#murphy family
Family Vacation is our first look at the Murphy family as a whole unit, and it's something we never really got much of in the show. But it is very good at establishing just how close the Murphy Family is, and how adjusted they are to their own sense of normal, and how how otherwise that isn't too far off from normal normal.
Because despite the episode highlighting how different Murphy vacations are (not being able to plan destinations, constant detours, delays and derailments), they also do normal things; like having a money jar, parents asking kids if they went to their bathroom, and in their own way carefully planning the vacation. It's just for the Murphy's that looks like making sure there are several spare tires.
It's also just the little things. The casual little jokes both families make, Sara texting Milo updates and providing minimal context, Martin asking Sara to do something and her immediately passing off the task to her brother.
While Brigette apologizing to the Brulee's takes on another layer due to Murphy's Law, it's still just a mom thing to do. "Thank you for looking after my kid, sorry for the inconvenience." And kind of a mom thing for Mrs. Brulee to return by brushing off the inconvenience.
The Murphy family is just. Really normal.
Which is probably why we get so little of just the Murphy's without any outsiders. I mean what we do get of them is fantastic. But there's only so much you can do with a group of people who handle Murphy's Law calmly and without fuss. That's why Zack is such an important character, he contrasts the calm Milo and Melissa to provide a sense of danger and conflict. But still, I do wish we got more of just the Murphy's doing things like going out to eat, doing laundry or mowing the lawn or grocery shopping or whatever it is they do as a whole family.
Actually, I'm kinda surprised we never got a proper Murphy family morning routine scene. I feel like that has all sorts of comedic potential with 4 people trying to go 4 different places with Murphy's Law in full effect. Do the Murphy's have to wake up really early? How often is Milo late to the bus stop completely? How often is Sara late to school? Brigette and Martin to work? Is it normal to wake up to fire alarms? Do things often get misplaced? Are lunches packed the morning of and part of this chaos? Are the packed the evening before? If so do they sometimes get destroyed during the night? Tripped circuits, flooded bathrooms or plugged plumbing, ruined clothes, missing wallets, broken phones, burnt breakfast, shredded homework. The possibilities are endless.
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whibleysims · 9 days
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vampirehayfever · 7 months
the friendship between riz and fabian is so beautiful because it's so subtle. just the little things that show fabian really cares and notices riz is beautiful to me. he has conspiracy board equipment already at his house, he notices every time riz disappears to hide, he literally still uses the special nickname riz got at the start of freshman year when they met (despite no one else really using it much anymore) because it's special to him and their friendship. how fabian shows his love to his loved ones is genuinely so sweet and special.
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arendalphaeagle · 5 months
A handful more things from the Milo Mikey Murphy's Law pitch bible:
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Carolyn Murphy captured by Sonia Szóstak for Family Style September 2024
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burnt-scone · 2 years
I've put off drawing this for weeks, its just been rolling in my head.
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Rose: Hey Uncle Morpheus. Why does my History professor call you "Baby Girl"
Dream: Let Us Stop Talking For Now Rose Walker.
Jed: Oop
Matthew: Bruh.
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lunarubra · 6 months
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We come in PEACE! This is for the peacemakers, the artists, the thinkers, the activists, the teachers, the dreamers, the cleaners…CONGRATULATIONS to my husband who fucking did it while holding himself and his integrity intact, I love you. Thank you to all our friends, our family, our neighbours, our community, it takes a village! Thank you to the winning team who anchored and buoyed us in equal measure. We love you all ❤️☘️
by Yvonne McGuinness
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hellishfig · 1 year
watching brennan make the intrepid heroes feel the most bittersweet emotions when riz is with his dad in “my green heaven” is so funny
bc literally everything brennan says is so beautiful and sad and they simply cannot deal
lou’s “oh, shut up” and ally’s “goddammit brennan” when brennan reveals that pok hangs out at his grave in heaven so he can listen when riz visits to talk to him… they are both me in that moment
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Escape to the Eden Club - Sister! reader x Shelby Brothers
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Summary; Emily Shelby wants to spend the night away from the confines of Small Heath and decides to head out to the famed Eden Club of London. All was well until a certain trio arrived and reigned havoc.
Author's Note; I took some liberties with the plot/ location of the Eden Club itself. That being said, this is still meant to be aligned closely with the fight scene from season 2. As always, let me know what you think.
Eager to escape into the cool evening air, Emily wrapped her shawl loosely around her shoulders and took stock of her purse. A small roll of bills, lipstick, a dainty opal hairbrush, and a shining Colt Pocket Hammerless Arthur had given her some time ago. With one last glance to the mirror, she smoothed out her dress and went for her bedroom door, shutting it softly behind her. Seeing as Polly would still be at the church for sometime, she decided it would be best to inform her brother on her intentions. Emily approached Thomas’ office and peered in to see the stout man sitting behind his modest desk. She rapped lightly on the door frame and was beckoned inside by just a flick of her brother’s eyes instead of a word. After only taking one step into the room she spoke in the most clear, confident tone she could muster.
