#msby hcs
hxltic · 1 year
sry (not sry) we’re back to big muscle sakusa
• def picks you up any chance he gets
• He works through relationships in that “I know you’re an independent woman but i’m going to spoil you anyway” mindset. manhandles you like you aren’t grown
• I say this all the time but quite literally sweeps you off your feet. you came home from a bad day at work and besides cradling you the second you walk through the door, he scoops you up bridal style for the journey to your shared bedroom.
• i wasn’t going to add this but sakusa loves pussy. especially eating it. so he’ll crouch with your back to the wall, throw both your legs over his shoulders, and rise gently to go at you that way. Or, there will be no wall, and he’ll just throw you up from under your shoulders, catch your thighs, and rotate his arms to press you up to his mouth while you hold his head. With two large palms now pressed against your lower back—trust, you are safe and he will suck the soul out of you
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goteique · 23 days
 ❝ ATLEAST WE SEE THE SAME MOON ❞ + ( sakusa kiyoomi, hinata shoyo, atsumu miya, bokuto koutaro,meian shūgo ) 
cw. | headcanon/scenarios about how they act while being away from you vs how they act when they actually get to see you; gn-reader, boyfriend headcanons, first-time long-distance relationships, fluff, brief mentions of smut, established relationship. || redirect to blog navigation.
notes. | recently rewatched hq so here's something to get rid of my nostalgic brain rot.
Sakusa Kiyoomi is a man of less talk and more work most of the time. He is the kind to miss you day and night without diluting his efficiency in the game. Even texting seems hard for him a phone call seems a little too demanding. He will call you when he is at the far end of a high cliff yet not tell you how much he misses you, your voice, your touch around the house. . . everything in general. But after calling for onetime it starts to become frequent and his talk is full of: "Did you miss me?", " Do you even miss me?", " you rarely call me"; even though he is the one who has told you not to call when you feel like it yet he is the one to call you to say that he misses you a lot and most of the time it is out of context. Maybe you are talking about your day, or some local news but when you finish he just spurts "I miss you". There are two seconds of silence then he says again, "I miss you a lot." But when he is finally home, with you on the same bed and inside you, he would still say, "Did you miss me?" and then places open mouth kisses all over your body saying, " because I sure missed you a lot."
 Hinata is used to being away from his favorite people but he is not used to being away from you. His texts are frequent and regularly calls you to check on you but when he misses you he never tells instead he visits famous tourist spots and video calls you, shows you those famous tourist spots through video call and says, "i wish we could see this together," and then goes on autopilot mode of talking. You ask him to repeat what he just said and he does repeat except what you want to hear. It is a pulling-pushing game and the end results are embarrassment, laughter, and confession. He never gives a room to complain but time and place keep you apart from him. He often sends you parcels containing matching pieces of jewellery and outfits. And after such deliveries, he visits you and brings souvenier for everyone, even for you but says, "Don't worry this is not the only thing i came for to give you." So, when everyone is sleeping in the house and you two are awake and barely clad. He says, "I've more souvenirs for you," as he admires the bite marks over your body while hooking his arms around your thighs, getting ready for the next step.
Atsumu's way of telling you that he misses you is not very stealthy but if you tease too much, his verbal expression comes to a halt since he will build a cocoon around him. Sure, he wears his heart of his sleeve, sometimes on his face but he is never the one to be good with teasing especially coming from his beloved. So, he regularly sends you gifts with an endearing note and when he finally comes home unannounced, he is found in the bedroom with a box full of all those notes he send you, crying. He is crying for two reasons. one: his surprise did not go as he planned. two: he is missing you right now more than ever. When you finally come home, both of you get surprised at first and then he goes back to his whining self about how he wanted to surprise you, talking about his matches and food. Talking about food is a must because he will never admit how good Ongiri MIya is and as he keeps talking he follows you everywhere you go, every corner of the house, and gives you the puppiest face he can manage if you do not let him inside the shower with you. But you actually do, because the owner did miss this puppy.
 Bokuto makes time for you every day. He is the kind who tells you each and every detail of his each day before going to bed when he misses you. He tells you that he is coming over next weekend to see you and gets pouty when you are not surprised. It is not a wonder to you that it totally slipped his mind that he actually did mention that he is coming to see you but when you mention that you have specifically taken a day off since he was coming he is instantly is in his high spirits. Because he gets to spend time with you, He gets to spend each and every moment with you,he gets to go out with you, he gets to binge-watch shows with you. There are so many things he get to do wuth you just because he told you that he is coming to see you beforehand. isn't that great? Well, of course it is. As much as he is excited to do all these things, he ends up doing nothing instead spending the whole day in bed with you: talking and listening, talking and touching, touching and kissing, kissing and fucking and then fucking and talking again. If you say that you have to cook he says, "can't we order a take out today?" just so he could cuddle you just fiften minutes more.
 Meian has a reserved time for you, during weekends unless a match comes up. Everyone knows that even team-mates, parents and coach. He asks you to keep the video call on and do whatever you are doing. It is a nice feeling, almost having him like he is with you, around you even if it is through those rectangular screens. But late at night, he gets a little too sneaky and demanding asking what you are wearing? or says that there's something on your shoulder even if there is not. He takes the longest detour to tell you that he misses you. But all of that just sublimes when you say that you are going to shower. He keeps quiet for a moment and ends uo saying the most common reaction,"without me?" There are times when the answer is yes with a huge nod from your end but there are also times, when you say, "No. You can watch." But Meian does not survive your whole shower time. He even ends the video call just before you are fully naked yet deep down in his heart he believes he can improve with time.
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euphoricimagination · 2 months
꧁༺ 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓮: 𝓢𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓼𝓪 ༻꧂
You were in your favorite coffee shop after your day at work had finished, a small and very cozy shop that was in the middle of Tokyo that surprisingly didn’t have many customers for being in the heart of the country.
After a very tiring day you decided to visit, ordering your favorite pastry and coffee to have while continuing the book you were reading at the moment: The Flowers of Buffoonery by Osamu Dazai.
You were comfortably reading there when suddenly loud voices start to come closer, soon entering the café four people with big bags.
“I told you this place is so quiet! Almost nobody here!” one with greyish hair says
“How d’ya know about this, Bokuto-san? Ya don’t read” one with blonde hair asks
“Akaashi showed it to me when we where in uni!”
“Akaashi-san does seem like someone who would like this place” an orange hair one says now.
You noticed that the black hair one didn’t say anything, in fact he looked rather annoyed by his friends; but deciding to mind your own business, you continue reading while they order. Soon enough they came to sit near you, enthusiastically talking about volleyball and whatever had happened in their practice. You had seen them before, but not enough to know their names.
“Excuse me” you hear a few minutes after, the orange hair dude now beside you smiling brightly “It says Osamu Dazai? Like the dude from Bungo Stray Dogs?”
“Eh? Well, yeah, but…”
“Osamu? Ma brother was named after an author?” the blonde one says, taking his things and setting himself on your table
“You idiots, Osamu Dazai is a real person and a famous author” the black hair one says, looking carefully at the book as the other ones also join you
“Yeah, but it is true that he appears on the anime, all characters are based on real life authors, Dazai being one of them”
“ahh, I see! Thanks for letting us join you! I’m Hinata Shoyo” the orange hair says smiling, making it harder for you to even be mad at them
Surprisingly enough, despite being strangers, they made you feel really comfortable, everyone being chatty and making sure you join their conversation.
“I heard that this book it’s quite good, the protagonist is recovering after a suicide attempt, right?” Sakusa asks you, looking at the book again
“yeah, he’s the only survivor out of the couple. Its much more…joyful than his previous works”
“I see, I might try reading it. How did you found out about it?”
