#muhammad (after friend)
bookishjules · 1 year
left babysitting today and then proceeded to spend 40 minutes of my walk home on the phone with my 12yo, who called to involve me in the very important convo she and her sister were having about who of the seven we would all be
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ana-bananya · 1 month
Support the Jad Al Haq family
I've been asked by the family to make this post to help clear up the rumors of fraud surrounding them. All of these campaigns have been vetted by trustworthy sources and I have linked proof of verification for each of them. You may see similar photos and wording in their campaigns, but that is because they are all sisters.
Please share and donate where you can to help the Jad Al Haq family be able to reunite with Doaa in Egypt.
kr85,535 SEK/kr300,000 SEK
SEK conversation rate calculator
@dodoomar12345 and her son Omar evacuated to Egypt. Omar is autistic and nonverbal, and is suffering from shock and trauma caused by the bombings he and his mother lived through.
Doaa is seeking to get Omar therapy and enroll him in school, but she needs support to cover the expensive weekly fees for his treatment. Her campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost.
@free-gaza2 is Doaas other account for her second campaign. This fundraiser is to help her purchase the equipment she needs to restart her sewing and embroidery business so she can support herself and Omar. It was also verified by 90-ghost.
Vetted by 90-ghost
This fundraiser is for 3 of Doaa's sisters: Tahreer, Fidaa, and Aseel. All of them were recently forced to evacuate where they were sheltering and find themselves displaced again. The funds will be used to help them afford necessities and evacuation so they can join Doaa in Egypt.
@tahreer1990 and her husband Ahmed have 4 children: Fatima, Khamees, Sarah, and Ameer. Ameer is a toddler with a broken pelvis and in desperate need of medical care. Khamees also recently underwent a tonsillectomy without proper conditions/medications due to a severe infection.
@fedao and her husband Hashem have 4 children: Dima, Abdullah, Islam, and Duaa. Hashem has an arm injury and needs medical care.
@aseelo680 is a young ambitious English student who is taking care of their elderly parents. Both their mother and father need treatment to help with their medical conditions, but Aseel cannot afford the care they need. Her father also recently suffered a stroke after losing his home, job, and relatives.
Aseel also has a second fundraiser to help with her parents' treatment and evacuation.
Vetted by 90-ghost
@/ebenrosetaylor is also doing an art raffle for Aseel's fundraiser. You can read the details here.
246 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by nabulsi and el-shab-hussein
@hanaa987 and her husband Muhammad have a 2 year old son named Youssef. Their family has now been displaced more than 6 times. They were recently forced to evacuate Khan Younis and were able to afford another tent thanks to the donations they received, but they still need support so they can afford evacuation.
Vetted by 90-ghost
@safaa18mero is a law school graduate who dreamed of becoming a lawyer to support her family. She is currently in need of support to afford milk and diapers for her 5 month old son Amir who she gave birth to during this genocide.
Vetted by 90-ghost
Additional information can be found here
@falestine-yousef and her husband have a 3 month old son named Youssef that Falestine gave birth to during this genocide. She is struggling to provide enough milk, diapers, medicine, and vitamins for her son. She also fears for Youssef's health because of the unsanitary conditions in their camp. The tent they live in is next to a dilapidated public toilet where sewage, dirt and waste is everywhere, putting her family at greater risk of contracting deadly diseases.
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thethief1996 · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about the news out of Palestine. Israel is sieging al Shifa hospital. Videos of people's limbs being severed off are haunting (graphic video tw). The hospital has ran out of fuel and 39 babies in incubators are fending for their lives by themselves, because Israel has stationed snipers around the hospital and is shooting all medical crew that walks into their sight.
