#mutuals if you play it you are encouraged to liveblog it to me
perilegs · 4 months
uuultrac is like if they made yaoi for bisexuals
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verdantmeadows · 3 years
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lukeowotriton -> kirbapy -> reservecourses -> verdantclouds -> verdantmeadows
If you know me IRL, please don't share this blog with others and keep anything I post here private, and preferably don't follow me at all
My post tag is #book of kells
Check #verdant liveblog to see what I'm currently watching/playing/reading! (I don't always update it for all things I'm engaging in though)
My pronouns page
@/azuremist is the beautiful love of my life
If I like art without reblogging it, it's because I've queued it
I am a young adult/NOT a minor, please keep that in mind
Regardless of what my Tumblr theme is you MUST know my favorite color is green and green is my whole life!
Previous Tumblr layouts if you don't recognize me after I've changed layouts:
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Verdant/Edric/Hop/Lance/Izzy (I also go by Sun, Sal, Kells, Wukong, Randall, Randy, Kirbs, and happily any names you associate with me! I previously went by Luke/Luwuke online if you know me by those names. Also kin names are strongly encouraged!)
he/him, zie/zir, pup/pups, x(i)e/x(i)em, sun/suns, woo/wools any but she/they
I am a young adult
Personal post tag is #book of kells
I have many disabilities but one important one is I am intellectually disabled and autistic which affects how I talk and interact with others. But please talk to me how you'd talk to anyone else!
Additional info
I am a multishipper! (This means I ship multiple pairings that might be "contradictory", i.e., A x B and B x C separately without it being poly ships)
I block very liberally, if you're curious as to why I did, feel free to ask why, I'm happy to unblock usually!
If you can I ask you block then unblock me if you want to unfollow and we were mutuals so that way I will no longer follow you as well
Feel free to ask me to tag any triggers or upsetting things
I post nsfw jokes and may post suggestive art. I always tag those as nsfw joke, NSFW text and/or suggestive cw. I don't post pornography as of right now.
I also post nudity! I don't always tag nudity since I often forget.
I cannot tag things like periods, scars, etc. I believe these are natural parts of the body and even if I understand that you cannot instantly get over something, I don't feel comfortable tagging them.
I don't tag reclaimed slurs that are directed at queer people (like the f slur)
Pride flag in icon doesn't reflect my identity (although it can), it reflects headcanons for the character/what I think looks visually good
My personal post tag is #book of kells
I'm autistic and intellectually disabled and a system. This all affects how I talk and interact very much!!! If I say something weird point it out. I'm also very psychotic and might post weirdly because of this. I'm weird and disabled! I have undisclosed physical disabilities
Mass likes/reblogs are okay and encouraged
I am otherkin (fictionkin, therian, and more) (spiritual, physical, etc kin, not the muddled definition of I relate to this character).
Only "DNI" I have is if you ship huntl0w, bakud3ku, kabum1su, and a few others.
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ionlycareaboutyou · 5 years
13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28 for the fic asks
13. hardest character to write
hmmmmm. currently, i find eddie to be kind of hard to write. i feel like it’s hard to really capture his demeanor, and every actor who has played him has played him differently and highlighted different parts of him? so i’m never quite sure if i’m getting him down right, lmao. also, stefon, because i literally never know what is going to come out of his mouth and i do NOT have the imagination of john mulaney when it comes to crazy things that can happen in clubs.
14. easiest character to write
i feel like i’ve written richie enough that i have somewhat of a strong grasp on him. also, even though i haven’t written her much, bev comes easily to me? i love her
18. favorite pairing to write
ah the million dollar question. i’ve loved every pairing i’ve ever written for. i’ve written the most for blunder and it will always be in my heart, but my love for reddie and sethon are immeasurable at the moment, too
19. favorite fandom to write
i like writing for AD because i know everyone in the fandom, and i met all my closest friends in that fandom (shoutout gg4e). but as i’ve said before i was seriously shocked by the outpouring of support i got when i wrote for sethon, people are SOOO nice and encouraging and i want to write 500 more things for them.
20. favorite character to write
i love writing richie...love writing gob...stefon even though he puzzles the hell out of me...i don’t write a lot of lucille in my AD fics but i love when i get the chance to
21. least favorite character to write
i generally don’t include characters in fics that i don’t like unless i absolutely HAVE to
27. best review you ever got
any time anyone says i made them cry, even if it’s facetious i’m like !!!!!!!!!!