“honestly…because of the anime” you chuckle, making him have a faint smile “it is very good though, so I’m kinda glad I did pick it up”
“I’ve heard of the author, never actually check it out though” he says while looking over at his teammates, who know where loudly discussing about a match “sorry about them, you were reading peacefully and they came and ruined that”
“it’s alright, I don’t mind. They’re funny”
“They’re annoying”
“Omi-kun! Why do ya look more comfortable with her than us? We’ve know each other since high school!” Atsumu whines with a small smirk
“Unlike you bunch, she knows how to act outside”
“Ah! I know! We have a game on Sunday, why don’t you come to watch us Yn-chan?” Hinata asks you, also with a knowing look on his eyes, it seems that the three other players realized something about Sakusa
“Yeah, we can show you how awesome we are! You can see Omi-kun in action too!” Bokuto adds, a slight shade of red in your cheeks
“We have to go, we have practice early tomorrow” Sakusa stands ups, sending a sharp look to the guys and making them stand up saying their goodbyes. Sakusa is the last one to leave, looking at you right before he left “I do hope you can come to see us….maybe you can lend me that book after”
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wonderoustime · 9 months
don't get me wrong, atsumu is most definitely an outdoorsy person, but the kind of dates he loves the most are all the indoor ones. and not indoors as in dining at a restaurant or dying of cuteness in cat cafés or wandering through an art gallery, oh no.
indoors as in holed up in your house, wrapped in each others' arms like the lovestruck little gremlins you are, gorging on cheap, greasy yet the most delicious takeout you've ever had (along with a few of osamu's onigiris which seriously can't belong on the same league as your takeout) while binge-watching trashy romcoms and the most predictable action series.
or indoors as in experimenting with new cookie recipes and slow-dancing with him to the music playing out of your phone, accidentally causing them to burn and taste terrible, yet end up being finished in less than five minutes.
or indoors as in curled up on your bed, his head on your chest, your soft voice reading aloud to your favorite book as you gently stroke his hair lulling him to a deep, deep sleep where the coziness of the blankets and the comfort of him accidentally leads to you taking a nap, too, in the middle of the day.
those kinds of indoors >>>
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v3nusplanetofluv · 4 months
i; fishbowls
。・゚゚・atsumu x fem! reader
。・゚゚・college and 90s au
atsumu miya was the bane of your existence growing up. always making it his job to tease and taunt you daily. as time went on you detached yourself from the neighborhood kids, your frequent, unwanted presence merely becoming a thing of the past. however, the summer of '98 causes you and atsumu to face the past.
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"ma, when yer son comes home from college yer supposed to keep him in not kick him out!" atsumu groaned as his head fell onto the cold kitchen counter, "especially when i'm your favorite-"
it was finally summer vacation, and all the miyas were back in their nest. the formerly eerily quiet kitchen was once again full of life; the sweet smell of vanilla filled the air as pancakes were flipped on the electric griddle; the bright sun warmed the table cloth that covered the glass dining table; and loud hearty accents were doubled in sound as the two boys were back.
"both of y'all are gettin' kicked out," the older woman places the now finished pancakes onto a plate. "it just so happens that samu listens to what I have ta say, and chooses where he wants ta go ahead of time."
the grey haired twin smiles up at his mom with a 'thanks' as she places a stack of pancakes in front of him. "i'm goin' to grandma and grandpa's farm ta help out at their cafe," he sticks his tongue out at atsumu making him roll his eyes.
"whatever," his arms crossed over his chest, "I don't like that stinky farm anyway." atsumu flinches as he feels his mom yank upon his ear in disapproval.
"good! ya won't have ta 'cause yer workin' at a summer camp!" mrs. miya smiles as atsumu's jaw practically reaches the depths of hell. "our neighbor suggested it--"
"which neighbor so i know whose lawn koda can piss on--OW!" mr.miya strikes the faux blond with his now rolled morning paper.
"language," the older man sits beside his son, coffee now in hand. "y/n's mother came up with that great idea--the girl's been working there since high school--ya remember her right?"
"yeah, i remember fishbowls--OW!" osamu was now on the receiving end of the sunday morning paper, the boy now reaching for his battered forehead. the action instantly stifled atsumu's laughs.
the faux blond covers his head, "ya want me to go work with that freak for the whole summer?" he asks through gritted teeth, actively guarding his head.
"y/n is a beautiful young lady who is doin' great things," mama miya points her spatula at the boys, "she's actually in school studyin' biology to become a doctor now!"
"oh, who would've thought that fishbowls was gonna be in a nerdy major?" atsumu comments, sarcasm dripping in his tone, making osamu snicker.
osamu sits up straight, "'do ya wanna come over and see my new experiment?" he mocks a nerdy accent as he pushes his fake glasses up the bridge of his nose making his brother burst at the seams in laughter.
"come on! y'all haven't seen the girl since she changed schools in middle school," the older miya says as he sips his coffee.
"yea cause she was always cooped up in her room readin' or some shit," atsumu mumbles as he messes with the pancakes in front of him.
"well, i guess this summer will be the perfect time ta give her a chance!" mama miya smiles as she brushes her hands off on her apron, ignoring his groans, "and ya better get packin' 'cause ya leave next week."
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insane in the membrane by cyrprus hill blares through the stereo setup of the 1989 lexus is 400. osamu's sunglass rest upon his nose as he drives through rural hyogo, fingers tapping on the steering wheel to the beat. atsumu sits in the passenger seat mumbling along to the lyrics, hand resting outside of the window.
atsumu furrows his eyebrows as he looks over at his brother, "is it too late for me ta come ta the farm with ya?"
"...ya called it stinky--"
"but a whole summer--three months with fishbowls--sounds like i'll be slittin' ma wrist with a spoon," atsumu groans as he sinks further into his seat.
osamu chuckles as he glances over at the drama queen, "think positive! what if she's like hella fine now?"
the two look between each other before bursting out in laughs.
"i'll miss yer goofy ass this summer 'samu!" he says as he wipes a fake tear from his eye.
not even thirty minutes later the sight of tall trees completely consumed the car. the smell of marukawa bubble gum was replaced with fresh water and earthy cedar trees. the road got bumpy as atsumu poked his head out of the window, finally seeing the massive sign marking the entrance of the summer camp: ' firefly valley.'
as osamu slowed the car atsumu instantly started to scratch, "i think i'm allergic ta this place."
"they're called mosquitos--now get outta my car!"
"we won't see each other for almost three months and this is how you wanna say goodbye?" atsumu fakes a pout as he unbuckled his seatbelt making his twin roll his eyes. as osamu pulled his bag out of the car, atsumu looked up at the trees that never seemed to end; and down at the dirt that somehow already got onto his white sneakers.
the feeling of his duffle bag shoved into his chest grabbed atsumu's attention as he looked up to be met with the flash of osamu's digital camera. he sighs with a smile as he pulls the camera from his face, "man, grandma is gonna love this! might even hang it on the fridge." he snickers making atsumu glare but the frustrated feeling is instantly dropped as osamu pulls him into a hug.
"ya better not come back with headgear and a new love for readin'" he teases making atsumu laugh.
"no promises!" he says as he pulls away, "call me when ya get ta the farm."
"i will," osamu waves one final time as he gets into the car, driving off leaving atsumu at the camp. dirt kicks up from the wheels making the faux blond flinch back, unfortunately bumping into someone. he swiftly apologizes as he turns around but he's quickly dismissed as the man doesn't seem phased.
