#muse: freya.
thvnderbird · 1 year
what if i said i love you, too? con @lvpinae
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siente latir errático de su corazón dar con fuerza contra sus oídos, un poco reprochándose a sí misma haber admitido sin ningún cuidado sentimientos, y otro no queriendo dar crédito a lo que acababa de escuchar. “no lo sé, ¿lo dirás?” cuestiona alzando las cejas, voz baja que denotaba gracia pero al mismo tiempo nerviosismo, no muy segura de a dónde les llevaría aquello pero tampoco importándole demasiado.
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thedemonofcat · 2 months
They called him Dandelion, the bard with the golden voice. Although he likely preferred the name Jaskier, this was over a century ago. He often wondered why he had fallen out of favor with his original name, Juilan.
The names Jaskier used mattered little; he would always be the child of a Muse. His goal was to use his magic and music to help and inspire others. However, one day a Mage, desiring a Muse of his own, captured and imprisoned Jaskier within his lute.
Years later, long after the Mage had been forgotten, the Witcher Geralt received the lute as part of a reward for a job. With no use for it and facing a particularly cold night, Geralt decided to use the lute as kindling to keep the fire going and warm Roach.
To his surprise, someone magically emerged from the fire where the lute had been burning.
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mystiicall · 9 months
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Freya sat at one of the tables at Rousseau. It was busy, busier than it had been in the months that she had owned it. Almost too busy. She normally didn't have a problem sitting at one of the tables, but today she felt like she was imposing and taking a needed table from the wait staff. As she looked around she sighed. "I think we are going to need at least a few more staff," she commented with all the dead back. She had a feeling the place was going to stay busy. "Maybe expand to next door," she mused. "What do you think?"
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bvlladonnas · 5 months
we're back in the fucking building (angel forgot she never finished this). ximena's, freya's, kaito's, & briar's favorite flowers, and why. / @valpoinspo
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ximena likes peonies. peonies represent prosperity, good luck, love, and honor. the flowers are quite expensive, particularly for a family of twelve, and so they were often part of ximena's birthday gifts growing up, a rare treat to have adorning her shared room. she loved the way they bloomed, how they would take up a whole vase. when xime got to her house in chile, there was a bouquet of peonies awaiting her on the counter, the most she'd ever seen. she sobbed the whole night after reading the card (what's new, miss sentimental) – her parents and grandparents had pooled money to get her this many, a "good luck" on her new endeavors, a request to continue to make them proud. she dried pressed every single one of them so they could never die.
honorable mentions: carnations, camellias, and lotuses.
freya likes yarrow. a common sight around the reservation growing up, freya used to spend endless hours counting petals with their friends (what they thought was a clever way to stay out past curfew and mess around). yarrow reminds freya of home, and endless nights laughing under a blanket of stars. since yarrow represents youthful love, rania received a small bouquet of it when freya finally asked her to be their girlfriend. very cheesy, but clearly it worked. now every bouquet rania receives (or any bouquet freya buys, actually) contains a bit of the flower; they see little piece of themselves in every bunch.
honorable mentions: hyacinths, orchids, and pincushion flowers.
kaito likes cherry blossoms. much like oliver's reasoning, they remind him of home. while he doesn't have as many bittersweet (heavy on the bitter) memories as oliver does, the yellow and white petals remind him of simpler times. walks home from school with his brothers, strolls through the park with his mother. the one weekend a year his father would be home and not look at his phone once, prioritizing his family over his work. they would sit outside and bask in the falling petals, watch the trees sway in the wind. cherry blossoms represent rebirth, new beginnings, and renewal, something kaito will know intimately quite soon.
honorable mentions: birds of paradise, spider lilies, and lily of the valley.
briar likes tulips. tulips, while having a variety of meanings, are known for representing love. to briar, they represent his mother. on the way home from school they'd often stop by the store to pick her up a bouquet with whatever money he could scrounge up at the time. it was a rare instance of a genuine, excited smile from the woman, something briar though they couldn't give her anymore. he likes yellow ones, specifically, because those were her favorite. there's a spot on his windowsill that houses a singular yellow tulip in a vase at all times. ask them and they'll just say they thought it looked nice.
honorable mentions: california poppies, cactus flowers, and wisteria.
