#musical theater has a death grip on me please help
90% of what happened in Heathers could’ve been avoided if Veronica gave JD a slushie
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ibuki-loves-you · 4 years
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We'll meet again... (Hajime Hinata x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, death, mentions of hanging, mentions of sl/t throat
Mod Ibuki: This is a little something @call-me-ko and I wrote together! It's based off of Chapter 4 of SDR2. Y/N takes Ibuki's place in the murder. I hope you enjoy!
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Two lovers laid in eachothers' arms. Hajime Hinata, his ultimate unknown, and Y/N L/N, the ultimate Y/T.
Hajime's eyes fluttered open. He winced at the bright light. When his eyes adjusted, he turned his head to look at his sleeping lover. He took his right hand that was around Y/N to their hair, gently stroking their head.
Hajime slowly stopped, placing the fingertips of his other hand on their forehead. After feeling an unnatural temperature, he pressed his lips against their forehead to double check. After a moment, Hajime retracted his head back.
That's not good...
"S/O...hey." Hajime gently shook their shoulder. Y/N opened their eyes silently. They looked up at Hajime, receiving a comforting smile in return.
"Hey...morning." Hajime whispered, looking for any trace of sickness in their features. Y/N blinked. "Good morning. How are you?" They asked stiffly. Hajime winced. "I'm...okay. How are you?" Y/N patted his chest. "I feel fine. We should go to the dining hall. Everyone is waiting."
With that, Y/N stood up. Their face remained stoic. Hajime placed a hand at the small of their back.
"You have a fever...are you sure? Maybe you should just lie down and I'll tell the others you aren't feeling well." Hajime offered. Y/N shook their head.
"I am fine. There's no need to worry."
He should've known
He should've known
If he pushed a little harder, he wouldn't be in this position.
He wouldn't have to see his lover dangling from a rope around their neck with a bag on their head.
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"I-I c-can't...I need air." Hajime muttered. Everyone nodded in understanding.
Hajime pushed through the double doors and slowly pushed down the wall. He buried his face in his knees and began sobbing. He felt as if he couldn't breathe.
His significant other. His sweet, harmless significant other.
Hajime would never get that image out of his head.
With a deep breath, Hajime stood up. He walked back into the music venue with a sigh.
Y/N's body was no longer on the support beam. Gundham, Kazuichi, and Fuyuhiko had helped laid the body down while the others occupied themselves investigating Hiyoko's body.
"I didn't even notice Hiyoko died too.." Hajime thought. A pair of fingers snapped in front of him.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Fuyuhiko said apatheticly. He looked down at this shoes. "We all cared about them. I have no clue who did it." He added. Hajime didn't respond, just stared at Y/N. Their face was hidden by Mikan examining them.
"So what happened?" Hajime asked bluntly. Fuyuhiko looked taken aback, but quickly recovered. "They were strangled beforehand. That's really all we know. And that's it's warm as fuck in here...can someone turn down the damn heat!?" Fuyuhiko yelled.
"No! It may pertain to the investigation!" Nagito walked out of the storage room. "It makes it harder to investigate the body, we can't determine a time of death because of the temperature. Leave it, please." Nagito ordered. Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes. "Of fucking course. Because this can't be easy."
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Soon enough, it was time for the trial.
"I think it's best to assume the murder weapon is the rope." Nagito started.
"This is real..." Hajime mumbled. "Hajime, you want justice for Y/N, right?" Chiaki asked calmly. Hajime looked up and nodded. "Of course I do." Chiaki nodded in response. "Then we need to get through this trial. Give yourself closure and make Y/N proud." Hajime took a shaky breath and nodded.
"Make Y/N proud..." Hajime whispered to himself. "...I won't let you down."
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"Then the killer must have gotten the bag from the theater!" Hajime exclaimed. Everyone nodded in agreement. "This proves Y/N didn't commit a murder-suicide." Nagito responded. "H-How?" Mikan questioned.
"Because that bag was a limited item. It was buy one, get one, that was that. And I know for a fact Y/N never went to the theater." Hajime explained. He looked over at your stand, expected a smile for making a good point. He felt a pang in his chest when all he was met with was your portrait.
Mikan let out an exasperated sigh under her breath. "That brings us down to who watched the movie motive, right?" Kazuichi asked. Hajime nodded. "...Then who watched the motive video?" Gundham added. Everyone looked at eachother.
"Well, shit." Fuyuhiko cursed. "We all know that no one is gonna fess up. So-" "We're stuck." Hajime finished. Fuyuhiko nodded in agreement.
Everyone stood silent, contemplating their next move.
"I think I may be able to help you."
All heads turned to the 9th podium.
"Y-Y/N?" Hajime mumbled. Y/N sent him a smile.
"The one and only." Their attire returned back to their uniform, not the hospital gown they died in. Everything seemed normal...then Hajime looked at the hand that gripped the podium.
"W-What happened to your hand?" Hajime stuttered. Y/N raised their arm, examining it. It was black and silver, evidently metal. Y/N sighed. "Accident, that's not import-"
"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALIVE!?" Mikan screeched. "Mikan?" Akane asked, confusion evident in her tone. "I WATCHED THE LIGHT GO OUT IN YOUR EYES. HOW ARE YOU HERE?! I DON'T U-UNDERSTAND!" Mikan screamed. Her eyes began swirling. "Can you stop screaming? It's annoying." Nagito said, a scoff following the statement. Mikan snapped her head in his direction. "Annoying? Well, I think you'd have the same reaction if you put yourself in my shoes." Mikan said darkly, her tone dropping to a near hum.
Hajime scowled. "Was that a confession?" He asked. Mikan smiled. "I suppose there is no hiding it now...yes, it was." Fuyuhiko's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What the hell has gotten into you?" He growled. "Chick's lost it, that's what!" Akane responded.
Mikan let out a sigh. It had sounded like she had been dreaming. "My beloved wanted them...Hiyoko just happened to walk in as I was committing the crime." She paused. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT! MY BELOVED WANTED THEM! SO FORGIVE ME!" Mikan screamed. Everyone jumped. Y/N glared at Mikan. "There you go...mine and Hiyoko's killer. Hajime, can you please end this?" Hajime gazed at them. Y/N sent a comforting smile his way, as if telling him that he could do it. Hajime nodded. "So here's what happened..."
Hajime spent a few moments giving a rundown of the murder. From how Y/N was strangled to how Hiyoko had her throat slit.
"Isn't that right, Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse?" Hajime finished. Mikan giggled. "Just let me see my beloved already~"
Mikan was dragged off to her execution. Y/N stood behind Hajime, their real hand in his shoulder.
Hajime swung around and embraced them, sobbing into their shoulder. Hajime cradled their head with one of his hands. Y/N held him close and whispered hushed assurances.
"I-I'm so sorry! I should've forced you to stay. I-If I did, t-then we would get out together. I-I'm so s-sorry-"
"You'll see them again." Hajime looked up from Y/N's shoulder, face red from crying. He was met with himself, except one eye was red. Everyone looked at the three in confusion.
"W-What?" Hajime questioned weakly. The man repeated himself. "I know how much it hurts, I am you afterall. You will see them again, don't worry." 'Hajime' explained. 'Hajime' placed a hand on Y/N's unoccupied shoulder. He gently tugged them back. 'Hajime' took their hand, lacing their fingers together.
"I love you, Hajime. Don't forget that." Y/N said. They gave him one last smile and seemingly disappeared with the other Hajime.
"...I love you too, Y/N. Forever and always."
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starpotionz · 4 years
How would the turtles react to their S/O being a theater brat?
A little note before the headcannon: I've listened to like ALOT of Broadway soundtracks and need something new. If y'all have suggestions message me please 🤗
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He legit didn't know what a theater brat was until you told him that ' No Raph it isn't a bad thing
He obviously wouldn't care cause he loves you for you, even if the only music you listen to is broadway soundtracks
He loves it when you hum your favorite songs while y'all chill
When he first listens to DEH he cries along with you, cause that musical is so sad
You ask him for help rehearsing your audition for the musical at school and he of course helps (after doing research on how an audition works)
He loves how scarily good at acting you are. Like sometimes he can't tell if you're acting or not
You gushing to him about how amazing the play at school is gonna be (especially with you as the lead) and him smiling at how cute you are
Him doing his 'gentle voice' when you get mad you didn't get the part you wanted (turns out the part you got was pretty good but still)
You sending him the soundtrack for the musical you're in and him listening to every song, getting one stuck in his head for weeks
He immediately demands to know your favorite plays and musicals (He says it's just to see if you have 'good taste' but you know it's for him know what you like)
Him blasting broadway soundtracks that y'all both like
You telling him all about rehearsals and him recording everything you say
You sending him videos of rehearsals and him being kinda jealous but loving how well you act and sing
Randomly belting out Hamilton together and gushing over how amazing Phillipa Soo is
Y'all debating over which which musical or play is better
Him loving having someone who finally has the same interests as him
You teaching him how to act, cause we all know he needs it
You sneaking him into opening night and him crying at how amazing the musical is and how much he loves you
Lots of rehearsing lines and songs with him. Donnie is brutal with his opinion on your performance
Him finding pirated broadway shows online and you two staying up all night watching all of them
Him going to Donnie to get info so he can impress you with his theatre knowledge
Him loving it when you sing broadway songs, the way you sing just makes his heart go all mushy
You making him rehearse with you and him being surprised at how good at acting you are
Him wanting to do improv with you, obviously you agree
Him trying to not have a heart attack when you tell him there's a Mean Girls musical and that yes it's actually good
Him begging you to try to get your school to perform Mean Girls, Your drama teacher said no
You teaching him how to belt and broadway sing
Him looking up all the broadway puns and jokes to make you laugh
Him immediately getting hooked on all the musicals you've sent him
You screaming in joy when you get the lead and him screaming with you as y'all hug
Him loving the videos you send him of you and the other cast members goofing off
He doesn't like that you call yourself a brat but he gets over it eventually
Him constantly asking you to sing Disney broadway songs (he's a sucker for Disney songs)
Y'all being the best chaotic creativity duo in New York
Him loving watching you burst out into song after a minute of intense humming
Y'all bouncing ideas off eachother, him for art and you for portraying a character right
You having a death grip on his hand when you look at the cast for the next play
Him begging you to let him paint the set pieces for your latest show
Him getting scared when you play the villain role almost too well
Lots of impromptu dance parties with you rehearsing your dance moves for your show
Him crying at the end of one your shows you snuck him and Donnie into
Him learning everything he can about theatre so he can be the best supportive boyfriend ever
Yay theatre stuff! I hope you theater nerds liked this cause I enjoyed writing these. Thanks for reading! next up a oneshot for our favorite orange loving turtle Mikey!
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jaminjims · 4 years
i love you’s || k.nj
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synopsis: you could never stop saying ‘i love you’ to him because he was everything you ever needed. 
pairing: kim namjoon x gender neutral reader 
genre: oneshot! fluff, fluff, and more fluff (and maybe just a tiny little bit of angst but its barely noticeable)
warnings: n/a
words: 1.7k
a/n: omg kinda nervous to release this fic because it’s in a different style than i usually post in but i thought it was really cute and with all the literal angst i’ve been publishing, this would be like a breath of fresh air. so here it is, and yes before you ask, this IS based off of the dream i had of namjoon that i said i would write like three millennia ago. i hope you guys like it!
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“Namjoon, come on. I don’t want to wait in the long line.” You whined as you pulled your boyfriend by the hand. 
He laughed and smiled that dimpled smile you adored so much, “Ok, ok. I didn’t know you loved smoothies so much, babe.” He linked his fingers with yours and then kissed the back of your hand. 
You giggled and leaned your head against his shoulder, “Well, maybe if you came out of your studio every once in awhile you would know.” By your teasing voice, Namjoon knew you weren't actually criticizing him about his work. 
It has been awhile since the two of you have been out together for a full day like this and you wanted to cherish every moment you got with him. Namjoon often lost himself in his work, but you could tell he really loves what he does, so you didn’t mind as much when he spends hours at a time working on music. 
But that didn't mean you didn’t miss him. You were always up waiting for him when he got home later than usual. You would bring him lunch when you weren't to busy yourself and talk about your days. It was the little things that made him fall infinitely more in love with you. 
“I’m just happy you're with me now, though.” You said as you smiled up at him. 
He squeezed your hand and leaned down to kiss your forehead, “Lets go. I thought you didn’t want to wait in the line to long.” 
You snickered and started dragging him to the smoothie booth again. “Haha, you are so funny.” You mumbled sarcastically.
He laughed again and jogged a little ways to catch up with you. He un-linked your hands to instead put his arm around your shoulders. The both of you waited in the smoothie line for awhile, just discussing life, until it was your turn to order. 
“I would like a banana smoothie please.” You looked over at Namjoon and couldn’t help but admire his face as he looked up at the order menu. He was wearing a black turtle neck tucked into dark blue jeans. 
‘Is it hot in here or is it just me?’
You didn’t catch his answer to the girl getting your orders, but you did notice when he took his arm from around your shoulders to grab his wallet. But you stopped him before he could get out any money. 
“Yah, I’m paying.” You said with finality while Namjoon sighed in response, shaking his head with a smiled on his face.
“Yes, anything for you.” He said. But was it just you or did it sound teasing? 
You huffed out a laugh before responding, “Well now I wanna let you pay.” Even as you said that though, you gave the cash to the lady at the register. She looked between the two of you and smiled endearingly before handing back your change. 
Namjoon pulled you to a table close by so you could wait for your drinks. The mall around you was bustling with people and you were glad he seemed to find a relatively quiet (well at least quiet for a mall) place to sit. 
You grabbed his hands from across the table and just starred at him. Which people would have thought was creepy if it wasn’t for the fact that Namjoon starred back at you with just the same amount of adoration. 
“What you starring at me for?” He question as he squeezed your hands. 
You shrugged in response, “I just love looking at you, I guess.” 
He smiled his dimpled smiled again and looked down at the table, breaking eye contact. You couldn't help but smile at how bashful he was.
When your orders were called he got up from his seat and went to collect them. You took this chance to move your chair next to his so you could be closer to each other.
He came back and put your smoothie in front of you while he started to drink his. Once he sat down, the both of you talked about everything you could. Having deep conversations like this was one of the reasons why your relationship worked so well. The both of you believed that communication was one of the essentials in a relationship, and the both of you tended to talk about what's on your minds all the time so it was something you excelled in.
“What do you think your future looks like?” 
Namjoon looked out into the busy mall, “I don’t know, honestly.” He then turned to look at you. “But I do know that you’re in it.” 
The blush on your face was there before he even finished his sentence. “Ugh, stop being so sappy.” And even though you said that, there was a big smile on your face and the fluttering in your heart made you jittery. 
The both of you talked for a little more before your smoothies were gone. You both got up and went to throw your trash away, but before you could continue walking around, you grabbed Namjoon by the waist and pulled him in for a hug. 
He was surprised at your gesture but settled into the embrace none-the-less. As he wrapped his arms around you, you sighed out, just enjoying the moment. 
“You know, you’re a very good hugger.” 
His chuckle reverberates through his chest. “You tell me that all the time babe.”
When you didn’t let go of the hug after a little while, he got a little worried. “Hey, are you ok?” 
You hummed and shrugged your shoulders, “Yep,” you looked up at him and smiled big, “I just love you a lot.”
“Can we go? Please?” You said as you gave Namjoon you’re best puppy dog eyes. You had pulled him in the direction of the “Kiddie Section” in the mall and you were currently pointing to a ride that looked like it would fit a six year old, definitely not you, a full sized adult. 
“You’re such a kid.” He snorted. “You will most definitely get stuck in that thing.” 
“No I won’t.” You said, hitting him on the arm. 
He sighed good-naturedly and pulled put a quarter to put into the - to him - small death like contraption they called a little kids ride. It was a tiny red car that was painted on the front to look like a clown. Like come on. 
You sat down and just your knees took up all the space, but you somehow fit yourself down into the tiny seat and you then pester Namjoon to take a picture. 
He snaps a picture and then he smiles and sets it as his new phone background. 
“Jonnie, uh, so like...” 
He looks back over at you and can’t suppress his groan because he was right and you did end up getting stuck.
“Oh for the love of... Ok, what do you need me to do?” 
“Can you pull my arms up while I try to get my legs about from under me?” 
The both of you try to get you out for about ten minutes before you finally twist your body the right way to get out, but while you do, you hit your knee hard. 
“Babe, you ok?” He asks as he helps you sit down on a nearby bench. 
You rub your knee and grimace. “Yeah it just hurts a lot.” 
He sighs tiredly but still has a smile on his face. He then puts his phone in his back pocket and bends down in front of you. “Come on, get on, love.” 
You frowned, “But I don’t want to hurt you. Besides, you’ll get tired.” 
He turns around and flicks your forehead, “You have no say in this.” 
You laugh a little and accept his piggy back ride. The two of you walked, well Namjoon walked while you were carried, around the mall. You were window shopping while talking and occasionally you would make a joke that would make the two of you laugh. 
You both got ice cream after about an hour of walking around and you leaned up (you were still being carried) and placed a kiss on Namjoon’s cheek. “I love you lots.”
His dimple smile made your heart swell and he tightened his grip around your thighs. 
“I love you more.” 
“Hey, wanna see a movie?” Even though it was a question, you made it sound like a statement. 
The both of you were sitting on a bench outside at near-by park. Watching and listening to the wildlife and children play about. 
“Mm, what do you wanna see?” he stated as he continued to draw lazy patterns on your shoulder with the hand that was around you. 
Your eyes brightened up and you smiled, “I don’t know, maybe the new Scooby-Do movie?” 
He snickered and looked over at you, “Of course you would say that.” 
You narrowed your eyes, “And what is that supposed to mean?” 
He leaned in and kissed your nose, “That I would do anything for you, even see the Scooby-Do movie.” 
