#much to terus dismay
pedi-bug · 9 months
ok, ok, I have this terukaneaoi au where akane dies and wakes up in the 80s and to which he then continues living life in the past (after many confusing realizations) and then meets the schools messiest relationship known to man in the process; teru and aoi, everyone knows how much arguments they get into yet they still look great together. akane somehow manages to get close to aoi (with the help of nene since akane kinda got attached to her since shes the only one to know about his situation). aoi is interested by akane and wants to know more about him while akane is like, literally in love.
while with teru, he finds out about this and like the great boyfriend he is, he of course, somehow (intentionally) meets akane and gets really angry at him. (he's just jealous; he really cares about aoi and is just afraid she will leave him), akane is confused, aoi stops teru from doing anything else and from then on, anytime aoi hangs out with akane (which is a lot of the time since aoi has no one else she actually likes to hang out with unless it's akane or nene) teru comes along.
akane and teru have a rocky view of each other but teru eventually becomes fond of akane (which takes a long while, in the meanwhile they have lots of petty arguments and relentlessly make fun of one and another, aoi has to force them to get along).
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wawataka · 9 months
completely irrelevant rant but every time my sister and i get into a new piece of media together that has a duo, we like to see which one of us is who (ingo and emmet, sam and dean, sans and papyrus etc). and inevitably ritsu and mob came up. long story short we mutated from mob and ritsu to teru and reigen
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mob is very special to me in a lot of ways, but i think he’s also some of the best autistic rep in any media i’ve seen so far.
i could talk about this for ages, but a couple things stick out to me. mob psycho 100 isn’t the first piece of media to show the advantageous side of autism, but in almost all cases, these advantages are boiled down to the “misunderstood genius trope.” an autistic character might have a photographic memory, or maybe they can solve any math problem without pen and paper. in other words, the narrative has to justify their autism with some kind of “superpower.”
his complete social obliviousness makes it difficult for anyone to influence him via social pressure. he’s not susceptible to dimple’s smiling cult, partially because of his psychic powers, but also because he had no urge to assimilate to match the energy of everyone else in the room. it later helps him during the broccoli arc, in which the group mentality of psycho helmet is so strong that reigen doesn’t even need to eat the divine tree candy to be brainwashed.
furthermore, mob is the only one able to defeat the dragger, but not because of his extraordinary power. the dragged is an evil spirit borne of an urban legend, fueled by the community’s fear of her: no one who experiences this fear can exorcize her. but mob is “completely out of the loop,” in the words of reigen and dimple, and therefore completely unaffected.
mob’s autism also causes him to be brutally honest. while he occasionally says things that might be perceived as hurtful due to this trait, it comes in handy against suzuki toichiro. reigen recognized mob’s advantage in this situation while explaining why he didn’t follow mob or send anyone else with him. he says mob is the best person for the job because he can honestly tell people how he feels without regard to social expectations. and it is this honestly that enables mob to express radical kindness to toichiro, a kindness that leads to his defeat just as much as mob’s overwhelming psychic power.
in terms of mob’s personal life, i would argue his autism helps him improve himself. despite immense pressure to use his psychic powers to solve his problems (from dimple, teru, etc), he persists in improving himself organically. he never once shows embarrassment about how weak he is compared to the other members of the body improvement club; it never deters him from continuing to train. i would argue it’s partially due to his personality (source: i’m autistic and potential social humiliation terrifies me. rsd is a bitch.), but it’s certainly fueled also by his complete lack of perception of social cues. it never even occurs to him to be embarrassed.
despite all these positives, the disability aspect of autism is not downplayed, which is incredibly important to balanced autistic representation.
mob takes things at face value, rarely stopping to think if someone might be lying to him (this trait often shows up in terms of his love life; he always assumes confession letters are genuine) — something many autistic people struggle with.
he also expresses his emotions differently, causing other characters in the show at times to accuse him of having no feelings.
of course, mob’s somewhat emotionless appearing demeanor is influenced by his emotional shutdown after accidentally hurting ritsu.** however, i would argue it’s also influenced by his autism. if it was always his emotional shutdown causing him to not express emotions when he’s expected to, we would see his explosion meter go up. but oftentimes when he doesn’t always appear happy when he “should” or is completely unfazed by a theoretically hurtful insult, his meter stays the same.
he just doesn’t express his emotions in a way a neurotypical person would, sometimes leading to social rejection or others misinterpreting his actions. this is most frequently seen with emi, who often perceives mob’s lack of self-expression as disinterest, much to his dismay.
i might say that the points above aren’t NECESSARILY negatives because mob isn’t always emotionally impacted by these traits. others may be embarrassed for him, but he is often unfazed. but his inability to “get a clue” clearly causes his emotional distress. he has flashbacks to other kids repeatedly saying this to him—he remembers this ridicule all these years later.
mob is aware that he doesn’t always get what’s going on, which causes him to envy ritsu for more than his grades and athleticism. ritsu has more social finesse than mob, or at least mob perceives it that way (personally, autistic ritsu is a headcanon very close to my heart). ritsu certainly has an idea of what might be socially humiliating for mob and himself, while mob doesn’t. ritsu is in the loop, and mob knows this, further fueling his inferiority complex compared to ritsu.
summed up neatly, mob’s autism is in some way disabling to him, while also frequently helping him throughout the story. it is partially this balanced portrayal of autism that makes mob psycho’s autistic rep so good.
mob psycho really only touches on the social aspect of autism, which could be considered a shortcoming. and that’s a totally valid criticism! but in terms of the story and mob’s character arc, it’s the most vital aspect. so i don’t necessarily think it takes away from the valuable autistic rep that the show provides.
**I might even argue that his psychic powers could be an allegory for autistic emotional dysregulation, but that’s a different post.
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
Tbh, sometimes you're way too hardpressed on intradiagetic explanations in opm that you don't much factor in extradiagetic explanations.
Murata puts emphasis on detail yes, but I'm pretty sure there are just instances where he draws something doesn't have a deeper explanation behind. Like, idk, maybe Murata just got better at drawing leather, not bc Saitama got gifted better boots by Genos to replace his "plastic" ones. Tatsumaki doesn't wear pants isn't bc she's stupid, it's bc Murata is kind of a pervert.
Or like how Fubuki's boobs got bigger over the course of the manga, what, you're gonna tell us she got a boob job in between? :/
True, all analyses devolve into absurdity when followed too far. However, I hope I can justify my approach in this specific instance beyond 'it's fun', which is a sufficient answer to all things fannish.
First of all, it is true that a lot of the changes in the characters' appearances derives from Murata making stylistic changes. In particular, when he started drawing One-Punch Man, he was very keen to break out of the expressions and visual shorthands he'd developed during Eyeshield 21 (see volume 1 of One-Bukoru for more on that). It would seem that in time, he's developed an OPM visual shorthand that still leaves him scope to present the characters semi-realistically when the story demands it.