First, the narrative was Israel would never bomb hospitals. Now, the hospitals are Hamas bases. Then, we respect journalists. Now, we have a fucking kill list of journalists because they are Hamas collaborators. First, we are not letting fuel in until the hostages are released. Now, we are not accepting the hostages back because that would stop our ground invasion and let Hamas win. And I could go on about every single lie they're making up. If you look up "Hamas rape" on google, the first link leads to Times of Israel saying Israel has found no forensic evidence of sexual violence, and only one eyewitness testimony out of 3.5k people attending the rave. If you Google "Hamas beheaded babies" the top links say they have no evidence for the claim besides word of mouth from extremist soldiers. Israeli extremists think about the ugliest goriest scene they can make out in their sick heads, tell that to a international journalist and they run away with it like it's gospel.
And children are being killed in the name of these lies. Thousands are being displaced in images that remind me of the pictures of Tantura 75 years ago, with their hands up so the tanks don't shoot them. Amputees are leaving the hospitals in wheelchairs hours after their surgeries because they are being shot at. Elders who survived the Nakba on 48 are having to walk towards Southern Gaza on foot (imagine walking from one end of your city to the other on foot), displaced again. People are cheering for the haunting images of white phosphorus bombs being dropped over Gaza. Gazan workers who were arrested in the West Bank are being thrust back into the bombings wearing numbered labels.
This is not normal. We are seeing the early stages of the settler colonial genocide of an indigenous population. Native leaders who have visited Gaza say its refugee camps look eerily like reservations. We can stop this. For the first time we are able to see wide scale accounts from the hands of the people suffering the genocide, and Israel is so scared of it they have cut all communications in Gaza.
This is our litmus test. I think we have never seen more clearly, with Palestine, Armenia, Congo and Sudan how colonialism has made our world a rotten place to live in.
The South African apartheid collapsed due to boycotts. We have to do everything in our power to stop Israel's hegemony. Even talking to a group of friends about Palestine changes the status quo. There's no world where we can live peacefully if Israel accomplishes their goals.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera, Anadolu Agency, Mondoweiss
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing protests and direct action against weapons factories across the US
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza.
Hind Khudary - reporting directly from Gaza. Her husband and daughter moved South to run from the tanks but she stayed behind to record the genocide. The least we can do is not let her calls fall on deaf ears.
You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. BDS explicitly targets only a few brands which have bigger impact. You can stop consuming from as many brands as you want, though, and by all means feel free to give a 1 star review to McDonalds, Papa John, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Starbucks. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting the following:
Carrefour, HP, Puma, Sabra, Sodastream, Ahava cosmetics, Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate.
Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London.Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing direct actions to stop the shipping of wars to Israel. Follow them.
Educate yourself. Read into Palestinian history and the occupation. You can't common sense people out of decades of propaganda. If your arguments crumble when a zionist brings up the "disengagement of Gaza", you have to learn more.
Read Decolonize Palestine. They have 15 minute reads that concisely explain the occupation (and its colonial roots) and debunk popular myths, including pinkwashing.
Read on Palestine. Here's an amazing masterpost.
Verso Book Club is giving out free books on Palestine (I personally downloaded Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe. If you still believe in the two states solution, this book by an Israeli professor debunks it).
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls, here's a document that autosends emails to your representatives and here's a toolkit by Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
FOR PEOPLE IN EUROPE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace targeting the European Parliament and one specific for almost all countries in Europe, including Germany, Ireland, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Austria, Belgium Romania and Ukraine
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
Another global calendar (go to the instragram of the organizers to confirm your protest)
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Feel free to add more.
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elijah-loyal · 6 months
i present to you my cat's full name
opie OPP (other peoples’ property) santiago muhammad ahmad al reda al asad ibn sharmoota 
0 notes
buttercuparry · 13 days
I know I sound like a broken record by now: repeating the same things others have said before but I think banality of it all is the point of my post. The fact that I have nothing new to say– not about the genocide in Gaza, not about the dwindling attention of allies, is HORRIFYING. 
It has been 11 months of a genocide that the UN calls “war on children”. Malnutrition, diseases, lack of suitable medical care have caused Gazan children to lose their childhood; to lose their lives entirely!  
