#mtf alpha 9
runebreakercosplay · 11 months
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Item #: SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️
Object Class: Euclid
Descrpiton: SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ is a creature of unknown origin taking the shape of a dog. It is capable of imitating other canid shapes. It was located in ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ where multiple people have been reported missing. Several witnesses have stated that they saw a dog near the forest and that the missing people approached it trying to help, thinking it was a runaway dog. Attempting to approach SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ caused it to retrieve further back into the forest. The victims followed it and were never seen again. It is unclear what happened as they were no traces or remains found.
Several field teams consisting of Class-D Personnel were sent to secure SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ but are currently MIA.
Mobile Taskforce ALPHA 9 is sent to investigate the events and secure SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️. _______________________________________
Addendum 1:
MTF Alpha 9 arrived at the scene ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ local time. The team consists of commanding officer ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ callsign Badger; senior field agent ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️, callsign Hiker; three D-class personnel and SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️, callsign Roach. The taskforce operates in pairs to investigate the area.
The following is an excerpt from Aplha 9's radio transmissions.
HIKER: We found some paw prints leading into the forest. Gonna follow them.
BADGER: Copy that. Do not approach if you see any dog like creatures.
ROACH: Guys we got movement. North-west of our position. Couldn't see what it was.
BADGER: Stay at your location, we'll come to you.
BADGER: Hiker, gather at Roachs location.
ROACH: Yes, sir.
HIKER: Got movement as well. Seems to be- wait where's-
HIKER: Badger, i lost D-9817. He was right beside me a few seconds ago. There's some-
BADGER: Hiker, status update.
BADGER: Hiker?!
BADGER: Shit! - Roach, staus?
ROACH: Still here, boss. All quiet, no more movement.
BADGER: Copy that. Move to Hikers last location,we'll meet up there. -be careful.
ROACH: Yes, sir.
Addendum 2:
MTF Alpha-9 was able to secure SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️.
It is to be contained at Site ⬛️⬛️.
SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ is responsible for the disappearance of senior field agent ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️, six D-Class personnel and at least 12 civilians. It is currently unknown how or why SCP⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ causes the disappearance subjects. Experimantion will start immediately after the arrival of SCP ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ at its containment unit.
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rovobeam · 8 months
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Anomalous Employment Division
Description: As new anomalies appear in our world and other worlds, the ones we are already familiar with only get older and older. Thus, there's leaves three options for said anomalies leave them be, decommission and therefore Neutralize them, or utilize them. For those that can and should be utilized rather than neutralized they are debriefed here at the AED.
The AED is the dedicated to showing the more humane side of the Foundation by giving the contained anomalies a chance to benefit humanity rather than putting it in danger. As such the AED only works with sentient, humanoid, and non-hostile anomalies. All other anomalies are not in the jurisdiction of the AED. It should also be noted that SCPs debriefed by the AED are to no longer be referred to as my their SCP number or Code Name, instead they will be referred to by the names they originally had or the ones they chose for themselves. Upon completion of any training, augmentations, and treatment needed they will be referred to as Foundation Staff with Class F status. Class F status implies a Foundation staff member that has been affected by anomalous properties but is to not be contained, instead use their anomalous properties to further benefit the Foundation if at all possible.
SCP's commissioned:
- SCP-040/ Name: Dr. Evolution/ Current Age: 24/ Condition: Given Foundation lotion to prevent harm form UV rays and potential diseases. Trained by Foundation evolutionary biologists to understand her powers better/ Affiliation: Cryptozoology Division.
- SCP-049/ Name: Dr. Haselhurst/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: Begrudgingly agreed to work alongside the Foundation and only focus on the Pestilence as a side project rather than his main goal, is given a single Class-D every week as per agreement/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-053/ Name: Abby Johnson/ Current Age Biologically: 20/ Current Age Correctly: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: Is given a supplement to help her age like a normal human, at least until she reaches the age of 21. Is currently studying with the Fire Suppression Department to one day work with them. Is only allowed to visit SCP-682 once a month or more when testing is involved/ Affiliation: Understudy for Fire Suppression Department - Containment and Security Division.
- SCP-073/ Name: Agent Cain/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: is give regular therapy by Dr. Talic and has been equipped with [data expunged] allowing him to turn off his powers when not on missions/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-076-2/ Name: Agent Able/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: [data expunged]. Despite this, he is to only be deployed as a last resort, and never when Agent Thompson or Agent Cain is present/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-105/ Name: Agent Thompson Captain Iris Clef/ Current Age: 41/ Condition: Given a newly furnished room and complete freedom to wander Site-[data expunged] and has been promised to not only be properly trained but also better treated by Foundation staff. New equipment has also been promised as well as freedom to visit her friend Agent Victoria and her girlfriend wife Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: MTF Captain of Alpha-9 Division Dagger.
- SCP-134/ Name: Dr. Stella Starchild/ Current Age: 40/ Condition: Given an augmentation surgery to her ears to allow her to better percive her surroundings. She still can’t see but is able to tell where objects are and how to avoid bumping into people. She doesn’t like to talk so instead, she was taught ASL, JSL, CSL, BSL, and FSL. Had a particular interest with Theology and thus was taught in the subject as well/ Affiliation: Department of Tactical Theology.
- SCP-166/ Dr. Meri Clef/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: given a necklace made by the Foundation that is able to suppress her anomalous abilities without harming her in any way/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Psychology and Therapy Division.
- SCP-191/ Name: Agent Cidney Victoria/ Current Age: 40/ Condition: Given several surgeries with the regenerative cybernetic flesh of Tau-5 units and thus she now has their capabilities, their strength, their speed, their regeneration, their immunity, and can now talk. She still doesn't need to eat but does so out of joy/ Affiliation: MTF Tau-5.
- SCP-239/ Name: Dr. Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir (Agent Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir)/ Current Age: 38/ Condition: Received therapy from Dr. Corvio and Dr. [data expunged]. Later trained to properly control her powers by MTF Hecate-A: Real Magic/ Affiliation: Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare (Mobile Task Force Commander of Hecate-A: Real Magic - Oracles Third Eye.)
- SCP-347/ Name: Agent Claudia Rains/ Current Age: 56/ Condition: Reluctantly trained by MTF Specialists in covert operations, hand to hand, and close quarters combat/ Affiliation: Spy Agent for MTF Delta-5 and MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-507/ Name: Agent John Hopper/ Current Age: Unknown (Assumed to be in 40s or 50s)/ Condition: Was given a Collar made with vibration crystals and created by the DTASMW to keep him in our reality. He can now only jump into other realities when he wants too. Like before he is still immune to the hazards of other realties. Given monthly therapy sessions with Doctor Rover/ Affiliation: Emergency agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Dagger.
- SCP-590/ Name: Dr. Thomas Jack Shaw/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: Has been given a Foundation supplement that restores his health should he ever use his powers. Has been taught by Dr. Haselhurst and Dr. MacQuoid in medical science and how to use advanced Foundation medical tools, equipment, and medicine. Regularly sees Dr. Clef to ensure his mental health doesn't deteriorate/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-734/ Name: Agent David Founder/ Current Age 15/ Condition: Raised by two AFA-3's designed to be immune to his powers. Taught him the values of life, the SCP Foundation, and the great use of his powers. Is given regular psyche evaluations by Dr. Corvio/ Affiliation: Mobile Task Force Alpha-9
- SCP-1360/ Name: Agent Hector/ Current Age: Unknown/ Condition: [Data Expunged]/ Affiliation: MTF Tau-5.
- SCP-1985/ Name: Agent Jacqueline Johnson/ Current Age: 42/ Condition: Given complete control of the anomalous abilities of the device through Dr. Stefansdottir. She can now travel to any reality she likes and temporarily alter her body to become accustomed to that reality or gain abilities that are considered common place within that reality/ Affiliation: Field Agent within the Department of the Impossible.
- SCP-2118/ Name: Researcher Carly Love/ Current Age: 14/ Condition: Given a mask that suppresses her anomalous outbursts; has been given different masks with different styles for fashion purposes. Has been adopted by Dr. Susan Love and sees Dr. Talic on a monthly basis/ Affiliation: Understudy for Department of Universal Affairs.