Let us stay outside the story a little while longer. It would make no sense to consider an intradiegetic explanation for Saitama's clothing in the webcomic. ONE draws clothes on his characters because they normally need some sort of clothing -- once he gets a look for them, that's it. Except where the choice of clothing is plot-relevant (like Teru choosing a terrible t-shirt for Mob), 'clothes were provided' is all that one need to say about it. Murata is very different in this regard. Outside of his art, he has a lot of interest in clothes: for example, he regularly promotes his uncle's kimono store on his Twitter. He spends considerable time referencing outfits for characters (and it's a fun sport for fans to find -- and price up -- those references). He spends a lot of time agonizing what a chracer's outfit says about them. See, for example, this titbit from his 11 June 2018 stream on King's clothing. His awareness of how clothing is an expression of a character's personality and the social signalling it provides has made it explicitly into the text, where Saitama asks Genos if his clothes make him look poor.
Therefore, let us get the first thing straight: the state and type of clothing has meaning within the context of the OPM manga, much more so than it does in the webcomic.
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Let us consider the second party in this. Within the manga, it is canonical that Genos is well dressed -- and has been becoming more fashionable with time. Conflict between himself and the shoddily-dressed Saitama would seem likely. Let us consider what we see, therefore.
It is canonical that Genos cleans and repairs Saitama's clothing, including his precious hero uniform. He even goes so far as to have it professionally tended to on occasion (complete with dismay when Saitama gives it away...). He is very invested in Saitama looking his best.
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Building on this, Saitama's cheaply-sourced outfits are disliked by Genos. When Saitama asked about looking poor, Genos changed the subject as he wasn't comfortable with telling Saitama bluntly that yes, he does look *that* poor. Genos being unhappy with Saitama's appearance extends to that hero uniform, which Genos has offered to replace as a gift (see 'Road to Hero').
So, we have in place, without an ounce of speculation, a man who dresses cheaply and badly. We have his closest associate, his disciple, being well dressed and distressed on occasion at his master's appearance. It is also well established that his disciple actively tries to improve things for said man.
Given that Genos's care extends to repairing Saitama's clothing, it is not unreasonable to impute that at least some of the improved fit and appearance of Saitama's wardrobe in the story is due to Genos's efforts.
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Onto the other side of Saitama fitting his clothes better: food. It is established both within the text and supplemenatary to the text (ONE's interview in the Hero Encyclopedia) that Saitama had difficulty on consistently affording enough to eat before he met Genos. At times, he was even glad for food handouts from grateful people.
Since Genos's arrival, Saitama eats three good meals a day (eating three times a day is non-optional according to Saitama, what is optional is how much to eat: a banana will do if there is no other food available), both because Genos cooks and because pro-hero employment has meant a steady paycheck. It is not plausible that two months of eating well after being undernourished should have no effect whatsoever on how he bulks out.
Notwithstanding changes in Murata's art, it is unreasonable to presume that all the changes in Saitama's appearance can only be due to the art changes. I agree that one should not be overly speculative in one's analyses, but where there is good grounding for inferences, failing to make them is poor reading (1).
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Then and now
If you're looking for extradiegetic readings of OPM, I can't recommend better than the Youtuber keatsta https://www.youtube.com/@keatsta2928/videos A long time fan of One-Punch Man, he's unfortunately not been reading the manga since chapter 165, but is still reviewing the webcomic. He's always got something interesting and insightful to say.
As I hope you're able to tell, I do consider the context and authorial intent in deciding how heavily to lean into an intradiegetic reading. Extradiegetic readings often carry the air of objectivity, but that is not necessarily justifiable or even the point. I'll give an example from my own life. Back when I was a snarky teenager, I attended one of my grandfather's art exhibitions. At the reception, I happened to overhear an art critic explaining to someone the signficance of of my grandfather's use of yellows in a painting. I thought (but thankfully did not say) 'how silly -- Grandpa just happened to have a lot of yellow paints to use up at the time.' I knew this to be so because I'd been around at the time he'd painted that picture. My grandfather has been gone for getting on a decade now, and I have no idea where the painting is hanging but I hope that its bold, yet nuanced use of yellows is stil speaking powerfully to someone.
(1) The inference that Genos has had a hand in improving Saitama's appearance would be 100% uncontroversial if he were a woman and Saitama's girlfriend. It is a deliberately jarring element of One-Punch Man that Genos has the concern for Saitama's appearance and well-being more normally reserved for romantic partners. Without necessarily being romantic.
Like I was saying, beware false objectivity. It often conceals a bias.
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mashpotatoe · 1 year
📢🧨💬 for reigen or teru?
📢 favorite thing about Reigen in canon his humanity DAYUM! it basically encompasses all the brilliance of his character, he's well-meaning but ultimately flawed as any other person, he remains aimless for long and strives to find an identity for himself for people to make a real connection with, he can be selfless for selfish reasons or too selfless to the point of selfishness where he dismisses the fact that he's actually cared for - ALL 100% HUMAN BABY! i love that his ordinary though eccentric nature is what seperates him from the rest of the cast and makes an example out of him just by looking at the world through the lense of a commoner. serving as the guiding hand to a group of espers just by being mundane and managing to be exceptional despite that mundaneness. i love that he's seemingly self centered on the surface and complex enough for many people to find it difficult to fully understand him, for a long while after i first wathced mp100 in 2019 i coudln't make complete sense of his motivations - particularly his desire to be somebody. i assumed it was a typical desire to be famous and successful, but then how could he preach about being a commoner? it takes digging deeper into him to understand what he meant by being somebody - his innate human desire to be seen. and i love how reigen as a character is capable of being all of that ^ while still having so much cartoonish charm and silliness to him. 🧨least favorite thing about Reigen in canon obviously the whole underpaying his employees thing ... but i can't think of many major flaws, except that one, that dont complete his character and make sense in the context of who reigen is. that time he took 30% of a client's crops was fucked up though 💬favorite line
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not particularly memorable but i think its a good look into his attitude towards fraud and how he's unaffected by his lack of power, only by the public's dismay of him being a con. fact of the matter is it doesn't matter to him, nor in general, whether he's a fake or not, because he makes sure to get the job done. he expected to be shunned by the public for being a fraud of course, but this exchange points out how petty their outraged response is (anime adaptation did a good job with it as well, replacing the line with "you wouldn't be satisfied with a simple no" < crazy) 📢 favorite thing about Teru in canon he's so over the top with everything he's a star and his light never runs out he makes a performace out of everything while still staying true to himself. a talent of its own to make a spectacle out of being humble. i love how he recognizes his growth and takes pride in it! with many characters, their growth is demonstrated by being content with their current environment, but teru, though in his own teru way, knows to give himself credit where credit's due for bettering himself. 🧨least favorite thing about Teru in canon why is he ripped 💬favorite line
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might as well be my favorite line in the entire series. INSANE DELIVERY AND FRAMING aside its such a crucial moment for teru, for him to regard himself as inferior to someone but acknowledge his advantage over them. like oh my god
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lumiolivier · 8 months
The Pen is Mightier
Day 2 of 31 of Kinktober
Prompt: Oral fixation
Word count: 1210
Breakfast with Light and Mikami takes an interesting turn when the two decide to get work done at the table.
The morning breakfast table was quiet.  Two cups of coffee, two different breakfasts, two different sets of work to be done.  Light looked across the table at Mikami.  And Mikami back at Light.  Nothing needed to be said.  It was their perfect morning.  Light skimmed through the paper, curious about which criminal would next feel Kira’s wrath.  And Mikami pretended to go over the case he was working on that day.  Something more important had Mikami’s attention. 