There is no hope left for a future unmarked of pain and my friend Siraj Abudayeh ( @siraj2024 ) , who is father to three sons describes it as a “feeling of oppression”.  He laments that his children have been forced away from their schools, hopes and dreams  by colonizers and where before there were ambitions to excel in either studies or sports, all they know now is helplessness, fear and anger. 
Siraj has told me how his children- Abed, Muhammad and Amir have confessed to their father about how they have begun to  feel guilty for surviving at all now ; after having lost so many of their friends to the genocide they are experiencing survivor's guilt and it breaks my heart to hear that. Abed, the eldest son, is ONLY ELEVEN!!  Can you imagine an eleven year old feeling guilty because he has managed to survive while his friends haven't ? And what kind of survival it is– Half starving, drinking unclean water, forced into tents where sand mites pester him throughout the day?
I am not sure what happened or why the engagement with fundraisers has dropped so drastically lately but there is nothing more atrocious, more horrible than apathy when children are suffering.  It is so strange that we can quote James Baldwin so easily and yet have failed to understand what he meant when he said,
"The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; ...whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality. ”
We have the power that is not afforded to Gazans and therefore it is on us to be attentive no matter how repetitive these posts feel. It is ridiculous and dehumanizing that during a genocide one has to worry about making a post original enough to maintain attention. And yes I know that we won't be able to stop the horrifying banality of Israel’s evil in a day but WE CAN help provide FIVE families that are dependent on this fundraiser with a lifeline during times such as these.  
Please we have managed to get this far after struggling for so long, it cannot be that we will fail Siraj when he is so close to the end goal of 82k !!
So DONATE AND BOOST. Find it in yourself to not just reblog but circulate the fundraiser among your colleagues, friends and family. Share it in your whatsapp chats and discord servers. Share it on every other platform that you may have a reach on.
Currently at $72,987 CAD of the short term goal of 75k. We have 2k left to raise by tomorrow. 
Vetting at 219
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some of y'all really started an entire campaign against shahed and shaima and muhammad to falsely claim they're scammers huh. really just came up with a bunch of baseless racist claims and presented them as fact, getting someone to rescind an entire $500 donation from shaima and muhammad's gfm. do you think they want to be here on tumblr, begging strangers for money to escape a genocide? do you think people like hussein and nairuz put in so much effort to vet them just for fun? or that my friends and i enjoy losing sleep every night trying to get people to donate? if after all this time, after over 300 days of ongoing genocide, you still insist on baselessly accusing palestinians of being scammers with 0 proof, you are just plain racist idk what to tell you! i'm not kidding when i say this racist fucking behavior is quite literally endangering human lives. go donate to them right now i'm no longer asking.
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malmo038 · 9 days
🚨‼️Stop my family needs your humanity
If you see this post, please interact with it in any way you can by donating and reblog🤍🙏
A small donation from you makes a big difference with us here. Help me protect my family
I am Muhammad Al-Shaer, son of a very beautiful family After my father died in 2018 (he died of heart disease) After that, I am responsible for my mother and sister
At this time, I was supposed to be a software engineer sitting and working either at home or in a company, But unfortunately, my house, which I finished building two months before the war, was bombed, and I did not finish my studies, and I did not work officially in software engineering
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We had a life, we had a home, we had a job, and we had dreams I was about to graduate from university But unfortunately all of this was destroyed with the beginning of this war
Everything you worked for all your life was taken from you We strive all our lives to build a home so that we can be comfortable in it, and then you lose it because of something that is not your fault😔💔
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The loss was too much for us, so my family and I are here to ask for your help 🍉🇵🇸
The goal I set may be high, but I still make up for what I lost😔💔
This is the last hope for me and my family, so be compassionate and understanding
With all respect :
“ Mohamed Alshaer ”
My sister: @maha-sh18
this is my campaign 👇👇
My campaign vetted by my dear friend :
• @el-shab-hussein
@appsa @elarecitou @ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly
@sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl
