#muse: kaz p.
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          Kaz bit at the inside of her lip, the action only barely holding the flood of rage. A short, sharp breath pushed out of her as she crossed her arms. She didn’t know how to succinctly describe all of the trauma that Marie Winter had caused and their relationship to her.
          “A snake in the grass,” she ground out before taking a breath to calm herself, hand reaching out to brush over Allie’s to comfort her.
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@not-bcring cont. from (X)
Though momentarily confused at just which part Ayumu was agreeing to at first, Kazuichi was helpless to follow their movements as they slowly, teasingly pulled their skirt down, the mechnic left near drooling at the sight he was gifted. Drawn a step closer by invisible strings, Kaz held enough sense in his lust addled mind to hold himself back as his hands started to reach out of their own volition. "Fuck. P-Please, can I-? C-Can I touch you? Please, please, please, please, I'll be good I promise!"
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the-ultimate-muses · 20 hours
💭 Gotta hear Kazuichi's thoughts on Gundham, of course.
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"It pisses me off how much I like him, but like...in a good way? He's such a fucking dork, but whenever he goes off on one of his stupid Overlord rants I just wanna kiss his dumb face off. Wonder if he'd get mad if I did..."
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morphemeta · 15 days
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gakuto oshiro. cis man. he/him. bisexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that hirokazu 'kaz' amuro ? i think that the forty-five year old from okinawa, japan works as a city council member & owner of dracula's coffin club, but outside of that people describe them as shelves of leatherbound books, artworks hanging in gilded frames, expensive vintage wines in their rack and not a thing out of place; a dark room illuminated only by the flicker of candlelight; an old photo album, full of snaps from a disposable camera, hidden away in the back of a forgotten closet; crisp suits, expensive jewellery, an image so perfectly designed as to be uncanny; strong posture, total control of the room, a gaze sharp enough to dissuade any arguments . i hear they are manipulative & a control freak, but they are also known to be sentimental & artistic . consider giving them a visit at their home in the winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called the tormented.
IMPORTANT LINKS: will be added when they're ready!
TW: emotional neglect in childhood, disappearance/death of a loved one??
just to make my intentions with this character very clear before we get any further, this guy SUCKS. he's meant to be somewhat antagonistic and just all-round not that great a guy. sure, he probably has his redeeming features & he was a decent person at some point but :) time changes ppl, i guess! i feel like he's probably pretty amicable and decent on the surface but he's also very two-faced so it's like...Be Careful <3 also, i have no particular want to plot any active ships for this character. this isn't because of a lack of interest on his part, it's just because i don't necessarily want to write, or think it's appropriate to rp, what would definitely be a very toxic relationship! also he's definitely still in love with a person who's been missing for twenty years so there's also that. anyway, that's my little note done. read away! also! unlike most of my other muses (except ash), this is a new character i'm writing just for anchorage so please keep in mind a lot of stuff is generally subject to change. i'm going to try and work out the kinks as i go but this intro might not stay 100% totally accurate.
His full name is Hirokazu Amuro (安室洋一) but he started going by Kaz for short once he moved to the States in his late teens. It just kind of stuck. I imagine his nickname growing up would have been 'Hiro'.
Kaz was born in Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan and is of direct Okinawan descent. Kaz may describe himself as Japanese for simplicity's sake but he considers himself Okinawan first & Japanese second. (Okinawans/Ryukyuans are an unrecognised ethnic minority in Japan & are ethnically/culturally distinct from the mainland Japanese majority BUT that's all I'll say on the matter bc this is a topic on which I am not qualified to speak & that presumably requires far more nuance than should be squeezed into an rp intro hehe)
He speaks Japanese (standard & Okinawan dialects) and English fluently, and he knows a little Uchinaaguchi. I imagine he knows some other languages too, I just haven't settled on that. I think he's very interested in cultures and language.
As a council member, he dedicates a lot of his attention to the Arts sector, having taken it upon himself to oversee the relevant funding and the like. He's very invested in the arts and considers it a matter of great personal interest. Kaz is also a known patron/doner of the Hanging Arts Gallery and paid out of his own pocket to financially support certain productions of the Single Carrot Theatre, especially due to his history with the venue. This has given him a reputation for being philanthropic but it largely comes from a place of self-interest and satisfying his own wants and needs.
Similarly, he's donated money to publications such as the Anchorage Daily Diem under the guise of support but the reality is that he has built up a good rapport with news outlets so as to give him more control over how he's portrayed in the media. Money speaks. And money can make sure that you don't speak.
This is a recurring issue, for the record. He very much needs to be in control of things. He's not especially power-hungry, and is quite content to sit back and let things play out without him lifting a finger, but he likes to be the one putting pawns in their places to ensure things go his way. Obviously, his success here will vary but, again, this is just how he likes things to be.
All this to say, he's kind of a known eccentric, hence his ownership of the Coffin Club. What can I say? He likes spooky shit. On top of that, the way he presents himself in public is so particular and perfect and poised that it's a little uncanny. I think he probably comes off a little unsettling.
I imagine he might clash with his fellow council members at times because he prefers to speak directly and he's kind of condescending, especially if he disagrees with you on something. He holds grudges too and is the type to start playing Devil's Advocate just to rile someone up because he happens to dislike them. He also doesn't have much issue just insulting people SO UH....
He likes screwing with people. I really picture him as the type of guy to pour a glass of red wine over someone's head in order to humiliate and belittle them.
Insufferable rich man.
