#multi recharge business
ezulix · 4 months
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ezulixaeps · 19 days
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softechworld · 2 months
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SEO Company in Kolkata
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AITA for not having time to read my mutual's writing?
Met a mutual on here, bonded through fanfic, have been tight with them for a few years with pretty much no bumps in the relationship, just overall had a really good time hanging around them when I could. We both write a lot and share our writing, and occasionally we talk about that writing/workshop it in passing.
In the past few years I've gone through a ton of life changes. Most notably I went from a multi-person household to a single-person one, and I've been living alone in a prohibitively costly city for a while now working 40 hour weeks and barely scraping by. As soon as the transition started I spent the last of my free income on a shitty little laptop so I could still write, putting down words on my bus/train commutes in the morning and quite literally writing on my breaks at work because I feel insane when I can't create. I bring this up to really stress that I don't have the time for the hobby, I force myself to make the time and even then it never feels like enough.
The only thing I can really stand to do with my 3 hours of free time at night is hang out with my moots online. I'm an extrovert so being around people recharges me. If I don't have designated social time I get super depressed and can pretty much feel my soul withering away. I also feel like I should probably mention that I kinda have a slew of mental issues, personality disorders and PTSD and AuDHD and the works. Point being, shit is rough my dude, but I am a person who likes to work hard and face challenges head on and even though we strugglin, we doing it with a positive outlook.
But! I am an incredibly solution-oriented person and I have found what I personally believe to be a good balance. No one should have to live like this, but I do, and I have found a way to be happy. My writing and my social time is all load-bearing. It is not something I just choose to do on a whim, it's all planned and scheduled and I adhere to those routines very strictly because, I cannot stress this enough, I will go fucking bonkers if I don't.
I'm mutuals with a lot of writers obv, and I sadly don't have time to read their work anymore, unless I get some extra time on my days off or something gets cancelled or like, I end up taking a vacation. I carry a great amount of guilt for this, though, even though I logically know it's reasonable. I try to support them where I can, cheer them on when I see them writing and tell them how cool their ideas sound, hype them up even when I can't actually read & review.
One of the things I do is sometimes I leave a kudos on fic I haven't read. I'm not trying to be ingenuine, and if they asked me I'd tell them like 'Oh I didn't read it yet, just wanted to show support!' but to me it's kinda like ripping a paper tab off a poster so that other's feel inclined to do the same. Plus my pals get a little email and a hit of serotonin.
Except one of my acquaintances, the one I mentioned at the start here, saw that I left kudos on a couple pieces another mutual of mine wrote this year. They more or less blew up my DMs with a ton of accusatory (like, literally presented like a 'GOTCHA!') stuff about how I was selective in who's fic I read, more or less implying that I secretly held some sort of grudge or negative feeling toward them and was making the conscious decision not to read or interact with their writing because of. Something, I don't actually know what they were trying to say. They also told me they vented to their friends about this MULTIPLE times, but they never once approached me to let me know they were feeling paranoid or neglected, they literally just took the most bad faith reading of it possible and then presented that to me like it was something I intentionally did, while the whole time I was unaware.
I tried to explain to them the kudos thing, that I didn't do it to every story, just ones I caught/noticed in my busy schedule. And I laid all this out and asked, multiple times, what free time am I supposed to read with? They didn't answer, and doubled down, kept trying to show me 'proof' that I was shorting them and no one else. Once they started to realize how wrong they were they backed down, but they didn't really apologize, or admit they were wrong, and they tried to end our relationship and left every single server we were in together. Because of some other unrelated stuff going on in my life, I didn't really consider them to be a close friend, but they were someone I really held dear and would've walked through hell for if they'd asked.
I still feel like there is something I'm missing here, and that's why I wanted to ask if I'm TA. I'm a pretty good communicator but one of the things I told myself when talking down my disordered thoughts (guilt about this prior) was "no one in their right mind would use reading fanfic as a metric for friendship." Now that I've had that exact thing happen, I'm starting to think maybe those thoughts weren't so disordered. Maybe this IS a big deal, and I should think about it more, but I don't even know what the solution to that would be. I just. Don't have time to read something lovingly crafted and appreciate it for what it is. All the hours in my week are used up, I'd have to lose sleep for this and with my mental health the way it is that is not an option.
Feel free to be a brutal, my skin is thick. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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emelinstriker · 6 months
May you share your TFP Decepticon headcanons 👁️👁️
If you want specifics, then their domestic lives? (Or what one can achieve akin to a domestic life in time of war 💀)
I did NOT expect to see any ask regarding TFP- Or at least till I switch fandoms again- So like I can't really think of many X Reader headcanons right now. So I just wrote down like 3 for each. I'm also not quite sure how to condense domestic points, cuz I suck at general fluff when my hyperfixation is elsewhere- So sorry if these don't feel like they're really in the domestic direction fhgnfhg
Only doing some Decepticons though-
☆ ~ Headcanons ~ ☆
☆ Megatron
He do be a busy mech, so he doesn't have too much time on his servos. Therefore he cherishes it whenever he gets to have private moments with just his human and no interruptions.
Likes to carry you around on his shoulder pad- It just generally makes it safer for you, in his opinion, and more comforting for him.
Any that would merely look at you weirdly would face the wrath of Lord Megatron. You can tell him not to punish the other Cybertronian though. He does listen... sometimes.
☆ Starscream
Mans refusing to show affection towards you around other Decepticons, especially Megatron. But he's just melting around you when in private.
He prefers recharging with you lying on him. It's oddly soothing having his human on his chassis.
