digimonarchive · 11 months
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Daisuke Motomiya/Davis and Veemon picspam 3
Also appearing in the picspam: Armadimon/Armadillomon, Iori Hida/Cody, Digmon, Mushmon/Mushroomon, Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya, Tailmon/Gatomon, Takeru Takaishi/TK, Patamon and Wormmon
Digimon Adventure 02 episodes 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20
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medral · 1 year
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Round 1: Match 10 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
Danielle Barkstock
“Erika Ishii… uwu 🍄” - Submission 23
“✌️😌✌️” - Submission 43
“you already know what’s up i’m just here to pad the numbers” - Submission 62
“Shes got the hat and I love her, that is all your honour.” - Submission 128
“Danielle Barkstock is a student at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy and a member of the Maidens adventuring party.
During Fantasy High and Dimension 20 LIVE, she is an NPC played by Brennan Lee Mulligan. During The Seven, she is a PC played by Erika Ishii.” - Dimension 20 Wiki
“Mushroomon is a Vegetation Digimon. It is a tiny Digimon in the shape of a poisonous mushroom. It grows tiny mushroom bombs, powerful with toxins that induce every affliction, out of its body. If one gets hit with these mushroom bombs, they become unable to stop laughing, their body becomes completely paralyzed, all of their memories until then vanish, and they start showing various symptoms. As its personality is extremely ill-tempered, it loves to bully the weak, but it has a shy side, and always conceals half of its face.” - Digimon Wiki
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dei-ryuu · 2 years
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Challenged myself with a random digimon generator and then drawing whatever came up
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digimonpolls · 2 years
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Bracket 57/64
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Cookie run Digimon au: Poison Mushroom Cookie and Chamblemon
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In training: budmon
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Rookie: mushroomon
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Champion: Chamblemon
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Mega: hydramon
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digimon-smashorpass · 1 month
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digishima · 3 months
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Azul doesn’t get an octopi Digimon bc they’re all ugly.
Jade’s Mushroomon was so easy, didn’t even hesitate…But the rest of the evolutionary line…
Also now that the Beach Event is on both servers it makes sense that Floyd has Surfimon.
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moth-thief · 1 year
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Mushroomon BT15-044 C <03>
Rookie | Virus | Vegetation
[On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon can't unsuspend until the end of your opponent's turn.
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thaisibir · 2 years
Hey, it’s been a while!
I was reading through your Survive stuff again and I had some thought, specifically regarding the kids and possible Kemonogami partners.
If Ellie/Yuki had lived, I could see her with two possible partners: Salamon or Lunamon, though leaning towards Lunamon since she hasn’t been partnered up with anyone in official media outside of Sayo from Digimon Dusk.
Plus, it could partner with my pick for Richard, which is Coronamon. Not only would Lunamon and Coronamon eventually evolve into two of the Olympus 12 like Labramon to Plutomon, but Apollomon and Dianamon can jogress to Gracenovamon. If Ellie had lived, I can see her and Richard being close and it could reflect in their partners.
As for Gavin, Owen and Liam, there are three partners that come to mind though I don’t know who would have who: Liollmon, Gaomon and Gomamon. And why not give Caleb a possible partner in Bearmon, who can also become an Olympus 12 Digimon in Marsmon or Merkurimon.
The others haven’t had kids yet, but if they do biologically or adopt:
Ryo’s possible kid could have Wormmon or even the new bug Digimon in Fanbeemon or Morphomon.
I do like Kaito and Takuma together, tbh, and if they adopted, I could see their kid having Guilmon, which harkens to the free Guilmon you get when you download Survive. Plus, Guilmon is a dinosaur like Agumon but a virus type like Dracmon.
Shuuji’s kid would be easy as I believe they would get Terriermon to match his Lopmon.
If Saki ever adopted, I could see Lalamon being a viable partner, or perhaps a more unconventional partner in Mushroomon, who can become Bloominglordmon as a Mega.
Finally, with Minoru, if he ever did have a kid, I could see Hawkmon being an option, or the lesser used or known Rookie of Hyokomon.
So yeah, I’ve thought about this a lot😅
Hey there, good to hear from you, especially after a while!
