#multicam black
tacticalphotography · 5 months
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officialrailscales · 5 months
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MCX Monday
RSBM-P | Black
3-Slot G10 XOS-H | Black FR4 | Matrix Texture
2-Slot G10 RailScales | Black FR4 | Matrix Texture
3-Slot G10 RailScales | Black FR4 | Matrix Texture
QDX Sling Mount | Carbon Black
MCX CSMR Button | Carbon Black
Night Patch Medallion | AOR1 / IR
Night Patch Medallion | Black / IR
- RS
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These hats sold out fast last time and for good reason! Proudly made in America, these American Savage Black Multicam hats have no button at the top and a soft, comfortable sweatband for added comfort.
Price: 25.99
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eerna · 5 months
Hello eerna! I've never seen Hadestown but would love to - unfortunately i live in central europe and can't afford to go see it irl lol, do you have any recommendation for watching a recording? 👉👈
Hiii! I feel ya, I am from southern Europe and spent 5 years experiencing the show through bootlegs and my American friends. I saw it for the first time as soon as it arrived in London earlier this year because the Ryanair flight was 50 euro.
First off, there are no official video recordings of the show available to the public and we must rely on bootlegs. Second off, Hadestown as a musical exists in several formats - NYTW, Edmonton, London, and Broadway (also performed on West End) and all of them have boots. All of these are super different, and I assume you're looking for the final version, which is Broadway. You'll recognize it by Eurydice wearing black and Orpheus wearing a red neckerchief. Here's where to find the videos.
Hadestown Broadway previews 2019 - My fav recording of the show, so I rec it as the first you'll watch. It's not the same as the official soundtrack or any of the other Broadway recordings. You can see the facial expressions perfectly and it has my fav cut lyrics in it. My first Hadestown boot was a 2018 London one, but I didn't truly fall in love with the show until I saw this.
This post. It offers another Broadway boot I haven't seen anywhere else, but also NYTW and Edmonton boots if you're curious.
And finally. If you go on youtube and look for a playlist called "Hadestown full and slime productions" by user Katie Lawrence you'll get a bunch of other bootlegs of Broadway and London, as well as multicam edits.
Hope you have fun!!
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Updated: September 19, 2024
Reworked Character #4: Fio Germi
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death and alcoholism.
Real name: Fiolina Hortensia Germi
Alias: Teatime in the Battlefield
Occupation: Master Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. and the medic of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Become a sports doctor and astrophysicist, open up a bakery, and start a family
Special skills: Chiropractic and massage therapy, medical training, housework, acupuncture, and astronomy
Hobbies: All types of sewing (hand sewing, machine sewing, embroidery, and quilting), ballroom dancing, giving her friends massages, cooking delicious meals and enjoying it on a picnic outside, and frequenting petting zoos, nature reserves, and art and outer space museums
Likes: Peppino (she had him since birth), her family heritage, the beauty of nature and outer space, baking cakes and other sweet treats, and Tarma (especially the sound of his voice, pleasant smile, jokes, and knack for building professional motorcycles)
Dislikes: The idea of Peppino being torn apart or stolen, scolding hot and freezing cold baths, the time she had to wear orthodontic braces, insects and creepy crawlies, and cheating
Favourite food: Homemade sandwiches and gelato
Favourite drink: Ice tea (preferably Queen Mary)
Sexuality: Heteroromantic demisexual
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (in 2022), 21 (in 2028), 23 (in 2030), 25 (in 2032), 27 (in 2034), 34 (in 2041), 36 (in 2043), 37 (in 2044), and 40 (in 2047)
Blood type: O+
Weight: 145 lbs. (66 kg)
Design: She’s a 5’ 2” (157.48 cm) Italian mesomorph with sloping shoulders, upper arms that carry some of her weight, a bit of belly fat, voluptuous breasts and hips, and prominent thighs. She has pale ivory skin, droopy blue-grey eyes, and brownish freckles scattered across her face and neck. Fio has a tad messy orangish-brown hair with blunt bangs and straight strands that fall just above her shoulders, but she prefers to keep it tied up in a ponytail. Her fingernails are painted an English lavender hue, and she wears thick, winged dark brown eyeliner, a soft rosy red blush on her cheeks and nose, and cherry blossom pink lip gloss. As a result of battle injuries and her own clumsiness, she bears a bullet wound near the centre of her left calf and numerous cut marks, stab scars, and scrapes on her arms and legs.
Her military gear consists of polarised, silver-plated transition lens eyeglasses, a metal dog tag necklace with her name, and a cordovan Eisenhower jacket. She wears a pink lavender T-shirt with a dogwood rose stripe running along the front and a carmine bra underneath. She wears carmine gloves and a gold-buckled leather belt to secure her ebony army cargo shorts, which fall just above her knees. She also wears ebony paratrooper boots, dogwood rose knee and elbow pads, and over-the-calf bittersweet shimmer socks. She has a khaki waist pack attached to the front of her belt, which carries her nail polish, lip gloss, eyeliner, two makeup brushes (a large one and a small one), a makeup sponge, and a powder blush palette.
She wears a leather sheath for her hatchet, a gun holster for her handgun, and a holder for her tonfa. The pockets of Fio's Eisenhower jacket carry around Peppino, her beloved greyish-brown teddy bear with a pearlescent blue bowtie, a red wooden maneki-neko figurine with its right arm raised and its left paw holding a koban coin (a gift from Eri), and a deck of cards. The pockets of her army cargo shorts carry a canister of pepper spray, a Ventolin inhaler, a bottle of azithromycin pills, and a bottle of specialised prescription supplements specifically designed to manage her cystic fibrosis.
Over her T-shirt, she dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries her walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. Her black ammunition bandolier is slung over her right shoulder, and the back of her Eisenhower jacket features an embroidered S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. logo. Fio carries an ebony load-bearing backpack containing camping equipment, fire bombs, stones, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a picnic basket filled with prepared sandwiches, two machine guns, medical supplies, and a scientific telescope. She always wears a pair of teardrop-shaped pink opal earrings and a gold chain necklace featuring a red coral cornicello amulet, believed to ward off bad luck and bring good fortune. She also wears a khaki army cap that once belonged to her father during his military service, personalised with a rosy pink patch depicting a European bee-eater perched on a tree branch on the front.