- SCP-2192/ Name: Researcher Milaya Atomic/ Current Age: 13/ Condition: Has been given bath bombs containing chemicals that sooth her damaged body and with time should give her new skin. If this doesn't work, she is to be given a full body bio suit that will act as her skin. There is also the construction of her armor that should allow her to control the radiation emitted from her body. Regularly receives training from Agent Wells and psyche evaluations from Dr. Talic/ Affiliation: Understudy for the Anomalous Employment Division.
- SCP-2241/ Name: Cameron Crusader/ Current Age: 10/ Condition: Receives training from Dr. Stefansdottir and therapy sessions from Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-2273/ Name: Captain Alexei Belitrov/ Current Age: 55/ Condition: Received proper therapy from Dr. Carvio and the suit was repaired and upgraded by the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare. He is now able to take suit off and on at will/ Affiliation: Captain of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-2639/ Names: Agent GRRGRL, Agent WTF_STFU, Agent BOOGER/ Condition: Thanks to the Church of Maxwellism the Foundation was able to manifest immortal bodies for each of them that will simply respawn in an area close to where they died. They can now even see the world for what it is and are even able to interact with the world normally and modify their bodies to appear how they want. They can also manifest any SCP-2639-B item they desire at any time they want. SCP-2639-C has also been upgraded to ensure that the three of them won’t have to worry about death by other means. Furthermore, the Church of Maxwellism also made [data expunged] to ensure that if the computer does get destroyed the three of them will simply go to [data expunged] which is a sort of digital afterlife for Maxwellists/ Affiliation: MTF-Omega-9 (Sometimes works with MTF Tau-5)
- SCP-3293/ Name: Cooper Wells/ Current Age: 12/ Condition: Trained by Dr. Stefansdottir to understand and control his anomalous abilities. Has secretly received memetic therapy to regulate his chaotic behavior and desire to create more complex and often destructive devices/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9
- SCP-4051/ Name: Agent Rainer Miller/ Current Age: 30/ Condition: Trained by Foundation medics to understand the contents of medicine so he could manifest them, trained by Foundation engineers to understand phones and other useful devices, and trained by Foundation MTF’s to better understand melee and firearm weapons. like all approved by the AED is allowed to visit his family when not on missions and has his abilities suppressed. is also regularly given therapy by Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF-Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-4494/ Name: The Specter/ Current Age: Unknown/ Condition: Was given a [data expunged] to allow him to [data expunged] as to prevent another “breakdown of the concept of crime” scenario form happening as well as a [data expunged] so that the Foundation can contact him on missions, especially ones relating to his anomalous state/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-4818/ Name: Leora Lightfoot/ Current Age: 20/ Condition: Was trained by Agent Wells to control her powers/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-5239/ Name: Blane Veers/ Current Age: 21/ Condition: Given Therapy sessions by Dr. Clef. Trained in MTF tactics and many types of thaumaturgic spells and rituals/ Affiliation: Captain of MTF Beta-777.
- SCP-5419/ Name: Quincy Koothrapali/ Current Age: 9/ Condition: Given weekly therapy sessions by Dr. Clef. Also trained in MTF tactics and war strategies/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Demeter-4.
- SCP-6101/ Name: Ethan Prosper/ Current Age: 5/ Condition: Non-Anomalous currently, but thanks to SCP-[data expunged] we know he will gain anomalous abilities by the age of 9. Though of course this might not happen as most things given The Reset, but until he becomes of age, the Foundation will continue to monitor him/ Affiliation: Civilian life. Future Candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Spear.
- SCP-AAS/ Name: Agent McGee Commander Charlie Wells/ Current Age: 48/ Condition: trained to control her power and unleash her full potential without hurting others/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9. (Sometimes works with MTF Epsilon-9)
- SCP-ABL/ Name: Dr. Mathew Wells/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: Receives therapy on a biweekly basis with Dr. Corvio, given gloves by the DTASMW that allow him to heal anyone regardless of their religious affiliation and won't cause him to change at all/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-ACP/ Name: Dr. Carrie Yalemin/ Current Age: 24/ Condition: Has been cured of her mental trauma and her life is no longer under the influence of the Scarlet King thanks to Project [data expunged] created by Dr. Zeek/ Affiliation: Department of Tactical Theology.
- SCP-ACV/ Name Emily Valant/ Current Age: 39/ Condition: Her twin SCP-ACV-2 has been forced under a medical procedure to make him clinically braindead. She has inherited all his abilities as a result without his psychotic behavior. Still regularly sees Dr. Rover for therapy sessions on a month basis/ Affiliation: Personal trainer and tutor of new recruits for MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-AGC/ Name: Agent Tree Gelbman/ Current Age: 29/ Condition: Given medical treatment for the recoil of her abilities and therapy from Dr. Rover. Train in basic and some advanced military combat skills and tactics/ Affiliation: Member of MTF Alpha-9 Division "Shield"
- SCP-AGT/ Name: Agent Jodie Jaden Holems/ Current Age: 33/ Condition: Given proper housing for himself and his four friends as well as their newborn child they are raising together. Also was given the ability to transition from female to male thanks to Dr. Zeek/ Affiliation Member of MTF Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" Division "Sorcerer's Staff".
- SCP-ASZ/ Name: Cody Morgan/ Current Age: 16/ Condition: Has been given therapy on a weekly basis by Dr. Corvio. Trained by Dr. Stefansdottir to keep his powers in check and better control them/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Spear.
- SCP-AZJ/ Name: Agent David McGowan/ Current Age: 37/ Condition: Received monthly therapy from Dr. Talic and special training form Agent Wells to keep him sane and his powers strong. Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Dagger (Sometimes works with MTF Delta-5)
End Note: By Order of the 05 Council even after being processed by the AED certain anomalies are still required to do cross testing and other experiments. However, there will be more leniency with regards to protocol “Anomalous Lives Matter” as well as the fact that they are Foundation staff now.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
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rustyboltzz · 2 years
Alpha-9 plays monopoly as a team bonding exercise
Yes, Guns were involved. Yes it ended very poorly. At least the got good aim practice... out of each other...
No one gets hit, but an MTF does have to split up the fight, and they aren't so lucky..
Anyways, Adam's considers herself the defacto winner, but all she really did was split the board in half, so it's up for debate.
In her logic, she technically made the team get along again.. but that's also up for debate.
It is ruled by the 05 council that MTF Alpha-9 and MTF Lambda-2 never step foot near the game 'Monopoly' ever again... and that some research be done into memetic factors that may be built into the game.
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thehauntedgoth · 8 months
You're a guard for the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation interviews an SCP. The SCP talks about how you were extremely cruel in the past. The SCP Foundation learns that you are a reality bender that can't be captured or killed. What happens next?
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taiyoooh · 8 months
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1-2: f!alpha Madara and m!omega Tobirama
3-6: sexy no jutsu bunny Tobirama ft. Madara in horny jail
7: just a nice furisode
8-9: mtf Tobirama
10: in a server i'm in, they were talking about a Borderlands AU and Izuna was a siren but was clad in a slutty look to show off his tattoos and I was like man I want to see him serve but also i have no idea how to design tattoos or what Borderlands is even about
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leguichettravel · 1 month
Day 7 of Gritvin Week:
This marks the last day of the ship week for everyone. Although I didn't do much here, I thank @st1ckart1zt for creating this prompt.
Now on to the scenario:
"This just in, we have just reported a SCP-610 incursion happening in a local village near FOB Alpha, particularly some Sarkic cultists have decided to establish a foothold there. As such, MTF Alpha-60 designated "Heavy Hitters" along with some Government volunteers have been sent behind enemy lines in order to eliminate the threat from the inside. Meanwhile, MTF Nu-7 designated "Hammer Down" has been assigned to provide artillery support, while MTF Epsilon-9 designated "Fire Eaters" are given a mission to take down any hostile SCP-610 instances they see on sight. We hope to see this Joint Ops mission result in a success."
- Mission briefing from the MTF Commander
For their mission, both Charles and Victoria are assigned to escort a E-9 Cremator in incinerating a infested portion of the village containing the SCP-610 instances there.
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Here is the prompt for this event.
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12-cluh · 5 months
SCP/MTF Collection #7
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Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand”)
Epsilon-9 (“Fire Eaters”)
Zeta-9 (“Mole Rats”)
Tau-5 (“Samsara”)
Iota-10 (“Damn Feds”)
Upsilon-90 ("Andalusian Dogs")
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aprilbrowines · 22 days
Scp erased chapter 9: MTF Alpha-13 vs. Scp-682
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Summary: The unofficial mobile task force Alpha-13 (Lost boys) look for the destructive scp-682, unfortunately it found them.