28. worst review you ever got
okay this wasn’t a review. but when i was 14 i wrote x-files fanfic and posted it on ff.net, and it wasn’t good, absolutely not. but i was mutuals with someone who was liveblogging a fic they were reading and talking about how bad it was and when they put an excerpt of the fic i realized it was MINE...literally never felt worse jfiewajifo
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mischiefiswritten · 6 years
The Care and Keeping of Your Writeblr | Pt. 1 - Getting Started
Hello all, and welcome to my guide of possibly-useful, possibly-not advice for creating and maintaining your own writing blog and connecting with the online writing community.
I'm in no way an expert, nor am I the best, most popular writeblr out there. Not all the advice I post will work for or even appeal to everybody, but I'd like to share what I've observed and found useful in my own time running this writeblr sideblog.
This installment will be covering the basics of GETTING STARTED.
So you've decided you want to start a writeblr. Good for you! The writeblr community is a great place for motivation, inspiration, sharing ideas, getting feedback, collecting resources, and just having good old fashioned fun with other writers. It can be intimidating to try and enter into an established community, and it's okay to be nervous. But with few exceptions, this is a very friendly place.
Choosing your URL:
This is the first thing you're going to be asked to do when starting a new blog, whether it be a main blog or a sideblog. You'll want to put a fair amount of thought into this as it can influence the amount of traffic on your blog and changing it later can confuse your followers. This is the simplest, most straightforward piece of advice anyone can give you - put something about writing in your URL. It doesn't have to be some variant of 'writing' if you don't want it to, but consider different ideas related to the craft. Images of typewriters, pens, ink, etc. all bring writing instantly to mind. Also consider your genre. You could use an offshoot of that such as "name-does-scifi."
If you're making a sideblog, consider whether you want your writeblr url to be similar to your main URL. (That's what I did.) Remember that likes, follows, and comments will all show up as coming from your main blog's URL. It may help other writeblrs make the connection between the two, especially in your early days. This is of course just a matter of personal preference. Food for thought.
An effective URL will make it easier for others to find and connect with you!
Writing a Title and Description/Bio:
Once you've fired up that shiny new URL, you'll find a lovely white void awaiting you, yearning for all those lovely words you've got inside your head. First and foremost, you'll see big block letters that probably say 'Untitled' at the top of the page, right under the header image. Again, I suggest putting something about writing in your blog title. This is the first thing someone sees when they open your blog, and again it lets them know if it's likely to have the kind of content they're after. This isn't mandatory by any means - you do you - but it may help you gain traffic in the beginning. Some writers, like myself, simply use their URL as the title, others use the title of their WIP, and others put any phrase that strikes their fancy.
Under the title, there's a space for a description. Use this space to introduce yourself, your WIP (if you want) and your blog. It can be as vague, specific, serious, humorous, long, or minimalist as you like. Browse some other writeblrs to get an idea for what appeals to you. Remember you are under no obligation to share any personal information including name, age, or location. Your privacy is yours to protect in whatever ways you see fit.
As far as content goes, here are some things you may want to mention in your description depending on the kinds of posts you plan on sharing.
genres (young/new adult, adult, children's, fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, etc.)
original works or fanfiction?
are you open to participation in tag games?
WIP titles
writing tips, humor, encouragement
liveblogging your writing process/journey
guides, resources, and references
will you be posting much original content or mostly reblogs?
links to other accounts/pages (hyperlinks are supported)
If your writeblr is a sideblog, consider listing your main URL in the bio and your writeblr URL in the bio of your main. Many people like to follow back, but since they were notified of likes, follows, and comments via your main URL, they may not put two and two together without some assistance.
Makin' it Pretty:
It's what's on the inside that counts, that much is true. But we can't help but be attracted to polished looking blogs. Don't worry about being fancy right away (or ever)! Just think about making your blog look well cared for. How? Choose an avatar/profile picture, a header, colors and fonts, and a theme. (Also note that lacking all of the above, including title and bio, can make your blog look suspicious to cautious users.)
The mobile/in-dash version of your blog and your in-browser blog can be customized separately, but your avatar, title and description will appear in both. The mobile version will look much the same as everyone else's, with variations in font, colors, and pictures. Fonts and colors can be selected from the settings/edit appearance menu. You'll want to upload a jpeg for the avatar (which can be square or round) and header (which you can reposition). It doesn't matter much what these pictures are - just have them in mind so you can get them in right away!
The easiest way to make your in-browser blog look nice is to select a theme. There are several free ones available with an array of different features so you can get the most bang for your zero bucks. Many are color and font customizable as well and support links, pages, and widgets. If you install pages for your characters, your WIP, or whatever you want one for, people will be seeing those through the in-browser version of your blog. Themes make it easy for them to navigate! (Click on the paint palette icon to change your theme.)
