#mutiny camp
dravenscroft · 1 month
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This is will be my only formal contribution to The Terror fandom, i was possessed into making this meme. Is this not just what the mutiny camp was?? Goodbye now.
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leadandblood · 1 month
Fuck is an OTP? All i know is to combine all of the available men into increasingly quesionable pairs and ESPECIALLY into poly groups.
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
continuing to rotate margaret houlihan in my head (it will continue), and today's observation is that she NEEDS structure, and becomes a holy terror when she's trying to create it herself. not to always be comparing my faves to dogs (affectionate) but she's an Experienced Handlers Only working dog, and under henry's "let's just all be cool" style of leadership, she gets nervy and starts biting people. she's constantly going over his head because he's not giving orders The Right Way. she can't let it slide when hawkeye and trapper aren't toeing the line, even though it'll only bring her grief. she bullies her staff over minor infractions, and it's not even effective!! because while they're in henry's office crying about her harsh methods, she's also in there complaining that she can't control them.
then potter shows up, and her behavior changes. the second he calls her to attention, her objection to her and frank losing power disappears. she's not chaining nurses to their beds anymore. she appeals to him when she disagrees in deluge, but there's no threat that she'll do an end run around him, which used to be her go-to move. she even relaxes long enough to join in the jeep fun for a minute (even though it's "beneath her" as an officer), and enjoys it! she's not nice, her personality hasn't changed, but it's all bark. she's content to have a solid place in the pecking order and is no longer fueling chaos by frantically trying to control it.
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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The Houston riot of 1917, also known as the Camp Logan Mutiny, was a tragic event that unfolded on August 23, 1917, in Houston, Texas. It involved 156 soldiers from the all-black 24th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army. The incident took place amidst a climate of overt hostility towards the local black community and black soldiers stationed at Camp Logan, particularly from members of the all-white Houston Police Department (HPD).
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The catalyst for the riot was an incident where police officers arrested and assaulted several black soldiers. In response, many of their comrades mutinied and marched into Houston. Regrettably, this led to a violent confrontation where eleven civilians and five policemen lost their lives. Tragically, five soldiers themselves were also killed during the riot. During this time, prevailing policies dictated that the soldiers be subjected to three courts-martial. Thirteen soldiers were executed, and 41 others received life imprisonment sentences.
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Tozer's Google searches in camp mutiny (the last one is about Hickey)
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taiwantalk · 1 year
Ok, both putin & prigozhin break silence. I’ll do some digging to see how this time it’s not just quoting from Kremlin.
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
One time a few years ago, I wanna say I was 8 or 9, my friend group were camping, and we all had our scooters.
So we decided to play restaurant. That only did take out. I didn’t want to ride my scooter every where, so I was the boss, and they all had to bring all the money to me at the end of the “day”. I paid them the wage of two dollars.
Anyway, then they started a union so they could keep their own money and not pay me anymore.
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Me: Haha, the campers of Cabin Dung Beetle did a mock public execution of Counselor Juniper while claiming that even if they did kill him, since it's Opposite Day it would make him live forever! This is clearly a joke premised on dark absurdist humour, to demonstrate how crazy fucked up this world is, and the time-honoured gag of children rebelling against authority to exaggerated extremes!
Me: *hears Counselor Juniper speak for the first time* Okay, actually yeah, any group of 14 year olds would absolutely overthrow and be willing to hang this man by the neck till dead the moment they had the opportunity.
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
List of all AUs that got into the preliminary round!!