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thenexusofsouls · 1 year
when were you going to tell me? (Sara to Freya; @mxrvelouscreations)
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"Tell you... what?" Freya asked, but seeing the indignation on Sara's face, she knew there could be only one thing that would rattle her so. "Ah. Tull has told you... about Eric. Yes?" She slowly made her way down the steps and closer to Sara. "It's just as well, I suppose. After all, it shouldn't much matter to you anymore, should it? If he is alive?" she asked, glancing at her as she strolled idly by.
"I had planned to tell you after I had elucidated a way to kill two birds with but a single stone, as the saying goes. I learned that he still lived while searching for something I require... my sister's mirror. I may have a way I can acquire it and lure Eric into a trap. And you..." She turned to look at her. "...can help me do it."
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ofdarkestdesires · 11 months
Make a muse!
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So did you guys know there are more kinds of Genasi?
NAME: Freya Frosfeltyr RACE: Ice Genasi CLASS: Barbarian (Storm Herald) BACKGROUND: Noble AGE: 27 HEIGHT: 6'1"
STR 18 (+4) INT 13 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) WIS 9 (-1) CON 18 (+4) CHA 12 (+1)
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multimuseticles · 3 months
Freya shivered as the cold rain hit her face, staring at the dark sky with a sense of unease. The clouds had rolled in suddenly, turning the already dark sky, even darker. She had been walking home through the Forest of Magic, when the storm came out of nowhere.
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"Geez... really wish I had brought my umbrella with me. I only wanted to take a late night walk." The rain was getting heavier. The path ahead quickly turned muddy, and Freya’s shoes squelched with every step. She tried to cover her face with her arm, but the wind was relentless, whipping the rain into her face. She picked up her pace as loud cracks of thunder were heard.
The trees loomed closer together, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching out to grab her.
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"...The forest feels scarier than usual tonight. Let's just get home quickly." A flash of lightning illuminated the forest, and Freya froze. There, just ahead on the path, stood a figure. She could only see it for a split second, but it was enough to make her blood run cold.
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"Wh-what the heck was that?" She quickly looks around. "Surely I imagined that, right? Yeah, totally!" She just continued walking, trying not to think about it. The rain was a torrent now, making it hard to see. She stumbled over a root and fell, scraping her hands on the rough ground.
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"...Thank god nobody was around to see that. But shit, that kinda hurt. I can't tell if I've cut myself or not, it's way too dark." As she pushed herself up, she felt a presence behind her. She suddenly froze.
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"Nope. Nope. There's nothing there. I'm imagining it. But... Why can't I move?" She thought to herself. No matter what, she can't seem to move her legs.
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"Ah, have you finally realised I'm here?" a voice whispered, barely audible over the storm. That confirmed it for Freya. She in fact, wasn't alone. She broke into a run, ignoring the pain in her hands and knees. The voice called again, closer this time. "Are you scared?"
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"NOPE! I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS! I STILL CAN'T EVEN SEE THEM!" She was screaming to herself in her head. Despite the storm, it wasn't actually that cold out. However, Freya felt ice cold. She was running as fast as she could, not even sure if she was running in the right direction, she almost slipped several times. But she didn't care. She just needed to get away.
Panic gave her strength, and she sprinted, her breath coming in ragged. She could see the edge of the woods now, the safety of the open field beyond. Just a few more steps. Finally, Freya made it out of the forest and had to stop to catch her breath. She quickly looked back. Nothing.
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"E-eh? Where did it go...? No, you know what? I don't care. I'm going straight the hell home. I need a damn shower." With that, Freya made her way home. She had no idea what had just happened to her.
