#mum u lied 2 me
kandyzee · 5 months
Something I hate when u try defend Debbie, Mandy, Karen, fiona and even Monica is how someone will always come back with the "Frank was abused and you hate him🤡" like yes I do!! Cause its different.
Debbie, mandy and Karen are all teenage girls who show that they have grown from their actions and are better after! Frank is a old man who has had his whole life to work through his trauma and get better. Frank didn't do something wrong and change for the better (in the space or a couple years) like the girls. He forced Monica to keep fiona and did it YEARS later with Carl too. Frank didn't just 1 or 2 horrible things, he did hundreds.
And can we talk about how Frank is a massive factor to why Debbie, fiona, Monica are the way they are?? Frank didn't break the cycle and he abused his kids and his partner. The other 3 actively try not to do that! Debbie is a fantastic mum she's not perfect, but she would never tell her kid to sleep with an adult or insult and belittle her. LIKE FRANK. Fiona spends her life till she is 28 doing everything for her siblings, sure she makes some mistakes, but she would never hurt them on purpose. LIKE FRANK. Monica is a terrible mother, but she tries to get help. She wants to get better, and who is it that almost always pulls her down?? FRANK.
A lot of what Frank does can be explained by his abuse and I really sympathise with him when we meet his mum. I hate that women. But a tragic childhood is not enough for me to forgive a man who has done the following things
-got his very young son kidnapped over a bar bet.
-used a dying woman for money and slept with her knowing she would likely die
-gave his son a bloody nose over a t shirt
-neglected all his children from fionas birth to his own death
-sexually assaulted his wife
-got a convicted pedophile into Congress
-told his underage daughter to sleep with grown adults so that he could sneak into that adults house to sleep
-broke his mental ill wife out of hospital, with the help or his young children
-tricked his son into thinking he had cancer
-tricked his son into being the bio father of 6(?) Kids
-used another mental ill woman for his own enjoyment
-told his own daughter to be "skins" in a game (meaning to take her shirt off 😃)
-forced his 9yr old daughter to become the main carer of all her siblings
-left his 3 very young children on the side of the road while one of them was extremely ill
-lied about being gay to hundreds of people for personal gain
-used ANOTHER mentally ill woman
-became the sponsor to an addict just so he could live with him and later outed him as gay even tho the man wasn't gay ??
-brought monica back into his children's life because he wanted money(he tricked her to coming back)
-has used prostitution services
-steals form pretty much everyone
-repeatedly ignored his youngest daughters attemps at closeness
-hes racist
-seduced his daughter in attempts of getting her liver
-ruined his daughters wedding
-given drugs to a baby with down syndrome
-called CPS on his own kids, particularly forcing his young adult daughter to now legally becoming guardian of her 5 siblings
-creating credit cards under his kids names
-used homeless people to create a second family
-handcuffed his wife to a bed so she couldn't get an abortion
-spiked his kids with drugs
-pretending his kids was homeless and begging with him
-showed clear sexual interest in Karen (a teenage girl)
-tried to strangle his daughter
-He advised Carl to use Chuckie to smuggle drugs, and then gave both of them away for police
-He refused to go Carl's parent night at school, but instead went to Karens
-encouraged his son to be a drug dealer
And that's just what I can remember of the top of my head. So yes FUCK FRANK and love my shameless girls
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magicalrocketships · 2 months
not me discovering this fine evening that you wrote other parts of Won’t Get To Space here on tumblr 0.o that fic is like *my fic*: i read it probably once a month, i like it that much (plus - me and liam may have something in common and this fic doesn't make me feel pathetic like i sometimes feel - even if i'm in my 30s) .. so, thanks to that anon for talking about this fic and for you to link the other snippets: you just made the (what was supposed to be an early) evening for an European <3 if you ever want to share anything else in that universe, please do <3 i wish you an amazing day / night and thank you *very much* for creating this AU
oh, thank you! I'm so glad <3 It's so lovely to hear that it resonated with you.
I went looking for the sequel file in the depths of my dropbox, it has a last modified date of 2015, it was created in 2013, I don't have the original program I wrote it in anymore so I don't know if any of the formatting is messed up as I really haven't looked it in years, but here's the contents of the file. There's no ending and it's just bits and pieces, but please know that of course they end up happily, and I don't think I ever posted it in its entirety here.
I hope you see this, anon!
won't get to space because I haven't got a rocket part 2 (harry/liam/louis)
(first part here)
Like the sky is blue (all the things that stop you dreaming)
Come to London this weekend, we miss you xx
Liam grins down at his phone. He's on his break, eating two ham salad sandwiches and a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the back of the garage, flicking through The Mirror.
Your both in the paperrrrrrrrr, he texts, once he hits the 3am pages. Did u rlly fall out of a clubbb??????
Shameless lies !!! Louis texts back. we stumbled gracefully !!!!
His phone beeps with a message from Harry. I fell out of the cab not the club. lou just fell over me.
Liam laughs at that. What u uptooo?
Hanging around the record company !! Meetings . Boring !! Louis this time. They must be together, and reading each other's texts. Liam sort of likes the idea of them both peering down at the same phone, together.
Maybe touching all the way down one side.
He really likes thinking about them touching.
Gud luck xxxxx Liam hasn't got long left of his lunch. Mums berthdaaay this fri so cant come down :( sozzzzzzz :(
He has to get back to work anyway, so he stuffs his phone into his pocket before the reply arrives, and heads back across the garage to get on with Mrs Holloway's oil change.
Liam spends Friday night in Garfunkel's with his mum and his dad and his sisters, eating dinner in honour of his mum's birthday. He orders the chicken even though he normally gets the scampi, just like his dad, but it's nice to spend time with his parents and his sisters and just eat together.
Nicola tries not to talk about her wedding, but it's hard, since there's such a lot to organise, and everyone wants it to be great. His mum has been fretting about what to wear since Nicola first came home with her engagement ring, and she's pushing Nicola to try and find out what Graham's mum's wearing so that they don't clash.
Liam's dad makes the same grimace of 'these Payne women, what are we supposed to do with them' that he's been making at Liam since he realised they could have a secret club of two, and Liam makes the same face of agreement he's been making since he realised he could join in.
"Stop it, you two," his mum says, flicking Liam in the arm with her serviette. "It might not matter to you if we both show up in salmon pink from Debenhams, but it'll be embarrassing for our Nicola. And me."
"I know," Liam says. "What if I showed up in salmon pink from Debenhams too, it'd be terrible. I might cry."
"Liam," his mum says reprovingly, but Nicola smacks him in the arm.
"You'll be dressed like all the other ushers," she says, and Liam is very quickly reminded that Nicola is fast losing her sense of humour when it comes to her big day.
"I was only joking."
Nicola rolls her eyes at him. "I'm turning into a proper little madam," she says. "I know, you'll be all calling me Bridezilla the moment my back's turned."
"Of course we won't," his mum says. She leans over and pats her on the hand as the waiter comes over with their food. "It'll be perfect."
It takes a couple of minutes for everything to get sorted, and his dad's already tucking into his scampi and chips before Nicola turns her attention to Liam, and his Peri Peri chicken. "Have you got your eye on anyone, our kid? Anyone you might want to bring to the wedding?"
Liam immediately thinks about Louis and Harry, Louis sprawled out naked on his bed, laughing, and Harry bringing them both cups of tea. He wants to bring them, but firstly, there's no point banking on a future where they're concerned, and secondly, how could he ever explain that he's bringing two boys to his big sister's wedding? He's not even sure he could tell them he was bringing one boy to the wedding, let alone two.
"Ooh," Nicola says. "There is someone, isn't there? I can see it on your face."
"Is there?" Ruth asks.
Liam tries to school his face into something that won't give anything away. He rather suspects he fails. "Nah," he says. "Nothing that'll come to anything. Single pringle, that's me."
Ruth makes a sad face at him. "You'll find someone. You're brilliant, Liam."
Those people on OK Cupid who ever bothered messaging him back didn't think he was brilliant, and neither did all of Andy's friends. Nobody had, really, until Louis and Harry, and Liam was half convinced that they'd be off again given the slightest chance. Why would boys like that settle for a trainee mechanic from the midlands when they could have anyone in London town? It just didn't make sense. He fakes a smile for Ruth, and one for Nicola and his parents, and tries to turn their attention back to his mum and her birthday.
He's not sure it works.
His mum does a roast chicken on Sunday, and Liam rocks up at half eleven with a bunch of flowers for her, because it's her birthday weekend and she deserves flowers. He's in a good mood; Louis had rung him up at half past one in the morning to tell him that they missed him and trying to have sex without him there was rubbish and boring.
Liam hadn't believed that for a second, but he likes to be remembered, and Harry and Louis just keep on remembering him, like he isn't invisible, or see-through at the edges, but like he's real.
(talking about Nicola's wedding and asking Liam if he's bringing anyone, and Liam wanting to say yes but not being able to. Texting Louis and Harry from in front of the telly and his family thinking there's a girlfriend) Birthday weekend.
"What time do you finish work?" Louis asks, as soon as Liam picks up, and Liam’s so used to Louis and Harry constantly using each other’s phones that it doesn’t bother him that it’s Harry’s name that flashed up on his screen. It’s a picture of all three of them that comes with it, anyway, Harry in the middle with Louis on his back with his arm in the air, Liam holding the camera out and pressing in so that he’s in shot. It’s one of Liam’s favourite pictures. 
"Half five, why?" Liam asks. He’s supposed to be seeing them at the weekend, but it’s only Thursday. They have half-arsed plans to go and see the new Captain America film, and Liam’s desperately trying to cover up his desire to see it sooner rather than later. 
