#must suck to have to bandage yourself up with only one working hand lmao. sucks to be him
thecosmicsailor · 6 months
Being a little self-indulgent with this one. Shirtless guy for the soul 👍
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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a-monsters-love · 4 years
Distance - Soulmate AU
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[Master List]
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Summary: When we turn 8 our dreams don’t just become our own. We don’t know when it started but we start to share our dream scape with our soulmates. The closer we are to them the better we can hear them in our dreams, the farther we are the less we can hear them. When the other wakes you get a small, very brief, glimpse of the world around them. If soulmates have different sleeping schedules then the dreams you have without them you typically won’t remember.
Genre: oh it’s fluffy y’all
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: mild swearing, implied abuse, quotes from the MHA Vigilantes series, native language I’m using for y/n is English
A/N: I’ve always wanted to write a Soulmate AU ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡. And y/n’s quirk is based off of Jinx from the Teen Titans lmao
With love to my favorite bby who helped me form the ideas for this @eraser-baby​
(Y/N) = Your Name (H/C) = Hair Color (E/C) = Eye Color (H/L) = Home Land i.e country of origin (N/L) = Native Language
If you’ve learned anything in your life it’s that girls love talking about soulmates. Sure, it’s romantic and very fairytale-esk but isn’t there anything better to talk about? You sighed as your classmate gawks about her soulmate and what they did together in her dreams. “Come on (Y/N)! Tell us about your soulmate! You never participate in these conversations!” Your friend says. The other girls in the locker room agree and you let you head drop back dramatically.
You roll you neck and look at each of them, “I don’t have one.” You shrugged, “I don’t have anything to offer.” Their faces grow visibly shocked at your statement but you weren’t one to lie, “Don’t look at me like that. Come on, we have to get to training.” The last thing you want is for them to pity you. Pity for not having a soulmate was the last thing you should ever receive pity for, not with how your life was. You couldn’t help but huff at the idea as you pulled your gym shirt over the scars that were riddled all over your skin.
“You’re lying!” Oboro accused his friend, “No one just doesn’t have a soulmate!” His nagging on the topic has only gotten worse as his friendship with Aizawa Shouta went on.
Hizashi chuckled, “He’s telling the truth, I don’t believe he doesn’t have one either though. They’ve just never met.”
Shouta groaned at the conversation, “If I have one I’ve never met them, not having one makes more sense.” He shrugged, “I mean, it’s been 7 years and I’ve had zero contact.” Oboro groaned into the pillows on Shouta’s bed in frustration. “We have like 30 more minutes to study before we should get to sleep.” He tapped the textbook in his hand.
Not having a soulmate was unheard of, both of you knew this. Both of you were certain that the other died or you were an anomaly in the universe. Of course you both would enjoy it but neither of you cared enough to worry about something you didn’t have.
“Come on, (Y/N)! You can do better than that!” Your gym instructor yelled, you hissed at how sore you were but knew it would be worth it. You weren’t in the heroics course for nothing, you were here to prove your quirk wasn’t villainous.
“Fuck.” You huffed to yourself, you propelled yourself up and bent low towards you opponent. You pressed your hands to the ground letting magenta hues blast from your hands to destroy the field directly in front of you. Having the quirk ‘Jinx’ also referred to as ‘Probability Manipulation’ will make you malleable for hero work but took twice as much training.
The earth cracked towards your opponent causing them to fall, only to kick a decent sized chunk of stone towards you. The impact knocked you unconscious.
You hit the ground hard, “FUCK.” You yelled, “Why didn’t I go for the knee caps? Should I just strike them with Bad Luck?” You start rambling before realizing you don’t recognize where you were. You look around and see blue skies and tall grass surrounding you, you see a boy with messy ebony and dark eyes staring at you in surprise. You look at yourself, still in your gym uniform, and then back at him. “What?” You hiss at him.
Shouta looks over you, the way your (H/C) hair framed your face. He visibly gulps at the way your (E/C) eyes bore into him, he knew who you were immediately. He opens his mouth to speak but you started to fade.
When he doesn’t respond you squint at him before waking up. Shouta catches a brief glimpse of your fight, it’s day light where you’re at. You’re face was stoic as blood ran down it when you shove yourself off the ground and sling two magenta crescents at your attacker from your hands before the vision stops.
Shouta jumps out of his bed in a panic, he looks around and see’s Oboro and Hizashi asleep on his bedroom floor. Hizashi stirs and rubs his eyes, “What’s wrong listener?” He mutters, still half asleep.
“I think I just found out why I hadn’t met my soulmate before.” He huffs out, catching his breath. Hizashi’s eyes widen in surprise and elbows Oboro awake to listen to him explain his dream.
“I fucking knew it.” Oboro whisper yells as he sits up from under his blanket.
“It was so weird though, I could see them talking but I couldn’t hear them.” Shouta pushes his hair back with one hand.
“Well you said it was day time for them so they must not live in Japan.” Hizashi suggests, the three agree and drop the subject to go back to sleep. Shouta wouldn’t admit it but he was excited, and relieved. He’s glad you’re alive.
You’re sent to nurses office after you finish your match to bandage up your wound. You can’t get the image of the strange dark haired boy from your mind but decide not to worry about it. “Weird dream.” You mumble to yourself, rationalizing it as dreaming of someone you’ve met before or some nonsense dream. The fact of meeting your soulmate was the farthest thing from your mind.
Shouta tries his best to catch you at random hours in the day for him, he justifies it as looking for confirmation but isn’t able to catch you. “When does she sleep?” He groans to his friend, he’s tried his best but there’s only so much sleeping he can squeeze into his school schedule before getting into trouble.
“I’ve never seen you so devoted to something.” Oboro teases giving him a wide toothy smile.
Shouta rolls his eyes, “I’m getting the feeling I just hallucinated the whole thing.” He presses his face into his hands with a groan. “I just want to know if it was real..”
His two friends chuckle and pat his back, “Give it time man.” They reassured him.
You on the other hand hadn’t thought much of the incident again for months, you didn’t have time to. You went to school, did homework in the library, trained and only went home to sleep. You tried to avoid your foster parents as best as you could, knowing the consequences of disturbing them. Your focus was on your heroics work and aging out of the system.
Over a year had passed and you had completely forgotten about the incident. Shouta had given up trying to track you down, your soulmates, you’re meant to run into each other at some point, right?
“The three of us should open up our own agency!” Oboro said over lunch one day. Shouta hummed in curiosity, “I think we work well together.” He took another bite of his lunch, “Take you for example, Shouta. You’re not the type to get action started on your own, but you’re always sweating the small stuff. You’ll add a layer of polish to everything!” Oboro smiles wide and slings his arm around Hizashi’s neck and pulling him closer. “Cause we suck at it!” The two laughed loudly.
“Yeah… I guess so.” Shouta frowned at the idea. “You two share the same two brains cells.” His friends laughed harder and the conversation continued.
“We could recruit your soulmate!” Oboro adds.
“You said they looked like they were in hero training.” Hizashi adds.
A light blush heats Shouta’s cheeks and his brows knit. “That feels like a cop out.” Shouta mumbles, “I should be able to stand on my own before asking for someone else’s help.” He scowled at his bento.
You were taking a break from your morning jog by laying in the grass on your schools campus. “(Y/N)?” You hear, you stretch your neck and look in the direction of the voice. “You’re here early.” Your teacher says, look at their watch. “Very early.” They hum the last part and sit next to you.
“Yeah, I just prefer jogging on a track.” You make an excuse, you didn’t want to talk about your home life with a teacher. Knowing it would make things messy, you continued. “I’m just an early bird, I like to stay busy, ya’ know?” You smiled at them and chuckled a bit.
They hummed in understanding, “Your performance has gone up a lot. Are you still planning on being - as you say - a freelance hero?” They question, nudging you with their knee.
You smile wide and look at the clouds above you. “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to travel.” You hum and talk about all the places you’ve read about, not sure where you’ll end up.
Your teacher hums at the idea, they’re a retired hero. “I wish I had that mindset when I was your age.” You both chuckle and you hop upright, offering a hand for them to get up. “Is your soulmate a hero or a hero in training?”
You freeze at the question, dusting yourself off as an excuse for your silence. “I dunno, I’ve never met them.” You shrug at their confused look. “I’m gonna run a few more laps and I’ll be out of your hair.” You smile politely and run off.
