'D <3
Right? lol, what a twist. And there is a puppy, too. Gotta let Ms. Vixen have a puppy with Mr. Wolf, man. Or it's too sad. u-u
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Poor Evelyn got invested lol. [link to the TTOCW fic here]
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kosmicsandshoes · 15 days
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saw the post and couldn’t resist
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allureasdiary · 4 months
Ms. Allurea Doll
Just did @thevirgodoll quiz about 4 times again. The first 2 times were me answering honestly, the second 2 times was how I'd imagine my dream self to answer. The main results I got were:
(When answered honestly)
♡ Enigma Doll
♡ Emo Doll
♡ Vixen Doll
(When answered as dream self)
♡ Barbie Doll (this one came up a lot when i retook i def thought i was trippin😭)
♡ Socialite Doll
♡ Superstar Doll ___________________________________________
- Update:
Things that I noticed when it comes to the difference between my current self and my dream self:
○ Introverted, Shy, Private, Reckless, anxiety, writes out thoughts, feels better behind the scenes, switches between girly and tomboy aesthetics, easily gets upset/uses rage in creations, extreme sexual energy, down to earth, nurturing, hates fitting in, blunt/honest, prefers solitude rather than being in groups
(My Dream Self)
♡ a bit more extroverted than current self, expresses thoughts/feelings through many art forms not just writing, has multiple aesthetics, has slightly more feminine energy than masculine, not afraid to speak her mind (aka SOB), wants to put more love in the world, can connect with people, not afraid of spotlight + has leader energy, trendsetter, doesn't mine shining light
My thoughts on my results:
When it comes to personally connecting with my archetypes put together I feel like the contrast between my dream self and current self matches most with who I would like to show/be to the world (dream self) vs who I am/prefer to be off stage (current self).
I'd like to think these are my private vs public persona. I've found myself acting mist like the first set of archetypes when I feel too disconnected from myself or when spiraling from the world and want to rebel against it. However, I tend to act more like the 2nd set of archetypes when I'm having the most fun and also when I feel protected enough to show a bit more personality.
I also feel like the 2 sets of archetypes perfectly show the duality in my personality, attitude, energy, etc. A contrast between my dark femininity (current self) and light feminine (dream self). Due to my dream self, i don't want to always be perceived as intimidating so me having barbie, Socialite and superstar doll actually makes a ton of sense. People would actually consider vixen, enigma and emo much more intimidating or outcast due to how much they stand out against the norm.
My final thoughts/questions:
Now that I know where I fall in doll archetype. My question is which should be used for outer aesthetic and which should I lean more towards when it comes to presenting myself inwardly?
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Poll Time♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Outer Prescence (Main Aesthetic, Wardrobe, outer aura, etc). Inner Prescence (energy, attitude, personality, etc). I'm indecisive so I need help choosing 😭
(Whichever is chosen, the other automatically goes to inner prescence)
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Side note...this photo captures the duality of the 2 perfectly ��😂
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 11 months
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Secrets Kept From Him 18+ Chapter 5: Crossing Boundaries WC:4800+ Resident: @enchantedforest-network TW: Drinking, Smoking, Stalking, Death, Blood, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Confession, Divorce Draken, Creampie, Orgasm, Making Out, Disappointment, Strong Language Synopsis: Weeks pass since Ran has been coming around and making the effort to become the father he wants to be and showing you how much you mean to him, seeing things going in a positive direction suddenly takes a turn for the worse. Things become a bit different between you and Draken suppressed thoughts of him come to the surface. Draken's confession could lead to conflicts in the future.
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 Ran was getting the hint that Ms. Yamaguchi was becoming more interested in him. Two weeks would pass when he and Rin were getting a lot of connections and deals for the club. He was looking at his calendar on the phone and it was marked for D/n birthday. He wouldn’t be able to attend the gathering she was setting up on short notice. “I can’t make it.” 