"We’re coming to pick you up," Louis says. "We’ve got plans for you."
"It’s Thursday, though," Liam says, puzzled. He has plans for tonight that involve putting a load of washing on and eating beans on toast in front of the telly. It’s the part of his life he tries to hide from Louis and Harry, who are surely only here for the exciting bits. 
"We know," Louis says. "You’re not busy, are you?"
"Nope," Liam says, although he’ll have to figure out when to do the washing now, so he’ll have clean pants for work on Monday. He’s very much in love with Louis and Harry, but he does have a Monday to Friday job he has to work the two of them around, which they don’t. 
"Brilliant," Louis says. "We’ll see you at half five. Love you."
"Right," Liam says, still puzzled, but Louis has already hung up. 
Half five shows up, but Louis and Harry don’t. Liam sits outside the garage with his jacket zipped up, and passes his phone from hand to hand, waiting for them. He doesn’t want to ring in case they’re driving, so he sits outside and hopes that he hasn’t got the day wrong. 
They don’t show up until ten to six, by which point Liam is already about ready to leave to go home. Harry pulls his Range Rover up in front of the garage though, parking it totally skewiff, and Louis is already tumbling out of the passenger door even as Liam is standing up to meet them. 
"Hello," Louis says, bounding over and pushing Liam up against the wall. "Happy Captain America Day, Steve."
"What?" Liam says, but Louis is kissing him hello. Liam can’t quite bring himself to be bothered about who might see. 
"Captain America Day," Harry says, carefully pushing Louis out of the way and kissing Liam gently. "Here, we got you a t-shirt in honour of the occasion."
Louis pulls open his denim jacket to display a t-shirt with Captain America’s shield right there in the centre. Harry is wearing one with a giant Avengers A in the middle. The one they’re holding out for Liam is royal blue, with a white star in the middle and red and white stripes at the bottom. 
"Suit up," Louis says. "Here, preferably. Where we can stare at how hot you are."
Liam swallows, and looks down at his t-shirt. “Why are you here?” he asks, because ninety-five per cent of the time, he has no idea why Louis and Harry even bother with him. 
"Because Steve’s your favourite, and because you’re our favourite, and because we wanted to take our boyfriend out," Harry says. "We’ve got tickets for the eight o’clock showing, we’ve got a table at that burger place near that bowling alley that we went to first, and then we’re all going to go back to yours afterwards and let you talk about how hot Captain America is whilst we fuck you."
"That last part’s my favourite," Louis says, leaning in. "That was my idea, that bit. You can talk about how you’d like Steve to fuck you, if you like. Whilst we jerk you off. Make you come all over yourself."
"Oh," Liam says. Luckily he works on a nice, quiet road. It’s good, that, because he’s sporting a semi. "Right. That’s good, then."
"Brilliant," Harry says. "Now, are you going to change your top, or what? It’s been a whole week since we’ve seen you topless, and we’re getting withdrawal symptoms."
"All right," Liam says softly, and pulls open his jacket. 
(weekend at Liam's)
Plan to go away for a mini break, rent a house for the bank holiday weekend – Frisbee and piggy in the middle on the beach, bacon sandwiches, watching dvds and fucking, joking about singing together, Liam thinks it's a silly joke, they're not joking.
"We should go away," Liam says, without really thinking about it. It's either late one night or early one morning, but his watch is too far away for him to check, and anyway, he doesn't care enough to move. It's dark outside and he's naked. Anything else is just details.
"We're away now," Harry points out, from where he's lying, cheek pressed to Liam's chest. He's playing with Liam's nipple, grazing his fingertips over Liam's skin, thumbnail catching. Liam slides his hand down Harry's side, down towards his hip. He's too sleepy to initiate sex again, but he's not tired enough to fall asleep right this instant. "Well, me and Louis are."
"Don't suppose many people actually holiday in Wolvo, Haz." Louis, for reasons known only to him and at best impenetrable to Liam, is standing by the side of Liam's bed, wearing one sock and steadily eating his way through a packet of chocolate HobNobs. "You are talking about a holiday, right?"
Liam shrugs. He hadn't exactly thought about options. He'd barely got as far as thinking through what he'd actually said. "It might be nice," he says, as carefully as he can. Holidays and mini-breaks are what couples do. People in relationships. He's still not entirely sure that this counts. He's half-convinced that every time he sees Harry and Louis, it's going to be the last.
LIAM WANTS TO TELL HIS PARENTS, he just wants people to be happy for him like he's happy with them. Is convinced they're going to take it well because they've always loved him and supported him and wanted him to be happy.
I told my mum and dad about the 3 of us, Liam texts, on Thursday night. He's careful with his spelling, for once. It takes him about three goes to get it right, and at least two and a half of those he can put down to his hands shaking.
It's about thirteen seconds until his phone rings.
"You all right?" Louis demands, as soon as Liam answers.
Liam lets out a ragged breath. "No?"
"God," Louis says. "You idiot. Why didn't you tell us? We could have, I don’t know, been there. We're like, two and a half hours away. Harry's gone to the shop for a Cornetto and a banana."
Liam tries, desperately, to get a handle on his breathing. "You don't have to—" he says, but then everything he's been trying to keep inside just comes rushing out, and he doesn't mean it to, he really doesn't, but he's crying. He's crying down the phone because his mum and dad don't want him. They don't want him, and they're everything to him, and he really, really thought they'd understand. "They don't want me," he manages, after a while. "Lou, they don't want me."
Louis' breath catches. "Oh, baby," he says. "Sweetheart."
"What am I going to do?" Liam can't think. He can't do anything. He's already been sitting here for the best part of an hour.
"Wait for us to get there," Louis tells him. Liam can hear him moving around. "We'll drive up as soon as Harry gets back from the shop. I'm so sorry. Liam, I'm so sorry."
Liam hates crying. He knows it's weak, and he should be past this, but he can't. It's so hard. "Haven't you got stuff tonight? You're going out. You said."
"Fuck that," Louis tells him. "I'm putting stuff in a bag. You're more important than any stupid party."
"I'm not."
"Oh god," Louis sounds like he's going to cry himself. "Liam, sweetheart. Please. Don't say that. We're two and a half hours away."
"Sorry," Liam says, automatically.
"No—" Louis lets out a breath. "Look, are you going to be okay for two minutes? I'm going to phone Harry, get him to get his arse back here. I'll call you straight back, I promise. Please don't cry, baby. It's going to be okay. I promise. It's going to be fine. Your parents are going to come round, I swear."
His parents had asked him to leave the house so that they could 'think about what he'd told them'. They'd used words like weird and disgusting and ashamed.
Liam's always had a lot of feelings, but right this second, he wishes he could tear his heart right out of his chest, just so that it would stop hurting, if only for a minute. "All right," he says, softly, and when Louis hangs up, he buries his face in his sleeve and lets himself cry.
Andy's there when Louis and Harry pull up outside in the car, looking awkward and a bit useless in Liam's kitchen. Liam has to send him to answer the door because he's on the phone when they bell goes; his mum is crying down the phone at him, and Liam's having enough trouble trying to figure out what she's saying in amongst the tears without having to worry about whether Louis' going to lamp Andy when he's not looking.
Liam can't think about that. He squeezes his eyes shut. "Mum—" he says. "Mum."
"I don't understand," his mum's saying. "We don't understand, me and your dad. How can there be three of you?"
"There just is," Liam says, over the sob in his throat. He hates crying in front of Andy. He knows what Andy thinks about lads crying, but Andy's been good enough not to say any of that in the hour he's been here. He'd given in and texted him whilst he was waiting for Louis to phone him back, a garbled evryyhgings gon 2 shit can u cumm overrrr plese.
This is why Andy's his best mate; he'd turned up forty minutes later with two portions of chips from the chippy and a four pack of Heineken.
Once he'd seen Liam's face, he'd dumped them all on the counter by the Baby Belling and punched Liam in the arm, before pulling him into a one-armed hug.
Andy still looks shell-shocked, and it's an hour later. He might not understand Liam and Louis and Harry either—and he doesn't, because Liam's had the questions to prove it—but at least he's still here. He's grown up with Liam, and he's grown up with Liam's family, and he doesn't know what to make of it either.
He's still here, though. His best mate.
He feels Louis and Harry
wakes up to find Ruth in the kitchen talking to Louis
When Liam wakes up, he can hear the soft burr of voices coming from the kitchen. He doesn't open his eyes, staying curled up on the couch instead, Harry's hand in his hair. It's Ruth's voice, and Louis', and Liam can feel himself freezing up all over.
"—I just don't get why," Ruth's saying, over the rumble of the kettle boiling. "You're both—you're in the newspapers. What are you doing here?"
"Because we both love Liam," Louis tells her. "Because it might be weird, and no one might get it but us, but he makes us happy and I think we make him happy too."
"But what are you doing here? You must have a proper posh place in London. What are you doing in my brother's shit flat?"
It's a question Liam asks himself a million times a day.
"Because this is Liam's life, and we love him, and we want to be a part of it. And his life is here, and in this flat, so yeah, we're going to be here. With him."
Ruth's quiet at that, and Liam stays where he is on the couch, his heart thumping. Harry's hand in his hair has stilled.
Liam is sad and alone; his parents want to try, and they all go for a barbecue at Liam's parents.
Louis comes to find Liam in his mum and dad's kitchen after a while, coming right on in and wrapping his arms around Liam's shoulders, pressing a kiss to Liam's neck. "You've been gone a while," he says, not loosening his hold.
"I'm making more salad," Liam tells him, chopping a tomato into eighths. "You lot have eaten all the rest."
