#murata x reader
noellefan101 · 4 months
Kissing Them Girls-Genshin pt 11
Characters: Skirk, Tsaritsa, Murata
Warnings: kissing, unreleased characters with little to none screen time(aka i dont know what they like so im just brainstorming). could be more mordern au for some in this
Note: i dont have anyone left aaaaaaaaaaa
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She tastes like coffee and caramel, maybe its because you tried sneaking something sweet into her morning coffee again today. though she did drink it all, and without complaining too(very hard for her).
She tastes ice cold, yet so warm, it feels the same way as drinking hot choco on the colder winter nights. maybe she will consider making it a little warmer outside, if you asked nicely that is
She always tastes weirdly sweet, but you seriously dont know where its coming from. but unfortunately she seems to insist its from kissing you so much, you've never blushed more
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thank you for reading pookies, luv ya-Masterlist
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
Flower Breathing. [1.Chapter]
A/N: Heya, I wanted to write abt demon slayer a bit, and now i am starting a story, yay! Also, this is a various demon slayer x reader fanfic, but I guess it’ll mostly be the trio (Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke) and female reader, reader’s name is Yena, and the pronouns are she/her.
Warnings: Angst? I dunno I am still shit at writing angst.
“Yena, where are you??? Come here this instant!“, your mother called from upstairs in her singsang voice.
“Yes mother!!“, you yelled. You could already see her annoyed face, how her nose scrunched up, her yes a little lidded as she would scold you about not cleaning a speck of dust away. 
Your family was known for having the best eyes in town. Often, people who lost their kids, cats or sheep, came climbing up that little mountain your father has bought for the family to have peace and nature around them. Even doctors visited and asked for closer inspection of a patient they have brought too. 
You could see every single person from the window of your room. how they talked to each other. you could read lips as well. so you new when somebody got engaged or married, or a new product came on the market, or some new drama between two families has started. 
All in all, the Hideyo’s were known for their good eyes.
And running you came. you and your mother woke up early to do the chores in the house. 
Your two elder brothers and your father were still in their beds, sleeping safe and sound.
It was early in the morning, the sun was not up yet.
You saw her. Her dislocated head, glassy eyes, that weren’t having a target to look at, until...
until they landed on you. 
Mother ?
“Ye...na...come...here...!”, she croaked, an arm slowly extending towards you. 
Her voice wasn’t the same. 
Not the same, featherlight voice you knew. Not the same eyes you loved looking into with such adoration. That was not you mother. 
That thing...!
That was a demon.
Her arm touched your cheek. You let her touch it. She gently patted you. 
“Listen, Yena...Before i...before i turn...“, she started. 
You already knew. you saw her pulse fastening a little with every breath, her ragged breath that she took. 
Her eyes were locked with your watering ones. your lips were trembling. Your eyes, which were filled with tears, focused and unfocused on hers. 
Then she felt like crying too. “I want you to know...that I love you...
I love you...okay...?
I will always love you! 
No matter what happens!
You hear me!?”, she cried. Her skin became pale, veins getting out of her delicate and soft skin. 
Her hair was the only thing in its place, a beautiful colour-that you had too-, meanwhile her face contorted in pain. Her teeth got sharper. 
“Yena...! Take that ....axe over there...!“
Let this all be a dream. 
A bad dream...!
A nighmare!
Please! Dear God, let this all be just a bad night-
“And kill me!“, she yelled in pain, tears now streaming down her twisted face. 
“Mama...?“, you whispered. you couldn’t move a finger. Not even a muscle.
You got deaf.
“Hurry! Take it and chop off my head!“, she mouthed. then she collapsed.
You slowly closed your eyelids. Then you opened them again. 
Your little brother began to cry. 
“Maaa! Maaa!“, he cried. He woke up. and wanted to get back to his mother. 
in front of you, your mother lay. she had her face down. But you had the axe in your hand. You had to do it quick. 
you had to kill your own mother.
But why?
Because she became a demon? 
Can’t a demon live with humans? Couldn’t your mother act like nothing ever happened? Ignore her now grayish skin? Her sharp teeth that could possibly even break bones?
It was impossible. 
Her hunger for human blood. The scorching sun. Your mother fell from the clouds of heaven and into the pits of hell. and now, a demon was slowly arising in front of you. 
Your axe was now in front of you. in both your hands. your eyes directed to a bigger, massively bigger from of what was once-
Don’t think about it! 
This is not your mother!
...not anymore.
Dear mother...
You held the axe up. The demon growled, before pouncing on you.
I want you to know...
You stepped to the side, barely dodging the attack. 
That I have always loved you...and i will keep on loving you.
You still heard your brothers cries. you ran out of the house. the sun was slowly making its way up, over the mountains, but it still took some time to show itself. The monster was hot on your heels, destroying everything that came into its way. 
I will look after my brothers. I will look after father. I will look after the house.
Now, you were panting. you hit the demon a few times with your axe and managed to cut off one arm, one ear, and one toe.
I, Yena Hideyo, your only daughter, and third born child, promise to you, mother- 
The demon’s yell interrupted your thoughts as you stepped sideways, and you lifted your axe one last time. 
That I will be a true woman to call, I will lift all your sorrows, I will be a true daughter to my father, and an even better sister to my brothers! I will be the anchor of our family! 
“Here I stand!”, you cried. 
“And I love you! Forever!“
You sliced her neck. Her head fell clean off. 
The sun came. Your brother came. 
“Yenaaaaa!“, he cried. He was standing by the door and reaching out his hand to you.
Your mother was in flames. You were facing your little brother now. “Let’s go inside, Yonatsu.”, came softly out of your mouth. 
You held his hand in one of yours, and in your other hand was still the axe, covered in your own mother’s blood. you were in a trance, as if you haven’t just cut your mother’s head clean off. 
As if you didn’t just cut her out of your life. 
Of course, he still cried. He just saw you kill somebody. and now that somebody, who was once your mother, was nothing more than a pile of ash. 
he...he wouldn’t even remember her. He was too young, after all.
In your house, you could see all the mess. The stairs had holes in them. The walls had scrapes, from the nails of your mother. 
and blood. 
But...whose was it?
Hers? Yours?
But then, you noticed another thing. 
The blood came from the rooms of your brothers and father. 
This can’t be...!
You let go of Yonatsu’s hand and stormed into every single room, in hopes that they’d still be alive, but they weren’t.
Another demon...
Another demon was here!
Your mother couldn’t have eaten them all! She wasn’t even a demon until you saw her turn into one!
Or...Could she turn into your mother? Was this person even your mother? The woman, who brought you to this world, the woman, who brought you a little brother? Or two elder brothers?
The woman who scolded you for not cleaning stuff properly?
The woman, whom you admitted your crush on the quiet and shy boy from downtown and who told you to follow your heart?
The woman who cooked you your favourite meal whenever you asked? 
The woman who laughed with you. Cried with you. Held you close to her?
The woman whom you truly loved?
Did you just kill that exact woman? 
Or was it just a demon who played with you? 
But that couldn’t be....no...! 
The demon would have been burned to ashes too, because the blinds were widely opened, so that every single room would have been lit up. 
Or the demon might have already gone after attacking your mother and didn’t notice you. 
Eitherway, it was horrible. 
Your brother was still crying. “Yenaaa! Mamaaaa!”, he was still crying for your mother. 
You went outside again, and Yonatsu followed you, taking your free hand. 
You laid the axe next to the door and sat down. 
What now?
“I am so sorry, miss Hideyo...!“, the elder lady said. 
you have packed your most important things, as well as Yonatsu’s things, which consisted of money, jewelry, clothes, food, some of your younger brother’s toys and your axe. 
You said goodbye to your family that you buried, to your house, to your garden, where you collected some flowers, wistencies were your favourite (you packed them into an extra box so that they wouldn’t dry, or die out). And you didn’t look back when you left. You never wanted to set foot on that house again. 
You made your way to lady Hinako, the eldest woman in your little hometown. 
You were in your black clothing, no day for happy colours, and your little brother, Yonatsu, was silent. He must have sensed your sadness. in the beginning, he wiped his and your tears away, but he stopped after some time, because the dam was broken and it was okay to cry. 
Now, Yonatsu was glued to your side. Your hair, that you have cut just a little over your neck, before coming to lady Hinako, was brushed to the side, and you have cut Yonatsu’s hair too. 
Now, with your package on your back, a little purse in your left hand and your little brother’s hand in your right, and a sloemn expression on your face, you were looking like a grown woman. 
You were standing in front of her door with her in her own home, and you refused to come in, too in guilt and shame in your heart and soul to come in. 
“I feel so hollow now,”, you started, “I have no idea what to do now. Please,”, 
You looked at the elder woman and lowered your head. “Tell me what i can do now. I have nobody i could possibly ask to stay in. I guess i should start a new life and get into another city.”
“What?! Are you out of your mind? It is impossible for you to get into another town, we are days apart from the other town, Miss Hideyo, days!“, she called. 
“The demons will get you by the first moments of dawn! Please, come in, and stay a little!“, she plead. Her slim eyes were filled with sadness. 
You finally allowed to your feet to move and soon you sat in the kitchen with your little brother on your lap eating sweets and her pourring tea into dark blue cups. 
“You could help me with my chores, Miss Hideyo. And in the meantime, i will send a message to an old friend of mine.“, she said, giving your cup three spoons of sugar.
“I don’t mean no disrespect, but wouldn’t it be bad if you had a girl in your house who murdered her own mother? People would be talking about it...!“, you whispered, in fear of nosy ears. 
See, her house was in the middle of the city and it was already embarrassing enough for you to go to her house with both women and men looking your way. 
“The townspeople will find out eitherway. also, that friend of mine will take you in, I’m sure of it.“ Her tone seemed promising.
“But until i get to write that envelope, send it, and get an answer back, you will be training, to be able to protect yourself, your brother, and the people in your area. Under my circumstances.“, now, there was a dark undertone in her voice.
But, looking at her, her gentle, wrinkled face, you couldn’t see any evil motive. 
Only honesty. 
Would lady Hinako help you?
There was only one way to find out...
“Swing your axe harder, Yena!“, the woman called. 
“And control your breathing!“
How the hell should you control your breathing? 
When you have taken the life of your mother just a few hours ago? 
But could you still call that demon your mother? 
The woman, whom you had loved the most in your life, an angel, has turned into a twisted curse. 
Her voice has turned into a broken cello. Her face, as if scrubbed around with a metal sponge. Her hair, just like yours, in normal shape. 
Her eyes, equal as ice, and her body, not the one of a woman, but of the devil himself. 
But still, you still loved her. Even when she could have eaten you. 
And your brothers?
Your father? 
In their sleep, murdered, decaptivated. Eyes wide open and mouth stilled in a petrified scream. Blood all over the place.
Who killed them?
Who was that?
Just the thought that somebody, some nasty demon, would hurt your family...!
You saw red. 
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!“, you screamed and swung your axe to the ground. 
The ground shook to your very feet. And you made an earthquake.
“YENA, CONTROL YOUR ANGER! DON’T GIVE IN INTO THE DEADLY SIN OF WRATH! CALM DOWN!!!“, lady Hinako’s voice screamed into your ear. 
You flinched. in your rage, you hadn’t realised that a few feet around your body, the ground was broken, and some trees fell to the ground, their roots outside. 
Lady Hinako herself had dishelved hair, her eyes were wide open in horror. 
She was breathing heavily and holding onto her wooden walking stick for dear life. 
Even Yonatsu woke up from his little nap and began crying. You lay down the axe and brought your little brother back to sleep.
Control your breathing? How? It’s an subsconscious mechanism of the human body, just like a beating heart or a sneeze!
And your father...your mother...your brothers...!
It sounded pitiful, but you were glad that you still had your little brother. But could you call him that?
What if, later in life, he found out about you killing his and your mother, find out about the real reason his brothers and father are also dead?
Would he forgive you? Would he still talk to you? Sure, he’s barely four years old and speaks in three word sentences, but still. 
Meanwhile, Lady Hinako eyed the picture of your outburst. 
At least a radius of twenty feet of beautiful and peaceful nature was destroyed. 
With an exasperated sigh, the elder woman took your axe and took it inside. 
You still had a long way to go to become a demon slayer.
“Yena, I am proud of you for doing the chores and my house hasn’t bein shining like this in ages, but please get back to your training.“, Lady Hinako pleaded, giving your shoulder a pleading squeeze. 
You didn’t want to shake of her hand, yso you let it rest there. as for her plea, you didn’t know if you could fulfill it. 
“I am terribly sorry for what I have done to your space of Nature, lady Hinako, and cleaning has always been my forte. But I don’t think that i could ever swing that axe like...like that-scenery-again.“
You sighed, while you watched Yonatsu pick some flowers, “I wish there wouldn’t be demons existing. That way, there wouldn’t be so many people dying.”
The elder woman looked at you for a long time before standing up with a smile and beckoned you and your brother to come with her. 
um, how did y’all like that? 
Was it okay?
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crguang · 4 months
love language
Overworked and always putting themselves second, both Himeko and Natasha just need someone to help them relax after a tiring day <3
fluffy smut, sub!himeko, sub!natasha, gn!reader, oral sex, fingering, squirting (himeko), ~3k words for both
A/N: this was in the drafts for 2 months… finally polished it off enough to post it omg.
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You’re cozy between warm sheets and fluffy pillows, the light of the cabin dimmed to help you relax as you read the last few sentences of the volume in your hands.
You’re entirely focused on the story’s conclusion until you reach the last words and blink out of the daze you’ve been in for the past… three hours? You glance at the digital clock on the nightstand, disbelievingly at first, then softly close the book. It’s past midnight, you hadn’t planned to finish it tonight and you’re surprised you managed to get through the end without getting interrupted. The day’s fatigue accumulates at the corner of your eyes. For a minute, you sit in the bed, simply taking in the book you just read. It left you somewhat unsatisfied, you’re not a fan of the protagonists walking different paths after spending most of the story working to reunite with each other. It reminds you of the Astral Express, of the bonds you’ve forged with the Nameless; the thought of one day separating from them saddens you. You know each of them have a road to follow but they’ve become family over the years, that also goes for Stelle, who’s the team’s newest addition.
As you reflect on your book, you realize— a little late— that you’re alone in the cabin. The spot beside you is untouched as it was this morning, not a crease on the clean pillows. You frown. Himeko must still be working on the train, even after telling you it wouldn’t be long and that she’d be ready for bed before you could finish another chapter. You don’t care about her not fulfilling her word, concern swells in your chest instead because it’s the third day this week where she’s slept past one in the morning, too preoccupied with making sure the Express runs smoothly. She easily forgoes rest to prioritize her work, and while you’re all grateful for her dedication, you wish she would not consider herself second best.
You lift the comforter off your body and step into your slippers. You stretch your arms over your head as you make your way to the door, softly sliding it open. The train car is quiet, only a low whirring sound can be heard from the archive room, the familiar noise relaxing you. The lights are dimmed, never completely shut in case of emergency. You walk down the corridor to reach the parlor. The door slides open and you hear soft murmurs of conversation as you step into the parlor, blinking a couple times to adjust to the bright lights. Himeko is seated on one of the large couches, discussing something with Pom-Pom, and doesn’t hear you come in. The conductor does since they’re facing you, but they only nod pensively at whatever Himeko is saying.
You cross your arms over your chest and wait, leaning on the wall. It gives you the chance to admire your pretty girlfriend; her coat is discarded somewhere on the train, leaving her shoulders bare, and from this angle you can pinpoint the few dispersed moles on her shoulder blades while the rest are hidden by her silky, red hair. Her face is bare of any makeup, long lashes brushing her cheeks with every blink and plump, pink lips you can’t help but stare at. You can almost smell her signature perfume if you concentrate long enough, it’s usually mixed with a strong coffee aroma to create a scent specific to her. Himeko is a refreshing sight no matter the hour of the day.
You don’t mind waiting for her to notice you, not wanting to interrupt her conversation. She eventually does when she gestures to the phonograph, eyes glossing over you for a second before she turns back to Pom-Pom, then head whirling back to you as she registers your presence in the room. Himeko smiles softly at you, waving in greeting, and you return it easily. You can’t really hear what they’re saying because of how low they’re talking, only snippets and words that make no sense out of context. After another minute where you assume the conversation is getting wrapped up, Himeko stands from the couch and bids the conductor goodnight. She walks over to you and reaches for your hand the moment she’s close enough, fingers lacing with yours.