Personality: She's initially reserved and timid around strangers but warms up and opens up once she becomes familiar with new people. She's a compassionate, considerate, and overly cautious listener who's really good with children and lends everyone a generous helping hand. She's sensitive and unafraid to show her true emotions, often engaging in introspective thought. Despite her quiet and calm demeanour, she's surprisingly prone to stress and anxiety, particularly when confronted with obnoxious noises or situations where she can't escape. Even though she's a seasoned warrior, she harbours an intense fear of insects and creepy crawlies, often resorting to hiding behind Tarma, Marco or Eri and insisting they handle the situation. On occasion, she displays an almost childlike naivety and exuberance, typically after completing a mission or while off duty.
She's a very friendly and gentle clean freak who'll do anything to help out her family, friends, comrades, and those in need. She prepares all her meals with love and dedication, considering others' likes and dislikes, hoping they'll enjoy what she's made. When talking to others, she often uses lively hand gestures and animated facial expressions to emphasise certain ideas. She gets easily flustered by compliments and flirtatious advances, blushing deeply and becoming nearly speechless. She's a somewhat superstitious person, believing in things like placing one's hat on a bed being a sign of bad luck for homeowners and spilling salt being a harbinger of financial troubles. She's a nature-loving girl who's incredibly clever and always thinks optimistically. She's a great strategist who excels in keep-away tactics. However, she often pushes people away due to fear and isn't the most skilled fighter, but can fight when necessary.
Whenever she's faced with the death of a child, a comrade or friend being severely injured, being touched inappropriately or being rudely insulted, her face darkens. She becomes cold-hearted and deadly serious, and her tactical prowess shines through most. She's quite curious around strangers, nervously trailing them and asking a few questions to get to know them. Despite cherishing the importance of friendship, she sometimes feels isolated by her exceptional intelligence, privileged upbringing, and cystic fibrosis. She values maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritising her time with loved ones, holding both in higher regard than success. She believes that living in or exploring beautiful places helps her become a better person by gaining a deeper appreciation of the world around her.
She originally harboured romantic feelings for Marco, but they dissipated after he disclosed that he isn't interested in romantic and sexual relationships. Her affections eventually shifted to Tarma, whom she found charming due to his silliness, emotional intelligence, Hokkaido dialect, and the soothing sound of his voice. She finds immense comfort in Tarma's presence and often offers him solace when he's having a rough day or struggling with self-doubt. After her romantic relationship with Tarma fully blossoms, she forms an exceptionally close physical and emotional bond with him. However, her tendency to become overly attached manifests at times, especially when feelings of fear or loneliness arise.
She eventually enters into a polyamorous queerplatonic relationship with Marco and Tarma, which she deeply cherishes and further satisfies her craving for emotional intimacy. She's displeased when Nadia takes advantage of her kindness to avoid responsibilities. Additionally, she's frustrated by Eri's overprotectiveness, especially when it comes to Tarma, as it reminds her of her father's behaviour and makes her feel like she's being treated like a child.
When she's reached her limit, feels threatened or needs to express her authentic feelings about something that gets under her skin, she's capable of standing up for herself and making her voice heard. She rarely swears, but when someone's pushed her too far, she'll unleash a stern reprimand, peppered with profanities in Italian. She's not fond of drinking alcohol due to its bitter taste and intoxicating effects, which make her feel nauseous and slightly nervous. However, on rare occasions, she’ll let loose and indulge in alcohol with her friends, especially after a challenging mission. When intoxicated, she starts to act playful, flirtatious and sexually teasing towards Tarma, obnoxiously loud, agitated, and bluntly honest. 
She has a tendency to fall asleep extremely quickly at bedtime or naptime, and her loud snoring can be disruptive to others who are trying to rest or focus on important tasks in the same room. She believes that war serves no purpose other than to be destructive, resulting from conflicts that escalate beyond the control of free will. In her view, war profoundly alters the moral fabric of society, while accelerating the advancement of weaponry and technology used in conflict. She’s a firm believer in virtue ethics who holds that life is more powerful than death, as it continually finds innovative ways to adapt and flourish.
Backstory: Fiolina Hortensia Germi was born on October 2, 2007 in Genoa, Italy. The Germi family is renowned for their vast wealth, military service, and philanthropic endeavours. Originally merchants and nobles, they amassed their fortune in the Mediterranean region during the Age of Exploration and have since maintained their wealth, now managing various corporations and philanthropic organisations. True to their militaristic heritage, the Germis have participated in numerous conflicts, including the Napoleonic Wars of the 1800s, the Italian Unification Wars of the 19th century, and modern-day wars against terrorism worldwide. Sadly, many Germi warriors lost their lives, leading to an important family custom where the chosen heir of the Germi family must serve in the military.
Alessandro Germi, Fio's father, was a fearsome soldier in the Regular Army in his earlier years, serving alongside Fabriclus Roving. However, he was forced to leave military service after being severely injured during a shootout, which left him crippled and suffering from debilitating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After returning to civilian life and receiving proper support, Alessandro successfully restored his family's struggling business. He also started a family with his beloved wife, Giulietta, a talented seamstress and manager of a luxurious art museum.
Alessandro's wish was to have a healthy son as he feared that sending a daughter onto the battlefield would be a perilous ordeal. To his surprise and dismay, Giulietta gave birth to a daughter, and due to health complications, she couldn't bear any more children. Fio's mother would also experience postpartum depression after childbirth and passed down a disease that runs deep within their heritage: cystic fibrosis. Alessandro's deep-seated fears for Fio's safety often led him to become overly protective, causing tension with his wife, Giuliette, who found his helicopter parenting suffocating.
Despite her parents' mental health struggles, they went above and beyond to care for her, providing unwavering love and support. For half of her elementary school years, she was homeschooled with her parents teaching a diverse range of subjects, including mathematics. They encouraged Fio’s appreciation for friendships, the outdoors, and the finer things in life. They even fostered her love of astronomy, gifting her a scientific telescope on her 10th birthday, which she still has to this day. Giulietta often took her on enriching outings to nature reserves and art museums, where she learned about biology and art history. Her mother also taught her the importance of domestic duties, showing her how to do her chores and clean the house. On special occasions, her mother would dress her up in pretty dresses and give her adorable animal plushies, which she still keeps.
She was bullied and exploited by the other children because of her wealthy status and overt politeness, but her father and teachers consistently intervened. As she grew, she discovered her own voice, learning to assert herself with courage and conviction. Standing up to her bullies with firm yet gentle confidence, she effectively silenced their taunts and earned respect. Like Marco, Fio excelled in all her classes, demonstrating exceptional academic prowess and a deep appreciation for effort and lifelong learning. However, her life took a devastating turn near the end of her secondary school days. A sudden and tragic terrorist airstrike, attributed to the Ptolemaic Army, struck Genoa, Italy, claiming Giulietta among its many victims. Her father was the most affected by this loss, turning to a life of alcoholism and self-isolation. Although Alessandro still cared about Fio and tried his best to support her, his alcoholism and newfound self-isolating behaviour made it challenging for him to do so.