Hirokazu was born, on 13th October 1978, as the second of two children, the only son, of a wealthy family. His father was in business, as his father had been before him, and his mother was a homemaker who had also come from a wealthy background. It was tolerant but largely loveless marriage, the couple having come together at the behest of their respective families (who had been primarily concerned with what the union might do for their collective reputations). It is hard to say that the Amuro children grew up surrounded by much warmth but they were comfortable.
The expectations placed on the two Amuro children were high, particularly for Hirokazu who had been deigned the obvious sucessor to his father's work. They were raised in a strict home where studying well to impress the parents was the be-all-and-end-all. They had strict curfews and were forbidden from the sort of hobbies their parents considered frivolous and a waste of time. If the children weren't working to improve themselves for future job prospects, they were wasting time.
Fortunately for Hirokazu, he was a clever and studious child and never struggled much in this regard. He was also a voracious reader and, to his good luck, this was considered an acceptable hobby. He was known to spend hours at the library down the road from his family home. It was just about the only source of entertainment to which he had easy access.
In his early teen years, he grew irritated with this constrictive lifestyle, of only doing and reading and even thinking this that had been approved of by his family. The first step in breaking free was a very, very small one indeed: he deliberately hunted out the pulpiest, schlockiest book he could find in the entire library, a beaten-up and dog-eared old copy of some horror anthology, and found himself hooked. The entire genre was such a far cry from the world in which he lived, full of freaks and weirdos and people who obeyed none of the rules. This led to him reading more and more horror, and then to him sneaking away to the local arthouse cinema where they'd show strange and splattery flicks imported all the way from places like Italy. Here, he learned that he didn't really want to follow in his father's footsteps. Business bored him but art fascinated him.
In his first year of high school, at the age of sixteen, Hirokazu took it upon himself to form and appoint himself leader of the school's new Horror Literature Club. The membership was small but the attendance was strong. (It should be of note that the small attendance was also what justified his position as leader, despite being a first year.) This was also Hirokazu's very first taste of leadership. He'd never been an outgoing child and was usually left alone by other children but he found that, suddenly, people listened when they believed he was important. This stint lasted until halfway through his second year of high school, at which point his father found out what he'd been doing and forced him to withdraw from the club altogether.
The new opening in his schedule would be filled with more studying. After all, he needed to get into a good uni if he wanted to maintain any respect in this family and his father wasn't just going to pay his children's way. If they couldn't earn their education on their own merits, they were no children of his. And, so, Hirokazu studied and studied until he secured himself a spot at a top university in Tokyo, studying Business (a decision made for him by his family). Because his sister had also gotten into a good women's university in the city a couple years prior, the family left the tropical climate of Okinawa behind and moved to Tokyo.
Two years into his time at Uni, at the age of nineteen, he was offered the chance to take part in an exchange program that would send him to New York for a year. Eager, if not desperate, to get away from his parents, Hirokazu jumped at the opportunity. His father considered it a good chance for Hirokazu to branch out and network and so he approved it. Along with a good friend from Tokyo, Hirokazu made the move and immediately set to work on forging his own path, living his own for the very first time.
His actual education was of minor concern and Hirokazu immediately threw himself into the nightlife. He found himself at home in more alternative groups and more artistic spaces, even beginning to dabble in poetry himself. He surrounded himself bands and poets and artists, adopted the name Kaz and stayed out all night shoving fuck know what kind of substances into his body. He'd become a free sprit; the idea of rebellion had long since crossed his mind, so far had he come from those repressive beginnings.
And, then, he met them. They were just another member of Kaz's wider circle but, from the moment he laid eyes on them, he was infatuated. They would often break free from the rest of their circle in the wee hours of the morning to steal away private moments. At age twenty, Kaz had fallen in love for the first time and he fallen quite hard.
It was 1999 now and the two had been officially dating for quite some time. Kaz had made the decision to remain in New York and finish out his education there, having graduated that very year. He ignored his father's demands that he move back home and take up a position working alongside him. His partner mentioned wanting to up north somewhere for New Year's Eve, in the hopes of seeing the Northern Lights as the new millenium rolled in and, so, Kaz surprised them with a two week trip up to Anchorage.
During this trip, the two grew very fond of the strange town and decided to take root there, having found themselves feeling otherwise lost in life after graduating. Thanks to Kaz's wealthy background, they were able to buy a home in Delilah's Gated Den without any trouble. Kaz took up a job handling the finances for the Single Carrot theatre, believing it to be the ideal way to pursue his love of the arts while still making good use of his business degree.
In 2004, when Kaz was twenty-five, their partner disappeared. Another statistic in Anchorage's endless list of missing people. The news hit Kaz like a ton of bricks, his reality seeming to chip and crack around him. He was forced to watch, helpless, as those in charge seemed to do nothing, not a finger lifted for any casuality in the town. Unable to let go of his missing loved one and determined to prove that they were still out there, Kaz left his position at the theatre behind after five years of work and moved into local government. He would work his way up the ranks and find the answers he was after.
After years of hard work, such hard work that it had bordered on obsession, Kaz had become a member of the Anchorage City Council. He was on top and he had access to everything he needed. That was when he learned about the Miroir, and that was when he had learned about their miroir. The cracks that had formed all those years ago splintered beyond repair. Shattering. The vague hopes onto which he had clung for so long twisted and contorted into something like rage and resentment. The journey he had taken to get to this point had already changed him for the worse, the years spent following only one trail blinding him to anything that did not serve his own interests, but this would only push him over the edge.