“You’re still up?” Himeko asks, her thumb absentmindedly rubbing your skin.
“Mhm. I finished my book.”
“Oh, dear, I’m sorry. I had to fix a couple things, then Pom-Pom wanted to share their thoughts on something, I lost track of time. You shouldn’t have waited.”
Her free hand comes up to cup your cheek for an instant before lowering down your bicep. Himeko is always touching you in some way, whether it’s with a palm on your lower back or her fingertips tracing shapes into your forearm. She does it unconsciously, you noticed. It warms you to think that her body seeks yours out whenever you’re in the same room.
“It’s nothing,” you say, “I’m more concerned about you.”
“You’ve been sleeping later and later recently. Are you okay?”
Something gleams in Himeko’s eyes at the worry lacing your words. Her gaze softens like it often does when she looks at you and a small smile grows on her lips, squeezing your hand once.
“Of course. There’s always something to do on the Express, is all. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’ll always worry about you.”
You see appreciation on her face. Himeko leans forward to press a sweet, chaste kiss on your lips. Her hand tugs you along as she opens the parlor door and begins to walk towards her cabin.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.”
You let her lead you to her room. It’s in the same state you left it, but it feels warmer with her here. You settle onto the bed as Himeko rummages around for the gown she sleeps in and unashamedly take in the curves of her body as she undresses. She shoots you an amused look that has you smiling innocently, pulling the gown over her head and smoothing out her hair. She joins you, lays down against the pillows and wraps her arms around you to gently pull you into her. You inhale slowly into her neck. One hand strokes your hair and you sigh softly at the same time Himeko makes a noise of contentment. A comfortable silence stretches between you for a moment, broken only by the reassuring sound of the Express in the background. You sneak an arm around her waist to hold her tighter.
“I love having you like this…” Himeko murmurs with a slow exhale. “I look forward to it every night.”
You hum, nuzzling into her. Your reply is slightly muffled, “You do so much in a day. You deserve to feel this relaxed more often.”
“Sometimes I don’t know how you have the energy to deal with me.”
“What are you talking about?”
Himeko sighs again, and her hand trails down your back in soothing motions. “You're so understanding with me, indulging me when I need it. You're always there, even when I don't know I need something, you give me the help I need. You don’t mind me working late so often; you have… so much patience for me.”
You pull away from her to look her in the eyes, brows furrowed in confusion. “Himeko, you’re the sweetest, most reliable person alive. How could I not be patient with you?”
She laughs quietly and cups your cheek. Her lidded eyes are full of affection as her thumb caresses your skin.
“You and your sweet words. It's hard not to believe them when you say them with such a sincere tone.”
“That’s because they’re true.”
Himeko brings you close with a hand on the back of your neck. Her lips meet yours in a tender kiss and your eyes shut in bliss at the feeling of her mouth moving against yours. She’s soft and warm and loving, keeping you in place until she’s had her fill and lets you lean back to catch your breath. You rest your foreheads together, noses brushing. Himeko’s hands travel up your body, from your hips to your waist and back down in steady touches, enjoying the feel of your curves. You plant gentle kisses on her jaw and almost feel her melt under you.
“You deserve every ounce of kindness…” your lips trail up to the apple of her cheek, “every show of appreciation…” you kiss her forehead then descend to the bridge of her nose; it scrunches up slightly with her growing smile, “and affection that comes your way.” You press another languid kiss to her lips.
Himeko’s gaze shows only adoration when you pull away to look at her, breathing a little heavier. Her lips are parted ever so slightly, her hands squeezing your waist. You swipe some hair out of her face as your palm rests on her cheek. Any fatigue you previously felt disappears at the sight of her under you like this, looking up at you with such admiration. It still feels a bit unreal, for someone so good to stare at you this way, it makes you believe that perhaps you too are deserving of others’ love.
You lean closer, the tip of your nose grazing hers, voice soft and eyes fluttering shut. “If you’re still in doubt, I could show you, if you’d like.”
Himeko’s smile turns teasing as your hand slips under her nightgown to slide up her knee. She pretends to think about it.
“Mmm… That depends on how you plan to do that.”
“Well, I have a few ideas… They all include you whimpering for me.”
Her chuckle makes you smile.
“Whimpering? You’re confident.”
“With reason, I assure you.”
Himeko welcomes your mouth on hers with enthusiasm, one of her hands curling around your nape. You’ve learned how to make her so dizzy with need that she’s entirely at your mercy, and it starts with the gentle swipe of your tongue over her bottom lip. Her lips part wider to deepen the kiss and you feel her fingers tighten their hold on your neck. Her tongue slides over yours, accustomed to your taste and still so breathless, while you rub her thigh. She hums low against your mouth as you try your best to adjust your position above her without breaking the kiss. Your thigh lodges itself between hers, feeling them clench once before relaxing into the bed.
Himeko is easy to please; loving touches up her torso to her chest makes her gasp softly, your tongue past her lips has her pulling you closer, and the slight pressure from your thigh between her legs is enough for her breathing to stutter. You kiss down her jaw to her neck and she tilts her head to make herself more accessible to your mouth. You know which spot makes her sigh in pleasure and which causes her to jerk her hips into your touch. You suck on her pulse point, humming at the fingers that tangle themselves in your hair at the gesture. The skin of her throat reddens and you lick it to soothe the pain before pulling away from her completely.
You sit up, gazing down at the flush of her cheeks and the rise of her chest. The square neckline of her nightgown gives you a tantalizing view of her cleavage. You bring a hand to touch the mole over her right breast, index finger massaging the flesh around it.
“So beautiful you are,” you say absentmindedly, pulling her clothes down with your free hand to watch how her breasts spill from their confines.
Himeko bites her lip in anticipation. The obvious desire in her gaze spurs you on, and you take handfuls of her heavy breasts to fondle them. The friction of your warm palms on her hardening nipples has her fingers sinking into the sheets. You twist a pink nipple between two fingers, delighting in the quiet moan that follows. Himeko’s breasts are so pliable, so plush, you can’t help lowering your mouth to one and sucking it like a pacifier. Her nipple puffs up under your wet tongue and you swallow a sound of pleasure at the feeling. Your teeth graze the soft skin of her breasts and leave faint marks across her chest everywhere they go. Her breasts shine with a thin coat of saliva when you finally separate yourself from them, and Himeko’s audibly breathing through her mouth, fingers curling around your locks. Her hips seek friction for her pussy by pressing into your thigh, but it’s not enough to relieve the need between her legs. Her nightgown has risen up to the top of her thighs, barely hiding her damp panties from sight.
You take in your work of art on her chest, the glisten of her puffy nipples and the shades of red on her skin slowly shifting into gorgeous blues and purples. Your thumb circles her sensitive bud as you watch Himeko’s brows quiver in pleasure. She won’t beg you for more, yet, even if what she needs is spelled out on her face.
You hook your fingers under the thin strap of her gown and let it snap against her skin as you let go. “Take it off, princess.”
Satisfaction swirls in your gut when she complies, sliding her arms out of the straps and pulling the material down her waist. You move to allow her to take it off completely and discard it somewhere on the bed, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. Your hands greedily travel up her thighs to her waist, squeezing the soft curves of her love handles along the way. Tiny moles decorate her body from her chest to her inner thigh like final touches on a meticulously painted artwork. Blood runs hot under her skin, adding a little color to the painting that she is. She’s stunning, and she’s yours.
You settle between her legs and prop her knees up to spread her thighs. Himeko grips your hair once more, her favorite, as you knead the flesh of her inner thighs.
“Seriously, Hime,” your eyes are glued to the damp patch on her cotton panties, arousal pooling in your belly, “the Knights of Beauty should be worshiping you.”
Himeko’s breathless laugh turns into a low moan when you use two fingers to rub her lower lips over her underwear, feeling her arousal ruin the material until it sticks to her pussy. You can see the outline of her labia under the fabric and you don’t even have it in you to tease her. Your index pulls her panties aside, revealing her glistening cunt and making you bite your bottom lip in lust. You lean forward to kiss around her labia. The smell of her arousal fills your sinuses and you feel desire tighten your stomach. Himeko urges you closer to her pussy with the hand in your hair, hips jerking towards your mouth. Your tongue darts out to lick her leisurely, slithering between her folds and ignoring her twitching clit. You moan into her cunt at the taste of her and Himeko lets out a noise close to a whimper, bucking into you to feel more of your tongue on her pussy.
You quickly tire of keeping her panties at bay, so you waste no time in sliding them down her legs and tossing them on the floor. Her cunt is entirely exposed to you, slick dripping between her ass cheeks. She’s so wet, her clit stands at the ready, waiting for you to wrap your lips around it and suck. You spread her lips with two fingers and lower your mouth to her pussy, licking up her slit like a thirsty kitty.
“Mmngh…” Himeko makes the sweetest noises above you, from breathy moans to quiet whimpers as you work her up, eyes shut in pleasure. Her free hand grabs a fistful of the sheets under her. “Ah… Nnh…”
You tease her entrance with a finger, not quite sliding inside. Your tongue swirls around her aching clit, from base to tip, and you’re rewarded by a poorly restrained moan from your pretty girlfriend. Himeko’s thighs twitch as you lap her up but she finds the strength to keep them spread for you, instead gripping your hair a bit tighter to pull you towards her cunt. A finger tentatively pushes into her pussy to the knuckle and her hips stutter in their steady rocking at the welcomed intrusion. She gets used to the sensation quickly, brows twitching, and you curl the digit to hit a specific spot inside her, a drawn out moan escaping her.
“Nngh…” Himeko whimpers out your name, chest heaving, “m—more…”
You can’t refuse her when she sounds so fucking pretty. You harshly suck her clit, feeling it throb, and push another finger inside her clenching cunt. She squeezes your digits but takes them like a champ, allowing you to plunge deep into her to hit the spongy spot that makes her cry out. You look up at her as she grinds her pussy on the flat of your tongue, lost in pleasure. Her breasts move with every jerk of her hips, her lips are forever parted to let out soft mewls and her creamy skin glows under the lights from the sweat accumulating on her body. The wet sounds of your digits thrusting into her cunt are sinful, they fill the cabin along with Himeko’s barely contained moans. Her belly tightens with need, and she clenches around your fingers with another desperate whimper. You flick your tongue on her engorged clit a few times, drilling into her with a pace you know she likes, hard and fast. Slow, loving touches on her body will turn Himeko on like nothing else but when she gets like this, only thinking about her release, she needs it rough enough to push her over the edge. She meets your efforts halfway and grinds into you, swallowing your fingers further into her wet pussy.
You can tell how close she is by the pitch of her voice; it gets slightly higher with every passing minute you spend with your nose buried into her cunt.
“P–Please—” Himeko babbles, “Let me…”
You find it adorable how the last push she needs is often just the confirmation that she’s allowed to come.
“Come for me, princess.”
Himeko whines, squeezing your fingers tight as she gushes into your mouth. Her cum coats your lips and chin and you lap it up eagerly, moaning at the taste. You clean her up diligently while her thighs threaten to close around your head and her clit throbs with her orgasm. She comes on your tongue with a pretty noise of pleasure and you ease your fingers out of her fluttering pussy to keep her thighs pinned to the mattress. You lick up her slit once, twice, desperate to swallow more of her cum. Himeko inhales sharply when your tongue flicks over her sensitive clit. You know her body inside and out, and so you know that sucking her clit right after an orgasm will make her squirt like she is now, spurts of cum coating your face and her needy cries filling your ears. She makes a mess for you, ruining the sheets under her, until she can’t take it anymore and has to pull you away from her cunt by the hair so she can catch her breath.
You relent, swiping your tongue over your lips and looking up at her with a cocky smirk. Himeko struggles to regulate her breathing, chest heaving and limbs still twitching from the aftershocks. You hover over her to press a gentle kiss to her jaw.
“We really should relax this way more often.”
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“You work yourself too hard.”
Your warm, muttered words send a shiver across the skin of Natasha’s nape and the sensation spreads down her back as would a chilling gust of wind, the kind that only appears during Belobog’s most forgiving winters. It leaves goosebumps in its wake that you chase away with the palm of your hands firmly pressing over her shoulder blades, tracing the protruding bones lower down her back before slowly bringing your hands to rest on her shoulders. You hear her soft sigh as you massage her skin and undo knots of long accumulated stress from her muscles. You’re sure her eyes are closed despite being unable to see her.
“I have to,” she replies, her voice just as low, like speaking any louder will disturb the quiet around you.
Your hands run down her arms at an unhurried pace. You love touching her, love the feel of her. It’s a beautiful thing, touch; the warmth of her merging with yours, the particular bumps and wrinkles and stretch marks unique to her can all be felt under your fingertips. You have discovered every crevice, every nook and cranny of her with only your hands. On nights like this one, when the pressure catches up to her, she’s pliable under your touch and all the more enchanting. You bury your nose where her neck meets her shoulder, inhale the scent of the perfumed soap she used in the bath an hour earlier and lace your fingers with hers when your hands end their trek on the sensitive surface of her wrists.
You feel her lean into you a little more when you speak, “One day soon, you’ll be able to take a break without the sky collapsing.”
It’s unfair, though you understand how much the Underworld needs Natasha. She stepped forward when no one else did and naturally took over the responsibility for its citizens’ wellbeing, she is without a doubt an integral part of the small society you built around the mines. She bears this burden with a humble heart and a tired smile. The pride you feel for her goes beyond the Underworld’s dark ceilings, maybe even beyond the white clouds she sometimes tells you about when you question her about the surface. She is a diamond amongst pebbles, wasting her time on even the most worthless of you because she believes that everyone deserves a fighting chance. Her selflessness knows no bounds, and you feel sad. The bags under her eyes get darker every morning. Sleep claims her the minute her pretty hair touches the pillows. You wish she would allow herself some reprieve but Natasha has no self-serving bone in her body. She can’t be selfish, so you have to, lest she gets buried under unreasonable demands and complaints. With the appointment of a new Supreme Guardian, however, and the channels between the two worlds open once again, things are looking brighter. The fragmentum has stopped spreading and for once, you see a glint of hope in the gazes of the Underworlders. The Supreme Guardian’s plans for a painless future lift some of that persistent weight off Natasha’s shoulders. You’re grateful for it.
“I think part of me won’t know what to do when the time does come,” Natasha admits. She brings your arms tighter around her frame and sighs. “I can’t imagine not being needed…”
“People will always need you. You just won’t have the pressure to uphold half a city from the brink of disaster. You deserve that.”
She doesn’t reply to that. You free one hand and lift your head, then delicately grab a hold of her jaw to tilt her face towards yours. Her eyes blink open and you see the fatigue incrusted into their rubied depths.
“You deserve that,” you repeat firmly, watching as her gaze grows softer. “You of all people deserve to be free of anxiety and responsibility. I’ll make you see it one day, too.” Your thumb trails up her chin to her bottom lip. “Until then, I’ll take care of you when you won’t.”
Her lip twitches and her eyelashes flutter, taken with sudden emotion, before she simply leans closer and captures your mouth with hers, an unsaid “thank you” dying in her throat. The hand still intertwined with yours squeezes gently as she kisses you. It keeps you grounded to her presence in your arms and her touch on your body. You taste her chapstick on your tongue when she opens her mouth further to deepen the kiss. It’s the same she wears every day but it’s no less intoxicating.
“Nat…” you murmur against her lips, “I want to help you relax, if only for tonight.”
You hear her intake of breath as you plant open kisses up and down her jaw, following invisible patterns of affection on her skin like carefully woven threads. Natasha nods softly when your lips reach hers once more and the happy smile that grows on your face fills her with warmth even the bulkiest coats couldn’t provide.
She lets you adjust yourself behind her. You guide her to lean back so your chest is flushed against her and her breath tickles your neck.
