#mun being stupid at 3 AM
magicalgirlfumiko · 1 year
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i'm kinda indifferent to the five stars in honkai star rail this patch. Undead lady is more interesting than the IRS. And I'm still not a big fan of constantly going back and forth to save Hoth over and over again. But yay, Himeko did something important w/o chapter 9ing. lol
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vartouhix · 2 months
↓ ━ have you had any bad experiences with roleplaying?
mun related ; accepting
HA. Yes, definitely. Someone straight up stole one of my OCs--one of Vartouhi's siblings--once. It was a situation where I had a falling out with a friend for super stupid reasons. This ex-friend was very familiar with Vartouhi and her lore. Had been rping with Vartouhi since almost the beginning of her creation. I even allowed her to make an OC of her own that was one of Vartouhi's ladies in waiting. I was minding my business when another friend messaged me like "Have you seen this??" and linked me the about page of "Karam, an alien prince with an affinity for plants and telekinetic powers that help him control plants." If you take a look at Vartouhi's siblings, one of them is named Aram. Vartouhi's people are plant/tree/flower-like people. The royals of the Balahyan family have telekinetic powers that do a lot of things, include help control plants. Oh, and the kicker was that this ex-friend used that exact same face claim with the same hair color as Aram. As I recall, it was even a picture taken from the same performance that my picture for Aram came from. This was back when I was in the trenches of the kpop rp community, and there was this horrible Mean Girls-style "Burn Book" type blog called krpventblog. People used to complain about me there because they thought I was "face chasing" muses that had the faceclaim Kai from EXO. (When in reality the rpc was so oversaturated with muses using him as an fc because he was popular at the time... And I just never turned people away that had the same fc as someone else I was already interacting with...) I was also a little bit of an elitist brat back then because of my previous rp experiences being so strict, so that wasn't helping my reputation. x'D ANYWAY the point is I was not popular on that blog, AND YET people sent in ask after ask being like "I don't like vartouhix, but this person DEFINITELY stole this muse from her." It was wild. But yeah that and the entire time I rped in the kpop rp community in general would be my worst experiences. There was just a lot going on in that community that was disheartening, racist, and toxic. I stayed in it for so long because for a long time, people in other rpcs wouldn't accept/rp with a muse with an Asian face claim. Idk what changed, but eventually I was able to branch out into the Marvel rp community... And then The Last of Us... and then slowly I became more comfortable with putting myself out there for other fandoms. And that's how I got to where I am now! :3
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eveistdiepommes · 6 months
💕💛 🪞^^ ~
💕- So!! A character that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AND ADORE but don’t speak a lot about is… well… there are a couple!!
The first one that comes to mind is Romania! And this is a newer favorite of mine!! I mentioned I think in an ask that I’m still catching up on newer hetalia lore and characters and stuff! And I finally got around to reading Romania’s segments and learning more about him and… I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM!!! He’s quickly becoming a character I attach to because of his personality, or what I gathered from personal interpretation!
He’s so positive and silly and I think I’ve seen other people describe him as an orange cat! But what I think is very relatable is that he’s charming and positive but ALSO loves folklore and (what other people consider) creepy things! I’ve always been drawn to the macabre, I practice and believe in magic, and it just so happens that my second biggest passion is Vampires (among other supernatural beings and lore!)
Other characters that fall into this category are Japan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Belgium! BIG emphasis on Belgium she’s my favorite hetalia lady!! I used to have a Belgium roleplay account on twitter (before it became confusing 🥹) so if any of you remember waffle mun… hi… that’s me🫶
💛- OKAY!!! A friendship that doesn’t exist in canon but I want to see… I might be biased here, and also I don’t think???? It’s happened in canon??? But they have interacted!! It’s..!!!!! (Drumroll)
Finland and Italy!!!! I think these two would get along so well and I’m biased because they’re my favorite characters (in the ‘im just like them’ category) Finland and Italy are both bright and cheery and sweet! Their kindness would fill the whole room up! But, I also see them as two very anxious people (IM PROJECTING AAAAH) I usually portray Finland with OCD, as I’ve been coping with my own OCD after coming off of anxiety medicine. And in the same vein, I’ve always portrayed Italy as an extrovert who is also socially anxious (and sometimes socially unaware.) I think these two could help each other in moments of stress, as I’ve always noticed I forget my anxiety when I see a loved one in trouble! The need to help people you care about almost always overrides fear, and I think their friendship would be beneficial to both of them!
(Also another friendship I’d love to see is Canada and Italy, but I could dedicate a whole post to that BAHAH)
🪞- YES! I ACTUALLY HAVE BEEN MEANING TO TALK ABOUT THIS!!! Also, heads up, this is gonna get a bit personal!!
It’s no secret Finland is my favorite character! And that’s for a multitude of reasons. But I actually first got very attached to him because of how he was physically portrayed. He’s short, chubby, rounded. I used to be very chubby because medicine made me gain a lot of weight (the same anxiety medicine I mentioned I got off of!) Well, last month actually marked a year of being off it, and within that year, I lost all the weight I gained (45 pounds!) Of course, this also was because I started exercising a bit more and stuff!! But all in all, I’m very proud of how far I’ve come and I love how I look!
All of this is to say, I give Finland my body type. While I am short and slim, I’m by no means a twig! My portrayal of Finland still has a soft tummy and rounded face and thicker arms and thighs! It’s mostly my height I give him, making him the second shortest Nordic, but even then… he’s still taller than me 🥹 (I’m 5’2” / 158 cm for reference!!) I know a lot of people portray Finland as chubbier/fatter and let me tell you THAT IS AMAZING AND CORRECT AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I LOVE CHUBBY FINLAND TO THE DAY I DIE!!!!!!! The only reason I give him my body type as I grow and change is just for the simple fact that I am very attached to him! I see myself when I look at him, which probably sounds really silly! But these stupid hetalia characters have been with me at my worst moments, have been with me through hospital visits, and they give me a lot to look forward to!
