#my 2nd favorite sillies
kaleenjoyer · 1 year
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just pretend i didnt entirely avoid drawing Edward’s automail hand
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carrotartzzz · 2 months
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me if Adam plushie ever happened
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carnation-notebooks · 2 years
thinking about Kevin wtnv. Like YES he is fucked up and strange and is probably dangerous and may even kill me given the opportunity.
But have you concidered hes my special little guy???? Funky man????? Maybe even blorbo??? HUH?? . This post is directed at Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor please give more kevin content.
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yeonban · 2 months
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Sb asked me what my favorite Nikolai pic is earlier in the day and frankly. NOTHING will top this one for me I fear
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succulent-mud · 1 year
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I am so sorry but this is so stupid to draw and I can't resist
The little comic???? Appeared in my mind while buying snacks
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rat-prophetess · 1 year
I have this deeply unfortunate condition where I cannot absorb verbal information without doodling, but also I have the drawing skills of young child and the permanently shaky hands of a wizened crone SO the results are. Unfortunate.
I am definitely making a great impression on my classmates and future colleagues by scrawling stick-figure patho characters next to them while they’re trying to listen to orientation lectures 👍🏻
anyway this (+ illegible handwriting) is why I can never lend people my notes. termitarywallart.jpg
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yumemiruuuu · 8 months
Murong Lian: (threatening) Hope you like bleach
Yue Chenqing: Like… the drink???
(Murong Lian and Yue Chenqing both staring at each other in visible confusion)
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barra-400 · 4 months
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June pt. 2
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000marie198 · 2 years
Groundhog Day
Characters: Miles Tails Prower, Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose
Genre: Humor - Friendship
On the 2nd of February, people gather around a groundhog's home and wait for the little critter to come out and predict how far or close the season of spring is.
But that is done by people of Earth only and with a regular groundhog. It cannot possibly be applied to mobians. Right?
Well... The human inhabitants of Station Square would beg to differ.
The door of a bedroom halfway swung open, a young blue hedgehog stepping out into the dark and empty hallway, silent save for the sounds of a running tap coming from the bathroom where Tails had just went in to brush his teeth.
He passed the bathroom and moved down the hall and towards the stairs, suppressing a shiver from the icy chill of early morning air as he climbed down the steps to the ground floor.
He covered a silent yawn as he arrived near the front door, intending to go out for a quick run to freshen up, too sleepy and lost in his head to register much of anything new. He had just woken up a handful of minutes earlier after all.
After doing brief stretches as a quick warm up routine, he twisted the knob and stepped outside–
Only to be assaulted by a bright flash and a sudden roar of voices. Sonic flinched back, blinking from the bright spots that blurred his vision, his quills flared up and sharp, demeanor growing territorial.
What was that? Were they getting ambushed? Did Eggman find their home?!
He hissed, instinctively moving into a battle ready stance, seconds away from pulling an offensive attack.
"Sonic, wait!"
Tails must've sensed that something was amiss or heard the commotion since the fired up hedgehog saw his blurry, yellow figure rushing down the stairs. Sonic paused, his mouth set in a confused and inquisitive frown as he blinked to refocus his vision.
He finally took note of the crowd of humans gathered at his front door, talking over each other to ask questions he couldn't make sense of. His ears pinned to his head in defensive irritation as Tails finally arrived at the door, being the duo's spokesperson since Sonic was in no mindset of having a polite conversation, the hedgehog taking a step back inside as Tails apologized to the people outside.
"You'll have to excuse him. He doesn't do well with large crowds this time of the year."
Sonic crossed his arms, tapping his foot in impatience while his brother dealt with the crowd, the humans demanding something about groundhog or spring? Whatever. He couldn't make sense of it.
"However," Tails interrupted them, unable to make out their queries either, "I'd be happy to translate on Sonic's behalf. Let us know what you wish to talk about. One at a time please," he quickly added.
