#al reda (friend)
elijah-loyal · 6 months
i present to you my cat's full name
opie OPP (other peoples’ property) santiago muhammad ahmad al reda al asad ibn sharmoota 
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fanaticdomainexpert2 · 4 months
match one or more of my donations!
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painterofhorizons · 9 months
playlist tag game
Tagged by the most wonderful @kyratittyfish thank you dear friend! <3
Rules: post a screenshot or a list of your playlist titles and tag some friends. If you’re tagged, send op an ask about one of their playlists.
Tagging (no pressure, if you want <3): @laughinglynx @sheeplessthings @chyrstis @laelior @thornhands (tell me your folder names babe xD) @theoriginalladya @barbex and anyone who wants, tag me back so I can shoot an ask!
First of all: bold of you to assume I have "playlists". I don't use spotify et al. I manually copy mp3s to my phone (used to be oldshool mp3 player before) and I download stuff from yt or copy CDs that I bus. xD There is no system here. I have 3 "playlists" in my music app, and besides that I have folders that probably count as playlists? Playlist-ishs? Something?? ( @thornhands I know you understand me we speak the same language here :D)
But here we go with what could count as "playlists":
(actual playlists)
Alex Dancy
Alex Dancy party
Reda Shepard
(folders; the rest are countless folders of albums/bands that I won't list here because plenty)
download (aka recently downloaded stuff)
mix Alex
mix Alex 2
mix Alex radio
mix 2019
mix 2020
mix 2023
new folder
good mood music
(honestly. most of the folders are just folders where I stuffed music I was listening to at that specific time. there's nothing playlist-y here. I'm old. I live pre-playlist.)
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Feliz Ano Novo a todos os meus amigos , a minha família biológica e a minha família espiritual. A todos os Cavaleiros e Amazonas Templários da Nova Ordem de Cristo em todas as partes do Planeta. Que 2023 seja um ano de muita paz, saúde e sucesso a todos. E que o bem comum seja a meta de toda a humanidade nos próximos 12.000 anos muita paz a todos.
Happy New Year to all my friends, my biological family and my spiritual family. To all Knights and Templar Amazons of the New Order of Christ in all parts of the Planet. May 2023 be a year of peace, health and success for all. And may the common good be the goal of all humanity in the next 12,000 years, much peace to all.
Feliz año nuevo a todos mis amigos, mi familia biológica y mi familia espiritual. A todos los Caballeros y Amazonas Templarias de la Nueva Orden de Cristo en todas partes del Planeta. Que el 2023 sea un año de paz, salud y éxito para todos. Y que el bien común sea la meta de toda la humanidad en los próximos 12.000 años, mucha paz para todos.
Bonne année à tous mes amis, ma famille biologique et ma famille spirituelle. A tous les Chevaliers et Templiers Amazones du Nouvel Ordre du Christ dans toutes les parties de la Planète. Que 2023 soit une année de paix, de santé et de réussite pour tous. Et que le bien commun soit l'objectif de toute l'humanité dans les 12 000 prochaines années, beaucoup de paix à tous.
Buon anno a tutti i miei amici, alla mia famiglia biologica e alla mia famiglia spirituale. A tutti i Cavalieri e alle Amazzoni Templari del Nuovo Ordine di Cristo in tutte le parti del Pianeta. Possa il 2023 essere un anno di pace, salute e successo per tutti. E che il bene comune sia l'obiettivo di tutta l'umanità nei prossimi 12.000 anni, tanta pace a tutti.
عام جديد سعيد لجميع أصدقائي وعائلتي البيولوجية وعائلتي الروحية. إلى جميع فرسان وأمازون فرسان الهيكل الجديد للمسيح في جميع أنحاء الكوكب. مايو 2023 عام سلام وصحة ونجاح للجميع. وأتمنى أن يكون الصالح العام هو هدف البشرية جمعاء في الـ 12000 سنة القادمة ، الكثير من السلام للجميع.
eam jadid saeid lijamie 'asdiqayiy waeayilati albiulujiat waeayilati alruwhiati. 'iilaa jamie fursan wa'amazun fursan alhaykal aljadid lilmasih fi jamie 'anha' alkukab. mayu 2023 eam salam wasihat wanajah liljamiei. wa'atamanaa 'an yakun alsaalih aleamu hu hadaf albashariat jamea' fi al 12000 sanat alqadimat , alkathir min alsalam liljamiei
Sretna Nova godina svim mojim prijateljima, mojoj biološkoj porodici i mojoj duhovnoj porodici. Svim vitezovima i templarima Amazonkama Novog Kristovog Reda na svim dijelovima Planete. Neka 2023. bude godina mira, zdravlja i uspjeha za sve. I neka opće dobro bude cilj cijelog čovječanstva u narednih 12.000 godina, puno mira svima.
