#✧˚ · . ( muse ; tk strand )
parameddic · 2 months
is your muse aware that if they needed to they could just Turn Up on tk's doorstep, bleeding and bruised with no further context (he doesn't need to know them), and he'd treat them, and if they asked him not to call the cops he wouldn't? and if they ARE aware of this would they ever make use of this knowledge? that's my question
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memesomething · 8 months
sb: are you okay
me: *terrified i am difficult enough to love as it is* oh yeah, for sure, i'm fine :)
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dcrkcrwns · 6 months
added more muses cause i have no chill.
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✧˚ · . jack frost ′ eternally 18 ′ winter spirit ′ the guardian ′ versatile - bottom
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✧˚ · . henry fox ′ 23 - 28 ′ prince ′ the change ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . river ramiro ramirez ′ 18 - 25 ′ human ′ the lover ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . florence washington ′ 18 - 23 ′ demigod ′ the savior ′ versatile - bottom
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✧˚ · . tyler kennedy 'tk' strand ′ 26 - 30 ′ human ′ the paramedic ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . carlyle forbes ′ eternally 18 ′ vampire ′ the control freak ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . elian jonathan 'ej' gilbert ′ eternally 18 or 18 - 30 ′ vampire or human ′ the compassionate ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . alison argent ′ 18 - 24 ′ human ′ the protector ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . alexander argent ′ 21 - 28 ′ human ′ the proud ′ versatile-top
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✧˚ · . jackson whittemore ′ 18 - 24 ′ kanima ′ the narcissist ′ versatile-bottom
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freneticfloetry · 1 year
wip wednesday
Tarlos edition! Have a snippet of the monster I’ve been working on, which starts posting on Sunday.
He presses his lips together and zips the dark duffel closed. It's the same one that TK had once shoved full of everything in sight that was his right before he'd walked out the door, and part of Carlos still can't quite believe that either had come back again.
"Tell you what," he says, bringing the bag back over to the sofa and setting it down next to TK's left leg. "You carry that, and I'll carry you."
TK sits up straighter and does that thing where he cycles through half a dozen different expressions before Carlos can blink — surprise and suspicion and delight and disbelief and worry and wide-eyed wonder.
"Are you serious?"
"All the way to the top." He holds his hands out so TK can slot their palms together like puzzle pieces, doesn't pull him up so much as act as an anchor until he's standing again. "So what are we thinking?"
"I'm thinking… that you're the sweetest," TK murmurs, fingers trailing fondly over Carlos' chest. Then he screws up his face, anxious and adorable and probably a little painful, considering. "And also that it might give me vertigo? The whole room sort of swerved to the side just from getting up a little too fast. If you literally sweep me off my feet right now I'm pretty sure I'll pass out."
Carlos winds his arms around his waist, shivering a bit when TK shifts to let him take some of the weight that's keeping him upright.
"Well we wouldn't want that, now would we?"
"I mean, maybe not in this context," TK says, "but I can think of a couple ways it wouldn't suck." He tilts his head the tiniest degree, mouth quirked at the corners, eyes full of mischief and heat. "Can I get a raincheck?"
Tagging @mixtapestar, @hoko-onchi-writes, and anyone else who feels like sharing!
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beautifulhigh · 2 years
Happiest of birthdays to my darling @bubblesandroses8 - you deserve all that is good in this world and I hope this helps put a little light into your life. You are my muse in human form, you help me turn ideas into something that actually resembles a plot, and you craft your own stories which live in my heart like it’s nothing. It’s something. It’s everything.
So what do you do for the queen of dads!Tarlos fics? You go and play in that sandbox for a while. I hope I did it justice.
That glamorous love lasts where you sparkle and waltz and laugh before you were mine (7k) (AO3 link)
Somewhere in the midst of all this planning and preparation and family time, the youngest of Carlos' sisters had managed to land herself a job interview in Austin. The idea of getting her baby girl back to Texas was making the joyous situation of Carlos' wedding even more wonderful so for Andrea and so she had managed to rearrange the moving jigsaw of family members to free up Bella and herself and they were going into town to get her a suitable interview outfit.
There was one issue that needed to be solved: baby Carolina. All of ten months old and no one left to watch her in the way that apparently was needed for a child under the age of one.
Except Tío Carlos.
How TK and Carlos spend an impromptu day looking after the youngest of the Reyes grandchildren.