I’ve actually thought about this a lot too, ever since September of last year. Admittedly I have a bias for Aoi and Saki since they're my favorite Survive characters, so I went a lot further into the future lives I imagined for them than the others. I really like what you’ve thought of for the other Survive kids though. Your headcanons for them end up being mine too! I never had concrete ideas for the others having kids, but I can see them being good parents and now after seeing your headcanons, I can’t imagine anything else.
As for Aoi’s four sons, however, I already have had character bios and partners for them in mind for months now. I got a fic I’ve been wanting to write and everything. The gist of it:
-Aoi and Labramon become Plutomon and join the Olympos Twelve -the Olympos Twelve (especially Jupitermon) are the big bads -her kids grow up to become teens with partners of their own -they follow their mother’s footsteps in fusing with their partners to become Royal Knights -they’re forced to fight their own mother in order to save both worlds
I just haven’t yet had the time to start it yet. I’m currently writing an Aoi x Saki fic, The Dog In Her, that focuses on their evolving friendship when they’re teens, will lead to how and why Aoi’s in England throughout her adult life, and foreshadows her future transformation into Plutomon. The fic where Aoi has kids and becomes Plutomon, Gods Arise, is going to be a sequel that takes place many years later. I love tragedy and family drama, so I really look forward to working on it someday.
So, alas, while I have had a different direction in mind for Aoi’s kids, I absolutely love your idea of her firstborn son and daughter having Coronamon and Lunamon, so they could jogress into Grandnovamon. I don’t know how I could incorporate that into Gods Arise; maybe I could do an alternate universe storyline or something that has a timeline where Aoi’s daughter didn’t die shortly after birth. Or maybe you could write it! I’d love to read it if that’d be the case.
More detailed notes for the sequel fic and character bios for Aoi’s family are under the cut, in case if you’re interested at all in reading further. I’ve been keeping this to myself for many months, since it’s still very much in the brainstorming stage, and I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to read it all honestly, but now you got me eager to share.
Digimon Survive: Gods Arise Summary: [Survive sequel, 15-25 years after Truthful Route] Aoi's oldest child has run away, lured to a place where unpartnered monsters roam. At her plea for help, old friends reunite and embark on a rescue mission. Saki knows she shouldn't pine over a newly widowed woman. Still, old buried feelings rear their head. Gods begin their ascent to power and conquest, but it's not the boy they're after.
Aoi Shibuya Age: 30, 40 (post 10 year time skip, but continues to appear 30) Partner: Labramon Family: Caleb (husband), Richard (son), Gavin (son), Owen (son), Liam (son), Ellie (daughter, deceased), Tatsuo (father), Hana (mother)
(See previously written headcanons in separate notes for full details)
Additional details: Since her first venture into the Kemonogami world, Aoi has grown a lot more confident and competent due to her career in law enforcement, though she never lost her kind nature and maternal side. She hates resorting to violence, preferring negotiation, but if it comes down to that, her skills in combat and firearms are far from lacking. Having spent the first 18 years of her life in Japan, and the rest of it in England, she is comfortably situated between the two cultures. She does her best to keep her UK-born kids in touch with their Japanese heritage. She also strives to stay close to her friends who remain in Japan. Until recent events in the story, she has been unaware of Saki’s unrequited love for her (through no fault of her own, since Saki had kept her feelings hidden when Aoi got engaged and married).
Labramon Partner: Aoi Since coming to the real world with her human partner, Labramon had moved to England and joined the MI5 with her. She works like a police dog, helping Aoi with her tracking abilities and defending her in dangerous situations. Despite her animalistic appearance, she’s treated as a valuable member of the family Aoi and her husband had made together. She adores their kids and would always be entrusted to watch over them.
Caleb Shanahan Age: 33 (at death) Aoi's husband and fellow MI5 agent three years her senior. He is a tall, well-built and handsome man with cropped dirty blonde hair and a trimmed beard. He was born and raised in England, though he is well-traveled due to his father being in the military. Caleb and Aoi met at work and grew closer as they were assigned cases together. He is the object of admiration and attraction among the women at work, though it's the kind and quiet Aoi he falls in love with. Their common love for reading and cooking made him even more fond of her. He learned about the Kemonogami world through Aoi, and by becoming romantically involved with her he came to regard Labramon as extended family. Toward his sons with Aoi, he is a doting, loving father who likes to take them fishing, his favorite hobby. He was killed in the line of duty, and his death sets off the events of the story.