"More salad's always good," Louis agrees, but he doesn't let go of Liam, and Liam's grateful because he feels like he's about to explode.
"Where's Harry?"
"Turning on the charm," Louis says.
"It won't work," Liam says, and he doesn't want his voice to catch, but it does nevertheless. His knife skitters over the tomato and down onto the chopping board. "They won't ever understand."
"It'll take time. To everyone who isn't us, this is probably really weird."
Liam shakes his head. "It's not weird," he says stubbornly. "I love you and I love Harry. I don't understand why that's not easy."
Louis lets out a breath, and drops another kiss to Liam's shoulder. "I think you're probably the most honest person I've ever met," he says, which is a lie. Liam lies to people all the time. Louis and Harry don't even know that Liam failed at the X Factor. One day they'll find out that he's lied to them all this time and that will be the end. He lies about how much he needs them and how much this means to him and how much he's desperate for them to love him like he loves them. He lies all of the time, every day, and one day it'll catch up with him and it'll all be over.
"I'm not."
Louis ignores him. "I see you, and you're always just—whatever you feel, you just—you're the most brilliant person I've ever met. You and Harry, but you differently. God, I'm crap at this. I'm trying to tell you that you're so open, and so honest, and that means you get hurt sometimes. If I could, I'd make sure you never got hurt again."
Liam's chest aches. "Louis—"
"People disappoint us," Louis goes on. "Sometimes people we love, they disappoint us. But that doesn't mean they don't love us."
Liam drops the knife. "I want them to love you like I love you," he says, and he sounds all choked up. He tries not to, but he can't help it. "It's not weird, and it's not wrong. We fit."
"I know," Louis says. He shifts, hooking his chin over Liam's shoulder, and wrapping his arms around Liam's waist. "You're fucking marvellous, Liam Payne. Like, fucking brilliant. Me and Harry are going to keep on telling you and telling you until you just know, okay?"
Liam nods, but he doesn't believe it.
When they get back to Liam's flat after the disastrous barbecue at his mum and dad's, Harry and Louis lead him wordlessly into the bedroom, and pull him into a hug. Harry presses his mouth to the corner of Liam's.
"You're brilliant," he says softly, sliding his hand into Liam's hair. "And when we met your mum and dad, we could see just where you get that from."
"They were rude," Liam stumbles over his words. "They barely spoke to you."
Louis slides his hands around Liam's waist, and under his t-shirt to rest his palms against Liam's stomach. "What do you say to the two guys who are having sex with your son, exactly? It's weird for them."
"I wanted them to love you," Liam admits. Louis keeps stroking his fingertips over Liam's tummy, and Liam wants to stay like this forever, in their arms.
"We'll make them love us," Harry says. "Just you wait. You've not seen our long term attack yet. We're excellent winners-over. We've got, like, plans and strategies."
"Just you wait," Louis agrees, mouthing at the sensitive skin beneath Liam's left ear.
Liam tells his parents that his relationship isn't going awawy and then Louis and Harry take him back home and look after him, but they have to leave to go back to London
Liam has to be by himself and Louis and harry are meeting together with Simon Cowell about singing in a group. Liam doesn't think they're serious.
Liam has never, ever been prouder of his sister than he is when he watches her say her vows at the front of the room. He stands there in his charcoal suit with his fuchsia buttonhole, being her usher, and he cries as she says I do. He can see Ruth doing the exact same thing from her pride of place as maid of honour, but he can't help but glance back over his shoulder, gaze going straight to Louis and Harry, half way back on the bride's side. They're probably holding hands, and Liam wants that so much it hurts, but he's promised Nicola and his mum and dad that he'll keep it quiet, this threesome he's in and trying to call a relationship.
It isn't like he doesn't know how weird it is, but he wishes the people he loved accepted him like Louis and Harry do.
Harry gives him a little half-wave, and that catches Louis' attention. He winks at Liam, bumping his shoulder into Harry's.
Liam turns back to the front. His heart is full.
Nicola comes over later. She's drunk and plump and beaming and beautiful. "I'm so proud of you, little brother," she says, leaning over to wrap her arm around his shoulders. Her wedding dress is the size of about three people. She looks gorgeous, and like she's had the best day ever. Liam only wanted that from today, so he can't help but consider it a job well done. "And I'm really pleased you're so happy."
Liam goes a bit red, but he risks a glance at Harry and Louis anyway. They're all sitting out of the way of the dancing, because if they can't be openly together then sitting in the corner together and tangling their feet under the table is enough of an alternative to capture their affection.
Louis winks at him, and Harry just grins. They've got matching button holes, the three of them, Louis biting his lip and swapping Liam's fuchsia one for a cream rose once the dinner and the speeches and the photographs were all done. Liam had wanted something that marked them out as a threesome, a trio, even if he couldn't offer them both more.
"Seriously," Nicola says, her arm still round Liam's shoulders. "I've never seen you so happy."
Liam knows he's blushing more. He wants to reach over and curl his fingers into Louis', and have Harry come over and wrap his arms around him. "Well," he says, only a little awkwardly. "I am."
"It's been a good day, hasn't it?" Nicola goes on. She waves her arm in the air. "Everything's gone right."
"It's been perfect," Harry says. "And you look beautiful. Thank you for inviting us."
Nicola leans over and takes Louis' hand. "You are being good to him, aren't you?"
"Nicola," Liam hisses, but he can't do anything; it's her wedding day, she can hold whoever's hand she wants to. "Stop that. Put him down."
"Shush," Nicola says. "I'm talking to your boyfriend. One of your boyfriends." She giggles. "I never thought you'd have more than one boyfriend, Lee. Never thought you'd have a boyfriend, come to that."
"Well, I do, and they're perfect," Liam tells her. "But will you put him down and stop embarrassing me for two seconds?"
"No, but seriously." Nicola lets go of Louis' hand and reaches for Harry's. Harry lets her take it, and flushes in what Liam can only think of as a ridiculously cute kind of a way. "This is my little brother," she says, not letting go of Harry's hand. "Like—me and Ruth are really protective of him. Cos he's our little brother. And it's like you are too. Not like Andy."
"Nicola," Liam warns.
"Seriously. I'm trying to tell you something, so shush, Liam." She shakes her head, and turns her attention back to Louis and Harry. "If you hurt him, either of you, then I will personally hunt you down and kill you, and Ruth will help me."
Liam isn't so sure of that, since Ruth is still not quite on board with the Liam-has-two-boyfriends part of proceedings. This is still the most embarrassing experience he can quite remember, so he leaves the Ruth part of things to one side for now.
"You don’t need to worry," Louis says, shooting a glance at Liam. "We're the last people you need to worry about when it comes to Liam. I'm pretty sure we're committed to making sure everybody in the world realises how great Liam is."
"Yeah," Harry echoes. "We think he's brilliant, and we love him."
Liam knows he's doing his best impression of a bright red, on fire tomato but he can't look up. If he looks up he'll do something stupid like kiss both of them, and he'd promised. He'd promised.
"Do you three want to dance?" Nicola says suddenly.
Liam looks up. "With you?"
"Well, I suppose. I just meant—I meant do you three want to dance, together."
Liam looks over at the dance floor. "But everybody will know," he says. "I promised you and Mum and Dad."
Nicola raises her shoulders in an inelegant shrug. "I haven't seen you this happy, like, ever. It's like—I don't think it's very nice of us to be like, come to my wedding, but pretend you're not totally in love for the sake of Auntie Dora and all the cousins and the neighbours or whatever. So I think maybe that you should dance. All three of you."
"But Mum and Dad—"
"Leave them to me," Nicola says. "Anyway, whose wedding is this? It's bloody mine, so you three, get up there and do something romantic for me, all right?" She kisses the top of Liam's head. "Go on, scram. I'm going to find Ed and get him to dance with me too. We'll make a right show of it, us Paynes on that dance floor. Where's Ruth?"
"You're not a Payne anymore, Nic."
"Once a Payne, always a Payne," Nicola tells him, winking at Louis and Harry. "Go on. Up you go." Liam watches as she threads her way through the tables and her wedding guests in pursuit of her new—and quite remarkably drunk—husband.
"Well," Louis says. He smiles at Liam. "What do you want to do?"
Liam smiles at that. "I want to do what I always want to do. Be with you guys."
Harry blinks at that, looking away. "God, " he says. "Fuck, stop making me cry."
"So," Simon Cowell says, when all five of them are in his office, sitting in deceptively low cushioned chairs in front of his desk, "What have you got to say for yourselves."
"This is Liam Payne," Louis says, pointing at Liam, "and he's fantastic. And we think we want to record as a band—"
"I know who Liam Payne is." Simon cuts him off, sitting back in his chair, tapping his pen against the arm. "Long time, no see, Liam."
Liam can't bear to look to either side of him. "I didn't think you'd remember me."
"I'm good with names and faces," Simon says. "It's part of what got me to where I am now. That, and I looked you up."
"What's he mean?" Louis hisses, kicking Liam in the ankle.
Liam shakes his head, and doesn't say anything. This is what the end feels like: this. So close to his dreams, and yet so endlessly far away.
"Didn't I tell you to come back when you'd grown up a bit? Done your GCSEs?"
Liam juts his chin out. "I couldn't afford to," he says. "I needed to work."
"I literally have no idea what's going on right now," Niall says, from Liam's other side.
"I auditioned for the X Factor," Liam sits on his hands. "Two years before you did, when I was fourteen. I went to Barbados with Simon. I didn't get through."
There is no silence like a horrified, wounded silence, and Liam can read this one like a book.
