jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Hercules: Today I learned that it would take 8 years of yelling at coffee to heat it.
Alexander: Get ready guys.
Hercules: No.
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Alexander : If you had 10 cookies, and I asked for 5, how many would you have ?
Hercules : None.
Alexander : Hercules that's basic math, it's not that har-
Hercules : I would give you all of them because I love you and you deserve a lot of cookies.
Alexander :
Alexander : [holding back tears] Gross. Absolutely disgusting. Get out of my room.
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thedeepdeepvoid · 6 years
Hey! I’m takeing request!
I’ll write anything besides smut!
My fandoms
DBH(Conkus,Hannor Sarkus, reed900)
Marvel (Stony,Symbrock)
Be More Chill ( Boyf riends
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hey babes 😘 how do you get Alex to stop working? Like do you just forcefully cuddle him until he puts down the pens?
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Herc: Something like that, pretty much. And if that doesn’t help… well.
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owlsii · 6 years
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i realized after i posted that last art that i really whitewashed alex. my apologies!! i tried to get his skin color closer to lin’s in this one.
anyway, this sketch is kinda old but i really liked it, so i colored it. whose letter is he reading? you decide ;D
i love the uniforms but they’re so annoying to draw... all the details that i can never get right!!
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create more mulliham content you cowards
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hamildoodles · 7 years
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one super adorable underrated ship for my wife coming up! Mulliham is literally love.
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majiniesthings · 7 years
Polyhamilsquad? Youre like the only person ive seen do art for this ship and its so underrated and oh my god i love your art thank you for drawing!
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Movie nights are… an experience. 
You’re so sweet, nonny! Also, I can’t be the only one? Look, I have good news for you, there’s two ask blogs for the poly rev squad that I know of, one run by none other than me and my friend @theraytav, which you can find at @ask-the-poly-rev-squad, and another, younger one with adorable art at @ask-poly-squad. For all your poly needs! (Also, please do feel free to drop into my inbox or DMs to scream about them or whatever your favourite ship is should you ever feel like it, I don’t bite!)
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Poly hamilsquad quotes #2
John:Are you sure you wanna see Annabell, Alex?
Alex:I'll be fine, I'm not gonna be scared.
Laf:Are you positive, mon petit lion?
Hercules:All right,cupcake.
(After the movie)
Alex:*screams from upstairs*
John,Hercules,Laf:*rushes upstairs and into the bedroom*
John:Alex what's wrong?!
Alex:*Is cowering in the corner of the room and points at John's turtle plushie on the bed* IT MOVED! GET IT!!!
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noplceinheaven · 7 years
48. “Why are you crying?” + 71 “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?” angst…… but make it fashion. hamherc ? this is milo and i feel like im ordering in a drive through
hey milo its time for that sweet sweet hurt/comfort with the cliche trope of the hurricane fear w side panic attack. read it on AO3 if thats ur jam. here we go
Alexander was having a great night. He was a few drinks in, Lafayette and John had been exchanging those lovesick looks they always did, and his crush Hercules was talking about the pride parade he went to with John. He would’ve gone with them if he didn’t hate loud noise, which he knew the parade would be full of. He was scrolling mindlessly through Twitter, taking a sip of water to not get too drunk. He heard one of the other people in the bar start talking— he couldn’t pick up many phrases, but one he got was “well, the hurricane is going to hit…” and his mind went overdrive. 