Inside the armored van, Giovanni and his MTF crew the lost boys were being debriefed on the dangerous anomalies they were about to face.
“So 682 is a giant reptile?”
“It’s not just a giant reptile, it’s a misanthropic reptile who’s hard to destroy.” Dr. Clef explains “We’ve been trying to kill it for years but its adaptability and mutations have made it a challenge. Giovanni’s eyes widened in awe.
“Woah…that’s so cool.”
“That’s terrifying, which is why we have to…”
Before he could finish his sentence the van swerved to avoid an incoming fire hydrate flying toward them, in front of them was scp-682 causing chaos and destruction. People ran away in fear as it swung its tail in defense.
“Get ready you guys!” Clef said as the van stopped in front of the monster. The lost boys and Percy popped out of the van facing scp-682, the beast growling at the pathetic humans. Percy summons a wizard tower aiming her sword at the reptile as lighting shoots toward 682, its flesh burned as it absorbs the electricity.
It started to glow taking in more of the electricity until it opened its maw and blasted a powerful lighting blast at the group, they jumped out of the way of the attack. 682’s fur crackled with static as it charged up for another attack.
“What do we do!? WHAT DO WE DO?!” Ben said, panicking
Giovanni rips the knife off the bat and hits it at 682’s eye, oozing blood and aqueous humor as it pierces the sclera. Roaring in pain it rushes towards Giovanni as he runs from the monster.
His heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, dodging lightning bolts left and right. Just as 682 was on Giovanni’s tail Crusher threw a trash can at it, letting Giovanni escape.
“Disgusting humans.” 682 growls, seeing the group scatter.
Wings sprouted from its back as it flew upward into the sky, getting a bird’s eye view. It chases down Giovanni and the lost boys like a hawk. Spike and Crusher were shooting at the reptile who was dodging the bullets left and right. Percival king was holding Molly close to her body.
“We need to neutralize 682 and get it back to the site!” Dr. Clef said, shooting at the beast.
682 landed in front of Percy, Molly, and Dr. Bright. It eyed the trio with the desire to rip them apart, Percy placed Molly behind her as she brandished her sword while Bright used a chainsaw. They both lunge at the monster, Percy swinging her sword at the 682’s tail who started to fight back.
As the two adults fight tooth and nail with the misanthropic monster, Molly tries to crawl away. 682 noticed this and threw them off before grabbing Molly by the scruff of her bear hoodie.
“Ms. Blyndeff!”
The girl stares at 682 in horror. She tried to wiggle out of its grasp but it was too strong, as it opened its mouth wide to bite down on her skull Molly closed her eyes as she used her epithet. She braced herself for the painful demise…but it didn’t come, instead a droplet of drool landed on her as 682 was dazed in a stupor, mouth still open.
“Miss Blyndeff!” Percy said, grabbing the young sprog away from danger “Are you all right?”
“What…did you do to scp-682?” Dr. Bright asks, getting in front of the reptile. He snapped his fingers in 682’s face but it didn’t even flinch.
“I used my epithet on it,” Molly said “I didn’t think it would work but…i guess it did.”
Percy holds her too closely, too tightly, but Molly doesn't mind. Jack called for Clef to contain 682 as it stood there. Pondering for a moment a grinch-like grin grew on his face as he thought of an idea.
“Hey Molls, can I ask you a favor?”
— Giovanni, Dr. Clef, and the lost boys ran to the location where scp-682 was, as the group came they were stared down by 682. He raises his shotgun but before he could get a shot in, the reptile pounces on him, tails swaying left and right.
Giovanni closed his eyes as his boys had looks of terror on their faces. But instead of the sounds of bone snapping and visceral demise it was more sloppy and wet. Opening his eyes they all saw the monstrous lizard licking dr. Clef’s face like that of a dog welcoming their master back home.
“Gah get off me!” Clef growls trying to push 682 off but to no avail.
Suddenly they hear laughter as they look to see Jack bright laughing, wiping a stray tear from his eye. Molly and Percy were with him safe and sound.
“Oh man, I didn’t think it would work but it did.” He said, taking a few pictures of the scene. Giovanni hugs Molly tightly.
“Bear trap, what happened?” Giovanni asked “I thought that 682 was a killing machine!”
“It was,” Molly replied “That is until I used my epithet on it.”
He looked at Dr. Bright, playing with a dull minded 682 who barked excitedly. The reptile jumped up and down, wagging its tail.
As 682 was being driven back to site 19, The lost boys celebrated looking at the coordinates to the next anomaly. From a rooftop afar a familiar face noticed the scene from below and with a smile she tells her boss about the discovery.
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eparchclass · 10 months
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Alpha4taskic | Ponyexptaskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Alpha-4, aka "Pony Exspress"
Alpha9taskic | Lasthopetaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Alpha-9, aka "Last Hope"
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mushroomjeremy · 1 year
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Made designs for human personification of the SCP Foundation, GOC, and some of their “children” (Sites, MFTs, Projects/Campaigns, & Bases.) Drawing has 9 whole characters in it and took maybe 4 whole months of work give or take.
Everyone in here is from left to right(ish):
Site 1, Site 19, SCP Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, MTF Alpha 1 - Red Right Hand, and Goc’s Base Far Point
Far back right side left to right:
Mendes, Ichabod, and MTF Lambda 2 - Dr. Clef's Bisexual Assassination Squad (they go by Bass for short)
If anyone read Spicy Nuggets/Whiskey Coffee Cakes this is what I had in mind for Foundation’s and Goc’s appearances.
I do have HCs for everyone but I’ll leave that to if people want to know more about whatever weird AU idea I came up for these characters.
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sometownie · 1 year
sims questions tag.
I was tagged in a few things but I’ve sort of forgotten to do them. This one was from @phoebe-twiddle​​ thank you for the tag ♥
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
I would rather all my sims die of old age, tbh. But I really do like the cowplant death (feed your enemy to the plant and use it to lengthen your own life?? amazing). Also I’ve never experienced the murphy bed death, that’d be fun to see!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I’m somewhere between mm and realistic. I love good grunge cc and I have a soft spot for photoskinned jeans, but I also love crunchy bright mm hair colors and I try to use maxis items as often as I can.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No way. The sim either loses the weight themselves or embraces it. However my playing style is very systematic, which means that sims do certain things in certain order during the day, and they rarely do gain weight. Also, talking about this feels a little icky.
4. Do you use move objects?
You can’t even place modular stairs next to a wall without moveobjects, so yeah.
5. Favorite mod?
hmmmmm I don’t think I could live without the first born syndrome fix that’s included in Lazy Duchess’ RPC launcher. I could go fully without mods but you’d have to tear fbs fix from my cold dead hands.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
The first expansion pack I got was the House Party exp for TS1. However my base game was the deluxe edition which also had Livin’ Large. And I followed the same pattern with TS2 - Nightlife was the first one I just had to get.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Alive. You’d call it “Living mode” if you were to pronounce it like that, wouldn’t you?
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
*waves hands towards her*
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*crowd boos*
9. Have you made a simself?
Yeah, for a tumblr header pic.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
sloppy / shy / lazy / neither serious nor playful / nice
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I like the og black, red and brown. In general I don’t like too yellowish blonde hair, but then again....... I just posted a pic of Greta with yellow hair. So. Yeah.
12. Favorite EA hair?
Does the gorgeous store hair count? The one that I used for Babette Black? I have no idea what it’s called :’)
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I also really like aline, shorttuckin, and caesar (especially the mtf version).
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult, no question about it.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I spend a lot of time building, but I still prefer live mode gameplay. Currently building is burning me out so I try to focus on gameplay.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Not a creator but I’ve done some tiny things for myself :)
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2 ♥
18. Do you have any sims merch?
Not official sims merch but I do have a clothing patch with a plumbob and the text “Motherlode” and “I wish it worked in real life”. Also a few pins.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
To be honest...... I don’t think my style has changed all that much. If anything I’m slowly reverting back to my old habits. Here’s a post about this I made.... three years ago.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I’m not sure but it’s Sometownie something something.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Okay this is a shoutout to @jacky93sims​​ and @pforestsims​​! I absolutely love the stuff you guys do! ♥
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Since 2010........ I haven’t always been too active, though.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I got Reshade not long ago so now I only crop the pictures before posting. Makes things so much easier and faster. More time for playing.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
I still do think it’s Nightlife. It’s an integral part of The Sims 2 for me. Of stuff packs I adore Mansion & Garden, a lot of my favorite items/bodyshop stuff are from M&G.
