#mullet stan is so special to me man
wingedog · 8 months
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I don't need you to worry for me 'cause I'm alright I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
[Image description: 80's Stan Pines sits on an orange rug in a dimly lit room with one beam of light. He has a mullet and is dressed warmly. In his hand is a lit cigarette and he looks full of worry. End Description]
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sungtaro · 3 years
hi :D hope you have a great Friday!
what are your favorite or top 5 kpop stage performances of all time/of this year? (whichever you want to answer)
hi my friend !! thank u for this excellent question ... i will give you a mixed answer bc i watch a lot of stages so i have some that definitely stick out in my memory / some classic favorites but i'm also a very new kpop fan so there's a lot i *haven't* seen too (and i definitely will forget some bc that's always how it goes jabafja) anyways !
my holy grail stage like anyone who got into kpop via bangtan and stans jimin is of course the iconic bts cover of perfect man, 2015
my most beloved ab6ix close stage ... miss 210513 ... i just want to once again ask their stylists if they want to kiss me bc who else . who else could make pleather look so correct . the energy was unmatched . my BELOVED
treasure's golden disc awards performance from last year starts crying thinking abt how far they've come since then but i am just obsessed w ILY piano version (runner up treasure stage goes to their regular ver. 200926 ily stage as the only one where they're . not in school uniforms ajfbjag) and the mix for boy that they did here ... they do compilations rly well and this is just one i've watched sooo many times
ok so i'm back logged on golcha stages to catch up on truly but i was soooo heart eyes over this one of ra pam pam + burn it they did for mucon this year ... again just good styling choices i mean quite honestly every ra pam pam stage is actually one of my favorites like it's just . some of my fave styling all around + the choreography is soooo good i could watch them 4ever
alright i knew i needed to think about a favorite for tubatu and i was like well it's gotta be a puma stage but WHICH puma stage ... rly it's every puma stage they've done for awards shows or special events/concerts with added dance breaks and stuff but ALSO the one they did for the blue hour cb show with cat + dog and angel or devil bc the transition was iconic and also puma ft PINK MULLET YEONJUN??? so true just so true .
honorable mention ofc also to soobin dolphin fancam specifically for its healing properties and every ab6ix surreal stage that exists
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taestykooky · 5 years
My Evolution in Stanning Jaebeom / GOT7
Ever since yesterday? Was it yesterday? I’ve lost track of time...I’ve been hugging my body pillow and rolling around in bed squealing and moaning “Jaebeom-ah”. I’ve literally accomplished nothing, the dishes are still in the sink, the cat has been destroying everything and I don’t even care... I’m a fucking mess. Did I even eat anything? Thank god I didn’t have work, tomorrow however is going to be a challenge. How am I suppose to go back into society like this? His oh delicious body, that darn belly button and happy trail with his damn gorgeous face keep replaying in my head. *sigh*
When did I become so fucking thirsty for this man? When did the admiration and love for him turn into this? Like yeah, I’ve always been a huge fan, his smile always brighten my day. Don’t get me started with his eyes... his voice, oh god but like I can still partly function after hours of calming down. But this, I don’t even know what to do with myself. Every time I look at him now, even when he’s acting all cute, I’m lusting for him. Like shit sis, a picture of him just sitting there at a fan sign has me all hot and bothered. Wtf?
A part of me is screaming, “girl, pull yourself together! He ain’t even know you exist.” But like I know and but I just can’t stop. It’s just crazy to think back when I first saw him during the dream high/bounce era, I thought he was cute. It was so innocent. When he debuted again with GOT7, I was excited to see and get to know him & the others. Of course, he became my bias but it was pure admiration of who he is and how talented he was.
Was it during the Just Right era that I found him to be more attractive than usual? I think that sounds about right, that scene with him in the car...And then came MAD’s If You Do, boy did my heart fluttered. I remember replaying Tic Tic Tok over and over just to hear his sexy voice. That song did things to me especially his “내 맘이 너를 원해 나와 같기를 바래, 나에게 너를 맡겨 You know you like it, baby”. Seriously? I replayed that part so many time I felt sorry for the rewind button.
Looking back now, he was the joy of my life, something to look forward to after school. I struggled a lot during that time but GOT7 was my light through it all and still is.
When Fly came out, I was absolutely in love with it. His voice starting it was heaven to my ears and he looked so damn fine...(maybe this was when the thirst slowly started?) I remember singing along so much that even now when it comes on randomly on my iTunes that I just instinctively singalong.
Oh boy and then Hard Carry. The whole Turbulence album is one of my all-time favorites. 니꿈꿔 (Dreamin’) was on repeat for the longest time, like his voice is so clear and delicious. I still squeal when it comes on and singalong like the fangirl I am...
The beginning of DefSoul. This boy was already out to destroy me...I should have seen it coming. His voice is really divine though. I remember being nervous to click on Bad Habit because that little inner voice knew he was going to wreck me. And oh god, he sure delivered. Don’t get me wrong I love everyone in GOT7 but hearing just Jaebeom’s voice is just absolutely heavenly. Holic is still being played every night before I head to bed. I guess 2016 was when the thirst began.
Next was the Arrival album, it’s another of my favorites, just like Turbulence, I can listen to the whole album on repeat and I did lol... Paradise & Go Higher were played back to back A LOT. Never Ever was always playing on my desktop when I was doing things and I’m not gonna lie I always stared at Jaebeom’s parts because I have issues...
Then holy shit, JJ Project made a comeback! Verse 2, dear lord, I remember being so sad because I couldn’t afford the album when it first came out. My paycheck wasn’t gonna be there for another week. I cursed at myself for going out to eat a few days before with some girlfriends... When I finally got it, I was so ecstatic. That album was absolutely the best. Fade Away was played so many time, I really can’t get enough of him.
7 for 7 *sigh* I swear my heart melted for this album. It was so soft. I listened to it a lot at night. Jaebeom’s vocals in You Are is one of my favorites. I’m not even gonna talk about the two mv for You Are & Teenager. It was just all squealing, singing along, and staring. 2017 was my holy grail, being blessed with 4x the Jaebeom was heaven and boy did I needed it that year.
Ah, 2018, it started with DefSoul blessing us with 5 tracks. I still can’t decide which one is my favorite between Think of You, Channel & Don’t Touch Me.
His mullet also made a debut which honestly, at this point, I’m already so whipped for him nothing he does will disappoint me or turn me off. I actually liked it and I’m usually not a fan of mullets *shrugs*
Eyes On You was a nice album, I enjoyed it. I was low-key jealous of Hyolyn...Look’s mv was played too many times, I really missed them. I was so busy in 2018 that this was the first time I saw them since their Teenager mv. I usually watch their V-Live & Web Series but life is cruel lol...
I actually missed a lot in 2018, I still need to catch up on everything I missed. But thanks to me being so busy, I delayed buying Present: You which turned out to be a blessing for my wallet. I ended up buying the repackaged album instead.
Miracle was full of emotions, and all the sub unit’s and solos were awesome~ Not Jaebeom related but King was one of my favorites. Sunrise *sigh* his voice really makes my heart yearn for him, 1:31AM especially. That 2Jae should make a debut already... Think About It made my heart hurt for some reason, idk this whole album had me in a weird headspace.
I realize I didn’t mention the Japanese albums but I do have 2 of them (I Won’t Let You Go & Moriagatteyo) and bought 3 tracks (My Swagger, Turn Up & The New Era). Their Japanese promotions are hard for me to follow and keep track of, not because I don’t like it but I don’t even know they’re promoting it until like it’s over.
And now we’re in 2019! Starting off with more DefSoul because he’s so sweet and amazing. I thought it was hard to pick a favorite before with vol.2 but vol.3 is just too hard. I just love the whole damn thing too much. His voice is so addicting and his English has improved so much it’s driving me crazy.
When I thought it couldn’t get any better, Jus2 makes a debut. Ugh, he’s really doing too much. The whole Focus album is just sinful. Every time I listen to it, all I do is have unholy thoughts. That body roll/wave whatever in Focus on Me had me swooning and his mullet is gone and he’s back with that fuckboi haircut looking so god damn good. I was watching the special for Focus on vLive and I didn’t realize it then but it was one of the times I was truly happy and enjoying myself this year. Just watching him talk about when he wrote the songs and explaining them made me so happy.
SpinningTop: Between Security & Insecurity, it’s been out for 2 months now? And I still don’t own it which makes so sad lol... There’s nothing but dust & lint in my clutch. Eclipse *sigh* I’ve been playing it on repeat and I’m sure my neighbors are sick of it. I feel like I’m burning holes in him when I watch him. Oh god, and the astronaut video, I never loved him more. Is it wrong that I want to be his fingers...not to be nasty or anything...
Lol, anyway, I haven’t listened to the rest of the album yet because I want to hear it together on the cd cause I’m weird like that. It’s killing me, I really wanna hear what Page is like. Their spoiler video was a fucking tease. They literally didn’t give any lmao...I totally wasn’t staring at his legs the whole time. Why am I like this??
The World Tour, the thing that started this whole rant. They are gonna be here in California again and once again I can’t afford the tickets. Looking now, the ones in LA that I want are $805-227, the ones I want in Oakland are sold out but I would settle for the $407-342 ones...but I don’t have that kind of money plus my car is in repairs *cries*.
But I probably would die if I went because look at him... All these fan photos and videos of him are enough to bury me in the ground. The shirtless video and pictures are really what did me in. I didn’t realize I was so fucking thirsty for him. I knew I was thirsty but not this thirsty. I never knew I could feel this way for someone that I know is unobtainable.