Maligayang Bagong Taon sa lahat ng aking mga kaibigan, aking biyolohikal na pamilya at aking espirituwal na pamilya. Sa lahat ng Knights at Templar Amazons ng New Order of Christ sa lahat ng bahagi ng Planet. Nawa'y ang 2023 ay maging isang taon ng kapayapaan, kalusugan at tagumpay para sa lahat. At nawa ang kabutihang panlahat ay maging layunin ng lahat ng sangkatauhan sa susunod na 12,000 taon, maraming kapayapaan sa lahat.
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr dha mo charaidean uile, mo theaghlach bith-eòlasach agus mo theaghlach spioradail. Do gach Ridire agus Amazona Templar de Òrdugh Ùr Chrìosd anns gach pàirt den Phlanaid. Bidh an Cèitean 2023 na bliadhna de shìth, slàinte agus soirbheachas dha na h-uile. Agus is dòcha gum bi am math coitcheann na amas don chinne-daonna gu lèir anns an ath 12,000 bliadhna, mòran sìth dha na h-uile.
Срећна Нова година свим мојим пријатељима, мојој биолошкој породици и мојој духовној породици. Свим витезовима и темпларима Амазонкама Новог Христовог Реда на свим деловима Планете. Нека 2023. буде година мира, здравља и успеха за све. И нека опште добро буде циљ целог човечанства у наредних 12.000 година, много мира свима.
Srećna Nova godina svim mojim prijateljima, mojoj biološkoj porodici i mojoj duhovnoj porodici. Svim vitezovima i templarima Amazonkama Novog Hristovog Reda na svim delovima Planete. Neka 2023. bude godina mira, zdravlja i uspeha za sve. I neka opšte dobro bude cilj celog čovečanstva u narednih 12.000 godina, mnogo mira svima.
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holyhousehold786 · 3 years
The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said,
“The Wilayat of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib is the Wilayat of Allah; love for him ('Ali) is worship of Allah; following him ('Ali) is an obligatory act from Allah; his friends are the friends of Allah and his enemies are the enemies of Allah; fighting with him is (like) fighting against Allah; and making peace with him is (like) making peace with Allah, the Noble and Grand.”
Al-Amali of as-Saduq, Page 32
“The Wilayat of 'Ali (as) has been written in all of the books of the (previous) Prophets and Allah did not appoint a single Messenger except with a (pledge to the) Prophethood of Muhammad and the successorship of 'Ali (as).”
Imam Reda (as)
Safinatul Bihar, Volume 2, Page 691
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gvardiol · 6 years
» vatreni kao susjedi
the neighbours who know everything ⇨ luka, suba, rakitic » znaju sve o svakom, u tom stanu zive valjda desetljecima, vv nice su ali ak jednom fuck upas judgali te budu dok se ne iselis/umres, tbh nitko ne zna jer rakitic uopće zivi s njima bc he’s more in spain nego doma, dok se uselis ispecu palacinke al zahtjevaju da im se tanjur vrati unutar 48 sati, ako ikad pogledas na njihov prozor/balkon witnessat ces veoma cudne stvari kao npr. braidanje kose luki, recreating one scene iz kralja lavova samo s nogometnom loptom, vristanje estradnih pjesama u 8 ujutro, ciscenja biljka s violeta vlaznim maramicama itd., zapravo su veoma peaceful nasprom drugih susjeda peeking neighbors ⇨ dejan i sime » oni su najvece trac babe u zgradi, bolje prekrij prozore s zavjesom/roletama jer ce oni pomno promatrati, security camera who? samo imaj sime i dejana za susjede, u vezi su dugo vremena ali su jos uvijek loud af dok vode ljubav (good luck sa spavanjem s njima), zapravo su veoma dragi i uvijek budu pomogli, stalno traze brasno/jaja samo da bi na kavicu mogli dojti, iako sve promatraju, ne osuđuju tvoje hobije/stvari koje radis, ponekad oni i suba, luka i rakitic idu na kave and oh boy, ne izlaze van iz kafica 5 sati wild animals ⇨ mandžo i suba » ne, nisu