#mustang keychain
yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Cowboys are the only thing on my mind rn. Like I am down BAD for cowboys. But I got this idea…
Any yandere spiderverse character x cowboy reader 🤭
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Warnings: yandere behavior and talks about cowboy shtuff
A/N: I love your thinking!! This is such a cute idea, istg. I added two characters totally, enjoy my love <3
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Hobie Brown:
He thinks you’re so badass and incredibly attractive. He finds your taste in style pretty unique and your western accent so fucking attractive.
If you wear a western hat, you can bet Hobie will tease you so much and often grab it off you, waving it above you to see how you’ll react. Nevertheless, he finds you cute with it on.
With your style of clothing, Hobie is the type to have something similar for the both of you to wear, so people know you two belong to each other. Hobie will likely give you a necklace, or a keychain to go around your belt loops.
Isn’t really all that interested in learning how to ride a horse, but he does enjoy seeing you ride – especially staring at your muscled thighs from behind. If you’re a Spider person, you can bet Hobie will jump on the back of your horse to check up on you before swinging off in the middle of combat.
If you have a ranch, he will try to help, but he ends up just messing with the cattle and making sure they do mischievous things; finding your annoyed state funny. But! He will help you groom the horses and feed the animals.
At your ranch, he’ll try to make a little competition with things – such as who can lift more hay barrels, feed the most animals, etc.
Will definitely go out of his way to buy sugar cubes or snacks for your horse(s), rubbing their chin and patting their neck. Probably has a superb relationship with them.
Loves to call you outlaw, (his) cowboy, dusty boots, and buckaroo.
Will sometimes poke at your accent, even though he loves it a lot. And yes, he will playfully correct your grammar when you say things a bit off.
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Miles Morales:
Thinks you’re the coolest person ever. Loves your style, your accent, and everything you do. He has a sketchbook dedicated to you, colored in pretty Western colors.
If you have a horse, you can bet Miles will be mouth wide and immediately run up to the horse, trying to pet them and ask you all sorts of questions about them. By the time his rambling shuffles down, Miles realizes he’s probably overwhelmed the horse and asks what he can do not to scare your best friend so much.
Absolutely asks if he can ride with you, or if you can teach him how to ride. He’s a slow learner, but, with your guidance and reassuring comforts, he becomes more comfortable riding. Although, he does whine about his body hurting afterward.
Your accent is so attractive to him. He’ll be looking at you like you’re the world’s best singer when you’re telling a funny story.
You can also bet he’ll be going with you to rodeos, being the few people in the crowd who’s cheering you on very loudly.
Watches you in awe when you lasso things, especially him. Again, will ask if you can teach him to how to use a lasso and make one.
Doesn’t really say a lot of nicknames, but at times Miles will say: boots, mustang, and hoss.
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Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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ghostyolive · 4 months
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My Valentines gift is that I’ve added multiple preorders to my Etsy shop for y’all <3
Don’t have a Valentine? Preorder a boob mousepad, now featuring Major Miles and Roy Mustang! Alternatively, purchase a plush keychain of one of my Greed body pillow designs!
And hey, maybe you aren’t interested in romance. In that case, order my colored acrylic charms of the Devil’s Nest gang! :D
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safyresky · 10 months
A List of Crystal Springs FACTS That Have Been on ROTATE in my HEAD for the Past Few Weeks:
The Frosts are a HONDA family! Winter drives an HRV, Jacqueline drives a Fit, the family car is a Pilot
The cars are shrunk and are little keychains while in Crystal Springs!
The HRV and the Fit are BOTH blue
The Pilot is either RED or basic grey
Jack does NOT drive a Honda, he drives some kinda fancy sporty flashy car that is literally just for show. (Porsche? Mustang? Something along those lines)
Winter is the designated driver. Blaise likes being the passenger, or, as I have seen kids say on the INTERNET, the PASSENGER PRINCESS? PRINCESS PASSENGER?
Jacqueline's Fit is actually just my old Honda fit, Fitzy (rip bud you are MISSED 😥)
Jacqueline wears bike shorts under ALL her skirts/dresses. She quite enjoys people looking at her bare legs in -20 and lower weather and freaking out about it, adds DECADES to her life span
When Blinter first met they were kids and Blaise said "WOW YOU'RE SMALL" And Winter threw him right into a wall with a north wind. Pyros almost died of laughter. Blaise was smitten then and there
Jacqueline once impersonated Jack for reasons that are unclear to me as of yet but she has said involved robbery 🤔🤔
When Charlie becomes Santa she takes a turn as Jack Frost and steals Jack's vest about it
She rocks the vest
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
Part 15
It's been 6 months since I moved out here and everything has been going so smoothly. I've kind of missed the convenience of the city but as Im getting ready to go get a Christmas tree for the apartment i find myself so happy to be surrounded by the friends I have.
Richy has warmed his way back into my heart and were all out finding the perfect tree. I hear my phone ring and its Ashley.
"Hey girl" i say "hey Dan I think this is the one me"
"Hey what you doing right now?" She asks
"Christmas tree shopping why?"
"I think you should turn around" she says
I turn around and shes standing there i throw my phone in my pocket and run up to her. "How did you find me?"