It took time for Fio and Alessandro to heal from this loss, but they remained resilient. To cope with the loss of her mother, she turned to sewing, baking, and reading books on ancient and modern medical practices. Eventually, Alessandro sought help and went to rehab and therapy to address his issues with Fio's support and encouragement. After graduation, Fio was awarded multiple awards and scholarships, which enabled her to attend university. There, she pursued an interdisciplinary course of study, exploring chiropractics, acupuncture, physics, and astronomy.
Fio would eventually express her interest in joining the military after coming across a persuasive flyer to serve in the Regular Army. This revelation horrified Alessandro, as he didn't want to send his only child off to the battlefield, risking her life. He wanted to disregard the Germi's military traditions, believing that war is repugnant and a never-ending cycle of hate and violence. Alessandro tried to deter Fio from joining, but she persisted, driven by her desire to join the fight against terrorism and protect the lives of innocent people. He reluctantly agreed and sent her off to the military at the age of 19, but attempted to minimise her risk by using his connections and friends from his own military days to secure her a desk job, hoping to keep her out of harm's way and away from the front lines.
However, everything changed when a paperwork mistake caused by militant bureaucracy resulted in Fio's transfer to the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., a special operations branch of the Regular Army's Intelligence Agency known for carrying out high-risk missions. Surprisingly, Fio was ecstatic to hear the news as she had been eager to be deployed on the battlefield and make a real difference. In contrast, her father was furious and stormed into military headquarters, threatening officers in an attempt to prevent his daughter from being shipped to the front lines.
He would often try to extract Fio from the battlefield, but she consistently resisted. Eventually, she had enough of his overprotectiveness and bravely told him that this was what she wanted—to fight on the battlefield and provide medical aid. She assured him that she was capable of handling herself. Alessandro finally understood and let her pursue her life as a military woman. In return, she promised to keep in touch with him after each mission, providing him with reassurance and comfort.
Like Eri, she played a crucial role in the Great Morden War by providing Marco's team with useful intel on Rebel Army positions. She also dedicated herself to providing medical support for Marco's team, which led to her being recognized as the medic for the Peregrine Falcons Squad. Her countless battles against worldwide criminality, terrorism, and corruption enabled her to rapidly rise through the ranks, becoming the Master Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. special forces unit. However, her time in the military has taught her a harsh reality: even the good guys can't always protect the innocent or save their friends and comrades. She has witnessed many deaths and severe injuries that left people crippled and traumatised in each battle. Nevertheless, with the emotional support of friends like Eri and Tarma, she has persevered and continues fighting to this day.
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operation-priority · 3 months
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SCP AMTF Nu-7 Cosplay - The Standard Fitment
The "standard fitment" of the conventional ground force Nu-7 Armed Mobile Task Force unit, or AMTF, fighter. This particular fitment style and the style of most Armed Mobile Task Force Units is a light fighter loadout intended for 24 hour operations. The lack of individual sustainment is due to the Foundation's heavy use of large supporting elements which can provide immediate sustainment gear on site. This allows for the individual direct action task force member to equip themselves with only the essentials they need to complete their objectives. The standard fitment is, in other words, the general day-to-day uniform of an active Nu-7 operative. Nu-7 is the largest AMTF unit and includes three company-sized elements of special operations infantry forces. The example here is of course what could potentially be the most common uniform of this main fighting force during day-to-day operations. This would be the standard rifleman loadout of contemporary times with an M4 or AR pattern weapon and seven or more magazines worn on the body. In a general sense at the bare minimum they are equipped with a ballistic helmet with an active hearing communications headset, a plate carrier with a low intensity fighting load of ammunition, a trauma kit, a small pack with food/water and spare kit, a combat belt for utilities or for a side arm, additional ammunition, grenades, and overall a camouflaged MultiCam uniform for external site operations. In the case of Nu-7, the chosen day-to-day colors are generally black and MultiCam. Other day-to-day uniforms may vary depending on the operative's purpose within the element and the task force itself.
Examples of when this uniform would be seen on Nu-7 operatives is during site guard duty, during site patrols, during training, and during low risk internal site operations. This particular photoshoot which displays the various uniforms of the task force was taken at a Foundation procured shoot house and is intended to provide guidance for new candidates entering into the training program. This visual aid allows candidates to see the myriad of specialties and roles they will be trained to perform and master within a conventional AMTF unit.
This is my take on a realistic SCP AMTF Nu-7 operative cosplay, using real military spec gear and placing the loadout in a 1:1 SCP Foundation universe canon to our contemporary world. Armed Mobile Task Force unit Nu-7, operating out of Armed Biological Containment Area-14 which is disguised as a US military base, would reasonably be wearing US military gear when active within United States territory. This would be the 'in-house' uniform of the task force, with overt personnel ID, site keycard, and morale patches to promote esprit de corps amongst other AMTF units when on-site.
Full Resolution Photo Available Here.
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pattern-53-enfield · 1 year
ever wanted to wear something in the same vein of near-future police-state gear as Multicam Black but want it to be a little more dubious? Do you long for the days when every video game and military show wanted us to think ATACS was the pattern of the future? Then look no further!
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Russian Black Moss, usually issued only to SOBR and acquired from a guy on Facebook. Only the best deals.
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mewtwowarrior · 6 months
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Here are the default style options for the Fortnite Wrecker (Jonesy) outfit:
Tactical Vest (On)
Tattoos (Abstract Skullz)
Pants Camo (Multicam)
Banner Color (White)
Camo Color (Cream)
Shirt Color (Black)
Accent Color (Lightbrown)
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cerosin · 1 year
Camo tierlist?
camo tierlist with the criteria of Me Liking It not effectiveness ok 🥺 those are just my faves ranked basically. shit taste reveal:
S+: blue/grey camos. literally all of them no matter their pattern as long as they're dark grey/blue/black HOOOOOGHHGGHH I don't even know the proper name to be honest. the OMON camo would be an example but there are plenty of others...