“Don’t over do it, (Y/N)!” They yell out to you. “You’ll get sick!”
You wave at them in acknowledgement, you think about their words for the rest of the morning. You remember one of your friends mentioning how most soulmates quirks are typically balanced matches for each other. You have a mutation quirk so you doubted the validity. “What could balance with Bad Luck?” You question aloud.
“Something to get rid of the bad luck I imagine.” One of your classmates chirped, you jumped at the sudden appearance. “I wonder if your Jinx quirk is the reason you haven’t met yet.” They further suggest.
You hum at the idea, that would make sense. Not that you had any clue as to what would but you didn’t let it bother you too much, having an answer satiated your curiosity.
It wasn’t until you got knocked out again that your curiosity was piqued again. You sat in a field of tall grass and flowers, you looked over yourself and realized your in your gym uniform. You snap your fingers and imagined your favorite outfit. When it appeared on your body you figured it was a dream.
You stood and looked around and saw the same ebony haired boy staring at you. He sat against a tree in the shade, a breeze blew in and brushed the hair out of his face. You gave him a once over, noting it’s the same boy from a year prior and waved at him. A blush dusted his cheeks and he shyly waved back. You walked towards him, squatting in front of his figure and tilted your head. “You stare too much.” You said, his brows knitted. “What?” You questioned, he was quite cute now that you had a better look at him. He looked at you the way a wet kitten looked at a passerby in the rain, confused and nervous but full of hope.
Shouta watched you appear in his dream, you appeared out of nowhere. You faced away from him, he couldn’t see anything but your (H/C) hair at first. When you stood he was able to take in your figure, you were beautiful. He could see the confidence radiating off of you in the way you carried yourself. When you squatted in front of him he felt like the dream was almost real. When he watched you speak he noted that he couldn’t hear anything again. “I can’t hear you.” He pointed from his mouth to his ear and shook his head. He watched you make a small frown and plop down to sit. You stared at each other for a moment, taking in each others existences. His eyes scanned the visible scars littering your skin, you watched the way his cheeks heated as he shamelessly checked you out. It wasn’t until you visibly looked like a lightbulb popped with an idea that his attention was pulled back to reality. You smirked and closed your eyes, two whiteboards appeared in front of you with markers.
You handed him one and started to write, ‘Hello, where are you?’ You wrote, flipping the board around and waved at him. He squinted at the letters on the board, understanding what you wrote by your body language. English is a required language to learn in Japan but he wasn’t the greatest at it. When he wrote a greeting on the board you frowned again, not recognizing the language, this time you imagined a globe and two pins, a purple one for him and a yellow one for you. You scanned the globe and put a pin in your general location and pointed from the pin to yourself with a soft smile, he felt his heart flutter at your smile. You handed him the globe and the black pin, he looked at where you were and frowned himself as he put his own in. Shouta handed you the globe and you frowned again as you looked at the two locations, he was in Japan. It makes sense that you’ve never met, the difference in your time zones was vastly different.
You grabbed the whiteboard again, ‘Well Fuck.’ You wrote down your name and pointed at yourself. Shouta did the same and you two briefly practiced writing each other’s name before you disappeared. He watched the glimpse of you again, you were in a nurses office and he watched you shoot up and frown at your friend. Your (E/C) eyes light up and the machinery around you spark and popped. He watched your friends phone explode and you just shrugged when the vision stopped. He practiced writing all the things your wrote in his dream before he woke himself.
When he did wake up he wrote everything he practiced in his notebook and brought it to school. He showed Hizashi and Oboro what you said and told them what country you were in. The two laughed louder than necessary at your words “She wrote ‘Well fuck’ at the fact that you’re so far.” Oboro snorted, “I like her already.” Shouta rolled his eyes, but held a small smile as if to say ‘me too.’
Moving forward he works on his English better than he had before, and you made it your mission to learn Japanese. In the random and few dreams you shared you practiced each other’s language, using the near magic of the dreamscape to correct each other. Even though you couldn’t hear each other you each made the other practice writing short notes you could remember when waking up to make the process easier. Things to the degree of ‘work on pronouncing hard letters like L’s and R’s first’.
You hadn’t seen Shouta in your dreams again for sometime, the next time you saw him was at night your time when you went to bed. You were surprised when he appeared in your dream, however you were more worried about the way he seemed to be followed by a small storm cloud. Something must’ve happened, you thought. You sat beside him, wishing you could say something comforting but you knew he couldn’t hear you. You imagined an umbrella and held it over the two of you and rubbed his back. Shouta glanced over at you, you had a solemn expression on your face. Your mouth quirked in a half frown as if to ask if he was okay. He shook his head ‘no’ and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
He showed you a memory of the fight he had during his work study a few days prior. He watched you gape at the scene, at the loss of his friend. You cried and dropped the umbrella, you turned and pulled him into a tight hug causing tears he didn’t know he had left fall from his eyes as he returned the embrace. You pet his hair as the dream went dark in his anguish. When he sat back up he wiped his face and nodded at you in thanks.
You decided to share a few of your own memories with him, your hero training at school, a bit of your school life. He chuckled at how much you study, you flash him a memory of the past week of you learning Japanese and stick your tongue out at him. He blushes lightly and rolls his eyes, leaning into you lightly before he started to disappear.
You watch the scene unfold of him waking up from his nap in class, you chuckle as he crawls out of a bright yellow sleeping bag in his school uniform. His blonde friend says something that causes Shouta to cover his ears. The glimpse fades and you drift off to deeper sleep.
Over the next several years you only ever met him briefly, your exchanges were demure and always quiet due to the circumstances. You found out you both became underground hero’s after graduating, you exchanged emails after forgetting to for so long. You found typing in Japanese was harder than writing it and speaking it combined, he didn’t mind though. He wrote to you in English at times but your interactions were limited due to hero work.
Due to being underground hero’s both of you had sporadic sleeping schedules, you received an email from him at one point telling you to go to sleep. You chuckled and looked at your phone, I could go for a nap, you thought and emailed him in response. You returned to the place you were staying and laid on the couch, quickly drifting off to dreamland.
When you appeared in you shared dream Shouta pulled you into him, rolling you over so he could lay into your stomach with his arms wrapped around you. You giggled at the action but made no effort to rouse him, running your finger through his soft hair. He felt you giggled as you felt him talk, he wished for subtitles as he talked but it was too annoying to focus on them and talk at the same time. Shouta talked about some vigilante brats he’s started to run in to, about what he was dealing with. “(Y/N), I don’t know what to do.” His arms barely squeezed you but you felt it, you tightened your grip around him instinctively. He buried his face in your abdomen, you smiled sadly, you were barely sure but you knew you felt the same.
After a few years you had completely traveled around your entire country while working as a hero. You told him about your completed travels and how you became something of an urban legend, almost a boogie man for villains.
“Don’t you want to meet her?” Hizashi asked over the phone.
Shouta hummed at the question, thinking about an email you sent a few weeks ago. “I mean sure, but I don’t have anything to show for.” He sighed, “I can’t just ask her to move out here and expect her to be okay living the way I do.”
Hizashi went to argue but he understood the point, he had made a comment once about how private you were over email. Suggesting you might be more open in person like you are in your shared dreams, but your schedules were too different to have a proper conversation. With instant villains popping up all over the country the last thing he has time to think about is keeping up appearances.
“What about that gig at UA Kayama suggested? It’d be a stable gig.” He could hear his friend smile over the phone. The last thing Shouta thought was a good idea was him being a teacher.
“I don’t have time for this I’m on patrol, I’ll talk to you later.” He quickly hung up on Hizashi and stuffed his phone in his pocket, looking up at the moon that shown brightly even in the dark alley he stood in.
You stared at an email Midnight sent you, regretting the suggestion you made to Shouta to exchange emails of your most trusted associates/friends ‘in case of an emergency’. You sighed and leaned back into the sofa you sat on. “You know my office isn’t your office right?” Your friend said, you looked over at them and pouted. “Seriously, I have an agency to run.” They snorted.
You rolled your eyes and picked up your laptop, “Take a look at this for me.” You placed the device on the paperwork they were looking it, forcing them to read it over. “I don’t think it’s a good time but I’m not sure how to respond.” You scratched your head thinking about it.
They read through the job offer and hummed in cognizance. “I think it’s a good idea but you are right it might not be a good time, with-“ They waved their hand around. “Everything going on. Maybe just say that?” They advised.
