bunnybeingbetter · 1 year
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 12/100 day of productivity  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Currently working on the chem unit! So many notes to take!!!
But I'm feeling good and confident enough to know that I am capable of getting through this, and can achieve a grade higher than the bare minimum of passing if I continue the path I'm on right now.
All it takes is patience, focus, restriction, and meditation to start. If I can pull through all those things little by little...then I'm already better than I was yesterday.
Reminder to drink your water, wash your face, and tackle your days head-on!!
Peace and love!!
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nerdqueenkat · 2 years
Thank you for the ask!
Training didn’t really prepare you for seeing what looked to be a dead body in the sand. Somehow, his mind broke free from its frozen state, telling himself to remain some semblance of calm as his heart thudded in his ears and his body burst into action.
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oh-no-another-idea · 8 months
Find the word tag 🎲
Thank you to the lovely @the-stray-storyteller for the tag this go around!! Here's some early Invisible Girl scenes for you!
Wreck and Trivial:
Antonio seemed to be many things, and careful didn’t appear to be one of them. Velia could ask him to spill something in the dining car only to have him create a calamity so disastrous that it wrecked the entire train. Velia put her hand on the paneling as she passed through the library car. The train grimaced under her touch. No, no wrecking sounded like a good plan. Easier said than done, though. Perhaps the plan would seem more trivial to her if she wasn’t quite so hungry. Velia hadn’t eaten since before boarding, and she could barely think straight, let alone sneak around without making a noise. An unseen stomach growling wasn’t something the average person would enjoy hearing in the middle of the night.      
Scream: (oh hohohohohhehehehehe)
Velia resisted the urge to scream. “There is nothing the matter with your eyes at least, rest assured. Only a few people in the world have ever seen me, not that it’s any business of yours. Good day.” “So, some people can see you,” [Antonio] said eagerly, because clearly his mother had never taught him to take a hint. “I’m just not…meeting the requirements.” Velia wanted to laugh. As if he would ever meet the requirements.
All around her, New York City bustled with life, the way a centipede bustled, with so many extra legs to step on things. There were a lot of legs in New York City. Velia bent to avoid being hit with a parcel and nearly got stepped on by three separate people. She moved back from them and was smacked in the face by a boy carrying a tied stack of newspapers. Velia felt something hot and wet slip out of her nose, and cursed internally. The newsboy was gone, used to banging into obstacles and crowds all the time, and Velia remained, cupping blood in her hands as though it was precious garnets. Sighing, she left her latest mark to go hunt down a handkerchief.
I'll tag @tabswrites @andromedaexists @aether-wasteland-s @sparrow-orion-writes @talesofsorrowandofruin and anyone else who sees this and wants to look for the words apology, spin, tender, and orange 💛
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alphacinder · 1 year
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some drawings of mop suco that ive posted bcus i like them! mayb ill color these. mayb not. also the ibuprofen mop is the best mop ive ever drawn idk how to feel abt that
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sturgeonsalad · 1 year
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angelfoodscake · 6 months
im always complaining (atleast inside my head) that i dont have enough money and theres no way for me to get money but then i realise i could literally do commissions . ill try thinking about that tomorrow
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thesadpuffin · 4 months
Something I'm seeing abt your Zelda Reacts series is that Link's in a different pose for each armor set. Like it's such a small detail but I think it's pretty cool. Like you could've just kept a static pose and swapped the clothes but no. You're going out of your way to gave him specific poses for each outfit and I think that's really cool.
aww omg this really made my day, thank u anon!!! it's so lovely and gratifying to have little details like that noticed and appreciated 🥰✨ tbh I don't even know if I did that consciously at first, but then it made sense to do something different for the barbarian armour etc. (also I think I gotta make him look extra sexy for the voe armour too mwaahahaha)
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rip-planchette · 5 months
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it appears i didnt post this here. this was a redraw of a scene i drew from the ‘alone together’ music video 11 years ago when it came out! i rewatched the youngblood chronicles on SRARs bday and was inspired, as it is still my most favorite patrick. evil music patrick 😈 mwaahahaha
heres the 2013 version btw lol:
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bookofmirth · 7 months
i know this sounds silly, but i recently received my first anonymous hate message - i really don’t have much of a presence in the acotar fandom, i have a blog where i basically just reblog, have made a couple of posts but they’ve only got a few hundred likes - nothing major. and i got a really nasty message in regard to my username ( it’s related to elain and lucien ) and the things i post and it’s just so deflating. i’m just here minding my own business, have never even received an ask before now - and upon opening it, i just felt like the air was sucked out my lungs. it’s so deflating and kind of makes me want to just delete the app for a while. i just wanted to ask how you deal with this sort of thing ? ive been on tumblr for years and been involved with all different fandoms - percy jackson and hannibal and harry potter and have never had anything like this :/
Hi friend, I am so sorry that someone did that to you. It's so freaking unnecessary and rude, and until it happens to people, I really don't think they understand how horrible it feels. I have gotten super upset at messages I've received in the past, and it's easy for other people to say "oh just ignore it" but experiencing it firsthand is completely different. I totally get how different it is to see it targeted to oneself, rather than at someone else. It can definitely knock the wind out of your sails, but you can get back up! All this is to say that it absolutely does not sound silly, because I know exactly what you mean.
