#mutual and clearly as you can see i didnt reblog.
warrior cats dash sim anyone?
#no canon characters #sorray guys thats too much #im just gonna do some made up dudes
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🔲 yourfave-tunnel-guy-deactivat
Guys I hate tunnellers. Lmao.
🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
By StarClan, I hate this mindset. Tunnellers are such an underappreciated part of WindClan society. Just because we don't do as much running or typical hunting doesn't make us less valuable than you. Op and cats like him are so stupid.
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Crow-food-worth reading comprehension lmao. It was satire (the url clearly states "tunnel.") Also, her*
🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Ok I see where that was probably satire (OP should have made that more clear though) Where are you getting "her" from though lmao. OP's url is "yourfave-tunnel-guy"
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
I'm getting "her" because I'm OP. This is my new account. I'm trans. Hope this helps.
#i said so in the tags of the last addition #but as i said. crow-food-worth reading comprehension #prev probably didnt even read my tags lmao
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🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
I am goingto fucking kill Jadestar. Lmao.
🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
🐱 berrrrry-o Follow
Clanblr user barncat-vibes is from rc confirmed??
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Haha I already knew that, I'm mutuals with them on their main, plus we're IRL friends. Forgot that wasn't common knowledge.
🐱 berrrrry-o Follow
tbh I always assumed they were wc since thats the clan closest 2 the barns...
🪵 i-eat-moss Follow
Uh sorry ar ewe just glossing over how @barncat-vibes and @trouttail-prefers-bass are IRLS???!!!!?
#mutuals i can understand since they have the same ideas on like #social justice stuff... they both post trans stuff sometimes #but #IRLS? #SOMEONE is fucking with me #i met trouttail once at a gathering #nice dude #suuuper weird to imagine him knowing barncat-vibes
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🌅 kit-names-inspo Follow
I've decided to make a full post on this, since I've noticed this issue a lot lately. So let me make this clear:
I am NOT comfortable with "transgender" cats using my name suggestions to pick out new names. The service I provide is to help queens who have or are having kits, not confused males who think they're mollies.
STOP using my blog for your delusions.
🌅 kit-names-inspo Follow
Go ahead and unfollow me. I didn't want you 200 transgenders on my blog anyway.
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
Anyone else find it funny how after this post OP lost 200+ followers? Anyone?
Anyway for a better source of names for trans mollies, toms & enbies, @name-lists-by-theme has much better names, sorted much more cleanly, AND she's not a transphobe.
#trans #fuck transphobia #fuck transphobes #fuck terfs #<- kit-names-inspo is a self-proclaimed radfem&terf btw
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🤍 snwtl Follow
I can't believe we're being told to "normalize" cats becoming kittypets now. Do you have any idea how many cats would just abandon their families if it became socially acceptable to run off and live with the twolegs???
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
Honestly (as someone who left the Clans because I had a mate in the twolegplace), I haven't seen this to be as true as you're saying. I've seen one cat who "abandoned" his family to become a kittypet, if you count his abusive ex-partner, but for the most part, the cats we leave behind are understanding and okay with the fact that we have to move on. I wasn't meant for warrior life, and I left it, and I'm happier for it.
🤍 snwtl Follow
The fact that you would even imply it's okay to abandon your family for a life as a kittypet only serves to prove my point. You make me sick.
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Crow-food-worth reading comprehension
#yeah #snwtl (snowtail i think?) needs to use their eyes lmao #starclan this place gets on my last nerve #thinking of taking a break from clanblr because of shit like this
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Uhh... where am I. My dash looks weird...
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
its really too bad that you didnt respond to the well written response nbraraeaves made to your incredibly cruel and judgmental tags on that post. they brought up a lot of good points and its disappointing how youre so unwilling to hear any perspective other than your own.
Genuinely I had no idea what this was about until I scrolled halfway down their blog. Maybe next timetry specifying the theme of said post at least, so I have some idea about what I've been "incredibly cruel and judgmental" in regards to? We're not mutuals, and this was such a quickly dashed-off reblog that I didn't think to keep track of it after moving on to the next post.
I found what you were talking about, I think. I tagged a post about wanting community tags to block "x reader" fics- that is, second-person fics where the reader is a given character's OC love interest -thus:
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Which, I admit, was a bit snarky of me. Although I will clarify that I meant it as an expression of genuine surprise: most fandoms have stories ranging from breathtaking to unreadable, quality-wise, in every sub-category of fic, so it surprised me that I'd never come across any Well-Written But Not My Thing stories of the Xreader variety. Logically I still figure there must be some out there, somewhere; it just seems strange that I've never found them.
the commentary, unlike this ask, was very polite and considered, and made some points I hadn't thought of before. (hence why I am actually responding to it, instead of simply deleting the ask)
They mentioned a lot of things I'll admit I hadn't considered- I assumed it was mostly just people wanting to bang a specific character. Which would be fine, to be clear! I don't go into Xreader circles and yuck anyone's yum- I said this on my private blog, where I thought nobody into that sort of thing would see it.
Which leads to another point: I did not think anyone who was into Xreader would be following me.
Listen, on the balance, the Xreader fanfic in my fandom tends to be. Not kind to the female main characters, Lucille especially. And again, that's fine; I'll just avoid those fics. But it lead me to assume, clearly incorrectly, that most CPeak Xreader writers hated my Best-Beloved Blorbo, and therefore were unlikely to stick around once I made my love for her clear.
(Why I didn't think about other types of XReader writers...I can't say. Fandom laser-focus, I suppose.)
Now, clearly I was wrong- that commenter is a CPeak Xreader writer and at least tolerates my immense desire to blanket-burrito Lucille like a hissing kitten enough to actually read my fanfic. It's for them that I'm answering this, not you; however that post came to my attention, it's still worth sharing, and they shouldn't be punished for what some anon with a bug up their ass does.