You took the chance and kissed him on the lips, a smirk in place, “Hey, I heard it was actually good.” 
“Mhm, lets go. I want to get the earliest one.” 
He pulled you up by your hand (since your knee didn’t hurt that much anymore) and intertwined your fingers, walking toward the movie theater connected to the mall. 
You purchased the tickets while he got the snacks and you two made your way to theater number seven, where the starting credits where just beginning to start. 
When you sat down, you took both of Namjoon’s hands in yours and preoccupied yourself with playing with his fingers. It was actually something you really liked doing because his hands were really smooth. 
While you were waiting for the movie to start, he looked over at you with a soft smile on his face and adoration in his eyes. He couldn’t believe that he had someone as great and amazing as you in his life. 
Right as the movie theater was dimming down to get ready to play Scooby-Do, you looked up and caught him staring at you. 
You smiled shyly, “What?” 
He shrugged and leaned in to kiss you. When he pulled away, you opted to snuggle up into him, to be as close as possible. 
“I love you.” you whispered as the movie started. 
You didn’t think he heard you but he leaned his head on top of yours and felt him smile against your hair. “I love you more.” 
end note: there’s not much for me to say other than i had myself melting at this one you guys. and i hope no one was to thrown off by the writing style! oh and also! i love ya’ll! that’s it. that’s all i had to add
request something!
taglist: @boba-tea1206​
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nina-richard · 5 years
Can you make a story between Joshua bassett and the reader in which the reader faints and Joshua is very worried and has to take her to the hospital
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“I’m Okay”
Word Count: 1009
Warnings: Fluff
“Y/N hello are you there?” Joshua nudged my shoulder and asked.
“Oh yes, sorry, I think I just didn’t get enough sleep last night or something.” I replied.
“Babe are you sure? You’re looking kind of pale.” Joshua said with a worried expression on his face.
“I’m good, don’t worry” I assured him.
Josh grabbed my hand over the middle console and kissed it ever so softly and then placed his hand on my thigh. He slowly rubbed my upper thigh with his thumb for comfort while he drove. I placed my hand on his and slightly entwined our fingers, I looked down and smiled. Then looked up at him. The sunset was beaming through the windshield, and his golden brown eyes were illuminating. He soft smiled because he knew I was looking at him.
“You like what you see?” Joshua smirked
“Yes, yes I do.” I sarcastically replied
We both just smiled and I turned the music up, and we continued our way to the movie theater.
Time passed and we arrived at the theater. He came to my passenger side and opened the door for me. I got out of the car and felt very light headed, but I didn’t want Josh to worry and I didn’t want to leave. I was enjoying our time together and I didn’t want to ruin it by feeling light headed.
He gently grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He had these rough spots on his hand due to playing the guitar. But I loved everyone of them. He makes me feel whole and I love him. He kissed my forehead and I asked “What was that for?”
“Just because I can and I wanted to.” He responded
“Well thank you.” I said
He got the door to the theater and we walked in. I started to feel more light headed but I thought it would pass. Maybe I stood up too fast I thought. I started to feel slightly nauseous and just did not feel good. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I got even more dizzy. We stood in line at the ticket booth but I had to get water.
“Hey Josh, I’m going to get grab some water I’m not feeling too well. Stay in line so we don’t lose our place.” I told him
“Okay, be right back.” He said with a concerned expression.
I let go of his hand and walked towards the water fountain, it was down the hall past the ticket booth. I got to the fountain, bent down, and took a really big sip. When I stood back up I started seeing black spots and felt like I wasn’t getting enough oxygen. I took large breaths trying to calm myself down. I had a feeling I was going to pass out so I slowly sat down and fell to my right. Everything went black.
“Y/N wake up!” I woke up to the sound of Joshua’s voice.
I blinked my eyes but the light was blinding and there was a crowd of people around me. I covered my eyes and said “What happened? Why am I on the floor? Get me out of here please.”
Joshua put his arms around me and helped lift me up. I could walk, but he helped. He put my arms around his neck and walked me out of there. Many people were asking if I was okay but he got me out of there. He kept asking if I was okay and I just kept nodding. He opened the car door and helped me get into my seat and he buckled me up.
“Joshua stop and tell me what happened.” I told him
“Y/N I’m taking you to the hospital. You walked away to get water and were gone longer than it normally takes someone to get water so I was worried. You were in the corner by the water fountain passed out on the floor and have to of been out for like 8 minutes. We. Red to make sure you’re okay.” He sounded scared
I looked at him with wide eyes, I don’t know what happened. I remember going to the water fountain and feeling light headed so I sat down. 8 minutes? Wow that I while.
He gripped my thigh while he drove me to the hospital. I called my family and let them know what happened. He kept pulling my hand to my face and kissed it over and over. Then gripped my thigh again. There was no music, it was quiet. I looked up to him and asked if he was okay. He had his eyebrows frowned and he responded
“I should be asking you that. Y/N you scared me to death.”
“Josh I’m okay now. I’m here. It’s okay, breath. I’m sure there is nothing wrong.” I assured him
We got to the hospital and they took me to a room. Joshua came in with me. Time passed and the doctors said there was nothing wrong, my family hasn’t arrived yet because they were all the way on the other side of town. The doctor left the room and Joshua pulled the chair up next to the bed. He grabbed my hand and put his forehead up to it. I felt a tear fall on my hand. I tilted his chin up and there were tears in his eyes.
“Oh baby, it’s okay. I’m okay. Come here.” I leaned up and kissed him. I pulled him in for a hug and kept assuring him. “I’m here. It’s okay, I’m alright. The doctor said it was nothing.”
He sat back down and he looked at me “Y/N I love you so much. That really scared me.”
“Joshua I love you too! It’s okay now.” I smiled at him for comfort and he smiled back at me.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 32
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“I can’t wait!” Viggo had said that plenty of times and among the guests at this premier he hurried to go claim their seats while you and the cast finished up the press in the front warm hall before heading in to join them. You had seen it, and now all was left was for your friends to finally get a taste of what you had slaved over and was so proud for the world to see. All having paused to inspect right outside the inner theater doors was the one on the poster with the Inspector scowling your way opposite the shadowed figure of your father as the Bard, up front slightly sideways en point you stood with ankles crossed and Richard behind you in caped tux and top hat. His gloved hands easing your Selkie coat over your shoulders eyes fixed on your mournfully distant staring self with palms full of silver coins. The glimmer only egging them on more to have the film start.
Up at a second screen you watched the lights go down for the same opening sequence awing you all over again just like the first time. Soft and slow your Russian lullaby began swelling through the camera being escorted through the lamppost lit cobbled town with violin growing stronger. Names and titles etched into buildings and street and building signs with posters of the shadowy villain wafting on the breeze fallen free from those pasted to walls and fences.
‘There you are, I see you there.’ Low and guttural the Bard growled out a letter scrawled to the police the yet to be seen Inspector is reading. ‘Lost and misused this town has grown weary from Beasts like you. Keep scratching and clawing at the meek and weary, then you will hear me. Keep about your days and savor the moments yet only for so long, once in my clutches your breath ends with my song.’
Another corner turned and following a wisp of silk cloth from within a mist and shadows of milling crowds your body appeared on one foot with violin in hand playing through an en point dance. Enchanting the crowd closer to you and the trio of male dancers taking turns in aiding your flips and lifts, including a split across two dancer’s shoulders while playing. That ended in a drop backwards caught by another dancer hunched forward to support you before his swivel away leaving you in a string of pirouettes stepping back for an exaggerated arch and smirk filled dance. In that once the crowd had grown fled up the steps into the theater with an eager race following your group to the sound of the Inspector growling about the missing citizens and bodies located that had something to do with the traveling troupe now in town. Mid spin a hand off of the violin and bow your skirt tore free rippling out a longer flowing dress for the opening number of the packed show including the freshly arrived Richard who stepped off the freshly arrived carriage who lingered against the back wall at the lack of chairs.
Haunting and alluring through the background the music swelled between the dazzling musical show numbers to glimpses of murders in black and white pictures tacked on a board in the police station and missing person flyers. Steadily while the story of how you were captured by the Ringmaster came with Richard lurking more even in the less crowded theater days scouring for this hiding of your coat. Assuming his own explanation for the murders succubus was misdiagnosed by the avid monster hunting inspector growing angrier by the day as more and more men shown to attack or prey on others were literally torn out of the screen by a large hand and arm.
Gasps came from your friends amazed by the intro sucking them in quick to the gruesome times this film was set in. Each flinching at each snatching and splatter of blood while the lingering plotting gazes only built up tension to what would inevitably come.
Rich did more and more to subtly manage you out of the line of the Inspector who was up to inciting panic and unrest in the already fragile town while sharing more about his own past and painful injury sidelining his dance aspirations. Including the dance scene you had shared about for a slow and trust building show he wasn’t broken like he had been told. Those few sentimental moments shared between the pair of you gave glimmers of hope in the city drenched with nearing frenzy to the rising death count. The music lifted to crescendo through a fight causing a fire in the pub causing just enough reason to send you on a different path avoiding it.
Though nothing prepared them for your attack scene in passing through an alley. From behind a handful of your hair spun you around through a heart clenching gasp to the crescendo of the panic. Breathless the crowd help their breath as the hand clenched around your throat slamming you carelessly into the wall behind you sending a trio of buttons flying and loosening the hair comb once managing your curls seeping out to freedom. Wide eyes full of tears clenched shut at the hard blow sending blood splattering across your cheek and now bared neck causing the Inspector to go flying.
Around your waist to the lull of the Bard’s song hands folded lowering your trembling self to your feet, “Breathe,” he growled out to a hand freeing his own spare clasp on his cloak used to secure the tear in your blouse over your neck with calloused fingers to brush the droplets away. Open eyes again saw clearly the face the camera had yet to see with nearly half of you in his shadow for just a moment in the camera panning back to view his turn away saying, “Go child, walk and leave this beast to me.” Inhaling shakily you turned wetting your lips to the Inspector’s knee top shout to stop ending at the hand gripping his hair and back of his neck dragging him away with great ease while your stroll gained confidence in the rise of your hands to fix your curls back into the comb. In the Bard’s walk away the faintest flicker of purple eyes and raven curls under the brim of his hat seen passing reflected stream from a lantern gave a nod to why he might have been trailing your traveling troupe.
Silence in the crowd seemed to set in at Richard’s frantic discovery of you while the Ringmaster screamed for his fleeing creatures to return. All your things were packed and with him and refusing to stay having heard his heart wrenching plea side by side you sped to catch the final train. Upon which the duet with you and him ‘Down Below, My Bedfellow’ began to play again tightening Richard’s hand in yours through the sea of muted misty eyed viewers at the night view of the lit city the train was speeding from to his hummed answer to your whisper of where you would go from here. “To the sea,” around your shoulders the formerly unnoticed coat that was stolen from you tears prior was smoothed over by his hands.
A quiver of your lips came with evident instant grateful tears in your eyes, hands lifted to clench the ends of that coat shimmering in its melt around your torso drawing it to a close in a sliding shot shifting to follow him. One of the cars containing a bathed and properly dressed Bard given away by the braided back curls and purple eyes reading a book following his path to your car. Past the main hall to your shared car he went finding a pitcher of water making him hastily close the door and tug at his cravat. Loosening that and his collar to his lustful gaze at the pitcher gills easing open on his neck left him groaning fighting his same urge he felt each time near liquids through the film he always refused or avoided. A couple outside the door had his hand easing his collar tighter and free hand tugging one of your scarves down to coat the pitcher that wafted to fold over it in his plop onto his bench seat. There he retied his cravat in time for you to be seen outside the car door you eased open to slip inside and shut behind you again. Across from him you sat with eyes locked on his to the swell of the song in the pitch black of a tunnel flickering to an image of a secluded shack by the sea on a small island your eyes scoured over blind to his adoring gaze fixed on you.
From inside a cottage the pile of bags were seen along with the pair of you walking to the shore through the window with the well dressed Bard following at a distance. Once barely at the water fear crept into your eyes looking between him and the sea until his silent tug on the cravat he let float away on the breeze to fold back his collar exposing the gills open at his feet covered in the lapping waves. Up you sprung with arms fixed around his neck spreading his smile in the moment of foreheads touching, his arms fixed around your back to a silent chuckle in his turn lifting your legs to his side walking you deeper into the water down to his chest where the sunrise caught the silhouette of a chaste kiss. Broken by the cut to bubbly navy blue background of the credits an animated seal and fish monster swimming through the seas and surfacing as they pleased to share that cottage and possibly raise a family was the makeshift epilogue to the couple’s future with glimmers of a second larger seal seen to mingle on the edges.
A shriek was a warning from Miranda and you were engulfed in a tight hug. “I love it I want to see it fifty times,” she stated making you giggle into her shoulder to the medley of compliments given by the others that in her release to hug Richard and your father they took their chance, wrapping you in proud hugs as well sharing their favored moments all the way to the after party. The lot of them keeping as much time as they could with you through that evening and the next two between your explorations and assigned interviews in this gorgeous city with your group. Almost always tangled in Richard’s arms or having hold of his hand treasuring this first time here together as a couple. Pictures were a must and already surely a box of disposable cameras had been filled from all the pictures taken that once filled had been mailed to England to yourselves to be developed there upon arrival, all which Chris had been collecting from Richard’s place there.
Tight hugs for your grandparents weren’t the norm but the formerly standoffish pair had been melting into their newer roles a bit closer to openly affectionate spontaneously, still needing some practice no doubt but enjoying the stolen hugs from you all the same. “You are an unrivaled masterpiece,” your grandmother said in her second parting hug.
While your grandfather said, “Go knock them dead, my Little Bubble.”
Both smiling teary eyed on their steps back to head to the airport to fly back to Russia on their private jet while you joined your friends in a van to head to the airport for the plane you were packing to head to England. At least in all this the Armitage brood was glad to have you back in time for New Years and the party Margaret was holding amongst their family members in town.
Once seated across from Karl, Bernard and Miranda on the plane with the window blind shut you stole a glance at your dad ready to break into his nap and softly said, “You don’t have to come to the New York premier too I’d you want a break.”
His head turned with spreading sleepy grin to rumble, “Me and my Pumpkin are in a film together you couldn’t pry me away from that premier. Gonna see it as many times as I can for free before it comes out on tape. Get all the details soaked in before the brood back home get to watch it and the tsunami of questions come.” Making you giggle and loop your hand around his arm letting him settle in through the take off to get some sleep to greet Rich’s family when you got to town post taxi ride.
On the aisle you sat letting the guys nap as Karl closest to you chatted with you until he inevitable droop of his head and you shifted to curl up against your father’s arm. The sound of a can being opened stirred you however even underneath Bernard’s scarf alerting you to the stewardess there with the snack trolley who smiled as your dad said, “Got your snacks already pumpkin,” accepting his selection after having passed Richard’s his.
Miranda asked, “Do you want stromboli when we land? I have the biggest craving for some good Italian food right now.”
Richard said, “I know a good place of you still want when we’ve landed. Priced well too.”
“I think I want pasta fagioli.”
Karl, “What is that?”
“It’s a soup. Pretty good and you get these breadsticks and dunk it in there and it’s so good and the salt and butter from the bread adds to it. I could use a few bowls of that.”
Bernard, “I haven’t had a good rattatouli in a while.”
Martin scoffed, “Lasagna. None of that crumbled cheese though, just meat sauce and noodles, I’ll take five pounds of that.”
Hugo, “Don’t tempt me I go broke on lasagna when I go out.”
Viggo however said, “I might just have five helpings of cake. Anything with chocolate really. Got to get my fix in before my boy flies out.”
“He didn’t come last time for school?”
“Oh no, his mom’s mom had a party. Wanted a special picture with him. Plus this way we can run through Sherwood and it’s not such a long flight for him he tends to get bored on a full day flight.”
Martin, “I think everyone but Gimli gets bored on full day flights.”
“I like to nap and no one interrupts your reading up at night.”
Hugo, “Dickens again?” He asked eyeing the book you’d tucked at your side. “Looks like a thinner copy.”
“Wives and Daughters actually. Working my way through Gaskell to get to North and South.”
Miranda, “Don’t think I’ve read those yet.”
“Ohh you really should. So much mutual pining and clashing egos and romances thwarted by social standing. Just lovely.”
Viggo on his way to the bathroom asked, “Richard like to cuddle up with you when you read those or do you hide them for when he sleeps?”
That made you giggle, “They’re making a mini series of North and South actually in the first few months, and you are speaking the Margaret herself.” Making him smirk, “And my teddy bear is my brooding rejected suitor slash rival turned fiancé. I think you’d like it.”
He said, “Let ya know when it’s on. It’s for tv right?”
You nodded, “BBC. Shouldn’t take too long, and if it succeeds then I can use that as a buffer if Fox drops the show they signed me to.”
Bernard, “Why would you sign on to a show they might drop?”
“Lee asked me. Puppy dog eyed me for weeks to audition and damnit if I wasn’t talented I got the damn thing.” Making the group chuckle, “It’s got a cute back story really it’s just sort of, niche, it most likely won’t be an across the board rager like Friends or Looney Tunes. Fox isn’t known for fully backing their odd projects though. But it’ll be fun while it lasts.”
Richard muttered after chewing his mouthful of pretzels, “You’ll be magnificent. We all have odd pieces for the screen. Helps to build your portfolio.”
Hugo, “Yes, that, listen to him. You keep the faith in your little engine of a show they’re putting shows in box sets now no telling even if they cut it off air you’ll have fans who will demand it.”
Craig said after finishing off his coffee, “Plus it’s time with your friend. Who we get to see on film since he’s been hiding for so long.”
That made you giggle again saying, “He’s not hiding, just busy. Got some work for funds from now till we start to film out in Canada. He underestimated the budget to keep two apartments afloat.”
That made your dad chortle, “Been there.”