He watched the man across the table methodically do his work.  The work of a just and merciful god, twirling the pen between his fingers.  His long, beautiful fingers.  But that’s when Mikami knew work would be virtually impossible.  Especially with that distraction.  Light didn’t think much of it.  Light merely skimmed through the paper.  The end of the pen found its way into Light’s mouth and he absentmindedly started chewing on the end.  Mikami knew it was indecent, but he couldn’t help but stare.  The way Light’s lips wrapped themselves around the end of his pen, the little flicks of his tongue.  Even the way he’d occasionally bite down on it was enough to send chills through Mikami’s body.
Light had a feeling he was being watched.  But it wasn’t enough for him to break eye contact with the paper.  That didn’t mean he didn’t notice it, “You’re staring again, Teru…”
“I’m sorry,” Mikami went back to his casework. 
“Something on your mind?” Light asked, spinning his pen on his thumb.
“No,” Mikami shook it off, “It’s…It’s nothing.  Never mind.”
“No,” Light regained Mikami’s attention, “What is it?”
“It’s really nothing,” Mikami assured him, “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.”
“Fine, fine,” Light let it go, promptly sticking the pen back in his mouth.
And Mikami couldn’t help it.  Never in his life did he ever think he’d be jealous of a mere ballpoint pen.  There it is.  The instrument of your righteous justice.  And…Mikami’s discretion wasn’t exactly his strong suit.  He started pouring sweat out of seemingly nowhere.  The collar of his t-shirt grew darker with each passing moment.  His hand shook while he tried to get a single drink out of his coffee.  And much to his dismay, Mikami forgot how to drink out of a cup and ended up with coffee down his shirt.
“DAMMIT!” he jumped while hot coffee ran down his torso.
“You ok?” Light worried, getting a glimpse of Mikami’s abs through his wet t-shirt.  And his teeth bared down on that pen like never before.
“Yeah,” Mikami pulled himself together, peeling his shirt off, “Just a little clumsy this morning, I guess.”
“Uh-huh…” Light sat back and marveled at the sight in front of him.  The red splotches on Mikami’s skin did more to him than he expected, “Do you…need some help?”
“I should be alright,” Mikami shot him down, “But thank you, Light.  I appreciate the concern.”
“Yeah…” Light couldn’t keep his eyes off him.  Something about the defined muscle in Mikami’s chest made him want to toss the pen aside.  But that’s when it clicked. 
Mikami laughed to himself while he put a new shirt on, “And you said I had the staring problem.”
Light pouted a bit, not appreciating the call out, “At least I’m not the one jealous of a pen.”
“What?” Mikami’s ear perked up.  And the top of it turned red, “I…I never said…”
“You think I didn’t know what I was doing?” Light smirked, tossing the pen on the table.  He took a seat where Mikami’s casework was spread out, “You think I didn’t know I was teasing the shit out of you?  And then, you had to go and spill coffee on yourself.  Did I really distract you that badly?  Did you really want me that much, Teru?”
“I…” Mikami’s cheeks were as red as the tops of his ears, “It’d be selfish of me to ask.”
“Why’s that?” Light wrapped his legs around Mikami’s waist.
“To have you all to myself?” Mikami’s breathing picked up, “I…I couldn’t ask you that.”
“Teru,” Light put a hand to Mikami’s face, “If you wanted me so badly, you know what you have to do.  I promise it’s not selfish.  I promise I won’t tell you no.  You just need to ask me nicely.”
“No,” Light stopped him, “Not that I don’t appreciate the flattery, but that’s not my name.  Let’s try this again.  Go on, Teru.  What would you like from me?”
“Light…” Mikami sighed his name out as if he was already inside him, “Please…Would you treat me the way you were treating that pen?”
“I’d be happy to,” Light pulled himself up, his legs still latched in the small of Mikami’s back, “Would you like me to do that here or would you like to carry me off to the bedroom?”
“I…” Mikami’s heart skipped a beat. 
Light could feel Mikami’s bulge against his pants.  And it coaxed a little giggle out of him, “I don’t think you’d make it to the bedroom.  The second you’d be in my mouth, you’d be done.  We can’t have that, can we?  Are you going to be a good boy and hold out for me?”
“Yes…” Mikami swooned, “I will.”
“Good,” Light climbed down from Mikami and dropped to his knees, “It makes you feel special, having your god on his knees for you, doesn’t it?”
“Yes…” Mikami knew he was close.  He hated how close he was, but he grabbed onto the counter, his back arched.
Light unbuttoned Mikami’s jeans and freed him from his boxers.  And once Mikami glanced back down, his grip on the counter only got tighter.  He wasn’t expecting Light’s mouth on him so quickly.  Heavier and heavier, Mikami’s breathing got quicker and quicker.  Light sucked harder, relishing in the feeling of Mikami getting harder in his mouth and the little whimpers chirping above him.  Once Mikami felt that little smile around his cock, he knew it wouldn’t be much longer.  He waited for the signal from Light, but Light kept going, prolonging Mikami’s suffering. 
“Light, please…” Mikami begged, “Please…”
The softest, gentlest little bite sent Mikami over the edge.  And he collapsed onto the floor, nearly in tears.  Light popped Mikami out of his mouth and swallowed the parting gift he was left with.  Light sat on the hardwood floor next to him, “What do you say, Teru…?”
“Thank you…” Mikami sighed out, doing his best to catch his breath.
“You’re welcome,” Light pressed a kiss to Mikami’s cheek, “Now, do you think you could get a little more work done for me?  Or am I still going to be a distraction for you?”
“I think I’ll be fine,” Mikami smiled, “But I’m not making any promises.”
“Such a shame,” Light got up from the floor, “Because I have to go into task force today.  Which means, whether or not I’m your distraction, you’re going to have to go on without me.”
“Do I have to?” Mikami awed, “You can’t sit here a little longer?”
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Light started walking back to the bedroom and shuffled through the closet in search of clean clothes.  And yet, he couldn’t stop smiling.  Because he knew that no matter what, they’d always have after work.
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ofsavior · 1 year
👀 + natsuteru !!
ship headcanons. || @hiircgi ft. @withsorrowandregret
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Natsuhiko refers to Teru as the 'black prince.' That eventually becomes a pet name ( much to Teru's dismay ). Natsuhiko decidely furthers the joke by referring to himself as the white knight of the story.
Teru's pretty hostile toward Natsuhiko initially, but that hostility doesn't last. The thing that changes his perspective is seeing that Natsuhiko actually doesn't want anyone to get hurt in all of this. Natsuhiko genuinely does his part to reduce unnecessary risk to Nene and Kou, even if he's a contributor to a lot of their troubles.
One thing that I think works in their favor is that Natsuhiko isn't very judgmental. He might think Teru's intense or kind of weird, but he doesn't necessarily judge Teru's actions or feelings toward supernaturals. In a sense, there's nothing Teru could really tell him that would push Natsuhiko away. He's a loyal guy who stands by the people he wants to support ( once they reach that point ).
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minamotosousuke · 2 years
Plot where the Minamoto’s are taking a day trip somewhere and of course Mitsuba’s included (to Teru’s dismay), and when they pick up Mitsuba and he slides into the backseat next to Kou (of course Kou gave up the front seat to Tiara to share a seat with Mitsuba), Teru sees that Mitsuba’s got a purse through the rear view mirror. When he comments on the purse Kou shuts him up with a “respect the purse, Teru-nii” which Tiara echoes, and then Kou starts talking about how useful purses actually are. Mitsuba, unphased, pulls out bottled drinks for his boyfriend and Tiara, and they emphasize the sentiment.