"God," Niall says.
"Shit," Louis breathes, next to him. When Liam looks, Harry just looks horrified. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Liam draws his shoulders up. "Dunno," he says. "Didn't want to tell you I'd failed where you'd all passed. Didn't make any difference anyway, not back then. Then it got too late to tell you. I didn't think Simon would remember me."
"I remembered you," Simon says. He's still tapping his pen against the arm of his chair.
AND THEN: happy ending of course.
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seriousbrat · 7 months
omg this is so fun I have to do it. i was tagged by @juniperpyre thank you!!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
not all of these are marauders and some of them are like.. a decade old but still
Falls the Shadow (canon compliant marauders era, james/lily)
Cokeworth, the little smoggy blot of nothing on the map just northwest of Leicester.
2. Lippy Kids (marauders muggle AU where everyone is a girl, james/sirius)
"Oh, fuck me!" shouted the girl, slamming the palm of her hand against the door.
3. Pretty Girls Make Graves (canon compliant one-sided severus/lily)
Like so many polluted, dismal summer days in Cokeworth, this one seems to stretch endlessly on as Sev drags himself wearily up Dorlcote Close towards Lily’s.
4. From the Ashes (canon compliant marauders era, james/lily)
The room is dank, stale, clogged with smoke and shadow.
5. The Silence of Another (next gen, Teddy/James Sirius)
The ghosts stare at him from above, from all sides, calling him coward and disappointment.
6. The Night Will Always Win (canon compliant marauders era, james/lily)
The world is dark, he can perceive nothing but a sharp metallic taste in his mouth and pounding in his ears.
7. Paradise Circus (dragon age, modern thedas AU, fhawke/isabela)
“Look, Mum, just—” Marian Hawke jerked the steering wheel violently to the right.
8. Something Like Love (life is strange, chloe/max)
When you think of Chloe, you see her sleeping at her desk.
9. Gold on the Ceiling (dragon age, lavellan/dorian)
“Inquisitor, may I introduce Madame Violette?” Vivienne said, describing a genteel arc in the air with her hand towards the seamstress, a spindly woman with— in Dorian’s opinion— an altogether too enthusiastic proclivity for rouge.
10. Sea Legs (dragon age, fhawke/isabela)
“You know,” said Isabela, tossing the rope over the side and stepping onto the deck.
I am aware that I like to start things off with dialogue... some of these I haven't thought about in many years haha. Especially the LiS fic- there was a period when I was obsessed with second person lol. Otherwise I do think I like a brief, punchy opening line full of imagery.
I'm honestly not sure who here writes fanfiction rip but I'd love to see this from @artemisia-black and @firefeufuego if u want!
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coochiequeens · 22 days
Men continue to having trouble grasping it's not kids most women object to, it's having kids with men who want the benefits of having a family but leave the downside to the mothers
By Nesrine Malik Mon 2 Sep 2024
JD Vance’s comments on Kamala Harris reflect a stubborn debate in supposedly progressive societies
A woman without biological children is running for high political office, and so naturally that quality will at some point be used against her. Kamala Harris has, in the short period since she emerged as the Democratic candidate for US president, been scrutinised over her lack of children. The conservative lawyer Will Chamberlain posted on X that Harris “shouldn’t be president” – apparently, she doesn’t have “skin in the game”. The Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, called Harris and other Democrats “a bunch of childless cat ladies miserable at their own lives”.
It’s a particularly virulent tendency in the US, with a rightwing movement that is fixated on women’s reproduction. But who can forget (and if you have, I am happy to remind you of a low point that still sticks in my craw) Andrea Leadsom, during the 2016 Conservative party leadership election, saying that Theresa May might have nieces and nephews, but “I have children who are going to have children … who will be a part of what happens next”. “Genuinely,” she added, as if the message were not clear enough, “I feel that being a mum means you have a real stake in the future of our country, a tangible stake.”
It’s an argument about political capability that dresses up a visceral revulsion at the idea that a woman who does not have a child should be vested with any sort of credibility or status. In other comments, Vance said that “so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children, that really disorients me and disturbs me”. He appears so fixated on this that it is almost comical: a man whose obsession with childless women verges on a complex.
But his “disorientation and disturbance” is a political tendency that persists and endures. It constantly asks the question of women who don’t have children, in subtle and explicit ways, especially the higher they rise in the professional sphere: “What’s up with that? What’s the deal?” The public sphere becomes a space for answering that question. Women perform a sort of group plea to be left the hell alone, in their painstaking examinations of how they arrived at the decision not to have kids, or why they in fact celebrate not having kids, or deliberations on ambivalence about having kids.
Behind all this lies some classic old-school inability to conceive of women outside mothering. But one reason this traditionalism persists in ostensibly modern and progressive places is that women withdrawing from mothering in capitalist societies – with their poorly resourced public amenities and parental support – forces questions about our inequitable, unacknowledged economic arrangements. A woman who does not bear children is a woman who will never stay home and provide unremunerated care. She is less likely to be held in the domestic zone and extend her caregiving to elderly relatives or the children of others. She cannot be a resource that undergirds a male partner’s career, frailties, time limitations and social demands.
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2:29Oprah Winfrey takes a swipe at JD Vance during surprise Democratic convention speech – video
“Motherhood,” writes the author Helen Charman in her new book Mother State, “is a political state. Nurture, care, the creation of human life – all immediate associations with mothering – have more to do with power, status and the distribution of resources … than we like to admit. For raising children is the foundational work of society, and, from gestation onward, it is unequally shared.”
Motherhood, in other words, becomes an economic input, a public good, something that is talked about as if the women themselves were not in the room. Data on declining birthrates draws comment from Elon Musk (“extremely concerning!!”) . Not having children is reduced to entirely personal motivations – selfishness, beguilement with the false promise of freedom, lack of values and foresight, irresponsibility – rather than external conditions: of the need for affordable childcare, support networks, flexible working arrangements and the risk of financial oblivion that motherhood frequently brings, therefore creating bondage to partners. To put it mildly, these are material considerations to be taken into account upon entering a state from which there is no return. Assuming motherhood happens without such context, Charman tells me, is a “useful fantasy”.
It is a binary public discourse, obscuring the often thin veil between biological and social actualisation. Women who don’t have children do not exist in a state of blissful detachment from their bodies and their relationship with maternity: a number have had pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions and periods. A number have entered liminal stages of motherhood that don’t conform to the single definition from which they are excluded. A number extend mothering to various children in their lives. Some, like Harris herself, have stepchildren (who don’t count, just as May’s nieces and nephews didn’t). A number have become mothers, just not in a way that initiates them into a blissful club. They experience regret, depression and navigate unsettlement that does not conform to the image of uncomplicated validation of your purpose in life.
But the privilege of those truths cannot be bestowed on creatures whose rejection of the maternal bond has become a rejection of a wider unspoken, colossally unfair contract. Women with children are handed social acceptance for their vital investment in “the future”, in exchange for unrewarded, unsupported labour that props up and stabilises the economic and social status quo. All while still suffering sneeriness about the value of their work in comparison with the serious graft of the men who win the bread.
On top of that, women have to navigate all that motherhood – or not – entails, all the deeply personal, bewildering, isolating and unacknowledged realities of both, while being subject to relentless suffocating, infantilising and violating public theories and notions that trespass on their private spaces. With that comes a sense of self-doubt and shame in making the wrong decision, or not being as content with those decisions as they are expected to be. It is a constant, prodding vivisection. That, more than anything clinical observers feel, is the truly disorienting and disturbing experience.
Nesrine Malik is a Guardian columnist
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
I wish I have a platonic rich aunt and uncle like u, my uncle's are either sleazy, greedy, almost got bankrupt because of a delusion. Like some of my aunt are greedy, back stabbing liar, literally spreads rumors about someone who literally gives them money when they don't have a job and depends on ironically that one person who sends them the money, so on and so forth. 10/10 do not recommend.
Man I wish to have a platonic rich aunt and uncle who spoils u and treats u well meanwhile I'm stuck with people can't lift themselves up and rather spread lies to the person they're depending rather than being grateful, lied to my parents how I didn't do shit to help at the family business that one day they're out "how they did all the work and I lazed around" when it was the exact opposite (I still have a grudge on this person, sad how I'm stuck seeing early in the morning when I get ready for work) 🤡🤡🤡 I feel like the whole entire circus for having the end of the stick when it comes to aunt and uncles. I mean not all of em are bad, it's just more so I got bad ones more than the good ones.
Damn that sounds rough, but omggg I have something even more amazing to tell yall. I literally couldn't believe it myself-
So like I have like 4 uncles, and the one who is my fav is the youngest one. And like, literally a day later after I posted about my uncle being a "rich platonic yandere", my other uncle called my mum and was like "hm, I was thinking about flying out Snow to *other side of the world, well developed country*, for like a girls trip (with his daughters). Why? Idk, I guess she'll have fun at Disney world and whatever she wants for do here-" and like girl😭😭😭😭
My mother is like actively pushing me to go but I don't want to because 1. I don't want him to spend money on me. The guilt and weight of all is too much. 2. I just wanna go with my mother, be it around the world or to the grocery store. I love her😭
Anyways, she calls me a stupid ass for not going but whatever.
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sootburs9000 · 2 years
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bits n’ pieces:
1 -❥ we r a system- however due to ordeals with other systems we will be refusing to call ourselves such after this post & interacting w/ syscourse and if u show u r anti-endo/similar or anti-otherkin we will block u due to prev stuff that happened w/ them. in case hard to read/understand, We don’t want any syscourse here, it will be deleted and/or ignored, anti-endos and anti-otherkin CAN theoretically interact but you are on THIN FUCKING ICE because of others of those types who interacted before. We don’t need to be “taught” about them and the “harm” they do to the community. So don’t even try it even as a fellow system or as a medical professional. Our stance is firm and bringing that shit up is distressing because of how it was done in the past.
