#(i say this not expecting anything actually mmmmmmm)
cheswirls · 5 months
no idea why ywr/iwf has gotten an influx of kudos over the past week but its been both a compliment and an irk tbh
#esp since its JUST been that one and nothing for pdf despite pdf being linked in the notes#i guess someone shared it again or at least thats the only reason i can think of rn#which is like..................gee sure would LOVE to see why someone liked reading it enough to share in their circle#if only there were some way.................to share positive opinions with a fic author...............................where they can see i#(this is THE reason i hated this fic for so long after completing it btw#if you like smth enough to rave abt it online plsplspls express that to the author as well#i appreciate kudos but they literally do nothing for me at this point yknow?#if you dont leave me a comment on ao3 or message me directly then how am i ever gonna know if#a fic of mine changed your life. like rly honestly srsly copy-paste your rambling after posting it wherever#and slap that shit onto an ao3 comment)#anyway this got long but i am so so tired#i hope everyone who read ywr/iwf this week also read pdf at some point bc i like that one better#like i would rather someone read both and only leave kudos on pdf but also like#this fic specifically (ywr/iwf) absolutely kills me a little inside bc i only found out how well-loved it is years later#and had i not been part of smth and been told that indirectly (and then directly by exactly one person) then i never would have known ever#which. like. yea i do still have a chip on my shoulder#i thought i wrote pdf as a follow-up and got over it but i guess the fuck not#anyway the last time i got an influx of kudos was bc someone recc'd it so maybe this time ill get smth more substantial out of it#(i say this not expecting anything actually mmmmmmm)
0 notes
toiletwipes · 11 months
cry for absolution - episode two
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vampire!wilbur x reader - 4.3k - AO3
warnings: typical vampire shenanigans, jared is an asshole
notes: mmmmmmm smooth brain rn, enjoy tho
<;- previous episode -> masterlist
taglist: @your-shifting-gurl @lillylvjy @mosslovestherain @burification @sweet-soot @saccharinesunset
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The click of the door shutting is louder than the heart beating in your ears, what with Wilbur being the one to shut the door. You can only watch him while you’re sitting on the bed, holding your arms close to your torso, your nails digging into your exposed skin.
Nothing is said in the first few moments, just Wilbur taking in the room and your observations of him doing so. Truthfully, he acts like he’s never seen this room before, but with how old he is and how many familiars he has had, it’s hard to believe such an act. His hands slide from his sides to pat his legs, puttering with his lips. Avoiding a conversation. You would begin to wonder if he was about to fire you but considering a few minutes ago, he defended- well, it’s not your honor but he still defended you, even if it was over something so trivial as being his familiar. You’re quick to adjust your opinion on it, the business of being a familiar is anything but trivial.
His voice comes out so quick, you’re startled when he speaks, “I want to say that what Jared was saying was completely unacceptable and that he shouldn’t have said that at all to you. He has a horrible habit of trying to harass my familiar and I should’ve taken measures against him entirely. And for the lack of any preparation for him, or for what you’ve gone through in the last few hours, I am sorry.” Half of the words didn’t process, and you almost lost the apology itself in the messy string of words but you caught it still.
“I… appreciate the apology. But you’re right, it was-... -it was cruel to toss me in and expect me to know how to manage all- all of this.” He nods and this time, he’s able to look towards you. You’re still on the fence of whether or not you should be looking at him at all but you risk a glance, catching him staring right at you.
He’s still so, so pretty, your mind sighs, and your eyes dart back down, reaching to pick at a loosely-flying thread on your pants, maybe he’ll be kind enough to let you stare longer, let you have the privilege that he so easily flaunts. Feeling particularly dangerous, going against the guide, you look up for a second time and you’re happy to see that he doesn’t hurt you, doesn’t reprimand you for looking once, then twice. He almost looks… satisfied. Almost. 
“I know I didn’t get to finish sweeping, did you want me to do that after we’re done talking…” you trail , when he waves you off, mumbling about how you shouldn’t worry about that for now and under his breath it sounds like he forgot something when he snaps his fingers and gasps..
“I almost forgot,” he says, his smile widening, “here’s a card. Use it to get whatever you need.” His hand disappears into the breast pocket right below his heart and pulls out a small envelope.
You feel you must look dumb for blankly staring, blinking at the offered hand, and upon realizing that, your fingers grab it with the utmost care you could muster. Sliding your finger down the sealed part, you fiddle with the envelope till a card, shiny and new, drops into your lap. 
Looking over it, you don’t even realize what you’re saying until Wilbur stiffens hearing the words falling off of your tongue, “Does that mean I get to go outside, like off the property?”
“This isn’t- you’re not a prisoner. You’re my familiar.” He says with a frown as if that made any clear difference.
“You never really, actually explained, in full detail, what that means, you know.” You say as you hold the card up to the light, struck by just how new it appears. It’s cold to the touch, smooth contrasting the raised numbers on the card, still, you could trick yourself you could feel a faux heat emitting from the card, as if fresh from the printer.
“Right, as I’ve said, that’s my mistake.” He clears his throat and is unable to look at you again. And with him looking away, you feel it's okay to look at him now. Especially the sides of his face, truth be told, you don’t think you could ever be bored looking at him. He’s pleasant in the eyes, how are you supposed to defend yourself? Besides when his eyes move back over to your face and you hold eye contact with him, he doesn’t reprimand you. Doesn’t say anything, only holds it. Then he smiles. A win is a win.
“So since I can go, do you need anything from the store?” Wilbur is quickly sent to shock when he sees you slide only a thin jacket over your arms and your sandals on your feet.
“Now- you’re going to go now?” He follows you to the door.
You turn to him, hand on the handle as you give him a dubious look, “I’m going to get snacks, I won’t be out for long.” And true to his word, he doesn’t shackle your ankles to the house, even if for a split moment he looks like he’s close to doing so. He lets you out of the house and waves bye and everything. But even then, on the way to the gas station, you feel someone’s eyes on you. The worst part is you’re unsure if the beholder of the eyes are kind or not. Your gut tells you to be careful.
The nearest gas station isn’t far, just three blocks, a brisk walk in the fall night air that washes away the day. It’s relaxing to listen to the sound of your footsteps and the steady intake and exhale of your breath. It’s normal besides for when you feel pulled to look behind you, just to check if that ever present feeling of being watched is in fact someone following you. 
Every time you find the space behind you on the sidewalk to be empty as the ominous sight of your new home fades into the distance. 
When you get to the gas station it feels almost strange how normal it is, so separate from your new world of grandiose paintings and hiding bodies. You never thought the buzzing of fluorescent lighting would be comforting. The cashier flashes you a tired smile before returning to scrolling on her phone, idly pushing a strand of dark hair behind her ear. You pick out a few things, foods you know you would eat, ramen that could be considered a meal enough, and a Gatorade from the fridge that leaves your skin wet with condensation. 
“Will that be all?” the front counter lady asks you as you push your arms full worth of stuff to her.
“Yep,” you chirp, fumbling to fish out Wilbur’s card from your worn wallet. You look at the piece of plastic again, it feels slightly like you are stealing. When you look back up the cashier is waiting for you expectantly and you mumble an apology before paying with a small thank you. 
“Have a good night,” she says, handing you the bags full of food with a raised brow. 
“You too!” you say, pretending like you weren’t being just a bit strange. It still feels nice to talk to a normal breathing person, one you can assume doesn’t believe in vampires. You sigh when you leave though, the knowledge unknowingly weighing on you? It’s stupid, the way it seems your new job has changed your perspective on life. You wonder if bigfoot is real, if mummies are? You are almost certain that Mothman is, it just makes sense. 
‘Home’ doesn’t seem appealing as you wander your way to a bench, settling down with your companion in the shape of your groceries beside you as you crack open the previously bought Gatorade. Your brain swims with questions, with possibilities that allude you. Your new life is confusing but you can’t bring yourself to hate it even if deep down you think you should. 
You still feel watched as you get up and mosey your way back to your broom closet of a room. When you get home no one greets you but for that you are thankful. You stuff the various snacks you bought into the trunk under your bed. You assume it’s as good a place as any. You can’t help but collapse into the shitty mattress and fall asleep. 
That itching feeling of being watched ends up returning every time you leave the house during the night, two weeks pass and it persists.  You guess you wouldn’t put it past Wilbur to make sure you are behaving? But two weeks seemed like overkill to you and more than just slightly unsettling, so you focused on leaving during the day. Wilbur usually gave you a small list of things to do during the hours of light, but so far the tasks remained mundane, more cleaning and organizing, fruitless things such as reorganizing the bookshelf. 
Sometimes they delved darker, cleaning up messes of blood that were not there one second but were the next. Red that trailed down the walls and pooled on the wooden floors, scarlet just barely staining the dark rug in the library, and vermillion on the unused kitchen floor. 
You had read more of the manual besides Roger’s advice to turn away from it. You laughed as it detailed which urban legends of vampires were true. Yes, they had to be invited in but no, they do not sparkle in the sun. Yes, they can turn into bats? I guess you would have to wait to see that. Yes, they could not see themselves in mirrors, silver burned their skin, and the sun would burn them. You raised your brow as the manual seemed to insist you find virgins? for your Master. You reread the page again and again searching for some clarity on why but found no such answer. It made you feel kind of gross so you sought out Roger, the man of, you assume, infinite knowledge. 
“Roger?” you ask quietly, carefully tapping him on the shoulder, disturbing his own cleaning regimen that seemed simultaneously more in-depth but also less work than yours. 
“Hm?” he asks, tilting his head at your sudden want to speak. 
“Can I ask you some more questions, just been reading the manual and-” he cuts you off. 
“No need to explain, what it is?” he asks and suddenly you feel heat in your cheeks. 
“Virgins, why, uhm, why could that possibly be relevant ooo-or,” 
“They taste better,” he says simply, turning back to his chore. 
“Like their blood?” you clarify even though you don’t know any other possibilities for the answer to that question. He nods without looking at you, carefully rearranging the mantle place. You wince slightly as the knowledge runs over you. It’s partly because maybe this endangers you in the workplace. I mean, there is no way it works like that, that they taste better? You shiver slightly and nod to yourself, wringing your fingers as the time passes by silently until you turn, putting one foot after the other. Roger watches you walk away intently, it makes your skin crawl even if just for a moment. 
You guess you have to find virgins now? The manual said you were responsible for bringing your Master food, and you couldn’t deny the fact that bringing breathing, thinking people to a house to die didn’t make you feel good. 
Wilbur hadn’t asked you yet anyway. 
Maybe your virgin blood, you wince, can be a kinda, last resort, though it may get you into some hot water, mainly death. You let out a heavy sigh.
You used the daytime when you were awake to escape the sometimes oppressive atmosphere within the house, to feel sunlight on your skin. Usually, you just walked, ran errands to get more hydrogen peroxide and cleaning supplies. Today, though, you decided to go out to eat and use the last of the money left on your card to treat yourself to something that wasn’t ramen. 
You didn’t go anywhere fancy, another destination within walking distance, a place with bar food and a welcoming enough atmosphere you could sit down and feel normal for a moment. You didn’t expect to see anyone you knew and yet it seemed fate had other plans for you. 
“Y/n?” someone asks and you can’t help but turn to face them. “I thought that was you! I haven’t heard from you in like, forever! Have you fallen off the face of the earth or something?” Jess, a former coworker, you guess, and friend, asks in jest, a light laugh under her words as she invites herself to sit in the empty chair across from you. 
"I-," you stammer, flashes of burying bodies, scrubbing the red from wood and carpet. “I got a new job, keeps me really busy,” you say with a sheepish smile. She flashes a look of concern for a moment but it quickly passes. She doesn’t ask you what the job is, doesn’t even bother to pretend to be interested in your life beyond how it affects her. 
She talks about her new boyfriend, first dates and happiness you don’t have. She goes on and on about her dead-end desk job like it’s the most interesting thing in the world like you hadn’t lived it with her as her coworker just a few weeks ago. She details new clothes she bought, insignificant facets of her life, that by the time someone is asking if you’ve ordered you are quick to speak up. 
“I was actually just about to get going,” you say, mouthing an ‘i’m sorry’ to Jess, someone you are starting to think really isn’t a friend at all. You hurry out, savor the sound of the bell on the door, and find yourself realizing you don’t miss the mundane all that much. What were you before you were this? An office worker with no significance? At least helping people get killed made a difference in the world. You shook your head, condemned yourself back to that damned house, and sought out Wilbur when he finally woke. 
Maybe you were craving some sense of company, maybe you wanted to feel useful, or maybe you were lonely. 
It didn’t matter. 
Jared found you first though, sat beside you on that couch as you waited for Wilbur to exit his room. The sleazy vampire, an adjective that felt fair to you, was quick to run his hand up your leg. You yelped, moving away. 
“Jared,” you spat and he shrugged, sitting back. 
“Worth a shot, you looked contemplative,” he said and you rolled your eyes. You noticed his collar was dotted in what was likely blood. “You could be having a much better time with me, I’ll turn you in a month tops, doesn’t that sound nice?” your expression screws up into distaste as he speaks. Maybe that is what usually worked, dangling immortality like a carrot on a stick, but you weren’t all that interested in being a vampire in the first place. 
This was Jared's routine though, to savor those precious minutes where it could be just you and him. He would beg you to be his familiar, make you squirm just a little bit, then either walk off or Wilbur would appear to dissuade him. He was definitely your least favorite person (vampire?) in the house. 
It’s then that Wilbur calls you up to his room, and you flash Jared a quick feigned apologetic smile. Then you are quick to escape him, to bound up the stairs, and blink at Wilbur as he invites you into his own room. 
“I’d prefer if you waited inside when I am about to wake up,” he says as the door closes, his gaze intense yet words reminding you of waking up a child almost. 
“Oh, I just thought you would want space,” you mumble. 
“I’d prefer not actually, besides then you don’t need to see Jared just as he crawls out of his coffin, he has horrible hygiene… and manners that I can not apologize enough for,” you thought of Jared’s bloodied clothes and nodded, though you only later realized it might have been an attempt to make you laugh. Wilbur looked nice, even when he was just waking up like this. The back of his hair was slightly flat, it made you resist running your hand through it to fix it but that seemed rather unprofessional, your fingers twitching at your sides. 
“Do I look okay?” Wilbur is asking, all of a sudden he is just in front of you. It’s not abnormal for him to ask but the proximity shakes you. 
“Master, may I… fix your hair?” and the more you look the more the curly strands seem out of place, and it was your job after all, to be his mirror.
“Yes, go ahead,” he is quick to say. You carefully card your fingers through his hair, electing to ignore the way he can’t even look you in the eyes as you do it. You step back and admire your work but he remains stunned for a second, rebooting. 
“All done,” you smile “Do- do you have tasks for me today?” you ask with a tilt of your head and his eyes linger on you.
His mouth opens and a second later his voice comes out stilted, “it’s only a few things today.”
You think to yourself, perhaps vampires need a lesson on what few means, you’ve noticed that whenever the vampires in the house say the word like Wilbur had, it was never really what they meant. Or even what you thought they meant. Maybe eternity takes a toll on their senses. You’re not entirely sure but whenever Wilbur means a few tasks, they last you until right before he goes back to sleep, ready to skip the sun and spend the day in his coffin.
Sweep and mop the foyer and living room, wash and fold the laundry, tend to the flowers outside with his name staked next to them, assemble the furniture he ordered from the internet. Such as those are never few and are never small tasks. You don’t mind it too much, especially when it could be worse. (Like finding new, virgin, bodies for him to drain, surprisingly, he hasn’t asked you that in the time you’ve been here. You’re almost curious. Then you remember how easily it could’ve been you and you’re content to remain in the unknown.)
Kicking your sneakers off and slipping into your garden boots, you step into the moonlit garden, purveying the area and searching for his name. Surprisingly, he hadn’t asked you to tend to the plants till now but it’s a new day and you’re not burying bodies, so you don’t mind at all. The dirt crunches under your boots, and you pass through all sorts of green and glowing plants, noting that most of them are under Techno’s care. You half-wonder if the vampire himself tends to them or if he has Roger to care for them, only to find the answer yourself. The man with pink hair, pulled off of his shoulder and a hat to top it off, the intense gaze from before, seems smaller in the loose shirt and plain pants, boots like yours. 
“Wilbur has you out here?” He asks, his voice lilting as he turns from the plants to look between you and the house. You nod. “Then you know to only work on the ones with his name?” You nod again. “Okay. Get to work then.” Somehow, despite being one of the more impressive people you’ve ever met, the interaction seemed… awkward. As if he wasn’t expecting to talk to anyone then. Can’t be helped. You suppose if you ever became a vampire you’d probably be just as much, if not more, awkward.