How Jen plays in the dads!Tarlos 'verse for a moment.
TK forced himself to pick up his feet as he walked along the corridor. The loft door was in sight, his keys had been in his hand and primed since entering the building. He was so close. On the other side of that door were the welcoming arms of his fiancé and then a few steps beyond those was the bed and he would probably manage to kick off his shoes before he fell into it and then after that he had no other plans than to sleep until he was woken up for food.
Carlos was probably going to wake him up for food. He usually did.
Doing additional shifts in the run up to the wedding had seemed like a good idea and they both were picking up the hours where they could in order to mitigate some of the costs that seemed to be spiralling away from them. Today's (very very very very very very) long shift was for the cake. Or maybe it was for one of the "groom's maid" dresses? TK couldn't remember and right now it didn't matter. All that mattered was getting through that door and going to bed. The hug from Carlos had become optional. He'd understand, TK was sure of it.
A shift of solid calls, of Paul taking pity on the EMS crew and making them a portable meal they could eat between scenes, of Tommy trying to get them off grid for a proper break only to be told that three houses had been called to a major operation just outside the city: while Dispatch would do their best they'd not been this stretched for medical cover since the ice storm. The best they could do was try to keep them in a specific area for a bit but they would need to go where they were needed.
The firefam had rallied around when it became clear that the run on medical calls was keeping them from the house and any kind of rest. Judd had made them copious amounts of "real coffee" and when the bus met up with the rig on some of their calls the paramedic team were given brief moments of respite by their housemates: new supplies of food and drinks, and the fire crew doing a bit more medical than they normally would. Not for the first time TK appreciated what a family his dad had created here in Austin, and how lucky he was to get to work with people who would willingly bandage up a wound or take over monitoring a patient so that you could take a quick bathroom break.
But the shift was over and it was done and he was home and he could sleep and be taken care of for the next however many hours. The family of the 126 was something but the family of his fiancé on the other side of this door was all he wanted right now.
He unlocked and opened the door and stopped dead, fairly sure he was already asleep and dreaming.
Carlos gently bounced the baby in his arms who was still grizzling and refusing to settle at all. "I can explain," he said.
keep reading
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coreofgold · 7 months
@hiddenpxpercuts for TK Strand
"This is so embarrassing." Lang Ying mumbled to himself, fully bandaged arm stuck inside of a vending machine.
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adhuc-spero · 1 year
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independent & friendly multifandom & multimuse roleplaying blog featuring both canon & original characters. fandoms in tags. penned by squish.
rules & muses
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storiesfabled · 26 days
@empathichearts asked: “ i know that things haven’t been easy for you lately, so… i was thinking, maybe we could plan a little vacation together? “
After what had gone down with Alex back in New York, TK was sure he would never fall in love again. He'd told himself he wouldn't let himself be so vulnerable that his heart could be broken again. And then he'd met Carlos and that had all gone to the wayside.
While their relationship had been far from sunshine and roses all the time, the two had always managed to work things out. Even when they had split up, they had still found their way back to each other. And now TK knew that Carlos would be his forever love.
This recent conversation being just a single testament to that.
"That would be amazing," TK replied, letting his head come to rest on his husband's shoulder. "A few days away from here is exactly what I need. The only question is - where do wee want to go?"
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
“So... this is what California’s like, huh?” TK took a look at everything before him, quite impressed by it all. He’d let Owen convince him and Carlos to come with him for a trip back down memory lane, and TK had had a chance encounter with Buck, which had led to the pair making plans to meet up for a tour of what the city had to offer. “Something tells me you guys get a lot more interesting calls than we do. Though I gotta say, this firehouse has nothing on the 126.” // @itsbuck
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
tk tags
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paperstorm · 5 months
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I was tagged by @carlos-in-glasses @thisbuildinghasfeelings @heartstringsduet @sznofthesticks @strandnreyes @alrightbuckaroo @jesuisici33 @orchidscript @bonheur-cafe @whatsintheboxmh and @birdclowns, thanks loves you're in the queue.
Season 3 missing moments are close I promise!
“Do you think he’s gonna wake up?” he asks. He doesn’t mean to; it slips out before he can stop it.
“Yes,” Nancy says immediately. “He’s the stubbornist little shit I’ve ever met in my life, death has got another thing coming if it thinks it can take TK Strand before he’s ready.”