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lemorningstar · 8 months
the morning star. private & selective lucifer morningstar from hazbin hotel/hellaverse. portrayed by sophie ( 25, she /her ), established feb 2024. hazbin hotel is an 18+ animated series so there will be mature and violent themes present on this blog. anything triggering will be tagged accordingly; violence //, blood //, etc. this blog is under construction so no bio as of yet -- but I will primarily be canon-complaint for now, though that might change in the future.
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1. I am selective; I only engage in threads with mutuals and I do not follow personals. If you follow, it may take me some time to check out your blog and such -- I work fulltime and may not always be active here. So give me about 24-HOURS & if I do not follow you back, it is nothing personal at all! I simply only follow those who I see potential interactions with.
2. Be RESPECTFUL. If you are polite and considerate to me, I will show the same courtesy to you! I want to establish friendships with the people I roleplay with, so let us all get along!
3. Regarding original characters; all I ask is that you have an about page for them — one that is easy to access and read! 
4. Please respect that Lucifer is a powerful former - Seraphim in my portrayal. He is an immortal being who has existed for thousands of years with abilities we have yet to even scrape the surface of. I have portrayed strong canon characters in the past and interactions can be difficult if people don't respect that these characters are likely more powerful than theirs.
5. If I am forgetful ( WHICH IS OFTEN ) and if I do not respond, please don't be afraid to throw me a message! Also understand that I work full - time, though, and I won’t always reply to threads in a timely manner; this blog will be low activity!
6. I partake in both SFW and NSFW threads. Both the muse and I are 18+. I won’t post anything under read more, though, just letting you all know! Prior to any NSFW threads, we can discuss any limits or triggers; for example, I won’t write rape or necrophilia. I will tag EVERYTHING that contains sensitive content; nsfwork  //, violence // , blood // , ETC. I will NOT engage in any sexual roleplays with minors — to be frank, I don't want to interact with underage muns at all on this blog. If you age up minors to write smut, go away; I am all for showing them as adults and where they would be in life, but smut and even shipping with a canonically 18+ muse? No. 
7. I would be open to shipping our characters but Lucifer is shown to still be canonically in love with Lilith, wearing his wedding ring and having lost himself even more when she left. I would be so happy to see him experience new love, though, and I would be open to potentially plotting it if he clicks with another muse -- it would just take a lot of foundation and relationship building!
8. If I see any drama, vaguing or needless call - outs, I will most likely soft block — I am here to enjoy writing and I do not wish to be swept up into stupid drama! Call - outs regarding truly problematic people, however, are the sort that I do support; only if the person is SERIOUSLY a danger to the community, though.
9. I won’t interact with those who support racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc; nobody has the right to discriminate! Also if you are a proshipper, stay away from me.
10. If you wish to reblog an ask meme, then I please ask you to reblog from the source if you are not going to send one in!
The most important thing is to have fun! This is meant to be enjoyable and I want everyone to have a good time!
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phoenixduelist · 11 months
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Name / Alias: Jasmine
Pronouns: she/her
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: None.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other: I don't have one but probably should have because the Véghváryverse has gotten out of hand
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other: the fuck is that
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | when should I send a password?? If I send it while the other person hasn't followed back I feel like I'm being pushy & almost demanding a follow back. If I don't send it and follow them, then they will think I didn't read the rules.
My blogs are +18 only. I know you feel ready and don't know why is this thing so common; I felt the same way. You will get it when you're older.
Don't use Amber Heard as a faceclaim if you would like to write with me. I don't tolerate Johnny Depp slander either.
Like my characters, my writing style is also intense. Grand storylines, deep emotions, detailed fight scenes, serious conflicts. As @erthlyheavn once called the 'genre' (and I'm still extremely honored): Jasminean tragedy.
Tiny ass icons (less than 100x100) with a distorting psd slapped onto it with a fancy border. I CAN'T SEE SHIT. Let alone make out the character's expression. This isn't a dealbreaker though, I just don't understand the appeal of something so microscopic supposing to convey emotions.
Extreme formatting to the point I have difficulty reading it, despite my eyesight is great.
Haven't really happened, but expecting Rozy (or any of my muses) to be immediately down to have sex with yours. She might feel attraction at first sight, especially if the first meeting is a swordfight, but she's a trauma ridden gray asexual. It will take some time.
That being said, treating OC X Canon ships like it's the fucking 8th deadly sin.
Porn bots duh.
Blogs without displayed +18 age (I am fine with personal blogs if they are +18)
Terfs, racism, homophobia, Amber Heard supporters etc
Anon hate, unless I'm feeling snappy enough to answer.
We all know and put in the no racists etc list in our rules but I haven't seen many 'don't interact if you're anti sex work'. So if I see anyone speaking poorly of sex work in general, sex workers of any kind from full time workers to selling feet pics on Onlyfans; saying they deserve whatever treatment because of their line of work, daddy issues/uneducated/unintelligent jokes, use of slurs: get the fuck out of my sight and be very glad I'm not your neighbor. My blogs are all safe spaces for every kind of sex workers.
Portraying pedophilia/rape/sexual abuse in a positive light. It's not the same as having those in your character's backstory, nor if your character has a warped mindset on it due to what they been through. I am able to tell when the mun themselves write it as a kink instead a character's trauma response.
Being soooooo 'anti callout' that they refuse to heed the 20+ page google docs of evidence and still interact with known abusers in the rpc. And I'm not talking about 'they called my friend stupid and have a similar theme as them' petty shit. I'm talking about grooming, pedophilia, slandering, manipulating, doxxing, harassing, stalking. If you let that fly because their writing is good, they make you graphics or for whatever the sorry attempt of an excuse; what the fuck.