You both tossed ideas back and forth, as much as traveling to Japan enticed you, you knew how long it would take to wrap up all your current cases. You sent Midnight a response, apologizing and declining the teaching position, informing her that you’d love to but you are currently in no position to just pack up and leave. You pulled out your Nokia Brick phone for the time and started packing your bag. “I have to go, thanks for letting me mooch your internet.” You winked at your friend who groaned.
“When are you going to get a smart phone?” They teased.
“When they make one I can’t break, this thing is a beast!” You pointed the device at them and were on your way. Upon entering a back alley past your friends hero agency you received a call. “Detective!” You answered, “Oh. You found the- uh huh.” Your eyes narrowed, “I’m on my way.” You ended the call and ran to their office, maybe it wouldn’t take as long to wrap up all your loose ends as your originally thought.
5 years have passed as you and Shouta have grown closer via dreams and emails. He shows you memories of things that happened with his class during the day, most of it you find hilarious and he scowls at you in response. You write an apology and provide suggestions, he finds that he quite likes laying his head in your lap or on your stomach as you comb your fingers through the messy mop of hair he has. You find it almost natural, both of you rant about your day. Fully aware that the other can’t hear you, you’ve found writing and showing memories became second nature. You nearly cried laughing when he showed you the memory of him expelling an entire class as an example to say ‘I wasn’t joking’.
You and Midnight chose not to tell Shouta about your potential teaching position at UA, you didn’t want to say anything because you didn’t want to get his hopes up. Midnight suggested keeping it quiet in case you decide to come, saying it would be a ‘pleasant surprise’ for him. You rolled you eyes reading that, knowing how she can be.
You received another email halfway through the school year from Principal Nezu, inviting you personally. You didn’t reply to the email for sometime while going over your case work, when you did respond you informed him that it would take you about a month to finish up the cases you’re involved in and that you would be late in regards to when summer break ends and the new semester begins. He tells you that’s fine, and you request that he doesn’t mention who the ‘new teacher’ would be.
That night you have a pleasant dream, when Shouta enters your dream he found you reminiscing. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind, pulling them tightly under your bust as he rests his chin on your shoulder. You lean your head against his and squeeze his arms, a smile crept up your face and you start speaking about you coming to surprise him at UA. He can’t hear you which makes you chuckle, you turn you head and kiss you cheek. It’s been years since you’ve met but you’ve never kissed before, part of you wanted to save it for when you met him in person but you were so excited.
Shouta watches you talk, wondering what you’re talking about that has you laughing. He’d give anything to hear you laugh in person, anything to be with you. He watches your memories, chuckling when you show him the fight that caused the two of you to meet. When he feels your lips press against his cheek he blushes deeply, almost jumping away with his hands still wrapped around you. He watches your fingers curl and hover in front of your mouth as you giggle. He pulls you into his chest and leans in to kiss you.
You reach up for him but give a sad smile as he starts to fade, indicating that he’s waking up. You cup his face in your hands and then he was gone, you can’t keep this up. You know you need to meet him, you know you will soon but it feels so far. You see a glimpse of him waking up, the scowl on his face and his students freezing made you chuckle. You were so excited.
If looks could kill, the classroom would have been massacred with the deep scowl on Aizawa’s face. The room felt like ice when he sat up from his in class nap to prepare the class for gym, the sensation of your hands on his cheeks is still present. He cups him own face in frustration, unable to think of something that could allow you two to meet.
After a few week Shouta meets up with you in your sleep again, your face held a deep blush and you sent him the goofiest smile he’s seen on you yet. You clap your hands together in front of your mouth as you tilt your head, he rolled his eyes and chuckled as he realizes you’re drunk. You show him memories of your going away party, you and a handful of hero’s all suited up in their uniforms were drinking at someone’s large house. Even in your drunken stupor you manage to keep anything that says ‘going away party’ out of the memory. You did accidentally slip a memory of you drinking 2 hero’s, that were 3 times your size, under the table. He sees you sitting behind the table with a mischievous grin on your face as the other two were either throwing up or passed out. When he glanced over at you there was an air of pride on you, he starts to play with your hair affectionately. He smiles when you lean into him, blushing slightly when you lay across his lap. Somehow you had snaked your arms around his waist, he chuckled in any attempt to admonish his growing feelings that made his stomach flip and his chest quake with desire.
You slept off your hangover on the flight to Japan, you saw Shouta a few times while you flew towards Japan. The closer you got the more nervous you became, you knew Midnight would be picking you up so you weren’t too worried. You wondered what he would sound like, what he’d smell like even.
When the plane entered Japanese waters you knew immediately, even in your sleep. You could hear him talking, you blushed as soon as the audio became clear. His voice was so smooth and deep you couldn’t help but blush. He looked at you questioningly and you moved your mouth like you were talking but didn’t let your voice escape. This was a lot more difficult to do that you imagined, you silently chuckled. He kissed your forehead, “God I wish I could see you in person, I can’t stand this.” Sadness and pain laced his voice like barbed wires, you cupped his face and gave him a sad smile. You gently pressed your lips to his, the action seemed to surprise him as he quickly poofed out of his nap. You catch a glimpse of him shooting up out of his chair and off his desk in the teachers lounge, a deep blush coating his pale skin. You woke up soon after and started getting your carry on bag together to get off.
You and Midnight had exchanged pictures via email before your flight so that the two of you would have an easy time finding each other. When you got off the plane you carried a small backpack and a briefcase with your hero uniform. “(Y/N)!” She yelled, waving her hand fast. “I’m so excited you’re here!” She hugged you tightly as soon as you were close enough.
“Midnight, I’m excited to be here.” You said, “I haven’t told Shouta yet so we need to make a plan to surprise him.” You wink at her, noticing the devilish grin growing on her lips.
“Call me Nemuri.” She says and loops her arm with yours, you nod as the two of you walk to baggage claim. She told you all about the dorm system and that there’s a room prepared for you, telling you that it’s pre-furnished and about all the finite details.
He took another nap, hoping to apologize for being surprised awake. When he did manage to sleep it was only for a short time and you weren’t there. Aizawa would admit he was confused, he looked at his phone to check the time when he woke. Knowing you should be asleep, he worried that something happened. Gym class had started and a few of the student looked at him in concern, noting his grumpier than usual attitude.
“What do you think happened?” Uraraka said, “Aizawa-Sensei isn’t usually this grumpy after his naps..”
Asui and Midoriya nodded in agreement, sneaking glances at their teacher. “Maybe he just didn’t sleep well?” Midoriya suggested with shrugged shoulders.
“He does keep looking at the time, kero.” Ausi notes.
Shouta glares at them and they separate for their training. When gym is over he takes another nap, hoping to see you again.
You and Midnight made quick work of getting your bags into your new room, you had swiftly changed into your Hero costume and headed towards the school. Nermuri used her quirk to help you calm down as you approached class 1-A, “Do you think he’ll be mad?” You whisper to her.
She chuckled softly, “I don’t think he could be mad at you.” She patted your shoulder as you slowly opened the door to the classroom. Class was almost over so you knew he’d be napping.
You saw him asleep against the wall and the students looked at you confused. You and Midnight both pressed a finger to your lips to indicate they should be quiet and ignore you. You snuck into the classroom as quietly as possible and squatted in front of Shouta. You watched the way he slept so peacefully, his ebony hair messy in front of his face. You resisted the urge to move it and waited for what seemed like ages for him to wake.
When Shouta woke he rubbed his eyes before opening them, yawning and noticed someone in front of him. His eyes saw your feet first, quickly traveling upwards to see you sitting in front of him. Your (H/C) perfectly framed your face, your (E/C) eyes bore holes in him as you made eye contact with him. This has to be a dream, he thought. “Surprise.” You said shyly, you voice was soft. It was so delicate that it made his face burn, eliciting a few ‘ooo’s and ‘awes’ from his students. He stared at you in awe, frozen where he sat in utter disbelief. You giggled softly, you stood and introduced yourself to the class. Informing them and Shouta that you were a new teacher at the school. They had a million questions for you but you dismissed them stating they’ll find out later, the bell rang dismissing the class.