S: original German flecktarn camo. also (ukrainian) VSR-84 camo I fucking love it. to me it's like peak camo. If you say camo to me I will think of this one
A: CADPAT. and I'm a simple woman I really really like woodlands camos. I'd add almost all their variations to this tier. if I had to pick a few I particularly like French CCE and Armenian woodlands (w a red hue)
B: Belgian M56, also Swedish M90. nice colours nice shapes. Adding the russian "autumn" partizan camo here too, I like it
C, D, E: mostly all the rest
F: I tend to rlly dislike digital camos unless they're dark (like CADPAT) or blue/urban. ALSO multicam. ALL my homies hate multicam it's not even up to debate. dreary ass camo. get OUT
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law66 · 1 year
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Covert Patch Pocket
We introduced these over eight years ago and it's one of the more discreet items we produce.
In the back is a slot into the patch so you can store some essential items. No matter if that is a fire kit, shims, key or an SD card with essential data.
There's room for those items you need without the overload.
To hide it put it on your hat, ubacs, coat or any of your gear and slap a regular patch on top.
Hidden in plain sight.
As your gear changes it moves across in seconds with you.
Stock on the black is low so get your orders in, but we do have good stock of the multicam.
Buy the original and most reliable patch on the market built with the knowledge of why its an important layer.
Dont forget to Like, Repost and Follow Us
Global Shipping Available
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lapsed-bookworm · 1 year
Country music is at a crossroads. Two of its most viral songs show why
Analysis by AJ Willingham, CNN
Sat, July 29, 2023 at 2:27 PM EDT·7 min read
People — non-country lovers specifically — like to joke that modern country music is a repetitive incantation of beer, trucks, girls and American flags, with the occasional sprinkling of Copenhagen or MultiCam thrown in. (And, for the women, there’s an extra dash of marital homicide.)
That’s all part of it, for certain. But a longer pause on the radio dial, or a deeper dive into the genre’s roots, reveals far more variation — different traditions and cultures calling to each other, answering and reinventing themselves as they go.
The struggle for the soul of country music is on full display now as two very different songs have been making headlines. Jason Aldean, one of country music’s biggest stars, has been embroiled in controversy over his single “Try That in a Small Town.” The song contains what critics say are racially charged lyrics, and scenes from the music video were shot in front of a courthouse that was the site of an infamous lynching in the 1920s. The backlash was so complete, CMT removed Aldean’s video from its rotation and the original YouTube version was edited to remove several seconds of protest footage.
Meanwhile, fellow country star Luke Combs has been going viral on social media with his platinum cover of “Fast Car” by famed singer-songwriter Tracy Chapman. Some of the attention has been positive, praising his rendition of the famous ballad and discussing the impact of his homage to Chapman who, as a Black woman and queer icon, is a triple whammy of underrepresentation in country music.
In an interview with Billboard, Combs called “Fast Car” the “perfect song” and Chapman a “supernatural songwriter.”
“The success of my cover is unreal and I think it’s so cool that Tracy is getting recognized and has reached new milestones. I love that she is out there feeling all the love and that she gave me a shout-out! Thank you, Tracy!”
Chapman herself, who is notoriously private with both her personal life and her music rights, also commented to Billboard about the song’s success.
“I never expected to find myself on the country charts, but I’m honored to be there. I’m happy for Luke and his success and grateful that new fans have found and embraced ‘Fast Car.’”
The crossover also made history, cementing Chapman as the first Black woman to have a sole writing credit on a No. 1 country radio song.
Dividing the divisions
Both “Try That in a Small Town” and “Fast Car” have topped country charts in recent weeks. While they represent something of a divide among the genre, they’ve also led to an exploration of finer fissures within. Aldean has millions of supporters who see his ode to small town solidarity as a continuation of what made country music so resonant in the first place: The telling of stories forgotten by the mainstream.
(Small town pride is also a favorite theme of Aldean’s, whose hits include 2010’s “Flyover States” and “Dirt Road Anthem,” and the early hit “Amarillo Sky,” which details the noble struggles of a proud farmer.)
Aside from the controversy of lyrics slamming gun control and threatening people who disrespect police, Aldean’s song set off interesting conversations as people discussed what being from a small town really means, and indeed, what a small town even is. (Aldean himself is from Macon, Georgia, which may seem like the sticks to some people but is, in fact, a mid-sized city that also helped form rock greats like Little Richard and Otis Redding.)
“Try That In A Small Town, for me, refers to the feeling of a community that I had growing up, where we took care of our neighbors, regardless of differences of background or belief. Because they were our neighbors, and that was above any differences,” Aldean wrote in a statement defending the song.
As for Combs, the same reasons that attracted praise for “Fast Car” have also attracted criticism. The song, like Chapman herself, has been a lighthouse for people on the margins since its release in 1988, dealing as it does with poverty and loneliness and the universal appeal of getting the heck out of town with your baby by your side. (And, in the process, became a lesbian anthem.) While it’s a very country message, some fans were uncomfortable that a straight, White male singer would add his voice to Chapman’s genius.
“On one hand, Luke Combs is an amazing artist, and it’s great to see that someone in country music is influenced by a Black queer woman — that’s really exciting,” Holly G, founder of the Black Opry, told The Washington Post. “But at the same time, it’s hard to really lean into that excitement knowing that Tracy Chapman would not be celebrated in the industry without that kind of middleman being a White man.”
Defining the soul of country
These two songs, so differently received yet recorded under the same big country umbrella, are an embodiment of the crossroads where country music currently stands. Like all musical traditions that fuse, evolve and splinter, country music and its legions of fans are engaged in a negotiation for the genre’s main identity.
Do they embrace the class-conscious, anti-capitalist forefathers and foremothers who played in prisons and supported laborers and held staunchly leftist views by today’s standards? (They still live today: Willie Nelson is a proud Texas Democrat and Dolly Parton an LGBTQ ally.) Do they turn up the party-happy “Bro Country” of the early 2000s, or champion the red-white-and-blue anthems that still represent, for so many, a platonic ideal of patriotism?
Do they welcome the fresh influx of non-White country artists, or ignore the inheritance secured by the voices of Black and Latin American artists who helped build the genre? Do they sing with these voices, or sing over them?
Moreover, what can be accepted? Queer country acts are on the rise, but will they ever join country’s highest ranks of outcasts, rebels and beaten-down lovers? Or will songs with even a hint of pro-LGBTQ themes, like Kacey Musgraves’ “Follow Your Arrow” or Little Big Town’s “Girl Crush” continue to be met with friction?
What can be forgiven? When the Dixie Chicks spoke out against the Iraq War in the early 2000s, their popularity in country music circles never fully recovered.. When current superstar Morgan Wallen was caught saying racist slurs, his supporters kept his album “Dangerous: The Double Album” at the top of the charts for weeks after the backlash. In the year that followed, he launched a new tour and an appearance at the Grand Ole Opry. Combs has sought forgiveness, too: In 2021, he apologized for past performances that featured the Confederate flag.