Giving me unwarranted, unwanted, condescending criticism about my writing. This doesn't mean I don't accept criticism, far from it. I also ask for feedback from time to time. I don't care how this will sound: I know I'm a good writer. I researched everything, poured history, psychology, years of development, depth, nuances, despite her strengths/talents she is balanced on the power scale (especially with the latest addition of the necessary recovery after pulling her sword fuckery), just very difficult to deal with. You do not get to dismiss that nor try pull me down because you will only end up pissing me off for eternity. Just say 'Our writing styles don't match' and unfollow. No harm done with that. But giving me an incorrect lecture when I didn't even ask for it is one of the very few things that will get you blocked without a word, because I'm still courteous enough to not leave an essay how you had no right & break down why you're wrong in your inbox before the block. Don't make me tone down my writing style and insult me for it because you don't want to/incapable of matching it.
Writing style and/or preferred topics the other person wants to discover don't or barely overlap with mine.
Shittalking Ocs in the rules like 'canon gave us enough developed characters'. Are we seriously gatekeeping...creativity???
Overly...detailed or harsh isn't a good word for it; but if the rules are like blocking without a word in case of liking too many posts, reblogging a meme instead of the source, sending too many messages etc. Which is fine how you want to curate your space, but I have way too many problems to worry about irl and I don't want to feel like I'm on a minefield where one wrong move is game over forever when I'm supposed to have fun. I'm way too stressed for this.
Even if everything is fine but I don't feel that spark. When I follow, it means I'm very much interested, intrigued in your character, your portrayal and want to throw my psychotic captain & the disaster crew at your muse(s). But there are some cases when I simply can't feel that. And I don't want to disappoint anyone by giving replies without soul in them.
tagged by: fucking stolen what did you expect, this is a pirate focused blog
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suffcring · 10 months
Hey Ben 🥰 we just met in 2023 and that not too long ago, but I am very happy we crossed paths! Despite being off to a rocky start, I think we managed and became friends. You are so incredibly talented, your writing, your takes: it’s all so perfect and I love reading everything you put on the dash. You’re a staple on my dash now , and I hope that 2024 treats you with more kindness and happiness than this year 💖 I wish you nothing but the best, always.
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2023 is almost over! With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!
Cas! It is 3 am and I am shaking you violently but affectionately. I still don't know how I blocked you that last time, like I genuinely don't know what happened.
But! I'm glad we're good, now. It's fun chatting with you, even when it's just us sending eachother 15 second voice memos on disco while we giggle about stupid circumstances circling Terzo's death
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boysplanetrecaps · 2 years
Boys Planet, Episode 3 Recap, Part 1
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This review will conclude the signal test and the level reassignment, and cover the team selection. Let's do it!
Let's skip past the previews and teasers and go to 3:10 for more signal song tests.
First up is 3 star Seo Won, who is in NINE.i and auditioned with Attention. He walks in to the judging rooms and LipJ seems unprofessionally glad to see him. He starts his performance and honestly is super charming. He gestures to his name tag when the lyrics say "name" and I mean, sure, literal hand gestures worked for Evan Hanson so why not. He concludes with such a cute ending fairy that LipJ screams out loud. Then he scurries out, muttering, “That was so fun!” I love to see that, because so many of these trainees seem to hate to perform, leaving me wondering why they want to be performers.  The judges decide to promote him to 4 stars, so good for you, Seo Won!  
Next up is my little cousin and noted yeller Kum Jun Hyeon (the subtitles use a different transliteration). He starts with a silent yell (to save his throat) and then does a good performance, with on key, if slightly over-forceful, singing. When he's done, he asks Solji if he's changed and she says yes. The judges say he’s improved and give him 4 stars. He’s happy about it.
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Next is blue-haired Park Hanbin from The Real. He does well, even if his singing a bit pitchy for my taste. He returns to the trainees and then kind of obnoxiously tells them, “why waste my breath? Of course I got All Star.” He was just joking around, I'm sure, but I feel like people won’t like that…?  In the midst of his joy, we keep cutting to members of the Korean Kick It team -- sickly baby Han Yu Jin and mop headed Kim Gyu Vin. They look miserable. 
Next is Mun Jung Hyeon, the raspy rapper from The Real. He sounds pretty breathy in his vocals, but they’re on key, and he is charming. The judges upgrade him to 4 star, and I’m really glad. I feel like that whole team deserved to be 4 stars all along.  
Next is Le Ye Dam, who did that amazing audition to Gambler. He’s just good at everything. He keeps his 4 star status, and bounces off the floor like a cricket in his joy. 
Next is sweetheart Keita from Ciipher/Conduct Zero. I think he still needs a bit of vocal training for some of the lower notes, actually, but the higher notes he does well with. 
Kim Gyu Vin is next, and he doesn’t want to be judged by Master Baek, one of the psycho dance teachers. I am deliberately not learning their names because I genuinely dislike them, quite intensely. Seeing Gyu Vin walk into the room -- it’s like I’m seeing an abused kid confront his abuser. I know Korean culture is different and stuff but these trainees are so young and the dance teachers are so cruel, so needlessly cruel. I don’t see any value in behaving this way. I’m not that invested in whether or not this one teenager gets to debut or not, but I am invested in this one human being’s mental health. His voice cracked a few times when he was performing, and he just seemed deflated. The same kid who put 7 star stickers on his nametag when he came in was just ready to give up. I find this very sad. The judges demote him to 3 stars, which seems fair based on his performance, but this is one of those situations in which the observer changes the observed. 
Next is Ji Yun Seo, the leader of the Kick It team. He seems to stumble on the vocals a lot, and apparently his dancing is bad. I blame the choreography, because I think they all look dumb doing this stupid choreo. Anyway, they demote him too, to 3 stars. 
Next is Yoo Seung Eon, also from Kick It. He seems terrified and his voice is raw. He also gets sent to 3 stars. 
Finally, it’s sickly Han Yu Jin, talking again about how sick and feverish he was. His hyungs took care of him, but when he was talking about how sick he was in his confessional, someone should have intervened and sent him to get some medical care. Jesus FUCK. Of course his performance isn’t fabulous and he gets demoted too. So the whole Kick It team gets sent down to 3 stars. I don't know if it's deserved or not, but I do know it's messed up.