It’s been 7 years since he’s debuted, 5 years with GOT7 and it’s been the best 7 years of my life. Watching him continue to improve and become the man he is today has been truly a blessing. Even though, I’m a hot mess over here being a thirsty ass...my feelings did start out pure and innocent. Those feelings are still there and just evolved into something more. He just does things to me but can you blame me? He knows what he’s doing...
But seriously, looking back from the very beginning to now, I am grateful for everything he has done. All the joy and happiness he brought me throughout these years are worth the suffering.
Thank you, Jaebeom-ah for everything, even if your popularity fades one day, you’ll always be my number one.
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silverineontherun · 5 years
A Shance/Jeith Valentine’s Fic
No, aliens didn’t brainwash me. I’m still your good ol’ KL stan, but this time I’m bringing a humble (and late) offering to my two wives, kunfetti and @birdsandivory, who deal with me on a daily basis, support me and make my life better. Also, I admit I’m like a lousy husband who smashes together two festivities because this was going to be a Xmas present, but the whole premise was much better for Valentine’s so... here we are. I hope you like it! <3
There are three parts: An introduction, a Shance fic and a Jeith fic. You can pick which one to read first, or not read the other if it isn’t your cup of tea! // LINKS MAY NOT WORK ON MOBILE, please try reading on pc in that case!
T rated, around 2.5k each part, Canon divergence, set somewhere in S8 I guess (but who cares, right?), Atlas background. Lance and James make a deal to get their men on this special date. Enjoy!
It’s the most unlikely alliance to ever exist. It entails swallowing his pride and clenching his teeth for it. But all’s fair in love and war, and there’s really no better way to achieve the goal this time.
At least that is Lance’s conclusion, as he waits for the missing piece of the puzzle to appear, hoping his plan will work.
“Griffin,” he calls, intercepting James just outside the gym. The pilot raises an eyebrow and gets closer to the paladin, drinking from his water bottle and making a questioning grunt.
Lance sighs. They never exchanged more words than necessary before, given that silent bad blood they had since their Garrison days but... he thinks this is necessary, after all.
“Hey, dude. So, uh, been meaning to ask… What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?”
James chokes on his water, spitting part of it. Lance gets out of the way just in time, frowning.
“Wh-why are you even asking, McClain?!” asks James, still coughing.
Lance realizes too late that his wording may have been slightly confusing and, scrunching his nose, he hurries to add:
“Wait, no, nonono, no one is asking you out! Jeez, dude. I just have something important to discuss with you about it.” He crosses his arms and cocks his hip, staring at James from head to toe, the pilot looking flustered in his gym attire. Surprisingly, not at bad sight. Would this really work? In all fairness, if it did, he’d be doing a favor for a bro in the way, so it’s not like he is twisting things for his own benefit only… right?
Right. But he needs to confirm his suspicions first, and since time presses, subtlety is a luxury he can’t afford. So…
“Say, Griffin... You have the hots for Keith, don’t you?” he asks, blunt and direct.
Another fit of coughing has James now tearing up, completely flushed. Lance growls, irritated.
“C’mon, dude, pull yourself together!”
“What the hell are you talking about?!” yells James, but when other members of the Atlas crew look at him scandalized, he lowers his tone, still beet red. “Why are you asking me these things?!”
“I said I need to discuss something important! Actually, more like ask for a favor, I guess, though I think it could work both ways,” confesses Lance, scratching his chin.
“What does it have to do with— What the—?”
“I’m taking that as a yes.”
“Ugh, man, c’mon! Okay, listen, I have no reason to trust you, and you have no reason to trust me, but know that if I’m doing this, it’s only because I’m desperate,” Lance declares. His eyebrows knit in the middle as he gets menacingly close to James. “So, I need your help and I’m gonna explain why. However, if you tell anybody about what you’re about to hear, you’ll find yourself mysteriously tossed into the trash shuttle to never be found again…”
“You come to me, attack me with random questions, threaten me and expect me to help you? Are you serious?” asks James, baffled.
“Yes! Exactly. And now I’m about to tell you a secret that you’ll protect with your life, Unibang,” mumbles Lance, looking side to side and behind him before getting even closer to James, who touches his bangs on reflex and is boiling with irritation. “So. I may be in need of some time alone with uhm… Captain Shirogane. To settle some matters. Personal matters, if you catch my meaning...”
James’ irritation gives way to a mocking scoff.
“Pff, that’s no secret. Anyone with two eyes knows that already,” he sneers.
“Excuse me?!” exclaims Lance, eyes wide-open.
“Not very subtle about that crush, McClain. You’re a paladin and all, but you’re still a loudmouth clown,” says James, one corner of his mouth crooking in a shit-eating grin. Lance blushes, clenching his fists in a comical pouty expression.
“Says who? Mullet-lover? Number one member of Keith’s fans club, sighing in the corners for him?” he retorts, going for his most annoying voice, the same he used multiple times with Keith himself.
“What?!” James’ smile disappears, and red tint smears his cheeks and ears again. Lance laughs.
“No use denying it! I can smell that sexual tension between you two from across the Atlas, it’s honestly distracting…”
“There’s no such thing!”
“Dude. The looks. Are you serious?” asks Lance.
“There’s no such thing,” repeats James, this time softer. He lowers his eyes. “He doesn’t look at me that way. You’re wrong.”
There’s a small pause, while a group of cadets leaves the gym waving at Lance, who waves back at them casually smiling before crossing his arms and tilting his body towards James.
“Oh my god, you’re pitiful,” he deadpans.
“Shut up!”
“No, for real dude, now I think I’m the one who’ll do you a favor,” says Lance, pity seeping into his voice, making James wince.
“I’m not helping you!” he growls.
“Helping me? Bro, you need more help than me. Listen, this is our chance to spend some time with these two oblivious numbskulls. Quality time, I mean?” mutters Lance, and James can’t help but feel his interest peaking.
“How?” he asks, resigned to prove Lance right. The twitch on the paladin’s lip shows he noticed that, but at least he has the delicacy to not tease him about it this time.
“Well, this is our first Valentine’s aboard the Atlas, and the non-humans are all crazy about it, they find it so cute.” Lance rolls his eyes, but smiles. “I guess it is. From what I heard, everyone is preparing for tomorrow but that means getting free time will be harder than usual... So people are trying to take shifts with their friends and preparing weird gifts… do you have any friends, by the way?” asks Lance, putting a condescending hand on the pilot’s shoulder.
“Of course I do, jerk,” answers James, slapping the hand away.
“Oh, too bad. Because you’ll have to ditch them,” Lance shrugs.
“And for what?” grumbles James, starting to lose his patience.
“Well. Here’s the thing. If I want to spend some time with Shiro tomorrow, I need an excuse for Keith to go somewhere else, because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know what Valentine’s is... so that means he’ll stay glued to Shiro like any ordinary day,” explains Lance.
These words seem to affect James. He makes an angry pout, crossing his arms.
“Haven’t you considered that maybe that’s what they want? Why would we get in their way?” he asks, in a tone way too resentful.
That pouty face shifts to anger when Lance snorts and then lets a sing-song laugh resound through the corridor.
“Oh, man. Ooooh man. If that’s what worries you, let me tell you: we’ll do them a favor too. When they are together they only have these long-ass conversations about life and duty that are NOT for people their age,” says Lance. Smirking, he adds: “It’s like going to prom with your sister, dude. For real, Griffin, get your head in the game... now I see why you’re doing zero progress.”
“Well, excuse me for knowing nothing about your personal affairs, paladins,” grunts James, offended. And, yeah, he won’t admit it, but clearly relieved too. Lance can't help grinning.
“I’m giving you privileged info here, you’re welcome! Anyways, that’s still a problem, because they are two crazy workaholics and you can bet your ass that Keith will go to Shiro if he gets bored with no one around. And since everyone else is busy… I need you to distract him. See where I’m going?” he asks, making finger guns at James, who looks at him unimpressed.
“In fact, no.”
“C’mon! I’m asking you to be Keith’s date tomorrow!” exclaims Lance, and James blushes again.
“What makes you think he’ll accept something like that?”
“He doesn’t have to! You can casually go meet him and distract him with, I don’t know, some work related stuff I guess. Knives and cosmic wolves are other topics he enjoys if that tickles your fancy,” says Lance, rolling his eyes. “You stay with him, I stay with Shiro, and we both win. Easy peasy.”
James opens his mouth to protest and refuse, but he discovers that, surprisingly, there’s no real reason to say no. Frowning, he sweeps his fingers through his face, thinking.
What’s the worst that could happen? If he goes to Keith and he is dismissed it’ll be alright. Of course, if he lets Keith go back to Shiro he’ll never hear the end of it from Lance, but asides from that… what’s there to lose?
This conclusion must appear on his face because Lance smirks at his expression, cunning and mischievous.
“So… I take it we have a deal?”
And James can’t even believe when he hears himself say:
“Yeah... Yeah, alright.”
They are outside the first floor common lounge. People are loud all around and in the halls, some working, some enjoying the sudden Valentine’s spirit forced into the Atlas corridors, though some interpretations are kind of questionable. They see a few people wearing weird costumes and eating strange things, and Lance and James look at each other confused, but too nervous to comment on it. The paladin taps his foot insistently, while the pilot watches how people start disappearing into other rooms and floors, signaling that it’s time for them to move. Their intel told them they have two objectives to cover: The Captain’s quarters, and the Lion’s Bay.
“You ready?” asks Lance.
“... Yeah,” answers James, not ready at all.
“I need more conviction than that, please,” demands Lance, twisting his hands, tense. James eyes his motions with curiosity.