2 -❥ We’ll call ourselves a “caffeine cabinet” and each other “blends” over the normal medical terms. This is a note about that for later reference
3 -❥We do not owe you any information about us otherwise, however we will state we are 20 years old bodily
4 -❥ this is primarily a blog for our various bur introjects and interps and such. Others (including me) might do some things to include the others due to knowing them or to talk about our own burs.(<- mum lied abt this this is actually now essentially just our mcytblr blog)
5 -❥we’re primarily english speaking however we r trying to get the body fluent in at least spanish and french for the q!introjects!! if we ever say something wrong we trust y’all to correct us
6 -❥ we do not like ds/mp, we do not involve ourselves with ds/mp or dr..m let alone the dr..m stans. so Please, do not come to us on that. :} we do however LOVE making ourselves interps/aus off it & ourselves: many here u find here r likely that. pls do NOT tag our posts as dr..m uncensored UNLESS for others to block it- we personally will tag them with a “emoticon masker” as a blocklist tag
7 -❥ Literally the only canon content of ds/mp we have is by having watched Technoblade’s streams: everything else is hear-say of people we know and trust to tell us about it back when it was happening. That is also the case of most interps and such here. We heavily don’t interact with the canon content most of the time: this however does not mean that we will not figure out how to make an interp, let alone an oc off literally 3+ emojis and each other’s brainrots
8 -❥ c!sbi is beloveds, along w/ c!karlnapity, c!beeduo and c!benchtrio
9 -❥ we mostly see things as queer platonic HOWEVER we r heavy /r beeduo & /r tntduo enjoyers, as well as wish /r karlnapity wasn’t touched by the fans since to our knowledge it was better left alone. We do look at /r d/nf but that’s specifically bc we have a G..rge and Dr..m pair of blends who had the entire xdnf bit be ENTIRELY a joke during their memories. Also there’s multiple polycules in the cabinet including it.
10 -❥ we don’t always vet who we reblogged from if they’re on our feed!! there’s a good chance we haven’t interacted with them in a long enough while we forget they exist besides sillies to point at later!!- if you know they’re a terf or some shit TELL US PLEASE!! we don’t like them and it is normally a mistake it they appear on our blog bc we followed them pre-terf bullshit or knowing such!!
11 -❥ tags on this will serve as a navigation of sorts. With that being said hope you enjoy your visit and such!!
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tags for specific blends:
she/they simpbur, Cupid’s: #cupid shot my heart
he/she l’manbur, Barclay’s: #✘✘✘
he/him argbur, Joe’s: #random joe
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stlellamellor · 2 months
at 9at last a real programme that tells close the story of the "burning eras "  there is still more but thank you so much... for the 1000 of people murdered.  I am proud to be a WITCH have been since I found my way home on 28th may 1999. + yes I was I introduced to new friends as STELLA the witch. In 2019 I became a town Councillor later that year 1 of the older cwac councillor was telling people I was a witch a robbed people soul... at this point my mentle health was really bad I didn't won't my own soul. 4 years ago tomorrow I made a choice sober that I couldn't live +like when I was a witch I found peace. (It's long +now I am grateful) watching your programme remind me of what she said and also what has been being said about me since I was re-elect last year +organising winsford 1st pride and again constantly for 2nd pride and standing in the general election for mid-cheshire a picture of grot-bags calling me a pedo. Ect. But it's right it's ti silence us. They spread so much hateI have always stuck up for people as a child, if I've seen wrong.  I've always asked questions. My dad passed away on 4th January 2022.  And my gay uncle 8th February 2022. My mums brother... I had my vote stolen they may and I no sounds like am crazy but am a town Councillor I never moved, married ect...I could be elected.. when u have depression... I don't lie because at 9 when I lied to my parents I nearly got kidnapped by a man who mention my boob's AT 9. I wouldn't wear a bra...he didn't say boob's... that lie nearly got me taken from my family... I am not perfect, life has been tough. But I see the world getting worse for us woman, disabled,  poor. Nothing has changed here in the north we r the forgotten salt towns...And I have always stuck up for people as a child, if I've seen wrong.  I've always asked questions. My dad passed away on 4th January 2022.  And my gay uncle 8th February 2022. My mums brother... I had my vote stolen they may and I no sounds like am crazy but am a town Councillor I never moved, married ect...I could be elected.. when u have depression... I don't lie because at 9 when I lied to my parents I nearly got kidnapped by a man who mention my boob's AT 9. I wouldn't wear a bra...he didn't say boob's... that lie nearly got me taken from my family... I am not perfect, life has been tough. But I see the world getting worse for us woman, disabled,  poor. Nothing has changed here in the north we r the forgotten salt towns..i have just my daughter helping me  not my sisters,  i care and ive paid on my credit card in hope that who ever does get in if they have listened to me... i care and i bee let down, many times...2 many used!!!...I am Standing in the general election And I have always stuck up for people as a child, if I've seen wrong.  I've always asked questions. My dad passed away on 4th January 2022.  And my gay uncle 8th February 2022. My mums brother... I had my vote stolen they may and I no sounds like am crazy but am a town Councillor I never moved, married ect...I could be elected.. when u have depression... I don't lie because at 9 when I lied to my parents I nearly got kidnapped by a man who mention my boob's AT 9. I wouldn't wear a bra...he didn't say boob's... that lie nearly got me taken from my family... I am not perfect, life has been tough. But I see the world getting worse for us woman, disabled,  poor. Nothing has changed here in the north we r the forgotten salt towns..i have just my daughter helping me  not my sisters,  i care and ive paid on my credit card in hope that who ever does get in if they have listened to me... i care and i be let down, many times...2 many used!!!...I am Standing in the general election I don't expect to win, come last. Where i was 4 years ago, where i was having to sheild in the pandemic,  4 years ago my mentle health was so bad, i didnt wont to be here. So coming last is nothing when you didnt even wont your life.  This is my life and now I am.glad to have it last place is fine with me. And standing up for the north. #northwest #blessed be
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airdriedligaments · 3 months
i HATE bon and i HATE kyo i hope u both lose your internet privileges for the next 15 years because god you people cannot be normal!!! at all!! Even disregarding all that l*li and sh*ta shit you people r such hypocrites god damn!!!! and bon especially you r so annoying!!!!!!! How are you gonna be the most condescending piece of shit when you literally have an online collection of l*li doujins. Like okay my bad for not knowing the hex code of the 3rd pixel on kteru's lip but why dont we start looking over your pixiv saves?
And at first i was like "oh atleast kyo is nice" EXCEPT THEY'RE NOT? why are you making a whole ao3 account to rewrite a 'problematic' person's fics when the worst thing they've done was say an out of pocket r*pe comment in 2015. when they were THIRTEEN. THEY EVEN DELETED THE ACCOUNT AND MADE A NEW ONE. AND HAVE NOT SINCE BEEN NASTY
And like i would not care this much if they were just passerbys i saw on twt or something. its worse that i literally plastered "pr*shipper dni!! l*li/sh*tacon dni!!!" on every single account i have and you both STILL followed me and even went out of your way to talk to me - Hell, even post about how disgusting l*lishocons are then go around and save 50 different drawings of the same little girl in 50 different suggestive poses.
ICL bon was already so irritably annoying to speak to anyways.. like in the assumption that they weren't lying about being a minor, they sure as hell are spoiled because jesus christ how is your mum letting you get $70 worth of yaoi and l*li doujins. adding to that too they really did act spoiled too, like they'd never care to show any care to anything i talked about, and would consistently interrupt me with their own shit. Hell, literally in the midst of a normal conversation they started venting, then pulled out the "heh... i dont think thats normal is it..". I DIDNT ASK??? i js didnt reply to them because how tf am i gonna reply to you saying most of your friends off themself or tried to. i did not even ask.
then sending me 50 screenshots and asking me to validate you?? and calling people who i now understand were rightfully calling you out 'harassers'? like damn. None of this would've happened if you cared to just stay in your own little gross community of kiddie fiddlers instead of hypocritically preaching about how they're disgusting and talking to people who you KNOW dont want you talking to them.
anyways fuck you bon and kyo, please get off the internet and rethink your edgy behaviour. love xx
shout out 2 that one person who sent me the master doc
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skartle · 1 year
yo yo fellow headmate here uhhh basically saw u post abt hating tord and like fair, u 2 hate each other in ur source but then u posted about hating edd and like aren't u 2 besties in source? hope u dont mind me asking abt it :X - ☢
Yeah I don’t mind talking about it, admittedly it’s a long story so I’ll put a “read more” for anyone who doesn’t care. Long story short through, he lied to me about some pretty important things and after that I lost trust in him and it got worse from there.
Long ver:
Around I think year 10 or 11, Edd started getting a lot closer to Tord and they ended up moving in together. I and matt would occasionally stay over (and where planning to eventually move in) so Edd wanted all 3 of us to be mates. We were neutral on the guy and agreed that being on good terms would make things less awkward, so we just went with it. Over time I started to dislike him and made Edd aware of this, but he still kept trying to get us to get along anyways.
When Tord finally moved out, Edd apologised for being an ass about it and I assumed that would be the end of it. Alas, that wasn’t the case and Tord ended up moving back in a few years later, we ended up getting into a fight that nearly ended with me getting killed and after this, I got another apology from Edd, with me again assuming that would be the end of it.