Your steps halt when you find the shed and while you’re not proficient in gardening you can still find the watering can and gloves. Slipping them on, you reach for the can when you recognize a smell emitting from the open hole in the top. You stand still, wondering if your nose is finally broken or if your brain read the signals right. You don’t gag so much as you wonder about the mechanics of it, recognizing the metallic and iron smell of blood in the can. With it being so dark, had you not smelt it, it would’ve been hard to spot the liquid.
Wandering away from the shed with the blood-watering can, you make your rounds, letting the blood coat the leaves and the petals, getting the soil a bit. You remember the instructions from the tiny book he leant you, remember the ardent stare you held as his fingers only grazed the top of your knuckles. You feel the memory in the heat of your cheeks and you sigh, moving on and on to the next plant.
Techno doesn’t talk all that much, and you’re not sure what he does with his plants and if he uses the blood too, but he doesn’t bother you like Jared does and you’re grateful for that much.
If you’re being honest, the tranquility of the night, combined with the gentle walk through various plants you’re sure would kill plenty of other humans in a heartbeat, and Techno, as silent and unnerving he might be, aids the peace you have carefully built in the last hour. Though after watering the plants, you’re not sure what to do, the vampire doesn’t offer advice and you can tell the book would erupt in flames if you tried talking to Techno unprompted. With that in mind though, it was a lovely chore, you take your time with putting the can and the gloves away, and seeing how it was left unlocked when you found it, that’s how you left it. The dirt pads your footsteps and Techno nods as you pass by, with a thought that maybe the outdated book had any wisdom to it at all. (Ahem, it did and it pertained to you, your face burns at the memory of both the conversation with Roger and reading the damn thing.)
You open the door, surprised to find the youngest of vampires standing with a curious look on his face. “Since when did you know how to garden?” He asks, moving to the side when you mumble pleasantries.
You hold onto the door frame as you shake your feet from the boot and slip into the comfort of your worn sneakers, humming as you thought on your answer, “since he asked me to. Now if you’ll excuse me, Tommy.” You nod your head, making your way to the stairs. He follows, questions falling out of his mouth as fast as you run out of breath walking up and answering them.
There’s a pause in your step as you reach the landing, you assume had there been another creature, not one of the night, following you, they’d crash into your back. Tommy, not particularly known for his graceful air, nearly crashed into your back. He managed to stop behind you on the last step, looking at you with two judgemental eyes and a prominent, albeit confused, frown. You pointedly ignore him. Looking around, you could smell the usual smell of iron. Your master, however, hadn’t woken up hungry.
Tommy also avoided your stare. The few seconds of silence though were enough for him to fess up. He was about to ask you himself but then you kept running away, in his words. And also in his words, he doesn’t have a familiar. Doesn’t need one but gave you the eyes whenever he asked for help.
So here you are, stuck burying another body. You can already see the dark, inky blue of the night fading to something softer. You lug the body into the hole as you think of different blues that matched the sky. Stomping the dirt down, royal and navy, to the beautiful sapphire… after those, you were stumped. The whole time between putting the shovel away and walking the distance to the door, you know, deep in your subconscious the sun was rising but you were so caught up in the names you end up mumbling to yourself, scraping your boots off with the doormat and swinging it open, “chartreuse isn’t blue, it’s like purple, isn’t it?” And in your mumbling and thoughts, you were distracted. Distracted and had let the sunrise blast through the back of the living room. Exactly where Jared had been lurking for the past twenty minutes as he watched you throw the last bit of dirt in.
When you finally shut the door all the way and slipped your boots off, you turn to see ashes spread out in an uneven pile behind you, with the staircase holding three gobsmacked vampires and a slightly pleased familiar. You, without the better knowledge that the ashes could've been someone at some point, had outwardly groaned and loudly complained. “You guys, I just- I literally swept and mopped this area an hour ago!”
“That- that was Jared.” Tommy pointed a finger at the ashes.
Your brows furrow. “No it's not, come off it. He’s in his room, sulking ‘cause I wouldn’t talk to him.”
“He’s not going to be talking to you anymore, it seems.” Techno says and Tommy’s cheeks inflate as he tries to hold back puffs of laughter.
“Wilbur?” The vampire himself didn’t say anything, looking far too pleased with this outcome. “Wilbur, tell me I did not just kill Jared.”
“Technically speaking—” a smile grows on him, far too genuine and pretty for someone finding a rather morbid scene, “— he was already dead when he turned into a vampire.”
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sevens-evan · 2 years
mmmmmmm avatrice with 11? I feel like that could be a cool one
every time i write anything remotely resembling this prompt is based on this one really good chuck fanfic i read like eight years ago. i can't escape that and i'm accepting it. have con artists beatrice and ava
"So, you guys come here often?" Ava says, leaning back in her chair. The men seated around the poker table stare at her. Ava just grins back, waiting for her generally clueless vibe to disarm them. Beatrice, who had gotten herself hired on as a dealer two weeks prior, makes eye contact with Ava as she passes out cards. Nobody else on the planet would be able to divine an emotion from Beatrice's total lack of expression, but Ava is a bit of a self-declared Beatrice expert. She detects vague concern—which is what Beatrice means to communicate, because she can't tell Ava out loud to stay on task—and beneath that, affectionate amusement.
"Few times a week," one of the men says in response to Ava's question. Ava turns her smile on him. "And I never lose, but I could make an exception for you."
"Aw, that's sweet," Ava says. She wants to grimace. They'd looked this guy up before coming here—he isn't their mark, who is, of course, the owner of the casino, but he's close enough to the owner to be relevant to their work. This guy has pretty rough record: divorce, unpaid child support, several counts of disorderly conduct, minor assault, a DUI. "So how does this game work, anyway?" She picks up her cards and starts arranging them in her hand.
Ava tunes out another player's explanation of the rules in favor of running her foot up Beatrice's calf under the table. Beatrice looks at her again. This time, she's glaring enough that an outside observer might pick up on it.
She does not, however, move her leg away.
They play more hands than they were really expecting before someone figures out that Beatrice is helping Ava cheat. They're taken to a back room and left to wait while the police are called. Beatrice, tragically, rejects Ava's request to make out with her and demands that Ava go over the plan with her.
"Cops come," Ava says with an eye roll. "I freak out and take off running when they let us out of the room. I lead the cops into the owner's office, they find his extensive collection of illegal weaponry, we make off with the money and the—whatchamacallit, the gun Lilith wants, in the confusion."
"Do not actually get the gun for Lilith," Beatrice says.
"Sure." Ava is getting the gun for Lilith. "And, duh, don't lose the wig again."
"That's a serious concern, Ava," Beatrice says. "We can never go back to Poland."
"Tragic, really."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Ava says. "I won't lose the stupid wig. Now can we make out?" Beatrice glares at her. Ava wiggles her eyebrows.
"...Fine. Only for a minute."
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okay i thought id split these up hahah so for the fandom questions: 23 & 30 and for the fic writer questions: 15 & 25 :))
AWLRIGHT AWLRIGHT KETS JUST DO THIS!!!!! Thanks so much for these fucking things…. AMAZING
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond on & explain why you like it.
mmmmmmm honestly the failed bullet catch became a fic im REALLY proud of. i wasnt expecting it to get the traction it did so the fact that!!!!! it!!!! got people hurting and feeling and !!!!! im so glad it did! its one of my favorite ‘what what you wanna read’ fics (id been wanting a full watching the consequences of their actions’ failed bullet catch fic SO BAD and i’d only ever seen Some of a potential situation but not All and i WANTED IT and then i saw that ask and i was like FINEEEEEE so i did it and and and PAIN!!!!!! i like it and i cant wait to finish it and start working on my other projects :))
30. What inspires you to write?
an idea i wanna see in detail. like i have daydreams but i love something so much i can feel it enough to flesh it out, i WILL. its my joy <3 not much more than that, really, except to make people feel things i do and inflict my machinations. yeah
and for fic writer questions….
15) why did you start writing?
kinda connected to whats above—i saw something in my head, i cant just describe it, you have to see it the way i do, so i turned it to writing. i MUST . and its easier than filmaking tbh—if i had the choice i’d do that, but since its. well Expensive. a side writer thing i much more sustainable ✊ I STILL LOVE IT THO. its my pride and JOYYYYYY
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
so this hasnt been published and it wont be for a while but this is from The Scene in stars in a jar that the whole au exists for. THIS SCENE. and a potential silly season 3 but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it LETSGO okay i had to pick between two tiny parts that i LOVEEEE but i finally chose, bc this is the actual Subject of the conversation. elts se….
“It’s not as scary as you think it is,” Crowley says. “Being nothing means that there won’t be anything to see. You’re just… nowhere. S’peaceful, or something.”
Aziraphale sighs. “That sounds lonely.”
“I’m not saying it isn’t. But, hey, if we both get destroyed today, at least we’ll be nothing together.”
“Everywhere and nowhere,” the angel says, as if trying to concept out. “Limbo between matter and light, together. That…doesn’t sound so bad.”
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yesyourstalker · 5 months
Ikkan: Are you sure you don't want me to come back home?
Neta: please don't....I'm sorry. Please don't leave your vacation because of me. I'm really sorry I didn't mean to worry you
Ikkan: .mmk
Neta: I'm sorry
Ikkan:don't apologize babe it'll be ok
Neta: *yawn* I know I just...I just needed to vent
Ikkan:I just want you to get some rest. Call me in the morning ok?
Neta: alright. I love you.
Ikkan: I love you too.
Neta: I didn't mean to worry you.. I really don't want you to come back. I don't want your trip to be ruined because of me.
Ikkan: noooo no don't say that babe
Neta: I really feel like I am though. I shouldn't have called you. I just feel like I'm being........ too much because-
Ikkan:because you're not.
Ikkan: we'll talk about it in the morning
Neta: it'll actually be after 12:00
Ikkan afternoon yeah we're in different time zones I forgot
Neta: it's ok....*sniff*
Ikkan: I love you
Neta: I love you too............*yawn*...
Ikkan...babe get some sleep.
Neta: hmm ...............................hm hey......
Gai:..... I'm sorry.... I just thought you should know I didn't expect you to get this upset
Neta: dad ......*sigh*..... thank you for telling me.....*sigh*....... I just need to process this..... I'll see you.... I will call you when I'm ready to talk.
Gai: alright..... have a good night
Neta: yeah. Have a good night............. fucking hell ........
Merv: ikkan help set the table
Ikkan: ok...
Merv: Noji help me bring out the food. We're having tuna steak and scallop octatoes and gravy.
Ikkan: you really went all out Dad
Merv: yeh well we have guests over they should have a nice meal for the first night.
Noji: only the first..hehehe
Merv: dinner is ready!!
Cirrina: I'm coming!
Warabie: smells good
Shimi: hmm.....*eating*....wow it's not that bad... it's
Merv: fresh?... yes we have a farm to table house hold. Almost everything on your plates comes from my farm or from the locals farm or ranch. It's all prepared by hand. We are a homestead family and community we give to our neighbors and they give back to us. The bread that we are serving now came from the bakery, we gave them wheat and they gave us bread in return. Eventually you'll learn the way of the community and learn how to harvest, grow and take care of the livestock.
Cirrina: do we get to see the manatees now?
Ikkan: not yet Cici eat your dinner
Cirrina: damn....
Ikkan:hehehe... Be patient
Cirrina: hehehe.....did you call dad?
Ikkan: yes.... he's... he's doing ok
Cirrina: alright...
Ikkan: he doesn't want you to worry.
Merv: alright everyone time to head in. Tomorrow we start working.... Ikkan, Noji help me with the dishes
Noji: on it. Good night Cirrina I see you tomorrow.
Cirrina: night! Hehe.
Mahi:......*sleeping*.........*sleeping*......hm.....*Yawn* morning....uhhh... What time is it?
Mizole: it's 7:45
Mahi: haaaaa...*Stretch*.... I'm going to get some free coffee, see if Toguni is up. You want something?
Mizole: nah.,...
Mahi: do you want anything?
Mizole: nah ......
Mahi: come on...get up
Mizole: mmmmmmm
Mahi: cooommmme oooonnnn... let's go..
Mizole: mmmmm....no....stop...you smell...
Mahi: so do you. it's 95 outside and we're sleeping beside a bunch of strangers....get up let's get some coffee and see the line for the community showers.... come on..... mizole get up...(Kick)
Mizole: UGH... FINE!.. I gotta go to the bathroom anyway. If I see ichiya I'm kicking his ass!! Embarrass me in front of everyone. He can't let shit go
Mahi: *sigh*.
Mizole: what?
Mahi:... nothing.....
Mahi: *huff* it's just you spent most of the day yesterday fighting with your ex. If it wasn't fighting it was constant complaining. I thought this was going to be a fun thing we could do but If you had fun this year we could go every year but... Like a tradition we do every summer
Mizole: hey listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such an asshole and I'm having fun actually......... [kiss] we're going to have fun today. I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to bitch and I'm not going to fight with ichiya. I'm just going to ignore him... Today's going to be about us k ?
Mahi: .....alright...[kiss].... Let me get some coffee....... morning Toguni....you sleep well?
Toguni: *yawn*.... yeah...the bus has pretty good air conditioning.... what you want?
Mahi: I'll just take two iced coffees with milk and two pumps of vanilla....
Toguni: it's going to be a wait we ton of others to fill
Mahi: we can wait
Mizole: I can't. I'm heading to the porta potty... Maybe take a quick shower.....
Mahi: *siff*...ugh.....I'm gonna go change I'll be right back.
Merv: warabie. Son get up it's morning time put on your pants and boots and head downstairs for coffee and a corn muffin. Let's go!
Warabie: what?.......... it's only 5 30 in the morning
Merv: and it's a very beautiful morning. Now get up and wake up your father too
Warabie: *huuuuuuu*....The sun's not even up
Warabie: you're already up
Ikkan: yeah I came back up here just to get my work boots...*eating*... here you can borrow my old ones. They're a little big....*sip*... Head downstairs for the coffee gets cold
Ikkan: morning sweetie, have some milk.
Cirrina:...hmmmm...morning........*sip*....hmmmm taste different.
Ikkan: That's because it didn't come from the grocery store...
Noji: yep, it came straight from Patty. No preservatives, no additives, non-homogenized and freshly pasteurized milk.
Ikkan: morning guys... Coffee still hot muffins freshly baked
Warabie: so what do you want us to do today?
Merv: well we have to harvest all of our crops to make room for a new crop.... but let's do our regular chores first. Ikkan load the manatees up and drive them to Mr Graves field to graze, take Cirrina with you.
Ikkan: alright
Merv: I need you to go to let the krill out for and collect their eggs and clean the coop, warabie you can help him
Noji: on it ! Let's go warabie!
Warabie:... Do we at least get gloves?
Merv: Shimi you're going to help me clean the barns and collect manure and replace the feed
Shimi: what!...uhh..let me just call my wife. I uh.... I'm.... worried about her...... I'll be right back..................pick up pick up pick up
Oshi: *sigh* righhhht there......[POP]..*moan*...
Masseuse: you have a lot of tension in your shoulders and upper back ma'am
Oshi: That's what happens when you raise eight kids...... Nine counting my husband....*sigh*....... that's nice ....hm? .......hm.. let it go to voicemail......
Shimi: oshi!
Oshi voice mail: sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave a message at the deep
Shimi: damn it oshi!.............*huff*..........
Merv: here's your boots and gloves.... also I would change into something more..... work orientated... wouldn't want you to rip your pants.
Neta: *typing*........*typing*.....
Naomi:um....uhhh.... neta...... The store is closed um... Everything is organized and clean. We just need to put the money away....... We need your help to do it.....
Neta: right...... right I'll be there.......*sigh*......
Neta:...*counting under breath*. ........*sigh*....
Antho: You're quiet today... usually you're loud and annoying
Neta: just a lot on my mind I guess.......... life is really hitting me hard right now ...*huuuu*
Naomi:........oh.... I'm sorry
Neta: I'll be fine tho.... I don't need you guys to be concerned.......... But I do appreciate it though. Thank Naomi and you too Annnnnthooooo you're sweet!heheheh
Antho: (swat)...stop ..
Naomi: hehehehe
Antho: I'm headed to the food court Naomi you want to get some cold wontons before we leave
Naomi: ok ...bye Neta
Neta: see ya kids............ I could go for some room temperature Pizza............
Mahi: alright... coffee time. Tonugi! Where's my coffee?
