thirdzoneapp · 2 months
How People are using Third Zone.
#anonymous #real #thirdzone #inthethirdzone #multiidentity #socialmedia #feed #explore #igreach #igtrends #identityswitch #multipersonality #identity
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crowsdove · 3 months
Imagine riding a horse or other creature with your f/o. Or maybe a motorcycle or motortrike or another vehicle of that nature instead.
Or would they prefer something like a tandem bike? Or a cycle rickshaw? Or even something that allows you to ride beside them instead of behind or in front?
Regardless, I'm sure you have a lot of fun together, no matter what means of transportation you choose and where you're going :3
> antis please dni <
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lionheartedmusings · 1 year
being very very meta but i have a lot of thoughts about this whole thing.
i have no doubts that q!cellbit is undercover, but it's a really shitty undercover job -- he's an amazing storyteller, don't get me wrong, but he can't erase the month of active work against the federation that he's done, part of it very much in the open. also, from what we've seen from q!quackity's attempt at talking to cucurucho, the federation isn't exactly jumping at the chance to have supporters in the players: they don't care. they have two jobs: stay in the island, don't break rules. other than that, they're simply pawns to be shuffled around.
ultimately, the chances of q!cellbit having blown up his whole life, friendships, reputation etc just to be double crossed by the federation bc they're not stupid? are huge.
not to mention that while he confirmed what we already knew (the codes are targeting anyone helping the federation whether knowingly or unknowingly), him being vocally pro-staying and pro-federation is putting the remaining eggs in more danger. the codes have said they won't stop, and while they don't want casualties we know they're not above killing eggs. it's a really iffy position to be in roleplay wise if your actions actively lead to eggs permadying -- roleplay isn't impersonal, and it could get genuinely messy. there's a reason dms have to be cautious and aware of player conflict: it can have a real impact out of character!
my rambling point being, i think while an interesting concept for the storyline, personally i find this is a fundamentally flawed plotline that has a 99% chance of going wrong for everyone whether they're involved or not, and cellbit approached the plot from a dm standpoint (plot progression/player engagement/drama) and not a player character standpoint (team work/a shared plotline).
the overall implications for everyone are massive and there's a .0 chance of him actually doing anything worthwhile. q!cellbit is incredibly intelligent, but going against the federation (undercover) and the codes? it's not a one man job, and q!cellbo is unfortunately not the almighty main character that can bamboozle the world and come out victorious... even if he was, there's the chance enough damage has been done by that point that he'll have done all this and it'll be for nothing.
a final point! none of his friends are entirely convinced he's even fully turned against them -- if you can't convince the people who love you and who you hurt and betrayed, how can you convince a massive all-seeing corporation?
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insinirate · 1 year
is suh sire still like, a thing? or is gale a separate oc now? also hows the party horse doing
i dont think suh sire will ever release the way it was intended to, with the project head disappearing from the net and a bunch of the original cast pulled from the project
but gale will still uhhhh exist and be built on his original role and lore in the story, with some alt timelines and universes for fun
anyway peebs is fine hes just hangin out
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
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-->Namely, send the trio on a date! As in, all three of them on one date. Because, as it turns out, the lovely Lumpinou had updated the "Open Love Life" mod while I wasn't looking to allow Sims to go on multi-person dates! :D How this works is that Lumpinou made it a custom “social event,” so it’s planned like a party instead of a traditional date – Victor, having woken up flirty and suggested the idea to Alice, was the “date host,” and Alice and Smiler the “guests.” XD And the location of their date?
Center Park in the Myshuno Meadows neighborhood of San Myshuno! Which – uh – really isn’t all that great shakes, when you look at it. There’s a nice little gazebo, and a wedding area, and some nice fountains, and an observatory, and a house converted into a reception area for said weddings, but – not a lot of actual activities, you know? I tried spicing it up by adding some lot traits (Natural Light, Convivial, and Chef’s Kitchen for the kitchen on-lot) and a chess table into one of the sitting areas, but – eh. Starting to think I should have gone with my first instinct and just downloaded a replacement from the gallery.
-->However – thanks to Petey Plays It’s videos, I knew that the area AROUND the park was pretty hopping. And thus instead of staying in the sad snowy park, the gang instead headed down to the little party bar spot down the road, with its picnic tables and busking area, to pick up some snacks! Specifically, Victor and Alice both got some meat and cheese platters, and Smiler ordered a Plasma Jane to keep their thirst in check. :) I had a little trouble at first figuring out where to seat everyone to keep them all together so they could chat and fulfill date goals, but eventually I got them all lined up at the bar where they could talk, flirt, and tell jokes and stories. :) Which led to Victor and Smiler picking up a new family relationship – they’re officially Jokesters together now! Which is exactly what I wanted their relationship to be, so suits me fine!