Snapdragon - bluesgras
But First They Must Catch You - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Lone Turtle and Hunter - midnightcreator12 (+ao3)
Happily Ever After - Phykoha
Kendratello Childhood AU - zeawesomeness
The Mutation Situation - Indieyuuugre
Quilt AU - Cokowee
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
Good Genes - lordshroom
Twin-Sync (More than you Think) - little-banjo-frog
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Warrior’s Heart - peanutrat20
Rabbit’s Broach - pigeonsgrame2
UPRISING: A Rise Dystopia AU - alexthenerdbird
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtosadpoetry
Broken Trifecta - genderfluid-envy
TMNT Chicago Style - its-captain-sir
Tiz Sep AU - Tizline
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - TownFowl (ao3)
Sewer Punks - kettle-bird
Grown Apart - Chiscribbs
Leaves from the Vine - Cheetochild989
TMNT Shen and the League of Lesbians - genderfluid-envy
The Unicorn paradox - Mushangaa
Snapper Lou AU - Kittynomore
Sep Leo AU - dianagj-art
The Rise Hunger Games AU - daboyau
Honor Bound - terrazooid
Universes - XxLea_nardoxX
Minecraft Isekai - Songdrop/Caleb at calebscornerofart
Raised by the Capybara AU - Rubies-tmnt-aus
Dee-Evolution AU - cnwolf-brainrot
Welcome to Mutinis - mutiniau
Portal Baby - QuarterGremlins
Wouldn’t It Be Easier - 14Muffinz (+ao3)
Twinpathy - twinpathy
Live Life - centerofleesmind
August’s AU - star-sparkler
No Fun in Fungus - boots-with-the-fur-club
At my Worst - teainthesnow (+ao3)
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
Camp Hamato - P0t3n1al
Even more of a Disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (main blog evenmoreofadisaster)
No Crime only Brooches - Olliethescribe (+ao3)
DNAngel - blye-flower
Finding home - sad-leon
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
TMNT 04 - koolaidashley
Is this right? - cruitly-ink
Turtles all the way down - pommigranite
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Ghost AU - Melliedoodles
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz
Forgive Me - reagi-df
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Magic AU - vaudeville-moggie
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that-one-dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummonor (ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo - Villianleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
Soulmates (evil) - error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - Mocha_Mochaccino (ao3)
Snapdonnie - onejellyfishplease
Ōnryo leo - aquariumgirls (ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Blood Orange Multiverse - Jade-Clementine (Mylenapony11 + Cherry-blossom-consumer)
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline AU - idk_im_just_here_now (ao3)
Two Souls - virgilsspidey (+ao3)
(Please let me know if there’s a duplicate or a creator spelled wrong!)
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Idk I just think it’s so interesting how Hickey uses names and titles as a tool to manipulate the people around him (especially the mutineers). Calling Tozer “sergeant” when he’s first convincing him to mutiny, to play into his desire to follow his rank and protect. Switching to “Solomon” when he’s trying to get Tozer to open up more about the Tuunbaq. Intentionally not calling Jopson “Lieutenant” after his promotion as a subtle dig. How often he says Billy’s name, especially during the ring scene and when Billy’s entertaining the idea of a mutiny before the walk out (“speak your mind, Billy”). Smugly directing his story about kidnapping Silna to “Captain Crozier” and only Captain Crozier, then after kidnapping him only referring to him as “Mr. Crozier” and making the mutineers do the same (but Hodgson, who’s not loyal but is at least complacent to Hickey, stays “Lieutenant Hodgson”). Calling Tommy, who’s always Tommy or Mr. Armitage, “Private Armitage” when he’s ordering him to brutalize Crozier, because Hickey knows he’s always wanted to be a marine, so in his camp he’s given him the rank of one. It adds an such an interesting layer to Hickey’s “reconfigure, reinvent, rearrange” speech.