Tends to look for you as comfort whenever he had a bad day with Megatron.
☆ Soundwave
Despite the amount of work he does and how busy he is, he doesn't really fail at also paying attention to you. He's truly a multi-tasker.
Would let Laserbeak play with you though if his extra appendages and music can't keep you busy.
Very loving towards his human. He may not talk, but he uses emoticons on his visor to display how much he loves you.
☆ Shockwave
Just don't play with whatever materials he needs to conduct his experiments and you're good to go. Play with his antennae and ear fins while on his shoulder pad instead.
He gets easily distracted by his human. He knows it's illogical with the major size difference, and how he should just be able to ignore you. But he can't help it nor explain this phenomenon.
He also also can't explain why he has this urge to gently pat you with a digit.
☆ Knockout
While he does buff himself on his own, or has Breakdown help him, he does enjoy it when you're buffing him instead as well. Especially when he's in his alt mode.
Speaking of which, expect drive-in theater dates. Just don't get his interior dirty with snack crumbs.
Worries a lot about your health. If you're sick, he'll keep you close to him to make sure you're actually alright. But no kisses from him till you're no longer coughing and sneezing. He just buffed himself and doesn't need your sickly fluids on his frame.
☆ Predaking
Tends to pick up you up whenever he wants attention. You were talking to Steve? Nah, now you gotta give you giant mecha dragon pets and kisses.
He also enjoys carrying you around on his frame whenever he can. At least he won't have to look where he goes this way.
While he has to go on missions from time to time, it's not a common thing due to his value, so a lot of his time is spent protectively watching over his human.
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emojellyace08 · 9 months
"Lookism Men x Reader (When you're sick/not feeling well PART 2)"
A/N: I'm back from the dead after days of not posting :) :/. Warnings: getting sick, over fatigue, colds/fever, passing out, overall not feeling well Genre: fluff ☁️Reader is gender neutral (and in an established relationship with the character of choice :)
Hudson Ahn (Ahn Hyun-Seong)
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He won't be so fazed with you being sick but he's still worried deep inside. Taesoo might even whoop his ass out if he didn't attend his training because of him taking care of you. Now now, don't feel guilty about it. Hudson looks like he's hating every inch of him babying you but he actually finds it relaxing to do something else other than punching rocks on the woods (but he still hoped that you don't get sick he hates it seeing you very unwell).
He knows that you'll get dizzy and limping or you'll catch a cold especially if you have a weak immune system but Hudson will still scold you like calling you an "idiot" for being careless if you're being to stubborn to get help lmao.
Hudson will be the type of "Don't ask for my help if you're going to act like this for being stupid." but then he'll 100% look out and take care for you when you're not feeling well lol. He'll buy facemasks and your medicine for you to get better soon and he probably knows how to cook so you can rely on him when your sick and pretty much screwed up. And he will clean up the place once you're feeling better since he doesn't want to fell ill either, he has other businesses to do.
"You have a fever". "Wha-" "You have a fever". Hudson bitterly answered as you are tucked on the bed like a little toddler, pouting at your boyfriend's disappointed reaction as he sighs at you trying to pull out the puppy-eye card. Though you indeed look very cute, he still can't help but to cringe at you trying to calm down his nerves right now. "Don't act like this or I'll literally going to leave you here." he tries to tease threaten you while you pleaded him with that sparkly eyes and holding his hand with all of your strength despite feeling physically numb. "Wait! I'm just kidding!" you protested as you coughed because of your sore throat killing you right now. "Then why didn't you listened when I told you to get some rest. You could have passed out or something might happened even worse to you." he flicked your forehead gently making sure it won't hurt you, but you still reacted too much pretending it hurts just makes him laugh. You really are an idiot at times.
Hudson's probably a kuudere? It's no surprise if he's celebrating his victory inside when you hold his hand on your dates lmao. Now he'll get a bit overprotective of you even at the least problematic of things. It might not be obvious but he cares about you so much.
Eli Jang (Jang Hyun)
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Overprotective dad = Overprotective boyfriend/husband. Now he has to multi-task to take care of you and Yenna (but Sally and Warren will help him out so it will make him more relieved).
This man would be worried af. I wouldn't be surprised if he scolded your ass once again. Since he's already stressed out with the crews, you getting sick just makes him anxious more. But don't worry too much Eli would not point the blame on you, but please you just got to be careful at times since he's mostly not available :(.
But Eli has more experience in taking care of his someone than the rest of the men in this list. He knows what medicine and food you should take/consume, he would keep an eye on you almost 24/7 and he would NOT let leave you on his bed unless if you need to use the rest room (you got to recharge your energy y'know). And it's no surprise that despite getting worried at times, he's always ready with situations like this. He already has the alcohol/hand sanitizers, cough syrups and face masks in his bag. This man is your personal nurse lmao.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?" he glared at you as you made eye contact with his heavy and tired ones while you get yourself a fresh cup of water. And him carrying Yenna while he cooks breakfast and him boiling water to get your tea ready. "Uh I was just-" "You could have called me when you need something. You're just exhausting yourself go back to bed." he scolded you as you sighed and went back to your bedroom with Sally checking your temperature with a thermometer. "Sooo, am I feeling better now?" you asked in a cheeky matter as Sally sighed and showed you the results. "Not really. You still need to rest a lot. Eli's been stressed lately so you got to feel better and do your best." she stated as the blonde strawberry-haired lady ruffled your hair to make you feel better before leaving. After minutes, heck even hours of being alone on the bed getting consumed by your own thoughts Eli is back with your food, tea and medications ready. "Food is here" "Oh um yeah. Let me just-" you were about to get up when Eli placed the food tray on the small table in your bedroom and helped you get up by placing your pillow properly to support your head and back. "Am I a burden?" you asked him with a hint of worrying in your voice. "What do you mean by that? Of course not." he stated as he sat down on the chair beside as you avoid eye contact. "You've been doing a lot for Hostel. You take care of me and Yenna, you study and fight your ass off, even getting hurt because of the Workers. You've been doing so much for us." you answered honestly making your boyfriend sigh. "I know. But I chose to and I'm doing this to protect our family, especially you and Yenna. It may be exhausting but you're not a burden to me. So don't overthink too much love."