@nbraraeaves: I appreciate you sitting down to tell me why your preferred form of writing is meaningful and enjoyable to you. Thank you for your comment. While XReader will probably never be my thing- honestly, more because I want the characters to be with each other and not me than out of any perceived Inherent Failing of the medium, above tags notwithstanding -I can understand your perspective on it much better now. I hope it continues to bring you joy for a long time to come
@Anon: you may now retreat to your hidey-hole, proud and secure in the knowledge that [checks notes] you got a random person to stop being a little bit disdainful towards your favorite fanfic genre on the Internet. your gold star will be arriving in 3-5 business days
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bipdf · 1 year
Actually wait not 3 but 6, damn girlie, salute to your pettiness, spreading hate about me for no reason? Thank god i was on anon or else i would have received so many hate asks from your beloved mutuals, because none of you can see the picture clearly, why are your mutuals making posts about me? I did nothing wrong, you are the wrong one here. Tell them to make callouts about you. You are the one who has attention seeking behaviour. I dont, i did not seek attention, i called you out on your mistake, if i wanted attention i have a blog i would post there. It was a silly ask game you reblogged because you wanted opinions and now you are being mean because my opinions didnt match the figure you have in your head and you just couldnt read my words as nice or liggt hearted ones. Nvm, good bye, tata
you've got it wrong, anon.🤦🏽‍♀️
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voidselfshipp · 3 months
Happily Ever Afters In The Apocalypse
Cw: none that im aware of.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Summary: walking through the barren,demolished Lands of the apocalypse, Martin asks for something to lighten up the mood,jerico has just the thing.
[Happends after the tape recording of episode 167]
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The three of them Walked along that barren,sullied earth where the clouds looked like eyes and the air was thick with iron.
In all this disaster,They still found comfort amongst eachother. Jerico seemed the one  to have the most optimism of the three,either by her natural sunny disposition or otherwise.
--So...jer-- says Martin,looking at the earth he steps on-- since Jon made this whole monologue about gertrude...can you tell us a story?
Jerico lets out a soft "hmph" filled with pride. she was,after all, a being of stories-- absolutely-- she answers,hands in her pockets of her beaten up jeans,heavy boots sinking slightly on the soft earth,though no tracks are left in her wake.-- what kind?
Thats when he looks away, a little flustered. Suddenly very aware of how childish hes request sounded.
--Ah youre going to think its silly-- he says,the corner of his eye catching how her teal scarf,draped Across her shoulders and held to her person with an old clasp made of gold, flailed with the wind
Then a brief silence, a clear signal that Martin had forgotten once again that Jer wouldnt judge him. Still,she talks
--Nonsense-- She reassured with a smile.-- what kind?
--The kind that has....a happy ending?--He was prepared to hear Jon scoff, but he doesnt,clearly in need of some good vibes.
She smiles,still warm as the sun they have seldomed in apocalypse-- of those I know a plenty. Anything specific?
And its Jon who catches them off guard with a most out of character response-- romantic--Both turn to look at him in surprise-- what?! You two cant judge me for it
Jer only shook her head between chuckles-- surprised me,thats all
--Youre not the most romantic person-- Martin agreed-- we love you for it though
--Yeah yeah,thank you-- the archivist dismissed with his face a Darker color than before-- let the Lady talk
--Well, here goes--Jerico says,excitement bubbling up in her chest,rubbing her hands together.
Her childlike joy is a nice change of pace for both of them,which helps them relax and ease into the story as the air still smells of iron and desolation.
--Once upon a time there were two sailors-- she starts, her palm raising to her chest to show the image of two sailors made of water without any visible characteristic other than one of them had short hair and the other long hair-- they worked at the same ship, the name long lost to the ages.
They worked hard to Keep the ship afloat,both were dedicated and passionate but different in their own ways.
One had long hair and beautiful green eyes, sharpest mind and witt. The other had short hair and deep brown eyes, of the Kindest heart of the most purest gold, that guided hin like a compass.
Despite the fact that their ways of keeping the clear difference in their methods. But both were bound by a deep love,one they hadnt realized was there for the time being.
The night that would change their lives was much like any other,cloudy skies, gloomy... it was boring,not much to see or do other than check that the ship,now Docked,didnt float away.
But again, it was a boring unremarkable night,so they both went to sleep.
Yet when they awoke, they found themselves in the middle of the Ocean .
Jericos palm shows a small old timey boat lost in the middle of an Ocean that encompases her whole hand
-- the two sailors bickered over whose fault was it.  "Didnt you moore the ship properly?" The one with the long hair asked, bitter indignation in his lips-- they notice jer changes her voice for the dialogues,which is just the level of dramaticisim they expected from her-- "of course I did, didnt you drop the anchor?!" The one with the black hair protested.
Amongst their bicering over the sea breeze, they hear a soft gentle melody being hummed, they follow it with their eyes to a faraway island that looked more like a dot on the horizon than anything else
But,it was a destination.
So our intrepid sailors put the mast on full sail, the wind pushing them to the ever faraway island. With hope in their hearts of returning home.
Jer makes water hang above the small ship on her palm, it takes the form of a small moon and stars. Martín smiles with that same childish delight and Jon seems to relax in his posture,walking a little slower to Keep up with the story
--during the night,when they couldnt sleep for fear of floating away, they would hear that same melody that originally guided their eyes to see the island that they were heading towards.
Now closer to It, the melody was louder,not enough to discern words but louder.
They'd spend the whole night discussing what the source was, "an opera singer?" Wondered the sailor with the long hair and the Smart green eyes
"Or a choir?" The sailor with the warm brown eyes said.