Separately from this, somewhere along the line he took it upon himself to start a small business of his own: Dracula's Coffin Club. Of course, his love of horror was never forgotten and this little shop is a testament to that. He's often too busy to do any work in the shop itself but it's sort of a little passion project for him. He still likes to write poetry in his own time too but that's a very private business. (SORRY THIS IS SUCH A SHIFT IN TONE LMAOO I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT IT </3)
As for his family, they fell out with him during his Single Carrot years but, having caught wind of his successes in local government, they eventually changed their tune. Kaz was understandably not impressed with this but has tried to stay in their good books out of a desire to remain on his father's will. (His belief is that he deserves to be compensated for having this man as a father.) His sister has since taken his place as their father's successor, having proven herself a perfectly capable businesswoman, and has a family of her own whereas his mother has had some success in launching her own jewellery business. Kaz does not take any interest in their affairs.
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KARAOKE PLAYLIST. There's something to be said about songs not only people like but would choose to sing during karaoke. Make a list of 5-10 songs your muse would add to a karaoke playlist.
Nat actually enjoys charaoke nights at the tower and she's suprisingly good
Fuchsia - Hero Ellie Goulding - Vincent Taylor Swift - Long Live Don McLean - American Pie (in tears mostly) Nancy Sinatra - These boots are made for walking Green Day - Good Riddance P!NK - Never not gonna dance again (I feel like this is very Nat having fun)
Tagged by: @smertzimy Tagging: YOU! And @penniesxdimes @supremestrangeness @thiefofcrows (the thought of Kaz singing charaoke makes me giggle^^) @resignedworkaholics (for marcus and Q XD) @strxngetimes
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dakotaxmp · 10 months
Oakland \\ Kaz, Heather, Invidia & ‘Kota
{Champagne confetti! ;p because ghost rides the whip and California Love! Have a little Russian Roulette of all my muses as all will do a cameo in this multi-city thread!}
Starter for @kazxmp , feat. @heatherxmp, and @mpxinvidia mostly
   Nothing could ever just be correct. Nothing at all.
    At least not with his idiot friend group. Kaz had been working a lot lately and had stored up some solid vacation time so when Dakota had presented this fact to him, he had expected him to take off a bit of time. Maybe he might lounge at home, or spend some relatively uninterrupted time with Heather or even get himself stuck in that one game that he keeps talking about in the kitchen with the other workers. Something about a boulder and a gate.
   What Dakota did not expect was a text asking him if he wanted to go with Kaz, Heather and Invidia on a weekender trip to Oakland, California. This close to Thanksgiving?! Dakota sighs as he lays upside down on his couch, legs flopped over the back and typing.
[Txt to: Little Bank] My guy [Txt to: Little Bank] My comrade in cortadas  [Txt to: Little Bank] You and I both know that city ain’t ready for me, the Bay too soft for my attitude
    Still… the idea has merit. He’s not really taken a break himself and it could be fun to blow a band on some quality goods that they just don’t have here in Mount Phoenix. Oakland was also a Bart ride away from San Francisco so he could do some sight seeing there as well in Heather’s old stomping grounds.
[Txt to: Little Bank] Fuck it, sounds gay I’m in.
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pistolslinger · 1 year
Put us in your muses house! is there a specific squeaky floorboard? what does the house usually smell like? is it messy/clean? if they have more than one bathroom, which one do they use the most? list what the vibe is usually like there or any headcanons about their home! [[ bonus: this could apply to pre canon / childhood home, during canon, or post canon! :D whichever one really stands out or speaks to you! ]]
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the fahey's farmhouse:
i'm diverging from canon a bit because i don't like that leigh described their house as a cabin/hut. like. colm bought aditi a whole farm, acres of land. there was room and money enough to build her a proper home there, too 🙄 it's a bungalow, built to zemeni specifications and architectural style (open, airy, sturdy, designed to cope with southern zemeni climates). it always smels like jurda, wood fire, and leather polish — it is clean, cosy, always full of light. the rooms weren't enormous, but since colm and aditi had always planned on having lots of kids, there is at least four bedrooms :( jesper's favourite place in the entire farmhouse was the kitchen/living room area, as it was the place he spent the most time with his mother.
the slat, and jesper's room there:
its a dinky room because the slat itself is dinky as hell. kaz pays to keep it heated, and to have clean water run through the pipes (bless him), but that doesn't change the fact the walls are paper thin and the way everyone has to fight for a bed. the dregs learn very quickly that they're not gonna be able to win jesper's space by force, which is why his room at the slat is very near a bathroom, and has windows :) nobody gets in without knocking, because. again. WHO is going to square up to fahey or his pistols (nobody! they all know better). there's room enough for a small bed, his trunk of clothes, a locked chest of his personal items, and random tinier furniture (wash basin, mirror, clothes rack etc). its kept clean because messy spaces always end up throwing jesper into sensory hell one way or another, and more importantly: it always smells nice. 'cause jesper douses everything in nice scents to cover the barrel stink, or he'll die
the van eck mansion:
what else can i say abt the mansion except that its smth out of a fairytale. i'm imagining a dutch baroque design, or smth in that vein — kerch culture values austerity, and dutch baroque (smth most of the civic buildings were built to be in that period) fits p well imo! in the books, it's right on the canal, and the van ecks have a boat house for easy travel, so i imagine it has a gorgeous view of the geldestraat. very selfishly, i like to think the master bedroom (the one jesper shares with wylan) overlooks the canal and the beautiful city view. it's probably polished to utter perfection at all times, and jesper's favourite room has always been wylan's music room — its where they retire after dinner or after a long day. also. i'd bet my life savings on it always smelling like some kind of insanely expensive pot pourri
also general disclaimer: every building listed here has indoor plumbing bcus i refuse to accept otherwise. i do not care about realism. i just dont want to think about outhouses or a lack of flushing toilets/running water. thanks for understanding
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notbrokenjustfake · 8 months
\\I'm currently setting up my Kazuha account, if you're interested! Shipping intentions aside - not the main reason I'm here - I think these two could have an interesting exchange, with the past they have in common and having two such diametrically different personalities.