studenti samo vole partijat, dok ih vidis na stepenicama jedan ce glasno pozdravit dok ce drugi samo klimnut s glavom, jednom su razbili staklo dok su pekli šnicle (ni oni ne znaju kako su to napravili), blastaju russian hard bass u 2 ujutro, ali nažalost miljenici su najamodavcu tako da complains about noise su pointless, uvijek su spremni pomoci, also imaju duge seanse razgovora na stepeništu sa svim stanarima, nikada nisu bili na sastanku za stanare, zapravo dok imaju tulum vecinom su samo njih dvoje ali svi misle da ih je bar 20 u stanu, imali su skoro death case kad se vida napio i skoro skocio s 2. kata studenti ⇨kalinic, kramaric, perisic, pjaca, rebic » nasprom vide i mandžoja, njihove partiji su 0, jako wild po noci, jako silent po danu, uvijek pozdrave, ali potiho, svi ih vole, kad se ne vracaju doma, rucaju kod luke, sube i ponekad rakitića (skoro nikad nije doma), svi ih smatraju svojom djecom, ne rade nikakve probleme i overall su jako dobri stanari (osim subotnjih partija, al to nije nista nasprom gluposti od drugih stanara), igrali su nogomet u stanu i razbili prozor i subine biljke na njihovom balkonu, cak i poslije toga fijaska, luka ih ne judga kao druge, godišnje pale knjiga s faksa, convincing each other da im ne treba, svaku srijedu u 6. ujutro jedan od njih svira gitaru/klavir, jednom su otisli na kavu s trac babama i od tog dana, ne mogu nijednog stanara pogledati istim ocima married couple ⇨ carli i franka » nikada nisu razbili nista (bar kolko se zna), occasionally idu na kave s lukom, subom i rakiticom (kad on dođe iz španjolske) da de malo updejtaju na stanje u zgradi, brzo se navikli na stanje u zgradi, luka ih je nagovorio da se dosele u stan, claiming da je “mirno mjesto s mirnim i dobrim stanarima koji postuju pravila kućnog reda”, ni jednom ni drugom nije jasno kako su nasjeli na tu foru, imaju cijeli botanički vrt na balkonu + gredice paradajza i krastavca, carli i luka su long time best friends pa zive tocno stan nasuprot stana, petkom su stanari s kojima su prijatelji pozvani na movie night ali caka je u tome da film mora počet prvim slovom imena osobe koja ili zakasni ili dođe pijana (ljudi bi bili šokirani kolko je često vidino, dejanovo i simetovo ime bilo korišteno) vlasnik cijele zgrade ⇨ dalic i davorka » ponekad (vecinu vremena) dalic žali sto je uopce prodao stanove stanarima, stalno dobiva complains oko buke, ali su mu svi stanari prirasli srcu i ne može im nista reci (trač babe to rade umjesto njega), ne zivi u toj zgradi makar ima stan tamo, ponekad dođe u izvidnicu i da napravi popis razbijenih prozora, potplaciva policiju da više ne dolaze zbog complains oko buke, davorka uvijek radi kavu ponedjeljkom i dolazi od stana do stana da im da, parents od cijele zgrade, dalić potencira sastanke za stanare, ali svakim mjesecom shvaca da to ima sve manje i manje smisla, još uvijek ih voli ali jednom je ukinuo da im topla voda dolazi jednostavno zato jer mu je prekipilo, tri dana poslije toga svi su ga dosli moliti i kumiti da ukljuci toplu vodu
jos jedan genijalan submission od @deataciita asdgfhdjl sve je ovo ziva istina
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what's your opinion on the Al-Saadi/Reda ship? Is it awful to ship a gay man with his straight best friend?
I’m sure it’s not the worst thing in the world… 
I’ve heard Saadi was bi anyway 
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clusterassets · 6 years
New world news from Time: A Tale of Three Jihadists Puts the Fight Against Extremism Onstage
The sound of machine-gun fire explodes in a darkened room in Paris’ Montparnasse district on a May afternoon. The lights go black for a moment, and when they come back on again, a man lies dead.