"ya must be atsumu miya," the man smiles, "welcome to camp! i'm kyo," he sticks his hand out and atsumu shakes it with a tight lipped smile. "follow me and i'll show ya the leader cabins and around camp along the way."
with wide eyes, atsumu looks around the camp in awe. even though he just moved to a bigger and busier city--tokyo--he hadn't realized how much he missed this. he was instantly transported back to his earlier summers spent at his grandparents' farm. the bright blue sky created a stunning gradient into the shimmering lake. the trees looked as if they could go on forever--as if they were reaching for the sun. the oh so familiar smell of sunblock attacked his nostrils as the smaller versions of his volleyball nets made a smile creep upon his face.
atsumu looked ahead at the sound of kyo's voice, directing him to his cabin that he would share with other leaders for the next three months. the faux blond thanked him as he rested his bags on the floor beside his bed. the brown-haired man was about to leave before he remembered something.
"make sure to stop by the main office to get yer shirts and badge--someone should be in there to help ya out!" and before atsumu could ask him where exactly the main office was, he was gone.
he sighed as he hooked his sunglasses onto the collar of his t-shirt,. atsumu made his way out of the cabin, looking around intently for any resemblance, or sign that could possibly lead him to his destination.
after about ten minutes of wandering around, the dark green and white building came into his view. one could tell it was old with the way the paint was chipping--the intense weathering it endured was evident.
he opened the screened door to be met with a welcomed blast of air conditioning, a content sigh left his lips as he looked around. the sound of a voice caught his attention leading him to follow it around a corner and into what looked like a waiting area.
the back of a spinny chair was what atsumu first saw. the back of an occupied spinny chair! a finger peeked out as it twirled the cord of the phone, looping and unlooping as you talked on the phone.
"yes, ms.tanaka i will personally make sure that hiro has easy access to his inhaler..." you smiled into the phone, adjusting in your seat completely unaware of the nearly drooling simpleton behind you.
he couldn't see you but he could just tell that you were hot. maybe it was the way he could imagine your perfectly manicured nails combing through his hair as you whispered sweet nothings in his ear with your heavenly voice or maybe he was simply deluded.
"of course, you know i've never let anything happen to hiro--i figure you'd want him back in one piece at the end of the summer...yes yes of course! it is my job," you laugh softly making atsumu's heart skip a beat, "feel free to call back if you have any more questions...alright, I can't wait to see hiro!...have a nice day , bye bye."
as you hang up the phone atsumu can barely contain his excitement as dozens of scenarios run through his mind of what he would say to you--a grin kept sneaking up his lips which he quickly pushed away to keep up his cool facade.
he quickly gets into position as he rests upon the desk, instantly grabbing your attention as he knocks down a pen holder. you whip your head around only to feel the wind get stuck within your throat.
it suddenly becomes hard to breathe as you're unable to say anything let alone move, and you think that you could use hiro's inhaler right about now. your horrified expression makes atsumu's heart drop as he quickly scrambles to pick up the mess he had made.
"h-hey it's alright, i can get it cleaned up real quick!" he awkwardly laughs in nervousness and embarrassment as he realizes he had just made a fool of himself in front of one of the prettiest girls he's ever seen. he tries to fight off the blush on his cheeks, and runs through excuses in his mind--the heat!
you finally manage to catch your breath and look up at him. the boy who made your adolescence a living hell. the man who is now invading one of your safe spaces.
"what do you want?" your tone is harsh, but not harsh enough in your opinion. however, the blond doesn't take much notice as he stares down at you with a goofy look on his face.
"atsumu miya," he sighs dreamily, "name please," he grins, completely oblivious to your look of disgust and the incoherency of his sentence. your eyebrow raises and confusion coats your face. you think he must not recognize you and it's a fair assumption considering you made it a mission to avoid the miyas and the other neighborhood kids once you hit puberty to preserve your sanity...and dignity--what was left of it.
on the other hand, it was as if you had no chance to erase his face from your memory. hell, the universe never gave you a chance to.
"look at the twins! they're committing to that powerhouse school!"
"did you see that atsumu's the best high school setter in japan?"
"can you believe that atsumu's ready been offered to join msby?"
"atsumu looks amazing in his media pictures for msby don't ya think?"
you allowed your expression to soften, "so...you don't know who I am?" you cross your arms over your chest, leaning onto the desk making the blond's hands grow sweaty.
"the girl of ma dreams," he bites down on his lip to hide his smile.
you deadpan before rolling your eyes making atsumu straighten up, "o-or i'd like ta get ta know...if ya let me." he suddenly feels bashful? something the faux blond is greatly unfamiliar with...maybe you were a witch.
you look him up and down, making his cheeks heat up all over again, "i think you'll freak when i tell you." you narrow your gaze at him, unknowingly feeding his supicsions.
in one of his boldest moves of the day, he leans down towards you, "try me," he smirks.
you look up at him through your lashes, quickly thinking of all of his possible reactions. your lips begin to twitch up into an almost wicked smile, "do ya really wanna know?" he you lean up closer towards him, making his heart rate increase.
"more than anythin'," he breathes out, tuning out the sound of his beating heart.
your gaze darkens, "does fishbowls ring a bell?" your sickening smile doesn't dare to falter as you watch atsumu flinch back in confusion, his face twisting into multiple emotions as he tries to process the sound of the cruel nickname leaving your lips.
he leans forward a bit to look at your face, looking for any features that may have resembled his insanely nerdy neighbor.
"in the flesh."
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notes !
☆ mr. and mrs. miya adore y/n. they have always admired her manners and academic ambition. that led to them always urging the twins to hang out with her and also partially ignited their disdain toward the girl.
☆ y/n never picked up the hyogo accent even though she lived there her whole life. immersion wasn't enough as her parents didn't speak the dialect either. this further isolated y/n from the neighborhood kids.
☆ when y/n said her name atsumu didn't buy it at first until he looked at her closer and noticed the scar that she had on her eyebrow. the same scar that he gave her after throwing a ball at her too hard while trying to be funny. the ball broke her glasses and they cut into her face.
☆ y/n honestly thought she was gonna pass out from lack of airflow to her brain when she saw atsumu again in person after all of those years.
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i hope you enjoyed! this is a draft from my wattpad that i'm reworking :) if you'd like to be tagged just let me know!
dividers by @plutism
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lowkeyremi · 3 months
LITTLE THINGS HE DOES atsumu x fem!reader
note: my tsumu fever is coming back jeez
content: fluff, established relationship, hcs + drabbles (divider)
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Boyfriend!Atsumu who feels like he's coming on too strong in the beginning of your relationship.
"Shit, 'Samu. I don't know what to do, I wanna ask her to stay the night but that might be too much, right?" Osamu, who has heard his brother complain a million times just sighs, "Just ask her ya bonehead. Ya'll never know unless ya ask." Atsumu groans, throwing a tantrum in his apartment because he's unsure of what to do.
Boyfriend!Atsumu would pretend he didn't know you in public to save himself from being teased by others. (it's what he did in his last couple of relationships)
"Hey, 'Tsumu. We still on for dinner at your brother's?" You'd ask, looking super pretty in that hoodie he bought for you. "What..? Do I er- know ya?" His friends all start laughing, which was embarrassing to say the least. When he called you to apologize you blew him off with, "Do I know you?" (Dw! he never did that again. It might've been alright with his past gfs but not with you.)
Boyfriend!Atsumu who absolutely LOVES buying you stuff. There doesn't have to be a reason, he just likes spending his money on you.
Your legs were in his lap while he unconsciously massaged your feet. You're working on a paper that's due in a few days and Atsumu out of boredom watches you type whatever you're talking about in your paper. He thinks it's cute, everything you do is cute.