Your hands brush the sides of her chest over her shirt and curl to hold her breasts properly. Natasha sucks in a breath when you squeeze them a little; you know she’s always been sensitive there, how pleasant it is for her. You palm her flesh, enjoying the softness of it beneath your hands and its quickly hardening tips. Your thumb swipes over one nipple and feels it grow from the sensation. You give the other the same attention and it’s not long before your pointer fingers join the fun to gently pinch the doctor’s nipples. Natasha shifts slightly, bringing one leg up to squeeze her thighs together, and you almost huff out a laugh at the action. You can feel the embarrassment radiating off of her at how easily aroused she’s getting, so you decide not to tease her too much. Verbally, at least, because your hands aren’t leaving her breasts until her underwear is well and truly ruined.
A muffled noise of pleasure escapes Natasha when you twist her nipples just right between two fingers. Her lips are parted and her breathing has gotten heavier. She grabs your thigh with a hand to compose herself somewhat. Though her face is obscured from your sight, you know her eyes are squeezed shut as she allows herself to enjoy your attention.
“Ah…” She breathes out as you finally slip your hands under her shirt and caress the plane of her stomach. Goosebumps follow wherever your touch strays.
Her nipples are like pretty pebbles on her chest, a rosy color you can’t yet see. They’re hard and sensitive judging by the way Natasha squeezes her legs together every so often, and you can’t help the fondness you feel at her compliance. She’s aroused and ready for you to go further, but she takes what you give without complaint or plea. It makes you want to give her everything she needs, patience be damned. You bite your lip at the thought. Tonight is all about Natasha’s pleasure, after all.
Keeping one hand around her breast, you trail the other down her torso until it reaches the edge of her pajama pants. Her thighs spread almost immediately to accommodate you and you coo softly at the sight, breathing out a chuckle when you feel Natasha press further into your neck out of embarrassment.
“Don’t worry,” you say, slipping into her pants to brush her underwear, “I’ll take good care of you.”
“…I know,” she replies, voice soft.
The trust she willingly puts in you is heartwarming, it expands your chest cavity to make place for your inflating heart. You explore her covered sex with two fingers and feel the arousal seeping from the thin cloth. She always gets so wet from nipple stimulation… Cute. Natasha moans when you spread her lips and apply pressure to her clit. You long to feel it twitch under your tongue, but you’ve teased her enough for now. Your hand slithers past her panties to finally give her what she wants. Natasha’s moans are breathy “oh”’s and “ah”’s that she no longer tries to conceal. Your fingers smear her arousal all over her cunt before paying special attention to her puffy clit. Sensitive as it feels, you enjoy the way her thighs twitch as you massage its base while pinching her nipple. The added stimulation coats your hand in warm, sticky fluids.
“Ah! Please…” Natasha mutters with a swallow, grip tightening on your thigh.
You shush her nicely, swiping the pad of your index finger over her clit in firm circles. “I know, Nat. Just relax.”
You imagine her brows twisting in pleasure and her pretty lips trembling. Her chest heaves with uncontrolled breaths and you have half a mind to yank her shirt over her head so you can see her perky nipples rise and fall with the flow.
You give her clit some reprieve and ignore the immediate little whine of indignation that follows. She’s so wet as you trail down her cunt to her entrance that you decide to push two fingers inside her instead of one. You feel her cunt clench around your digits and bite back a groan as you rub her walls. Natasha moans your name, voice breaking in the middle, and her toes curl when you pick up the pace inside her. She’s a vocal mess despite not uttering any actual words. Her panting against your neck is so arousing you only plunge your fingers harder into her.
You twist and pull her nipple with your other hand. Natasha somehow restrains herself from squirming under your touch to make your job easier and you make a mental note of rewarding her for her consideration.
“Just like that,” you encourage her, her cunt squeezing you like a vice. “I’ve got you.”
Your only response is a small whine and the bucking of her hips against your hand. They move in tandem with the rhythm of your fingers, greedily chasing release.
“You’re doing so good, Natty, letting me help you like this…”
Your words make her cunt clench. The noises filling your bedroom are positively filthy as the heel of your palm grazes Natasha’s sensitive clit. She’s close, you can feel it, so you keep up the pace until she comes with a cry into your neck, teeth brushing your skin and hips stuttering. You slow down inside her only slightly to help prolong her orgasm and one of her hands grabs yours on her breast when she arches towards the ceiling. It takes a moment before Natasha settles back against you, breathy and slack. You gently slip out of her.
You let her catch her breath, instead bringing your hand to light to see how her arousal clings to your digits. Spreading them makes a string that connects the two and you hum before turning back to Natasha. You push her forward a little, enough to be able to capture her mouth in a sloppy kiss. Your tongue pushes past her lips to intertwine with hers.
Natasha pulls away to rest her forehead on yours.
“Thank you…” she says softly.
“You’re welcome. But I’m not done with you yet.”
She leans back to look you in the eyes and her incredulous expression makes you laugh.
“You’ve done more than enough. Let me at least—”
“Nuh uh,” you interrupt her, moving from behind her to saddle her waist. She makes a noise of surprise when you push her fully into the bed.
You steal a kiss from her as your hands travel up her torso to raise her shirt over head and toss it to the floor. Leaning back, you can finally appreciate the sight of her bare chest rising to meet you. You take a pink nipple into your mouth, humming in satisfaction when Natasha lets out a little moan. Her hands grip your hair to keep you close. Your tongue swirls around the hardened bud, coating it so it shines in the light when you pull away. You waste no time in sucking the other one, hard and fast, enjoying the feel of it in your mouth and Natasha’s growing pleasure.
Your own lips shine with saliva when you tear your mouth from her chest and look up at her in reverence.
“You’re so pretty, Nat,” her lidded gaze meets yours as you speak, blood rushing to her cheeks. “I wanna fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“Oh…” is all she can say, bringing one hand to partly cover her flushing face.
“But,” you move to take off her pajama pants completely before settling between her thighs and wrapping your arms around them, “I said I’d help you relax, not incapacitate you… I’ll choose my words more carefully next time.”
Her heel digs into your back when you bury your nose in her slick cunt. She’s intoxicating and still so sensitive from her previous orgasm that you only need to blow on her clit for it to twitch. Your tongue darts out to taste her fully, the flat of it licking up her slit to take her pulsing clit into your mouth. Natasha’s hips push against you even as her thighs shake from the stimulation and the hand in your hair pulls you closer to her slippery sex. All you can hear, feel, taste is her. The noises she makes are a melody to your ears and the warmth that overcomes you can’t be put into words. You trail wet kisses all over her cunt, groaning at the way it pulses under you.
You focus on her clit, sucking and licking and teasing until her thighs close in on you, pressing against your ears.
Natasha rarely swears. Knowing how much of a mess you’re making of her for her to utter such a word is such a turn on. You squeeze your legs together in a failed attempt at relieving the pressure between them. You want tonight to be all about her, so you ignore your needs and slurp her folds like a starved kitten. The tip of your nose bumps her clit as you do and Natasha’s soft mewls spur you on.
It doesn’t take long before she’s coming into your mouth with a long moan, hips bucking closer to your tongue. You lap up the arousal leaking from her puffy cunt and let her grind into your face until her orgasm passes. Natasha falls back into the bed after a moment, audibly panting, eyes still squeezed shut. You look up to see her features slowly morph into a tired, fucked out expression. Pulling away from her sex, you lick your lips and wipe your face with your clean hand.
You climb up the bed to press a tender kiss to her jaw. Her eyes blink open, her gaze warm and in love as she looks at you.
You cup her cheek with a hand and mutter, “I hate to ask more of you, but promise me you’ll make an effort to take better care of yourself. For me?”
Natasha sighs, lips stretching into a small smile. “If I can’t, you’ll be there to do it for me?”
“Of course. Anything for you.”
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secret-sweetheart · 3 months
“Darling you’re so pretty it hurts”
THIS IS SAPPHIC SMUT!! :3 Reader is fem and afab!! I’m a minor writing smut so please DNI if you’re uncomfortable
Color coded the fandom characters! Genshin, honkai star rail, bungo stray dogs
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Look her in the eyes while she’s pleasuring you, she wants to see your reactions, the way you bite your lip while her fingers rub your clit. Do you want a kiss? Is that why you’re biting your lip? She can’t have those pretty lips of yours getting damaged from the biting, there’s no need to do that because she’ll kiss you for as long as you’d like <3
She can make you feel better than anyone else, better than any of those stupid men. Their lips don’t feel as soft and loving as hers, the way she climbs on top of you and praises you makes your heart race in a way nobody else could, you’re her good girl, her precious pillow princess, and she’s yours too she’ll say it without hesitation because it’s nothing but the truth
She’ll hold your hand as she pleasures you in whatever way feels most enjoyable for you, she just wants to kiss and hold you as you cum. Don’t worry about her getting tired, your moans keep her motivated and she’ll keep it up for as long as needed until you orgasm
Even after that night of love, she’ll hold you close and praise you for how good you were for her. What you did was more than sex, it was more than just chasing pleasure, and she hopes you know that she wants to be close to you with or without sex
Black swan, Himeko, Natasha, Serval, Lisa, Beidou, Yae Miko, Ninnguang, Yosano
(Might add more later!)
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kthecutest · 1 year
&team reaction to their s/o sitting on their lap?
-for the first time, while they’re alone in the room :)
(ot9 if u comfortable with it, also, obviously sfw!!!)
✧˚ &team reaction to you sitting on their lap ༊*·˚
Pairing ➳ &Team members x gn!reader Genre ➳ Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ This was really fun to make! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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K : Literally pulled you deeper into his huge chest. Your eyes widen from his action but before you could even turn around to say something, he hugged you tight with his right arm, that was huge enough to wrap your entire body in one swing. “Is my baby finally brave enough to sit on my lap~?” – a teasing chuckle followed as he whispered in your ears that got your entire face reddening. It’s been a while since you’ve wanted to sit on K’s huge lap, it seemed like such a comfortable seat to you personally, but you can’t deny that you were too shy. K knew you too well, but he wanted you to come to him on your own so he stayed quiet. He made sure to reassure you that it was totally fine to do so when you finally managed to let your intrusive thoughts win.
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Fuma : Would stiff up subtly as soon as he felt your weight on his lap. It was just a normal evening, Fuma was focused on his game, headphones attached to him, his friend yelling incoherent words from the other line. You took this chance to try out something. You sneakily kept your closure to his figure sitting on the gaming chair before taking the opportunity to launch yourself on him. He was definitely shocked and it was obvious he lost focus from the game from the very start. When you started squirming on top of him though, he’ll hold you by the waist, still all your movements – “honey, stay still, I need to focus” That’s when you notice, your subtle little attempt wasn’t all that subtle.
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Nicholas : The fastest person to make your existence on his lap known. Would straight up call you out and tease you about it. He would dwell on that little action of yours for weeks while completely teasing you about it nonstop. He’d spin you around, making you face him and look you straight in the eyes with a  smug look on his face – “I see someone’s let their intrusive thoughts take over” You pouted at him, gesturing that you’re getting off immediately, refusing to take his tease but you’re only met with a tight pull at your waist and a sweet strawberry flavored kiss to your lips.
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Ej : Would stiff up very evidently and even started squirming around at one point. Honestly, it ain’t even on purpose, he truly wanted to keep his reaction subtle but he’s just still got a lot more to learn from Fuma hyung apparently. He’d stiffen up so much to the point you would even notice, stilling his breathing while the air is caught in his throat as he struggled to find a certain distraction to keep him calm. You’d let out a chuckle when you found his entire face reddening and sweating. “Stop laughing~ you’re the one who started this..” – he spoke in a sulky tone as you kept chuckling at him. This little blushy tangerine didn’t even gave you a chance to blush first.
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Yuma : The literal tease. But not as teasing as K. As soon as he felt your body heat on his lap, he’ll turn his head straight to your direction in the most obvious way. Will start squishing your cheeks and babying you, smiling like a cheeky kid inside from how happy he is. “Awww look at you so adorable on my lap~!” You grabbed him by his collar, landing a soft kiss on his lips to shut him up. And as expected, he’s content with your little payment, pulling you back into a deeper kiss just as bonus payment~
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Jo : The ‘I did noticed’ but nonchalant one. Obviously the sudden warmth he felt on his lap wasn’t just to his imagination, especially when you started squirming around, disturbing his view of the book in his right arm. Out of nowhere, you felt a huge palm pinning down both your arms while pulling you closer to lean against him. “If you wanna have a seat.. stay still.” You’d panic a bit now that you noticed he knew but soon you came to a sense of comfort, on his warm lap, tightly wrapped cozily by his arm.
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Harua : The Uno Reverse Card user. Would start squirming as soon as he felt your weight on him. Trying to keep it subtle but poor bunny boy can’t help that he was obviously a bit more petite compared to other group members and this applied to his strength and endurance as well. Finally had enough and gets up, pushing you up a bit before seating you back down. Then the most unexpected thing happens, he sat right on your lap as you looked at him with widen eyes. “Don’t mind me~” – speaking in a sassy tone as he started scrolling through his phone while you kept giving him side eyes.
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Taki : He’s the ultimate mixture of Yuma and Harua. Don’t expect for this boy to let you get a free seat on him unless there’s a payment method. And his payment isn’t a simple sweet little kiss, no. It’s actually you allowing him to practically do the same to you whenever he wants. You want to sit on his lap? That’s okay but you’ll also have to let him sit on your lap. But you weren’t one to know this system beforehand, taking it as a free chance for a free seat when you caught him, legs crossed on the bed, focused on his phone screen. It’s only when you’ve taken a seat, which you knew you were now in deep trouble – “Oh~ seems like my cutie fell for my trap~”
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Maki : The literal gentleman. He maybe the maknae and he maybe a tease but he’s definitely far off from the other group members when it comes to teasing. He barely teases you, because most of the time all you get is princess treatment. Would be completely comfortable with your sudden action, even resting his head on your shoulder to make you feel closer and more cozy with him. But then his sudden worry would click in his head. You could feel the soft warm breath of this gentle boy in the crook of your neck, when he spoke in a worry but gentle tone – “Had a bad day, love?”
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themissinghand · 5 months
Genshin Impact: The Overworked God [2]
Part 1
Summary: In which one of the lore writers who help write the world of Genshin Impact was suddenly thrusted in the very world they created. 
Well, testing characters is one thing, but playing God, and raising 7 children at a time? 
Oh boy. He just wants to go home and sleep.
Note: Finally back from break!
Part 2 of the Overworked God! Creator! Male OC!
What if we had a smarter Creator that never forgot his initial wish of going home?
Warning: Genshin and SAGAU themes, some OOC and angst.
Tempus, or Kai has been in the world of Genshin Impact for a very long time, since its creation where it was just him and Celestia. 
He struck a deal with Celestia, promising to be the Creator and consequently the God of Time to help create Teyvat, but on his own terms. Doing what he can to save his creations from unnecessary pain and suffering. 
So, he’s still overworked, stressed and sleepy all the time, especially now that he has to take care of 7 children too.  
But finally…today is the day he could finally go home. 
Home sounds foreign to him, after all, he spent more years in Teyvat than on Earth, but he has never given up on returning after fulfilling his duty as the Creator. 
It’s going to be a difficult announcement to make, considering how attached his children could be, but perhaps, he could twist the narrative just a bit to appease them.
“Tempus!” Speaking of, two bundles of mass hopped towards him as usual, and he caught them with both arms as if it was a routine. He stumbles a bit, sighs, but pats them on the head. 
“It’s been so long since you visited Monstadt! I missed you~” Venti hugged his waist as he peaked up with puppy eyes. Before Kai could respond, Furina beat him to it. 
“It’s because he likes Fontaine better! He’s been in my country the longest!” Furina quipped back with a proud expression on her face. 
“That’s because you suck at ruling your country!” 
“Says you, Mr. Drunkard Bard!” 
At least they both have trustworthy people like Neuvillette and Jean to take care of their country…
“That’s enough, you two.” A spark of lightning scared the two to cling onto Tempus even more, but Ei easily picked the two off. 
Ah, one of the more responsible leaders…
“Please ignore these two, Tempus.” Ei says stoically, as she sends a deadly glare that shuts the two up. 
“It’s fine.” Tempus greets every single Archon with a nod, before taking a seat at the head of the table, his expression showing his tiredness despite the light-hearted banter that usually happens during these meetings.
“Have a seat everyone.” All the Archons did a curt bow before taking their respective seats. 
Materializing snacks resembling that of an English afternoon teatime, he smiled when even the stoic Tsaritsa seemed to enjoy his food. 