"A little bird told me" she says
I turn around and catch Jake and Jessy looking and smiling.
"How long you in town?"  I ask
"Well thats the thing I got a one way ticket. Right now my job is remote so its perfect for the holidays" 
"I thought you werre going to canada to see your parents"
"Oh i did but i didn't want to stay so i decided to reach out and come out here" 
"Well lets get your bags in Jake's jeep and get you a hot coco" i say as i turn around and Dan is marking my tree with the tag. "Jake can i have your keys?" I ask
He heads this way "ill help you. I need a refill anyways of hot coco" he says wrapping his arm around me
"Seriously can you two get any cuter?" Says Ashley
Jessy runs up "oh don't tempt them"
"Oh I know ive seen the pictures on IG. Oh by the way who's that guy at the bar with you?"
I roll my eyes "no no no" i say "not that one nope"
Jessy laughs "oh come on Krista he deserves what you have"
"Jessy no."
"Come on you know he's my type" ashley says 
"Yeah your bad boy type. That never ends well for you. We end those relationships either passed out from a food coma or alcohol so no" i say as we put her bags in Jakes car
"Maybe not this one" she says
"Jessy help me on this one. You know what to say to get girls away from him"
"Actually I'm not gonna this time. He's been doing really good since you started helping him and he deserves to be happy"
"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you. His name is Phil, he's my boss and the owner. He is 100% your typical bad boy I don't work tonight but maybe we can go for some drinks"
"Sounds perfect" she says we all go grab another hot coco and find the rest of the group i introduce ashley to the rest of them and we finish the trees and them all loaded on the truck to be delivered.
Her and I are sitting in the kitchen of my place. "Ash you need to know something."
"What is it Kris" she says looking at me as she drinks the hot drink
"When i moved out here Phil did try and shoot his shot with me. Obviously things with Jake were already strong but i dont think he go over thst rejection"
"Thanks im use to that being your best friend. You always attract them they shoot their shot and then i try" 
"Haha that is true. I swear though i wish i could find you a guy like Jake. He's perfect i swear."
"He treats you like the queen you are and you deserve but he seems to keep you in check which is what you exactly need"
"YES! I knew you would get it. You know my crazy side. Not gonna lie just before he asked me to be his girlfriend he got a little pulled back and i got worried I was gonna lose him but everything worked out" i say as i see my keys and look at the one he gave me. I notice something new on it and pick it up.
"What is it?" Ash says
"This is the keychain he gave me with his house key. Ive used it so many times but this is the first time ive seen this on it" i look at it and its a little heart charm attached
"Has he had your keys recently?"
Yeah last week when i was working and we got a ton of snow and i asked him to drive my mustang and i drove his jeep cause i didn't want to wreck it. My keys haven't been used since cause he's been taking me until we can get me vehicle thats good for snow"
"Well lets go check your mustang in the garage"
We head out there and on the dashboard is a box with a heart on it with a note attached
I instantly grab it and open the letter
Well you either found this on your own or I told you on christmas about this. So merry Christmas babe
"Hmmm i wonder whats inside the box" says Ashley 
I open it up and inside is another key but no note
" um i gotta call him"
Calls jake but he doesn't answer so I calls Jessy
"Hey is jake still dropping you all off?"
"Yeah hes just about to drop me off why?" She says
"Put him on the phone please"
"Everything okay?" Jake says
"Yes and no…. I found the gift in the mustang but im confused. There isn't anything more"
"Well you will have to wait or figure it out on your own" he says as he hangs up
"Well i guess no bar tonight cause now i wanna know what this is too" 
"Open your trunk maybe?"
I open the trunk and inside is a box with a key opening. I open it up and inside is another letter
I quickly realized your gonna need something for winter in Duskwopd besides the Mustang so if you can get over to Rogers, Richy knows what to do with this key
As a key falls out of the note
I call Richy
"Hey Krista"
"Im on a puzzle mission…. You at the garage?"
"Nope but i cant be everything okay with the Mustang?"
"Yeah but can you come pick me up and take me there i cant get out of the garage and your suppose to know what to do with this key"
"Yeah give me a bit"
All of a sudden a group message comes through
Jake she knows says Richy
Well now I know something is really up. You better be on your way to me and Jake better head to the garage i text back
Jake calls me "your too dang good at these puzzles you know?" Ill come get you and ashley and take you guys there. Richy will meet us there"
"Good cause i wanna know what this key is too"
Jake pulls up to the garage with ashley and I and Richy is already there. I show Richy the key and he smiles as he tells us to follow him. He walks inside to the shop to the far end bay door where theres an SUV with a bow on it
"Merry early Christmas" says Jake as he kiss my cheek
"Your joking right?" Says Ashley as im just frozen
"Nope when she made the decision to move out here we all started putting the money together as we could to get this. I put the most so they said its only fair i give it to her."
I open the driver side door and sit in it and start crying as i do i see something sparkly ib the middle area. Jake opens the passenger side door and grabs it real fast.