“I know that I’m a very highly visible member of the country-music community right now,” Combs said. “And I want to use that position for good, and to say that people can change and people do want to change, and I’m one of those people trying.”
These decisions beg a larger question: Can the myriad interpretations of country music exist side by side? If something must change, what of the genre’s essential character would disappear along with it?
As the reactions to Combs and Aldean’s songs prove, it’s not an easy negotiation. Small towns, fast cars and American values are as essential to country music as three chords and the truth. Who gets to define American values, and whose truths get told; that’s where the crossroads lie.
How fortunate, then, that crossroads are as country a symbol as you can get.
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gnorrell · 1 year
Hey, Have you entered this competition to win Premier Body Armor Stop The Bleed Giveaway yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/Rzc27Nx
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christiangrest · 2 years
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Custom Canik Rival 
A short time ago, my wife and I attended the IV8888 shoot down in Georgia. One of the vendor booths set up was Century Arms. Of course they had a nice selection of Canik pistols among other firearms they either manufacture or import. My wife at the time was only a few weeks past major shoulder surgery on her left arm. She is right handed, so at least she still had use of her good arm. She is also a huge Canik fan. She’s owned a TP9SF pistol in FDE for quite a few years now. I wanted to see her reaction on the Canik Rival pistol since it ws their newest model and had quite a number of physical as well as appearance changes when compared to her TP9SF. She was shooting everything that day one handed and when she took some shots with the new Canik Rival, she was hitting a steel plate half way across the range with very little ease. 
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After that event was over and with a very special birthday coming up in December, I saw an opportunity to do something special for her. I went over to Brownells and they happened to have Canik Rival pistols in black, in stock. I quickly ordered one up to my local FFL. Upon picking it up, I marveled at it’s beauty, but wanted it to be extra special for her. My wife’s favorite color is purple, but a solid purple pistol might be too much. I reached out to a company, fairly local to me, Weapon Works. I contracted them to do a black Multicam cerekote pattern with some purple accents added in. They quoted me 8 weeks to complete the project. About 4-5 week after I dropped it off, they were finished. Wow, what a quick turn around. M wife’s birthday was still 4-5 weeks away. So I took some really nice photos and put together a before/after video for my YouTube channel, then tucked it away until the big day.
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Finally the day had come…it had been so hard keeping this pistol under wraps for such a long amount of time. I wrapped the pistol up in some foam, then placed it into the case. Put the case into a box and gift wrapped it. When she went to open the box, she saw that it was a pistol case and undoubtedly saw the Canik logo on the box. Once she pulled the foam off of the pistol…her first response was priceless… “Oh sh**” she exclaimed when she first put her eyes onto her new pistol. She was so surprised at what it looked like. I told her it was a one of a kind…no 2 Canik Rival pistols have that particular finish on it. I’m hoping that this doesn’t deter her from enjoying it and shooting it at the range. She is a very good shot…much better than I am at shooting handguns. 
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A huge thanks to my good friends over at Brownells… always great selection of parts, accessories and firearms like this Canik Rival. Hats off to the folks over at Weapon Works as well…I’m looking forward to having them do some more work for me in the future. If you’re looking for custom cerekote work or builder sets, definitely check them out. 
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Updated: September 19, 2024
Reworked Character #3: Eri Kasamoto
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to abandonment, abuse, underage drinking, crime, an unhealthy romance, death, and SA.
Real name: Chizuko Kawaguchi
Alias: Memphis Bomb Princess
Occupation: Staff Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., Ptolemaios’ second-in-command (formerly), and the leader of a street gang (formerly)
Retirement plans: Open up an inclusive orphanage in Hiroshima
Special skills: Orchestrating stealth missions and suppression operations, proficiency in explosives, survival techniques, lock picking, and brainwashing
Hobbies: Swimming, kickboxing, building explosive gadgets, thinking about her past mistakes and what she could have done better during her solitary nature walks, and playing card games with her friends that include some sort of money-related bet
Likes: Fio, pyrotechnics, aimless walks, vintage religious memorabilia, and a keychain that was gifted to her by her late girlfriend
Dislikes: Blissful ignorance, overly mischievous and lazy people, being touched without permission, remembering the worst parts of her past, and Tarma
Favourite drink: Vodka
Sexuality: Homoflexible sapiosexual
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (in 2022), 22 (in 2028), 24 (in 2030), 26 (in 2032), 28 (in 2034), 35 (in 2041), 37 (in 2043), 38 (in 2044), and 41 (in 2047)
Blood type: B-
Weight: 126 lbs. (57 kg)
Design: She’s a 5’ 6” (167.64 cm) Japanese ectomorph with an athletic, sylph-like build, broad shoulders, sand-hued skin, a black mole under her right eye, and top scars. She has dark brown eyes with visible bags beneath them and fingernails that are painted a metallic green. She has jet black hair with choppy bangs that has been bleached dirty blonde and is styled in a mid-back shaggy wolf cut, often worn up in a ponytail. Eri has a jarring diagonal scar that runs from the left side of her temple, across the bridge of her nose, to her right levator scapulae muscle. She also has stab scars on the palm of her right hand, cut marks on her right forearm, the skin on her arms and shoulders have been picked at, and her legs are riddled with scrapes. She lost her left forearm in a traumatic incident, later receiving a metallic silver prosthetic replacement from Ptolemaios during her training. She dons green gold snake bite and silver jestrum piercings, and her makeup features a glittery artichoke green smoky eyeliner, light brown mascara, and coral pink lips.
Eri’s military gear consists of an olive green bandana on her head, a metal dog tag necklace with her name, and a black headset for communication with her snipers. She wears a black bra, myrtle-hued sleeveless button midriff, and a satin crimson sash. She wears a purplish-grey unbuttoned coat with ripped sleeves, four pockets, and a hidden strap compartment that holds her electrical baton. On the back of her jacket is the logo of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., which Fio kindly embroidered for her. Her purplish-grey army cargo pants were tucked into black combat boots and held up by a silver-buckled dark teal belt around her waist. She has a sheath for her combat knife and a drop leg holster for her handgun with a silencer.
She wears a black gas mask with red-tinted lenses, olive green gloves, black knee and elbow pads, and sage-streaked silver tassel earrings. She wears a keychain necklace, a gift from her late girlfriend Emily, featuring a fiery comet encircling a reddish-purple amethyst stone carved into the shape of a human heart. Eri is adorned with two black steel armlets, one on each arm: the right armlet has a circular green crystal at its centre, while the left armlet has a red one. The green crystal grants her the power to unleash grey lightning, while the red crystal, forged from a fragment of Sol Dae Rokker, can summon deadly, wolf-shaped spirits that dive-bomb enemies.