Then Mitsuba tells Kou that he wants Kou to drink some now since dehydration is a thing that “happens to us humans” and Kou doesn’t take care of himself as much as he should. Teru, annoyed by Mitsuba’s mere presence, asks where Mitsuba’s drink is if he’s so concerned… which he immediately regrets when Mitsuba excitedly talks about how much water he drinks and how much he appreciates his gift of being human and then starts going into skincare and all that. Teru’s white-knuckling the steering wheel.
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mangher-a · 9 months
Insert Keiji placing an applin over his husband's head. "They were chirping for you," he chuckled, definitely not hiding the intention that came with this pokemon that brought them together in the first place.
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Teru looked a bit baffled when an applin was placed on his head. It must have looked kind of funny to an outsider, but to him, it was nothing but a sweet gesture. Teru's heart swells and he can't help the dopey smile that spreads on his face. "Aa, really? Are you sure it wasn't just the pokemon missing me?"
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Yuuji almost purrs, moving so he can get closer to his husband, the love of his life. "You know, if you wanted my attention, you could have just asked. I'm more than happy to share my time with you." Just like he is with his life. Nothing was as important to him as Keiji was. Even during work he made time for his husband, much to the dismay or amusement of his station.
Besides, paperwork was boring.
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drovvninq · 2 years
My headcannons on mp100 sexualities
Serizawa is gay (I'll also take nblm)
Teru is bi or pan, and 100% poly
Dimple is "straight"
Mob is probably agender but hasn't really thought about it. He's bi but leans towards liking women, much to the dismay of Teru.
yeah i think seri is definitely gay. maybe he feels pressured to call himself bi because of the normality of being straight??
teru being poly is iconic, didn't even think about it but it's probably true
i imagine that once mob gets a little bit older, he comes out to reigen and uses they/them in the workplace (maybe not out in public yet but his friends are there to support him)
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angelicimagines · 3 years
◼ [ Mod Kaz ] TBHK | Amane, Kou, Nene, and Akane (Glasses) with an S/O who's a Supernatural that has the destructive power of Fire, but is regal and calm and just wants a "normal" school life.
I Really Like this idea! - Mod Kaz
Spoilers, Cursing, Mention of death I think
When Hanako first saw you he knew there was something special about you. So he did some investigating.
And that's when he saw you do it. You were sure you had been caught. But when you saw he was a ghost all your nerves calmed down.
He found your power very cool and he asked you if you wanted to join his team (Expecting to say yes), So imagine his surprise when you said "No"
He was so surprised, he asked you why and you told him that You wanted as normal of a life as you could get. Not one where you talk to a ghost and everyone thinks you're crazy.
However, somehow he got you on board of his train of chaos, You were like " I will never accept your Invitation because I just wanna live a normal life- Oh She Just ate the scale- Fuck"
When he realized he liked you, he confessed under the tree and you thought it was a joke so you rejected him and he was so sad ,luckily it all got cleared Up and now you two are just trying not to get hunted from the Mermaid princess
He had accidently mistook you for a ghost and when he was about to hit you and he y'know ACTUALLY hit you he was beyond surprised
He kept on asking you questions and realized how much fun you were, however he realized that he still didn't know if you were considered a danger in the eyes of his Brother
Once he got the okay from his brother (which consisted of a lot of Physical and Exam Tests much to your dismay) He asked you to become apart of the group and was shocked at first but then understood not wanting to be considered different and just live a normal life. When He first saw you in action he was beyond amazed Of your capabilities
He saw your regal and calm manner and oddly found it comforting, He realized that every time he thought about you he found himself blushing, Teru was the one who pointed it out, even though he denied it
He decided to be brave and probably tried showing off a bit too many times even though you found it endearing and you found yourself also blushing, Which Teru also pointed out saying that it was different from your calm and stoic behavior
Tired of his OTP not being able to Stand within 6 feet of each other without turning into a tomato, he wrote confession letters and sent them to Kou and You signed by the other to make it look like you wrote confession to each other by letter, when you both met up you guys realized you had accidently confessed By trying to Say you had NOT confessed, Teru was watching in the background and he was laughing his ass off
This girl probably already liked you and was always telling Hanako about "Your beauty". How amazing you were and how you treated her with respect and how you were meant to be
However Hanako had enough. He was tired of listening to the "Oh so Great Y/n who looked like they where a god(ess) sent from the heavens above" and went to get a good look at you. and the first thing he saw you do was Heat up a cup of tea. He blackmailed you into joining his little group and even resorted to dragging you as you were regretting every moment of your goddam life
However once you noticed her you decided to be her friend as she was always near you and she seemed like a nice girl to be around so you decided to befriend her to make the experience a little less dreadful
She didn't know about your ability until she went to clean the bathroom to maybe get a little more of you and she saw an open flame In your hand and a calm looking Y/N
When you noticed her it was too late and she asked you so much you explained everything. You also may have revealed that you had a crush on her AND THIS GIRL CRIED OF HAPPINESS Expect Aoi to be cheering with her
if she Could scream how much she loves you she would, However if you don't like that she will give you a few compliments and then write the rest of them in a small notepad
Akane <Glasses>
He probably already knew. Correction: He knew someone in his grade had fire powers he just didn't expect it to be you HIS CRUSH
He was walking to the student council meeting when he saw you being confronted by Teru in the hallway. He was going to help you but decided to hide behind a wall to hear the conversation. he knew Teru would neve lay a hand on you.
Thats where found out you were the mystery person he was looking for with the fire power. He was surprised and once Teru had left he confronted as well
He told you that He couldn't let you wreak havoc at the school and when you told him you jut wanted a normal life he immediately understood. He just wanted his normal life back as well Instead of being one of the 7 wonders
He wanted to make sure you Wouldn't cause trouble so he made that excuse to be able to hang out around you
When he confessed he honestly expected to be turned down. But when you said you shared the same Feelings he hugged you so tight that you Cold look softened when you looked at him
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loopyarts · 3 years
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Here some drawings of Mamamura and young teruteru With a pinch of Teruhina and teruteru with his hair down.
Let be honest we needs more mamamura  and  teruteru with his family art in general.
headcanon time note the names of  are mamamura and his siblings are unofficial and are ones I came up with myself.
mamamura made teruteru plush and would sew most of her children clothes when damaged because they so poor it rare to get new clothes and would knit their scarfs and mittens for the winter.  
mamamura name is usagi hanamura because bunnies and moon you know also teruteru name can mean twinkle, bright, shine, shining or radiance kind of like a star and her and teru look like bunnies at least in the face.
Teruteru names are Aki and Akio even though they were born from different mums they act like twins and are always seen together and are a few days apart in age.
Teruteru siblings look nothing like him because they takes after their mums.
Sadly the nose bleeding is the father trait they all share much too teruteru and his younger siblings annoyance.  
Teruteru sometimes wonder if he has more siblings out their because his dad goes around hurting women and leaving them with his baby.
If  mamamura meet hajime she be so loving and welcoming but she joke about him marrying her son much to teruteru dismay.