“This was your idea, why are you so nervous?” he asks.
Lance stops moving and stares at James with an abnormally soft expression.
“I have my reasons, dude. Unlike you, I think I only have a fifty percent chance to succeed, at most. That’s, like... fifty percent chance to fail and die of embarrassment too.”
For once, Lance is devoid of all his usual flair and confidence, and James feels like he is finally catching a glimpse of the real McClain under these loud, colorful layers. And, honestly? This dude is not so bad.
“Who’s pitiful now?” he asks, but it’s not ill-intended. Lance gives him a look, but then scoffs and the smirk stays on his face.
“Yeah, enjoy gloating while I try to save our Valentine’s Day. Friendly reminder that you’d be weeping in a corner forever if not for my brilliant idea, though. I’m not letting you live it down,” he says, bumping their shoulders.
“Maybe I’ll be weeping in a corner tomorrow,” mumbles James.
It’s weird how easily he is allowing himself to show his fear, wondering if he isn’t making a mistake, putting himself in such a vulnerable spot. But the hand that comes to rest over his shoulder this time is not condescending, but encouraging.
“Relax, it’ll be alright,” assures Lance, shaking James’ shoulder. “Believe it or not… I consider Keith a friend. And I know him enough to say I’m not joking about the tension between you two. Things will work out, but! You gotta be tough as nails, Mullet-man can be a handful if he wants to.”
James laughs, already feeling better.
“I’ll take your word, then. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. But please don’t piss him off, if he storms in while I’m working my magic with Shiro, I’ll die and my ghost is gonna haunt you forever,” warns him Lance, pointing a finger at him. James scrunches his nose.
“Do I want to know…?”
“Nope,” cuts Lance. But then the accusing finger becomes an extended hand and James, after doubting a second, takes it in a brotherly clasp.
“Good luck, dude. Don’t mess it up,” says Lance.
“You too. Go for the good fifty percent,” answers James, making the other smile cheekily.
“Hah. You bet!”
After that, they let go and walk in opposite directions, both shivering slightly, scared and excited in equal parts. And also, even though they don’t know it, both making a mental note to let the other know at breakfast how everything goes. Maybe to cry in each other’s shoulder, should it all go really, really, really bad.
If it even goes, to begin with…
So, who would you like to follow?
(Links may not work on mobile, I’m trying to figure this out. Stupid app.)
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dietpitt · 6 years
Orange, Pink (Stan/Reader)
AHHHHHHHHHHHH okay, so this is a birthday present for @raspberrytea-nonbinary, who was kind enough to commission me!! This is extra special because it’s actually my first commission ever!! I’m eternally grateful to them and all those who have approached me to write something for them, it means so much!!
I was asked for “mystery shack stan when summer’s over and the younger twins have left” and “to work in a playful, teas-y car ride”, as well as their self-insert. I’ve never written a reader insert for a specific person before, so that was a cool first! And I loved the prompt so much. :’)
Em, you’re such a sweetheart. I hope you enjoy and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY 💕💕💕 
September is finally here, and by some miracle, the entire town of Gravity Falls has managed to survive the demon free-for-all that threatened to turn the literal world upside down. Though not unscathed, the townsfolk have been eager to get back to their normal lives—er, “normal” by Gravity Falls standards, anyway.
The Mystery Shack, however, feels incomplete without the gigantic personalities of Mabel and Dipper Pines filling it with their antics and laughter; it’s too quiet, too still… Though their absence affects the whole town really, including you, it’s hitting the original Mr. Mystery the hardest.
Both you and Ford try to comfort him as much as you can. Stan’s not bed-bound, of course (his memories came back pretty quickly with a few helpful nudges), but he’s definitely grieving; the typical glint in his eyes has dulled and his cheeky grin and terrible joke count has very nearly plummeted compared to what they were. The Stan Pines you know and love is there, and he’s trying so hard—he’s starting to mentor Soos and spend more personal time with him, explaining all the twists and turns of running the town jewel, but you have a feeling new management and repairs aren’t the only reason it’s closed for business.
If there was any doubt how much he cared about those kids before, the events of the past month sure made things clear. Of course Stan’s gonna miss the people he sacrificed himself for, it’s inevitable—even though it’s natural for him to be down and need adjusting, it still makes your chest go tight when you catch Stan staring at the Mabel’s goodbye sweater when he’s retreated to his room for an afternoon nap. Ford feels a bit at a loss for what to do, aside from the odd nonverbal assuring pat on the shoulder or distraction via talk of treasure hunting plans, Stan O’War II designs, potential destinations, etc. Stan lights back up during those, becoming himself again with an enthusiastic vengeance—but you’ve seen how his mouth droops into a frown as he habitually prepares to call the kids down for dinner, only to realize his rough shout would go unheard.
You’re trying your best…Stan is just as kind and friendly to you as before, but the underlying guilt that you can’t do more to help him gnaws at away at your brain. He’s done so much for you—he gave you a job, took you in when your house got totaled by a rogue Manotaur stampede, and even humored your crush on him by liking you back, against all odds. The two of you were just about to become something, you think, before an interdimensional portal opened up and his long lost twin brother popped out.
Even outside of the romance you wanted, miss being able to spend time with him without worrying; although you want to give him space, you think it’s about time you helped him out of this rut, just like he’d always do for you.
“Mornin’,” Stan grumbles as he enters the kitchen, shuffling along in his usual slippers and striped boxers combo (you don’t correct him that it’s not morning actually, it’s almost 1pm). He doesn’t even spare a glance to you at the table on his quest to the coffee pot, but that’s not unusual—he’s never exactly been a “morning” person.
“Hi Stan,” you smile, setting your phone aside and rising to deposit your already emptied plate into the sink.
He chuckles behind his mug at the sight of your turtle pajama pants and pineapple socks. “Getting’ ready to hit the runway, Em?”
“Oh, with this old thing? Nah, turtles aren’t in this season.” You laugh, mirroring Stan’s relaxed lean against the kitchen counter.
He hums, taking another big sip before glancing back to you. “So… what’re ya up to today? Didja find the, uh—the hat thing you were lookin’ for in town before?” He waves his hand as he tries to remember exactly what “hat thing” it was.
Oh, that’s right—you’d tried to find something a few weeks ago to buy yourself for your birthday, but things got a little… batshit crazy towards the end of August, and you didn’t want to impose on the kids’ monumental 13th, so you kind of kept it to yourself. But last week you found a really neat hat online and tried to find one similar to it in the Gravity Falls strip mall (“no Stan, not that type of strip”).
“Actually, I did! But I need to go back soon, they had to order me one since the last one in the store was damaged.”
Stan finishes his coffee, setting his mug down. “Y’need a ride? Sixer wanted me t’get out today anyway—said something about lookin’ around for arrangement ideas for the Stan O’War II. Doubt they’ll have a big anchor selection at the mall, but goin’ might get ‘im off my back for a bit.”
You couldn’t accept more quickly; Stan laughs at your overly enthusiastic answer, ruffling your hair before heading out of the kitchen. “Sounds good. I’ll be ready in a few, just give me a yell when you wanna go.”
You ready yourself quickly, picking out your favorite comfortable yet flattering top and jeans, leaving your brown curls loose to frame your face. You don’t overthink it too much since it’s just a quick outing, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to look nice for Stan today (even though he’s seen you first thing in the morning looking like a dang cryptid plenty of times).
He greets you in the hallway, car keys in hand and lets you lead the way to his El Diablo. Today he’s sporting a bright Hawaiian shirt open over a tee—a very simple, yet affective combo, though it’s still odd seeing him without his characteristic fez.
At the car, Stan opens and closes the passenger door for you before entering the car and starting it up, AC on full blast to combat the late summer heat, and you instantly relax into the fine, well-worn leather. You’ve only had the pleasure of riding in the Stanleymobile a handful of times, but it’s always been something you enjoyed.
Stan turns the radio’s dial and beams when the sound of 70s rock bleeds through the speakers. “Woah, now this song takes me back!” His fingers tap on the steering wheel to the beat, singing along terribly off-key.
You’ve heard the song before, but don’t know all the words—that doesn’t stop you from tapping your foot and nodding your head along to match Stan, who’s having a grand old time.
“I love it! I’m going to have to add this to my playlist.” You laugh at Stan’s eye roll as you pull out your phone to do so. You’re brought back to a few months ago when you spent a good hour trying to teach him how to put music on his phone before he threw a mini tantrum out of frustration.
“It’s okay Stan, I’ll teach you again sometime. You’ll get it.” Just a tap of your finger and the song is added to your library, along with the info about the artist. “’Boston’, huh?”
Stan smiles again, making a turn a little too quickly and jerking you jerk to the left in your seat. Right… Stan’s driving leaves a lot to be desired, and “not dying” is one of them.
He apologizes before adjusting his mirror. “I this band back in ’77 when this song came out, y’know,” he grins. “Heard this song for the first time right here in this car, actually. Man, now that was a show, lemme tell ya.”
If what you remember hearing about concerts back in the day is correct, it was basically a free-for-all and anything went. Definitely something a younger Stan Pines would enjoy, you think.
You catch his eye, setting your phone back down with a knowing smirk. “You snuck in, didn’t you?”
He barks out a laugh, nudging you with his elbow playfully. “That was half the fun back in the day! B’sides, I was a master at sneakin’ around by then.”
Giggling, you can only imagine what it must’ve been like… did Stan look like a rebel back then? You’ve seen photos of 70s fashion, some of it was… well, horrendous. Oh god wait, didn’t Stan have a mullet at some point--?