By the time they reached the conclusion of it being a siren or anything of the supernatual,they'd both chuckle and find something to busy themselves with,all the while accompanied by that sweet melody
Then,the small moon and stars turn into a small heavy rainstorm. The small boat rocks widly in the sea and even if both men were promised a happy ending,they both stared intently at the fake ship.
Jerico laughs and continued her story-- one night, a storm loomed over the ship. A strong,raging one with the fury of the water goddess herself, but being so low staffed,the ship crashes into the rocky  archipelagos that lined that mysterious island they headed towards.
Both sailors managed to hold eachother as they fell into the black,unforgiving sea..-- her hand covers her little water mademiniature, crushing the boat.
--Now Hold on a minute!--Martin protested with his pointer finger up-- I was promised a happy ending!
--Yes! Thats nothing close to it!--Jon said-- we dont know what the island is or who was singing!
Jerico is in a fit of hysterical laughter at their demeanor,its as if the world hadnt ended at all-- Well if you dont shut up and let me finish....!-- she exclaimed,trailing off to drive the point home.
--Fine fine,get on with it-- Martin complains-- dont take too long
--Good stories take their time....-- she answers.
--Time isnt really a thing anymore so...--Jon adds, obviously insisting to speed things up.
--fine fine-- she rolls her eyes-- the long haired sailor woke up within a cavern,decorated with gold and jewelry,glinting Stones that refracted the lights from the small torches.
He finds himself alone,but that melody hangs in the air, the words are a little fuzzy but theres two voices singing them,one female and one male
Our sailor ran to the source of the singing,he knew that male voice very well for he had spoken with its owner for Many days and nights...
There at the entrance of the cavern sat his jolly companion, singing with a most beautiful woman,half of her body hid underneath the ebbing shore.
For a moment the world doesnt exist to our long haired sailor, his eyes fixated on his sweet companion. He hugs his comrade and holds him to his chest,and he gets his gesture returned.
His friend of the black hair and soft eyes tells him that this mysterious woman is the source of that singing theyve heard,and that she rescued them.
"So you see,the gods are laughing at us" said the black haired man" our savior is..."
--a siren!-- Jon exclaimed,obviously invested.
Jer smirked-- yes, a siren -- she fixes her teal scarf and pushes away some of the hairs falling on her face-- to thank the kind siren, they would return each year with gifts, and they'd spend days together,catching up.
And the siren,of beautiful porcelain skin and agile green eyes, noticed the fondness of the sailors for eachother. She yearned for both of the sailors love and touch
So on one of their visits,she confessed that she had Fallen for them harder than any anchor could ever fall for the Ocean. She wept her mother of pearl tears and Begged for them to understand
The sailors had,funnily enough,fallen for the siren. And this point of connection led both sea men to finally admit their feelings for eachother,but deep down they both felt like they already knew.
And so, when the sailors retired,they went to live with their siren lover,and lived happily ever after
--Thats actually really cute-- Said Martin,taking Jers hand.
--yes,its a nice change of air-- Agreed Jon,taking Jericos arm-- thank you
Jerico smirked with that playfullness she always had when she pulled a sneaky trick. In her head she counts the moment until they realize what she had done.
--ding ding ding! Weee got a winner!--she exclaimed,feeling very proud of herself.
--How didnt I realize That?!--Jon whined.
--Surprises me that you didnt put that together sooner,Jon-- She admitted with a smirk.
--I...do gotta admit it was nice not knowing the end of something...
Jer smiles--good, im happy it helped
Martin walks closer to her,hugging her waist with one arm--so If this story is about us...do you think we'll get a happy ending?
The eldritch being nodded,pulling Jon for a hug too-- Absolutely, ill make sure we do. After all,stories with a happy ending are my favorite-- she gives them both a loving look with her beautiful green eyes-- and I Belive there is no other way to close this odessy of ours but "and they lived happily ever after".
Jon allowed himself a moment of hope and clung on to his lovers words,so did Martin.
There was no other way to end their story than "And they lived happily ever after".
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moth208 · 6 years
re: drama with comet-of-sin and buttonprince- a comprehensive compilation
EDIT: buttons urls are now @xbuttonprince (art blog) and @fedora-cat (main blog) buttons main blog is @buttonprince again. they still have fedora-cat though.
EDIT: july 4 moon changed his url to @comet-of-sin-gone. as of july 12 its been changed again to @people-eating-bed-gremlin
EDIT: july 21 gumwindow is alive and has kept their blog set up to where it looked as if they were dead for an extended period of time. when called on it they are saying im stalking them and that i “wish they were dead”. (ctrl + f to EDIT 8) (i also added proof that was nebula said was said in a public server.)
this is a record of everything that has happened between me, moon(comet-of-sin), button(buttonprince), nebula(gumwindow), hayden(erezar-zaral-rezanova), and their friends, et cetera. you can reblog this if you choose, or dont, i dont care.
if anyone wants to accuse me of “hiding information” youre welcome to post whatever fucking information im “hiding”! :) what i post is everything that is shown to me that is relevant. i have literally nothing to hide, as im not fucking ashamed of spreading awareness about, blocking, and avoiding transphobes and racists. especially the ones that misgender me and call me slurs.
tw for slurs under the cut; this post is VERY LONG.
preface: for the most part this is in the chronological order that i learned the information in.
so all of this started when i checked out button’s main blog after seeing their ask blog in the (starbound) tag- i checked their about because i check the abouts of everyone i follow. after i saw some things listed on their about as dislikes i got pretty uncomfortable. i made this post:
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(link to the post)
you can clearly say the post says “dont reblog this”- the original post said this in the tags. i editted it so that it was clearly on the actual post itself. i reblogged it to the sunrunnercrew blog with the captain “DO NOT REBLOG THIS” in caps. this post was aimed specifically at my mutuals, mostly, an my followers. whether or not you agree with me making the post does not excuse any of what happened next.