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
False Dichotomy// XIII: food for thought
False Dichotomy: when a situation is presented as ‘either/or’ but there is at least one additional logically valid option
As a childhood friend of Oikawa and Iwaizumi and manager of the Aoba Johsai Boys Volleyball Club, you couldn’t imagine your life without them. You know you like both of them, but you resolve to keep the feelings hidden, knowing staying friends is better than either having to choose one or losing your friendship with them both (an iwaizumi x reader x oikawa smau)
masterlist // XII: hey cutie // XIII: food for thought // XIV: not them being mutuals on twitter
wc: 1k
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You checked everything off, one more time, praying that the team dinner wouldn’t be too much of a disaster.
Granted, you were cooking up a scheme, so to say, so at least one thing was
going to go wrong, but hopefully, you wouldn’t end up drenched like last time.
You couldn’t deny your nervousness- you were still a little iffy about the whole Terushima thing, but really, there was no going back now.
You would probably been a bit more comfortable with at least knowing what Terushima looked like, but at least he had agreed to let you know when he was going to make his move.
(And how could he? This was crazy, even by your standards.)
“Everything all right?” Oikawa asked, looking over at you for a second.
“Everything all right?” Oikawa asked, looking over at you for a second.
“Oh, yep!” You smiled thinly at him, debating whether sitting on your hands would be a subtle way to stop wringing them. “Just hoping I won’t have to throw my shirt out by the end of tonight.”
Not buying it, Oikawa pursed his lips. “Ok, well, you’d tell me if there was something up, right?”
“Duh,” you scoff, reaching over to squeeze his shoulder.
“Good.” Oikawa pulls into the restaurant parking lot, parking next to Iwaizumi’s mom’s car. Obviously, he had borrowed it for the night.
The two of you strolled into the restaurant, easily finding your team’s table. They were sat in a booth, unfortunately, and you waited for Oikawa to slide in before you sat down, securing yourself a spot on the end.
“Where’s Iwa-chan?” Oikawa asked, scanning the table. With a jolt, you noticed he wasn’t there.
“Bathroom,” Kunimi said, not even looking up from his phone.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you fished it out, oh high alert. It was just Mattsun.
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“Who’re you texting, y/n-chan?” Oikawa asked, leaning over to look at your phone. You turned it off, something you rarely did in front of him, something he undoubtedly noticed. “Just my mom.”
Mattsun, noticing, cut in. “Oh, there’s Iwaizumi. Scoot over to make room for him, y/n.”
Giving Mattsun a glare, you moved towards Oikawa best you could, ending up sandwiched between them.
The waiter swung by, grabbing your drink orders, and soon you were all engaged in conversations.
A couple of times you had to remind them to lower the volume, but overall, the boys seemed on their best behavior.
Once food orders were taken, you took a few photos of everyone, laughing at Oikawa’s exaggerated poses.
Thankfully, the food didn’t take too long to arrive, but before you could even take a bite, your phone buzzed.
A quick checks showed it was Terushima.
Not even 30 seconds later, someone approached the table. Looking up, your eyes actually widened as you took him in.
Bleached-blond hair, sharp features, and a devilish smile that lingered on the edge of his lips.
“Can we help you?” Iwaizumi asked, looking up at him.
“Oh, I’m not here for you.” Terushima ran his hand through his hair. “I’m here for them. Say, cutie, you’re looking pretty good. Want to ditch the rest of these losers and come hang out with me? The name’s Terushima, by the way.”
Ducking your head, you surpressed a smile. “Well, I don’t know, it’s a team dinner.”
“What sport?”
“Volleyball,” Oikawa answered for you, sliding closer.
“Oh yeah? I play. Maybe of you to get with me I can show you a real game.” Terushima’s tongue piercing clacked against his teeth.
You laughed, a non-committal reply that Iwaizumi surely caught, if the way his fists tightened against his side was any indication.
“Well,” Terushima sighed. “If you can’t let me whisk you away now, can I at least get your number?”
You barely caught the pen he tossed at you, but went on to scrawl your number (your real one, since both Oikawa and Iwaizumi were watching closely), and,
for good measure, and XOXO.
Terushima took the proffered napkin, tucking it into his pocket with a wink. He then walked off, leaving everyone speechless.
“You actually gave him your number?” Oikawa asked, and you shrugged, taking a bite of your food.
“What? He was-“
Makki interrupted. “Hot?”
“No! Well, yes,” you admitted, much to Oikawa’s loud dismay. “But I was going to say charming.”
“Oooh~” Mattsun teased. “Y/n’s got a boyfriend!”
Everyone laughed, most of the tension dissipating. You looked up, and Kyotani was staring at you, with a look that clearly read “we’ll talk about this later”.
The rest of the dinner passed normally, and soon, checks were being asked for. The money used to pay for the team dinners usually came out of club funds, something you had the card for, so the receipt went to you.
Scanning it, you saw it was less than you had expected.
Seeing your look of confusion, the waiter answered your unasked questions. “Oh, one of the meals was payed for by a guy from another table. Bleached hair, Teru-something.”
That wasn’t part of the plan. You’d have to pay him back.
“Well, that’s uh, nice of him,” you manage, handing over the card. The time waiting for the card back was spent in silence, but you saw Makki and Mattsun’s barely concealed grins.
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XIV: not them being mutuals on twitter
a/n: god my brain melts for teru i’m not even sorry 😩🤚
please like, comment, reply, reblog 💖
taglist is open! please send in an ask or reply to be added!
taglist: @gautier-lei @vanilla-beanzz @tobiovic @notsodeadgirlwalking @darlingkuroo @nekomanagers @420-uwu @toaster-stick @misssugarless @halesandy @daphnxy @morpheus-rex @tetrapot-melon-tea @novablu @mrswhitethornbelikov @hogwarts--imagines​ @pastel-prynce @dreamsandregrets​
if your name is crossed out, i can’t tag you for some reason
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
watch me
✖ previously: best behavior
✖ pairing: daichi sawamura x fem!reader
✖ rating: mature, read at your own risk
✖ synopsis: college frat boy daichi’s world is turned upside down when he learns his classmate is actually a very popular cam-girl.
a/n: this part is written out, i felt it would be best for the story line to have it written rather than in smau format. thanks for all the support and patience! 
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As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you let out a shaky sigh. You looked good, great actually. The costume fit perfectly. But that didn’t stop the anxiety from bubbling up inside you. It was just a party, what was the big deal? Well the big deal was Daichi was there waiting and making a fool of yourself was not a part of the night’s agenda.  
An unexpected knock was heard at the door. You hurried to open the door, only to be greeted by Kenma, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He was wearing a toga with a gold rope cinching at his hips. Peaking from his high tops were his favorite pair of neko-printed socks, so he wasn’t completely out of character.  
“C’mon, I don’t want to be seen in this while in the dorms.”  
You squealed and hugged your best friend.  
“You’re really coming?”
“No, I just put on this bed sheet on for fun.”  
You laughed and grabbed your things, stuffing them into a small backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. After locking the door behind you, you linked elbows with Kenma as he sighed.  
“At least one of us look good. I look like a deflated Michelin Man.”  
“Oh no you don’t,” Y/N answered with a giggle, trying your best not to sound like you were agreeing.  
You reached Kenma’s car, hopping in. You poked the Pokémon ball shaped air freshener and smiled. His car smelled like an orange dreamlike mixed with the scent of the leather seating.  