10/10 Boyfriend (still mentally unstable, but he's still nice if it's not on the Hostel arc lol).
Warren Chae (Chae Won Seok)
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Not the best caregiver but also not the worse?
But don't get me wrong Warren will still do his best when you got sick. Though he may or may not scold you a lot or he'll just sigh, witnessing your terrible state.
He'll be the type to forget that you're sick and order a box of your favorite fast-food even when you have stomach cramps/diarrhea because he cares about your cravings so much 😭. "Y/N! (I bought some) fried chicken!" you heard your boyfriend call out for you in a cheerful tone as he carries a box of freshly cooked chicken of your favorite brand along with other sweets and placing it on the wooden table. Sally can't help but to pout at him for being a bit forgetful at times. "Warren, didn't the doctor told you that she/he is not allowed to eat too much calories today?" "Yeah, didn't you remember that silly head?" you teased your boyfriend as he stands there dumb founded as his mind travels into different dimensions, he's just really stupid at times. "Wait wha- 👁️👄👁️. Oh shit, sorry I forgot to buy your medicine! Don't worry I'll come back here!" Trust me he'll look goofy af when he tries to run away bc he'll probably forget to bring his wallet with Sally screeching at the top of her lungs to get back since he doesn't have any money with him.
But the dedication in this man when he likes someone is actually really impressive. If he really cares, he'll make sure to give justice to his affection towards you. He'll stay up all night taking care of you even if it takes his own health at risk, he just wants to see you better.
I'm going to say that Warren is an overall a green flag most of the times. He may be somehow a bit dumb but he (along with Hudson ; I guess) are more emotionally well than the rest of the dudes in this list I guess (I'm literally roasting Eli and Johan at this point).
Johan Seong (Seong Yohan)
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Also a kuudere like Hudson. Johan will call you a dumbass for getting sick in different languages at this point.
It might not be obvious, but he'll also be worried if his someone is not feeling well. It may look like that it's just a common cold but it reminds him of his mom. Now she's struggling with her eyesight and him seeing you trying your best to get better just makes him a bit sad at this point.
It can be a bit surprising, but Johan knows about this stuff. His mom used to work at her salon a lot, causing her to have back pains at times and he likes to help her out while he listens to her rambles about her day (this is kind of a bit too cute and sad for a headcannon). He may not initiate it often since he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but the moment that it looks like you really need it he won't hesitate to help you out. "Does your shoulders hurt?" you heard your boyfriend ask you as you tried to rotate your shoulders to ease the pain. But considering how observative the brunette male is, he decided to ask you about it since it can be a bother when you're trying to study/work. "Yeah, would you mind?" "Oh, sure come here." >333 L:JD:LKJ:LAJKD. He'll also give advices to fix your posture so you wouldn't have to ask him for another remedial session especially when he's busy lmao. "Y/N I told you to not crouch when you're sitting. You're literally going to kill your spine at this point". he scolded you once again as he gently approached your shoulders and massage you. "Sorry love, I was just too focused on work/doing my homework I guess." "You just probably love my hands a bit too much..." "JOHAN!" (Johan on the outside: -_- Johan on the inside: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He also knows about your medications and what you should eat. He would scold you like Eli if you move too much when you're dizzy while looking you with that dead ass eyes. "Dummyhead, go back to bed you're still sick -_-".
It may looks like that he's hating every inch of these moments with you together, but it can be a bit fun and stressful memory for him. Making him chuckle and tease you with those pretty eyes when he recalls about it.
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shaakyhaands · 6 months
CODVN but (some of) the princes play DND:
How they start playing, idk. Maybe it’s a dare. Maybe it’s a genuine, honest to god attempt from one of the princes to learn more about MC and her habits/hobbies/culture. Imo, Fenn probably did something and of course, the other princes got dragged into it.
Mc: DM
• is the one who introduced the game.
• Teaches the princes how to play
• tortures them when possible.
Toa and Guy:
• Wizards, because MC punked them.
• Convinced them they were the most powerful class at higher levels, neglected to inform them that they start with fuck all health.
• “Here’s this: if you’re so smart, why don’t you play a mundane who has to study magic? Humans play this class all the time, I bet you can’t handle it…”
• “You bet??? YOu BET?? Very well, speak less” *gets hit once, almost dies from 7 points of damage*
• Guy demands the opportunity to change his class, MC responds: “Okay! I’ll let you change your class— and everyone else will get the chance to multi class :)”
Toa: “multi… class?”
MC: “Oh, it’s when you get to reap the benefits of your character occupying two classes at once :)”
Guy grumbles, and falls into a stony silence.
• the two *barely* survive levels 1-3, but somehow they pull through. And suddenly, outside of game, they’ve started acting with a little more respect for those not magically gifted…
Fenn: Paladin.
• Still charisma based, so can still rizz and charm like Fenn is used to.
• But playing as a Paladin also serves as wish fulfillment, because that’s what DND is all about.