Richard "Richie" Benjiro Shanahan Age: 8, 18 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Dorumon (Alphamon) Birthday: September 25 The oldest child of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he was taken to Japan to be raised by his maternal grandparents. He has a special place in his parents’ hearts for being their first surviving child after the death of their baby daughter. Driven by grief at his father's funeral, he was the one who ventured into the Kemonogami world on his own, prompting Aoi to pursue him in an effort to bring him back home. He believes he's responsible for his mother's downfall and transformation into Plutomon. For 10 years he has carried a tremendous amount of guilt and the need to save her from the darkness that binds her. Reckless and impulsive in his youth, he has since inherited his mother's sense of responsibility. He is always trying to take care of his younger brothers, making sure they are safe and well.
Gavin Eisuke Shanahan Age: 6, 16 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Veemon, Ulforceveedramon Birthday: April 10 The second son of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he was taken to Japan to be raised by his maternal grandparents. Of the four brothers, he is the most intelligent and level-headed. He takes after his mother's studious nature and academic prowess. He's a good student and abides by the rules, deferent and reserved to a fault. His practical and analytical approach sometimes makes him seem cold and insensitive.
Owen Isamu Shanahan Age: 5, 15 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Huckmon (Jesmon) Birthday: February 3 The third son of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he stayed in England to be raised by his paternal grandparents. He inherited his mother's kindness and sweet nature. He doesn't like fights and takes a pacifistic approach to almost everything. He is notoriously gullible and can be too trusting. Though raised in England, he tries to stay in touch with his Japanese heritage by talking often to his older brothers and maternal grandparents.
Liam Daiki Shanahan Age: 3, 13 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Dracomon (Dynasmon) Birthday: December 24 The second youngest child of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he stayed in England to be raised by his paternal grandparents. He was only 3 years old when his father died and his mother became Plutomon. Because of this, of the four he has the weakest recollection of his parents and is the most bitter about being orphaned. He bears resentment toward his mother for being an absent parent for most of his life, as well as for the destruction and terror she inflicts on the world as Plutomon. Growing up hating his mother and everything she represents, he has the most antagonistic view of his Japanese heritage and clings to his English side. Ironically enough, he physically resembles his mother the most. Unlike her, however, he is prickly and foul-mouthed with a short fuse.
Dorumon Partner: Richard Evolutions: Dorugamon, Dorugreymon, Alphamon Has a “fight first think later” mindset, which often gets him into trouble. He can be selfish and immature, and has a hard time making friends, but he’s working on changing his ways.
Veemon Partner: Gavin Evolutions: Veedramon, Aeroveedramon, Ulforceveedramon Sly and mischievous, enjoys a good prank. He scoffs at the rules and likes to stir up harmless trouble. He’s always telling Gavin to relax and not be such a stick in the mud.
Huckmon Partner: Owen Evolutions: Baohuckmon, Saviorhuckmon, Jesmon Brave and adventurous, fearless of the unknown. He tries to keep an upbeat attitude and have a positive outlook on life. The most mature of the four Kemonogami, he serves as the grounding voice of reason for Owen.
Dracomon Partner: Liam Evolutions: Coredramon (Blue), Wingdramon, Dynasmon Proud and stubborn, tenacious in battle. His arrogance often makes him overconfident and he is just as unwilling to admit he had made mistakes. He is obsessed with shiny things and would hoard as many as he could carry.
Plot: Aoi’s husband, who’s in law enforcement like his wife, is shot and killed in the line of duty. During his funeral, his and Aoi’s oldest child Richard runs away to the Kemonogami world. She beseeches the rest of the Survive gang to help find and bring back her son. For the first time since the end of the Truthful route, they enter the other world with their partners together. Meanwhile, Richard meets Dorumon, who claims that he was “sent by the gods to find a hero.” Richard lets Dorumon lead him deeper into the Kemonogami world, trying to bury his grief amid the wonder and awe from exploring the world he had heard so much about from his mother. As the Survive gang try to track down Richard, Saki struggles with unrequited feelings for Aoi she thought she had buried long ago. Aoi, fresh with grief from her husband’s death, struggles with holding herself together as she tries to find her son.