Richard said, “Just glad I own my place or keeping the flat up in Canada would be a bit thin.”
“I could help,” you said looking his way making him shake his head.
“Nope, I’ve got the rent, but you can feed us and help to find deals on furniture.” Making you smirk at the fair deal.
Craig, “You still have that little place up in New York?”
“I got bumped up to a slightly bigger little place, but ya, one and a half bed.”
Viggo, “Half bed?” He asked on his way past you to his seat.
“Ya, it’s a small room not big enough for a bed frame so we just laid some mattresses out. I think it’s meant to be a walk in closet or something.”
Viggo chuckled at that, “Ah, that’s what Karl meant.”
Karl, “It’s adorable I said nothing but nice things.” He said turning to give Viggo a pointed stare only making the actor laugh again.
Bernard, “Are houses expensive there?”
“Not if you don’t mind living on the floor to not spend money on anything but paying it off. Brooklyn and Queens are cheaper, but Dad likes me in lower Manhattan in his friend’s building.”
Your father, “He keeps an eye on her. Though with these new roles he’s got a Brownstone we could look at. Needs some fixing and maybe you can rent the basement apartment to Lee, plus I wouldn’t be just down the hall I could have my own floor, with a big tv.”
That made you smile, “You said my tv was fine I suggested getting a new one.”
Your father, “One that I am not lugging up and down those damn stairs when you move it in and then move us out. Plus then I can spring for cable.”
Martin, “You don’t have cable?”
“I got some rabbit ears.” Making him and a few of the guys chuckle. “Get most of the same stuff for free. Bit blurry no telling what the host of Wheel of Fortune looks like with his face all smudged all the time but highly doubt I’d find him in person anyways.”
Craig, “I have rabbit ears at my place in California no judgment here.”
Viggo, “I just couldn’t imagine sports on that.”
Your father said, “It’s bad. I go down to watch in the office. Plus then she can watch what she likes while we hang out.”
Random conversations ebbed and flowed through the rest of the flight until at the baggage claim. Richard called ahead to his cousin who worked at the Italian place who shut off the back room and got the tables all prepped with a corner for your bags leaving just a crowd of people and cameras watching your grouping off to fit into taxis to head that way. Well fed the plan was clear to meet up the next day before the premier opening lunch as usual with the rest of the cast where they would brag endlessly on the film amping up expectations of the others to see it finally and then you split.
On foot you found your way to Richard’s to plop onto the couch and let your dad choose a show to watch before heading to the Family home for their gathering. Answering emails and voicemail messages you caught up post flight in that break cuddled to your dad’s side as long as you could relaxing until your hand ploped on your lap in a sigh.
Lowly your dad asked, “What’s that for?”
“I forgot to squeeze Red Dragon in before I left New York.”
Richard said, “We can go day after tomorrow. Chris said he wanted to watch it again. His lady kept jumping and they had to go when she tried to go hide in the bath halfway through.”
“And, he wants to go-,”
Richard chuckled out, “Without her.”
Earning nods from you and your dad, with the latter saying, “No problem, you guys can go and have a cuddle date with him. Prefer my Hannibal films on tape. Plus then I can shop. Someone is not avoiding their 23rd.” Making you cuddle more to his side for the rest of the time you had left.
Comments and praise did explode through the cast with those having to wait until the US premier on the verge of pouting at having to wait longer than the others. While Christopher and Ian both treasured they had the big day just another night away. From another stunning dress to the final emerald velvet long sleeved dress with lace filled cutouts down the ribs away from the microphones to the forefront with the more notable faces smiling to your beaming anxious self stealing glances of you in interviews on their way in. Again you and Richard both were sent to promote the film here at the crack of dawn with just the magazine shoot scheduled the following day as you ignored the phone buzzing on silent in your pocket from friends in England and your grandparents back in Russia sharing how the film had been exploding in France and Europe after you had left at its opening to theaters sure to be matched here.
Already it was pushing a profit of double what had cost to film it after passing the initial aspired to 17 million covering all those costs and it didn’t show signs of stopping yet. Beside the Director you smiled alongside the cast while Peter smirked rehearsing his plot again in his mind of what he was set to do when the news finally broke on King Kong. Leaving all that until hopefully when your film was out in England and the producers could just see what you could do and have more to go off of past your age and tiny speaking roles yet to date outside of being Gimli. They just had to wait and see and then they would understand why he had kept bringing up your name.
“I have no words,” Howard managed to stammer out with hands at his sides in the hall just outside he theater once the crowds had filed out to the cars to head to the after dinner. That score was perfection, and I wept at that final song. I am so proud of you. Don’t ever doubt what you created was less than a masterpiece. So proud, I am to have helped you get to that astonishing work of art.”
Christopher said, “And you did not let the role own you. You shone through it masterfully. It would have been so easy to cower back into the typical damsel in distress. It was electric, the hair on my arms is still on end from that snatch of your hair.”
“Genius, Darling girl, pure genius.” Ian smirked saying, “And Richard, that little grimace at the pitcher, very subtle and very poignant all the same. A masterful role from you as well.” His eyes shifted to you as you eyed Peter and Fran whispering on their way out of the theater where hey had lingered a few minutes and he asked, “Everything alright? I don’t believe I could handle another of our crew out of sorts. Peter has been acting strange already.”
“He has?” You asked looking to Ian again not seeing the couple smiling widely in their path over to your group. “Something is afoot,” he added in a whisper tapping the side of his nose in a sign to keep it amongst yourselves.
He didn’t know how right he was, as several hours prior at daybreak Peter had gotten the call he had been waiting for, a formal notice from Naomi’s team that she would be pulling out and Peter was the second to know. The first being the producers who were gathered up in a meeting to call him and instruct him as he already knew to audition again. “Perhaps we could call Kate Winslet’s people again see if we can shuffle some things around to fit her into our filming schedule. Peter-,” his huff said it all and eyes rolled not needing another ego in this arena of bulls requiring a simple solution.
“Or you could simply promote Jaqi Pear from stunt double to lead actress and give her Naomi’s previous package.”
“Listen, about the girl-,”
Peter cut him off, “No, months ago you refused to even let me audition her based on her being barely 22 well I have a few numbers for you. Beast of Bards cost roughly 16 million to film and in one night it earned that back, just in Eastern Europe and Asia. Now that it’s out in Paris and Europe as well it’s made double what it cost to make since then and it still hasn’t opened in England, Canada or the States.”
Mouths had dropped open and one managed to ask, “You’re sure in those numbers?”
“Yes, and they are still climbing. The Ring that has Naomi in the lead has barely scraped 15 million in profits. Numbers alone she deserved to get to audition months ago. The film will be out in England at midnight, you go and buy tickets and watch the film. Listen to the crowd and make your decision off her performance in that to see her in action as a lead. Then you have a meeting and go over it thoroughly and tell me your decision. She has the physical stamina for this role and the vocal training to give me a hell of a blood curdling scream I need.”
“And if we don’t go to see this film just to give this girl a chance? What then hmm?”
That had Peter seeing red and before he knew it Fran’s mouth dropped open at hearing him say, “Then you can find a new director to go with whatever lead actress you pick.” Hastily he snapped his phone shut and threw it at his couch covering his mouth letting the couple sit in stunned silence at his monumental foot stomp on the hill he was going to die on that you were perfect for this role. Though what he didn’t know was all the other producers but the one who questioned Peter were already curious to what you could do. And completely ignoring anything he might say they decided to go see the film the country was whispering about and itching to see out with the public to get the full impact of a lead film of yours just killing in sales already without hitting the western half of the globe yet.
They knew the film would be incredible deep down and how talented you are so there was no regret on forcing this issue even if facing a lawsuit in the millions at his dropping out like this. But it had to be done and the film could only increase in value for having you in it. Especially now, after seeing just what you could do in this physically and mentally taxing film you obliterated any chance anyone could ever forget it. Just one of those iconic roles and he had a hunch people would remember you from this over all the other roles you have had so far no matter their size, this one was special and he wanted King Kong to be a second chance of sorts. You loved working as Gimli everyone knew that and cherished each grueling moment while no one who saw the film could tell exactly where you played into it to have earned a spot at each premier under all that weight they coated on top of you daily. This was his second chance to bring to life another beloved tale with you at the helm front and center once again, though this time for none to be able to imagine it could be anyone else but you.
Peter shook his head on his way to fold around you in a hug making you giggle and hug him back, “Brilliant, I can’t think of anything else to say. I could read off every synonym of perfection and it wouldn’t come close.”
Fran, “Edge of my seat the whole time.”
Peter nodded, “Yes, thrilling and you were just, a magnet, couldn’t look away. Brilliant truly.”
Your eyes looked over his face and you asked, “You okay? You seemed a bit tense.”
Peter waved his hand in your step back, “Oh, nothing can’t be handled in the morning. Let’s go feed you, hmm?”
You nodded and joined the group to the waiting van for the after dinner where yet again you mingled with the press and friends alike while Peter counted down the hours to midnight when the tickets would be available for the producers to see it themselves. They would have to see this would explode, even here he had heard several guests to the premier saying they would come back to see it again with friends and relatives. Each additional extra bit shared and explained by the Director fueled that even more with promised extras to be added when the film hit the shelves on extras for the dvd.
Sleep was required and under the covers you tangled up in Richard’s arms falling asleep to the steady beat of his heart and echoes of your father’s deep breaths from across the house. Tomorrow would be interesting as you’d ride the train to London again to find the flat where the team would be waiting to photograph you and Richard for yet another interview. At least for your sake the questions mostly differed and wasn’t terribly repetitive with all these press stops that you had underestimated a bit.
Soon to be added by another as you were going to be appearing on a morning show in New York as the animals they had hoped to get on couldn’t be managed after all. A reluctant addition on both parts. As for when it was booked you would be less than cheerful at having to dart over after having landed to make the interview time for this bothersome appointment they refused to hear that possibly a slot the following day might be better as they had first mentioned instead of bumping it up a day for their own nonsense plans. Though you supposed an earlier flight could always bother the people at the airport to squeeze into an earlier flight time if possible, though this time of the year you doubted it could be managed. All the same these few days here would be a welcome break from all the travel and time to catch up with the Armitage brood and your friends here.
On the way back from the interview however a message from Lee had you looking up to Richard in the seat beside you on the bench on the train, “Lee changing his mind on his suit again?”
“No, Naomi dropped out. Hit the press yesterday in the States.”
“Ah,” he said looking you over, “Well maybe you’ll get a chance to audition. Ours is doing well they can’t ignore that forever.”
“Maybe. Hope so, if not it’ll be a bit strange having to get used to another person to double for them. At least with John and Naomi I had some time to get to know them. Looks like I’d have to meet this new one at the table read.”
“For now let’s at least focus on the time we have, New Years will have the family around and after we land in New York I only have a couple days before catching my flight back to Canada.”
“Yes, we will have to buy you some furniture at least. Dishes too, guess we could make a list of what we’d need to fill a place.”
Richard’s arm eased more around your middle to sneak a kiss on your cheek, “As long as you put yourself on the list. Can’t forget you.” Making you giggle softly in his next stolen peck and cuddle closer in the anticipation to head back out into the nippy breeze waiting for you outside the tunnels.
Time seemed to jump with the year and back in New York you sat atop a high stool smiling for the hosts of the morning show. Chatting about the film which inevitably delved into a mention of the next ‘big story’ of the day about a pie recipe that would blow people away they were set to bake in their cooking segment to follow. Once off camera your hands rose to rub your sore jaw from holding the smile painted on your face no matter what they said. At least they kept it pleasant and this was overall harmless a stop and after a fumble of hands to return the microphone you picked up your bags and joined Richard and your father for the ride back to your apartment.
You had another two days to get ready for the premier and cross of another magazine stop and catch up with your friends. Out on the stoop however Lee was waiting with a smile and a crashing hug for you, “I can’t wait! Tell me everything, not on the film but everything around it I want to be surprised on the film. I ordered pizzas and I just got some of that fizzy fruit drink you like and they still had some chocolate covered cherries at the store I bought them all. Will thought I was crazy for it but they keep, and, one last chocolate orange, saved it for you.” He said with a smile helping to take a bag from you after letting you all in the front entrance guiding you up to your place where he set down your bag and hurried to fetch the drinks leaving just a wait for the pizzas he would guide up here.
In the sitting room you spread out around the stacks of pizzas on the coffee table basking in the warmth as your heater flooded the long empty apartment with warm air. Nice and cozy you relaxed catching up and getting ready for your own evening in catching up on some more sleep and planning the day for you to get your hair lightened and length touched up once blow dried and straightened again.
Flooded with more famous faces your final premier went over fantastically with the numbers racing upwards as soon as the film was out in theaters. Numbers that had some more shows, one in particular asking to fit you in as well the following night. Interviews completed and premiers through you relaxed at least there was only another flight for you to face to get to work on the show Lee was flying out for that night to get his place freshened and stocked up for his stay. A call from Peter however coincided with one from your lawyer, who had flown in asking to talk to you regarding one of your contracts.  
“Hey,” you said greeting your lawyer who you let into your apartment for a stop blending with Peter’s, who called saying he was on his way a bit earlier. “Make it alright with the stairs? They should have de-iced earlier.”
“Oh yes, I am surprised I got here so fast, thank you for sharing on the parking garage, not too far of a walk and I can get my pens in order before Peter gets here.”
That had your brows up at your stop into the kitchen, where on the counter he settled his briefcase, Richard making tea asked, “You and Peter planned to come together?”
“Oh yes,” he said opening the case to get everything lined up, “Do you have a table?”
“Um, coffee table, in there,” you said pointing to the sitting room where he grinned carrying his case.
“Tea?” Richard asked.
“Yes please, bit of cream no sugar.”
Richard nodded and lifted the whistling kettle as your dad came from your bedroom after having switched off the race he was watching. Lowly asking as he neared you, “So there’s something wrong with the Kong contract? Thought that was settled months back.”
“Was, who knows.” It didn’t take long for another knock to sound and to the door you went to let Peter in, though once opened his huff from the chilly hall faded to a wide smile. “Hey Peter,” you said stepping back to let him in and take his coat to hang up once you closed the door sealing in the heat from escaping from the apartment. “Something’s wrong with the contracts?”
“Oh not exactly,” he said coming in to find Richard with tea in hand to offer him, “thank you, Richard. Very kind.”
Your dad asked, “Walk went well?”
“Yes, nice and ice free, but, first, you my dear, come have a seat near me.” You nodded following him into the sitting room you took up the love seat across from the one he was sharing with your lawyer who now had all his things arranged on the coffee table. “Now,” he said finishing his sip to set the mug down to pat his palms together above his lap. “This is me formally offering you the role of Ann Darrow.”
“What?” you asked in a frail squeak. “But, I didn’t even audition.” You said after a glance at your dad seated against the wall on a stool he brought in from the kitchen as Richard shifted a bit closer to your side at your hand shifting to his knee unconsciously for support.
“Well I wanted you to, I know by now you heard about Naomi dropping out as you have warned me, thank you for that again made things much easier in this transition. I got the call from the producers and they said they wanted me to get started on auditions again after bringing up the moot issue of possibly talking Kate Winslet into talking about shifting filming to fit her schedule. And when I had offered you the role to double for Naomi I had hoped to offer you the lead role, however the producers were reluctant to offer the role as you were so young. When they called me to inform me to find a new Ann I pressed your name again and told the producers to watch your film as proof that you were the right choice for the role. One of them tried to say he didn’t want to give you a chance and I told the lot of them if they didn’t they could find a new Director as well.”
That had your jaw drop in a crack of your voice, “Have you gone mad?!”
“I did,” he chuckled, “For a few minutes, even Fran had that same face, but I put my foot down and they saw the film and agree with me. And there’s numbers to back how profitable you could be compared to Naomi’s last film.”
“That’s not putting your foot down, that’s,”
“You are my only choice for Ann, you can handle the physicality the screams with all your vocal training and you helped to build the damn city after all giving us references on Vaudeville era shows and culture. You put that work in and you deserve the role a hell of a lot more than anyone else they could muster up.”
“They could have ruined you.”
“Yes,” he replied and said, “All from their idiocy at not giving you the chance in the first place. And with that weight I guaranteed they gave you the same weighty contract they gave to Naomi. Down to numbers, where your lawyer and I have been talking and wrangled down a square deal. $5.5 million paycheck, with $75 k up front, plus 2% box office gross, and an offered .02% of dvd sales.” The numbers muffled in your ears at the sudden urge of your body feeling to wish to pass out while your heart began to race.
“You-,” you squeaked out and shifted wetting your lips to Richard’s hand smoothing across your back having felt your heart rate spike.
“I know it sounds like a lot, you were stunned with a 400k payday on your last film but this one we’re going to be spending over a hundred million, paydays are in the millions and the guys got more than fair shakes and you needed someone at bat for you to get the same. Jack, Adrian and even Colin all pushed for box office and dvd sales cuts to we made certain to get you the biggest percentage. They got 1.5% box office gross and .01% of dvd sales, while you got double dvd sales and .5% higher on box office gross because I’ll be damned if Ann Darrow doesn’t get the biggest chunk on a King Kong film.”
“I,” you said smoothing your fingers across your lips.
Your lawyer said, “I was certain to get you the same 2% box office gross as for Beast of Bards just like I did for Richard. You more than deserve it, saw the film myself.” He said at the tears beginning to pool into your eyes.
Peter wet his lips to say, “This film is going to be very big, another Lord of the Rings smash we hope, and the leads in the trilogy got handsome paychecks. I need you on this, you’re the only one I know who can help me with this. Will you accept?”
“How could I not?” you squeaked out at a tear rolling down your cheek that you hastily wiped away causing him to lean forward taking hold of your free hand.