With school over the students made their way out of the classroom, leaving you and their homeroom teacher alone. You went to close the door and turned back to face him after waving the kids out. He unzipped himself from his sleeping bag and instantly pulled you into his chest. You blushed loudly and completed the embrace, wrapping your arms around him. One of his arms was wrapped around your waist while the other cupped the back of your head. “(Y/N). Why didn’t you tell me?” He said softly, you giggled into his chest and squeezed him a bit. The sound of your name on his lips made you happier than you imagined.
Lifting your head to him, you never realized the difference in your height while you dreamt. You hummed at his question, “I wanted to surprise you.” You offered a small smile. “And I didn’t want to give you false hope if something came up and I couldn’t come.” Your admission seemed to quell his confusion.
Shouta smiled and lifted you up, “I couldn’t have asked for a better surprise.” He leaned his face into yours, pressing his lips against your own. His lips were soft in comparison to his calloused hands that held you against him. You wrapped your arms over his shoulders, cupping the back of his neck. Desperate to not let go. He tasted like coffee and smelled like spices, he was warm and felt like home. When you pulled away to take a breath you pressed your forehead to his. “I couldn’t begin to imagine my life without you now that I have you here.” He said with a soft smile.
You giggled as he set your feet back on the ground, “I was thinking the same thing.” You both to a moment to look over each other. He was taller and more muscular that you had anticipated, you were shorter and softer than he imagined. He loved every ounce of you, “We should go home.” You offered your hand to his, god he could melt at the sound of the word ‘home’ falling from your lips.
You would be introduced to the rest of the faculty and students tomorrow, soon you would meet the teachers responsible for class 1-A at the faculty dorm you’d be staying in. Tonight you’d be spending all your time with Shouta, familiarizing yourself with each other. He had never slept so well as he did with you wrapped in his arms and pulled into his chest, he was never going to let you go.
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Embrace (Billy Hargrove x Reader) SMUT
Only 120 more followers until we reach 1k AHHHH
I included a little smutty part for someone who requested, yes youre welcome I know, im amazing. So this requires a mature warning oop
Warning; smut 18+
Tagged (I literally had to write the entire list on paper so I wouldnt forget anyone lmao); @irreplaceable-ecstasy @avocadoesatlaw @rexorangecouny @fraeppuccino @shane-isa-shame @teenwolflover28 @buckysjuicyplums @lcgaf @ahoy-ladies-67 @itsfangirlmendes @tellmyselfies @xkotkuu
"Can you at least tell me whats going on?"
Your house is silent. Your parents have gone on a business trip almost a week ago, and wont be back for another two, leaving you charge of the house, leaving enough money for food every day and personal needs,
You lean against the wall of your living room, finger twirling the phone cord tangled around your arm mindlessly,
"I'll explain when I get there," Billys voice is quiet, a shout in the background from Neil causing you to jump, "Just- wait outside for me?"
You sigh, rubbing your eyelids tiredly and nodding, remembering he cant see your actions, "Yeah. See you,"
Pressing your phone back to the wall, you shrug on the jakcet hanging on the rack mear the front door, and youre glad you dont have to stand in the cold too long, Billys '79 Camaro pulling into your driveway,
"Mind telling me why the hell Neil was so pissed off?" You walk up to his car, arms crossed as he stands up, closing the door behind him. Thats when you catch his gaze, his cheek bruised and his nose busted with blood,
"Holy shit," You grab his arm, tugging him into your house and pushing him near your kitchen so you could close and lock the front door, "What the hell happened?"
"Its my dad," Billy pulls off his jean jacket, dropping it on the back of a kitchen chair, "Max ran out of the house and I was apparently held responsible for it,"
"So he beat you?" Your hand grabs at his jaw, turning his head side to side to examine the wounds, "Fucking asshole,"
Billy chuckles at your mutter, leaning back into the kitchen counter to watch you open the medicine cabinet, pulling out alcohol and bandages,
"And that," You stand on your toes, pressing a alcohol damped cloth to his nose, "Is why youre staying here tonight, let him cool off,"
"Was already planning on it, sweetheart," Billy places his hands at your waist, watching you wipe away any remaining blood from his nose and patch a bandage to his cheek, "Like I got my own personal nurse,"
"Dont think you got it easy Hargrove," You set the cloth to the side, hands at his torso, "I'm still pissed you called me at almost," You glance at the clock on the wall, "One in the morning,"
"Good thing its summer," Billy leans down, his large hand guiding your face closer to his. He pauses, lips hovering over yours, and you grin, leaning up so your lips pressed to his roughly,
"I have a diagnosis," You hum against his mouth, pulling at the buttond on his shirt, "You're in desperate need of immediate treatment, and Im just the girl you're looking for,"
Billys hands curl at the back of your jeaned thighs, lifting you up and turning to sit you on the counter behind him,
"My hero," Billy mutters, leaning back long enough to tear off your shirt, throwing the fabric behind him, hand sliding under your bra strap, shoving it down your arm so his lips had access to the exposed skin,
"This wasnt planned, was it?" You breathe out into his ear, fingers fisting at his hair,
"This is never planned sweetheart," Billy pulls you forward so your pelvic meets his, his hips rutting against your covered area between your thighs, "But Im feeling much better now,"
Your hand raise to his face, thumbs drawing across his cheek bones, eyes searching his for any rejection in your action,
"You know your father loves you, deep down," You whisper, sliding your hand to the back of his neck and allowing him to drag his lips down your neck, "Hes just stubborn, like you,"
"Youre really pushing it, babydoll," Billys hands press at your inner thighs, slowly drawing them apart, "You dont know how hard Im trying not to take you on this counter,"
"How uncomfortable," You tease, leaning away from his touch, "Carry me to my bedroom?"
"The couch is closer," Billy swiftly eases you into his arms, walking only a few steps before dropping you on the couch, crawling over you for better access, "Now, try not to disturb the neighbors this time, yeah?"
"No promises," Your head falls back, knocking the armrest in time for Billys hand to slip through your jeans, finger pressing to your panties,
Your eyes fall shut, chest meeting his in an arch when his middle finger slides past your folds, allowing you to swallow him,
Your mouth drops in a moan, Billy looking up from where his hand worked to meet your eye's, free hand drawing to your mouth,
"Shh, baby doll," Billy curls his finger, your gasp blocked by his palm, "Ive got you,"
"Guess your nose doesnt hurt anymore, huh?" You choke out, grinning as he rolls his eyes and draws his hand back, forcing it forward,
"Time for me to pay my medical bill," Billys fingers loop at your jeans, tugging them down and tossing them over his shoulder, hands lifting your thighs so his lips could brush at your stomach,
"Youve got a big bill, young man," Your eye's pinch shut, Billy chuckling and pressing his lips to your sex, sucking roughly to add pressure,
You gasp, loudly you note, hands reaching for anything and ending at the cushions, brain fuzzy when Billys tongue presses into your folds, your juices settling at his tongue,
"So sweet," Billy lowers your hips, hands pulling at his belt buckle to give you time to catch your breath, "I should have came sooner,"
"Your father did you a favor," You sit up, backing him against the couch and settling into his lap, lowering yourself into his pulled member, "A nurse must care for her patient,"
Billy chuckles, hands resting at your hips to roll you forward, his lips parting to release a low groan when your clit finally touches the tip of his dick,
"Gonna ride me, baby girl?" Billy settles his lips against your hair, his pants loud in your ear,
Your head falls onto his shoulder, whimpering when he reaches balls deep, and, throwing your head back, you raise your hips, forcing them back down to meet his thrusts,
"Holy-" Billy grunts, jaw clenching as his hips rut upwards, smacking into your pussy, "Shit, sweetheart, never seen you take me like that,"
Your hands slide away from his neck, whining into his skin before your hands grab at his torso, forcing your lower body to quicken their pace,
"Billy, shit," Your eyes pinch shut, the rough smack from skin to skin echoing against the walls, "I'm gonna cum,"
Billys groan rises in volume, both arms tightening at your lower back before his hips sputter, slowly to ease You through your high,
He hums into your ear, hoarsely, raising your hips off of his to gently lay you down, grabbing a tissue to wipe your lower area clean,
"I think Im cured," Billy winks, your smile tired as you laugh quietly, pecking his lips slowly,
"Good. But that was just half your medical bill,"
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blahblahwritings · 4 years
Contracts and Captains. I.
A/N: Well, I’ve found it only takes a pandemic and a lockdown to get me to write again. I’ve started watching Black Sails and I love it I’m almost on season three. I can’t find many flint x reader fics so I’ll do it myself. I have far too much work to do for University but heres the first chapter of a possible longer fic I want to work on. Knowing me and my unreliable updates lets see how this goes. lmao.