Over her midriff, she dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries around her walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. She carries around a sage green load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, grenades, fire bombs, mines, hand-crafted explosive gadgets, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, three canisters of gasoline, a rocket launcher, and a bottle of vodka. Her olive green waist pack, secured at the back of her belt, holds a silvery flask of vodka, a matchbox, and a compact makeup kit containing her eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. The pockets of her coat contain a pack of fruity bubblegum, a navy blue lighter, a rainbow-coloured bouncy ball, a deck of playing cards, and her lucky gold Kaiki Shoho coin. Meanwhile, her cargo pants hold lockpicking tools and three boxes of cigarettes. She has worn gauze wrapped around her right forearm, a gun holster for her handgun, and a sheath for her machete. She's still in possession of a Ptolemaic Army-commissioned scoped bolt-action rifle, which is often draped over her left shoulder.
Personality: She's a vengeful, sarcastic, cynical, and tomboyish leader who will stop at nothing to brutally hurt anyone she perceives as a threat to her comrades and friends or have caused them genuine harm. She has a sadistic streak, evident in her peculiar habit of smearing her enemies' blood on herself to intimidate others. When focused on her military duties and protecting those she respects and cares about, she tends to neglect her own needs. Eri's outspoken and crass demeanour shows no fear in speaking her mind, telling others off, and using profanities. As a self-reliant and lonesome individual, she’s bitter and aloof towards those she dislikes and strangers. She has a tendency to engage in dishonest behaviour and manipulate situations to her advantage. When confronted about these actions, she often responds with aggressive language and contradictory arguments. She holds immense respect for the deities, particularly Sol Dae Rokker, and will go to great lengths to worship and make sacrifices to them, often ritually sacrificing the remains of her enemies and indulging in orgies with her team of Ptolemaic rebels.
She fearlessly rebels against anything she deems morally wrong or a life-threatening risk. She shows no mercy towards her enemies, and her military missions showcase her exceptional resourcefulness, cunning, and tactical prowess. She's capable of sympathy and offering wise advice, but her willingness to do so greatly depends on the situation and her personal connection with the individual. She has immense compassion for those who endured a difficult childhood and does her best to offer comfort and support.
Eri regards her team of Ptolemaic deserters, Fio of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., Marco and Trevor of the P.F. Squad, Ralf and Clark, the top dogs of the Ikari Warriors, Tequila, Red Eye, and Hyakutaro, Tyra, and Walter of Division 6 as family. She’s overprotective of Fio, whom she regards with sisterly affection, and Marco, whom she views as a courageous leader who deserves comfort and sympathy. She harbours significant animosity towards Tarma, seeing him as a hot-headed idiot who only causes trouble and can't take things seriously. Despite her best efforts to tolerate him, she can't help but snap at him when his silly antics go too far, he inadvertently ruins a plan or he gets too flirtatious and physically close to Fio.
She lives with claustrophobia, mild social anxiety, insomnia, atypical depression, and borderline personality disorder. To cope with her mental health struggles, she often presents herself as highly intelligent, serious-minded, and seductive. However, when anger takes hold, her emotions can be difficult to contain, although she strives to maintain some self-control. Notably, Eri prefers not to be called by her old name as it evokes memories of her past trauma, which she’s trying to desperately forget. She's a hardened pessimist, often appearing mentally exhausted and emotionally unfazed, yet she consistently demonstrates resilience and stubborn determination. She can't help but feel jealous towards those who have loving parents and weren't abandoned by them. When she's had too much to drink, she becomes prone to argumentativeness, physical aggression, and melancholy, and often sleepwalks.
She has a deep-seated distrust of Christianity, believing that many people hypocritically exploit God and Jesus' teachings to conceal their true intentions. She also thinks that certain Christian teachings clash with the harsh realities of life. Furthermore, she believes that God seems apathetic to humanity's well-being, watching them suffer endlessly, letting evil to continuously flourish, and restricting the potential for salvation. She holds that morality is culturally relative, and therefore, there are no universal moral laws, making it challenging to distinguish right from wrong.
In her view, human societies construct their values based on their distinct beliefs, customs, and practices, which are also influenced by social and emotional pressures. She believes that individuals have a moral obligation to protect innocent lives and uphold the goodness inherent in justice. Regarding war, she thinks it can be justified if it meets certain criteria: it’s openly declared by a governing authority, has a just cause, and aims to establish a lasting peace. She acknowledges the coexistence of life and death but does not see a clear connection between the two.
Backstory: Chizuko Kawaguchi was born on June 6, 2006 in Hiroshima, Japan. She was abandoned as an infant at the entrance of a Christian church by her parents, who had wanted a son instead of a baby girl. Her name was discovered on a piece of paper tucked inside her baby carriage. She was raised by the Christian church where she was sent to live, an institution with a strict religious environment. There, children who misbehaved were subjected to psychological reprimands. During Chizuko’s younger years, she acted out as an attention-seeking troublemaker, but was frequently punished through humiliation and isolation in a dark closet.
She would be frequently bullied by children who were considered to be well-behaved and good in the eyes of the church staff. They targeted her for her perceived sinfulness by spreading false rumours about her, belittling her, and vandalising her toys. She endured occasional physical abuse and emotional manipulation by the church orphanage staff who used the threat of eternal damnation to control her behaviour. This treatment had a profound effect on her, making her quiet, nervous, and obedient. As a result, she grew to resent the church, finding its teachings to be at odds with the harsh realities of her own life. She eventually lost faith in God, feeling that He seemed indifferent to human suffering, allowing it to persist without genuine intervention or care.
At the age of 6, Chizuko met Tarma and quickly befriended him after building a sandcastle and searching for worms under a heavy rock. This chance encounter taught her that there were kind people outside of her church community, and she had opportunities to form new connections and discover herself. She met up with Tarma a few more times until he stopped visiting Hiroshima, leaving her feeling alone and sorrowful.
Once she figured out the ways of the world, she escaped from the sanctuary of the church at the age of 12, alongside a small group of friends, eager to taste the forbidden fruit of the world. Seeking vengeance, she and her friends burned down the church orphanage in retaliation for the abuse they had endured. Most of her early life remains private. However, her invigorating and tomboyish nature lended her as a capable leader, founding a gang of street kids. They engaged in criminal activities, primarily petty theft, drug sales, weapon trafficking, and murder.