the tumblr ims, aka the calm before the storm. buttonprince apparently followed the sunrunnercrew blog and im’d me about it- which you know what? fair. they did not bother to explain their “opinions”, in case i had misunderstood them (which i doubt), and instead went on tangents about how “opinions dont hurt anyone”
i do not have access to the full conversation because the blog has since become a group blog with more than one member, and button dosent have access to the ims either because they blocked the sunrunnercrew blog.
i do have these screenshots which i admit make it look one sided. you can take a look at them in this imgur album (x)
note: they blocked my sideblog. i had assumed they blocked my main, so in future asks when i say “they blocked me” i did not actually know they hadn’t blocked my main (which they admit later on).
i also had im conversations with 2 other people who had reblogged the original post, but i blocked them because i was receiving copious amounts of hate after the buttonprince im conversation!
during the time after i messaged buttonprince i several hate messages of varying degrees of dumbassery and actual hate-level, ranging from being passive aggressive about how i “couldve been nicer” to slurs that were specifically listed on my blacklist after i mentioned my blacklist. these arent in chronological order, my archive is sort of hard to navigate when posts are this close together.
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*at this point i thought it was either button or one of the people who was also currently iming me at this point. i now suspect moon and button were probably talking about me in their discord server when all these messages were sent.
asks i didnt post:
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note: some of mutuals also received asks similar to these but im not going to draw them into this any further.
they also answered this ask about me. this is when i stopped checking their blog completely until the recent drama (last night- 1/19/18 & 1/20/18)
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note: the “shota” they drew was not “years ago” it was december 2016- just over A YEAR ago. granted if i wouldve known this i wouldve never posted it but they just straight up defended themself drawing it anyway after it was pointed out.
so this is where everything gets really and truly fucked up. moon had defended/promo’d buttonprince after the whole drama, which in itself is fine and all i didnt care. but then they messaged one of my friends with the intent of getting them to stop talking to me or look down on me. they told him something that was the most absurd fucking jump to conclusions ive ever seen, and no matter how much they say they “never said the person was actually me” i cannot for the life of me fathom why theyd mention it in the first place if it wasnt to paint me as the assailant or directly responsible (which is ironic because they never wanted to take responsibility for the shit i received when they were talking about in their server!)
this is what they sent to my friend:
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they also sent him this to show him the person who spammed their server:
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i am not affiliated with this person at all and this assumption is fucking rediculous considering i was informed of the server they were talking about me in by another mutual of mine- before this i never even knew the server EXISTED.
this is my discord:
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now of course when i learned all of this i was absolutely furious. one of my friends offered to join the server and see what they were talking about me. im going to be absolutely honest and say i was APALLED at the sheer AMOUNT of SHIT they said about me behind my back. things started falling into place- THIS was why i was getting all this hate. because moon opened this drama up into their incredibly popular public fucking server.
im not going to post every little screenshot because, like i said, the sheer amount is absolutely absurd. theres three imgur albums worth of screenshots of shit they said about me that you can sort through, that will be linked at the end of the screens, if youre interested in sifting through it all. heres some hi-lights:
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(i.e. they wanted to check my blog constantly to continue drama by posting it in their server.)
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hint: talking about someone starting drama constantly is not the best way to keep yourself under the radar!
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(fullview) admitting they dont have my main blog blocked
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(fullview) admitting they dont give a shit i was recieving hate and shit on my blacklist
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moon admitting to messaging one of my mutuals (not that they HAD to admit it lmfao)
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its about you because you dragged my friends into it.
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(fullview) checking up on my blog constantly. they messaged me right after i started posting about this. ill link my actual posts in the next part, when they actually talked to me. this ones just about whats been said in the discord
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(fullview) moon screenshotting themselve saying the “go ahead and post this” shit. (they then preceded to get mad i actually posted shit lmfao). this is another thing ill talk about in the next part.
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(fullview) bragging about not getting anon hate but laughing because i did. classy. also “this is why i started unbound-stars” what to stroke your ego and talk about drama that had nothing to do with you?
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(fullview) button misgendering me and no one correcting it. i know they knew i was trans, everyone in that server knew i was trans, because they called me a disgrace to and “not an example of the entire trans community”. my pronouns are in my description. they checked up on my blog enough times to know this. if were going to be technical them using they/them for me constantly is also misgendering since my pronouns are clearly right fucking there in my description but you know what ill let that slide. but this? button used gender neutral pronouns for me before what suddenly made it ok to misgender me here?
they never apologized for this and instead blamed them misgendering me on my own self. ill mention this in the next part as well.
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(fullview) button admitting it was one of their fucking friends who sent me atleast one of the asks with slurs in them.
this isnt even half of what they said about me in their server. you can check out the full imgur albums here: (x) (x) (x)
as previously mentioned i made some vague posts after i figured out moon had messaged one of my friends:
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(link to post)
i did not mention moons name or url here. they only knew it was about them from checking my blog themself.
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(link to post)
moon then messaged me themself.