The violence brings gasps from the 200 or so teenagers seated in the audience of Le Grand Point Virgule theater, who well remember the night in November 2015 when ISIS gunmen burst into the Bataclan theater just a few miles from here and shot dead 90 people. This time, however, the gunfire is not another deadly attack. It is the latest performance of Jihad, a four-year-old play that predates the devastating attacks in Paris, Brussels and Nice in 2015 and ’16.
Now, schools and governments are increasingly using the play as a teaching tool for a generation of Muslim youth in Europe who have come of age in a time of terrorism, war and mass migration. Many young Muslims are taught to shun others, says the playwright, Ismael Saidi, 41, and to interpret the Quran in a strictly conservative way. “We Muslims have a problem,” he says. “We have to change the way we teach children. We are telling them that if they eat pork, they will go to hell. So how can my kids play with your kids, knowing your kids will burn in hell?”
Read more: How Islam became the fastest growing religion in Europe
The play, which tells the story of three young Muslims from Belgium who travel to Syria to fight alongside ISIS and groups affiliated with al-Qaeda, does not aim to preach. Rather, it is at times hilarious, poking fun at the very kinds of terrorists who have wreaked havoc in several cities in Europe, by depicting them as inept fools. One character wonders how he will know what an infidel looks like, given that in the video game Call of Duty, “the enemy, well, looks more like us.”
Jihad has now been translated into six languages, including Arabic and Japanese, and performed in five E.U. countries as well as in Morocco. In addition, Saidi has performed the play in schools across Belgium and France and in nearly 30 prisons. Production will begin on a French-language movie in September. Saidi has since written two more plays on similar themes, forming a trilogy that carries a serious message: that decades of bad government policies and neglect of Europe’s minorities has led to perilous drift and ever more dangerous radicalism. “There is a huge generation gap with the youth, between the system and their own system,” Saidi says.
The terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels have inspired other Muslims in Europe to grapple with the fallout from the events. The Moroccan-born French writer Rachid Benzine created Letters to Nour, an onstage fraught conversation between a father and daughter, who joined ISIS in Iraq.
For Saidi, the decision to write was personal. Born in Brussels to Muslim Moroccan immigrants, he was jolted into writing Jihad in 2014, after logging on to Facebook one day and spotting a photo of a former high school friend from Brussels posing with a Kalashnikov rifle in a jihadist training camp on the Syrian war front.
The friend was just one of around 5,000 Europeans recruited to fight in Syria and Iraq alongside ISIS and other jihadist groups from 2012 to ’15. Most hopped on the three-hour flight to Istanbul, then traveled over land to the front lines. Of those recruited into battle, about 1,700 came from France, while 470 came from tiny Belgium, the highest proportion of any Western country.
Saidi—a former cop who spent 16 years with the Brussels police force—was stunned to see his friend among them. “I assume he is now dead,” he says over espresso one May morning at a Paris café. “I asked myself, Why would he possibly decide to do such a thing?”
In his work, Saidi has tried to answer that question. Jihad depicts three young men drawn from his experience of growing up in Brussels’ predominantly Muslim neighborhood of Schaerbeek.
The oddball mix of losers head to Syria carrying deep frustrations about their lives. Ben, the instigator, admits to his friends that he turned religious after a rift with his conservative father, who berated him over his passion for Elvis Presley. “Maybe my dad will be proud of me,” he says wistfully as the friends approach the Syrian battlefront. He is soon killed by rocket fire.
His friend Reda tags along to Syria to escape a breakup with his girlfriend, whom his parents have forbidden him to see because she is not Muslim; he too is killed by rocket fire.
Ismael (the part Saidi himself frequently plays) has seen his dream of being an artist squashed by disapproving Islamic teachers. Depressed and adrift, he joins the expedition to the front lines and is the only one of the three to survive.
Back home, Ismael receives a visit from Reda’s ghost, who tells him he finally read the Quran in the afterlife. “I read it for both of us,” he says. “We were lied to. It speaks only of love, not of war, not of blood.”