Details about this period are scarce, but it's known that Chizuko developed a fondness for vodka during this time. She narrowly escaped being taken into custody by the police through financial bribes, avoiding a potential juvenile detention. She would also go through a couple of romantic relationships with girls. Her first relationship was short-lived after she quickly discovered that her girlfriend was using her for financial gain. Her second relationship seemed to be going well, but it ended when her girlfriend's parents found out about her being a delinquent and forbade their daughter from seeing her again.
At 15, she reunited with Tarma after he ran away from home, inviting him to hang out and drink beer and vodka. As they caught up on each other's lives, she began to flirt and get physically close, seeing him as someone she could trust. However, Chizuko’s desire to escape the past and run away from her problems clouded her judgement. They spent many nights together, engaging in erotic activities, and she even convinced him to participate in a few crimes. But everything changed when Tarma abruptly ended things and returned home to Hokkaido. Devastated, she felt betrayed, despite having used him to fulfill her own desires and advance her gang interests. This experience explains her lingering animosity towards Tarma.
Her leadership skills and her gang had continued to grow successfully, but that success was short-lived. Two months before she turned 18, Hiroshima was suddenly attacked by multiple bombings from a mysterious group, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives, including her entire gang—her first true friends. This incident sent the Japanese populace into a deep state of panic and uncertainty. In the chaos, she also suffered a devastating injury, losing her left forearm. With quick thinking, she managed to improvise a tourniquet by tearing the sleeves of her medium-sleeved shirt and stemming the bleeding.
While treating her injury, she was approached by a brown-haired, grey-eyed woman wearing the attire of a Ptolemaic guerilla. This guerrilla fighter didn't want to leave Chizuko behind, knowing she would feel terrible if left alone. So, she convinced Chizuko to come with her to meet up with Ptolemaios. Chizuko was hesitant at first, but with no other options, she took the opportunity. The guerrilla introduced herself as Emily Kuznetsova, and Chizuko decided to adopt a new name: Eri Kasamoto.
Unbeknownst to her, Ptolemaios had been observing Eri for some time, recognizing her potential as a valuable asset for his army. She was first showered with excessive attention and affection by Ptolemaios' most devoted followers. Afterwards, they subjected her to an initiation ritual where she was forced to consume the heart of a deceased baby goat in the name of the Dark Lord and drink Ptolemaios' blood. He took steps to provide her with specialised training to enhance her skills in espionage and further develop her militant abilities. Once she received a sufficient amount of training, he wasn't hesitant to make her his second-in-command, which stirred some jealousy amongst the commanding officers of the Ptolemaic Army. On his behalf, she was responsible for multiple stealth missions to further the technological advancement and tactical plans of the Ptolemaic Army.
During this time, Emily's compassionate and courageous nature won Eri over, and she developed a strong romantic attraction towards her, which would eventually blossom into a full-blown relationship. Ptolemaios viewed Emily as a potential obstacle to his objectives and sought to eliminate her, motivated in part by his suppressed and secret sexual attraction to Eri. Emily's death was staged to appear as a suicide, with the circumstances surrounding it unclear. Eri was even sexually assaulted by a few commanding officers as Ptolemaios hoped that this would instill more fear in her and deter her from leaving.
However, these two events had a profound impact on Eri, leading to feelings of grief and anger, and prompting her to re-evaluate her involvement with the Ptolemaic Army. She assembled a group of individuals who shared her desire to challenge Ptolemaios' authority. The group consisted of six guerrilla troops: Mikuláš, Ji-Yeong, Konrad, Dezső, Sipho, and Harvie; four snipers: Amilcare, Diomedes, Souma, and Manouel; and eight special forces operatives: Kemalettin, Jaroslavas, Dermot, Agenor, Shelomit, Franjo, Prabhakar, and Radovan.
During their fight against the Ptolemaic Army, they caused major setbacks and killed off many soldiers and cultists. As Eri fought against Ptolemaios, she learned that he was responsible for conducting the terrorist bombings in Hiroshima. She tried to end his life, but felt a malevolent presence stopping her from doing so, forcing her and her rebel Ptolemaic soldiers out of Ptolemaios' compound in Osaka, Japan. Shortly after this time, she ripped off the sleeves of her purplish-grey coat to use as tourniquets for a couple of her men. She also chose to acquire her top scars, her way of trying to forget the past, reject social norms placed on women and girls, and embrace her true identity.
At the age of 20, she and her team decided to apply for military service, working under the Intelligence Agency as a formidable group of agents. Eri made a name for herself in numerous missions, earning a reputation as a vengeful leader amongst the Regular Army. She was known for eliminating numerous individuals, including treacherous soldiers and corrupt politicians with some of her most notable assignments involving strategic seduction that lured her targets into vulnerable positions. However, she began to feel increasingly disillusioned by the constant assassinations and conspiracies that weighed on her conscience, reminding her of her time with the Ptolemaic Army. She applied for a transfer to S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., which was specially approved due to her exceptional record, indispensable skills, and intimate knowledge of the Ptolemaic Army's inner workings.
As the demolition and stealth expert of S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., Eri led her rebel Ptolemaic soldiers with immense success. She befriended Fio and felt an instant, deep connection after a few interactions, viewing Fio as the younger sister she never had and vowing to protect her at all costs. She played a crucial role in the Great Morden War by providing Marco's team with explosives, emergency rations, and valuable intel on Rebel Army positions through stealthy infiltration. Eri showcased her advanced combat and leadership skills by helping to thwart Morden's second coup, which was aided by her team, Fio, Tarma, and Marco.
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operation-priority · 3 months
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SCP AMTF Nu-7 Cosplay - Containment Breach Response
Depicted here is the potential appearance of a conventionally armed Nu-7 operative who is responding to an SCP Foundation site containment breach. What this constitutes is essentially their usual standard fitment "day-to-day" loadout with the addition of a triple red lines symbol denoting themselves as a responding AMTF unit as described in "Lockdown Procedures" by Blibby_Blobfish from the SCP wiki. This example shows the three red lines symbol on the right arm loop Velcro panel of the black combat shirt. They may also wear a camouflaged combat shirt instead of their in-house solid color shirt to further mask themselves as US military personnel if the threat to the site has the potential to break the veil. This would also come with 'sterilizing' the uniform by removing all identifiers including SCP ID cards, clearance cards, and unit patches. This particular operative has chosen to wear the 'in-house' uniform of Nu-7, that being a black top with MultiCam bottom. It is often the case that when Nu-7 is called to respond to a containment breach, the damage has already reached the level of potential veil breaking scenarios, and Nu-7 units often find themselves fighting their way to the interior of the site from the outside perimeter. In such a case, a camouflage uniform and gear would be very effective for the individual operative when fighting outside the site in a conventional context.