To be completely candid, though: it's been years since I wrote in a - more or less - literary form, and English is not my first language, so the quality will probably be subpar. I specify this because I really like how you write and your faithfulness to characterization - there aren't many roleplay accounts that don't make the muse completely ooc to follow the whims of improvisation. So I'm a little in awe :p
I don't know how long it will take me to finish organizing the blog, but if you like the idea we can start thinking about a setting and possible objectives.
For now have a good day/night, bye!
-> I am a canon/lore nerd! Thank you, however, I do appreciate it especially because most days I feel like I am writing sludge.
I honestly think Kaz would be good for him because he wouldn't try to change him; yet I think Kaz would remind him when he is being... well... too scara-ey... probably in Haiku form. LOL
But there also may be too many Kenshin strings I am having a hard time resisting.
Ships are in a weird place for me for... reasons. :D He is selfish, mean and manipulative, so it's very hard to find a path to something that isn't going to be inherently toxic right now. Which is something that I don't particularly enjoy writing romantically.
What I want for him is to find his own reasons and will to change.
DM's are open, btw... or just do what you will with this information, either way I am up for this. <-
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hxpelessnurse · 9 months
"Ugghhh, I'm so boredddd." Whined from where Kaz was currently hanging upside-down off the nurse's bed, he watched with flipped vison as Mikan simply went about her usual business, the gears in his head turning on how he could both get attention and entertain himself without completely disturbing her. "Hey, what's the weirdest thing you've seen as a nurse?"
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Mikan busied herself tidying up while Kazuichi lazed around on her bed. She didn't mind that he wasn't helping. She preferred it, actually. Despite her nervous demeanour and the stacks of medical textbooks piled high in her room Mikan was a bit of a neat freak. She was wiping down her desk when he asked the question.
Turning to look at him, she pondered the question for a moment before quickly replying, "A g-girl in my middle school suffered from chronic sinus headaches... She thought it w-was a good idea to shove a chopstick up her nose to relieve the p-pressure. She's lucky she didn't lobotomize herself in the p-process, but that was one instance we had to send the patient to an a-actual emergency room."
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not-bcring · 1 year
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Perhaps Gundham should have considered himself lucky that he had been "forbidden" to attend such a drab reception by his royal majesty, a sneer being the only thing on the biker's lips as he stepped into the overly gaudy ballroom, something that was no doubt being used to find Kazuichi a future bride he had no desire in taking. Had it not been for the rather...interesting visit by a few of the kings little lackeys' in an attempt to ensure the troublesome biker kept his distance, there was a chance he would have never thought to crash this little...party, in the first place. Yeah right. It was a stroke of luck that he held a resemblance to a visiting lord, or whatever that man had been, it providing an easy way into the ball with little fuss and only minor blood being spilt when that poor fellow tripped and fell in his room while getting ready, and without a soul there to help him where he now lay in the that rather dusty looking broom closet at the far end of the castle.... Tugging at the cuffs of the horribly uncomfortable dresswear that no doubt cost more than every single thing Gundham had ever owned in his short life, despite not even being half as comfortable, he took a moment to gaze about the various bodies roaming about the room, familiarity being the only thing that allowed him to locate one in particular mingling reluctantly about the masses. Squeezing his way through the crowd, ignoring anyone who may have tried to speak to him as he went, Gundham slunk his way behind Kazuichi with a gentle, and hopefully familiar hand on the small of his back as he leaned down to whisper in his ear. "What an...interesting little gathering your father puts on, my prince, I'm almost sorry for what I had to do to attended, if this is what the evening entails. Though, I'm sure the king will be all the more sorry by the nights end..." If the hand hadn't been familiar, the voice no doubt would have been, or perhaps even that smirk slowly inching its way towards the edge of the mask over the biker's eyes, it being rather convenient with how it hid the black eye he now sported thanks to those delivering the kings message that he keep away. He hoped their pay was agreeable for the job, and for what the biker had done to them in turn... "Tell me, what is it you do for fun at these sort of things? I can't imagine they're anything like the parties you know me to attended on occasion..." -  ✩   「 @the-ultimate-muses 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Brown hues scan the garish ballroom, the Prince feeling ironically drab in his stark white attire. Only gold trim allows some respite from the suffocating cleanness of his look, glittering resplendent in the bright lights. Feeling burned under their unrelenting beams, Kaz knows it’s all in his head. His body, already prone to running hot, even more ignited than usual thanks to the nerves eating away at him. Hand running through long, meticulously brushed ebony hair, he both thanks the ostentatious crown upon his head and curses the weight upon him.
Distracting from his choppy haircut— or at least serving as an ornately-decorated reminder to remain silent about it —Kazuichi can still feel judgment in every sideways glance at him. Having been forcibly dragged from his room with no prior warning, Kaz hadn’t any time to do much more than grab his glasses before getting ushered to the car waiting for him. While he couldn’t hide his brightly colored hair or the horrendous messiness of it, Kaz could witness his judgement without matching pink eyes. A small victory, utterly meaningless when compared to the scope of the verbal lashing he received. As well as the physical one sure to come.