"What was that?" I say
"Something you have to wait for i wasn't expecting you to find this so fast so i hid another gift in it" he smiles
Ashley sees him put a ring in his pocket as im looking at the car she walks up to him. "As her longest best friend i need to know what that was" she says
Jake laughs "nah cause if you know she will know and that has to wait for Christmas"
"Tell me just yes or no then to a question"
Jake agrees
"Are you planning to propose?"
"No" says Jake
Ashley backs away not pushing her luck. She opens the backseat and climbs in. "I think it's time we hit up that bar" 
Jake pops his head in "i don't think thats a good idea with the storm rolling in"
"Well then i guess we all just go to my place including Phil for a movie and drinking night" i say as i send a group text movie and drinks at my place tonight as i hit send Phil calls me
"Hey i was just about to text you" i say
"Krista can you come to the bar i need help getting out some customers so i can close it down before this storm rolls in"
"Okay if after you stop at my place for movies and drinks with everyone including a friend from out of town and you pay me double"
"Deal. Drive safe but see you soon"
I hang up i look at Jake "meet me at my place and grab some pizza" i say handing him some cash
"Where you going?" He asks
"Phil needs my help at the bar then I'll be there. I'll be safe I promise you"
"I rather send ashley and richy to your place and join you. These roads are getting bad."
"You're not gonna let me do anything else huh?"
"Fine" i take the cash back and hand Ashley my house key "grab some pizzas and stuff with Richy we will call you when where on the way"
"Awh man okay" she says wanting to meet Phil
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lovelyrocker · 1 month
Fool's Gold ch.5
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Warnings: Age Gap, Language, Smut, Underage Drinking
Characters: Armie Hammer, Reader,
Pairings: Armie x Reader (Unofficial)
Work Count: 3,861
The next afternoon Y/N left school at noon and went straight to Armie’s. She let herself in with the spare key she never gave back to Armie. Archie, wagging his tail, was excited to see her. She knelt down giving him all the love. She let the pup out and then gave him a treat before walking back into the house. Sitting on the counter was a set of car keys with a note scribbled in Armie’s handwriting.
Here is a small grocery list. The debit card pin is 4673 and the keys to the mustang are on the counter. Enjoy your ride, Pretty Girl, and don’t crash my car. -Armie
P.S. Get yourself something sweet.
Y/N smiled, looking down at the set of keys with the Yale keychain. She smiled as she picked up the set of keys and the shopping list.
When Armie pulled into his driveway that evening, he could hear the bass of music coming from inside his house. He shook his head with a smile as he grabbed his briefcase, locking his car door with a beep of the car alarm. He opened his front door to be greeted by an excited Archie, bouncing around.
“Hey, buddy!” Armie gave Arching a pat on the head then sat his case down, smelling the food in the air. “Y/N?!” He called.
“In here!” She called and he followed the voice. She grabbed the remote to the stereo system, pausing the music. “You have an amazing sound system.”
“Yeah, I’m sure the neighbors really appreciate that.” He told her, placing a kiss to her lips with a smile.
“Sorry.” She shrugged with a guilty expression that Armie found adorable.
“What are you doing?” He asked, shrugging off his jacket. “What smells so good?”
“Well, I decided to make you dinner.”
“You made dinner?” He looked at her surprised. “I didn’t know you knew how to cook.”
“Yes, I can cook!” She nudged him. “Green Beans, a beef roast and some potatoes.”
“It smells delicious.” He places another kiss on her lips. “How was the drive?” He backed her up against the counter.
“Beautiful.” She answered as she kissed him back. “No bums, scrapes or dents." She tells him as he starts kissing down her neck. "Your car is in the condition it was in before and she drives like a dream.”
Armie let his hands go to her ass and lifted her to the countertop with a squeal. “Did you drive with the top down?” He continued to kiss her.
“Top down, windows down, music blaring.” She told him as she let his tongue taste her mouth.
He pulled away and eyed her. “Were you drinking?”
“I may have taken a sip of the tequila.”
“A sip?” He raised a brow.
“Two sips, but I swear that's it!”
He shook his head with a grin. “You could at least pretend I am the adult here.”
“I’m an adult, too!”
“You know what I mean, smartass.” He nipped her neck.
“Behave,” She pushes at his shoulders. “It’s time to eat.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do.” He slides his hands beneath her skirt.
“Ah-ah.” She tuts, pulling his hands away. “That’s dessert.”
“Such a tease.” He hums into her mouth before moving away, letting her hop down from the counter.
They sit at the dinner table, and she sets a plate in front of Armie. “Did you really do this all of this on your own?” He looks from the steaming food in front of him then to her.
“Yes.” She giggled, Sitting in her chair next to him. “I actually enjoy cooking. My grandma taught me years ago.”
“This is missing something.” He says standing. She looks over the table trying to figure out what’s missing when Armie sits back down with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. “One glass.” He tells her as he pours the dark red liquid into the glass. “And you can’t tell.”
“I won’t, I promise.” She tells him as she sips the wine. “So, how was your day?” She asks as she cuts her roast.
“Hectic.” He tells her as he cuts his own food. “Someone input the data backwards for the meeting and we were scrambling to fix it. Actually,” He pointed to her. “It was the one you did for me a few days ago that saved the day!”