If I ever get messages that seem rude, I do a few things:
I don't read the whole thing. It's pretty easy to tell if someone is being a jackass, so I just delete the message right away. This is why I said messages that "seem" rude, I rarely read the whole thing haha, I roll my eyes and delete
Block the anon, since that's an option now.
I go about my day like nothing happened. I love to delete those and then answer other messages and/or reblog and imagine them refreshing my blog constantly, waiting to see they've upset me. Never gonna happen! mwaahahaha choke, bitch.
I think the most important thing to remember is that the things they have said are a reflection of them, not of you. If someone feels comfortable leaving vitriol in your inbox, then that's not someone you either want to know, or whose good opinion you want. Personally, I only care about what my friends and family think of me - and even then it's on a sliding scale. If some random on the internet who doesn't actually know me has an opinion of me, that's their problem.
If you want to dm me, feel free! Don't let them take away your enjoyment of the things you like. They aren't worth your time or attention.
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jaskersneakthief · 9 months
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@silkmilkchan MWAAHAHAHA TOO LATE!!!!
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smoochiespup · 6 months
what if i were tooooo.,.,..,,,
passionately hold your hand and gently whisper sweet nothinfs into your ear.,.,.. mwaahahaha
(platonically ofccc)
definitely a neeeeed, platonic love is so needed right now!! missing my friends and hugging them, since i’m a little sick!!
(¯ ³¯)♡
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i’m about the watch the good omens season 2 finale with my extremely offline mother. she hasn’t seen it yet. she doesn’t look at tumblr or any fandom-related social media. she doesn’t read spoilers. so she has no idea. no clue as to what’s coming. and i’m so maliciously excited abt it, i cannot wait to see her reaction(s) mwaahahaha
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hyukalyptus · 2 months
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[There's a soft, suspicious knocking on the florist shop door. Opening it up, there's a small, woven basket filled with some flower seed packets, some chocolates, and other goodies!!]
[You look around the street.. but see no one there.]
[Tucked between some of the flower packets, is a white note attached to a little glass bottle. There seem to be nothin suspicious bout the liquid inside.]
[Checking the note, it reads simple:]
"DRINK ME!! :3"
[For whatever reason, you listen to the note. The liquid is sweet, but not overpowering, and vaguely tastes of cherries.]
[The note suddenly changes, reading:]
- 📮 {I ZTRIKE AGAIN WITH THE TRUTH SERUM >⁠.⁠<!!!!!!!!!!!!!}
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misspermitted · 8 months
Recently come to the realisation that the reason I’ve never been ghosted by a partner is because I’ve been too busy ghosting them. I’m the emotionally unavailable, scared of commitment one. I’m the one who doesn’t want a serious relationship. I am the enemy mwaahahaha
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pidgefudge · 9 months
ok you may regret asking for info dumps because mwaahahaha you have fallen into my trap of boring you to death. I did this big project on how the brain adapts to trauma a while back and it’s so frickin interesting.
Especially when the trauma happens repeatedly when you are younger, your brain adapts to help you survive. This happens because when a chemical called cortisol is released it can affect brains that are still growing. Cortisol is released during fight or flight mode.
Cortisol is basically like hey guys bad shit is happening and then the rest of the brain is like oh no we have to prepare for this. The brain doesn’t develop areas like adapting and learning that are considered unimportant for survival. It just focuses on areas that it considers helpful for surviving. People often have trouble fitting into everyday society because of this. They might do really well in life or death scenarios because their brain is well developed and skilled in that but when it comes to learning and adapting, they struggle.
Also the whole what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger thing is wrong. What doesn’t kill you gives you trauma. Brains aren’t meant to deal with extreme pain and suffering. Back in caveman times, you got badly hurt and you died or you only got a little hurt and survived. There wasn’t any branding, gaslighting, water boarding or the other things humans came up with. Our brains didn’t have to learn how to deal with that until much later. So the idea of, wow this guys so tough he can get tortured for years and then be fine is completely wrong.
“Being tough” doesn’t protect you from trauma. Trauma isn’t something that you can somehow be immune to with power and determination.
The memory of the trauma is often affected because the frontal lobe shuts down. This is done so more energy will go the muscles which are considered more necessary for survival. The frontal lobe does lots of things but one of the more important things it does is processing memories. The brain can’t effectively process memories because of this. This is why people who have been through trauma often cannot remember the trauma very well or if they can they can only remember it in bits and pieces.
However there’s a chemical released during fight or flight mode that makes memories stronger. The combination of the frontal lobe being shut down and this chemical is that memories are incomplete but very strong.
The frontal lobe also controls decision making so when it shuts down people are unable to make good decisions. This is why people act like such idiots during crises.
Often when the frontal love shuts down people rely on habits and behaviors they know. This is why people might seem fine after trauma. They are just doing the behaviors that they know well such as smiling and saying hi.
People who have been through trauma often had mental disorders from it afterwards like ADHD and anxiety.
Our physical and mental well being are very connected. When we get hurt, a change in our physical well-being, we can become traumatized, a change in our mental well being. It works the other way around too. If someone is traumatized they might have physical symptoms like stomaches, headaches or sometimes even become blind or paralyzed.
it was surprisingly interesting to see how this lined up with my own trauma. Anyways that’s basically all the stuff. See ya later and thanks for letting me info dump
joke's on you because this was a) very interesting and b) very relevant to me!!
but yup this lines up with my experience so far (and the parts that aren't entirely accurate to me im assuming is because im still being traumatized or whatever ✨)
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