Words: 1818.
Warnings: Blood, Violence. Probably will have smut in later chapters I’m thirsty. Also I’m going for a Flint fic I don’t know how it will end up. Might end up with a Billy fic who knows tbh. 
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Nassau, 1715.
The caribbean sun beating down was perishing. The bustling crowds filtering through the streets left little reprieve from the heat and you felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of your neck. Humid air filled your struggling lungs, leaving you almost suffocated as you trudged through the side passage of a building. Shade gave you a moment to rest, back leaning against the cool brick, panting. This would have been like any other day you’d had in Nassau, the heat, the crowds, the humidity, but, that wasn’t the only reason you were gasping for breath, sweating or stumbling.
Under your jacket, a pool of deep red was quickly flooding the loose shirt you wore. A white hot pain sliced through the right side of your abdomen, far hotter than the sun. It was the result of a contract gone wrong. A long wheeze escaped your lungs as you pushed off from the wall. You had to keep going. You had to get to Eleanor Guthrie.
Your vision was blurring, the loss of blood taking its toll as every step made the idea of passing out more agreeable. A low growl of frustration left you as you fell against a stack of wooden boxes, the clatter turning more heads than you’d like. So close to the tavern, if your senses had been in order, you’d have smelled the stench of ale and rum, heard the laughter of patrons. All you felt was the throbbing in your side, you smelled the coppery tinge of blood and heard the rushing of what little blood was probably left in your ears. Your chest shook with staggered breathing, your stare stuck on a spot in front of you, your legs outstretched as a hand clutched your wound. A pathetic sight. Weak. That voice in your head spat insults at you. How could you die like this, in a heap in an alley outside a tavern, a stab wound from a simple contract.
You took in a laboured breath, and, with every last drop of energy, you pulled yourself to your feet. You crashed through the wooden doors of the building, gripping to anything to keep you upright. The laughter trailed off, the music came to a halt, all eyes were on you. Lifting your head, you found the stare of none other than Eleanor Guthrie as she rushed over to you. A wry smile made its way to your face as she reached you.
“Ma’am” You spluttered before collapsing, unconscious before you’d even collided with the hard floor.
The vague memory of a dream was washed away by the screeching sound of gulls and a layer of sweat coating your body as a white room came into view. The sunlight streaming in from the open windows caused an instant ache behind your eyes. Groaning, you tried to turn away when a sharp pain shot through your torso. Sucking in a breath through your teeth, you returned to the position your back. A light sheet covered you from the chest down, your shirt nowhere to be found. Your pants, however, remained. Turning your head, you found a new shirt, clean and folded neatly on a chair next to the bed alongside your boots. Throwing the sheet aside, you examined your abdomen, finding it wrapped in a bandage, a small red stain peeking through. Slowly, you sat up, moving so your feet were on the floor and reached to grab the shirt, pulling it over your head.
A note floated down, landing beside your boots. Your brow twitched into confusion before righting itself. Bending forwards, your breath hitched as the stabbing pain worsened for a moment before dulling to a throb. Grasping the note, you began to read.
‘Miss Devereux,
Miss Guthrie would like to speak with you at once. Please make your way to her office as soon as you wake.
Mr Scott.’
An exhaustive sigh left you. This won’t be good. Putting your boots on and standing, you wondered how long you had been unconscious. Your wound had been cleaned and bandaged but the rest of you was still covered in old dirt and sweat. You looked at the basin by the window, contemplating at least getting the worst of it off. Fuck it. You thought as you moved towards the door, if she wants to see me at once she will.
You approached the closed door to her office, one of Hornigold’s men standing guard. He gave you a pitiful look.
“Is she that bad?” You asked, voice low. His lips pulled into a thin line as his eyes moved to yours for a moment before returning to the drunks below. Taking a deep breath you opened the door, not even bothering to knock.
A man in a long black coat, jaw-length brown hair and a red beard sat at the desk opposite Eleanor. Her eyes found yours and suddenly turned very dark. He turned to look at you, eyes scanning you in curiosity. “You wanted to see me, ma’am.” You stated, eyes never leaving hers.
“Captain Flint, I must speak with Miss Devereux, would you give us the room?” Her voice was short, she was pissed. Glancing between the two of you, the captain stood, moving past you.
“Good day, miss Guthrie, miss.. Devereux.” He nodded before disappearing completely. The door shut behind you leaving you to likely be torn limb from limb by the woman still standing across the desk. You had your reasons to be angry too. Silence. Only her heavy breathing could be heard. You opened your mouth to speak when she beat you to it.
“What the fuck happened?” She spat. You scoffed.
“Why, miss Guthrie I’m very well despite being stabbed by the madman you had me track down and watch, thank you for asking.” You snarled stepping toward her.
“Don’t give me that. What. Happened.”
“Well if you really want to know, I was tailing him perfectly fine, I found out what you needed and probably would have even gotten more for you had you told me he was going to be guarded by a group of degenerates. They tipped him off to me following him and I lost him before we got to the beach, I was dragged off by his dogs and ended up having to take most of them down and then he came back, asking why I was watching him and who I worked for. When I didn’t say anything, he took a swing. You know the rest.” You explained with a sneer, plonking yourself into the chair in front of her desk with only a slight wince.
“What a royal fuck up. Now he knows someone is after his plans, do you know the repercussions this could have on me? On us?” She bent over the table, sinking to your level.
“Oh so it’s ‘us’ now is it? I thought I was just a means to an end, last we spoke. Nothing more than a set of skills for hire.” You growled. She pulled back and turned to look out the window.
“You are a valuable asset to this place, to me. You care about the future of this place as much as I do, as does Captain Flint.” She trailed off.  A sigh. “Tell me what you found.” She finished, turning back, more composed than before, sitting in her chair.
After the little chat with Eleanor, she saw to it you were given a bath and a new bandage, returning your sword, daggers and throwing knives as well as your coat, clean. She told you if she needed you, she would send for you and so, after getting cleaned up, you left.
You’d found a place to eat, sitting at a bench outside, a mystery stew and some bread in front of you. You were half way through your meal when you felt like you were being watched. Three men approached the table you were at, sitting one beside you and two in front of you.
“Gentlemen, Stew?” You offered, knowing full well they weren’t here for polite conversation. The man next to you was wider than he was tall, built like stone with tattoos down the side of his face and neck. Opposite was a tall man, arms like tree trunks and a rather large dagger placed in front of him, a warning or a promise you weren’t entirely sure. Finally, next to him, was a darker skinned man, peering at you like you were his next meal. Clearing your throat, you stood carefully, looking at all three with a small smile on your face. “I feel rather unwelcome here, may I ask what this is about?” No answer. “Right, well, I suppose I’ll be off then, it is quite late after all, goodnight.”
You turned, stepping over the bench you were sat on when a hand gripped your wrist pulling you back. In retaliation you flipped the hot stew at the larger one's face, causing him to cry out, then, all hell broke loose. Punches were thrown left and right, your knife wound causing you to be slower than usual allowing them to land a few good hits. People crowded around the scene wondering what it was all about. Ducking under one of their punches your fist found its mark, doubling one over as you brought a knee to his face with a sickening crack. He fell to the floor as you whirled around, sweeping the smaller one’s legs out from under him and stamping your boot into his face, knocking him out. The largest of the men towered over you and honestly you weren’t quite sure how you’d be able to escape this one. His fist found your jaw, knocking you to the ground, you were stunned as a ringing filled your ears. He crawled on top of you, pulling his arm back for another strike when something hit him over the head, he looked a little confused before going limp, his full weight landing on you.
You groaned at the sudden pressure on your ribcage, feeling the adrenaline slowly pass and allowing all the pain from the fight to flood into your bones. Someone pulled the giant off you, offering you a hand up. In the dark you couldn’t quite see who it was until they pulled you up. You arched your back, cracking it far more than what was probably healthy and brushing yourself off. You’d need another bath that's for sure.
Looking up, you found the same man Eleanor was speaking with prior to your intrusion.
“Captain James Flint.” He introduced, extending his hand. His face was pulled into a frown and the crowd dissipated. The men on the ground were incapacitated or rolling around in pain as you glanced at them. Tilting your head up to his taller figure, you put your hand in his.