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islamqazal · 16 days
Hello, my name is Mohammed Nihad Ghazal from North Gaza. I have ambitions, dreams and a love for life like any young man in the world. I am supporting my family of 15 after my father was martyred in the cursed war that destroyed everything, but it seems that I will not be able to achieve my dream because of the brutal war on the Gaza Strip, which completely destroyed our home, and despite the harsh war, we did not leave North Gaza under inhumane conditions. We have suffered from illness, cold, hunger and drinking polluted water for more than 11 months, which we have suffered greatly from the loss of friends and relatives who were killed in the war for 330 days. I am appealing to you, the global community, for help. I have started a GoFundMe campaign with the goal of raising $20,000 to enable me and my family to find safety in Egypt. Evacuation fees change from time to time; we currently expect a cost of between $4,000 and $5,000 per person. Any additional funds generated will go to support my immediate needs and those of my family. There are many obstacles that we will face on the other side, and I hope that we can make things a little easier for us. I would like to share with you the situation now that the war has intensified. We are fine and safe, but life has become very difficult now around us, and people are suffering more and losing their loved ones every day. As a family, we have literally lost everything we own, our homes, ourhttps://gofund.me/f3e7e3c2 Hey there! I’m reaching out because my family and I are in a really tough spot, and any contribution you can make towards our evacuation from Gaza would mean the world to us—each donation brings us closer to safety and a fresh start. If you could click the link below to help or share it with others who might want to support us, it would make such a difference in our lives. Thank you for being so compassionate during this challenging time!
businesses, and we lost the dearest thing to us, my father, but we are trying to stay optimistic by thinking about evacuating and we heard good news today that the borders may open soon. We pray that this is true. Once we are evacuated, we will try hard to rebuild a small part of what we lost in Gaza. If we can achieve our ultimate goal, we will have the money to start a business to support our entire family. We want to be able to start over and not suffer anymore in Egypt. If everyone can help us with a small donation to achieve our ultimate goal, we will be able to rebuild our lives after everything was destroyed. All the positive words cannot express how generous you are in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza. Please continue to support the just cause in the world either by donating directly or by sharing the link to other media. Do not hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
https://gofund.me/f3e7e3c2 Hey there! I’m reaching out because my family and I are in a really tough spot, and any contribution you can make towards our evacuation from Gaza would mean the world to us—each donation brings us closer to safety and a fresh start. If you could click the link below to help or share it with others who might want to support us, it would make such a difference in our lives. Thank you for being so compassionate during this challenging time!
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schoolhater · 2 months
In yet another escalation of the genocide and a clear message to the world that it will never accept a Palestinian state, Israel has assassinated Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.
Every pretense Israel had toward the idea of a two state solution, or an end to the war has died with him. His martyrdom in Tehran comes as a horrific sign that Israel will stop at nothing to eliminate all semblance of a Palestinian future.
Please donate to Palestinian fundraisers. The safety of Palestinians in Gaza is of the utmost importance right now:
Shaima and Muhammad @wafans-blog
Shaima and Muhammad are the sister and brother of Wafaa al-Nahll (@wafans-blog) who reached her goal recently. Their family includes 10 kids but the genocidal Hala travel agency is charging most of them adult rates to leave because they are over the age of 15. Muhammad has a newborn baby who is at risk of infectious disease because he couldn't get vaccinated. The family is currently sheltering in al-Mawasi which has seen gruesome massacres recently. They just started fundraising over a week ago but have been seeing extremely slow process, and as they are a big family they need a lot of funds AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
@journalsforpalestine is running a raffle for Shaima and Muhammad.
[Line 260 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Bilal @bilal-salah0
Bilal is a 22 year old who went to Germany before the war began and has been trying to reunite with his family ever since. He is only around $3000 USD away from his goal and needs to meet it as soon as possible before he is DEPORTED by the genocidal German government and declared stateless on August 15th.