A microphone was shoved in front of him. "Can Mister Sonic tell us about his decree on the change of seasons on this year's Groundhog Day?"
"Uh..." Tails turned to glance towards his brother, voice laden with confusion, only to see the hedgehog signing, 'I have no idea what on Mobius these guys are blabbering about.'
"Um, can you repeat that please?"
"We wish to know if-"
"Sonic!" The previous reporter was rudely interrupted as another person with a microphone in hand forcibly shoved his way to the front. "Will the spring arrive soon?!"
After sending the guy a glare which the other was entirely oblivious to, Sonic stepped ahead and began to sign, his younger brother speaking up to translate for the agitated hedgehog.
"He says that he is not happy about that behavior and..."
Sonic continued to sign aggressively and Tails winced as he mentally translated most of it, the young kit hoping with all his heart that nobody present here or in the audience that'll watch this on TV could read the sign language.
Or at least that no one would be able to understand it at the speed his hero was signing at. For all Tails knew, he was the only one who could understand Sonic whenever the hedgehog signed that fast.
The crowd's focus shifted towards the hedgehog and Tails nabbed that opportunity to quickly pull out his treasured invention and type up something on the search engine of his Miles Electric, the people not paying complete attention to him. Good. He used that brief timeframe he had been granted to skim over the results and then pulled up a meteorological site.
As soon as he was done, which barely took twenty seconds, he subtly hid his device and barged in front of Sonic again, pushing the hedgehog back inside the house while addressing the reporters, talking a mile a minute.
"He has said that the spring shall arrive soon this year and there shall be no long wait for winter to pass. Thanksforyourcooperationandpatience-Bye!"
Tails stepped inside and the door was quickly closed shut and locked, the two brothers no longer seen outside so they couldn't be asked anymore questions and leaving the horde gathered at the door with no choice but to disperse.
At that moment, the two brothers decided that they would definitely do more research on this Groundhog Day subject, for their own sakes.
Four Years Later
A doorknock rang out through the house, followed by another knock a few seconds later, muffled voices of a crowd sounding from beyond the front door.
Tails whined agitatedly in his sleep, raising his head which revealed his messed up fur and stuck up bangs, annoyed eyes half open and a splat of drool stuck to the corner of his mouth.
More muffled voices came from outside and with another groan, he reached forth towards the mobian who laid next to him and shook his brother's shoulder.
"Sonic. Hey. Wake up!"
"Wha- Huh?" Sonic snorted awake, rubbing one crusted eye with a yawn as he sat up. "Wassit?"
"It's February 2nd." The fox had turned away and snuggled up in his blanket, curling up with a shiver as the warmth where his brother had previously been laying gradually reduced
"Aw already?" Sonic let out a mock whine, getting up with a disappointed sigh as he stretched his arms to drive away the stiffness in them. "And I was having such a good dream."
Tails let out a noncommittal hum, already half asleep, only to jolt awake with a yip as knuckles rapped against his skull with a casual knock as if it was a door. He glared up at the hedgehog who was sending him an amused smirk.
"You've seen my box?"
"Go die in an ocean."
"Would thou truly deign to speak such words to your dearest big brother?" Sonic exclaimed. "I am hurt."
"Truly a befitting penalty for one such as thyself."
"Seriously though, have you seen the box?"
"You're already up and out of the blankets, find that thing yourself."
"But I need my royal cape, Tails! Need!"
"You're not a king, Sonic."
He let out a loud, overexagerated gasp. "You dare defy his Royal Highness on this decisively major day?"
"Just tell them it's still gonna be winter and get back in the nest. I'm cold."
The hedgehog chuckled, finally having located his 'royal cape' and put it on as he quickly adjusted his fur and made himself presentable while heading towards the door, having already worn his sneakers when he first got up.
The front door was pulled open and Sonic stepped out in a regal manner, eyes intentionally half lidded and aloof.
"Yes, my people. It is I, the most trusty groundhog this side of Mystic Ruins."