Tonugi: here's your two coffees and a salmon and eggs breakfast sandwich
Mahi: Sweet! I thought coffee was just free
Tonugi: No coffee is free. You have to pay for the food but you get it free. That guy actually paid for it I think he knows you
Spyke: (waving)
Mahi: * gasp*....you.... you can keep the sandwich I don't want it.....I-I have to go ..
Tonugi: but-
Mahi: I need to leave.....*huff*.... I... I'm going to the porta potties.......ugh..... DON'T tell him where I'm going. Lie or something
Tonugi: yeah... yeah...yeah... No problem
Mahi: thanks....*huff*...
Spyke: wait! Hold up! I just want to!....damn lost them... Did they tell you where they were going?
Tonugi: uhhhhhhh.... No I have no idea. I think they were going back to their... Van... they parked their van in the trailer park spots down over there past the food stalls and the showers they're going to be in slot OV All the way in the back
Spyke: All the way over there? Ehhhh I'll catch up with them later maybe.
Tonugi: alright....*sigh*.. .
Stefan: morning tonugi....*yawn*.....oh! Salmon and eggs.. I'll take that thank you very much...*eating*....hmmm just like mother used to make...
Mizole: The bathrooms were surprisingly clean....hey Mahi..*oof*... What happened to the coffee?
Mahi: I dropped them....
Mizole: oh .. well you can just go back and get -
Mahi: I don't feel like going back there right now. We can do it later
Mizole: hey... are you okay?
Mahi: I'm fine ....... let's just go to the stage I think Trip tank is going playing let's find a good spot.
Mizole: sure. Are you sure you're okay?
Mahi: yeah... I'm fine...
Mizole:[looking around].....…....…………………………………
Mizole: [grimacing]............Come on. Let's go. It's a day just for us. Remember?
Cirrina: how many manatees do you have?
Ikkan: we have eight of them. We're about to have 10... Luna and honeydew are going to have their calves soon
Cirrina:awwww they're going to be moms. That's sweet..
Ikkan: you want to feed one?
Cirrina: yes!! Yes..
Ikkan: * whistle whistle*...*kiss kiss* come here Luna!....*whistle*.......ok so just hold the squid plant and let her eat
Cirrina: *gasp* she eating it!!.....ugh.....ewwww!
Ikkan: aww she's giving you kisses..
Cirrina: give me another squidplant............ So what did dad say when you called him?
Ikkan:................ your father is doing just fine. He's just a little stressed out with work and wedding planning.
Cirrina: he sounded upset on the phone.... I couldn't hear what he was saying. Why did you offer to go home early? we just got here.
Ikkan:.........*sigh*...... I'll tell you tonight...... your father doesn't want you to be concerned. He wants you to enjoy this trip okay...
Cirrina: alright........... So how long are they going to be grazing
Ikkan: we usually let them stay here for 8 hours Mr Graves is going to keep an eye on them.. let's head back home and get the tractor ready
Mr Graves: hold up! I got a couple ice chests for you.... Manatee chops, prawn steaks.. krill Patties. we also got a great haul last week so we have some whale fillets freshly cut and some Lobsters dogs for you. As a thanks for the fresh produce
Ikkan: thanks Mr. Graves really appreciate it.
Mr. Graves: hhmm..
Ikkan: let's go home and see how warabie's holding up
Noji: we're almost done!
Warabie: how many eggs do these things lay? We've been doing this for hours
Noji: It's not even 7am yet... Look how many eggs you've collected? That's a lot. You're doing a good job considering this is your first time doing this
Warabie: there we're done! So can we go back to bed?
Noji: now we just need to replace all of the dirty hay and replace it with new hay which should take 45 minutes...
Warabie: UHHHHH
Noji: warabie.... This doesn't seem fun or worth it right now, but you'll soon realize that this work is actually really rewarding
Warabie:....pfft....yeah right
Neta: *eating*.....*sigh*..........
[knock knock]
Neta: *eating*...hey baja... What brings you here?
Baja: My apartment's empty
Neta: ha! So is mine
Baja: I saw you at the food court and I was going to say something but you really didn't seem like yourself
Neta: hmmm...*eating*... You want some pizza?
Baja: ok...sooo how's everything going?
Neta: It's fine. My dad came to visit today
Baja: That's nice to have family over
Neta: *eating*........ Yeah......... he's dying heheh
Baja: uh...oh.....neta. ....neta I'm.... I'm really sorry
Neta: yeah cold water disease..... He found it on his arm. He didn't go to the doctor it got worse and started to spread and now it's in his ink sack and they can't do anything sooooo..... Yeah...*sniff*... that's great.......
Baja: do you want to talk about it? I mean I lost my father I don't know if have any good advice but I'm welcome to hear-
Neta: I don't even understand why I'm so upset. It is not like he was there for me or he was a good father or a good person. It's like.....like I shouldn't be this upset. I guess I'm just more angry and frustrated than upset because you could afford treatment now. Why didn't you get treatment like this isn't like my mom. ... She died of the same thing. We couldn't afford to go to the doctor... but now you can!! Why didn't you!!
Baja: well..
Neta: *crying* It's like why the fuck are you even coming to me now? *Sniff*. You had plenty of time to form a relationship with me and try to rekindle something but you didn't. *Crying*...now that you're dying you're going to try to do it? Why!!? So? If it doesn't work out you can just escape responsibility!!?....*crying*... I fucking hate him!!!... I don't want him to die................. not Anymore.....*crying*.....
Neta: *crying*.......... I'm sorry I shouldn't have dumped that on you.........
Baja: oh it's ok.... I overshare a lot too
Neta:...... Hehehee.....*sigh*....*eating*....ugh........ This pizza is gross
Baja: yeah....hehehe.......... You want me to stay over?
Neta: what?
Baja: My apartment is super quiet like scary quiet. Can I sleep over maybe give you some company
Neta: ............................yeah....*sniff*.......yeah....*sniff*.....fuck it I'm going to order a real pizza..... Get some blankets, pillows............here pick a movie, any movie............. Take my old pajama pants.
Baja: alright a day just for us!
Neta: hell yeah!......... hello.....hi baby!!..... Are you having fun on the farm?..... yeah...... I'm fine sweetie......... yeah....*sigh*.... So how's ikkan and warabie.....HE FELL?!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry that's not funny, that's not funny. Tell him I said sorry hehehehehehehe hahahaha!...ok...ok....oh alright bye sweetie.. Tell ikkan I said hi.. and I'll call him tonight
Mahi has been secretly filming the shows and sending them to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and antho
Tonugi, Stefan and Pacifica are the cleanest mother fuckers at that music festival Everyone else is sweaty and stinky @conkreetmonkey
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sparrow-stunned · 3 years
ohhhhh my . OHHHH MY. your yan venti headcanons were… MMMMMMM
may i propose to you… yandere thoma?? i’m interested in how his dynamic would play out specifically, since his top priority SHOULS be the kamisato clan (aka ayaka, ayato)
i wonder how he would react when darling (presumably not from inazuma) leaves to and from inazuma? i don’t really imagine thoma as being a dominant yandere, but more a needy, pining one… (like we discussed a couple asks ago >:))
content warning: yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, helplessness/dependence
notes: glad you enjoyed the venti hcs! took me quite a while for thoma as I’m not too familiar with him! I just finished his hangout and oh my god, mihoyo actually had the courage to make a malewife character?? standing ovation for their boldness. and the fact that their hangout touched on issues like xenophobia and misogyny is just. wow. stunned. his and ningguang’s are two of my favourites.
i'd agree that thoma doesn’t seem to be the… forceful? type. very subtle yandere. very mild as a yandere. how could i ever think that he was similar to childe??? blasphemy. i have truly sinned. as for character priorities, even though i give them yandere qualities, i try to keep them as in character as possible. so yes, i definitely agree that he’d be torn between darling and the kamisato clan. i think for thoma, loyalty wins above all else... but he's called a fixer for a reason :winks:
funny sidenote, but when you said yandere thoma, after playing through that one ending with the windwheel aster, my thought immediately went to a darling that’s from mondstadt visiting inazuma hehe. big brains think alike (or is it just thirsty ones?) anyway, as always, this turned out longer than i expected. after this, i think I’m done with yandere thoma for a while. he takes actual brain cells to write, and the booster shot fried too many of mine.
word count: 1.6k
officiale | yan thoma x reader
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i. alight
Carefree wind. Feathered wings. Scattered wishes and dandelion seeds. To Thoma, that is who you are. Whenever the Alcor first lowers anchor in Ritou, the first to greet you at the docks is always Thoma.
"You're back," he says with a friendly grin. You always smile back, and it makes the waiting all the more worth it.
ii. settle
A customary offer of tea at the Komore Teahouse, and you accept. A careful slip of his hand at the small of your back. A rustle as his fingers sink in fabric. Thoma guides you toward the teahouse with a gentle force. You’ve been here enough to know the way, but he likes to make himself useful. He sees you so rarely, that any touch he could steal, he does.
Warmth seeps into his fingertips from your skin. Burns like Pyro. Your clothing has always been too light for his liking—but also a blessing. In more ways than one.
You never comment. Perhaps you never realized the intimacy. Perhaps you don't care.
“Seems like you had a difficult journey,” he says when you yawn, the corner of his eyes crinkling at how adorable you look. He wishes he could capture it, but you’ve always shied away from Kameras.
“The weather was as awful as ever,” you say, shaking your head. “Always so turbulent, with that raging storm. The Raiden Shogun should learn how to relax. I have some advice if she needs it.”
He laughs at your nonchalant, irreverent words. You never did have the fear of the gods instilled in you. Perhaps it is the Mondstadt in you, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything else. “Maybe she should. I have some teas for recommendation then,” he jokes, drawing a chuckle out of you. Good thing the Komore Teahouse is known for privacy. “How long are you staying this time?”
“Only a few days, if all goes well.” You blow gently over the tea before taking a careful sip. “I’ve got this letter I need to deliver for a commission. After that”—you hum, eyes closed in thought, and Thoma wonders if you ever think of him—“I think I need some photos of the Narukami shrine and a fortune slip for a merchant. As though me drawing it will transfer the luck to him somehow,” you scoff. “But you know merchants and their strange superstitions.”
“Nothing major then?”
“Nope,” you say with a pop of your lips, and then sprawls over the table, one cheek flat on the table. “Boring, easy commissions are all I ever get. The most excitement I’ve gotten was probably the ship ride here.”
Thoma glances and notes the sallowness of your skin. He’ll get you something to eat later, he decides. But for now, he ruffles you hair, mussing it into tangles entwined in his fingers. You squawk in protest, one hand already trying batting him away. Like a cat, he thinks, amused. “Wanna go feed the strays with me?”
You sit up, eyes sparkling. “Strays?”
For the briefest of moments, Thoma allows himself to feel self-satisfied at your unrivalled attention on him.
iii. root
You are a wind of nostalgia, storming through Thoma’s heart every time you come. An adventurer, always in search of the unknown. An adventurer, always flitting from nation to nation.
Mondstadt is so far away; yet in you, it is so close. Stories of places he only remembers in hazy memories long ago, of people he’s only heard in passing, all of it falls from you lips and settles in his mind. Were he not tied irrevocably to the Kamisato clan, he thinks he would have liked to be an adventurer accompanying you on your travels. Or at the very least, a home for you to return to.
But an adventurer never stays in place. The wind never stills, and the dandelions is never far behind.
Thoma balances pros and cons in a mental account book, tallying up debts and credits in columns in hopes of arriving at an answer. In hopes of having you stay. But despite his skills, the calculations never succeed.
So when he sends you off, the Alcor raising anchors, spiriting you away from him, Thoma always smiles. Carefree. He hopes that’s how you’ll remember him.
Even if he feels anything but.
iv. entwine
“Is that…” Thoma sniffs the bottle in your hand and wrinkles his nose. “Dandelion wine?”
“Bingo!” you slur, wrapping one hand around his neck and pulling him close. You press your face into the crook of his neck, always so casually intimate when you’re drunk; he should be used to it, but fires burn every time. He stills at the feeling of your breath on his throat, at the scent of alcohol so heady around you. “Dandelion wine, straight from Mondstadt! Want some, Thoma?”
“You know me and alcohol," he says hoarsely. His heart is racing, but you’re too drunk to hear its rabbit-fast rhythm. "We don’t mix well together.”
“Come on! Shouldn’t wine run in at least half your veins? I'll drink for both of us then.” You laugh softly, and Thoma thinks of the quiet rustles of small lamp grass. A swaying glow, disturbed by pattering feet. Something in his chest clenches, and for a second, he’s left breathless. Dazed at the power of you.
It never lasts long. Just like how you never last long in Inazuma.
v. imbibe
There’s one time that you do stay. Like Furuya, you’re prone to illness. As luck would have it, you fall sick in Inazuma. You can’t handle the rough journey back. Captain Beidou fusses over you, saying that the Crux is more than willing to wait, but you dismiss her concern with a weak wave of your hand. I’ll be fine, you say. After all, Thoma’s here.
Thoma becomes your crutch, and when you lean on him, there’s something right. Like sweeping away dust, leaving behind shiny, lacquered wood.
Like making a home.
“I’ll take good care of her, Captain,” Thoma promises, and Beidou lets you go reluctantly.
It had definitely been an ordeal, getting you back into the Kamisato Estate. Halfway through, you almost collapse. Thoma sweeps you up in his arms, and you don’t even protest. Curls up in his arms like a kitten, murmurs nonsensical things in your feverish state as he carries you back home. Questions about the sky, about the stars, about the unknown abyss, and how you wish to visit them all.
It’s too bad that you’re too sick to do it. Too sick to leave. Unfortunately.
For three days and three nights, Thoma watches over you as the illness runs its course. Housework needed to be done. Deals needed to be made. Messes needed to be cleaned. Later, Thoma tells himself. Later, he’ll make up for it. He’ll apologize to Master Ayato and Lady Ayaka. They’ll understand.
Because how can he leave when you’re like this? When you’re so weak, you can’t dress yourself, can’t eat, can barely even breathe without him.
He wishes you could stay like this. Wishes on a dandelion that you could stay.
Sometimes, when you’re in another fever dream, Thoma lets himself help you drink water—lets himself to you. He sips the cool fluid into his mouth and then slants his lips over yours. The water trickles from him to you, and you greedily gulp it down, as though he were your life source.
Needy. Helpless. Dependent. That’s how he likes you best.
vi. flower
It is inevitable that you would leave. You have the heart of an adventurer, too mercurial for the eternity of Inazuma. So on the last day, he gives to you a parting gift.
“Thoma… you shouldn’t have!” You murmur, one hand gliding over neatly stitched wool. A determined look sweeps over your face. “I’m going to put it on right now!”
He laughs at your enthusiasm as you tug the knitted sweater over your head. Just as he expected, it’s the perfect size. Sharpness snags on his throat at the way it molds to your body. His work wrapped around you. Him around you.
“It fits so well,” you say in astonishment. “How’d you know my size?”
“Oh, you know me,” he says easily, voice with just the right amount of cheer. “I’m not a housekeeper for nothing. My eyes are pretty good at guessing stuff like this.” A lie, but you didn’t need to know that he had taken measurements while you were feverish. Feverish enough to not remember his touch.
“You didn’t have to do something like this," you fret, wringing your hands.
“It’s nothing much! I finished it yesterday.” Another lie. He’s had it finished before you even arrived. But he didn’t want you to have before you left. Perhaps he had hoped that the chill of autumn...
He sweeps those thoughts off aside, before they clutter the rest of his mind.
vi. flight
Before you board the ship, as you always do, you press a dandelion seed into his hand. A gentle grasp of his still hand with calloused fingers—you always did push yourself too hard when training.
“A gift to remind you of Mondstadt,” you say, and he doesn’t say that he’d rather you than all the dandelions in the world. Instead, he forces himself to smile as you relinquish him and leave. Waves goodbye as the ship fades into the distance, hiding his clenched fist with the small seed behind his back.
As a child, Thoma remembers chasing flying dandelion seeds, small fist snatching at air as he races through the grassy fields. But dandelion seeds were meant to glide far, far away, his mother had said with a laugh. They carry your hope within, so that your wish can be heard by Barbatos, even when afar.
Thoma’s loyalty to the Kamisato clan does not waver. He cannot leave Inazuma. He has decided his path. But when you’re here, he doesn’t miss Mondstadt so much. You’re a dandelion seed that’s braved tempest and storm to arrive in Inazuma. To grant his wish. He used to want to go home to Mondstadt, but now… he’d rather have you.