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plagued-melodies · 2 years
jeje, tsubaki, Lawless and The Mother as they call and nickname their S/O, I don't know how many characters you make, feel free to delete any character and this message if you have any problems :)
AKDJKAKA YESSS I love servamp so so much, I'm still reading it and trying to catch up and it's been a long while since then so it may not be entirely accurate but I hope you like it anon! Also sorry for this being so late :')
An- for the sake of simplicity and not complicating things too much, you, the reader, are their eve be it in the future of the manga or the past <3 except maybe tsubaki (maybe even present seeing their actual names and such but you know^^
Content warnings: slightly OOC, I have no clue how to write tsubaki but im trying :] Tsubaki's is also longer in trying to compensate for both being inhuman and human/his eve
Servamps and how they call and refer to their significant other! <3
Jeje / Doubt Doubt - servamp of envy
He doesn't talk much, and when he does it's quiet, almost like he never spoke to begin with.
This wasn't much of a problem when you were both first bonded, if he didn't or couldn't speak much, what makes you the authority to make him do so?
You were the exact opposite, you were VERY talkative and could fill the void of what his answers could be.
It used to mostly be one sided conversations that you partook in. He would either read or do some building some ship in a bottle while you talked about anything and everything that came to mind.
I like to headcanon that he knows sign language and converses with you that way, or if you're a bit too preoccupied or he needs a bit of space he'll leave you notes.
He doesn't mind verbally speaking to you when you're alone though, you never push to do one thing or the other.
He loves that about you and I would love to say he fell quickly but it's more likely that he fell for you slowly but what he lacked in speed he sure made up for in how he sure did fall the hardest.
He's not huge on pet names, I'm sure he does throw in the occasional "dear" or if he's feeling particularly smitten, "sweetheart"
He knows he doesn't do this much, and he knows the effect it has on you and you can practically hear the teasing in his voice and writing when he does.
Of course he does eventually start using petnames more and more often without realizing it but not in the cute loving kind of way.
He lovingly calls you a leech, not in a mean way and you know that so he doesn't stop but would if you asked him to.
He also loves to compliment you using metaphors instead of actual names like "you are of a fungus, your poison, although deadly, keeps me reeled in." And despite how odd it sounds you keep any notes of these he's left safely tucked away.
Lawless / Hyde - Servamp of Greed
It took forever for him to trust you and for you to trust him, because although he seemed nice and kind, you knew better than to trust the blood that stained his hands.
The blood of his eve's before you.
But that didn't deter you, you just wanted to keep both of you at an okay distance that would keep both of you happy.
That distance is purely metaphorical thought because he is GRABBY.
I feel as though he would call you nicknames before you even got into a relationship but over time you could hear how they went from more of a teasing nature to something more genuine.
These petnames were also few and far between, he finds saying your name (and you saying his given name) to be such an intimate verbal act, but he doesn't mind indulging in petnames, of course there's always that one particular nickname he often switches out for your actual name but it really isn't a nickname) but
When he does call you pet names, he probably calls you the most WEIRDEST things in the form of pet names that make no sense in context and are probably more so jokes than actual pet names
"Gumwad went to the laundry mat and left me here AAAAALLLLL alone" -Hyde talking to the other servamps probably
Gumwad referring to you
He's not too fond of being referred to by a nickname unless he trusts you entirely but even then, simply calling him by the name you gave him is enough, doesn't mind the occasional pet name though (:
The Mother / Freya - Servamp of wrath
As you probably know, she is probably the sweetest servamp you can find. Although the others have their own quirks that make them admirable, you find that her unconditional kindness is what drew you two closer.
It almost unnerved you how calm she could be, even during times when you royally screwed up. You expected her to be upset, give you the silent wrath, disappointment even! But when she simply knelt down to you asking if you were okay, you realized you may have misunderstood her, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for assuming.
When you two get closer and closer and eventually become a couple she isn't quick to change how she is
Because she probably already dotes on you let's be real
Like her name suggests, she is motherly and caring so I don't doubt she would call you "dear" or "hun" before, mostly in times of stress where either one of you needed forms of comfort.
She probably calls you her dove or the "apple of her eye" later on though, maybe even "My flame" when cuddling.
She loves the warmth you give, it's a warmth she herself rarely feels but is always ready to give.