"How long have you had that thing for?" It takes you a second to realize he's talking about the laptop you saved up to buy for yourself, senior year of high school.
"Hmm, I've had it since senior year of high school so maybe 3 or 4 years?" He hums in delight at your response, "Let me buy ya a new one baby, it'll be better than that old thing."
"A four year computer is fairly young and I worked hard to buy this one! Don't shame my baby." It's adorable how offended you get unintentionally. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee."
Two days later your friend is commenting on your new laptop during a lecture.
Boyfriend!Atsumu steals kisses ALL the time. He loves you so so so much! If you say no to kisses he'll get one anyway.
Atsumu's hands are wrapped around your waist, his front meets your back. "Atsu, I already told you when I finish cooking you can kiss me all you want. I don't want either of us to get hurt." Did I mention you're cutting up veggies?
A guttural whine leaves his throat. You can feel the vibrations of it on your back. "Atsumu."
Before you can even process what happens, Atsumu quickly pecks your cheek. It's not your lips like he wanted but it will do for now.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who loves talking about how big and strong he is (to make you swoon of course).
"Hey babe, just got back from the gym, notice anything different?" Nothing particularly looks different about him, but you risk him pouting if you say the wrong thing.
"I don't know, Tsum Tsum. Tell me." His frown is almost immediate. He looks like a kicked puppy and honestly you don't feel too bad. He's likely exaggerating as per usual.
"I worked on my legs today for ya. Know you love my thighs." His thighs look the exact same as they had when he left for the gym but you don't tell him that because he'd get whiny.
"Look at you, gosh you're built." Hopefully it doesn't sound too fake and he buys it.
"Ya think so?" He says with a chuckle. Checkmate.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who steals your t-shirts and underwear because "ya steal my stuff why can't i steal yers?" and "it's for me to smell when i miss ya."
"Atsumu.. where is my favorite t-shirt!?" Your favorite (singer/band) is doing a meet and greet today and you wanted to show your love by wearing their merch, which you can't seem to find.
"I dunno baby, s'probably at my place. S'the one ya wear all the time so it smells like ya the most." He shrugs as if this were not that big of a deal.
"Tsumu! Go get it!!! I'm going to that meet and greet I was telling you about today!"
Husband!Atsumu who LOVES to tell people how you two got married.
"Yeah, and I got down on one knee for her and she was like 'Tsumu is this a prank?' she was leanin' back too far into the fountain she was sittin' on and fell in!" Bokuto absolutely looses his shit. He doubled over laughing, alongside Hinata.
"It's not that funny." You grumble, sitting next to Atsumu's best friend teammate, Sakusa.
"He tells that story to those two anytime he gets the chance too. I'm surprised they still find it funny after the 1 millionth time hearing it." Sakusa agrees, his arms folded up and his eyebrows furrowed. You're sure he's scowling under the mask.
"Yeah, welp. That's my husband I suppose."
"He sure is." Sakusa implies the way Atsumu is always talking about you.
"Well my wife.."
"Let me see if my wife wants to come."
"I'm heading home! Gotta go see my wife!"
"Now if it were me and my wife.."
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note: just a little something to feed y'all until i finish my gojo project. love you guys XOXO (XO until we OD)
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1zukuz · 1 year
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HOW haikyuu boys react when you don't get their initial on your nails !
INCLUDES: cussing + fluff
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lol if ur name starts with a y i apologize kuroo didn't mean it
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vampyirr · 1 year
i don't know if you're still doing this, but can you write about atsumu's kink?🫶🏼
yesyes ofc
this is the second person that asked for atsumu
atsumu’s kinks
warnings: exhibitionism, recording, overstimulation, dumbification
atsumu loves to fuck you in places you can get caught. the locker room before or after a game, in the bathroom in a public space, wherever you guys might get caught he wants to fuck you there. he’d never actually want to get caught but the thrill of almost getting caught turns him on so much.
he loves to record you two having sex. he wants to see how your body looks when he fucks you from another point of view. he really likes to record you taking him from behind. seeing your face in pleasure as he fucks you from behind. when he’s away from home, he looks at the album full of all the videos and pictures he has of him fucking you.
he fucks you even after you cum just see you overstimulated. seeing you whine and trying to stop him turns him on. your in so much pleasure it almost hurts they way he’s still fucking you. you both love it. you get to be in an endless amount of pleasure and he gets to see you struggle and try to push his hips away from yours
kinda goes with the last one, he loves seeing you go dumb on his cock. getting lost in so much pleasure you just go stupid. cant think straight because he’s fucking you too good. overstimulating you to the point of just shutting down and letting him do whatever he wants to you.
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miya-rin · 1 year
virgin!kiyoomi is so funny
he has absolutely no idea what to do with himself when the time finally comes. he has his hands everywhere all at once, not keeping them in one place for too long before putting them somewhere else on your body.
he keeps letting out small huffs and whimpers even though you have barely touched him, not even fully straddling him but hovering right over his crotch. if you didnt know any better you would almost say he was in pain with the noises that keep coming out of his pretty little mouth.
and for the life of him he cant make eye contact with you, always turning his head away quickly while you wait for him to look at you. and you don’t blame him, your first time is meant to be special but it can also be scary. and kiyoomi happens to be petrified.
when he finally slides into you he almost cums instantly, like 5 seconds in, he has to stay half in - half out of you until he can compose himself. eventually he bottoms out and thats when he finishes having hardly even moved.
he feels distraught for ruining your first time together, not even being able to last a full minute. how pathetic. however he’s surprised at the fact you start to comfort him, saying how you dont mind and that he can take his time before starting again.
you make it clear to him that you want to carry on when you start to stroke his half hard cock, eliciting the sweetest sounds from him. he cant contain himself and pushes you to lay down before slowly sliding back into you, face contorting in pleasure and pain from the sensitivity. he goes in fully and even though it takes a while it is worth it when he hears you moan out his name.
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scarletevening · 7 months
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦-𝐮𝐩 [ 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐒𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐈 ]
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𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎 | 𝗰𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 | 
cw: suggestive, foul language, degradation, name calling, established relationship, fem! reader.
notes: cock warming is the act of inserting one partners erection into the other partner to keep it warm.
𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 helplessly, you looked over your shoulder, desperate for the comfort of your boyfriends lips. he sighed, glancing down at you before flipping his eyes back to his phone.
you rocked your hips, though not for long as when sakusa let a low growl pass his lips into you ear,
"sit. still."
his voice made your heart stop, his large hands expanding the width of your hips, shoving them down harder as if he wasn't already buried deep enough to make you heel him in your throat.
you nodded, weakly pushing your hips back against him in lust. you looked up at him again, begging for a kiss, for anything. but sakusa wasn't one to just give you what you want. he smirked, the elegant moles above his furrowed brows smearing as he glared down at you once more.
"you either sit still now, and take it, or i keep you like this untill you learn to quit acting like a slut."
you whined once more, nails digging into your palms as you let your head fall back, resting on his shoulder. your whole body trembled in impatience, greedy for more. you felt so full, like each breath was labored by something pressing against your lungs.
you panted and wheezed, your throat filling up with that same fullness as he slightly shifted in his seat. you gasp again, struggling to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head as each small movement sakusa made felt like an earthquake was inside your guts. his gentle lips, an absolute contrast to his bruising grip on your hips, pressed against your cheek, a sarcastic attempt to sooth you,
"atta' girl, relax, this is just a warm-up after all."
sorry super weak was just tryna get it out. got work alll week so no more posts until way later.