He’s not a child anymore. He’s grown older. Taller. His arms are longer. His hand bigger. Maybe now, he’ll finally be able to snatch one of those flying dandelion seed.
Maybe next time, he’ll learn how to keep you.
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outro-tearist · 3 years
paws of paradise - chapter 2 {bangtan ot7 x reader}
hi everybody! sorry for the inactivity but idek how to do a schedule ever. i think that maybe once a week is what i'm shooting for, but i honestly have no plot and im making it up as i go!
as per usual, i'd appreciate comments, thoughts, suggests, anons, anything! have a great day!
chap 1 chap 2 chap 3
“Shit.” (Y/N) whispered. Not only were there two new dogs today, but Jimin also couldn’t make it to help with walking today.
Kim Yeontan and Jeon Gureum had joined the roster of new regulars, and while she appreciated the support of her business in the bustling city, she couldn’t help but stress over the fact that so many people were becoming dependent on her.
This was the busiest day she had seen ever since she had packed from her old home in a small countryside town. As the small town stereotype goes, everybody knew everybody in her hometown. She was mostly known for being a farmer’s daughter and having a preference for animals over humans.
After spending most of her teenage years hanging out in barns of cows, horses, goats, and other farm animals, she had realized her passion was helping and caring for them.
At the same time, (Y/N) was bored of her small-town life and wanted to experience the hustle that city life promised. She could have easily gotten a grooming job somewhere in the country but decided that it would be best for her to move to Seoul.
She had never once regretted her decision, but that does not mean it was easy for (Y/N) in any way. Buying a shop, getting certified to groom, remodeling her shop, finding an affordable apartment, and getting a small job before her shop opened were just a few struggles she had fought through.
“You little- c’mon Gureum! I have yummy treats!! Mmmmmmm come get some.” (Y/N) baby talked to the small white dog. He seemed to laugh in her face as it turned around and continued to jump around Yeontan and another larger dog that she forgot the name of.
Gureum seemed to instigate the most trouble out of all the dogs she had met. She would always find the “dynamic duo” (Jimin’s nickname for Gureum and Yeontan) prancing around the other dogs and creating chaos. Yeontan would usually stop when told but would be roped back in by Gureum to run around and bark wildly.
“Gureum! C’mere boy,” a new voice called from behind (Y/N). Apparently, somebody had come into the back of the shop and she didn’t even hear the bell.
She let out a small shriek as he rushed past her legs and made her lose her balance. She desperately tried to regain her balance but unfortunately fell backward. She closed her eyes to brace for the ass flattening she would receive but was only met with a firm chest and bulging arms wrapping around her quickly.
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay Noona?!” the young boyish-faced with the largest build she had seen called out to her.
(Y/N) looked up at the boy with bunny teeth and quickly pushed herself up and off his chest. “AH! Yes! I am all good now,” she chuckled awkwardly. “Um, how did you get back here?”
“I didn’t mean to scare you! I thought you’d heard the bell in the front but then I saw you struggling with him so I thought I would help a little.”
“Is Gureumie yours?”
The boy bashfully ducked his head as he leaned down to pet the calmest version of the white dog the girl had ever seen. “Ah, yeah. My hyungs say that he and I are kinda similar but I don't see it… Anyways, they also told me that you are the best groomer around, and from how he looks now, I think I’ll be here more often.”
“Wow… Thank you, and tell your hyungs thanks too! What’s your name so I can log him out?” (Y/N) was so excited to hear people giving her small shop good reviews. It meant that all her hard work actually meant something.
“I’m Jeon Jeongguk, and I’ll let Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung know. They’ll be happy you thought of them too.” he smiled brightly and picked his still wiggly dog up.
“Have a great day! Hope to see you soon.” (Y/N) smiled at Jeongguk as he walked out of the shop. She walked into the back only to see Yeontan jumping up on Jimin.
“Jimin! I thought you were busy today- and how’d you get in?” (Y/N) grinned at her coworker. She felt her cheeks warm and her heart beat a little faster now that he was here, but she brushed it off as soon as Jimin responded.
“The back door is always opened, like usual. And I still am but I just wanted to stop by… check-in and make sure you’re doing alright?” Jimin started somewhat nervously. (Y/N) giggled a little bit as she stood a little closer in order to pet the dog in Jimin’s arms.
“Well, Jimin, I am doing very well right now. In fact, I walked all the dogs AND finished the appointments scheduled so far. Maybe you need to step up your game on dog walking.” (Y/N) teased lightly.
Jimin scoffed, “Oh please, you wouldn’t have hired me if you didn’t need to. Admit it, you need me to be here.”
This statement made (Y/N) freeze up a little. He was her first friend that she had met in Seoul, and thanks to him, she was able to achieve everything she had wanted and more. The girl softened a little bit and looked up into Jimin’s eyes.
“You’re right. I really appreciate all that you’ve done for me. Thank you so, so much.” she expressed her gratitude gently.
Jimin seemed to fluster at this, not expecting a genuine response from his coworker as he stuttered and stumbled to find new words. Luckily for the blushing man, the tinkling bell sounded from the front of the store.
“Hello, welcome to Paradise Pet Groomers, what can I do for you two?” (Y/N) politely asked the men as she walked out of the backroom. “Ah, Yoongi-ssi, good to see you!”
“Likewise.” the stoic man responded. He had Holly on a leash as his dog smelled the second man who walked in with another incredibly handsome man. His face seemed to be perfectly chiseled and he seemed to be a few inches taller than Yoongi standing next to him.
“Hi, Taehyung-ssi. Jimin will be right out with Yeontannie. And Yoongi-ssi, I’ll grab Holly now if you’d tell me what sort of cut you’d like for him.” (Y/N) smoothly managed the two customers.
“Taehyungie!” Jimin shouted as he ran out from the back with Yeontan. Taehyung greeted him back just as excited, and (Y/N) couldn’t help the twists of jealousy that ran through her veins as they seemed so happy to see each other. Despite that, she forced a grin on her face to turn back to Yoongi, who had brought him back into the grooming area.
“Just do the same cut as last time, please. Holly looked good like that.” Yoongi’s deep voice grumbled as he bent down to say goodbye. He let out a few small high-pitched squeals as (Y/N) watched through the window as Jimin and Taehyung were hugging.
Fuck. That should not have made her feel as angry as it did. Yoongi seemed to notice the tension that entered the air as he cleared his throat.
“Oh- sorry. Holly’s cut should only take about an hour and a half, so we’ll see you soon!” (Y/N) tried to crush the bitterness in her voice, but it was useless. Yoongi had to have noticed it, but he didn’t say anything. All he said was, “See you soon, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) took in a strained deep breath, and picked up Holly just as Jimin’s blushing face entered through the back again.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to stay longer, but-”
“It’s fine. See you later Jimin.” (Y/N) cut him off shortly. Jimin’s eyebrows raised as he began to wonder what had happened when he was talking to- he blushed a little bit more thinking of Taehyung.
“Did Yoongi say anything? Are you alright…?” Jimin asked tentatively.
“No! I-I’m fine. Sorry to worry you, but you should get going. Don’t wanna be late to wherever you’re going.” Jimin’s shocked face hurt (Y/N) to look at, so she looked down at Holly and brought him to the baths.
“Oh. Right. I guess I’ll get going then.” Jimin stared at her a bit sadly before he awkwardly walked out the backdoor. “Oh my god Holly what is wrong with me.” (Y/N) said to the small brown poodle. He simply panted happily as she scratched behind his ears as the warm water flowed down his back.
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arcales · 4 years
Mmmmmmm maybe about the a headcanon of how they celebrate MC's birthday? If it isn't too much to ask ofc
Of course not! Sorry it took me a while, I’ve been really busy! Hope you enjoy :)
Home-made cake! Faust is helping of course. Wrong ingredient!, She warns Asra, but he doesn’t care. Asra doesn’t believe in recipes
Whilst the cake is baking, he’s decorating the house. That means party hats for both him and Faust. If MC is asleep, he will try to put a party hat on sleeping MC. Other decorations include those “Happy birthday!” napkins and balloons
He got a gift for MC months in advance, because he saw it and just thought it was perfect. It was a drag trying to hide it from MC
Planned a very intimate party with only the closest people
After the party is over, Asra and MC have a cup of tea and talk about everything that’s happened thus far, and about wishes for the future. They end the day by cuddling in bed.
She desperately wants to have a small party, but since everyone expects a grand event for the countess’ partner, she organises a ball
She’s stressed. Like with the masquerade, she’s constantly being pestered about whichever exotic animal left the palace garden this time, or whether the decorations should be cherry or berry red. Preparing for this causes her to have less time with MC in the days leading up to their birthday. However, she makes sure to have a nice present for MC
The party ends up looking amazing, however. MC is impressed and is constantly complimenting Nadia, while she tries her best not to blush
Julian shows up out of nowhere and rushes them to the garden. Asra, Portia, and Muriel (and maybe Lucio?) are all there, a small picnic with food stolen from the main room set up. Nadia and MC sit with them, share stories, and have the best time of their lives.
In the evening, they return to their bedroom, play music and slow dance. Without the stares of hundreds of guests, it allows both of them to relax, and simply enjoy each other’s presence.
Have you met Julian? He doesn’t plan ANYTHING. So MC has no idea if there’s anything planned, they only know Julian is coming over. The first surprise is Julian knocking on the front door, instead of using the window to break in as usual.
He takes MC out for a walk in the town. During the walk, he gets MC a lot of snacks (and, of course, the pumpkin bread) from the stands, as he and MC discuss going on a journey together! Julian suggests some of the places he’s been to, and they make up a whole route to travel around the world
They see Portia out and about, and she’s visibly annoyed with Julian for not planning a fancy day for MC. She ends up dragging them to Mazelinka’s house. Mazelinka threatens Julian with her spoon, this isn’t how I raised you!, but fixes her soup for all of them to enjoy. They spend hours laughing at childhood stories, and MC enjoys the atmosphere
To MC’s surprise, Julian actually did plan something for today. He takes MC to the theatre and tells MC they’re participating in a play together. MC knows the lines by heart because they thought they were helping Julian prepare for this. They’re taken aback a little, but end up agreeing. The show ends up being very fun, and the audience loves it
Some of the cast/audience invite Julian and MC to Rowdy Raven afterwards, where they end the night in a very high note.
Muriel expresses his love through actions. Especially for MC’s birthday, he makes them breakfast in bed, and decorates the tray with freshly picked flowers as well. The night before, he made a flower crown for MC, which he puts on them without a word. He also made matching bracelets.
“Are you okay, do you want anything?” He wants the day to be perfect, and MC has to remind him they already have everything with Muriel and Inanna here. Muriel finally relaxes a little, then smiles. They go to the hot spring, and spend some time splashing water at each other, talking, and kissing
Asra comes over over to the hut to take them to MC’s shop, where friends have gathered. Since he’s grown a little more comfortable with everyone, he’s happy to do this. At the small party, Muriel opens up and expresses his adoration for MC. MC won’t have that be it, so they compliment Muriel as well. Everyone joins in, and talks about how both MC and Muriel have changed, and how happy they are for them
The discussion takes a turn where everyone asks them when they’ll get married. Before MC can give a flirty reply, Muriel blushes, gets up and says “We’re leaving.” Amused with Muriel’s shy nature, MC just laughs, thanks everyone for coming and excuses them both. On the way to the hut, Muriel stops, and tells MC again that he loves them. He also reassures that, if that’s what MC also wants, he’d love to marry them.
MC is blushing now too. They have a discussion about the topic, and decide what feels best for them. Either way, they’re happy they communicated their feelings, and back at the hut, they sit by the fire, and cuddle with Inanna. They fall asleep tangled together.
Portia has been so excited for this day, she kept telling everyone about it. Yes, Pasha, I know it’s MC’s birthday, groaned Julian. She ignores this and reminds him about three more times
She took a day off as well, and when Nadia found out why, she had a new outfit for Portia made so she can impress her partner even more. At home, she baked a cake, and some muffins. And also prepared a three course meal. Is it enough?
Pepi is also excited, as she sees Portia running around trying to set everything up. She organised a small gathering for lunch, but wants to have one on one time with MC later
When MC arrives, Portia gives them a big hug, and immediately gives them their gifts, as she can’t wait anymore. During the meal, Portia can’t stop gushing about MC, and re-telling stories about their adventures
Once they’re alone, Portia and MC go to the docks, rent a boat and spend hours at the sea. They don’t go too far, but just enough to feel like they’re on a big adventure. Exchanging deepest wishes and feelings, they grow closer than ever, and Pasha doesn’t stop grinning for days
Even though he loves MC immensely, he probably forgot their birthday was so soon. In the state of panic, he buys anything and everything he thinks MC would like
But he forgot the cake. Oh god he forgot the cake. He’s up early in the morning, cursing at the poor attempt at the cake he’s made. It wakes MC up, who sees Lucio begging the oven to make the cake better. They laugh, and offer to teach Lucio how to make a cake
Lucio is pouting, this isn’t how I wanted today to go, but gives in. It ends up being a very fun experience for both of them, and when it gets out of the oven, Lucio stares at the cake as if it’s a new-born baby
MC and Lucio eat, barely able to resist giving cake to Mercedes and Melchior. The floofy good boy and girl can’t eat cake, it’s bad for them. Afterwards, Lucio reveals the huge amount of presents he has for MC, and watches excitedly as MC opens each and every one of them
In the evening, they go for a walk to the field to watch the stars. They look back on the many things they’ve experienced together, and express how excited they are for the future
I hope you enjoyed this! It was fun writing this
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Female Geralt AU
MMmmmmm yes good. I hope you don’t mind if I take it in a particular direction. >:3
1. No one ever tells Geralt he doesn’t have to be 100% exactly what people expect. He lives for years just... responding. He’s a monster because people expect a monster. He’s a tool because people expect a tool. He’s emotionless because people expect him to be emotionless. He’s a man because people expect him to be a man.
2. Jaskier is a bubbly, busty, ridiculous breath of fresh air.  Jaskier is technically the daughter of an earl, but not set to inherit - Kerack is so picky about it being the eldest son who inherits, so she’s not a viscountess, just the daughter of an ultimately minor noble. But she plays the lute like a dream, and her voice is sweet and chiming and clear, and her smile is wide.  Geralt can’t let her travel alone, she’s too vulnerable, too easy a target when she always wears such pretty frocks and braids flowers in her hair.
3. She fawns over Geralt in a way he understands means flirting, means fondness, means attraction, but he can’t imagine sullying her with his hands, his mouth, his c-- his body.  So he does and says nothing, lets her write songs about his heroism and bravery, lets the slow shift of opinion catch him by surprise, lets her put a hand on his chest and push him back down into his chair with a vicious smile when someone accuses her of being a witcher’s whore, at which point she generally tends to grab a bottle or a metal serving tray or a chair and absolutely go to town on the person in question. 
4. Geralt gets cursed.  It’s supposed to be humiliation, but it’s not.  It’s strange, but comfortable.  Still muscular, but leaner, more padded, more curves.  His voice is still low and gravely, but still higher and softer than it had been before. His angles are still sharp and hard, but with just the tiniest bit of softness.  Just a bit.  Jaskier fusses initially, and Geralt can’t understand why her heart is pounding until he realizes that the bard is flustered.  Actually attracted to the woman’s form he’s currently filling.  He should be worried about getting the curse broken, but instead he finds himself wondering if the curse may be permanent.  Jaskier asks if he’s all right, if he’s upset or needs to talk or needs anything, and he doesn’t answer for hours, until he asks, so fucking carefully and uncertainly, if she minds him being shaped this way.  And Jaskier frowns, then smiles as bright as the sun and says, “Whatever form you want to come in, you are still my Geralt, and still my witcher. I will always adore you.”  
4a. (they’ve never said love, but adore is fine, somehow.  Adore could be something other than love, could be aesthetic, could be the drive for adventure, could be desperate friendship. It is love, of course, but they don’t have to acknowledge it just yet.)
5. When they find a witch, she tells them it’s permanent unless removed, and says she can do it for very little fee.
5a. Geralt looks at Jaskier, who is beaming up at him encouragingly, and smiles.
5b. “No,” he-- she tells the witch, lacing her fingers together with Jaskier’s, reveling in the startled and brilliant smile the little bard gives her. “I think I’ll keep it.”
(bonus) 6. She remains the most fearsome Wolf in the world.  She grows her hair out.  Jaskier braids it down her back - utilitarian and secure - but always always always tucks at least one flower into it.