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An au where Tokoyami is transported to the SCP Foundation world where none of the few hundred years of evolution happened in that world, meaning there are no things such as quirks or mutants.
However, due to the appearance of his head and the very obvious presence of Dark Shadow pictures had been taken and sightings had surfaced about a humanoid figure wandering the outskirts of Shizuoka prefecture. Even appearing in alleyways and such.
The foundation sent MTF-Alpha 9- the reborn Omega-7. (A Mobile Task Force explicitly intended to train and utilize humanoid SCP objects in the field) that was stationed in Japan before being ordered to scope the areas were the unknown entity is sighted. Ordered to use lethal force if necessary.
Almost a week later they reported the being was very familiar with the prefecture and the forest around it, thus being able to avoid the Team for long periods of time. However, the situation was given light when one of the personnel within the team coded "Vistage" maimed the entity and shot a part of it's leg while fleeing, giving them advantage on the mission as the entity screamed in a way that was almost human.
But before the team could get the upper hand on the situation- a loud, earsplitting roar was heard throughout the forest before a large shadowy entity rose up from the canopies. Whilst the MTF-Alpha 9 had begun fighting off against the other unknown entity they realized that no matter how much they do or how many bullets they shot off, there wasn't any significant effect on the entity even after launching off several grenades; though they noted that the grenades were much more effective on subduing the entity.
Much later another team appeared on the scene as requested for backup- MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") soon arrived at the area were the other entity had sprung. Carrying with them multiple explosives, such as AT4S and RPG-7s and other such whilst half of the MTF-Alpha 9 were given orders via radio to locate the previous unknown entity before this one.
Significant aftereffects were soon noted when the MTF Epsilon-6 began to take action; firing multiple attacks at the shadowy entity but otherwise still not enough as the entity begins to act more viscous and lethal.
Large shadow claws descended from the treetops and grabbing the assault vehicles with personnels still inside before thrashing them about, thus as the debris fell from the sky as did body parts and blood. Raining over them in a red sea.
Soon after, almost all of both teams were eliminated on the spot after being thrown or dragged by the larger entity, while what's left with MTF-Alpha 9 still has not found the first previous entity that was originally meant as the main target.
MTF Epsilon-9 (specializes in the use of incendiary weaponry and operations in high-temperature environments) was then sent after the entity after reports of fire being the most effective by the remaining task forces, and thus began attacking as soon as the team arrived as the large entity roared and thrashed around before being almost subdued completely.
Expecting the entity to drop on the ground they were shocked to see the previously targeted entity on the forest grounds instead, curled up on a ball shivering but otherwise did not make any sounds as multiple wounds and burns covered it's exposed skin from the burnt fabrics of what could be a school uniform.
The entity were soon transported and contained on Site-[][][] after the initial event, though the SCP Foundation made sure to track any anomalous aftereffects within the forest and around itself.
SCP-2062 is a humanoid entity weighing around 45.9 kg (109 Ibs) and a height over 158 cm (5'2 ft) with fair skin and lean but otherwise strong build. Although the most distinctive was his head of a black bird, possibly supposed to resemble that of a crow or a raven. He has a tan, yellowish beak which is slightly hooked down at the end, thin, unnatural red eyes with a small black pupil, one on each side of his head, and a red choker, which he rarely removes. Despite the appearance of his head, however, his body looks like one of a normal human, with rather fair skin.
There is another entity that is seemed to be tied with SCP-2062 however, otherwise recognized as the large shadowy entity during the containment procedure of Shizuoka Prefecture. And was classified as SCP-419.
SCP-2062 and SCP-419 seems to be in what it appears to be in a symbiotic relationship as SCP-419 seems to be unable from detaching itself from SCP-2062 during the first attempted experimentation snd research.
SCP-419 is a sentient shadowy entity capable of human speech (mainly only japanese but otherwise shows recognition over English signs and words, but it is not considered if the entity is indeed fluent in English as well). SCP-419 is capable of movement on normal scales, but is fast enough to snap at anyone who dares to draw near it and SCP-2062 protectively for unknown reasons.
The entity also shows signs of irritation and anger whenever it is referred to as "SCP-419" by the researchers and SCP Foundation personnels.
Currently, both SCP-2062 and SCP-419 are both contained in Foundation Site-[REDACTED] for further research, though testing may halt before SCP-2062 is completely healed to undergo experimentation and interview.
Fun fact- I actually love the SCP foundation!!!
I am in love with the way you wrote this! I absolutely love reading entries and I can 100% see this as an AU, be it the result of a quirk or some other force of nature.
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
Action Report: The Chaos of Fate
This was possibly the worst thing that could happen, The New Church of the Fractured God had found its way into an old ISU vault. They were a well-known modern faction of religion known as Mekhanism though unlike most sects, who want to make Mekhane whole again; they are mostly driven by obtaining power from their deity. Except they weren't alone, they were currently battling against a group from Zealots on Crack. Both wanted to get some ISU tech, and both were incredibly dangerous enemies of the Foundation. Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" obviously wouldn't have been able to handle the Mekhanites overwhelming power nor the chaos of Zealots on Crack. Not that they could offer the extra hands anyways, their forces were spread too thin at the moment due to Abstergo Industries raiding other vaults like crazy in hopes of replenishing their lost pieces of Eden. Instead, a much stronger and equally unpredictable force was going to be needed to fight. Thus, Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope" was deployed. 
It was 2017 and Iris was on one of the SFH-2 "Ravens" she was holding a picture of her wife Meri whose stomach was already quite big since she was very pregnant. Iris smiled lovingly at the picture; she still remembered the joy she felt when Meri said she wanted to have a baby and the overwhelming happiness they both had when Dr. Zeek told them the procedure was a success. Then there was Iris's disappointment when she was assigned to today's mission, meaning less time with her wife. Due to the hundreds of other MTF's that existed within the Foundation and the fact that some of them were more powerful than Alpha-9 like Tau-5, Alpha-1, and Hecate-Alpha, she was rarely ever called to action. Though that didn't make the few times she was called to action any less frustrating. 
The O5 Council only saw people like her as a weapon to be used by the Foundation, nothing more. She knew this as when she was first taken in by the Foundation, they immediately put her through harsh military training and taught her stealth and assassination tactics. It was quite bad at first but as time went on the MTF units she worked with became nicer and praised her on her growing strength and increasing number wins in sparring contests. Though there were always researchers that looked at her like a freak and even insulted her to her face for not being "human enough". Most ended up getting fired but it didn't make the pain and humiliation fade, though spending time with her wife and getting counseling from Foundation therapists did help. 
Most thought she was too emotional and maybe sometimes she was but, in the end, she always felt justified in hating the Foundation. Though, she could always count on her closest friends; MTF Captain Xio, one of her mentors who was also a badass Assassin. Daniel who, despite his bad attitude, she could always trust to protect her from the O5 Council. Finally, there was the love of her life Meri which was pretty self-explanatory. Them and many others she had grown to trust over the years, they were all the only reasons she obeyed the O5 Council. If it wasn't for anyone else, she would have at the very least incited a rebellion and killed the Council if she could. Though there was that... other thing she could do, but even now at the age of 34 she still couldn't control it very well, so maybe it was best not to try. 
"You've been staring at that picture for a while now, something nice?" Iris looked up to see Cain sitting on the other side of the chopper from her. 
"It's just my beautiful wife."
"Ah, of course, I should have known from your smile. The love between the two of you is stronger than anything I have ever seen. It even bore life I recently heard, congratulations by the way."
"Ha, thank you Cain. You always say the nicest things."
"I always try to, it's a small part of my repentance but a significant part nonetheless."
"Oh... does that mean you used to be... homophobic?"
"Wha... oh! No! No! No! I meant kindness in general! Dear me Iris, please, I would never sink that low. Besides, believe it or not, back in the age of new, it wasn't uncommon for males to fall in love with other males and the same for females loving other females. The only reason it was looked down on was because no children could be conceived from such love as such it was called a fruitless form of love, but for those not wishing too or at least not yet it was considered trivial at worst."