He shoved his phone into his pocket. His eyes widened as he got up from his chair. All he could see was people dead on the shore of the island he was born in. And he thought that maybe it wouldn’t hit New York, but it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter because he’d still have to hear about people dying. Something was pressing at his throat and he couldn’t breathe. He sprinted to the bathroom— it smelled like vomit, and the odor made him dizzy. He headed to one of the stalls and shut the door. He gritted his teeth as he tried to calm his racing thoughts, because God, he wasn’t seventeen anymore, he should just get over this. But he couldn’t breathe and there were dots in his vision and he wanted to go somewhere where there were no hurricanes to be afraid of. “Alexander!” someone called. It sounded a lot like John. “Alexander, are you okay?” He let out a sob in response. He had been crying silently for a few minutes, but he sniffled anyway. “What’s wrong?”Footsteps came and he let himself open the door. It was Hercules— his eyes were wide and he took him into his arms. The smell of his cologne overwhelmed him. “Why are you crying, Alex? You alright?”He let out another sob. He was going to die on this island, there was going to be another hurricane and no way to stop it. His head hurt and Laurens and Lafayette and Hercules— they all would die and he’d die too, washed up onto the shore — “I’m —” he hiccuped, he knew he sounded ridiculous— “I’m sorry!”He hugged him closer. “It’s okay, Alex, just tell us what’s wrong.”“You’re going —” the words hurt to get out. His entire body was fuzzy like he wasn’t really there but in Nevis, water all across his sight. “You’re going to die —”Hercules pat his head and kissed his forehead. He kissed his forehead. He didn’t fully realize this, but his heart still swelled among his panic. “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”“Yes, but that’s not— that’s not the point!” he sobbed harder. “You’re going to die just like my town did, and fuck, I don’t want you to, I love you too much to…” he left the sentence hanging. He realized he fucked up— he told Hercules he was into him while panicking. Oh, this was fucking marvelous. God. “Oh,” Hercules said, dumbly, realizing what was happening and almost not noticing the love confession in between. “Hurricane Irma won’t get anywhere close to NYC, Alex,” he said, pushing his fingers through his hair. “It’s just the Caribbean and Florida. We’ll be alright. None of us will die.”His mind still flashed scenes of them at the coastline, none breathing. Hercules kept talking to him, about the weather, and about how Lafayette kept muttering about how beautiful John was, and about how much he loved him and cared for him and — “Hold — hold the fuck up.”He said that out loud, didn’t he? Hercules was looking at him expectantly so he guessed he did. He buried his face into Hercules’ shirt and smiled against it. God, this was ridiculous. His heart was growing to be at a slower pace, and he could make out noise other than Hercules’ voice. “I love you,” Hercules muttered. His vision swam. But it didn’t matter, he had Hercules (and Lafayette and John) and they could— he could get through this. He didn’t feel there quite yet, but he still said, “I love you too.”Hercules helped him up (how long had he been in the floor?) and then took him out of the stall. “So, hurricane-related?” John asked, Lafayette at his side. They were holding hands, and Lafayette’s brows were furrowed with worry. “Mhm,” Hercules nodded. Alexander held his hand. The hurricane couldn’t hit them. They’d be alright. He took a deep breath and hugged John, to then have Lafayette and Hercules join in. The group hug was bone-crushing, and Alexander smiled. “Well, I’m glad you finally told me you like me,” he told him, smiling. “I don’t think…” he sucked in a breath, not knowing how to form words. He loved Hercules so much, but he had broken up with his last girlfriend not too long ago. He didn’t want to mess up his relationship with him, too. “I don’t think I’m ready to go steady with you, though.”“That’s alright,” Hercules said before kissing his hair. “Can I kiss you?” Alexander found himself clinging to him, his nails digging into Hercules’ shirt. He nodded vigorously like he’d never wanted anything more. And it was true, somewhat. Their noses bumped before Alexander moved his neck just right. He closed his eyes tight and let Hercules’ cologne, Hercules’ lips against his, Hercules’ hands on his lower back overwhelm him. He loved every part of Hercules, from how beefy he was to how kind he was. When they pulled away, Alexander’s heart rate wasn’t steady anymore. His love for Hercules overwhelmed him. “Can we post this on Snapchat?” Lafayette asked, an arm slung over John’s shoulder. “We got some really cute photos.”“Of course!” Hercules said at the same time Alexander went, “Maybe.” He turned to him and grinned. “Well?” Hercules asked. “Yeah, post it, I don’t care,” he muttered. He opened Lafayette’s Snapchat story to see a picture of them both kissing with the caption ‘congrats to these two lovebirds !!!’. Soon after, Eliza messaged Alexander with a bunch of heart emojis and just one word: ‘congratulations’. He smiled and pushed his phone back into his pocket. He threw an arm around Hercules’ shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Should we go back to the bar?” There was a man on the urinals looking at them, but he didn’t care right now. Two gay couples were being gay in his sight, and well, he’d have to just fucking deal with it.
Alexander fidgeted with his hands before saying, “Can any of you check if they’re still talking about hurricanes?”
“Sure,” Lafayette said. He went out of the bathroom and for a few seconds, they heard pacing. He came back later with a smile, “Nah, we’re good,” he said, a smile covering his factions.