-->Anyway -- Alice finished her meal first (thanks to werewolf "manners") -- to keep her busy while Victor and Smiler finished up, I had her go check out the nearest local monument plaque (celebrating the fishing heritage of San Myshuno and the Spangled Herring local to the area -- I didn't realize the city HAD lore. Interesting!). She then plopped down to make a snow angel as Victor and Smiler wandered over to share some party spirit and deep conversations (which Smiler decided they officially liked). The trio then indulged in a few smooches (well, Smiler and Alice both smooched Victor while the other looked on approvingly -- compersion!) –
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kresnikcest · 10 months
@chuchushoot i hadn't seen you comment in a while and i'm glad you're back 😌💖
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Since twitter is at the brink of imploding yet again, I figued I should try to be more active here, but I have an actual question:
Is there a way to have public conversations with as many ppl as they want to participate without creating a monster post everybody has to reblog and have different versions of in order to say their piece?
Ngl that has been the main reason why I don't make og posts here that aren't pics or fics. For all its flaws, twitter does allow to talk to ppl in a simpler, easier way. You can snowball a shitpost into a legit fun moment with your friends, here idk why it seems more complicated bc you do end up with said monster post no one but the ppl participating on it will care about. Idk
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blmpff · 1 year
Not me being genuinely excited for today's House of Stars to see what will PizzaPiccollo's name be this time lmao
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madame-noir · 6 months
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Forgive the late updates, I was so stressed I felt I should cut back on updates but, needed a little time to recooperate so I only updated on YouTube. In the end I planned out an entirely new animatic, and have every frame ready to be sketched and prepped for linework.
I'll be updating when I can, but I plan to update either randomly when I've got something interesting, on book of woe amino and YouTube, or every three days.
No matter what tho I'll always update YouTube and amino, amino of course having more details on the project but potato pota-to.
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ridragon · 11 months
i Do legitimately wonder if I'm one person or multiple people's sometimes. But usually only when on drugs now that I think of it.
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pelman · 1 year
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hyperbaricpro · 2 years
Benefits of Multiperson Hyperbaric Chamber
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is any medical treatment which aims to enhance the body’s natural healing processes. While the HBOT happens, the patients lie down on a bed inside a pressurized chamber. The atmosphere inside the chamber gets converted to 100 percent oxygen. The Two Person Hyperbaric Chamber gives dose of oxygen under high pressure gets delivered to tissues throughout the body by patient’s bloodstream. 
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Oxygen is the necessity in every cell for everyday functions and the increase in oxygen has been shown to help restore health in areas of disease, injury and infection. 
What can be Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments? 
• Radiation injuries
• Bone infections
• Post-operative infections
• Non-healing wounds
• Diabetic wounds/ulcers
• Crush injuries
• Thermal burns 
How a Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Happens? 
The individual is placed inside a total body chamber where the oxygen gets raised to two to three times higher than the normal one. This is known to have a “mild” pressure that offers the most beneficial oxygen levels avoiding all the potential side effects. These treatments are not very painful. As the pressure increases one will feel a temporary fullness in the ears which is similar to what any person experience on an airplane. Yawning or swallowing can relieve this pressure. 
Generally, each session lasts for about two hours. The patients are monitored by the medical staff throughout the whole treatment. The treatment can be stopped anytime as soon as the patient feels any discomfort or needs to get up, but this should be avoided if possible. 
Many individuals feel tired or hungry after undergoing a hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The physical activities before and after sessions are not limited or restricted for undergoing HBOT. 
How Many Sessions are Required? 
There are number of sessions needed depends upon the medical condition being treated. For chronic, non-healing wounds, many require between 20 and 40 treatments to see full results. This generally takes place once per day for six consecutive weeks.     
The Two Person Hyperbaric Chamber is extremely comfortable at providing the best treatment to all the required patients.     
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malachitegrey · 2 months
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do you like your good omens fics full of smut, romantic notions, and dumbassery?
if so, you may enjoy my first fic for our sex pollen event, float around your tongue, with art by @lexarturo that is even saucier than this preview suggests!
plot: aziraphale eats some sex pollen. don't even worry about it. crowley struggles mightily to figure out any number of things.
word count: 16k, because when my intent to write a lil sex pollen gift for @voluptatiscausa spun into a monthlong multiperson event, it was only appropriate that my one-location, two-character pwp also expand ridiculously
rating: quite E i think. lotta sex, even more feelings!
endless thanks to @hakunahistata for idiot-enabling beta/cheer reads and @adverbian for the event co-mod!
and if a stack of smut is not your jam, i have a SFW fic in the event coming in a few days!