“Kuroo called me asking if I was coming and he sounded pretty out of it already.”  
You raised a brow and looked at the time on your phone screen.  
“It's not even 11 yet...”  
Kenma chuckled as he began to drive towards the frat house.  
“You know how Kuroo is. If he’s not doing a keg stand battle against Bokuto by the end of the night, it wasn’t a party.”  
The drive to the house was short, to your dismay. Seeing the house with students trickling in and out of it, laughing and drinking caused anxiety to surge through your body fiercely.  
“Hey,” Kenma spoke softly as he parked on the street. “It's going to be fine. You’ll have me with you.”  
A soft smile crept on your face at his surprisingly kind words. It wasn’t like Kenma to be so affectionate, but when he was, it was always with sweet words. You took another deep breath, nodded, and got out of the car, then walking alongside Kenma to the doors of the mansion-like home.  
A “bouncer” stood at the door, peering down at the two from under a bucket hat.  
“Aight, its $3 entry, ladies free if they show their-”  
“Knock it off Atsumu, they’re on the list.”  
Shoving the bouncer to the side, Kuroo greeted you, a red solo cup in hand and olive branch crown resting on his black hair, snug on his bangs.  
“Y/N! Kenma!”  
He enveloped you both in a hug, a wide smile on his face. His cheeks were red from the alcohol he had already consumed, causing the tips of his ears to appear almost pink.  
“Hey Kuroo!” You beamed at him.  
Your eyes darted around the crowded house. Colorful lights hung from the ceiling, fake ivy covered the walls, and the floor felt like it was vibrating from the music coming from the basement. You couldn’t help but smile softly at the nostalgic feeling. It had been a while since you had gone to a party. Cherry Baby occupied much of your time out of class and there was always a small fear that you would be found out. The fear caused your face to sour, but you quickly shook your head to rid your face of the expression.  
You followed behind Kenma and Kuroo, ducking and slipping behind many sweaty and drunk college students.  
“Well well well, who do we have here?”  
A smirking Terushima stood before you.  
“Teru!” You laughed and grinned. Another familiar face, even if he was a bit annoying. He simply shook his head before putting an olive branch crown on your head. He gave you a soft smile as you adjusted it shyly.
“It looks good on you. Now, I’m sure you’re not interested in talking to me, hm?”  
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as Terushima snickered. He always knew how to push your buttons.  
“He’s over there,” He pointed to Daichi, who was talking to a silver haired boy with small fake ivy leaves in his hair. Daichi looked almost too good in that make-shift toga. The fabric was draped over his shoulder loosely, and he had a piece of rope tied tightly around his waist. He had a similar crown on his head, the branches sitting in his soft brown hair. You eyed his muscles, which were decorated in faux gold tattoos that resembled branches.  
“Go say hello,” Terushima’s said, his low voice bringing you out of your daze.  
“What? He’s clearly talking to someone-”
“Thats just Sugawara, c’mon.”  
Terushima grabbed your arm, dragging you over to where Daichi and Sugawara stood.  
“Daich! Look who’s here!”  
Daichi turned to see you, an instant smile hitting his face.  
“Y/N! You made it!”  
You smiled up at Daichi, a sudden sense of shyness overwhelming you.  
Daichi didn’t seem to notice your nerves.  
“You just got here? Cool, let me get you a drink.”  
“Oh, I don’t really-”  
“Chill,” Terushima cut you off as Daichi stepped into the kitchen to pour you a drink. “Let him play host for the night.”  
You chuckled at his comment as Daichi walked back over, handing you a red solo cup filled with a dark punch and chunks of fruit.  
“Trust me, it's good, I didn’t let Kuroo or Bokuto near it while Oikawa and I made it.”  
You nodded and took a sip; the heavy taste of vodka being numbed by the strong punch. Your face scrunched up as you swallowed.  
“Whew,” you giggled, as Daichi watched you with a slight blush. Probably the alcohol.  
“I’m really glad you came,” he said before taking a swig out of his own cup. It seemed to be a large sip since he swallowed hard. “You look really good by the way.”  
You blinked at the unexpected compliment as heat rushed to your cheeks. You wanted to blame the alcohol for how Daichi was talking, but you had to be honest with yourself. Daichi was not the kind to drink excessively. So, he meant it.  
“Thank you,” you answered with a smile. Daichi gave off the energy of an excited little boy who was seeing a puppy for the first time. He was bobbing his leg with every word he spoke and biting his lip while listening intently to yours. It was like he was to afraid to reach out and touch your or even get close.  
“So, how do you think the test went-?”  
“Do you wanna dance?” Daichi cut you off. It would’ve seemed rude if it wasn’t for how eager his eyes seemed. There was no malice or ill intent behind them either.  
“Oh? Sure,” You smiled and turned to Terushima who was talking to a few girls. 
“Hm?” He hummed and looked over at you.  
“Can you watch my drink? And my stuff?”  
He sighed and looked over at Daichi who was practically pleading from behind you.  
“Yeah yeah, just give it here.”  
You quickly shoved your phone and drink in his hands and tossed him the backpack.  
“Thanks, Teru!” You sang, while turning back to Daichi.  
Daichi gave you a soft grin and extended his hand.  
“The dancing is in the basement and its pretty crowded...I don’t want to lose you.”  
You nodded slowly at his words. Out of context they seemed much more romantic than they truly were. You took his hand as he guided you toward the steep rickety staircase that led to the basement. He was right, it was incredibly crowded. You held his hand tight as you squeezed through the crowd. Students grinding and dancing, singing loudly and waving their hands in the air. It felt straight out of a movie. Daichi eventually led you to a less crowded area of the dance floor. The music was so loud, you could barely hear what he was saying, so you attempted to read his lips. You squinted under the blue and green strobing lights and watched his lips.  
“Are you okay?”  
You nodded and gave him a grin, followed by two thumbs up. He laughed and mirrored your action before beginning to jump lightly on his feet, which seemed to be his attempt at dancing. You giggled as he jumped and moved his arms to the music.  
“You need rhythm Daichi!”
It was clear shouting over the music wasn’t working, so you gently extended your hands to Daichi. He looked at them curiously before taking them in his, and you nodded with approval. You set his hands on your waist and turned around, so your back was against his chest. HIs large hands drifted against your skin as you turned, almost as if he was afraid to fully put the weight of his hands on you. You felt the vibrations of the music through the soles of your shoes and smiled as a new song came on. You slowly began to sway your hips to the beat, Daichi following suit. He didn’t seem to be catching your drift, so with a sudden surge of alcohol filled courage, you pressed your butt against his crotch and continued your swaying motion, essentially grinding against him. You looked back at him to see his reaction, to see if he was okay with this. But under the blue lighting, you couldn’t see the bright red that had covered Daichi’s face, but you could see his lips as they mouthed out the word fuck.  
Upstairs, Terushima was still plagued with holding your drink. He sighed, as the conversation from the previous girls had gotten boring, so he was standing beside Kuroo and Bokuto who were playing cup pong. Without thinking, Terushima absentmindedly took a sip from your cup.  
“Shit,” he mumbled realizing his mistake. He walked off and into the kitchen to pour you a new glass. He poured the rest of the juice down the drain, setting your phone and bag on the counter. As he tossed the cup in the already full garbage, a familiar ping!  was heard from your phone. Terushima, gripped by curiosity, grabbed your phone to look at the notification.  