Carlos can’t tell whether she’s being honest, or whether she’s putting on a show for his benefit. Or maybe for her own. Carlos is no stranger to lying to himself almost successfully.
“You know, I meant it, when I said I don’t know why he broke your heart. He never told me why you split up. I asked about a thousand times but he wouldn’t say.”
Carlos frowns. He isn’t sure what to make of that.
“Was it his fault?” Nancy asks. “Is that why he wouldn’t tell me?”
“I don’t know whose fault it was,” Carlos admits. “He wouldn’t talk to me. We had a stupid argument and … maybe I could’ve fixed it if he’d just let me, but he didn’t. He left and told me to move out of his dad’s place and to stop calling.”
“And did you? Stop calling?”
“He asked me to,” Carlos says.
Carlos turns his head. “Hm?” “Do you think the two of you are supposed to be together? That you were meant to find each other?”
“I did,” Carlos says, swallowing the pain of that over a lump in his throat. “Now, I’m not so sure.”
“So, when he wakes up, this could turn into a pretty good opportunity. He’s in a hospital bed, he can’t run away. So you can sit in there with him and make him talk to you.”
“I’m not making him do anything he doesn’t want to do.”
“Why the hell not?” Nancy demands. “I love him like a brother but it’s not all about him. If you’ve got shit to say, you’re allowed to say it.”
Carlos shrugs and slides down a little further in his chair. “If he doesn’t want me, I’m not … he broke up with me. I’m not gonna beg him to take me back.”
“I didn’t say beg him to take you back.”
“What, then?”
Nancy licks her lips. She slides down too, feet planted on the floor and arms crossed over her stomach. She looks at him and one corner of her mouth curves into an understanding smile. “He’s the stubbornist shit, like I said. Maybe he wanted you to fight for him, and you didn’t.”
Carlos opens his mouth, stumbles over his words as he protests, “That isn’t fair.”
“Didn’t say it was fair,” Nancy agrees with a shrug. “But sometimes shit isn’t fair. If both of you are too prideful to blink first, nothing’s ever going to get fixed, is it? Maybe someone just has to bite the bullet, and if it ends with both of you getting the man you love back, does it really matter whether it was fair?”
Carlos squeezes his molars together. She isn’t wrong, necessarily, but that doesn’t mean he’s enjoying hearing it.
“It seems to me,” Nancy muses, “like you’ve already blinked, just by being here.”
“You asked me to come,” he mumbles. “Told me TK wanted me here.”
“I didn’t drag you in by your ear. You don’t always have to do what other people ask, you could’ve told me to tell him to go kick rocks. You’re here because you wanted to be here. Right?”
Sighing, Carlos rubs his hands over his face. In a voice that trembles, he admits, “I love him. I never stopped loving him.”
“He loves you back,” Nancy insists. “Trust me, okay? I’m not wrong about this.”
Tags below the cut!
Tagging @theghostofashton @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @reyesstrand @goodways @lightningboltreader @mooshkat @liminalmemories21 @inkweedandlizards @reasonandfaithinharmony @thebumblecee @never-blooms@freneticfloetry @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @tarlosluvr
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parameddic · 9 months
and further about (that drabble) re. TK letting go rather than going over the edge with someone. i think owen might blame him for it a little bit. i think his dad might hold a grudge about it a little bit. pretend he doesn't but have some underlying something about it somewhere. the 17yo kid's mum shows up to harass TK and owen says something like, "well, you did let him die," or whatever. that's what i think
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heartstringsduet · 4 months
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Happy Sunday loves <3 Doing this early and then excited to come back tonight to read/see what y'all are working on. Have some of the new First Aid chapter.
“You couldn’t even hurt a fly,” Carlos muses as he offers him a bite of his own sandwich that TK swallows despite the lump of fondness that formed at the gesture. “In fact, just the other week you shooed a wasp out of your room after chasing it for minutes.”
“First of all, I think you’re wrong—”
“You mean you could hurt a fly?”