Since Tord turned out to be super shady, I looked into him and showed what I found to Edd. However, he revealed that not only did he know about all of this, but he also helped him with some of it. Asking more questions, I found out that he knew about Tord wanting to kill me, having a weapon stash, wanting to take over the world etc and chose both not to tell me and not to stop him.
I was rightfully really angry about this and Edd made it out like I was overreacting. We fought quite often over this, especially after I found out he was hiding even more from me, but I really liked him and didn’t want to throw away our friendship so we agreed to put it behind us.
All seemed to be going well, until I noticed that the weekly visits he was claiming were for his mother started getting longer and longer. I started getting suspicious and one night, I woke up early and noticed that Edd was also awake. He was sitting on the couch on his phone and out of curiosity, I stood behind him and looked at what he was doing.
He was texting Tord. What about? Oh nothing, it was just Tord saying that he didn’t want to get into a relationship with him because he didn’t want to upset me and Matt. Yeah, these “weekly visits to his mum” was actually him going out with Tord, intending to start dating him.
I was obviously pretty upset about this. To fool me not once, not twice but three times is insane! I found out Edd was posting photos of the two together and was able to guess where Tord lived based off of them, going to his house the next day. He accidentally informed me that they had been doing this for weeks and when I got home, I called Edd out on it. He not only admitted it but also told me that he had been looking for Tord or a way to contact him for years before that.
We haven’t been friends since then and when we’ve spoken, it hasn’t been pleasant. Why yes, I hate Tord with a passion, I have to admit that he’s only done it once and has as least tried to apologise/make up for it. Edd however, has done this on multiple occasions and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more I don’t know about yet. Every time he apologises, I believe him less and less.
Both incidents shouldn’t have happened at all, but I have to admit that I prefer a one-time occasion over a growing pattern of behaviour.
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zengroove · 2 years
I haven't logged into twitter in a long Time. I prefer Tumblr. Over Competitive jealous fat boy rejoined twit after I left. He currently bums across the net. He's too stupid to write any Music so he attempts to destroy it, He sat there for years refusing to grow his account, pretty much inacto. Saw me zoom past him on 1 day, ain't been right since. Been in his fuccin ego. Like many republicans, everything is a competition with him. He doesn't understand Teamwork. He thinks his way up is to pull another down. Very similar to me sister. I told u he lied about leaving twit 😆 that his ego n pride wouldn't let him. U not supposed to try and compete with ya kid. Get with a woman, decide u gonna hate her kid n be jealous of him while u cheat on the kids Mum? That's him. Poor loser who can't shake opponents hand and say good game. Will report ya n get u kicced off network then smile n ya face n act innocent. Always needing a scapegoat to blame his troubles on. Narcissistic, builds up only to tear down in anger. He becomes more like his father everyday. That's not a complement. He sells republican ideas to the public but privately he lives Democratic. The image sold is a front. This is why I keep much secret. He can't destroy what he doesn't know. He wants whatever woman I date and he wants me mum. Is sicc. He tells her he's on the net for money. In reality he's been looking for u and this other woman I used to date. He doesn't accept some women want me and not him. He thinks everybody Loves him. Delusional. Avoid. Take anything he say with 6 grains of salt. Fat bastard will tell a person to leave, then destroy dey way out so dey don't. Then just deny, smile and lie. Thinks he can become President. He never accepted trumps defeat properly. 1st 2 years after, u couldn't even talk to the dude about it he was so sore it'd be a argument. I lost much respect for him and his family. Fastest way to get dumped by me is to flirt or sleep with me step-dad or half brother. Like... once u do that, I will never want u again so... don't do that and we good. 👍
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Man, I do love me some not falling asleep stressin because after 2-3 months of university I really don't know if I want to continue while also not seeing other alternatives.
What do people do without uni?? Like sure, there are some random jobs but there are also thousands of people who finished any random degree just to have sth on a cv. And since it's free I would absolutely be judged for not having anything... I'm kinda dying but also getting out of this mess seems like the wrong choice that will ruin my future. Maybe I really should just change my degree to sth like accounting and come back for this when I don't feel like I'm drowning anymore which will probably be never. Can't wait to be family's disappointment.
The worst part is that I genuinely enjoy like half of my classes. I just can't pass them no matter how hard I'm trying. Already gave up hobbies and habits I didn't even realise I had before starting uni. I never enjoyed studying in high school but I thought it would be better once I could choose what I will be learning. My mum always told me so and it is better, but I still feel like I've been lied to half my life. U go to uni after high school- always said like it's as obvious and easy as breathing. Can't believe my first personal post is a fucking rant about identity crisis.
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dogstare · 5 years
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zcorners120 · 2 years
the bracelet was so good ! i was wondering if you were going to make a pt 2 maybe with some drivers reactions ?
ty! ofc i will <;3 PART ONE MASTER LIST
arthur leclerc x fem!reader
The bracelet {two}
synopsis; Arthur's lucky bracelet was found on his sworn enemy's wrist after her extreme crash, what do people think?
warnings; 18+ S M U T, edging, unprotected sex, oral!male receiving, swearing, orgasm denial!male
Buried in the mountain of comforters, pillows, blankets and duvets, you felt your mum's hand brush your face softly.
"Mama, I promise you I'm fine." You whined, getting hot and feeling sticky against the layers.
"No Y/N, you are not fine mijn lieveling. I saw you come out of the fire so you need to rest." Her Dutch accent prominent, as she turns around to see Max and your dad walk in.
"Sophie, she's fine. The champ walked out without harm." Your dad beamed proudly, much to your mother's tutting dismay.
You looked down onto your phone and checked the F3 group chat as you haven't been on there since the crash.
Holy shit !?
Congrats Arth, u did it bud
The messages didn't end from everyone talking and sending clips of the crash, as well as the paparazzi pictures of the bracelet. You decided to send a message for peace of mind.
Yes, you're all correct to worship me because
of my cool crash.
{Y/N has sent an attachment.}
You sent a picture of the bracelet on your wrist just to stir things up, you liked the overreactions from them. As you slowly saw all of them open the picture, the notifications wouldn't stop rolling in as you smile at your phone.
"Well since she's fine I guess I can ask the question of; why the hell is Arthur Leclerc's bracelet on your wrist?" Max butts in, getting increasingly mad at the end of his question.
Your eyes widened as he carefully takes your wrist, analysing the bracelet.
"He gave it to me. So I wouldn't get into another accident." You said blankly, not to arouse suspicion.
"That's very kind of him sweetie." Sophie said politely, exiting the room with Jos behind her.
They were more focused on Max's career, with him being in F1 they found to prioritise him more. You didn't mind it, as you didn't have as much pressure with their peery eyes, and they didn't recognise apprehensive things like you and Arthur.
"Even though mama and pa don't know how weird this is, I do as I pay attention to who you're with in paddocks. You and Arthur hate each other, why has he given you his beloved bracelet?" Max conspired, sitting down next to you on your bed.
"Did you see the article about Arthur punching a reporter?" You spoke, watching as Max slowly nodded his head. "He did it for me, there's a video somewhere of him asking me creepy questions and he helped me."
"So he's doing my job of protecting you?" He shot, taking offense.
"Max, I'm 19. And us hating each other was a huge misunderstanding, he explained that he actually likes me but the same reporter spread lies about me to him." You explained, rambling on.
"Wait, wait. He likes you? Snoepje, there is no way that's happening." He ignored the vital context behind the potential relationship and took the affirmative role of the over protective older brother.
"Well isn't it good for you that we don't live together anymore, and I'm an adult." You teased, sticking your tongue out to annoy him.
"I can stay here as long as necessary, maybe even live here part time whilst we're both in race season and I can-" He drawls, finding an excuse to split you two apart, as you tune his voice out.
The notification buzzed against your arm, like a victory tune to escape Max.
Arthur Leclerc
Still on for tonight? :)
You smiled in the spotlight of your phone screen, thinking of how to reply before the phone gets snatched out of your grasp.
"You're going out with him?" He dramatically gasps, as he starts frolicking around your room in shock.
"Give me back my phone!" You shout, jumping up from the bed to chase him.
"Ahhh! Mama she's hurting me!" He shrieks, instantly giving you memories from when you used to live together as kids and constantly bicker.
You managed to corner him and snatch the phone back, smiling victorious. He prances off to tell Mama and Pa that you were meeting him, telling on you like an 8 year old would.
Arthur Leclerc
Still on for tonight? :)
Yep! Where we going?
You anxiously wait for a response, as you hear the echoes of Max complaining to Mama and Pa.
Arthur Leclerc
Still on for tonight? :)
Yep! Where we going?
Le Louis XV-Alain Ducasse, I'll pick you up at 7.
'Holy shit. That's one of the fanciest restaurants in Monaco, and he's taking me there for a first date?' You thought to yourself, how rich is he?
Arthur Leclerc
See you then. ;)
It was already 4, so you headed straight into the shower and started getting ready for the night.
You decided to wearing a stunning silk gown in which the bodice was a corset. It wasn't too casual, but not too much for a first date which you found perfect.
Clipping the backing of your earring, you hear the doorbell ring to which your mother immediately jumps at.
"Ms Kumpen, it's a pleasure to see you." You heard Arthur's deep voice say from the other room, probably followed with a handful of hugs.
You walk out into the living room just as Pa was introducing himself.
"Good evening Cherie." Arthur greets, taking your hand and kissing the top of it gracefully as you blush.
"Good evening." You hushed, smiling like a schoolgirl.
"I got flowers for you and your mother." He said before turning around, and gracing the both of you with two huge bouquets from the best florist in Monte Carlo.