@STEPONMECHERRY: day 120849283 of getting @thecherrybby to notice me  
Terushima’s eyes narrowed at the screen. Why would you know about Cherry Baby and why was this notification coming up as a tag? He leaned against the counter, the kitchen empty now that the basement had become the center of the party. Attempting to unlock your phone, he put in your birthday.  
Wrong password.  
He tried Kenma, Kuroo, and even his name.  
Wrong, wrong, and wrong.  
He sighed. He wasn’t as close with you to know your phone password. He furrowed his brows trying his last attempt.  
Terushima rolled his eyes, mumbling a ‘dumbass’ as he opened the Twitter app. There seemed to be no notifications when he went to the profile, which just appeared to be your private. He opened to view your other profiles, and lo and behold, there it was. Cherry Baby’s profile.  
He blinked, making sure he wasn’t blacked out and actually staring at Cherry Baby’s profile.  
Y/N was Cherry Baby, you were Cherry Baby. Terushima was presented with the truth. Rather than run right back to Bokuto and Kuroo to tell them his discovery, he set your phone down, poured your new drink, and walked back over to the pong table.  
“Hey! Why were you gone for so long?” Kuroo asked while Bokuto tossed the ping pong ball into a cup. He grinned as he watch a far too drunk Oikawa grab the cup.  
“Drink up buddy boy!”  
Oikawa grumbled as Iwazumi patted his back while chugging down the beer.  
“I was just getting Y/N a new drink,” Terushima said while turning to Kuroo. Kuroo nodded and smiled, waiting for Iwazumi to toss his ping pong ball. Terushima’s attention shifted as he saw you walk up the stairs, holding Daichi’s hand. Terushima’s eyes narrowed seeing what appeared to be a hickey on your collarbone. Not to mention the fact that Daichi’s olive branch crown seemed to be falling apart.  
You looked up at Daichi, finally able to see his red face. He was beaming, his fingers laced with yours. Nothing had really happened.  
Except for the fact that he kissed you. Kissed you and pushed you up against the cold cement wall of the basement and gave you a hickey.  
Truly nothing.  
But if it was nothing, why did it feel like your stomach was doing back flips?  
“Teru! Thanks for watching my stuff!” You smiled at him, grabbing your drink, phone and backpack.  
“No problem,” He mumbled, eyeing you up and down. It was hard to fathom that you were the one he looked forward to every Thursday. That you were the one he has such lewd thoughts about. That he had seen your body splayed out for a camera, convulsing and moaning. He couldn’t fathom that that was you. But there you were, sitting beside Daichi in the dark living room, chatting about who you thought would win the cup pong.  
But there was a different game on Terushima’s mind. Cat and mouse. And clearly, this mouse had been caught.
taglist [CLOSED]: @jr-j-j @thebatwrangler @johariameil @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsushimaa @moonlightinsanity @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @@hay-leeeah @bby-chloe1999 @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum @izuku-sakura @thegalxe @kiddiegore @xizimagines @lunabby010 @unknown-jpg @marigoldthoughts @himurayuumi6 @ihatemyselfbutthatsok @pensysto @boosyboo9206 @dekumiya @aristatrois @nekoma-hoe @paranoid-borderline-insane @issueswithhaikyuu @alltimeluw @cashmakozume @eroujo @taxkuu @whyamihere-bro @shoutosteakettle @alchemykitten @bigdickdaichi @hofortendou @skyguy-peach @8zmingi @kingkagss @tetsuswhore @ceo-of-daichi @emiawa @cloudykarasuno @ushiwakaismybae @btssintrash @konohasoftgf @axolotleyeliner @fangeekkk @denkisdurag​ 
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damedamedame · 4 years
okay, i’m back, sorry i can’t get enough- can i request headcannons of teru, tsukasa and akane walking in to their s/o in the corner of the room sniffling, and instantly thought someone or something hurt them, and was bout to throw sum hands? But in reality they were just crying over a really sad fanfic. you don’t have to accept if you a lot of request alr doe, but thanks if you did 💞 :3
“For Real?”
NOTES: ayyy you’re back :00 !! thanks for requesting againnn by the way my inbox is like a fuckin desert so no worries :333
P.S. - i don’t accept tsukasa usually but like,, special exception :3???
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As the President’s girlfriend, you are allowed full access to the Student Council Room much to Akane’s dismay.
You know what?? Akane’s gonna get kicked out again if says anything :DD
But he doesn’t really mind you.
In fact: you mind him.
*stressed (Y/N) noises as he continues to gush about Aoi*
Anyone who says ‘Hey, you can’t go in there!’ because you’re not a part of the student council shall be ignored :’)))
Teru’s got his eyes on everyone lmaoo
did i just make him sound like a yandere?? n-nah
You use the Student Council Room for *ehem* r e a s o n s. No, you definitely don’t use the room to read fanfictions and visual novels. Nope. Not at all.
But you actually do >:333
You’re inside that very room right now, tapping away at your phone to keep reading the next passages of the oNE OF THE SADDEST VISUAL NOVELS YOU’VE EVER SEEN—
saeyoung choi, anyone?
Then comes in Teru.
Nonono, Teru never wanted to see you cry about anything ever !! :((
He’ll do everything in his power, a whole dang lot of power in his hands, to keep seeing that smile of yours.
Frantic, he rushes over to you and kind of just,, pats your head as you sniffle and sob as you watch the screen.
He’s only ever had to deal with Tiara’s tantrums and guilt over having to scold Kou, okay??? What?? Is he gonna cradle you until you fall asleep?? Is he gonna ban you from seeing Hanako even if you can’t see him??? WHAT DOES HE D O—
Observational skills on point as always, he sees a someone on your screen, and heart wrenching words if he only knew the context behind it.
“...Why are you crying, (Y/N)?”
Teru just. small smile and eyes shut, if you get my drift.
He’s lowkey confused for about a few seconds until he connects the dots with his,
b i g b r a i n ✨
You were only reading a visual novel. You just told him that you almost had a bad ending. That guy on your screen said those words. You were crying because of a fictional character??
Huh. Maybe he should pick up one of these novels and read them with you,,, if he had the time to squeeze it in his schedule— oh who am i kidding, he’ll squeeze in time to be with you no matter what.
“Should I contact the developer...?”
“tERU NO—“
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Damn rat might kill anyone who makes you cry smh smh.
I mean... business, am I right???
You’re one of the ✨ School Mysteries ✨
How did you die? Well, let’s just say there was a truck, a phone and an unfortunate incident that’s been talked about through hushed whispers and murmurs.
Speaking of phone, dang thing’s still stuck on your hand for like,,, ages. Not that you care very much. At least the afterlife gave you some entertainment :’)))
You’re with Tsukasa for whatever reason— Once he showed up inside of your Boundary, he just clinged to you ever since. He’s cute, you admit, if you look past the terror he’s done to spirits.
Tsukasa has never granted your wish. You didn’t have one, really, but you still didn’t understand why the pesky ghost didn’t ask terrorized for one. Despite that being his job. And why he’s here. But like— whatever lol.
What he DOES do is ask you to never leave his side. What you didn’t know was that Tsukasa never granted or asked for your wish because he didn’t want you to leave him once it’s done ala horrific.