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they sent me this ask after their first one. i didnt save a pic of my response to this one but im sure they posted it in the discord server if you are really and truly curious. 
now lets break this down: “none of those hate messages were from me nor my followers. i hope.” is such a weak excuse. they posted all of this bullshit in their discord server of 80 people, something they said themself (again, screenshots of that in a second) and literally liveblogged it to them there. this is a bold-faced lie and a piss poor job of covering their tracks and trying to place nice with me.
anyway i messaged them on im because its easier and talking through asks takes longer + ask limit, etc. i have an imgur album of screenshots of every thing we BOTH said. im not going to bother posting hi-lights here. itd do you better to read the entire conversation than to look at things out of context. (x)
i @’d button in a post pointing out that they misgendered me. yes. i admit it! i @’d button. they couldve avoided that if they had me blocked in the first place, but they didnt “to keep up with drama”
and anyway i think pointing out that someone deliberately misgendered me is a fair fucking reason to @ them no? well see i would not have included this at all if button had just, you know, apologized for misgendering me! mistakes happen after all but this wasnt a fucking mistake. my pronouns are clearly listed in my description- obviously they had been checking my blog consistantly enough to see everything i posted, there is absolutely no fucking way they didnt see my pronouns. 
anyway this is how they responded:
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CONTINUING to misgender me and then blaming me for it! classy
anyway heres how theyre handling the drama now 8)
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thats all. this post will be updated with new information if need be. this post was made 1/20/2018
EDIT 2: ive decided fuck it. heres the rest of what was in the #drama chat that was “private”
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ok im sorry this ones just so fucking funny it literally does not mean kill yourself its a dumb funny insult thats harmless ylal are digging too deep to find meaning in shit that has none but whatever
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everyone just accepts this at face value...
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again everyones just accepting this at face value...
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shitting on someone who had absolutely nothing to do with anything.
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anyway in moons shitty followup callout they said that i send this persons girlfriend death threats about cookie run. “years ago”. i downloaded the fucking game last fucking month. you can find where i talk about that (here)
moon has refused to take this absolute crock of shit back. at this point its a blatant ass lie.
EDIT 3: definitive proof button is truscum
click here 
EDIT 4: february 11 2018 is a cursed date
button reblogged this post from me (^ my version of the post is in edit 3)
of course i said something (click here)
button made this post:
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(link to post) 
seeing as how they wanted me to respond directly i sure as fuck did!
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(it goes from bottom to top in order)
i decided, after a while of no response,  to dm them about a screen! well more shit ensued. heres a link to our ENTIRE conversation (considering how i always get bitched out about not posting the WHOLE story 8) !)
@gumwindow nice to know you dont mind transmeds!
EDIT 5 may 13 2018:
moon attempted to apologize, but not directly to, or about, me because apparently talking to me is traumatizing lol
EDIT 6 may 26 2018:
zinc threw an absolute fucking fit. it was kinda funny. then they made their blog inactive, turned off @’s, and it can only be viewed through tumblr mobile. lol
heres the links
moon password protected @comet-of-sin, changed his url to @comet-of-sin-gone on july 4th. 
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posted this. apparnetly his server was raided and he blames it on me because i screened his post where he advertised his shitty server (you know, the SAME ONE he and his friends misgendered me and called me a thing in.) 
this is the post i made screenshotting his server advertisement post. (also includes a screen of something he had to say about me and one of my friends a few days before)
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him being like “im not the people i associate with” like...bro...lol 
hes changed the url of @comet-of-sin-gone to
so hes still like, you know, there. lol
also hes still active on his nsfw blog (which, before anyone calls me out for looking. this is the very first post as of the time this update is posted and his nsfw blog is literally linked IN HIS ABOUT.)
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im not actually gonna. link the blog bc You Know. its right there in his about though so...go find it yourself.
EDIT 8 7/21/18: 
shortly after gumwindow (about a week or two) made the posts linked in edit 6 their accounts were deleted and the urls saved to this:
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i have as of july 21st spoken to nebula (gumwindow) myself on discord, and for decency reasons, because the conversation didnt go off horribly, im not going to post screens. plus they arent really necessary and dont give out any new info so. if nebula wants to post screens of the conversation themself theyre free to, i have nothing to hide from that conversation
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theyre fine.
there were alot of inconsistancies with this conversation, mostly excuses about how they didnt know about button, and not knowing that transmed=truscum (???) and that they just werent thinking when making those posts (again linked in edit 6) but its not important enough to add here.
EDIT 9 7/24/2018
im so tired.
saw nebula changed their title to this
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so i messaged them about it
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they blocked me
now their blog looks like this
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im so fucking tired.  this is how our discord conversation ended (providing minimal screens bc i dont wanna get yelled at lol)
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the day i contacted them on discord they posted in the (again, public) server my friend originally found them in (there were originally images but i am removing them for reasons.) saying i was stalking them or whatever... same issue as always, this is a public server, if i can go in there myself and literally anyone could screenshot stuff then its not...really stalking.
with all that said, everything nebula said here was in a public server that one of my friends was in. and i have no intention on keeping up with anything else they have to say about me. like, im done! im absolutely fucking exhausted i really just wish yall would stop lying about me.
heres proof that the server is public:
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inb4 anyone asks why i cropped the url of the server, its because i dont want to get accused of inciting a raid. as far as im aware the person who posted this is the host of this server, and this was the same server nebula posted in. as you can see it is very much public. thanks.
EDIT 10: 
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EDIT 11: 8/17/18
my friend reblogged this post (the one you are looking at right now) to boost because button started posting in the starbound tag again.
i made this post (click the link)
originally the post said button was cis, this was an assumption i made because in a previous post a while back button had said they dont consider themself trans. i was wrong, i admit it yes i was wrong for assuming button was cis; it is not my place to explain why button said this as it is not my personal life story and i dont care that much however, the point is, button is not cis and i was wrong. my mistake. sorry about that.
here is the post where button confirmed they are not cis, and my apology.
this does not change the fact that button:
1) is a transmed
2) is racist (believes in reverse racism)
3) hates “fat acceptance”
4) misgendered me, called me slurs, and still to this day refuses to apologize for that.
today alot happened. i got alot of anons. mostly hate. heres all the ones i posted (in order):
x 2 asks in one post, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x (not hate), x 2 asks in one post, x also 2 asks in one post, x, x
heres the ones i DIDNT post:
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heres button continuing to misgender me even today, after they said they did it ~accidentally~
thats p much all that happened today in relation to this drama, i geuss.