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writtenbynick · 3 years
The Very Pretty Girl From The Studio
A few years ago I was teaching yoga classes out of a local studio, open to anyone that would like to attend. I had stopped working at the local gym recently, and did more private sessions for fitness, but mostly did yoga out of the studio (I have certifications in both fields). Mostly the clients were women in their 40′s or older, generally really nice people, but it was pretty rare that any of them were more than moderately attractive. That made it all the more noticeable when a really, really cute girl came in to try class one day.
She said that a family member of hers had come in and liked one of the classes, so she wanted to come try a class as well. I definitely lucked out that she happened to try mine. The best way to describe her appearance was to imagine a very “All-American cheerleader” type. She had the biggest brown eyes you could possibly imagine, amazing lips that were naturally very “pouty” for lack of a better term… long blonde hair, often done up in some sort of ponytail (the fancier-than-normal kind), or pulled back with little clips. She was maybe 5′3 at most, very petite, seemed to always be wearing pink or baby blue, and since it was yoga class she’d usually be wearing yoga pants. Almost always black yoga pants. They hugged her ass and legs so snugly, and she had a hell of an hourglass figure for them to work with. The “eyeball test” told me that her breasts were a medium C cup or so. She was pretty much the epitome of a girly-girl, and I mean that in the best of ways.
Over the next several months she returned to class very regularly. I learned that she was 23, in college to become a kindergarten teacher, and that she had a 2 year old daughter. We talked about plenty of things, but it was always pretty innocuous subject matter. Since I was at work, I wasn’t going to say anything that could be interpreted as inappropriate, or just lacking in tact.
I often made facebook posts about classes and the studio schedule, but she wasn’t on any social media, and asked if she could text me about classes. I was happy to share my number with her (but, to be fair, this was pretty normal for a fair amount of clients). She also attended classes with a few other teachers, but told me that she loved the details that I provided during class, and that it really helped her feel things in the poses that she never got from other teachers. I definitely have a “devil-in-the-details” mentality when I’m trying to instruct, so I really appreciated that it helped her get the most out of each class, and each pose.
Eventually, her college schedule changed, so she wasn’t able to attend my morning classes any longer (unless her classes weren’t in session for the day, for whatever reason). I still got the odd text from her, here and there, but not terribly regularly. And then one day she messaged me asking about my schedule, for fitness, for yoga, group sessions, private sessions… you name it, she was asking about it. I gave her the info she asked for, and she picked a group session, asking if she could attend, and ask me some questions after. I said that would be fine, and that I’d be happy to answer whatever she’d like afterward.
The session she decided to come along to was actually an outdoor class that took place after a hike. It was a really nice summer day, and she was in her standard girly-girl fitness attire. My group hiked up to our designated yoga spot, a little less than a half hour path up the side of a mountain if you pushed the pace (like going up the stairs the whole time). We got up to the top, did our yoga class, and she made it a point to stick with me when we walked back down.
We chatted about all sorts of things, and then at the bottom of the mountain, she said “can I ask you something? did you ever think about asking me out when I was coming to all those classes?”. I grinned, and told her “think about it - yes… but I was always at work, and didn’t want to be out of line”. I’m also about a decade older than her, and didn’t know if that was going to be appealing to her or not. She smiled, and told me that she liked that I was older, and that it made sense that I didn’t want to be out of line at work. She assured me that I’m a really good yoga teacher, but she also liked to come see me at the studio because she was attracted to me. She moved in close to me, put her arms around me, and leaned in for a very sweet kiss.
We had a few dates after that, usually going out to eat, and having very enjoyable discussions. Very early on I noticed that she took every chance to make physical contact… she’d playfully bump into me with her hips, lean onto my shoulder… put her hands on my hands, forearms, or even my chest. I really liked that she was the touchy-feely type, but without being overly clingy. She had very soft skin, and we often sat together and just talked… and I would run my fingertips over the skin on the back of her hands and wrists, her neck, her cheek… and we kissed quite a bit, deeply and passionately… her lips… oh man… those beautifully pouty lips…
And then, one evening after a date we found ourselves with some alone time. We’d only had a few dates so far, and she was pretty quick to say “we can’t have sex unless you brought condoms, I’m not on the pill”. I told her that since we hadn’t had that kind of discussion yet, I didn’t bring any, but that was ok, I didn’t have that kind of expectation.
Fast-forward about 20 minutes… we had been kissing, and groping, she was straddling my lap… my hands were entangled in her hair, my lips on her neck, her head tossing backward with gasps and moans of pleasure, her arms wrapped around me, and she started to grind up and down, up and down, up and down… she pulled away and looked me right in the eyes and said “I NEED YOU TO FUCK ME”.
I reminded her that we couldn’t do that, and I could see that she was almost oblivious to the world around us at that moment.. “Don’t worry” I said, and started to unbutton her jeans. She started feverishly tearing them off, revealing a pink thong that just barely covered her… I dove in, pressing my mouth into her inner thigh, licking and nibbling, and dragging my tongue over her thong to the other side so I could repeat all of these motions again… I felt the muscles in her legs tighten up, and then I pressed my lips down on top of the pink material… the pressure made her let out an “oooooohhhhh” that was music to my ears…
I gazed up in the direction of her face, and her eyes were closed… her hands were laying on her chest, motionless, other than the heaving caused by her deep breathing. I pulled the pink material to one side and began to lick her, long slow strokes upward, again and again… I could feel her getting wetter by the instant. God, I love knowing how much pleasure a woman is feeling as I take my time and explore just what buttons to push… while one hand held the thong to the side and pressed my fingers into her thigh, the other hand started to manipulate her lips… the wetness and the build up had already been enough that her lips were more than ready to reveal more of her… I moved my fingers upward slightly, drawing her skin away from me slightly, revealing her clit.
My tongue pressed down flatly, and firmly, and slowly I dragged my tongue toward her clit… as soon as I made contact, I increased the pressure, and she let out an even louder “OOOOOHHHHHHHH”.  I firmed up my grip, and started to move my tongue forward and backward, and then used just the very tip of my tongue to move over her clit, over and over, changing directions with every movement. She bucked so hard I thought she was going to come out of her skin. “OOOHHHH, OOHHHHHH… MMMM….. OOOOOHHHHHHH”. She was cumming, her hands gripped onto the muscles at the base of my neck, and I felt her hips press into my mouth. She held on for a moment or so while I kept applying pressure, and little by little, I felt her start to relax…
She let her body lay back again slowly, and I slowed what I was doing as well… but I didn’t stop…She kept moaning, and breathing, and her body had these little spasms that told me she had more in her, and I’m not one to back away unless a job is truly finished. I kept swirling my tongue slowly, and then moved my hand to take the place of my mouth… I lifted my head, and saw that she was again laying back with her eyes closed, one hand moved up to her face, her skin was flushed, and there was a slight layer of sweat on her skin… I moved my hands away, pulled the thong off of her and tossed it aside, and slid my finger over her lips once more, just the tiniest amount between her lips rather than on the outside… she again let out an “mmmmmmm” as I began to press my finger inside of her… “ohhhh, fuckkkk”… and then started to motion my finger upward and downward on her lips, almost like the movements of a painter’s brush… she let out a bit of a shiver every time my arm motioned upward… I brought my mouth back to her clit, and again licked, and pressed, and pinched with my lips…
For a second time, I could feel her body reacting… I knew what to pay attention to this time, and using my mouth I started to repeat the movements that got her there the first time, but this time it was in addition to my finger, which had started to press further into her, and then move its way forward and backward, forward and backward… The moans… fuck, I’m a sucker for a vocal woman… She started to react more strongly, I could tell she liked the inward-outward movement of my finger, and coupled with my lips and tongue pressing into her, she was starting to build up again… I continued, and began to quicken the pace and could feel her hips pressing into my face… momentarily, I slowed down and added a second finger, and again she let out an “ooohhhhh, oooohhhhh, yessssss, mmmmmmm”… I sped up again, my two fingers moving inward and outward, inward and outward, and my tongue swirling over clit again and again… her muscles tightened again and her body curled upward, her hands on the back of my neck this time… “OOOOOHHHHHHHH GODDDDD”, her nails clutched into me, and she started letting out short, sharp gasps and her body started to move in rapid shivers.
Once more, her body started to soften and she relaxed her muscles back to a laying position. Her moans became softer as well, but more continuous this time… I kept moving my fingers and tongue, slowly and softly… I was very much enjoying the “afterglow” of her second orgasm, I’m sure I had a wry, satisfied smile on my face which was still between her thighs… my fingers were still inside her, and I realized they hadn’t done all they could do… with my palm facing upward I began to curl those two fingers (my middle and ring fingers) with the pads of my fingertips pressing into the inside wall, I could feel the raised surface of her G-spot… the instant I touched it she let out another long moan, and her hands twitched. She looked down at me with her mouth and her big brown eyes opened wide, seemingly in disbelief.
I moved my face away from her pussy, I could feel the devilish smirk on my face, a reaction to how expressive she was, how evident the intensity of her pleasure had become. She grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I always get turned on when a woman tastes herself on my lips, and she was ALL IN. Not just kissing me, but licking my lips, and my face, her hands moving and guiding my face, her fingernails gently pressing into my beard. Fuck, this was turning me on… but I wasn’t done with her… I moved my thumb to her clit, and pulled my fingers more firmly into her G-spot. Her body heaved powerfully, for a moment I was afraid her head would crash into mine, but she turned her face, her cheek pressed against mine and her fingers grasped me tightly once more. “mmmmmmMMMMMMMMM”…. “OHHHHH….. OHHH OHHH OHHH”, she was getting louder and louder, her body became frantic, the more I pressed into her G-spot and clit the more she lost control, her legs shook, her hands held on for dear life, she leaned into me, and I felt her body shiver even more strongly than before. “OOOOOHHHHH GOODDDDDDDD….. FUCKKKKKKK”.
She orgasmed again, and it was a thing of beauty. I could tell her mind was completely free from any thoughts that didn’t have to do with the sensations she was feeling. She writhed and moaned and just when I thought her body would soften, she continued to escalate, almost to the point that even I was surprised. And then she pulled her face away, looked me in the eye, and kissed me again. The kind of kiss that means to engulf a person. There was a different energy about her now, and her movements were different… she adjusted her body to move away from mine slightly, as soon as my fingers were no longer inside her, she dropped onto her knees in front of me, and took my fingers into her mouth, her eyes locked with mine. She sucked them strongly, then took them out of her mouth and licked them up and down, and it seemed like she hardly blinked as she did so.
This got me INCREDIBLY worked up. And she was as worked up as I could possibly fathom. She clawed at my jeans and hurriedly undid my belt. She couldn’t get rid of my jeans fast enough to meet the pace she wanted to move at. Very quickly drawing my boxer briefs down to my knees, she took my cock into her mouth and started to move forward and backward as fast as she could. Those perfect lips of her looked so fucking good wrapped around my cock. I was incredibly hard, and this felt amazingly satisfying. Those big brown eyes looked up at me, and she opened her mouth a little wider. I could see her teeth as she tried to take me a little deeper. She paused and then backed off a bit, and then repeated this, probably four or five times, and then gagged strongly, taking me out of her mouth and stroking instead while she took in a highly needed deep breath.
I can’t quite put into words the expression on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing, and was singularly focused, but also seemed almost vacant. Again she took my cock into her mouth, as deep as she could go, I could feel her tongue trying to move forward underneath my shaft, and then relax a tiny bit, drawing me slightly deeper. I was inside her throat as far as it seemed I could go, and she gagged once again. She was going to continually try to take more and more, gagging every time, and pulling away with a smile on her face.
She pulled away for air periodically, sliding her very petite hands up and down the length of my cock. “You’ve got a REALLY BIG DICK”. She grabbed it tightly, just gazing at it, visually taking it in for a moment. She licked at the veins on one side, and commented that my dick was roughly the same thickness as her wrist, and then took it into her mouth once more, pulling away with a loud popping sound, and repeating this several times, and then taking another deep breath and going down as deep as she could once again.
This time she backed up a little bit, and did something I didn’t expect at all… she stayed in place, took my hands in hers, and placed my hands on the back of her head. She stayed there motionless for a second or two, and then her eyes looked up at mine, her eyebrows raised and lowered quickly, just once. I held her head in place, and started to raise my hips, and lower them again, somewhat gently. I could feel that I was colliding with the back of her throat, and took my time going slowly. She put her hands on my thighs and backed away, looked at me and said “do you want me to suck it, or do you want to fuck my mouth? I love being facefucked… and choked, and you can call me whatever you want… I get off on that…”
I could feel that same grin on my face… I enjoy many aspects of the back and forth that sexuality has to offer… I’ve described it at times the same way that vampire in the movies isn’t allowed to enter your home unless invited… I  won’t be overly rough or dominant until I know it’s welcomed and desired… but once I’m given permission, I won’t hold back…
I stood up, grabbing a handful of her hair and started to walk toward the wall… she crawled on her hands and knees, and kneeled in front of me with her back toward the wall. I positioned my cock right in front of her face, and moved forward until it made contact with her lips. “Open your mouth”. She did so, with a smile. “Good girl”. I ran one hand over her cheek, and then slid my cock forward into her mouth. Slowly at first, I moved my hips forward and backward, checking to see how far I could go each time. And then a little faster. And then a little deeper. And then she gagged, gasping for air, leaving a strand of saliva dangling from the head of my cock all the way to her lips.
Right back at it, I pushed her onto my cock once more… she grabbed the back of my thighs with both hands, and pulled herself as far as she could go. Her mouth was so wet, she was drooling all over as I held her head and fucked her mouth. Realizing how much drool there was, she lifted her shirt up over her tits, her spit landing on her cleavage and bra. She put her hands on my thighs again, and took me into her throat. I pressed my hips forward rapidly and repeatedly, and she gagged again. The wet sounds from her mouth were unreal, this was so nasty, so sloppy… “am I being a good little slut? tell me…’ she asked me. “You’re such a dirty slut, on you knees for my cock, aren’t you?”. “I’m a whore, and I want you to RUIN my little throat with your cock” she replied, smiling immensely… Goddamn, she had always looked so sweet and innocent to me, and now to know how dirty she could be… the best of both worlds, I was loving it.
I let go of any thoughts of holding back, and started to not just move my hips, but to really fuck her mouth and throat. She gagged again and again as I thrust my cock into her mouth. I held her head in place, and bucked my hips, her spit spilled from her mouth onto her tits, she let out a slight vocalization that could be heard intermittently as my cock moved in and out of her face. “Fuck, your little slutty mouth feels so good”, she moaned again in delight. Her right hand came up to my left, which I took to her throat, grabbing on with just a little bit of pressure. She moaned even more. I started to push even deeper into her throat. There was roughly an inch and a half left that she couldn’t take… Her eyes opened up widely, and I felt her hold on for as long as she could before she pulled back a bit with a loud gasp. Her eyes were starting to water, which I might not have noticed if it didn’t leave a little teardrop line from her eyeliner.
She immediately got right back to it. “I’m going to cum down your throat”, I let her know… I kept going at a feverish pace, and could feel my cock begin to throb. Thrust after thrust, I was getting closer and closer. Her moaning and gagging, the strings of spit, those big brown eyes, and her perfect lips… and how incredibly slutty she secretly was… I felt myself coming to climax, and continuing to buck my hips, I unloaded shot after shot of cum right into her throat. Unsurprisingly, she gagged again, but this time she looked like she had totally glazed over, entranced in what was happening, incredibly present in the moment, but completely removed from reality at the same time.
She stayed on her knees, staring at my cock, her hands on my legs, her breathing frantic… she was still recuperating from everything that had just taken place, and she coughed for a brief second… and then again… I realized that she had the hiccups, and each hiccup was ending with something of a cough… I wasn’t sure if it from the erratic breathing or the pounding her throat had taken, but either way she was soooo very satisfied with herself… “you have a really, really big dick, and FUCK, you came a LOT” she repeated… It sounded so good coming from those perfect little  blowjob lips of hers…
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RWBY V08E05 - Amity
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Amity! A return to the adventures of RWB? With no Penny sadly. I doubt we'll get so many visual puns again but who knows, maybe they'll make friends with Whitley or at least have a cordial chat with him without killing each other. I have no idea, so let's do this!
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Wow, great start. Poor Pietro, got copypasted there with no regard for his feelings.
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I'm very glad I was wrong about no Penny.. Even if every second she's on screen increases the chances of something bad happening to her.
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Why does the HUD look like someone used the wand from photoshop to extract it from a white background?
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Wait, are they going to blow up the Dust to launch amity into space?