“It took a lot of persuasion for them to come down here from the states. They wouldn’t have thought about coming if I didn’t tell them about you both.” She looked at both of the Haitani brother's.
Rin looked over at Ran “Look just let them know that only one brother can attend the meeting.” Rin said knowing it was d/n birthday. Understanding it was something a meant a lot to Ran.
“Knowing the both of them, they wouldn't accept it or make a good deal with you both if one is not there. They want to meet both parties to know who they are doing business with. ”  She crossed her legs. “It's a business now; besides it also wouldn’t be professional if one brother shows and not the other. This could put your club on the top in Tokyo.”
“How long will the meeting last?” Ran asked letting a low huff out. 
“Just a few hours, is something important happening on that day?” she asked. 
“It is something I need to attend to.” Ran responded. He didn’t want to bring his daughter up to her or to anyone else he didn’t know well.  Still he was getting a off feeling the more he got to know Ms. Yamaguchi.
“Really now? Well then I will let you both decide on this, it would be a disappointment to let this opportunity go. After all I did for you both.” the attitude of the heiress was coming out of her.
‘God she is a pain in the ass.’ Both Ran and Rin were thinking the same thing about her. 
The plans he had scheduled may be cut short by this meeting. “Look we appreciate what your doing it's not that we don't appreciate it… We will attend the meeting but from this point on let us know before agreeing to a specific date. The next one I will miss if I have something scheduled.”  Ran was very calm when speaking but the phrase of words he meant it. 
“Very well then.” she gave a smirk. “The meeting will be around 4pm but we do have to travel.” 
Ran closed him eyes for a brief moment letting out an annoyed laugh. “Of course we do..”  thinking  he would be late but he wasn’t going to be there at all. 
The minutes passed before Rin got up to go check on something. Ms. Yamaguchi looked over at Ran who seemed to be thinking about other things. . “My dear Ran I’m sorry for earlier I just want to make sure you don’t lose these opportunities.” She spoke in a pouty tone scooting closer to him. 
 “It’s quite alright.” Ran looked at her direction. He began to think how he was going to explain this to you.
“Let me make it up to you.” The vixen tone she spoke as her hand ran up his arm. 
He smirked with the annoyance look in his eye as she spoke, “really now?” 
“Just how you like it.” Flashing him a smile.
"Hmph" the short response. He wasn't remotely enthusiastic about her offer. She was a beauty of course but thinking it would always get her what she wanted. She wouldn't be able to have Ran. The encounters they had ever since you appeared back into his life, he pictured you every single time. "Do you honestly know?" he asked
As things began to settle you were waiting for your daughter's school to be released. You saw a few parents waiting for their little ones to be released from school. Looking around you noticed an all black car with dark tinted windows. Looking at the car you never saw anyone go in or out of the car they just seem to park there. You noticed it for the past few days when picking up D/n. Your attention went back to the school as the bell rang. Seeing your daughter coming out, once she saw you she immediately went towards you. “Sweetheart, how was school?” 
“It was good! Look, they made me a card for my birthday!” She had the card in her hand. 
“That was really sweet.” You smiled, “Tomorrow is the big day!”
You were getting excited because it would be the first birthday he would spend with her. Ran and you planned to take her out for the day. 
Getting in the car you both had been driving home. As you were driving you noticed the same black car that was parked in the front of the school was behind you. Deciding to take a bit of a detour you noticed it seemed to be following you. ‘What the hell..’  staying calm while you were driving for a moment. You couldn't see the driver in the car. Driving for a few minutes you noticed a shop where Draken works. You could see Draken working on a bike when he saw your car approach. His jumpsuit half  off and a tank top he was wear.  When you parked the car you realized the car was driving past the shop. 
Getting up from what he was doing he made his way towards your car. It had been a few days since you saw him last. You both texted throughout the day. Getting out of the car you went to take D\n out of the car as well you noticed how defined his muscle tone was in his arms and his built frame though his tank top. You weren’t trying to look too hard at it.  “Hey didn’t expect you guys to stop everything okay with the car?” He asked.