But Kazuichi has learned to take whatever victories are within his tenuous grasp. No matter how small or pointless… A dangerous mentality that created his horrid appearance, but also brought fond memories the Prince knows he’ll carry for the rest of his life. However painful it may prove to be in the end.
Uncomfortably fidgeting in place, Kazuichi’s white-knuckled grip holds onto freshly-dyed hair. There hadn’t been time to do much more than that to fix his mistake. Although Kaz suspects his father never intended to. Figuring the humiliation Kazuichi would feel was worth the small blow to the King’s pride at having such an unseemly son. Discouraging Kaz from severely altering his appearance again. A gamble that appears to be paying off, Kaz uncharacteristically shrinking upon himself as he endures the party.
Feeling like anything but the Prince he’s meant to embody.
With no braid to tug, he grabs a fistful and repeatedly YANKS. Small but rapid movements, not wanting to look as if he’s trying to rip it out from the roots, but needing to expel the way his hands yearn to fiddle with something. Anything, so long as it provides ample distraction. Tongue runs along the roof of his mouth, feeling the lack of his star-shaped piercing. His father had lost his head when Kaz’s feeble apologies revealed yet another unsightly embellishment; the Prince fearful that the man would rip it out without warning. Thankful his other piercing is on too... intimate of a place to be caught, Kaz’s cheeks flush as his knotted stomach bubbles in shame.
Wide-eyes staring down at the floor, hands grow still save for their slight trembling, Kaz now gripping his hair with both. Abruptly aware of every breath in the room, every fabricated whisper drilling into his mind, he wonders how deep into the night his punishment has already gone. Knowing he'll have to endure until the party has reached its end, he shuts his eyes for a moment of respite amongst the unending hours still stretching ahead. Without warning, a hand rests on the small of his back, Kazuichi barely able to choke back an unseemly yelp. Spine straightening with a sharp catch of breath, tense posture slowly eases with an amused and disbelieving exhale when Gundham reveals himself. Lightly laughing under his breath, the biker's presence brings the weak mirth more than his tease.
Kazuichi has no idea how Gundham even found out about the gathering, let alone snuck into attendance, but his company sends a wave of reassurance over Kazuichi. An illogical, soon-to-be-short-lived, wonderful wave... ❝ Pfft— I'd hardly call this stuffy affair a ❛ party. ❜ ❞ He teases in turn, Gundham's breath sending a delighted shudder down his spine. Glancing over his shoulder at the disguised biker, Kazuichi subconsciously shifts a bit closer, his every movement not as carefully monitored as it normally would be, ❝ For one thing, I doubt the cops are going to have to be called... ❞ He adds with a playful nudge, snickering at his own joke—
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—before his gaze briefly catches that of a nobleman.
Tensing as their eyes meet, Kazuichi picks up on the slight raise of a brow; the shift of the other's nose, faint wrinkles of disdain feeling as damning as pointing fingers and jeering crowds. It may as well be. One wrong move, one questioning guest, one suspected act of disobedience— especially after the disappointment Kazuichi had caused —and he could lose everything. His father had already suggested that Hope's Peak might have been too daunting of a place for Kazuichi. He's so ❛ weak-willed ❜ after all; prone to... bad influences. Kaz can't let him know how true that is.
It's barely a moment, but it's all Kazuichi needs to make up his mind. Hastily moving away from Gundham as if burned, he takes a step to the side. Tearing Gundham's hand from his back and his voice from his ears, with the SUDDEN motion, Kazuichi pointedly doesn't look at the biker. Back straight, gaze averted, stone-still as if scared of making the slightest disruption. ❝ Ahem— ❞ Clearing his throat, tense words are impressively composed considering the trembling of his clenched hands at his sides, ❝ My apologies, but I have other guests to greet... I'll— ❞ Swallowing, he can only manage a brief glance at Gundham, guilt-riddled gaze re-focusing on a far-off wall, ❝ I'll see you later. When... this is all over. ❞
When he's played his part... met his bride.... and, hopefully, been allowed to return home to Hope's Peak. But if there's going to be a CHANCE of that happening, Kazuichi needs to be on his best behavior. Which means not appearing too friendly with a male guest. 「 ☆ 」
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now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building  
this blog (for now) is period drama/fantasy muses, since they are all i have muse for. i may return to my old blog of  @beautifulnigtmare i may bring all muses here 
all I gave you is gone tumbled like it was stone
i am over 25, so anyone under 21, i prefer not to interact with 
thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
as such all muses are over 18 (some have been aged up) 
thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
i am very open to crossovers, as well as oc’s, but plotting must be done.  if i am not following you, please do not send me in character memes. i am mutual only! 
thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up  
fandoms include: bridgerton, various period drama, star wars, lord of the rings/rings of power, wheel of time, shadow&bone/gisha verse. 