Responding AMTF units must detain everyone who is not in their designated evacuation shelters as they clear the foundation site. To carry out this task the element may carry a variety of restraining devices. This can range from specialized restraining tools like a cobra cuff to cheap and simple zip ties. Zip ties can be stored easily, are extremely compact, and are widely available. They are also quickly disposable with no real monetary damage to allocated AMTF unit funds. This would allow individual operatives to carry several zip ties for restraining all neutral contacts within the site.
The interior of the breached site may contain harmful particulates or have contingencies in place like automatic CS gas emitters to pacify potential threats as the responding AMTF units clear the facility. The operative is also equipped with a gas mask at the ready in a bag worn bandolier style. Should the need arise, responding operatives are able to quickly don their gas masks and continue with their mission unimpeded.
Communication is incredibly important when clearing a breached site, so an active hearing protection headset that is comms capable is a requirement for all responding personnel. The headset worn by this operative is closed circuit which allows for continued communication at the squad level, even when working underground. This particular headset does not require a radio to function as well, thus sparing the weight and freeing the real estate of a radio on their kit. Element leaders would carry a radio in order to talk to their AMTF Commanders to receive orders.
The operative has also equipped themselves with a PVS-14 Night Vision Device. Helmet mounted night vision devices provide sufficient visibility when working in low light conditions within the facility. The SCP Foundation provides all the necessary kit that Armed Mobile Task Force units need to fulfil their objectives. While other units may be issued dual tube NVGs or even the well sought after panoramic NVGs, this operative has chosen to use a private purchase PVS-14. While dual tubes or panoramic tubes are a common sight within AMTF units, a single tube will always be lighter, more compact, and more convenient to store on the kit than any dual or panoramic counterpart. This operative has an NVG recorder mounted to their monocular which allows for evidence recording within low light environments. This complete setup, despite the additional weight of front and rear lens protection and a recording device, is still lighter than many binocular NVGs. This provides the wearer with a more comfortable fit that can be worn indefinitely with no neck strain or fatigue.
Full Resolution Available Here.
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barriojapan · 2 years
2022aw Barrio Recomend Item
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①Tilak Military Gear / SIBERIA Jacket - Multicam Alpine (White)
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Tilak のミリタリーカテゴリから、22aw 新作のSIBERIA (シベリア)Jacket。 米軍 ECWCS 様々な気候やシチュエーションに対応するレイヤリングシステム内の極寒地のアウターに位置づけられる「LEVEL 7」に相当するレイヤリング最終インシュレーションジャケット。 
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ヒップを覆う長めのシルエットや素早くフィットするフードを装備。中綿には、Climashield® APEX 165g/m2(SvalbardJKTの約1.6倍の綿量)を採用。「LEVEL 7」だけあって中綿はTilak史上最大ボリュームを誇る。
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頭部にフィットする立体的なフードはワンタッチでフィットするよう102g/m2のスペックでボリュームを抑えている。アウターファブリックには薄手・軽量のPERTEX® QuantumAirで防風性と撥水・防雨性能を、最小限の重量で実現している。 
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その他、Black、Khaki、Multicam Blackがあります。
 素材: 表地ナイロン100%、中綿ポリエステル100%
XS:着丈77.5 身幅61.0 肩幅51.0 袖丈65.0 裾幅55.0 袖口幅10.0
S:着丈80.5 身幅62.5 肩幅53.0 袖丈66.5 裾幅57.0 袖口幅10.5
M : 着丈82.0 身幅64.5 肩幅55.0 袖丈68.0 裾幅61.0 袖口幅11.0
L:着丈84.0 身幅66.5 肩幅57.0 袖丈69.5 裾幅65.0 袖口幅11.5 (cm)
 モデル:168cm, 67kg 着用サイズ:M
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<POLARTEC® THERMAL PRO®>のボア素材を採用したジャケット。THERMAL PRO®シリーズは多数のラインナップがありますが、こちらのボアタイプは圧倒的な保温力が特徴。
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素材: POLARTEC® THERMAL PRO® ポリエステル100% 
S : 着丈70.0、肩幅55.6、バスト121.0、裾回り121.0、袖丈56.3
M :着丈73.0、肩幅57.4、バスト126.0、裾回り126.0、袖丈59.8
L : 着丈76.0、肩幅59.2、バスト131.0、裾回り131.0、袖丈63.3
XL : 着丈79.0、着丈61.0、バスト136.0、裾回り136.0、袖丈66.8 (cm)
モデル:182cm, 92kg
③SPATZ / Wigwam 5
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85年以上の歴史を持つスイスのキャンプブランド<スパッツ>。「ウィグワム 5 BTC」はアウターテント内に大きめの前室「リビングルーム」を備えた、3シーズン対応のティピー型テント。 
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 「ウィグワム 5 BTC」は、ポールがエントランス側に立てる形となりますので、室内も広々と使う事が可能です。エントランスの高さは205cmと高く、男性でも十分な高さがあります。 
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 生地は、ポリエステルとコットンで作られた、通称<BTC>と呼ばれる生地。BTCとは、Breathable Technical Cottonの略。
●ファブリック フライシート: ポリエステル/コットン 65/35(撥水加工) インナーテント: ポリエステル/コットン 65/35 インナーフロア: PVC防水加工 センターポール: 調整可能なTRX 軽量 ecoジェラルミン製(アルミ) アルマイト加工/防汚処理 TRX Eco­Duralumin Power 7 Φ­22mm:191-221cm 
●テントサイズ 添付画像をご参照ください
●梱包サイズ、重量 72×26×26cm、7.5kg
●カラー ブラウンサンド
●付属品 ジュラルミン製アジャスタブルセンターポールΦ22mm191~221cm-1本、アルミ製ツイストYペグ16cm-22本(ベグ収納袋付)、ガイライン4.5m-8本アジャスター付、収納バッグ、フライシート補修用シール
●価格(税込) 83,600円
④ BACH / Undercover 26
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そして一番の特徴は、特製レインカバー「OMNICOVER」。 レインカバーでありながら、大きめのメッシュポケットが2つ配備されており、ドリンクからワイヤーキーなどを収納する事ができる。また、カバー全体を外す事無く、本体ポケットへアクセスする事が可能。また、スプラッシュ柄のリフレクタープリントが効いている。 
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material: CORDURA® 500dn col: Black , Yellow Curry , Blue Dawn volume: 26L weight: 1,240g
size: 54×33×15cm(外寸)
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