"Thank you so much Arth." You praised, you and your mother pulling him into a hug.
"Alright, Leclerc too much touching." Max says, bursting in from some room.
"Max, pleas-" You tried to stop him, embarrassed.
"No. You hurt her Leclerc, I swear to God you better start prayi-" He threatened, mean whilst Arthur looked unphased.
You clung onto Arthur's arm, backing him into the apartment hallway.
"Alright, we're gonna go, bye!" You rushed, making a beeline to elevator.
"Okay, we're going back to the hotel! Have fun!" Mama called out.
You made some polite small talk as you walk into the grand reception of your apartment complex, the large chandelier casting great mood lighting before you walk out into the swarm of paparazzi flashes.
"Y/N, are you and Arthur dating now?"
"What happened to hating each other?"
You managed to escape the questions right as Arthur opened his car door for you and driving off.
"You look beautiful, mon ange." He admits, resting his large hand on your thigh.
"You look pretty handsome yourself." You laugh, watching as his other hand calmly steers alone.
His thumb slowly circled your thigh, watching as you bit your lip in anticipation.
"Don't bite your lip. That's my job." He spoke, winking as he watched your cheeks blush a deep red.
'So, this is the mood for the night? No problem.' You thought to yourself, conjuring up lots of different plans on how he'll be yours by the end of the night.
"Yeah? Will I get to see you do that job?" You tease, watching as he lost focus of the road ahead, and looked you straight in the eyes.
"A true gentleman never says." He met your level, still looking at you as he gradually sped up on the road.
His suit fit him perfectly, his shirt hiding his perfectly sculpted abs as you could see the veins that were adorning his hand gliding up and down your thigh.
"Eyes on the road, playboy." You broke eye contact, looking ahead of you to see some oncoming traffic.
"Do you not trust me?" His accent stated, low and powerful.
"I do, but not when you're not looking at the road." You said, looking at him to realise he never stopped analysing you.
He swerved the car in front of him perfectly, as your breath hitches. You grabbed the hand that was resting on your thigh, as he looked back onto the road to ease your worries.
"Is that how you impress all the girls that come into your car?" You giggled, wondering if you were right or not.
"No. They don't get treated like you do, you're different than them and I can feel that." He confessed, right as he pulled up to the valet, leaving you speechless.
He opened the door for you and held your hand out, muttering an incoherent word of gratitude for the man taking the keys.
"Good evening sir, do you have a reservation with us?" The woman behind the desk spoke, pushing her chest forward as she played with her hair.
"Leclerc. 7 o'clock." He said stiffly, looking at his watch for the time.
"Okay Mr Leclerc, I'll be with you in a second to bring you to your table." She got up slowly, winking at him, completely dismissing that you were next to him.
Her attempt at seducing him was pathetic, swinging her hips as she went to the waiter. You shot her a glance that could kill, as Arthur laughs.
"Jealous there, Amor?" He smiled proudly, snaking a hand around your waist as he pulled you in close.
"Nope." You denied, remaining stubborn as the receptionist came back and asked the two of you to follow her.
"Your waiter will be with you shortly, enjoy." She put a hand on Arthur's shoulder before walking off.
You scoff, thinking it's unbelievable to do such a thing in front of you.
The waiter eventually came as you both ordered some wine, to which Arthur argued and got one of the most expensive bottles in the restaurant.
"Should I start expecting a second date here Mr Leclerc?" You joked, swirling the wine glass with the magical alcohol.
"You should start expecting hundreds more." He laughed, drinking some wine out of his glass, as you both waited for your meals.
"I'll have to thank you some way for this then." You teased, taking the risk as you glide your foot onto his leg, watching his breath hitch.
"I think you've already got your own idea hm?" He breathed out, struggling to concentrate under your touch.
"I can think of a couple ways." You said seductively, as you both began to play footsies under the table like 15 year olds.
Your meals arrived, expensive and of course tiny, but you didn't mind if you were getting into some funny business later.
"Arth?" You grab his attention as you both finish your dinner, taking a sip of wine.
"Hmm?" He hums, looking at you with adoration in his eyes.
"How about we skip dessert here, and you can have it at your apartment?" You suggest cautiously, holding his hand to make sure your insinuations have gotten across clearly.
You watched as his eyes nearly bulged out of his head, his cheeks become a cute wine stain as his freckles stood out amongst it.
"Oh shit, absolutely. Can I get the cheque?" You giggled as he hurries the waiter over and pays straight away, despite you wanting to split it.
"No time for splitting when we have something more important to attend to." He rushed, calmly getting you inside the car and hopped over to get the keys from the valet.
He once again had his protective hand on your thigh whilst speeding down the Monegasque highway. You watched as his hand slowly got higher and higher, before you put a stop to it.
"Oh, sorry. Are you sure you want to do this?" He immediately recoils, thinking he did something wrong.
You just hum a hushed 'mhm', before putting a hand directly on the growing tent in his trousers.
He gulped loudly, letting you slowly unzip his trousers and pulling down the waistband of his boxers to reveal his hard cock, standing tall.
He smirks as he feels you stop in shock, his ego definitely getting a boost. To stop him from getting the confidence up even more, you run your thumb over his slit, immediately hearing him gasp slightly.
His cock pulsated as you took it in your mouth, leaning over the console area of the car. You took all that you could of him in your mouth, using your hand to satisfy whatever left as you slightly gagged.
Pulling back up, you spat on his cock, working your hand up and down, feeling the veins flex against your palm. You go back down, feeling him take a hand in your softly and guide you.
"Merde, tu vas si bien mon amour." You heard him whimper, as he carried on murmuring sweet nothings in French.
"Je suis si proche putain.." He started loosing attention on the road as you were pleasuring him so well, that you decided to pull up.
He was close, and made it abundantly clear as his tip started leaking small drops of precum. You leaned back into your seat, and straightened your dress, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"I was close Amor, why tease me like this?" He complained, looking at his throbbing cock in desperation.
"You can wait till we're home." You teased, loving the control.
"That's pretty unfair, no? Just you wait to see how I'll handle you." He said lowly, and that got you pretty excited as he zipped himself back up.
Arriving at the apartment he opened the door for you into the living room, immediately picking you up into the bedroom.
"Arth, put me down!" You laughed, him carrying you like a piece of paper.
"We'll see who's whimpering now." Dropping you gently on the bed, he took off your heels and starting kissing his way around your body, finishing by kissing you directly.
Unzipping your dress, he revealed an amazing set of red lace lingerie you put on just in case, as you internally thanked yourself.
"Even got my colour on for me huh?" He licked his lips, taking his shirt off and flexing his delicious muscles. As he took off his clothes and was left in his boxers, he sat on the bed and pulled you directly on top of him.
He pulled you in for a kiss, your tongues battling for dominance as he won, with you moaning into his mouth, only getting him more excited.
You grinded against his erection, as he pulled away from your mouth and attacked your neck, finding your sweet spot straight away as he started marking his girl. Sucking and biting, he left a nice bruise just to show everyone who's you were.
He flipped you over, caging you in with his veiny arms as he kissed your breasts, sucking on your nipples as he went further and further down.
"You want this right ange?" He asked again, making sure you completely approved.
"Mhm, so shut up and fuck me." You were desperate, watching as he immediately ripped off your panties, chucking them away as they were in shreds.
"Arthhh, they cost so much!" You whimpered, watching as he looked at you with a blank expression.
"It was worth it for this view. I'll buy you every lingerie store in Monte Carlo for all I care." He blurted, leaning over to his wallet.
You watched confused, wondering what he was doing, until he pulled out a silver packet and his debit card.
"Pin is 2957." He snarled, slotting the card into your bra as he opens the condom packet.
You looked at him shocked, but your mouth truly dropped when he quickly inserted his thick and lengthy cock directly into you, without warning. You both moan out at the stretch, feeling every inch slowly go in.
"Ohh shit." You moan out, as he slams back into you, watching as his eyes shut.
"Tu es si serré." He groaned out, as he flipped you over into doggy, smacking your ass before he set a steady pace with his cock slamming into your wet cunt.
He started going harder and harder as you couldn't keep your moaning under control, hearing the headboard slam against his wall.
"I'm so close Arth." You squealed out, as his balls smacked against you fast and hard.
You felt his hand snake around your stomach with his long fingers rub your clit in just the right way. You felt yourself let go, as your legs shook uncontrollably, gracing you with the best orgasm you'd ever had.
"Let it go, ma belle." He said, fucking into you faster than imaginable.
Squeezing your eyes shut you could see stars, as you could feel his thrusts becoming sloppier. Your hole pulsated against his cock, as you turned around and let him cum in your mouth.
His cum splattered on your tongue in sporadic bursts, as he moaned your name. Looking at you on your knees with his cum in your mouth, he couldn't control himself.
You licked it all up with your one finger, making eye contact with him as you lay back against his bed. He got up and got a towel and cleaned both of you up immediately.
"Shit, that was so good Cherie." He praised you, as he passed you one of his tops before getting under the duvet.
"I could say the same Artie." You hushed out, your eyes getting heavy as he pulls you in to spoon you.
He hugs you from behind and doesn't let his arm move from where he's draped it over your stomach, protectively.
A/N; i havent checked this over so hopefully it's alright lmao, don't think ive written the smut too well but if you want me to change anything or add something on then message me!