Writeblr Lingo:
Writers are pretty much a subculture, and we speak our own jargon. Here on Tumblr, there are also extra terms you may want to be familiar with as you get started. Here's a basic glossary for your reference. (Some may seem obvious, but I make no assumptions.)
Writeblr: Write + Tumblr = writeblr; a Tumblr account focused on writing
OC: original character
WIP: work-in-progress
Ref: reference
Sci-Fi: science fiction
YA: young adult; a genre typically considered well-suited for an audience of ages 13-18 and/or centered around protagonists of ages 13-18
NA: new adult; a genre considered geared toward an audience of 18-30 and/or centered around protagonists of this age range (note that this is a fairly new genre and the associated age range is somewhat variable); often associated with transitions from young adulthood to 'real' adulthood in terms of lifestyle, personality, etc.
Mutuals: people who are following each other; ie you follow them AND they follow you
Tag(ging) Game: a game passed around via tagging other writers in the post; played in the text body; most have the name and how to play within the text body
Tagging: typing the @ symbol followed by the account's URL; typing @ will pull up a menu of suggested URLs that display the blogs' avatars and will update as you type
Bookblr: a close cousin of writeblr; this blog type focuses on reading published books and often includes reviews and recommendations
Rec: recommendation
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Additions? Let me know what you thought about this guide and if you have any ideas for future installments, which are coming soon. Happy writing, everybody.
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woodys · 7 years
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✸♡. Where would I be without   🎶  F R I E N D S  🎶  !! .♡✸
In the last few years i’ve always come to love and look forward to the summertime. It always seems to be the time of year I have the biggest adventures, funnest moments, and get into the craziest things. For instance, I got the once in a lifetime chance to see my favorite musical, Hamilton, live. At the same time, Magikarp became one of my top favorite beloved water Pokechildren, right after that I played myself getting tripped into infinite video game hell with four losers on a road trip in my first Final Fantasy game. I watched my favorite speedy hedgehog and his friends RISE BACK to their glory in a True Blue™ revive and just when I thought all dreams couldn’t be reality TOY STORY shows up in KINGDOM HEARTS ya’ll. TOY STORY GONNA BE IN KINGDOM HEARTS YA’LL.
That said, with all of those things, I took notice how just about everything this summer’s offered me has had some unifying line of friendship tucked in it somewhere. And as I rode out Hurricane Harvey, I realized just how great friends are and—just like the many video game characters I adore and love—how good are the ones that motivate, encourage, and surround me. As many of you do or don’t know by now i’ve always gotta close my a one great summer send off post! And though this one’s a bit LATE no thanks to Hurricane Harvey craziness, I couldn’t let the tradition die! For third year in a row ( ♫ WITH THE HELP OF HYPER POTIONS YET AGAIN ♥ ♫ )  here’s another commemoration a huge summer of growth in my life and a big thanks all of you for being a friend! Whether you realize you’ve been one to me or not! ♥ 
After all of my years saying that my summer commemoration posts aren’t follow forevers, ya’ll are the ones who finally make this post an Official™ “Follow Forever”. Cause I really have followed you for two to three years now! And I probably will again if I remade another blog! And a blog after that! Ya’ll make my dash HOME and the time that I waste here on Tumblr is always worth it because I get to see you. Thanks for being so epic for all these years! 
☼  @kiliroleplays ☼ @skiwalkerrey ☼ @kataaras ☼ @disappointedwrites ☼ @lucasdelcs ☼ @fitzsimmonsofrp  ☼ @jodiewrites ☼ @nickwldes ☼  @sweetpandarps ☼ @clairetvmples ☼ @jessicuhjcnes ☼ @billsprestonesquiree  ☼ @haywilliams ☼  @crystalreedwrites ☼ @atalantaa ☼
I picked up a handful of you before the summer, but it doesn’t mean I love you any less. You’ve added new shades of color to my life and every time I see your url or when we talk it’s always the best reminder of why the days so far this year have been that much more brighter!