“I’m going out with Ada this evening. I’ll be back by midnight.” Hoping the conversation would end there she turned to leave only to be stopped by her brothers words. Still not looking up from the papers spread across the wood before him he cleared his throat and said,
“Going out with Ada, eh? Why is this the first I’m hearing about this?” Emily rolled her eyes, hoping her brother didn’t see, and replied,
“Because I didn’t think there would be any issue.” Emily didn’t like lying, a quality instilled in her by her Aunt Polly since her youth. Though, as a Shelby, it came naturally. Exhausting Emily further, Thomas continued in his questioning. 
“Where about are you two going?” Calmer this time, as to not arouse suspicion, the girl replied, 
“Just to dinner, in Digbeth.” 
“The name of the establishment?” With more attitude, she replied, 
“The Carriage.” The man sat for a moment, only sparing her one more glance as he searched her face for deceit. He apparently found none. 
“Be back by 11.” Emily offered a small smile and made her way out of the home on Watery Lane, calling over her shoulder, 
“I’ll see you at 11:30, Tom.” 
The night was still young and the chance for her to walk the streets of Birmingham alone and untethered was an excitement of a life time. She wouldn’t just be walking the streets of her hometown tonight, though. After meeting her friend Scarlett by the cut they hailed a cab and set out for London. 
The passage was just under 2 hours before they arrived to the Eden Club just outside of the city. After tipping the cabman and exiting out into the brisk night they set for the front doors of the avant-garde establishment. Scarlet giggled with excitement as they approached the doorman who knew better than to question two striking young women trying to enter the club. The main hall filled was filled with the smell of smoke and sex and the band played on to ring in the young night. It wasn’t often that Emily got to leave the holdings of Small Health, let alone the claws of her brothers. After Ada’s departure, Thomas was more worried than ever about loosing his youngest sister. This fear often manifested into the overarching control of Emily’s every move. He felt it was both an act of love and an act of necessity. Emily knew she was deeply loved by her brother and cared for him in the same way. Yet, at the end of the day, if Tom could have his thumb on the pulse of every member of the family, only then could he ensure their safety, or so he believed. 
“Isn’t this amazing!” Scarlett squealed in Emily’s ear. Scarlett was one of the few friends that Thomas approved of. She came from a respectable, working-class family who raised horses and often did work with the Shelby family. 
“I know.” Emily said back, raising her voice to soar over the loud music. The pair approached the bar and beckoned the attendant for a drink. Soon after, two men approached the women introducing themselves as Paul, a tall man with short black hair in a pressed grey suit, and David, a slightly stout man with dusty blonde hair and rosy cheeks who’s slim black suit made him look taller than he was. Paul explained that Emily had caught his eye from the moment she had walked in and it would be a crime to let a woman like herself buy her own drinks. It was only out of the confines of Birmingham that handsome men would approach her, unafraid of people she was related to. She could speak freely and finally feel a sense of control she was never afforded at home. 
“Would you care to dance?” Paul asked the young woman and carefully took her hand in his. They left their drinks at the table where David and Scarlett sat completely enthralled with one another. He led her to the dance floor just as a new song started over at the bands stage. Spinning around the floor Emily couldn’t help but laugh at the happiness she felt in Paul’s arms. He leaned in close to her face and breathed, 
“You are absolutely stunning.” His breath smelled of bourbon and lust. This was Emily’s dream; to be young and free. Finally she was living it. 
She only noticed the violent outburst taking place across the large room once she heard the crashing noise of a wooden table full of glassware hit the ground. The band cut to a halt and gasps filled the audience. Out of instinct, Paul shoved Emily behind him as he assessed the situation. When it became clear that the men dressed in black meant to do harm he ushered his date back to their table to collect their friends and make a run for the door. Through the crowd, Emily peered over the bobbing heads of patrons ducking and running at the chaos she noticed a familiar jacket fly up as one of the unknown assailants struck another man across the face. As he turned to face another man she saw the face of her brother adorned with a busted lip and small drops of another mans blood. 
“Fuck.” She whispered and made a run for her table. Scarlett and her companion had already gathered their things and stood to meet the other couple. The four of them hid behind the large sofa they had once sat on while they waited for a path to clear to the main exit of the building. Emily grabbed her friend by the arm and swung the girl around to meet her scared face. The two men were conversing anxiously at the best plan of escape while the women spoke in hushed words. 
“It my fucking brother!” 
“What?” Scarlett gasped “Are you sure?” The two women peered over the couch to see the men still going at it near the center of the room. This time, Arthur’s face came into view through the madness. 