[Line 136 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Hazem Khalil @hazem1999sblog
Hazem Khalil's family has been stuck in Jabalia refugee camp for the past 9 months, facing unlivable conditions and a skyrocketing cost of living. He has been fundraising for ten days so far but has yet to break €1000 or 100 donations. His ultimate goal is €50,000 so he needs attention now!
[He is @bilal-salah0's friend.]
Siraj @siraj2024
Siraj is a journalist and father of three. He posts daily updates about what is happening in southern Gaza and has been fundraising for over a month. He and his family have narrowly escaped TWO massacres in southern Gaza recently. They now in unsafe conditions in a tent described as "a convection oven". They NEED to rebuild their home as soon as possible in order to have a safe place to live amidst Israeli bombardment.
His short term goal for THIS WEEK is $20,000 CAD.
sheplaysbassdotmp3 is running an art commission raffle for siraj!
[Line 219 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
Shahed @shahednhall:
Shahed is a 21 year old college student and photographer. She is the sole provider for her family, including her father (a heart patient) and five younger siblings (including youngest who is an infant). Her sisters have severe hepatitis and urgently need medical care that is no longer available in Gaza and need to evacuate as soon as they get the chance. She is now fundraising for her own evacuation after reaching a short term goal for her younger sisters.
Her short term goal FOR THIS WEEK is $50k and she just crossed $40k.
@journalsforpalestineis running a raffle for Shahed.
[Line #224 on Nairuz and Hussein's Spreadsheet.]
Along with everyone on this list please consider donating to all the other Palestinians I've reblogged. I can't possibly fit everyone into one post but they are all important!!
tagging for reach below:
@timetravelingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako
@feluka @terroristiraqi @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45 @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates @vakarians-babe
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littlegermanboy · 1 month
hi everyone, muhammad (@zeanyahya5) has reach out asking me to share his family's story to you all. he is a father of two young boys, zean and yahya.
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he is currently responsible for their safety during the genocide, as well as for his wife and his two elderly parents. his family has been displaced NINE TIMES, and they struggle every day in the face of death, injury, disease, and lack of basic necessities like food, clean water, and medical care. muhammad hesitated at first to begin fundraising to leave gaza, but after losing friends and loved ones to the genocide, the thought of losing his family became too much to bear.
any amount you can spare to them makes a difference; as of 8/21, he has currently raised only €5,996 of his €25,000 goal since opening his fundraiser in EARLY APRIL. so please, donate whatever you're able, and share if you can't. give muhammad and his family hope that they can reach safety and apply for asylum once they are safe. make a difference in their lives and safeties.
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lonniemachin · 29 days
At €28,913, my friend Ahmed and his wife Maram's fundraiser to escape Gaza with their 3 little children only needs €1,087 to reach its short-term goal of €30,000 by August 31st, 2024 -- I promised them I'd help them reach this milestone, and I don't intend on letting them down, but I'll need everyone's help to do so as there hasn't been a single donation in ONE ENTIRE DAY.
Please, please give what you can to this family. They have been displaced 11 times, battled hepatitis and malnutrition, and live in uncertainty day after day. They actively moved back into a dangerous area in order to avoid the spread of diseases, and frequently tell me of their daily suffering, sending photos of their 4-year-old daughter Habiba waiting in a line for dirty drinking water. Her 1-year-old brother Muhammad crawls on the ground covered in rubble. The children are frequently frightened by bombings. The family's only solace has been hope for escape, which is not easy to ask for help with.
You can also join my jewelry raffle which serves to benefit them as well as 2 other Palestinian families in need.
