everglow-synth · 1 year
@musxaders asks... "Abandoned Mask" "Another Mask" and "Mask's Calling"
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Three of them, so once again this is going under a read more.
Abandoned Mask: A character I no longer roleplay
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doo doo DOOT DOOT--
Yeah, I kinda just fell out of favor with Undertale. I like it, but I feel like the landscape of tumblr, especially at the time, really just favored the meme interpretations of the Undertale characters, particularly Sans loving ketchup and Chara loving chocolate, which just left a sour taste in my mouth.
Like bad ketch-- I'll stop.
But I think things have settled, so if anyone's interested, maybe I'll pick him back up. Big maybe, though.
Mask's Calling: A character I'm on the fence about roleplaying
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Ziro (Grim Reaper OC)
I know you remember this guy. A grim reaper OC of mine, I had made him years ago. I've wanted to bring him back, maybe on the multimuse blog, but I'm not sure if anyone would care too much.
The story goes that in his time, he and his wife were monster hunters. During a mission however, he loses his wife and is thrown in a deep spiral of depression. Well, he actually manages to find and plead with Death, asking for him to bring back his wife, which is really only met with "No." Stricken with grief, he would go on to literally kill the harvester of souls, allowing him to revive his wife.
This was not without consequence though, as not only was his wife in constant agony from being alive when she wasn't supposed to be, but this prevented all death everywhere from occurring, leaving many in a horrid state. He would return to Death's domain where Death's essence would explain that the world needs Death, in which Ziro would agree to take place of the god as a means of atonement, a job he still hates to this day.
...So, any takers?
Another's Mask: A muse I have on another blog
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Scott Pilgrim (vs. The World) - @the-devils-toybox
Ah, one of my favorite fuck ups. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a great graphic novel, not being afraid to present its main character as a complete fuck up who really needs to overcome his own horrid personality and become a better person in the process. By the end of the comics, he tries to pick up his life and starts to show some promising change.
This is where my take on him comes in; a mix of the main comic continuity but a small divergence of him being single after the events of it. As it is, there are even fewer Ramona RPers these days than when I RPed as him on my old blog, so that's basically my canon now.
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meowhawkk · 6 years
( From what I've heard, written stuff is still acceptable, but like... that's vague as hell. Also, this is basically all due to Tumblr wanting a quick and easy way to deal with porn bots and CP because it got them delisted from app stores. )
alla that is true, literature is not going to be removed or censored, as far as I can see, and that’s fine. but yeah it’s pretty much just tumblr back pedalling.
just, none of this would have happened if tumblr paid a bit more attention. twitter allows nsfw content and twitter DOES NOT have a pornbot or ch//ild porn problem (though twitter is trash too let’s not forget fhgsfkhsd)
and it’s just. ugh. this is not the solution but, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t care for nsfw content, period, so
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sweet-chimera-a · 7 years
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Guess what i'm working on pt. 2 #lets pray the bots stay away this time.
Ft. @musxaders
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jxdcdink · 7 years
@musxaders It was night time, the sky was dark and the stars were out. The moon was full and at its highest while the humidity started to lessen as the cool air came in. The forest was quiet as it can be, nothing would seem to take such a place away. Marilyn sat on a rock on the safe side of the cliff where she could also see the city and its lights below it meanwhile, her motorcycle was parked on the far side from the rock. She looked up and stared, she enjoying time to herself, but have company won't hurt~
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rxbelling-hxrald · 7 years
@musxaders continued from here
Regardless the demon wasnt too impressed with the words given before being helped up regardless of his complaints. why would he care for such things such as study?
“I’m capable of moving myself you know?” Huffing to himself in irritation though being loud enough for them to hear. “So what’s so important this time hmm?”
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everglow-synth · 1 year
@musxaders asks... 🙅‍♀️ i’m just lurking tbh (a.k.a. ffs, I need to finish the damn blog.)
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Hey, take your time man. I know you've got a lot going on right now, especially over the past few days, I'll still be here when you fix your shit.
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sweet-chimera-a · 7 years
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Grid meme
Honey: Nick, why are you wearing fingerless gloves again!?
You can find the askers at: @vitaveria and @musxaders
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sonicsbluehoneybuns · 7 years
(If the Jail AU wasn't a thing, it may as well be one.) Light tapping could be heard from the bench within the cell, Mori finding herself under the watchful eye of the other hybrid. "So, how's hell been for ya?" he'd mutter, adjusting his tattered uniform as a chipped ear twitched.
    “Like hell. The usual. There was a fight outbreak this morning and I kinda egged it on. You still have your fingers still? I heard the jailmates were taking digits, now for payment.” She currently sat on the floor.
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rxbelling-hxrald · 7 years
“Shit, wait... I’ll patch you up!” And here comes Josuke, making a beeline for Dan upon seeing the injured demon.
“I don’t need any assistance.” waving his hand as if to shoo Josuke away. “I don’t see you in awhile, then suddenly you turn up? I want an explanation more than a medic.”
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sweet-chimera-a · 7 years
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-send 🎃 for me to draw halloween versions of your muse(s)
Vampire: Can't beat the classics! That is a pingpong ball in his solo cup.
You can find the asker @musxaders
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espioatyourservice · 8 years
◊: Do you bing-reply or prefer reply-queueing? / ♯: Is there any kind of muse, you would like to play, but don’t dare? Why?
*I don’t have a preference. As long as I can reply, it’s okay. I do prefer replying manually instead of setting it up. Usually I change the schedule to “post now” at times even if I queue it.*Dr. Fini~! He’s my favorite crazy archie character, don’t get me started. I have no idea why I like dark/scary characters like Mephiles or Dr. Fini. Perhaps it’s the dark/unpredictable personality of his I like. I enjoy playing the evil some times.
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