It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down 
all of my characters as of now (* is high muse)  (**muses i want plots for) (***new muses) starter calls
Bridgerton Verse
anthony bridgerton *
benedict bridgerton *
colin bridgerton *
daphne bridgerton **
francesca bridgerton **
gregory bridgerton **
philip crane **
michael sterling *
brimsley ***
sophie beckett *
kate sharma *
prince freidrich hohenzollern *
king george freidrick *
lady agatha danbury ***
queen charlotte of mecklenburg-strelitz***
felicity featherington***
posy reiling***
alina starkov *
kaz brekker *
inej ghafa *
nina zenik **
wylan van eck *
genya safin ***
nikolai lanstov **
tolya yul bataar **
matthais helvar **
lord of the rings/rings of power
galadriel **
elrond **
bronwyn **
aragorn **
samwise gamgee **
wheel of time
rand al’thor   **
lan mandragoran*  
Star Wars
luke skywalker*
qui gon jinn **
obi wan kenobi*
padme amidala **
finn **
poe dameron **
han solo **
the musketeers
athos **
aramis **
queen anne of austria **
Yelena Belova **
Kate Bishop **
Karolina Dean **
Marcos Diaz **
Esme Frost **
John Proudstar **
Chase Stein *
Scott Summers *
Charles Xavier **
Jennifer Walters **
Sersi *
Barry Allen*
Beth Chapel **
Barbara Gordon **
Dick Grayson *
Mary Hamliton **
Virgil Hawkins **
Pamela "Poisin Ivy" Isley *
Kate Kane **
Clark Kent*
Selina Kyle *
Dinah Lance *
Gar Logan **
M'gann M'orroz **
Tommy Merlyn **
Sophie Moore **
James Olsen **
Anissa Pierce **
Bruce Wayne **
Jinx **
Komand'r **
TVD Verse
Marcel Gerald **
Elena Gilbert *
Jeremy Gilbert **
Tyler Lockwood **
Elijah Mikealson *
Hope Mikealson **
Lizzie Saltzman *
Magnus Bane *
Clary Fray *
Simon Lewis **
Alec Lightwood **
Fate:The Winx Saga
Terra Harvey **
Bloom Peters*
Flora **
Musa **
Riven **
Sky **
Stella *
Edmund Pevensie *
Lucy Pevensie *
Peter Pevensie **
Jill Pole **
Eustance Clarence Scrubb **
the umbrella acaddemy
Deigo Hargreeves *
Five Hargreeves *
Klaus Hargreeves *
Sloane Hargreeves *
Lila Pitts **
one tree hill
Julian Baker *
Jake Jagelski *
Nathan Scott *
Sav Bhandari
Fiona Coyne
Clare Edwards *
Jake Martin
Drew Torres
Wednesday/Addams Family
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair *
other period drama muses
francis valois (reign with some historical influences) *
Sebastian de poitiers (reign)
charlotte heywood (sanditon)
lord babington (sanditon)
young stringer (sandtiton)
tom jones (tom jones 2023)
henry tudor (7th) (the white queen/the white princess/the spainsh princess with some historical influences) *
richard plantagent  (the white queen with some historical influences) *
elizabeth woodville (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
anne shirley cuthbert (anne with an e)  
marie antoinette( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences)*
(king) louis bourbon (16th) ( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) *
captain henry ossroy  (mr malcom’s list)
selina dalton  (mr malcom’s list
Other Scifi/Fantasy
Lucy Caryle- Lockwood&Co **
Anthony Lockwood-Lockwood&Co **
Wendy Darling-Peter Pan/Disney *
Elinor Fairmont-First Kill **
Juliette Fairmont-First Kill **
Kat Harvey-Casper **
Harvey Kinkle-Sabrina The Teenage Witch/Archie comics **
Wyatt Logan-Timeless **
Arthur Pendragon-Merlin **
other medias
Alexander Clearmond Diaz-red, white, & royal ***
Clare Devlin-Derry Girls **
Gregory Eddie-Abbott Elementary **
Jim Halpert-The Office **
Lacey Porter-Twisted
Janine Teagues **
Henry Stuart Fox -red, white, & royal ***
Glimmer-She Ra
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❝ you don’t know who i am or what i want. ❞ Bea - Kaz
Kaz smiled softly. She knew Bea better than Bea knew herself. Or at least she thought she did. But she'd give her a chance to prove her wrong. Besides, all women deserved the chance to change themselves and be who they wanted. Kaz had and she wouldn't go back for anything.
"Then tell me. Who are you, Bea Smith? Who do you want to be?"
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@whimsicalsins cont. from (X)
One may say that it was thanks to Izuru's limitless talent that allowed the usually anxious mechanic to hand himself over so easily like this, and maybe that was true in part, but all Kaz could say was that once the opportunity arose, he had a near burning desire to be a good boy for the other man that had his pupils blown and breathing heavy as he dropped to his knees even before the command was fully spoken.
The praise had him glowing with a small smile, it quickly slipping into a near dopy grin as his chin was lifted with a stutter of breath and jangle of chain. Locking eyes with Izuru, Kazuichi swallowed hard, the hands resting on the other man's thighs tightening just slightly in their grip as his eyes darted to the...task before him. He would do as he was told, of course, but...
"W-What about my teeth? They don't freak you out? P-People don't normally let me- T-They, um...they're not that sharp, I promise! I-I just...wanted you know that, I guess? I'd have to bite down, is all. A-And I won't bite, not unless you want me to." It was meant to be said with a playful smirk, but the desperate submissiveness in his voice ruined any brattish effect it may have had.
"You um...you're sure you want me to do this, right?" This was him after all, his old reputation still tended to linger even after all this time and all he had done to better himself from it.
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introvertedelf · 3 years
Imagine Kaz fingering you with his leather gloves on
Warning(s): Degrading, fingering with gloves, spitting, meanDom!Kaz
Touch was a difficult thing for Kaz. A thing that he all together avoided. You knew that, hell, everyone did.
Being the girlfriend of this man wasn’t the easiest thing. Besides your life being in constant danger, sex was an issue. You two had never fucked completely. Rather, he’d simply dry hump you when he wanted to get off. And you? Kaz had a few things in mind for you.