“You don’t find many actors like you these days. You’d do it for free if you could I know it. You would have been Gimli for free. You don’t want the fame you want the adventure and stories to be born. So, let me go to bat for you, because we need you. Andy will cry if we don’t get you.”
That had you laugh and wipe your other cheek then sniffle through a nod. Up onto your feet you stood and gave him a hug in squeezing between him and the lawyer to get to initialing and signing the papers. Peter stayed for lunch while your lawyer was off eager to put in the papers and pass on the news to your grandparents. In his absence Peter said, “I do like your place.” That had you giggle again on the way to the kitchen with the group for a refill on tea.
“Used to be in a smaller one. Dad’s talked to the landlord though about one of his brownstones possibly for us all and maybe Lee if he’s up for it. Have a tiny yard in the back.”
“Right down the block from another firehouse. Nice and safe.” Making Peter grin, “Plus, five floors, all ours, nice upgrade.”
Peter asked your dad, “Sounds nice, are you planning on staying here full time then?”
“No,” he said then glanced at you, “Pumpkin’s up to Canada next and I’m heading back to Texas for a while give the lovebirds some time alone. And I could use a break on flying. Get my hands back in the dirt and help with the sheep. Sheering season before long.”
“I have to learn to juggle,” you said making Peter smirk at you, “I know one of the Queens knows how to juggle. Don’t remember which one, Dolly will know.”
Pt 33
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​​, @deepestfirefun​, @rhaenaatargaryen, @anastasialovers
X all Rich. A - @abiwim​, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf​
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455
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tanjirou-imagines · 5 years
Can I a comedy horror au for Zenitsu, please?
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! 🎃 anon comedy horror isn’t what i usually write for so this is kinda my failed attempt at it lol, but i thought this rq was perfect for today!
zenitsu x tanjirou
Comedy horror au for Zenitsu
“Are you sure about this?” Tanjirou asks.
“Yeah, I told you I was yesterday—now stop asking me that!”
Zenitsu’s voice is raised, confident, but Tanjirou isn’t so sure himself that Zenitsu will stay that way.
A haunted house has a way of changing you when you enter and exit, and the house Tanjirou and Zenitsu are going to isn’t going to be one for the lighthearted.
It sounds dramatic, but Tanjirou is of the belief that nothing is as dramatic as his best friend is.
Zenitsu doesn’t have a good track record with horror. 
He doesn’t even like horror, but for Tanjirou to get Zenitsu to admit that is like pulling teeth. A lot of effort for a small thing.
They’d once—okay, twice—went to the local theater, buying tickets for a popular horror movie, but both times Zenitsu hadn’t made it through the opening scene, running out of the theater. Tanjirou had to apologize to everyone there for Zenitsu’s screaming.
So while he doesn’t grab Zenitsu by the arm and drag him away by force, Tanjirou tries to change Zenitsu’s mind with reason. Or he’d tried to. A haunted house is dark, much too dark to see any cute girls in.
Tanjirou had tried using that on his best friend. But Zenitsu is determined, and Tanjirou knows by now that Zenitsu will do almost anything just to see a cute girl.
Tanjirou is silently thankful Nezuko isn’t around for Zenitsu to see. She’s outside with the music club, holding a concert that’ll begin a little after lunch.
Best friend that he is, Zenitsu is still someone Tanjirou wouldn’t ever want to date his little sister.
This year’s cultural festival has been keeping everyone busy, but all their hard work has paid off, at least from what Tanjirou’s seen. The stress of these past few weeks preparing for this day has worn off, everyone too happy their work’s done to think about any of the cleaning they’ll have to do later.
Hosted by a neighboring class, the festival’s only haunted house they’re going to is on their floor and now with the flight of stairs they’ve climbed, it won’t be long before they reach it.
It’s just a shame Zenitsu thinks a haunted house of all places is where he’ll find the right girl for him. But there’s no way for Tanjirou to change his best friend’s mind.
“This is it?” Tanjirou looks up and down at the black “curtain” in front of him and Zenitsu.
It’s made out of a trash bag, but Tanjirou isn’t critical about that—you do what you can for the school festival and that’s what this class had done. The black-curtained entrance to the haunted house, with horrors waiting for them inside.
“Of course, it is!” Zenitsu gives Tanjirou a withering look, like he can’t believe Tanjirou would even ask. “This is where I’ll finally fall in love. Isn’t it a beautiful place?”
“I wouldn’t call it that since we haven’t gone in yet... but I guess it could be? You can’t really predict when and where you’ll fall in love though.”
Zenitsu brushes off Tanjirou’s good-natured yet unsatisfactory answer, pushing the curtain aside with a hand.
He turns back to Tanjirou. “Let’s go in! My love is waiting for me somewhere here.”
Somehow Tanjirou doubts that but he follows anyway, feeling the curtain fall over his back as he and Zenitsu are met by darkness. Not complete darkness, but enough so that the only light they have helps them walk forward and not trip over each other.
From this little light, Tanjirou can make out the bottoms of more curtains, aligned to form a hallway for visitors of the haunted house to walk through.
Not even a minute goes by before they have their first scare. A long white sheet, illuminated by more light than Tanjirou’s and Zenitsu’s feet are, that stands out among all the black.
But what stops them both is the sight of the bloody handprints on the sheet, all of them erratically made. Almost like someone was gripping the sheet for life as they were rapidly losing theirs.
Tanjirou and Zenitsu look at each other.
“It’s just handprints,” Zenitsu offers with a shrug, but less confident than he’d been outside the haunted house. “That’s not scar—”
The sheet ripples as a hand springs out from behind it, an effective interruption. Tanjirou and Zenitsu scream. They back away as a girl comes out, her long black hair obscuring her face. Her dress is as white as the sheet itself, but tattered and bloodier at the hem and short sleeves.
She doesn’t say anything to them but she doesn’t need to.
Unsettled by her presence, Tanjirou is about to suggest they carry on with the haunted house, since the girl is just standing there still and silent and not harming them, when Zenitsu does something Tanjirou doesn’t expect.
He steps forward, shaking but not backing any more than he had when the girl sprung out.
“S-Sorry, that was rude of me!”
“Zenitsu, what are you…” Tanjirou’s voice fades as he realizes what Zenitsu’s doing. “Are you seriously going to flirt with her? Here?”
“Don’t make it sound bad! If she just puts her hair back, then we’ll see that her face is actually pretty cute.”
Tanjirou wants to retort that they haven’t even seen her face yet, but the girl suddenly brings a hand up, pointing a finger at Zenitsu.
“Me?” Zenitsu points to himself, giddy. “You think I’m cute? Well, you know after this haunted house thing, maybe we could—Hey, where are you going?” Zenitsu yells after Tanjirou, who’s started walking again without him.
“To wherever this ‘hallway’ goes. If I have to listen to you flirt with that girl, then we’re never going to get out of this house.”
“Tanjirou, why won’t you just let me have this?!! This is an opportunity here!”
Tanjirou smiles as he walks, knowing Zenitsu is following behind him and can’t see his smile. He knows his best friend has many more opportunities than this (“opportunity,” his ass), but in a haunted house all Tanjirou wants to do is finish touring the house as soon as he can.
They have a few more run-ins with creepy residents of the house. A boy and a girl with death stares, another girl whose eyes roll back, her arms flailing about as she tries to get to them. Zenitsu almost lets her “hug” him before Tanjirou grabs him, taking them both further down the hallway.
It’s been quiet for the past few minutes. Tanjirou doesn’t like it. The only noise he hears is the sound of his and Zenitsu’s footfalls.
They can’t even turn the full corner before an angry cry rings out, startling both Tanjirou and Zenitsu enough that they take a huge step back.
A third set of footfalls can be heard down the hallway, coming closer and closer and closer. Until it finally stops.
“What the hell is that?” Zenitsu screeches, tugging on Tanjirou’s sleeve, just remembering he’s not the only one hearing this, seeing this—
—this thing.
A guy in a boar’s head. A boar head with a human body, dark clothes bloodied in the middle. The eyes of the head are blue and emotionless, with tusks jutting out from the sides of the snout. The thing actually tilts its head as it stands several steps away from Tanjirou and Zenitsu. They’re far enough away that the thing could stretch an arm out and still not touch either of them.
“It’s just a part of the haunted house… Yeah, that’s it!” Tanjirou tries to reassure himself and Zenitsu.
But then, in a change of heart, the boar begins to run again, and it’s like Tanjirou and Zenitsu think the same thing.
They need to get the fuck out of there.
Tanjirou and Zenitsu turn around, running as fast as they can back the way they came. But as they do, they don’t get to see the thing stop or take its head off, upon realizing Tanjirou and Zenitsu aren’t going to be continuing their tour of the haunted house anymore.
“Fucking idiots. It’s just a boar head,” says Inosuke, shaking his head at his two best friends.
He’ll just have to scare them again later.
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you make me feel like I'm loved
well well well
I finished my writing homework and decided to write a little something of my own. its based off a song buts its Fairly Obvious so I'm not saying which one hehe
ship: ralbert
genre: hurt comfort
warnings: anxiety attack, talk about death/death trigger, ummm, like half a sentence of potentially suicidal thoughts, loud music, race is a good boyfriend okay
words: 1196
editing: nahhh
Well, this was not how Albert had been expecting to spend his 19th birthday. Mush had decided to throw him a huge party at the diner his aunt owned, closing early and everything just for the occasion, despite the fact that Albert had insisted many times that he did not like his birthday and he especially did not like parties. Mush clearly had not listened. His boyfriend Blink was DJing some trashy pop crap that Albert had also insisted (many times) that he did not like. Blink and Mush could be horrendously stubborn when they wanted to be.
So, in hindsight, Albert really should have really expected the fact that he was going to spend his 19th birthday in the bubblegum pink bathroom at Mush’s Aunt’s diner. By himself. Having an anxiety attack.
What a way to ring in his last year of teenagerdom.
“C’mon DaSilva,” he muttered as he gripped the sink as if that would be able to reestablish his grip on reality. “Get a fuckin grip.” However, his dumb mind decided to process this as grip the sink tighter and not reality. Fuckin figures.
With a frustrated sigh he let go of the sink, opting instead to play with the increasingly uncomfortable bowtie that Race had made him put on. He hated bow ties. He never wore them. The only one that he owned was from his 10th grade play when he had to play the hostess at a very fancy restaurant. And it was Chartreuse green.
He tugged at the bowtie uncomfortably, his rough movements greatly contrasting Race’s earlier gentle ones. At the sudden thought of his boyfriend Albert slammed his hands back down onto the sink to avoid collapsing onto the floor.
He was older now. Being older meant being closer to death. He was going to die sooner. And leave everyone behind. Leave Race behind. How could Race even be with him, how could he look at him much less kiss him when he knew that one day he would just cease to exist and leave him behind, especially since it was bound to be sooner rather than later because if he was just going to die anyway than why not just do it-
“Stop” he said through gritted teeth, forcing himself to try to take a few deep breaths. At some point during his concentration, his hands became unclenched from the sink and his knees gave out as he plopped onto the floor as he began tapping on his upper thighs. It helped, but still the very thought of having to go back out to the party made him want to curl up into a ball and cry.
Eventually he came to the conclusion that he was going to have to sneak out the back. That was alright. He didn’t fit in with his friends here anyway and they wouldn’t miss him, probably wouldn’t even notice that he was gone to be honest. He was just the forgettable, disposable friend. So much so that no one would notice if he deserted his own damn birthday party.
Slowly, Albert worked at dragging himself up off of the floor, willing his numb legs to cooperate with him. The back exit was just down the hall from the bathroom, he could make it, probably. He put his hand on the wall to steady himself and was about to walk toward the exit when he remembered that he had left his phone at the table. Groaning loudly, he turned around to make his way back to the table.
He braced himself for the loud music as he entered the diner once again, fully planning to make a beeline for first his phone and then the backdoor, but his plan was foiled by an overenthusiastic Romeo thrusting a glass of something - maybe chocolate milk - into his hand and screaming loudly about something. Albert’s whole body froze in shock, concentrating on nothing except not dropping the glass in his hands.
He must have been concentrating really, really hard because the next thing he knew Race was taking the glass from his hand and downing it, Romeo nowhere to be found.
Albert jumped a little bit, both at the shock of Race taking the glass and Race himself. Shouldn't Race hate him now that he was older? Why was he still here? Why-
But before Albert’s thoughts could take over again, he felt Race’s hand take his own shaking one. When had his hand started shaking? Race had his trademark smirk on his face, although Albert could see in his eyes that he knew something was off. However, that didn't stop him from mouthing Shall we dance? and quirking one eyebrow in question.
Albert found himself nodding despite his numb legs, something about his boyfriend’s presence calming him, and Race led him to the center of the diner where Mush had pushed back all of the tables to form a makeshift dance floor. Head still clouded with unwanted thoughts, Albert found it slightly difficult to focus on his surroundings, but he was able to discern that Blink must have out on a slow song due to the swaying couples he was just able to make out around him.
He allowed Race to place his floppy limbs around his neck, trusting his instinct that was telling him Race wouldn’t do anything he wasn't comfortable with. In a matter of a few short seconds, his head was pressed against the crook of Race’s neck and they were swaying back and forth to music that Albert could hardly hear.
Slowly, Albert’s insecurities melted away as he focused on simple things such as the texture of Race’s button down shirt, the scent of his cologne, and the lyrics of the song Blink was playing which seemed to consist exclusively of the words “I got you, it’s alright.”
It took Albert several moments to realize that that was not actually the song, but his boyfriend whispering in his ear.  
Sighing contentedly, Albert let the last of his negative thoughts slip away as he lifted his head to gently kiss Race’s lips.
He felt Race smile against him. “Hey, there’s my handsome boyfriend,” he murmured, just loud enough for Albert to hear above the music.
“Sorry,” Albert muttered. “I don't know what happened.”
Race seemed entirely unbothered. “It’s okay. I’m glad I was able to help you though. I didn't want you to leave before you got to eat your cake.”
Albert exhaled against Race’s shoulder, a knowing silence passing between the two of them.
“Thank you,” he finally said.
He felt Race pull away slightly. “For what?”
“For making me feel like I’m loved.”
“Oh, Albie,” Race sighed. “I do love you. And so does everyone else here, no matter what that silly head of yours tells you alright? I love you, and I’ll love you no matter what age you are.”
Of course his boyfriend had figured out what had caused his earlier breakdown. Albert couldn't help but feel like a small child as he pulled back to look up at Race. “You promise?”
“Pinky promise,” Race said, kissing his forehead.
Suddenly, being 19 didn't sound too terrible after all.
aww my boys
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the tag list
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amintyworld · 5 years
LITTOH Chapter 2: On the Rooftop
A/N: I was planning on posting this fic earlier this week, but then school and life got on the way and now it’s Sunday. This is the longest fanfic I’ve EVER written, tallying on a google doc about 8 pages. I hope all of you are as excited for this series as I am. Your author, Minty.
Summary: After a small bit of hope sparks some confusing feelings, Virgil and Roman try to go back to fighting their own battles.
TW: Cancer mention, death mention, vomiting, loss of consciousness, parasite mention, logicality implied. (let me know if I missed any!)
LITTOH Masterlist
Virgil groaned, shifting, as the morning light eased him awake. Did he sleep through the night?! Jeez, these meds are strong. He felt a warm body pressed against his.
He slowly opened his eyes. He wouldn’t admit it, but the warmth was surprisingly comforting. He looked around the empty, quiet room and noticed the closed door. He didn’t remember closing it. He heard a content sigh from behind him. He looked down to notice an arm wrapped around him, and his face flushed red in seconds. He noticed his face nuzzled close, oh god they were so close…
He slowly crept out of the bed, as not to wake him. He needed to get out of here. He wanted nothing more than to hide away in his room. Virgil didn’t like the tightness in his chest, or the overwhelming heat on his face that no amount of foundation could hide.
As he slowly walked to the door, his stomach churned. His eyes widened. No..no, no, no, no!
Virgil quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, desperately trying to stop the inevitable. The room spun as he tried to stay upright.
Don’t fall, please no…
Roman stirred, rubbing his eyes. “Virgil…?”
Virgil looked pale and sickly, and...scared? He dashed out the door, ripping his black medical mask off as he puked into a nearby trash can. With this, Roman was awake. He threw off the covers, rushing to Virgil’s side. Virgil was shivering. Roman rubbed his back soothingly. He didn’t know what to do, what to say. He bit his cheek, concerned, looking round for nurses.
“It’s okay, Virgil.” Roman said. “It’s...it’s going to be okay.”
Nurses rushed over from the front desk of the ward, pushing Roman back. “Breathe, Virgil. Deep breaths, okay?” A nurse with the tag ‘Patton’ said. Virgil’s face was so pale, so deathly pale, and his chest struggled to heave in and out. Another nurse rushed to get a wheelchair, scooping Virgil up, god he looked so weak…
Roman was uneasy, mind filled with thoughts and words that somehow couldn’t leave his mind. He stood there. It was strange how one moment, life can be normal, smiles, and laughter. Then, well…
Why was he so upset? He didn’t even know him. He didn’t-
Yet the sinking feeling in his stomach spoke the truth.
Virgil felt weak and dizzy, and he felt the familiar press of the warm plastic, and the tight strap that wrapped around his head. The voice was firm, but gentle. “Breathe, Virgil.”
It was distant.
The airborne medicine flew into his lungs as he breathed shakingly. His world slowly came back into focus, the mask becoming fogged. Logan gave a small smile.
“There we are.” He felt his forehead. “Just keep breathing.”
Logan was the head doctor of Urgent Care Ward. He was a resident doctor of the hospital, Patton his close friend since highschool. “Patton, he needs an IV and a nose breathing tube, his vitals are dropping.”
Patton gave a sharp nod, rushing out the door, a determined look on his face.
Logan pressed the cold metal of his stethoscope to his chest, sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes were fixed, focused.
“Deep breath, okay?”