“I'm not a monster! Animals need to be protected,” TK finishes, and before he can overthink it, he mimics Carlos’ gesture and holds up his own sandwich. “And now take a bite of my superiorly assembled sandwich and shush.” Open tag &
@carlos-in-glasses @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @herefortarlos @lightningboltreader @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @kiwichaeng @decafdino @orchidscript @freneticfloetry @alrightbuckaroo @ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom @thebumblecee @noxsoulmate @paperstorm @urmomsonfire @bonheur-cafe @sznofthesticks @theghostofashton @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sanjuwrites @louis-ii-reyes-strand @carlos-tk @liminalmemories21 @never-blooms
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carlos-in-glasses · 9 months
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Thank you for the tags @tellmegoodbye @alrightbuckaroo @thisbuildinghasfeelings @strandnreyes @catanisspicy @three-drink-amy @rmd-writes @welcometololaland 💚
I have another TK/Owen moment from Flashback Fic because it involves a certain moose that I told @goodways about in this ask and now, much like Carlos after he hooked up with TK, I can't get Monty Morgan out of my head.
Owen cups TK’s left heel in his palm and moves the flashlight over it again, inspecting close. “God. I see another piece of glass. You’ve stepped in who-knows-what. When was your last tetanus shot?”
TK, who can barely recall his own name, wails at his dad to take a chill pill, and he’s so ridiculous it actually makes Owen laugh.
“There’s my boy,” he says, “You’re going to be okay.”
Owen finishes patching up TK’s feet quietly and helps him hobble across the living space to his bedroom. TK hasn’t spent the night here since he moved into his own rented apartment, and it’s pretty much the same it’s been since his late-teens:
Off-white walls are decorated with posters of Nirvana, Death Cab, Eminem, Muse, and shirtless Brad Pitt.
A bright yellow comforter covers the bed in the corner, the foot of which meets the window. TK has often sat at the end of this bed, staring at the street below, people watching, alone but not lonely.
The pinewood desk is long-free of schoolwork, neat now with a mug from the Guggenheim that is full of colorful pens, and a few old books about photography, human biology, and twentieth-century American literature, with a battered copy of The Catcher in the Rye on top.
A rug of muted rainbow squares remains on the hardwood floor.
And here is his shelf of well-squeezed plushies.
Mr. Bear the polar bear, missing an eye.
Rory the lion, whose mane he trimmed short with the kitchen scissors.
Montgomery ‘Monty’ Morgan the Moose, a gift from Aunt Elinor, who moved to Montreal to work at a research station when TK was eight. She mailed the silky-soft, sweet-faced moose with floppy antlers to Gwyn – a lifelong lover of perplexingly cute giant creatures like moose, manatees, walrus, sloths. Gwyn named him Montgomery ‘Monty’ Morgan and gave him to TK; TK took Monty Morgan with him to Owen’s because he helped with his homesickness when he was away from her.
TK grabs Monty Morgan for something to press against his sore stomach and crashes onto his old bed, his face twisting. He’s felt so unwell since he had to stand up again. To Owen, his son might as well be the colicy baby he once was, the way he’d thrash and his face would contort with pain. The way his tongue would jut in and out of his mouth. His mouth is dark red today. The skin around his lips blotchy as if zits lie below the surface, ready to erupt. His tongue is cracked like sun-dried earth, and earthish in tone, just a hint of its former pinkness. Slowly – yet it's strikingly apparent – TK lies before his father and drains to gray.
Tags below (and open tag too!)
@louis-ii-reyes-strand @mikibwrites @wandering-night19 @noxsoulmate @theghostofashton @freneticfloetry @taralaurel @rosedavid @lemonlyman-dotcom @chicgeekgirl89 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @liminalmemories21 @heartstringsduet @never-blooms @ladytessa74 @lightningboltreader @goodways @paperstorm @reyesstrand @bonheur-cafe @tailoredshirt - if you want to share/ haven't already! No pressure ever! I hope you're all having the best days!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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beautifulhigh · 2 years
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Another snipped from my girl @bubblesandroses8​‘s birthday fic. Sending you so much love and I cannot wait to celebrate you. You deserve the world
TK forced himself to pick up his feet as he walked along the corridor. The loft door was in sight, his keys had been in his hand and primed since entering the building. He was so close. On the other side of that door was the welcoming arms of his fiancé and then a few steps beyond those was the bed and he would probably manage to kick off his shoes before he fell into it and then after that he had no other plans than to sleep until he was woken up for food.
Carlos was probably going to wake him up for food. He usually did.
Doing additional shifts in the run up to the wedding had seemed like a good idea and they both were picking up the hours where they could in order to mitigate some of the costs that seemed to be spiralling away from them. Today's (very very very very very very) long shift was for the cake. Or maybe it was for one of the "groom's maid" dresses? TK couldn't remember and right now it didn't matter. All that mattered was getting through that door and going to bed. The hug from Carlos had become optional. He'd understand, TK was sure of it.