• You might be thinking, “A paladin?? But Fenn should be a Bard, it’s so clearly the best fit”. And I get you! But that’s exactly it— Fenn is already a Bard in his real life. Playing as one in game does nothing special for him. There’s no escapism, no fantasy. Here, he can be a knight in shining armor, upstanding and righteous, and all the other things not typically associated with Fenn. All the other things people don’t let him be, that his reputation prevent him from ever really achieving. Here, he can basically role play as Greyson. And honestly, who wouldn’t?
• is the first prince MC introduced the game to
• lowkey gets into it, and eventually does some of his own campaigns :)
Roy: Bard.
• Again, the name of the game is DND Wish Fulfillment. Roy looks up to Guy, who’s attribute is charisma. What class is based on that stat again? BARD. And now, Roy doesn’t have to be morally upstanding and perfect and unsoiled. He gets to be a little shit and enjoy it.
Lynt: I have no idea, NGL, but I’m thinking warlock.
• This is basically a DND joke— if you don’t know, warlocks have like, two spell slots. So if they want to cast more spells, they need to recharge, which is basically some form of rest.
• Don’t let this fool you, warlocks can be fucking BUSTED. Those two/three spell slots, they put them to fucking WORK. But they gotta get their rest in, dawg.
• in this way, they remind me of our sleepy boy. Quietly powerful as hell, but really only fuck around if they HAVE to. Otherwise, they kind of just mind their business.
Rio: Barbarian
• one of the easier classes to start with— and I know they’re ALL just starting, and I love Rio, but he can use the training wheels. Ain’t no shame in that.
• he approaches life in a way that’s very similar to barbarians: in a story, when Toa was telling him he was trying to put too much magic through too small an opening, Rio’s response was “oh, I know what to do! That just means I need to use EVEN MORE magic!” Like, shit, go off king.
• unlike some of the other princes, I don’t think he would be adverse to using melee over magic.
Lance: Rogue/Druid RANGER
• Lance gets to multi class because 1. I’m biased, and 2. I can see arguments for both classes.
• you may be thinking, “but shaaky, he’s the prince of wrath! His kingdom’s main export is mercenaries, ffs. Shouldn’t HE be a barbarian, or at least a fighter?” And again, I hear you! But, you gotta remember the magic words! Say em with me: “DND is wish fulfillment”. Lance fucking HATES how his kingdom is ran. That’s like, 80% of his story. He wouldn’t WANT to play a character built like that. Unless… it was for the people.
• correct me if I’m wrong, but Lance is the only prince who knows what it’s like to be poor. Not just a commoner, like actually destitute. He’s probably the prince with the most street smarts. And lowkey, he’s probably had to steal shit to survive at some point. He 1000% would ace the rogue class, and would probably stun the princes while he did it.
• Lance: “I loot the body”
Toa: “pardon?”
Lance: “I slit the guards throat, he fell over prone. I loot the body, for whatever valuables are on his person.”
MC: “make an investigation check”
Lynt: “…😨”
• Druid is there if he wanted to just fuck around and hang with animals.
• RANGER, oh my GOD ranger is RIGHT THERE, how did I miss that—
• Ranger is basically the flavor you get when you mix rogue and druid together, so it makes sense that it would fit Lance
• the man fucks off to the forest first chance he gets, everytime.
• just give him a bow already— he probably knows how to use it given his Ira background
• it’s the final battle, the other princes are up against the BBEG: Toa and Guy are on the brink of death, Roy and Rio are down, Fenn and Lynt are barely hanging in there— and then out of nowhere, a hissing noise rings out above everybody, followed by a sickening thwa-CHUNK. An arrow has lodged itself smack dab between the BBEG’s eyes, he falls over, dead. From 600 yards away, Lance’s character stands up, says “finally”, and leaves.
Other silly little head canons:
• instead of maps, MC uses magic to generate basically holograms of bosses and character minis.
The holograms move. So when the giant beast bellows, I mean it literally bellows, claws out and spittle flying and everything. More than once have the princes jumped back in their seats, genuinely scared by the images she generated.
Toa, traumatized: “Remember when I said you had no imagination?… I take it back. I take it all back…”
Guy, thinking to himself: if she ever did go evil on us, we’d be fucked…
• MC will call them on it if the princes lapse out of character.
MC will remind them their characters are, in some way very starkly, different from themselves, and for the story, those differences matter.
Guy: “what do you mean, he said he wouldn’t let us past?”
Mc shakes her head, does an accent: “gainst the rules, boy. Can’t be doing that”.
“Against the—?! You will LET ME PAST, you insolent mongrel—”
Mc: “roll to intimidate.”
Guy: “roll?”
Mc: “I’m sure, being a huffy prince of a powerful kingdom and all, demanding stuff usually works for you. But might I remind you, your highness— that you are playing a game. and in this game, your character is a scrawny, bookish sapling of a man who weighs about a third as much as the guard you’re talking to, and is around half his height. Tell me, what’s your charisma modifier?”
Guy frowns, but looks through his character sheet.
Guy: “… negative one?”
MC smiles: “Your character has the charisma of dragon piss filled boot. Which means you need a 16 or higher, otherwise this guard is going to laugh in your face and pat you on the head.”
Guy stares at MC, but says nothing.
Mc: “Now, your wisdom modifier?”
Guy: “what?”
Mc: “your wisdom modifier, what is it?”
He checks his sheet again.
Guy: “… it’s a positive 4.”
Mc: “you’re right, it is. Which is a hell of a lot better than a negative one. So, while it may not be intuitive, you’re going to be much more likely to convince this man to let you through if you utilize a wisdom based approach, as opposed to relying on charisma.”