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
“I miss your dick” texts for all the tropes mayb?😏🥵
yn: i miss your dick
h: come to the office right now, ill let Dorothy know you’ll be coming and she’ll cancel my meetings for the next couple of hours
yn: couple of hours?
h: if i get you in this office, im stripping you and pressing you up against this window until your legs can’t hold you up anymore
yn: be there in an hour, dropping the babies off with you mum
h: ill be waiting pet…
yn: i miss your dick
h: [ 2 attached images]
yn: fuck
h: like that, mama? gonna give it to you as soon as i get home
yn: look so good. love seeing that wedding ring on your hand when it’s wrapped around your cock
h: never take it off, baby. can you facetime
yn: no, im at your moms with the kids
h: go in the bathroom, please show me your tits - miss you so much ☹️
yn: i miss your dick
h: do you, puppy?
yn: been thinking about it all day
h: what about
h: hey, come on now. don’t get all shy on me lovie
yn: thinking about you down my throat with your hands in my hair
h: fuck darling, can’t wait to get you all squirmy and horny in my bed later
yn: can you come home now?
yn: if you can’t it’s fine, i know you’re busy at work
h: on my way now pup
yn: i miss your dick
h: im literally downstairs, come sit on it brat
yn: come to me
h: get your ass down here, it won’t be good for you if i have to come up there
yn: no
h: last chance
yn: fuck u
h: you won’t miss my cock when your throat’s gonna be aching for days after i fuck it
h: coming up now
yn: i miss your dick
h: pay attention to your class.
yn: been thinking about how big it is
h: enough pest.
yn: how heavy it feels in my mouth
h: I do not appreciate your language. i would like you to stop.
yn: how it is always a bit of a stretch when you push in
h: im going to sink my teeth into your throat as soon as I see you
yn: i miss your dick
h: can have it whenever baby. be back at the frat in about twenty
yn: already in your bed waiting
h: are you wearing anything?
yn: nope
h: be home even sooner
h: better have your legs spread already because my mouth is going right on your cunt as soon as i get there
yn: i miss your dick
h: i miss your tits
yn: miss your mouth on me
h: miss your arse jiggling when i fuck you from behind
yn: 😢
h: ill be home in two weeks, honey bee
yn: stop grabbing your crotch when youre on stage 😠
h: why? youre the only one getting it
yn: you turn yourself on i swear
h: lies
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Hey i hope u well💕 , i have juno in scorpio in 2 th house , what type of partner do you think i attract ?
Hello! I am well thank you! I hope you are having tea somewhere right now. Ahh yeah my time, I LOVE discussing about this one. I read plenty on Scorpio Juno in the past since both of my parents relate to it (Dad has Scorpio Juno, mum has Juno at a Scorpio degree). I also crushed on a Scorpio Juno once lol. It's really fascinating Juno sign, at least to me.
-your partner might have been a fan of yours, if this makes sense to you. maybe you're a musician and they knew your music and/or were a fan of it
-you or your partner could be territorial, obsessive, possessive, a bit paranoid
-you could deal in your partnership/marriage with them with topics of debt, inheritances, money, shared resources, jealousy, envy, wanting to outperform the other
-you compete with each other
-you want loyality and sincerity, honesty the most
-you dislike lies
-manipulation can occur (emotional, financial)
-maybe you've seen in your family that one of your parents provides for the other, so you have the same mentality now, you could want from your partner to pay for you or you'll be paying for them (their meals, clothing, sometimes even rent lol, know what you are getting yourself into at first)
-could possibily by seen as you or them "rushing" into marriage (either both of you seem already old, like you have a goal of wanting to get married before the age of 30) or you just feel so passionately about each other that you get married after 2 months
-however, since it's in the 2nd house, you might have been friends before, like for years and one day you reveal feelings and get married in 2 months (this was what I meant by rushed marriage in the previous point)
-your partner could have gone through substance abuse
-your partner will be a foodie, someone who loves gourmet food
-your partner will try to compare your relationship to that of others
-private couple though, all of the arguments will stay between you two
-definitely 3rd party energy though (like they spend too much time with their friends, too much alcohol, drugs, this person is constantly working or at their job)
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blownbybakugou · 4 years
TW: ED/ANOREXIA hii!! sorry if this’ll come off as annoying but i’m a couple days ago i read your hcs w shigarakis ideal type and i read the iyo he likes chubbier kinda look when in appearance, iyo would he mind if i was kinda anorexic? i’m sorry i’m just struggle a lot w body image lol
It’s okay! I had anorexia for a few years when I was a teenager haha. You should know your body is beautiful as it is, there is nothing wrong with you! 
I got a lot of similar requests for this kind of thing, so here is some other guys :D.
Warnings: Eating disorder, Anorexia, kinda force feeding.
Word Count: 1k
Pairings: Shigaraki x gn!reader, Bakugou x gn!reader, Deku x gn!reader, Tokoyami x gn!reader, Kirishima x gn!reader
Shiggy sometimes forgets to eat too,
So it takes him awhile to notice your lack of food consumption.
It’s when he has a real dinner with you for the first time he gets suspicious.
He’ll see you picking at your food,
And after he ate,
He noticed none of that food actually made it to your mouth. 
“Did you not like the food?” He asks, looking into your eyes. Your body was relaxed, but behind your eyes he could sense panic. “N-No, it was fine, I just wasn’t that hungry.” Tomura thinks back to this morning. He was playing video games, but he would still remember if you had had breakfast or not. “You didn’t eat breakfast, either. What’s going on?” He questions, stopping you from walking any further. “Nothing! I-I’m fine!” You chuckle, but he could see right through you, your lies hanging in the air for him to notice. “Don’t lie. Have you not been eating?” He says, looking at you with disbelief. You look at the ground in shame, tears dripping onto the concrete beneath you. “I’m...sorry..” You sob, gripping your arms so tight that your nails pierce through your skin. “We’re going back in. Let me just put my hood back up.” He grumbles, grabbing your sore arm lightly and pulling you into his light grey hoodie. “We’ll start small, okay?” 
Mf notices right away. 
The way you always dodge his invites out to eat,
Poking at your stomach with sad eyes when you think he isn’t looking
But he isn’t that quick to confront you about it
He waits for more evidence, and then strikes.
“Hey, dumbass. Here” Katsuki shoves a large chocolate chip cookie into your chest, the saran wrap squeaking in protest. “Uh, no thanks Katsu. I’m not very hungry.” You lie, extending the treat back to him. “No. Eat the damn cookie. You’re hungry, whether you acknowledge that or not.” he says stubbornly. “I told you, I’m not hungry. I’ll eat later.” You say, shyly dusting off your clothes. “I know you won’t. You haven’t eaten in 4 days. Eat the fucking cookie, or I’ll make you.” Bakugou grunts, swiping the pastry out of you hand and unwrapping it, before pressing it against your lips harshly. You exhale, slowly opening your mouth to take a small bite of the delicious baked good. “More. Finish it.” He says, pushing the cookie further into your mouth. You slowly but surely finish off the cookie, feeling bloated and fat. “There. You’re still as fucking perfect as you were before or whatever.” 
Observant little shit.
He notices the moment you go to sit down at lunch,
With no food. 
He offers some of his, 
But when you refuse he gets HELLA sus.
No one would ever refuse his Mum’s superb cooking,
So either you’re allergic to something, or you aren’t eating.
“Y/n, u-um. I think you should have some of my pork.” Deku sates, picking up a piece of the meat and presenting it to you. “No thanks, Izu-Kun.” You dismiss, turning away from the mouth-watering sight. “Please eat it. I really think you should.” He urges, his emerald eyes full of determination. “But-” Taking advantage of your open mouth, he quickly sticks the slice of pork onto your tongue and watches as you close your lips and swallow in surprise. “I have some more, my mom accidently packed for two today. You should have some” He insists, already starting to divide his food. “I, um. I’m full.” You try to stop him, but he only shoves a container of noodles your way. “Please accept my offerings, Y/n. I-It would make me happy.” Sighing, you open the lid of the container and start to take small nibbles on a noodle. “Thank you, Y/n”
Another observer.
He notices when all your friends go to eat lunch together,
And you refuse.
He decides to test something out, so he goes and asks you to dinner.
When you say no,
It’s a giveaway for him.
“So, y/n. How long have you been anorexic?” He asks out of the blue. You jump in your seat, avoiding his sharp gaze. “I, um, I don’t k-know what you’re talking about?” You smile nervously, your façade melting away. “You haven’t been eating, mind telling me why?” Fumikage deadpans. Sighing, you give up. “I-I just, don’t really like the way my body looks. Not eating is an easy way to lose weight, so...”  He glares at you, blood boiling at the though of you thinking of yourself of anything but perfect. “Your body is beautiful as is. We’re going out to eat, my treat.” He summons dark shadow, using him to stop you from running away. He pulls on your hand, intertwining your fingers, and leading you to a near-by noodle shop.
Thinks it’s his fault,
Because he’s always working out and shit.
So, he assumes that you stopped eating because of him.
“Y/n...I’m so sorry I made you feel insecure about your body!” His eyes are clearly watery, and the sight of it makes you feel guilty. “What? No! Kiri, it isn’t your fault, I’m just...not skinny.” You sigh, pulling him into your house. “But, you’re so beautiful and awesome and manly! You shouldn’t have to feel like this.” He pouts, pulling you into a insanely tight hug. “I love you, and you are perfect, and I don’t want you to feel bad because I work out all the time. I’ll stop if you need me to, but please eat something!” You exhale with a smile. “You can workout all you want. And I guess it wouldn’t hurt to eat a litt-”  “Come on! We’re going to the nearest fast food place and stuffing our faces!” He yells, determination lacing his voice as he yanks you back out the door and down the road. 
Part 2? (Kinda wanna write this for the Haikyuu!! boys  👀)
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