“Thank you!” Alexander exclaimed, getting out of the bathroom and settling into one of the chairs. Lafayette took his jacket off, letting his shirt rumple up and the scars from bottom surgery are visible for a few seconds. He pushed the shirt down and smiled. “Well! Do you want another beer, Alex?”
“I certainly wouldn’t mind,” he replied. He was still sweaty from his panic attack, and his top surgery scars itched a little, but what could he do? Lafayette handed him a pint of beer and he downed it gratefully. “Thank you all.”
Putting his best Southern accent on, Hercules went, “It’s no problem, darlin’.”
“You sound like Jefferson, Herc.”
John eyed Alexander with a raised eyebrow. “Have you ever had Jefferson call you darlin’ before?”
Hercules laughed, and the fear in Alexander’s heart settled.
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mistermulli · 7 years
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RUDE - Eternal Youth
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Alexnder: Hercules is a sadist, diabolical, agent of evil. Perhaps the single handedly most dangerous man on earth.
Hercules [cheerfully]: Who wants lemon bars!
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Intoxicated Confession
Hercules : [to the revolutionary squad] Guys... guys, I'm in love with you.
John: ...
Alexander : ...
Lafayette : You're also shit-faced.
Hercules : I can be both !
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thedeepdeepvoid · 6 years
Yo does anyone have any prompts? I’m wanting to get better at writing and wanting prompts you can DM me or send them in an ask! ( I’ll write and them tag you in my writing blog! which is @a-haamm) I’ll write for the listed / tagged things
• destiel
•hamilton ( the ships are tagged)
•boyf riends
( more to be added later)
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What did Herc actually say at the ask about languages you guys are fluent in?
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Herc: Hey!
(referring to this ask)
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baguetteandaham · 7 years
57 Mulliham please?
57: “Is that my shirt? ”
Alex was in the kitchen, making pasta. He was having anintense craving for alfredo, and he knew Lafayette kept noodles and all kindsof sauces in his and Hercules’ apartment.
Why was Alex at Herc and Laf’s apartment? In simple terms,the idiot couldn’t hold his liquor.
Hercules had received a call at two in the morning from an unkown number, and immediately knew it was probably about Alex. It wouldn’t be thefirst time Alex had ended up spending a night in a county jail or gotten toodrunk to even hail himself a cab.
Hercules had begrudgingly answered the phone, to be greeted byan inebriated Alex.
“Herculeeeees,” Alex sang over the line. “I need you to pickme up. I’m at John’s bar.”
Hercules sighed, getting up to throw some sweats and a shirton. He was seriously questioning the sanity of John’s latest business endeavor.
Arriving at The Revolutionaries, Hercules didn’t have tolook very hard to find Alex. In fact, he didn’t have to look at all. There, onthe sidewalk, was Alex hanging all over some guy with half of his head shaved.
Hercules felt something white hot flare in his belly and hewas out of the car before he knew what he was doing. He gently extracted Alex fromthe other guy, and got his drunk friend into the car.
“Alexander Hamilton, you’re a public menace.” Herc chuckledwhen Alex sent him a glossy eyed glare.
Herc had brought Alex home last night, so he wasn’tsurprised to see him making pasta at three in the afternoon. Alex loved pasta,especially after a night of drinking. What Hercules was surprised to see, was Alexstanding in his kitchen in nothing but one of Herc’s old shirts and purple laceboyshorts.
Hercules spluttered, catching Alex’s attention.
“Hey!” Alex beamed, waving his stirring spoon wildly.
That was another thing about Alex. No matter how piss drunkhe got, he never had a hangover.
“Is that my shirt?” Hercules asked, unable to move past thatparticular fact.
“Yeah.” Alex rubbed the back of his neck. “It was in thespare closet… I hope it isn’t a problem.”
“That’s my shirt.” Herc replied stpidly.
“Yes,” Alex dragged out the E, not entirely certain wherethe conversation was going.
Hercules just stepped forward, pulling Alex into a kiss andpraying that it didn’t ruin everything. To his utter delight, Alex kissed back.
The kiss was slow and passionate, perfect.
When they pulled back for air, Hercules rested theirforeheads together and put his thumbs on Alex’s cheekbones, rubbing.
“God Alex, you drive me wild.”
Hope you enjoy! Also, would anyone read a longer, angsty Lams fic? It wouldn’t be chaptered, but it would be longer than 4-500 words.
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