You held onto her hand “hey, no everything is fine with the car… I think we were being followed.”
“You guys okay though?” He asked.
“We are fine.” You responded “Sorry this was the first place I felt comfortable to come too when driving… I just didn’t want to go home and have it follow me there.” 
“Let me get dressed and I will follow you guys home to make sure you get here safely. Come in.” He gave you both a comfort smile as you both began to follow him. Some of the bikes displayed in the front of the shop. You waved towards Inui who was still working on a bike.
Inui waved back as he watched you follow Draken into the shop he said to himself "Yeah just friends."
“Mommy looked at all the bikes.” Her eyes looked at all the different bikes displayed.
“You like the bikes d/n?” Draken asked her.
“Yea.” She was staring at a blue colored motorcycle.
“Ya know you got some good taste, this was the first bike I fixed up for the shop years ago.” Draken smirked.
He showed you both around the shop before he went to change in the back. When he got dressed he began to follow you home. The drive home you didn’t see the black car. When parking his bike he looked down each way to see no all black car.  When getting into the home. He was gonna stay a while before he left home. “You don't Know how much I appreciate you.” Smiling at him.
“Don’t mention it.” Draken, he noticed a bag of decorations on the counter top. “Getting everything ready for tomorrow?”
“Yea, I grabbed a few more things at the store today so once she is asleep I can decorate.”  You felt more excited than her for her birthday. She would be able to celebrate her birthday with both of her parents. Ran was contemplating on telling her on her birthday. 
“Is what his name is coming over?” 
“Yeah he said he has something special planned out for her. I’m trusting him on this.”  you responded. You began lingering on Draken’s question from a few weeks. You were still confused on how you felt with Ran there were still feelings for him since being with him for so long but then the doubt you had would settle in…Seeing him do more things with D/n it showed you he was trying. The sweet and loving compliments to you still made you hope for the best. No visible love marks on him that you could see, but noticing his knuckles would be scratched or bruised. Those habits didn’t change… That was another factor that played in how you felt.
Draken heard the running footsteps coming from behind. “Mommy look!” your d/n spoke holding an item up. He watched you interact with her, each time he came over your attention was on her when she was talking to you. He found himself more drawn to that about you. The sweet nurturing side that seemed so natural for you. He did adore d/n and how her personality was just like yours. In the time that you both began to talk again he hadn’t seen Ran once. Both of them always missed one another. Even if they were to see one another there would be bitter words between the two.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ran waited a bit later before calling you with the news. He waited once he knew d/n was asleep. I thinking it might be easier talk maybe even try to work something out when he came back. Trying to get some privacy he closed the door. Dialing your number the phone began to ring. 
You noticed your phone was ringing, Draken stood to help you decorate. He saw you look at your phone then answering it as you were opening the wrapped banner “Hello?” “Hello beautiful”  hearing your voice made him smile. “How is your evening going?” he asked.
“It’s going good, Just getting  the decorations ready for tomorrow. What time are you planning on getting here? I want to make sure I have everything ready by the time you come.” you asked him as you prepared to put the banner up. 
He stood quiet for a moment. “_______ I won’t be able to make it tomorrow..” 
You stopped what you were doing, catching Draken’s attention. He saw you with a serious expression on your face. “What?” “I’m sorry but something came up and I have to attend.” Ran let out a deep sigh running his fingers through his hair. “I really wanted to be there.” you didn’t respond right away thinking you may have hung up on him “_______?” 
“I’m here… I’m just…” you were lost for words. “Nothing nevermind.” 
“______… Listen.”  as he was trying to explain he heard his door knock. 
“Ran darling don’t keep me waiting too long.” Ms. Yamaguchi called out from the otherside of the door. You heard the other woman's voice. The moment she opened her mouth and Ran closed his eyes, he knew how this conversation was going to end. 
