poedameron · 7 years
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poe dameron graphics [1/∞]
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mariahill · 7 years
Christmas Promo!
ok so i’m like desperately in need of new blogs to follow because my dash is DEAD so here I am doing a promo!
must be following your resident trash can™
reblog until Jan 1 to enter!
mutuals, faves, +f
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leaiorganas · 7 years
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Because I haven’t done one of these in ages and the holidays are right around the corner and I miss you guys and why not!
mbf me
must reach 20 notes (please enter :))
there will be 1 winner and 1 runner-up per category
ends the 16th of December; results will be around Christmas time
best url
best theme
best doctor who
best star wars
best multi-fandom
best aesthetic/lit/photography
best original content (your edits/graphic link needs to be found easily) 
michelle’s favourite
+follow if not already
4 screenshot promos on request (valid until the end of January)
graphic/mb/aesthetic on request
love and friendship
+follow if not already
2 screenshot promos on request (valid until the end of January)
love and friendship
Any questions, feel free to message me!
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casppian · 7 years
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not in that onesie, you’re not
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rosetylr · 7 years
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Castiel Graphics Challenge | rosetylr         ↳ Prompt: Textures
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dclete · 8 years
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Sooo it’s been 6 months a while since I did one of these, and I know I’ve barely been on tumblr for like half a year bc uni and life etc. but I’m gonna try to change that. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around even though I’ve been so inactive, it really means a lot <3 and I look forward to getting to know the new blogs that have appeared while I was silently sobbing into my lecture notes last semester inactive ~
mbf dclete
reblog this post
must reach 50 notes
1 winner and 2-3 runners-up
last day to enter is february 28th
check out my new icon page that is actually old but I never got around to announcing it
+follow if not already (winner and runners-up)
spot in my updates tab in march  (winner and runners-up)
3 promos to 3k+ upon request in march  (1 for runners-up)
custom graphic or icon upon request (winner only) (my graphic work is here and my icon page has icon examples)
I’m super excited to be back and I hope you’ll all enter so I can check out some fab blogs! <3
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poedameron · 7 years
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So I’ve been meaning to re-vamp my fandom family bc the last one I did (almost 2 years ago :o) was just a page but I’d like to make it more of a group chat so I can talk to my lovely followers! (❁´◡`❁) I was gonna do it when I reached my next follower goal but I actually just got a dental surgery today and it’s way worse than I thought so I’m stuck here unable to eat and need something to distract me so... I thought why not do this now!
☽ rules: ☾
must be following me
reblog this post
check who’s already been taken
send me an ask with your name, a short quote and 3 characters you want from any of my fandoms
track the tag #maggiesfamily
♥︎ what you get: ♥︎
a spot on my fandom fam page
a discord group chat where we can really become a fam & get to know each other & talk about anything (◕ ω ◕✿)
a tag to share your stuff in (#maggiesfamily)
my eternal love & support ♥︎✦
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ladyeowyn · 7 years
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Sense8 (2015): As long as we are together, I know that there’s nothing we can’t do…
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leaiorganas · 7 years
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Nobody’s from space. I’m from a planet like everybody else.
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casppian · 7 years
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rosetylr · 8 years
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Url Inspired Graphics - Want one?
   ↳ castiel-stardust
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sakura-haruka · 8 years
blogrates because i want a new url
mbf me
reblog this post
check out my new side blog @gotladies
enter in my awards?
vote for my new url (it’s the final round, only 4 choices!!)
tell me what you have voted for
format under the cut
Icon: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | MARGAERY TYRELL Sidebar:  not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | GLENN RHEE Updates tab:  not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | GROOT theme: :  not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | QUEENIE GOLDSTEIN Overall: not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!!  |LUNA LOVEGOOD Posts:  not a fan | okay | good | beautiful | awesome!! | CLARA OSWALD Following?:  may we meet again | +f!! | ofc! | you’re my people
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octaivia · 8 years
temporary hiatus!!!!
i’ve got five billion things happening atm, including upcoming exams and the nanowrimo writing challenge!! i’m probably not going to be on this blog all that much, which i’m sorry about, but my queue will always be running :) i’ll answer any asks/messages i get as quickly as i can. i probably won’t see most of your posts :// so pls tag me in stuff!!!!!!! i love being tagged ^.^
stay in touch <3
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mariahill · 8 years
I’ve stopped using my domain because it’s technically expired even though I can still use it for now, but my url is the same! If you’ve linked anything to me using my domain please change it to my url!
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ladyeowyn · 7 years
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Thank you all so much for helping me reach my next follower goal! I love and appreciate every single one of you and I'm so grateful that you've decided to follow me. ♥ Here is the promised celebration. :) Please, pick as many of these as you like!