When you were ridiculously needy and he was in his office doing paperwork, you’d go and grind on his clothed thigh. He’d whisper things in your ear, like “what a dirty little slut. Getting off on my thigh like this.”
It wasn’t until later that you needed to be filled with him. Not his cock necessarily, but you wanted nothing more than those long, skinny fingers to fill you up. The best part was, he could do it with his gloves on.
Your barrel bastard boyfriend was at his desk, as usual, when you walked in.
“Kazzz . . .” You whined, going to sit down on his thigh. He rolled his eyes, growling as he looked at you.
“What is it, Y/N?” You didn’t respond with words, but simply by giving his strong thigh a couple languid humps. He smirked, setting down his pen.
“Ah, I see,” he purred. “My little whore needs some attention?” Kaz groped your pert breasts that he told you he loved so, so much with those gloved hands, scowling at the fabric that kept his eyes from seeing you bare. It was easy for him to grab the collar of your shirt with both strong hands, ripping it right down the middle and exposing yourself to him.
“No bra . . . good girl,” he mused, pinching a nipple with the soft leather. The texture felt amazing, and you wanted to know what they felt like inside of your terribly wet cunt.
“Sir—please.” You retorted to begging, taking his hand in yours and putting it against your clothed core with lustful intent.
“I think I see,” He cooed, standing up and dragging you with him. You looked at him questionably when he shoved aside the papers and pens on his desk, making room for you to sit down facing him. He sat back in his chair, grabbing your legs and making you scoot your ass to the edge of the wood. He moved to the waistband of your pants, tearing them down your legs as you lifted your bum up for him to take them off.
He purposefully left your panties on, wanting to see your wetness soaked through them. There would be no kisses to your thighs, nothing where skin met skin. You knew this—and still it was enough just to be in Kaz’s presence.
“Look at you,” He flicked your clit, thumb pressing into your still-clothed wet entrance. “So wet for me already.”
“P-please, Kaz.” He put your begging to an end, sliding your panties down and revealing your bare cunt to his hungry eyes. Sure, he’d seen you naked before, but never like this. Never spread out before him like his own personal feast.
You swore you saw him drool at the sight, and his cock harden even through the black dress pants.
“You want my fingers inside of your slutty little cunt? Hmm?” You nodded vigorously.
“Words,” he barked, slapping your cunt. Your hips jumped.
“Yes! Please sir, I need your fingers to pump in and out of me, just pl—“
He cut you off when he inserted a single finger inside of you, pushing in ever so slowly. Torturously. He was doing it on purpose.
He looked up at you for the OK to keep going, and you responded by taking your own hand and grabbing his wrist, pushing his finger the rest of the way inside you.
Kaz could have came in his pants when you did that, the warmth of your hot core spreading past the leather gloves. He began to pump the finger in and out of you at a steady pace, grunting and groaning as he heard your moans.
You heard the squelching now when he added a second finger, scissoring you to test your tightness.
“So fucking tight,” he noted, his mouth getting closer to your cunt. He spat on your clit, the slick saliva lubricating you even more.
“Saints—“ you yelled, pushing your hips back into him with each thrust.
“No darling. I don’t think the saints are here,” he chuckled darkly, fucking you harder than before.
You knew you were nearing your edge when he used his other idle hand to press circles into your swollen bundle of nerves, the combination pushing you further and further.
“Kaz, I’m going to—“
“Cum,” he stated, as if he were talking about something completely non-sexual and normal.
A few more rubs and thrusts had your toes curling as you came all over his fingers, clenching down like a vice on them.
When he pulled them out, he put them to your lips, wanting you to suck your cream off the leather and clean his prized gloves.
You wondered if he was thinking about how that would feel if you did it to his cock, as he brought the hand that was rubbing your clit before down to adjust himself in his pants.
You closed your legs before Kaz picked you up, putting you in his lap.
“How was that?” He asked, returning to his paperwork. All you could do was nod in response, your eyelids growing heavy from the orgasm.
“Perhaps I should get you a pair of gloves so you can do that to my cock.”
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
Takara and Soda you pick the kinks im dumb of ass
gags, orgasm denial and bondage :)
Even with the gag fit snuggly between Soda's lips he was still loud, enough so that Tak could hear him through the closed bedroom door as she went about her business, humming away happily to the sounds of her poor littler boyfriend shut away in the other room. This went on for quite some time, long enough for dinner to be prepped and stowed away, just waiting to be cooked after Soda had learned his lesson. She didn't want to risk burning it after all...
Still humming that cheery tune, she made her way to their room and opened the door, the sight she was met with making her grin all the more cheery, albeit in a more sadistic sort of way...
Bound to the bed, body shaking and tears streaming down his face, Kazuichi hadn't even noticed her enter the room, too far gone in the haze of pleasure and a release so very close, but so far out of his reach. He had been a bad boy, even though he couldn't even remember what he did now, and this was his punishment.
"Aw, look at you~" Takara cooed as she closed the door behind her, reveling in the way Kaz jumped at the sound of her voice and the little squeak it tore from his lungs, that special little vibrator he had modified shifting inside him so very nicely that it made his toes curl.
His head lolled to the side with a whine as he watched her crouch down beside the bed, eyes foggy and hair matted to his forehead in the most sinfully beautiful way... "You look so pretty like this Soda! It's too bad you were such a naughty boy..." She pouted with faux sympathy as she brushed the hair from his eyes, the little whimper he let out in response music to her ears.