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Tagging for reach under the cut
@papenathys @heliopixels @nimbooz @hiveswap @irhabiya @feluka
@anneemay @tumkaafiho @fleshdyk3 @heritageposts @paandaan
@itsfookingloosah @rooh-afza @shesnake @akajustmerry @himejoshikaeya
@greeynbeayn @willhelmthewhale @jeynees @noajennifers @colombinna
@juneybug @apocalyptic-dancehall @kingofthebookcase @king-dail @caseys-soup-corner
@shoogachi @killy @deathlonging @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul
@rhubarbspring @j0ckhead @whoopsiedaisy20 @squidie-tittie @dreamingamongthestars
@foulharbor @3amsnow @orange-coloredsky @ehjane @dogesterone
@specialmouse @thehollyraven @the-olive-gardens @appsa @timetravellingkitty
@schoolhater @turian @omegaversereloaded @wellwaterhysteria @watermotif
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thethief1996 · 1 year
Israel has cut water, electricity and food to Palestinians in Gaza. They are buying 10.000 M16 rifles and plan to distribute to civilian settlers in the West Bank to hunt down Palestinians. They're bombing the only way out of Gaza through Egypt, after telling refugees to flee through it, and have threatened the Egyptian government in case they let aid trucks pass through. Entire families, generations, are being wiped out and left to wander the streets hoping they don't get bombed.
Palestinians are using their last minutes of battery to let the world know about their genocide and are being met with a wall of "What about Hamas? What about the beheaded babies? Killing children on either side is bad!" even though the propaganda claims have been debunked over and over again. How cruel is it to ask somebody to condemn themselves before their last words? Or before grieving the loss of their entire families? When there's no such disclaimer to Israelis even though their government has shown over and over genocidal intent? Like who are you even trying to appease? What will your wishy washy statement do against decades of zionist thought infiltrating evangelical and Jewish stablishmemts?
Take action. Israel will fall back if public opinion turns its tide. The UK fell back on its bloody decision to cut aid to Palestine under public scrutiny. The USAmerican empire spends $3.8 billion dollars annually solely on this proxy war while its people suffer under a progressively military regime as well. News outlets are canceling last minute on Palestinian speakers while letting Israelis tell lies unchecked. Palestinian refugees are being targeted in ICE establishments and mosques are already being hounded by the FBI. France and Germany have banned pro-Palestine protests, while Netherlands and the UK have placed restrictions . You have the chance to stop this from turning into repeat of the Iraq war.
I want to do something but there's hardly anything for me to do from Brasil besides spreading the word and not letting these testimonies fall on deaf ears. I'm asking you to do this same ant work from wherever you are.
Eye On Palestine (instagram / twitter)
Mohammed El-Kurd (instagram / twitter)
Decolonize Palestine (website with a chronological explanation of the occupation and debunking myths)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Plestia Alaqad (directly from Gaza. Many of her videos are interrupted by bombs)
If there's a protest in your city, please attend. Here's an international calendar of events:
Friday, October 13
ALBUQUERQUE, NM (US) – Fri Oct. 13, 3 pm, UNM Bookstore, University of New Mexico. Organized by Southwest Coalition for Palestine.
BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA (US) – Fri Oct 13, 6 pm, Sproul Hall (Vigil), University of California Berkeley. Organized by Bears for Palestine.
DOUAIS, FRANCE – Fri Oct 13, 6:30 pm, Place de’Armes.
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – Fri Oct 13, 5:30 pm, Brunnsparken. Organized by Palestinska samordningsgruppen Gothenburg.
GREENSBORO, NC (US) – Fri Oct. 13, 4 pm, Wendover Village, 4203 W Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC. Organized by Muslims for a Better NC.
LONDON, ENGLAND – Fri Oct 13, 5 pm, Keir Starmer’s Office, Crowndale Center, 218 Eversholt St, London. Organized by IJAN UK.
MEANJIN/BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 13, 6 pm, King George Square.
MIAMI, FL (US) – Fri Oct 13, 4:30 pm, Bayfront Park. Organized by Troika Kollectiv.
NAPOLI, ITALY – Fri Oct 13, 4:30 pm, Piazza Garibaldi, Napoli. Organized by GPI and Centro Culturale Handala Ali.
NGUNNAWAL/CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 13, 5:30 pm, Carema Place.
PERTH/BOORLOO, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct. 13, 5:30 pm, Murray Street Hall, Boorloo/Perth. Organized by Friends of Palestine WA.
