#murder drones pilot
bluginkgo · 9 months
"Nice Corpse House My Guy" Remastered as Murder Drones animal counterparts
CW: Blood and mild gore
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Bonus ^_^
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Author notes under cut
There are many things going on here. You can probably easily see the annoying and constant switch in backgrounds. I'll cover that and a lot of my thoughts on design in the behind-the-scenes post again ^_^ But did this take me a whole DARN MONTH FOR SIMPLE 30 IMAGES? Yes, yes it did. I'm upset about that, but oh well.
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aloilmokka · 2 years
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atreeofhedgehogs · 2 months
Uzi moments from the pilot
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A "few"? pictures of Goth Girl Anime Lover from the first episode.
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Uzi blushing 😊 (she's probably never been complimented before)
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Very socially adept, Uzi.
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Bebe Uzi
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Uzi, you know no one's buying that.
(Not yet at least...)
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You can actually see Uzi get flung behind the crate when N turns around.
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Short person issues
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If this doesn't summarize them, I don't know what does.
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The sass.
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I SWEAR this was just the frame I paused it on.
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Uzi giggling like she's at Cabin Fever Labs. (Also, vampire teeth)
Other stuff:
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At first I thought she was blushing during this scene but looking closer they just seem to be stress lines. We can see them again here:
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arobotjester · 4 months
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uzi-bitez · 29 days
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The animation and rendering improvement is incredible, this series has come such a long way.
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velvet-vox · 4 months
I just wanna preamble, that I'm really sorry towards all of my mutuals who really love Yeva as a character, but for me, I just can't come forward to liking her, and it's all for a simple reason:
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Genuinely, why are we getting so much content with Yeva? Why did we need a flashback to the Core collapse when episode 7 was already crammed as it was? Why did we never see Yeva die on screen but saw his unnamed, barely mentioned husband get openly murked on screen? Why do Uzi and Doll treat each other like complete and utter strangers when Yeva should have been there to forge a connection between the two that would have spared us the plot and saved the entire colony in the process by uniting Uzi's resourcefulness and spirit of initiative with Doll's badassery and tactical mind?
I like Doll's dad. Liam clearly didn't bother to give him a name or a personality since he wasn't relevant to the plot, and of course, for Liam Vickers the plot comes before the characters, so him being dead doesn't really ring any alarm bells within me; he is very clearly intended to be a blank slate for the fans to latch on any head canon that suits their ways; he's a little bit of wasted potential, a trait that unfortunately he passed down to his daughter, but at least he doesn't really terrify me in any way that matters (especially since he would theoretically be Khan's foil. ....... Yeah).
But Yeva...... My god.
I shit you not when I say that to me, she's the scariest character in the entire show, way more terrifying than whatever any of that mid crap with the Absolute Solver or that lame ass body horror porn Cynesssa were.
Because to me, Yeva doesn't scare me in any physical, gorey matter, no: Yeva scares me in a psychological way.
Yeva is definitely being built up as this non impressionable, unfathomable badass, who has passed down to Doll all of her girlbossery and mastery of the Absolute Solver; she is the true caring mother between her and Nori, she was so good that Doll wanted to avenge her dead at any cost, she is so cool and strong that the patch worked on her flawlessly, and then proceeded to just completely mop the floor with a possessed Nori; Nori, that, may I remind you, was capable of fending off against a fully possessed Solver Uzi able to throw out copius amounts of black holes; the same Nori, who, as a core, ended that fight by slapping Uzi so hard that it created crumbling debris upon the impact; that Yeva was then killed by a solo hunting V, who has been shown multiple times to play with her food.
And the fandom somehow believes all of that?!?
Nobody is questioning just how sus any of this information is? Even if so many of the pieces when put together don't make any sense?
Do you remember these two shots from episode 6?
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Aside from their questionable reliability considering the fact that Tessa was actually Cyn in disguise, don't you remember when we all speculated Nori to be more than a puppet and a possibly willing harbinger of death? I do. Never forgotten.
Now, I'm not jumping the shark and saying that Yeva is actually a manipulative monster, that would be extremely detrimental to the story; I'm saying that with all the parallelisms between the two families it's suspiciously weird that we aren't getting any noticeable narrative similarities between Nori and Yeva; because, you see, when I said before that Khan and Doll's dad weren't foils I actually lied:
In the Pilot, to protect the colony, Khan sacrifices Uzi to N and shuts a door behind him, refusing to shoot with the rail gun; in the flashback of Promening, to protect his daughter, Doll's dad shoots a photo of V to distract her, while Doll watches his dad sacrifice himself behind a door.