"Oh, do you wanna tell me something?" Voice dripping with false innocence, she pulled the gag from his mouth with a smile, a hand coming up to gently wipe away the drool and tears from his face as he begged so nicely for her.... "Tak, please I'm s-sorry!" He cried, trying to press his face into her hand, so desperate for any kind of touch. "P-Please, I won't- I won't do it again! I'll be a good boy! Your good boy! Just- please! I need-!"
Shushing him so very sweetly before pressing a kiss to his lips, just a little peck, just enough to get him to stop, she hummed in thought, finger tapping against her chin as she mused the idea. "Hm, I dunno...You were an awful bad boy..." In truth, she couldn't remember what he did either, but it really didn't matter now. "If you can tell me exactly what you're sorry for...I'll let you cum, okay?" She said with a cheery chirp, her smile only growing with the mounting horror on Kaz's face, as if she knew he didn't know either.
"I can't- I don't- I- Fuck-" A series of half thoughts all spouted out in quick succession as he wracked his brain for the information she wanted, but it simply wasn't there, the poor mechanic near sobbing with this realization.
"Oh, well that's a shame now isn't it? I'll give you some time to think, maybe you'll remember!" Ever so cheery, she replaced the gag, and even with Kazuichi's begging for her to stay, to touch him, that he was sorry, he'll be a good boy this time, he didn't fight her, he loved this just as much as her, after all.
Matter of fact, he wasn't even sure he had done anything "bad" in the first place...
With a parting kiss to his forehead, Tak stood from her crouch, taking a moment to snap a picture of her debauched little plaything for later before heading back to the kitchen, still humming that cheery tune. Maybe Kazuichi would like some desert after dinner tonight! She'll have to get started right away...
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alilmusebundle · 2 years
“ sshhh, come here… “ (your choice! :P - Kaz)
send me   “ sshhh, come here… “    for your muse to gently pull mine into yours’ arms to comfort my muse in a moment of high emotion…                                                   @thetraumazone
It’s summer. Summer is a busy money making time for his pet boarding business, thanks to many pet owners flying out on vacation. While he would take in smaller animals, (like cats, rodents, or as of late, reptiles), what he mainly specialized in was dogs. $35 a night on average, depending on if all the owner wanted was someone to watch their precious pooch. More if they wanted additional grooming and training, required necessary walk times or medication, as well as specialized treats or meal plans.
Additionally, he put together a clipboard of daily observations for each pet, detailing what they did as a report card for the owner when they got back. This was necessary in order to be seen as more professionally and trustworthy, and it doubled as a helpful way to keep track of how each animal was feeling day to day. He sometimes even included pictures, if he could afford the time or extra cash needed to buy the film.
It was all very time intensive, and sometimes, physically draining. Normally, he had the wherewithal for everything all on his own.
But he’s broken his leg.
It’s the day after the incident. Dinner is over, and Avant and Angie have gone back to the appointment a few blocks over, leaving him to stay the night at the warehouse as he usually did. It was nice of them to help during the day, but they didn’t all need to sleep here. If he needed any help, he’d call.
Normally, he would take this time to properly write out the pet reports from his notes, to run laundry while he swept and spot cleaned, and run a quick inventory on supplies, all before the last animal potty run of the night. Instead, he finds himself sitting on the couch (needs vacuumed still) shifting through scattered notes... and bills.
His part of the apartment rent. The warehouse rent. The loan payment. Hospital bills. The receipt for his pain medication.
I suggest taking time off of work... don’t put any weight on it, and ice it every 1 to 2 hours for the first three days...
He couldn’t stop working. Summer padded his account to use for the slower months. He need to keep working, no exceptions. He wasn’t supposed to do anything strenuous for at least three days.
Avie was going to help until school started back up, but he didn’t know half of what to do, and he wasn’t used to long periods of physical work, not to mention had no training with animals. The bigger dogs (there were currently 6) were going to eat him alive.
Angie couldn’t spare much time thanks to a hefty commission taking a lot of her time, and she probably had already used up all the free time she could spare. Knowing her, she’d work her ass off to come help with things anyways.
He loved them both dearly. But he couldn’t help the guilt turning in his chest.
He couldn’t pay them for their time. For doing what he was supposed to be doing, and for taking care of him. He couldn’t do anything to help until he got proper crutches. The extra bills were going to eat into his savings for the rest of the year. He was going to have to write that he missed a day on all the pet reports, and detail the accident on BB’s report, but he couldn’t even get up to go get the clipboards. He couldn’t stop working... he couldn’t... he-
He tries to breathe and it comes out strangled. His vision blurs and he squeezes them shut against a sudden rising burn.
No. No no no.
He was the positive brother, the one who always looked on the bright side, glass half full and never empty, the one all his friends turned to when they were in need; he didn’t cry.
He raises a hand to his face as he grits his teeth, tries to remember his breathing techniques: In through the aperture and out through the bars of his teeth. Just breathe, focus on that, don’t think about anything else, only breathing, that’s all he could do, that’s all he- he could-
The tears fall. They squeeze out past his eyelids and burn on the way down. No matter how many times he tries, he just can’t get them to stop falling, and it’s just to much. He lets out a strangled wail and tries to curl forward. His leg aches with the motion.
Arms fold around him and pull with a familiar strength. They pull him in against a warm chest with soothing words, wrapping tight around him, and that last little bit of him stubbornly trying to stop crying finally breaks. He shakes as he leans fully against Vincent, sobs muffled behind the hand still pressed hard against his face, and fully lets himself go.
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