After that, the judges say that the signal test is over -- but it’s not totally over. They seem to have realized after the fact that having two different judging panels wasn’t the fairest method. So, as far as I can tell, the judging panel who didn’t watch the original test reviewed the video tape and then they discussed it more to be fair.
The trainees find out that some of them are going to be re-reassigned, and they're so on edge and miserable that the news hardly affects them anymore.
Zhang Hao, the auburn haired Yuehua leader, says in his halting but excellent Korean that he’ll accept it if his 4 stars gets taken away. He’s so humble -- it seems genuine, too. Mun Jung Hyeon, the raspy rapper from The Real who I find quite charming, represents the other end of the spectrum -- please don’t take my 4 star away! Oh Sung Min, aka Jerome in T01, isn’t above hoping he’ll get promoted to 4 stars. 
The judges announce that Park Min Seok (The Real), Jeon Ho Yeong (Love Scenario), Lim Joon Seo (one of the two boys who came in first), and Yoon Jong Woo (the guy who pretended to kiss Ji Woo) have all been demoted to 1 star. Most had been 2 stars; for Yoon Jong Woo, that’s extra rough, since he started the day as a 3 star. 
Kim Min Hyuk from Lullaby interviews, “they started naming us one by one, and then we all got demoted.” That’s confusing because he himself didn’t get demoted; in fact, he’s wearing a 2 star jersey but is listed as a 3-star, so he must have been promoted. Good for him! 
After that, they finally get to poor sexy Jellyfish Park Gunwook -- he got All Star! Good for him. Also, they decide to promote Seok Matthew to All star too! Good for him, too.
14:13 Signal Song Filming
We're at the filming for the Signal Song. It's one of those big pyramid stages, and naturally the All stars are at the top, and the 0 stars are on the ground. One person on the ground among the 0 stars is overalls Ollie from Yuehua, who has dropped from 3 stars to 0 stars. Oh no! Yuehua kids are not great at learning choreo, I guess. The 0 stars want to be on the stage so badly they just want to tap their feet on it, or touch it with their fingers. Aww. Ma Jing Xing, the handsomest one from Reveal, interviews that he really practiced so much. Bak Do Ha (blue house) interviews that they won’t be seen on the ground. And in their cluster of Chinese speakers on the ground, Wang Yan Hong (Hot) and Ollie agree that they’ll have to prove themselves from the bottom. 
Then the center with the Killing Part gets lifted all the way up on the top stage. Who could the center be? We know it’s either Nation’s sweetheart Sung Han Bin or auburn haired Zhang Hao. (Seems that each contingent voted for their own center.) Who could have won between K and G? Of course it was K, so Hanbin will be the center. 
At 17:45, it's time for filming! The boys all clean up well and look like "real idols." LipJ is filming this on her phone, as if it’s not… being filmed. I do kind of love how she cheers on the 0 stars, though.
I still don’t understand the whole thing with the Signal Song. Do people watch it? I don’t. I’m not sure I’ve ever sat all the way through any of the Signal Songs. But it seems important to the trainees. Maybe it’s popular in Korea.
Anyway, more stuff about how to vote -- feel free to skip ahead, to...
20:39 Hanging Out
The boys all seem to be wearing matching pajamas -- some are kind of a light leaf green (I think that’s the Korean trainees) and some are white with little red dots (I think that’s the global trainees). It’s never addressed or even acknowledged, but there they are, in matching pajamas we've never seen before. They look like nice pajamas, though. I wonder if they’re available for purchase at a store near me?
The boys are just hanging out having a fun time, totally and completely unaware of the cameras, just doing what they would always do. 
A few boys are playing a word game, and they keep cheerfully screwing over Lee Yedam (Gambler). 
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Meanwhile, Keita is holding Korean lessons with some of the Japanese trainees. How cute is this shit? I love it. 
His students include Takuto, Haru (he’s the blonde one), and I think Kei from Conduct Zero. 
Others hang out singing, and Kim Hwan Hee from Up10tion comes in to sing with them. The captions imply that he’s drunk, but I doubt that he really is -- where would they get alcohol? 
Others enjoy eating. Wow! Kpop trainees. They’re just like the rest of us. 
Others are exercising, and the camera zooms in on their butts as they do squats, and I’m not sure whose butt that is and if it belongs to a minor or not so I’m just not screencapping it. You do you, MNET, but I’ll be over here. 
As the night wears on, Lee Ye Dam waxes philosophical. “You shouldn’t just be good at singing and dancing here,” he says. But we don’t get to hear what else he thinks you need to do. Other trainees are also thinking about how long they’ve been training. Lee Dong Yeol, better known (maybe) as Xiao in Up10tion, says, “I’ve been doing this for seven years. The moment I thought, what if I can’t get on stage, that’s when I thought I should figure out a way.” Aww.
Oh Sung Min, “Jerome” from T01, says, “I thought I was the only one with stories.” Oh, that’s so sad. We don’t really know what he had been talking about, but I know that the T01 trainees went through some really abusive stuff. I know that no one on this earth is owed a life in show business, but the Kpop industry can be really cruel. 
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They get ready for sleep, some of them clutching large stuffies (strong approval on that), some wearing masks to bed, (maybe it helps prevent snoring?), and some with their jersey ready to go in the morning. That yellow one-star jersey says Choi Yujin on it; he was a member of NuNu NaNa and was originally assessed as 3 stars. Awww. 
25:30 Team Making and Song Selection
The next day, they’re brought into a room with two middle school chorus risers in it, and the trainees soon realize that their names, and a number, are written on the risers where they’re each meant to stand, on the riser for their group (K versus G). 
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For example, Choi Yujin’s name is shown with the number 18.  Ma Jing Xing, the handsomest one from Reveal, is number 10. Na Kamden is 35. But the lowest numbers in the very front don’t have names on them, and some trainees can’t find their names. Whatever could it mean????