The song flows into the chorus, the intense guitar and falsetto vocals igniting something as you finally pick up on the words and sing along:
‘Well I’m takin’ my time, I’m just movin’ along—’
Stan beams, turning the radio dial so the music blasts through the open windows, not giving a single damn who hears—
“You’ll forget about me after I’ve been gone!”
Your bang your palms against the dash and the door, drumming along to the clapping rhythm as you both finish it off together:
‘And I take what I find—’
‘I don’t want no moOore’
The song continues like this, the two of you laughing and drumming along until it fades out completely. By the time you catch your breath from the very hard-core jam session, Stan’s screeched in to a parking spot in front of the mall’s main entrance, and it’s time to head inside.
You have a general idea of where the place you got the hat from is, so you lead the way, Stan following, hands tucked into his pockets casually as he looks around. Huh, maybe he’s actually taking Ford’s advice on getting some inspiration for the boat?
“I think there’s a store here that sells nice bedding and…” you pause, sensing Stan’s no longer behind you. Upon turning around, you see he’s eyeing up a “romance” store. The busty mannequin in the window sports a feathered purple nighty, which is… well, really cute, actually.
“Hey Em, need anythin’ from here?” Stan grins, pointing a thumb to the heart-shaped entrance. You know he’s teasing, but your face still seems to redden.
Hooking your arm into his, you practically drag him away, sharing that no, thank you, I’m good for just the hat today, thanks.
“Alright, alright, but if ya need a second opinion on anythin’ when ya do need it, I’m happy to help.” Stan laughs, giving you another nudge, and it’s then you realized your arms are still hooked together.
He doesn’t remove himself from you, instead seeming to hold his arm out for you more. Your cheeks go pink again, and you push your glasses up the bridge of your nose to distract yourself from his gaze. You continue the little stroll, commenting on the indoor fountain and the disgusting, yet alluring food court aroma wafting through the whole building.
Finally, you make it to the store you’ve been looking for, and you gasp at the cute clothes and accessories visible through the window, which is filled with more fall style items than when you visited before.
Releasing Stan’s arm, you approach the customer service counter and tell the employee—“Chase”, his name tag tells you-- what you’re here for. He’s very kind and helpful, heading to the back to retrieve your item, leaving the two of you to browse until you’re ready to check out.
Stan joins you by the jewelry, admiring a particularly cute pendant necklace. He hums, running his fingertips along a gaudy choker before oooh-ing at a sparkly, golden watch that catches his eye. You shoot him a glare that says “please don’t steal that and get me banned from this store”. He returns it with a smirk that replies, “Doll, if I stole this, you wouldn’t get banned ‘cuz no one would ever know”.
“Alright, just keep your hands where I can see ‘em, Mister,” you point at him accusingly, to which he feigns offense.
“Oh my gosh!” You exclaim, a little too loudly as your hands run along just about the softest scarf you’ve ever felt in your life; it’s knitted, and a calming forest green with subtle flakes of red in the wool. You don’t hesitate to put it on, wrapping it snugly before checking your reflection in the nearby mirror. The scarf compliments your hair and eyes beautifully… your fingers twist into the wool, admiring the material silently for a moment.
“Em, ya- oh hey, there ya are.” Stan says, smiling at the sight of you all bundled up. “Find somethin’ y’like?”
“Yeah! It’s so soft, feel it!” Taking Stan’s hand, you place it on the scarf wrapped around you. He laughs, but runs his hand along the accessory anyway, moving across and to the side of your neck. His knuckles brush your cheek and you gasp softly, his eyes meeting yours for a second when you do; he searches your face for a moment before letting his hand fall… he’s about to say something when your name is called from the front counter, announcing your hat’s arrival, and you make your way over.
Stan chuckles as you put it on, checking it out to make sure the size is right; the wide brim and flat top give you just the look you were going for, and your happiness shows. The scarf actually goes perfectly too, really brings out your eyes.
“Will that be all for the two of you today?” Chase the Cashier asks.
“Yeah, just this,” you reply, placing the hat back on the counter before removing the scarf.
Stan makes a face of confusion as you hang it on a nearby rack. “I thought y’like that thing?”
You sigh. “Yeah, I really, really do, but—I can only afford one thing, and I love the hat too. Anyway, the only reason I can even afford it in the first place is because I got a coupon.”
Stan grimaces, looking at the scarf pensively as you pull out your wallet and phone, pulling up the discount code you got emailed in honor of your birthday and handing it over.
Chase smiles as he scans it, handing the device back to you. “Wow, happy belated birthday! You’re just in time, the discount was only good for another da-“
“Birthday??” Stan burts, turning to you. “When was your birthday?? How long ago??”
“Back before the kids left…”
“What?! Don’t tell me it was before that triangular bastard—“
You nod, rubbing your arm sheepishly. Stan’s palm slaps to his forehead. “Em, why didn’t ya say somethin’? Now I feel like a fat old jerk—“
“Oh Stan, stop it—it’s alright! I didn’t want to distract from Mabel and Dipper’s big day. Besides, this were kind of crazy at the time; y’know, with the multiverse and all?” You pat him on the shoulder reassuringly.
It’s sweet that he cares, but really, you just wouldn’t have been comfortable bringing attention to yourself when the family you were staying with was practically being ripped apart.
Stan blanches, rubbing the back of his neck. “L-let me buy ya somethin’, I—“ you swat his hand away from the hat as he reaches for it, taking it yourself.
“Stan, no, you don’t don’t have to!”
“Look, Em. I’m getting’ ya somethin’ whether y’like it or not.” There he is, that old stubborn man rearing his ugly head.
“But—“ “You don’t wanna make me steal, do ya? Cuz I’m either buyin’ or stealin’.”
Chase pales, going wide-eyed at the word ‘steal’. “H-hey, you can’t—“
“Relax kid, I’m handling this,” Stan waves him off. Even though the scene is unfolding right in front of him, in his store, on his shift. Stan might not be afraid of social interaction, but you sure are.
“F-fine; you can buy me, uh—“
“Nope, y’need to leave. Out, out, out,” Stan takes the hat and grabs you by the shoulders, pushing you outside of the store easily despite your heels dragging along the floor. You’re at a loss for words as he points to a nearby bench like you’re a child in timeout. “Stay there. I’ll be right back.”
He goes back into the store, and you take a seat begrudgingly. He has to be so dramatic all the time, doesn’t he? Well, you supposed it’s how he shows he cares. Passionate is definitely a word you’d use to describe Stan Pines.
After browsing your phone for a few minutes he returns to you, shopping bag in hand. When you reach to take it from him he jerks it away with a wag of his finger. “Nuh uh, no peakin’.”
“But I already know—“
He places a finger to your lips, effectively shushing you.
“Thank you.” A grin fights its way onto your face despite your best efforts. Stan returns it, offering his elbow again before leading the way out the main entrance from which you came.
“Can I at least buy you a corndog or something?”
“You drive a hard bargain Em, but I’ll allow it.”
After your stop by the Weiner House (Stan snickers at the name and you wonder how on earth this this grown man could still have the sense of humor of a teenage boy), you return to the car. The usual process of getting the air going, finding a radio station, and tucking your legs up under yourself (bench seats—what a wonder!) goes by. But when the car passes the familiar road leading back to the Mystery Shack, you know Stan’s up to something.
“Hmm?” A knowing smirk teases at the edge of his lips, giving him away.
“Where are we going?” “You’ll see—and no, don’t worry about me doin’ some grand old gesture or somethin’, I know y’don’t want that,” he cuts you off before you can even begin to protest. “It’s no big deal.”
Your lip catches between your teeth, as you peer out the window to see where you’re headed, and also to hide the blush growing on your cheeks. Stan’s being so sweet… maybe he did still like you after all? But no no, you shouldn’t get your hopes up…
After a few more minutes and a couple more songs on the radio, the sky starts to blend into shades of yellow and light pink as the sun sets.  You’re tensions had eased since a song you liked came on, but when the car starts to pull over, you realize you’re parked along the side of a road somewhere along the edge of the forest.
He puts the Diablo in park, then turns to you with a grin. “Figured since it’s not filled with blood anymore, y’might, uh, appreciate the sunset.” He rubs the back of his neck. What a dork.
Leaning over, your arms come around him in a tight, grateful hug. “I do appreciate it. I appreciate you too, Stan.” He returns it after a moment when he figures out what to do with his hands.
“Heh, yeah well—hey, y’wanna sit on the hood? I got some blankets in the back you could put down.”
“Heck yeah!”
Stan smooths the blanket along the hood as best he can, holding it in place for you as you climb onto the front of the car. The Stanleymobile’s hood is pretty long and spacious, which you definitely appreciate as Stan joins you, grunting and grumbling a bit under his breath as he hoists himself up and settles next to you, leaning back against the windshield.
Dashes of violet and vivid red have joined the orange and pinks painting the horizon that momentarily takes your breath away. You don’t think you’ve seen a sunset so colorful and bright; whether it’s just the sweetness of seeing one after Weirdmaggedon scared you into thinking you’d never see the sun again, or some kind of supernatural side effect natural to Gravity Falls, you feel lucky being able to witness it.
Stan must be able to read the subdued delight in your expression. “I’ve seen a lotta sunsets over the years… this town has some of the best.”
You turn to him, regarding his profile as he looks to the sky. “I didn’t know it for years—worked all through the night in the basement for so long, I never got the chance t’see it til then.”