Penny is right, that doesn't seem like a good idea but it's also incredibly in-character for the show. Now even caves are a gun.
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Someone at Rooster Teeth really likes the idea of little old ladies riding huge robots, and honestly? Can't disagree.
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hmmmmmmmm not a big fan of pietro at the moment
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oof, my heart
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Maria continues to be the voice of wisdom. Sadly, I doubt Pietro is going to listen to her.
In the original tale Pinocchio ends up learning by making bad choice after bad choice. Penny doesn't seem to have that much in common with her inspiration but if she hasn't ever been able to make a choice at all, would it be surprising if the first time she makes a choice it ends up being a bad one? It wouldn't surprise me if this is setting her up to fly away from Amity (against Pietro's wishes) once she notices something went wrong with everyone else (making her vulnerable)
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look at that poor girl
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Aaaa, that's the same expression she used when Ruby said Penny was still the Protector of Mantle. "my feelings don't matter, conceal, don't feel, don't let them kn— wait, never mind
but yeah, she's used to putting everyone ahead of her (because as a robot she supposedly doesn't know better, there's a reason that was her first thought when she was talking with Winter in last season)
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aw poop
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Cinder was moving so fast she left her shadow behind.
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Great deranged expression and voice though. Did she bring both Neo and Emerald or just the latter?
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Penny yes
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Hey, 9 blades! For a second I thought they wouldn't remember that she lost one.
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no, no, no, time for what? aaaaa
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Now that we have more context, Cinder using her own experiences to know where to hurt people is * chef kiss *
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Intentional reference to the PvP fight?
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okay, I didn't expect badass Maria to actually fight using her robot but I blame my own lack of imagination
now I'm hyped, it also gives something the other two something to do.
I think the main problem here for the good guys is that if Pietro gets threatened there's no way Penny is not going to surrender. Although, maybe he gets kidnapped? That'd make him get "swallowed" by a whale... hm. Another possibility is that they threaten Pietro and Penny gets hacked "just in time"
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you can't lie to me, subtitles, I know she was going to say bitch
lol at crashing the entire ship into maria to get her out of the way
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bad mistake to hurt one of Penny's friends in front of her
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Did anyone give a job to poor Emerald? I can almost see Cinder telling Neo to distract people while in the ship with Emerald sitting in the back seat trying to get noticed.
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C'mon Neo, leave the old lady alone
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…of course she wouldn't leave her alone, she's Neo, she likes playing with her victims
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I wonder if Neo has a deeper plan than "killing this old lady while looking like her protege would be incredibly cruel and extra and therefore worth doing"
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If the drifting was an accident, where did Emerald go?
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waiting for the RWBY shmup
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I understand why she's leaving Amity (to prevent their fight from destroying it by accident) but leaving Pietro alone feels like a bad idea.
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…this HUD is a lot cleaner, I don't get it, it should be the same png overlay
anyway, took the screenshot to write "wow, Cinder is actually capable of thinking through her rage these days, good for her" but now that I think about it, I'm not sure if she's ever been fooled.
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I wanted more evil Ruby
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Also, I'm literally loling at Maria yoda-ing Neo.
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ah yes, neo, so graceful
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oof, looks like that was a direct hit. And the worst part is that the second James hacks into Penny, I assume it'll will work that way. Probably her worst nightmare.
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Yeah, no, this worked for spiderman because his nemesis wasn't right in front of him.
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I like the idea of this shot but for some reason the execution looks weird. Maybe it's just awkward positioning, it's hard to tell the angles.
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* cough *
I mean, yeah, saw that coming.
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For a second I thought she was melting her face but then I remembered the one reason Cinder has that arm.
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I'm going to need a diagram to know what Emerald was doing.
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Yessss, no need for swords if you can make your own
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I really need to know what she was doing inside because right now it feels like that was the worst excuse ever to get her out of the fight until the last possible second (and maybe make it another reference to PvP when Ruby exits the corridor?)
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Did she finally see Pietro?
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Emerald has so much faith in Cinder, sigh
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I wonder if before the end of the show Neo will get to stab someone with her umbrella. Maybe it could even be Cinder
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First time she gets knocked out?
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Cinder with a long spear only means one thing. Someone is getting stabbed
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I hadn't thought about this until now but before this second I'd have said Emerald's semblance shouldn't work on Penny. Like, what part is she affecting to make Penny see the duplicates? But I guess it does work, somehow. Maybe reality gets processed through Aura.
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Fire spear vs laser, who wins?
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Giant laser wins
Glad that Penny is confirmed as the most powerful character in the show.
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Poor Emerald, two lines this episode and they are both "CINDER"
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Damn, she looks done with their crap.
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And now she looks absolutely feral. Loving this.
I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. If she gets hacked now, Cinder still wins. She wouldn't get the maiden powers but at least she'd stop the transmission.
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Emerald breaks my heart. So much love for someone who couldn't give a hoot about her.
At least Cinder seems to know her place with Salem, but I can't tell if she started like Emerald and got her love beaten down or if she just had different priorities after getting saved from what seemed similar circumstances.
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Ah, Neo. Now to add to her resume that she beat a granny only because she got distracted.
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oh, shut up, Pietro
Is this it? Is this where Penny "rebels"?
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Even after all that fight, I think this is the best animation of the episode so far. It conveys so much resignation and annoyance.
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I think this is the first time this season RWBY makes me teary-eyed. She finally said it!
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This is too cute for this world.
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Remember when I said that hug with Ruby felt like a goodbye? Well, this is much worse.
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Wooo, she succeeded! (I hope, they did mention the message was a couple of minutes long)
But I'm also even more worried now because it feels like the one last thing she had to do.
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They are back!
I wonder if the one character I miss the most will also get a shot.
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Pensive Whitley? more likely than you think
He has a lot of potential, especially now that Salem -> Cinder -> Emerald are a thing, making cyclical abuse more of an explicit theme. Not sure if there's enough time to do him justice though, considering he's not much of a character.
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"we don't want to reveal Vacuo yet, what do we do?" "put them in the desert"
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Yessss, Ilia got a cameo!
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Are they pulling her back from voiceless purgatory?
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Holy shit, wow, really didn't expect to see her.
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Literally a pet. I wonder where the hound falls in the hierarchy
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...why is she so happy? She's not supposed to be happy!!
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was expecting this
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Poor guy, I wonder if this is the first news he gets from her daughters.
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Taiyang made me realize they didn't show Yang's team. Huh.
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Oh, fuck you rooster teeth.
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Fuck oofffff (RT, not you, Pietro)
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Is Winter end up doing the right thing? She's obviously affected by seeing Penny's sword there.
Also, I wonder if her new armor is just that or if it's a bracing system to help her move so soon after getting beat. But I guess that wouldn't be necessary if her aura helped her heal.
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Hopefully, if Watts escapes and tries to get everyone else to help (since I doubt he can beat all the guards on his own), Qrow shows he learned his lesson about trusting the enemy.
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ah, there you go
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Okay, this is an amazing reveal. Is Salem transforming Mantle into another land of darkness? Because that'd definitely explain why she was so unworried about the broadcast.
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What a way to end the episode. A brief moment of hope completely destroyed, twice.
Penny has been raising so many death flags that her inevitable hacking lacked some impact. I'm still sad (and annoyed at RT for poor Penny being a magnet for suffering) but Watts being Watts maybe he did a bad job just to prevent Atlas to escape? And Penny seemed able to resist? aaaah, I don't know. Now that the hacking finally happened all the foreshadowing is over, anything could happen.
The worst part of the hack is that it modified Penny's thoughts. It wasn't a complete takeover, like with Pietro, it was a lot more insidious. Literally making true what Cinder told her. Ugh.
Looking back at the screenshots, wow, a lot of the episode was just them fighting, but there were some fun moments, like Maria kicking Neo's ass.
Very curious about where it's going. Both the Penny plot (there's absolutely no way hacked Penny doesn't fight Ruby, there's probably a rule written in the universe about having mind-controlled people fight their loved ones) and the river of Grimm which was an excellent secondary gut punch. Really, loved that reveal. "You thought things were bad? lol"
I think that's all for now, until next time!
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Radio Chat
Two alternates attempt to apologize to each other, get confused by the fact that THE OTHER one is trying to apologize, and leave the conversation going “the Cooler Me must think I’m the absolute worst.” When will somebody tell them that they like each other a lot. When.
After today’s lovely misunderstanding, Alexa feels like shit. He’s still reeling from the gunshots, and he feels like shit for ruining their little game. Alexa is now very drunk to cope with this. He has been all day since then, actually, with no intent of sobering up anytime soon!
Moreover, Drunk Alastor has decided the way to remedy this situation is by radiocalling his alternate. This is a great idea, and will go /oh so well/, he can feel it.
“Hel-lo? Hi. Hello. It’s me. May I have a word?”
Alastor’s stomach dropped. Ah, the OTHER Other Him was calling now. Time to make an ass of himself some more, he supposed. Deep breath, buddy.
“Yes yes—hello me, it’s you! Yes, what can I do for you?” As if he didn’t know.
Oh goody, his alt seemed to have a positive attitude towards him. Good start.
“Off the top of my head? Not hold this conversation against me.” Alexa knows he’s two steps from saying something stupid. He’s Experienced at this drinking thing and he Knows.
“/I/ am calling to /apologize./ Sorry for ruining your game with our other!” Oh man, wouldn’t it be nice for that to be it! Just hang up and exit the phonecall vicinity! He’ll wait for a reply, though.
Holding it against him?
“Oh! No. No no no. No, you two were... you were... having one of your moments, and there I was butting myself in! Like a bull in a china shop! A bull with a BB gun. I should have had the sense to bow out.”
“Uh, /no/. No, we weren’t.” You can’t see it, obviously, but he’s gesturing dramatically on his end. “If I wanted privacy, I’d have made arrangements privately.” He had learned after the last time!
“/I/ should have bowed out! From the beginning! I don’t do well with being shot at. That’s, that’s on me.”
“You—but...” Hold on while he puzzles through that. “But you ASKED to be shot at?”
“Uh--” Give him a second. Give him another second.
“Not-- not /literally/! I was being /outrageous/ on the voxblr as a means to acquire my friend’s location.”
“Well—!” Well, what did Alastor say to that. The conversation hadn’t been FOR HIM. “Well, I... didn’t know that. Nobody told me.” He’d feel stupid again if he’d ever stopped feeling stupid in the first place. “If you’d said so I’d have left.”
“Alright, but, I wouldn’t /want/ you to leave. Nor did I want to look like a coward by sitting the game out! A radio demon who can’t handle a little friendly fire? /Embarrassing!/” That’s the sound of him sliding to the floor dramatically.
“Hey now, what’s embarrassing about not wanting to get shot at? It’s getting shot at! That’s like... that’s like /getting shot at/!” He doesn’t even have drunkenness as an excuse, that’s just how he’s talking apparently. “Who wants to shoot at someone who’s not into it?”
A pause. “Granted, I shoot at people who don’t want to be shot at all the time—but those are strangers, I don’t care whether or not THEY’RE having fun.”
Give him ANOTHER moment. Astor is making complete sense, but it might not register fully. Right now, Alexa is a jumble of bad feelings and bourbon.
“You make a /point/,” he’s Gesturing like a drunk girl in a club bathroom, “but /you/ handle gunfire fine. So, it’s a /tad/ embarrassing if I get /spooked/ to the point I need to be /defended/, in front of you.” In front of The Cooler Him.
“I spooked you?” Now he feels EVEN WORSE. Spooked his OWN ALTERNATE. The COOLER one. And he’d known the other other him had been full of shit with his whole “playing the role” spiel.
“I only handle it fine when—Well. I have to be in the right mindset for it. If some stranger’s pointing a rifle at my face, say...” But no need to get too deep into that. “Anyway, I’d—expected you two to SAY something if you didn’t want to be shot at. At least on a private frequency, to save face. I wish you hadn’t just let me.”
“I /thought/ I could /handle/ it,” he grumps. Astor is out here feeling bad, Alexa is being defensive about it, great!
“Oh, I'd say Leal /was/ up for it! And I don’t like to be a wet sock when my alternates are having fun! I overestimated myself; I should have said something and sat this one out with Valera while you two had at it. That’s completely on me, not you, so, I apologize.”
“Well.” Well. “Now I know.” And he’d be more cautious about hopping in in the future. IF he hopped in in the future. “I’m fairly certain I was the wet sock. Or the sock-soaker, anyway.”
And Alexa would be more careful about what he involved himself in when he knew damn well he didn't always handle it well. "Mmmmmmm, nope! No, no, you weren’t.”
“Don’t be polite on my account. I was.” Deep breath. “Well. Sorry. What I get for inviting myself to someone else’s shindig, isn’t it?”
"Why are /you/ apologizing? That's what /I'm/ calling for. I'm not doing this as a formality!" He's got that catty drunk musical theatre vibe going on. "/I/ messed up. It was /publicly advertised/, it's fair game, and you'd better not resign yourself in the future or I will personally drag you from your corner of the multiverse if I have to."
“Well, you /shouldn’t/ be apologizing! It wasn’t publicly advertised, it was publicly /warned./ There was no invitation! I just let myself in!”
"Yes, I should! I put you in a bad position! Are you /messing/ with me? I let myself in, too! We're all friends, who cares!"
“Yes but, you let yourself in first! And you clearly have priority, you’ve got... WHATEVER the hell you two have got! ... And I don’t.”
"There isn’t a radio demon quota. I let myself in first, and the gate opens for everyone else to join in! Isn’t that usually how it works?” He’s going to pointedly /not/ address whatever he has with Leal for the time being.
“I don’t think so, no. Not always.” Well, he shouldn’t have brought it up. THEY didn’t bring it up. “Anyway. Sorry I spoiled the fun. Sorry I shot at you.”
"I don't think you have anything to apologize for, but I'll take it. Sorry I didn't pass on the game when I should have. Sorry I reacted badly and ruined it."
“Well... All right, then. I suppose that’s that.”
"Mm. I'm good if you're good." Well, as close to good as possible.
“To be frank, no, not terribly, but I suspect that’s the condition all around, isn’t it!” LISTEN to that carefully practiced chipperness.
And that knocks Alexa right out of whatever forthcoming tone he had and into something nearly as performative. "I meant I'm good with /you/! But hey!" If the sentiment wasn't reciprocated, which he suspected was a possibility, there was nothing Alexa could really do at the moment, anyway.
"Is there anything you'd like to discuss, before I head back to the hotel?" He did have to hang up at some point, but he didn't want to truncate it, if Astor has anything on his mind.
“Oh!” And that knocks him right back OUT of his performative tone. “Wh—Yes, of course you are. Why wouldn’t you be?” (You know, like his alternate hadn’t just spent the whole conversation explaining why he wouldn’t be. Apparently it hadn’t sunk in.)
He's going to take that at face value. "Exactly, why wouldn't I be! Same page, all good, then! I suppose this is where I wish you adieu?"
“I... suppose it is, yes. Adieu, Alastor.”
"To you as well, Alastor."
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finished dmc5. here are my thoughts:
- first of all, I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVED IT. I’m not at all picky when it comes to story telling and shit like that, I’m v easy to please, but I enjoyed this shit so fucking much
- as someone who’s pretty back at video games (also, I was using a switch pro controller so maybe that’s why some shit was rough for me), this game is still pretty fucking fun to play.
- I fucking loved the way it would switch between characters and each of them being unique. Dante is highkey my fave just from the vast amount of devil arms he has (King Cerberus is a favorite, but so is DSD). V was fun because he allowed me to do my favorite thing, aka run away and spam buttons. And Nerooooo. I lowkey kept forgetting to use Nico’s arms, but that was still fun af
On to actual story/plot things:
- I would SO love to know how nero comes to meet nico and start working for dante. DMC 4 and 5 are five years apart and I wanna know what happens in that gapppppp
- I didn’t expect to love V this much, but when you stop to realize that V /is/ Vergil, and that anything V has said, Vergil has probably thought himself, it makes things so interesting (I’m mostly thinking about the scenes where he nearly stabs Dante w the DSS and also when he talks about regretting his actions). I’m happy to know that while V is gone, he isn’t /gone/ gone. (Vergil, stab yourself again, pls). ALSO. NERO FEELING UPSET OVER V BEING GONE WAS SO SAD
- Nero holding onto the fact that Dante called him deadweight makes it SO obvious this boy looks up to Dante and was HURT by that comment. We all know dante did it as a deterrent, and whether or not he actually meant it isn’t important. I think what it was was just Dante not wanting to drag yet another person into his fights with Vergil, and for Nero to not have to live with the fact that Dante was trying to stop/kill Nero’s /father/
- SPEAKING OF THAT. WHAT THE FUCK, DANTE. GOD, the BETRAYEL Nero must have felt, not just from Vergil, but from Dante too. God, all his life this kid just wanted family, and this is how it’s revealed to him that he /does/ have blood relatives. What was the point of hiding that fact? ‘Cause Dante couldn’t prove it? What the fuckkkkkk
- Vergil not even knowing Nero was his son was also fucked to me. It makes me think that in potential future games, we’ll never know who his mother is/was. I truly would love to know how Vergil feels about Nero. Does he have any regrets?