The Only Weapon
Jihad is set at a time when E.U. governments made few attempts to stop the jihadist exodus through Turkey. That changed drastically after Europe’s battle-hardened fighters returned to wage terrorism back home. The attacks prompted tough crackdowns by E.U. governments, which have jailed hundreds of the former fighters who returned to Europe. In addition, in France alone, about 26,000 people have been placed on a watch list of those suspected of having radical views, who could pose a terrorist threat.
While heavy surveillance has helped tamp the threat, it is far from extinguished. Just one day after I met Saidi, a Chechen-born resident of Paris whose name was on France’s watch list ran through a street in the center of the city chanting “Allahu akbar” (God is great) and stabbing people with a knife, one of them fatally; the police shot him dead.
After each performance of Jihad, Saidi sits on a stool onstage, debating the play with the audience, which at a recent show in May comprised high school students from Paris’ immigrant neighborhoods. One girl asked Saidi what he thought of so-called communitarianism, a tendency among some ethnic minorities to adhere to strict, separate codes of conduct—a bitterly divisive issue in Europe. Saidi, a practicing Muslim, said he rejected it. “These physical ghettos become moral ghettos,” he told her.
For E.U. officials working to pre-empt more deadly attacks by homegrown extremists, Saidi’s plays have offered a rare opportunity for Muslims to discuss terrorism with fellow Muslims, without governments getting in the way.
But the governments clearly like what he’s doing. When Belgium and France unveiled a joint antiterrorism plan in February in the northern French city of Lille, they invited Saidi to be part of the proceedings.
The two governments have funded performances of Jihad in schools, as well as in prisons, which they believe are key breeding grounds for jihadist recruits. “This is not only a security issue, it is a social issue,” says Muriel Domenach, head of the French government’s task force on preventing radicalization. “We have to use each and every instrument.” Saidi says he believes performances inside prisons offer inmates a rare window into what is happening in the outside world. “The subject is jihad, but this is also culture,” he says. “I really feel culture is the only weapon we have right now to talk to each other.”
Saidi began writing the second part of the trilogy after a gunman claiming allegiance to ISIS besieged a kosher supermarket east of Paris in January 2015, killing five people. In the play—whose title, Géhenne, refers to a cursed place for sinners mentioned in the Old Testament, the Talmud and the Quran—a jihadist fighter is condemned to hell for killing Jews.
The playwright says many young people tell him after the play that their parents had taught them to hate Jews. Writing the play, he says, was a way of talking about anti-Semitism. “If you accept the disease, you can begin to heal,” he says.
Saidi says he was inspired to write a third play in 2016, after performing Jihad in Paris to an audience of survivors from the attack on the Bataclan theater the previous year. After the performance, several victims of the attack said they wanted to forgive ISIS; they included a man whose wife had been killed while shielding his body from the gunmen. “I was shocked,” Saidi says. “I thought, I cannot forgive them. So how can they?”
In response, Saidi wrote the play Eden, which opens in Brussels in October. In it, a dead jihadist travels to hell to retrieve his girlfriend and bring her to paradise, even though she too has committed acts of terrorism. “It was a way of bringing hope to myself,” Saidi says. “The other two plays had such sad endings.” Does the couple make it to paradise, I ask? “Right now, I cannot tell you,” he says.
June 14, 2018 at 08:24PM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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flairmagazineblog · 6 years
Your Guide to Ramadan Series
It’s almost this time of year when everyone is starting to anticipate what will show up on TV during Ramadan. Ramadan series AKA Mosalsalat are one of the favorite pastimes for Egyptians to spend in their time during the month. And, no matter how cliché some plots may sound to us right now, we know we’ll still watch them when they air. As with every year, the Ramadan series list is overwhelming, leaving us confused about what to watch. We are here to help you decide. Here are our top 9 picks and where to catch them on.
  Bel Hagm El 3a2ely (Family-Sized)
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This comedy seems like the kind of show you’ll definitely want to watch with your family. It’s about a former diplomat who retires and decides to go after his passion for cooking in his touristic village.
Cast: Yehia El-Fakharany, Mervat Amin, Yousra El Lozy, Ahmed Magdy, Ramzy Lehner
Director: Hala Khalil
Showing On: DMC, Saudi TV Channel
  3awalem Khafeya (Hidden Worlds)
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Adel Emam is the face of this show and this time he plays an investigative journalist who gets his hands on classified documents that incriminate some powerful people. This is said to be a comedy/drama/thriller series all at the same time so we’re excited to see how that turns out.