There’s a tinge of sadness creeping into his eyes after he speaks… you gently, carefully place your hand on his to bring him back, back here with you. He recognizes the gesture, and chuckles to ease your worry.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you Stan—this was a great idea.” You give his hand a squeeze before removing your own and turning your attention back to the horizon which turns more magenta by the minute.
“Oh, hey-- here, by the way,” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the green scarf from earlier, tossing it in your lap. “It’s gettin’ chilly.”
You thank him, unsurprised but delighted as you wrap it around yourself. He assures you that he paid for it, as well as the hat and extra surprise (later revealed to be a nice locket) that are sitting in the trunk for later.
A moment passes as you both share the silence, accompanied only by the chirping of nearby birds and the gentle wafting of the breeze through your hair until Stan breaks it with a heavy sigh.
“Em, I know I haven’t been the most.. er, fun t’hang around lately. I didn’t mean t’give ya the cold shoulder or anythin’, I just…” he trails off, running his hands through his hair as he finds the words. “It’s been… a lot.”
You scoff, bringing lending a hand to his arm in reassurance. “That’s an understatement,” you go in for another hug, this time letting your face bury into his chest a bit. “It’s okay, Stan, really. I’m just… so glad to have you here.”
The weight of the statement lingers in the air, reminding the both of you of what you dare not say aloud; the world almost lost Stan Pines… you almost lost Stan Pines…
“I’ve just missed you, that’s all.”
He swallows thickly, not meeting your eyes. “Well, if I remember correctly, we kinda—we kinda got interrupted before we could… get… together? And I uh… just wanted to tell ya that if the moment’s passed or whatever and y’just wanna stay pals after all, I get it…”
Is he kidding??
Holy shit, he’s not kidding—
“Stan…” you take his face into your hands, your voice is shaky but sure: “I never stopped wanting to be with you, and I never will. Whether it be as friends or… more, well, I’m just happy I get to know you.” Oh god, are you tearing up? Em, c’mon, pull yourself together—
You steel your nerves, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek; the grin he gives you in return rivals the sunset in its brilliance, and pulls draws you back in for another. It’s your lips which meet this time, in a kiss that’s warm and soft and fills your chest with sparks that dance along all throughout your body. He hums into it, grinning as he brings his hand to cup your face, hands calloused but gentle and strong, and in turn your own settle on his shoulder.
When you part, Stan’s cheeks are dusted pink; he adjusts his glasses with a smirk, chuckling to himself, and soon the pair of you are full-on laughing and you’re burying your face in his rumbling chest.
“So I take it that’s a yes?” He jests, arm settling on your side and holding you close.
“Yes, Stan. It’s a yes,” you playfully whacking him with the tasseled end of your new scarf.
It’s only a moment or two more before the sun fully sets; the two of you stay there until the residual colors fade away into the dark night sky, even lingering a while longer to watch as more and more stars seem to pop into existence as the darkness deepens.
When you start to shiver, Stan insists on getting you back home. You sleep in his bed that night, not wanting to surrender the comfort he provides.
You don’t dream that night either; you can only recall swatches of color from your memories: oranges, pinks, red, gold...
In the morning, you’re awakened by a celebratory birthday cupcake to the face and a whole stack of them greet you in the kitchen, your name written along the tops in a mix of both cursive and messy frosted lettering.
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spring-tae · 6 years
we have a lot of love to give
i was tagged by @bts-feat-nct to do a top 10 bias tag... and my brain is already short circuiting trying to pick 10 so lets go. (ps im putting comments under them because i wanna scream... a lot)
1. lee taeyong - nct
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my favorite flower. the one that has the other end of my red string. the most special boy. he has my whole heart. i love him probably as much as i could ever love someone i’ve never met. he is the one that owns the sole title of ultimate bias. we could easily be here all day just on him (if u wanna hear me scream more just go to my nct blog. i do it all the time)
2. park chaewon - loona
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my precious angel baby girl that i would protect with all that i have. shes my ult girl group bias in my ult girl group. she is a ray of sunshine and a soft caring soul. i have the biggest friend crush on her (and a tinsy tiny regular crush on her). she deserves the world. i will always love her and her crunchy vocals.
3. lee jeno - nct dream
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i know i did nct but this is nct dream. jeno stole my heart and he stole it fast. sweet, funny, patient, beautiful, wonderful, incredible. i love him. he smile melts my heart and his laugh is magic.
4. chae hyungwon - monsta x
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an icon. a legend. everything he does is an instant meme. i swear this boy never fails to crack me up. if im having a bad day, i can watch monsta x videos and know that hyungwon is gonna put a smile on my face. never forget when i was watching the most famous wonho fancam and fell in love with hyungwon instead because i was so endeared he forgot his part. boy i love you!
5. kim yugyeom - got7
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bring back his yellow hair. also a man. just a man. idk when and how my crush on him got so big but here we are!!!!! in love with yugyeom!!! another funny boy. hes so captivating when he does literally anything? or maybe im just smitten.
6. kim taehyung - bts
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my first ever kpop bias... the biggest bundle of joy. the boy is pure and kind and all things wonderful bottled into one. there is no one like kim taehyung and there never will be. will always hold a very special piece of my heart and its what he deserves. hes stuck it out with me through a lot of groups. and i still love him.
7. xu minghao - seventeen
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easily my most unexpected bias. i started with cheol, then mingyu, then seokmin, then jeonghan all within the first two weeks. and now here we sit, months later, a confident minghao stan. this boy is talented and amazing and wise beyond his years. he knows what he wants and he gets it. he also has a kindness that is so unique to him. i wanna just sit and drink wine with him and have a good time. never cut the mullet ever
8. kim yerim - red velvet
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miss yeri... i love her so much and she deserves the whole world. underrated, under appreciated, queen of the world. i hope she knows she is loved and special. she is an absolute angel and i would fight for her honor. my very first girl group bias. started a wave and began the kelsie girl group frontier 
9. kang hyunggu
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boy snatched my heart. i was like yes mr goggle boy. i love you. then i watched pentagon maker and it stuck. a good boy. a complete and total good boy. like just a textbook good boy. hes a softie that makes my chest hurt. *heavy sigh* i love kino
10. kim jonghyun - shinee
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the king. this man will always have a part of my heart. a light to everyone he met. an undeniable presence of grace surrounded him. one of the best vocalists this world has ever seen. one of my all time favorite artists. this bias tag would never be complete without him. i miss him but every day i am so proud of him. i was blessed enough to get to see just a glimpse of the incredible person he was. he made a very large impact on me in the short amount of time i came to know him.
wow i love love love all these people. i did this tag a while ago but i feel as if a lot has changed. maybe some new biases are here but really my love just grew stronger for everyone. there are so many good souls in kpop and im glad i get to watch them do what they love
this got really soft really fast and im only lowkey tearing up from the overflow of love. im gonna go ahead and tag anyone that wants to do it. it was a good chance for me to really appreciate the groups i love so if you wanna pick a top ten, do it and tag me in it bc i wanna see!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yuckubus · 6 years
disclaimer: i love all my mutuals and respect their opinions, y’all will be missed if you decide to unfollow after i pour my judgmental heart out
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1. the most well-rounded member of bts, is hoseok. yall can argue that it’s jk, but i said what i said 
2. minghao with a mullet is godtier; out of all the male idols with mullets, he is The king. 
3. speaking of seventeen, a lot of their songs are very edm-inspired but it works really well for them 
4. woozi deserves recognition for the songs he produces, like i really hope he gets an award for his production skills bc he’s amazing 
5. i feel like most wonwoo stans, stan him for his beauty and not his talent (which, he’s not a bad rapper)
6. that being said, i wish he (wonwoo) played around a little more bc his flow is kinda predictable. not only that, but he can do more than just rap lowly and get loud.
7. seokmin/ dokyeom > jungkook, in terms of vocal ability. he’s just better 
8. imo, in terms of like younger groups i guess? leader wise, namjoon is the best leader. im not saying other group leaders like scoups, for example, are bad at their abilities to lead, but i think nj really is. 
9. spring day, don’t leave me, the truth untold, best of me, and whatever else yall try to advocate as good songs...are not good. they dont do anything for me. sorry
10. also just one day is the superior rnb bts song. 
11. house of cards didn’t deserve all the hype it got. like, its good but it hasnt done anything for me since i heard the full version.
12. while im not as into got7 as i used to be, ya’ll took all the stuff that happened with got7 and RAN lol like yall really went in on them and still do and it’s sorta.. annoying? like i get why people do not like certain members (i really do!!) but its tired now. it has been for a while 
13. speaking of got7, if they did more stuff like just right (since it worked so well for them) and the flight log trilogy, ESPECIALLY turbulence, it would be effective
14. I dont know why people think lucas from nct is so dumb, he just has moments 
15. speaking of lucas, i dont see any purpose for him in nct. he doesn’t provide anything special or new except some personality and physical beauty.
16. sm either needs to get rid of some members of nct, or really talk to these niggas bc he doesnt seem to care about anyone but mark, taeyong, jaehyun, and doyoung...and sorta lucas 
17. jungwoo is a product of taemin. either that man is his father, or he’s a relative. 
18. in terms of like newer and young rappers, mark lee is the only one with some potential; sometimes, he lacks, but he really is the only one 
19. jaemin and jeno ended and revived kpop with their verses in Go! 
20. chanyeol and sehun go off in some exo songs, especially forever. they’re still not great rappers.
21. exo has the better vocal line and bts has the better rap line. i just ended every pointless, unnecessary fanwar.