༒︎ 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫; 2023 ༒︎
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hxltic · 4 months
It’s BOKUTO’S birthday!! In the decorated living room, he’s laughing with his friends and teammates that, when given the signal, push him down onto the couch and slap a children’s party hat onto his head. He’s confused at first but unable to stop giggling at whatever was said beforehand.
It takes a moment to see you amongst the many people there, despite being stood directly in front of him. A cheeky smile grows on his face that lights up the room even more when he gets a first glimpse of you. Everyone in attendance disperses to give him a clear view, so when he looks for the second time, his gaze shifts, and there’s something resonating within him that wasn’t there before.
His smile shrinks, but not in a bad way. Simultaneously, his eyes fall lower and lower the closer he gets to your feet.
Your hair was down. Your lips were painted a blood red, and there was a big number 12 on your stomach, surrounded by black with a hint of yellow in the scratch design. “Bokuto” was written at the top.
You’d had a larger version of his jersey made so you could wear it as a short dress. A short dress. It only shrinks as you step closer to him, but it matched the high heeled black boots you wore for the September breeze.
His mouth was just barely open the whole time, and he closed it when he realized, but his teeth clenched hard against each other when he looked back up to you to see a devilish smirk on your face.
By now you were within an arm’s length away, bowing seductively with two hands on his kneecaps. His throat feels tight when he swallows. He can only imagine the display from behind in a dress that short.
“Happy birthday baby,” you whisper, blinking through your eyelashes, pressing a light kiss to his lips. He immediately raises his back from the cushion of the couch through all the hoops and hollers, wrapping his large hand around your nape. He grunts and chases your lips greedily when you pull away, the aggravation clear on his face as if he can’t hear the people around.
He jokes, forcing a curl into his lips, “Why is my present running away from me?”
It was mainly to calm his “nerves” that were sending a blood rush directly to his lower half, but also to convince himself he wasn’t angry that this whole stupid party was planned if you were going to stand in front of him like this. “You’ll get the real present later, Kō.”
He’s silent after that, shifting and readjusting in the seat, hoping nobody would catch him moving his dick so that it wouldn’t sit heavy against his sweats amidst his friends.
It’s precisely why dancing for him, which you were planning to do but without an audience, doesn’t work. He gives in too quickly, and the desire to touch you is so raw he’s usually still in the chair dragging kisses down your throat as you throw your head back in ecstasy.
©️ hxltic
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taeyamayang · 2 years
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❀ MSBY sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
❀ themes/tags: fluff | romance | i was having a brainrot im sorry | timsekip! | established relationship | friends to lovers
ㅡsakusa kiyoomi loves in private but that doesn't mean he's afraid to show you off.
not proofread. forgive me if there are mistakes will fix them soon. also, it's my first time to write for him agh!
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you arrived a bit... early.
apparently from your standpoint which is the entrance of the arena, your claim is simply an understatement. you are the first person to arrive. as a matter of fact you're the first person in line for ticket check.
"are you...(y/n)?" the staff controlling the line to the entrance has taken interest in your identity rather than your ticket in his hand.
"yes. why?" you ask, uncertain of how he knows your name.
"hm, i need you step aside for a moment." he shoots you a small smile before turning his head to where other staff are gathered. he shouts. "someone call Sato, he needs to assist a lady right here!" the group of staff nodded before briskly walking away.
you observe the ticket master takes, rips, stamps a logo on a person's inner wrists, and gives their tickets back precisely like he has done this for years. he didn't question any of them, heck he didn't even spare more than a second looking at their faces unlike what he did to you which brings you in wonder.
"am i in trouble?" you ask.
"no." he side glances you for a moment before returning his focus back to his job.
"then why am i being on hold?" you didn't want to irk him by asking too many questions but he's isn't supplying you with answers that will keep you at ease.
he halts mid-air, holding a stamp in hand as he looks at you with a confused face like you uttered a statement that was too far-fetched.
"he didn't tell you?" he cocks a brow before pressing the stamp on the skin of the person waiting in line. his eyes still on you.
"who's 'he'?" the more you question the deeper the crease between his eyebrow becomes.
are you supposed to know everyone in this arena? sure, you have watched games here a couple of times but that doesn't mean you know everything that goes on in their system. he could at least let you on with a bit of information.
the ticketing master shifts his vision to the person approaching behind you. he hums.
"hm, worry not. sato's here. he will assist you inside." you don't even know who sato is but you nodded like you understood what he met. he speaks to the boy catching his breath. "she's (y/n)."
"yes! i know her face. he made sure i remember her." the man wearing a laced id with his last name, Sato, printed on it chuckles. at the corner of his laminated identification card is a job title.
"VIP staff" you read with your eyes.
"I'll lead you to your seat." Sato gestures you follow him inside.
without saying a word, even though you're dubious of what is going on, you trail behind him. he walks down a fleet of stairs, looking through his shoulder from time to time to check you.
he stops right before the barricade separating the blue and red chairs. the blue chairs dominate the arena. it's tiered starting from the barricade to the exit doors while the red chairs are numbered. it is in equal footing with the floor of the court, placed right next to the team's corner.
"you can choose whatever seat you want but i suggest you go for the one over there. that's the nearest seat to MSBY and the view there is amazing." sato directs you with full smile.
"there must be a mistake. i have a regular ticket." you decided to speak up, showing him your stub but he waves it off.
"everyone gets a regular ticket whether you buy it online or over the counter. the red chairs or the vips are per request." as sato explains the more confused you get.
"i didn't request a vip seat." you reply.
"yes, you didn't but MSBY Sakusa did." As he mentions your boyfriend's name your lids peel off and gradually everything make sense.
"i didn't know." you said in a hushed tone.
"oh! it must be a surprise!" sato claps his hands enthusiastically but you, on the other hand, is horrified of the situation.
your eyes scan the vip section only to recognize a couple of faces. celebrities, influencers, bloggers, daughters from prominent families, and so on. and you look at yourselfㅡplain white shirt tucked in a high waisted jeans. slung over your shoulder is a signature bag that took Sakusa ages for you to accept. a bag priced thrice as a regular one is a no-no for you but your boyfriend argued that it's reasonable because it's your first birthday with him (although, you have spent countless birthdays with him it was as a friend and not as a lover. he thought dating you will give him the right to spoil you with gifts). you are not prepared for this situation. you wish you pulled your best top out of your closet or caked your face with make up.
"make yourself comfortable, i'll be at entrance C if you need anything." Sato says as he walks back up.
"wait, Sato." you stop him and he turns. "is it okay if i move seats and by that i mean up there, in those blue ones?" sato pauses for a moment before he replies.
"course! you can take whatever seat you want." he offers you a gentle smile before walking out.
knowing that famous individuals that will sit next to you gives you anxiety. you don't want to be put alongside with people whom you constantly feel like you have to adjust yourself just so you could appear admirable in their eyes. you wish to spare yourself of headache. albeit, all you want to do is to enjoy you boyfriend's game and cheer for him.
with much thought, you make your way up to the blue seats. you settle in the last seat in a row and immediately pulls your phone out of your pocket. you snap a picture of the court from where you are and sends it to your boyfriend. you type in "here." before clicking send.
a few seconds to a minute, a check appears next to your message. a note that tells you he has seen it. you didn't bother waiting for his reply as you already that at this point he and his team are preparing for the match. so, you zip your phone in your bag and relax your back on the seat.
a chattering noise accompanied by steps coming from the stairs is heard as two girls wearing a Bokuto and Sakusa jersey appears. they sit next to you, giddy about the upcoming match. the other girl which is sitting farther from you notices you.