"Oh, I see."
"Yes, it was popular during both the Greek and Roman era, I think even in the early years of the Medieval period as well... But then there were those kings and queens that had those... what do the young people call it... Harem! Yeah, that's it." Iris almost choked from laughter after hearing that but quickly cleared her throat so she could continue to hear Cain talk. 
"Yes, especially the older men, they hated the idea of women not joining their harem because of their love for the same sex. With Christianity on the rise, they decided to bribe priests and bishops to add some verses and rewrite some quotes within the bible. Suddenly it was seen as weakness for a man to love another man and for a woman to kiss another woman was the same as bedding with the devil himself. The worst part is that most ended up following it to the extremes, calming those that had such love should be burned at the stake. I say, they didn't call it the dark ages for nothing."
"Wow, sorry you had to go through that Cain."
"It's okay, like all of humanity, as we grow, we may woe, but we also develop. We grow bigger, we grow stronger, wiser, and find more ways to cherish the greatest gift of life. Love." Cain winked at her making Iris smile, she then looked at the picture of her beautiful pregnant wife again.
"Sorry to interrupt captain, but we're at the insertion point!" Iris quickly put the photo on a hidden compartment of her armor, then turned on her earphones. 
"Good, take us down nice and steady boys."
"Yes Captain."
Once they landed Iris and Cain as well as the four MTF escorts got out of the Raven. At around the same time the other Alpha-9 units and MTF escorts got off their own Ravens and met up in the middle of the choppers. Iris loaded SCP-AEZ and joined the group to see everyone, it must have been quite a serious mission with everyone here. All members of Alpha-9 were here, both from Division "Dagger" and Division "Sword". Division "Dagger" was the one Iris was Captain of; in her unit was Cain (SCP-073), Claudia Raines (SCP-347), and David McGowan (SCP-AZJ) and about three MTF unique Troopers. Her unit was used for stealth missions against powerful Groups of Interest or dangerous Persons of Interest. Then there was Division “Sword” where her good friend and old anomalous mentor Alexi Belitrov was Captain (SCP-2273). In his unit was Rainer Miller (SCP-4051), Leora Lightfoot (SCP-4818), Lucy (SCP-ADY-Alpha) and several MTF Unique Troopers. Because of their abundance of power and destructive capabilities they are mostly entrusted to fight against overwhelming threats. Despite this, Iris was shocked to see Leora here who was currently stretching with a smile on her face, ready to go on the mission. 
"Alexei!" Agent Belitrov looked over to Iris who was walking toward him in anger. He was in his bio suit, so he assumed whatever made her angry, he had nothing to worry about. But then he was reminded the hard way that she knew AIE Martial Arts as she quickly swung her leg upward to kick him in the face. This was normally how she would strike him when she was mad because of how much taller he was. Thanks to his bio suit he wasn't decapitated, but it still hurt; probably the same way a regular person would be hurt by a slap to the face. 
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you bring Leora here?!" Alexei sighed as now he understood why she was so upset. He rubbed the sore part of his bio suit helmet and stood up properly to face Iris. 
"It wasn't me, young Iris, the higher ups requested she come, and she accepted."
"And you just allowed it?"
"No, I did!" Iris then sighed as she turned to her left to face the Commander of Alpha-9 (SCP-AAS). There Charlie was standing there with her own bio suit and armor standing tall with a smile on her face. 
"Seriously Charlie?!"
"That's Commander to you Iris!"
"Don't start! Especially after pulling this crap! For god's sake! She's thirteen."
"Hey! I can fight!" Both looked at Leora who was now standing beside them and pouting in anger at Iris. Iris sighed, walked up to Leora, and kneeled while placing her hand on Leora's shoulder. 
"Leora, I don't doubt that, but you have to understand you're too young, you're not ready yet!"
"I am ready! Charlie even said I'm almost as strong as she was at my age, and she is super strong!" 
"Leora, I know you and most of the younger candidates think we're heroes, but this job is very taxing, and it can really take its toll on you." Leora looked a little shaken by what Iris said but she just smiled and gently placed her hand on Iris's cheek.
"I know Iris, but really I'll be okay! I learned from the best after all!" Leora then walked away to continue to get ready. Iris stood up but sighed again, still being filled with concern for Leora. Then Charlie was the one who placed her hand on Iris's shoulder. 
"Relax Iris, I'm nothing like those faceless assholes. If this really was something she couldn't handle I would have never brought her."
"Charlie, we're facing against a cult of capitalist cyborgs and a group of suicidal anarchists. Do you honestly think she'll be okay?"
"Yes, I actually do Iris. She's strong, sure, but she's also very smart, quick thinking, very brave, and has scored the highest in simulation training. She's practically excelled at everything at this point, the higher ups think she's ready for field work and honestly, I agree with them." Iris shook her head but didn't say anything else, she just let it go and walked away. Charlie then shrugged and walked to the group to address them all, while she did, she passed by David.
"Iris is still mad at you."
"Stay out of her head David. Mine too."
"... Sorry Commander."
"Alright everyone listen up!" All eight members of Alpha-9 and the MTF Unique Troopers gathered up to hear what Charlie had to say. One of them actually walked up to her to give her a Foundation Computer Screen Pad with all the information regarding the mission. 
"Thank you, ahem! Alright, here's the gist of it, we got two hostile groups of interest fighting over control within one of the vaults of the ISU. Unfortunately, they're the worst of the worst, that being Zealots on Crack and the Church of the Fractured Faith or whatever. Now this vault was actually cleared out by MTF Anetha-1 a while back so as far as we can tell there's nothing actually of value here. However, that doesn't deny the possibility that they might have missed something in the past. Our mission is simple: clear out all hostiles, capture as many of them as possible, and check for possible artifacts left behind. There's also some Researchers requesting we don't damage the vault. Apparently this one is quite special in that it contains murals and possible historical archives at least according to the Archeology Division of the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics. So yeah, that's the basics of the mission. Any questions?"
"Uh, yeah why is it just us? Why don't we have Able or that vigilante bozo?" Iris rolled her eyes at Claudia's question; Charlie was also disappointed due to how the answer should have been obvious. 
"Claudia, Able and Cain are to never be in the same room together you know that."
"Then just get rid of Cain!"
"Claudia, for crying out loud, this mission requires we capture all hostiles and preserve the vault! That's not going to happen if Able is a part of this mission. Look, if you just going to keep complaining then just do us all a favor and keep it to yourself." Claudia just sighed and looked away, or at least it seemed that way; she was still invisible, so it was hard to tell. 
"Alright then, any other question? No? Good, let's move."
MTF Alpha-9 moved forward to the target location; Division "Sword" took the front with Division "Dagger" hanging back. Charlie was with Division "Dagger" acting as a primary defender of "Dagger" as well as emergency reinforcement for "Sword" should the situation call for it. Both divisions also had Unique MTF Troopers with anomalous abilities to help in her respective division. However, Division “Dagger” has only 3 while Division “Sword” has 10. 
Once they were close enough Division "Dagger" separated from "Sword" and went to one of the cliffs near the entrance of the vault. Not to close but just enough that they could scout the situation without getting caught. Iris had her earphone connected to Charlie so that they would get immediate updates on what was going on and how best to approach. Iris used her glasses to zoom in and see what they were dealing with. 
At the entrance of the vault was a normal looking cave though the main abnormality is that there were Cultists at the front. One was a hooded figure with the symbol of The New Church of the Fractured God on his hood. Besides that, there were steampunk looking robots, random people with advanced looking goggles and laser rifles, a futuristic looking cyborg, and a vicious looking robot with six spider-like legs. Those last two were standing right beside the one with the hood over him.
"Hm, looks like your typical evil Mekhanites. But that's just the entrance. Hey, which one of you is best at reconnaissance?" One of the MTF Unique Troopers came forward upon Iris's request.
"Me, Captain, after an accident involving an experiment, I am able to have my soul leave my body." 
"That's not too dangerous for you?"
"No Ma'am, I mean the time limit before my soul starts to lose its connection is about 5 minutes but when I'm on the astral plane I can travel at a speed of 90 miles an hour comprehending time as one second equating to one minute."