But, as Lee Dong Yeol, better known (maybe) as Xiao in Up10tion, notices, some trainees’ names are missing. And mysteriously, they’re the most popular trainees and/or the ones that have already debuted -- like Dong Yeol himself, Kim Ji Woo (Mr. Sexy BL), Oh Sung Min (“Jerome”),  Nation’s sweetheart Sung Han Bin, and Mirotic’s highly ranked Lee Seung Hwan. Whatever shall they do? 
The doors creak open and the boys freak the fuck out. SOMEONE IS WALKING IN? Through the DOOR????!?!?1?!
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Oh, Seo Won has put magenta stripes in his hair. Looks cool. 
Anyway, it’s the most handsome man in the world, Hwang Min Hyun, a man so handsome he walks through a soft glowing mist at all times. 
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The show wants you to remember him from Wanna One, but I think of him as a member of Nu’est.
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The boys have chills from how handsome he is! He notes that he has been through a survival show like they have (Produce 101 Season 2), and Hui remembers appearing on that show as a master -- but now MinHyun is the master, and Hui feels emotional about that. 
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That’s a blonde Hui, with HyunA and E’Dawn/Dawn. The three of them used to be in a special group called Triple H -- check out their song Retro Future. You can skip the rest of this paragraph if you already know about this, but E’Dawn was in Pentagon with Hui too, and HyunA was a soloist. Then people found out that E’Dawn and HyunA had been dating for a long time, and there was a dumb pointless scandal and E’Dawn and HyunA were kicked out of Cube agency and Pentagon suffered and E’Dawn and HyunA suffered and there’s no more TripleH, so I hope you’re all happy now, Cube. 
Having Hui as a trainee when he obviously has so much talent and skill as a producer and songwriter and really should be a master or vocal trainer or producer or something, it makes me livid. It’s still stupid and wrong. 
We find out that a fancam of the Signal Song performance of each trainee was posted on Youtube, and that the numbers the trainees have just now been given represents their rank in terms of their fancam views. Park Han Bin, with the blue hair, is ranked 19, and interviews that he’s disappointed he wasn’t closer to the top, but he looks fairly happy. We also find out that the trainees who don’t know their numbers yet are in the top 9. And here is that top 9 in order:
Kim Ji Woo
Seong Hanbin
Lee Da Eul
Lee Seung Hwan
Han Yoo Jin
Cha Woong Gi
Oh Seong Min
Lee Dong Yeol
When Lee Da Eul is announced 4th, Kim Min Seoung (from Nu Nu Na Na) interviews, “He’s not necessarily the best one. So I think he made it to the top with his charm.”  It must be kind of galling to have trained for years and worked on your skills, and then get beaten by a kid with almost no skills who just… is cute. 
Hui is asked how he feels about placing first, and he says, “It made me realize that many people support me,” and bows humbly. 
Then we hear about the top 9 for G-group, and there are some surprises! 
Dang Hong Hai 
Zhang Hao
Seok Matthew
Zhang Hao is a little disappointed to have been only 7th, and Na Kamden interviews that he is surprised too. Kamden doesn’t seem to be wearing that pearl necklace anymore, at least in his interview. Maybe it’s tucked under his shirt. 
When Dang Hong Hai is announced as number 1, he can barely believe it.  Everyone else is a bit surprised too, including Hui. 
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I had to try to figure out why he won, so I watched the fancam. I guess I don’t really get it, but that’s ok. This comment on the Youtube video seems to summarize the appeal: “Although his dance might not be the best, but I watch his fancam literally everyday because his facial expressions and the vibe he give is just WOW amazing…..this song suits him so well and I’m looking forward to his performance in the show! Fighting!!!!” Also, people seem to like his face visuals. Hey, I never know who will be considered good looking in kpop; I remind you that I think the most handsome member of Exo is probably Chen, so I seem to be out of step with other people. So I can’t comment either way. It’s also worth noting that in some pre-show ranking thing I saw, Hong Hai was ranked 3rd, so I guess it’s not crazy that he would have done well at this point. He’s currently ranked 29, so I guess we’ll see what happens. It would be cool to see more Southeast Asians in Kpop!
Jang Yeo Jun, a GBTB performer who recently dropped from 3 to 2 stars and from 51th to 60th in ranking -- he’s the one who ended up completely breaking down on the phone to his mother last episode -- is excited for his first mission. Me too! I think Yeo Jun is a good dancer, for what it’s worth. 
The first mission is a K vrs G group battle. 
No one seems all that happy about it. 
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Anthonny is a study in aggravation. 
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Even the K-group trainees aren’t thrilled. 
I think they want it to not be about K vrs G any more, and I don’t blame them. They all probably have friends in the other group and they’re probably sick of being segregated.
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Hey, look, it’s Toui! He finally got better from being sick, and I guess he moved up to 1 star. Good for him. He’s ranked 93rd, but you never know, I guess. 
Winnie interviews that he’s ready for the challenge, and oh gosh, I hope he changes that hair color soon. It does him no favors.
It’s pretty standard issue kind of challenge. Each of seven songs will be performed twice, once by a K-group team and once by a G-group team. The audience will vote for the one it liked better, and the winning team will get a benefit. 
During the reaction, we can see that Chen Liang, one of the God’s Menu performers, has dropped from 2 stars to 0 stars, and is currently wearing an eye patch. Poor guy.  Han Seo Bin, one of the Freak rappers, is wearing a scarf around his neck, maybe to keep his throat warm. We also see that he has dropped from 4 stars to 3. 
I was initially confused as to the benefit rules, so here is what Minhyun says:
“To the team that won by getting more votes from Star Creators, 100,000 points will be awarded. After combining each team’s scores, the group that got the higher score will be given 10,000 extra benefit points.” So “team” means “team performing a particular song” and “group” means K-group versus G-group. 