“Miss Elizabeth Devereux”
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helloalycia · 4 years
it matters // mason weaver
summary: communication was never mason weaver's strong suit, and it may just be the reason for your relationship's demise.
warning/s: mentions of drowning and implied death.
author's note: i don't know what this is lmao i'm sorry, it's literally been in my drafts for a year
masterlist | wattpad
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"Do you even love me, Mason?" I asked, my voice hard and impatient.
"Does it matter?" she retorted, exasperated.
My expression softened hopelessly. "It's the only thing that matters. At least, to me it is. I guess I was wrong for thinking it mattered to you, too."
I turned around, swallowing down the lump in my throat because I was adamant on not shedding a tear in front of this girl who didn't seem to give a shit about me.
"Y/N, wait," she called, soon grabbing my arm and pulling me towards her.
"I don't have time for this anymore," I snapped, yanking my arm away from her grasp. "This constant back and forth. You don't care, Mason. You've made that much obvious."
Her hazel eyes darted between mine, lost and trying to keep up with my words. I hated that I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful she looked, even when she was unknowingly breaking my heart.
"I do care," she said, surprising me with her certainty. "I never wanted to hurt you."
"That's funny," I said, smiling dryly, "since that's all you've managed to do."
She frowned, her jaw clenching.
"I've gotta go," I said, breaking our eye contact. "I should check on Brooks' injuries."
She didn't try to stop me this time, as I turned around and walked away from her, trying my very hardest to ignore the ache in my chest.
Houston Brooks, my fellow geologist and researcher on the trip, was sat on a tree trunk, messing around with the bandage on his shoulder when I approached him. He caught my gaze, obviously about to admit defeat and ask for my assistance, but my face must have looked dreadful since his expression softened.
"Come on, I'll replace your bandage," I said, sitting beside him and grabbing some bandages from the rucksack beside us.
"What happened?" he asked, forgetting about his injury.
I shook my head, focusing on removing his bandage. He'd got a piece of shrapnel stuck in his shoulder from the helicopter crash, and since moving to the Iwi natives camp that Marlow showed us, we were able to properly take a look at it. Thankfully, there wasn't too much damage, but at this rate, if we couldn't get home soon, he could get a serious infection.
"It was Weaver, wasn't it?" he continued, making me swallow the lump in my throat. He seemed to take this as confirmation, as he sighed. "I knew she was trouble. You always looked so upset around her. Surely she can't think she can just waltz onto this expedition and hurt you like she is."
"I'm okay, Brooks," I told him, forcing a small smile. I finished replacing his bandage and sat back. "I'm keeping my distance. She's made herself very clear. I need to forget her and focus on trying to survive through this."
Brooks nodded, resting a hand on my lap and squeezing my knee gently. "It sucks. I'm sorry. I wish I could do something."
"It's minor compared to that," I said, nodding to his shoulder. "And to everything happening right now. It's stupid and I shouldn't get caught up on it. We might not even make it off this island and I'm crying over a girl. It's dumb."
"You're only human," he reasoned. "You're focusing on the less stressful things in times of panic. It's normal."
"Well, not anymore," I told him, standing up and clearing my throat. "Come on. I think we can help Conrad with the boat."
Brooks nodded and stood up, giving me a small supportive smile. I appreciated his kindness, returning the smile. The two of us headed through the camp, passing the many Iwi natives who were kind enough to let us ride it out here until we got our shit together.
Spotting the boat docked that Conrad and Marlow were working on, the two of us approached it, myself ready to accept the distraction. Only, that immediately backfired when a blonde head poked over the edge of the boat, staring across at me.
"You sure you'll be okay?" Brooks asked, glancing at me with a raised brow.
I nodded, licking my lips and straightening up. "Yeah. We gotta work together if we're to get out of here, right?"
"Right," he agreed, but he definitely noticed the hesitance in my words. I didn't blame him, because he was right.
As soon as my eyes locked with Mason's deep brown ones, I knew I was screwed.
"You're pretty quiet back here, everything okay?"
I looked up, tearing my eyes from the river, and saw Conrad watching me with a concerned expression.  
"Yeah, I'm just thinking," I said, before looking back out to the river we were sailing down.
Conrad invited himself to sit beside me. "We should reach Packard's location soon. Then we can get the hell out of here."
I nodded, leaning in the palm of my hand on my knee. "I know."
I could feel Conrad's eyes boring into the side of my head, so I turned and met his gaze, wondering what he wanted really.
"I don't want to pry, but I've noticed the... tension, let's say, between yourself and Weaver," he spoke quietly, since the boat was small and Mason was sat literally a few feet behind us. "I don't know either of you very well, but I feel like you have history."
"It's nothing," I assured him, though I didn't sound very convincing.
I looked back out to the river, absentmindedly following the way the water would flow towards the boat and lap against the wood with a gentle splash.
"You're in love with her," he spoke gently, certainly.
I clenched my jaw, annoyed because he was right. "I don't want to be."
"She's in love with you, too. We can all see it. She wants to be with you."
I shook my head, squeezing my hand into a fist to contain my anger. "She doesn't know what she wants. That's her problem."
Conrad sighed. "I think she knows. She's just bad at communicating it."
I rolled my eyes. "You don't need to make excuses for her."
He chuckled. "I can see that. You seem to have your mind all made up about her."
I didn't respond, instead opting to glare out at the water. He patted me on the shoulder before standing up and leaving me to my corner of the boat. I stayed there for the remainder of the journey to the other side of the island, until we had to get off so we could find Packard and the others.
"He should be here...," Conrad mumbled with agitation, looking around at the clearing where we had docked our boat.
"He could still be walking towards us," Mason said, before nodding to the trees. "Let's meet him halfway."
Conrad seemed unsure at first, looking between where we were stood and the trees ahead. But finally, he nodded and looked to us all.
"Everyone okay with that? Whoever wants to wait here can wait," he said, looking between us.
Nobody spoke, so he took that as an okay. His eyes lingered on Brooks before he moved forward and took the gun off him. He turned to me and held it out. I accepted it, though a puzzled expression was on my face.
"No offence, but you're most likely to shoot one of us than an enemy," Conrad explained to Brooks, who agreed with embarrassment. Conrad looked to me questioningly. "You alright using that?"
"As good as the average person is at shooting a rifle, yeah," I said, pulling the strap over my head and holding the gun to my chest.
"Er, Conrad, is that the best idea?" Mason spoke up, stepping forward and looking between him and I.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as Marlow jumped up and down beside us, stopping anyone from answering.
"Are we going or not? The longer we wait, the less time we have to get out of here!" he shouted impatiently.
"He's right," Lin, my other colleague and fellow biologist said. "I don't like this one bit, but we need to find the others so we can leave."
Conrad nodded, giving me a look of encouragement before looking to an uncertain Mason. "She'll be fine. Hopefully she won't have to use it. Now come on. We've got to find Packard."
He didn't wait for her to respond, as he raised his own gun before leading us all forward. Mason, who was trying to find my eyes with her own, stayed standing until I breathed out and walked right past her, ignoring the goosebumps on my skin as my arm brushed hers.
The air was tense as we followed Conrad through the trees, our attention dead set on our surroundings. The last time we voyaged this forest without concern, we lost a member of our expedition and one of Packard's soldiers. Kong and the Skullcrawlers weren't the only threats to us.
As we were creeping through the trees, Conrad raised his hand suddenly, making us all halt in our stance. It took a few seconds, but then I heard it. The crunching sound, like feet on sticks and leaves. It was hard to tell whether it was from people or predators, and my heart pounded in my chest the longer we waited.
Conrad waved his hand back, signalling for us to back up slowly. I realised I was holding my breath out of fear when I struggled to move at first. Gulping in a deep breath, I took a few steps back, lowering my gun and following Conrad's orders.
The crunching noise stopped, making us all pause. I looked around, trying to make out a figure or shadow of whatever was ahead of us, but I couldn't see anything. It was just trees and foliage disguising whatever was there.
A clicking noise sounded loudly before us and I stepped back out of habit, as someone stepped out in front of us. Mason, who was stood beside me, stepped back, too, but was still stood in front of me, her arm held out over me protectively. It was ironic, since I was the one armed with a gun and she only had her camera.
"Packard," Conrad breathed out with relief, lowering his gun and guard.
I released the breath I was holding and stood up straight when I saw it was just Packard and his men. Mason lowered her arm and glanced at me with concern, but I merely rolled my eyes and stepped away from her. She had no right.
