#my IWFE
sunday hsr. you agree. reblog.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
number one: HI HELLO I LOVE YOU FOR THIS /platonic
number two: i.... have not written five fics that would be applicable for this (oops)
that said:
[it was futile]
"This isn't real. It... it was just a nightmare. A lucid dream of a doomed timeline, crafted of guilt and subconcious. To wake up, perhaps he needed to give in, let the creeping fog wash over him... After all, there was no point in fighting the inevitable." Several months after the invasion in New York, Leo wakes up surrounded by a nightmare he thought he had escaped -- and he's not alone. Delirious, scared, and confused, the only thing he wants is to find his way home. But things are never that simple. aka: a (reverse?) future crossover fic that features angst, hurt/comfort, my fucked up reimagining of the apocalypse timeline, and a lot of details that might become plot-relevant later (ahahaha... dw abt it)
this fic is very much a slow-burn. i have a lot planned, so i spend a lot of time weaving in details/foreshadowing that won't pay off for a while. as it stands, we're around 50,000 words in and i'm just about to get into the main plot. so.... yeah haha (really want to get the next chapter out this sunday/monday, but we shall see haha.)
(i am so bad at hyping up my own writing, so i hope my commenters do not mind me using some of their reviews):
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frequent commenters my beloved <3
(this is not the entirety of this review btw -- if you want to read the entire comment, you can do so here. mild spoilers (nothing that would matter), but it goes very in-depth about what you can expect from my style haha.
credit to @shadowbends, you are so cool, and every time i need motivation, i just reread this comment.)
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dangerous-drabbles · 1 year
i've been putting off writing this, but i can't exactly not, so... i'll try and make this brief.
in short: i've had an epiphany.
(tl;dr at bottom)
i've been writing/brainstorming this fic since november/december last year, and since then, my ideas and understandings of the show and it's characters have evolved. and with them, my plans and understandings for iwf.
i want to be clear: this is not me saying i'm done with iwf, or going on some long hiatus. in fact, it's more the opposite.
having graduated, with summer in full swing, and feeling more sure than ever about where i want to take this fic (as well as remaining fully invested in this fandom), i plan to do more writing than ever before B)
that said: something needs to change.
this fic has been, and continues to be, my baby (besides my ever-growing, yet rarely spoken of, tmnt iteration) for most of the time i've been active in this fandom.
i've long struggled with motivation for big writing projects, but i am resolved to keep with this one because i have a story worth telling. will it be worth reading? who's to say!! (i hope so /gen)
but, as you might've noticed, my more recent updates (especially around the end of arc I) were... bad. maybe not bad-bad, but still bad from a 'technical writing/story' perspective. i struggled a lot with them, and i think that really shows.
i've was trying to figure out why its come to be this way while pushing forward by forcing myself to write, but that didn't work. it wasn't until this week, tuesday, when realization struck me (while watching a video essay, lol).
it made me realize a big part of what was making me unhappy was something i already knew, an issue underlying the fic (and my writing style) as a whole.
with this in mind, i can't keep going forward in the way i had planned.
i'm not gonna go back and change arc I. while the problem is there, especially in the later chapters, i'm early enough on that i can turn things around and (hopefully) root out the problem(s) without any major changes to what i've written/set up so far.
but to do this, i need time.
i know i know i just took a 2-3 week long break, but to pull this off, i need time to prepare and rewrite. i'm halfway through revisions for the arc II outline, and i'll need to heavily revise/rewrite several chapters, plus write some new stuff (since i'm axing the next couple i had planned/written out... rip.)
if all goes well, it shouldn't take longer than two weeks. best case scenario, i get it done in one. we'll see.
until then, i humbly ask for your patience.
as a note:
i could go deep into my inspirations for this fic, where i wanted to go originally, what's changed since then, and especially what brought me to my realization (plus the specifics of said realization) but i said i would try to make this brief, and here we are, [insert amount of words] later.
are you really surprised, though? (/lh)
[if you would like to see me talk more about that (i would absolutely always be down, i love talking about myself /j /lh), feel free to shoot me an ask. in fact, i would beg on my hands and knees, if i were not a silly guy who lives on your computer (/j)]
(tl;dr -- i am not done writing iwf. however, i had a realization that led to me reevaluating my writing and determining that i need to rewrite/revise my arc II outline, and edit/revise/completely rewrite the next several chapters.
this means i am planning to take another week or so off (i am sosososo sorry) to iron everything out and get ahead.