It’s a shame though, this will be his last time. 
“Tempus.” He turned to the Tsaritsa, who seemed to notice his distress.
“I’m fine.” He brushed it away, before he felt a cold hand on his. 
“Let us know if anything is bothering you.” Zhongli added on, and Tempus shook his head. 
His children could handle Teyvat without him, what else would he be worried about? 
“Tempus, are your worries the reason why did you call us all today?” Sharp as always, Nahida asks, gaining everyone’s attention all at once. 
In the end…Rukkhadevata chose her fate. There are things that could not be changed…
“Yes.” Feeling everyone’s eyes on him, he felt even more estranged. 
"As you know, I've overseen Teyvat, guided you all, and tried to make amends for the mistakes of the past," Tempus continued. 
“After much thought, I believe it’s time for me to rest.” 
Multiple teacups fell onto the table with a loud thud. With a wave of his hand, the spilled tea disappeared. 
“T-Tempus! What, what do you mean?” Murata stood up abruptly, knocking over a flower vase, which Tempus easily dissolved to nothing. 
“Tempus, how could you abandon us!” 
“Calm down.” But it seems to have no effect, instead, he felt the cold hand squeeze his own, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Tempus, you belong to us.”
“As I’ve said, I will be going into deep slumber-” Suddenly, many eyes shot towards the Bard who looked very pale. 
“-to take a break.” A teacup shattered, but Tempus paid no mind to it. 
“My decision is final, and I hope you can take care of Teyvat while I rest.” For eternity. 
“Tempus.” Scoring golden eyes burned into Kai’s soul, and he forced himself to remain neutral as he stared at Zhongli-Morax. 
“Please stay. I’m begging you, please, Your Eminence. Please don’t leave us.” 
"But what of Teyvat? You've become integral to the stability and well-being of this world, and us." There were many nods that followed. 
“We need you.”
There was desperation in his voice, and while it did hurt Tempus to leave them, he doubted he could stay any longer knowing that he could finally leave. 
“All of you are strong and are capable enough to rule your countries, which I am very proud of. Teyvat will be in good hands." Some Archons smiled briefly, but it was short lived. 
"Which is why it's time for me to step aside and take a break."
They had grown accustomed to Tempus's guidance, his wisdom, and his tireless efforts to steer them towards a better path, so for them to lose his support is like fighting without a weapon. 
“W-Where, will you be resting? In Temporium?” Furina’s shaky voice filled the silent room. 
“Stay here, the Fortress of Meropide will keep you safe. Fontaine and I will keep you safe.”
“For how long?” Venti asked, anxiety in his voice. 
“I’ll find you, I’ll find you no matter where you run.” 
“I do not know, for as long as my body needs.” Their faces became pale at thinking of the possibility of not seeing Tempus again. 
With a sigh, he stood up, making others rush to stand too. 
“Come here, each one of you.” In an instant, they rushed over and Tempus pulled them one by one into a hug. While he made himself tall and muscular, he felt small in the group hug that lasted an incredibly long time. 
He felt arms around his waist, chest, arms and back, being hugged by 7 people at once was somewhat suffocating. 
“You all will do great. I will miss you all.” This was not a lie. 
“Time flows like water, and perhaps I will wake sooner than you all expect.” This was a lie. 
Tempus heard sniffles, and felt hands grabbing his robes and weaving through his long hair. 
“Tempus…do you have to leave us?” Nahida asked, tugging his heart strings as he saw such a wise person tear up. 
Did she read my thoughts? 
Tempus got rid of that idea as he forbade her from doing so, and with his current power alongside Celestia’s authority, she should be blocked from doing such a thing. 
“I am not leaving, Nahida. I am merely resting.” 
Finally, with some coaxing, he managed to peel them off one by one. 
“I leave Teyvat in your hands.” 
With that, Tempus bid farewell to the Archons and quickly prepared to depart from Celestia. The longer he stayed, the more unbearable this would become. 
However, once he left, the atmosphere shifted once more. The Archons, loyal to their Creator beyond measure, exchanged anxious glances, and a heavy silence settled over the chamber.
“Tempus lied.” Nahida said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Nahida?” All of the Archons felt their heart drop at her words. 
“He may be resting in Temporium, but there’s more to it. I can’t read his mind completely, but…he’s going to leave us if we let him go.” 
“What are we waiting for then?” Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold. The Tsaritsa stepped forward with her Ice scepter, Permafrost. Like many other Archon’s weapons, they were gifted to them by the Creator himself.
“If Buer’s words are true, then while his body remains in Temporium, his soul is elsewhere.” 
The Archons soon came to a consensus. 
“We cannot let him go into slumber.” 
Or they will lose him completely.
[Are you ready, dear Creator?] 
Tempus laid in his resting chamber on the edges of Temporium, in a makeshift mountain. He created this place in secret, so no one else by him knows. 
He felt bad for his kingdom, as he told the royal family that he will be gone doing his Godly duties for a long time, but never informed how long. 
Regardless, they should be able to live without a god, considering the technology and time Tempus gave them. 
As he lay in his comfortable bed with minimal decorations or other items, he shut his eyes and reminisced about the past. 
Although it was a very long time, he was never really alone. 
But he has seen much more than a normal human on Earth, from war to life and death, to the repetitions of stories by going back in time many times to fix his mistakes. 
“Stop him! He’s going back in time!” 
Truly, it takes a mental toll on his mind. He can’t let his emotions take over, otherwise, he would have to redo everything again. 
[Thank you for your work, dear Creator]
[Just make sure you fulfill your side of the deal]
[Of course]
When he shut his eyes, he felt safe, comfortable and oddly relieved, relieved of his duties at last. 
His eyes snapped open and saw his chamber shake with vigor. All of his protective mechanisms activate, indeed, he prepared for this.
Voices slowly became louder and the earth seemed to roar. 
How did they find him? Was it Buer? It must've been.
There was desperation in their voices, and Kai assumed that they seemed to have figured something out. 
Perhaps honesty was better, but in the end, this was always the outcome. 
Yes, Tempus already knew that no matter what he did, the Archons would rebel, would seek him out.
Even if the walls seem to crumble, it did not affect Kai’s chamber, after all, it was sealed and protected with his powers.
But perhaps with a bit more persistence, they would soon destroy the mountain all together, leaving him and his chamber exposed. But, Tempus was not worried, after all, he had prepared for this moment too long ago. 
[Farewell, dear Creator] 
Suddenly, he felt a bright light engulf him as he felt incredibly sleepy. 
Through his blurred vision, he could see the stormy skies, and all seven Archons rushing towards him. 
“You can’t leave us, Tempus!” 
Seeing them in their prime, in their Archon outfits was a little nostalgic. 
Hearing a crack in his chamber’s shield was somewhat surprising, but also, incredible. His children have grown up well. 
With a fleeting smile, Tempus bids farewell to his second home. 
His eyes close, just as the light takes him whole. 
Morax and Murata pierced through the tough protective layers desperately, and Ei and Venti whiz past them to reach their Creator. 
But, they were too late. 
“No, Tempus is…he’s-” Barbados was crying as he held Tempus’s hand. 
“Kai! Kai!” Furina bawled her eyes out, calling his real name repeatedly as if it would bring him back. 
But he won’t come back. 
Bal held his body as she froze in shock (in regret), as if she was reminded of her past. 
“Tempus, you’re cruel.” Buer, the one who got them so far and so close but not enough. She knelt down beside him and cried while pressing his hand into her face. 
“You’ve left us with death, not slumber. You lied, you lied!” 
It was like they lost a part of themselves. 
After all, Tempus was there whenever they needed guidance, he sacrificed his own personal time to make sure they were alright. 
“K-Kai…” Morax stumbled towards the still body that used to be his friend, mentor, benefactor, love, and everything. 
Even in death, he was still so beautiful, kind and holy. 
Tempus was their everything. 
The Tsaritsa dragged herself towards Tempus with her scepter. She was known to not show her emotions, even when Tempus encouraged her to do so to stay emotionally healthy. He was the only one that saw her vulnerable side, and knew who she really was, and never judged her for it. 
“Tempus. How dare you…abandon us like this?” She stood by Tempus’s feet and her eyes did not leave his body at all. 
While others wept, her tears were turned into weapons. 
Murata stood by her with the same dark, solemn expression. 
It’s not fair. 
How could he treat them like his everything, and then leave them so abruptly? 
If only he could open his eyes again and say it was nothing but a terrible joke. 
But Tempus is gone, leaving his lifeless body as his final memory and gift. 
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loserlvrss · 6 months
꒰ 𝐅𝐔𝐌𝐀 𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐅 ꒱ 村田風雅
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summary : what i believe fuma would be like as your boyfriend
genre : fluff, nsfw, fuma x afab!reader, headcanon, drabble tws : eventual nsfw headcanon in the second half author notes : when i say my man this is who im talking about word count : 0.5k
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- physical touch and quality time are his love languages.
- your very own personal puppy boyfriend!!
- when dojaejung sang i wanna kiss your lips he took that personally.
- loves cute little dates; especially cafes, and picnics.
- will send you the boyfriend selfies he takes for luné and expects you to make them your lockscreen.
- is shy, but if you were shyer he’d instantly become the opposite for you. if you were more outgoing/extraverted he’d step down and admire quietly.
- would walk in your shadow to make sure you always got the best light.
— would also make you walk on the inside to the street subconsciously like it’s his second nature to put you first (it is. someone raised this man right).
- would pick you up from work whenever he could.
- would love to cuddle while he plays his stupid little switch games.
— would compare you to his favorite pokémon in a loving way.
- your head on his chest type of guy ngl.
- he’s so in love with you, his eyes light up when he sees you type of guy.
- absolutely adores when you wear his clothes, it doesn’t matter how they look or fit on you he just likes knowing that you’re comfortable enough to do that around him.
- i don’t think he’d have too many nicknames for you; baby, my love or anything with my in front of it tbh.
- is dating to marry you.
— would peel an orange for you. end of discussion.
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nsfw 18+ minors do not engage !!
- will ask for your consent. every. single. time.
- not a bad thing but i think this man really likes missionary SOLEY so he can look you in the eyes and watch your expressions.
- takes skin of skin very literally.
- he’s all about making sure you’re enjoying it as much as he is.
- I DO BELIEVE THIS MAN NOT A HEAD PUSHER (i cheered), but he does like cumming down your throat if you’ll let him.
- kinda vocal — until you tell him you really like the little sounds he does make.
- would also love any other position where he’s hitting it from the back bc let’s be honest here… sigh ass man.
— honorable mention would be where you’re fully laid down on your stomach bc you can’t hold yourself up anymore.
- is a soft dom, but he does have a strength kink and will manhandle you.
- knows you love his hands. yes, he’ll stick them in your mouth if you want.
— you give him bonus points if he gets you to squirt with them.
- he’s down to try anything you want at least once.
- holds your hand during sex, while eating you out, whenever he has access to it really.
— speaking of eating you out, sit on his face!
- is okay with a little pain, especially if it’s from you pulling his hair or scratching at his back or shoulders.
- will call you a slut if he’s really into it. but would, of course, put my in front of it so you know he still loves you.
- would use words to get you fucked up; ex. talk you through it, bc let’s be honest you have a voice kink.
- not into edging so much, but loves overstimulating you until you’re just a babbling mess.
- and lastly, since his picture comes up when you search the definition of a gentleman, AFTER CARE~~
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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lunicho · 5 months
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| kei | fuma | nicho | juju | yuma | jo | harua | taki |
warnings: spanking, breeding kink, and crying.
A - aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
fuma is big on physical touch, after cleaning up a bit he loves to just lay own and draw circles on your body or play with your fingers or something like that. he just thinks you’re so so cute and he loves to just admire you for a bit before he starts the shower for you both. showering together after sex happens often and he loves to hold you close while the water runs down your bodies. he’s also big on cuddling after sex in general, like his hugs are amazing i just know it.
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B - boobs or ass (are they a boob man or an ass man?) 
he’s an ass guy, the type to kiss your ass before slapping it. he just loves having handfuls of your ass to hold onto while he moves u along the length of his cock. his grip on you is always super firm, he doesn’t slap your ass a whole lot but he always squeezes it.
C - cum (anything to do with cum) 
fuma has breeder balls,,, hear me out y’all.. he loves to fill u with his cum and see how messy it gets. he always rubs your belly as well,, he just loves it sm. loves it even more when he keeps  fucking you after and it spills out and makes an even bigger mess <3
D - dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
he secretly likes when you’re more dominant, he thinks you’re so sexy when you demand him and boss him around. he also gets off on the thought of it because the thought of him being able to fully let go just excites him. also,,, sometimes he feels like crying when he cums but he holds it back,, but y’all ain’t hear that from me.
E - experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
fuma is fairly experienced, he hasn’t had a lot of casual sexual partners but i feel like he’s been in 1-2 long term relationships in the past. he’s pretty experienced because of this but is always willing to learn more as he goes.
F - favorite position (what is their favorite sex position?) 
113 / 101
he likes to be on the bottom, he loves when he can see you bouncing on him. his hands would run all over your body, mostly resting firmly on your hips. he also enjoys this position because its easy for him to kiss you. he finds it so sexy how you bounce on him and also grind your hips against him, its just overall so sexy to him. another reason he loves these positions is because he's able to thrust up into you easily when you get tired and he can see the way you crumble on top of him.
G - goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) 
sometimes he full on bursts out laughing during sex like it's just something that happens from time to time but he's pretty focused and serious for the most part. he can be really silly, usually when you’re cockwarming him or when you guys are spooning and having conversation. he loves talking to you during sex so so much so its a huge possibility for him to crack little jokes.
H - hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 
i feel like he’s pretty hairy, i think that’s more just his preference. he may trim himself up just to do a little something but other than that he likes having hair there. overall he keeps it very natural and nobody asks but he likes when you’re natural too.
I - intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
he’s usually very very intimate, especially considering how protective and possessive he is on a regular basis. he’s romantic and loves feeling your skin against his. he’s always touching you so so lovingly as well and he treats you like his little princess.
J - jack off (masturbation headcanon) 
i feel like when he jerks off he more likes to thrust into his fist instead of stroking his length, i don’t know why i feel that way but i do. he also moans while he masturbates, like he doesn’t ever wanna hold back.
K - kink (one or more of their kinks) 
spanking - whether it’s a small tap on your ass or enough for him to leave you sore he just loves this so much. like i said he’s an ass guy so if needed he’ll lay you across his lap so he can lovingly bruise your ass :( he just loves how you jolt and moan and how pretty it sounds when you’re super reactive to him.
mutual masturbation - he loves the intimacy of seeing the way you pleasure yourself. he loves to be close by and just watch as you touch yourself. he also really likes when you get each other odd, arms crossed over one another as you both try to make the other cum. this is his favorite after a really long and tiring day as well <3
L - location (favorite places to have sex) 
he's a traditional guy, he loves sex in the bedroom. he just finds it easier and more intimate to be in the comfort of your own home and in the comfort of your own bed, he just likes it a little better that way. 
M - motivation (what turns them on?) 
a lot of things about you overall turn him on but i think one thing that stands out is your innocence and obedience. when he asks you to do something and you follow him so willingly and blindly he loves that so much. like if he’s like, “hey can you do something for me.” and you eagerly agree and just are so attentive to him and so interested in what he’s gonna ask he just finds it so cute.
N - no (Something they wouldn’t do) 
he’s not the degrading type, he may tease a bit but he never wants to talk down on you. i feel like he doesn’t want to run the risk of hurting you even slightly (other than when he spanks you,, or when he squeezes ur ass), even when it comes to your feelings so i feel like he’d rather just not degrade you at all.
O - oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 
he’s very focused on your pleasure and he loves giving you head BUT,, he really really loves receiving head. he loves when he can push himself down your throat and he loves when he can see you struggle to take him a little bit. when little tears prick at your eyes he swipes his thumb on your face to wipe them away. its just something about having you be so determined to take him and allowing him to go as far down your throat as he can.
P - pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
on a regular basis i feel like fuma is slightly rougher, just with how harsh he is with his thrusts and the strength that he has behind them. it’s just what he naturally does but he can definitely be very very gentle and soft if you vocalize that you want him to be <3.