“I see now…” you responded a bit hastily  “Well I’m gonna let you get back to her. I need to figure something out for tomorrow…” you didn’t want to hear an explanation coming from him you hung up the phone. 
Ran’s patience was running thin on Ms. Yamaguchi. There was no point in trying to call or go over because you would completely ignore him. Ran needed to get some air walking out of his room. “Something came up I will be back shortly”  looking towards Ms. Yamaguchi.
Observing his demeanor, knowing he may have been pissed off since earlier. Grabbing his coat he began making his way towards the exit.  Coming down the elevator he walked towards his car getting in and speeding off. A man who could keep his composure majority of the time, but not this time. The more he tried to distance himself from Ms. Yamaguchi the more she persued him. Getting a call he picked up the phone “this better be good…” he spoke in a cold tone. “Take him to the shipyard. I will be there in 15 mins.” he responded knowing he wasn’t going to go back to the room anytime soon. What he has been working so hard on may not be in his grasp. Pulling up to the empty shipyard it didn’t take time long to get out of his car and enter through the large metal sliding door. 
Putting your phone down on the counter,  you had a hand on your hip while the other hand was rubbing your bottom lip…it was evidently what you were thinking what he maybe doing when he wasn’t with you both. You got your hopes up thinking everything was gonna fall into place just like a movie coming back into reality it wasn’t. 
  “Everything alright?” Draken asked
You were dumbfounded still processing it “He can’t make it…I don’t know why I do this to myself….I mean we aren’t together. He is able to see anyone he wants, it's just…I really thought tomorrow was something he was looking forward to but apparently other things gotten his attention.”
Draken could see the hurt in your face, placing down the tape he walked towards you, he didn’t even have to say anything just feeling his embrace as he held you. You hugged him back. It did irk him to see you like this, how your smile was there then disappear so quickly. “______.” 
“Hmm?”  you meeped quietly. 
“I want you and d/n to be ready tomorrow by 12pm okay?” Draken was already thinking of things to do tomorrow. 
“Ken, no it's okay.” you pulled back looking at him. “I know you're busy with your own life. I will need to figure out something else to do.”  You quickly spoke.
“Come on, she is turning 5, she needs to have a little bit of fun. Plus I get to hang out with you both more.” 
Biting on your inner cheek  “Ken.”
You felt him flick your forehead “okay Ken I will be ready with D/n by 12.” 
Letting go of him you covered your forehead “ouch okay okay we will be ready by then.” 
“Then it’s settled.” Draken the corner of his lip slightly curled. “
Ran was sitting down with a cigarette between his lips. His jacket  was off, his sleeves were rolled up, he could see the puddle of blood on the floor along with his clothes being stained of the blood. The lifeless man that was tied up was just a few feet from him. He looked over at the tied up man exhaling a cloud of smoke “Such a pity… You just were caught at the wrong time…”  he spoke. Death was something that didn’t phase him the slightest he took another puff from his cigarette. “Ya know…having someone come back into my life after being gone for 5 years it was a sign for me to pick up where they left off…. those 5  long years ago . And it possibly could be taken away from me once again is a cruel joke.” He was speaking to the lifeless man as if he was alive. 
“You made a fucking mess this time.” Rin said, walking in with his hands in his pocket watching his step where the blood was. He looked over at the man. He was standing in front of his brother. 
“Sorry I couldn’t wait for you this time.” Ran responded 
“You're pissed off about not being able to attend?” He asked his brother. Seeing how badly the guy was beaten up his brother let out his built up rage.
“It’s my daughter's birthday and the first one I would get to spend with her…But shit happens and let’s say _____ is not happy with me at the moment”  Ran is still feeling bothered about the phone call. “Blowing off some steam the only way I know what works.” 
The following day your daughter was 5 today. “Mommy, where are we going?” d/n asked. “Ken said to be ready by 12 afternoon. I’m not too sure but it will be a surprise.” You were helping her with shoes. 
“Is Mr. Ran coming too?” she asked. 