"You're a hedgehog," a sassy voice called from inside the workshop which Sonic gestured at the humans to ignore.
"Kindly excuse my grumpy companion. He doesn't do well with large crowds this time of the year."
"Hey!" Tails shouted indignantly, "You're the one who never used to-!"
Sonic closed the front door, cutting off the rest of his younger brother's rant with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Tails would take revenge for this later but it was so worth it now.
"Now," he turned towards the reporters standing in front, running his gaze once over every person he could see from his angle before returning to the one at the head of the crowd, acting in every manner of the way like he was a king presiding over an event and not just a regular mobian, "Do the people wish to learn of the change of seasons?"
"Will it be winter-!"
"-please tell us the spring is-!"
"-you see your shadow-!"
A chorus of questions and noises filled the area, every single person speaking over the other, none of the questions making sense in all the chaos. Sonic remained silent, not responding to the plethora of queries and trying his best not to flinch at the flashes from those cameras, staying poised as he was before.
After a whole minute passed, he held up a hand, putting a halt to the indistinct chatter, the last of the noise trailing off into silence as the gathered crowd looked towards him to speak.
"The Groundhog has made his decree," he announced with a firm, echoing voice. "There shall be winter for another six weeks."
There was silence for a couple of seconds atmost before another barrage of noises hit him, a mixture of excited and disappointed exclamations and reporters talking to their crew about recording and packing while many people were already leaving with some others trying to talk over each other to ask more questions.
"That will be all," Sonic dismissed the assemblage, turning away to head inside and lock the door, knowing the more curious or stubborn people would leave when the reporters do.
"Phew," he sighed in relief with his back pressed against the door, pretending to wipe away nonexistent sweat as if he'd just ran a thousand laps without a break. Keeping one ear towards the door to make sure the crowd was leaving, he smiled in satisfaction when much of the noise lessened and removed his thick woolen cape just to roll it in a ball and toss it in the box he found it in, walking towards Tails while he was at it.
"Thank goodness that part's done."
"Will you ever tell them you don't count as a groundhog and you've got zero clue about spring's arrival?" Tails chimed from within the blankets as his brother removed his shoes to get inside their makeshift nest.
"Oh hush you." Sonic entered the blanket, adjusting himself to be more comfortable as Tails turned around to cuddle up with him, the hedgehog instinctively enveloping him in a hug. "Besides, everything I told them so far has turned out to be true, hasn't it?"
"That's because I let you know beforehand every single time through the most updated and accurate meteorological predictions."
"Yes, and you are amazing for it! Thanks, Little Bro. You're awesome."
Tails sighed, taking the compliment for what it was and leaving the silly argument to doze off as he gradually got warmer, relishing the safety and comfort his brother's presence provided as his eyelids got heavier and heavier.
A few minutes passed in peaceful silence, the younger nearly asleep when Sonic spoke again.
"Hey, Tails."
"Are the gifts all packed?"
"And the cake's ready?"
"Amy baked it last-" Tails cut himself off with a lengthy yawn before continuing with a drowsy voice, "-night. She'll bring it. Now go to sleep."
He cuddled closer in his brother's embrace, wanting to get warm and cozy after the day's earlier rude awakening.
"Sooooo..." Sonic drawled, holding back a grin as he waited for the fox to respond.
A sleepy hum answered him.
"Ready to go visit Knuckles now?"
A fluffy tail smacked him in the face. "It's 6 AM!"
Sonic let out a wholehearted laugh. "Okay okay!" He pushed down the white-tipped appendage, pulling the sleepy fox closer and rubbing the back of his head. "I getchya, bro. Just messing with ya."
"Lemme sleeb, y' mmmbllm..." Tails trailed off in a slur, the gentle stroking on his head coaxing him into slumber.
Sonic let out a fond chuckle, pulling the warm comforter over their blanket and tucking it around himself and his now asleep brother. They still had a few hours before they needed to get up and head to Angel Island to jumpscare- er- surprise Knuckles with a birthday party but for now, he'd just stay in the nest of pillows and blankets and follow Tails' example; Sleep.