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Hiii! May I, please, request the M6 with an MC who doesn’t show a lot of emotions and is regarded as apathetic by strangers, who actually likes to joke around and shows affection through quality time or acts of service?
Thank you 🫶🫶
The Arcana HCs: When MC comes across colder than they are
~ aww, anon! I had that struggle all through my teens, most of my friends told me they were scared to approach me at first until we actually talked XD I hope you enjoy these! - brainrot ~
Let's get this straight: you're smart, attractive, capable, single, and (seemingly) emotionally distant? Consider him whipped
Does he find you slightly intimidating? yes. Is that intimidation lethally attractive to him? ... also yes. Is this his sign to play off of that detached attitude as the roguish charmer he is? absolutely
So you can imagine his surprise when, as the two of you get closer, you start to show this playful, affectionate side that he never would have guessed at
Now he loves you twice as much as he used to, and he didn't even think that that was possible
Loves it when you spend quality time with him. He's so used to bouncing around the world by himself that having you set aside time to be with him is wonderfully new and fulfilling
Acts of service are nice too, but he gets so flustered and worked up if you don't let him reciprocate. Please let him reciprocate
Loves to tell the story of the cool, ruthless apprentice who stole his heart when he stole into their shop
They've known you for nine years. They know about your accidentally stand-offish exterior and how nice you actually are once you're comfortable around someone
You're not the only best friend he has who's like that *cough*Muriel*cough*
It does mean a lot to them that you feel comfortable enough around them to be playful and affectionate
It makes you that much sweeter to fall in love with, and that much harder to hide his feelings from
They find it endlessly entertaining to watch person after person approach you thinking that you're aloof, only to find out that you're genuinely kind and caring
He loves spending quality time with you. Lazing upstairs in the afternoon sun, reading a book and daydreaming while you do your thing snuggled next to him? Bliss. Pure bliss
They also appreciate your acts of service, but usually because they're terrible at remembering to do their share of the cleaning (that poor stove salamander really deserves a cleaner wood pile)
She's pretty used to having an accurate and in-depth first impression of someone
And yet, despite you coming off as aloof and uninterested, she keeps catching glimpses of this wonderful warmth in your eyes
Color her intrigued
Very honored when you begin to act more casual and playful around her. It means you trust her enough to be yourself
She does feel guilty sometimes that you always manage to make quality time for her, when her schedule is often so hectic that she can't reciprocate to the same extent
However, when she can enjoy quality time with you (and she often does!) she dotes on you endlessly and savors every moment
She didn't expect acts of service from you. She's used to having assistance around the clock, and on top of that she values her independence and a peer-based relationship with you
But when you notice that she's tired, and have breakfast brought to her chambers so that she can sleep in? She's in love. She's so very in love
You. He gets you. You are his kind of person
Finally, somebody he doesn't have to explain himself to! Though he still finds it a little disarming that his intimidating presence doesn't deter you from wanting to get to know him better
He knows from his own experience how valuable your trust and affection are, and as much as he hesitates to admit it, it gives him butterflies every time you open up to him a little bit more
Now when Asra forces him to attend a multiperson event, he has company when he stands in the corner and puts off "do not approach" vibes
It also means he has company when he feels safe enough to relax a little bit and enjoy connection with you. He has quality time for you in abundance (unless he's recharging his social battery)
He's also the kind of guy who prefers to let his actions speak for himself, so when you do little things to brighten up his day it means the world to him
You two around strangers + Inanna = peak intimidation tactics
Portia can get along with anyone if she puts her mind to it. She's not put off by your aura at all
If anything, she mistakes your apathy for mystery:
The powerful magician who calls themself an apprentice that the Countess had clairvoyant dreams about, sailing through the palace like they're untouchable. That's so cool
Very proud of herself when she "unlocks" your relaxed, affectionate, funny side. It means you see her as a worthy partner
She's the kind of person who likes to cram as much into her day as possible, so it takes a small paradigm shift for her to get used to your offers of quality time. She loves it once she does, though
You make her so flustered with your acts of service. She's used to being the person watching everyone's back and making sure things run smoothly behind the scenes
Having that kind of attention turned back in her direction is new and unexpected and more charming than she thought it would be
Likes to use your intimidation in important meetings because she comes off so friendly
Right, so you triggered him a little bit at first
You're the first person in three years who can see and interact with him, and no matter what he does he feels like he keeps running into a wall of ice. To say you infuriate him is an understatement