"Dang, alright, scout out as much as you can of the inside but remember! Come back in 4 minutes and 30 seconds! Not a second longer!"
"Understood." The soldier then got on the ground so his body would be comfortable. He suddenly and seemingly breathed his last breath as his soul left his body and zoomed into the Vault. His soul was actually visible so Iris and the others saw it all happen, the Fractured Cultists would have seen it too, but he was moving so fast they just didn't notice and those that did thought it was a bug. Thankfully after about 3 minutes his soul came back, making his body come to life. 
"Are you alright?"
"Ha... Ha... Ahem! Yes Ma'am, sorry it takes me a while."
"It's alright, take your time and make your report when you're ready."
"Ha... Yes ma'am, Ahem! Okay ready to report. The true entrance to the vault is right inside the cave hidden by some large rocks. It's closed right now so getting in will be tricky. Beyond the door is a long hallway. It's quite long and wide too, filled with different structures almost like a city. The higher ups were right about there being murals there too with lots of weird stuff, but the main takeaway is that it's filled with Cultists. Lots of cyborgs, robots, and other Mekhanites with various augmentations."
"What about the Zealots?"
"Unknown, I tried to go farther but there was some kind of barrier at the other end of the large hall. It somehow kept me from moving on, but from what I could see there were lots of bodies belonging to both Groups beyond the barrier. There were also in the long hall as well. It seems they are having quite the bloody fight."
"Geez, how the hell does a small group like Zealots on Crack afford to have such a loss and still go on with life."
"Actually, ma'am I only saw about four bodies belonging to the Zealots, as for the Cultists I saw about forty-three. Or at least I think that's the case it was hard to tell given their... particular dress style."
"... Woah. Only MTF Hestia-3 has ever achieved killing so many evil Mekhanites with so little casualties. Guess those psychos are good for something after all. Anyways, anything else to report?"
"No ma'am."
"Good, let's continue then. Charlie, come in."
"Go ahead Iris. What's up?"
"The guards up front won't be getting reinforcements from within the cave so we don't need to worry about that. Still, I got some good pictures with my glasses so I think I can ambush them and take them out one by one."
"Actually, I'm going to send Leora to take care of them."
"What?! Charlie-!"
"Iris, the best thing you can do against the Mekhanites is snap their necks or shoot them and we need them alive. I am better at burning things than I am at containing them. Leora on the other hand can manifest binds to hold them in place, particularly strong ones might I add. Only I could ever break from her powers and that's just because I can manipulate anything related to energy."
"Captain Clef, this is an order from your Commander, stand down and have faith in Agent Lightfoot. Is that understood?" Iris grunted in anger, but she didn't say anything else other than confirming that she understood. 
"Good, You're up Loera." Leora smiled and ran up to the front of the Cave. Leora dreamed about being a superhero ever since she was little but then when she was eight her wish came true. She suddenly got the power to create crystal-like light objects anytime she wanted though she was limited on what she could do. Then one day, strange men in black came to her house and told her parents they had a job offer in this place called New Marais. She thought it was boring adult stuff and that it sucked she would have to move but once they did, she was ecstatic over it. 
It was a place full of aliens, elves, vampires, cyborgs, and other superheroes too! She was enrolled into a school there and met some awesome kids that were really nice and became her friends too. Because her powers were strong, she was given the chance to join the Foundation in an MTF called Alpha-9 "Last Hope". She was nervous at first but then she met Charlie whose powers were similar to hers and learned to use her powers in so many different ways. She grew stronger as time went on and eventually, she reached a point that she could proudly call herself a real hero. 
Her parents were obviously nervous but as Leora got stronger, they began to calm down and even started praising her for how far she came. It did take them longer than her to adjust to New Marais but as they did, they came to accept her powers and her new responsibilities as well. She was a young girl, with supportive parents, cool out of this world friends, an amazing fantasy sci-fi place she called home, and awesome teachers and mentors that gave her the confidence and training she needed to become a real hero. What's not to love about her life? 
As such even when she was assigned to this mission a normal 13-year-old should never be assigned too she wasn't nervous but instead really excited. This was her chance to show everyone that all of her training finally paid off. As such even when she saw the future soldier guys, the cyborg warriors, or the hooded cult guy she wasn't scared. She just ran up to them and stopped right in front so they could see her clearly.
"Sup guys?" The Fractured Cultists were all shocked by her sudden appearance, one alerted the other to go into the cave to get reinforcements. Only for the cave to be sealed by her Photon Crystals; Iris, who was watching, was also shocked to see this. Leora was only supposed to be able to create her photonic matter so long as she maintained physical contact with it, yet she just made a wall manifest simply by looking at the cave. 
Leora quickly manifested binds on all the cultists forcing them to fall to the ground before they could even fight. However, for some reason the Photon Crystals didn't form on the hooded one who just started laughing at her. It then threw its hood off to show his heavily modified body. He was coated in black armor covered in Mekhanite Thaumaturgic symbols. He had snake-like wires and technological tubes slithering all around his body. Finally, he had two large black wings also covered in Thaumaturgic symbols and given vicious blade-like feathers. Suddenly the Thaumaturgic symbols on his body started glowing to hypnotize Leora with their Cognito hazardous properties.
"Foolish child! You will return to your Foundation! Find the pieces of Mekhane and bring them to our church!" Leora actually seemed to be under his hypnotism for a moment but then she smiled proudly and made a pair of shades out of her Photon Crystals.
"Nah!" The Fractured cultists yelled in anger which actually made Leora cover her ears in pain. Some of the wires and tubes connected to his arm and it suddenly grew into a giant hammer which he swung down on Leora. She was scared in one second but smiled the next as she manifested a hammer with her Photon Crystals and swung it at him. The collision overpowered him and broke his fist entirely making him yell in agonizing pain. He flew in the air quickly, once high enough he shot down at her some of his blade feathers though after making a Photon Crystals barrier, the feathers broke on impact. He growled in anger but suddenly his wings were getting shot with small but powerful pellets. With the combination of intense speed and strength his wings were quickly breaking down forcing him to fall back to the ground. 
"Rahhh! I haven't lost yet!" Suddenly his armor started falling off showing beneath a smaller body of shinier armor. He zoomed around Leora so fast for her to see him, but she wasn't scared as she knew the idiot made a fatal mistake, he got rid of his Thaumaturgic symbols. She manifested a wall of Photon Crystal in a random direction around her and the cultist immediately slammed face first into it. He was badly hurt but tried to run away from her, but she proved to be faster. She turned the wall into a sphere surrounding him and condensed it as much as she could without crushing him to death. 
"I just want everyone to be aware that I totally taught her that." Leora turned around to see Charlie smiling at her with the others.  Leora ran to Charlie and hugged her to which Charlie ruffled her hair playfully. Leora giggled but then noticed Iris giving orders over the radio saying the entrance to the cave was secure and to send reinforcements at once to get the prisoners. Leora ran to her and hugged her, surprising Iris. 
"I told you I got it! You saw right!" Iris sighed and kneeled down to face Leora directly with a smile. 
"Yeah, you were amazing. Sorry I doubted you; you belong in Alpha-9." Leora blushed and smiled in pride as some other Alpha-9 units cheered her on. 
“But you still have ways to go, don’t get overconfident okay?” Leora was a little confused at first but smiled again and nodded with enthusiasm. 
Once a recovery team grabbed all the captured cultists to be processed back at the nearest Foundation base, the mission continued. Alexi tried to move the door, but it was held strong, so Charlie melted the door down by making her fists hotter than the sun. Once an opening was made, she absorbed the heat to allow everyone to follow her as she took the lead. The first part of the entrance was just a long staircase though wide too, so the group wasn't squished as they went down. Though as they made it down there was another door.
"Hm, this one isn't as thick so I can blast through it, but the problem is that once I do, hundreds of those Mekhanites will be ready to ambush us."
"Commander, allow me. I can take their bullet fire."
"Bullets don't worry me Alexi, the Fractured Church and Zealots have much worse things than that. Even with your new upgrades to the suit you won't be able to protect against everything they throw at you."
"Allow me then." Iris then pressed a button on her glasses and two nearly microscopic drones flew out and through the cracks of the door.
"What the hell was that?"
"My glasses' latest upgrade, nanobots that are able to float into the air and take pictures and send them back to my glasses. Allowing me to teleport to places I haven't been to yet."