the next day (8/18/18):
x, x, x,
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im not bothering censoring this one like whats the point lol
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official-semiramis · 7 years
Alright so i was just going to try and ignore this hoping it’ll blow over and that she’d stop harrassing us that’s clearly not happening so
If you’ve ever interacted with a tumblr user going by or that has gone by any of these urls please do block them and possibly warn anyone you might know that she could reach: • elfsona  (current url) • lzayol (also current url) • despurr  • saikah  • amaneh  • ahngieh  • 0sani •anti-shizaya • cupup • saikabot • boostedana • solosa • super-milk-chan • princesszange (these are the more prominent ones, she quickly changes url weekly whenever called out, will update) She goes by Sonia/Osani, is 22 and from Texas (will also usually include being a linguistic major in her bios)  She’s my ex and is known mostly for: being abuser who’s sent numerous death threats before and has sexually harrassed minors, generally just hopping from groups and servers just to start drama and find an easy lay. She’s also the reason why my and @neckhorse ‘s inboxs are closed, as she’s prone to send endless harrassing and threatening asks 
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That’s my inbox. Only about 20 of those arent from her. I’ll enclose some of the more striking ones below+context: (the context being me deciding to break our unhealthy relationship)
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Trying to feel better about herself by shifting the blame on me:
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I must precise our relationship was a ldr. She would get upset if i didnt want to sext her back and guilt trip me into doing it anything. Not wanting to admit that she tried to pin the blame on me somehow.
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The context here was me having reblogged two (2) selfies of asian mutuals/blogs.
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When i’d call her out her trump card would be calling me cracker or whitey because that gives leverage in arguments that aren’t about racism in the slightest. Also pretty unbecoming considering she’s voted Trump herself
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Typing and sending something like this clearly shows superiority and innocence in any kind of argument:
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Context here being ?? I deleted all pictures of her upon breaking and never mentioned. Probably trying to get a leverage on me using my phobia i guess. Also sort of hypocritical considering she’s threatened to impersonate me and go send my mutuals compromising pictures.
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Just like 90% of her asks, once again completely unprompted My take here is that she’s trying to make me feel jealous despite being utterly disgusted by her The habit of finding new romantic interests monthly seems to be an ongoing thing she does but that’s just tea and not something that should be on a callout :eyes: but yeah she does have a history of approaching people just for intercourse and to try and force them into a toxic relationship just to deny everything and proceed to harrass them to kingdom come so watch out if you’re a friend of hers
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context here is: 1-my brothers sexually abused me in the past (because comparing an abuse survivor to their abuser is something totally ok) 2-guilt tripping as usual
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Here we can see her having no grasp on how healthy relationships work and how breaking off an almost year long relationship that made my mental health plummet to rock bottom due to daily emotional abuse was just me overreacting
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Context is, once again, guilt tripping Also no there is no record of me ever making fun of self harming and never will be
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Now these were from an ex mutual of mine The reason for such treatment? Following and reblogging posts from me
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Here we can see her smartly admitting how she takes none of what she’s done seriously and is entirely unapologetic about it she’s merely playing the role of the victim trusting knowing her followers will blindly believe her
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context: my suicide attempts
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more kind asks after i reunited with my best friend after breaking up
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more episodes of her approaching me from a freshly made blog unleashing her trump card
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her being totally not creepy after our breakup
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more of her specialty, guilt tripping
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here’s her spam following me after her habitual remake (yes, the grand number of 100 times)
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More accusations probably due to projecting
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these (along with more) were sent to tumblr user @neckhorse, who’s also been abused by her in the past (and while underage)
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Here’s more proof of her being disgusting and ableist towards various other people
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This is my current blocked list on discord all people except the two i obscure are her the list will probably increase as she keeps going to the trouble of making new accounts for the sole purpose of harrassing me
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Lastly is the reason i wanted to finally make a more or less proper callout post She recently made a post accusing tumblr user @neckhorse of being a sexual predator despite having no proof and that never happening since she was the who abused her The reason she asked her followers to block her is to prevent them from ever interacting with her since they’d end up knowing her true colours
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                                                     (update) -i’ve been sent this ask the other day, just to prove how she’s still actively harassing people and especially mentally ill people using that. It’s sickening.
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I most definitely forgot things seeing how massive her bad reputation is but if you desire more proof or explanation you can feel free to contact either me or @neckhorse for more details or info about other users she’s harrassed You can also check out @yousei-bitches if you’re curious about her previous history (considering she’s being at the epicenter of various drama in different occasions throught the past 2 years). Here’s also some tags of mine you can check for some of her previous answered asks or posts (mostly vague) about her • /drama • /cupup • /0sani • /snake.ask I sincerely hope no one will buy into her false accusations nor let her close enough to exploit your weaknesses or literally anything personal you’ve ever had the misfortune to disclose to her And that she’ll finally leave us alone Stay safe
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bluethepaladin · 7 years
I just lost a friend over something so stupid, and I’m so mad. I want to scream.
Somebody literally had the audacity to use my situation with Hurricane Harvey to promo their blog.
As most of you know, I was hit kind of hard by Harvey. I don’t post about it too much, because it’s Depressing and Unfun, and tumblr is mostly my way to escape. So a while back, when the floodwaters had just retreated, my friend on tumblr came to me wanting to vent, and I thought they were asking for advice. After a few back and forths, I realized they didn’t want my advice and just wanted to vent. But like, I have a lot on my plate right now. And because I thought we were friends, I thought I could be honest about that. So I sent a polite message saying 
“Okay somewhere along the line I think I misunderstood what you wanted from me. I thought you were asking for advice, which is why i offered it. Since we're friends, I'll be honest with you. For about the next 3 days it's going to be super duper rough for me, and I've got a lot on my plate. On a normal day I would be 1000% down to listen to you vent and be a Supportive and Good Friend™ but I just don't have the mental or emotional capacity to do that right now. I'm sorry, I want to be there for u to listen to you vent, and you can totally lay it all on me like at any other time and I will be glad to hear it, but for now and the next 3 days, I just can't handle it.”