“Really?!” She asked with a squeak in her voice. “The data I entered to test the new software?”
“Yes! Oh my God this is delicious!” He told and she gave a smile, her cheeks blushing at his compliment. “Anyway, I told them I had a copy of the spreadsheet and it matched so we used yours for the budget.”
“That’s awesome!”
“I told your dad that you wanted to try out our new software, so I let you try it out and of course he started bragging how good you were with numbers and much of a good eye you have.”
“Of course he did.” She rolled her eyes.
“I brag about you, too, so I can’t say anything.” He told her as he took another bite of the food. “Oh my God! This really is delicious!”
Y/N gave a smirk. “Thank you! And please tell me that you don’t really brag about me.”
“Of course I do!” He tells her matter of factly. “How can I not?” He reaches over and takes her hand. “You have no idea how incredible you are.” She blushed deeper as he kissed the back of her hand.
After dinner they moved to the back yard and sat by the pool with the bottle of wine between them. Y/N’s feet dangled in the water while Armie sat behind her, her back leaning against his chest. His fingers traced her bare shoulder where he pulled her school shirt off of her arms.
She leaned her head back against his shoulder. “Stay the night.” He whispered in her ear. She lifted her head and looked at him. “Your parents aren’t home. I overheard your dad saying he and your mom are having a three-day weekend and they left tonight.”
“So, are you saying-” Her hand traveled behind her to his waist.
“Uh-uh.” He grabs her hands. “No sex tonight.”
“We don’t have sex.” She sits up, looking back at him.
“Oral sex is still sex.” He looks down at her. “What we do is versions of sex.”
“Then why won’t you fuck me already?”
He couldn’t help the laugh that left him from her frustration. “Because” He pulled her back to lay against his chest, his arms wrapping around her shoulders. “If I just go at you like a horny teen on prom night, I’ll hurt you.” He kisses the top of her head. “This way, messing around like we do, It will give your body a chance to prepare for it.”
“Translations, you have a big dick and this way you can work me open a bit so I'm not hurting like a bitch when we do fuck.”
Armie busted into laughter. “Something like that.” He kissed her head again. “Look, I don’t want the whole time to hurt for you. This way it will only hurt at first. At least that's what I’m going for.”
She looks over at him and tilts her head up. “Okay. I trust you.”
“Good.” He kissed the tip of her nose and she giggled. “Are you sure you’re not drunk?”
“If I have any more wine, I will be. Oh!” She said suddenly and stood, wobbling.
“Woah!” He holds out his hands, taking her waist, standing. “Someone is tipsy.”
“Okay, I may have had more than a sip or two of tequila.” She confessed and Armie laughed again, scooping her up in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He sets her down in the kitchen and she scurries to the counter. “You told me to buy something sweet and I wanted these.” She pulls a box out.
“Chocolate covered strawberries.” He hums, pulling one out the box. “Sexy and romantic.” He places the strawberry at her lips, and she takes a bite. He leans in pressing his lips to hers, tasting the semi sweetness of the confection.
They end up a tangled mess on the living room floor, half naked, sweaty and breathless. It took everything in Armie to stop and not take her right there on the living room floor. But they’d been drinking, and he knew if he tried now, he would hurt her.
“Okay, we need to stop.” He let himself fall back on the floor. She climbed on top of him, continuing to spread kissing across his chest and neck. He grabbed her hips, stopping her from moving her hips. “Are you trying to make me cum?” He chuckled, sitting up.
“You know, I'm more sober than you think.”
“Are you?” She nods and Armie smiles into her kiss. “Nice try,” He lifts her and places her butt on the floor between his legs. “But the answer is still no.” He stands, leaving her there.
“Why do you have to be a buzzkill about this?” She stands following him to the bedroom finding him digging around his dresser drawers.
He chuckles. “Because” He looks back at her, tossing her a shirt.
“Because is not an answer.”
Armie turned and grabbed her waist making her yelp. “Don’t be a brat.” He leaned into her ear.
She turned in his arms. “I’m not a brat.” She licks at his lips.
“You’re my brat.” He tells her with a soft kiss. She pulls away and looks at him, the smirk on his face is boyish and gentle. His eyes give a sparkle like deep blue waves on the sea. “Go change. I’m gonna go let Archie out.” He let her go and backed away.
When Armie walks back into his bedroom after letting his pup out he sees Y/N lying face down in his bed with his T-shirt on over her purple panties. She’s curled into a pillow breathing deep and even. He presses a kiss to her head as he walks by to the bathroom.
After changing and brushing his teeth Armie shuts the lights off as he makes his way to his bed. He is careful climbing in, not to wake her. Archie jumps up on the foot of the bed and looks at Y/N laying on the bed. He looks over at Armie then circles around a few times before settling. Armie turns over on his side, reaching over and turning off his bedside table. He starts to relax into his bed when he feels gentle movement followed by an arm wrapping around his middle and pressure against his bare back. He smiles softly, feeling her settle against him.
When the alarm went off the next morning Armie reached with a yawn, shutting it off. He turned, feeling the pressure still pressed into his side. Y/N, still sound asleep against him. He lifted his hand and pushed the mess of waves from her face. He just stares at her for a while, watching her eyes move beneath her lids. He caresses her cheek with his thumb, a feeling settling in his chest he didn’t recognize.