The “gods,” the Olympos Eleven led by Jupitermon, had indeed sent Dorumon to meet Richard, but it’s not the boy they want. They need the god of the underworld to fulfill their ambition of rising to full power and conquering both worlds. To this end, they indirectly lure Aoi back into the Kemonogami world. Committed to her family as a wife and mother, she had no reason to go there otherwise. When Aoi and her friends finally find Richard, the Olympos Eleven come out of hiding and threaten Richard’s life. Already wracked with grief, and not wanting to lose another member of her family, in desperation Aoi says she would do anything to have him set free. They bind her in chains, force her into servitude, and in a violent, bloody ritual, make her and Labramon fuse to trigger the rise of Plutomon. Saki, with her partner who can evolve into Ceresmon Medium, joins the Olympos Eleven to accompany Aoi and save her from the worst of Jupitermon’s unhealthy pleasure in subjugating her. With the addition of Plutomon and Ceresmon, the prophesied circle of gods is complete. The rest of the Survive gang are allowed to bring Richard back with them to the real world, though the ascent of the Olympos Twelve plunges both worlds into chaos. Kemonogami and humans alike are subjugated under tyranny and fear, with Plutomon being the unwilling emissary of death and execution to anyone who tries to resist.
Over the course of ten years, Aoi’s four sons are divided between the grandparents who become their legal guardians, with Richard and Gavin living in Japan while Owen and Liam stay in England. At the ages of 18, 16, 15 and 13 respectively, they reach the point that they can join the Resistance (led by Aoi’s friends) and fight back against the Olympos Twelve. The other three boys gain partners as well: Veemon, Huckmon, and Dracomon. With partners of their own and destinies to become draconic Royal Knights, only they can match in power with their mother to defeat her and set her free. Controlled and commanded by Jupitermon to oppose her own children, Aoi is willing to face even death if killing her is what it would take to save both worlds. At the same time, over the years Aoi and Saki’s relationship grows into mutual love as Saki has been a constant comforting presence when Aoi is torn away from her family, and she finally confesses that she has loved Aoi all this time.
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digimonarchive · 1 year
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Takeru Takaishi/TK and Patamon in Digimon Adventure 02 picspam 2
Also appearing in picspam: Mushmon/Mushroomon, Gekomon, Armadimon/Armadillomon, Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya, Hawkmon, Tailmon/Gatomon, Gotsumon and Daisuke Motomiya/Davis
Digimon Adventure 02 episodes 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28 and 34
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cwgames · 2 years
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I didn't know Mushroomon has a different species. The purple mushroom Digimon is actually Chamblemon. And they are growing mushrooms out of people to eat the mushrooms. I remember Geremon from Digimon cyber sleuth.
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Preliminaries: Match 7 🍄
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Advisor Mung
“Advisor Mung is an NPC from the Mushroom World. He's the mayor's assistant, as his name may suggest. Because Mayor Morel has a habit of running off to relax in his secret grove, Mung is responsible for a lot of the work in the village.
Mung has a big, bushy mustache and a monocle. He's a big fan of puns, and is delighted when he finds a book of riddles in the Mayor's collection. He later goes out camping and helps you when you have trouble with a temple door's riddle.” - Submission 62
“Mushroomon is a Vegetation Digimon. It is a tiny Digimon in the shape of a poisonous mushroom. It grows tiny mushroom bombs, powerful with toxins that induce every affliction, out of its body. If one gets hit with these mushroom bombs, they become unable to stop laughing, their body becomes completely paralyzed, all of their memories until then vanish, and they start showing various symptoms. As its personality is extremely ill-tempered, it loves to bully the weak, but it has a shy side, and always conceals half of its face.” - Digimon Wiki
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digimonvd · 2 years
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Can evolve from: -> Folimon -> Tanpomon -> Alraumon -> Mushroomon Can evolve to: -> Melomon -> Pumpkinmon -> Ajatarmon -> Blossomon -> Cherrymon -> Petaldramon
art/design/character/Digimon VD by me, @strikeyoko          Digimon Franchise by © Bandai/Toei
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Digimon sonic the hedgehog au evolines Espio and his mushroomon
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In training: budmon
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Rookie: mushroommon
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Champion: kogamon
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Ultimate: shurimon
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Mega: bloomlordmon
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dungeonmeshifancast · 2 years
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he has a mushroomon him
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