- GOD, THAT ENDING. While the tone isn’t nevessarily sad, /IM/ fucked up about it!!! Nero JUST FUCKING FOUND HIS FAMILY, ONLY FOR THEM TO HAVE TO ABANDON HIMMMMMM (thought both of them punching Nero /was/ pretty funny. And even if Nero never found out about his relationship with Dante and Vergil, he still /lost/ Dante, someone who is NO DOUBT a mentor figure for him (and my hopeful heart also says ‘father figure’).
- god, what money I wouldn’t pay to see more of Dante and Vergil together now that they’re stuck in hell for an indefinite amount of time. Vergil has the Yamato tho so they definitely have a method of escape, but I wanna see them fight /together/. Live /together/. BE BROTHERS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PROBABLY OVER THIRTY YEARS
- I’ve heard rumors that in a potential DMC6, the story would no longer focus on Dante and Vergil, and rather just on Nero, but that makes /no/ sense to me. While yes, the series has Dante as the mc, more importantly is the story of the Sparda bloodline. That includes all THREE of them. Plus, THERES SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR VERGIL AND DANTE CONTENT NOW THAT THEY’RE NOT ‘enemies’ ANYMORE. PLUS, Nero and Vergil bonding??? I think /YES/
Additional comments:
- I greatly enjoyed this game and I highly fucking recommend it.
- between all the DMC games, (or just 3, 4, and 5), my favorites go from 5 - 3 - 4.
- I really do hope there’s another game in the future, regardless of if Vergil and Dante are in it, and from the damn time gap between 4 and 5, that probably won’t even happen for a v long time, but I’ll wait patiently for it
I definitely have more things to say but that’s it for now. I’m gonna go read fic now because....mmmmmmm. I need Sparda family bonding time since CAPCOM WONT GIVE IT TO ME
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
Code: Realize Route Review - Victor Frankenstein
to be fair to everyone else, this doesn’t include his Future Blessings content, but mmm MMMMMMM that’s such good content that I will 100% be making reviews of all of them, especially Victor’s.
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I’d save him for last because he’s transparently my favorite, but I’m trying to do this in the play order I’ve worked out should be done. Victor was my first route, though, because aaaa he’s so perfect - this was a bad choice both because it meant I saw him in all other routes and couldn’t romance him and because he spoils everything except Germain and Lupin’s routes. (He doesn’t spoil a plot twist in Impey per se, but information Impey gives you is redundant if you play Victor, and you’re definitely supposed to have Van and Impey’s routes done to make the ‘surprise’ in Fran’s route work. It’s not a surprise if you go directly into Victor’s from Common Route)
Anyway, Victor should be done third. It spoils Van Helsing’s route and negatively impacts Impey’s route. Germain’s route spoils Victor’s so even though Van’s teases Germain’s, you should do Victor before San-chan.
Victor Frankenstein
Anyway, Victor has an unfair advantage over all the other guys, even Lupin. He shows up the most in the common route and is super important to Cardia. He’s technically the third introduced, but Impey’s solo scene with Cardia is shorter and mostly focused on bullying Impey, and Lupin suffers from what he’ll always suffer from: plot is way more important than him whenever it’s ‘his’ time. If you don’t believe me, trust me anyway. I will make a whole separate post to PROVE to you that Victor gets an unfair advantage in the common route compared to literally everyone else.
But it’s no joke to say that Victor Frankenstein’s route feels the most ‘natural’ of them all, because the common route does such a good job of setting it up (especially if you’re going for his route) that by the time you’re on his route you can’t imagine her ending up on anyone else’s route. It’s so effective that Victor being my first route made me think that the whole common route adapted and gave special scenes to whatever the highest affection boy was, so that you naturally fall into their arms like ‘well of course they fell in love’.
It’s so significant I can’t even review his route without talking about his common route parts.
So let me stop rambling and get on with it.
Victor, like Impey, has a really obvious role in the story that you know basically immediately. He’s the cute nerd who’s also the only doctor for Cardia, dedicated to improving her life because he feels responsible for her creation and is suffering from crippling guilt over the Vampire War. He makes her clothes, he identifies the gem in her chest, he explains where it came from and what it’s meant to be, and he teaches her how to handle chemicals. Which she takes to REALLY well, because Isaac is her dad.
Victor’s route further explores the fact that the Vampire War was all just a staged play and more of a pointless genocide than an actual ‘war’, and that’s part of why Helsing’s route should be played first, but also Alistair is outright villainous in Victor’s route, so it’s impossible to be fooled in Van’s route if you’ve done Fran’s first.
You may not know immediately if you don’t also guess/know that Cardia is a homunculus, but Fran is one of...I think just two? who know immediately that Cardia is a homunculus. Most of the men find out when she does, after they’ve already fallen for her, but not Victor. He knows from the beginning, and despite that, all he ever sees her as is a human girl like anyone else. He loves her knowing full well what she is, because to him she’s always just been an innocent girl he caused harm to.
Fran’s one of my favorite routes on a purely technical level, because Cardia learns chemicals and uses them alongside Victor. He doesn’t let her use the deadly explosive kinds because he’s super protective, but his is one of the routes where her training actually comes in to play, rather than expecting her to step back and let Fran protect her. In fact, his route requires you to treat him as an equal and trust him implicitly.
Victor’s route was super easy to get into for me because I was a simpering fool for Fran anyway. You’ve got to go with him to help protect him in the train during the tag team mission, and ideally you’re supposed to trust him to be able to handle himself against the Twilight soldiers even when it looks like he’s backed into a corner and helpless, because he wants to protect Cardia so much he’d rather be put in danger than let her endanger herself.
Cardia’s route is probably the roughest encounter with Finis, as he succeeds in activating the Horologium before Victor can show up to save her, turning her into a ticking time bomb that can’t be turned off.
Victor is actually so attentive to Cardia. When Cardia tries to sneak out of the mansion at the very end of the common route because she thinks she’s a monster, she looks back to the mansion because her heart aches at the thought of never seeing Victor anymore...but there he is. He noticed she was trying to sneak away and followed after her, because Victor would rather banish himself than allow her to feel alone. Imagine my surprise when I found out like half the other routes Cardia just escapes because no one notices her trying to sneak away.
So, Victor doesn’t just reject that she’s a monster, he rejects it with the authority of having always known her true nature not out of some spat of denial. He accepts her completely, and loves her even in her darkest moment. Then he promises he will do anything to save her, and runs off into the night.
It’s just about the next morning that Cardia realizes this strange feeling in her heart might actually be love, but oh my gosh. This girl has it bad. She’s always dedicated to her routemate, but with Victor, she is laser focused on him and only him, and will blindly rush into danger if it means seeing him.
to be fair, though, Victor is basically the same thing. Honestly, you wouldn’t expect the scientist of all things to have maybe the most action packed route but dang, he is just IN THE THICK OF IT. He jumps off a bridge with Cardia while a bunch of Twilight soldiers are shooting at them and that’s at the beginning of his route.
Especially if you’ve played through Impey’s route where Cardia can’t stop taking back her confessions and Van’s route where he pretends he isn’t in love to ‘protect’ her, the fact that Victor and Cardia admit they’re deeply in love and will say it just over and over again, without ever doubting each other or questioning each other about it, it’s really nice. Maybe a tad mushy, but the angst on the route helps balance that.
For me, Victor’s route was the easiest route to play. I didn’t hit any bad ends for Saint Germain, either, but I was more uncertain about some of the choices. Victor’s are so easy you kind of have to choose them on purpose to fail.
Victor doesn’t trust himself, Cardia and Victor both believe they don’t really deserve to live. The fact that the choices and overarching plot of the route is basically “Trust Victor because he’ll do literally anything to protect you, even controvert the laws of the universe, so don’t you dare give up, but also protect him from his own stupid choices motivated by survivor’s guilt” is pretty wholesome.
Victor’s route is, I would say, the most wholesome, and I’m sure I’m not biased or anything.
All the boys have things that allow them to sympathize with Cardia, but I feel like Victor and Cardia have the most similar backstory. Victor sees himself as a monster because his work massacred the innocent vampires, and Cardia sees herself as a monster because her poison killed the only person who ever loved her aside from her father who abandoned her and told her she wasn’t allowed to ever love anyone.
Granted, there’s no revenge or closure or anything on the villagers for what they did in Victor’s route, but there is acceptance, understanding, and healing, because both of them have ugly, horrible tragedy in their history that they can’t go back and change or make better, but they have someone who loves and understands them and doesn’t blame them for it anyway.
Victor is at once plagued with the guilt and self-loathing that tells him he doesn’t deserve to be happy and just so desperate to make up for what he’s done and find a way for someone to forgive him so he can forgive himself.
But man.
Cardia is transforming into the Philosopher’s Stone in Victor’s route, which means this person he loves, the only person who knows everything about him and loves him anyway, is a ticking time bomb who is going to explode and wipe out an entire city full of innocent people again, and it’ll be his fault for not doing anything.
Because the queen isn’t pretending to be a good person in this route, she gets the most development out of all the routes. (she has a really weak and shallow epiphany in Lupin’s route that matches Victor’s, but that’s the ‘must resolve all plot threads whether it makes sense or not’ thing) It’s also the one that most clearly shows she’s romantically interested in her knight.
Victor’s route climax has him caught between two horrible fates: allow Queen Victoria to release the Zicterium and massacre her own people to plunge the world into a massive war so that Cardia will survive and be allowed to live as a normal human girl, dying beside her in the process, or...allow Cardia to be the one who kills all of Steel London when she explodes, killing her as well. No third option, no ‘save all of London’.
This is just. so cruel to Victor. He has a big flashing button on his chest that says ‘traumatized by the fact that Zicterium killed a bunch of people after he accidentally invented it’, and then his route climax is him stuck in a dilemma where the only answer is ‘everyone dies by Zicterium’.
Despite that, Victor thinks just incredibly fast on his feet, and he’s so dedicated to his ideals and pacifism that he’s able to finally sway Leonhard into defying the queen’s commands and defending her from herself. I don’t particularly find Victoria sympathetic regardless of her motivations, because she’s a ruthless killer who massacred the vampires and tried her literal hardest to do the same to her own people in a misguided attempt to protect Britain, but the route tries to make her sympathetic anyway.
Victor and Cardia both get BDH moments, including Cardia rescuing herself from being a hostage and showing up at the showdown to allow the heroes to fight to their fullest without fear of her being killed as a hostage.
And they’re always like ‘I’d rather die for you’ ‘no, I can’t live in a world without you, I’ll die first’. Honestly, they’re just...so adorable.
Cardia’s poison goes away late in the route because she’s mid-transformation, which gives Victor the ability to kiss and touch her without fear.
and rather than try to explain how cute it is, I show a picture and save probably literally 1,000 words
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so perfect and cute.
I think I’ve gotten lost in the weeds again.
Honestly, you won’t be surprised by the queen AT ALL if you just go by what happens in the route. It relies on you being tricked by Impey and Helsing’s routes where she comes off as good-natured and reliable, so that you’ll fall for her tricks in Victor’s route. Aleister’s role in the route is pretty much superfluous, though, he’s there to be annoying and hold Cardia captive so that Victor can be scared for her, and then flounce off into the night in style because you just saw him star back in Van’s route.
The other boys also don’t contribute that much to Victor’s route, other than being there in the big showdown while they fight off the Twilight troops and helping Victor try to sneak into the castle again. Saint-Germain briefly features to tell Cardia what she’s feeling is love, but even though the routes usually have the ‘next in line’ feature in the route to tease you, there’s just so much going on with Victor that there’s no time for Germain to do much but look absolutely fabulous and murder Finis so hard he doesn’t come back.
Both of Victor’s endings are so good!
His normal/bad ending is one of the more tragic and painful of the endings, and while it’s not as completely different as Impey’s, it still feels unique and based off of the choice you make, not just collected affection points deciding if the story cuts off too soon or not.
It just works. Cardia deciding to take away the responsibility from Victor and  save his life by killing herself is well within her personality, and it plays out so painfully tragic - as she didn’t know he was only moments away from finding the solution to save her.
It’s also interesting, because Fran’s is the only ‘normal’ ending in the original game where Cardia dies instead of the love interest. Her dedication to making sure that Victor survives, and her determination not to live a life without Victor is just that strong.
Poor Victor.
Victor being willing to put Zicterium in his mouth so that he can feed it to her, conveniently in the form of a kiss! Granted, he does point out it’s much less volatile and immediately deadly in liquid form, but it’s still extremely dangerous, since leaving anything behind or swallowing any of it could be terrible.
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Victor gets to kiss Cardia more than the other boys, but, look. he
earned it
It kind of cracks me up, honestly, that while Victor is always looking for a cure for Cardia, it’s only on his route that he immediately figures out a fix. Most people have to either wait for Future Blessings before he’s done or complete her transformation into the philosopher’s stone, but Victor is like ‘well it’s a prototype but it’s one I’m willing to trust my lips and other things to’
To be fair, the version he gives Cardia in his route requires her to constantly take it, and never neutralizes it completely while the others are one-and-done, but still.
The fact that Victor refuses to see her as anything but a beautiful, lovely, human young girl and that Cardia refuses to blame Victor for the atrocities that the queen perpetrated, that she gently holds him when he cries and he removes his gloves to touch her face when she thinks she’s becoming a horrible monster....they’re just so sweet.
They’re so adorable.
in conclusion:
VICTOR IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also, how can I not love the ship when it is “Victor Frankenstein and his monster”
...anyway now that I’m done gushing about Victor (for now, wait for the coda and the future blessings review) I guess it’s time to move on and cry about Saint Germain, the second most perfect man.
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hellpark · 5 years
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CRAIG: [snort]
CRAIG: These guys actually think we should go and check out the rest of the school.
CRAIG: What do they expect us to see?
CRAIG: A fucking ghost or something?
INTERCOM:  ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╧ ╧ ╧ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╧ ╬ ╬
TOKEN: Haven’t you been going on about demons like, all day, dude?
CRAIG: Yeah okay but for real though.
TOKEN: I thought you were being real--
CRAIG: No shut up.
TOKEN: Well...
TOKEN: I still think it’d be a good idea to go and check what’s going on?
TOKEN: Some teacher, or someone... should have came over by now.
INTERCOM:  ╬ ╬ ■ ╒ ╬ ╬╬ ╧  ■ ╧  ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╧ ╒ ╒ ╒ ╒ ╬ ■ ■ ╬
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CRAIG: I guess?
CRAIG: Do we have to?
INTERCOM:  ╬ ╬ ╬ ■ ╬ ■ ╧ ╬ ■ ╬ ■ ╬ ╧ ■ ╧  ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╧ ╧ ╬ ■ ╬ ■ ╬ ╒ ╒ ╒
TOKEN: I mean, maybe we can figure out why the speakers are freaking out so much.
CRAIG: Mmmmmmm...
CRAIG: Fine...
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CRAIG: Okay, great, this is a shocker.
CRAIG: Who would have guessed we’d see nothing but pitch black nothingness.
TOKEN: It’s so dark out...
TOKEN: How bad is this storm gonna get?
CRAIG: Man, I don’t know.
CRAIG: I’m not a weather channel, dude.
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CLYDE: Hey, hey Craig.
CLYDE: If we go home early today, we should hang out at your place.
CRAIG: If it’s gonna end up like last night, I’d rather not.
CLYDE: What???
CLYDE: Why not, I thought it was fun!!
TOKEN: I think Craig’s just scared of summoning another “demon.”
CRAIG: Yeah, okay, whatever you say.
CLYDE: Oh hey, speaking of--
CLYDE: Hey Tweek, I still don’t think you’re a demon or anything.
CLYDE: You should hang out with us more.
CRAIG: Okay cool I guess we’re all just inviting ourselves to my house now.
TWEEK: What!!!
TWEEK: You guys hate me though!
TWEEK: In fact, I should-- I should just go!!
CLYDE: Wait, no, dude!
CLYDE: Where did you get that idea, bro?