Cast: Adel Emam, Fathy Abdelwahab, Heba Magdy, Bushra, Rania Farid Shawky, Salah Abdallah
Director: Ramy Emam
Showing On: CBC, Saudi TV Channel
  Ekhtefa’ (Disappearance)
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Nelly Karim stars here as a woman who goes on a quest to find out what happened to her husband after he disappears. Yes, this sounds familiar because Grand Hotel had a similar plot idea. The suspenseful trailer definitely piques our interest, though!
Cast: Nelly Karim, Hisham Selim, Basma, Mohamed Mamdouh
Director: Ahmed Medhat
Showing On: DMC
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The plot goes that a medical graduate gets caught up in an antiquity-smuggling scandal, which puts him in an awkward position with his best friend who is a police officer. While the plot doesn’t sound very intriguing, we’re expecting that Amr Youssef’s intense acting will probably make up for that.
Cast: Amr Youssef, Seba Mubarak, Amr Abdel Geleel, Soheir El-Morshedy, Mai El-Gheity, Ahmed Dash
Director: Amr Salama
Showing On: CBC, Saudi TV Channel
  Layali Eugenie (The Nights of Eugenie)
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This show is about a woman who gets accused of murdering her husband. While some are anticipating that the husband she killed is the brother of the doctor she is falling in love with, we have yet to uncover the mystery. You don’t want to miss this!
Cast: Dhafer L’abidine, Amina Khalil, Engy El Mokadem, Entesar, Mourad Makram, Mariam El Khosht
Director: Hany Khalifa
Showing On: CBC
  Ladayna Aqwal Okhra (We Have Other Testimonies)
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Despite the controversy surrounding the singer Fadl Shaker to sing the series’ theme song, this mystery series is expected to be a hit. (In all fairness, they eventually retracted the video.) The plot revolves around a legal consultant who gets blamed for the murder of her own son and has to prove her innocence before she has to face the death penalty.
Cast: Yousra, Sherien Reda, Ahmed Hatem, Naglaa Badr, Mohamed Shaheen, Salma Abu Deif, and Hazem Ehab
Director: Mohamed Ali
Showing On: SBC
  Foq Al-Sehab (Above The Clouds)
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This is about a man who breaks out of prison to take revenge on the woman who betrayed and framed him.
Cast: Hany Salama, Stephanie Saleeba, Ibrahim Nasr, Mona Abdelghani, Afaf Shoeib
Director: Raouf Abdelaziz
Showing On: Al Nahar
  Aho Da Elli Sar (That’s What Happened)
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While little is known about this plot, we know that it revolves around the struggles of a group of women in Upper Egypt highlighting real problems that women living there go through.
Cast: Ruby, Sawsan Badr, Mohamed Farrag, Arwa Gouda, Ahmed Dawood, Mahmoud El-Bezawy
Director: Hatem Aly
Showing On: On E
  Sukk Ala Ekhwatak (Lock Up Your Sisters)
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This comedic series is about a man coming from a rural background who has to adjust to a new life after inheriting a fortune and discovering he has sisters he never met before. 
Cast: Aly Rabie, Sabry Fawaz, Salwa Khatab, Sahar El Sayegh
Director: Wael Ehsan
Showing On: MBC Masr
Your Guide to Ramadan Series was originally published on FLAIR MAGAZINE
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aydamaryoud-blog · 7 years
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On Wednesday,Oct 4th , my friends surprised me with celebrating my birthday which was on Sep 25th ;we were busy studying for the obs&gyna end round exam . They made me so happy and awesome I really appreciate you Love your care , kindness and madness 😂 There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder ,smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better . Every moment we spent , spending and will spend I appreciate it 🌹🌹 Al hamdllah you are here with me I hope our friendship last forever .. I hope you happy long life my sweethearts Thanks a lot for your gifts 😍😍😍 Love you❤🌻🌻 Shaimaa diab ;Shaimaa Abu el Farag Samah assem ;Alia zaher ؛Aisha el ajooz "Sheren reda ; shahy alaa ; shymaa abdelgany and shorouk khasaba ,, although you were absent but your souls were with us 😂🐵; I really find it hard to say and write sweet words but you deserved it In the end , share your smiles with the world It is a symbol of friendship and peace .🌹🥀❤ #friends #birthday #24 #smiles #wishes #hope
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
Opening of “Monument,” a temporary art installation by Manaf Halbouni on the historical Neumarkt in Dresden, in front of the Church of Our Lady, Tuesday 7th of February (photo by David Brandt, courtesy Kunsthaus Dresden)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world.