this whole post was me trying to explain the reasoning behind this decision, with an underlying sense of desperate patheticism to match (/j /lh).)
to conclude, i want to say thank you so much for your support, silent or otherwise, from all who have read and (hopefully) enjoyed this fic thus far. i genuinely couldn't do it without you (yes, sun, this includes you /lh.)
especially to my frequent commenters, who i promise i do see and appreciate. you guys are the real mvps <3
i have some really big plans for iwf, and i hope you'll stick around to see them come to fruition (:<
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cheswirls · 2 months
no idea why ywr/iwf has gotten an influx of kudos over the past week but its been both a compliment and an irk tbh
#esp since its JUST been that one and nothing for pdf despite pdf being linked in the notes#i guess someone shared it again or at least thats the only reason i can think of rn#which is like..................gee sure would LOVE to see why someone liked reading it enough to share in their circle#if only there were some way.................to share positive opinions with a fic author...............................where they can see i#(this is THE reason i hated this fic for so long after completing it btw#if you like smth enough to rave abt it online plsplspls express that to the author as well#i appreciate kudos but they literally do nothing for me at this point yknow?#if you dont leave me a comment on ao3 or message me directly then how am i ever gonna know if#a fic of mine changed your life. like rly honestly srsly copy-paste your rambling after posting it wherever#and slap that shit onto an ao3 comment)#anyway this got long but i am so so tired#i hope everyone who read ywr/iwf this week also read pdf at some point bc i like that one better#like i would rather someone read both and only leave kudos on pdf but also like#this fic specifically (ywr/iwf) absolutely kills me a little inside bc i only found out how well-loved it is years later#and had i not been part of smth and been told that indirectly (and then directly by exactly one person) then i never would have known ever#which. like. yea i do still have a chip on my shoulder#i thought i wrote pdf as a follow-up and got over it but i guess the fuck not#anyway the last time i got an influx of kudos was bc someone recc'd it so maybe this time ill get smth more substantial out of it#(i say this not expecting anything actually mmmmmmm)
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ayatoscupid · 2 years
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tatsumayois · 2 years
hi gays rethemed my account 💥
changed url nonsense-literature —> tatsumayois and changed icon and colors yippee
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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If someone is allowed to compete, they should be allowed the chance to win.
These stories only happen when a trans athlete gets 1st place. They never run stories when they place 45th--which Tiffany has done.
I think all any athlete wants is fair competition.
They don't want to be matched up with someone they could never ever beat.
Despite the wish for people in sports to be competitively matched, there have always been outliers. People with such amazing athletic ability they can rarely be touched. And as far as my research has shown, all of those outliers have been cisgender.
People like Michael Phelps, Serena Williams, Babe Ruth, Mike Tyson, Shohei Ohtani, Usain Bolt, Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, etc. They all have various biological advantages that helped them dominate their sports. Yet people do not try to ban them from playing--rather they praise their genetic luck.
Biological advantages like extreme height, insane lung capacity, giant wingspan, and whatever speed force Usain Bolt is tapped into... these advantages pop up all the time for cis athletes.
I have yet to see a trans athlete completely dominate in the way some of these outliers have done. And I don't know of any transgender athletes that have not lost to their cisgender competitors at some point.
I could only find two people who came close to outlier status with decent winning streaks. Fallon Fox did win 5 of 6 fights, but that is such a small sample size I'm not sure she could be considered an outlier. And Laurel Hubbard did win a bunch of Olympic gold medals in weightlifting, but she was only ranked 7th in the IWF's +87 kg division previous to that. Which makes me think she just put in the work and earned those gold medals through grit and determination. An Olympic story we've seen many times with cis athletes.
So you have one or maybe two trans athletes that did well above average for a short period of time.
And that means "the end of women's sports is nigh"?
The fact that no trans athlete has consistently dominated any sport as of yet, and that they are routinely beaten by their cisgender competitors, makes me think trans athletes have held up to the standard of challenging yet fair competition.
The very thing spectators and athletes crave.
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twinypwupy · 1 month
do you have any hcs for little aventurine and cg ratio hcs.. i saw the edit you made and it was really cute 🥰 love your blog btw!!!
Lil Aventurine and Cg Ratio headcanons !!
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Ratio often takes Aventurine with him on trips to herta space station
Aventurine has problems with falling asleep due to his insomnia and nightmares so Ratio often sleeps with him to help ease him.