Q - quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) 
he loves them sm, loves to quickly fuck you before you guys finish getting ready. he loves to make you cum 20 minutes before you need to be at work, like he just has so much fun with it and he loves the rush and pace of the situation.
R - risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) 
like i mentioned before, he likes to learn along with you and in order to learn you kinda have to experiment. he's a huge fan of experimenting and trying new things out with you. it keeps things fun and he loves trying new fresh things so he's very willing to take risks. nothing that can harm you though! 
S - stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) 
he can go for as many rounds as you need him to go for. he doesn't run out of energy quickly, especially considering how athletic he is. he knows the amount of time he needs to properly recover between orgasms and he knows how to occupy the time accordingly by doing other things with you as well. he's pretty good for going however many times as you want. 
T - toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
i feel like he owns a fleshlight or one of those sleeve things with the texture on the inside if anything, he likes something to thrust into when he masturbates sometimes. i feel like he may get some toys for you, but only if you ask him to cuz he's skilled with his own hands and he's confident in his abilities. but he's definitely not opposed to toys, he just doesn't think to get them (but if u ask him to he'll find that he really enjoys bringing toys into the bedroom). 
U - unfair (how much they like to tease) 
only a little bit here and there, he loves to treat you like royalty and he loves to give you everything you could ever ask for. sometimes he’ll feel silly goofy and may tease a little bit but he gives in the moment you beg or whine.
V - volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make) 
he’s not necessarily loud but he is vocal, always praising you and letting out moans and groans. he makes sure that you’re able to tell that you’re doing good and that he’s enjoying the sex. he doesn’t hold anything back and he doesn’t want you to hold anything back either <3
W - wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) 
fuma will call you and talk you through your orgasms when he’s away. he’ll just guide you and tell you how much he wishes you were there with him so he could care for you himself. especially if he knows you love his voice he’ll call you late at night to help you sleep as well. he’ll just ramble randomly, knowing it soothes you. 
X - x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants) 
he’s closer to average size when it comes to length but he’s pretty thick. he provides a nice stretch when he presses into you.
Y - yearning (yow high is their sex drive?) 
his sex drive is very in between but its likely that you’ll be needier than he is. you guys most likely have sex very regularly but not every day unless you’re that needy. he can go a little while without sex though.
Z - zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
if im so fr he’s kinda like a grandpa so he falls asleep kinda fast after. he just likes getting all cleaned up and cuddling up with you after sex, he just feels extra cozy and warm so he holds you insanely close and dozes off like that.
a/n - i honestly don't know how i feel about this but lmk what u guys think!
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
fuma as a crush and bf ₊˚ෆ
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crush/bf!fuma x fem!reader 0.7k words requested!
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
When fuma has a crush on you, he’d..
(♡•♡) give you small smiles whenever you enter the room, whenever you open your mouth to speak, whenever you make eye contact.. It’s just his way of saying hello without sounding like an idiot. 
(♡•♡) stutter whenever you talk to him. It’s part of the reason why he likes to stick to small smiles. Not because he hates your presence, he just hates the fact that he stutters so much around you, his cheeks burning red as he bats his eyes to the floor, finding his shoes extra shiny
(♡•♡) be protective over you. He likes to call himself subtle, but anyone walking by can see the glares he gives to men when they try to even take a glance at you. You don’t know it yet, but you’re his girl, so no one is going to be looking at you in any type of way >:(
(♡•♡) follow you like a lost puppy. Or should I say, “she said she likes this, so I’m going to do the same thing” knowing good and well he despises whatever action you’re doing. If you decide to put bows in his hair, he’d be cringing on the inside, but hey, at least you’re happy 🤷‍♀️
(♡•♡) confess when you’re trapped inside a run down elevator. Usually fuma would like to keep his feelings to himself, but he hates when he begins to second guess the situation, thinking about all the possible ways something could go wrong. It limits him from being happy, and he hates feeling trapped inside a box. So as you’re sitting there in silence, he’d randomly blurt out the feelings he’s been holding back, finally able to get them off his chest. He doesn’t expect you to like him back, so to say he was a little shocked when you got up and kissed him was an understatement. 
When you’re dating fuma, he’d..
♥‿♥ want to go grocery shopping together! He’d insist on carrying all the baskets and paying for all your purchases, your only job is to point at the things you want so he can get them for you. Likes to socialize when waiting in the checkout line, his arm wrapped around your waist while he pushes your head to his shoulder; he’s not exactly a pda type of guy, but he does crave your warmth from time to time :3
♥‿♥ put his hand on your thigh whenever you’re in a dinner setting. This isn’t to rile you up in any type of way, just like a comforting reminder, chanting the words, “I’m here,” if you somehow manage to forget. He’d also feed you snacks if you’re out on a picnic or something. It honestly reminds me of High School Musical, the scene where Troy and Gabriella are trying to throw grapes into each other's mouths. It’s romantic yet silly, something fuma cherishes.
♥‿♥ want you to go to the gym with him. You don’t even have to work out, he just likes it when you’re watching him do his form. He feels powerful almost, knowing he’s the reason why you drool, which keeps him motivated to do better 😋
♥‿♥ be your #1 supporter. Like I said before, fuma doesn’t like being trapped inside a box, so he’d encourage himself to step out of his shell and face his fears, the same goes for you. He understands why you’re scared, but he wants you to understand that he will be with you every step of the way. When you finally face your fear, fuma would be so proud of you, spending the rest of the day (or week (or month)) spoiling you, celebrating your victory. And if you didn’t, fuma would console you, because at least you tried your hardest, you know?
♥‿♥ nag at you. Fuma is not only your boyfriend.. He’s your mother atp. Nags at you for going outside without a jacket. Nags at you for staying inside and playing pokemon all day. Nags at you for refusing to eat your vegetables – he’d give you one stern look, and right then and there did you know that you messed up. He doesn’t want to seem mean, but he wants you to take care of your health is all :(( 
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︴bonus! @kehnarii, i told you were thoughts were in good hands!!
▸ taglist 🎧 @starryriize , @cherrycolaberry , @kehnarii , @wtfisgoingright
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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keikeu · 1 year
jealous :: &team
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pairing :: ot9! &team x gn! reader
genre :: established relationship, fluff, smau
warnings :: none
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a/n :: thank you for requesting this anon, sorry it took me so long but i started writing this while i was on vacation and yeah😭😭 i hope this is good though!! (bc the banner sure isn't🤣😐)
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kurogane2512 · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 day 5
Thigh riding, praise kink with....
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It was unbearable. So agonizing. You were desperate, craving for it. But Himeko just didn't let you have it. While Himeko wasn't the cruel type, she certainly sometimes enjoyed watching you become embarrassed.
"H-Himeko, please....touch me~" you moaned in Himeko's ear, currently seated on her lap facing her while she drank a cup of coffee.
"Hm? But I am touching you, darling. Don't you see how you are touching my thigh?~"
Himeko smirked and bounced her leg, making you gasp in surprise and hold onto her shoulders. The movement shook her as well causing the coffee in her cup to almost spill out. She looked at you with a rather devious grin and leaned near your ear, "Naughty girl. I told you to pleasure yourself without disturbing me, didn't I?~"
"B-But—! I have waited all day! I was the first to do all tasks and then even helped others!" you whined with a pout, making her chuckle at your cute expression.
"Aww, are you expecting a reward now?~"
You blushed at her statement then nodded, "Yes...please..."
"Hehe~ Alright then, let's do this. Do whatever you want until I finish my coffee without troubling me and I'll reward you generously, my darling~"
You bit your lower lip and glanced at her cup to see it was half empty then agreed, hoping it won't take too long. Himeko leaned back comfortably on her chair and continued sipping while gazing at you, you felt like burning from her deep gaze and started grinding on her thigh. You held on the armrests of her chair in order to not disturb her like earlier and pressed deeper, your clothed clit rubbing against her skin. You hissed and attemped to move more but it was difficult, you wanted her help.
You looked at her with puppy-like eyes, trying to convey how much you wanted her to touch you already but Himeko didn't budge and just smiled gently. Gods, you hated that she was doing this to you now of all times. Himeko knew what you wanted very well, but she was enjoying this waiting game. However, she couldn't watch her sweetheart be tortured for too long so she pulled you close to her chest all of a sudden.
"My darling wants help?~" her soothing voice flowed in your ear, making you aroused even more. Himeko felt your wetness on her thigh and smirked to herself before removing her hand from around you and assuming her previous posture.
"Come on, move for me. You want to relieve yourself, right?~" you whined and started grinding again. Himeko continued sipping her coffee but you could smell her rose perfume and scented hair now, making you seek into her more. You wanted to touch her breasts and suck but held back as it would disturb her.
"That's my good girl~ Keep going, you are doing so well~" Himeko whispered near your ear once again, her silky voice made you melt into her instantly. You understood what she was doing now. She may not touch you but she knew her voice was enough to send you over the edge.
"Mmm~ Himeko... hurry up!~"
"Hehe~ My, how needy my darling is~ There there, you are doing very good so far. Just hold on a bit more~"
You buried your face in her neck and rutted faster now, your breathing becoming heavier while she continued speaking sweet words in your ear to encourage you. After what felt like forever, Himeko finally put her cup down and suddenly bounced up her leg, making you fall closer with a muffled moan.
"How commendable. I knew my good girl could do it. Now, as promised...."
Himeko softly chuckled before holding your waist and helping you rub on her thigh; your hands kneaded her breasts while she placed kisses on your neck followed by gentle bites.
"That's it.... keep going my darling~"
"Mhm~ I-I'm close- ngh~"
"I know, I know~ You have been a good girl, cum for me as you please~"
She affectionately patted your head and that did it for you. You grinded hard a few times then felt the knot in your abdomen snap and finally release on her, your cum dripping down your panties onto her thighs. You panted out on her lap and she embraced you lovingly, whispering sweet nothings and praises.
"My sweet girl~"
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
ANNOUNCEMENT, ANNOUNCEMENT: Please follow me on Quotev!
Uh, hey guys, please follow me on quotev, I’d really appreciate it!
Here is the link to my works!
I hope you guys have a good day/night!
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crguang · 3 months
meet me in the afterglow
The Astral Express landed on your sick planet and removed the cancer of your world. Even though Himeko belongs with stars as bright as she shines while your place is on steady ground, you would suffer the distance if it meant knowing her.
long distance relationship, hurt/comfort, 7k words.
A/N: this really beat my ass. himeko pov practice, i wanted a more emotional piece so she feels a bit ooc to me
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The video call connects and your slightly obscured face is viewed at a low angle. You look down at the screen, smiling with your teeth when you see her, and Himeko easily mirrors your happiness. Her cheek rests in the palm of her hand, elbow on the desk’s surface as she gazes at you through the phone.
“Hiii,” you wave at her cheerfully. Himeko hears the sound of a door closing in the background and with a couple of steps into your apartment, the lights flicker open, illuminating your bright expression born from the mere sight of her. The weariness of her eventful day washes away faced with the striking love you hold for her and she can’t help a short giggle from falling past her lips at your greeting. The musical sound lights up the color in your eyes. 
“Hi. Did you just get home?”
You hum in agreement, your keys rattling in your hands. “Today was so long. I’m happy you called.”
You step out of your shoes and walk around your apartment, only looking up from the screen to open your bedroom door. Himeko watches you prop the device on top of your desk and wander around the room while you discard your jacket. A full-length mirror stands across from the desk, showing your figure even when you’re not in the camera frame.
“Me too, we haven’t talked in a while,” Himeko says as you rummage through your drawers. “How have you been?”
“Yeah, we’ve both been really busy,” you find a clean shirt and begin pulling the one you’re wearing over your head. “Oh!” 
You excitedly walk back in front of the phone, shirt hanging around your neck and exposing your torso. You seem too thrilled to care, but Himeko’s gaze unashamedly lowers to your chest until you clap your hands once and speak again. 
“I got the promotion yesterday! I wanted to tell you. I’d say it was worth being worked to the bone this last month.”
“You did?!” She beams. “I knew you would, no one worked as hard as you have for this. I’m so proud of you.”
The delight on your face warms her from head to toe. It’s a wonder how light you make her despite being multiple warp jumps away, you shine through the distance and effortlessly reach the depths of her chest, filling her with hot air until she’s drifting among the stars she knows so well, weightless. You take the work you do seriously, so she does as well. Your victories are hers, and it feels as though she’s gone through them all with you even though she’s not often physically present. 
“Thank you. How are you? Is the Express parked somewhere?”
“I’m doing good. We’re on the way to Herta’s space station right now for a few minor repairs and to stock up on supplies. We should be there for a couple of days.”
You change into a graphic t-shirt and thin pyjama pants, nodding along to her words. You pick the phone back up and bring it closer to your face. A small, fleeting crease appears between your brows as you truly take her in and notice her lack of sleeping clothes.
“Are you still working?”
Himeko hums lightly, a finger absentmindedly tracing patterns on the desk. “I need to finish up a couple of things.”
You take her with you to the bathroom, and the brighter light makes the concerned down curve of your mouth apparent. “Don’t sleep too late.”
You miss her fond smile. “I won’t.”
You set her up near the sink so you can start brushing your teeth. It’s nice to be privy to these mundane moments, these glimpses of domesticity, even if Himeko wishes she could witness them in person. Her smile twitches at the corners at the cursory thought, but it zooms past when your eyes light up with an idea and you rush to spit the toothpaste into the sink to talk properly. Your expressiveness is a treasure she deeply cherishes. 
“I forgot to tell you,” you quickly rinse your mouth and wipe it with the back of your hand, “I need your advice on something. I was invited to this formal-ish dinner this week and I’m not sure what to wear.”
“What kind of event is it?”
You pick up the phone and make your way back into the bedroom. “An acquaintance’s birthday dinner. It’ll be a good way to make some connections, though, hence my hesitation.”
Upon Humeko’s request, you adjust the screen on your desk to show her the outfits you visualized for the event. You’re too engrossed in your task to feel shy as you change in front of the camera and the endearment of it all almost overshadows the desire bubbling in Himeko’s lowered gaze. She finds her fingertips aching to trail down your bare biceps and forearms, across the tender skin of your wrists and over the lines of your palms; a homogeneous mix of gentle yearning and lingering melancholy simmers inside her chest. The distance between you suddenly feels as immense as it is because no matter what either of you does right now, she cannot touch you. It’s an imposing part of her, touch. Tangling her fingers in your hair, tracing the faint marks of your hips and thighs, pressing reverent kisses on the apple of your cheeks or behind your ears— they are confessions she slowly realizes that she can’t go without. She will utter warm truths meant solely for you, and even shout them if you wish, but her hands are growing restless. She does everything with her hands, she tinkers and soothes and creates, but she cannot touch you, not as often as she craves to. The feeling isn’t unfamiliar, she simply tells herself that she misses you particularly hard on this day and counts the next ones until you reunite. Tonight… perhaps it’s the month-long absence with only scattered messages exchanged between you or the fact that you’re trying on clothes for yet another event she won’t get to experience with you, but the longing curled around her rib cage tingles uncomfortably. 
You turn to face the camera, showing off one of your outfits, and Himeko’s smile holds a sad tint that you don’t notice straight away. It’s hidden behind genuine affection, but she unknowingly becomes slower to answer and you send her a quizzical look. 
“Are you okay?” You ask, stepping closer to the phone to see her better. 
“Of course.” Himeko blinks, not expecting the question, and answers reflexively. You don’t seem convinced, so she adds, “This outfit is my favorite, you look gorgeous in it. You should put your hair up to go with it.”
You nod slowly, eyes flickering over her features in search of what lurks beneath her easy demeanor. When she doesn’t expand on the matter, you let it go. You start taking off the outfit to change back into your pyjamas. It’s briefly quiet for a moment and in usual circumstances the silence would be comfortable but there’s a persistent weight on Himeko’s chest that she can’t part with, it manages to cloud your sunny smiles and bright eyes enough for a soft sigh to escape her. She’s full of affection as you settle into bed with your phone in your hands and look at her with half your face squished into your pillow, it is exactly what this discouragement is born from and she can’t elude it. She feels a touch of guilt come into the mix for having something so beautiful bred such negative emotions. 
Your thumb hovers over her image on the screen as you speak. “If you’re not too busy… I have this weekend off. We could see each other?”