Around 150 anti-immigration protesters gathered in Dresden to disrupt the unveiling of Manaf Halbouni‘s “Monument,” a public sculpture dedicated to the people of Aleppo. The sculpture, which consists of three upturned buses fastened together with wire, refers to a photograph of a barricade built on the streets of Aleppo in 2015. According to Christiane Mennicke-Schwarz, the artistic director of the Dresden Kunsthaus, the opening was disrupted by chants of “traitors” and “get lost.”
Sotheby’s filed a second lawsuit over the sale of a group of Old Master paintings that it believes to be forgeries. The auction house filed a lawsuit against art dealer Mark Weiss and collector David Kowitz in order to recover the profits of the 2011 private sale of “Portrait of a Man,” which Sotheby’s attributed to Frans Hals at the time. In a statement, Weiss said that he “intends to contest the claim vigorously.”
The Louvre Museum was reopened less than 24-hours after a man attacked a French soldier with a machete. An Egyptian Interior Ministry official identified the attacker as 28-year-old Abdullah Reda Refaie al-Hamahmy.
German prosecutors announced that a 36-year-old Tunisian man arrested on terrorism charges is also being held for his suspected involvement in the 2015 attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunis.
The Bombay High Court rejected Chintan Upadhyay‘s bail application. The artist stands accused of murdering his wife Hema and her lawyer Haresh Bhambani.
Pontormo, “Portrait of a Young Man in a Red Cap” (1530) (courtesy DCMS)
American hedge fund manager Tom Hill rejected a £30.7 million ($38.4 million) matching offer from London’s National Gallery for the purchase of Pontormo’s “Portrait of a Young Man in a Red Cap” (1530), a decision he attributes to the fall in the pound’s value. The UK government is likely to refuse a permanent export licence as a result. An export bar was placed on the work in 2015.
Hundreds of artists, dealers, critics, and curators signed an open letter opposing President Donald Trump’s executive order banning non-US citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries.
A report by Bloomberg identified Oprah Winfrey as the former owner of Gustav Klimt’s “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II” (1912). The work was privately sold to an Asian buyer last year for a reported $150 million. An unnamed source told Bloomberg that it was Winfrey who purchased the work at Christie’s for $87.9 million in 2006.
The New Art Dealers Alliance announced that it will donate half the ticket proceeds from its upcoming New York fair to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Tracey Emin and gallerist Xavier Hufkens are two of five benefactors funding a four-year scholarship for three Syrian refugees at Bard College Berlin. The scholarships are part of the Program for International Education and Social Change.
A book of Tahitian photographs taken by Jules Agostini is thought to contain images of Paul Gauguin and his mistress Pahura. Two albums of Agostini’s photographs — a friend of the artist — were sold at auction in July 2015, one of which was acquired by art dealer Daniel Blau.
A group photograph by Jules Agostini allegedly showing Gauguin in Tahiti (© Daniel Blau, Munich)
Archaeologists discovered a cave in the Judean desert that is thought to have housed a collection of Dead Sea scrolls.
The FBI repatriated Franse Verzijl’s “Young Man as Bacchus” to the Max and Iris Stern Foundation.
A search of the State Hermitage Museum’s Staraya Derevnya restoration and repository center by the Federal Security Service (FSB) was part of an investigation into “operational procedures” according to the museum’s director, Mikhail Piotrovsky. As noted by the Art Newspaper, the FSB’s search coincided with Piotrovsky’s criticism of the Russian government’s decision to transfer control of St Isaac’s Cathedral from museum officials to the Russian Orthodox Church.
A portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by photographer David Bailey was reissued to mark the monarch’s sapphire jubilee.
Attendance to the UK’s major museums and galleries fell by almost 1.4 million last year according to a report by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport — the first decline in almost a decade.
A collection of water-damaged recordings of Bob Marley‘s concerts were restored following a $31,200 project. The 13 tapes — two of which were blank and one ruined — were discovered in the basement of a run-down hotel in Kensal Rise, London.