“Y/N.” He whispered. She scrunched her face and whined while scooting closer to him. He gave a quiet chuckle and wrapped his arms around her. “You need to wake up for school.” Another whine followed by her arms wrapping around him. He gave a chuckle, pressing a kiss to her forehead and pulled himself out of bed going about his normal morning routine showering, shaving, the whole nine.
Y/N shuffled out of the bed not long after he’d finished. She walked into the kitchen and Armie looked up at her, standing there. He gave a soft chuckle, seeing her in his t-shirt and her dark purple panties, her hair mess. “Why did you get up so early?” She walked over to the kitchen table, pulling out a chair and sitting in the seat next to Armie. “Like, you could have stayed 30 more minutes.”
“I like to stick to routine.” He hands her his cup of coffee and stands. “What time do you got to leave for school?”
She gives a yawn “Like an hour.” She sips from his mug. “Your bed is so freaking comfortable; I didn’t want to move.” He gives a chuckle and places a bowl in front of her on the table. “What’s this?” She looks at the bowl and up to him.
“Oatmeal with fruit.” He told her and she arched her brow. “What, don’t you eat breakfast before school?” He leans back against the counter.
“Yeah, like a Poptart while running out the door.” She smiles while taking a bite of the still steaming food. “Oh, this is good!”
“Just a Poptart?”
“And a coffee.”
“Well, maybe you wouldn’t be so grumpy in the morning if you had a proper breakfast.”
“I am not grumpy in the morning!”
“Oh, you’re not?!” He smirks going over to her. “Then what was that grumbling when I tried to wake you?” He braces his hands on either side of her leaning over the table.
“That was me being too damn comfortable.” She takes another bite of food.
He presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Finish eating and I'll finish getting ready. I’ll drop you at school on my way to the office.”
When Armie comes back into the living room Y/N is tying her shoes, fully dressed and ready to go. “Come on.” He stands next to her, holding out a hand.
Armie’s hand stayed in her lap, their fingers laced together the whole drive to her school. She gave him a kiss on his cheek before climbing out of the car and running off to the building. Armie drives away and gets onto the freeway when he looks over and notices she left her sweater in the passenger’s seat. He grabs it and holds it for a moment, a smile creeps across his lips as he holds the fabric to his nose. The scent of jasmine and cinnamon fills him. He gives a huff and shakes his head, tossing the sweater back on the seat.
Armie sat behind his desk that day and watched his clock tick away the minutes. It didn’t matter what he was doing his thoughts always somehow ended up on Y/N. At noon he grabbed his keys and jacket and locked up his office.
Y/N looked up as she walked to the bus stop and saw that dark gray Porsche and she smiled. Not for the fancy car, but most importantly the man behind the wheel. The window rolled down and he smiled at her, “Need a ride, pretty girl?”
She walked around, getting into the passenger’s seat. “What are you doing here?”
“I thought today was a good day to play hooky.” He shifts the car into drive. “It is a beautiful sunny day and there is a pool in my backyard with our names on it.”
“Yeah, why not?” He smiles over at her, taking her hand. “I never just relax and enjoy myself. I was also thinking that since your parents will be gone all weekend you could stay over again. If you want, that is.”
“Really?” She looks over at him, her smile growing. “I have been dying to spend an afternoon poolside!” She tells him excitedly. “Just stop by my house and I’ll pick up some stuff.”
Armie pulls into the drive of the two-story home outside of the city. Y/N hopped out of the car and turned back hearing the car door slam shut. “What are you doing?” She asked, looking at Armie.
“You’ve seen my entire house; I get to see your bedroom.” He grins walking passed her to the front door.
He follows her into the house, looking at the childhood pictures of her along the way. He smiled at a picture of her dressed as a kitten for Halloween. She couldn’t have been more than seven. Once up the stairs she stops in front of the closed bedroom door. She turned to him with a finger in his face. “You will not mock me for a single thing you see in here. Got it.” Armie holds his hand up in understanding, trying to suppress the smirk that is desperate to appear on his face.
She opens the bedroom door and Armie walks in looking around. He saw the soft lilac walls and flowing white sheer curtains. Books were scattered about her room both educational and for enjoyment. He dug around her desk pulling up a dark brown leather-bound book. “I thought you didn’t keep a diary?” He opened it, looking over the scribbled words and pictures tapped to the pages.
“I don’t. Not really.” She walked over looking at the book. “It’s more of a memories scrapbook. This one is from last summer. The summer before high school I started a scrapbook thing." Y/N went to her closet and pulled out a box, placing it on her bed. "I made one for the summer and one for the school year. I've done it every year since." Armie looked through the books on the bed.
“You don’t mention me in any of these, do you?” He asked with a raised brow.
“Not in that one.” She smirks, walking to the other side of the room.
"Oh, so you do write about me?" Armie smirked, walking over to her.
"I do. But don’t worry, nothing about our arrangement. Though, I do mention how hot I thought you were one year at the summer business party." She walks over to her closet pulling out a box, digging through. “Ah ha!” She pulls a dark blue book out and opens it several pages in. “Right here.” She hands him the book.