Himeko quickly runs through the tasks she has to complete this week. If she moves some things around and delegates others well, she should be able to free up at least an entire day to visit you— and she will because just the thought of having you close has her floating a few inches from the ground. 
“I can do Saturday,” she replies. The promise of seeing you soon almost melts away every other thought.
“Oh. That’s not too bad.”
Her pout is playful but her question is not. “What does that mean?”
“Nothing. I just miss you.”
Right. Though you don’t often complain, she’s reminded that the distance also weighs on you sometimes. Guilt grows steadily in the dark confines of her guts like a slow-acting cancer. Himeko knows it’s not anyone’s fault that she’s a Nameless fated to travel among the stars while you’re rooted to your world, helping its recovery from a Stellaron disaster. You’re needed where you are, she’s walking the path of the trailblaze, but she can’t help feeling awful at the dismissive way you imply that it’s been some time since you last saw each other in person. She bears the responsibility of your happiness and a sense of failure overcomes her whenever it’s clear that her absence saddens you. It’s easier to blame herself when she’s the one who never stays too long in one place.
“…I miss you too, you know.”
“I know,” you offer her a soft smile that doesn’t meet your eyes. Himeko does her best to return it. “I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too.”
Himeko doesn’t show up on Saturday. You’ve left her multiple messages, called her phone throughout the day, growing increasingly worried every time you reached her voicemail, and waited in your apartment for hours in case she would appear on your doorstep. You stand in front of the kitchen counter where two cold servings of her favorite dish lay and stare at the phone screen, opened on your private texts, like the familiar three dots indicating that she’s online will suddenly pop up. You tell yourself that she likely got caught up in something important and ignore the mocking voice that asks, “Are you not important, too?” You feel the food under your nose is laughing at you, its carefully plated vegetables reminding you of your previous excitement and exacerbating your current disappointment, so you put it in a container and throw it in the fridge. You’re not hungry anymore. It’s not the first time your plans have fallen through but Himeko usually warns you that she can’t make it or calls you with soft apologies on her lips. Because of your schedule, you’ve had to cancel a couple of times too, these things happen and no one’s to blame for them. That thought doesn’t dissolve the dejection burning your throat. 
It’s late in the evening, and you settle on the couch with a book you’ve been meaning to read for weeks now but have been lacking the free time to do so. Two chapters in and the words stop making sense; they dance on the page and merge to form completely different sentences as your mind wanders to what lies beyond your skies— the grandiosity of the Astral Express. You visited it a few times, back when its crew parked on your planet and helped seal the Stellaron that was eating at your world. You still remember its large panoramic windows and the boundless stars beyond them, its long hallways and cozy parlor. Traveling with such an extraordinary companion makes each day worth remembering. That train is her oldest friend, she saved it from erosion and has taken great care of it since, it’s witnessed her growth as a Trailblazer and showed her sights you can’t picture. You understand, a little because Himeko introduced you to the constellations with a hand on your forearm and you smell coffee beans whenever you look up at them from your balcony. 
You mark your page and put down the book. There’s no point in attempting to read more tonight, your head is full of those first days spent learning Himeko; her talent for diplomacy, a strength that could shake the seas and a regard for life just as unwavering. She sometimes says your meeting was meticulously etched into the firmament. You didn’t care much for the truth behind fate before her, she single-handedly turned you into a believer like she was an angel apparition bringing news from above. You’d argue being loved by her is akin to a religious experience, her palms soften your woes and her sincere words touch parts of you that you’ve never known until she spoke. You wish to revere her without constraints. 
You’re so lost in memories that the sudden melody of your ringtone startles you. You reach for the phone on the coffee table. You stare at the contact, hesitant, before erasing all wistfulness from your features and accepting the video call.
Himeko waits for the call to connect with a thundering heart and guilt pooling in her stomach. She dreads this so much, dreads seeing the frown on your lips knowing she’s the cause of it, that she’s put back talking to you for two hours now. She owes you an explanation, of course, and she doesn’t seek your forgiveness for her lack of communication. Her apprehension comes from the disappointment she’s sure you’re feeling, and a familiar sense of failure washes over her at the thought of letting you down again.
Your pouty face appears on the screen and Himeko can’t even force a shaky smile. 
“I’m so sorry,” the words are quick to tumble from her lips like they’ve been uncomfortably sitting in the back of her throat for days. “I should’ve called. The Express needed some last-minute repairs and I’m the only one— I’m sorry.” 
It’s the truth, but her voice is small to her ears because it sounds like she’s making excuses when she has none. She should have taken a few minutes to explain the situation to you instead of leaving you hanging for hours after assuring you that she’d be there this weekend. Getting lost in her work is easy and happens more often than not but she has a foreboding feeling that she truly messed up this time around, something curls around her throat and squeezes, forcing unsteady breaths out of her. 
“It’s… It’s fine, Hime. Is everything okay?”
Your easy understanding is not a facade and it worsens her guilt, she could swim in it and not touch the bottom. She sees the hurt you try to push away for her sake, it’s in the depths of your eyes and the slight curve of your mouth. A recurring thought lingers in her mind; she doesn’t deserve you. 
Himeko nods once, futilely swallowing to loosen her throat. “Everything’s alright, I had to sort out some complications with the suspension components and the HVAC systems. I didn’t forget about you, I just… got caught up in other things. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. It’s a bit of a bummer, I made your favorite,” you sigh playfully, hoping to lighten the mood, “I’ll just have to eat it all.”
Your teasing has the opposite effect. Her heart drops knowing you must have been cooking for a couple hours in anticipation of her visit. The scroll of missed opportunities she keeps locked in a corner of her mind grows longer and the longing in her chest expands to her fingertips. 
“You… made my favorite dish? I didn’t deserve that.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I wanted to surprise you.”
Himeko rubs at her eye with a weary sigh in an attempt to partially conceal her mournful expression before she has the chance to shift it into something less melancholic. A taunting voice, her voice, whispers in her ear that your efforts are wasted on her, that they’ll forever be wasted on her because she can never be away from the Express for too long. You’re at home, staring at the heavens, waiting for her to land and she breathes easier among the stars. You deserve to live your life without your head constantly in the clouds. She’s holding you back, the voice rings inside her head like multiple murmurs on top of each other, she’s stringing you along despite the weight of circumstance dragging you both down. 
“Hey,” you say softly, noticing the far-away look in her eyes and the quiver in her brow. “We can set up another time to meet. When are you free?”
She wishes she had a definite answer. Pom-Pom is currently reworking their timetable to ensure the Astral Express doesn’t run out of fuel and in the meantime, there’s no guarantee that she’ll be able to see you. Still, she can’t bring herself to tell you the harsh news so she softens the blow to give you some hope.
“I’m not sure… Hopefully next weekend?”
You try hard to keep your face from falling, she can tell, your expressiveness is one of the things she adores most about you. Tonight, it only hurts.
“I’m out of town, it’s my parents’ anniversary, remember?”
The following pause in the conversation is tense with the unsaid, what you both know to be true yet refuse to vocalize; it’s getting harder to make time for each other due to the drastically different, busy lives you’re living. The voice in her head gets louder. It turns into an insistent ruckus fiercely protective of you meant to preserve your wellness even at the cost of her heartbreak. You deserve someone who will take the time to celebrate your accomplishments, who will share the most intimate part of your life with you, and she… Himeko can’t simultaneously be that person and a Nameless. She wants to be there, her body yearns for your proximity to confess all the things she can’t find the words for, but she would have to sacrifice a piece of her identity for that consistency, something she can’t bring herself to do. Her love for you shouldn’t hurt this much. It’s unfair, how her affection is the source of your pain. How much longer can she lie to herself and pretend that having you this way is better than not having you at all? How much longer can she stand the defeat in your eyes?
“...I miss you.” It’s a pitiful sound, helpless and small. She wills herself to be strong against the sad smile you respond with.
“I miss you too. But we’re both where we want to be, right? You get to blaze a trail every day and I make a difference here.” You speak the truth, and yet it doesn’t soothe the tightness of her throat. 
“It doesn’t make it easier, does it?”
“...No. It doesn’t.”
Himeko knows what she has to do. Your smile falters, the following silence weighs on her bones, and she comes to a conclusion long overdue. A quiver runs through her fingers and she has to keep them out of the frame so you can’t see her growing distress. She takes a slow breath, blinks her unshed tears away and forces the words out of her mouth.
“What if… What if we—”
“Don’t say that,’ you interrupt her readily, firmly, furrowed brows worsening her guilt. 
“Why not?”
“Because you can’t take it back.”
She knows that, too. Even so, it was always going to end like this. Himeko feels like she’s falling apart, flayed layer by layer until she sits painstakingly raw in front of you. A screen and millions of miles separate you from her, burning her desires to hold you tight and bask in your comfort to ashes. She is reduced to heartbreak and guilt and yearning, she is an amalgamation of emotions impossible to contain in a human body; her hands shake, her next exhale is wobbly but she can’t bear to look away from you and your sorrow. It’s her fault, it was her pursuit of you that doomed you to where you are now. She was so intrigued by your determination and selflessness, your aching need to create a better life for you and everyone around you despite the corruption of the Stellaron plaguing your planet. Your attention was intoxicating and gave her the same feeling as watching the stars breeze past from one of the Express’ panoramic windows. It hurts now, but she could never regret knowing you. 
“What if it’s the right thing to do?” Himeko asks weakly. Her eyes flicker all over your face as if etching the image of you into her mind. 
“How can this feel right?”
“...Because I love you.”
She loves you and she can’t withstand being the cause of your pain. She can’t string you along knowing she can never give you the companionship you’re worthy of. She can’t keep holding you back from fully enjoying the life you’ve built for yourself. What she can do is spare you months of disappointment. 
You swallow thickly. “And ending things will make it better?”
“I don’t know, but it’s better than… than this.”
She’s not expressing herself properly, her emotions cloud her mind and she finds it difficult to choose the right words to convince you that this is the best decision for both of you. 
“Because it’ll hurt less.”
Her eyes shut briefly at your stunned silence and her head tilts away from the screen so you can't see how much this is affecting her.  
“It’ll hurt less than being with me, you mean.” 
It’s not a question, so she doesn’t reply. She wants to say she’s doing this for you, to save you the agony of waiting around for her, but she doesn’t trust her voice to stay steady. Her fingers grip the edge of her desk to keep her grounded. She hears a shuddering breath coming from the other line. 
“Are you breaking up with me, Himeko?” 
Your words announce the point of no return. If she doesn’t do this now, she’ll never find the strength to bring it up again. 
She looks at you, and her reply comes out a choked whisper, “Yes.”
The train’s engine is loud in her ears to fill in the quiet between you. You nod absentmindedly, slowly, as you compute her answer. Your eyes don’t settle on the device in your hand, avoiding her mournful gaze, and the camera shakes a little when you straighten up on the couch. The air is heavy around her, it seems to weigh on her like gravity, and her pulse drums in her head like a haunting tune. Your lips purse to control the quiver in them. 
“...I’m sorry,” she says uselessly.
“I have to… I have to wake up early tomorrow,” you don’t want to look at her a moment more and despite how much that hurts, she can’t find it in herself to blame you. She can’t stand herself either. “Um… Goodnight.”
The call ends before she has a chance to speak. Himeko is left staring at the dark screen, tears blurring her vision at the edges, and without the need to appear fine in front of you, she crumbles. A quiet, choked sound escapes her and she slaps a hand over her mouth to muffle the pitiful sobs that start racking through her body. She spends a lifetime hunched over her desk, forehead resting on its cold surface, crying over the loss of you. Memories of moments shared with you— your sunny smiles and melodious laughter, your sleepy voice over the phone, her adoring palms on your full cheeks— every wishful happy ending that she wanted for you torments her mind. She’s drowning in an ocean of her own making. Regret accompanies her guilt and self-loathing, and she starts telling herself that perhaps she should have fought harder to keep you. She should have sacrificed more, she should have stopped herself from uttering words she can’t erase, she should have… 
A week passes so slowly that it feels like she’s been in this state for a decade. The Astral Express crew have all noticed the changes in Himeko’s mood, her prolonged quiet and red-rimmed eyes, but they’re used to her comfort and don’t know how to ease her mind. They try, clumsily, and she appreciates their efforts even if they amount to nothing. She would turn to you for these sorts of things, now she has no one to tell about how she lost you. Her thoughts circle back to you, she wonders what you’re doing when she wakes up, if you’re mourning her like she is you, if your softness has been replaced by hatred or worse— indifference. She goes through the motions because she has to, as the navigator of the Express she can’t afford a week of feeling sorry for herself when so many things require maintenance regularly. All of it is second nature. Her mind wanders to the tremble of your lips while she goes through her checklist. She blinks tears away as she discusses the conductor’s timetable with them. At night, she stares at her phone and fights the urge to press the call button under your contact name. 
Himeko finds herself in the Express parlor on a night she should have gone to bed early. The universe beyond its big windows no longer offers the same comfort it used to and she sits on one of the large couches, huddled in on herself. A half-empty bottle of wine stands on the floor next to her frame. The warmth in her chest and the fog of mind dull her heartbreak to a tolerable ache, tears are drying on her flushed cheeks and her sniffles are fewer than a half hour earlier. The bright phone screen light hurts her tired eyes but she can’t look away from the last video you sent her of you showing your look before leaving the house for that event you once mentioned to her. In her state, she can’t remember the details. Her stare is on the little twirl you make, the white smile you direct at the camera and the movement of your lips as you ramble about your hopes for the night. The clip plays over and over, it has been in a loop since she started drinking. The train car is quiet, there’s only your excitement livening up the place. She stops hearing most of your words at one point, lost in your features and the way you address her so affectionately. 
The desire to call you simmers inside of her like the alcohol she ingested and makes her fingertips twitch. You’re speaking to her in the video, but it’s not enough. It’s not truly you, just a captured moment of a time she hadn’t broken your heart. She wants to hear the real you, to ease the worry that you hate her now even if she can’t fault you for it. Her muddled mind replays the same thought like an annoying chorus and she sluggishly picks up the bottle on the ground to bring it to her lips. All she feels is a little warmer and a little more numb. She wants you. She wants your arms around her, your murmurs close to her ear. The last time she’s held you dates to around two months ago, maybe, she can’t be sure. Her thoughts are a blur. 
Himeko stares unblinkingly at her screen and doesn’t register that her thumb has navigated to your contact and pressed the call button until the line rings. She puts the phone to her ear with apprehension, heart thundering, and holds her breath. The call goes to voicemail. The defeat that crashes over her almost nullifies the effect of the wine, she sucks her lip into her mouth before calling again. And again, and again, and each time she’s met with the same automated message of you asking to leave a voicemail. Her throat tightens. She feels fresh tears prick at the corner of her eyes. She knows she has no right to expect an answer from you after what she’s done but her distress grows with every call she makes. She just wants to hear you, that loving undertone in your voice when you’re speaking to her like she’s special and cherished. She doesn’t count the number of times she’s pressed the redial button and she doesn’t stop to think off how pathetic she must seem, desperate to hear from someone who wants nothing to do with her. 
The call connects when she least expects it. 
“Himeko?” Your groggy voice answers the phone, leaving her quiet. “Is something wrong?”
Part of her can’t believe you picked up, the other cringes as it realizes that you were asleep. She doesn’t move the phone away from her ear to check the time, she’s frozen in place with her fingers clutching the device. Her mouth opens and closes while she figures out what to say, and the longer she takes the more awkward the silence becomes. Her reply comes out slightly garbled, like she’s biting back her tears, and at first all she manages is your name.
“You… Y-You picked up,” she finally says, swallowing hard to keep her voice from breaking.
“Is something wrong?”
Her eyes squeeze shut. She’s so relieved to hear you again, but the fatigue lacing your words breeds a familiar sense of guilt that washes over her in an instant. She’s woken you up with her insistent calls and your first thought is to worry about her. On one hand, it means you must not despise her as much as her mind has made it seem like. On the other, she’s ripped you from needed sleep and she doesn’t even know what to tell you. She’s wasting your time and if you still felt anything for her prior to now, you surely won’t after that. 
Himeko wills her pulse to slow down enough for her to focus. The wine went to her head thirty minutes ago, and it’s making her hazy. She lets out a shaky exhale, taking a moment to steady her breathing before she answers quietly.