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cemeterything · 9 months
like half the mutiny camp: i wish i could kill mr hickey because he sucks and tbh i don't even like him but i don't want to die so i guess there's nothing i can do :/
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drchucktingle · 10 months
dang thank you VULTURE for naming CAMP DAMASCUS a 'BEST BOOK OF 2023 (SO FAR)' this is so kind and i am honored. LOVE IS REAL
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balladofthe101st · 18 days
since camp toccoa, lipton's breaking point has always been easy being in danger due to an incompetent co.
in ep. 1, despite not liking sobel just like the rest of the company, he never outwardly showed or acted on it, and he never participated in gossiping about sobel or badmouthing him. for ex., in the train scene with liebgott, cobb, toye, popeye, and shifty, we can see lipton being a bit displeased and uneasy with the the men gossiping about sobel's inability to lead the company on the field, albeit subtly. instead of talking about sobel, he remains calm and composed for the men, being the one to calm them down, break any fights between them, look out for them, help them get back on track, lead them, etc. his breaking point is when sobel court martials winters because he knows how more dangerous it'll be to jump into europe with him as their co and without winters. so, he mutinies with the ncos but even then, he looks out for the men by reminding them about the risks and possible consequences of their actions.
we see this kind of character from lipton again in bastogne, where despite not liking dike, he never showed it or said anything bad about him. instead, he looked after the men, led them, reported to the officers about their state and condition, etc. he even discouraged the men from talking shit about dike because it won't do anyone any good, and he reasures them that they're going to be alright if they just stick to their training and follow orders. until he breaks a second time after hoobler, penkala, and skip pass away and bill, toye, smokey, and buck get pulled off the line, candidly expressing to winters his lack of confidence in dike's leadership. he breaks again when dike fails to pull through as a leader in the assault on foy, shouting at him, reprimanding him, and disrespecting his authority as the co of easy because his inability to lead and indecisiveness are putting the lives of the men, his brothers, in danger
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srbachchan · 1 month
DAY 5926
Jalsa, Mumbai May 9/10, 2024 Thu/Fri 12:22 AM
Birthday Greetings for May 10th , 2024
Saddened to hear the news of the passing away of Shri Ratan Lal Bhutoria , Father of our dear Ef Rohit Kumar Bhutoria .. Rohit's Father met with a road accident this morning and unfortunately could not survive .. as informed by Ef Sanjay Patodiya .. 😔🙏🏻 .. deeply shocked and grieved .. our very sincerest condolences to you , Rohit .. we hold your hand .. be strong .. the whole Ef Family with you .. in prayer and support .. 🙏🏻
Hard to put anything after this 💔 .. but the occasion for it's greatness I think it deserves a mention .. 🙏🏻
A bit of historic ”gyaan” today .. 🙏🏻
10 May In Indian History :
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.. 10th May 1857 .. the great Indian rebellion .. the 1st war of independence against the British at Meerut .. the rebellion began in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of the East India Company's army in the garrison town of Meerut ..
Meerut is situated between the holy rivers Ganga and Yamuna ..
Thanks to its geographical importance, the fertile Ganga-Yamuna doab had been an important centre of human activities since the very early times of Vedic Civilisation.
From the medieval period onwards, the proximity of this city to Indraprastha (present day Delhi) helped it play an important role in the affairs of India.
With the capture of power by the British, Meerut became a major military centre. The aggrieved Indian soldiers of the British Army began their fight against the imperial powers in this soil on 10th May, 1857. They captured the control of the city in one day and marched to Red Fort in Delhi, which was considered to be the symbol of control over the whole of India. On their way, they were joined by the common people who shouted patriotic war cries. By the next morning, Red Fort had fallen into the hand of the freedom fighters.
Few pictures of India from 1857 ..
Lucknow .. 1857 ..
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Calcutta .. 1853 ..
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Taj Mahal .. Agra .. 1857 ..
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Jantar Mantar near Delhi .. 1858 ..
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James Outram's Camp at Alumbagh, Lucknow .. It was occupied by Outram and his 4000 Soldiers After the 1857 Mutiny ..
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Humayun's Tomb in Delhi .. 1858 ..
See how the change has taken place .. this is the same location where we shot the song from UUNCHAI, the film of Sooraj Barjatya, pictures of which had been put up here at the Blog
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A Sikh cavalry .. Illustrated Times .. 1857 ..