PORTLAND, OREGON (US) – Fri Oct 13, 3 pm, 1200-1220 SW 5th Ave, Portland.
PORT RICHEY, FL (US) – Fri Oct 13, 7:30 am, Route 19 and Ridge Road, Port Richey. Sponsored by: Florida Peace Action Network; Partners for Palestine; CADSI
PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA – Friday, Oct. 13, 7 pm, UP Main Campus, DSA Building opposite Thuto. Organized by PSC UP.
WITSWATERSRAND UNIVERSITY (SOUTH AFRICA) – Fri Oct 13, 1 pm, Great Hall Piazza, Flag demonstration. Organized by Wits PSC.
Saturday, October 14
ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct. 14, 2 pm, St. Nichlas Square. Organized by Scottish PSC.
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, Aotea Square, Queens St, 291-2997 Queen St. Organized by PSN Aotearoa.
DETROIT/DEARBORN, MICHIGAN (US) – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, Ford Woods Park, 5700 Greenfield Road. Organized by SAFE, PYM, SJP, Handala Coalition, more.
DUNDEE, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct. 14, 2 pm, Place TBA. Organized by Scottish PSC.
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct 14, 2 pm, Princes Street at Foot of the Mound. Organized by Scottish PSC.
FRANKFURT, GERMANY – Sat Oct 14, 3 pm Hauptwache, Frankfurt am Main. Sponsored by Palestina eV, Migrantifa Rhein-Main and more.
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – Sat. Oct 14, 2 pm, Buchanan Steps. Organized by Scottish PSC.
HOUSTON, TEXAS (US) – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, City Hall, 901 Bagby St. Organizd by PYM, PAC, USPCN, SJP and more.
LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND – Sat Oc 14, 12 pm, Church St. Organized by FRFI.
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Oct 14, 12 pm, BBC Portland Place, London. Organized by a broad coalition.
MILANO, ITALY – Sat. Oct 14, 3:30 pm, Piazza San Babila. Organized by Young Palestinians of Italy, UDAP, Palestinian Community, Association of Palestinians.
ORLANDO, FLORIDA – Sat Oct 14, 3 pm, Lake Eola at Robinson and Eola, Orland. Organized by Florida Palestine Network.
TORINO, ITALY – Sat. Oct. 14, 3 pm, Piazza Crispi. Organized by Progetto Palestina.
VALPARAISO, CHILE – Sat Oct 14, 6 pm, Plaza Victoria, Valparaiso. Organized by Comite Chileno de Solidaridad con Palestina.
WASHINGTON, DC (US) – Sat Oct 14, 1 pm, Lafayette Square. Organized by AMP.
Sunday, October 15
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sun Oct 15, 2 pm, March from Dam Square to Jonas Daniel Meijer plein.
NAARM/MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, State Library Victoria.
TARDANYA/ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, 2 pm, Parliament House.
AUSTIN, TEXAS (US) – Sun Oct 15, 3 pm, Texas Capitol. Organized by PSC ATX.
GADIGAL/SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, 1 pm, Sydney Town Hall.
SANTIAGO, CHILE -Sun Oct 15, 11 am, Plaza Dignidad, Santiago. Organized by Comite Chileno de Solidaridad con Palestina.
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mangosundae · 28 days
This is an old list! My updated list can be found HERE
Below is a list of fundraisers from Palestinians who have messaged me. I do my best to determine whether a campaign is legit, but not all of these campaigns have been vetted, so please donate to/reblog those posts with caution. I'll make sure to specify whether or not each campaign has been vetted to the best of my knowledge.
Also, I am not an official vetter! I can only check if others have verified these campaigns!
@familymaria1234567 - ONLY 32 donations so far. This campaign is NOT YET VETTED, but the images don't show up in reverse image search.
@save-salam-family - 909 donations so far, more than halfway to their goal!!! This is a vetted campaign!