✧  @lizzyxrps ✧ @karlasouzawrites✧ @blu3crystalbrax ✧ @pastelseasidedancer✧ @reputationwrites✧ @qvakewrites / @starswritten​✧ @beverlymvrsh ✧ @tulirps ✧ @ladymacbeths ✧ @robertsonwrites  ✧ @trishwvlker  ✧ @kazdarling  ✧ @yourmuseco  ✧
Our posts are so very different, but here you are anyways! Though we hardly talk or chat, when we do there’s always a sparkle in my eyes because you’re always so kind to me and are all such wonderful people who I love to follow along with on my dash. If you ever need anything, i’ve gotchu! Because yes! I every much consider each of you as distant friends. ♥
@steinfeldofrph ✿ @victnam ✿ @dannyphantomrps ✿ @bobbybrigs ✿ @ofmymuses ✿ @queenchiddy ✿ @perfectxplaces ✿
There’s plenty more super special friends i’ve acknowledged under the cut, because I didn’t want this looking too long on your dashboards. But again, to all I say, thanks for another fantastic summer and even MORE thanks for being a Friend™! ♥ 
—Another special shoutout to @pandora-box-of-mind for the two wonderful, adorable, commissions that are apart of the gifs in my graphic. I can’t wait to commission you again, Pandora! ♥ (The art in middle graphic though, belongs to me y’all!! 😩 🙌🏽 )
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Ah yes, another year, another space to tag all of you in. Royal Avenue™ sounds fancy, but actually it’s just the name of a Pokemon theme I jam to all the time ;u;  Das because I love y’all and you’re my jam.♥   I probably tell some of yall that all the time by how much we talk. But now like this everyone can see me say it.  And most of you are my partners too and I’m sorry excessive yelling over video games kept me away from replies this summer.
❀ @pixiedustrps ❀ @maliatating ❀ @xkatiewrites ❀ @partycrouchwrites ❀ @elenaqilberts ❀ @fireheartwrites  ❀ @sherihollcnd  ❀ @whatsernamerps  ❀ @horan-rps  ❀ @alaskawritcs  ❀ @wcmanizer  ❀ @mezzymuffin  ❀ @asoftsounds  ❀ @maddybunny  ❀ @fist-of-derp  ❀
For as long as i’ve associated myself with the RPC I always used to feel so self conscious about posting gaming content because of how it didn’t meet whatever weird “aesthetic and FC” standard I felt RP blogs should have. I’m probably making a big deal out of nothing, but as i’ve finally grown to confidently reflect my interests onto my own blog, you three are the ones are the first i’ve personally ever seen in this community to do so with beauty and grace and it’s inspired me everyday to feel it’s okay not to post what everyone posts and love what you love! I love seeing the games you love, and I love talking with you about them too! I’m glad they led me to you!
@xgarnetwrites​ ϟ @arcvnums​ ϟ @flowerhelps​ ϟ 
I remember the first time Chris asked me to join the group chat back in y’alls Skype days and honestly, I can’t believe I went so long in my life without all of you. On nights I felt like endlessly crying, you made me laugh until my sides ached. On days I felt like giving up, all of you were there to cheer me on—even when you had your own burden of problems. They say friends are the family you choose for yourself, and i’m so blesst™ all of you chose little ole’ me. ☺️
♡ @jeauxlyne ♡ @josukegod ♡ @sharkmama ♡ @sauceaonmyballs ♡ @shinjiswhatever ♡ @sir-introvert ♡ AND OFC ALWAYS YOU @aeoneon ♡
And now for a set of LET ME HOLLA AT YOU FRIENDS
[ Taylor Swift’s Best Friend ( @starshineswrite ) ] - I know what you’re thinking: ‘wtf mimi we’re not even that close for me to earn this space’ but THAT doesn’t mean i’m not making this space for you anyways!!! I adore you so much Kat. You’re so strong even when you have to go through the stupidest stuff. I love when we talk. I loved earlier this year when we got to heart to heart. I just wanted to remind you again just how amazing you are and how much I love you. I’m actually high key excited to experience Reputation with you. :’D
[ The Ladybug Friend ( @pcnnywises ) ] - Even though I don’t say it as much as I used to, and when you doubt that I do, I love you so much bbgirl. I’ll never forget the day you messaged me and we talked the whole day nonstop and after being mutuals I was so happy that you did. I adore you. And all your 654654654651 celeb crushes. You’re wonderful and don’t you forget it. ♥
[ The Friend from the Lyon’s™ Den ( @b-almighty ) ] - Kay it always amuses me so much that I found you through your amazing Empire liveblogs and we ended up having RIDICULOUSLY so much more  in common. I know we hardly talk, but I really appreciate you and I love watching you blog about everything else you love. 
[The ‘dang I wish I could be you, Friend ( @plumwrites ) ] - For years now your posts have made me laugh and your no nonsense attitude has been a delight in my life. I love reading the posts, your tags, and responses you make to things and just thinking ‘dang I wish I could be like bridge about things’. I just love how real you are and I wish I can get some guts to be like that one day. I know you’ve been going through some things recently, but you’re always on my mind. ♥ If you need anything just shout!