22. the exo l x army beef is so..stupid like all of y’all look childish. deadass. it’s never that deep unless both sides really said some serious shit and, most cases they dont so literally shut up lol
23. astro’s danceline are amazing
25. kihyun’s voice is absolutely beautiful and deserves that recognition bc he really has such a beautiful voice 
26. Pentagon’s first album is THAT first mini album. if you havent invested time in it, please do
27. like the wonwoo thing, mingyu and wonho stans only stan these boys for physical attractiveness. I see something all the time (on twitter) anout wonho’s body and not really much about just him. this sounds fake deep, but forreal 
28. stan twitter in general has great memes and stuff, but they are quite literally, the worst set of fans i have ever seen. facebook fans and instagram fans are just evil too but stan twt is satan. 
29. in terms of talent level in twice...there’s 9 girls and only 4/9 really do something. i do love them though
30. tzuyu is great and shes so pretty but that’s it. the personality and everything else, where is it
31. imma be honest, i think chaeyoung is the prettiest
32. kyla isnt coming back to pristin, we all know this. it’s just time to face it 
33. people only care about like 5 members of pristin, and theyre all in pristin v...there was a reason for their creation lol
34. miss shannon, aka sungyeon, of pristin? she’s got lungs and deserves to be seen as more than just her round face 
35. MISS JOY is That member of red velvet
36. i dont think this is unpopular, but all the good rapper idols would be so much better if they just didnt sink into a niggaboo phase
38. i dont,...really care for jennie; she overdoes the cuteness sometimes 
39. rose would be so much more powerful if she dropped the sza syndrome (I hope this isnt offensive, if it is please let me know)
40. if wendy wasn’t the leader and main vocalist of red velvet, her ass would have already been gone for that crap she pulled again
41. girl groups? are just as low down and dirty with their racism and antiblackness but that stuff gets hidden really well unless you look it up...or are mamamoo 
42. IOI SHOULD HAVE LIVED LONGER THAN WANNABE. no one wants to hear that shit, ioi was giving us bops but after that year was up, they couldnt wait to get rid of them...but wannaone still exists. ok
43. all the my idols are gay legends stuff is kinda annoying now... like...you dont know their actual sexuality, so stop trying to justify your weird ass argument with proof from 1997, it’s not cute (this could be said about yoongi, but i mean in general)
44. people dont see holland as more than his sexuality, and what i mean by that is, a lot of people dont care about him or wont until he starts interacting with male idols, so people can start shipping them with him
45. kpop stans do women involved with male groups so fucking dirty, like ya’ll cannot wait to tear them down due to your insecurities as a fan. You’re not marrying any of them, so pipe the fuck down  
46.nonblack stans, especially on twitter, dont really care about black issues lol yall do that fake oh my god im so sorry :( then use some form of aave with ?????????? and then move on. 
48. people are allowed to still be upset about an idol’s past actions. it is valid ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of color. You are also allowed to unstan and not explain yourself bc no one’s gonna beat your ass for it. 
49. these idols and their companies dont really care about their fans as much as they want y’all to believe. i believe they care to a degree, but it’s exaggerated
50. none of yall are family; you can say it a million and six times, but you really only believe that if you are not a person of color.
51. ya’ll do not know these idols like you think you do; they choose what they want you to show, even in their “RAW” shows; they are not going to let you see them in their 100% real self, ya’ll are strangers to them 
52. being on kpop social media is exhausting, and idk how any of yall are able to do it 24/7. kpop is not that interesting enough for me to be around all day and all night. 
53. Idol groups that play instruments deserve the world 
54. that being said, i hope that n.flying, day6, and the rose get recognition because they’re out here being multi-talented, funny, and good looking. 
i have more opinions but these are ones i could think of. anyway, hope yall enjoyed my ranting. 
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dokyungsu · 6 years
sinCe u asked !!! ship ur mutuals w exo 🤔
FINALLY THANK U!! 💕💕💕 (this took me so long i’m sorry :((( )
baekhyun // I JUST REALIZED I HAVE A LOT OF BBH LUVIN MUTUALSkjsh 🤢🤢🤢ima start wid @kokobaekhyun jas, a hard stan in disguise who’d die for baekhyun n his mullet she’s trooly perfect for him :\ @byunparksUHH MADDY THE Loml P LE A S Ee e she full of luff n she’s truly one of my favorite bbh-l mutuals 😞😞 @stanbaek ashleyyyy one of my softest mutuals please :(( SHE is so WHOLESOME have u read her bbh tags?? my gosh 💘💘💘 @byunbread VERAA MY FCKIN KWEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!! her and bbh???? a power couple :\ special mentions to my gorlie… @byunchen 
junmyeon // BINCH !!! i LOVE suho-ls w all my hort… but i’m only mutuals w a few :(( ima pick my honey @5uh0 she’s hopeless when it comes to suho and honestly??????? me too :((( @jumnyeon she!!! im LOVE her she cute…y’all seen her suho tags???? wrow… soft.. wholesome.. :(( @oexo PAIRED WITH SUHO???????? A POWER MOVE !!!!
yixing // MY QUEEN,,, *yixing’s voice* MY BABY GIRL,, MISS JACKIE @florese (previously zyxgf im still waiting for her to change it back :\) she once threatened me to stay away from yixing so yea she perfect for him im love her…….. special mentions to my other favorite fellow xingmi-ls: @1osecontrol, @exosvisual@p1nkjisoo @my1ady n @2baekxing 🤧🤧🤧
chanyeol // WHO LOVES PCY MORE THAN MISS RIMI @pcys-l HERSELF!!!!! pls she the hard/soft furry stan u fuck wid who luvs pcy in all his furry glory i love her so much,,,,and @chanyevol bc even tho she only talks abt suleo ik juli loves pcy w all her heart… also special mentions @littlepcy @yeolology @pcysnuggles 😣😣💗💗
sehun // @ohsehuns JENNY AND SEHUN?????? they’d outvisual every couple out there pls… 😣😣 @kittyhunnie ANNAAAAAAAA I LOVE HER N SHE LOVES SEHUN w all her hort,,,, 
jongin // @inkaidible UHHHH ELSIE IS RLY DI SWEETEST PLS HAVE U SEEN HER POST ABT NINI LIEK 24/7 LIKE ME W KSOO???? honestly???? relatable :(( special mentions to some qualitea jongin gifers that r also uhh perfect for our bear :(( @intokai @dazzlingkai @kaikkim @sekaisoosgirl
minseok // (this is awful i have v little minseok-l mutuals….) JEEEEEN!!! @5eoks PLEASE she’s trash as hell for the most powerful man in exo :\ the url pls,,,, i rly love her :(( special mentions to 🤧🤧🤧 @baekphia (she a minseok-l passing,,,👀👀) @minsoek-l (ITS IN DI URL!!!)
jongdae // @kjdl SHIAAAAANNE pls her soft/hard tags lmfao its wildt (she a closet ksoo-l but uhhh ima let her live cus i luv her i guess 👀👀) @chenbox AMY A CHOOTY ENTHUSIAST!!!!!! IM LUV HER SHES RLY THE SWEETEST HER N JD WOULD be such a bright couple :(( @sechens isaaaaa :(( one of di biggest jongdae lovers i know pls 😞😞😞💕💕💕
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kittykat-creations · 6 years
So I wanted to do a bunch of shorts exploring Stan and Bella’s family in Mullet Man. Here’s the first one.
"Ah, Marcella! 'Bout time ya got here, missy!"
"Sorry, Mom," Marcella chuckled, hugging Bella back. "The flight is always crazy."
"Yer alright," Bella smiled and kissed her cheek. She looked at the person standing next to Marcella, who was looking around the shack. They had a short blond ponytail and bright blue eyes. "An' is this the guy we've been hearin' so much about?"
They blushed a bit and Marcella giggled.
"Mm-hm. Their name's Sky," she introduced.
"'Bout time ya brought 'em home fer us ta meet," Bella smiled. "Nice t'meet'cha, Sky."
"Nice to meet you too, ma'am," Sky smiled back.
"Well, you two can stay in the guest room," Bella led them to the room with their bags. "Unpack an' come say hi t'yer dad, Marce."
The girl nodded and Bella left. She turned and started to unpack her bags, and Sky did the same.
"Well, your mom is nice," they said. "I'm still nervous, though. What if she hates me or something?"
"You don't have to worry, sweetie," Marcella assured, leaning over to kiss her date. "She'll get it. I made the decision to keep it; she won't be mad."
"What about your dad?"
"...not sure."
"Not sure about what?" Ella spoke. The two looked over to see her leaning against the doorway, arms folded and grinning.
"Hey, El!" Marcella grinned and jumped up, hugging her twin. "Oh, how's my favorite sister?"
"I'm yer only sister," Ella countered.
"Still counts," Marcella laughed. "How are you?"
"Eh, ok," Ella shrugged. "What about you? How's college life?"
"I have to tell you, I'm so relieved it's almost over," Marcella sighed. "Totally stressful. But totally worth it."
"I guess," Ella snorted. "Still not regretting dropping out, though."
The family sat at the table for Easter dinner. There were three times a year when everyone would come back to the Mystery Shack, to see each other, hang out, and catch up: Easter, Fourth of July, and Christmas/Hanukkah. Even if 'everyone' was just Ella and Marcella for now. But soon Lee would be moving out for college too, and the shack would be almost empty.
That was Bella's excuse for crying during dinner.
"C'mon Mom, cut it out," Lee said. "I'm not even going that far for college."
"Ah know, Ah know," Bella sniffed, rubbing at her eyes. "Golly, you kids just grew up so fast."
"I feel like if we say it now, it's just gonna make her worse," Sky whispered to Marcella.