“Fuck it’s the lot of them. We need to go. Now!” Emily shoved the other girl forward and the men followed suit. A gunshot rang out through the building and they all dropped to the floor covering their heads. Paul grabbed Emily’s shoulders hovered his body over hers to protect her. When the men quit fighting and stood to see where the shot had come from all became quiet. The four took this opportunity to head straight for the exit. Emily only heard the indistinct echo of Tommy’s voice before clearing the doorway. 
Pouring into the street patrons ran every conceivable direction to vacate the path of anymore possible bullets. After reaching the end of the block Paul spoke, out of breath. 
“Is everyone ok?” Each took their turn affirming that they were not hurt, just a bit shaken. Emily turned to her friend communicating with just their eyes that they all needed to get leave before her brothers had a chance to exit the building. “Alright, I need to get you home.” Paul said and took Emily’s shoulder and David followed suit with Scarlett. 
“No!” Emily said too forcefully, “I - We will get home, I promise. You need to get on your way,” she explained gently. Truthfully, she wanted nothing more than to go anywhere with Paul, that handsome, caring gentleman. He stood firm on his words and said again,
“Emily, really, I need to make sure you get home. I don’t know who the fuck those bastards were.” Scarlett let out a worried laugh at the irony of the situation and still couldn’t take her eyes off the doorway expecting any moment that the men would emerge and see them. Emily took her arm from him though it pained her to do so. 
“Please, Paul, really. You need to get going.” She said urgently. He took a step back and dropped his eyes to the ground, looking hurt. Defeated, he touched David on the shoulder, prompting him to let go of Scarlett’s arm. 
“It was lovely meeting you,” was all he spoke before turning and walking off into the dark alley way. Emily rifled around in her purse and pulled out some small bills shoving them into Scarlett’s hand. 
“Go. Now!” She said before beginning to turn away. 
“What? I’m not leaving you!” Her friend yelled back, grabbing onto her wrist, stopping her movement.
“Scarlett, go! Please. Before they come out.” She pleaded. Even her friend knew that there would be hell to pay if her family found out that she had been running around, getting into trouble with the Shelby girl. With eyes darting between the front door of the Eden Club and Emily’s worried expression Scarlett forced herself to embrace her friend. 
“Please be safe.” Emily nodded in response and they both took off into opposite directions. After quickly crossing in front of the building, the younger Shelby tried her best to hail a cab as many former club goers tried to do the same. Every few seconds she found herself looking over her shoulder praying that she wouldn’t turn to find her brother’s red face looking back at her. After a few failed attempts she saw a empty taxi just across the way parked right next to the entrance of the club. If she hurried, she might just be able to make it before her brothers emerged. With a quick decision she bolted as fast as her heels would carry her across the street and made it just steps the the cab door before she felt the shoulder of a much larger man connect with her own. As she was shoved back onto the hood of the cab she couldn’t help but shout,
“watch where yer’ fucking goin!” Just as any other Shelby would. She watched in anger as that very man climbed into the cab himself and the car began to drive away forcing her to move back onto the side walk. Collecting herself and still cursing the man under her breath she only made it a few steps from her place in front of the club before she heard her name called from behind her. 
It was John. The word pierced her soul like a knife. Without thinking, she swung around to see him standing only about 10 feet behind her as Thomas and Arthur filed out of the door. Without a second to reconsider, she ran. Though slowed down by her shoes and the lingering effects of alcohol, she carried herself briskly down the street. 
“Emily Lenora Shelby!” She heard Arthur roar from behind her. Continuing down the sidewalk shoving between the still clearing crowd she did not stop. Just before she reached the nearest intersection a strong hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around causing her to stumble. She was caught by her oldest brother’s hands of either shoulder lightly shaking her to emphasize each word as they came from his red, blood splattered face. 
“What the fuck are you doing here? Are you bloody mental?” She squinted to shield herself from the yelling as she put her hands to his chest to push him away. He wasn’t planning on letting her go lest she run again until he felt the hand of Tom guide him away from the younger girl. She almost preferred the outright rage of Arthur over the chilling coldness of Thomas, at least with the former, his true intentions were always clear. John soon arrived behind the men and took to consoling Arthur while Thomas pushed the girl to side of the road. Unwilling, she attempted to hold her ground against the man though a stronger grip on her upper arm and a stern look from his piercing eyes encouraged her to comply. She kept her head low has he was still catching his breath from the conflict and subsequent jog to catch his fleeing sister. Finally, in a low, gruff voice, he spoke. 
“In the club, ye?” She nodded her head but still wouldn’t meet the man’s eyes. Instead, she peered past him to see John and Arthur leaned in close to one another talking. Arthur waving his hands around like a lunatic while John tries to calm him down. Out of all her brothers, her and John butted heads the most. Maybe it was the age difference, sitting at just enough years to give them not much in common but enough to argue about. Though, when it was all said and done, she knew John would have her back just as much, if not more, than anyone else. She met his eyes in a quick glance before turning back to Tom’s shoes. Now, the more pragmatic Shelby took in a deep breath to gather his thoughts before continuing the conversation with his sister. 