"who are you cheering for?" she asks, cheeks turning red the moment you met eyes with her. she's probably hesitant to start a conversation with a stranger but since you're stuck with them (because you're sitting in the last seat of the row) she ought to make friends with you.
"MSBY." you simply state.
"who in MSBY?" she asks.
"Sakusa Kiyoomi." the other girl turns and instantly her face lights up at the mention of her idolㅡobviously, as she's wearing his jersey.
"Oh my god! you like him too?!" she gasps, leaning to your side.
"like" is a funny word. you don't just like him, you are in love with him. you have loved him for years even before he became a professional volleyball player. you were his friend and ally, mostly when you join forces into jesting or pushing other people's buttons. your admiration for him goes beyond Sakusa as a volleyball player. you like him as the person you share breakfast with or the grumpy old man he turns to when the room gets too messy to his liking. you like him when he's unable to decipher how to bake a chocolate cake or how to callout a neighboor that's too loud. you like him in many ways others couldn't.
nonetheless, you nod to the girl and as she squeals her friend taps on her shoulder as she points to the court. "they're here!"
both you and your boyfriend's fan turn your eyes to where she is pointing. there you see his team walking from the dugout. you spot him behind the three: hinata, bokuto, and miya. contrary to the three men who never run out of energy, he walks behind them calmly almost like he's bored. as soon as he steps in the court his eyes scan the audience.
he's looking for you.
he squints to search for your face and when his piercing eyes sees you, you swear to the sky and below that you felt your whole body shiver in fear. he tilts his head to the side as he narrows his eyes at you then he jogs his way to the team's coach. they exchanged a few words and after a nod from his coach, he's on his way to you.
your throat runs dry when his long legs skip the barricade separating the court and the red seats and the red seats to the blue seats. the two girls next to you jumps in their seats in excitement as they watch Sakusa climb the stairs towards their direction.
you turn your head to the side, away from the stairs and to the two girls with owl-like eyes anticipating the volleyball player. you cover your pathetic face with one hand and after a while you feel a daunting presence next to you. he didn't do anything, he just stands and looks at you through his bottom lashes.
"hey, hey, MSBY Sakusa is here! i thought you like him? come on this is a one time opportunity!" the girl next to you wearing your boyfriend's jersey scream-shouts. thanks to her support now you're melting in embarrassment.
Sakusa clears his throat and it's about time for you tear your hand away from your face. you shoot him a sheepish smile as his brows meet at the center of his forehead.
"why are you sitting here?" your voice hitches as his cold tone reaches you.
"i, uh... heh." you purse your lips into a tight smile.
"did sato not assist you? i made sure he remembers your name and face. i reserved a seat for you at the vip section." he arches a brow. at this point, the two girls next to you are watching the events unfold with their mouths hanging. they didn't expect this at all, and it's clear with how they look.
"listen, omi. i don't want to sit there." your mention of his first name, no, his nickname had the girl sitting next to you gasp loudly in shock. her friend cupped her hand over her mouth to stop her.
"and why?" sakusa challenges as he bends his back down to match with your height. he anchors his hand on the backrest of the seat in front of you and the other on your seat. you are completely caged, trapped between his spreadout arms.
"i don't want to sit next to celebrities looking like this! we both have many things in common but we surely share the same level of hostility towards people, especially famous entitled ones. you know this."
the amphitheater is beggining to swarm with people. you and sakusa have gained a number of head turns and even some of them took a quick photo of him. the least you want right now is attention but your conversation with your boyfriend isn't ending any time soon.
"i don't even know who those celebrities are." He pauses, then adds. "i want to see your face up close when i play, baby." he never calls you with that pet name, ever. not in public places, not in front of friends, but always when he needs something from you.
"baby, can you cook me dinner?"
"you look so good. do you have spare time, baby?
"oh, come on, baby, cuddle with me won't you?"
it's totally fine when it's just the two of you in a room but when he says it with ears nearby you can't help but succumb to his request just to end the embarrassment. when he sees you slowly sinking into your seat, he already knows.
he has won.
sakusa offers a hand to guide you to the vip section but you look at him, head slowly shaking to the sides.
"you don't have to do that."
"i insist." a cheeky grin plays on his lips as he continues. "quick, you don't want everyone's eyes on us, don't you?"
hence, with a long sigh and a quick grab on his hand you flees you out of your seat like a knight saving his princess. you give the two kind girls a swift nod as a way of saying goodbye and in return they stick their thumb out, eyes still wide as a deer in headlights.
as you tail behind sakusa with your hands intertwined, you pull him back gently so he can stop and wait for you.
"you're doing this on purpose. you're enjoying my flustered face. i know you, omi." you say through your teeth and for the nth time today he catches you off guard by leaning in to the side of your face. he turns his head towards you just enough for you to feel his lips brushing against your ears.
"let me show you off." he whispers.
"i thought you said you hate attention." you reply, swallowing in air as you feel a growing grin against the shell of your ears.
"i do but i'm letting them know you're mine."
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title's not the best lol but thanks for reading! hope ya like it ;)
masterlist | hq.list
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iiomanii · 1 year
𝖛𝖎𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑,* w/ bokuto
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SMUT ~ 16+, choking, hair pulling, teasing, groping, face grabbing, use of the name sir, penetration, dirty talk, degradation but really sweet. perverted reader, oral f! receiving, fingering, overstimulation, begging, names like princess and baby, reader gets dick drunk, missionary, doggy style, this is really some twitter shit.
As you stare at the man manspreading in the chair next to yours, you start thinking about the relentless things you want him to do to you. Wishing that every naughty thought, every wet dream, and every single fantasy you had about him came true. 
You´re so perverted thinking about your best friend pounding into you while he´s sitting right there next to you watching tv not knowing that you think about this. Your breath starts to get a little heavy as you continue to have these sinful thoughts about him, your childhood best friend, they're so dirty as you continue to think about this the thoughts start to feel real you´re soaked thinking about the possibilities that maybe, possibly you can actually do him this one time. You´re visualizing your best friend of  10 years fucking you dumb, and your soaked thinking about it, you´re sick.
Another sinful thought after the other, what he looks like shirtless, sweating over you, his gray hair sticking to his forehead, his toned hips pounding into your cunt relentlessly. 
¨Hey, snap out of it y/n¨ Bo says waving his hand in front of your face. ¨You okay?¨ he asks genuinely concerned ¨Yea, I'm fine just thinking¨ you say fiddling with your fingers ¨You only do that when your nervous what ´ya thinking about¨ he says leaning over to you. ¨You¨ you sigh. He looks at you confused ¨Me?¨ you nod feeling the tears swell in your eyes. ¨Don´t cry¨ he says smiling, you put your head down regretting your choice but you feel his hand under your chin ¨Look at me¨  he says ¨I knew you had a crush on me, trust me it was very noticeable¨  he looks at you ¨But- Bo you don't see me that way¨  he interrupts you ¨Who said I didn´t¨. You look at him his golden eye dragging you in. 
Next thing you know your lips are planted together as he´s grasping at the thin tank top you decided to wear today ¨Take it off¨ he says pulling away from the heated kiss ¨But-¨ you stutter ¨Take. It. Off¨ he cuts you off with his stern reply ¨Yes, SIr¨ you reply following his task ¨Such a slut¨ he says as his eye become drunk with lust. 