Toa snorts: “what would you know of wisdom?”
Mc: “might I remind you that being an asshole is not listed as one of your character’s traits? Also, your character is currently otherwised engaged, trying not to die from missing the last step on the staircase. As such, you can’t hear this exchange.”
• Eventually, after getting familiar with the games mechanics, the princes do a campaign where they get isakied to Earth.
MC throws a lot of mundane shit at them, and they absolutely flounder trying to make any sense of it.
Guy: “Peanut butter?? What do you mean he’s allergic to peanut butter, what the devil is that??? Epipen??!”
Lynt, confused: “Almond milk?… how do they…?”
Toa: “I assure the woman that I am not, in fact, “tripping”, as she so claims. The floor is clear and level, and there are no staircases in sight.”
Fenn: “what do you mean he’s 63??? Good Creator, how long are humans lives again? Wasn’t it at least a 1000 years?…”
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dystopicjumpsuit · 5 months
DJ! This is Carol (@clonethirstingisreal) but I have to ask from my main.
I just saw your tags on the reblog of the wild-karrde post about lack of interaction. And what you said in your tags made me cry. I hate that you are feeling this way. I totally understand if you need a hiatus, everyone needs a break. But that you are doubting your writing ability and thinking that maybe you just suck…omg NO!!
Please don't think that. I know I'm just one person and in the grand scheme of things that means nothing, but I'm sure I'm not the only one! I hate that people aren't interacting more, and I wish I knew how to make it better for you wonderful authors. But please don't think you suck. Please!!
I enjoy your writing so much. And I'm looking in my notebook, and I see I haven't reblogged a lot from you since late November except for the Boil multi-part fic. I hope I haven't been missing your posts…I kind of get buried in fics to be read sometimes, but I hate the thought of neglecting any of your fics.
I just don't want you to think you suck!! Your stuff is so fucking good!!! Your Sev multi-part gives me life (among others, of course, that's just the one that popped into my head immediately.)
Again, I understand if you need a break, burnout is no fun. But if you do, I really hope you come back refreshed and feeling better about yourself!! Big hugs and forehead kisses, my friend!
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Thank you for the incredibly kind words, Carol! Please know that you are doing so much to encourage writers, and I appreciate you more than I can say. You make the fandom a better, more fun, kinder, and more welcoming place every single day.
I definitely don't think you are neglecting me! I know you have an enormous TBR list, and I'm honored to be on it. I've said before that my fics aren't going anywhere, so there's no rush to read them. I don't want people to feel pressured or obligated to read my stories, and I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad with my tags on that reblog. I'm sorry about that 🤍
In talking to other creators, I've found that many of us noticed a big drop in engagement in October, and it never recovered. My operating theory is that people got overwhelmed/buried in content during all of the fandom events like Fictober and Kinktober, and then they got busy during the holidays and didn't have time to interact. I'm hoping things will improve, now that the holiday season is over.
For me, I think part of my burned-out feelings are just coming from being so close to the end of SBN; there are only three chapters left to publish, and it feels really overwhelming to know that I don't have another longfic anywhere close to ready. Maybe it's a sign that I need to take a step back for a while, recharge, and re-evaluate.
In the meantime, I want you and all of my readers to know that I love and value you so much! Thank you for being amazing.
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tabletopbrainrot · 7 months
Haven't posted in a while, but feel like rambling
Lancer: ???
Nothing to report, DM's been busy so we're still in a dark maintenance shaft about to get jumped by IPSN Special Forces
D&D: Sunday
I feel like I've mentioned some of this but we've been stumbling around some half forgotten cave network trying to get to the Underdark to try and reestablish communication between a Dwarven Hold under siege, and a Drow City they used to be on good terms with. Turns out the Drow are also kinda under siege from what is basically The Silence (yes British scifi fans those guys) so we've been doing the Adventurer thing of trying to shift local politics and gain favor to make the Drow less.... Prickly let's say prickly that's probably a safer way to put it.
In the process we've been on the hunt for a missing person, met my younger doppelganger and his harem, and his army that plans to unite the Drow under a single banner go to war with the surface and darken the sun, and stumbled upon a multi million year old temple to a universal karmic force that is a prison for a star/God eating GOO and went along with our wizard's doppelganger's plan to recharge the prison keeping the GOO weakened.
Now that we're up to speed, it turns out that the reason my Doppelganger gave up the prisoner so easy was that the person was already converted to the cause, and was going back to try and build support within the city itself, our Patron* wants to solidify her power block by having us go find some missing jewels used to power an ancient forge, I had a chat with Lolth who wanted me to go straighten out the local church/cult in her name. Which I was tempted to do anyway which lead to a fun conversation between two people that barely understand religion trying to meet a middle ground that makes everyone happy including a God and local politicians (who were totally ready to crush the church/cult for being too over zealous to please Lolth).
I also left my Barovian Vampire GF in charge of keeping tabs on the insurgent cult of my Doppelganger in the city while we're gone, this won't have negative repercussions because I didn't specify non-lethal methods of handling things if they start moving..... Oops/s
Also during the wrap-up in the city before going artifact hunting our Shadow Monk split the party and had to fight his Doppelganger, who might actually be a more terrifying war criminal than he is because he barely made it back with any HP left...
Also we stumbled across a version of Blackrazor, it's kinda a dick(Threw me across a room for being too lawful apparently, which is hilarious because I'm about as lawful as Eddie and Chavo Guerrero). The hunt for the forge crystals continues this coming Sunday.