"... Nice." 
"Right? I'll provide a distraction so come through hard and fast... okay, I'm ready, on your mark?"
"... Now!" Iris then manifested a photo and jumped into it suddenly appearing behind one of the cultists positioned as a sniper. She shot one in the back of the head and quickly disappeared, confusing another sniper before he got shot as well. As bodies of snipers and lookouts started to fall that bellow noticed this and tried alerting others about Iris's attack. However, they were quickly blindsided by the front entrance exploding with Charlie quickly flying up and shooting several cultists with her fireballs and Alexi firing with the laser guns attached to the arms and shoulders of his bio suit. 
"Intruders! Alert Brother Clyde!" One of the cultists nodded and along with a group, tried to go to the other end of the long hall to send the message. However, he and everyone with him was quickly shot down by Iris. While the cultist was going down Rainer manifested a shield made of Plumanium and used it to keep himself, Claudia, and the reserved MTF units safe. Leora made her own shield and was capturing as many of the scriptures as she could. David was also behind Leora's shield and using his anomalous abilities to control any of the cultists who were about to ambush them. He commanded them to attack their fellow cultists instead or just kill themselves. Some tried to form up into a group but Lucy used her meta-arms to jump in the air and towards the center of their group. In a matter of seconds they were all torn up into minced meat. 
Meanwhile an MTF unit that had the ability to fly was in the air using his rifle to shoot down any hiding snipers or cultists that could also fly. There was also an MTF unit with the anomalous ability of never feeling the negative effects of drugs who filled his body with lots of different Foundation enhancement drugs to make himself into a temporary super soldier. He was not only able to withstand the bullets and laser blasts but could easily punch through their metal armor bodies. Another MTF unit with the ability to make a single melee weapon out of an anomalous atomization energy. She could slice through their weapons, armor, and any other forms of defense and quickly burn them all into dust with whatever weapon she made. Then there was one of the MTF units being protected by Rainer's and Leora's shield. She was using her anomalous sight that always showed her the quickest way to her goal which in this case was the weak points of her enemies, allowing her to shoot them down easily. Finally, there was an MTF unit that didn't have any guns at all as his anomalous ability allowed him to puncture a hole in anyone, all he had to do was point with a gun jester and say "bang". 
The cultists however were strong as well, one was with heavy armor covered with memetic symbols forcing anyone who saw it to remember or imagine disgusting and embarrassing images. Then there was one covered in metal like scales all over his body, hiding several guns placed in his body allowing him to shoot anyone from any direction. He nearly got Iris a few times, but she managed to shoot him in the end. There was also a serpentine like cultists that screamed a headache inducing screech and had long laser blade claws. They even encountered a cultist made entirely of metal bug like bots with blades on their shells and each one carrying his consciousness so no matter how many they destroyed he was technically alive through each one. Despite their complexity, the cultists of the Fractured Church continued to fall one by one.
However, the cultists weren't done, the ones closer to the back brought out a large black metal box and opened it. Inside was a strange mechanical sphere that opened up and shifted out six arachnid like legs. Suddenly its armor plating in the front opened and showed several mechanical camera eyes. The machine walked forward and each of its mechanical eyes kept changing color. Suddenly one of the MTF units was frozen in ice and one of Rainer's shields started melting despite not being hot. Another MTF unit near Charlie had his helmet blown off nearly killing him, then he was suddenly hit by an invisible force in the stomach.  She knew that machine was the cause, so she flew up in the air drawing the attention of the machine. She raised her hand and suddenly the camera eyes started going haywire, then powerful lasers blasted from her fingers and tore the machine apart before it could do more damage. With their final weapon destroyed, and ridiculously easy at that, the last of the cultists surrendered and allowed Leora to entrap them all in a proton crystal orb. 
"Alright! Good work everyone! Not a single casualty as well! Alright, Medics! Treat everyone who was hurt and the rest of us let's survey the area and see what we can find." As the medics went to work, one of the MTF units walked up to Charlie with his head down. 
"Sorry Commander. I couldn't get any good rolls with my dice."
"It's alright Lucky, you're still our ace at the end of the day. Don't beat yourself up over it."
Meanwhile Lucy walked over to one of the captured Cultists and used her meta-arm to grab them by the throat. She smirked and glared at him with cold and angry eyes.
“Hey! We’re just supposed to capture them remember!” Everyone was shocked to see Leora standing up to Lucy of all people. Lucy looked back at Leora with the same cold eyes but then her meta-arm suddenly disappeared. She then closed her eyes and smiled at Leora. 
“I was just trying to confirm they were truly captured; you can never be too careful with Mekhanites.” Lucy then walked by Leora and gently patted her gently on the head, making Leora pout in annoyance at being treated like a kid. Charlie made sure to watch and used her energy sense to ensure that Lucy really did get rid of her meta-arms.
“Yeesh, that one still creeps me out.” Charlie then turned to Lucky that was still next to her.
“Yeah, I honestly think the higher ups jumped the gun at making her an Alpha-9 member, but you know the O5, they’d never pass up the opportunity to get just a bit more power.”
"Uh Commander! You're going to want to see this!" Charlie, Iris, and Alexi went over to where the MTF unit calling to them was and saw him pointing at a mural on the wall. It depicted some of the cultists they had just fought as well as ones they haven't seen on one side of the mural. On the other side was clearly Charlie, Iris, Alexi, Loera, and Rainer along with the rest of Alpha-9 on the other side. They were clearly running toward each other for a massive battle. 
"This is... interesting, Trooper, how old is this mural, did the Mekhanites draw it? Did they know we were coming?" The MTF trooper next to them pulled out a Foundation Scanner and after waving it over the mural he read the results. 
"Uh no Commander according to this, the paint of the mural is just as old as everything in here."
"... The ISU knew we were going to fight here?" Iris processed what Charlie said and scoffed while shrugging in annoyance. 
"Well, that's stupid, if they could predict the future why didn't they prevent themselves from dying?"
"Apparently they tried everything, but nothing worked." Iris already knew this, so she just looked at the MTF in disappointment after his explanation. 
"It was a war among the gods, kinda hard to avoid that." Charlie tried to back him up but that just annoyed Iris further. 
"Then why didn't they hide in these vaults? I mean, look at how it's still standing, they should have been safe inside them."
"Maybe they were but then one of the gods made some kind of anomaly that allowed them to wipe the ISU from existence regardless of where they were. Look I don't know and right now I don't care, the research team can figure all that out and we can ask them later. Let's keep looking and if we can't find anything else then let's keep moving." Charlie and the MTF units went to look for other murals and potential anomalous items. Iris sighed as she thought the whole concept of precursor races being stupid, especially since they were more advanced yet were still wiped out. Though her annoyance died out as she looked around, she had never been inside an ISU vault before, so this was really interesting. It really was like some kind of weird city down here so futuristic and alien. 
Right at that moment Iris wished this place was safe so she could have brought Meri and maybe their other friends here to watch. They would have enjoyed the amazing sight, though her gaze turned down and she saw a strange mural. She slowly walked up to it and looked at it in disbelief, Charlie noticed this and walked up to her. 
"Iris? What's wrong, why are... no way..." Charlie looked at the mural as well and saw what had spooked Iris so much. It showed a girl with long black hair, deer horns, and a golden scarf; her hands were clasped together, and she was seemingly praying while hovering over the earth. Around the earth there were strange people in tacky, cool, and mostly colorful clothing and masks seemingly dancing all around it. 
Iris then looked to another Mural next to it, it showed the same girl singing while the people in masks were dancing, seemingly chasing after her as well. However, what really shocked Iris is that on the opposite side was the Scarlet King. He had the scarlet skin, eyes all over his body, and the large horns with the sinister sharp teeth smile on his blank face. There were several of his spawns, some of his cultists, and even the infamous Blade Head was there on his side seemingly chasing after him. It was like the two were only seconds away from fighting. 
"Is... is that Meri?"
"That's impossible, Meri is blonde. She never even told me she wanted to dye her hair black or any other color."
"Huh, maybe it's an ancient god or something. There are lots of ancient gods that have deer horns after all, like that freak deer from Saturn for example."
"No, look at the clothes of the cultists and the dancing people, this isn't the past, it's the present, or future maybe! Is that what these murals are? Are they depicting the future?"