“Why? Eh?” He said quieter this time. She couldn’t tell if his low voice was an attempt to deescalate the situation or to intimidate her into telling the truth. Well, the truth as it may be, wasn’t that interesting. Emily shrugged and only spared him a small glance up. She went to the Eden club that evening for the same reason as any other girl of her year would; to have fun. 
“You have no business being at those clubs. Getting yourself fucking killed, right?” He said lowering himself to her level, even closer to her face. Her jaw tensed as she thought of a thousand words she could say back to him.
“Everything was fine until you bastards shot up the place.”
“Weren’t you just at the same club, Tom?”
“It’s none of your business what I do.”
Using her better judgment though, she held her tongue. The irony of the situation was not lost on Tommy. He knew that the standard he held for his sister was much different than he held for the men of the family, though he held it steadfast. At the end of the day, he knew Emily was a good girl. Smart, calculated, quick, and usually honest. When the silence hung in the air for too long, he took a gentle hand and guided her face to meet his eyes. 
“Don’t scare me like that again.” He said pointedly with his finger pointed at her face. Emily pursed her lips and gave a curt nod before he pulled her in for a quick but firm hug and placed one kiss on the top of her head. Trying to break away from the clutches are her brother once more she took a step away from Thomas and said, 
“I’ll see you at home,” before attempting to leave in the opposite direction. He let out a sigh once again and wrapped a strong, possessive hand around her arm once more. His lips parted and he eyebrow went up in astonishment, almost as if he was testing her to defy him once again. She looked in his eyes a moment longer, unwavering, before following him back to the other men. Thomas cleared his throat and released the grasp on the girl before speaking, 
“Let’s just go home, shall we.” The four walked in uncomfortable silence back to the car, just over a block away from the fateful scene. As they walked, her oldest brother moved closer to her eventually putting a hand on her upper back and bending down to her level.
“You knows I just want to protect you, right, love?” He offered in a nicer tone than before. Emily knew and nodded a reply. 
“I know.” 
“It’s just you can’t go running around like that.” Before he could get another sentence out, Thomas called out from the front of the group. 
“She knows, brother.”  They eventually made it to the Bentley and it was John that opened the door for his sister to enter the back seat. As she took the less-than-sober step up into the vehicle her brother gently pushed her, just to see how unstable she was.
“Acting like a fuckin’ harlot,” John laughed quietly to chastise the younger girl. Quickly, Emily turned to face him hunched over in the car and raised her purse as if she was going to hit him. 
“Oi, you fuckin’ bastard!” She seethed. Before the two could go at it Thomas darted a look at them in the rear view mirror and raised his voice in a menacing shout. 
“Enough!” Was all it took for the pair to quiet down and sit silently for the rest of the ride home. 
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goobusart · 6 months
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Frank FUCKIN Murphy Is taking over my miiiind
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You know, Milo once asked his parents if he was an alien that one time, which I find to be in the same vein as the Wizardy thing, so I think it's cute that all the Murphy's find it fun to play along at being something they're not, even if they're lives are already wild and others do to think of them as other.
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whibleysims · 3 days
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"Hey, I think my cab's here," said Vivian.
"Wait just a sec!"
"Allan, I gotta go--"
"Just one second!"
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"Here," he said with a smile. "For the long train ride home."
"Allan," she began.
"Just take it."
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"Thanks," she smiled back and took the coffee.
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"For everything," she added.
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"I better go."
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"Viv? Is everything okay?" he asked with concern. "I mean, last night--"
She exhaled through her nose sharply and shook her head. "I desperately need to get my life together. I'm a mess and a total let down to everyone around me." She took a deep breath through her nose again. "But all that's gonna change. Lynda's planning a fall wedding and I'll be better for her. I have to be better for her."
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"Yeah, sure, of course."
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"I'm so sorry to drag you through my mess Allan, you didn't deserve that. I've been a terrible friend to you."
"It's okay, Viv," he said. "Really."
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"Well, at least now we know what we're doing, hey?"
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"Yeah," he chuckled. "We finally got on the same page there in the end."
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tommygrace · 10 days
Tommy Shelby's true happiness. They really are the only two people who were everything to him. His TGC.
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sunshineandlyrics · 7 months
Cillian promoting Oppenheimer
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little-tangerines · 1 year
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summer fun!
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kiss-me-cill-me · 6 months
cillian murphy thighs google images
Well, it's probably been long enough since I made my search history deal with 20 back-to-back requests for "Cillian Murphy hands," so sure, why not?
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(Images are not mine and are from various sources, including "wikiFeet" which is just about the most internet phrase I've ever heard)
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