He kisses you again before dragging his lips down to your neck sucking and kissing on the spot that makes you weak ¨mmhm¨ he says reacting to your mewls as he continues leaving marks on your neck. He looks at you as he maneuvers his hand on the biker shorts you had on as he breaks the bands his fingers hovering over the place you want him to touch the most ¨please¨ you mutter looking at his lust-filled eyes ¨Beg¨ he says flat out ¨Won´t do it ´less you beg okay princess?¨  you do ¨Please-¨ you mewl out as he teases you, his fingers laying lightly up and down above your panties ¨Please what?¨ ¨Please sir¨ you say not thinking just knowing that you want him. 
He slides down the semi-restrictive shorts you had on with his free hand, you're exposed only in your panties and nothing else while he has everything on, you decided to grasp at his shirt and he obliges taking the white t-shirt that he had on off. Ḧe puts his hand back but this side inside of the mere thing covering you. He puts his fingers directly onto your pussy exploring your wet place. ¨What were you thinking about to get you this wet huh¨ he says rubbing your clit and watching your reaction, ¨ This¨ you say as he plunges his fingers into your cunt making you tightly grip the couch arm. He continues to fuck your cunny with his fingers ¨Dumb slut, I´m just giving you my fingers and you´re already about to cum¨ he says going faster with his fingers as he lowers himself to where his face is leveled with your pussy. You look at him as he removes his fingers and puts his mouth onto you licking and sucking, ¨Just grind on my mouth¨ he muffles and you listen grinding against his mouth as he licks in circles. ¨Please gonn´ cum¨ you say gripping onto his gray locs ¨mmhm¨  he says smiling ¨Go ahead¨ he says as you release what was being built up for so long. “I want to put my dick in you” he says pulling away from your spot his mouth wet with your slick. “Please, sir” as you interrupted my him pulling your legs “I’ll be careful” he says pressing your thighs against your stomach as he slowly pulls off his pants his dick popping out of his covering it; it’s pretty light pink tip with viens adorning the sides, it’s also girthy and slight curves to the left. 
He gently rubs his tip over the your clit making eye contact “you’re so pretty baby” as he gently start to put it in stroking slowly into you “Look at me” he says wrapping his hands over the bottom of yout thigh to keep his stability, You’re a wreck, moaning gripping at his forearm making eye contact with him looking into his eyes as you finally got what you wanted “f-faster” you say as he starts to pick up the pace lewd noises coming from his balls slapping against you ass “fuck” he mutters as he picks up the place going faster, the noises getting louder as he starts to hit your g-spot “right there please dont stop” as you feel your eyes rolling to the back of your head, thoughts leaving your head, nothing but the pleasure of him fucking you as you start to grip at his hips. He stops and pulls out and flips you around as you arch your back you feel a tight grip at your hair as he yanks it and makes you look at him as he continues. He smacks your ass continuing to pound into your spot as you feel a ball of pleasure start to form in your stomach “You’re about to cum, can feel you clenching” he speaks through his grunts and the lewd noises you two are producing. 
“Uh-huh” he says acknowledging the noises your making for him, “I’m cumming” as you feel yourself release all over him “Oh my god” you say as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm “You made a mess” he says “I’m about to cum princess” He says “Cum ‘n me” you say and he obliges burying his dick balls deep into your cunt as you feel the hotness release into your cunt. He pulls out and fix his pants, leaving his shirt off as he helps you fix yourself, kissing you again “You did so good” he says turning the lights off and cuddling next to you.
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faelissas · 2 years
*msby watching a nature documentary*
atsumu: OH I KNEW THAT
everyone else:
sakusa: what the fuck??? how do yk that
atsumu: um i went to college??
hinata: PFFF NO WAY
bokuto: nAHHH
inunaki: we thought that was your girlfriend
atsumu: im gay 😐
sakusa: im learning so much today
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wonderoustime · 9 months
sakusa's like a magnet pulled towards anything worthy of even the littlest amounts of interest and his magpie boyfriend tendencies flare up and he just has to get you something every time he's out. it isn't always some grand gesture — actually, most of the time it's just something small and inexpensive, but things he thinks you'd like or need. like the new menu item he gets you from your favorite bakery, a cute keychain to replace the worn-down tassel from your purse, the bookmark with a funny picture on it. or the little piece of candy he slips into your lunchbox, the drink he hands you even when you said you didn't need anything, the flower that he pressed from your fourth date.
sakusa's also a magnet when it comes to your smile, pulled towards it with a force that can't be resisted. and he's just happy to give in to both forces — i mean, he gets to see your pretty smile when you're thanking him for getting you (another) gift. no need to resist either pull ✓ happy s/o ✓
a win-win for him
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v3nusplanetofluv · 3 months
ii; good different
。・゚゚・atsumu x fem! reader
。・゚゚・college and 90s au
atsumu miya was the bane of your existence growing up. always making it his job to tease and taunt you daily. as time went on you detached yourself from the neighborhood kids, your frequent, unwanted presence merely becoming a thing of the past. however, the summer of '98 causes you and atsumu to face the past.
2.1k words
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"get him out of here," your hands slammed down on the wooden desk, shaking the small handmade frames and shitty trinkets that littered the surface. "i just wasted forty-five minutes of my day because he couldn't take a normal picture without staring at me with this dumb expression he gets on his face," a dry laugh left your lips as an exasperated expression overtook your features. tiredly, you sink back into the wobbly plastic chair littered with mysterious stains--most likely filled with kiddy germs, "why'd you have to hire him?"
"we're short-staffed--and he had a good application," the older woman leaned forward, resting her weight on her crossed arms. "why? ya have a bad fling with him--"
"NO! god no!" your eyes screwed shut, cringing at the nauseating thought. your face burned as if it was the surface of the sun, you shoved your face into your hands as if your palms could soothe the humiliating burn.
she let out an amused chuckle as she rested back into her spinny chair, causing the faux leather to peel off even further. "i just assumed," she put her arms up as a way to signal her surrender, "considerin' yall were from the same neighborhood and good lookin'."
you groan as you shake your head in your hands. "it's just playground stuff," you mutter, "it shouldn't have even come here--this is all very unprofessional--i apologize-" you ramble as you quickly begin to get up and out of your seat.
"wait, wait, if something is botherin' ya, ya are more than welcome ta tell me about it--i barely know miya-"
"no, no, no," you dismiss with a shake of your hand as begin to open up the office door, "I'll figure it out on my own! but thank you." with a smile you close the door behind you and let out a sigh. you quickly scurry out of the building, only slowing once you make it down the rotting steps--feet on steady ground.
you hunch over suddenly--violently--as you let out a callous but silent scream. hoarse fragments leave your mouth as you jump up and down stomping your feet erratically on the damp dirt. whispered curses bellow as you pull at your hair. your movements were so unsettling that if there was any chance of an ax murderer hiding out in the surrounding forest you definitely scared them away.