Confusion flashed across the doctor’s face. He pushed up his glasses, mumbling to himself, thinking. “That dose should’ve worked, I don’t…” He looked toward Virgil, speaking calmly. “We should be getting your X-Ray results soon, they should clear things up.”
Patton walked in, hooking up the IV quickly, hydrating the weakened patient. He stroked his hair comfortingly, and Virgil offered a weak smile in return. He slowly turned the medicine flow off and carefully removed the mask.
Virgil's breathing had become more even, but he was still really tired. It was terrifying- panic and puke, breathing slipping from his grasp all too quickly. The nose tubes were uncomfortable, and very familiar. Painfully familiar.
Patton smiled down at him as Logan headed for the door swiftly, other matters to attend to. "How ya doing, kiddo?"
"F-fine…" Virgil said shakily, taking a deep breath of the oxygen before speaking again. "Just...tired…"
"Of course, kiddo." Patton could sense the panic in Virgil, and pushed some stray bangs out of his face. "You should rest, I'll check on you in a little while, okay?"
Virgil nodded, looking up at the white ceiling. The same white ceiling he had looked at for days, listening to his music and blocking out the world.
He couldn't help but have his thoughts wonder to Roman. He wished he was here, to hum his melodies…
Slow down, Virgil. You've only known him for like, a day. Now suddenly he's all you think about?!
His mind was pulled out of the clouds as he heard Patton talking to someone. He knew he shouldn't snoop, but honestly, he didn't really have a choice. Their words were loud enough to hear as they talked outside of his room.
"So...you seem pretty tired from the night shift, Lo. You wanna get a coffee on break?" His voice was nervous, yet full of hope.
"I probably will, Patton. Thank you for the suggestion." Logan said, his voice unwavering, always focused.
Logan's shoes made a loud sound on the floor as he walked off. He heard Patton's discontent sigh.
"Oh, Logan…" Patton said, a bit of sadness in his voice. "You really can't take a hint, can you?"
Roman sat in the waiting room, nervous. He'd been on his first round of chemo, and it was finally time to see if it worked.
Or worse, if it didn't.
He fidgeted, the answer weighing on his mind. They'd gotten the diagnosis early, when during one of his rehearsals at his local theater for his debut, he couldn't get enough air in to sing, and began coughing so badly his director demanded him to get a check up.
Thank god she did.
His twin brother, Remus, rushed into the room. At everyone's sudden glance, his face flushed as he walked over to his younger brother. Roman smirked. "That's one way to enter a room, Rem."
Remus smiled, but quickly faded with worry. "Any news yet?"
"Damn, they're really making us wait today. How long does it take to look at an x-ray?!"
"Pretty long, apparently."
Remus sat. He would wait until the end of time. He was not leaving his brother. Not today, and especially not now.
He can't really explain his emotions when Roman had told him about the call. It was almost like time itself stopped, and the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat thumping in his ears. Roman choked on his words halfway through, beginning to cry.
But, Remus knew what he was saying. He knew and yet he didn't want to know. He didn't want to believe it.
As he sat for a few moments, he noticed the chair next to him wobble. Roman's whole body was shaking slightly. He grabbed Roman's hand to steady him.
"Roman, you're shaking."
Roman just looked out of the window, quiet.
"Roman, talk to me." His voice was laced with concern. Where was that smiling, singing theater kid he used to know?
Roman's voice was quiet. "S-sorry, I'm just a little tired."
"Roman Sanders?"
Both pairs of eyes darted to the doctor standing by the door. Roman stood up. "Yes?"
The doctor gestured inside. "Come inside. We have a few things to go over."
Roman gripped Remus's hand as they walked. Remus remembered when Roman was so scared of heights, and he was being dragged along on his first roller coaster.
Roman was usually so tough, fighting dragons in their backyard and saving princes, but for the first time, Roman Sanders was really... scared.
Remus smiled at his brother. "Don't worry. I'll be right here."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
They sat in two chairs next to each other. The doctor got out a chart. "I am Doctor Joan, I'll be your primary team doctor." He shook both of their hands firmly.
Roman gripped Remus's hand tighter.
He cleared his throat before pulling out two X-Rays. Both were centered on his lungs. "As you can see here, this is your tumor when you were admitted- slightly smaller than a golf ball. Normal for stage three." He said, explaining the first X-Ray. Then he pulled out the second.
Both twins had their eyes glued to the doctor.
"After a week of chemo, it appears your tumor has grown by fifty percent, making you now at stage four. It's taken control of about a quarter of your left lung, and is still growing."
Roman had no words. He didn't move. He didn't speak. The fear of death loomed over him, and it seemed almost as if at any moment, it would all be over.
He looked at the ground. He couldn't look at the doctor. He couldn't look at his brother.
What he would give to be laughing and smiling with Virgil again. What he would give to see him right now.
Though, he didn't think Virgil wanted to see him. Maybe he didn't even like him.
Remus's mind whirred. No. No, he wasn't just going to give up so easily. He's seen his brother fight off monsters and warlocks and witches. He could beat this. He HAD to beat this. He won't let his brother go, not without a fight.
Remus looked at the doctor. "What can we do?"
Roman was walking around the Ward when he spotted the door to Virgil’s room ajar. He yawned, the morning had sapped nearly all his energy out of him. He peeked his head in, worried for Virgil’s state from the episode this morning. Virgil was curled up, blue hospital scrubs against a white bed. He murmured in his sleep, pulling himself closer for warmth. Roman hated the way his face felt hot as a small breeze blew Virgil’s purple hair in the wind.
What was he doing here? He quickly took a step back. The nurse will think he’s insane. Who the heck stares at someone sleeping?! He knew he only wanted to check to see how Virgil was doing, maybe even talk, but…
Roman! Snap out of it! You’re acting like a giddy, lovesick, teenager!
He shouldn’t be here. Why was he here? He turned to leave, wanting to make a mad dash for the door, but knowing it would wake him. STUPID! Why did he think it was a good idea to just stare into Virgil’s room when he’s freaking asleep like a stalker-
He froze. He hoped more than ever right then, that Virgil had a sleep talking habit.
“Roman, is that you?” Virgil rubbed his eyes, turning on a bedside light.
Roman slowly turned. “H-hey, Virge…” He said nervously.
“Roman, what are you doing in here?” Virgil asked. He yawned, energetic for the morning - er, afternoon by now.
“I...I was just checking up on you. I was really worried from this morning-”
“-And I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be such a creep, I’ll go now-!” Roman’s face was flushed pink as he turned to leave.
Roman stopped dead in his tracks. Either he was going to be yelled at by his crush for staring while he slept, or he was going to be screamed at by his crush for his pathetic explanation. He closed his eyes tight, not wanting to see Virgil’s face, even though his back was to him. He hated him, he just knew it-
“I don’t want you to go.”
“W-what…?” Roman asked.
“Well...y-yeah…” Virgil was blushing now. “I haven’t seen you all day, and I just wanted to talk.”
Roman was bright red, trying to keep his cool. “Y-yeah...I...I’d like that.”
The wind blew their hair in all directions as they opened the door to the roof. Virgil smiled. The wind was almost comforting to him, and he started to walk toward the edge, sitting down and looking at the skyline as the sun lowered into the buildings, the sky turning a pale yellow and pink.
"What are we doing up here?" Roman asked, looking around. "I didn't even know we were allowed up here."
"We aren't usually, but I know a guy." Virgil bit his lip, still a but nervous. "Sit, Princey." Virgil patted the space next to him. Roman was hesitant, but slowly sat down next to him.
The wind slowed as the sun began to melt into the buildings, it's bright hue emerging between the small spaces between the skyscrapers. Virgil breathed deeply, his nose tube gone, as he let the wind whip his hair. He paused a moment before breaking the silence. "This is my favorite place in the hospital. I...I come up here when I just need, well… an escape."
Roman was quiet, this events of his day weighing on his mind. "I was worried about you, you know."
Virgil sighed. "I...I know." He bit his tongue.
You shouldn't have to.
Roman looked at Virgil, his face as mix of concern, as if thinking deeply about something. He looked like he wanted to say something, yet his mouth remained shut.
"Are...are you okay?"
Virgil tensed. He shut his eyes, trying not to think about him, god why was he thinking about HIM?! He slowly opened his eyes, forcing a smile. "I'm fine, Princey. Just...a lot on my mind, you know."
"Do you..wanna talk about it?" Virgil's eyes screwed shut again. Roman quickly replied, sensing the tension. "Y-you don't have t-to-!"
“N-no…” Virgil said, his voice shaking. “It’s okay.” His hand inched towards Roman’s without him realizing it, his heart ached for some kind of comfort. “I...that is, the reason f-for this morning…”
“I...I have a parasite.” Virgil said, looking away from Roman, below, at the thousands of people coming and going, always in a hurry. “It’s not contagious, but the doctors are running out of options. They say I may not have long to live.”
“O-oh.” Roman said. “W-well, if anyone knows what that’s like, it would be me.”
Virgil’s ears perked up, and he turned to face him. “How so?”
“I..u-um…” Roman Prince has never been this nervous in his life. He didn’t know how Virgil would react, after all, he barely knew him, yet he felt like he’d known him forever. It was a strange feeling to him. Would Virgil pity him? Would him telling Virgil ruin the way Virgil sees him?
Virgil’s hand quickly, subconsiously, grabbed Roman’s for comfort. “Hey, it’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay. Everything is okay.”
“L-lung cancer. Stage four. The tumor’s been growing rapidly.” Roman sighed. “I don’t know how much time I have left. It could be tommorrow, or a month from now.”
Stunned silence passed between the two.
“Well, if that’s the case Princey, let’s make today count.” Virgil smiled, making Roman’s heart skip a beat.
Virgil leaned close to Roman, their hands intertwined, as the stars sparkled in the night sky, the city below them flickering to life. Virgil’s warmth flooded his body as they sat there, the future scary, but sometimes, having someone to hold onto when your world is crumbling to the ground, can make it a little less freightening.
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reifromrfa · 7 years
MC as Veronica in Heathers: Saeyoung
@sugaismyhigh/ @god7072therescue HEY GIRL! Here’s a little Christmas gift for you since I’ve made you wait long enough :)) Hope you like it!
Okay so you wouldn’t let him research this again because you want him to be surprised
He doesn’t know how to feel about Zen acting with you
The thought of another guy touching you and professing his love to you, even if fake, isn’t exactly appealing to him
But Zen’s his friend and he knows you love him so he just chills and decides he’ll enjoy the show
Beautiful —lololol your character is funny and witty, just like him you
And that costume when you ‘transform’ into a Heather~
You can bet he’ll have a red coat and a plaid mini-skirt made just for him
I am the true Heather, bitches
Candy Store —is his new anthem. He will memorize those moves and make you see that he’s the true Heather~
Fight For Me —oh look, there’s Zen!!!
He’s laughing because the scene is HILARIOUS
And he loves the pauses and the slow motion stuff —it’s gold
He loves this song because Zen’s acting is so good and you’re so funny as you pine for him but it’s supposedly all happening in your head???
He will make sure you pine for him when you get home though ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Freeze Your Brain —a song about Slurpees are you kidding me???
Applauds Zen for doing a good job on this one
Although was it just him or does Zen’s character sound a little…unhinged?
Big Fun — wow are normal teenagers always so horny???
He can’t take his eyes off of you though as you dance around and act like you’re drunk and high
God you’re so dorky and so good —this boy is so in-love with you
Dead Girl Walking —he’s as red as his hair
fja;ldfjakdjfa;df ZEN YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF 707
Oh God the way you roll your hips makes him adjust his pants though
He just wishes you weren’t doing that to Zen!
And Zen’s face is right in front of your boobs!!!!
He doesn’t know what’s worse, having you do that with Zen, someone he’s known for a while now, or some other guy that he doesn’t know and he can easily delete from the world
Decides it’s worse that you’re doing to Zen, because now his friend would know how you look like half-naked and how the hell does Zen not have a boner??? Saeyoung's hot girlfriend is having fake sex with him???
He sighs and lets it pass though; he knows you love doing theater and all the sex scenes are part of the play
As long as you’re okay with it and Zen keeps his hands to himself he’s fine with it too
Whoa wait, Zen’s character asks you to forge a suicide letter
Zen’s character is the villain???
Blue —he actually gets worked up on this song because WHAT. THE. HELL.
Just the thought of you and rape in the same sentence makes him want to pull out his rifle and shoot people
He’s praying your character doesn’t actually get raped because he will lose his shit
Blue balls? Lol if you touch MC I’ll put your balls in the freezer and show you how blue they can be
The whole school branded you as a slut and he can’t wait to see how Zen reacts
Zen tells you he loaded the guns with fake bullets??
Oh whoa you’re seducing the jocks and Saeyoung has a bad feeling of what’s coming next
Zen kills the jocks?
Because that’s exactly what Saeyoung would have done to those fucked up boys
Those boys signed their death warrants when they tried to rape you and then they humiliated you in front of the whole school
Our Love is God —OH-KAY. Zen’s character is a psychotic messed up kid. And he has you in a sort of choke hold and he is scaring you
Saeyoung has to remind himself that Zen is his friend and is nothing like JD. That he’s not really hurting you
His muscles are still tense though, ready to jump into action the moment he feels that you’re not safe
Thank God there's an intermission after that, he manages to relax during the break
Dead Gay Son —elbows Jumin and says, “Hey Jumin, I bet your dad would still love you even if you came out of the closet~”
Seventeen —oh God, JD’s mother was murdered by his father
Saeyoung grows quiet and he watches as you sing about wanting a normal life
“If you could let me in, I could be good with you” —he remembers the time he pushed you away and he feels terrible all over again
He’s damaged goods, he knows that
But he’s so glad you chose him
Makes a mental note to research this song when he gets home
Lifeboat —he went to college earlier than the other kids and he didn’t hang out with a lot of people so he never thought some kids would actually feel pressured to kill themselves?
His thoughts go to his brother and he feels worse now
Shine A Light Reprise —you save the Heather McNamara though and Saeyoung can’t help but grin; because you saved him and Saeran from spiraling down an endless black hole too
Your best friend attempted to kill herself and oh my God things are looking bad
Then JD breaks into your house and Saeyoung is awed at how good Zen’s acting skills have gotten
Oh God the memes he’ll make from Zen’s expressions though
Meant to Be Yours —JD is crazy
Oh God, he built a bomb? But sings about his love for you? He’s loving it
This musical is so different —it’s darker than your usual roles and it’s messed up on so many levels that he wonders why you chose this part
The thought of you in danger always puts him on edge, even if it’s fake but it helps that Zen is the one playing JD; he knows Zen will never hurt you
And then he stops breathing when the spotlight hits you and you’re dangling from a noose
MC, no!
He knows it’s all an act but his tears still sting his eyes and he’s gripping his seat and he’s not breathing because he can’t take this
He works so hard to protect you because he never wants you to get hurt and seeing you in a noose —it breaks his heart
It can’t end this way
He’s able to relax when you open your eyes and chase after Zen but Saeyoung already makes a promise with himself that he will never push you away again or make you feel bad
That he’ll always give you his love and support
Just please God never let me see her like that ever again
He loves the rest of the show though and is glad when Zen decides to blow himself up rather than hurt you
And when he sees the ending and how you make things right with Martha, he understands why you chose that role
Because like JD sang, everyone was damaged, but you were not beyond repair; and you did the right thing in the end
Bonus: Remember Seventeen? He does everything in the song that your character sings about: You guys see bad movies, drink beer while watching TV, bake brownies and go bowling, go camping, play strip poker, eat chili fries, and go dancing
Because he wants to be with you
Not just tonight, but forever <3
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (^ω^)
I’d be honored to write your story <3
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esonetwork · 5 years
Fall Movie Preview 2019
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/fall-movie-preview-2019/
Fall Movie Preview 2019
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Fall movie season is here! This is always my favorite time of the year to see movies. There’s such a wonderful variety of films available to see in theaters. Everything from awards season contenders, indie darlings, and exciting space adventures! Get ready to make your way to the theater because this looks like it’s going to be a great season at the movies. Let’s take a look at what’s coming soon.
SEPTEMBER September 13th The Goldfinch Starring: Ansel Elgort, Oakes Fengley, Nicole Kidman, Finn Wolfhard Bring the tissues and prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions because this is gonna be a wild ride. The Goldfinch is based on the Pultizer Prize winning novel by Donna Tart. This is one of the best books I’ve read recently, but it’s quite an emotional journey. It follows 13-year-old Theo Decker after the traumatic death of his mother in an art museum bombing. It’s a haunting and powerful story about the human condition once grief becomes a prominent force in one’s life. The film is directed by John Crowley with Roger Deakins as director of photography. That’s what I call must-see cinema.
Hustlers Starring: Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Cardi B, Lili Reinhart Based on a New York Times article, former strip club employees band together to hustle their Wall Street Clients during the late 2000’s financial crisis. This looks a bit like the heist of Oceans 8 meets the real world story of Molly’s Game. It has quite a star studded female cast of movie/TV/and music stars and is directed by Lorene Scafaria (Seeking a Friend at the End of the World, The Meddler.)
September 20th Downton Abbey Starring: Michelle Dockery, Maggie Smith, Hugh Boneville, Jim Carter You love Downton Abbey, I love Downton Abbey. Everyone loves Downton Abbey. I can hear the theme song playing in my head just thinking of the movie being released. That’s right, the beloved TV series is coming to the big screen. Hopefully, it won’t be anything like the season 3 finale. (Real fans know the pain and struggle. We can’t go back to that time.) In the film, Downton Abbey will be visited by the royal family. I’m sure it will make for quite an impressive cinematic experience. As a fan of the show, I can’t wait to see it all on the big screen!