I might be proven wrong on this, but it really seems like a foregone conclusion that K-group will win. Here is my reasoning. (1) The K trainees are generally more skilled, as a group. (2) The G trainees will have a harder time learning the lyrics to the songs, even if they already kind of know the tunes. (3) K trainees all share a language and culture, while G trainees will have serious communication issues and cultural differences, leading to more difficult teamwork. 
I’d be irritated about that 10,000 point benefit being primed for the K-group to have, but I know that 10,000 points won’t really do much. It would be enough to change the outcome for someone who would have one or two spots below the cutoff point, but it won’t save anyone in the basement of the rankings. 
The boys know that, so the producers poke them with a cattle prod (I assume) to get them to say things like this:
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The look on Ji Yoon Seo’s face here cracks me up.
Also, one team will get to perform on M countdown, which they all are very excited to do. 
The theme for the songs is “million selling groups.” As Minhyun reveals each song, the boys react as if that group has just walked in the room. Here are the songs: 
Seventeen -- Very Nice Exo - Love Me Right BTS - Danger   NCT Dream - Hot Sauce  Wanna One - Burn It Up  Stray Kids - Back Door  Black Pink - Kill This Love
Lee Da Eul (the shy ham) doesn’t remember Danger, so Lee Seung Hwan (Mirotic) sings a little. 
Minhyun says that Burn It Up -- a song he performed as a member of Wanna One -- is really difficult. I suspect that will be important. 
Cai Jin Xin (Reveal) says, in English, “That’s my favorite song!” when Back Door is announced. 
Krystian jumps up and down when Kill This Love is revealed, and Haruto starts doing the choreo. 
Minhyun says that currently, K group has 47 trainees to G-group’s 48, so to… make it fair…??... they’re setting Kill This Love aside as the song that will have a different number of trainees. K group will perform it with 5, and G-group with 6. I guess the idea is that at least you know what you’re getting into if you purposefully choose Kill This Love. 
If you do the math, you’ll see that all the other groups will have 7 members each. The trainees with the highest rankings in the fancam views will get to choose their teammates. 
Jung Min Gyu, the red house, is sort of resigned to the fact that no one will pick him; Han Yu Seop, a Jellyfish trainee with low ranking, says he’s in a tough spot.
 Keita explains what’s going on to Anthonny, using Korean to do so, which is odd since they both speak Japanese, but I guess that since they’re using Korean so much all day every day it’s just easier to stay in that language. 
37:00 The team making starts
Hui gets to pick first. 
Lim Jun Seo, who walked in first that day with Lee Da Eul and who has dropped from 2 stars to 1 star, interviews that he was sort of hoping that maybe Hui would pick him.  Aww. My little cousin and noted yeller Kum Jun Hyeon jokes in his confessional that he didn’t want to get picked right away, but the editors see eye contact. 
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Lee Seung Hwan from Mirotic, who has worked his way up to 3 stars, also wants to get picked. I mean, to be fair, they all do. Every single one of them. 
Hui picks Nation’s sweetheart Sung Han Bin first, and who can blame him? That’s who I would have picked first too, I think, and besides, I think they kind of know each other from being at Cube.
Keita mutters to Anthonny, in Korean, “Even the whole Group G can’t compete with those two.” Aww. 
Then Hui picks exactly the person I would have picked second - Lee Ye Dam, who did that fantastic audition with Gambler. I was muttering it at my computer screen and then it happened! He’s so happy, and the other trainees nod as if to say, of course.  Then Lee Jeong Hyeon, who auditioned with The Real and who, despite his 3 star status, is fairly low ranked. Everyone is really surprised at that, including him! But every team needs a good rapper. Then Oh Seong Min (“Jerome”), who is not who I would have picked at all, but ok. 
After that, it’s Han Seo Bin, who auditioned with Freak -- another rapper.  His friend, Park Ji Hoo, who first met Hui when Hui stole the first place seat, and who also auditioned with Freak, tries to be happy for his friend but is heartbroken and jealous. That must feel just awful. 
Hui’s final pick is the mop haired Kim Gyu Vin, from Kick It, and that’s a decent choice. 
Taken together, this is a pretty strong team. I think Hui didn’t want to pick any noted vocalists since he wanted to make sure to have main vocal on lock. 
Dang Hong Hai now gets to choose his team, and he chooses Anthonny first, which Anthonny seems to have expected, but also is glad about. Then Jay, then Wumuti -- who is a strong vocalist. Then, just after Haruto semi-jokingly suggests they need a good dancer, and why not himself?, Hong Hai picks him! 
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Haruto is pretty happy about it. 
Hong Hai also picked Thai idol Winnie,  Haru from Maniac, and one more, though I’m not sure who yet.  
Now it’s time for sexy BL Kim Ji Woo to pick a team, and he picks golden maknae/formerly sickly baby Han Yoo Jin first; then he picks one of my faves, the excellent vocalist from The Real, Kim Tae Rae, whose hair is not quite as floppy as it once was, and whose jersey has one more star on it! Well deserved, Tae Rae!  After that, he picks the underappreciated Ji Yoon Seo from Kick It, who seems profoundly grateful. 
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Aww, look how happy Red House Jung Min Gyu is for him! 
When Yoon Seo runs up to his new team, you can see that my little cousin and noted screamer Kum Jun Hyeon is already there. More MNET shenanigans. And the last pick is Yoon Jong Woo, who is the guy who pretended to kiss Ji Woong that time, and who has dropped from 3 stars to 1. I think they’re genuinely good friends and that was a friend move, and/or maybe it’s just to continue the BL storyline….? I prefer to think the former. 
At 42:44, it’s time for good egg Keita to pick a team. (Incidentally, give Blind by Ciipher a chance -- I threw it on my playlist and I like it more and more as I listen to it.)  Keita’s first pick is of course Canada’s pride, Seok Matthew. Next is Wang Zi Hao, the krumper; then auburn haired center Zhang Hao -- good call. He calls Min at some point, though we don’t see it happen (Thai Min performed “Glitch Mode” with Anthonny and Haruto)  and then declares that his team is complete. Everyone freaks out -- it means that he’s choosing “Kill This Love” for his team. Nice, Keita! And no one wants to go up against them.