Your face always flushes into an unbearable shade of red and you feel the room around you raising in temperature.
She is very casual about it though, only ever reserving them for when you two are private (i.e: not near her nosy siblings, she loves them but they can be quite... Troublesome)
She isn't too outlandish with affection but she isn't too prudent with it either, it's instead a warm healthy middle ground.
She absolutely malfunctions if you call her an endearing pet name though, like I mean she just absolutely dies
She can't take the medicine she dishes out smh 😔
Nicknames are nothing too special In her eyes, it's just another way to refer to the one you love, right?
Tsubaki - Servamp of Melancholy
This guy is a fifty-fifty
It really just depends because from what I can grasp on his character, you're probably not his eve, but his subclass.
If you are his eve, somehow, it would take a LONG LONG time for him to not try and kill you.
As far as I'm aware, he hates humans. So for simplicity, you're a subclass or maybe like.. an inhuman friend turned significant other
The how and why isn't important what is important is that when he cares about you, he - c a r e s (cares)
He uses petnames like sweetheart, darling, etc. The gushy kind that, with his personality, is hard to tell between teasing and seriousness.
He isnt one to show public displays of affection but, similar to his elder sister, is one to show it in a private setting.
A vulnerability that only you and his subclasses get to see
He doesn't have an opinion on petnames for himself, he doesn't mind them, but he certainly prefers to hear you speak his name far more.
If you were human/his eve he'd probably call you a pin cushion or a flesh bag, you know... The usual.
It also takes a long time for him to warm up to you and when he does you are officially given the honorary title of "one of the good ones"
Ones referring to mortal flesh bags such as yourself of course
If you were his eve he'd definitely go "Oh yeah they're my eve-" with an attitude but sooner or later it becomes more sweet and genuine
He'd probably treat you similar to his subclasses if not with a little bit more respect (from what I've read, he holds them dearly)
As the youngest and forgotten sibling of 8 servamps, he'd probably try his best to keep you in mind when coming up with his schemes
I will probably rewrite this or make a part two of it being a modern AU but this has been in my ask box for forever and I need practice with writing the servamp characters. Sorry anon this took so long with very little in return <3
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coreofgold · 8 months
@vcndetta for Freya
"Freya, is it?" Astarion asks, silver hair perfectly quaffed and dressed in a regal outfit from Baldur's Gate. "If it is, it appears I am your blind date."
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lxvenderhxzehv · 13 days
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Huntsville Task 3 ~ Social Media: Freya Chamberlain
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troubleah · 3 months
once i finish my werecat oc blog ( which is probably gonna take me 99 years at this rate ) ... i'm gonna redo leah's bio. she's almost 6 years old now!
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brokenfractions · 11 months
someone should let me yell about my new muse that i may or may not bring on here one day, who's a banshee (with a lot of creative liberty on my part) and i love her dearly :] this is her pinterest board
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mystiicall · 8 months
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Mikaelsons Family
Freya Mikaelson
Keelin Malraux-Mikaelson @malrauxbreddoctor
Briggs Mikaelson @ofmoonlitmagic
Gemma Mikaelson @beavtifvltragedies
Niklaus Mal Mikaelson (npc - 6 years old)
Ella Claire Mikaelson (npc - 4 years old)
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multi-royalty · 6 months
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ruined by loneliness
you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
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tagged by : @troubleah <3 tagging : @roscgarden (devon) , @apex-royalty (Bonnie) , @cosmicjest (veronica) , @petrovawitch , @langdhon , @sheldoney
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viikingwitch · 4 months
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               “Perhaps. Perhaps not. In such case, however, what kind of magics do you wield? I must admit you have me quite bewitched yourself.” Wicked indeed, Freya tugs a loose strand of dark hair behind Isabelle’s ear. Chuckles. Lingers closer and closer until they are breathing the same air ( yet it still feels nowhere close enough ). “Well, if we are under a spell already … one kiss more cannot hurt, can it?”
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dogsrotten · 4 months
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"you mean nothing to me ."
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