A shift of solid calls, of Paul taking pity on the EMS crew and making them a portable meal they could eat between scenes, of Tommy trying to get them off call for a proper break only to be told that three houses had been called to a major operation just outside the city and while they would do their best they'd not been this stretched for medical cover since the ice storm.
So Judd had made them copious amounts of "real coffee" and when the bus met up with the rig on calls they were given brief moments of respite by their housemates with new supplies of food and drinks and the fire crew doing a bit more medical than they normally would. Not for the first time TK appreciated what a family his dad had created here in Austin, and how lucky he was to get to work with people who would bandage up a wound so that you could take a quick bathroom break.
But it was over and it was done and he was home and he could sleep and be taken care of for the next however many hours. The family of the 126 was something but the family of his fiancé on the other side of this door was all he wanted right now.
He unlocked and opened the door and stopped dead, fairly sure he was already asleep and dreaming.
Carlos gently bounced the baby in his arms who was still grizzling and refusing to settle at all. "I can explain," he said.
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galaxyostars · 6 months
My Archive Of Our Own Wrap-up
I wanted to put together a thank you to all the fanfic writers who have gotten me through this year.
This wrap-up is me going through my history month by month to see which fics I'd visited the most (because you can be damn sure I read through them over several days).
So this is a celebration of the wide variety of fics I've read and/or bookmarked and/or subscribed to. Thank you to every writer on this list for keeping me entertained.
My first fic of 2023: Finding the Balance, by Amberlioness
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Events following ‘Bound’, leading up to ‘Demons’. Trip and T’Pol begin to explore what their bond means and how it affects them. Follows “Beginning in Earnest”. I’ve tried to keep as close to canon as possible, while filling in events and back story as the muse commands.
2023 in fics I kept returning to by month
Brand New Day, by cecilyjones
Star Wars Rebels, rated T. Completed 2023-03-29.
The Force wasn’t the only great power in the Galaxy. There were also the laws of physics. Kanan was strong in the Force, but the bind he had gotten himself into had to do with physics. (My inevitable “Kanan lives” story. He survives, and the story unfolds from there. Some of it resembles the story we already know, and some of it doesn’t. The ripples travel out.) Update: Chapter 1-8 is a complete story, you can stop reading there and get some nice closure. After that, I’m just kind of adding as I get ideas. Mostly I just like seeing Kanan get to be a dad so that’s what I’m doing. Thanks!
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Synced To You, by TuppingLiberty
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, rated E. Completed 2017-04-09.
Canonverse but Omegaverse: Though everyone can choose whomever they want as mate, your one true mate, the mate with which you 'sync', is your one best match in the entire galaxy. Poe recognizes Finn as his sync-mate immediately, but Finn is reluctant - extremely. Chapter 3 and various chapters thereon are explicit. This fic is now in epilogue-mode. Everything after Chapter 13 is epilogue. I will come back to it as it pleases me, which, right now, is often. :D
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Poor Wayfaring Stranger, by lithos_saeculum
Final Fantasy XV, rated T. Last updated 2022-08-04.
Out on a mission, Cor Leonis finds a teenager, lost and sick and partway to becoming an MT. Against the advice of all and sundry, he brings him back to Insomnia. There's not a lot of love lost for MTs in the Citadel, but some of its inhabitants may still be young enough to put aside their prejudices.
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Three Bullets, by The_Midget
Grand Theft Auto V, rated M. Completed 2021-01-27.
After Michael is shot in the street, his friends and family can all agree that it was an act of retaliation. However, none of them can agree on who pulled the trigger.
Bookmark note: The one where Jerry White is a piece of shit and also Trevor, Michael and Franklin have to deal with white supremesists. I don't think that's how supremesists is spelled. Lemme look into that.
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Over And Over, by Nightwinging_it
Borderlands, rated M. Completed 2020-12-17.