Ad Astra Starring: Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones, Liv Tyler Just two months after showing the world that he doesn’t age in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Brad Pitt is back and he’s going to space. It makes sense, fall is the only logical time to release a film in the space genre. (The Martian, Interstellar, First Man, Arrival, Gravity were all released in the fall,.) Ad Astra is all about an astronaut who takes on a mission to uncover the truth about his missing father. The film is directed by James Gray (The Lost City of Z, The Immigrant). I just hope Brad Pitt gets to wear his iconic Hawaiian shirt. Audiences demand to see it again.
September 27th Judy Starring: Renée Zellweger, Finn Wittrock, Jessie Buckley, Rufus Sewell There’s nothing like a good biographical drama. Throw in musical numbers and it’s a hit in my eyes. Renée Zellweger stars as the iconic Judy Garland in this biopic that explores her life in 1969 as she arrives in London to perform a series of sold out concerts. Word from the Telluride Film Festival is that Renée Zellweger gives a very strong performance as Judy. Could she have an awards season run on her hands for Best Actress? We’ll see very soon!
October 4th Joker Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Robert de Niro, Zazie Beets Joaquin Phoenix stars as the Joker in this standalone film that focuses on the origins of the DC villain. The film received an 8 minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival, which seems pretty excessive for any movie. I’m just not a movie applauder. It’s unnatural to me. I’m also not much of a Joker enthusiast so I can’t get too excited about this or the way it seemingly wants me to feel sympathy for the Joker. I don’t. He’s a terrorist. However, this is going to be a huge cinematic event. There are striking similarities to 70’s hit films The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver in the first trailers of the film. Director Todd Phillips clearly wanted to make a unique comic book film and this one will have people talking.
Lucy in the Sky Starring: Natalie Portman, Dan Stevens, Jon Hamm Another space movie! Fall movie season demands it. After returning from space, astronaut Lucy Cola begins to feel withdrawn and disconnected from reality. The film is loosely based on Lisa Nowak, an astronaut who lost her grip on reality after returning to earth after space travel. One thing’s for sure, with a cast including Natalie Portman, Jon Hamm, and Dan Stevens, this one promises some impressive acting.
October 11 Gemini Man Starring: Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen An assassin becomes the target of a mysterious government operative who can predict his every move. Soon he finds out that the mysterious operative is a clone of himself. Can Gemini Man help director Ang Lee (Life of Pi, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) find critical acclaim again after 2016’s underwhelming Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk.
The King Starring: Timothée Chalamet, Robert Pattinson, Joel Edgerton Based on Shakespeare’s Henriad, The King follows Henry V as he takes the throne after his father’s death and navigates a kingdom filled with war, chaos, and political strife. While all of that is very interesting, I think we need to discuss the hair in this movie. First of all, there’s Timothée Chalamet’s bowl cut, which is quite a situation. So very round and tragic. Why Timothée? You know you have great hair, but the bowl cut is not your look! Then, there’s Robert Pattinson’s wig. It’s kind of amazing. The hair in this movie alone is going to keep me entertained for 2 hours. The King will be in limited release theaters on October 11th and begin streaming on Netflix November 1st.
October 18th Zombieland: Double Tap Starring: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin This sequel comes 10 years after the popular zombie comedy first made its way to theaters. A lot has changed for the cast since 2009. Emma Stone has won an Oscar for La La Land, Jesse Eisenberg received a nomination for The Social Network, and Woody Harrelson has appeared in several projects including the Oscar nominated Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri and the critically acclaimed series True Detective. That doesn’t stop this cast for returning for a sequel!  This time around, the team is back in the American heartland to face off against evolved zombies.
The Lighthouse Starring: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe I was initially indifferent towards this movie, but after watching the trailer I have to see it just to solve the mystery of who spilled those beans! Willem Dafoe is going INSANE over it. “Why’d ya spill your beans?” Someone please answer him before he turns into the Green Goblin! This movie is about two lighthouse keepers who try to maintain their sanity while living in seclusion on a remote island in Maine. (It’s also about beans, I think). The cinematography for The Lighthouse has a unique old Hollywood feel that is very intriguing.
Jojo Rabbit Starring: Taika Watiti, Scarlett Johannson, Roman Griffin, Sam Rockwell Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok, Hunt for the Wilderpeople) directs and stars in Jojo Rabbit, an “anti-hate satire” about a young German boy whose imaginary best friend is an idiotic version of Hitler. One day, he discovers that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home and Jojo’s world is turned upside down. There’s no doubt this will be controversial, but the key word here is satire. Taiki Waititi is Jewish himself and the film is obviously making fun of Nazis.
November 1st The Irishman Starring: Robert de Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci Martin Scorsese’s long awaited gangster epic is finally premiering this November. The 3 1/2 hour crime drama (Scorsese loves a good 3-hour runtime!) focuses on the life of Frank “The Irishman” Sheeran a mob hitman who played a role in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. Netflix is distributing the film, but it will be available to see in select theaters on November 1st for cinematic purists. It will begin streaming on Netflix November 27th. (Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Go ahead and watch a 3-hour mafia epic with your family for the holiday! It’s Martin’s gift to you.)
Harriet Starring: Cynthia Erivo, Janelle Monet, Joe Alwyn The true story of Harriet Tubman and her harrowing escape from slavery that eventually led to the Underground Railroad. Cynthia Ervio is going to be amazing in this role! She was such a breakout star in Widows and Bad Times at the El Royale. Can’t wait to see her portrayal of Harriet Tubman.
Terminator: Dark Fate Starring: Mackenzie Davis, Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger The Terminator is back. In yet another installment of the franchise that will last forever, Sarah Connor and a hybrid human must protect a young girl from a newly modified Terminator from the future.
November 8th Doctor Sleep Starring: Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Jacob Tremblay 39 years after The Shining, it’s getting a sequel. Based on the novel by Steven King, Doctor Sleep focuses on an adult Danny Torrance as he meets a girl with similar “shining” powers and tries to protect her from a cult called The True Knot. There’s a lot of talent involved in this project, but The Shining is untouchable in terms of classic movies. There’s no need to make a sequel. Not to mention, this plot summary sounds kind of weak. Consider me very skeptical that this will be good.
Last Christmas Starring: Emilia Clarke, Henry Goulding, Emma Thompson A Christmas rom-com! Let’s jump for joy because a Christmas rom com is making its way to theaters! Last Christmas is all about Kate, a depressed woman working as Santa’s elf in a department store. She keeps bumping into the same man, Tom, who may help her find happiness in the holiday season. Henry Goulding/Emilia Clarke romance+Christmas? Sounds like a recipe for the perfect holiday movie!
Honey Boy Starring: Shia Labeouf, Lucas Hedges, Noah Jupe It’s no secret that Shia LaBeouf has had a chaotic lifestyle in his post-Disney days. It looks like audiences are about to find out what has gone on behind-the-scenes in Honey Boy. The film is written by LaBeouf and follows his own experiences with fame and the strained relationship with his dysfunctional father. Noah Jupe and Lucas Hedges will be playing Shia LaBeouf as a child and teen actor, while Shia LaBeouf will play his own father for a meta twist. As someone who grew up watching Even Stevens and saw Shia LaBeouf’s career progress, this is one of my most anticipated films of the fall.
November 15th Ford v. Ferrari Starring: Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Catriona Balfe American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles attempt to build a revolutionary race car for Ford to battle Ferrari at the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1966. The premise of this movie reminds me a little bit of Ron Howard’s Rush which is a very underrated movie that should be watched if you haven’t seen it.
The Report Starring: Adam Driver, Jon Hamm, Tim Blake Nelson The Report is a political drama about an FBI agent’s investigation into the CIA’s torture practice on suspected terrorists after 9/11. Adam Driver stars in the film and he’s about to have a major fall movie season. The Report and Marriage Story (more on that one a little later) could easily get him awards buzz. In fact, I predict he’ll be nominated for an Oscar for one of those roles. Plus, he’ll be in Star Wars in December. You’ll be seeing a lot of him in the next few months.
Charlie’s Angels Starring: Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, Ella Balinska, Elizabeth Banks Did we need another Charlie’s Angels reboot after the 2000’s movie trilogy and the ABC TV show? No. Yet there’s nothing Hollywood loves to more than to reboot a franchise we’ve just seen! This time around the angels are played by Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinski. Elizabeth Banks is directing and co-starring in the project.
November 22nd Frozen 2 Starring: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and Olaf go on an adventure to an enchanted autumn forest to find the origin of Elsa’s powers and save their land. Just when everyone finally got Let it Go out of their heads, Disney is gonna hit us with another Frozen movie. I have to admit, I’m intrigued by the concept of the autumn forest. We need more movies that take place in the fall! It should be it’s own sub-genre.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Starring: Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Susan Kelechi Watson He’s already played Walt Disney, Captain Phillips, and Sully so it’s fitting that Tom Hanks would play Mr. Rogers on the list of “America’s favorite people” up next. The movie is all about the friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. I cannot wait to see this. If you haven’t watched the documentary about Fred Rogers called Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, do it before this is released! It’s going to add so much depth to the cinematic experience.
November 27th Knives Out Starring: Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette When a famous crime novelist is found dead on his estate, a detective is enlisted to investigate the family. Knives Out is directed by Rian Johnson (Looper, The Last Jedi) and packed with stars. It looks a bit like Bad Times at the El Royale meets the style of a Wes Anderson movie. I’m very interested in the central mystery at play here, but I can’t lie, Chris Evans is the reason I’ll go to the theater for this.
December 6th Marriage Story Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver, Laura Dern This one is gonna be majorly sad, so let’s all take some time to prepare ourselves. A stage director and his actress wife struggle as their marriage falls apart and they proceed with a difficult coast-to-coast divorce. Noah Baumbach (The Squid and the Whale, Frances Ha) directed the film which has already been receiving high praise from early festival screenings. This will definitely draw comparisons to Kramer vs. Kramer and Baumback’s The Squid and the Whale based on the trailer’s tone. The juxtaposition of the couple’s happy memories vs. the court scene at the end of the trailer is just heartbreaking. Marriage Story will be available to stream on Netflix December 6th.
December 13th A Hidden Life Starring: August Diehl, Valerie Pachner, Matthias Schoenaerts Few movies have affected me the way Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life have. It’s certainly not a movie for everyone, but it works for me. The unconventional narrative, epic cinematography, and orchestral score are unforgettable. Critics from festival screenings have said that A Hidden Life is his best work since The Tree of Life meaning I’ll need to see it ASAP. The film is based on a true story about an Austrian farmer named Franz Jaggerstatter who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. The trailer looks beautiful and poetic.
December 20th Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Starring: Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega The latest Star Wars trilogy will complete with The Rise of Skywalker. Taking place after The Last Jedi, the members left in the Resistance will face the First Order once again. The conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches a breaking point bringing the Skywalker saga to an end. I have so many questions about this movie! Was Kylo Ren actually lying to Rey about her parents in The Last Jedi? Could they really be important people? Will she turn to the dark side like this preview suggests? (I hope not). Why is Palpatine (the villain who died in Return of the Jedi) talking in all of the trailers? Thankfully, J.J. Abrams is returning as director for The Rise of Skywalker to answer all of my questions and hopefully deliver a great Star Wars film.
Jumanji: The Next Level Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Karen Gillan Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was one of the biggest surprise box office hits in recent years, appealing to people of all age groups. It’s no surprise that The Next Level is being released so quickly after the massive success of Welcome to the Jungle. This time around, the group goes back into the game, but a few of their grandfather’s are sucked in as well. That means Kevin Hart will be playing Danny Glover and Dwayne Johnson will be portraying Danny DeVito.
Cats Starring: Francesca Hayward, Jason Derulo, Judi Dench, Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift Forget Star Wars, forget A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, forget A Hidden Life. Disregard everything on this list. Cats is going to be the cinematic moment of 2019! That CGI? Legendary! The actors could have worn cat suits or make up like the stage play, but director Tom Hooper decided that this is the 21st century…time to try out a new technique called digital fur technology! So now this movie exists. It’s difficult to describe what this digital fur technology looks like, but it’s not cats. I will say the trailer was released with plenty of time before the movie gets to theaters so there’s hope that the finished product will look way better than the original trailer. If I’m being totally honest, I love anything musical, so I’m totally going to see this.
December 25th Little Women Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep, Laura Dern Greta Gerwig’s highly ancitipated second film is a remake of the beloved Louisa May Alcott novel, Little Women. You all know the story, but I’ll do a quick plot recap anyway. Little Women is told through the eyes of Jo March as she recounts her life growing up with her 3 sisters: Meg, Amy, and Beth. Each have their own distinct personalities, but have a very strong bond with each other. The film reunites Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet as Jo March and Laurie for a mini-Lady Bird reunion. It also contains a little Big Little Lies reunion with Meryl Streep and Laura Dern. What a great Christmas day release!
That concludes this Fall Movie Preview! As you can tell, there are tons of movies releasing this season in all genres. What are you most excited to see this fall?
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine fic - “All the Beautiful Pieces” (Rated NC17)
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Blaine Anderson is spending the summer after graduation flipping houses with his brother for Cooper's total home renovation show. The show features the worst houses Cooper can buy, with Blaine playing the role of lackey so that Cooper can torture him in front of his viewers. The last house Blaine has to renovate is an original Victorian House in San Diego, CA, which is in terrible condition. But this house turns out to be more than just another job. It was once owned by a famous Vaudeville ventriloquist by the name of Andrew Smythe. It houses a very interesting collection of items - among them, two life-sized puppets. Blaine isn't sure exactly why, but he's drawn to them - especially to the one with the beautiful blue eyes. He convinces Cooper to give him the puppets, and Blaine starts to restore them. In the course of the restoration, Blaine finds out that neither puppet is simply a run-of-the-mill puppet, and Andrew Smythe was hiding a secret that will be the key to saving two lives.
Okay, so, as many of you people know, this was my Reverse Bang story from way too long ago. I had it completed, but as I was uploading it, my computer crashed and obliterated this plus a ton of my other stories, which I have been writing back from memory these many years. I had this one almost down except for the last three chapters, which have been lost in the void of my brain. So, what I’ve done is start over from the beginning. I haven’t been changing the story, just freshening the language, and then I will add those last three chapters. But I’m posting it here one chapter per week so those of you who would like to can get reacquainted with the story. Of course, you could jump ahead to AO3, and cheat, re-read all 17 original chapters at once, but you’ll still have to wait for the ending, and only chapters 1-7 have been redone. Anyway, this story wouldn’t even exist without @freakingpotter who is an amazing artist and an even more amazing friend <3 Give her lots of love <333
(Warning for character death that happens in the past, hoarding, and anxiety.)
Chapter 1 (6515 words)
Blaine stares out the windshield of his rented Honda Odyssey, his jaw dropping open, stunned out of his senses at the sight of the disastrous house in front of him. His hands grip the steering wheel for support. His knees knock together, completely out of his control. A low, pitiful whining noise rattles around in the back of his throat. The house to his right, nestled incongruously behind a manicured lawn, carefully pruned rose bushes, and a well-established Mulberry tree, is so incredibly awful that he can’t stop looking at it. It’s like a horrendous traffic accident – lots of blood and twisted metal, but try as you might, you can’t make yourself look away.
“What’s wrong, squirt?” Cooper, Blaine’s older brother, asks. “Is something wrong with my new investment?”
“Uh, I’m looking at your new investment right now,” Blaine groans, sounding strangled and pathetic, but he couldn’t care less.
“And…” Cooper asks, his voice an annoying, disembodied presence in Blaine’s Bluetooth since there is no way that Cooper Anderson would actually deign to come out to a new project house himself.
He leaves that kind of grunt work to his baby brother, Blaine.
Cooper Anderson’s Complete Home Renovation started as a way for Blaine’s brother to translate his B-list (to put it kindly) celebrity status into a steady paycheck. At first, Blaine thought this show would turn into another fad - a superficial hobby that Coop would get really excited about for a few months and then become bored with when the hard work began. Cooper had a reputation for those – Catamaran racing, model plane building, volunteering at the Greyhound rescue. But this time, Blaine had to give Coop some credit. When he started the show a year or so back, he did research, found a reputable contractor, and learned the ins and outs of foreclosed property auctions. It was the most responsible Cooper had been about something in a long while. He flipped a few houses, got a desirable time slot on a basic cable network, and made a decent amount of money doing it. But the show was dull as dishwater and the ratings tanked. That was until Cooper decided to do things his usual way, which basically meant firing every capable person involved with the production of the show, managing everything himself…and soliciting the help of his younger brother.
Cooper purchased the properties, usually through a third party company, and then turned Blaine loose on whatever disaster he had bought. Blaine would perform a preliminary walkthrough of the various houses, with Cooper accompanying him through the aid of a wireless webcam, while back at command central (Cooper’s fancy name for his breakfast nook), Cooper and his contractor, who remained silent through the walkthrough to make Cooper look like the knowledgeable one, made plans for the renovation. In no time flat, Cooper ended up with a sensational cult following, as well as a membership-only website. Members to the website got the privilege of watching the live webcam feed and witnessing all the hilarious - and embarrassing - pitfalls that Blaine suffered. Later on, the feed would be edited for television. The show became a bigger hit than Blaine could have ever imagined - which was one of the many reasons why Blaine wanted nothing to do with it.
Blaine had a strict policy not to participate in any of Cooper’s harebrained ideas. This one, being a television show, pretty much screamed, “No! Don’t! Turn back!” Blaine had dreams of being on Broadway one day, and he didn’t need his brother destroying his reputation before he even had one. But Cooper never took no for an answer, and in this case, he knew his brother’s Achilles’ heel.
But not just any college.
The premier college for musical theater, located in none other than Blaine’s dream city – New York.
Blaine was desperate to get there, especially now that their parents decided last minute not to pay for it. It was all right for Blaine to say he wanted to go to NYADA, but in the end, his parents were counting on a more practical college choice, like Stanford or Princeton. They would even bend as far as accepting NYU, as long as Blaine majored in business or medicine, but not NYADA. No. They didn’t want another foolish child with dreams of making it big as a performer making a mockery of the Anderson family name.