Armie looks at the page of an office function, him cut out of a picture and the words MAJOR HOTTIE next to it. He gave a loud laugh. “You are something else.” He grinned, reaching for her, taking her waist pulling her against him. "Thank you,” He kissed her lips. “For respecting my wishes." He kissed her again.
"Oh, don’t get me wrong. I do intend to get a handful of pics of you before this is over with. Just so you know." She smirked before kissing him.
"No evidence." He shook his head, his hands wrapping around her waist..
Armie turned her to the bed and backed her up til she was laying with him on top of her. Her hands tangled into his hair, her nails scraping his scalp. Armie reached a hand, unbuttoning her shirt, kissing down her chest. He feels her nails through his shirt, digging into his shoulders. He kisses back to her lips, tongue eager to taste her again. He slots his thigh between her legs and feels her grind down against him.
“I want you.” She whispers in his ear.
“I know you do, pretty girl.” He bites his lip, looking down at the desperation in her sparkling eyes. He reaches down and touches between her legs, her panties are soaked at her core. “Fuck, baby.” He moans into her mouth. Y/N feels his fingers slide her panties to the side and his long digits massage through her folds. She whines into his mouth as he pushes a finger into her. He massages along her walls, her wetness dripping over his finger. He carefully inserts a second finger, and he feels her hips thrust lightly. He works her, watching her face as her brow furrows and mouth falls open in a silent moan. Kissing down her neck he pumps his fingers tasting her skin, the scent of her perfume fills him, and his head spends. His only focus is getting her to the edge. He pumps his fingers faster, harder, her hips bucking up to meet his movements. “That’s it baby. Show me how much you want it.” That's all it took for her walls to clamp down around his fingers and to gush over his hand. She was arching into him, pulling at his back as he brought her to her peak.
“Oh my-” She couldn't finish, her body still spasming from her orgasm.
“I know, baby.” He tells her softly as he kisses her face, nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck.
He continues to kiss over her until her breath is even and calmed. When she finally opens her eyes and looks over at him, he is looking down at her. “If you can do that with your fingers I can’t wait for when we actually sleep together.” She giggles, turning into his chest.
“You and me both.” He kisses her forehead. “Now, pack a bag.” He swats her rear, turning to get out of the bed. He stops at the door, closing it then looks back at her. “Really?!”
“What?” She looks back from where she sat on the edge of the bed.
Armie closes the bedroom door fully and points to the poster on the back. “One Direction?”
“What?! They’re a good band!”
“You and I differ on what we call a good band.” He tells her with a grin as he walks out the room.
When they get to Armie’s they waste no time changing into their swimsuit and jumping into the pool. The afternoon is spent with the two of them wrapped up in one another. Playful touches and sweet kisses as they got lost in their own little world.
As the sun starts to disappear, they lay in lounge chairs taking in the last of the sun. The sound of vibrating makes Armie open his eyes and look towards Y/N. “Is that your phone again?”
“Yeah. My friend keeps blowing up my phone.”
“For what?”
She rolls her eyes. “Prom dresses.”
“Prom? Already?” Armie stood making his way over to her gesturing for her to sit up as he slotted himself behind her, pulling her to lean against him.
“Yeah. My friend is asking for my opinion, again. She’s changed her mind on her dress four times already.”
“What’s your dress look like?”
“Nothing, yet.” She leans against him. “I haven’t gotten one yet.”
“Why not?” He wraps his arms around her shoulders.
I wasn’t gonna go but a boy from school asked me a few days ago so I guess I'm gonna go now.”
He smirks. “I have an idea.” He leans his head against hers, tangling his fingers into hers. “I have a small trip to take next week, only two hours out of the way. They have great shops there for formal wear. We can find some excuse for your parents. Come with me and get you a dress there.” He kissed her temple. “We can stay the night in one of those little renter cabins in the woods.” He nuzzles her face with his nose, as she turns into him, he kisses her.
“That sounds incredible.”
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strangers4444444 · 5 months
january 29th ♡
i ended up watching all 4 toy stories, and now i am watching a movie called mustang, it's a foreign film that i will supposedly like if i like the virgin suicides, and i love that movie so hopefully this is good.
i ordered 2 wallows shirts the other day and they arrived this morning, i haven't tried them on yet but they are the perfect size and they sent a free keychain which is so cute, i love wallows.
seeing my boyfriend tomorrow! i am so excited, he is also cutting his hair so i can't wait to see him.
song of the day: how much is weed? dominic fike
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luckyzart · 10 months
Car Shelby Mustang - Personalized Flat Car Ornament and Keychain
A perfect idea if you are finding a birthday gift, a housewarming gift, a festival gift, a Mother’s Day/ Father’s Day/ Christmas gift for your family or friends. Steps:  1. Take a fresh pic ????⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀2. Upload your photo 3. Place your order. ???? TO GET THE BEST RESULT OF CUSTOM IMAGE PRODUCT: Upload a clear, original , unedited photo. Minimum file size 1 MB, the higher resolution – the…
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realpaperdragon · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hot Wheels '05 Mustang key chain modified OOAK.
