#muse; argent
isorawrites · 10 months
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colors of the wind like stars that fill the night sky in umbral stasis
― haiku by isorawrites
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queenwolf · 5 months
allison IS a relatively known figure in certain circles. the argent name is a known name and, though much of its history is tainted, it still holds its weight when convenient and necessary. this is even more true as allison grows into her role as the sort of monarch of the name and paves a way for a better reputation.
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
You know, I’ve been thinking about Carmen Sandiego, just a bit. And about Chase Devineaux.
Chase Devineaux, who from the start was fixated on the hunt, on black-and-white in a world of greys, reds, and blues.
Chase Devineaux, the only confirmed member of the “guardians”—Interpol and ACME—whose first language is not obviously English, with a strong accent and likely more than a little difficulty understanding conversation that wasn’t strictly to the point while trying to show off his mastery of his (second? Third?) language with lines practically pulled from detective novels.
Chase Devineaux, who learned to follow the “dull facts about boring things” over the course of the series, adjusting slowly but surely to another world whose language he didn’t know from the start, and coming to respect Julia Argent for her expertise and clear head instead of not understanding the relevance of the things she said and the plots within plots and resenting her for bringing them to the fore.
Chase Devineaux, more beaten up—physically, emotionally, socially, mentally—than any other guardian in the series, but still capable of some fairly impressive feats of investigation (like actually finding the Isle of VILE) and strength (a forty-something-year-old doing parkour over the roofs of Poitiers?) when directed properly.
Chase Devineaux, unwilling mentor, then grudging subordinate, then confident partner.
Here’s to the terrier of Carmen Sandiego, everyone.
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dcrkcrwns · 6 months
added more muses cause i have no chill.
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✧˚ · . jack frost ′ eternally 18 ′ winter spirit ′ the guardian ′ versatile - bottom
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✧˚ · . henry fox ′ 23 - 28 ′ prince ′ the change ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . river ramiro ramirez ′ 18 - 25 ′ human ′ the lover ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . florence washington ′ 18 - 23 ′ demigod ′ the savior ′ versatile - bottom
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✧˚ · . tyler kennedy 'tk' strand ′ 26 - 30 ′ human ′ the paramedic ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . carlyle forbes ′ eternally 18 ′ vampire ′ the control freak ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . elian jonathan 'ej' gilbert ′ eternally 18 or 18 - 30 ′ vampire or human ′ the compassionate ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . alison argent ′ 18 - 24 ′ human ′ the protector ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . alexander argent ′ 21 - 28 ′ human ′ the proud ′ versatile-top
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✧˚ · . jackson whittemore ′ 18 - 24 ′ kanima ′ the narcissist ′ versatile-bottom
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lazyvoyager · 2 years
Ok this is a scene straight out of Retribution so spoilers
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I know I try to avoid straight up Retribution scenes but I just had to rough sketch this one because the funniest fucking thing about this scene is Herald back there holding the elevator.
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after this he goes home to Google "am I gay" a la Heartstopper
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lcstinfantasy · 5 months
📸 { to allison from derek }
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Send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s)
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“People keep asking me how I am back. The truth is I don’t know.” Allison told the person next to her.
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homiines · 11 months
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how young do they look??? it's so soft that has me sad.
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isorawrites · 2 months
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“My sister and I, you will recollect, were twins, and you know how subtle are the links which bind two souls which are so closely allied.” — Arthur Conan Doyle | The Adventure of the Speckled Band (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)
SERIES: [ FFXIV: Chronogenesis » Tales of the Unknown ]
LINKS: [ Tumblr » Project, Collection | Ko-fi » Reprint ]
STATUS: Complete (1 chapter—2 parts).
VERSE: 7th Astral Era—A Realm Reborn.
GENRES: Short Story, Family, Slice of Life.
SHIPS: Sora/Yiuno (implied), Yiuno & Yiuna.
MUSES: Sora Amariyo, Yiuno & Yiuna Reine.
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WARNING ― crossdressing.
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Sora Amariyo swept a stray strand of hair off her forehead as the chocobo carriage trotted through the woods of the Black Shroud. The wind against her pale face became colder as they continued their way to the Coerthas Central Highlands, where winter prevailed its terrain all year long. Seeing that this would be a long journey ahead, Sora turned to her other traveling companion, a Veena Viera by the name of Yiuno Reine.