Not like Cooper.
Sure, Cooper had managed some bit parts in a few movies, and a one-line speaking role on a television series, but before his renovation show took off, his claim to fame as a thespian had been one FreeCreditRatingToday.com commercial.
His parents were less than impressed.
Cooper knew Blaine was trying to find a way to save up for college, and truth be told, he felt guilty. He realized that, in a way, he had caused all these problems for Blaine, but it wasn’t in Cooper’s nature to simply come out and apologize…especially when his idea to have Blaine as a lackey on his show was so much better.
Blaine caved when he realized that Cooper’s offer, no matter how destructive it might be to his future career, was his only real hope, especially considering what Cooper was offering to pay him in comparison to working part time at the Lima Bean, which only paid minimum wage plus the occasional tip. So, Blaine spent most of his free time and all of his school breaks helping Cooper flip houses.
That included his summer vacation.
This summer would be Blaine’s final hoorah on the show until his next big school break, which prompted the idea to bring Blaine out to the West Coast to do a Fun in the Sun edition of Cooper Anderson’s Complete Home Renovation.
Blaine was initially thrilled by the idea. A couple of months at their family’s old beach house (God, they hadn’t been there in years), spending some time lying out on the sand, relaxing, rescuing his upper arms from an unsightly farmer’s tan, and escaping his mom and dad’s constant looks of disapproval every time he entered a room.
The first three vile houses he renovated in San Diego, however, almost made any fun and relaxation Blaine had planned for this trip completely immaterial.
But this house – his last house – takes the cake for sure.
“Blai-ney?” Cooper sings through the earpiece, cutting through Blaine’s thoughts and the dead air.
“Do you ever see these houses before you buy them, Coop?” Blaine asks. He tilts his head from side to side and cranes his neck to peer out the windshield, refusing to move from his seat until he absolutely has to.
“Why? Is it the wrong house?” Cooper asks in a panic. “It’s the Victorian, right? Please tell me it’s the Victorian!”
“It’s the Victorian, all right,” Blaine confirms with a long, heavy sigh. Or it will be a decent Victorian house once they get rid of the hodge-podge of vomit-worthy paint that had been slapped on for God knows how long. The house looks like the whole color scheme was chosen by a drunk toddler. The main body of the house is a bright, fire engine red; the scrolled pillars and the sconces look to be hazard orange; and everything else is either bright blue or deep purple. If the house hadn’t been declared a historical landmark, Blaine is sure that the neighbors would have torn it apart panel by panel.
“Then what’s the problem?” Cooper sounds worried at the reluctance in his brother’s voice, not that Blaine isn’t always reluctant. That’s part of the shtick. Cooper makes it a point to buy the worst houses he’s heard of, sight unseen, because Blaine’s initial reaction is a big part of his TV show’s draw.
Besides, torturing his younger brother has always been one of Cooper Anderson’s favorite past times.
“So, are you inside yet, squirt?” Cooper pipes up over Blaine’s Bluetooth. “Because I’m seeing a serious lack of anything interesting on my computer screen. Of course, I’m not all that tech savvy. Check the feed on your end.”
“I’m not in the house yet, Coop,” Blaine moans.
“Wha--- well, why not?” Cooper sputters. “Time’s a-wasting here, kiddo. We have a show to put on. Chippity-chop-chop, Blaine!”
Blaine sighs and switches on the portable webcam, focusing the lens on his own face so that Cooper can check the feed.
“There’s my handsome little man,” Cooper coos, thrilled to tease his baby brother in front of his slew of dedicated viewers. “Now go and show me the house that’s destined to become my newest masterpiece.”
Blaine’s shoulders slump, weighed down by the inevitable. He opens the minivan door, ready to step out and get the full effect of how awful it truly is, when he is hit with a smell so powerful it forces him back into his seat.
“Ugh! Blech!” He locks the doors and turns on the air conditioner to flush the evil smell out, but that doesn’t work the way he hopes. The conditioned air circulates the smell throughout the car. Immediately, the stench sticks to the upholstery and his clothes.
Blaine doesn’t want to breathe it in any more than he has to, but there’s something curious about the smell. Yes, it’s disgusting to think that the house stinks so badly he can smell it all the way from his minivan with the windows rolled up, but now that time has passed, he realizes it isn’t altogether a bad smell. It’s more odd than bad. Against his better judgment, Blaine takes a deep breath in through his nostrils and holds it, shutting his eyes to get a better idea of what the smell reminds him of.
Like a musty old funeral home parlor, where each grain of wood, each fiber of carpet seems to be infused with the sorrow, pain, and tears of mourners grieving for loved ones lost.
To put it simply, the house smells sad.
Regardless, whatever is causing that smell can’t be healthy.
Even more than the smell, which is disturbing to say the least, it’s the silence that unnerves him.
Blaine had gotten lost on his way here. He had parked in the cul-de-sac on the opposite side of the street and sat for a good twenty minutes checking his GPS before he realized his mistake. Harbor Drive cuts in half with a strip of neighborhood right down its middle. He had ended up on the other side. The side he originally parked in is a lively, typical suburban neighborhood, with kids riding their bikes and people in their yards gardening, watering their lawns, talking and laughing, enjoying this beautiful Southern California afternoon.
The cul-de-sac this Victorian house sits in is much the same – the same identical houses, the same green lawns, the same suburban atmosphere - only there are no children playing here, and no busy neighbors tending to their gardens. Blaine looks up at the sky. For two whole minutes, not a single bird passes overhead, and there isn’t an insect to be seen.
Life seems to avoid this neighborhood, and probably for good reason.
Blaine can’t shake the ominous feeling that he’s being watched…and he probably isn’t the first person who’s felt that way. Blaine had heard that this house got no foot traffic. Even when it was put up for auction, few people came by to take a look at it, which is strange considering how popular real Victorian houses are in this area of the country.
But something as trivial as the possibility of a supernatural threat to his life will not deter Cooper Anderson from ratings and equity. Blaine will eventually have to get out of the Odyssey and go into the house. He reaches into his glove box and pulls out a dust mask, which Cooper must see since he starts yelling into the earpiece.
“No! Blaine! What are you doing?”
“Coop, I can smell your house all the way from the van,” Blaine explains, giving himself permission to be haughty. “I’m protecting myself from whatever lives in the air around this place.”
“No, you can’t cover your face!” Cooper complains. Blaine might find Cooper’s desperation amusing if he wasn’t trying to talk him out of keeping himself safe. “You know my viewers tune in to see my dapper brother’s handsome face. Your face is my money maker!”
“So, you’re going to risk my health, and my future as a singer, for ratings?” Blaine argues, annoyed at his brother’s overwhelming lack of concern. When he doesn’t receive a response, he decides to appeal to one of Cooper’s real loves – money. “You know, one stray mold spore gets into my lungs and your insurance premiums take a hit.”
“Hey,” Cooper says in a sly voice, “it’s a risk I’m willing to take.
But Blaine knows better than to let his brother dictate matters of life and death, and squirrels the mask into his back pocket. He won’t be on camera the whole time, and it’s an easy enough thing to slip on and off without Cooper noticing.
He had to do it for those last three houses.
Blaine grabs the webcam and climbs out of the minivan. He takes extra time to make sure the doors are locked and the windows rolled up, deliberately stalling. Finally, he gives in and walks up to the cartoon-esque fun house that smells like heartbreak and woe.
Blaine stands for a moment to take it all in. Then he trains the webcam on the house, and Cooper laughs like a hyena through Blaine’s Bluetooth.
“Holy crap!” he roars. “Stop, Blainers. Just…just give our audience a moment to appreciate the monstrosity before us.”
Blaine scans the scene, starting from the far left and moving to the right.
“What the hell colors are those?” Cooper chokes the words out between the most unattractive chortles Blaine has ever heard. “It looks like a carnival funhouse.”
“Yeah, well, you sure know how to pick ‘em, Coop,” Blaine recites in a practiced flat and sour tone. It’s one of his many catch phrases that he is required to say through the course of filming. Unoriginal, but it seems to make the viewers happy. Twice in the last six months the phrase ‘Pick a Winner, Coop’ has trended on Twitter.
And Blaine has been a huge part of that.
“You know, this house has a really well-kept lawn to go with that crap paint job.”
“The realtor told me that the ladies from the historical society were taking care of the landscaping,” Blaine remarks as he trots up the walk, not that Cooper actually cares, but because Blaine does his best to fill in the silences with informative little tidbits. If anything, maybe he can use it as a way to showcase his professionalism and dedication to the craft - his ability to improvise.
Blaine Anderson – Master of Finding the Silver Lining.
Blaine takes the keys out of his pocket. He had to pick them up directly from the realtor’s office. For some reason, the severe, dowdy, and unnaturally petite woman wouldn’t meet him at the house.
She said specifically that she never went down there.
That, in itself, is not a reassuring testimonial.
Blaine works to unlock the deadbolt, balancing the webcam beneath his chin and pulling the door toward him when the lock won’t turn.
“Anyone want to take a bet on what it looks like inside?” Cooper asks, filling up the empty air space while Blaine fumbles with the uncooperative lock. Blaine feels his phone buzz in his pocket which means that Cooper also tweeted that question to his viewers. “Op! Blaine’s struggling with the lock! Nobody must have gone in this house in years! This is going to be horrible! I can feel it!”
Cooper chuckles wickedly and Blaine rolls his eyes. He isn’t sure that he likes the strange, sadistic pleasure Cooper gets from tormenting him like this.
Blaine jiggles the doorknob while turning the key, cranking it left and right, but it isn’t just that the lock itself is stuck. It feels like the door is being held closed from the inside. All of Blaine’s inner alarms start going off – in his head where his ears ring with Cooper’s inane laughter, in his chest where his heart races so hard that his ribs hurt, in his feet where he shifts weight from one to the other, as eager to be in the house and done with this as he is to get into his minivan and leave.
At the thought of leaving, the door finally opens, shoving in about a foot and then stopping dead. Blaine pushes and pushes, but the door won’t budge any farther.
“Uh…Blaine?” Cooper’s voice calls through the Bluetooth. “I like your shoes and that lovely sweater vest you’re wearing as much as the next guy, but do you think you could hold the webcam up so we can see what’s going on? All this bouncing around is making me want to hurl. It’s like a scene from Cloverfield or something.”
Blaine pulls the webcam out from beneath his chin and sticks it around the corner of the door. If he can’t make his way into the house, at least Cooper and his audience can see what he’s up against.
“Well…that’s a…dark room you’re showing us there, Blainers,” Cooper teases in a straight voice. “In fact, that’s an incredible shade of grey we’re seeing at the moment. Do you think you could open up a curtain or turn on a light there, squirt?”
“I’m…hmpf…I’m trying…” Blaine grumbles, struggling to keep the webcam aloft while fighting to open the door. After a few backbreaking heaves, he gives up and shimmies through the narrow crack he’s already made, sucking in his stomach to keep from snagging his sweater vest on the edge of the door. He slips through the opening, having to stop a second to maneuver his leg around the bend, and stumbles inside. His right foot comes in contact with the floor, his left foot raised behind him, and the front door slams shut.
The room he’s standing in goes from grey to black, and everything becomes eerily silent.
Even Cooper’s chuckle dies to muffled breaths over Blaine’s Bluetooth.
Blaine stands completely still, praying that nothing runs at him from out of the shadows.
Of course, it doesn’t help in the slightest that he had stayed up late last night streaming Stephen King’s mini-series Rose Red. Whatever possessed him to watch a show about a haunted house hours before coming here, he will never know.
His eyes adjust to the lack of light. They water excessively, clouded by thick layers of dust that he can smell and taste with every breath he takes. He holds his breath, sure that any monsters hiding in the dark will hear even the slightest inhale.
“Blaine?” Cooper whispers harshly. “Do…something…”
“I’m…trying…” Blaine whispers back with an added huff of annoyance.
Blaine finally dares to turn his head, sweeping the webcam around the room. He reaches out his free hand, his arm shaking as he tries to stay balanced on one foot, and feels for a light switch on the wall by the door. His fingers come in contact with one; he flips it up and down madly, but with no results.
“Coop…I thought you called SDG&E and had the power switched on,” Blaine says, continuing to flip the switch rapidly in hopes that a loose wire somewhere will spark after enough tries and the lights will flick on.
“I did,” Cooper responds in an unnecessarily low voice. “Maybe there’s a blown fuse or a busted circuit.”
Blaine whimpers. He’s not looking forward to negotiating this mess without any light. He attempts to put his elevated foot down, his knee sore from tensing to keep it bent up, but everywhere he steps he feels bulky items in his way, disinclined to be pushed aside. He finds a loose…something…and shoves at it, sliding it across the floor about a foot and making a space to take a step.
“Okay…” Blaine says, both triumphant and anxious as he creeps across the room in this manner. He can’t see anything but shapes and silhouettes that change when he relocates some blurry mystery object. He ignores the sounds of shuffling that echo through the room in response to his movements, keeping his eyes fixed on a single ray of light streaming in through a crack in the curtains. Blaine counts his steps, trying to estimate how big the room is by his strides across the floor.
“Can you see anything?” Cooper asks conversationally, keeping the show moving along while Blaine picks his way at a snail’s pace through the unseen clutter.
“Not yet,” Blaine replies, only a hair louder than a whisper because he’s still wary of talking too loudly - a hidden childhood fear of the dark rearing its ugly head. “I’m trying to make it to the curtains on the windows, but this room is large and packed with stuff.” Blaine looks down at his feet, aiming the webcam at the floor. “Do you see anything, Coop?”
“Naah, not yet, squirt…” Blaine smiles when he hears Cooper sound mildly concerned on his behalf, “just a really, really dark blur.”
“Congratulations, Coop,” Blaine chirps, tripping over something that clangs metallically when it comes in contact with his foot. “You purchased a void.”
Nervous laughter follows Blaine’s comment and he smiles wider. It’s nice to know that every so often his big brother actually cares.
“If you come across any television sets, don’t turn them on,” Cooper warns. “I wouldn’t want you getting sucked in and crossing over to the other side.”
Blaine shakes his head.
“Poltergeist? Really?” Blaine groans, hopping a few steps and finally making his way to the window. “You do know you just aged yourself, don’t yo--”
“I see some light there, squirt,” Cooper cuts in, smoothly evading the mention of his age. “Did you finally make it to the window, or do you feel like walking around in the dark for another ten minutes?”
Blaine doesn’t answer, having deftly slipped the dust mask over his mouth and nose, preparing to open the curtain, which he is sure has to be caked with dust.
He’s right.
With his free hand, he pulls open the heavy fabric of the first curtain, watching as dust motes swirl in front of his eyes, dimming the sun’s light as it pierces the grime on the windows. He moves aside the second curtain, stepping over what he can see in this new light are various metal and wooden objects, peculiar faces peering up at him, staring with chipped and empty eyes.
Dirty light is better than no light at all, but Blaine has a hard time making sense of what he’s seeing. He has been in houses before that had rooms piled high with all sorts of trash – food containers, two-liter bottles, dirty plates, newspapers and magazines with yellowing and cracked pages, even one house with rooms stuffed from floor to ceiling with filthy used diapers, but what he is currently looking at is downright bizarre. Everywhere underfoot there are twisted limbs, contorted bodies, orphaned heads, and a mass of brightly colored clothing and costumes. They’re small – child sized. He makes his way to the next set of windows and opens those curtains. Light floods the room, defused through the layer of dried gunge on the glass, giving it a sepia hue, but with better illumination, Blaine can see the room clearly.
Toys. Piles and piles of toys - dolls, puppets, trains, cars, stuffed animals by the pound. Some are stacked along the walls, mint in their boxes, but the majority lay in heaps, overflowing mountains and dunes, filling the room from corner to corner.
Cooper’s voice cuts off when Blaine turns and focuses the camera on a long hallway, as foreboding as the living room but inconceivably darker. Blaine swallows hard, knowing that’s the next place Cooper will tell him to go.
“Whoa, Blaine…look at that…”
Yeah, yeah, Blaine thinks, taking a step in that direction. I’m going.
“Hold up,” Cooper says. “Go back to the toys on the floor.”
Blaine breathes a sigh of relief at his temporary reprieve. He aims the camera down, trying to get the best view he can in the low light of the toys scattered over the floor.
“Are those made of metal?” Cooper asks.
“Yup,” Blaine says, moving the mask away from his mouth so he can speak. “Well, some of them. Some of them appear to be wood.”
“Get a closer shot, Blaine. I want to look at those.”
Blaine moves from toy to toy, holding the webcam still for a few seconds so his brother can get some decent screenshots. He hears Cooper typing frantically, researching something on his computer.
“Are you seeing this, Blaine?” Cooper asks excitedly over the earpiece. “Those tin banks? That’s some early 1900s shit. And there’re loads of them! The stuff in that room alone could be worth a fortune! Imagine what we might find in the rest of the house?”
We, Blaine thinks, shaking his head. Right.
Blaine hears more frantic typing, quiet cheering, some scribbling and muttering as Cooper takes down notes on his end of the line. “Okay, Blaine,” Cooper continues, not revealing any of the information he uncovered on his web search, “why don’t you head down that hallway and see what else we’re dealing with?”
Blaine lifts the webcam to show the view of the hallway, partially blocked by a mound of what looks like original Care Bears, and columns of stacked board games. Blaine catches sight of a familiar yellow box with the word OPERATION written across the side in red block letters. It immediately brings to mind all those days he spent kneeling at the coffee table in his living room, playing the game over and over…even if he played mostly by himself.
Good times, he thinks. Good times.
At least he has that happy memory to carry with him into the afterlife, because he is fairly certain that he is going to be murdered in this house.