R U L E S :
must be following this happy blogger
reblog this post
send me an ask about your day / week, book / film / music / tv show recs or literally anything that comes to your mind... :)
... and / or :
♥ for a blog compliment
♛ and your name for a simple name edit (see an example below)
✿ and ASoIaF / Grishaverse / Star Wars / aesthetic for a rate (see the format below)
you can blacklist #nickie celebrates if you don't want to see these :)
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A S O I A F • allegiance: House (Stark - Lannister - Martell - Tyrell - Baratheon - Targaryen - Greyjoy) - Night’s Watch - The Lord of Light - Free Folk • occupation: knight/knightess - septon/septa - lord/lady - mercenary - entertainer - spy - a faceless man/woman - red priest/priestess - healer • home: Winterfell - Lannisport - Highgarden - Sunspear - Highgarden - King’s Landing - Eyrie - Riverrun - Dragonstone - Pyke - Castle Black - Volantis - Braavos - Pentos • weapon of choice: sword - knife - crossbow - poison - words - knowledge - axe - spear - dragonglass • hero: Nymeria of Ny Sar - Ser Duncan the Tall - Brandon the Builder - Visenya Targaryen - Lann the Clever - Azor Ahai - Durran Godsgrief - Good Queen Alysanne • trusted ally: Arya Stark - Sansa Stark - Jon Snow - Arianne Martell - Ellaria Sand - Jorah Mormont - Missandei - Gendry Waters - Meera Reed - Davos Seaworth - Melisandre - Jamie Lannister - Asha Greyjoy - Loras Tyrell - Brienne of Tarth • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
G r i s h a v e r s e • grisha order: heartrender - healer - tailor - inferni - squaller - tidemaker - durast - alkemi • occupation: Second Army soldier - member of the Dregs - privateer - acrobat - spy - thief - demolitions expert - chemist - runaway Drüskelle • home: Ravka - Fjerda - Kerch - Novyi Zem - Shu Han • weapon of choice: knives - explosives - your abilities - guns - fists • friend: Sturmhond - Genya Safin - Inej Ghafa - Wylan Van Eck - Tamar Kir-Bataar - Alina Starkov - Jesper Fahey - Nina Zenik - Kuwei Yul-Bo - Zoya Nazyalensky - Matthias Helvar • tale: The Soldier Prince - Ayama and the Thorn Wood - Little Knife - The Too-Clever Fox - When Water Sang Fire - The Witch of Duva • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
S t a r  W a r s • occupation: jedi knight - sith lord - gray jedi - smuggler - resistance fighter - pilot - scavenger - stormtrooper - ambassador - spiritual warrior-monk - bounty hunter - mechanic - senator • allegiance: the Dark Lord - the New Republic - the Jedi Order - the Resistance - the First Order - yourself • homeworld: Jedha - Tattooine - Naboo - Coruscant - Alderaan - Jakku - Takodana - Corellia • weapon of choice: blaster - explosives - lightsaber (blue - red - purple - green - black - silver) - staff - martial arts - diplomacy - the Force (telekinesis - mind control - lightning) • ship: X-Wing - Y-Wing - Millennium Falcon - Star Destroyer - Jedi Starfighter - TIE Fighter - Alderaan Cruiser - Nubian Royal Starship • best friend: Obi-Wan Kenobi - Ashoka Tano - Mace Windu - Luke Skywalker - Leia Organa - Jessica Pava - Cassian Andor - Bodhi Rook - Finn - Rey - BB8 - Matt the Radar Technician • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
a e s t h e t i c • element: water - air - fire - earth - æther • season: spring - summer - autumn - winter • flower: lilac - lavender - daffodil - rose - orchid - sunflower - iris - magnolia • landscape: city - forest - rainforest - country - mountains - beach - lake - ocean - desert • celestial object: sun - moon - stars - nebula - planet - comet • supernatural being: dragon - phoenix - mermaid - witch - werewolf - ghost - elf - vampire • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
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leaiorganas · 7 years
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My birthday is in three weeks and I have not done one of these in ages! Plus I just miss you guys since I have not been around in a long time.
mbf this crazy cat
must reach 20 notes
maybe enter my birthday page or my August BOTM?
there will be 1 winner and 2 runner-ups per category
ends the 5th of August (my birthday); results will be posted shortly after
best url
best theme
best posts
best mobile theme
best doctor who
best aesthetic
best multi-fandom
best original content (your edits/graphic link needs to be found easily) 
best overall
michelle’s favourite
+follow if not already
4 screenshot promos on request (valid until the end of August)
graphic on request
love and friendship
+follow if not already
2 screenshot promos on request (valid until the end of August)
love and friendship
Any questions, feel free to message me!
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