Those who had heard of his name often described him as an enigmatic wanderer of the realm, a man of mystery who walked along the fine boundary of light and darkness. Though he’d been Sora’s guardian and protector for as long as the young Xaela could remember, no one knew why he willingly took Sora under his wing, given his notorious reputation of coming and going like the wind, leaving naught behind—like a ghost of the forgotten past.
Yiuno didn’t like being the center of attraction, and his dress sense clearly reflected that desire—of monochromic colors and minimalistic design. However, one thing that stood out from his seemingly mundane glamours was the leather-bound emerald necklace around his neck. While it’d appear worthless in the eyes of any jewelers and treasure hunters, Sora could tell that the accessory meant a lot to Yiuno; he often kept it close to him, and his normally sharp gaze would soften with fondness whenever he touched the crystal.
���A gift from someone dear to you? You’re always wearing that, even if it clashes with some of your disguises,” Sora spoke as she watched Yiuno fiddling with the green crystal.
“From Yiuna, my older twin sister,” the male Veena replied, looking up at Sora’s hard gaze with mild amusement. “Perhaps it’s a story I can humor you with until we reach our destination…”
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Amongst the treacherous mountains and steep ridges, a small village existed in the heart of the valley. Shrouded in rolling clouds of icy mists and the shadows of uneven summits, this little settlement was undiscovered for eons, its people living in secluded peace far away from the chaos of the commonfolk. The villagers were a sight to behold: fair like the snow capes, graceful like the spring breeze, with their main characteristic being a pair of long, hare-like ears perched on top of their fluffy hair. Called ‘Veena Viera’ by the scholars of the outside world, little was known about their kind, for most curious souls who dared to venture into their territory never lived to see the next sunrise.
Similar to their sister clan, the Rava Viera, they followed a matriarchal structure to maintain order within their small community. Females stayed in the village and acted as the central pillar, just like the monarchies of the outside cities who focused on the politics within the walls. As for the males, they were stationed outside of the settlement as hunters and protectors, braving the dangerous mountains and harsh climate to keep their village safe from external threats. Both genders lived separate lives until the mating season; once every year, a representative or two would drop by to collect children who were assigned male after they had come out of their puberty, then they’d train them to be battle-ready to replenish their ranks. While the strict code and solitude lifestyle had ensured their continuous survival in peace, it wasn’t a sentiment shared by all.
In particular, two adolescents who often sneaked out of the village on every full moon, seemingly in search of something. One of them could be found standing under a birch tree; she wore the standard chest-wrap with armored lingerie covered with a translucent veil down the middle. However, she was fidgeting with her breastplate from time to time, clearly uncomfortable with the clothes she was wearing. She shivered a little as a cold draft blew through the valley, then she flattened the veil and tried to tuck the hem between her legs, a deep shade of pink coloring her pale cheeks under the glow of the full moon above her head.
Her meekness quickly dispersed when her long ears picked up a shuffling sound not far from her location; she drew out a dagger from the scabbard around her ankle, all poised in a battle stance. “Who’s there?” Contrary to her soft and alluring outward appearance, her voice was harsh and hoarse—she sounded rather masculine.
“It’s just me, silly.” A figure emerged from the bushes and brisked towards the anxious Veena. Once she stepped out of the shadow into the moonlight, she had a near-identical face as the former, wearing the same set of harness, with the only distinguishing feature being an extra braid running down the right side of her head. “Be careful not to speak aloud within the village grounds, lest someone else heard you and you’d be whisked away in a jiffy.” Although she was still smiling, there was a hint of sadness in her voice.
“I know,” the twin with a deeper voice sighed, sheathing her dagger before straightening up to face her sister. “But the elders are getting suspicious. They have been staring hard at my chest for the past few days and voiced dissatisfaction at my ‘stunned’ growth.”
“I’m sorry that I’m putting you through all this, [Yiuno], but… I can’t bear to lose you. You’re the only family I have. My precious little brother.”
Yiuno pulled her—his—twin closer into a hug. “You’re my one and only big sister, [Yiuna], as troublesome as you are. So, did you find what you’ve been looking for?”
“Yes,” Yiuna breathed, then she stepped back to pull out something from her pouch. “Give me your hand.” She placed an emerald shard in her brother’s palm. “With this, you can speak freely in the village.”
“A wind-aspected crystal?” Yiuno asked, raising the fragment to see it better in the light of the full moon. He could see the glow pulsating within the shard, almost like it was alive with some kind of power. “I’m amazed that you actually found one. Are you hurt anywhere?”