When a few hours had passed and the sun was high up in the sky, warming the chilly winter air, sudden loud pops followed by a startled yell rang throughout the grassy field and the forest surrounding a certain alter on a certain floating island.
The voice of Angel Island's guardian bellowed out, startling away the birds that flew out of the trees with alarmed screeches, flocks upon flocks flying away from the source of the wrathful yell.
Back near the Tornado where they were unpacking the gifts and other supplies for the party, Amy and Tails shared an exasperated look, the latter letting out a resigned sigh as he flew down with his arms laden and eyes glancing towards the direction of the altar.
"This is the last time we're leaving him in charge of the party poppers," Tails decided, Amy nodding in agreement.
"Cheer up, Knux! It's your birthday!"
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unstabledragonsposts · 7 months
my 1st cat: took him 3 days to trust me, absolute cuddliest boy, loves being held to the point I’ve ordered a baby bjorn
my 2nd cat: took him 8 months to trust, will use you as a springboard at any given chance, will cuddle only if you look the opposite direction
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Well he's not suppose to be able to do that.
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jeffrey saying wallace's loss was the biggest loss they all had? officially coming out as a jeffrey hater
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hugedwarflover · 2 years
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It's been almost a whole year since I colored in that drawing of Sneezy that was made by _no.time_ on Instagram. I finally got around to making the one of Dopey and now I'm gonna color in the one that has both of them.
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
watching star trek with sans soooofun^________^
#this means im watching star trek and im clutching onto my sans stuffie for dear life#because. well you see im watching the episode where spock gets drugged by sex pollen and gets all giggly and cute like a highschool girl#and puts on silly overalls and fucking climbs trees and stuff#and talks about how much he loves the creepy girl sorry i immediately forgot her name even though ive seen this episode before#and well you see. that does stuff to me#ive talked abt spock on here before hes everything to me hes my 2nd biggest blorbo after U Know Who#if he wasnt gay and in love with kirk id be in love with him is the thing#so anyway whenever spock is being cute i go insane because hes my babygirl and stuff and i need my sans stuffie to hold onto#and im also simultaneously daydreaming about watching star trek with sans for realsies#you know how you do that with your fave f/os. like you just imagine youre doing whatever it is youre doing with them#like ill be in the kitchen getting milk or on my way to school or something and my brain is like#ok now pretend sans is there too#and without thinking im like ok sir yes sir. hey sans do you wanna hold hands#its the same now i think wed both have a lot of fun with star trek bc we both love science fiction (''ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS REAL!'')#and ive posted this before but i like imagining my f/os getting either very silently flustered when i gush about my favorite characters#(i.e. f/o sitting next to me getting silently worked up because i just spout pet names about my favorite character)#or that same exact thing except they get a little itsy bitsy teeny tiny jealous about it instead#OR they just think im cute when i get super excited about stuff#i like thinking about all of those like simultaneously with sans#cherry chats#bf (bone friend)#i kinda forgot what i was talking about near the end there somethings been wrong with my head lately i keep getting dizzy all the time#like every 30 seconds i just get hit with this intense wave of dizziness and lightheadedness and then after 1 second it goes back to normal#its like migranes except it doesnt hurt its just like my brain is a fish tryig to get enough momentum to jump out of the water (my cranium)#i thought it was low blood sugar but...... no matter what i eat or how much nothing changes#and it happens all the time too even when im just laying down#its sort of annoying and just a little bit unsettling but anyway as you can imagine it gets worse when im super excited like i am right now#so if im not making a lot of sense thats probably why. um. i forgot what i was doing#GOING BACK TO STAR TREK NOW BYE LOL!!!!!!!!!! sans is with me and were having soooo much fun
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sylvainjg · 3 months
unfortunately i am very much shen yuan coded bcos i am actually invested in this hen///tai manga for the love triangle plot happening
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spookeyzesty · 1 year
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