Jacob Lawrence, “Builders #1” (1968), gouache and tempera on paper, 29 x 21 1/2 in, Colby College Museum of Art, the Lunder Collection (photo by Peter Siegel, Pillar Digital Imaging LLC. © 2017 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society, ARS, New York)
Peter and Paula Lunder donated over 1,100 artworks to the Colby Colby College Museum of Art.
The Canadian government allocated $5.1 million from the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund to the Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto Canada.
Jeanne and Michael L. Klein donated 28 video works to the Blanton Museum of Art. The gift includes works by Tania Bruguera, Isaac Julien, Pipilotti Rist, and Javier Téllez.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation donated $400,000 toward the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver‘s “Animating Museums” program.
MCH group acquired a 25.1% stake in art.fair International, the organizer of Art Düsseldorf. The Swiss conglomerate acquired 60.3% of the shares in Seventh Plane Pvt. Ltd in New Delhi, the organizer of the India Art Fair, last September.
The Columbia Museum of Art acquired works by Bing Davis, Renée Cox, Michaela Pilar Brown, and Colin Quashie — all of whom took part in the museum’s 2016 exhibition REMIX: Themes and Variations in African-American Art.
Renée Cox, “Liberation of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben” (1998), dye destruction print, Diasec mounted, 8 1/2 x 61 1/2 in, museum purchase (courtesy Columbia Museum of Art)
Peter Keller was appointed director general of the International Council of Museums.
Manuel de Santaren was appointed president of the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation.
Jock Reynolds will stand down as the director of the Yale Art Gallery next year.
The New York Times reported that Michelle D. Gavin stepped down as the director of The Africa Center over three months ago.
Karen Hindsbo was appointed director of Norway’s National Museum.
Laurel Ptak was appointed executive director of Art in General.
Silvia Filippini Fantoni was appointed director of programs and audience engagement at the North Carolina Museum of Art.
Dirk Boll was appointed president, Christie’s Europe, Middle East, Russia and India. Bertold Müeller was appointed managing director, Christie‘s Continental Europe, Middle East, Russia and India.
Sotheby’s appointed Adam Chinn as its chief operating officer.
Harry Dalmeny was appointed UK chairman of Sotheby’s.
Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro was appointed curator of the 2018 São Paulo Biennial.
Jen Graves resigned as art critic for The Stranger.
The 2017 Spring/Break Art Show will take place over two floors at 4 Times Square.
Tim Youd is now represented by the Cristin Tierney Gallery.
Washburn Gallery will vacate its space at 20 West 57th Street amid speculation that the building will be demolished for redevelopment.
Christie’s announced that it will open a new, 5,400-square-foot space in Beverly Hills, California.
Hans Haacke, “Gift Horse” (2014), horse: bronze with black patina and wax finish stainless steel fasteners and supports, bow: 5mm flexible LED display stainless steel armature polycarbonate face, 15 ft 3 in x 14 ft 1 in x 5 ft 5 in (© Hans Haacke / Artists Rights Society, ARS, New York, photo by Hans Haacke, courtesy the artist and Paula Cooper Gallery, New York)
Hans Haacke was awarded the 2017 Roswitha Haftmann Prize.
Günter Herzog was awarded the 2017 Art Cologne Prize.
The Lower East Side Printshop is accepting applications for its one-year, Keyholder Residency program. Emerging artists have until March 1 to apply.
Marta Becket (1924–2017), dancer. Founder of the Amargosa Opera House.
Annette Cravens (unconfirmed–2017), artist and arts patron.
Henry-Louis de la Grange (1924–2017), musicologist and critic. Biographer of Gustav Mahler.
Buchi Emecheta (1944–2017), writer.
Gwendolyn Gillen (1941–2017), sculptor.
Walter Hautzig (1921–2017), pianist.
Dame Jennifer Jenkins (1921–2017), former chair of the National Trust.
William Melvin Kelley (1937–2017), novelist.
Harry Matthews (1930–2017), writer.
Howard Frank Mosher (1942–2017), novelist.
David Shepard (1940–2017), film preservationist.
Rob Stewart (1979–2017), filmmaker. Best known for Sharkwater (2006).
Tzvetan Todorov (1939–2017), literary theorist and historian.
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