We just saw that Uzi's mother survived the attack of the Disassembly Drone (N) and turned into a crab. Now, I don't know all of you, but to me, N always seemed like the most efficient of the Disassembly Drones. His lack of empathy coupled with his low ego and self esteem made him a much more competent murderer than J or V, who were either too busy showboating or coping hard with the consequences of their violent actions; so for N to be unable to kill Nori while V was able to kill Yeva just seems like the most convenient writing decision possible.
(Convenient is a word used by Uzi to describe Doll's trap in episode 6)
Yeva absolutely creeps the f##k out of my brain, it's genuinely so unsettling seeing how much Liam Vickers has been playing up this character's current unimportance and getting away with it by the eyes of the community.
I don't know you all, but I haven't felt scared by Murder Drones at all ever since the Alice finger scene in episode 6. I was like, "cool Liam, do whatever you want, play up all the horror that you like, congratulations, I'm officially desensitized. Your cute little flesh iron puppy that you've been building up for a year barely stroked a dent into me" but I'm not like that with Yeva. Whenever a fandom starts to play up a character's innocence that's when my fight or flight reaction kicks in. I've been a fervent protester of indoctrination for all of my life, and that includes fandom culture and mob thinking; I ain't buying any of you all sweet Yeva crap until episode 8 rolls around.
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In case you can’t read it it says “plot armor detected” and that made me very happy
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honestlyobsessed · 3 months
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Is that why, when J shot at her, and she didn't get hit?
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yourlocalscallywag · 6 months
You know that one scene in the pilot where N is showing Uzi the controls to the ship? His little "beep boop bop beep bop boops" is me to all of you on this fine April 1st
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taeneth · 10 months
Me and my friend did a Voice over of the murder drones pilot and put auto captions on, here's some of my favourites of the shit it came up with
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electrozeistyking · 4 months
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@k1k0oftheworld accidentally gave me an idea. I couldn’t rest until I drew it, so here it is: these funny guys as disassembly drones.
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bluginkgo · 10 months
Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this randomly? I can be going about my day just fine, and then my last two brain cells (which are overtaken by murder drones) decide to just... recite the entirety of murder drones? And then it's just a downward spiral from there?
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This is all from memory, so some lines might not be quite right, but have the same idea.
Spoilers to literally the entire pilot because my brain said go recite it all
We are worker drones. Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company JcJenson in Spaaaaaaaaace. Yeah, we were mistreated in the name of Windex. But it's not like we revolted and killed all humans. Mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves.
With biological life wiped from the planet. We found it pretty easy to pick up where the humans left off. We finally had a future. All to ourselves.
Unfortunately our parent company didn't exactly love the concept of runaway AI.
Uzi: But what have our parents done in the past forever while those things build a spiral of corpses?! Hide behind 3 stupid doors? It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident! Anyways, that's why my project is this sick as hell railgun!
Classmates: So not the vibe!
Uzi: Easy, morons it doesn't work...yet. It doesn't work yet! Who said it doesn't work? Maybe it does! *maniacal laughter*
Teacher: *sigh* Uzi, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons.
Uzi: Oh, and this magnetically amplified photon converter doesn't count?
Teacher: ...no. Plus, repressed emotional baggage was only worth two points on the rubric. And is it supposed to be that color?
Lizzy: Ew, it didn't kill her. Oh my god that was so bad.
Uzi: ugh
Thad: Classic toxic masculinity Chad. Thats never gonna end up problematic. Oh wow, Uzi? I heard you uh.
Uzi: I'm an angsty teen, Thad. Bite me. Also how do you know my name? People willingly talk to you.
Thad: Well I'd say everyone knows Khan's daughter... but then you go and blow up the other half of your face.
Uzi: Crippling daddy issues. Hilarious. What are you in for? Testosterone too hard?
Thad: That can happen? Awesome. Hey those bandages look pretty badass.
Uzi: Oh, ew. Gross, I hate that you said that.
Thad: So what's with the uh-
Uzi: Sick as hell railgun? Sci-fi nonsense that super works! I'm sneaking into the murder drone lair tonight to get the last spare part I need to save the world with it and earn my dad's respect and stuff. Buuut mostly the saving world part.