"Say what now?" Lee asked. Marcella rolled her eyes and lifted up a bag from beside her chair.
"We got presents for everyone," she said, pulling out wrapped gifts.
"Are you tryin' to one-up me?" Ella raised an eyebrow as she took her gift. "We never do presents on Easter."
"Well, these are special ones," Marcella said. She finished passing them out. Lee instantly tore into his, face falling in disappointment when he saw it was just a shirt. But then he unfolded it and his jaw dropped.
"What is it, kid?" Stan asked, unwrapping his present, which he could already tell was a coffee mug. And then he saw that it said '#1 Grandpa'.
"Yer pregnant?!" Bella gasped, clutching her shirt to her chest.
"'World's Okayest Uncle'," Lee mumbled, looking at his shirt. "Ha ha."
"Well, we thought it was funny," Sky said.
"Yes, Mom, I am pregnant," Marcella answered. Bella started crying again, grinning and clinging to the shirt.
"Oh my goodness oh my goodness!" She choked out, beaming and giggling. Marcella laughed and squeezed Sky's hand.
"You're not even out of college," Stan frowned slightly.
"Y-Yeah, I know," Marcella nodded a bit. "But by the time the baby's born, we'll be out. And we have a plan. Well, we're working on one."
"How far are you?" Ella asked.
"Just a few weeks," Marcella answered.
"No way I'm gonna be a grandpa," Stan grunted. "I'm not that old."
"Near as old as my dad was when Zoe was born," Bella giggled. Lee looked around at the others' gifts.
"Hey, how come she's greatest aunt but I'm only okayest uncle?!" He exclaimed, pointing at Ella's necklace.
"Because yer only an ok brother," Ella retorted. The table burst into laughter as Lee fumed. Stan smiled softly, looking at the cup and running his thumb along it.
"Dad, you're crying," Marcella grinned.
"Am not. Just got egg dye in my eye."
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thegeekdevil · 7 years
Send in the clowns…
It’s the late 80’s in a small New England town. A group of bullied and abused kids band together to fight an ancient evil that’s hunting the children of the town, disguised as a clown called ‘Pennywise’…
“How do you solve a problem like Stephen King?”, asked no-one ever. One of the worlds most popular and successful living writers, King has provided a rich seam for film and television producers over the years, who have often sought to adapt his phenomenally successful work at the first opportunity, with varying degrees of success. On the one hand, there are acknowledged modern classics, such as ‘The Shining‘, The Shawshank Redemption‘ and ‘Stand By Me‘, as well as cult classics, such as ‘The Dead Zone‘, ‘Christine‘ and ‘The Running Man‘. And there’s also a good helping of tripe as well, chief amongst them the barely coherent ‘Dreamcatcher‘ and the recently released ‘The Dark Tower‘, a movie based on Kings most epic work that was years in the making, only to be released to scathing reviews and tepid box office. Indeed, the epic nature of much of Kings work means that it more often finds a more natural home on television in the form of a miniseries, where the many complicated plot strands have more time to develop naturally. ‘The Stand‘, ‘The Tommyknockers‘ and ‘The Langoliers‘, along with many others have been produced this way, and like the cinema adaptations, some are very good and some are not so. Falling into the ‘quite good’ category is the first adaptation of ‘It‘. Produced by ABC in 1990, the series was a big hit on it’s original broadcast, and retains a loyal following to this day, primarily due to the incredible performance by Tim Curry as ‘Pennywise The Dancing Clown‘, the primary manifestation of It throughout the story. Curry’s performance is rightly lauded as one of the all-time great horror performances, and has probably done terminal harm to the birthday party clown industry (which can only be a good thing), but as is the way with Hollywood a new adaptation of ‘It’ has been on the cards for a number of years. Originally being developed by first David Kajganich and then Cary Fukunaga, who got as far as casting Will Poulter as Pennywise, the movie has finally reached the big screen under the guidance of Andy Muschietti, an Argentinian director mainly known for the underrated 2013 Jessica Chastain starrer ‘Mama‘. Has Muschietti done a good job? let’s find out…
  The first thing I’ll say is that, considering he wasn’t involved from the beginning, Muschietti has done an excellent job in bringing his vision to the screen. Although the script is still credited to Fukunaga (along with Chase Palmer and Gary Dauberman), it’s been widely reported that significant revisions have taken place (mainly by Dauberman and Muschietti), including the removal of one particularly controversial scene that readers of the book may be familiar with that, even in todays ‘enlightened’ times, would be difficult to film without upsetting lot of people. What remains is relatively faithful to the source material, although the setting has been updated from the ’50’s to the late ’80’s. As such, this has also resulted in some minor alterations to the storylines of some characters, with the very ’50’s based fears of the original novel replaced by more up-to-date ones. These manifestations of It are brought to the screen using a combination of live-action and CGI, and it mostly works very well, with the twisted painting that terrorises young Jewish kid Stan Uris an unpleasant stand-out. All these creatures, however, pale into insignificance compared to It’s most famous form, that of Pennywise. If you already have an issue with clowns (and let’s face it, who doesn’t?) then his appearance here, all long limbs, weird angles and an off-kilter smile, will do nothing to help you deal with it. And if you’re one of those foolish people who claims that they are completely okay with clowns, then this should put paid to that resilience. I’ll talk about casting later, but suffice it to say that Bill Skarsgard (son of Stellan, and cast after Will Poulter dropped out), is superb as Pennywise, using all of his gangly 6ft 4in frame, along with an incredibly creepy make-up and costume job, to convey all of the malice and sheer evil of a creature that eats children in the same way you or I might eat a biscuit, namely often. Put simply, he’s bloody terrifying.
The setting for these horrific events is key to the story (like most of King’s stories, it all takes place in a small town in Maine), and this is another area where the film does well. Taking place in the fictional town of Derry (although actually filmed in Port Hope, Ontario), the picturesque town is as much a character in the story as any of the kids, or even Pennywise himself. It’s a beautiful place to look at, with tree-lined avenues and well-kept colonial style buildings nestling alongside majestic forests and rivers, giving the impression of a perfect town, and the ideal place to raise a family. And of course, it’s all a complete lie. Despite it’s beauty, despite it’s seemingly welcoming nature, Derry is a town with a dark tragic past, where great disasters occur with frightening regularity (roughly every 27 years), children go missing, never to be seen or heard from again, and adults act like nothing is wrong, desperately trying to ignore the evil in front of their eyes. Not-to-mention the fact that there’s a centuries-old demonic entity from another dimension living underneath the town. I don’t think even Kirstie Allsopp could convince you that moving here would be a good idea…
It’s why, when something resembling heroes are required, It falls upon the children of the town to step up. And these are not the cool kids either. Much like in ‘Stranger Things‘, to which you feel this owes a fair debt, these kids exist on the edge of things, bullied, abused, poor, or just ignored, no-one’s idea of saviours. Which is why they’re perfect for the job. While things are initially deeply personal for group leader Bill (Jaeden Lieberher) after his younger brother Georgie is taken by Pennywise he, along with the rest of The Losers Club as they come to call themselves, gradually realise the size of the fight in front of them, and the true scope of the evil underneath their town. The adults either don’t know or don’t care, and the other kids in town, personified in mullet-sporting bully Henry Bowers and is gang, are too busy being horrible to the main characters to help. Considering their importance, the casting of the Losers Club is tremendously important, and Muschietti has come up trumps. Alongside Lieberher we have Jeremy Ray Taylor as overweight introvert Ben, Finn Wolfhard as joker Ritchie, Chosen Jacobs as African-American outsider Mike, Jack Dylan Grazer as hypochondriac Eddie, Wyatt Oleff as thoughtful Stanley and Sophia Lillis as Beverly, the one gal among the guys. Although relatively unknown (Lieberher featured in indie sci-fi ‘Midnight Special‘, while Wolfhard will be familiar to fans of the afore-mentioned ‘Stranger Things‘), all of them are excellent, infusing each character with individual quirks and traits that will be a real challenge to whichever actors get the job of portraying these characters as adults. A particular mention should go to Lillis, who is at times heart-breaking as Beverly, dealing with all the problems of adolescence as well as a Father that takes a little bit too much of an interest in his daughters well-being. Her friendship with the boys provides relief, and the moment she finds the strength to break away from her father may well have you punching the air. If most of the adult characters don’t really register, well that’s sort-of the point. Parents, teachers, librarians, policemen, all are next-to-useless in the fight against Pennywise. As for Pennywise, although he’s been covered earlier, it’s worth repeating that Skarsgard is superb as the clown, literally, from hell. He’s neither better or worse than Tim Curry, he’s just different. He’s thoroughly weird-looking, completely out-of-step with our world, and just about the most unsettling thing you’ll see on screen this year. I look forward to people dressing up as him for many Halloweens to come…
Some people were keen to write off ‘It’, long before it made it to the screen. Delays caused by issues with script and budget are never a good sign, and that’s before you consider the esteem in which the previous adaptation was held (well, Curry’s performance anyway). All of this taken together could’ve resulted in a minor disaster, but happily that’s far, far from the case. The delays simply meant that time was taken to make sure everything was done properly, while everyone involved is keen to stress that this is not a remake of the 1990 series, just another adaptation of the novel, and that’s the only way to look at it (and what’s more, it should finally kill off that ludicrous notion that clowns are all about fun and happiness). Put simply, ‘It’ is an excellent film, full of great performances, with a creepy, unsettling atmosphere that frequently gives way to moments of genuine terror, while Skarsgard should join Curry in the pantheon of great horror performances. At the same time, special praise should go to Andy Muschietti for taking on a project that was so closely linked to another director, and making it his own in every way. Although it’s not been confirmed, I certainly hope that he comes back for chapter two. Following this will be quite the challenge. Let’s hope he’s up to it…
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‘It: Chapter One’ Review Send in the clowns... It's the late 80's in a small New England town. A group of bullied and abused kids band together to fight an ancient evil that's hunting the children of the town, disguised as a clown called 'Pennywise'...