[ Lady’s Best Friend ( @amcthystwrites) ] - I’m really sorry this summer wasn’t one of our best ones. That’s mostly on my part, but already I see things shaping back together as they were before and I never doubted that it’d happen that way.
[ Dearly Beloved™ ( @naaatalie ) ] - [ DOING THE 400 CHARACTERS OR LESS CHALLENGE ] I try my best not to get sappy on you often, but I do want you to know how happy you make me and that I can’t express how grateful I am for you. ♥ I’m genuinely so honored and fortunate that after these years you made the choice to Keep™ me and now we’ve got TWO giant, amazing, universes filled with the hugest variety characters that i’m far beyond excited to see grow with you. You’re the Umbra to my Pryna, my penpal, my bestie, The Ruthless Angst Master™. I’ve got so much to thank you for. ♥
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cinematicnomad · 3 years
blog tag
tagged by @from-nova, @woodchoc-magnum, and @skylessnights 🥰🥰
001. why did you choose your url?  i like movies and i grew up moving around the world a lot, so cinematicnomad made sense to me. also i think when i first started my blog i thought it was going to be like, way more of an aesthetic blog? and like, high-minded literature and such lol. if you go look at my very first few posts they’re all, like, faulkner quotes and keats poems etc 
002. any side blogs?  yeah, i’ve got a NSFW 18+ side blog that i occasionally reblog stuff to and i’ve got another sideblog that i only use to test gif issues (like, if a gifset isn’t showing up on my dash, i use that sideblog to figure out which gif is causing the issue and avoid clogging up my followers dashboards) 
003. how long have you been on tumblr?  lol, i’ve officially been on tumblr for a decade as of april 2021 
004. do you have a queue tag?  noooo, i don’t use the queue function for this blog. if you see me posting/reblogging content it’s bc i’m manually doing that 
005. why did you start your blog in the first place? it was finals week of my sophomore year of undergrad? so i was procrastinating working on some essays. i think i started seeing a lot of people linking to their tumblrs on a graphics forum i used to be on so i kind of followed them from there. 
006. why did you choose your icon/pfp? i think for the first few years i was on tumblr, my tumblr icon were pictures of me? but then i was playing around in photoshop back in 2013 and made this icon of dylan o’brien (i think i might have been following a tutorial? can’t remember). and i just haven’t changed my icon since ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
007. why did you choose your header?  ah, it’s a photo i took in london back in summer 2013 from the balcony of the tate modern aka my favorite art museum in the world. i honestly don’t care about my layout on mobile that much so i’ve never bothered to change it. 
008. what’s your post with the most notes?  UGH it’s a post i made where i collected a bunch of screenshots of mara wilson tweets when she started railing against 50 shades of grey lol. it was HILARIOUS but that post now has almost 950k+ notes and every now and then it goes viral again and my activity page dies. (also HILARIOUSLY that post went so viral IMMEDIATELY that mara wilson actually??? got an influx of new followers on twitter and made a couple tweets in the days after being like “oh hi tumblr” and “hey dad i’m like HUGE on tumblr right now”)
009. how many mutuals do you have?  like 90~ (probably a little more, bc i know i follow mutuals sideblogs) 
010. how many followers do you have?  ah, like, 4k+. but honestly i’ve been on here for so long i’m sure half of those blogs are dead or inactive tbh  
011. how many people do you follow? i follow around 250—anymore and i don’t really recognize blogs on my dash which i find stressful lol 
012. have you ever made a shitpost?  i mean i think most of my personal life posts are probably considered shit posts 
013. how often do you use tumblr each day?  i literally don’t close tumblr and twitter on my laptop so they’re open all day. and especially since i’m still working remotely i’m on it way more often than when i actually went into the office. 
014. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? i remember once when i was in the suits fandom some BNF found my liveblogging and encouraged their followers to attack me bc i didn’t like mike and rachel together. but that was ages ago. 
015. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?  i don’t reblog them lol. tumblr is not where i go for my news and i’m happy to keep it that way
016. do you like tag games?  i mean i’m doing one right now so....i think we can infer how i feel about it
017. do you like ask games?  i feel like this is the exact same question
018. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?  i mean @woodchoc-magnum is 911 fan twitter famous—i have a blast sending her tweets i find of people talking about her fics lol. on tumblr, i dunno, i have a couple mutuals with some big gif blogs, 
019. do you have a crush on a mutual?  i mean there are plenty of mutuals i adore but like an ACTUAL crush? no 
tagging: @crazyassmurdererwall, @tattooedsiren, @bisexualbucky, @webbgirl34, @landofalwayswinter, @lupismaris, and anyone else who wants to do this (for real! if you want to do it, feel free and say i tagged you!) 
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