"Hm... Look Iris I really don't know, but it shouldn't have anything to do with you or Meri. maybe the researchers will tell us later, come on it's about time we moved on." Charlie walked off leaving Iris to stand there for a little while longer looking at the Mural. It kinda looked like Meri but also different, Iris knew it wasn't her wife but for some reason something about it gave her an odd feeling. Still Charlie was right, she wasn't going to get answers just staring at it so she shook her head and followed Charlie. 
After the recovery team came again and it was confirmed there was nothing to find Alpha-9 continued down the long hall. It took a lot longer than expected or maybe it was the exact amount of time since it did look like a street of a large city. Once they made it to the other side, they found the large barrier that the MTF Trooper who could astral project, mentioned earlier. Iris looked into the barrier and saw that it was being emitted by a device that required a key to lower the barrier.
"Oof it's a locked door, without a key we can't go through."
"Let me try something." Charlie then walked up to the device and placed her hand over where the key would need to be placed. She then closed her eyes and suddenly the device started glowing and then turned off the barrier. 
"Woah, how did you do that?"
"It was simple, I put my own energy into the device and found out where all the energy is sourced and absorbed it." Charlie then walked forward leaving Iris and Alexie standing there in silence.
"I really hate it when she makes impossible things like that sound simple."
"They don't call her goddess for nothing, Iris."
"Her code name is supposed to be JUST 'Fire Goddess'. Ugh, why did the O5 Council make her fight with Sigurrós. Ever since then those two have grown insanely powerful." Iris just sighed as she followed Charlie while Alexie chuckled as he waved everyone at the back to follow them.
End of Part 1
Part 2 (Coming... Eventually)
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toadkingstudios · 2 years
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I have now designed 5 Mobile Task Force shirts on my shop! Zeta-9 “Mole Rats,” Epsilon-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox,” Episilon-6 “Village Idiots,” Alpha-9 “Last Hope,” Beta-7 “Maz Hatters.” There are a LOT of MTFs. What team would you want to see done next? Credit to Sunnyclockwork @hisclockworkservants for the Mobile Task Force team logos these use. I’ve changed some details on the logos as to develop them more and add my own touches to them. Someday, I’d really like to totally revamp the logos for new patch designs.
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thehauntedgoth · 9 months
In a universe where history as we know it could be wiped out at any moment, only the most disciplined, obsessive, and unimaginative government employees have what it takes to face the existential uncertainty of it all: Federation investigators
The agents of the Department of Temporal Investigations are assigned to look into an anomaly that has recently appeared
November 30: Night of of the Crossroads
Samhain, Wheel of the Year
November 30 is the night for meeting our Witch Mother at her eternal crossroads. Our spiritual origin point, where the material and mystical interact. The portal to the world of spirits, and where we can find comfort when the world makes us weary. Not an evening for elaborate witchcraft, but for spending time with Hekate, her ancient witches and her horde of spirits. Set aside time on this night for a quiet ritual of remembrance for all the crossroads you've traversed and for listening to her wisdom. 
Meeting Our Witch Mother At The Crossroads
Across cultures and traditions, the crossroads is understood as a spiritual portal to the powers of witchcraft and the world of spirits. It is the hangout of witches, spirits and other things feared by those not like us. Our Mother's association with the crossroads dates back to ancient times when offerings to Her would be left at these locations. To those who feared her, these offerings sought her protection. For those of us who belonged to her, our offerings are of gratitude. We meet her at the crossroads to stand in our power, while banishing those would harm us out of fear. The spiritual power of the crossroads is central to Hekate's Witches.
Our Origin Is The Crossroads, And It Is To It That We Must Return
What those who feared us understood is that the crossroads is a juncture between the everyday world and the deeper one. The entrance to Hekate's Cave, her dark womb from which we all come. The crossroads is where we are birthed into this life school to learn the lessons required. It is to the spiritual crossroads we return time and time again, as we progress along our journey. We meet Hekate at these thresholds, where she offers the keys we seek.
For Those Who Fear Her, Fear The Crossroads
For those ancient suppers set at the crossroads by those who feared her, there was the unintentional result of nourishing those from whom the offerings were designed to protect. In ancient times, those unaccepted by society, from the poor to girls and women who defiled societal norms, both literally and spiritually resided at the crossroads. These outcasts of society may have eaten the food gifts left for Hekate, providing us with an origin story of sorts for the current view of Her as Guardian of the Marginalized.
Hekate is particularly associated with three way crossroads, as Trioditis, although She was also recorded as connected to a four-way intersection as Tetraoditis. As you probably know, the tripartite (three-parts) associations with Hekate are plentiful, but we can also consider this notation on her connection to the four-way crossroads as evidence that offerings can appropriately be left at such locations.
Enodia, is an ancient archetype of Hekate that literally means of the roadprovides another example of Hekate's crossroads connection. Over time, Hekate's association with the crossroads spread into other cultures and religions. In the Roman pantheon, Her crossroads connection was allocated to the goddess Trivia (literally "three ways").  Early Christian writings warn against people doing any sort of healing at a crossroads, further evidence of their fear for our kind.
the Crossroads Night
As for the origins of November 30 as a celebration of Hekate's crossroads aspect, your guess is as good as mine. I'm content with thinking that Hekate wants it this way. I don't know for certain where I got the idea that November 30 was a holy night for Hekate of the Crossroads, but I think it goes back to Leo Ruickbie's Witchcraft out of the Shadows(2004). However, the historical references in this book are a bit contrary to other sources, so I can't say that either the research is accurate.
For me, Night of the Crossroads has always been an intimate time for connecting with Hekate, her eternal witches and my spirit allies. No grand ritual or feast, but a quiet time in the dark. Come to her with honesty, and she will be well pleased.
After the intensity of Night of Hekate on November 16, a time of connecting, welcoming in her presence, listening to her wisdom, and spending time with my spiritual companions is restorative, which is exactly what our time at the crossroads can be.
What we do can be as simple as making an offering while expressing our gratitude. While you're at it, contemplate all the times you've transitioned through a major crossroads in your life. Reflect upon how Hekate helped you through, even if you weren't a devotee at that time. Perhaps Hekatecalled you for the first time when you were at a major crossroads. Maybe you're seeking Her for the first time and hope to connect with Her on this special night
For me, the vibe of this night has always been of quiet connection, like a late night soul-baring conversation with my most trusted advisor (because that's exactly what it is). Spiritual growth is messy, but on this night it all comes clean. Peace, gratitude and blessings. Rest for the weary soul traveler, in the presence of our Queen. Sit down, settle in and find healing in the truth of the crossroads.
Of course, you may be at a very different place in your journey, where the fierce Queen Brimo is how she will come to you. With Hekate, she presents herself as we need her to be. While the tender embrace is possible, she may come raging in because you need that type of medicine. 
When we enter into the crossroads, transcending time and place, pieces of ourselves often come back to us because we are breaking through the illusion of separation. Who we were in the past meets us in this space. Soul retrieval can occur spontaneously, or we can intentionally set out to call back these missing pieces. For me, this night is the beginning of the process. Integration of pieces of me that took refuge in her cave when they could not remain with me in the present is an ongoing process. Reflecting at the crossroads on November 30 opens the gates for allowing these parts to return home to you. 
An excellent ritual for entering her eternal crossroads is to create a timeline of the spiritual crossroads you've traversed on your journey from healing to wholeness. 
Difficult to get clear readings, but a mysterious inactive vessel lies at the heart of the anomaly, one outfitted with some sort of temporal drive disrupting space-time and subspace. To the agents’ shock, the ship bears a striking resemblance to a Constitution-class starship, and its warp signature matches that of the original Federation starship Enterprise NCC-1701—the ship of James T. Kirk, that infamous bogeyman of temporal investigators, whose record of violations is held up by DTI agents as a cautionary tale for Starfleet recklessness toward history. But the vessel’s hull markings identify it as Timeship Two, belonging to none other than the DTI itself. At first, Agents Lucsly and Dulmur assume the ship is from some other timeline . . . but its quantum signature confirms that it came from their own past, despite the fact that the DTI never possessed such a timeship. While the anomaly is closely monitored, Lucsly and Dulmur must search for answers in the history of Kirk’s Enterprise and its many encounters with time travel—a series of events with direct ties to the origins of the DTI itself. . .
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