Blue haired Park Han Bin is bummed, because he wanted to do KTL but not if it means going up against this team of all 3 and 4 star trainees. 
Lee Hwan Hee, the vocalist from Up10tion, interviews, “I really wanted to avoid that team. Just that team!” Oh, subtle editing MNET. I wonder if he’s going to have to go up against them or not? 
Lee Da Eul is up next to pick a team, and he chooses: 
Jeon Woo Seok -2 stars, had been 0; ranked 72; Criminal (barefoot)  Jung I Chan - 2 stars all the way; ranked 55th; Mirotic (also, he was on I-Land)  Kim Min Hyuk - 3 stars,  had been 2; ranked 82; Lullaby  Choi Ji Ho - 2 stars all the way; ranked 58; Mmmmh Lee Seung Hwan - 3 stars, had been 2; ranked 16;  Mirotic  Lim Jun Seo - 1 star, had been 2; ranked 21; Replay 
He explains that he wanted to pick those who had been kind to him when he was trying so hard to learn the choreography for the Signal Song, as a way of showing his gratitude to them. I get it, and it’s so sweet, but I’m not sure if creating a team of mostly 2 stars is setting any of them up for a win. Still, they don’t have any 0 stars, and maybe they’ll present a sort of uniform team with a matching vibe that might look nice all together. Also, maybe Da Eul knows that he can shed a little of his popularity onto them, by letting the world know that these are the people who were kind to him? 
Side note: I am so glad to see that Jeon Woo Seok has been raised to 2 stars. I think it was horrible of the judges to put him in 0 stars for his performance of Criminal. It was…. Ok, I’ll say it: it was a crime. 
From here, the show moves into lightening round. We see a brief glimpse of a team featuring Cong; another with Red House Jung Min Gyu, another with Ricky and Krystian; another with Park Hanbin and Bak Do Ha. Dong Keon is the chooser for whatever team he’s on. 
Sexy Jellyfish Park Gunwook is the only 4 star who hasn’t been called yet, and people are surprised. He’s a 4-star, and an all ‘rounder, and relatively popular. I theorize that perhaps he’s a bit, for lack of a better word, “bossy”? That’s a good thing and a bad thing, you know? I’m not criticizing him or anything. I suffer from the same affliction. 
So now there’s some MNET editing shenanigans. Lee Hwan Hee, the excellent vocalist from Up10tion who hasn’t really been showing his excellence and has fallen down to 1-star, gets called up as the next most popular trainee who hasn’t already been chosen. He picks his team, and only AFTER he picks the team do we find out what exactly has been going on. Essentially, what happened is this: While the Global trainees were picking their team, Park Gunwook sussed out that Lee Hwan Hee was the next one to be called to pick a team. Gunwook also knew that so far, no one had stopped at just 5 trainees, which meant that either this team, or the next, would have to do Kill This Love,  going up against a very strong G team. Gunwook made a plan: Hwanhee would pick certain trainees, including Gunwook and two of his teammates from Jellyfish and GBTB, and they would do Kill This Love. It was a way of controlling their fate, at least a little.
He and his fellow Jellyfish pressure Hwanhee into agreeing to the plan, even though Hwanhee didn’t initially want to do that song at all. 
“To be honest, I can’t dance,” Hwanhee says. 
“That’s ok,” Gunwook says. "You can hide behind me." 
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So, per the plan, in addition to our sexy Jellyfish, Hwanhee picks: 
Hong Keon Hee: He’s 18, he auditioned with Nunu Nana, and while he’s ranked pretty low (he’s at 87th place) and overtly ignored by MNET editors, he has been a 3 star trainee the whole time. Most likely, Gunwook probably got to know his skills when they were three stars together.  
Han Yoo Seop and Jang Yeo Joon: Both Jellyfish trainees, they both used to be in 3 stars and have fallen to 2 stars.  Gunwook probably knows and trusts their skills, and besides, he didn’t want to leave his teammates behind. Aww. 
The trainees are all hyped up about this face off, and Ji Yoon Seo (who was so happy to be picked earlier) says, “With these members, it’s already over.” I’m genuinely not sure which team he thinks will win.
Minhyun asks Hwanhee how it came to pass that Hwanhee picked 3 Jellyfish trainees, and that’s when we see a flashback showing Gunwook’s machinations. Hey, I approve. Gunwook’s like a general in the midst of war. I think I have to stop calling him Sexy Jellyfish and start calling him General Gunwook. 
And then, those not chosen were the official leftovers teams. 
Jeon Ho Young, who auditioned with Love Scenario, says he was “a bit disappointed.” 
Dong Dong, from team Tiger Inside, says, “I felt abandoned, maybe? I’m embarrassed.”  
I always feel so bad for the leftovers. 
At 48:35, Minhyun announces that the teams have to pick their songs, and then there’s a pointless sequence I’m not going to bother to recap, in which they pick their songs. Highest ranks choose first, I guess to prevent injuries, so the leftover teams will also get the leftover song. After the teams pick their song, they go the room for that song. Whoever gets there first inevitably hides and jumps out to scare whoever gets there second, and everyone overplays their reactions to get camera time. Hilarious, never been done!
Here’s all that’s really of note: 
It is kind of funny that Hui’s team (of first chosen K-trainees) ends up facing off against Hong Hai’s team (of first chosen G-trainees), since both choose Love Me Right. 
We see that the charming Dance Captain of the No Stars, Oujo, has risen up to 2-stars! Yay! 
The K-group of leftovers gets stuck with Burn It Up, which is apparently the most difficult song. It’s known for the part where Kang Daniel shows his abs. So, this happens, when a staff member is interviewing poor Park Gwan Young from Lullaby:
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And from 54:50 on, we’re heading into practice territory, so that's enough for this recap.