“Unfortunately he can’t make it today but he might come over in the next few days.” you pulled off a smile. You could see she was a bit bummed Ran wasn’t going to come. Cupping her cheeks “Sweetie it's your birthday I know Ken will make it a very special day. I know Ran will make it up to you for missing. We are gonna have fun today okay?” She agreed with your statement and she gave you a nod.  
The doorbell rang and both of you went to the door to find Draken there, “Happy birthday d/n” he kneeled down to see the birthday girl. 
D/n had a tiny blush “thank you Kenny.” The drive was a bit of a way out from where you guys lived. As you arrived at the place Draken spoke “I think this will keep us busy for the day.”  It was a carnival. You could see the large ferris wheel moving from where you guys were from. Seeing the variety of stands from games to food along with rides. “D/n since it is your birthday you get to choose where we go okay?” 
“Okay!” D/n reached for your hand almost dragging you.  He watch the eager little girl dragging you through the doors. He followed closely behind.
From going on multiple rides throughout the day, to eating a different variety of food it was one of the best days you had. D/n seem to follow Draken around the carnival grounds. She even dragged him around to a few places they enjoyed one another's company. Seeing Draken like this and what he did just to make her feel special on this day meant a lot to you. Winning her a few prizes from the game sections. The last ride you all went on was the ferris wheel. D/n was between you and Draken.
As you all rise to the top you get a view of the whole carnival scene, the colorful light and people walking around. “It’s beautiful up here.” you said looking around.
“Yeah it is, just like you.” 
‘Wait did I hear right?’ you thought to yourself. Your cheeks were slightly flushed “stop your just saying that.” “It’s the truth.” he looked at you then back at the view. 
‘Why did he just make my heart race like that?’  you continued to think to yourself. There is no way he is into me. He just sees me as a friend right? He is just being nice… He wouldn’t be the type to date a single mom… would he? Why am I thinking of these types of questions right now!? He gave you a quick glance to see you blushing as you seem to be thinking. 
 Draken had carried d/n to the car because she was walking slower the more steps she took. They were both having a small conversation while you were in your thoughts. 
The car ride was quiet, on the way home, looking in the back seat you saw your daughter fast asleep. Draken helped you bring her up to her bed tucking her in. Seeing her tiny smile as she was sleeping.
Both of you exit out of her room and walk towards the staircase.   “Ken thank you for today. I know d/n had such a great time.”  You turned towards him stopping at the staircase.
He gave a small smile “you don’t have to thank me. I wanted to do this. As I said, I wanted to spend more time with you guys.” Draken was feeling a bit bolder with you. “What I wouldn’t do to keep the pretty smile on your face.” 
“Ken.” Your cheeks felt hotter as he was stepping closer. 
“That was my goal since the moment I met you…did you ever know how much you meant to me?” He asked. You replied, shaking your head a little, he let a low sigh out “Ran wasn’t the only one in love with you… he just beat me to it.” Draken stepped closer to you. “It wasn’t easy to see someone you're in love with, with someone else.” With his index finger he lifted your chin up to look at him. Leaning down his lip crashed into yours.
You couldn’t pull away from the kiss. The boundary you didn’t expect to cross with Draken since knowing him. The more your lips latched to his lips the more you craved. It had been so long since you felt someone’s lips against yours. Was adding to the lustful desire. Deepening the kiss was only drawing your bodies closer to one another. Both of you find yourself in your bedroom. His body hovering over yours, his rough  calloused hands going underneath your shirt sending goosebumps throughout your body. He leaned his upper body up as he was becoming too hot with his shirt on. Seeing his muscle flexed once the shirt was over his head. Tossing the shirt on the floor. He leaned down once more, connecting his lips on yours. The kisses from his lips traveled to your neck enjoying his tongue grazed your skin. 