Timothy Lawrence has resigned himself to his fate as Handsome Jack's property, even if it means losing himself. When an attempt by a friend to rescue him lands him in trouble with Jack, Timothy is banished to the casino as punishment. Angry and betrayed, Timothy is all too eager to seize the chance to escape, even if it comes in the form of a brash Operative. When Zane Flynt is hired to steal weapon schematics from Hyperion, he finds himself needing the help of Handsome Jack's Eridium addicted doppelganger. It's supposed to be a simple job, and he and the doppelganger will part ways the moment it's over. Only Zane didn't expect to get so damn attached to Timothy. (OR: Zane accidentally adopts Timothy, and chaos ensues)
Bookmark note: The one where Timothy's made to be hooked on eridium and Zane basically nurses him back to life.
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Finding Home, by Iha_1419
9-1-1 Lone Star, rated E. Last updated 2022-08-08.
TK Strand’s life has been filled with pain and rejection. His parents, extreme traditionalists, hate him for being a male omega and have kept him isolated for most of his life. When he finds out that he is going to be bonded to an alpha named Carlos in his Uncle Owen’s pack, he doesn’t know what to expect. Years of enduring verbal and physical abuse from his parents have left him withdrawn and wary of his new mate. Carlos is determined to get the omega to trust him, but TK’s scars run deep and old habits are hard to break. Can Carlos and the 126 help TK overcome his past and embrace his future?
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Ultraviolet, by @five-7
Borderlands, rated E. Completed 2021-11-11.
After all the shite they'd been through together, Zane doesn't quite know what to think of them. Amara might have an idea. [Shameless and massive Zane-centric fic]
Bookmark note: The one where Amara and Zane have a friends with benefits thing that accidentally falls into something more serious but then shit goes a little wrong and there's a few chapters where they're fucking dumb but it's okay because they eventually work it out.
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Bless Those Tired Eyes, by thenewradical
The Martian, rated T. Completed 2015-12-20.
Johanssen suggests that Beck sleep in her bunk since it's closest to the med bay and Watney. This goes exactly as well as you would expect.
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Sick Days Not Needed, by Jillie_chan
Star Wars Rebels, rated G. Completed 2015-02-21.
“You’re sick.” Kanan said, resting his hand on the back of the seat. “So?” Ezra asked, resting his head on his fist. “I’m not holding you back.” “Not holding us back?” Kanan echoed. “On missions,” Ezra clarified, “It’ll pass in a few days.”
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True Colors, by Cinderpaw1, dancer4813
Critical Role (Vox Machina), rated E. Completed 2017-08-26.
Vex knew her father hated them. It had been obvious when he left their mother alone to raise a pair of twins by herself. But she had never imagined he would hate them enough to stick them in foster care only a few months after losing her. Now Vex is scraping by on the streets, using her artistic talent to make enough for her and her dog to eat, searching for the twin brother who had been taken away from her because of the system. She didn't realize that when her search took her to Emon, the bustling city held both promises for the future and ghosts from the past.
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Struggle, by ela11
Mass Effect, rated M. Completed 2014-12-06.
Two people would have no idea of the struggle ahead of them… For their existence. For their love. (Femshep/Kaidan from Mass Effect 1 to 3 and a little beyond.) Contains canon, altered events, and new events. Alternative ending.
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Fics saved in 2023 (My notes in bookmarks)
Two for the Road by Spacewidget - The one where Daryl and Connie pose as a married couple to gain access to a group. [The Walking Dead]
Run by justtakemehome - The one where Michael and Amanda De Santa get a bounty attached to their head and they basically have to Mr & Mrs Smith their way out of trouble. [Grand Theft Auto V]
Witch Ways by @aliquistis - The one where a druid learns to put up, like, and maybe even love Gale. [Baldur's Gate]
you can fake it for a while by nighimpossible - The one where Percy creates Vex's titles and a fake marriage, and they fall into a legitimate relationship. [Critical Role (Vox Machina)]
And They Lived Happily Ever After by @ginger-floor-goblin - The one where Keyleth and Vax get their happy ending. But also consequences to deals made. [Critical Role (Vox Machina) / The Legend of Vox Machina]
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by @howlsmovinglibrary - The one where Astarion lost all the kids in the divorce. [Baldur's Gate]
We Circle by Night by @insanitysilver - The one where Caleb goes back in time to fix his past, only to accidentally save Mollymauk from his demise. [Critical Role (Mighty Nein)]
I'm finishing 2023 with...
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Ship to Wreck by Snailsol
Witch Ways by Aliquistis
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by howlsmovinglibrary
Resistance by ela11
Thank you to every fanfic writer whose work I've had the pleasure of reading this year. <3
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