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Jai Hind .. 🇮🇳🫡🕉️🙏🏻
Love .. ❤️🙏🏻
It has been a bit of a history lesson .. and after which it would be too severe to write anymore .. but simply to say , that the time at the Studio Saptaswar was visited after many an hour and days .. and the sonorous sounds for an upcoming film of Abhishek .. and of my own Section 84 , was I felt , in keeping with the moment and the story and the emotion ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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allyssl · 4 months
TMNT AU Comp Preliminary Links
this is long
Snapdragon - bluesgras
But First They Must Catch You - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Lone Turtle and Hunter - midnightcreator12 (+ao3)
Happily Ever After - Phykoha
Kendratello Childhood AU - zeawesomeness
The Mutation Situation - Indieyuugre
Quilt AU - Cokoweee
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
Good Genes - lordshroom
Twin-Sync (More than you Think) - little-banjo-frog
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Warrior’s Heart - peanutrat20
Rabbit’s Broach - pigeonsgrame2
UPRISING: A Rise Dystopia AU - alexthenerdbird
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtosadpoetry
Broken Trifecta - genderfluid-envy
TMNT Chicago Style - its-captain-sir
Tiz Sep AU - Tizeline
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - fowlaroundtown (ao3)
Sewer Punks - kettle-bird
Grown Apart - Chiscribbs
Leaves from the Vine - Cheetochild989
TMNT Shen and the League of Lesbians - genderfluid-envy
The Unicorn paradox - Mushangaa
Snapper Lou AU - Kittynomore
Sep Leo AU - dianagj-art
The Rise Hunger Games AU - daboyau
Honor Bound - terrazooid
Universes - XxLea-nardoxX
Minecraft Isekai - Songdrop/Caleb at calebscornerofart
Raised by the Capybara AU - Rubies-tmnt-aus
Dee-Evolution AU - cnwolf-brainrot
Welcome to Mutinis - mutiniau (ao3)
Portal Baby - QuarterGremlin
Wouldn’t It Be Easier - 14Muffinz (+ao3)
Twinpathy - twinpathy
Live Life - centerofleesmind
August’s AU - star-sparkler
No Fun in Fungus - boots-with-the-fur-club
At my Worst - teainthesnow (+ao3)
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
Camp Hamato - P0t3n1al
Even more of a Disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (main blog evenmoreofadisaster)
No Crime only Brooches - Olliethescribe (+ao3)
DNAngel - blye-flower
Finding home - sad-leon
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
TMNT 04 - koolaidashley
Is this right? - cruitly-ink
Turtles all the way down - pommigranite
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Ghost AU - Melliedoodles
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz (+askblog)
Forgive Me - reagi-df
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Magic AU - vaudeville-moggie
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that-one-dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummonor (ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo - Villianleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
Soulmates (evil) - error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - xmochaccinox (ao3)
Snapdonnie - onejellyfishplease
Ōnryo leo - aquariumgirls (ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Blood Orange Multiverse - Jade-Clementine (Mylenapony11 + Cherry-blossom-consumer)
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline AU - idk_im_just_here_now (ao3)
Two Souls - virgilsspidey (+ao3)
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toomanyassassins · 2 months
the more I think about the mutiny at Terror Camp, the funnier it becomes. like... that was only their second stop. imagine you are on a road trip across the continent, you make it to your second hotel of the journey, and suddenly everyone is pulling guns on each other, one of your team leaders got stabbed in an arby's parking lot, the guy you hired to keep everyone safe is now openly mutinying with some rat guy who wasn't even supposed to be on the trip in the first place, and now you've ordered both of those guys to be hanged for their crimes. your dog is dead, the rat guy ate it. one of your other team leaders gets lost and almost immediately starts chewing on his shoes. the rat guy took your only doctor. several people got mauled by a bear.
and it's only. the second. week. of travel.
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