DnD: Tuesday
That whole thing with the Illithid Roman empire? Resolved, we took the capital and killed the Senate while Julius took care of other political rivals off screen. Had a big fight with a GIANT half dead brain(Romulus and Remus), had a long rest but were down a player so the DM kinda bottle episoded us.
The session started with us getting vaporized and waking up in a sci-fi prison cell, after a few minutes of trying to brute force our way out and discovering just how depowered we were in this strange place we're following vague clues and running from something called a Lesser Inevitability, that the prison set loose after us for breaking out of high security lock up. Turns out we're on the moon(the real one not the fake moon hiding behind this one) and the entity giving us directions? The Sun, which is apparently a entity that exists to monitor the progress of our world and report any changes that need to be made to the AO3 writers guild that monitors the universe.
So while holding off the Lesser Inevitability we poke around the computers in this place, get some information on Solomon turns out he was the last person that this place took care of before they pulled everyone out and left the Suns as the sol(heh heh) moderator for this location. We also reported a hag that's been a thorn in our side for hacking writers guild system, so she's locked out of her fate changing bullshit which will make dealing with her much easier.
The session ends with us fighting our way to a legally distinct Stargate and teleporting back to the Capital for a long rest, after which we're gonna have to make a decision on what our next set of goals are. It's looking like the plan is try to and remove the stick out of Morgana's ass by filling the void left by having her emotions ripped out by stealing the emotions from an undead doppelganger of her that the sorcerer accidentally wished into existence with a loosely interpreted "I wish Morgana was dead" wish she got after helping kill a star creature. But first we gotta learn how they removed her emotions in the first place, then we gotta do it to a dracolich... Also gotta find Morgana again and hope she didn't do anything unwise with a sword that severs concepts after her freak out during an intervention her son hosted.
Isn't tabletop fun?
As always, if anyone for some reason reads this and wants more information ask away.
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snowlilly · 1 year
Also, what about Corroserum?
Corroserum's got it rough. He has to compete with Ifrit, who's the one of the most powerful operators both offensively and as ally support, and Lappland, who can cause silence with any of her attacks, not just on skill.
I still think there are occasions where using him instead of Lappland or alongside her is preferable. Several Annihilation maps have multiple lanes you should cover with silence, and Lappland's multi targeting is very unreliable because you have no control over her skill timing. Speaking of which, Corroserum is great at that! His S2 can be manually deactivated, and recharges even faster with his talent, so you rarely don't have it ready when you need it. He might not be a damage monster like his 6★ counterpart, but he can pull his weight.
This might be a bit biased because I really like him as a character. Works not one bit more than he has to. Terminally afflicted with business talk. Likes melting things with acid. Snake boi
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ezulix · 1 year
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sekhithefops · 1 year
Diablo IV Sorcerer Build: Electrical Burn
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Been a yip since I posted anything on this blog hasn't it? Well, thats because I've been kinda busy... in Sanctuary... killing the hell outta Hell.
While I normally go with the Necromancer (for the minion army) or the Druid (yip yip Imma furry,) I was surprised to find that it was the Sorcerer I stuck with all the way through the end of the main story quest.
Thing is, I greatly prefer to solo in games like Diablo IV, and for solo players the Sorcerer usually has the same life expectancy as a fly in a wind tunnel... and yet mine is easily my strongest character.
So, I figured I'd share the skillset I use with him with you all, a mixture of Fire and Lightning magic I've dubbed the Electrical Burn Build.
Basic Skill Tier:
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For my basic skill I went with Spark, taking the enhancements to give it occasional multi-garget and the chance to form crackling energy. I also try to stick with a wand and focus as much as I can so that I can spam the hells outta this one. Faster cast speed is your friend with this spell, you wanna be able to machine gun this sucker! Assault Elixir is very useful for this as well!
Core Skill Tier:
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For my core ability I chose Chain Lightning. Its an excellent spell for both groups and solo enemies as, should the Sorcerer stand alone against a single foe, the bolt of lighting will pinball between you and your foe so that it still hits multiple times!
Defensive Skill Tier:
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For the defensive tier I took Flame Shield over Teleportation. Its a fun trick, but I found the self heal I got from Flame Shield really came in handy in a lot of situations!
As for Glass Cannon... its a risk, but with my Sorcerer most enemies die before they can land more than a hit or two on me, so this one works out pretty well if you're willing to take the increased damage.
Conjuration Skill Tier:
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For Conjuration I actually took two spells, foregoing anything from the Mastery tier ability-wise. Lightning Spear and Hydra make a very deadly combination of sentient fire and lightning to decimate my enemies, whether they be alone or in groups.
I also took Precision Magic to increase my Lucky Hit Chance as much as I could. As for why...
Mastery Skill Tier:
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I didn't take an actual spell from that, but I did take all three Lightning passives! Crackling Energy is a big part of my strategy in the game, and these are vital for my build. Any time an ability has something that can make Crackling Energy, I take it. When I run low on mana I can just dodge around and there'll usually be a few spheres nearby to nab for a quick recharge, and an extra burst of damage to boot!
Ultimate Skill Tier:
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Naturally my Ultimate is Unstable Currents, or as I like to call it "Fuck you, I win." This, combined with a fast attack speed and spamming the hells out of Spark, will absolutely ERADICATE anything around my sorcerer. Swarms of foes, elite enemies, even bosses are laid low by this one!
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Even the mighty Butcher has wound up dead at my feet with this build, multiple times! The last three encounters with the massive brute had him on the floor and me still standing with seven potions in reserve!
All thanks to my last skill...