@shadowyavenuetaco - 141 donations so far; they're still very far from their goal, so please donate if you can. This is a vetted campaign!
@yasermohammad - 1.1k donations so far, almost at their halfway goal! This is a vetted campaign!
@motaz223 - 174 donations so far. The amount needed looks like a lot, but only because it's in SEK. If you're in America, your money will go especially far! One USD equals about 10 SEK. This is a vetted campaign!
@mahmoud91hilles - Only 11 donations so far. This campaign is NOT YET VETTED, so donate at your own risk.
@ghaziyounes1967 - 244 donations so far, and they have a long way to go to reach their goal. This is a vetted campaign!
@mohammed-665 - Only 49 donations so far, and he’s very far from reaching his goal! This campaign is NOT YET VETTED, but it has protected donations and the images don’t show up in reverse image search.
@asmaamajed2 - 290 donations so far. Asmaa is still very far from her goal, so please consider donating if you can. This is a vetted campaign!
@nada55 - Only 82 donations so far. They’re very far from their goal so please consider donating! This is a vetted campaign!
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danelloevee · 1 month
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@ma7moudgaza2 has been displaced several times for the past 9+ months and currently lives in a tent with his parents and siblings. All he asks is for help in rebuilding his home so they have a more secure place to stay. I will relay a message he asked me to share:
We are a family of 5 suffering for over 9 months from a brutal war that spares neither humans nor stones.
My mother lost all of her family in this war, starting with my uncle Amer, his wife, and his children, who rose in the belt of fire over the city of Tal al-Hawa, then my other uncle and my other aunt died!! I don't know how my mother's heart can be patient with this affliction, but I ask God to give her patience and strength
My father also made many sacrifices when he lost his home and his job as a teacher, and his nephew was martyred at the beginning of the war. He is also strong and patient 🙏🏼
My brother Muhammad, who remained in northern Gaza, struggling with hunger, killing and destruction, also lost his place of work and many, many of his friends died
As for my spoiled sister, she lived the war while carrying the entire house on her shoulders. She lived the war from displacement to displacement and from tent to tent
As for me, Mahmoud, I also lost my studies after the occupation destroyed my university. I created this campaign to compensate us for a little of the damage we experienced. What we experienced is priceless at any price, but today I am asking you for a small donation of $10 that may contribute to saving us and our family from disappointment and the hell of war. We lived to build a new home for ourselves and the beginning of a new and beautiful life
This fundraiser has been verified and vetted and can be found on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi 's list here
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The link on the list is his previous campaign to evacuate, but the progress was slow so he is currently focusing on rebuilding their house instead
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buckcurls · 2 months
Hello my dear friends, I am Muhammad Ayyad from Gaza. Our lives are terrible and hideous. My family has nothing left but to hope that you will support and help us. After 9 months of war we are exhausted, desperate, hopeless and displaced. Homes and livelihoods have been lost and gone with the wind. Things drive us crazy and crazy. The lowest level of life cannot be reached. Water and healthy food have become a dream that we must achieve. What makes our lives worse is the constant bombings and killings. That is why I ask in this post to help us overcome these unbearable circumstances and move from hell to safety and peace. Your support can help us be safe and alive, so friends, you can support us either by directly donating whatever you can or by sharing my campaign links so that generous people can know about our tragedy and pain. Remember, your small contribution can make a big difference in the lives of many children whose health condition deteriorates every day. Let their lives change and make them feel happy with your generous contribution.
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Of course! I did check to make sure it is vetted so please help where you can!
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insomniac-jay · 20 days
Donate please!!️Hello, I'm Mohammed, 22 years old from Gaza 🍉🇵🇸. Our lives were completely destroyed after October 7th. I have two brothers to support because my father passed away and my mother is old. I am displaced in Khan Younis in a small place. My house was destroyed. We are suffering a lot, so I resorted to the donation link in order to compensate for the least amount of what I lost. So I ask you through this link to donate to me even a small amount that may make a difference. Hand in hand we can. The link is in my CV
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