Thad: Oh. But doesn't your dad make awesome doors so we don't have to... do that scary sounding emotionally repressed stuff you just said?
Uzi: No more feedback on my repression today!
Thad: No! I'm sorry, I didn't think-
Uzi: Bite me! I'm not mad at you by the way, just generally hormonal! *thumbs up*
3AM scene
Uzi: Oh Robo-Jesus
Khan: And where might you be off to?
Uzi: Sneaking out to make out with a boyfriend I definetly have?
Khan: HA! But seriously.
Uzi: OK, OK! You caught me. I...need to measure the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of door 1! Because... that's the project I'm doing for school? Building a big old door! Just like my old man built. I want to join the WDF and hide behind doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff.
Khan: Well, we don't just play cards.
Another worker, I think it's Makarov?: Hey, Khan can you grab a fresh pack? We literally only play cards so much that the numbers are faded! Oh, hey Uzi.
Khan: well, when you build doors so good. Good door, good door. There is no need to fight! Uzi, this is great news! Here, have the wrench I used to tighten bolts on my first door prototypes. And to put your mother out of her misery when the murder drones got to her with that nanite acid. I want you to have it!
Uzi: Neat, therapy is fun.
Khan: Guys, my daughter is into doors!
Khan: She'll be outside for a little bit to examine the exterior of door 1. You door specific destiny awaits!
Uzi: Uh, wow ok. Just gonna leave then, cause this worked so weirdly well. Uh, go doors!
*skip to fighting*
Uzi: Holy hell! Suck on that dad! *smacks N, which rude*
N: Did you just slap me with that arm?
Uzi: Holy crap it talks.
N: Yeah, it's just my head kinda hurts. Hey! Are you new to our squad? You're a little bit... short for a disassembly drone. I'm serial designation N! Nice to meet you! I'm kinda the leader of the squad in this city. That's not true, everyone says I'm useless and terrible. Wait, I'm not supposed to tell you that part. Biscuits! Well, honesty is the best policy. I also can't seem to remember the past 3 hours of my life, but I'm sure that'll sort itself out.
Uzi: Uh-huh, I uh gotta go.
N: Ooh, stuck yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites. Otherwise I'd be constantly disassembling myself. Haha!
Uzi: And by our saliva, you mean-
Both: Disassembly drone?
Uzi: Right, hey let's go in that landing pod over there.
N: Sure, I love doing anything!
N: *BLEH* Sweet, I'm open to new stuff I guess.
Uzi: We are never talking about this.
N: Talking about what? Consider it repressed.
Uzi: You mentioned the other members of your squad? Are they coming back anytime soon?
N: Oh yeah, two others. They're out hunting for a bit, but you'll love them. First, there's V.
Random drone: No, please! Don't feed me my own entrails in front of my family.
V: Hahahahah! And yet, I still feel nothing. *eye twitch*
N: So, V uh. I heard the planet wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight-
V: Oh god. Who are you?
N: No worries, I'm N. But a whole letter is a lot to remember haha
N: So obviously a lot of mutual respect there. But secretly, I actually kind of have a crush on her. You can't tell her ok?!
Uzi: *zip motion*
N: Then there's J our leader!
J: N, you're worthless and terrible-
N: Thank you.
J: -and if the company allowed it, I would straight up kill you myself!
N: J is awesome! Hey, let me give you a tour! Outside of the corpse... wall... thingies. In here are the buttons! Beep boop bopoop.
Uzi: This isn't just a landing pod. This is a spaceship! This could get us off the planet!
N: More of a one use missle, they never taught us how to land.
Uzi: No, I- I mean the worker drones, we could work with them to fix this. Instead of all the murder! Which, why are we doing that again?
N: Other than ingesting their WARM SWEET oil to avoid overheating and dying? I guess I just want to be usefull. I was given a job, and I always want to try my best!
Uzi: And look at all respect it's gotten you, N. Do you really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?!
N: Wow, you sure are rebellious. It's kind of exciting, but uh not as fun as following the rules.
N: Oh hey! They're back, you'll-
J: Idiot, get out here!
V: *giggles* Yo! We got a worker out there that I kinda wanna practice balloon animal shapes with. What happened here?
J: Synergistic liability here must have tripped and knocked himself offline. *smacks N, which rude* Moron bot, hello?
N: Oh. OOOOOOHHHHHH You know, I left an extremely dangerous weap- thing, excuse outside!
Random worker drone, might be Todd?: I am out boys.