"stupid fucking bitch!" your grating curses fell upon deaf ears as you fell to your knees, repeatedly pounding at the ground as you panted. your forehead grew sweaty as you finally began to run out of energy, shallow breaths were the only sounds flowing through your head.
as you steadied your breath you looked down at your fingernails, covered in chipped nail polish, gripping onto your denim shorts. the blurriness in your vision began to dissipate as a pair of dirty sneakers snuck into your view.
your eyes trailed up the figure, making you let out a vexed whine as you landed on the familiar hazel eyes. you rolled your eyes, "what do you want?" a displeased sigh left your lips as he looked down at you in your weary state.
as he crouched down, you huffed at how he still towered over you. "ya were rollin' aroun' on the floor--the dirt," he let out a nervous chuckle as you only glared up at him making the climate even more suffocating in the beastly humididty. he let out a breath that he had been holding as he looked at anything but your figure underneath him, "jus' wanted ta check on ya-"
"i didn't need you to check on me," your tone was sharp as you pushed yourself off of the ground, shaking off any dirt left upon your converse. "why were you looking for me?'
it was now your turn to tower over him. and for one of the few times in his life, atsumu felt small compared to someone else...and he couldn't figure out why. maybe it was the way you looked down at him like he was dog shit on your shoe; or maybe it was his newfound attraction that made you look like a gift sent down from god; possibly a third thing--the fact that you had something over his head--the fact that he alienated and treated you like secondary when you were younger.
he snapped out of his thoughts as your hand began to wave in front of his face, "hello? what do you want from me?-"
"are ya gonna tell everyone?"
your expression softened, as confusion began to appear, "what are you-"
"are ya gonna tell everyone about how...about how i treated ya?"
a short, bitter laugh leaves your lips as you look down at him. atsumu looks up at you like a kicked puppy that doesn't want to look like he's been hurt. "no, i don't care to let everyone know about sandbox drama," his expression begins to lift with hope, "but i can hold a grudge," and then it drops. "so if that's all you had to ask then i think we're done here," you begin to turn on your heels.
"um the guys wanted me ta ask ya'd go into town ta get everyone pizza.."
you blink, "sure... i guess, what did they want?"
"they gave me a piece of paper with it on it."
"..." you look at him expectantly.
"...are you going to give it to me?"
the faux blond begins to get off of the ground, "nah, 'm gonna come with ya!" he smiles as he waves the slip of yellow notepad paper in front of your face, quickly pulling it back as you jump for it, "i don't believe in grudges, so we're gonna squash this, this summer!"
"no," you say through gritted teeth as your fists clench at your sides, "you're going to give the paper to me, so i can get in my car and get it by myself."
"well...no," he smiles down at you, "if i can't come, i guess you'll just disappoint everyone, and ya wouldn't like that now would ya?" he leans forward, "they speak so highly of ya," he tsks as he backs up, hands behind his back.
you looked as if cartoon-like smoke would come from your ears at any moment, "give me the paper atsumu!" you spit as you tried to grab it from behind his back. you lunge forward but he's quicker as he stuffs the paper into the front of his shorts.
your eyebrows furrow as he shrugs with a half smile, "ya can have it if ya get it yerself," he smirks as you suck in a frustrated breath through your nostrils.
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you shove your keys into the ignition of the 1996 lexus gs 300, as atsumu slides into the passenger seat with the obnoxiously goofy smile on his face that you hated. it was as if the red hand-shaped mark adorning the side of it meant nothing!
as you began to pull out of the dirt driveway, he spotted your case holding your CDs. he began to plunder through it--much to your dismay as you maneuvered onto the road. a sound of excitement left the opposite side of the car as he pulled out a cd that caught his eye.
"i love hall and oates!" he smiled as he began to put it into the cd player, but you quickly slapped his hand making him flinch back. "why don't ya wanna listen to a cd that ya bought?" an incredulous look overtook his face as he glanced over at you.
"if you like it, i don't want to hear it," you give him a tight-lipped smile before facing the road again. "put on the blue cd," you instruct prompting him to dig through the bag.
he pulls out the cd only to make his face scrunch up in disgust, "weezer...?" he looks over at you, the displeased look unable to leave his face.
"i love weezer," you spare him a quick look as your eyebrows furrow, a small pout on your lips.
"well 'm not puttin' that on," he stuffs the cd back into the bag and tosses it into the backseat. ignoring your protests, he slides the compilation album, looking back, into the player. he picks up the piece of plastic as he skims the back, looking for the song he wanted to skip to.
after ten nosiy clicks of the forward button, "maneater" begins to blare through the car stereo system. he sticks his arm out of the car window and begins to tap his hand on the door to the beat.
you sigh and pull your sunglasses down over your eyes as your hair whips in the wind. atsumu begins to hum along, testing the waters. as you continue to ignore him he begins to sing along quietly, "oh here she's comes," he looks over at you as he sings along, "she's a maneater..." you tap your finger on the steering wheel to the song.
as he continues to sing, he notices you silently lip-syncing to the song, "just sing," he urges making you hum and raise an eyebrow, "ya know ya want to...and this is basically yer song."
your head snaps to face him, "what's that supposed to mean?'
"ya clearly get a lot more attention from guys now because ya look so...different," he says matter of factly making you reach over and tug on a piece of his hair forcing him to wince. "a good different! yer hot now! like totally smokin'!" you shoot him a lethal glare from above your glasses.
"ok, ok..." he sinks back into his seat, the hot seatbelt burning into his chest.
the rest of the ride is in silence--well partial silence as hall and oates plays softly. the sun has begun to set, painting the sky in hues of pink, orange, and yellow. you look over to your side to see atsumu looking out the window as you turn into the parking lot.
you switch off the car with a sigh.
"all i did was get contacts and my braces off..." you mutter under your breath catching his attention.
"you're obviously curious--i just always looked like this i guess-"
"no...something else looks different too..." his eyebrows furrow in thought. his eyes start from the top of your head: a new haircut, obviously--maybe even some color; the glasses have been ditched, but you have more piercings now--four in each ear and a silver nose ring; your teeth are straight and you've ditched that overbite thanks to the braces. his eyes begin to drift further down...down to your-
your eyes quickly follow his line of vision, arms flying up to cover your chest, "you want another mark on the other side of your face to match?" you sneer as you feel your face heat up with agitation.
"you have boobs now, that's what i couldn't figure out!"
"atsumu! i'm going to kick your stupid teeth in!" you seethe as you wish the earth would sink in and swallow you whole. his gaze is unmoving as he looks at you with a dopey grin and matching red ears.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" he exclaims as he finally looks away. your arms slowly begin to drop from your chest as you unfasten your seat belt, gaze following astumu's movements as he unbuckled his seat belt as well.
a breath that you felt you'd been holding in for centuries falls from your lips as you close your eyes for a moment. a small moment of peace as you'd not only been running around setting up camp for the past three days but you'd been forced to face your unruly neighbor head-on after avoiding him for years. with your head titled back onto the seat rest, your eyes flutter open at the sound of uneasy rustling coming from the passenger seat. the slow turn of your head aids in no halt of his movements.
the sight of him fitfully digging in the front of his shorts, makes your eyes go wide and cheeks heat up as you yell to grab his attention. why'd you yell? it was a rash decision!
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" the guttural sound makes him jump in his seat, hands still stuck in his pants as he tries to quickly fumble around to get them out.
two deers in a set of headlights stare at each other across the gear shift, as the inside of the car gets unbearably hot. as he stumbles over his words your eyes constantly flicker between his incredibly red face and his hands groping in the front of his shorts.
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notes !
☆ i totally just watched lisa frankenstein and the freakout part is totally inspired by that.
☆ atsumu is having a hard time talking to y/n--not just because she's his type now, and intimidatingly pretty, but because he's only ever had mean things to say about her.
☆ surprisingly--to atsumu at least--y/n's pretty into rock music ie. weezer, nirvana, green day, radiohead, the cranberries, etc. whereas, atsumu is rather nostalgic and listens to music from when he was a kid ie. hall and oates, david bowie, michael jackson, al green, etc.
☆ when atsumu finally got the list out of his pants, it was crumpled, full of penis sweat, and unreadable. luckliy, y/n was able to make an educated guess on what they wanted because she's worked with them so long (and she was spot on).
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taglist ! open
@bakugoswaif @luvly-writer @littlemiyastars @tvhsleb3ww @yachi-luvr @rosieandthethorns @lzaj19 @kaymarnun
if your name is bolded i couldn't tag you :(
dividers by @plutism
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