They responded with “that’s fine.” and nothing else, so I said “Thank you so much for understanding” and they just. Stopped talking to me. The next day I sent a message saying that I hope they had a great day, and sorry for being a downer. No response.
Two days later, I asked them how their day was. They said “fine. you?” Since, again, I had asked to not talk about Deep things, I glossed over the fact that my house was being ripped apart by helpful neighbors, and also mentioned I had class tomorrow. Their response? 
“i'm fine. hope you have a good day in class tomorrow.”
Clearly, that is the end of the conversation. So I just figured, hey, they’re probably not in the mood to talk right now, So I said I’d leave em to it, and logged off. 
Two days later, I see a post on my dash. It’s them asking for a promo. The tags are this: #i think an ex mutual is badmouthing me ://// #because i didnt want to talk to them when they wanted to talk #so i think theyre like name dropping me now #but anyway im also close to my next k
Cool. Fine. Whatever.
But then I see an ask on my dash
Anon: You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but why would they badmouth you? If you don't mind me asking?
Answer: nah it’s cool here’s the storythe other day i was ranting to them about something that was bothering me, and they were talking to me about it and stuff but then they just snapped at me and told me they couldn’t deal with me for the next couple of days (because they were dealing with the aftermath of Harvey and like okay that’s fine that’s cool i understand please by all means go deal with that don’t even worry about me my issues aren’t as important) so we didn’t speak for a few days. i gave them their space. which is what they wanted, right? well like almost exactly 3 days later they come to me and want to talk. well, i haven’t been feeling awesome lately, as you might know, and when i get into a depressive state i tend not to talk much. i’ll answer anons and stuff but messages don’t really… i can’t really handle that. so they start talking to me, and i reply but… i’m not as into the conversation as i usually am when i talk to them i guess? (also i’m watching a video at this time so i’m like trying to watch that and not leave them hanging while also feeling like shit. and i told them this) so anyway they unfollowed me sometime between that conversation and the next morning. (also the conversation didn’t even… like i wasn’t shitty to them? and they weren’t shitty to me? so i don’t understand) now since then i’ve lost like 20 followers. and i haven’t been posting on this blog much. i have a queue running but i don’t think any of those posts were problematic, if so i think someone would tell me. and any discourse i post is on a sideblog so it can’t be that. unless tumblr is royally fucking up, but i don’t think that’s it. so i’m pretty sure this person is flat out just bashing me. anyway that’s it im done talking about it. just if yall could reblog my promo post that would be awesome because i’ve been steady losing followers since that night ://///
Bolded emphasis is mine.
Literally all of that is a lie. I never unfollowed them until yesterday, which is how I saw the post! It was on my dash. 
I never said I didn’t want to deal with them, I said I couldn’t handle venting for probably 3 days. 
I sent a message to them after they said “that’s fine” I sent a message the next day and got no response. And I sent a message the day after that, and that’s when they finally decided to grace me with their presence.
I never unfollowed them. Well, I did yesterday because I value myself too much to let myself be used and dragged around by people.
I never told anyone about it using their name.
So of course, I sent a message. I asked them if they wanted me to unfollow them, since they’d unfollowed me. I said I was hurt because pretty much none of that was true. They said they’d deleted the chat and at the top it didn’t say I was still following so they just assumed I unfollowed. 
They said “I guess it was just a misunderstanding”
Then I apologized. After reading the wording of the post, I thought, oh no maybe they read my initial message wrong, and assumed that I actually didn’t want to talk to them, not just talking about the vent stuff. 
“ I apologize if I worded it in a way that made you think I couldn't handle YOU. What I was trying to say is that I couldn't handle anymore emotional drama right now than my own, which I think is fair. Since you deleted it, this is what I said: 
‘Okay somewhere along the line I think I misunderstood what you wanted from me. I thought you were asking for advice, which is why i offered it. Since we're friends, I'll be honest with you. For about the next 3 days it's going to be super duper rough for me, and I've got a lot on my plate. On a normal day I would be 1000% down to listen to you vent and be a Supportive and Good Friend™ but I just don't have the mental or emotional capacity to do that right now. I'm sorry, I want to be there for u to listen to you vent, and you can totally lay it all on me like at any other time and I will be glad to hear it, but for now and the next 3 days, I just can't handle it.’
 I was trying to say we should talk about only not-emotional things for a while, since, you know, my house is being ripped apart and I no longer have a car. And I also am trying not to bog my friends down with the fact that I'm in a Shitty Situation right now and I don't think it's fair to constantly be like This Sucks, so I was trying to stay away from emotionally heavy topics”
and they told me that it wasn’t the case. That the initial message was not the problem. Then why, in their massive plea to their followers did they lie and say I ‘didn’t want to deal with them?’
Their response:
“that's not why i thought you were mad at me. i understood that. you're situation sucks, i saw the pictures. so i understood completely that you didn't want to deal with the drama. i thought you were mad at me because when you did talk to a couple days later i wasn't feeling very good and i wasn't talking to anyone but i wanted to reply to you. after you didn't reply after i apologized i figured you had gotten super pissed that i wasn't being talkative. like we usually are. “
Here are the next few messages:
Me: I'm going to lot out of Tumblr for a while. You really really hurt my feelings. I understand there was a miscommunication but instead of talking to me about it, you posted about it on tumblr, which I saw on my dash just scrolling through Tumblr. I feel like I've shared a lot with you and now I feel very vulnerable, like if I ever am anything but 100% emotionally available to you, you'll blame me for things too. I'm just hurt. And I need to take care of stuff at the house, and I need time to nurse my hurt feelings
Them: i understand
3 days later
Me:  I'm back on tumblr and I noticed you don't follow me anymore. why? do you still think i told people to unfollow you? that isn't true. I never told anybody anything. I feel like I also deserve an explanation. Why did you make a post about me, saying that I told people to follow you? I'm still following you, by the way. Unless you don't want me to, which is okay, I guess but kind of unexpected, seeing as I have literally done nothing to you at all, besides asking you to not vent to me for like 3 days. I just.. I want an explanation. And where do we stand now. Do you just not want to be friends anymore?