Another random worker drone, might be Braxton idk?: Wait until my loving wife and kids hear about this.
All: Oh, come on!
Uzi: Ugh, bite me! Close it close it!
N: Hey fellas! Ooh deal me in, I love Rummy! No, wait I'm going to murder everyone. Rain check!
Khan: Pretty nice hydraulics, huh? What- what have you done?!
Uzi: this time I won't miss!
N: *laughs* I'm sorry, I really enjoyed our time together. But I can't have you shooting V with that thing.
Uzi: Bite me! Dad get down.
Khan: Uzi, you lead a murder drone here?! My beautiful doors!
Uzi: Now is so not the time! I messed up, in the same way I'm about to fix it! Move dad! *gets stabbed* Dad, point and shoot. Trust me! Dad?
J: Woah, N. Did you do something not useless for once?
V: I've been trying to get past those doors for months! Nice work, N.
N: You, me, name, remember?
V: These ventilation shafts can easily get us past this last door. Lowest body count eats a missle!
J: Way to go stud. With this colony wiped, we'll make top teams this quarter for sure! You know what that means. Branded pens!
N: Ooh! Uh you know not that I can't wait to keep murdering all these uh, maybe not so different from us worker drones. But out of curiosity do we actually uh know what the company plans to do with us afterwards?
J: Excuse me?
N: So a worker earlier might have suggested to fix our landing pod to escape the planet and stuff, which HEY! That's against the rules. But it does make me question, why our pods were one way in the first place. Cause I get the feeling that the company doesn't love robots, and we might be robots? I made a terrible mistake. It's cool how immediately I could tell.
J: No way, buddy. Questioning the company? You finally gave me the excuse I needed. Worker drones are corrupted, N. That's why the company sent us. I'd hate to see you corrupted as well.
N: Thanks, J. You're always looking out for me. You're awesome. Ah, biscuits. I'm sorry. I ruined your card game, then made you have an awkward moment with you dad.
Uzi: And I made you rebel like an angsty teen, which got you killed. Though, you also tried to kill me, so morality calls this a draw. For the record, that was the lamest heel face turn in history. Was that supposed to be you switching sides?
N: Being rebellious is a lot harder than it looks. Thanks for showing me the ropes.
Uzi: Nuh-huh. No bonding thing, you just killed a bunch of people idiot.
N: That's super fair. Ugh, I screwed up.
Uzi: Uuuughh. In the same way you're about to fix it?
N: Haha, uh, I love doing anything.
Khan: So, they found our evacuation spot. But, if we build a quick door-
Thad: Are you kidding me? You're the WDF, defend! For real?
Uzi: HEY! Put that conventionally attractive male down.
N: J, you're sometimes kind of mean to me. And I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism.
Uzi: nice
J: Noted traitor. We'll circle back after I right size your existence.
Uzi: OK, which one do you want?
N: J please.
Uzi: Too bad, good luck!
J: Damn the well made, quality assured durability of JcJenson products! Huh? Ahhhhh!
N: Uzi! I'm so so sorry. Have repressing this. MLEM
V: Ew, what the hell!
J: You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster. I've had prey fight back before, but your edgy spirits are just so...painful? GAH! Fourth quarter profits! Mother of company leadership retreats!
Uzi: One more buzzword and I'll do it!
J: Equity partner- *gets blasted in the face*
Thad: Holy hell, Uzi. That was insane! And you too uh...
N: Huh, oh uh N. I'm an angsty rebellious disassembly drone now!
Khan: ahem
Uzi: I brought the murder drones here on accident. You chose to leave me for dead, instead of just frickin believing in me! And that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I used it last week! I'll save you the trouble, dad. I banish myself! Let's go, N. Everyone here can bite me.
N: Nice meeting you Mr. Uzi
Uzi: Shut it *smacks N which rude*
N: I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me. Hope you're having important character growth or something though!
Uzi: Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on earth. Cause we're coming for them. Hahaha... AhahahHAHAH.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I swear I'm normal... I think?
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aloilmokka · 2 years
Somebody said the babies look like Eve from Wall-e and I-
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i-am-trans-gwender · 22 days
Michael Kovach when he hears there's an audition for an indie animated series
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arobotjester · 3 months
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(scene when she and N get hit by the claw before Thad is taken)
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electronix-arts · 1 month
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the heart that beats from those drones who kill, now on the psp in way higher quality because i had to use a new converter
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