Whenever Ratio takes a bath, he always asks Aventurine if he'd want to join since he knows his little is attached to his hip.
Whenever Aventurine goes non verbal, Ratio would take out the communication cards that he always carries with him in case that happens and helps comfort him.
If Aventurine were to throw a tantrum then Ratio would sit down with him, lecture him first (softly but still enough to set him into place) before giving him snackies and cuddling him while watching bluey (bluey!! :3).
Aventurine has a whole room and closet full of gifts and plushies that Ratio bought him, hoping it would bring him some comfort when Ratio wouldn't be around.
Ratio occasionally buys things such as: pacifiers, bottles / sippys, blankies, toys, plushies and coloring books a lot for Aventurine.. some people question him about it but just ignores them.
Aventurine tends to pick at his nails a lot and bite them due to his anxiety, so Incase.. Ratio would let him chew on a fidget toy or something meant for chewing.
Sometimes when everything is too loud, Aventurine would break down into a crying fit then run to Ratio .. causing them to cuddle for the whole night and color together.
Aventurine has onesies and little clothes tucked away into his closet so no one can find them and forbids Ratio from buying him anymore, Yet Ratio still does anyway. (Aventurine wears them in private or when he's really little.)
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Hwehe, I hope chu likwe them!! Doll iz sorwy iwf they not very good.. doll haz nu been feeling well, but mwking hcz cwlm doll down!!
Eek!! Tank chu fowr swying youz likey my bwlog!! 𖹭
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the-spider-haven · 4 months
Do you need to be involuntarily incarcerated for your obsession?
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revvywevvy · 3 months
i love my wife. i loove my wife. i looooooooooooooove my wife. i love my wife soooooooooooooo much. i love her soooooooooooooooo so much. my wife. i love my wife. myw ife i love my weife i love her sm looooooove love and peace and joy and more love. i love my wife so much i am soooooooooo normal for my wife i promise guys. so normal for my iwfe i love ehr my wife my wife i love my wife
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WIP files game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
i got tagged in this a looong while back and i cannot remember by who so i apologize ): i was looking through my drafts and was Reminded
(something something "recoil") -- silly leoichi curse/chatfic thingie
origami ghost au
casey jr seratello future "drabble" (for atty)
casey jr post-movie oneshot (working title: casey jr's 10-step battle strategy to defeating "the big sad" [citations included])
event horizon // chernobyl still burns
uhhh ye olde midwestern gothic type deal? (with ninjas)
aaaand thats... all i can think of lmao
no pressure tags:
@noodlenoodlenoodlenoodle @ironinkpen @whatareyoudoingwithamaserati @crows-murder @nyaranyaranya @skyline-sunset-in-my-veins
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dangerous-drabbles · 1 year
part ix. there were many things for which we exist - outtakes
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everybody say thanks to sun for bringing you this chapter early-ish (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
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darksouls2yuri · 1 month
oh btw my iwfe is graduating this month? but she is not walking. so instead of give her her diploma they give her didgital certificate?? if she wants a physical copy she has to pay 250 dollars. she is fighting with the bursar about this
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cheswirls · 1 year
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hyperdemona · 1 year
Ladies, I need your help with something. A while ago I mentioned needing to report a collection of extreme pornographic material that I am aware of (including possible CSA). Someone directed me to the Internet Watch Foundation, but after checking it out I see that the IWF accepts reports of CSA involving real-life children and requests people not to report anything that doesn't fit that, so as to not waste valuable resources.
The material I am talking about is drawn cartoon pornography, but nauseatingly extreme. I'm talking bestiality, kidnapping and murder of women, cartoon depictions of children. They are published as comic series, both in physical form and as pdfs. It is possible to find this shit on Zlibrary as well as to pirate all issues of these "comics" on various torrent sites. I first discovered this while searching for bdsm cartoons when I was in my late teens. It's extreme, I don't want to mention the site or the publisher, but I can't know peace unless I do whatever I can to have it taken down. Here's the disclaimer page from one of the "comics" I downloaded from a pornographic image-sharing website:
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DO NOT go look up the site, because you probably won't sleep after. Please can someone help with this shit?? I want it taken down and the scrotes behind it preferably put down. Or I can just settle for it being taken off the clearnet so it's no longer easily obtained. I'm thinking of contacting Laila Mickelwait on Instagram bcs idk where to take this. Look up the site at YOUR OWN RISK.
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lowcallyfruity · 4 months
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