(It doesn't help that you remind him of his mother in that way)
Of course, this only makes him more determined to earn your approval and affection
And he is so gratified when he receives it from you
It's a good thing that you like spending quality time with him, because with all the traveling the two of you do as journeymen there's lots of space for that
He doesn't know to recognize your acts of service until the two of you have to travel separately for a bit, and when he realizes how much you do for him every day he nearly breaks down into Melchior's fur (Mercedes was with you)
He laugh uproariously at all of your jokes, regardless of how good or bad they are
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reddtea · 6 months
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I've revisited some of my old batman art seeing if I can improve both on style and design. I had this idea that Ivy should start off as a politician like Dent and I really liked the idea of her and Harvey being together, with eachother being a big part of the other's spiral into villainy. /// So here's the thought...Pam and Harvey are politicians who both want to see Gotham prosper though have different ideas of what that looks like, Pam thinks that by building more parks and public gardens they could start to pave a better future by making the city nicer for children as well as wanting to put out policies to control pollution. Harvey's approach to improving the city is by funding better education and social services to better empower the poor and put laws in place to protect workers. Both looking to tax the rich to fund these projects which get's the court of owl's attention. Both of them pay dearly for their views as Harvey gets kidnapped and tortured (half of his face is cut off) and he's given an options of either running away with Pam or doing exactly what they say if he doesn't want Pam hurt. Harvey tries to convince Pam to leave Gotham to drop it all and get away when they can. Pamela refuses after everything they've worked for and with Bruce backing them they're going to make Gotham a better place. Harvey tells her what really happened to him and why half his face is gone and why he thinks Gotham is a lost cause, hoping that it might be able to change her mind. Though the owls are watching and they take out Pamela for being too stubborn to leave and for knowing about them. When they take Pamela they murder her and dispose of her body in a swamp. Harvey knows Pam is missing though he's not sure if she dead or held hostage by the owls, all he knows is that it was likely his fault that she's gone. His paranoia of owls gets worse in her absence, without any way of communicating with them he has no way of knowing if he's doing right by them or if Pam can be saved if she's being kept as a bargaining chip. Harvey hates being made a pawn of the owls he wants to quit the political race but Bruce tells him he needs to keep at it, though he's not sure if he could trust Bruce or anyone for the possibility they might be an owl. So he choses to lock up a government building with a bunch of people trapped inside and set it on fire to eliminate any owls that might be there and to maybe see Pam again if she's already dead. When Pam is killed she is resurrected by swamp thing from there she's left confused, months (maybe little more than a year? idk) have passed since she was killed. She returns lost and confused and she goes to Bruce to figure out what happened since she was gone and Bruce turns her away at the door, so she's left to piece it all together herself.
She's heartbroken at the news that Harvey died in a fire and she makes it her goal to wipe out the people who hurt Harvey and killed her. She resents Bruce for being a bad friend and not looking out for Harvey when he needed him, believing that if he'd turn his back on her he must've done the same to Harvey while she was gone. /// I'm a big fan of the idea of villains starting off as normal to good people and then bad circumstances changing them. I don't like redeemable at all but resentful? vengeful? good stuff. I always felt like Harvey is kind of aimless after the transformation like the multipersonality bpd mr hyde takes over and that's it and Ivy just never had a legit evil motive other than "nature's great and men are trash" and her being paired with Quinn doesn't really do much for her character than making her "Harley's cute supportive not abusive lesbian girlfriend" Which no hate on gays but Ivy is really just an accessory to Harley's "men are trash I date girls now".
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fallahifag · 5 months
its similar with the irish language too wrt religion being baked in; like the way to say hello is 'dia duit' (god to you) & the response is 'dia is muire duit' (god & mary to you) (and also you can keep going & adding saints if it's a multiperson convo; like dia is muire is pádraig duit etc) also one million billion other super 'religious' phrasings that are just the language.
theres discourse abt this too with (typically younger ppl not raised in irish speaking areas) just gaelicizing "hi" -> "haigh" instead of dia duit, but the consensus ive heard from the native irish speakers ive talked w is thats just more colonial anglicization of the language bc dia duit is just Thee Greeting. not that this is super important or anything btw and no need to respond just interesting perhaps :-)
nooo this is super important omg thank u for sharing. these are great examples ❤️‍🩹
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