“I miss you.”
“...You called for that?”
She can’t help but flinch at how tired you sound, a hint of annoyance in your tone. She deserves it, she tells herself. It’s the middle of the night and she’s calling you to whine about how she misses you, however true that may be, it’s ridiculous and unfair. Her fingers grip the device tighter, her bottom lips trembles, and she tries to think of a response that won’t irritate you further. 
“No. I mean, yes? I just… I missed you.” She gets progressively quieter as she speaks, eyes shut tight in apprehension. The alcohol slurs her reply slightly and slows her delivery. 
“You don’t get to do this, to call me eight times in the middle of the night after you ended things just to say that you miss me.”
“I know… I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have called you…” Regret fills her lungs and tightens her throat. She wraps an arm around her knees and curls in further into herself. “Are you mad at me?”
“...Are you drunk?”
Himeko pauses longer than a sober person would. “Yes…” She says shamefully. “I’m sorry.”
“Drink some water and go to bed.”
It feels like you’re shutting her out, refusing to speak to her when all she wanted was to hear your voice. Her heart sinks and she tightens her hold around her knees. She barely manages a response after a bit of hesitation. 
“Okay. I will… I just— missed you and it was stupid to think…” She can’t string a coherent sentence together, her thoughts are jumbled because of how little she’s been sleeping lately and the alcohol she’s been sipping on for the past hour. She also has no idea what to say. Her tongue feels heavy in her mouth and betrays her by spilling unfiltered sentiments. “I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s making me miserable.”
She’s only ever felt this bad after talking to you when she broke up with you over the phone. It’s obvious you don’t want to hear her drunken blabbering  and she feels like a fool, holding back tears as she listens to you breathe on the oher end of the line. She just needs something from you, anything that might provide her some comfort even though she knows she doesn’t deserve it. 
“Do you want to hurt me?”
“Huh?” It takes a minute to understand you. She bites back a sniffle, almost certain you’re about to end the call. You would have every reason to. In a moment of drunken confusion, Himeko forgets herself and blurts out,  “N-No, of course not, I wouldn’t… I love you.” She’s forgotten she can’t say that anymore, and Himeko is left breathless and horrified at the realization. 
The line is silent. She can’t hear your breaths from how loud her heart beats in her ears. Her body tenses, the grip on her phone turns white-knuckled and she doesn’t dare speak another word until you do. 
“...You’re the one who broke up with me. Now you miss me? You love me? Seriously?”
“I do miss you. I thought… I thought I was doing the right thing, that it would be better for both of us because you get so sad and it breaks my heart to know that I’m to blame.”
“You don’t get to decide what's good for me. Do you have any idea how I’ve been feeling? It sounds like you did it for you, not for me.”
“No, I…”
“Get some sleep. Goodnight, Himeko.”
Himeko’s body jolts upon hearing your reply, her eyes snap open and she sits up a bit on the couch. There’s more she wants to say to you, but you hung up the phone before she could even call out. She wants to say that it’s not true, she did have your wellness in mind when making that decision. She’s left sitting there, the quiet around her almost deafening. She stares into space as she slowly lowers the phone from her ear. 
After a few more minutes of sitting in her sorrow, Himeko finally heaves a sigh of defeat. She can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much. She sets the phone down on the couch, the urge to throw it across the room almost unbearable. She can still hear your words ringing in her ears as she buries her head in her hands, her fingers digging into her hair, and she desperately tries to hold her emotions from spilling out of her in undignified, strangled noises. Her throat feels like it wants to close in on itself while her chest heaves with the effort it takes not to break down in the middle of the parlor. She needs you. She feels so empty without you, and it’s her fault. She thought she was sparing you unnecessary pain and that you would eventually be better off without someone like her, who you can’t see or talk to consistently. She believed that being apart from you would hurt less than having to sit behind a screen and watch you for hours, longing eroding her bones. She was wrong, and the longer Himeko sits there, the more she’s convinced of it. The arguments she’s made up in her mind to justify her decision feel meaningless. She can only feel the weight of your absence as warm tears stream down her cheeks.
The next day, Himeko reminds herself of the path she follows. The spirit of the Trailblaze lies within her, she’s a Nameless and that means she fights to the end no matter the outcome. Three days after that, there’s a knock on your door.
You’re staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom one evening, letting the comforting patter of the rain against your window panes soothe the melancholy of your heart. The breeze is also welcome, you almost doze off against the pillows, eyelids heavy, when a firm fist knocks on your front door. You hear it through the rain, and a frown tugs at your lips. You’re not expecting anyone in this weather and frankly, you’d rather be alone. You consider ignoring it, hoping whoever is vying for your attention gets discouraged and leaves. After a minute, three strong knocks sound from behind the door again. You leave your bed with an irritated sigh. You stride towards the entrance of your apartment, unlock the door and sharply twist the handle to reveal your visitor. 
Himeko’s soaked figure stands on the porch. The rain darkens her long hair and seeps into her thin clothes, strands of red sticks to her forehead and her coat uselessly hangs around her shoulders, drenched like the rest of her. Water streams down her face but her eyes are clear as they look up at you, wide with nerves and determination. Her body trembles with a cold shiver. Her lips part in fleeting surprise like she wasn’t expecting you to answer the door. She’s been rehearsing what to say to you in her head on her way to your place, making sure she would leave having said everything she meant to tell you. However, now that she’s standing in front of you in the flesh after so long, the words melt on her tongue and all Himeko can do is utter a single word.
“Himeko…?” You blink at the sight of her like she’s an apparition meant to mock you. “What are you…”
“Before you say anything, please, let me start,” she swallows once and stands a little straighter, head high. Confessions that have been sitting on her chest for what feels like an eternity come tumbling out of her lips. “I was a coward. I gave up on us when times were toughest and let my insecurities make up reasons for it to justify the fact that I was scared. I was scared you would realize that I don’t deserve you and that you’re better off with a woman who can actually be present in your life. I still believe you’re worthy of that but it was wrong to end our relationship over the phone with no proper discussion, and it was worse to call you afterwards while I’d been drinking. I’m so, so sorry. I don’t want to be without you, no matter what form our relationship takes. I feel you under my skin like the muscles that make my heart beat. Knowing you is part of what makes me happy, it’s as much a part of me as the Trailblaze, and without you, I’m incomplete. Whether that means anything to you now, I… I love you. I’m in love with you. You don’t have to take me back, but I needed you to hear it.”
You stare at her in disbelief. She has to blink the water out of her eyes as she speaks but her voice never wavers, her conviction shines through the pouring rain and sends your pulse into a frenzy. Himeko’s bare shoulders shake with the cold and she gazes at you with a heaving chest while her words settle in the air. At this distance, her fingertips ache to reach out for your touch. She stands in front of you, and she suddenly forgets how you feel under her palms; the texture of your hair between her fingers, the curve of your back, the plane of your stomach. She longs to experience it all. 
It feels like a lifetime before your body decides to obey your mind again. Your heart swells, your lungs fill with air, and you do the only sensible thing you can do. Stepping into the downpour, your palms cup her frozen, rosy cheeks and pull her close. Your lips press into hers with a desperation you didn’t know you were capable of, melding with the softness of her mouth in a passionate kiss. You immediately feel her cold arms around your waist and her wet lips reciprocate your affection. Himeko holds you flush against her as she kisses you with equal emotion, gripping your clothes like she can’t bear the thought of being apart a moment longer. Under the heavy rainfall, you’re as drenched as she is in half a minute. Her breath mingles with yours, your senses become attuned only to her loving mouth and soaked chest pressed to your own. You don’t feel the cold. The water turns your kisses slippery, your lips slide together like you’ve been kissing her your entire life, and Himeko makes a breathy sound into your mouth. In the next instant, her hands are wandering up your back and down your sides, pulling you impossibly close to her body until you’re two pieces of a whole that will never be broken. Her touch spills confessions she will repeat over and over.
Your pace slows to gentle kisses on each other’s lips, foreheads resting together as you catch your breath. Your clothes cling uncomfortably to your skin and a shiver runs through you from the temperature, but your chest warms at the way Himeko’s nose nuzzles against yours. 
“You’ve always been worth the distance, Hime. How could you not be?”
“I’ll find a way to be with you more often. I promise.”
She seals that promise with a revering kiss wet with the heavens’ tears.
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pieroulette · 1 year
could I request on how would &team react to you accidentally cut yourself while cooking?
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warning : mentions of blood, fluff in general, but harua is a bit meanie lol.
word count : 1.6k
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Kei instantly turned his attention from the boiling pot to you when his ears caught on to your sudden yelp of pain, his brief suspicions were only confirmed when his orbs took a glimpse at the red spots at the tip of your index finger. That sight alone had his brain switching back to Japanese mode, enunciating one word—clear enough for you to hear despite the already close proximity. “Baka.”
You narrowed your eyes at him with your mouth protruding in a pout, he acted in a swift speed though, taking the white cloth beside the counter—damping it on your finger.
"You're overreacting, Kei. It's just a cut." You shrugged, and he hissed slightly in response with gritted teeth.
"No, seriously, you're a baka." His lower lips contorted into a protruding pout, "Did no one taught you to put your finger aside when cutting veggies?"
"It's just a minor accident, you see."
"Someone who ain't a baka surely could avoid this, so you're a baka." Kei sighed in response, and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Yes, yes, sure. Baka. If you think I don't know that then you're wrong bruh, ah—!" You yelped in pain when he pressed the cloth a tad bit hard on the cut.
"If you aren't a baka then just stay quiet and let me do it."
"Aishh, (Name)." Fuma's eyebrows knitted together as he let out a long sigh in sort of a motherly way which had you letting out a slight giggle despite the throbbing pain in your finger. "SP. SP. SP coming."
"Please you're very into your roleplay as SP." Fuma took your words personally with a slight pout on his lips.
"Of course I do? If I am not here, then who's going to help you with this?" another sighed left Fuma's mouth as turned his head over his shoulder, muttering. "Just let Kei do the work."
"No way! I wanna help with the dinner for the boys y'know.."
Fuma smiled at you tenderly, using his other hand to caressed your cheek. "I'm sure the boys appreciate it, you already did so much so just let us do the dinner for now. Plus Kei wouldn't mind, you know he's competitive as if it's life and death for him so dinner would be served in a blink of an eye."
You bursted into laughter at his words, your heart swelling in serenity at the way his rough yet comforting palms hold yours in it.
"I'll get the band-aid, okay?"
"If you don't know how to cut vegetables then say so." Nicholas narrows his eyes at you with utter disbelief, tossing the handkerchief at your arms.
"Of course I know how to? It's the damn vegetable's fault, look at its shape!" You lapped the material at your cut, hissing at the contact.
"Blaming the veggies, eh?" Nicholas rolled his eyes as he went to the sink, turning the tap on as he washes his hands at somewhat an uneasy speed. With knitted eyebrows as you observed him swaying his hands frantically in attempts to get rid of the excess water beads. "You can't even properly damp it on your finger, damn."
"Stop being a bully." You scoffed as he took the cloth from your right hand, opting to do it himself as he takes your left hand in his palms.
"Bullying? This is bullying to you?" Nicholas shakes his head in a series of laughter, "Idiot."
"Say that again."
"I said you're an idiot, y'know."
"Bruh, I'll kill you.”
He didn’t say anything out of consideration for your feelings, pulling you out from the kitchen and having you seated down nice and well on the couch while he left for a minute to get the emergency kit which apparently had your eyes ogling out and protesting like a malfunctioned robot.
“Euijoo, you’re overreacting.”
The boy didn’t reply however, his concerned orbs wholly fixated on the bleeding cut on your finger; wiping off the dripping blood, applying the medicine and finishing it off by wrapping the adorable band-aid on the cut. Pressing it firm and tender as to avoid any yelps of pain to leave your mouth,
“No, nope, I suggest you just sit here while I do the rest.” said Euijoo, in which you obviously protested but he shook his head with lips arched up—showcasing his dashing smile that made you swoon over him for how many times already.
“Please, it’s just a minor cut—”
“Shh.” your sentences were interrupted by his index finger touching your lips, hushing you to listen to him.
“I might as well feed you later—”
"W-what’s wrong? (Name)?”
Your yelp of pain had his humming interrupted as he turned to look at you. Yuma’s orbs widened as he saw your current state; pressing the cut on your finger with your other hand to soothe the throbbing pain. “A-are you okay?!”
“My soup–!” His finger turned off the stove with ease, immediately attending to your minor injury with his orbs glistening with so much concern.
Taking your hands in his warm ones, he blew a continuous puff of air to your finger all while asking questions over how you could be this clumsy, adding another following question if it throbs that much.
You pouted the entire time, observing the way his loose strands covered his fixated eyes on your finger. “This is just normal, Yuma.”
“No way, we have to get you to the hospital, I think.”
You let out a fit of laughter. "Gosh, Yuma. Seriously?"
Jo was beside you, scooping a spoonful of rice into his bowl when you lifted your head to look at him—the sight alone had a slight giggle squeezing it’s way out of your mouth over how he insisted to eat rice before dinner, as if it was his early snacks. Yet your giggles were short-lived due to your clumsiness, and the soft pink hues on Jo’s cheeks faded as it was replaced with his mouth dropping in shock.
“(Name), you should be careful!”
Your hands met the oozing warmth on his palms, reminding you of the heat from the bowl of rice. You brushes it off with as a minor cut, yet your mouth proceeded to betray you by squeezing out a yelp of pain—causing the tall boy’s features to contort in disbelief and concern.
“Minor?” Jo shook his head with his eyebrows knitted together, narrowing his eyes at you which had you letting out an awkward laugh.
“It’s okay, Jo. Just smack a band-aid and we’re all good.”
“Not good, not good.” He repeated, pulling you out from the kitchen with his hands around your wrist. “This is not good.”
“What’s wrong?”
A series of ‘tch’ emitted from Harua when he took a brief glance at you which causes your cheeks to burned in embarrassment. As usual, his calm and composed demeanour remain as he place the lid back on the pot. Approaching you with countless sigh as if he was your mother.
“It’s just a small cut, but you act as if you got hit by a truck.” He shrugged as he inspected the cut on your finger, wiping the traces of blood with his thumb. You couldn’t believe how he softly voiced out such words.
“That’s very mean.” Your eyebrows knitted in a deep frown at his words. “If you’re not going to help—”
“Of course? Who said I would help you?” Your jaw dropped to the ground as Harua raised his eyebrow, letting go of your hand. "I don't like touching people. Plus—"
“Shigeta Harua, you—”
“If you aren’t going to be useful, might as well just go and play with Maki or something.” Harua shrugs before going back to check the boiling pot, that alone had you pouting immensely—pulling off your apron before stepping out of the kitchen.
“I had a band-aid box in my room, go check it.” Your feet halted instantly, turning to look at the boy who still had his eyes wholly fixated on the pot—stirring the soup with the ladle in his grasp.
Dolphin scream, that’s it. A glimpse to your bleeding cut had him emitting his signature dolphin scream and you sighed at how he was overreacting and especially in such a quick reflex that it baffles you how everything moves in a rapid speed as right now you were already on the couch, with the pillow on both your sides and your head laying comfortably as Taki was sitting on the floor as he wrapped the band-aid on your finger all while muttering how you are so clumsy.
Sighing at him, “Taki, I’m not a baby.”
“Right now you are, so please stay quiet.”
“But the food!” you protested.
“That ain’t the priority right now, so kindly shut up. Also, do you think you even had the right after committing—” His fluffy strands lifted up slightly to reveal his narrowed eyes at you, “Such a very clumsy mistake.”
“You speak as if I committed a crime, dude. Did you even turn off the stove, though?”
“Yes you did— Wait.. Shit!—” Another quick reflex with him pushing himself up, sprinting to the kitchen before stopping mid-way, pointing his fingers at you. “Don’t you dare stand! Sit! I’ll be back!”
“That’s really clumsy.” Maki has no intention to filter his words whatsoever as he approached you from the living room all while munching on chips, with his cheeks protruding in and out.
“You know with that bag of chips on your hand, you could’ve get the band-aid—” He didn’t waste any second in pulling you out of the kitchen, with his other hand pinching your sleeves as he did so.