You’re in your Boundary, the endless hallway, and chlllin while scrolling through your phone for fanfiction to read while you’re dead. The usual. Yep, this is pretty much why you died but lmao you’re just,,, doing it again.
gentle reminder for anyone reading to not use your phone while walking across streets >:000 i care about your safety guys !!
Now where was I? oH yes.
You find a particular fic about your favorite pairing from when you were alive. It still is. Fluff, they said, it’s only fluff... It was not fluff. IT WAS A REALLY FLUFFY ONE UNTIL IT WAS NOT :(((
Tsukasa, who left for personal business, returned to see you bawling and rolling down on the ground and clutching your phone tightly.
“(Y/N)??? Is that a new exercise you’re doing???”
“nO >:((((“
He sits down cross-legged next to you, curious eyes landing on your body still rolling around because of that OnE LiNe. Most likely pokes you until you stop and pay attention to him.
You pout, ‘So cute <33’ He ponders upon before smiling far too widely at you like dude why you gotta smile like that it’s creeping me out.
Hesitantly, you showed him the screen, hoping he’d understand how much distress you have at this moment.
He did not.
“AHA! (Y/N)’S CRYING BECAUSE OF A SAD STORY!” He says with the widest fuc ki n grin.
You take back the phone, blushing immensely out of embarrassment for showing him the pic and him l a u g h i n g at you.
Eventually, Tsukasa stops. He softly tells commands you to look at him. Very very carefully, you take a quick look.
Then he pinches both your cheeks as hard as he can, slight blush on his face.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N)! I’ll make sure no one else makes you cry like this.”
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Oh boy.
Looking at the clock on the wall, then over to the piles of notes laying about on the table, you wonder where the fuck your boyfriend could be.
It was quiet, too quiet for your own liking. Everyone else had gone back to their homes or went out with friends.
And you??? You’re here.
Waiting for Akane since the beginning of time.
omg time pun
Inside the library.
You look down on the notes you made, words barely of any interest for you, and put it down on the table. “A little quick peek.” You say as your hand shuffles for your phone in your bag.
When you DID find it, you frowned. No new texts from Akane. Awfully strange, since he’d text you 23/7 prayer circle punishment break
Then you see a notification pop up... then you find out your oh-so-loved fic has finally updated after a week of waiting. Patience running thin, you decide to read the ol’ thing.
Bad idea.
You couldn’t stop reading after a long long while. The words simple captivated your mind as of a puppeteer controlling one’s puppet. Besides, Akane was bending the rules, so why can’t you???
Speaking of time boy,
Teru had pushed off all his paperwork on him because he felt an eerie feeling about an apparition hanging nearby.
“The least you could do, Aoi.” He says, flashing a bright smile and leaving Akane alone in the room. HE HATES THAT GUY >:(((
Everyone around him gave him weird looks, but were already used to his old Aoi shenanigans. So they all turned a blind eye.
Initially, he’s glad to see you waiting for up for him. BUT THENNN HE SEES YOU SOBBING.
“(Y/N), did I really take that long???”
“N-No, I-I’m not—“
Your eyes are obviously puffing up from the amount of tears you shed after reading a 5000-word update.
Somehow, you couldn’t bring yourself to show the phone to him.
Akane’s real concerned, to the point where he’d gladly use his time-freezing skills just to check if no one was bullying you through your phone.
And after many MANY attempts to get your phone, he did it.
He stopped time. Just to see what’s on there.
Of course, he had to know what exactly made his love so sad and read the whole thing in like,, under a minute— boy’s got mad reading skills i tell you.
Your exact thoughts rn: s c r e e e e eEREE
Akane looks at you, a chuckle hiding behind his lips. The thoughts of you crying lingering in his mind now replaced themselves with how cute your flustered face is right now.
“Did you really cry because of this, (Y/N)?”
Somehow, your boyfriend is such a damn tease when it came to you— tHERE ARE APPROPRIATE TIMES FOR THIS NOT NOW >:00
But still... he’s good too.
Akane wipes the tear about to escape from your eye, enjoying how your face blushed tenfold with a sly smile.
“I won’t let anyone else ever make you cry.”
NOTES: did you enjoy?? uh anyways— masterlist on the way :))
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
Finally Meeting The 7th Mystery
Pairing: Hanako(Yugi Amane) x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: You had heard of mysteries before. You wanted to try it for yourself. So at break, you went to the third floor bathroom and knocked on the third stall. 
Warning: None
Genre: Fluff
Y/n- your name, l/n-last name, 
Reader: Female
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Made by: ??? in Pinterest! (Please tell me who owns this art so i could credit them!)
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You were always interested in mysteries, like Hanako for an example. So when it was your first day in Kamome Academy, you were excited. There were many floors in the school. 
Last time you tried on summoning Hanako, it went backfired. It made you frown for days. So you were determined on summon her! 
You walked around with Minamoto, The Minamoto. Who was touring you around the school. He was hot, but he wasn’t much of your type. When walking, you could feel glares and murmurs as you both walked. 
“Don’t mind them.” Teru suggested, you nodded. After the tour, you jogged your way to the third floor, hoping that you might get in time to do the summoning before the bell rang. 
To your dismay, the bell rang when you were infront of the girl’s bathroom. You sighed sadly before walking to your classroom. ‘I guess i’ll do it during break. I hope i could do it this time!’ You thought.
You yawned as the bell rang once more. It was now lunch, you were now walking to the third floor girls bathroom. You opened the door, to see the bathroom a bit dirty. ‘Who even cleans here.’ You murmured in disgust. ‘So dirty..’.
You stood infront of the third stall in the girl’s bathroom. You took a deep breath. “This is it.. I can do it!” You told yourself. You knocked the stall three times. 
“Hanako-san, Hanako-san.... Are you there?” Silence took over for a few seconds until the door slowly creaked open. 
You internally squealed. ‘Is this it?! Am i finally going to see Hanako-san?!’.
When the door fully opened, you saw no one. You sighed. You swore you saw a hand opening it. It must’ve been you imagination, or the wind? No, the window is closed.. You were going to walk away when you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Here i am~” It said. You jumped. You turned around to see a boy, wearing Hanako san’s clothes. “Hi! I’m Hanako, Nice to meet you!” Hanako greeted.
“Uh, is this a prank or something? Aren’t you supposed to be a girl?” Instead of greeting back to him, you asked a question instead. He frowned, acting hurt. 
“Oh well.... I guess i’m not needed..” He slowly went to the opened stall. You immediately realized your mistake and apologized to him. “Ah, I’m sorry! I’m Y/n L/n nice to meet you too! I just thought you were supposedtobeagirlimsosorry!!!” He perked up at your apology, his happy self back once more.
“Okay! What’s your wish?” He asked-
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After school, You were now playing cards with Hanako and the mokkes. It was fun. 
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Ending 1: 
After playing with them, you finally cleaned the bathroom. You didn’t want to clean while they were playing so you joined. Hanako was there teasing and making perverted jokes about your legs. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Possible ending 2:
Hanako gasped, taking your attention to him. “Are you ok Hanako?” You asked, worried. “I just remembered! I heard about you before! Supernaturals told me that you were trying to summon them but failed. “It was funny watching you try and fail” they said!” Hanako snickered. “They were making fun of you- It was so funny!” 
Your face went red and hit Hanako many times. “How dare you make me remember about my past failures you- Baka!” 
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