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dokyungsu · 6 years
Who are some of ur favorite people here and why?
i had this in drafts for so long bc i wanted to post it on valentines like di cheesy person that i am so this is kind of like my version of sending u guys a love letter of some sort,,, flowers n chocolates all that… bc i obviously can’t send u guys flowers n chocolates irl 😣😣😣 anyways aasdjhakdkjh this is gonna be long so ima put a read more right here ♥
@zyxgf​ aka jackieMISS JACKIE!?!?!? uhm i say this all di time but she’s my baby girl 🤢🤢 she’s given me nothing but love n affection and laffs for di whole time we’ve been mutuals,,, 💗💓💕💖💞💗💓💕💖💞 she’s so funni n a relateable kween. giffing kween. kween of being cute… superior xingmi n exo m stan wrow… i’m always excited to see if she’s tagged me in stuff (laysoo) or if she’s messaged me or has made posts abt me or has sent me asks…. like she’s rly one of di reasons i love being here :((((( she’s so cute ohhhh my god..  also she sends me death threats abt yixing pls dw jackie i won’t steal ur man… i’ll steal U from ur man.. 😣😣😣 i’ll make him lose his balance n sweep u away 👀👀👀 i also lowkey wished we talked but ajsdbkjashdkj 
@exoistheuniverse aka ali (formerly sooweetlies a god-tier url wow)ALI IS THE SOFTEST MUTUAL EVER !!!!!!!! AND ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE KSOO-LS :(((( everytime i think of her i think about cotton candy and clouds and penguins and ksoo :((( … she’s so talented have y’ALL SEEN HER EDITS??? AND GIFS?? AND HER CUTE KSOO ICONS !!!! when will i ever… her voice is also di cutest… she always sends me love asks and asdhkas honestly how can i ask for more when she gives me di Most… pls i have a lot of love in my hort for her i always wish her the best n hope that she’s always happy 😣😣😣
@pcys-l aka rimi (formerly loeysoul i mean its true loey is in her soul)RIMI di LOve of my LIFE!!!!!! the first ever mutual i talked to because we both cried abt bruise 🤕🤕 meme queen, is Nasty in her tags abt pcy 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ THINKS I’M UNLOYAL WHEN I’M NOT but she makes me happy n holds a special place in my hort.. I LOVE RIMI SO MUCH SHE DESORVS DI WHOLE WORLD SHE’S SO FUNNI AND HAVE MADE ME LAFF COUNTLESS OF TIMES AND I’m happy i got to be mutuals w u :(((
@yiffxing aka gabbyPREDDIEST FURRY QUEEN !! YIXING’S SEKSI SHEEP BACK-UP DANCERS R SHAKING !!! even tho we’ve only started talking uhhhh she’s rly di sweetest person ik 🤕🤕🤕 is trash for ksoo but i’ll let her off bc i luv her :\ the person who’ll date will b di luckiest bc uhhh she’s a whole package… fun fact: i was intimidated by gabby at first bc she was too beautiful n i thought i couldn’t b friends w her but 😣😣 I SEND HER LOVE MSGS EVERY CHANCE I GET💗💗💗💗💗💗
@kiungsoo aka livLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t seen her on my dash in a while bc she’s on q but i miss her :((( she a fellow twenty-four enthusiast so if u wanna slander miss twenty four u gotta go thru US !! 😤😤😤 she’s also another talented mutual :(( y’all seen her countdown bday posts for ksoo?? go check it out binch!!! go d i love liv 😩😩😩 i hope school and studying is going well for u i wish u all di best i love u 💗
@suhopps aka sunnie my SUNNIEshine (i’ve appointed u that nickname there’s lideralee no escape from it) we talked heaps before but everyone who’s… mutuals w me.. like basically everyone in this list knows i am The Worst at keeping convos 😰😰 but sunnie is so so so so sweet and soft and i love when i talk with you :((( we have so many things in common lmfao and she’s such a dramatic gay but i love it !! i always wish for your happiness and i believe that u can overcome any hardships you’re facing right now,,, i love u sunnie!!!! take care always 😙💘
@sophrosynes​ aka robertaI LOVE ROBERTA SO MUCH !!!!!!! I KNOW WE DON’T TALK BUT I HOPE U KNOW THAT I THINK ABT U AND HOPE THAT UR ALWAYS WELL :((( miss sophrosynes was my very first anon and honestly… she’s so thoughtful and considerate and nothing full of love and g od d dd she has a face to match her beautiful hort :(( thank u for sending me love always 💗💓💕💖💞 id die for u.. 
@kokobaekhyun aka jasmineY’ALL JASMINE’S A WILDT ONE Y’ALL SEEN HER TAGs??? when i thought no one can match rimi in being the Nastiest but.. ANYWAYS i love her either way 🤕🤕🤕 when she’s in soft mode it’s wholesome rly…. WE BONDED OVER MULLET!BBH BC IT’S GOD TIER AND WILL NEVER BE TOPPED anyways yea… love jas… she’s so funny n fun to talk to 😩💘 also if ur in a mood to talk about hard bbh she’S THE GIRL UR LOOKING FOR she’s always in the mood u won’t be disappointed KAJSHDjkas 
@my1ady aka arelyUHMMM NOT TO START BUT SHE’S MY BIGGEST FAN :(((((( WHEN SHE TAGS ME IN STUFF??? AND HER TAGS?? heart n*t :\ I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOVE SHE GIVES ME???? i don’t deserve… 😞😞😞 my anons asked abt her a lot lmfao idk why adkjahskj ONE OF MY FAVORITE XINGMIS HONESTLY!! HAS A GOD TIER URL WROW… my_lady_by_exo-m.mp3 amazing.. and uh loves my man so that’s a bonus… we share mans 🤕🤕🤕 love u arely.. 💗💗💗
@byunchen aka melqueen of making me want to d*e bc of soft n sweet bbh/exo imagines :(( also queen of making me want to KERMIT SUE OF SIDE BC OF THE NSFW BBH POSTS SHE MAKES I H*TE akjdhaskdjh SHE RLY BRINGS OUT THE BBH-L IN ME :\  ALSO MY FELLOW TRIPLE STAN??? VALID ! she’s full of nothing but love and AHHHHHHH I LOVE U MEL !!!!!!!! 💗💓💕💖💞
@exosvisual aka cindySHE ONE OF DI LOVELIEST XINGMIS IVE EVER MET PLEASE !!!! we cry about idol producer trainees together but mainly how hot and yixing distracting looks in all of di goddamn idol p episodes :\ I LOVE HER so much she’s rly so sweet and i’m rly glad i got to meet her :(( and also may i add that she’s… rly beautiful  😭😭😭 💗💓💕💖💞
@byunparks aka maddyMADDY WHO I BONDED WITH DURING THE 3 NIGHTS OF ELYXION !?!?!!?!!!! NEVER FUCKING FORGET !!!!! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I WAS TALKING AND UH we were both crying and truly losing our minds pls… i haven’t interacted with her much nowadays but she’s one of di best bbh-Ls i know n i love her… thank u for making me happy so i also wish for you happiness ily 🤧💖💖💖
@byunbread aka veraQUEEN VEWWA WHOMST I WUV SO MUCH :((((( not to b dramatic but she’s lideralee one of di best bbh blogs out there… (also random fact; she’s 179cm like… i’m so sorry baekhyun sweetie akshdakjsHDAAKJHDKJA) also uhhh queen of being di most beautiful ??? i’m not kidding :\ altho we’ve only interacted through posts and what not i rly love seeing her on my dash 🤧🤧🤧 i wish you di best for ur studies i wuv u vewwa 💕💕💕
@stanbaek aka ashleyASHLEY !!!!! A-SHE!!!-LY!!! uhm she’s is sososo sweet and her love for bbh is so so wholesome and beautiful and there’s A LOT of it :((( HER BBH BLOG CONTENT IS AMAZING AHH!!! we’ve talked a few times and she’s rly so sweet please.. 😞😞😞 honey i hope you know that you deserve to be happy 🤧🤧 i wish that you’ll always have strength when you experience days that are difficult to go through, i told u that i believe in u okay!!! i love you and i mean it 💞💞💞
@littlechefsoo aka courtneyONE OF MY FAVORTIE KSOO-LS AHH!!!!! i think courtney has been one of my oldest mutuals since i came on tumblr and she’s always been such a lovely person :(( her love for ksoo??? WHOLESOME…. i love it whenever she tags me in di tag games and even tho we’ve only interacted/talked a few times i love her 😣😣💗💗 also have y’all seen her ‘do it for him’ post and the pics were filled with suho’s tiddies from gayo daejun???? YEA MOOD. i love my fellow kyungmyeon-Ls 💖💖💖
@kyungsooslatinagf aka jossyJOSSY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!??!?! i love reading her tags when she reblogs from me pls kashdkahs also another one of my all-time favorite ksoo-Ls ♥♥♥ she’s one of di few people who came to check up on me during… a hard time so thank you for that :(( a fellow shawol-L and honestly miss jossy is beautiful my gosh 😩💘 we’re both tauruses so i think we have a lot in common lmao i wanna b able to interact n talk w u more miss jossy ily 🤧🤧💖💖
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