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 1 year
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Twenty Seven<<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Loki and Eva meet to have a first look at the other, and exchange their life changing gifts to each other.
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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Her eyes were filled with the dark blue cape that hug from Loki's shoulders. The photographers got shots of her walking up to Loki, with the cloak wrapped protectively around her. Tentatively she reached out to his shoulder, when he registered the touch he let a breath go that he didn't realize he was holding as he slowly turned around. He lifted her in his arms and kissed her, then went to put her back down and noticed she was floating without the wings.
"Still trying to keep it a secret?" Loki growled with a smile.
"No, they wanted to come with, and who am I to argue with an ancient relic?" She laughed as the cloak brought her back to the ground and did a flashy reveal.
"I.. I... wow... just.." Loki stammered.
"Thank you my Prince. Now it's your turn, let me see."
With an equal flourish he flipped the cape back and it was her turn to stammer. She took in the jacket with the weaving of the fabric on the sleeves to the button down shirt that resembled his tunic. Eva's fingers slid down the fabric from the jacket lapels to the shirt. "I can't wait to get you out of this tonight." She murmured.
"I'm having the same thought,  it we are limited on time, shall we exchange our gifts? I would like to go first if that's ok with my Princess."
"Yes that is fine."
She took the letter and opened it reading his words to him in a shaky voice
My Dearest Eva,
I am overjoyed to be marrying you in front of our friends who are now as close as family. I say our friends because if not for you helping me become the man I am today, for your acceptance of me, flaws and all, helped shape me into a better person. Someone who can show his emotions with out fear  of recourse. Someone who is not afraid of what may never be, and someone who understands that my 'Glorious Purpose' was not to rule people, but to be accepted as I am, no need for glamour, no need to be in charge.  These people we now surround ourselves with are true friends, ones who have accepted us, and care for us as family. The knowledge that you will be forever by my side as My Princess makes me the happiest person in the nine realms. And it is always proper for a Princess to have her own steed. Just as Merida had Angus, Mulan had Kahn, and Rapunzel had Maximus, I wish to gift to you your own Noble Steed. I had a lot of help from some of our friends. I am always with you and will love you until my last dying breath.
Loki handed the box to her. She removed the paper and was faced with a plain white box. She carefully removed the lid her eyes are filled with a classic Mustang emblem keychain, with two keys one square and one oval key attached. Lifting the ring from the box she looks questioningly at him. "Loki, is this what I think it is? It must be because there's a trunk key and an ignition key. What year my love?"
"1968, Tony and Clint called it a barn find they helped me locate in North Carolina."
"Loki it's perfect, you must show me the shell tomorrow. I love you and yes, it is the perfect noble steed for me."
The group was looking at Tony "what did he give her?"
"Clint and I found him a 68 'Stang barn find in North Carolina. It was Loki's idea he just needed help finding it."
"Is that what's covered in the corner of the garage?" Pepper asked
"Thank God, I was peeking around and saw it, so long as it's not yours." Pepper hugged and kissed Tony.
"So I guess it's my turn... Loki no matter what know that I love you with all of my heart." She handed him the letter. He began reading it to her.
My Dearest Lokabrenna,
I can hardly believe what this past year has brought me.. the most important being the fact that you love me the way I have always loved you. Allow me to first tell you how happy you make me each and every time I see you. Your smile can light a thousand candles. Your heart could not possibly hold more love. And your hands can not hold me or reassure me enough. I want you to know I thought long and hard about what to get you. Heck I even asked a few people and none of them were remotely helpful. When I asked Wanda she said ' how about Mjolnir?' Super helpful. Tony suggested 'how about a throne.' I told him you had found your glorious purpose. And Nat was super helpful she said 'Stormbreaker, has anyone given that idea?'
I mean I was stumped... what does one get the god and Prince she is marrying as a gift. A new pair of daggers seemed cliché. So after lots of contemplation, I decided to get help from the one who knows you best, me. I look forward to many years together, I hope we never go to bed unhappy. I hope that you know I will never pass judgment on you without knowing the facts. Most important know that we are always a safe space, no matter what the emotion is. Never hide it from me, please don't push it down. Know that I will always love you and that my home is wherever you are, and I will always find you as you are the shining star that gives me purpose.
Love you more, Always.
The cloak handed her the box. She placed the rectangular box in his hands. The group inside pressed closer to the glass, and the photographer got into a better position to get Loki's reaction. He unwrapped it carefully, removing the lid he was confused for a minute as she pointed out the little window and asked him to read it. It was one word that would change his whole life for the better. "Pregnant."
She smiled at him, nodding.
He looked at her "Darling what does th... Dear gods... are you??? Wait that means I'm going to be a... wait, how are you so calm?" His tears were flowing and he was smiling he felt his knees grow weak, thankfully Thor was right there to catch him.
Eva just smiled at him the rest of the group coming out to congratulate them.
"One minute," Loki called out "I just need to hear you say it, so I know it's true."
"Loki, We are pregnant. And just for the record I don't care if it's Aesir, Mortal, Jotun or Mutant, boy or girl, or any combination of, I just want it to be happy and healthy."