A shaky breath escaping your lips feeling the light suck of his lips onto your skin. Finding the hem of your shirt helped you remove your top and bra off exposing your breast. He felt his cock ache at the site of your exposed chest. The kiss continued where they left off traveling lower to your breast. “Fuck” he grumbled in a low tone. As he sucked on your breast. Switch from one to the other. The feeling of his tongue swirl around your nipples
You were the forbidden fruit to him, something he couldn’t have for so long. Now that you're both here at this moment he will get a taste of you. 
As his lips began to travel you saw  reddish/purple tones on your breast and his lips continued to travel lower and lower. The anticipation for what to come next made you  more turned on and anxious at the same time. He tugged at your bottoms pulling them completely off. You hadn’t been naked in front of anyone in so long. Your face was hot as you saw him admiring your naked frame. “God, you're so beautiful.” His eyes met with yours once again giving a small grin.  He settled better on your legs. Placing kisses on your inner thighs traveling closer to your throbbing cunt. The moment his tongue slid between your slick fold your back arched your hands grasping onto your covers. The moan was louder than you wanted. Covering your mouth with your hand, he buried his face deeper into your cunt. Your hand grasped a handful of his black hair.  
Your hips buckling as he continues to eat you out. His tongue flicking your sensitive swollen clit. “Ken, if your tongue keeps playing with my clit like that you're gonna make me cum.” You whimpered.
Your words didn’t faze him, but it made him more determined to make you cum.  He proceeded to toy with your sensitive pussy. His fingers could feel your legs tensing up as you were close to coming. Your body shakes once the sudden release of an orgasmic bliss rush throughout your body. You held your breath as you rode the orgasm out. The nectar juices flowing from your pussy made him want you more. How your body reacted he wanted to see more of it. Removing his jeans first before he proceeds to lean onto you. His arms supporting himself up his chest pressing onto you. You could feel the tip of his cock pressed against your aching cunt. The rubber band that he had in his hair was gone. His hair fell on both sides of his face as he looked at you. Supporting himself with his arm, his other hand caressed your cheek. His gaze didn’t break from yours, even just looking into his eyes you could see even without words coming out what you meant to him over the years and the regret of not telling you until now.
The girth of his cock began to push between your slick folds. Your lips slightly separated letting out a low moan. Your doe eyed expression as he slowly inched his way inside your warm slick walls, he let out a raspy grunt. His body lowered more when he was full inside of you. “I’m not hurting you am i?” speaking in a low tone. 
You shook your head. “I'm fine.”  
He began to roll his hips into you. The pace slowly increased soft panting moans filling his ears with enjoyment. He leaned in closer “you sound just like I pictured you would.” he teased as he could hear the  sound of  how wet you were with every thrust into your cunt. “You can drive someone crazy ____..”  
Your lips brushed against his. “Ken~~” 
The sound of the whimpering tone coming from your lips enticed him. Raising his body up from yours, Draken watched as his cock slid inside your warm cunt. His hands are gripping onto the sides of your thighs. The ring of cum at the base of his cock. The delightful sight of your  lewd expression makes it hard for him not cum. One of his hands releasing your things, his thumb began to rub your clit.
Your hand grabbed his forearm but it didn’t stop him from playing with it. “You like that?” The sinful tone Draken as  he watch your body squirm 
“Ken~ nghhh~~~” the pleading cry as you couldn’t hold your moans in anymore. 
He could feel your cunt constricting his cock the more he stimulated your clit. “Fuck~” he grunted a bit loud. Removing his hands from your thigh and clit he lowers his body once against you, both yours  fingers entangled with one another. His kisses were more messy, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He could feel the tightness of your cunt around his cock becoming tighter. He was tantalizing himself not trying to cum. “______, where do you want me to cum.” Breaking from the kiss. 
You got so caught up feeling your second orgasm approaching. Even if you didn’t mean what you were gonna say next “cum inside me Draken.” You were so wrapped in your rapture of delight.  You couldn’t  even think straight.
Draken didn’t bother to question  when you finished that statement, a mixture of curse words and moans coming from you both. He holds your close, filling your warm cunt with his cum. 