Key Passive Skill:
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When I pop Unstable Currents, crackling energy rains from the sky. It appears EVERYWHERE! When I grab it, my cooldowns are cut dramatically against elites. Against bosses and the like, that means I can get off Unstable Currents again VERY quickly under the right circumstances!
The Butcher might be able to survive me using it once... I got it off three times last time we fought, and he was fried beef by the time I was done.
Speaking of frying things... as for why this is called the "Electrical Burn" build...
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Both my Enchantments are Fire ones!
Fire Bolt's enchantment gives ALL my spells a burning Damage over Time effect for bonus damage, and the Fireball enchantment is a holy terror for enemy mobs!
I can fire off one Spark into a single bat in a swarm, and then just sit back and watch the fireworks display. A whole mob of Ghouls? Chain Lightning the leader and its raining limbs! Fireball's enchantment isn't much use against boss monsters, but against enemy mobs its absolutely devastating and lets me steamroll dungeons with ease!
So yes, thats my build. I'm still level 59 at time of writing and working out my Paragon Tree, but I may well update this once I'm done there. Feel free to give this a try if you like! It may not be for everyone, but I find there is very little that can stand against me with this setup.
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greywindys · 1 year
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
I usually spend a few days to a week just chilling. I live my life without thinking about my next self-imposed deadline. It's nice. Then I get back on my writing schedule. When I finish a multi-chapter fic, I usually take a longer break. I work full time, and I have a pretty busy social life. Add in taking care of my dog and exercising, and my free time can be limited. So writing takes away from any leftover free time that I have, and it can be a very welcome break to have periods of time where I have all that personal free time to myself. These days, I don't put too much pressure on myself in general. Writing is a hobby, not a job or a race. So I guess I don't exactly "celebrate," I just recharge.
fanfic ask game
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dreamnotefancures · 1 year
Story Care Time Pretty Cure
I originally wrote this for @salsasprecure during the Fancure Artfight (an unofficial Artfight for Pretty Cure Fanseries where you create whatever you want!). However, because the Fancure Artfight ended and I got pretty far on this fanfic I decided to make this a fanfic gift for Salsa.
Hope you like this Salsa! Also, be sure to check out Salsa’s stuff on @salsasprecure she has amazing art!
Also big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
Mio was humming and skipping to meet her friends at the park. “What a lovely, sunny day!” Mio sang. With how gorgeous today was and how she and her friends have been busy fighting Careless, this was a perfect way to relax and recharge.
She had her whole day planned, first a picnic at the park with food provided by Tomoko, then checking out this new craft fair, ultimately ending the day with some crepes.
As Mio made it to the park, she heard rustling in the bushes. She turned around and shivered in fright. “Okay, Suzu. This isn’t funny! You can come out now.” Mio said.
However, to her surprise, it wasn’t Mio but a little swan. Mio was at awe at how cute and little she was, but saw something was up with it. The swan was little and wore a glistening crown and a multi-colored jewel necklace. Though it looked like the swan was injured by someone or something judging by the injuries the poor bird was limping from.
“You poor thing,” Mio whispered. “Who did this to you?”
The bird didn’t reply, just slowly opened her eyes and something flashed the second she saw Mio. The latter felt the same thing, almost like the two were destined to meet. Opening her bag, she took out a small handkerchief and wrapped the little swan to keep her safe before heading off to see her friends, hoping one of them could help the little bird.
Meanwhile, Tomoko, Suzu, and Fuaffu were sitting down on a bench with snacks in tow, just waiting for Mio to show up. . 
Suzu’s stomach rumbled as she let out a yell. “Where is Mio! I’m hungry!” She whined.
 Fuaffu’s stomach started to growl. “Me too…” She whined.
“I’m sure Mio is on her way.” Tomoko reassured her friends. Soon enough Mio came running and Tomoko smiled, “See she’s here.”
Suzu sighed. “Finally!”
Mio skidded holding on the handkerchief close. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Where have you been? We’ve been starving!” Suzu yelled.
Mio caught her breath and showed her friends the little swan that she held wrapped in her handkerchief. Suzu and Tomoko gasped in surprise. Fuaffu jumped on Suzu’s shoulder and gasped at the sight of the swan's injuries. She then felt the same odd spark the swan and Mio felt earlier.
“I found her injured on my way over here,” Mio explained.
Tomoko looked at the bird and saw that there was nothing broken and that the bird needed rest and food. “The poor thing.” She whispered. “What happened to them?”
“I don’t know. I found her like this and I figured I'd bring her here. I thought maybe you guys would know what to do.”
Tomoko held her hand out as Mio put the bird into her friend's hands. Tomoko examined the bird and saw the injuries on her. “She looks a bit bruised, and maybe hungry.” Tomoko examined a little more. “Looks like it’s nothing serious, but let’s keep her with us for now, if she doesn’t improve we can take her to the Tenderheart Veterinarian after this.”
“Okay!” Suzu and Mio agreed. Mio picked up the handkerchief and wrapped it around the wing of the swan. “For now, until we get you proper help.”
The swan smiled and snuggled up close. “Thank you.” She whispered. Mio paused and looked down at the swan who rested beside her. She looked at her friends who were already opening snacks and eating. Weird I thought I heard something. Mio shrugged and went to eat with her friends.
The group ate, all they could do was stare at the swan. The four nodded in silent agreement and handed a small snack to the little swan. The swan looked up and slowly ate the snack in Fuaffu’s paw. Her eyes sparkled as she ate the rest of what was offered to her. “So good!” The swan beamed. Soon the swan turned into a puff of smoke and appeared human.