What I've done is I've created a main post for episodes 3-4 and all the various performances. If you click on that, it'll give a general description of the whole mission. enjoy!
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monstershearts · 2 years
1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my characters, and don’t automatically assume they’re going to conform to what you want them to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic~
6. Mun does not equal muse! A lot of the muses on this blog do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder, human and animal experimentation (though I will refrain from writing the latter), manipulation, robbery, and physical and emotional abuse. They are literal horror movie villains. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, and extremely unhealthy coping mechanisms (I.E. Dr. Jekyll trying to eliminate/separate his emotions from his logical mind.) I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters, please specify which muse they are for, or I will choose a random one.
8. Each muse will have a separate about page except the Sanderson Sisters and Jekyll and Hyde. Yes they are separate characters, but this just makes things easier on me. These muses are based both on their source materials and heavily on headcanons, so please read the about pages.
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do write several scientists on this blog, I myself am not a scientist. I have tried to do as much research on their methods as I can (and am probably on some kind of watchlist thanks to Jack Griffin -_-), but if some things happen to be slightly or wildly inaccurate, please be patient with me and be willing to suspend your disbelief? This is Sci-Fi/Horror. A lot of the source material was written anywhere between the early 1800’s and the 1950’s. I’m doing my best.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
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fluxedbuds · 2 years
How about a quick compliment for tbe suggestions blogs? You run the lalna one right?
Indeed I do! I also run the Lomadia, which i consider my main one because im more confident with it and i will never have competition (unlike the five lalnas a second endemic to any yogs thing)
hmm.. well I'm going to forget some, or just have some im not aware of at all lol, but here goes!
ive already done rythian. little baby man <3
our xephos is, as always, a real high-tier one in my opinion- he's the perfect balance of scary and pathetic, smart and utterly stupid. just kinda feels like that mun gets the guy, yknow? also its fun to bully him every single day they also do zoey rarely but ive really liked what ive seen of her
I also like our lalnabl! no e because their url doesnt have one and for some reason i think typing it out verbatim is hilarious. honestly i just like em. interesting angle of lalnable, sells me on a lot of things i usually Really don't like, and i am *not* an easy sell yall
Nano! My girl! she's been dealing with my lalna nonsense for a WHILE now, real trooper there. its very fun seeing someone striking that balance of being both the voice of reason AND completely on board with unnecessary and extreme violence, and also making bad choices half the time anyways, which i tend to forget about because. i like nano. i am not immune to being lalna
SPEC FIVE holds her in the air look at her are you looking. are you looking yet look at her. another one selling me on concepts i usually dont like- having specimens 1-4 just doesnt sound like a good idea, and YET im utterly sold on every one of those new little bastards. it's always fascinating seeing their different relationships to both their sisters and themselves, and how they grow (or dont grow at all)
I dont interact much with the Ben and Tom, but i like the idea of very chill death and a life god who just Really likes ocean bitches and Really doesnt like. Think
aaaaaand our sips doesnt do anything. from what i know this is in character
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mage-of-black-robes · 1 month
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Raistlin might do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain HP/Wizarding World content. Scroll at your own risk. But please know that I don’t support TERF bullshit. I’m tired of letting the internet police what I’m allowed to be interested in, and I refuse to let JKR’s actions kill the joy of my youth. She can suck it!
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet. I also tend to make shit up because I fuckin LOVE worldbuilding! Please be patient with me. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
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night-mare-fuel · 2 months
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut about 70-ish% of the time. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome. Please note that Damon is really into BDSM, which I’m not experienced with, but have read about. If you would like to go that route with him, I would prefer to discuss it extensively beforehand.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Damon might do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain HP/Wizarding World content. Scroll at your own risk. But please know that I don’t support TERF bullshit. I’m tired of letting the internet police what I’m allowed to be interested in, and I refuse to let JKR’s actions kill the joy of my youth. She can suck it!
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet. I also tend to make shit up because I fuckin LOVE worldbuilding! Please be patient with me. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
0 notes
feathers-n-fangs · 3 months
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Griffin might do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain HP/Wizarding World content. Scroll at your own risk. But please know that I don’t support TERF bullshit. I’m tired of letting the internet police what I’m allowed to be interested in, and I refuse to let JKR’s actions kill the joy of my youth. She can suck it!
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet. I also tend to make shit up because I fuckin LOVE worldbuilding! Please be patient with me. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
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serpentinebrando · 10 months
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Jett might do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain HP/Wizarding World content. Scroll at your own risk. But please know that I don’t support TERF bullshit. I’m tired of letting the internet police what I’m allowed to be interested in, and I refuse to let JKR’s actions kill the joy of my youth. She can suck it!
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything about witchcraft, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet. I also tend to make shit up because I fuckin LOVE worldbuilding! Please be patient with me. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
0 notes
quaintnecromancer · 1 year
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Jett might do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain HP/Wizarding World content. Scroll at your own risk. But please know that I don’t support TERF bullshit. I’m tired of letting the internet police what I’m allowed to be interested in, and I refuse to let JKR’s actions kill the joy of my youth. She can suck it!
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything about witchcraft, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet. I also tend to make shit up because I fuckin LOVE worldbuilding! Please be patient with me. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
0 notes
cursedphoenix · 1 year
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Tanc might do fucked up shit, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain HP/Wizarding World content. Scroll at your own risk. But please know that I don’t support TERF bullshit. I’m tired of letting the internet police what I’m allowed to be interested in, and I refuse to let JKR’s actions kill the joy of my youth. She can suck it!
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything about witchcraft, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet. I also tend to make shit up because I fuckin LOVE worldbuilding! Please be patient with me. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
0 notes
to-hold-the-line · 1 year
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Cal might do fucked up shit in his Dark Side verse, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain spoilers for Jedi: Survivor. Scroll at your own risk.
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything about Star Wars, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet because I’m too broke to be able to buy and play the game. Please be patient with me if I get something wrong. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
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