My heart dropped when I heard Conrad yelling for Weaver, his voice strained with concern. I followed his gaze and saw Mason landing in the water, falling from the crumbling cliff she was stood on.
"No... no...! Mason!" I shouted, tears blurring my vision.
Fuelled by pure adrenaline, I raced towards the water, convinced I would do anything I could to get her back. She wasn't going to die like this, she couldn't!
By the time I reached the bank of the river, I stopped, looking up at the vast ape before me – Kong. The beast's eyes looked down to me and I felt my heart beating erratically in my chest. He kneeled down, stretching his hand out, to reveal Mason. I held my breath out of fear and amazement, watching as he lowered Mason onto the ground, before he stood up and walked away.
Not hesitating a second longer, I dropped by Mason's side and scanned her face, seeing the lifelessness she possessed. I leaned down, ear to her face, hoping to feel her breath from her nose, but I wasn't sure I could feel anything at all.
"No, no, come on, Mason, you have to wake up," I begged, swallowing hard before beginning the process of CPR.
I did three chest compressions before giving her mouth to mouth. As I returned to the chest compressions, I felt my own chest squeezing together and my stomach curling up in pain. I wasn't prepared for the worst, and I was terrified it was coming.
I breathed air into her mouth again, before returning to the chest compressions.
"Don't leave me," I got out between sobs, eyes glued to hers in hopes she would open them. "Not like this, Mason."
I leaned down and gave her mouth to mouth again, only to feel her shudder beneath me. I moved back and watched as she spluttered carelessly, trying to breathe, but unable to because of the water in her lungs.
I helped her sit up, making it easier for her to cough out the water. I patted her back gently as she did, trying to blink out the rest of my tears so my vision was clearer.
"You're okay," I told her, smiling with relief. "You're okay. Just take your time."
She took some deep breaths carefully, clutching onto me tightly as she tried to regain herself. Her eyes found mine and I thanked God there and then that He brought her back to me. I didn't want to ever live another day without looking into her eyes.
"I'm sorry," she muttered, tears rolling down her cheeks.
She looked overwhelmed, her skin pale and her wet hair stuck to her forehead, but she still looked beautiful. And I knew why she was apologising.
"Forget that," I told her, pulling her in for a hug. I closed my eyes, squeezing her tightly, afraid she'd be gone if I let go.
She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me close and nodding slowly. We pulled away when we heard Kong roaring in the distance, beating his chest loudly and shaking the ground. The two of us looked out, past the river, seeing him retreating back into the forest.
"He saved your life," I said, my voice shaking. "And you saved ours." I looked to her, to see she was already looking my way. "Thank you."
She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She still seemed startled at the fact that she almost drowned.
"You can't leave me like that," I said, shaking my head and squeezing her hand gently. "Please don't leave me."
She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead before pulling me into her arms. I accepted the hug, closing my eyes as I realised that no matter what happened between us, I'd always come back to her.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "I should have said it. It matters."
"I know you do." I pulled away, meeting her glassy eyes. "I know."
She smiled regretfully. "I should have said it."
"You just did," I told her, returning the smile, though it was with a heavy heart. "I love you, too, Mason."
She continued to smile, nodding her head as more tears rolled down her cheeks. I pulled her back into my arms, knowing we'd have to get up and get to the boat any minute. But not right now.
Right now, I had her back and that was enough.
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Kat worried about her scars and being intimate with Adena after the bomb? 😭😭😭😭 I’m sorry I love angst lol
[alright yall rly are in it to win it w this universe but i will roll w that. also imma use this as many times as possible w them lmao but rn just so we can all be in hell together, anne carson is mean, a refresher:
pylades: i’ll take care of you.orestes: it’s rotten work.pylades: not to me. not if it’s you.]
maybe it’s because you haven’t really been kissed in over a week or maybe it’s because you’re literally always turned on by your girlfriend but you’re sorting out how to really make out with adena. you’re both laughing and your kisses are a mess, too desperate and intimate and a little funny, because your cast is bulky and adena almost sat on it and you’re just in love.
you finally get everything worked out, your legs coordinated and adena is above you and so fucking pretty, and her hands wander down your body, squeeze your breasts over your shirt, and she’s kissing your neck and everything is awesome until she’s reaching for the hem of your shirt and then your heart starts to race and something pounds behind your eyes and adena notices, of course she does, because she stops immediately.
‘are you okay, eshgham?’ 
you don’t know how to tell her that suddenly the idea of her seeing the scar that runs from just below your sternum along the ribs on your right side; you know, absolutely, that adena doesn’t care in the sense that you’re certain she thinks you are just as beautiful. you have other scars, just like anyone, one from getting your appendix out when you were six, one along the inside of your left arm from when you were twelve and slipped off the slide of your parents’ pool. 
but this is different, it’s big and kind of intense and from something horrible that happened to you, not some childhood memory that’s mostly dominated by all of the pancakes your dad made you after your surgery, or the stickers you and sarah wheaton had tried to make stick to your purple cast.
your new scar is still pink, barely healed, still a little achy. you have smaller ones from drains surgeons had put in, and you feel very suddenly embarrassed and a little terrified because your body has changed and you don’t understand all that it means yet; adena looks very concerned and so lovely, bathed in gentle city light from your big windows.
‘just a little sore still,’ you say, as convincingly as you can, lean up and kiss the crease between her brows. 
‘okay,’ adena says simply, lays down beside you and rubs a thumb over the faint scrape beneath your right eye. she’s quiet and you think you might start to cry so you close your eyes instead.
she doesn’t push you to say anything, only holds you tighter, and you fall asleep.
‘so,’ you say, your cast leg propped up on jane and sutton’s coffee table, your other tucked beneath you. you take a shaky breath and immediately they quiet from their bickering about something in big little lies—you don’t really understand the plot because you’d watched it almost exclusively for zoe kravitz, who can blame you—and they turn toward you.
‘what’s up?’ sutton asks.
‘well.’ you swallow. ‘i—uh, okay, i know this is kind of shitty but you guys know i got my stitches out two days ago and i feel, you know, tired and kind of sore still but pretty good, overall.’
your cheeks feel like they’re burning and sutton scoots toward you and holds your hand.
‘i know adena, and, like, everyone, i guess, saw the bandages and stitches and stuff because i was out of it and needed help changing and whatever.’ you shrug. ‘but i don’t know, were we making out yesterday and she went to take my shirt off and i kind of, you know, i kind of freaked out?’
‘oh, kat,’ jane says, serious and gentle. it makes you want to cry.
‘and i know adena would be the last person to think i’m less beautiful, or whatever—’ you roll your eyes at yourself and sutton grins—‘but i just felt, i don’t know, insecure?’
it’s a word you literally would never ever use to describe yourself; you’re confident and brave.
‘that makes sense,’ jane says.
she shakes her head and sutton puts her chin on your shoulder. ‘i mean, it makes sense that you would feel insecure, or nervous, not that you should, obviously, but it’s not a crazy thing to feel or anything.’
‘yeah,’ sutton says. ‘it makes sense, kat. it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.’
you sigh and you feel like you’re going to cry but you don’t, not now. ‘i’ve just always been proud of my body? i guess, like. i know i’m hot as hell, i’ve literally posted like twelve billion articles and links on body positivity.’
sutton laughs a little and jane smiles. 
‘you are hot as hell,’ sutton says. ‘and your articles are dope, but, you know, this is different, kat. you’re allowed to feel something other than incredibly confident about everything all the time, you know.’
‘that must get exhausting,’ jane says.
they coax a laugh out of you and it doesn’t really make you feel any less confused, any sturdier, but they listened and you definitely aren’t alone in any of this.
‘talk to adena,’ jane says.
‘we should start using that as a hashtag for you,’ sutton suggests.
‘shut up,’ you tell them, laughing. ‘listen, this surgery ruined my abs, okay? it sucks.’
‘oh, your abs,’ jane says. ‘you mean your one ab.’
sutton grins. ‘if that’s what you’re worried about, adena definitely isn’t going to care.’
‘you’re the worst,’ you tell them, but they squeeze you in a hug on the couch and jane kisses your cheek.
‘nah, we’re the best, and you know it.’
you smile when adena walks in the door, because your heart gives a little flutter and it’s wild because it’s been months of this but you still feel like it’s the first time she ever made you laugh and, like, people talked about love before but you didn’t really believe them.