“Where are you—”
“To get the band-aid, what else?” Maki kept on chewing his chips, emitting a cracking sound as he leads you to the living room. He places the bag of chips on the side of the table, pulling the band-aid out of the box with a few mutters here and there such as you're already an adult, and you still manage to do such a rookie mistake.
"As the youngest, you talk too much."
"As the oldest, you talk too much too."
You hissed in response, which shortly rose in volume when he puts the band aid on your finger. Brushing the cute band-aid, you muttered a small thank you.
"Done!" Maki puts on a big grin as he munches on another chips, "Next time, don't be a clumsy adult. But anyways, it doesn't matter since I could put another band-aid on your finger."
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「 © talesofyuan on tumblr 2023 」 all rights reserved. do not copy or post without permission.
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kthecutest · 1 year
can u write ways that &team members being (kinda overly) protective of their s/o? thanks!!
✧˚ &team members being overprotective of you ༊*·˚
Pairing ➳ &Team members x gn!reader Genre ➳ Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Brain block wasn't wearing off for so long (╥ᆺ╥;)and this came out way longer than I thought cuz I got carried away; as usual ( ≖‿ ≖ ). Anyways hope you'll enjoy it!
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K : It’s been almost forever, catching up to the latest updates with your old highschool classmate. The hot coffee in your hand already loosing its initial heat, you were completely distracted in the chaotic chatter, and had forgotten that you two weren’t the only ones there. A set of dull piercing eyes were set tightly on your distracted figure and it wasn’t long before you felt an aggressive grasp on your snatched waist, turning to the side to check the situation in a surprised state. “Ah? Seems like you guys have a lot to discuss on… hopefully I weren’t much of an interruption.. right honey..~?” a soft tone spoken, anger and possessiveness dripping straight through each letter. Just that alone was enough to send out a warning to you; he’s jealous. The morning coffee cup in his hand is now being squeezed tight to the point the liquid was starting to seep out the lid. “oh babe um.. you’re done getting the coffee? Sorry I’m afraid I must take my leave now, Nicho” you quickly answered him while excusing yourself from your conversation mate trying to make best of the situation. Nicholas, your chatmate caught up to the situation fast, giving you a nod as a goodbye as he watched you both walked away with a slight stinging stare in his narrowed eyes, almost summoning invisible daggers at K’s direction.
Thankfully, you succeeded in separating you and K from Nicho but your sigh of relief was shortly interrupted by a loud thud as you were pinned to the wall of the alleyway, a tall strong figure towering above you.
“So.. finally done running that mouth honey~?”
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Fuma : The radient purple and blue dwelled on the sky canvas as nighttime falls. You were pretty bored but was also filled with a spring of energy hence why you dragged your boyfriend, Fuma all the way to the night bar with you. The original plan was to simply hang out on your seats alone with glasses of red wine in each hand and sharing kisses but it was all rudely interrupted when a sudden ‘hello’ popped out from behind you. “Ah! Euijoo..? Long time no see!” You instantly got up from your seat giving him a warm hug which he quickly reciprocated, earning a slight glare from the man beside you two. “Didn’t knew you would show up in a place like this”, you teased the young boy in front of you. Euijoo always had a pure innocent look to him. He seemed like the type of guy who have never even held a girl’s hand let alone date one and he sure is definitely not the guy to show up at a bar. “Haha I just saw you through the glass pane so I wanted to come in and join you” Somehow this statement seemed to have only pissed your already fuming boyfriend off. He came here specifically just to see you? Hell no not on my watch. You felt a hand snaked right around your waist as you felt a figure shift closer to you. “Dear~, it’s pretty late already.. maybe we should head back what do you say?” You didn’t think much of it since Fuma wasn’t a type to be jealous anyways but you only took his words as him being caring. “Sorry Euijoo, maybe we can arrange a day where we can talk properly?” “Sure! I’ll see ya soon!” You waved goodbye to the sweet boy as Fuma dragged you out of the bar in a very unusual almost aggressive manner.
The car was steadily parked in front of the apartment block as feet and shoes clashed in the door way. Your breath was directed right at Fuma’s exposed neck as he unraveled his tie. His muscular arms trapping you in between while your back stuck to the wall.
“You’re testing my patience way too much love~”
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Nicholas : You were seated cozily between the two taller boys, under a warm sky blue blanket as a horror movie played on the screen in front. The couch kept constantly swinging from the motions of your best friend K jumping and twitching at every jumpscare. “Seriously K, that was a really expected one you know” “Oh c’monnn! The face was still pretty scary though!” he defended back as he clinged onto you. “Oi you’re heavy c’mon get off” K was about to make another whiny remark when he felt the pressure of a strong hand gripping onto his. “You’re gonna end up giving her a muscle strain” a low voice followed by a chuckle arose from behind you. Still the teasing chuckle did not help on hiding the irritation in your boyfriend’s voice. The grip around K’s hand kept tightening until he finally caught up to his irritation as he let go of your shoulder, the grip weakening.
You three practically just coughed awkwardly and played it off as the movie kept advancing. It’s just been a few minutes until you felt a hand of someone on your thigh. The cold rings on the fingers sent tingles down your skin but before you could try to rule out the person, you felt a low breathy voice in your right ear.
“Don’t you think you’re getting too close to your dear best friend, babygirl?”
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Euijoo : “Yah! That’s cheating you can’t cross that area!” you screamed your hands set on the game controller moving your fingers on the keys in a swift pace. “Oops, sorry~ well you gotta learn how to work around the rules, you should learn from me” a prideful voice arose from the towering figure sat beside you. “Excuse me?!” It wasn't long until you started tickling him as he reciprocated the action. Fuma is one of your boyfriend’s close friend that he introduced to you since you two started dating. And well you’re a pretty outgoing person so it didn’t take long for you to get comfortable with Fuma in a brotherly way of course. You guys always bricker and share a lot of physical contact which you believed your boyfriend, Euijoo would not mind at all. He’s always been sweet and understanding and definitely is the furthest thing from being jealous or possessive. Well that’s what you thought until you felt a hand stop the bickering between you and Fuma, as the hand grabbed you gently but swiftly away from him. “Alright guys enough play fighting” the sweet voice of your boyfriend was heard loud and clear behind your ear and throughout the room.
You and Fuma just went silent with a pout on each of your faces. The boy sticked his tongue out your way as he turned his head back towards the screen to return back to gaming and you still a bit pissed off at the taunt, planned to do the same until you felt Euijoo’s whisper in your ear.
“Baby.. you shouldn’t keep testing my patience like this..~”
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Yuma : Even though your cat-like boyfriend could be quite chaotic most of the time but he sure does put all his effort into planning dates for you two. Except this time things didn’t went as expected. Your best friend had somewhere to be at immediately. This led to her basically yeeting her younger brother Jo right at your doorstep telling you to keep him accompanied for the time being. It’s not that Jo was a 1 year old child or anything, he’s pretty much almost 20 and a full grown adult. But he had a pretty overprotective sister who would either keep him with her or leave him to someone she entrusts so the age card didn’t really helped. And now here he was tagging along on you and your boyfriend’s well-planned date. Not that you mind it, you pretty much just noted it as a three-people hangout. He was pretty quiet and just listened to whatever you and Yuma had to say. He’s pretty much like a cute clueless little kid following you two but that same thought didn’t seep through Yuma’s head. Not that Yuma was making a big scene out of it all neither was he fuming from the head or something. But he sure was being a pouty clingy kitty.
And it wasn’t long until you felt his body heat on your back pressed up against you. You could see Jo being distracted by some kind of treat and you were glad he was. You felt a hand on your waist and fluffy hair sneaked cozily on the side of your neck.
“Hmph.. love~ you’ll need to pay me back with cuddles when we get back home~”
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Jo : The gleaming sun was already up and high in the sky. You turned to your side to check the alarm as it read 10:02am. As usual you made your way downstairs, sprinting straight to your tall boyfriend standing in the hallway with a bowl of Japanese white rice in his hands, hugging him in a whiff as he stumbled back from your sudden force. “Baby! I’m hungryyy~” you opened your mouth expecting him to be sweet enough to feed you some of his rice. Instead you opened your eyes to witness him putting the spoon in his own mouth as a cheeky smug formed across his face. Your boyfriend is the most caring one in the world but food is an exception. He’s too much of a foodie to even share which didn’t really ticked you off but still always earned a pout from you. “Hehe no worries~ your savior is here!” you heard a cute energetic tone sprang behind you as well as the wrinkling of the plastic bags containing milk buns. “Yay! You’re the best!” you whined, hugging your friend Harua instantly earning a surprised yelp from him.
That’s when you felt a sudden pull from behind as your back was glued to Jo’s chest in just a few seconds before you tasted the white rice in your mouth. Jo was tilting the spoon into your mouth with fixed cold eyes on Harua. The eyes that seem unphased but also a bit irritated in the same sense.
“No need. She prefers rice for breakfast.”
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Harua : Today was supposed to be the perfect food date for you and Harua; but things did not turned out as planned when you two decided to check out a dango stall around the corner.
Harua, your sweet boyfriend, is really keen on sweets and snacks so are you. Finally, you two came up with a plan that the very next date should be at a food market where dim lit snack stalls stand in a long line of queue awaiting for visitors. And as planned, the very next Sunday you both were at the location running left and right, an assortment of dishes sprawled out on each stall. Seeing the tri-colored dango stand on the other side of the line, the two can’t help but sprint right to there. “Hello! Can I have this, and this and that.. and-“ the orders were shortly paused when you caught a glimpse of the boy in front packing up the dango orders. “Taki!?” “Oh hey! Finally noticed me missy? Didn’t knew you would forget me that easily oh my” as dramatic as ever. “Haha jk! Anyways yea I’m just working parttime in the stall here for now, maybe you wanna grab a drink or two after work hours?” You smiled, a ‘yes’ about to leave your lips before you felt your boyfriend’s gentle hand on yours.
“Sorry, her evening is occupied.”
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Taki : Woo hoo! Amusement park with Taki! Nothing could compare to how fun that would be. Until you were proven wrong.
You two ended up running into your boyfriend’s older brother, K. You were now convinced this date which has just turned into a hangout is gonna be even more fun! I mean who wouldn’t have fun with such a funny chaotic playful K in the equation. But that same formula doesn’t apply to your boyfriend because an obvious shade formed on his face as soon as K popped up. Before you realized your feelings for your best friend Taki, you had a deep crush on none other than his brother K. Not that you had confessed or anything, but you simply moved on later onwards and you obviously did not take account or take notice that little Taki would be a bit possessive and careful about that past statement. But Taki knew about it all and he is infact not as friendly about it as you thought. And now things turn for worse when you’re smiling and giggling, having way too much fun with K at YOUR DATE WITH TAKI. He’s definitely fuming. “Taki? Baby you’re awfully quiet. Something wrong?” you finally took notice of his absurd change in behavior. Him not wanting to ruin the day and the vibes; “Yea yea, just maybe the heat is getting to me” Obviously, Taki’s lie did not get past you but before you could even reply to his excuse, you felt yourself get dragged in a whip right into one of the capsules of the ferris wheel.
“Finally noticed me now huh?”
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Maki : You never took Maki as the type to be a jealous person especially because he is always such a gentleman. The only image of him that filled your head was gentle, sweet, understanding and definitely the furthest thing away from the words possessive or jealous.
But it seems you didn’t know him well enough or he’s just too good at hiding it; he couldn’t hide it no more though, specifically when his older cousin, Nicholas paid a visit to you two. Just a simple helper who came to help out you two in your cooking session right? Except that the helper himself is a flirt; which was not helping the situation out at all. Nicholas unlike his cousin Maki got absolutely NO CHILL, and I’m talking he will rizz you up and flirt with you any chance he got, throwing smirks at Maki’s direction whenever he catches your boyfriend’s death glares. You were cutting up some Chinese cabbage when you felt a hand snaked around your waist. Assuming it was your boyfriend you turned around to find someone else. “Woah Nicho? ..what are you doing?” “Hm? Why? Can’t I just watch from here~?” a smug look on his face. Before you could recover from your shocked state, you were pulled right into a warm chest, far left from Nicho which pushed you to look up.
“No. No you cannot watch.”
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slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. slice of life. kind of open ending. warnings. none. pairing. fuma x fem!reader. wc. 913. request. requested by @heavenfilm for fuma inspired by beautiful stranger by laufey. a/n. i hope this fic like?? makes sense?? def heavily inspired by the song and doesn't have much plot but i think its cute :(
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The train ride to work was more often than not, almost completely empty. You enjoyed the silence of being one of the 10 or 15 passengers travelling so early in the morning. It was pleasant. You usually took train 112 to your office, but it had recently gone out of business because of how little people it transported each way. A newer, fancier train had taken its place, going throughout the capital to many different stops. It was more cost-efficient, you had to admit, but you missed the quietness you once had on the one hour ride.
It was early in the morning when you boarded the compartment. The sun had barely been up for an hour, and you clutched your hot cup of coffee in your hands as you took a seat. Waiting patiently for the train to start moving, you started to people-watch to pass the time, scanning the unfamiliar faces of other passengers taking the same train, doubtless to one of the other stops.
There was a father reading a book about cars, and his son reading over his shoulder. Two teenage girls were talking to each other in whispers and giggles, most likely about a crush at school. There was a young woman staring out of the window, and in her hand was a small knitted baby hat. She looked sad, and you wondered what her story was. Your eyes travelled to the door of the train as you heard the sound of it closing. 
A young man had just walked through the doors as one of the last passengers to board. As soon as you saw him, your breath was caught in your throat. You looked away quickly, immediately shy in the presence of one of the most dashingly handsome men you had ever seen in your entire life. 
He took a seat right across from you, and pulled out a newspaper from his back pocket. You dared to take another glance at his face, memorising his jawline and cheekbones. How could someone be so effortlessly attractive?
He seemed to feel your stare on him, and he suddenly glanced up, catching your eyes before you could act discreet. You felt your face grow hot— you hoped he didn’t notice. From the corner of your eye, you were almost certain you caught a small smile on his face. What is it because of you? No. He probably read an amusing headline.
The entire train ride seemed to go by far too quickly, and you spent almost all of it studying the beautiful stranger. You tried to not be obvious, but you were sure that you failed within the first 10 minutes. It was as if he was hypnotising you, sucking all your willpower away, glueing your eyes to his figure.
A stirring feeling in your stomach told you that you should ask for his name. Maybe he was also on his way to your stop. Maybe you would see him again. You cursed yourself for being so nervous. You could never get yourself to take a risk. What if he already had someone in his life? The embarrassment would be unbearable if he did. Who were you to try to make a move, anyway?
So, you sat in silence, imagining what you thought his life might look like. You decided in your head that he was a plain office worker in the big city, and he was on his way to work as usual. Each morning was exactly the same, the comfortable routine that people dreamed of, but once achieved always seemed to be more underwhelming than expected. 
As you studied his face and mannerisms, you decided that he was probably an only child— taking after his father, though his mother adored him. He grew up with humble roots, his only dream being to be able to make his parents proud. And he was able to achieve it when he landed his job for a successful corporation. 
But life in the city was lonely, and he wasn’t one for socialising. While his coworkers went off to parties on the weekend, he stayed in his small apartment and read books. He liked all kinds of books, but romance was his favourite. He would never admit how much he longed to experience it himself, but he adored the idea of it. Not dramatic, adventurous romances, but quiet, serene love stories that budded like a flower, blossoming and blooming to perfection. 
Yes, that was what he longed for, you decided. But given his shy nature, he never had the courage to ask any lady out. He was worried he wouldn’t have time for romance, though the loneliness continued to eat away at him. It would be more bearable with someone by his side.
The announcement of your stop rang throughout the compartment and broke your train of thought. You sighed and took one last glance at the man, still contentedly reading his newspaper. You stood up and grabbed your bag, one last urge to ask for his name flashed through your mind, but you suppressed it and stepped off the train. You secretly wished that you would see him again— maybe he would be on the same train tomorrow morning. If he was, you would take your chance. But, for now, he remained your beautiful stranger; one that you had no guarantee of ever stumbling upon again, but had stolen your heart in that hour, and you were content with him keeping it. 
↳ &team taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @blossominghunnie,, @chiiyuuvv,,
@seunghancore,, @heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,, @bananabubble,, @talkingsaxy
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