Blaine has never been in a house before that has so much emotion attached to it. In his property searches, Cooper gravitates toward houses previously owned by hoarders since they have the potential to be the most horrendous, but the one thing Blaine has learned by visiting these houses is that hoarders have a tendency to attach importance to the most off-the-wall things.
It’s not the item, of course, but what or who it represents – and the inability to let go.
Maybe he doesn’t always understand the reason behind the hoard, but it breaks his heart to see it every time.
Hoarding toys, though - this he can understand. It’s holding tight to the best part of a person’s life – their childhood.
Blaine makes his way to the hall, opening the last two sets of curtains along the way until the room is nearly, but not quite, cheerful.
Something still troubles him. Something the immense dark wasn’t hiding after all. The feeling of being watched lingers, but it’s joined by a feeling of being called. As insane as it sounds, Blaine feels there’s something in this house that wants him to find it.
When he gets closer to the hallway, he can see that the extreme darkness of this narrow pathway is an illusion. The mountain of toys blocks the living room light head on, and throws shadows along the floor, but as soon as he turns into it, it becomes a tunnel of light. Behind him, the sunlight in the living room extends its way to the hallway. Blaine sees square windows lining the walls, as grimy as the living room windows, but letting in more light as the sun moves across the sky. This space is littered with toys on the floor just like in the living room, but less so because here they also hang from the walls.
“Blaine, is that a puppet?” Cooper asks.
Blaine takes a step back. “I think so.”
“Blaine, turn to the puppet on the wall - the one with the red hair.”
Blaine turns toward the wall, where a row of puppets hang from wires by thumbtacks embedded in the plaster.
“That…that looks like an original Howdy Doody puppet. That’s got to be worth some money. What do you say, Blainers?”
“I imagine so,” Blaine agrees, taking off his mask and stuffing it in his pocket for the time being since the air here doesn’t seem as dusty. He’s getting sweaty with that thing on anyway.
“Don’t you know?” Cooper sounds distracted, and Blaine hears Cooper typing again. “Aren’t you all puppet savvy and whatnot?”
“I make puppets,” Blaine corrects his brother, moving on to the next puppet down the line. “I don’t collect them.”
“Same diff,” Cooper comments. “It’s still creepy as hell. Let’s see the next one.”
The next puppet is an animal puppet, but what kind of animal, Blaine can’t really tell. It might be a horse…or a dog…or a bear. It’s a scruff of brown fur with eyes and a pointy snout. He vaguely recognizes it as being from an old kids’ TV show that he saw mentioned in a documentary about Vaudeville performers on PBS. Blaine looks down the length of the wall ahead of him to where it dips back into the semi-darkness and sees additional animal puppets, most of them from the same show.
The hallway leads straight to the dining room. From where Blaine stands, he sees only two pieces of furniture - a round, wooden table sitting right at the entrance, its top covered in newspapers and photo albums; and a matching China cabinet standing up against a far wall. This room, too, is full of toys, stacked on the floor and along the walls, but the boxes of these toys look better cared for, the colors crisper. These toys are newer, Barbie dolls and G. I. Joes from the last thirty or forty years perhaps. There are so many that Blaine can’t pick out one specific doll or action figure from the lot. But this room has one interesting feature that the living room and hallway don’t have.
There are posters all over the walls, framed beneath glass.
“Jesus H...we can open our own toy store with this much crap,” Cooper mumbles, but Blaine ignores him. He points the webcam at the boxes, but his own focus drifts to the posters. They’re hard to see through the inches of dust obscuring his view, but they look like antique theater posters. He leans in close, careful not to breathe and disturb the micro-organisms snoozing away amidst the crud. He narrows his eyelids and tries to make out the words or the pictures, but the sunlight reflects off the glass and into his eyes. He starts thinking of a way to clean the dust off and examine the poster properly, but a chuckle in his earpiece tips him off that his brother has made a new discovery, and Blaine is going to have to investigate.
“Blaine, I’m looking at the floor plan that the realtor emailed me, and there should be two doors in this room – one with a staircase that goes to the upper level, and one with a staircase that goes down to…” A strain of sinister music plays and Blaine puts a hand to his head, squeezing his eyes shut to banish the headache that’s starting to grow – “the basement.”
Blaine opens his eyes and finds the doors quickly, situated between the China cabinet and a shuttered window. He walks to the window and pulls at the clasp on the shutter. The metal hook has rusted completely into the looped eye it’s been buried in for decades, but Blaine shakes the hook back and forth until it slides free. He pulls open the shutters and smiles. This window isn’t as coated in dirt as the others, and now the room is brightly lit.
“So here’s the question,” Coopers rambles on. “Do we send Blaine upstairs to take a look at the bedrooms, or do we send him downstairs to the basement?”
Blaine hears more tinny, old tyme horror music, with dramatic organ notes playing in a minor chord. He can’t help but laugh. This whole thing is ridiculous, but at least Cooper has found his niche in the world.
Blaine opens the doors one at a time. He knows he’s going to be sent to the basement eventually, so he decides to hurry things along. The staircases are pitch black, but the longer he spends in the house, the less perturbing it seems. He feels like he’s being led along, like a hand is guiding him, and when he opens the door revealing a staircase leading down, he wastes no time.
“Hey, wait!” Cooper objects. “We didn’t finish voting!”
“Too late,” Blaine quips, his feet scuttling down the concrete steps. “You took too long.” He jumps off the last step and is encompassed by another sea of pure inky nothingness, but this time he doesn’t hesitate. He feels around the walls, looking for a fuse box as he makes his way deeper into the room. The air down in the basement is colder, less inviting, and the walls are damp, but that sensation of being called is stronger down here.
It feels urgent, and he actually becomes excited by what he might find down here.
Blaine’s hand crawls across the wall until he hits a covered metal box.
“I think I found the fuse box,” Blaine grunts, pulling at the box, trying to find a way to open it. He tugs it left and right with no success. He considers hitting it with his fist, but the cover suddenly pops off and falls to the floor. Inside the box is a single, long-handled switch. Blaine grabs it and pushes it in an attempt to flip it up. It takes a little shimmying before it flies upward with a loud clack.
Blaine leaps back and waits for the lights to come on.
Nothing happens.
He hears a buzz…then a pop.
A bulb blinks overhead – off…on, off……on – its rhythm punctuated by an unnerving spit. The buzzing gets louder. The popping increases in tempo and becomes a hum. The blinking bulb clicks on and starts crackling. Then it burns. The yellow light from that single bulb lights the entire room. When Blaine can finally see without spots dancing in front of his eyes – a side effect of jumping the terminus between dark and bright – his jaw drops.
Down in this dreary basement is a fully-equipped workshop, with several sturdy work benches lined up in rows, each one running the width of the room and covered in tools – newer shop saws, drills, and lathes sitting alongside older, antique picks and files, along with some handmade metal implements. On a final bench pushed up against the far wall are wooden blanks in all shapes and sizes, and bolts of cloth printed in dated patterns. Above it, more puppets hang from pegs on the wall – bare wooden skeletons, some with porcelain heads, unpainted and unfinished.
“Come on, Blaine,” Cooper says, reminding Blaine that he’s not alone, “pan around and let us get a good look. What’s with all the tools?”
Blaine walks toward a saw that has the partial remains of an unfinished cut piece (an arm, maybe a leg) beneath its blade. The saw looks almost brand new, and the wooden appendage appears freshly cut, with a mound of sawdust collected nearby, as though some craftsman might have been working on it yesterday.
“I think” - Blaine moves down the workbench to examine a lathe - “this is a workshop for making puppets.”
“Geesh. This guy must have had a serious puppet fetish.”
“I don’t usually like to agree with you, Coop,” Blaine says with more fascination than disgust, “but you might be right.”
Blaine’s webcam trails over the many benches, holding saws stopped likewise in the middle of unfinished projects. In the corner sits a squat, oblong kiln, about the size of an average nightstand. He runs his fingers over its surface as he passes by. He stops to peruse the contents of cardboard boxes with their tops hanging open. There are more tools, more wood pieces, more body parts and heads than Blaine has ever seen in his lifetime, definitely more than he had to work with in the arts and crafts class he took at McKinley. Blaine lifts the lens to take in the view of the puppets on the walls, the bolts, and then another door. He comes to a full stop and stares at it. He’s drawn to it, but he doesn’t know why. As Blaine walks toward it, he can hear the rustle of papers and the clattering of computer keys on Cooper’s end of the line.
“Uh, Blaine?”
“Yeah? What is it?” Blaine approaches the door as he speaks. He has a strong feeling that what he’s searching for, what’s calling to him, is somewhere behind this door. He reaches out his hand for the knob when Cooper talks again.
“Be careful when you open that door, Blainers.”
There’s a tone in Cooper’s voice that sends a chill down Blaine’s spine.
“Why is that?” Blaine asks, his fingers resting on the doorknob while he waits for an answer.
“Umm…because that door isn’t on the blueprints.”
Blaine’s brow furrows, but he doesn’t remove his hand.
“What do you mean it’s not on the blueprints?”
“That means there isn’t supposed to be a door there, Blaine. No room, no closet, no staircase. It’s not listed, so just…be careful.”
Blaine breathes in sharply and nods. He understands his brother’s trepidation. Homeowners sometimes do unpermitted renovations on their houses, and a lot of them are unsafe, but Blaine feels very sure that he needs to open the door in front of him.
He grabs the doorknob and holds tight, turning slowly.
The action of the tumblers feels smooth, not sticky or rusted like the other fixtures he’s encountered. He turns the knob till he hears everything unwind, and the door gives. It creaks open, swinging outward easily. The light from the basement breaches the opening, and a shaft of it falls on the floor, filling the room to the left and right of it with shadows. Carpet in a deep crimson color covers the ground. Blaine follows the path of the light with his webcam up from the floor and looks further into the room.
Cooper sees it before Blaine does, and lets out a scream of terror.
“H-holy f-fucking shit, Blaine!” he hears Cooper yell into the earpiece. “Oh my God! Are you seeing this? Go back! Go back down!”
Blaine pans down, following the webcam with his eyes, and his heart leaps into his throat.
Lying on the floor at his feet he sees a partially dismembered body, and a smashed in human head.
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itslulu42 · 8 years
Dearly Beloved
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I had no intentions of writing anything for Miraculous Ladybug, but I made the mistake of going to the grocery store after reading all those Teacher AU asks.  By the time I returned home, I had bread, ice cream, and this entire idea mapped out in my head.  
So here’s 1500 words of Miraculous Ladybug, Teacher AU style
Edit: I had to delete the first version because I could only see it half the time.  Whatevs, tumblr
Dearly Beloved
"Girl, I am telling you. This production is going to change your world!"  Alya pounded her fist on the lunch table.  It gave a wobble, spilling coffee from her overfilled mug.
Marinette frowned.  "I don’t understand why you won’t let me help you with it.  I should, at least, design the costumes for the school play."
Alya smiled at her best friend.  "Don't worry about it.  We already have the wardrobe taken care of.  Speaking of wardrobe, do you mind if I borrow your red shirt?  You know, the one with the polka dots?"
"Yeah, sure."  Marinette narrowed her eyes.  "You have to remember to return it to me though, it's my favorite blouse."
"I know," Alya raised the coffee cup to her lips and took a large drink.  "Now, back to what I was asking.  Do you promise to stay away from the theater room?"
Marinette raised her right hand and placed her left hand on her heart. "I promise that I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will leave the world-changing Spring Play in the loving care of my best friend."
"Atta, girl."
"So, do you know what this play is about?"  Adrien asked on opening night.  Nino had managed to extract the same promise from Adrien, leaving the pair of them as oblivious as the other audience members.  "Every time I ask someone, I get a different answer."
"You too?  I swear, I asked Manon and she said it was about the greatest love story known to man. Then, Lucas got in an argument with her and said it was about the end of the world."  Marinette sighed.  They maneuvered around the crowd of parents, and walked towards some seats in the front.  “I’m so glad this is going to be over tonight. It’s hard to teach when everyone is distracted by the preparations.  I think I broke up three disagreements this week.”  
Adrien took a look at the flier in his hand.  "The play is called, ‘Fifteen Years.’  I don't think I can guess the plot with a generic title like that.   I can't wait to see how this is going to turn out.  The entire class has been working on it so hard."  He held out his left arm to usher Marinette into her seat.
"I know.  I’ve barely talked to Alya since this started.  She spent all of her free time emailing the students to make certain everything is going to be perfect."  Marinette leaned close to Adrien when he sat down, and took the opportunity to take a deep breath of his cologne.  "I'm so proud of them.”
“Me too.” Adrien flashed her devastating smile.  
Marinette felt her insides grow warm and a grin danced on her lips.  It promptly died when Marinette saw Manon’s smug face looking at the two of them.  Marinette cared for Manon, she really did.  But in the past year, Manon had become so meddlesome.   Marinette was certain Manon was to blame for the one grey hair.
Manon crossed the stage to the microphone in front.  “Is everyone ready for the play to get started?”
The audience applauded, but they were nearly drowned out by the cheering of the students backstage.  
“My name is Manon Chamack. This is a collaborative effort from our class. It is something that we feel very passionate about, and we hope you enjoy our efforts.  Especially, two of you."
The lights for the theater dimmed and Nino cued the music.  It was a simple, lighthearted melody.  The stage lit up, and Marinette felt her heart stop when she saw her student Pauline resting on a pink chaise lounge.  In fact, the entire stage was a replica of Marinette’s room as a teenager: pink walls, a loft, and—Oh  no!
No No No No No
There were pictures!  Terrible, horrible pictures printed from the internet of Adrien back when he was modeling for his father.  Marinette knew most of the audience wouldn’t be able to tell from this far back, but Marinette had spent weeks of her life staring at those ads.  This play was about her!
Marinette was going to kill Manon.
The melody swelled and Marinette felt her eye twitch as Pauline burst out in song.  Fifteen Years was musical, and there was no one better to sing than Jagged Stone’s niece.  Pauline was a terrific actress, adding in dramatic sighs, and belting out an amazing tune about a mishandled voicemail.  Marinette was mortified.
Adrien, to her right, was completely unaffected by her misery, going so far as to clap along with song when prompted.
"This song is great,” he said as he nudged Marinette with his elbow, “Nino told me Pauline came up with the whole thing by herself.  I swear she is going to end up topping the charts like her uncle."
Marinette couldn’t do anything besides nod; her teeth were clenched tight so she could keep her dinner in her stomach.
She sighed in relief when the song ended, and loosened the death grip on her thighs.  If the song had gone on any longer than she would have to breathe in a paper bag.  It was horrifying, but at least Pauline hadn't mentioned her by name.  Manon and Alya were the only people who would know the song was about her.  The lights dimmed as the stage was set for a new scene.
A student by the name of Ella walked across the stage, dressed in black to blend in with the background.  She carried something in her hand.  Wait, why was her red shirt attached to a mop?
"No," Adrien  whispered, “Nino, you wouldn’t have…”
"Bonjour, my name is Mopinette!" Ella said.  “I am looking for a man with a good sense of humor.  A man who can laugh.  A man... who loves puns.”
Adrien let out a whimper like a wounded animal.  That was when Marinette realized that she wasn't the only victim for this evening.  Sympathetic to his current plight, Marinette gave Adrien a very friend-like pat on his shoulder. Marinette’s relief was short lived because five minutes later, Lucas rolled Adriequin out.
Marinette was going to kill Alya.
The play lasted for an agonizing ninety minutes.  By the time it was over, Marinette was certain she had melted into a puddle on the floor.  Adrien was in the same boat, though.  Every now and then a faint noise of misery would leave him, and Marinette was torn on what to do.  Should she ask him what was wrong or squeeze the life out of him?  
Tonight was clearly the last time Marinette would ever see him; she was certain Adrien was going to the train station, straight from the theater, to buy the first ticket available to Lyon.  He would live near his father for the rest of his life, leaving Marinette to die alone with only the memory of his mannequin.  
She also wondered where the class ended up with all these ridiculous ideas.  After all, it wasn't as if Adrien Agreste walked around with a mop to practice asking her out.
The worst part of the play?  The production was amazing.  The songs were catchy, the plot was good, and the timing was just right.   The play's last act, much to Marinette's embarrassment, was a marriage between Mopinette and Adriequin. Every student was seated in the wedding party, and Nino officiated.
Marinette added him to her kill list.
The curtain lowered and for one, long, wonderful, moment, Marinette had peace. Then the crowd around her stood up and erupted in applause.  Amid the clapping, she heard them speak.
"Did you understand that?"
"Why did the mannequin love the mop?"
"The songs were amazing, but it was rather...odd"
“It’s still not as odd as a super-villain who controls pigeons.”
Marinette and Adrien were the only ones in the crowd who weren’t standing.  Marinette’s legs fell like chocolate eclairs, and she was certain any attempts at coordination would be complete failures.  She could see Adrien resting his forehead in his hands in her peripheral vision.  Marinette was too nervous to look at him properly, terrified of making accidental eye contact.
“Yes?” she squeaked.  Marinette had given up all hope of dignity, and was pleased she was able to respond at all.  She gathered her wits to face Adrien, and was relived to see he looked as flustered as she felt.
“Since I don’t have a best friend anymore, would you like to get a drink with me? Soon.  Maybe now?”  
“I would love to.”  Marinette needed to be far away from the theater.  It was one thing to be teased by Alya, but the entire school?  And now their parents knew? What if they thought a relationship between teachers was a terrible idea?  What if they banned Marinette from speaking to Adrien at all?
Oh yes, alcohol sounded like a great idea.
Marinette and Adrien stood up from their seats and headed for the exits together. Manon caught sight of them leaving through the doors and ran around to tell the entire production.  The class burst into applause, and Alya documented the momentous occasion on her phone, tears rolling down her face.
Their joy was short lived.  When Monday rolled around, the class found out Marinette and Adrien still weren’t together.
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