‘hi, baby,’ she says, walks over to you and she makes sure to meet your eyes and you nod, and then she kisses you hello. 
it’s soft and gentle and a little careful and you know you’re still healing, and you know a lot of the sex you have is like this, but sometimes you really just want to be fucked, honestly. 
‘how was your shoot?’
adena tilts her head. ‘it was productive, i think. difficult. worthwhile, though.’
‘you gonna show me some pictures yet?’
she smiles and shakes her head. ‘how was your first day back?’ she asks, putting down her bag and the sitting at the table next to you.
‘oh, you know, exhausting, but fun. i missed sutton and the fashion closet.’
adena smiles and you really wish you didn’t have this stupid cast because you want to pull her over to you to sit on your lap or something. 
‘also,’ you say, gesture to the two bags of food on the counter, ‘i stopped by miss lily’s on your way home. i know you mentioned it the other day.’
adena’s smile is worth the extra thirty minutes in traffic you spent, definitely, and she leans forward and kisses you, this time deeply, but still careful, not pushing you at all.
you press into it, though, hungry and you’ve missed her.
‘i love you,’ she says.
‘i love you too.’
she stands up and you’re about to pout when she offers her hand you helps you up, steadies you by your hips when you feel a little off balance. you don’t bother with your crutches and instead you just hop over to your bed, making her laugh, and you lie down and she follows.
you get situated again and your heart starts to race again as she kisses down your neck and her fingers go to the waistband of your sleep shorts you take a deep breath and stop kissing her.
she sits back immediately but she doesn’t move off of you, just waits.
you sigh. ‘i don’t—i don’t like my scars.’ 
it takes a lot to say aloud and you feel a little stupid and a lot vain, and you kind of want to lecture yourself or something, but adena’s face softens and she rubs the sliver of skin between your sweatshirt and shorts.
‘okay,’ she says, calm and sincere, and you feel tears building behind your eyes but you have honestly cried so much lately you will it not to happen.
‘it’s stupid,’ you say quietly, swallow and look away.
‘kat,’ she says, stroking your cheek with her thumb until you meet her eyes. ‘it is not stupid.’
‘there’s just, i don’t know. i’m supposed to be this body positive confident person and i am, but this is—’
‘—different,’ adena says. 
‘well.’ adena tilts her head a little, which you know means she’s thinking something in farsi and trying her best to convey it in english for you. ‘scars are not, um, beautiful.’
you want to recoil and your chest is tight but she looks at you like there is nothing else in the whole world more important than you, than this moment.
‘they are important, though,’ she tells you. ‘they mean that you survived. and, kat, you did.’
a tear leaks out of your eye and you hate it and adena wipes it away and then kisses the traces of it.
‘and you are beautiful,’ she says. ‘you are so beautiful.’
you don’t know anything you can say so you tug her to you and kiss her hard; even though you’re starting to cry, she kisses you back.
she reaches under your sweatshirt and you trust her and you love her so you let her lift it over your head. she looks you over fully, eyes soft and adoring, really, and then she starts to kiss down your neck. she moves along your skin, pauses to check and when you nod, offer a small, ‘yeah,’ she kisses along your scar.
it’s still a little sensitive, but you watch how reverent she is and you close your eyes and just let yourself feel how she worships you.
adena continues, kisses the healthy, unmarked skin below your bellybutton and then crawls back up your body and kisses you.
‘beautiful,’ she says.
she reaches below your waistband and takes your earlobe into her mouth and you definitely somehow get out a please, yes before a moan and it’s only been two weeks but, god, you’ve missed her.
‘well, i came three times and then adena got herself off on my thigh in, like, a minute,’ you say, taking a sip of your wine.
‘wow,’ jane says.
sutton lifts her glass. ‘cheers, guys!’
you laugh and they turn on the westworld finale and surgeons removed a third of your liver so you get drunk kind of quickly and you’ve watched every episode with them but you genuinely have no idea of what’s happening other than tessa thompson is hot.
you start to feel sleepy even though it’s, like, not even ten, so you call a lyft and when you get home adena helps you out of your clothes and when she hands you a t-shirt to sleep in you shrug and put it back in your dresser.
adena grins and scrambles out of her clothes and you laugh, lay down on the bed. she climbs in and rests her head on your chest.
‘you’re home early,’ she says softly, kisses the skin below your collarbone without any intent, just comfortable, sweet.
‘yeah,’ you say. ‘tired. also, i don’t understand westworld at all.’
she laughs and you run your fingers along her back lazily.
‘sleep, kat.’
‘yeah, okay.’
‘i love you.’
‘i love you too.’
a few weeks later you’re lounging after brunch on sunday, lazily watching insecure for the fifth time, when adena sits next to you, computer open on her lap but angled away from you.
she seems nervous so you sit up and give her your full attention. 
‘you’re gonna show me your photographs?’
she takes a deep breath. ‘if you don’t want to keep looking, that’s okay.’
you furrow your brows and she hands you the computer and it takes you a moment to understand. they’re beautiful photographs, incredibly striking, of the remnants of your subway station. not the places where the bombs went off, nothing gruesome or graphic, but instead places in the station that stayed relatively intact: missing tiles, cracks, but still, somehow, complete.
you think you might cry—again—so you hand over the computer and adena closes it, sets it aside, looks at you with big, careful eyes.
you want to tell her that you understand, but you don’t know how, so you take her into your arms and hug her tight. you feel her start to cry into your shoulder and for the first time in forever you feel able to comfort her, tender and strong.
a few weeks later adena paces around your apartment nervously for like thirty minutes before you pat the seat next to you.
‘what’s up babe?’
she seems to consider her words carefully before she says, ‘my project is incomplete. i started it to help myself understand what had happened and how to help you, but then, i think, it turned into a love letter to you? in the best way i know how to make one.’
‘oh,’ you breathe, your heart happy and aching all at once. ‘why is it incomplete?’
you’d just gotten your cast off and she massages your hip for a second before she takes a deep breath. ‘i think it will be complete, ready for a gallery, if i can photograph your scars, put them side by side with the other pictures.’
a month ago you would’ve been upset, angry, even, but she’s so gentle and she’s also incredibly talented and super brilliant, and the way she has made you feel about your body—before, and after, everything that’s happened—is almost holy.
she sits back, searches your expression. ‘really?’
‘yeah,’ you say. 
her smile is relieved—not because of her project, you know, but because she didn’t want to upset you.
‘you better win an award or something from my artful nudes, though.’
she laughs and kisses you and you kiss down her body and when you taste her, you have never been more glad to have your cast off in your life.
‘wow, adena,’ jane says, as she and sutton walk around the gallery, taking in the series of photos that really did turn into something remarkable. ‘these are incredible.’
the photos of the cracks in the station are next to pictures of you laughing, candid and happy, in simple underwear and no bra. you remember feeling awkward and kind of scared but then adena had started making faces and you had rolled your eyes and told her that you weren’t an infant, but you both had started laughing and the light from your windows is gentle in the early morning of autumn, a sunday, after adena had prayed and you had had coffee together in your kitchen. your braids are spread beneath your head and you’re looking at her through the camera, not self-conscious at all.
you can see your scars, they’re clear and not hidden at all in the photos, but the whole of you is just very much in love.
adena smiles and thanks jane, and then sutton who really just has, ‘fuck, i’m gonna cry,’ to say.
adena goes to mingle because this is her show and she has to, and your friends both put an arm around your back in a funny group hug. 
‘your boobs look amazing in all of these,’ sutton says, still sniffling.
you laugh and walk with them to get another glass of champagne, go look at some of the other art in the gallery together before you drift back to your girlfriend eventually. you talk to a few people who come to compliment adena but mostly you just stand with her and listen, watch her in her element.
she has to make a speech a little later, and she thanks everyone for coming. she doesn’t talk about the photographs, and you know she didn’t want to.
what she does say, though—she looks at you, smiles a little, and says, ‘and, kat, thank you.’
you raise your glass and people are looking at you, you know, but you only notice adena, and her love, and the way she sees you.
months later, she does win an award, a very prestigious one.
you eat her out for an hour after you find out; you’re both exhausted and eating leftover mexican food in bed and you’re so full you lie down. 
she pats your stomach and you say, ‘food baby,’ and she laughs.
‘i’m proud of you,’ you tell her.
she smiles. ‘me too.’
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