The swan’s human form was of a young girl with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She wore a long red floral dress with puffy sleeves and over the dress was a white apron and brown shoes.
Mio and her friends stared in shock as the swan girl landed on the seat looking happy and healthy. “Thank you!” She beamed.
The girls couldn’t utter a word. Sure they’re Pretty Cure, and have seen some wacky things on their adventures, but this was the first time they saw a swan fairy turn into a human. “Y-you're human!” Suzu shouted.
The swan nodded. “I’m Dottie by the way! It’s nice to meet you.” She beamed.
Mio smiled and shook Dottie’s hand. “I’m Sasaki Mio!” She replied. “And these are my friends; Yoshida Suzu, Shimizu Tomoko, and Fuaffu.” When Mio introduced her friends they each gave a wave to the swan girl. Dottie smiled and waved back to Mio’s friends.
“So Dottie, what happened to you?” Tomoko asked.
Dottie frowned as she recalled her memories. “Well I was visiting here and suddenly this monster attacked me. I was too weak from traveling so I went in my swan form to get away.” She explained.
“What monster?” Suzu asked.
Suddenly, the girls heard screaming from a distance and went over to its source. The group got up and saw a Careless attacking a group of civilians at the park. Suzu let out a frustrated yell. “COME ON! ON OUR RELAXING DAY?” She yelled.
“Relaxing day or not! We have to defeat this Careless.” Fuaffu said.
Suzu sighed. “Fine.” She and her friends pulled out their transformation items and transformed.
With love and care, Pretty Cure Heart Activation! 
A Rainbow of encouragement, Cure Cheer!
Energetic playfulness, Cure Shine!
The Dreams of the Stars, Cure Wish!
Care!! Pretty Cure!
Dottie’s eyes glistened as she gasped in delight seeing Mio and her friends as the Pretty Cure. “Let’s go!” Cure Cheer beamed. Her team members nodded and went off to fight the Careless.
The monster took notice at the three Care Precure and a fight ensued. Cure Cheer jumped up and did some cheerleader flips before going in with a powerful kick.
Cure Shine and Cure Wish then came in throwing punches and kicks on the Careless before blocking their attacks and pushing them away. Cure Shine and Cure Wish used a wall to protect themselves from crashing. Then going back in and throwing a few more punches.
Cure Cheer came by quickly and swooped in to attack by throwing punches. The Careless was about to knock out Cure Cheer, but the pink cure made her pom poms appear and used them as a shield, blocking the punch. She then used the pom poms as punching gloves, but the Careless found an opening and knocked Cheer down.
Cure Shine and Cure Wish came in and started to attack the monster by throwing even more kicks and punches, but the Careless knocked them away, crashing into Cure Cheer.
The three pretty cure groaned as the Careless marched over them. Before the Careless could strike the final blow, the monster was kicked in the face and knocked to the other side of the park. The Care cures were in confused shock, wondering where the mighty kick came from.
“Look!” Cure Wish exclaimed. She pointed at another Pretty Cure in the distance. 
This Pretty Cure had long blonde hair with a peach ombre, a part of her hair tied to a bun, feather hair pieces, and a crown. She wore a pale blue dress with a pink ribbon on the front with a swan shaped bottle in the middle, gold accents, and white feather sleeves complimented with a feather skirt on the bottom. She sported white wings on the back of her outfit, white arm bands, and blue toe shoes with little wings on them.
“Is that?” Cure Shine asked.
“A Pretty Cure?” Cure Cheer finished.
The new Pretty Cure glared at the monster. “I won’t let you attack this world, or my new friends.” She promised.
The Careless growled. The new Pretty Cure was able to dodge and fly missing on all of the Careless attacks. The Care Pretty Cure team were in awe seeing how agile the Pretty Cure was.
Not wanting to keep missing for any longer, the Careless went for a punch, but the mysterious pretty cure used her legs to block it before kicking the monster away and causing it to knock down a few trees.
“Now finish it! Care Pretty Cure!” The mysterious cure commanded.
The Care Pretty Cure team nodded and got ready to do their finisher attack.
“With Great Care… Pretty Cure, Purify Blast!” 
A multi-colored blast filled with hearts and stars came flying out and purified the Careless. The Pretty cure sighed and collapsed on the ground relieved they were able to stop the monster in time.
“Thank you for your help!” Cure Cheer beamed.
“No problem. I’m Cure Crown by the way.” She introduced herself.
Cure Cheer’s eyes lit up as she shook Cure Crown’s hand. “I’m Cure Cheer! It’s nice to meet you!” She beamed in reply.
Cure Crown smiled as the two Pretty Cure let go of their hands. “Well I wish you luck Cure Cheer,” Cure Crown said before flying off into the sky.
“Same to you, Cure Crown,” She replied as she went back to her civilian form. “Same to you.”
 Cure Shine and Cure Wish transformed back into their civilian forms and smiled seeing Cure Crown leave. Fuaffu jumped up in Tomoko’s arms and looked up at the duo. “You know, she did look familiar.”
“How so?” Suzu asked.
“You mean that she looked like Dottie?” Tomoko answered.
“Yep!” Fuaffu replied, but soon her and Suzu’s eyes widened as they faced the green cure. “Wait, how did you know!”
“Because,” Mio spoke up, causing the trio to look at the leader. “I felt it. The second I saved Dottie I felt this weird connection. I didn’t know what it was, but now I know.” Her friends smiled and walked over to her as they looked up at the sky. “It makes you wonder if there’s more Pretty Cure out there of all kinds.”
Fuaffu put her paws on Mio’s hands. “Who knows Mio? Who knows.”
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