The room was stuffy and hot. Both you and Draken look at one another. He took a deep breath brushing your hair out of your face, his thumb swiping your cheek pressing his lips slightly. “Do you feel okay?” He asked. You nodded in response trying to catch your breath. Draken pulled out of your as he did so he was the cum spilling from your cunt. Draken sat up from the bed. He was a bit dizzy sometimes since he had sex as well.  He walked to the bathroom and you could hear the shower running. He helped you off the bed as you both showered together.
 It was already too late for him to go home. Both of you laid on the bed. The room was dark, Drakens held you as you both were silent. It was dawning on you that you just slept with Draken. Your mind went to Ran. You were resisting Ran not giving into his charm you didn’t want to appear weak to him. It happened so fast. You were so upset that Ran didn’t show up today for D/n birthday  and Draken was here and made the day special for her. You never explored these feelings before with Draken because for years Emma made it known she was in love with him. Things began to make sense now to you when you started to think of the past. The way Emma acted around you when you and Draken would hang out or the way Ran’s arm was around you most of the time when Draken was around... Another part of you began to think Ran could be seeing anyone right now and you wouldn’t know. He wouldn’t tell you or he may make an excuse.. Even if you and Ran weren’t together you just knew he was with another woman when he called you, it hurt you. 
“Get some rest ______.” Draken said he must have sensed you were coming to the realization  just like him. The sudden thoughts came to a pause. You felt Draken lips against your forehead. 
Minutes would pass when you finally fell asleep. Draken on the other hand  wasn’t asleep just yet. Looking down at you sleeping, the first time he held you in his arms like this. It was all surreal to him.  Draken saw the light of his phone light up. He reached for his phone to see a message from Emma. As he was reading the message he couldn’t deal with what she needed to say to him. He turned his phone off completely before his arms wrapped around you once more. He didn’t know what would happen from here but now he told you how he felt and this happened he wanted a chance to make you happy.
Ran was sitting in a hotel room and the bourbon bottle was open. The meeting he went to dragged on longer than he wanted. He felt like he let you and d/n down today. He didn’t want to go into the bedroom, not wanting to wake up his company.  Photos from the prior days he had taken with D/n  were on his phone. Scrolling through the photos he stopped at one it was a photo of the three of you. Deciding to give you a call it went straight to voicemail. It was 2 am when he called “Hey ____ I was just giving you a call…I know you might be angry with me. I know I would be angry at myself too. I was thinking about you both and… I miss you guys and I’m sorry. I will see you both soon. Bye…” he hung up the phone. The hotel room he was in was close to where he had the meeting. He declined to stay in the room with Ms. Yamaguchi as he laid on the couch.
On the other side of the wall she wasn't asleep. She could hear the message he left you. She was curious on who this message was left for. She would keep this to herself for the time being. It would make sense on what she would uncover about him. The strike of jealousy hitting the heiress seeing that she wasn’t the one he wanted. The way he was acting with her right now. She would eventually find out more information as time would pass.
The following morning you. Both you and Draken woke up a few minutes early before D/n. Heading down stairs, you began to make coffee. “D/n should be up soon” Draken asked. The home was still quiet the smell of the coffee being brew hit there nostrils.
“Yeah it’s almost like clock work.” You gave a small smile. 
He had a small smirk. As we’re preparing the coffee he wanted to ask you out wanting to have his opportunity since eoyu both were still alone. Turning towards him as he accepted the coffee “______ I wanna take you out. Like an actual date.” Draken spoke. 
You were holding the cup with your hands, your lips were on the rim as you’re ready to take a drink before you paused. Bringing the cup down from your lips. “Really?”  You were in a bit of disbelief. “”
“Yeah I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t being serious. I meant everything I said last night.”  Draken placed the cup down walking towards you. He reached for your cup placing it on the counter. Feeling his hands cupping your cheeks. “Will you go on a date with me?” To be continued…
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