Thor helped him up so he could hold her close and kiss her neck he cried tears of joy, and the photographer got all of the shots. Tony and Clint stood in place mouth's agape.
"Did Elvira just say Green Day and her are pregnant?" Asked Tony.
"Yes, I think those were the words they used." Mumbled Clint.
Loki asked "how long have you known?"
"Well Laufey came clean with me before we left Jotunheim. He told me he remembered this." She indicated her Jotun skin. "Happened once before, but not to this extent..."
"My mother?"
"So when we got back I got some at home pregnancy tests and took them with the girls. 3 positive and two negative. So Wanda and I went to visit Stephen and he was able to locate an OBGYN who would work with mutants. We went to see her and she was able to confirm the positive tests. Loki WE are going to be parents. I just can't believe it's true."
"Eva, I'm not sure what to say, except I can't wait to meet our child. May I accompany you to your next appointment?"
"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. I think that I should get back and finish getting ready."
"It gets better? I find that hard to believe, very well Princess, I love you and am always with you."
"Love you more." She took Tony's arm and he walked back to the room with the girls.
"Pips, I'm going to be an emotional mess, I can't believe you're pregnant. Now I know why Stephen told me to keep you off missions until after the wedding. I'm so happy for both of you. You both are going to be awesome with the child. Pepper, I'll see you out there, love you." Pepper hurried to him and held him while he gathered himself.  Eva was having the last of her makeup applied.
"Pepper tell me he's ok... did I break him… maybe I should have done this last night???"
"He's fine, I don't think he's ever had all of these emotions at once." She laughed.
There was a knock at the door a little while later, Thor, Stephen and a collected Tony all entered the room "Pips, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be." She said getting up she took a few minutes to take in the mens suits as she didn't notice Thor or Stephen earlier. "You guys look amazing!"
Thor put his hand on her shoulder, " Sister, would you like me to place your crown and sword belt?"
"I would be honored, Prince of Asgard." She replied. Thor set to wrapping the belt around her and securing it.
"Stephen, as the one who’s known her longest, would you do the honors of placing the crown?" Asked Thor.
"Thank you Thor I'd love to." Placing the crown on her head she turned to Tony who was still wiping tears from his cheeks.
"Pips.. you are perfect, god I think I'm gonna miss you and Loki around the tower when you move out." Pepper put her arm around his waist and pulled him closer. "Ok so I think I'm ready, is everyone else?" They all practically screamed. Yes!!!
They began the walk to the elevator in the silent halls. Tony pushed the button for the floor above the one they were using for the ceremony, they all planned to walk down the ornate staircase and into the room, except for Eva and her entourage.
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allbrickscount · 2 years
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I’ve had an off and on love affair with this set. Bought some originally for trades and to score the original GWP Keychains. I’ve followed Firas Abu-Jabar on Rebrickable for awhile and he’s always had some great alt build of sets. This being one of them. So I picked this up with my November 1st wave of orders.. both to build this awesome set and to try some of his Alt builds.
Lego 10265
Ford Mustang
Creator Expert
Arrival Video: https://youtu.be/r6YFYVMfRwk?t=1279
More Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/b4yU2Lx8fWDsMm7B6
All Bricks Count •
#Lego #Ford #Mustang #Creator #CreatorExpert #NewBricksToday #AllBricksCount
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thegoldenlily · 3 years
Imagine how great Rose and Adrian could've been if they had been written to just have been friends. No shitty romance or love triangle, only The Chaotic Duo of dumbassery.
Rose would've come to Adrian after the events of SK and asked for money. Adrian would've asked why, and she'd tell him. He already knew about Dimitri, knows what this mission really means for her and how important it is to her. He warns her that it's a suicide mission, and she makes some comment back about how she has to do this. He knows she will with or without his help, so he offers her all the money she needs, no strings attached. "Courtesy of Nathan Ivashkov, of course."
"Bring me back something nice." Okay, maybe one string attached. He isn't serious though.
She tells him to keep an eye on Lissa. She's genuinely grateful, she recognizes Adrian and Lissa have a weird bond too, because they're both going through similar things with Spirit. He tells her he's got his cousin's back.
Adrian checks up on Rose in spirit dreams. He wants to make sure she's okay, and maybe more importantly, still breathing. She lets him know what she's doing. When she admits she's baiting Strigoi to send Dimitri a message, Adrian transforms her clothes into a clown costume. Red nose included.
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incomplete mustang shrine collection
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madkey25 · 4 years
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I'm selling these 2.5 inch tall glow-in-the-dark keychains over on my Etsy page if anyone's interested in grabbing one ♥️
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clutch-of-cybertron · 5 years
Okay, so I need to sell some stuff to pay a few bills. So I make these keychains. They can be customized for almost any colors. And they can have custom text on the other side. I’m selling them for $7 + shipping. I will ship the cheapest option from the zip code 04937 unless otherwise instructed by the buyer. Hit me up if your interested or have any questions!
Also, if you can’t/don’t want to purchase one, please signal boost or consider buying me a kofi!
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mewymarsher · 6 years
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A full team!
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camsanx · 6 years
My Valentine's Day present finally came!
Thanks @erikthedirector
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