“Oh, you’re such a worrywart for me, every single time,” Yiuna cooed with a chuckle. “You should worry about yourself first, and more.” She pulled off her hair ribbon and fashioned it into a chain around the crystal, turning it into a necklace before putting it around Yiuno’s neck. “With a bit of aetherial manipulation, this can change your current voice to make you sound more feminine.”
“Very handy,” Yiuno murmured, and he raised a hand to touch the shard. Closing his eyes, he concentrated for a short moment to charge it with his own aether. “Something like this?” His eyebrows arched at the voice that came out of his mouth—while it wasn’t as girly as Yiuna’s, it was passable, like the mature tone of a grown woman.
“Perfect!” Yiuna grinned with a thumbs-up. “Now that you can talk normally without straining your vocal cord… And I’ll think of something to fill your breastplate.” Her smirk widened at the look of embarrassment on Yiuno’s face.
“Do we have to go that far? You know that we can’t stay like this forever. They will find out about us sooner or later.”
“Let that be later, my dear brother—no, little sister,” Yiuna replied, adjusting her twin’s harness with a playful glint in her eyes. “Crafting a padded undershirt that matches your skin tone is child’s play, compared to searching the whole mountain range for many moons just for that one magic crystal.”
Yiuno pursed his lips at his twin’s nonchalant reaction, but he clasped a hand around the emerald shard with a small smile.
Thank you—my lovely, mischief-making sister.
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via my profile page — https://ko-fi.com/whyraven.☕ Thank you very much for your continuous support !!
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faeryworlds · 2 years
@beautifulnigtmare​ | Scallison | liked for a small starter.
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It was still weird to be back in Beacon Hills after spending so much in Paris with her dad and Isaac. Yes she did die and somehow she did come back to life at some point. She had to keep it a secret from her friends and the love of her life, the moment she got back in Beacon Hills together with her father it was just weird and she had been back for a while. Allison had been standing in front of Scott’s place for a solid hour whether or not she should ring the doorbell or not. They have worked together they just didn’t really talked yet. Taking a deep breath approaching the door and she rang the doorbell. 
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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liked for an oc one liner; @offorester
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"Lie to me. Tell me the first thing off the top of your head. Make something up."
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ac1nums-moved · 4 months
@cosmicjest allison argent sent to lydia martin: send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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ac1numa · 5 months
[ injury ] sender cleans receiver's wound and patches it up {Jared Argent for Lydia?}
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lm. sometimes, she wished she could only stay at home and not mind business that weren't really hers to care of. it was something that could kill her someday. she's sure of this. always being in people's business can bring bad injury, and that one was one of them. that's how she ended up being in. injured after a bad fall in the woods. "do not go thereon your own, lydia. you while only end up with a broken ribs or something. my ass. " lydia winced as jared began cleaning her wound, the sting of antiseptic causing her to tense momentarily. however, she couldn't help but be comforted by jared's gentle touch and reassuring smile. his careful movements and focused attention made her feel safe and cared for. as he applied the antiseptic ointment, lydia couldn't help but marvel at jared's skill and attentiveness. the initial pain subsided, replaced by a sense of gratitude for his presence. she looked up at him, meeting his eyes with a mixture of appreciation and trust. when jared placed the sterile bandage over the wound and secured it in place, lydia felt a sense of relief. the physical pain was diminishing, but what lingered was a warmth from the kindness jared had shown. she smiled back at him, grateful not only for the medical care but also for the comfort he provided. " thank you, jared, " she said, her voice filled with sincerity. " i appreciate your help. i wouldn't have wanted anyone else to patch me up. " especially when the boys she was following in there could have done worse. " promise me not to tell a soul about this though. i don't want scott or stiles on my ass twenty four hours seven on my back. " / @devilsanddarlings.
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rlpandtear · 5 months
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dcrkcrwns · 6 months
[SCRATCH] Alexander
♡  SPICY  ACTION  PROMPTS  ; [ SCRATCH ] ; the sender scratches the receivers back.
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after so long of it being awkward between the two, derek hating him, and alex struggling to hide his feelings, the truth came out. alexander was in love with derek still, and derek still had feelings for alex. after a night of screaming, and yelling at each other, and ending with tears, and then a shared kissed, they were here, making love with one another. he loved being able to pleasure derek, and having derek like this, in missionary style was all he needed in that moment. he thrust and thrust, wanting to be so deep inside the man that he would end up massaging his prostate. while his thrust got harder, he didn't even realize that the other was holding onto him tight, and he felt the scratch on his fact. " god, i missed you, " he said, not caring, loving every minute he had with the other, kissing him as he continued to make love to the only man that mattered to him in this world.
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