Them:  i unfollowed you because i was sure that you had unfollowed me. and then when you came and told me you didn't i felt like if i had it would have made things worse, so i waited. the night you talked to me after the whole don't vent to me for three days thing you said "i guess i'll leave you to it." and i told you that i wasn't feeling well, also i was watching something. you never got back to me so i was like well shit i think i pissed them off. i didn't mean to i just did not feel good. so the next day i went to see if you still followed me, but this must be a sideblog or something because it didn't find you. i think that's what it does for sideblogs. so i did the next best thing, which was to delete our conversation and start a new one to see if it said we were still mutuals or whatever. it didn't say anything so i assumed you had unfollowed me (i lost like 3 or 4 followers that night and i thought you were one of them) so i was like oh damn i guess i did piss them off. so i went ahead and unfollowed. then in like the next day or so i lost like 20-30 followers. i wasn't posting any discourse or anything so i didn't understand why this mass amount of people were ditching me all at the same time. the only thing i could think of was that someone was shit talking me. (turns out it was an ex mutual that was trash talking me, but it wasn't you) so i assumed oh damn i guess i pissed them off really bad and they're here trash talking me. in hindsight it was stupid but my RSD was snowballing everything into a horrible mess. i thought i had pissed you off so bad that night that i wasn't being chatty. literally none of this had anything to do with the three days you didn't want to talk to me.
Me: okay, 1. please stop saying i didn't want to talk to you for 3 days. We already talked about this and established that I didn't want to talk about heavy things, aka venting--Not that I didn't want to talk to you. You told me that you understood this. If you don't then we can go through it again, but I never ever said that I didn't want to talk to you, and the fact that you keep saying that is really rubbing me the wrong way. 2. Cool. I understand your reasoning. I get it, I just took 3 days off myself because I was crazy overwhelmed. But you made a post about me, in which you are very clearly talking about me. Like, people asked me about it. In that post, you said I snapped at you, and you accused me of name-dropping you and getting people to unfollow you. Then, in the tags, you said that you never name-dropped me, and it's because you aren't "sheisty," meaning that I AM shitty for "namedropping" you, which I didn't do. I literally never did anything, and the post is STILL there 3. I didn't respond to you because I logged off tumblr. I started up a chat, asked you how your day was, you said fine? you? i gave you an update and said i had class tomorrow. You said "have a good day at school tomorrow" which is what people usually say when they say bye. So, i was like, alright, Lio's not in the mood for talking, guess it's time to go. 4. If you were worried I was mad, you could have just asked. 5. you have yet to say sorry. I dunno, are you sorry? like I didn't DO anything to you, Lio, and you even said it was someone else, yet you made a huge post about me which I saw on my dash because I'm still following you! It was a lot to handle, because I thought we were friends, and I was already dealing with a lot! It really really hurt me and it left me feeling vulnerable. I understand why you thought the way you did, but you still made a post about me that people could tell was me, because I got questions about it!! Lastly, this IS a sideblog, I have a personal blog, which is in my about and I have answered questions about and I don't give it to people unless we're friends because the Voltron fandom is full of nasties.
It’s almost been a week since I sent that. No response. I’m a pretty understanding person. If they had sent a message like “Hey, I want to keep talking to you about this, but I need a few days to get organized.” I would be totally fine. Also, I’m getting mad at this point, because they have yet to say sorry. The lied and accused me of doing things I didn’t do to get sympathy from their followers, and the post is still up. If they just literally talked to me about anything, sent a “hey, are you mad at me?” or “do you still follow me?” none of this would have happened. Keep in mind, I didn’t do anything they accused me of, and they realized that it was someone else.
So finally today I said:
Me: guess that's it, huh? never figured you for someone who wouldn't apologize. For clarity's sake, now I've unfollowed you.
Them:  Just because I hadn't replied to you yet doesn't mean I'm not sorry or that I wasn't going to. But alright.
Them:  Regardless, I am sorry for everything I did. It was stupid of me to assume everything and even stupider of me to air it publicly. No matter how upset I was or how how wholeheartedly I believed my own foolish accusations. You didn't deserve any of this and I'm sorry for putting you through it after that you've already had to deal with. It wasn't fair and for that I profusely apologize. You don't have to reply to this I just wanted you to know that I am sorry before all is said and done. Anyway, goodbye.
Somebody literally used my situation with Hurricane Harvey as an excuse to promo themselves on tumblr.
Literally all I wanted was a sincere apology, and maybe the post taken down or a correction posted because people who followed us both asked me about it. They knew who I was based on that post. It’s taken me a long time, and a lot of therapy to get here, but my therapist keeps reminding me that I have to value myself enough to demand acceptable treatment for myself. Wanting an apology is not unreasonable. Like, how dare you use my situation to promo yourself? How dare you claim I’m being unreasonable after going radio-silence on me for almost a week, with no explanation? (Again, I’d be totally cool if they needed a week to deal with other stuff, if they’d just asked). 
I’m so mad. I’m seeing red. 
My advice: Talk to people about how you feel and don’t make shit up about them. Be honest with how you feel and what’s up.
And last of all, don’t be a manipulative asshole.
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