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TOKEN: If you’re talking about Craig, he’s just a weirdo.
TOKEN: Especially today.
TOKEN: Don’t worry, you’ll get used to him.
TOKEN: Or... he’ll get used to you.
TWEEK: Hhhhh...
TOKEN: We can all chill and play something casual tonight.
CRAIG: Literally, I never said you guys could come over.
CLYDE: Yeah, but we’re gonna anyways bro, so you might as well just accept it.
TWEEK: I don’t like how dark and quiet everything is...!
TWEEK: Why are we going this way again???
CRAIG: We never said you had to come, dude.
TWEEK: No I know, but...
INTERCOM: Tally-ho there, old friends!
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TOKEN: ...
TOKEN: Is...
TOKEN: Is that...
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PIP: It is indeed!
PIP: Been quite a while since I’ve seen all of you, hasn’t it!
CLYDE: Dude...
CLYDE: Dude we thought you, like, died!
TOKEN: Yeah, like...
PIP: And you’d be correct, ol’ chaps!
TOKEN: Wait, are you okay?
CLYDE: DUDE did you do the thing where, like, you died and someone brought you back to life like REALLY SOON AFTER and then maybe you moved away or something for a long time or like--
PIP: Oh, no need for any concern, trust me!
PIP: None of that happened, none at all.
PIP: You see, a lot has happened in the years that I’ve been gone!
PIP: I see a lot has happened for you lot as well.
PIP: But for me...
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PIP: ╬Years in hell can do a number on you, it can! ╬
2K notes · View notes
29 for mazlek cause it sounds like such a hoe thing to say
This took longer than planned, probably because it’s longer than planned. Ive put it under a read more. I hope you like it anon. 
If anyone is triggered by illness, Joe is unwell in this - not seriously though. But there is talk of vomiting so avoid it if that's triggering for you. 
29. What do you mean you’re sick, you’re supposed to be my partner in crime.
Joe’s phone buzzed continuously on his bedside locker, the sound puncturing his temples like a drill.
His stomach rolled as he moved to lie on his side and attempted to reach his phone; memories of last night spent with his head in the toilet flooding back and causing him to flee from his bed for what felt like the millionth time in the last twelve hours. 
As he re-emerged from his bathroom; making a mental note to buy more cleaning products, he heard keys rattling in his front door.
“Joe!” His best friends voice made his head hurt, even from downstairs. 
Walking as slowly as possible so not to jostle his stomach, he peeped round his door and croaked “Up here.”
His voice was shot after last night, throat burning from throwing up so much. 
“Rami” God he sounded pathetic,
“Can you bring me water.......please?”
“You okay?” Rami shouted; Joe heard the water run as he made his way back to bed before he keeled over. Closing his eyes he could distantly hear Rami moving around downstairs.
“Joe?” He peeped open one eye and saw Rami standing over him; beautifully dressed as always, concern etching his face. 
“You look awful Joey.” He handed him the water. Joe sat up gingerly and took a few sips; immediately regretting it as his stomach cramped up.
“Sorry......I........” he dashed into the bathroom again, pushing past Rami on the way. 
“You alright?........want me to come in?” Rami hovered by the bathroom door.
“No.....god no” Joe managed to get out. There was no way he wanted Rami of all people watching him throw up. 
While Joe hugged the toilet, Rami eyed his sheets suspiciously; he could tell Joe had slept fitfully. The duvet was twisted and the bottom sheet had come off the corner of the mattress. By the time Joe emerged from the bathroom, Rami had fresh, clean sheets on his bed and had put the others in a pile by the door. He’d put them in the wash later. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” Joe mumbled weakly, as he slipped between the fresh, cool sheets; sighing as he closed his eyes.
Rami’s hand pressed gently against his forehead, “You’re not burning up......do you think it’s something you ate?” He sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling at a loose thread on Joe’s grey duvet. 
“Dunno.......too sick to go today though.... I’m sorry.” Joe’s hand flapped around looking to squeeze Rami’s in his own. 
“You can’t be sick. You’re my partner in crime. What would Snafu have to say about this?” Rami smiled, grabbing his hand and squeezing softly. 
“Probably the same thing you just said” Joe replied weakly, he attempted a smile; which quickly turned into a grimace as his stomach cramped up again. 
“I’m gonna call Jas and go get you some medicine.....be right back.” Rami’s patted his hand as Joe drifted off to sleep again. 
Rami picked up the sheets by the door and headed downstairs. 
He pushed his disappointment at Joe being ill aside as he put the washing machine on.
The reunion for The Pacific cast was an annual event and this year was the first time Rami and Joe could actually attend together, their busy schedules meaning only one or other of them had been able to show up previously. Rami walked past Joe’s navy suit, hanging up on a hook in the hall. He would have looked damn good in that, Rami thought as he made his way outside. 
“Joe?” Rami squeezed Joe’s shoulder, attempting to rouse him, “I have some stuff you need to drink......don’t want you dehydrating.”
“Mmmmmmm” Joe rolled over, blinking blearily at Rami’s face. 
“You need to go...you ll be late....” 
“I think I should stay.....I’m worried about you.” Rami pushed Joe’s hair back from his forehead. 
“I’m gross Rami.......you probably don’t wanna touch me.......and you’re going.....they’re expecting you.” Joe managed to push himself into a sitting position, sighing heavily at the effort. 
“But what if you get worse?” Rami asked; hands on his hips.
“I ll call you....it’s only..what? A ten minute cab drive away?” 
“What if you collapse or something?” 
Joe took a tentative sip of his mug of rehydration salts, grimacing at the taste, “Then you’ll find me when you get back.”
“Joe that’s not funny.” 
“Rami, I’m gonna be sleeping......please go have lunch and just give my apologies okay. I ll be fine.” 
Rami huffed “Promise you won’t try and go downstairs or anything?” 
“I promise......and thank you....for this ...........delicious concoction.” Joe lifted his mug in gratitude, wrinkling his nose.
“Right well if you’re sure?” 
“I am”
Joe watched as Rami fussed with his blankets, making sure his phone and bottle of water was nearby, adding the tv remote control and a large bowl that that he pulled out from beside the bed. 
“Just in case” he said as he placed it beside Joe on the duvet.
Joe felt a warm, comforting feeling spread over his chest, the crampy, sick feeling in his stomach eased somewhat by the butterflies now erupting in there. This had been happening a lot recently, Joe choosing to ignore it; but today that seemed a lot harder to do. 
A few drinks in and talk turned to relationships; most of the guys were happily married, Rami being one of the only ones yet to settle down.
He checked his phone again as Martin rambled on about some house he was renovating; he couldn’t stop worrying about Joe and it seemed some of the others had noticed his detachment from the conversation. 
“Rami” Ashton patted his arm, “You ok?”
Putting down his phone, Rami sighed and leant back in his chair, taking a long pull of his beer. 
“Yeah......I’m worried about Joe....” 
“He’s a big boy...I’m sure he’s fine.”
“You didn’t see him.....he’s really sick. Maybe I should go?” He raised his eyebrows at Ashton, “Do you think I should?”
Ashton smiled as Brendan rolled his eyes next to him.
“Jesus Christ” he drawled and Rami was whisked back to Australia and Bill Leyden saying the same thing to Snafu’s new nickname for Sledge.
“What?” Rami felt all eyes on him as the table quietened.
“You have some patience man” Brendan continued “12 years is it? Go get your man and quit sitting here worrying about him.”
“What?” Rami said again. He knew he was flushed red and he also knew that what Brendan has said was true.
He pushed back from the table and headed to the bar.
“He’s right y’know.” Martin joined him at the bar, Rami’s second whiskey doing little to calm his nerves. How in fuck did everyone know? Did Joe? Fuck.
“Yeah well it’s not that simple is it? He’s my best friend.” Rami stared at the brown liquid in his tumblr “I can’t risk ruining it.”
“So you happy to carry on pretending? Think of what you might have if you take that risk. Joe’s not an asshole.......he‘ll .....he’ll be good to you no matter what.” Martin clapped him on the back and headed to the bathroom. 
He was right. Rami could have everything he’d ever wanted if he was just willing to risk everything he currently had. Knocking back his whiskey he cursed himself for coming and the boys confusing the hell out of him. He wished Joe was here. 
“Rami!” Ashton shouted from their table near the bar, “Your phones ringing!”
“It’s lover boy!” Brendan yelled and Rami’s stomach plummeted. Joe said he’d only call him if he felt worse, he needed to leave. 
Snatching his phone from Ashton he turned away from the table as he answered;
“Joey” the pet name slipping from his mouth unconsciously. He could hear Brendan snorting behind him and Martin and Ashton telling him to shut up. 
“What’s......what’s wrong? Are you ok? I can come back now...”
“Rami.....stop” Joe sounded exhausted, “I just woke up and I have a weird rash on my chest.”
Rami’s felt sick. A range of horrendous ailments entering his head at Joe’s words. 
“Is your neck sore?” 
“What? No..... why?”
“Meningitis” Rami rambled on “I’m gonna call Jas. Please don’t get up Joey....please.....just wait.”
“Okay” Joe whispered, slightly concerned himself over the level of Rami’s worry. 
Rami sat down heavily into his chair. The boys eyes all immediately focused on his pale face. 
It was Brendan that unsurprisingly broke the silence, but speaking softly and somewhat uncharacteristically.
“Is he ok?” 
Rami’s phone pinged on the table top, as a message came through. Joe had sent a picture of the rash on his chest - Send this to Jas. Might help. X
Ashton’s brow furrowed at the picture.
“Go see if he’s ok please.....I’m worried now.”
Rami nodded “Please can we do this again.... before next year?” 
They all nodded, murmuring agreements and adding “with Joe as well.”
“Im gonna head off then…..Joe....he....yeah.” Rami trailed off.
Martin grabbed his wrist from across the table
“Tell him Rami.”
“But what if he doesn’t feel the same?”
“Oh I honestly don’t think that will be a problem” smiled Ashton. 
Rami crept quietly up the staircase, not wanting to wake Joe from much needed sleep. His bedroom door was open and Rami could see Joe bundled under his duvet through the now dim light of the evening. 
Jas has said he needed to be cooled down to get rid of the heat rash, so Rami tiptoed quietly to the bathroom; leaving another cup of rehydration salts on Joe’s bedside locker. 
After wetting a washcloth with cool water, and wringing it out, Rami padded over to Joe kneeling down next to the bed and peeling back the covers. 
Rami’s stomach flipped at the sight of Joe sleeping, soft and peaceful. When had this started? When had things changed? Rami wracked his memory. Could you fall in love with someone over the space of 12 years and not realise? He stared at Joe’s sleeping face; he was so handsome, and Rami was taken aback by just how attracted to him he was. Rami smiled to himself, maybe he should take a chance? Joe was everything to him, and Rami was now realising he wanted him to be even more. 
“Stop staring at me” Joe’s croaky voice startled Rami into action. 
“Sorry.....I.....Jas said you need to cool down...you have a rash cos you’re sweaty. Here.” Rami showed him the folded wash cloth and Joe turned onto his back.
Joe shivered as Rami pulled down the duvet off Joe’s heated chest and placed the washcloth on his forehead. 
“Okay?.......there’s more salts for you to take there...” Rami pointed to the bedside locker. 
“Oooh yum...” Joe said sarcastically, rolling his eyes and grinning at Rami.
“How you feeling?” 
“Groggy....but my stomach isn’t crampy now....so hopefully I can actually sleep tonight.” Joe peered at Rami from under the washcloth. 
“Will you stay?........I hate to ask.....but....but..”
“Joe......you don’t have to ask....of course I will....”
“Thank you.....oh! how was lunch?”
Rami sat up against the headboard in Joe’s huge bed and filled him in on all the news from their cast mates, answering Joe’s questions but leaving out one very specific conversation. 
“They all send their love....hope you feel better soon.”
“Ashton text me actually....” Joe turned on his side “Said you left early.”
Rami couldn’t look at Joe, he felt his pulse race as he stared out the window at the darkening sky. 
“Rami......” Joe’s hand found his and he squeezed gently.
“You’ve always been so good to me...........too good to me......I.......I......thank you.” Joe sat up. He grimaced as his head pounded at the change of position, but crossed his legs and sat facing Rami.
“Joe.....lie down...” 
“Why did you come back early?” 
Rami searched Joe’s face for any sign that he was messing around. He knew Joe well enough by now to recognise a lift on one side of his mouth that always gave him away. It wasn’t there, his face was soft, open, and as gorgeous as Rami has ever seen it; even with his sickly pallor and bed head. 
“I think you know why” Rami murmured.
“I think I know too......but I’ve been really wrong about things like this in the past so......”
Rami winced, Joe had never had much luck dating. Rami had always been there to pick up the pieces with him. 
“Joe” Rami wanted, he wanted so badly to pull Joe into his lap. 
“You have no idea how much I wanna kiss you right now.”
Joe grinned, his whole face lighting up as Rami ran his hand up his arm; leaving goosebumps in his wake.
“Give me 12 hours and I’m all yours” he murmured as he pulled Rami into a hug. 
“Thank you for today......but.....can you sleep in the spare room because I honestly don’t think I’d be able to keep my hands off you if you’re......in here......”
Joe pulled reluctantly away from Rami’s arms, realisation dawning on what he’d just said. 
“Uuuh I mean.....I don’t wanna make you sick” he stared at the sheets below him, flexing his long toes.
Joe woke early the next morning , the rain pounding against his window. Stretching, he assessed himself for any stomach or headache and found that he felt much better, not one hundred percent. But better. 
Running his hands over his face as he yawned, he sat bolt upright in bed as he remembered who was currently in his spare room and the conversation they’d had.  His body moved without him thinking as he headed to the shower and to brush his teeth. 
As the hot water pounded against his back, he let himself imagine what might possibly happen today.  He’d always loved Rami; but had made himself believe they were just really close friends. He never really thought Rami felt the same though, and Joe wasn’t gonna jeopardise their incredible friendship by telling Rami how he felt. 
Turns out most of their cast mates on The Pacific could see it a mile away. They were both idiots really; all the heartache they could have saved each other. Although Joe laughed to himself as he remembered that anytime either of them had split with someone, they’d immediately gone to each other for comfort. 
It had been obvious to everyone, except them.
Joe knocked quietly on the door to the spare room; it was early and Rami liked to lie in at the weekend, but when Joe pushed open the door he found Rami standing at the window in his boxers. His mouth immediately went dry. 
“Uuuuhhmmmm morning...” Joe croaked.
Rami grinned. “You feeling better?” He asked as Joe moved into the room. His bare toes dug into the soft grey carpet, as his heart beat erratically in his chest.
“Yeah....I am....”
“Thank God” Rami interrupted him as he made his way over to Joe and took his hands in his own. 
“I’ve waited twelve years to do this......I can’t wait any longer.”
“Rami...” Joe whispered as their lips met and they finally fell into each other. 
“Breakfast?…..you feel like you could eat something?” Rami couldn’t stop touching Joe; any part of his body, it was like he’d been starved of it. His fingers were currently skimming the waistband of Joe’s sweatpants where they hung low on his hips. 
Joe’s head was pillowed on Rami’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. 
“I could eat you?” Joe smiled into Rami’s bare chest, breathing in his scent and nibbling at his nipple. 
“Hey!” Rami pushed him away, then pulled his face to his, both hands on his cheeks. 
“I want .........god I want you so bad” he pushed his hardening cock against Joe’s thigh, shivering at Joe’s answering moan. 
“But when you have your strength back......Jas said....”
“Wait....you asked your sister when we could have sex?” Joe began to laugh “Oh my god......” 
“No! Joe c’mon.....you know what I mean......” Rami pushed his erection against Joe again,
whispering in his ear “Just think about how good it will be.....”
Joe flopped onto his back groaning, “I’m gonna need another shower” he added as he pressed down on the bulge in his sweatpants. 
Joe didn’t ever think he’d been this sexually frustrated in his life. He’d had a semi all day, Rami only had to look at him and he wanted to bend him over the back of the couch. It was like his cock had now been given permission to  react to Rami. They’d spent all their spare time together the last few years, and he’d never had this problem. His cock was like a dog being finally let off a leash. 
Rami sat in his boxers and a t-shirt, Joe’s head in his lap as they watched a cooking show. Joe was snoring softly, his warm breath tickling Rami’s thighs. He ran his fingers through Joe’s soft hair, smiling at what today had brought.
Pulling out his phone he snapped a pic of his hand resting in Joe’s hair as he slept soundly on his lap. 
He sent it to Joe’s phone with the caption:
 “I’ve always loved you.” 
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